I' 4A f -- B . ACCO GrOl(J 1 A.L('A _AUFACTURERIt or F HAVA. A CIGARS, IMPORTER OF (P UINE LEAP TOBACCO 7 F ' OR.Pa 4M 1 AM E 'La &T STLNKT. PELICAN CIGAR A?') TOBACCO WAREHlOUS, me. 7:1 ~arlvter Street, Has eretas.tly on t o the cholect brands ef VIrginl. Manar'etured I IIEW! 0 4D SIMOKIrti TOBACCO. Al•--A large ass rtm.. ' Ismported HAVANA and DO- MEITIC ('ItAR~., - h UMin Pipt, Briar and Wood Pipee, Tib.cco Pou' .,et.Und all Smokers' Artict .e T• bacco in togpheadr an 4-. for the M-xican mar'net and plantation use. Cigar 4.. of all kinds for man-lc..thnring purpcoea o hand. IN ISTfC"E .. r NOW rLADING: I( ea es arret•ta - tech SNUkIF. S) boae S WPJI ItI'. IIJO),U Ilrvar.n and liLu rtic C;OIGAR?. of aror e rsCs anrd .ree 11U b,xn Pae's ~I .!' far 'TORAC`OA(2 MI .. tara TI',4 4 iW ir and It's. 76 .. May' e NAVY. ) .. A ec ,rn d ;• .rands, M edil ,m ar. r F:, ' tr: ,I t ll) ,addles May tI' e 1 WIST, Brilrht qn.r'.ern. And NAVY TItaHa' -N J . SA UMAS tt TOBAOU.t MANU• AoTOYR. ;0orm~ Ohaurnne ad Oont rm S tJ. r MF SRLA ' arnfal for the prrono aweoun-ae to ol• ctno thei et"b '. e't of his Irch.-7 , ban anagi.aC need ci, rent easlr:,i,,I ,r ., his well-dorneerl rnpot. lien, noi :n now at, Itl-Ir . :'n outhern Statl, a superlor s•tkol-clYbt Tbeeefbcc i " g. . p l ap uIn all•ort of I.' 't aef to . ma the invio( ii{ Of ChewlnhswLga , e 0 AGENCY T VIGINIA AND NOL4 "AROLIN. MAN~ rAI.'TRED Tobacco-:' kad;e cL. e bsand. J Y. Whittod'r (I;,O .' onIt. J. W. C(orblin, flrry L. .:-," "tt- A it 1.. 'r a"P-nnd, Nat Med<', \ D. Miller' Nutmeg, n.e 3, o,. ,'bher brand., for al*e i Di .,A.( A MAId ,. Ki-le A4.inoa W 1i4 Pod.m r t t IIAAN4tihna-Mti ic nS4-. 'VI Msl4 it T75 TO 100 PER Y'~ T:': Or a coemmfsron Iro- -lai twie a i ur:. '.l: irn oe n.ade try erth:,g tt'e L., -- Improved (' )NM )4N •IPNSE FAMILY SIWIYNo Mo-IIINE-Prnie, $18. For Ciro nuar and Iarm .-ldress C. BOWERS A' o., T0 H a o hrd <r I R-t l ~ha O.LASD TRIUMPH IV t.. AL. OIfHER PiAN'MU Il E'att)oPI LdD AMERICA. The A d'UN ?.AN iit , l.Sa iaeamy tn. Je-4heoar .fi lt. aIr uf the Amor : I ,i .tltola held In tleptembrh rnd Otober L1s, tobe t, .,rt ,I m ' .Ion exhtblitt n, nd -:t.r n trimal, ordered by the nirl'eano Institute, with the P,•nos CI ofiti nn-nersc l ezhibit,'. the Pars RplEtolin,, w., it dared bytheir lJudkno ,t .r. " bet Piano knn'rn '•r or AUENSLI WANTD-T ! r.-'l-dr and responsible Agcens FL' wtnted In every city cmd f eo" where we have ano Oreav sn po•nted thee. Mleeey oesNe l or I iANNER A CO. pr I.UM iER, 'OrAL, V0)l). ETER *oa•. BUILDER, Peturns thanks to the tHr., of New Orteane fI their pa tronage for the Inot twent , ran He hae now made exten iey additio,n. to his Wort and introduced s v'al woo-d wokming machines, which ".., eiable him to attend promotly Sstyi turln-re in hin lie i•op and office corner of Pry tOni and Waungtout r:et I•s Mechanics' Exchange, box So. 1. KAT- AA .-T.. TROPICAL ROOF' ,i MANUL'FACT'rY, -And- DEALES IN COAL, " l IKt:OA COKE, WillTi SAND 1N3 i'IREWOX)D, Me. •54 Ienwallle Street, Corner of Maratl. L Order left ai the shoer ',"-, or Box 1S, Mechanies' IE- shree will rerivre Doromni .'tntlomL FOREh.L AfD DOME-I s PaRODtt'E, -1 A D L .I ' i> r u, Stand 844 ( solmoen Street. O II. L ('lODRIC• '! Y *. IITCHOO, - O..OO. DISTILI.ERS' AGENTS. ZICtTIFIERS OF RP:'IT, NO WHOLE'AIE I.;'eUOR DEALEP., M*4A 46. 47. 4 nuel 51 GOrvter Stret o. 1 Fretliri Street, Ir NEW ORLEANS. IA. ever S- Dri EU UCA"'ltNAL. MI . O. U. C(ALLIWELL. TEACHER OF ALL BRANCBEs A TheRwroegh 3gll Edleetloun. Iool•' tLauguag and MusICe, Vocal and Inotrnmen-u. DRAWINf. , ,I LAND Ei 'RAD PDaTTi:t i Alh StrgIIe t IHeel. Or So. 111 Cbartree o-rto. New Orwno.et Boo Judge Simon, New Or• .; olrof. T. i.eiad ica. l n,'•,.n •' nt ItnlteroItv. -SOS IIAI ALEIAN 'IA LOISIAlNA. S. beaded ad B~dupported ' the State of Ilahlsea The sen beglas t... irmber 7th. 18, .no, . Al- FACULTY-I oo.sotO of a 'n on if a oinen:.en in n o of LitortriF orur - uually ogart It ton noen OotnrIn or YIrytair n P-erIatnry and an Aro mark ae Department. inCndlill n t erary, ieentOtlie r..: di e Monal co ro. Sa ei c:; of O1,l gnatertro oo. e so Owmerrin' ItShoc' . o Id r at TIsme-Fr, •1,: rCn.C. 'lt clnothmng, lO: $.. ,. Ib In odrnore. bal.e n - pnymetnun Jannarrr a dateti r•-wad nt nny t.. :n' tO.e !outon, ao c r- ISi disto' entr•n•. Address Ii' v ROVD, Mornr e'no" G~LEME L IE m SMITH'S MILITARY ACADEMY. At WBo, castle. HENRY COI' r' KENTUCKY. Net On r.tcemt.er LSth. 1•, n ' Y" hITll I. " , .- l' ,', Itetnt o w 'cc qn , -. '1 .. . a u. e ,n, L:.o't or .- Fr,' er qon, at rewit•etI Kelo.Lk -i'i' A MILITARY At' 4nYdY FOR BOYR. metler inhiaeed In II'- ', i1 ty olue-aorM re-.n Bery i.,n tr. i- nl e.itio ot .' , n-e. : ri n ico e I -. . Fr•leakfrt anrod Lexnitoui. ani. -. ,. LioulsI!e lo d (:lt to Rtle roici. ic:idre.c, wlh ei. .l v n iag,d mnciao,.mled p.k, - nd about two llurr bael r , From oflen-ile. The Ai *nic l- ndladsi on' "d by bInmcelf, tre of modero 5Dtiruc;e tc n, ~rk Iy ado1I " :,'r ide''! pn. "en. and , tto alcdl Iii:h.crt. ',I theta- Tfh• n edrd if edn'ntloi IALw' Wialn a tthooegners Ir e"yebrach, o heie:ore'in ltiR by Iinp.rettl nod aearcl'nirr'o n•"l.otonl the dlic" iirle lw o d ke aut,, ' i-::t;'.;t irti'.irc iiir , cirtaltty and pro opinmn o .• Ite Icrtfireci i .•f entrYi dl T " d omestcde dep-rtmir.t will 'e cond'ict d a -h. care a . eralty, .s as to re:Ou re the bet;ub, crnf.,rtiard icnttrt.li-. f the cholarL Toe *'iol ot*c ~ ,ron ti dvded itoi t' rms of twenty weerks each. these trot 'onmeti-igi oi ; I iee lWah. Tb charge. F'r everritl, t.. acpil u r onfi: e hoo. nod mdJcail t•I~si J aone. wril bhet'he handred *t " aersoty fivel . 15 . I . erarees for thesnt'ieaol. n tirny weeks pe)'chl.Itwo rtl~l itnet~lil~ente, one etise tItn tg of esob te-Ocot the seann. io dodieliliin Incm t'l-n nsea ; will a m•de foi abeno. donng ha term, esn 4t In prrtiaadt s.4toce or holnorle anIhirs'er and er o aroen a taltuoo he of 50 pr cuer-n term aili be requlred - toifim lnt•lobed 'in the ro ,t rseoabli teem. Bosk, and. enoat y at Lnisrllm i,. A0 an the oumber of ppI5U nbcoldalipi yo•- a. e In ,,o:h'-kiog ho per o'-nt reai- Fr fouther Onrmioetn andor l B KIRBY SMITH. Studen t. ll Iw the e arn E m• o t n 'MdL Frnir ' r ce oth toreatsnilli 1o0 retlr ' rmayha• a wl aeblEt isth -- + - -- -.--- INATAWA. PKE CiIi L, I pI -t OIP, Orleni saro J merhsa l ]tsk O lmaIyr 7 gbc.eIt 00 enappenn Is EOBEI am PITrl~LIt.., Lasmdl.Co Cr ;.p.ssI, Nw Oris• j MAUHINBRY, iARDWAB Ie o STAUFFI, aSENT a C•.. LATE ELARE, STAIUFFER CO., CO I .. .. .. ...... Caeal se ... ........ .... 11 In addition to a full meertmest of Foreign and Domestic lARDWARE. NAIL', IRON, STERL COPPER, TIN PLATE, CHEEr ent ZINC, YELLOW METAL, PAINYT, OILS, n('O. GLAS8 ETC. ETC., Wou:l ca'l attention to their large Stock of T-" AGRICV'I.TURAL IMrPLE EN C 1M, ring •ompor;Ecg the following well known Plowes 2500 JAMES H HALL'8 PREMIUM. (Awa'od J r.t Pre 1- nums at the Fairs of 1.966 and 186,. N•UOARBElT A CJTTMAN'M. 2210 I'ALHOUN A ATKINSON'd, Genu la. 15)10 HALL A& PEER'S. Ilr0e B. F. AVERI'8. 7r JON KITNG'R, Carey. .3) YVORT' PLOWN AND qCR4PERt. SIRAT PRIEMIUM SIT.F-l.IIARPENINI "DIAMOND' GRIST MILL, ee PATEE4TED JUNE 14-REISSUED SEPT. I', -, i. Tor e attontinrr ' Planter., Miller and Dist'l!ers I rat'ed to , t, Mtlr a. I ing pe.ulnrl, ; adapted to their wants 1• wll a, , rd all khtlts rraln. . off,.pie spir. arorlg., and. al,) a t.•i ,. n,, -e•l huollor We nwefnanturo six diflfrent .- I h t lse I its. tie Dprer of whle rango fr,.m 5 lto 175 This Mill on- exhibited atthe tate In•nstrietal Pelr bheld at at D ,-ni M.. and wasawarded the Highest Prenam over all ED C-mccttur. L.t Erut arn. alesroor.s for the.e Mil',. 0I GOravler and 17 taloe Street. S,'re ran o tin ltd 'he olebrated HIILA ARD k ROI A , n ("' Lt) MI LAI. SA\S. This raw took atk ,iold M, la,' , r'+ve ,ripnialaw mannfact:rrsrr of tI'e 'l* trte it.e yt t..,e loate M ,,a-r',au a and Agricr ;oral Exhttl t,,n in t It s It y All o n found a od a••rtnent, MTIrA\t b..+IPo•. ,r.W MILLO. MACHINE IIi.LTIN,;. .,, HS ILL MACIIBNERY general'y adaptea t the walnt i, the t, uth. W. D. LEVITT. :t. . . T.. whom all o or, e h.,Il Ibh e ,slb. asl.- t ;sPO HAs E. WYBUE t FARR. D `I YE.- '!" AN D M ANI F A C TI-R t Sa ,: N T I, )K MA i!INKFRY AND AGRICULTURAL IMI'LEMFNTS, 146 Grawler and 17 talon street. NEW ORLEANS. nJ (n hat.l at alltimes a ompie'e st .kt of STEAM EN Cn. •INS, both stationary and portable. SAW MILLS, COT- TON GINS AND CONDKNSERR, RICE MACHINERY, •l SUGAR MILLS AND EVAPORATORS, DIAMOND ORISf MILLS AND AGtRIICULr faAL IMPLEMENTS, t of .viery ldecn.rticn, which we are offeriag at manufacaturers . prices, and reIpectlully solicit an examination of beture par- cl-Inr elsewhere _ SAMULL LOCKE. pp . BARDWARE..E ........ BHARDWAR . tly 'ry i7, 89 AND 41 PETERS STREET, New Orlesat. rIs. L"ES OUMK- . (STABLIIHED INl 1S1.) Cerner of Daled sad Neuhewr esteM, S we ism taeo Islam rhs.m and th te pae torwi foi ha we arm peparedt, as Iesanly, mNt.a ease sven Easugee. B3.l., beetr Mis, Saga. Kattles, Drainlag e. shiesm saw Eles, O.tt.. Prestes. Nwell strews, Gtn eo- lug, FPrsme Memat, rteI BMars, all kinds so Plaattoine sao tD stembeat Werh, ad ever leserfteNe of aIchlnry I o the South. LEEDS 00. - Ordrn left at e. RT, Meheales' e Delrs' WDbhesOn. wUnII ~eoa.e romoasum•U . SHAKJSPARZE POUaRaT. C NO. 708 GIrOD STREET. BETWEEN BAR,')NE AND DRYADE8 STREETS, New wleae. B John Geddae Jos. A. Shakespears. S. 'woop. GEDDES, SHAKESPEARE a CO., Iron and Brm Founders and Machinlsts, Mantahetwe every variety of Steam Engine. Sager Mills. Saw Mills, Draining Machines, Milland i ( Gearing and Grate Or a Store Fronts Columns, Votilater and rbah Weigh t I. on Blackamlth Work of all kind. WM. U. IrETOLD, , CREBCENT IRON WORK8, Ile. and d FRONIT STREET. New Ota•si Is prepared to make eontracteor WEOUGHT.1R0 WOK o any DescrItptIon or Quantlty, t the Lowest PrIes Mannfacturoer of Crmeant Brand HORNE 8HOEB Also, of Cary's PATENT EARTH BORER. Orders left at Box l•0 Meclahaiy' Exchange, or 16 Poe oea will r•etre Prompt Atte•tila. UNDERTAKER--F 1URlTUlRIE' M 1 ETER, KOTTWITE d co.. MOSS METER. S. KOTTWITZ, RMON KOTTWI-TZ. G FurniLture Dealers. S.. . .... ROYAL STREET............ .... A (tle.wren Cctt.mhou s and Bienville street.)C Mew Orlece, la. Alwayt on hand, direct from first crlas Manaeteres, a com- plee aeortment of PARLOR, BED-ROOM and DININo- ROOM SETS; also every eeerlptiona of Cane and oashion Beat CHAItS, which weare offeringl to the trade at the lowet market pnrcen. and reopectfully solicit the pubhle to )s!l al examine oVuntr oerder filled with pro mptit.de o d pa :t.. r T lar atterntin beetowtd upon pak-inhg M--s-- - - - - eturer . --,D DEALWR IN- All Kae. er FurPartute, NIo 0o BIENVILLE STREET. P (Bestween Roral and Chsrtrls mtreets.) Nrw Ontna oril, S- -- ,. o ---- -.. ... .. lllS I.P YNCH. UNDERTA'BEII, O U nT. CHARLES STREET. Metallie, Mahogany, Blact Walnu and Flain I ooie a -awJay on handt, Btod• Embalmed and carefnllIy nt;pl R Foneralo atteded to in person, and he hopes by strict atten- m tob t,ohtAin a bshure of onblle natronaga A'r't'(RNEYS AT LAW. )OMAN d& CVELLIE . an (AL'RED ROMAN. AttornovatLaw I' "I'tS t 0"'I. ta Li R. Attor.ey at Law, Notary Public and t. ..... -r ,' Deeds )Age Law and Motartal Olce do' MO. 134 ORAVIER STREET. New Orlttnt. J. . ERRANT- ATIORINEY AT LAW, Me. S Ol[r•dele Sl eeS NWW ORLPA Nit VJt IBVUNTOE& WILLIAM I. MOOLDB, OFFIO. 31 NORTH ~TID STREET, ST. I , acc t leind IMa4m Bzpecotog te s5a gee s free smeb. wI Medora shape ess a Mrwij b tn Al bas Bese ofey swasmees glive whe ieie. s era , PAtTNl RH ItWIB|P.IDIfhL Io Tbhe undersignefmd have this day Irsmed a Coatt•rrshi under the nme andh;le I eQd I •i t' :HAELL .. r cuetlnrlg the Wholes e itrosere and Commiesion buh uno. Torserly carried on by Chartes W. ftntres, at No. 71?rvl Or .21 treet. CHAitI.Sb W. SQ Ol hX s. H Y TW C dELL I IAVE THIS DaY SOLD MY INTEREST 11 THE SI rm of HROP4HIR a* HATHORN tomy partner W. A. Shrop.hire ans I. K. hhropishue,who asame all the assets and liabilitles. e aEEP aF. .HATlORN. EE te Orlea..a,January 1st, 139. We the ,'n 'eri -n•d. will continne the Who l csate r eeryoc and i'ommi.nst~,, ,ibes at the eld stand, 10 and 110 P'oy- dra• treet, undoe tie tlms and style of SHROPSlIIR. BRO8. W. A. RTIROPSHIRR, t H. E. SHROPSHIRE. New Orleans, January ist, 1Pi9. TPe HE tCOpARTNgmRHIr P HERETOFI)RE esibtinu on ne, the nane and itle of MAChNRELL A BO5 , . isdiuolved r•y the death of Mr Jin. R. Maunoel. 1 he buslness will the ontliiied hby WM BOGEL. sorlving I pirner, who will aeao attend to the UqIoileIon of the buss sees of the late firm,. WILLTAM BOGEL. Bueereoor to Mannsell A Bogns. Im- porter ot Lthugs, Chn, r.sit, Perfumery. Dronggsta' Suu- or e, Toilet Aroc!e', Cogi ac., Wines nd Liqgnuors 43 W•tartoe Street, Opposite dS. James Hotel. The undersigned, referring to the above notice, return. ILL., hi thoeks for the ierrao patronage haereto,fre letnior, on the late iom oe Mantrsell A Beoli, reoectfoily solic.its a continuance of the sace. WiLLIAM BO( IEL. Successor to Maunsell A BogeL . Jaosay I, 1W). 'ed to b Ic wll n ISOLUTION or COPAnTNERSHIP" b essa The oopartnership heretofore existing under the name of 4 I175 BOLZ. BLOHM A CO.. i ls ahi da diseelvd by tImitatloa. or ail eaw OaoS, January 1, 169. JOSEPH bOLZ, Auctioneer, will continue the AUCTION BUSiltESS, at No. 21 C('hartres street. to Days of isle for Dry tGoods ,hoes, Boots, iats aend to) a Notions, trESDYSl. 1T11HURDAI8 and BTATURDkYS Also, prompt and creful attention paid to the sale of Keal i Esxte, Succeostinst Port Warden's, Furnitlire, Bank St~k, L A etc., etc. IOLZ A BERNHEIMEt, i Commnission Merchiants, No. 2l Chartie street, a and 2 Warten street., New Y,,rk. I)IaMOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIIq The copartnership hereto fre eO;tlniny tmler the na'e dnI 5t)le of PIKE. .LA'S 1oE A BRO'ril.ttt is thts d.vid.. n.irrel by mnutual ct'L•,ent be the withdrawal n ,i.I 1 L s-,. e, At'. wo Ihse dsli sod of . ] his rlne to iml tirrr"s'. i te er.li. o'rn to, his late Dlt nert Wir•. ti'ke and A.e. Brother, thec) aniong all the labil tile o' the s•tmoe NTS. New Orleans, December 21, 18[0. a WM. 8. PIKP. J Y. ,A'APiEYRF, ALEX. BROcHER. . The business of PIKE LAPEYRE A BR'TIt. will hi olantlnie to be iidntutwtso 1in r tbe sallre nite and .tlie outl is the li,•t,,f au luar) text [iw19,, when ALr RE l 'e, :tPEiRS r ,dt 4 PAUL ilA.t(' hi, , ,t interest in outr buoioe-s, waci, dh wi thereatler obs conducted under the ames and slt)s liei N PIKE, Bhli TItp.i 't,i New Orleans, December 21. 18G0. D ('Or -WM R. PTKP,D ERTY ALEX RKt- ToiI. AL RED 1II KPPERS OND PAUL SLANCT - - irera 1J'j's . tt.If *(F$TAti'4. a ' OARDING 1.% AEIV YOIRK. 0 Oftenperson sviitinr New Yrk fom the .ionh woi-ird preer r Ptitrae iliue to a Hotel, if t:sy knew whsrr t) oi tad a ral rtlly i• -class one. of IE No. TB West Slteenth Street, at Near Fifth Avenue, or Convenlent to the principal Hotels and ('lnh*. has Ita!ly opened for first rcass people, who can •hld every rc, ,t,mui ,lt- tiono by the day. wc.k or il ,ntlh tnt n, n c-I. ive - rooms wit out board if they des:re it Applicalon by leter will Ibe attended to without delay. leterence--J o Nixon. k New Orleans Dii . cer-nt JOB'S NETUA RANT- n R, This old ard well entablishtd place of " FREE AND os of EAS'' has been TIIHOOUGHLY REFITTED AND ND SUPPLIED with the Best Wines, Liqu, Li Eng ish and pr Scoti h Ales, ('igari, ec. Friends and acquiaintincn are in- t formed that .t is t,1 I at the old stand, Jr 11s t•' oer JUI.:A a'" CARONDELET 'ree's as FREE LUNCH w to served diiy Ire:. 11 . M : 11 oI 0 1 - k r.r. TI. V. PETIT, T'rotr',r i 0, - - --- - o RVING HO IIUl;E .. .. .IRVINI HOtI E. NEW YORK. Corner or Twelfth street and Broadwiy. an ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. E mouthern people w i n have stopped at this Hotel eont-tuse t to do so, as it has, what few bntels ecn ib.-ut, ATTENTIV'E el. Walt,,r and Servants. It is iewly uth ,',ter-i. hIa. " s.it- ~ elas Ladies' and trntlemen'. Rc.i-or'nto., ait I an ixcl ,v-e Pot Gente' Ktesianraot and Lunch lar. Also-A BA•tt and A BitLIARD TABLES. a 81ASAE end CARS pa•s right by the door tGEO. P. HARLIsW. Prop-ios.. d STHE IT. CrARLES HOTEL It WILL OPEN FOR VISITOR.S ON Al Wednesday. Nov. Ith. 1868. r 5 The RT. LOUIR IIOTEL will he opened !n Its usual .tyle n LI. on TUErLDAT, Dec. ist, 1668• Mai. W. A. HURD, M-n.yoer. e . E HA LL. OIMOPOLITAN RBESTAUbR T-- 11 ROYAL STaREr, ch, (Between Canal end Cutomhbouse streetsl Loats Chaplaln........................Proprie or Ii All the Dellacies of the ,eason are to be founid here. so aiso, Choice WINE of aill kitnd. Parties Weddmgs, etc. etc., supplied at short snot-c. s PersIrate Saloon up ts ra. loomes, elegmantly firnlshed, to let by the week or ar-i- '. Th•s BRestaurant la kept open till l1 oionhk P. m. ARIIIAI 5TTLF,-FRENti REriTAi7 EN: 19 UNION STREET, ohii etea It Chartes and ('aroende etstreeo. PHILIPS tL P1 A. cIET, Agent. P'.ic i t sot :he times, . BKEAKFALT-Three choice dlsha , th tt o'ee, e il 12 DiINNER---iip and four choice dishees. with Dessert and d Coffeie, seventy-five celts. JAWKNk'3__ BA__CH-- CORNKB F GORAVIER AND ST. OiARLF3. otl S(Opposite B. Charles Hirstel,) B -, RE-OPENED-A. B. CUSTER IN (IHARtB. lion IThe oe•t bards of LIQIORB and W T5 E.S, sch as r - trr leA hes a terth sr yeas eon.ustaoty o haad. A.. t. -II .s debt Sxc RIdALD d * ('. PARISIAN PERFUMERPY, Patr oised by the )mpr•an of the Frenct. and xto lo- y sed In all fasIhionable circles tor its Excellence d Sasirt. e-lty. inns. RIGAUD a CO 'B YLANYLANG and MANiLLA I BOII'ET, the snew i 't.'. RC-.id A ('n re ti ,niy " 1, porterl in lrsel e o the rro ant extractt of Ylsngylcnd. tfluf the Phpil~tiLe Isles. RIlA CD A CO S TOLUTINW, a deiirious Tullet Woter. be, mpertor a ha de (olo,gune. Toilet Vil.ecor, or Fllor~ d RhIARD A PO.' MIRANDA SOAP, eiqolslitly pere fmied and kteepinp it frae rnce to the lot RIisAUD A O' MIEANDA POMATUM, for prei*r h - l aiA CD A it 50h bDFNTf)RTNE. a mcot agresrenle elixr for prerving the teeth and p•rtsmlu th e br tr: RE-ALD A (CO.'o TsOTIfi-i'RE o r a re roe paratlon. producine a briliint wtlicners to te "rsthi JIAUOAD A CO.'SI ROb'S POWDRL . sapertur to Vi,, and all other Starch and itre Powders. THE LIYTrLB MO PITOR; 5 iiCDE TO THE TOIL I wtth Photographl Illustratiose will be seat on receipt o0 .e 8atmp. Who le. le R'gand A Co., 45 rue de Rlihteat i Aent., F. Newberry A ones 41 St P•auo'l Chnrct Yard r Depot Omeal to New Orleans at t F. DUCOSOS'8, sarve Ta or - I -- -- he. 8•g •a a egh c•aabeubt, tar te us h , . IR ,,, , w S theasonanmo: a rsa sav . Ad Bl NAo I U A e UAI'Br OB UaMr die n or s I e'vul ~ t l 0 l l tIheas i atar-iela. t IIVI -09 I.. I DR IN BANKRUPTCY. is IsANRRst'PT"V--FSTARI OF!(ATHi -.. rD. Cue nn--'nted Sitate Marhl's ha ~ml vmi,-cs o', S raoosihiaes N*ew orle.ns, Dn • dtm 2l. 16-.n bt Is ton r, . S not'er that onhe 2J•a d -y . recemoear. a. D. 1 8, s wrarur -. n heoirup. y V6 :11-d aoaa tlt be iota.r ,fPath it 1 0 - '1r mbosn, of the a. lsh or rotchitocebl eand lt. t n :4 isis• wo w.9 adjs dr a baak-opt no hi1 own petition; tth. ihe paoyment of any debt, S deiverrery'oI any prerly hl.'smingl to such io tk H irapt, to m ,r ore hisuse. d toetranseta of any r) ty b hlio we forbiddena bD y eb ; that a rmeetn of iti.' 'rr s W. dit• mr o tb sa f ba k, opt. to pre ther debI and to , a. ai oa e or c.uires u5"a e o his •te. will be h~d t a cir: .. bankruptrc,t t o holden at Noa 41 .xcbanve Pl.,c. in oh- cit ot New irlfees, Lolaiti.a hbefore Donatlen Aunustin, R Iis ter, on the 2th day oy January, A. D),1969, at 1d o'cloc a. L '-No 179. P. 3. HBBRON, t. 6505 nft U. R. Marshal. Dlttriet irf Ionli.st. fy IN BANERIUPTCY-EAATU OP JOIN W- a IR ert-Uniteo ltaes M arhal' i Otlfoe. District of LoD s osa New Or'eons, Dee-tmber 24, 1•69. This to give nirtla S, that on the 21.t day uf December. A D. 1968. a Worraot in Boankrptcy was issued against the .letae o Ii Jobs W. Torner, of the parish of Pol t Coupe. andi -tate of Loul•anLia. wo was adjudged a bankrupt on hit ow' petiti.n; that thepeyment of any debts and delivery of n d R property blo, gng to sch baoukrupt to bm h or or his 'is- Sk and the trsns'er of ny property by him are fortlddtn by Iaw d that a meeting of thr crecitors of the said bankrult.to pri• Sthe Ir det sand t chose oe or more aalgn-ea of his est•ao ) wlil ine hel at a Cout'tot Bankrnptc).to he holden a: Ni p 41 Exrhange Place. in the city oi New Orleans Ibtleoiioi. ti be'ote Doatirt ai •ostin. RegLste, on the 25th day of Joo unv. a. 1. 50, ut 12 o'chlok . m- -NoU.1. IP. J. HERIRON, a - dr25 j4t3 " C. R. Marhbal. District of Lotislan( t el. BAorD K UPTC NH rATM OP Dlot-Ure 1 S " tates Mar.bal'' Offie.District on Loulsiana, New Orleans, Leremboer 24, 18--T•ls Is to Rive notice that on the 21st day of Deceanher, A. n. 1868, a tu Warrant tn tankrtpty was Isosed against the eeto.e ofa rlo Iuk Powers, of parish ol WuestFeLicuanu and State lf ts a Loutlata. who was adjudged a baunkupt on 'its •au petitio.n; thut 'he pattrent of ay debts and delivery ot any property beh•nglag to surch btnkrust to him or for his u're. and the tiansfer of any prorty by him are for. biddlen by law; the, a meeting of the credtlo, a of the said ti I1P buokript to prove their d .hts and to eooase one or more as- shre ofihbiseetate, will be hbld at a (Cort of Bankruptcy of to be holdenat No 41 Exchuage Plae, in the eaty n 1 New Olean. losiana. before Donaion int tits, Reales. F o the2tb day of January A. 1869 at 12'elonr. . 3 A-No 173. P. J IJERSON. d25,la2 UIT. . MarYhal District o• Lanisiantea ION I BAAKRMPTot - ESTATE OP ANDERI6 I ilton Ksean-tsLted itate Marshals Offr Dr trirt of a and Louislane, Bew Orleans. December h 24 10s6-This i to ivte d n notre that on the22d day of De-emberr 18i9, a warrant in ban•ruptcy was issued agalnst the stae of Andrew Milton Kea. of heiaolid. in the paranh of Laforche and Stte of C ich, Louiuns.a, wio was adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition t that the p iment of any debts and delivery of anypr,,wet e belrg--i t,, rsuch bankr.pt, to him or for hisune and the transirr iof lsy property by him are forbiiddin by law thll ri a meontll g of e crecitore of the said baakrupt, t prove BI k their debts, t d to ehoose one or more •nslg ee of h' V etta, will re heldat a toour ofBat.ktrnntVy to ti holden at V No 41 ELxchonpgel':. Iniro citly of New iirleontt,f o Los C I. auia, behrore Dra'iel Ai.,.u;ini. •lerioteri. o the 25h Id. if (,1 Jannroury, A. D. Io03, it 1 o'clock A M. i A-'to. 17. P J HERRt)N, de25ija3 U. S. Marshal District of Loi.lian. AI - ' ----- ------- -- S.----~ In N HBA.KRI'PT('T--ETATE OF REI'RE M. (llhol--,( Tie b ted States Merte J, u strict o~ la ,u rna, New Orlleona. DeI . 25, 18618 This is to gle otice ts !l Si nl t.e 2t O2dy) rl Decemr,er, . D. loi, a Aarrant 'n tisk. a rlptrcy wae asurd against the estate of •abe-i l M Ilt+son, no the sparls•s of Choncorlia ad State ot Louiianr.a who wa i odjndg d a batkrupt on h t own pcIttion. b that the roynent of anuv drbt. and delivery of any pro nerty o will beloneiig to suclh hank, uptto him or for he use, and the Ill traneler ot t) prperiy by him are foebidd.a bylaw; at a It f omeetiLg of thl cbred.t're of ':esaid haukrn it to priVe their IL -c deili and to c.oore ol or moe .i .igee of I.is estate.. nil o he held at ait ,urt of Bankruoprcy IIt bebonle ot No 41 r' rchanePla e, In tihe city of New Orltns., Ilutsilana, be t be Don.tloui A lngttu Ker•Rer, on the 2th day of anulary,. D ItO9 at Iro'lock r. da A-No 1lI. P. J HERRO,. cr290 iO IT, .. Marshal. District oft i,.iiana. di N r 1 s MAC rr KLr TCY -ESTAT OP ICAOLRfA't 1 1LoLwi'.in'ir;.i oly nod as t metruber of tle firms of i'. SC (asear i 1,..". .,: (o'i;rier,. Lewria to ., ianolrup I-L'Clted ;; Sltates Marshal'. fire, DlSrnct of io.uiaiunO, sew Orlet, . 1 - IDecember 4th.". I hie im to uive n-ltce that on t'e ltit ety ofltrcembr, t A . dio, Warrait ItI Blaruptcy wa of uned . againtr the ertatre ,.t iruidtoo Lewls, id:- Li vrdnallt at.d as a nutnhr ot the frres i.f C. (l'opr A l'i, t d Cramer. L-wisa Co,.. of New Orlauns, In the par'4" if Orleans and baote of L•oUlt ano who was •Ojudril . .''d a bnkruopt on I.ie oan peititon; that the pyment N , of any oeatsand dirlvery of any property belonginog t ce sunch bankruopt,. to him or fo- hin use. and the trace er of any prope ty bytilm, are forbiddesn by l•w; bthat a merting at of thecredot or ol the said bankrupt, t, prove their delt* a andto c•o ee oe or more Rsigne of in e'tae, will e10 iaid at t Court ,f Baakrupsy, to be holdsn at No. 41 ax- rLorce Place, ivthe ciy ot New Orleoeo. UIotslaoa, htoro W D'nati.n Anr.astln. Reriottr. on the 23d day of Jan. to D ry 1(g a tt12o'clock I. ly A-No 172. F. ,. HERRON. i e- d I U. Marshal, Deitirct of Louitan . 1t N 5ANK RUI UPT3 '--ESTATE (OF RICHRD R II. t Wootn., - I nrated Staoes Marshal•s OficeI District oI 12 Loniliuiua New ()liroer. Detvnih r '. 111i Tiis is to ~ vlre a notice that in the - b th d-y i DrrLiobr, A. D 1•i, at aor. rat tIn iankruptcy was ite ed agairlt the otae of Rile ad O. Wioton, oi the psrlbh ',f Cata.laoa ansl PF Sttle if Lounisiaa. who wa a'lj'uledo a bankrupt on is c D on peitlatn: that the p*yilmt of any delFes and delif oy of any property belonsing to -me, botnrnbt, to him or ir t i D :e at a the trr*'ler it oay property by hbi aie Lourtidier: y law; thtt a reetin., n tLecredit J- if the saidi okrrpt. , d• ad prove tlrelrdrebu ard 1to r h one 0o nir more asoitrers of is O erste, will be held at a Cbourt of Bankruiptcy ,o be holden in. st ho. 41 C cian.ePlae, in the nrty of New Oirleso Lo, 00 stan.l before Dilntlirn A utentin. Register, on the of thdn Iot jalo ary A D. 169, et 12 o'clock a. b \o lay, J. HERRON, S, o1 U. R MarshIl. D:etrlct of .oiia.na b. . 11 N PAn KRI1I-rFV-E-.TArE tOF ANDKL\t , S Wo. . s--i'o til ihtatel . r-.h:t lilm i. Di-tlrt oi Lon ' 4 atna. New Orlens. I a , Dec mr. 1"6-'-This is•s R"iver notice :h :t ron te .!s "Ie u.f Dot nt ter o a D,1r , r WarratA in anlt•- rnup ry wt ir)unel ar inut the es(ate of Ardrew C Woid. .I T t. t-i towni s f I. ,IslA's Pl..tt tlnon. in tl i p.'-th ofl -', baton lioge and btateof L aiinha who w d sdj'rl F a bankrupt on his own pe:tlsn; that the paym ,, i any debte and deliverr of any property belmgin( to •". "h iuakrupl to him or for his use, amid the trtunfer of a. di priieti by him, are florldden by law; that a meetein- if SIe icriliIi r of bthe aid otl krupt. toprove theirdebI and to '1 t. i.'' n.ou or more at asgoot , f hi estate,. wi I he hold at t- C.urt 'F •ankruptcv to be holdenat No. 41 Nxc:an.'. Plse in the city If .ew Orl-an, Lo'iritan, bef re Do: a' n d AIunill. ptilerster. on the 30th day of January, I. A. I-r,i a: 12o'ct-k M, A-No. 1,6. F. . HERRON, dr-29 Ja3. TU . Marshal. District of Louisiant. IN BANIBR C CPTCY--ESTATE OF UBIN L\- bte T+ltP. rile . tndl du llsio, and o co'partner of I!. Lar..it *tI A tCo.--United States Marshal's Otre•. I)i•otlct o L.onisiana, New Orlean Deremnrer2. 6I0. --'rl'is I :o1 d se nota. th.It on thie 261' dy of Decemboer, A D litia tilt arn.nt in Ban.ruptey wae isaued egainst the esoatr dr of 'rb;en Larous:ni and ane ropartner of U. Larouis 'se oril A ('o,. o ti.e ci'.y "if nNew Orleanis. ptr..in CO it rf (Irlnrse and State o if Lni.tne. , who was a nd;iul. se, a bantkrpt on hit own petition ; that the asyment ,fi any debts and deivery of any property belonging to su h t baskrllpt, to tim ir for hia usan, d the trsuoler of riy dl prolecrt) by him. are forbidden by law; that a moetino f , bi tile creditors of the sad konkropt. to prote tbelr debts .1t 'o, al chobo one or more r rrlineo ,1f h o etat0e, wl be head it e Court of ankruptecy, to e hodan at Ni. 41 Ixexoiaoe t Place In the rcityif New Olresns. Loua•rein. hifure D,,.* - La- tier n glllin, lletrer on the e it day ol Ftebhry, ur, .0 119. st 120dolck a. A-No 111. P. J. rIERRON. b de294 a3J U. 8. Marshal. District of Lousliann is II BANII• PTC'-ESTATE OP JOAMNELSEX t iCoa--t 'ilted etIrs N arl o ar'' I tice. ilD-tr:rt of liliolL Luts•wr (el.n.eas. Lreetns l 'D•h.l I,. 'Toue ioiihsc ti ete n, ,, thatcn the c2ti h day o0 D m er. co A 0. ii V. r a dt rat iban talrltt •wsle i lr oeIeod th ilnIt thl C etatli r , JBitrWn-'-it 1 ( ox ot f h oopte o tlepariei oif t.,, It ,d,. It sand bate eoLwoulas atu wost- n• h dluledasb n0rh t ,,n 't o' pethi toi: Into:hie pa0n0et i' asoy d-rvor ril I b- liier" of ay proetti r',onglua t," .01uc1 ra ) O hipti to hb orr ikri oi i oire d lbf t. a ,' an ie ,, tiriper olirti ',oa rty•,riidiioiu by iri, ti itt o oti. , rthe olrnltnr of te irid enl b rnrpt,.proolenrDi tooord d ., f 'i'.nrt f Rfnironpto, Itiu.r hdil atN'i. ll txcihi. - CI IPl-Pce.utriio-'iy.o Ncw cirea;-i ieftiro al,,titn st:.: t n r.l.irs, Inthe tlrat doy ol Feoruorsy . D lihi. itt 12 o' lb e. thr A-No, I P. J HERR(OI, by de29 r 3l0 U. P. Marshal, Ditrlci of Lonoslna. m IN BaIAN• U PT(Y--EhTATE O ALEX Ph I o "-lk' e- Jailed btat's e lOMe. Die trter P.t Lotlatana, Nose Orlesno, Doesmbner 211, iS-Thin is tto tlie t noiee that on utie thdy o DIecember. A D ~M;1. aw , warot. i c itn bhnbrvtoysl iusendag snvt the eatte u •,f lAend r P 0 Biowu , of the parsihb f Eatr Fel'e!nla. aid tiate ,I louilrna. who wans esdod-du * Onkru,' iii hlir oulr ,i-. tihs.ths i tepa mrent of uy ulotsinorld lo.iery ,fino r I '- hal Iel..niing' to 1rii bankrpt, to him orfr i r. h . nr t'. tretrsle <,f nlny Irisooirtvb hi, oiirolishu !.)rl.l l iAbitw: t. ii a ii'itiltoot tlie, ii t-cl, r iuri'the htbnkrup, t',, ' rve Iy .iol.urs deb ts al d tI oh 'iie ie or mt re .- oM ,Ie , ,l, eiiat . 'w ado he hrld sat a (' ort of BiRakrirT'. to , behlin at st N II fll rxchrcge i'lai e in th- roy ol New i)rlOI it . lt., rO' I uotiie iu tii cRie- er, Ou th0 lt d . y of J O.f, oi-r l,12. F.T ITERRON . f Chred Jul10 U. 8.Marsb l. DlOt lct of' Lo•riLa. .Il>'o-l'nitan iw ai Massll (lole. nDistrict o0 Liii-. 0111 s n alewiirlea1 t ec. 16 . 1-Z Tthi 1tn t t rogi utie t lit mn.try wt. Ipnt a agamet the is tad e .,0In t At ;pOee t'oc, ,• lldropen, in the Parish itf u"'v,+• o uh8 otatr' : ht y debth i iiisoo any ,ary 5if atto "h .. ; tilrbas.ir I iny prb-,pe . trosi i. t. il rutnio s toi r. i tr i,,ii is n .r Ne i l kr ,[t t ,, i-,. r - -. ll D.rt, a:'n rili-f ,er, the P LL r, on in blb day . l JollU.t sho A--.c I-;. . F ut IERit'., I BINKI UPTCY--ITIATE OF PFI ' RL:L I lIhard er-i -I i-.t ,tute- Mtrar . ,,•vi rit... luiat N-n"' (Irnto. Jrn ;a T:,I. al:.o ot e Saltnrio 21.t ,Ii, C i''cerrsr ie I -' " u'r*tL; Tie , ii .t iiUd i' as - tod e t i .ui i !tol, il.dlo. i-lir e l r. c.y thoe onre ir Ilte-sit, o ari State o'h I[.,,:. inl. be, .l• lt a y nterh 'od , he itr d0ay ote;rt , . r 'D. t,, is par, hanksriul tl, h, ,,.<,r;. hiseu-e. dlhd J.' t iiorO' pp n perr hy hitm ar f,,rLidde by lar. thrt a Ieistanl O 1i CI irtdtorfte - dlb'r-olb sh oU.tti pr s' hicr veD to-'i. i is I'('out o BsnkIul.vtc. to I,- lIhlJen ai No 4l EooCoslcl. PI . in he lr iu New turaiurl., j lorlilc isfire DiiooiiO i gust r. HogIster, on llthe 6t1 da of r'eb r htury, a. o I-J, a.ii bale A--'so. 19. F J HilaRIOM. ii5 fetL U.L. Ma-ha, Distr 1tof tloislana I til |I B P 'BTCT,--PSTATg OP RAML'EL -. BMu hank, inidledi .and as oo-prr ,,fThanes a•, i S. N gurbrk, -f Jefferson.--United Stsl Mort g'6 "s Ofie-. Dstrict of Lounlsiaa, New Oriet, Jan-i to 13. 111C9 Ts is t o 51r- notite that os the twe.ta day ot Jannsey. iD. a149. a Warrant in Bhakrnptoy Stock woo isr•ed aitit the inlete of Ratosl N Muobarik, of Pew O rlrans In parish a Otlons alud 8Itat of (loaieiana. who V hes 1 eeo adjtdued shak anpt ou hki ow petition; that toe In lb psI mist of any oebtl asd dsllery If any sooety bltOgiioc to1uac belkrpto kits or t,,r his a.. aud the tenrano of aty property by him., reM forbdden y law; tht a testanlgfb. ith iredltore of tlUos l b iIrt to Peows thatr debts and toi w elhor e one or mores sictesa of hit..tuitwill bebh.ld at a Ciort ol BankriipiVe.to.o bhe hoda at no. IlzeIi l PL we, In bea ctty ha ew reas. lanhs a bcor Dotaeia. ni. CC- ] A--iN 279 P 3. HERRN. pl jalt fe4 U. 8 Matshal, Dietrict ol Isoaliaan. She go @riaa maent. i,.. WEDNEBDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2O 1869. l ID t 1 ew rrltans na art OUUacUM oDeltN. N. 0Mn 0umvv, Tasada Isvaia. Jan. it. . I The condition of the money market still remlion ts for several weeks put. Currency is in ab ino- dart supply sai limited demand at previonu q:i, ations for all grades of paper. a will bieen by the snmjolaed Igureu. vis: Eight 4 cent. anunrit at bank, and l0141 cent. 1 month out of door- for short gilt-edged paper, and 10@12 Z6 cent. i! - annum for long dated notes, secured by triktl Al city mortgage. rraLi GOLD AND rILVE-Tbhe Gold market has been a o inactive and unteady from the opening of the nI week. Offerings were light throughout. - .. the n demand was at no time better th., moderate . ales of bilver were, as heretofore, confined to driblets at about 2@2i points below gold rates for AOerican halves and quarters, and 24@3 cent. premium on gold for Mexican dollars. oerations to-day comprised $2.000 and $10 000 at 135 ; $3,000 at 136; $30.000 at 13@l636 ; $2 000. $5,000, $5,0x0 and $10.000 at 136t ;$6.000. $14,000 and $16.000 at 1361; closing at 133•@1353. We now quote srld at l351@13 5 ; Amerioan silver coin 1314j Not 132, and Mexican dollar, at 137}0138. FoaRla.N ExcANos--The movement in Sterl. ing and Francs has disclosed no improvement e of whatever. The market was but poorly supplied toof with commercial bills, and the remittance demand was quite limited, while rates varied from day to day, in accordance with the fluctuations in Gold for and Exchange at New York. The transactions re today were light, as will be seen by the following pti e *sats, viz: 1000 sight commercial Sterling at t a 1471; 4000 tanker:' bill at 1481481 ; 100.000 a. Franse at 3.82,.and 10,000 private bankers' do. at 3.814. We quote bank Sterling at 1470148t : commercial do. at 146t@1471; bank Francs at - [email protected], and commercial do. at [email protected]. Lb aMESTIC ExcAN•oE-Transactions under the let of above heading have upiformly tended in favor of tgi drawers and sellers. Offerings of commercial ,on sight and short sight were of an unusually limited .ot character, and the demand was generally fair 0 though at no time heavy or excessive. Rates, how- ever, have advanced a fraction as will Sppear on o .M reference to the closing figures this evening. Tue r~ sales for the day included the follow!g amount-, at viz: $,30 000 sight on New York at 7 16@• dis- count; •30,000, $45.000. $50,000, 800,000 and $75.- of 1,00 do. at } discount; $120,000 do. at ] discount; $10 0(0 one day's sight on New York at ; ; $50W0, n and $18,000 sixty days do. do. at 21 discount, - -- $70 do. do. at 2, discount; $12,000 sight on lias ton at 1 discount; $30,000 fifteen days sight on S Now York and Philadelphia at 1@i! discont:. We quote this evening, bank sight on New York at ; discount, commercial do. Val discount. A UNCtHREIT NOTES AND Sshtt'ITlts-There boa ion been a fair, though at no time heavy, demand t ,r It most of the leading securities during the past three days, and prices have generally been well c alttained with an upward tendency noticeable ini several classes. As our daily reports have ern- brated full particulars, however, it is only ccc, s- a. sary now to add the operations for to-day, in ur- der to obtain a correct understanding of the con- dition of the market, viz: $10 000 City Treasury Notes at 35 per cent. discount: $2000. $300.1, S$4000 and $•3000 at 35 ; $26 000 at 36: $10110 Jack- C. on Railroad change bills at ;2; $5)001 and $10,0100 .ed Stae warrants at 85f ; $10.000 and $10,000 do. at 864; $2400 small do. at 90: $1300 past due coupons of old State bonds at 82A; $3000 six per cent. d Levee honds at 70, and $10,000 eight per cent. do. i at 851 150 shares Union Bank, seller's option, t sixty bfays, at $36 25 per share; 75 shares Bank of n.@< New Orleans at $:17 50 per share; 160 shares Cres- cent City Hank at $26 73 per share; 100 -hares d,. tii at $27 25 per share, and 25 shares of Mechanics' siti and Traders' Bark on private terms. c SPLECIAL DiPraTCHas.-We are indebted to the , Western Union Telegraph Line for copies of the sni following private dispatches received from that route to-day, viz : . New York, Jan. 19-10 A. x.-Gold opened at -13. . 10:30 . .-- Gold 1.3.. Cotton market dnll, holders anxious to realize. Sterling 109~@ll0;. ., 12 M.--Gold 135'. Cotton market dolt-hboldrs i anxious to real:ze. Nominally middling 281;.. Mobile 29c., Orleans 2!1.c. Sterling steady. 3 P. M.- Gold clcsed at 1352. Cott ,n dull. Prices ou- changed. Sales today 1,O10 bales; middlinr 2o..c . Mobile 29c., Orleans 24+1,. ilertug steady. , Lcerpool, Jon,. 1t--11:15 A. x.-Cotton market to dull. Estimated ailes 10,•00 Dales. Uplands 1031., t Orleans Il:d. 1:20 P. M.-Cottoa market dull, prices do uncharged. Estimated sales 10,000 bales. Ship- SI ments rove Bombay stiee last to 16th, 10.tOO bales. 5 r. w.-Cotton market dull. S•le- 10o,000 boles. Uplands Ill n1lld. Orleans ll' llcld., uplands afloat 11ll•lld. L.,l,dni. .Jan. 13-11:15 A. M.-Consols 92: ( 4::. 5-.0'sT7 ;. S 1/1, re. ./n l. 1'l--. M.-Cotton opens heavy. .t; Tree oidiraire 133. Low middling, afloat, 13.5. I:;,oah ll:oasea-lhe followieg comprise thti sais at the board to-night: $2000 and $10,0,) 1 S(,~cd at 1:;5'; $1000 City Treasury Notesat ::1I a. deconut: $4500 do. at :;5; 20 shares Carrolltnu L.t l road stock at $43 share. dommercial anteuligcnce. OCsacs" orrces. No. 54 Oas SOvrs, I . Tlsdeay lEvosag, Jan 19, 186 I RIo Iew oF THE MAstETs--There is slightly - better teellng noticeable in the general wholesale asd jobbing tradeof the city, but bunaness hasnot tc Jet tunty recovered from the apathy created by , tThe recent holidays. Cotton has been dull and " drooping from the opening of the week. Tobac- a co has teen firm but inactive. Sugar and Molas. 4si es sold freely on receipt at full prices. Flour hss been in ample supply and limited demand at declining figures. Corn has disclosed a better iLquiry tor export at previous prices. Oate, Bran Sand Hay have been languid, with a reduction in rates of the two latter, while Pork, Bacon and .. Lard have been in but limited request at down- S ward prices, except keg lard, which is scarce and higher. Money is still eary. Foreign Exchange is quiet and unsteady, and DIomestic Exchange - tends upward with a somewhat sincreasing remit s tance demand. Corro--The movement in the leading stapl- Sduring the past three days has exhibited conitant ly increasing langour andl depression. Advice , ihom Liver, ool and New York were of a discoir aging character throughout, whi:e the iontablildy o1 Go d and Exchange miaterially tended to retardl o(-eratic.ns. Prices have in the meantime considl- erob y reacted, and would douotless have goeI still lower butt for the Irmited charai-ter of thc offering supply and the indisposition of factors. Smarcy of whom kept their samples covered thropughcaut, to nrke the concessions demanded by bu)ers. For afull understanding of the morove ment, we would refer to the annexed extracts fr-m our daily reports, via : Sctrdu!l, .Jan. 16--There has been less janims- tion in the market to-day owing g, a slight re- action at New York. The offering aup F ly woe of a very restricted character thrciginout, hoe- Seeer, and the total sales aggregated only 300,1 hal s at 51t.)o. ii de-ine. e . $/,,,1,ccc. ltriucry 18-The market has bein laiguid toroughout to day, owing to discourai:i: ado ies ofrr, l.iverpicil and New York. an i to a fllhn itff in rates if ;old and i.'Pcregn EbYhant .. SOfferings of bll gr des c intio u d light, however, aRn( tporations were eatriited to l-ud bales at .. fuirt er dec:ine of 3~3,r . 3 It. T•ue.ily, Jai. i:,.--This has been another in- active day in cotton circles. Intelig-nce fron all outside points con;inued nnfavorable, and pu:- chasers generally refused to go on except a prices whchl a majority of holders steadily re- tused to accept. In fact. the actual sales for the day anmounted to only 2:00 bales, and the mirk-t rohced unsettled at the following quotations, vz : O)rcinary 24O4-c., good ordinary 2Pi•-i,;423)., liw n i.ld!dng 2t;.5i,2f; c., middling [email protected]:., and strc: 6 nciddian nnminal. As coopared wi-h the roliog prtc es Friday tvLintg. tce 15'h inst., the abve show a net decliue of l•14c. 0 1,. upon allcla-s.- ficst:oe. . 3]li' tortal sauos for the past three dJva harve amto.uoted to c-ly 71u0 baeirs again-t 14,70 bales Ir Ihe corre*pi.,oliog time last weok. the net reciptls were 12.1:1, baies, against 12,030 bdl-s lot wiek. showing an increase of 1100 bals. a Tire agarega'e exports summed up 16 0.1- bales, P an-net 14 177 baits last week, and the stock on hat I and on shipboard, not cleared this evening. is 122 3e0 bales, agnioast 122,23.10 ba'es Tuesday evei.ig, the 12th ins:., and 123 003 bales Friday enening, the 1lth inst. The exports for the pat d thrne days have been divided as follows, viz: 1115 hales for Providence, It. I., 23'11 bales ftr New York. 7,:i bales for Liverpool, and 6,:.; bales for BoIton. siwk as haud September 1. 1 .........-...- 3.-360 m -3.o.reda.c.e era--...... ......... i . -~ L cuvsed prov.•al.............i... 16 5(701 7 rteek n hbad sad shlpSad............... . 122.SO hi 'oRnacco-We have no change of import to noste s: in ths market during the puast four days. The 3o rew crop ts arrivg in samall quantities, the qal- n ity of which is reported leafy, of good color, but iwanting in body. By advice. from the interior, 14 we learn that the crop will prove very inferior, in comparison writh last year's crop;the greater part will be lugs or low lear. makiag thoes grade. t plenty and low In price, and haviar the opposite 1C eff ct on the hilghr grades. We hear of a very etre alving b . made in this city within t;a put two o thre wes at a price which has beak suppressed. The stoek of ola leat now on bhan is ompted at ot over 200 hd. W now quote marke'i as follows : o.fe......................:.... 8 b.a .. .. . .ir .................... pt" .iiii::.... I. s; in Wrape .......................... M taSc. Receipts past four days 22 hhds.: exports none. Sales 46 hbd. old leaf at 124c. 1 baler Mexican at 17c.; 7 hd. old leaf at $13 50. MANt'PACTrr-D TOBACco - There is but little call for quantity. A moderate jobbing and retail trade is being donq at unaltered flguret. The following quotations will embrace nearly all kinds now in market, viz: Common unsound 3(@45c.; do. sound 43@•5c.: medioum tis. bright 60@60c.; good do. se. 65(0ic.; extai No. 1 ls. bright, $0090o.; half lbs. brglh', 65@65c.; do. dark 60@55o.; No. 1 5's and10's 550 60c.; navy half lbe. 500600.; navy lbs. 506ori; r fancy, natural, twist, cak, cake, etc., 750.@$1 lb. chewing is quoted at 50c.@$1 15. SLonR AND MaOLAssas-The market has been active to-day, and all arrivals sold on being lande• Iat yesterday's quotations. Choice molasses to-day 3 brought 72c. We now quote market as follows: RSuar. Inferior 8@9}c.: common 104@101c; lair lli@12o.; fully do. 124@l2jc.: prime 124 ~ 13c. ; choice 13@134o.; seconds 11@lllc.; yr.t. low clarified 14@14c.; white do. 1541@•:. t Molasses, l felor 66@57c.; common 58@60o.; far 62,l65c.; prime 66@68c.; choice 700720 R,-- t ceipts to-day 10l1 hhds. sugar, 1i17 bbls. mola- es. Exports 230 bbla. molasses. Receipts f•: last four days 2571 hhds. sugar, 4677 bbls. n- a lasses. Exports 14 hbds. sugar, 1713 bhls. ei - r lasses. Sales 2500 hhds, sugar and 41,50 bbls. m,,- t lasses. FLi.oe'-Continued large receipts serve to keep prices depressed. Several sales have been mwad today, with figures entirely in favor of buyers. Some choice favorite brands are unaltered in figures, but these cannot be said to aid in repro. seating true state of marlet. We now quote market as folows: Fine $6@G 124; superfioo $6 '7l@7 10; X $7 12}; XX $7 20Q17 40; XX\ $ t-: choice $90i -. The following sales are r reported to day: 50 bbl. common 66, 100 fina $6. 200 ibla. do. In lots $6@6 26, 16 in $6 2, 230 bble. on Its merits $7: 60, 94, 26 do. superfino 7S. 42 bble. fine $7. 100 superfine $7 ft1, 101 XX $7 10. 100 do. $7 20, 125 do. $7 50, 160 on its termns. 350 choice private terms, 400 on Its merits menli $7 55, 60 XXX 67 75, 100 and bOodo. private private terms. Receipts to-day 11,075 bi,ls. Receipts for pat fear dayla26,83. Exports 1970. Sales 8S00 bbls. Comm-Has been moderately active at un- changed flgures. The supply of choice is light. Large quantities of green are being sent to us this year, which Is not In great demand. Merchanta- ble finds good sale at 77@78c. for white Western. )0c. for yellow. The following sales are reported today : CU0 white, a little green, 76o., 700 ordi- nary do. 7t;c., 1000,1000 and 350 choice white 77:., 1(00 sacks yellow and yellow mixed 77c., :;33i choice yellow 0oc. Receipts today 18,593 sacks ; for tie last foar days 45,660 sacks. Exports to- day 2O0 sacks; for last four days l,36i7 sacks. 8,,les te-day 6000 sacks; for the last foear days 2S 1 00 acks. OArs-lhere is but little activity noticeable in this market, The receipts to-day are large, arid have been some inducement to buyers, but geno- rally the market was far from brisk. Choice lit. Louis is now quoted at 67@68c. g, bushel Salta to-day foot up 00o sacks as follows : 200 sacks at t67c., 100 and 600 do. at 6Ec. Receipts today, 7214 eacks; since Friday, 10,70(. Exports past four days, 850 sacks. Sales do.. :200 sacks. l:nea-Is dull and depressed. Supply in first hand is light. 15.0 sacks were sold to day ac $1 05, which is quoted as the market price. I:H- reilt4 t,,-day, 1781 sacks: last four days, 53 21. Exports do., 423 sacks. bales do, 3400 sacks. Bav-Is also depressed and lower. PilmeOhio river is now quoted at $25; lair do., $24; ordina- ry. $22@,2;. 100 prime Ohio river sold to day at 125, 200 fair do. at $24. 200 do. do. at $23, 50 ordi- ary do. at $23, and 100 bales uninspecLed at $622. Receipts since Friday, 23:19 bales. Exports, l.j bales. Bales, 1100 bales. Poax-We have the pleasure of reporting a do- cided reaction and improvement in this ma ket today. Western advica thi a. - ewwa one atJ ....nsg a sodden and important rise an tli article of from 75e.($1 # bbl. This a. x. the mnarket opened at $23 75; to unight it closes very firm ai:lh an upward tendenccy at $;0 50'3 $30 75 Jt bbl. Some dealers are holding at $::1, as will be seen in our exchange report. One lot buyer's option, ten days, was sold at $31. The followlag salts were reported to day: 100) bbls. ('ate last night, not reported ) $24 73; 300, 130, 11 0 and 200, to arrive: 61, b0, 43, and 100, sold pre. viucly, to arrive, $30; 1oo on levee, 50 and bbls. at $30 23 ; 50 bbls. $.;') 5: 50 bbis. primrs fMess on prnvte terms. Reeipsl, to-dsy 2 , blis. ; for past four days 1715 bbls. sales do. loi) bbl'. BAcoN--le very quiet and prices are easy and 1 generally in favor of buyers. The demand is small. Stocks of aides and clear rib light. The market is now quoted at 14•@l4jc. for shoulders. clear rib 18c., clear sides lebblh,43 . Breakfau- bicon is in fair demand and moderate supply at 17@lc. V lb. New hams have a good call at 2L (g22c. and are in short supply; old are without inquiry and are offered at 13@17c. Receipts since Friday 614 casks. 277 tierces. 40 boxes. Ex- ports 4 tierces, 50; packages. Sales 125 casks, c; t erces. l.aru-- Is quiet but firm, the heavy receipts of tierces, with baut little demand, has ca3sed nt accumulation and prices are easy at 19@191u. Kegs on the other har.d has been in good demaud and receipts have been very meagre the last f, a days, consequently prices have remained firm and to ddy have even increased. Sales were made this evening at 2140. We now quote kegs firm at 21i21Ic. The only sale reported to-day was 2. kegs at 20mc. Receipts to-day 214 tierces, 2 0 kegs. Receipts for past four days 1015 terces, 4(:1 kegs. Exports 33 packages. ales 1l30 terces, 23':; kegs. l)vY btail.T Mars-Tn a small way there `ia been a little more Interest in this market to-day aed prices are firmer though not quotably higher. The lullowing usales are reported: t oaks Shbooli- era at 12c.; 5 casks clear rib at ibc.; 5 do. cle e sides at l;jc.; 10 oaka shboulders, lane this evem- inu. at 12"o. The above, together with heads art t;1T7c. are the market quotations. \Xll, ii--ls very dull and still depressed in price. Stock on hand large. Western rectllud ploot and L.ousiasa are all quoted at $1 gallon in first handsind $1 05 10 by dealers .Nosals 1 reported to day. Rleceipts to-dlay 47 bbls. It- ceipts bor past four days 174t bbas. Exports •. bbls. bales ::0 bbls. ('crs MPal.-There has been a fair demand it a jotbing way at reduced figures. (hboice kihin- dried has been sold and is quoted ?t $3 75 ~l bi.; in retailing at $4 bbl. o bbLIa. asold to-day ar $3 30. Brisrve Tmtramrant--The aupply is light and In only retail demand. It is ofaered in lots at 47~::. gallono. and 52}@55s . in a retail way. loists-The stoc is very light and the demaun gotod for csmall Its. We quote pale $4 .50, No. L 63, Ni. 2 $2 253@2 30 and comemon at $2 40. P'ale No. 1 is scarce and in good demand. TAi--Is very dull at $2 25 for small packages, bunt tLere is a iod shippiog demand for 40 gallor bbl. at $5. PFirT - Is in fair supply and in light demanI at f: 73 1: bbl. R•tir OiL-Continues firm at 356. P gallon. Llia-Is in fair supply. Thomstonm and Io,,k. land, in small lots. command $2 23(@J 50 bb .. Cape Lime $2 256, Wetern $2 W bbt. VINsioa--We quote best cider 20220)o., Cil- cionatl grapre 2540c . gallon. Litzsa1D I-41 164$1 20 lj gallon; retailing at 61 36. ho. Trs--There is a good retail demand at INDA lBAGiniro--Ls quiet with little or no demauf for round lots. We quote India bagging, retail, 1:00 IJ4c. for rolls,and 204nt~2o0. or bales; for blanket bagging 23c. in rolls and 24m. In bale. Ken- tucky bagging is in light retail demand, and we luote 1G lac. for hand loom and 21026o. for power loom, according to quality. t~ny laos-T-l'he stock on hand Is very light and in good demand. and noes in first hands, a, 1 prices role from 202@*0o. for round lots and 21:. at retal. E,.•n--On landing at 27@2i~. :1dozen, and 2-; b bbl. inoats. Market well supplied sad dull. t'otLTavY-Selling on landing, turkeys $18 t! dozer; geese $9; chickens 65. /srlaans- Ths supply Is moderate and de- mand light. Prices firm at )5('0o. for Western. BaooMus-c rce and in good demand at $3 2 04 for lots from landing. BaL Rowl--Is only in light retail demand, and the supply is ample. It Is held at 8•0. for round lots arnd 9c. lb. at retail, for choice machine. Corrow bran Ot--Is ia fair supply, but with only a moderate demand at $1@l 05 for reflnaed and t0e.t gallon for crode. Farlr-Malega lemous are selling at 63 50j 4 box. New Balakts, for boxes $3 8n@63 90; half do. 6 622 $ o35: quarter do. $12546$1 35. Citron 34c. ilb.. Prunes 15c; Corrats 14@15n. lb.; new bates 16..; Almonds 280.; Pecans 16@17o. (c•nLasb-- rket rates are: 12 ow. 17017)c.; 14 ez. 200.; 16 os. 23c. oar,- Palm soap is quoted at 707)c. 9 lb. PaL-- LiverpOob is in fair demand. Coarse $195 $2; t*e $202 10. Large lote from warouso 10c. less. Turk's Island $1 50@1 60 be. Rics- Louiiana is in fair supply and moderate

The New Orleans crescent (New Orleans, LA) 1869-01-20 [p 7]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015775/1869-01-20/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · will 'e cond'ict d a -h. care a . eralty, .s as

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I' 4A f -- B .ACCOGrOl(J1



F ' OR.Pa 4M



me. 7:1 ~arlvter Street,

Has eretas.tly on t o the cholect brands ef VIrginl.Manar'etured I IIEW!


4D SIMOKIrti TOBACCO.Al•--A large ass rtm.. ' Ismported HAVANA and DO-MEITIC ('ItAR~., - h UMin Pipt, Briar and WoodPipee, Tib.cco Pou' .,et.Und all Smokers' Artict .e T•bacco in togpheadr an 4-. for the M-xican mar'net andplantation use. Cigar 4.. of all kinds for man-lc..thnringpurpcoea o hand.

IN ISTfC"E .. r NOW rLADING:I( ea es arret•ta - tech SNUkIF.S) boae S WPJI ItI'.

IIJO),U Ilrvar.n and liLu rtic C;OIGAR?. of aror e rsCsanrd .ree

11U b, xn Pae's ~I .!' far 'TORAC`OA(2MI .. tara TI',4 4 iW ir and It's.76 .. May' e NAVY.) .. A ec ,rn d ;• .rands, M edil ,m ar. r F:, ' tr: ,I t

ll) ,addles May tI' e 1 WIST, Brilrht qn.r'.ern.And NAVY TItaHa' -N


; 0orm~ Ohaurnne ad Oont rm S

tJ. r MF SRLA ' arnfal for the prrono aweoun-aeto ol• ctno thei et"b '. e't of his Irch.-7 , ban anagi.aCneed ci, rent easlr:,i,,I ,r ., his well-dorneerl rnpot.lien, noi :n now at, Itl-Ir . :'n outhern Statl, a superlors•tkol-clYbt Tbeeefbcc i " g. . p l ap uIn all•ort of I.' 't

aef to .ma the invio( ii{ Of ChewlnhswLga , e 0


Tobacco-:' • kad;e cL. e bsand.

J Y. Whittod'r (I;,O .' onIt. J. W. C(orblin, flrry L..:-," "tt- A it 1.. 'r a" P-nnd, Nat Med<', \

D. Miller' Nutmeg, n.e 3, o,. ,'bher brand., for al*e iDi .,A.( A MAId ,. Ki-le A4.inoa W

1i4 Pod.m r t t

IIAAN4tihna-Mti ic nS4-. 'VI Msl4 it

T75 TO 100 PER Y'~ T:':

Or a coemmfsron Iro- -lai twie a i ur:. '.l: irn oen.ade try erth:,g tt'e L., -- Improved (' )NM )4N •IPNSEFAMILY SIWIYNo Mo-IIINE-Prnie, $18.

For Ciro nuar and Iarm .-ldress

C. BOWERS A' o.,T0 H a o hrd <r I R-t l ~ha


The A d'UN ?.AN iit , l.Sa iaeamy tn. Je-4heoar .filt. aIr uf the Amor : I ,i .tltola held In tleptembrh rndOtober L1s, to be t, .,rt ,I m ' .Ion exhtblitt n, nd -:t.r n

trimal, ordered by the nirl'eano Institute, with the P,•nos CIofiti nn-nersc l ezhibit,'. the Pars RplEtolin,, w., itdared by their lJudkno ,t .r. " bet Piano knn'rn '•r or

AUENSLI WANTD-T ! r.-'l-dr and responsible Agcens FL'wtnted In every city cmd f eo" where we have ano Oreav snpo•nted thee.

Mleeey oesNe l or I iANNER A CO. pr

I.UM iER, 'OrAL, V0)l).


Peturns thanks to the tHr., of New Orteane fI their patronage for the Inot twent , ran He hae now made exteniey additio,n. to his Wort and introduced s v'al woo-dwokming machines, which ".., eiable him to attend promotly

Sstyi turln-re in hin lie i• op and office corner of PrytOni and Waungtout r:et I•s Mechanics' Exchange, boxSo. 1.




Me. •54 Ienwallle Street, Corner of Maratl. LOrder left ai the shoer ',"-, or Box 1S, Mechanies' IE-

shree will rerivre Doromni .'tntlomL

FOREh.L AfD DOME-I s PaRODtt'E, -1 A DL .I ' i> r u,

Stand 844 ( solmoen Street. OII. L ('lODRIC• '!

Y *. IITCHOO, - O..OO.



M*4A 46. 47. 4 nuel 51 GOrvter Stret o.

1 Fretliri Street,Ir


S- Dri




A TheRwroegh 3gll Edleetloun. Iool•'tLauguag and MusICe,

Vocal and Inotrnmen-u.DRAWINf. , ,I

LAND Ei 'RAD PDaTTi:t i AlhStrgIIe t IHeel. Or

So. 111 Cbartree o-r to. New Orw no.et

Boo Judge Simon, New Or• .; olrof. T. i.eiad ica. ln,'•,.n •' nt ItnlteroItv.



beaded ad B~dupported ' the State of Ilahlsea

The sen beglas t... irmber 7th. 18, .no, . Al-

FACULTY-I oo.sotO of a 'n on if a oinen:.en in no of LitortriF orur - uually ogart It ton noen

OotnrIn or YIrytair n P-erIatnry and an Aro markae Department. inCndlill n t erary, ieentOtlie r..: di eMonal co ro. Sa ei c:; of O1,l gnatertro oo. e soOwmerrin' ItShoc' . o Id r at

TIsme-Fr, •1,: rCn.C. 'lt clnothmng, lO: $.. ,.Ib In odrnore. bal.e n - pnymetnun Jannarrr a

dateti r•-wad nt nny t.. :n' tO.e !outon, ao c r-ISi disto' entr•n•.

Address Ii' v ROVD, Mornr e'no"



At WBo, castle.


NetOn r.tcemt.er LSth. 1•, n ' Y" hITll I. " , .- l' ,',Itetnt o w 'cc qn , -. '1 .. . a u. e ,n, L:.o't or .- Fr,' er

qon, at rewit•etI Kelo.Lk -i'i'

A MILITARY At' 4nYdY FOR BOYR.metler inhiaeed In II'- ', i1 ty olue-aorM re-.n

Bery i.,n tr. i- nl e.itio ot .' , n-e. : ri n ico e I -. .Fr•leakfrt anrod Lexnitoui. ani. -. ,. LioulsI!e lo d (:lt to •Rtle roici. ic:idre.c, wlh ei. .l v n iag,d mnciao,.mled p.k, -nd about two llurr bael r , From oflen-ile.

The Ai *nic l- ndladsi on' "d by bInmcelf, tre of modero5Dtiruc;e tc n, ~rk Iy ado1I " :,'r ide''! pn. "en. and , ttoalcdl Iii:h.crt. ',I theta- Tfh• • n edrd if edn'ntloi IALw'Wialn a tthooegners Ir e" yebrach, o heie:ore'in ltiRby Iinp.rettl nod aearcl'nirr'o n•"l.otonl the dlic" iirle lw o dke aut,, ' i-::t;'.;t irti'.irc iiir , cirtaltty and pro opinmn o .•Ite Icrtfireci i .•f entrY i dl T " d omestcde dep-rtmir.twill 'e cond'ict d a -h. care a . eralty, .s as to re:Ou re thebet;ub, crnf.,rtiard icnttrt.li-. f the cholarL Toe *'iolot*c ~ ,ron ti dvded itoi t' rms of twenty weerks each.these trot 'onmeti-igi oi ; I iee lWah. Tb charge. F'reverritl, t.. acpil u r onfi: e hoo. nod mdJcail t•I~si Jaone. wril bhet'he handred *t " aersoty fivel . 15 .I .erarees for thesnt'ieaol. n tirny weeks pe)'chl.Itwo

rtl~l itnet~lil~ente, one etise tItn tg of esob te-Ocot theseann. io dodieliliin Incm t'l-n nsea ; will a m•de foiabeno. donng ha term, esn 4t In prrtiaadt s.4toce orholnorle anIhirs'er and er o aroen a taltuoo he of 50 prcuer-n term aili be requlred -

toifim lnt•lobed 'in the ro ,t rseoabli teem. Bosk,and. enoat y at Lnisrllm i,. A0 an the oumber of ppI5Unbcoldalipi yo•- a. e In ,,o:h'-kiog ho per o'-nt reai-

Fr fouther Onrmioetn andor l B KIRBY SMITH.Studen t. ll Iw the e arn E m• o tn 'MdL Frnir ' r ce oth toreatsnilli1o0 retlr ' rmayha• a wl aeblEt isth

-- + - -- -.---


OIP, Orleni saro J merhsa l ]tsk

O lmaIyr 7 • gbc.eIt 00 enappenn Is EOBEI amPITrl~LIt.., Lasmdl.Co Cr ;.p.ssI, Nw Oris• j



LATE ELARE, STAIUFFER CO.,CO I .. . . .. ......Caeal se ... ........ ....11

In addition to a full meertmest of Foreign and Domestic



n('O. GLAS8 ETC. ETC.,

Wou:l ca'l attention to their large Stock of

T-" AGRICV'I.TURAL IMrPLE EN C 1M,ring •ompor;Ecg the following well known


2500 JAMES H HALL'8 PREMIUM. (Awa'od J r.t Pre 1-nums at the Fairs of 1.966 and 186,.


2210 I'ALHOUN A ATKINSON'd, Genu la.

15)10 HALL A& PEER'S.

Ilr0e B. F. AVERI'8.7r JON KITNG'R, Carey..3) YVORT' PLOWN AND qCR4PERt.



Tor e attontinrr ' Planter., Miller and Dist'l!ers I rat'ed to, t, Mtlr a. I ing pe.ulnrl, ; adapted to their wants 1• wlla, , rd all khtlts rraln. . off,.pie spir. arorlg., and. al,)a t.•i ,. n,, -e•l huollor We nwefnanturo six diflfrent .-I h t lse I its. tie Dprer of whle rango fr,.m 5 lto 175This Mill on- exhibited atthe tate In•nstrietal Pelr bheld at atD ,-ni M.. and wasawarded the Highest Prenam over allED C-mccttur.

L.t Erut arn. alesroor.s for the.e Mil',.0I GOravler and 17 taloe Street.

S,'re ran o tin ltd 'he olebrated HIILA ARD k ROI A, n ("' Lt) MI LAI. SA\S. This raw took atk ,ioldM, la,' , r'+ve ,ripnial aw mannfact:rrsrr of tI'e 'l* trteit.e yt t..,e loate M ,,a-r',au a and Agricr ;oral Exhttl t,,n in

t It s It y All o n found a od a••rtn ent, MTIrA\tb..+IPo•. ,r.W MILLO. MACHINE IIi.LTIN,;. .,,HS ILL MACIIBNERY general'y adaptea t the walnt i, thet, uth.

W. D. LEVITT.:t. . . T.. whom all o or, e h.,Il I bh e ,slb. asl.- t


D `I YE.- '!" A N D M A N I F A C T I-R t Sa ,: N T I, )K


146 Grawler and 17 talon street.



t of .viery ldecn.rticn, which we are offeriag at manufacaturers.prices, and reIpectlully solicit an examination of beture par-

cl-Inr elsewhere _






New Orlesat.


.(STABLIIHED INl 1S1.)Cerner of Daled sad Neuhewr esteM,

S we ism taeo Islam r hs.m and th te pae torwi foiha we arm peparedt, as Iesanly, mNt.a ease svenEasugee. B3.l., beetr Mis, Saga. Kattles, Drainlag e.shiesm saw Eles, O.tt.. Prestes. Nwell strews, Gtn eo-lug, FPrsme Memat, rteI BMars, all kinds so Plaattoine saotD stembeat Werh, ad ever leserfteNe of aIchlnry I o

the South. LEEDS 00. -Ordrn left at e. RT, Meheales' e Delrs' WDbhesOn.

wUnII ~eoa.e romoasum•U .




New wleae. B

John Geddae Jos. A. Shakespears. S. 'woop.


Iron and Brm Founders and Machinlsts, Mantahetweevery variety of Steam Engine. Sager Mills. Saw Mills,Draining Machines, Mill and i ( Gearing and Grate Or aStore Fronts Columns, Votilater and rbah Weigh

tI. on

Blackamlth Work of all kind.


CREBCENT IRON WORK8,Ile. and d FRONIT STREET. New Ota•siIs prepared to make eontracte or WEOUGHT.1R0

WOK o any DescrItptIon or Quantlty, t the Lowest PrIes

Mannfacturoer of Crmeant Brand HORNE 8HOEB


Orders left at Box l•0 Meclahaiy' Exchange, or 16 Poeoea will r•etre Prompt Atte•tila.




S.. . ....ROYAL STREET............ ....A(tle.wren Cctt.mhou s and Bienville street.)C

Mew Orlece, la.Alwayt on hand, direct from first crlas Manaeteres, a com-

plee aeortment of PARLOR, BED-ROOM and DININo-ROOM SETS; also every eeerlptiona of Cane and oashionBeat CHAItS, which weare offeringl to the trade at the lowetmarket pnrcen. and reopectfully solicit the pubhle to )s!l alexamine oVuntr o erder filled with pro mptit.de o d pa :t.. r Tlar atterntin beetowtd upon pak-inhg

M--s-- -- - -eturer .

--,D DEALWR IN-All Kae. er FurPartute,

NIo 0o BIENVILLE STREET. P(Bestween Roral and Chsrtrls mtreets.)

Nrw Ontna oril,S- -- ,. o ---- -.. ... ..



Metallie, Mahogany, Blact Walnu and Flain I ooie a-awJay on handt, Btod• Embalmed and carefnllIy nt;pl RFoneralo atteded to in person, and he hopes by strict atten- mtob t, ohtAin a bshure of onblle natronaga



(AL'RED ROMAN. AttornovatLaw I' "I'tS t 0"'I. taLi R. Attor.ey at Law, Notary Public and t. ..... -r ,'Deeds )Age

Law and Motartal Olce do'MO. 134 ORAVIER STREET.

New Orlttnt.



Me. S Ol[r•dele Sl eeS





leind IMa4m Bzpecotog te s5a gee s free smeb. wI

Medora shape ess a Mrwij b tn Al bas

Bese ofey swasmees glive whe ieie. s era


Tbhe undersignefmd have this day Irsmed a Coatt•rrshiunder the nme andh;le I eQd I •i t' :HAELL .. rcuetlnrlg the Wholes e itrosere and Commiesion buh uno.Torserly carried on by Chartes W. ftntres, at No. 71?rvl Or

.21 treet. CHAitI.Sb W. SQ Ol hX s.H Y TW C dELL

I IAVE THIS DaY SOLD MY INTEREST 11 THESI rm of HROP4HIR a* HATHORN tomy partner W.A. Shrop.hire ans I. K. hhropishue,who asame all the assetsand liabilitles.e aEEP aF. .HATlORN.

EE te Orlea..a,January 1st, 139.

We the ,'n 'eri -n•d. will continne the Wholcsate r eeryoc

and i'ommi.nst~,, ,ibes at the eld stand, 10 and 110 P'oy-dra• treet, undoe tie tlms and style of SHROPSlIIR.BRO8.


New Orleans, January ist, 1Pi9.


esibtinu on ne, the nane and itle of MAChNRELL ABO5 , . isdiuolved r•y the death of Mr Jin. R. Maunoel.

1 he buslness will the ontliiied hby WM BOGEL. sorlving Ipirner, who will aeao attend to the UqIoileIon of the busssees of the late firm,.

WILLTAM BOGEL. Bueereoor to Mannsell A Bogns. Im-porter ot Lthugs, Chn, r.sit, Perfumery. Dronggsta' Suu-or e, Toilet Aroc!e', Cogi ac., Wines nd Liqgnuors43 W•tartoe Street,

Opposite dS. James Hotel.

The undersigned, referring to the above notice, return.ILL., hi thoeks for the ierrao patronage haereto,fre letnior, on

the late iom oe Mantrsell A Beoli, reoectfoily solic.its acontinuance of the sace. WiLLIAM BO( IEL.

Successor to Maunsell A BogeL .Jaosay I, 1W).

'ed to bIc wll n ISOLUTION or COPAnTNERSHIP" b

essa The oopartnership heretofore existing under the name of 4I175 BOLZ. BLOHM A CO.. i ls ahi da diseelvd by tImitatloa.

or ail eaw OaoS, January 1, 169.

JOSEPH bOLZ, Auctioneer, will continue the AUCTIONBUSiltESS, at No. 21 C('hartres street.to Days of isle for Dry tGoods ,hoes, Boots, iats aend

to) a Notions, trESDYSl. 1T11HURDAI8 and BTATURDkYS

Also, prompt and creful attention paid to the sale of Keali Esxte, Succeostinst Port Warden's, Furnitlire, Bank St~k, L

A etc., etc. IOLZ A BERNHEIMEt, iCommnission Merchiants,

No. 2l Chartie street, aand 2 Warten street., New Y,,rk.


The copartnership hereto fre eO;tlniny tmler the na'e dnI5t)le of PIKE. .LA'S 1oE A BRO'ril.ttt is thts d.vid..n.irrel by mnutual ct'L•,ent be the withdrawal n ,i.I 1 L s-,. e,

At'. wo Ihse dsli sod of . ] his rlne to iml tirrr"s'. i te er.li. o'rnto, his late Dlt nert Wir•. ti'ke and A.e. Brother, thec) •aniong all the labil tile o' the s•tmoe

NTS. New Orleans, December 21, 18[0. aWM. 8. PIKP.J Y. ,A'APiEYRF,ALEX. BROcHER. .

The business of PIKE LAPEYRE A BR'TIt. will hiolantlnie to be iidntutwtso 1in r tbe sallre nite and .tlie outl is

the li,•t,,f au luar) text [iw19,, when ALr RE l 'e, :tPEiRS r,dt 4 PAUL ilA.t(' hi, , ,t interest in outr buoioe-s, waci, dhwi thereatler obs conducted under the ames and slt)s liei

N PIKE, Bhli TItp.i • 't,iNew Orleans, December 21. 18G0. D




irera 1J'j's . tt.If *(F$TAti'4. a '


0Oftenperson sviitinr New Yrk fom the .ionh woi-ird

preer r Ptitrae iliue to a Hotel, if t:sy knew whsrr t) oitad a ral rtlly i• -class one.

ofIE No. TB West Slteenth Street, at

Near Fifth Avenue,

orConvenlent to the principal Hotels and ('lnh*. has Ita!lyopened for first rcass people, who can •hld every rc, ,t,mui ,lt-tiono by the day. wc.k or il ,ntlh tnt n, n c-I. ive -rooms wit out board if they des:re it Applicalon by leterwill Ibe attended to without delay.

leterence--J o Nixon. k New Orleans Dii .cer-nt


This old ard well entablishtd place of " FREE AND osofEAS'' has been TIIHOOUGHLY REFITTED AND ND

SUPPLIED with the Best Wines, Liqu, Li Eng ish and pr

Scoti h Ales, ('igari, ec. Friends and acquiaintincn are in- t

formed that .t is t,1 I at the old stand, Jr

11s t•' oer JUI.:A a'" CARONDELET 'ree's

as FREE LUNCH w to served diiy Ire:. 11 . M : 11oI 0 1 - k r.r. TI. V. PETIT, T'rotr',r i

0, - - --- -o RVING HO IIUl;E .. .. .IRVINI HOtI E.

NEW YORK.Corner or Twelfth street and Broadwiy. an


E mouthern people win have stopped at this Hotel eont-tuse t

to do so, as it has, what few bntels ecn ib.-ut, ATTENTIV'E el.Walt,,r and Servants. It is iewly uth ,',ter-i. hIa. " s.it- ~elas Ladies' and trntlemen'. Rc.i-or'nto., ait I an ixcl ,v-e PotGente' Ktesianraot and Lunch lar. Also-A BA•tt and ABitLIARD TABLES. a

81ASAE end CARS pa•s right by the doortGEO. P. HARLIsW. Prop-ios.. d


WILL OPEN FOR VISITOR.S ON AlWednesday. Nov. Ith. 1868.

r 5 The RT. LOUIR IIOTEL will he opened !n Its usual .tyle n

LI. on TUErLDAT, Dec. ist, 1668• Mai. W. A. HURD, M-n.yoer. e

. E HA LL.


11 ROYAL STaREr, ch,

(Between Canal end Cutomhbouse streetsl

Loats Chaplaln........................Proprie or Ii

All the Dellacies of the ,eason are to be founid here. so

aiso, Choice WINE of aill kitnd.Parties Weddmgs, etc. etc., supplied at short snot-c.s PersIrate Saloon up ts ra.

loomes, elegmantly firnlshed, to let by the week or ar-i- '.Th•s BRestaurant la kept open till l1 oionhk P. m.


19 UNION STREET, ohiietea It Chartes and ('aroende etstreeo. PHILIPS tL P1

A. cIET, Agent. P'.ic i t sot :he times, .

BKEAKFALT-Three choice dlsha , th tt o'ee, e il 12

DiINNER---iip and four choice dishees. with Dessert and dCoffeie, seventy-five celts.

JAWKNk'3__ BA__CH--


S(Opposite B. Charles Hirstel,) B


IThe oe•t bards of LIQIORB and WT 5

E.S, sch as r - trrleA hes a terth sr yeas eon.ustaoty o haad. A.. t.

-II .s debtSxc

RIdALD d * ('.


Patr oised by the )mpr•an of the Frenct. and xto lo- ysed In all fasIhionable circles tor its Excellence d Sasirt.

e-lty. inns.

RIGAUD a CO 'B YLANYLANG and MANiLLA IBOII'ET, the snew i 't.'. RC-.id A ('n re ti ,niy " 1,porterl in lrsel e o the rro ant extractt of Ylsngylcnd. tflufthe Phpil~tiLe Isles.

RIlA CD A CO S TOLUTINW, a deiirious Tullet Woter. be,mpertor a ha de (olo,gune. Toilet Vil.ecor, or Fllor~ d

RhIARD A PO.' MIRANDA SOAP, eiqolslitly perefmied and kteepinp it frae rnce to the lot

RIisAUD A O' MIEANDA POMATUM, for prei*r h

- l aiA CD A it 50h bDFNTf)RTNE. a mcot agresrenleelixr for prerving the teeth and p•rtsmlu th e br tr:RE-ALD A (CO.'o TsOTIfi-i'RE o r a re roe

paratlon. producine a briliint wtlicners to te "rsthiJIAUOAD A CO.'SI ROb'S POWDRL . sapertur to Vi,,

and all other Starch and itre Powders.THE LIYTrLB MO PITOR; 5 iiCDE TO THE TOIL I

wtth Photographl Illustratiose will be seat on receipt o0 .e8atmp.

Who le. le R'gand A Co., 45 rue de Rlihteat iAent., F. Newberry A ones 41 St P•auo'l Chnrct Yard r

Depot Omeal to New Orleans at tF. DUCOSOS'8,

sarve Ta or- I -- -- he.

8•g •a a egh c•aabeubt, tar te us h , . IR ,,,

, w S theasonanmo: a rsa sav .

Ad Bl NAo I U A e UAI'Br OB UaMr die n or s

I e'vul ~ t l 0 l l tIheas i atar-iela. tIIVI -09 I.. I


is IsANRRst'PT"V--FSTARI OF!(ATHi -..rD. Cue nn--'nted Sitate Marhl's ha ~ml vmi,-cs o',S raoosihiaes N*ew orle.ns, Dn • dtm 2l. 16-.n bt Is ton r, .

S not'er that onhe 2J•a d -y . recemoear. a. D. 1 8, s wrarur-. n heoirup. y V6 :11-d aoaa tlt be iota.r ,fPath it 1 0- '1r mbosn, of the a. lsh or rotchitocebl eand lt. t n

:4 isis• wo w.9 adjs dr a baak-opt no hi1own petition; tth. ihe paoyment of any debt,S deiverrery' oI any prerly hl.'smingl to such io tkH irapt, to m ,r ore his use. d toe transeta of any r)ty b hlio we forbiddena bD y eb ; that a rmeetn of iti.' 'rrs W. dit• mr o tb sa f ba k, opt. to pre ther debI and to , a.

ai oa e or c.uires u5"a e o his •te. will be h~d t a cir: ..bankruptrc,t t o holden at Noa 41 .xcbanve Pl.,c. in oh- citot New irlfees, Lolaiti.a hbefore Donatlen Aunustin, R Iister, on the 2th day oy January, A. D), 1969, at 1d o'cloca. L

'-No 179. P. 3. HBBRON, t.6505 nft U. R. Marshal. Dlttriet irf Ionli.st.

fy IN BANERIUPTCY-EAATU OP JOIN W- aIR ert-Uniteo ltaes M arhal' i Otlfoe. District of LoD s

osa New Or'eons, Dee-tmber 24, 1•69. This to give nirtlaS, that on the 21.t day uf December. A D. 1968. a Worraotin Boankrptcy was issued against the .letae o IiJobs W. Torner, of the parish of Pol t Coupe. andi-tate of Loul•anLia. wo was adjudged a bankrupt on hit ow'

petiti.n; that the peyment of any debts and delivery of n dR property blo, gng to sch baoukrupt to bm h or or his 'is-Sk and the trsns'er of ny property by him are fortlddtn by Iaw d

that a meeting of thr crecitors of the said bankrult. to pri•Sthe Ir det sand t chose oe or more aalgn-ea of his est•ao) wlil ine hel at a Cout'tot Bankrnptc).to he holden a: Ni p41 Exrhange Place. in the city oi New Orleans Ibtleoiioi. tibe'ote Doatirt ai •ostin. RegLste, on the 25th day of Joounv. a. 1. 50, ut 12 o'chlok .

m- -NoU.1. IP. J. HERIRON, a-dr25 j4t3 " C. R. Marhbal. District of Lotislan( t

el. BAorD K UPTC NH rATM OP Dlot-Ure 1S " tates Mar.bal'' Offie.District on

Loulsiana, New Orleans, Leremboer 24, 18--T•ls Is to Rivenotice that on the 21st day of Deceanher, A. n. 1868, a

tu Warrant tn tankrtpty was Isosed against the eeto.e ofarlo Iuk Powers, of parish ol WuestFeLicuanu and State lf

ts a Loutlata. who was adjudged a baunkupt on 'its •au

petitio.n; thut 'he pattrent of ay debts and delivery otany property beh•nglag to surch btnkrust to him or for hisu're. and the tiansfer of any prorty by him are for.biddlen by law; the, a meeting of the credtlo, a of the said ti

I1P buokript to prove their d .hts and to eooase one or more as-shre ofihbiseetate, will be hbld at a (Cort of Bankruptcyof to be holden at No 41 Exchuage Plae, in the eaty n 1New Olean. losiana. before Donaion int tits, Reales. Fo the 2tb day of January A. 1869 at 12'elonr. . 3

A-No 173. P. J IJERSON.d25,la2 UIT. . MarYhal District o• Lanisiantea

ION I BAAKRMPTot - ESTATE OP ANDERI6I ilton Ksean-tsLted itate Marshals Offr Dr trirt of a

and Louislane, Bew Orleans. December h 24 10s6-This i to ivte dn notre that on the 22d day of De-emberr 18i9, a warrant inban•ruptcy was issued agalnst the stae of Andrew MiltonKea. of heiaolid. in the paranh of Laforche and Stte of Cich, Louiuns.a, wio was adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition tthat the p iment of any debts and delivery of any pr,,wet ebelrg--i t,, rsuch bankr.pt, to him or for his une and thetransirr iof lsy property by him are forbiiddin by law thll ria meontll g of e crecitore of the said baakrupt, t prove BI

k their debts, t d to ehoose one or more •nslg ee of h' Vetta, will re held at a toour of Bat.ktrnntVy to ti holden at VNo 41 ELxchonpgel':. In iro citly of New iirleontt,f o Los CI. auia, behrore Dra'iel Ai.,.u;ini. •lerioteri. o the 25h Id. if (,1Jannroury, A. D. Io03, it 1 o'clock A M.

i A-'to. 17. P J HERRt)N,de25 ija3 U. S. Marshal District of Loi.lian. AI

- ' ----- ------- -- S.----~In N HBA.KRI'PT('T--ETATE OF REI'RE M.

(llhol--,( Tie b ted States Merte J, u strict o~ la ,urna, New Orlleona. DeI . 25, 18618 This is to gle otice ts !l Sinl t.e 2t O2dy) rl Decemr,er, . D. loi, a Aarrant 'n tisk. a

rlptrcy wae asurd against the estate of •abe-i lM Ilt+son, no the sparls•s of Choncorlia ad State otLouiianr.a who wa i odjndg d a batkrupt on h t own pcIttion. bthat the roynent of anuv drbt. and delivery of any pro nerty owill beloneiig to suclh hank, upt to him or for he use, and theIll traneler ot t) prperiy by him are foebidd.a bylaw; at a It

f omeetiLg of thl cbred.t're of ':esaid haukrn it to priVe their IL-c deili and to c.oore ol or moe .i .igee of I.is estate.. nil o

he held at ait ,urt of Bankruoprcy IIt be bonle ot No 41 r'rchane Pla e, In tihe city of New Orltns., Ilutsilana, be t beDon.tloui A lngttu Ker•Rer, on the 2th day of anulary,.D ItO9 at Ir o'lock r. da

A-No 1lI. P. J HERRO,.cr290 iO IT, . . Marshal. District oft i,.iiana. di

Nr 1 s MAC rr KLr TCY -ESTAT OP ICAOLRfA't 11LoLwi'.in'ir;.i oly nod as t metruber of tle firms of i'. SC(asear i 1,..". .,: (o'i;rier,. Lewria to ., ianolrup I-L'Clted ;;Sltates Marshal'. fire, DlSrnct of io.uiaiunO, sew Orlet, . 1-IDecember 4th.". I hie im to uive n-ltce that on t'eltit ety of ltrcembr, t A . dio, Warrait ItI Blaruptcy wa • ofuned .againtr the ertatre ,.t iruidtoo Lewls, id:- Livrdnallt at.d as a nutnhr ot the frres i.f C. (l'opr A l'i,t d Cramer. L-wisa Co,.. of New Orlauns, In the par'4" ifOrleans and baote of L•oUlt ano who was •Ojudril .

.''d a bnkruopt on I.ie oan peititon; that the pyment N, of any oeatsand dirlvery of any property belonginog t cesunch bankruopt,. to him or fo- hin use. and the trace er of

any prope ty bytilm, are forbiddesn by l•w; bthat a merting atof the credot or ol the said bankrupt, t, prove their delt* aandto c•o ee oe or more Rsigne of in e'tae, will e10iaid at t Court ,f Baakrupsy, to be holdsn at No. 41 ax-rLorce Place, iv the ciy ot New Orleoeo. UIotslaoa, htoro WD' nati.n Anr.astln. Reriottr. on the 23d day of Jan. toD ry 1(g a tt12o'clock I.

ly A-No 172. F. ,. HERRON.i e- d I U. Marshal, Deitirct of Louitan .

1t N 5ANK RUI UPT3 '--ESTATE (OF RICHRD R II.t Wootn., - I nrated Staoes Marshal•s OficeI District oI 12

Loniliuiua New ()liroer. Detvnih r '. 111i Tiis is to ~ vlre anotice that in the -b th d-y i DrrLiobr, A. D 1•i, at aor.rat tIn iankruptcy was ite ed agairlt the otae ofRile ad O. Wioton, oi the psrlbh ',f Cata.laoa ansl PFSttle if Lounisiaa. who wa a'lj'uledo a bankrupt on is cD on peitlatn: that the p*yilmt of any delFes and delif oyof any property belonsing to -me, botnrnbt, to him or ir t iD :e at a the trr*'ler it oay property by hbi aie Lourtidier: ylaw; thtt a reetin., n tLe credit J- if the said i okrrpt. , d•

ad prove tlrelrdrebu ard 1to r h one 0o nir more asoitrers of is Oerste, will be held at a Cbourt of Bankruiptcy ,o be holden

in. st ho. 41 C cian.e Plae, in the nrty of New Oirleso Lo, 00stan.l before Dilntlirn A utentin. Register, on the of thdn Iotjalo ary A D. 169, et 12 o'clock a. b

\o lay, J. HERRON,S, o1 U. R MarshIl. D:etrlct of .oiia.na b. .

11 N PAn KRI1I-rFV-E-.TArE tOF ANDKL\t ,S Wo. . s--i'o til ihtatel . r-.h:t lilm i. Di-tlrt oi Lon ' 4atna. New Orlens. I a , Dec mr. 1"6-'-This is•s R"iver notice :h :tron te .!s "Ie u.f Dot nt ter o a D, 1r , r WarratA in anlt•-

rnup ry wt ir)unel ar inut the es(ate of Ardrew C Woid. .I Tt. t-i towni s f I. ,IslA's Pl..tt tlnon. in tl i p.'-th ofl -',

baton lioge and btate of L aiinha who w d sdj'rl Fa bankrupt on his own pe: tlsn; that the paym ,, iany debte and deliverr of any property belmgin( to •". "hiuakrupl to him or for his use, amid the trtunfer of a. dipriieti by him, are florldden by law; that a meetein- ifSIe icriliIi r of bthe aid otl krupt. to prove theirdebI and to

'1 t. i.'' n.ou or more at asgoot , f hi estate,. wi I he hold att- C.urt 'F •ankruptcv to be holden at No. 41 Nxc:an.'.Plse in the city If .ew Orl-an, Lo'iritan, bef re Do: a' nd AIunill. ptilerster. on the 30th day of January, I. A. I-r,ia: 12 o'ct-k M,

A-No. 1,6. F. . HERRON,dr-29 Ja3. TU . Marshal. District of Louisiant.

IN BANIBR C CPTCY--ESTATE OF UBIN L\- bteT+ ltP. rile . tndl du llsio, and o co'partner of I!. Lar..it*tI A tCo.--United States Marshal's Otre•. I)i•otlct o

L.onisiana, New Orlean Deremnrer 2. 6I0. --'rl'is I :o1 dse nota. th.It on thie 261' dy of Decemboer, A D litia tiltarn.nt in Ban.ruptey wae isaued egainst the esoatr dr

of 'rb;en Larous:ni and ane ropartner of U. Larouis

'se oril A ('o,. o ti.e ci'.y "if nNew Orleanis. ptr..in COit rf (Irlnrse and State o if Lni.tne. , who was a nd;iul. se,a bantkrpt on hit own petition ; that the asyment ,fiany debts and deivery of any property belonging to su h tbaskrllpt, to tim ir for hia usan, d the trsuoler of riy dlprolecrt) by him. are forbidden by law; that a moetino f , bitile creditors of the sad konkropt. to prote tbelr debts .1t 'o, alchobo one or more r rrlineo ,1f h o etat0e, wl be head it eCourt of ankruptecy, to e hodan at Ni. 41 Ixexoiaoe tPlace In the rcityif New Olresns. Loua•rein. hifure D,,.* - La-tier n glllin, lletrer on the e it day ol Ftebhry, ur, . 0119. st 120dolck a.A-No 111. P. J. rIERRON. bde294 a3J U. 8. Marshal. District of Lousliann is

II BANII• PTC'-ESTATE OP JOAMNELSEX tiCoa--t 'ilted etIrs N arl o ar'' I tice. ilD-tr:rt of liliolL

Luts•wr (el.n.eas. Lreetns l 'D•h.l I,. 'Toue ioiihsc ti ete n, ,,thatcn the c2ti h day o0 D m er. co A 0. ii V. r a dtrat iban talrltt •wsle i lr oeIeod th ilnIt thl C etatli r ,JBitrWn-'-it 1 ( ox ot f h oopte o tle pariei oif t.,, It ,d,. Itsand bate eo Lwoulas atu wost- n• h dluledasb n0rh t ,,n 'to' pethi toi: Into:hie pa0n0et i' asoy d-rvor ril I b-liier" of ay proetti r',onglua t," .01uc1 ra ) Ohipti to hb orr ikri oi i oire d lbf t. a ,' an ie ,,tiriper olirti ',oa rty•,riidiioiu by iri, ti itt o oti. ,rthe olrnltnr of te irid enl b rnrpt,.proolenrDi tooord d ., f

'i'.nrt f Rfnironpto, Itiu.r hdil atN'i. ll txcihi. - CIIPl-Pce.utriio-'iy.o Ncw cirea;-i ieftiro al,,titn st:.:

t n r.l.irs, Inthe tlrat doy ol Feoruorsy . D lihi. itt12 o' lb e. thr

A-No, I P. J HERR(OI, byde29 r 3l0 U. P. Marshal, Ditrlci of Lonoslna. m

IN BaIAN• U PT(Y--EhTATE O ALEX PhI o "-lk' e- Jailed btat's e lOMe. Die trter P.t

Lotlatana, Nose Orlesno, Doesmbner 211, iS-Thin is tto tlie tnoiee that on utie thdy o DIecember. A D ~M;1. aw , warot. i citn bhnbrvtoysl iusendag snvt the eatte u •,f lAend r P 0Biowu , of the parsihb f Eatr Fel'e!nla. aid tiate ,Ilouilrna. who wans esdod-du * Onkru,' iii hlir oulr ,i-.tihs.ths i tepa mrent of uy ulotsinorld lo.iery ,fino r I '- halIel..niing' to 1rii bankrpt, to him orfr i r. h . nr t'.tretrsle <,f nlny Irisooirtvb hi, oiirolishu !.)rl.l l iAbitw: t. ii aii'itiltoot tlie, ii t-cl, r iuri'the htbnkrup, t',, ' rve Iy .iol.ursdeb ts al d tI oh 'iie ie or mt re .-oM ,Ie , ,l, eiiat . 'w adohe hrld sat a (' ort of BiRakrirT'. to , behlin at st N II fllrxchrcge i'lai e in th- roy ol New i)rlOI it .lt., rO'I uotiie iu tii cRie- er, Ou th0 lt d .y of J O.f,

oi-r l,12. F.T ITERRON . fChred Jul10 U. 8. Marsb l. DlOt lct of' Lo•riLa.

.Il>'o-l'nitan iw ai Massll (lole. nDistrict o0 Liii-. 0111s n alewiirlea1 t ec. 16 . 1-Z Tthi 1tn t t rogi utie t lit

mn.try wt. Ipnt a agamet the is tad e .,0In t At ;pOee t'oc, ,•lldropen, in the Parish itf u"'v,+• o uh8 otatr' :

ht y debth i iiisoo any ,ary 5if atto "h .. ;

tilrbas.ir I iny prb-,pe . trosi i. t.

il rutnio s toi r. i tr i,,ii is n .r Ne i l kr ,[t t ,, i-,. r - -. ll

D.rt, a:'n rili-f ,er, the P LL r, on in blb day . l JollU. t sho

A--.c I-;. . F ut IERit'.,

I BINKI UPTCY--ITIATE OF PFI ' RL:LI lIhard er-i -I i-.t ,tute- Mtrar . ,,•vi rit...luiat N-n"' (Irnto. Jrn ;a T:,I. al:.o ot eSaltnrio 21.t ,Ii, C i''cerrsr ie I -' " u'r*tL; Tie

, ii .t iiUd i' as - tod e t i .ui i!tol, il.dlo. i-lir e l r. c.ythoe onre ir Ilte-sit, o ari State o'h I[.,,:. inl. be, .l•

lt a y nterh 'od , he itr d0ay ote;rt , .r 'D. t,, is par,

hanksriul tl, h, ,,.<,r;. hiseu-e. dlhd J.' t iiorO' pp nperr hy hitm ar f,,rLidde by lar. thrt a Ieistanl O 1i CIirtdtorfte - dlb'r-olb sh oU.tti pr s' hicr veD to-'i. i is

I'('out o BsnkIul.vtc. to I,- lIhlJen ai No 4l EooCoslcl. PI .in he lr iu New turaiurl., j lorlilc isfire DiiooiiO igust r. HogIster, on llthe 6t1 da of r'eb

rhtury, a. o I-J, a.ii bale

A--'so. 19. F J HilaRIOM.ii5 fetL U.L. Ma-ha, Distr 1t of tloislana I til

|I B P 'BTCT,--PSTATg OP RAML'EL-. BMu hank, inidledi . and as oo-prr ,,fThanes a•, i

S. N gurbrk, -f Jefferson.--United Stsl Mort g'6 "sOfie-. Dstrict of Lounlsiaa, New Oriet, Jan-i to13. 111C9 Ts is to 51r- notite that os the twe.taday ot Jannsey. iD. a149. a Warrant in Bhakrnptoy Stockwoo isr•ed aitit the inlete of Ratosl N Muobarik, of PewO rlrans In parish a Otlons alud 8Itat of (loaieiana. who Vhes 1 eeo adjtdued shak anpt ou hki ow petition; that toe In lbpsI mist of any oebtl asd dsllery If any sooety bltOgiiocto1 uac belkrpto kits or t,,r his a.. aud the tenrano of atyproperty by him., reM forbdden y law; tht a testanlgfb. ithiredltore of tlUos l b iIrt to Peows thatr debts and toi welhor e one or mores sictesa of hit..tuitwill bebh.ld at aCiort ol BankriipiVe.to.o bhe hoda at no. IlzeIi l PL we,In bea ctty ha ew reas. lanhs a bcor Dotaeia. ni. CC- ]

A--iN 279 P 3. HERRN. pljalt fe4 U. 8 Matshal, Dietrict ol Isoaliaan.

She go @riaa maent.i,.. WEDNEBDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2O 1869.

l IDt 1 ew rrltans na art

OUUacUM oDeltN. N. 0Mn 0umvv,Tasada Isvaia. Jan. it. . I

The condition of the money market still remlionts for several weeks put. Currency is in ab ino-

• dart supply sai limited demand at previonu q:i,ations for all grades of paper. a will bieen by

the snmjolaed Igureu. vis: Eight 4 cent. anunritat bank, and l0141 cent. 1 month out of door-for short gilt-edged paper, and 10@12 Z6 cent. i!

- annum for long dated notes, secured by triktlAl city mortgage.

rraLi GOLD AND rILVE-Tbhe Gold market has beena o inactive and unteady from the opening of the

nI week. Offerings were light throughout. - .. then demand was at no time better th., moderate. ales of bilver were, as heretofore, confined todriblets at about 2@2i points below gold rates forAOerican halves and quarters, and 24@3 cent.premium on gold for Mexican dollars. oerationsto-day comprised $2.000 and $10 000 at 135 ; $3,000at 136; $30.000 at 13@l636 ; $2 000. $5,000, $5,0x0and $10.000 at 136t ;$6.000. $14,000 and $16.000at 1361; closing at 133•@1353. We now quotesrld at l351@13 5 ; Amerioan silver coin 1314j

Not 132, and Mexican dollar, at 137}0138.FoaRla.N ExcANos--The movement in Sterl.

ing and Francs has disclosed no improvemente of whatever. The market was but poorly supplied

toof with commercial bills, and the remittance demandwas quite limited, while rates varied from day today, in accordance with the fluctuations in Gold

for and Exchange at New York. The transactionsre today were light, as will be seen by the following

pti e *sats, viz: 1000 sight commercial Sterling att a 1471; 4000 tanker:' bill at 1481481 ; 100.000

a. Franse at 3.82,.and 10,000 private bankers' do. at3.814. We quote bank Sterling at 1470148t :commercial do. at 146t@1471; bank Francs at

- [email protected], and commercial do. at [email protected] aMESTIC ExcAN•oE-Transactions under the

let of above heading have upiformly tended in favor oftgi drawers and sellers. Offerings of commercial

,on sight and short sight were of an unusually limited.ot character, and the demand was generally fair0 though at no time heavy or excessive. Rates, how-

ever, have advanced a fraction as will Sppear ono .M reference to the closing figures this evening. Tue

r~ sales for the day included the follow!g amount-,at viz: $,30 000 sight on New York at 7 16@• dis-count; •30,000, $45.000. $50,000, 800,000 and $75.-

of 1,00 do. at } discount; $120,000 do. at ] discount;$10 0(0 one day's sight on New York at ; ; $50W0,n and $18,000 sixty days do. do. at 21 discount,

- -- $70 do. do. at 2, discount; $12,000 sight on liaston at 1 discount; $30,000 fifteen days sight onS Now York and Philadelphia at 1@i! discont:.We quote this evening, bank sight on New Yorkat ; discount, commercial do. Val discount.A UNCtHREIT NOTES AND Sshtt'ITlts-There boaion been a fair, though at no time heavy, demand t ,r

It most of the leading securities during the pastthree days, and prices have generally been wellc alttained with an upward tendency noticeable iniseveral classes. As our daily reports have ern-brated full particulars, however, it is only ccc, s-

a. sary now to add the operations for to-day, in ur-der to obtain a correct understanding of the con-dition of the market, viz: $10 000 City TreasuryNotes at 35 per cent. discount: $2000. $300.1,S$4000 and $•3000 at 35 ; $26 000 at 36: $10110 Jack-C. on Railroad change bills at ;2; $5)001 and $10,0100.ed Stae warrants at 85f ; $10.000 and $10,000 do. at864; $2400 small do. at 90: $1300 past due couponsof old State bonds at 82A; $3000 six per cent.

d Levee honds at 70, and $10,000 eight per cent. do.i at 851 150 shares Union Bank, seller's option,

t sixty bfays, at $36 25 per share; 75 shares Bank ofn.@< New Orleans at $:17 50 per share; 160 shares Cres-

cent City Hank at $26 73 per share; 100 -hares d,.tii at $27 25 per share, and 25 shares of Mechanics'

siti and Traders' Bark on private terms.c SPLECIAL DiPraTCHas.-We are indebted to the, Western Union Telegraph Line for copies of thesni following private dispatches received from that

route to-day, viz :.New York, Jan. 19-10 A. x.-Gold opened at

-13. . 10:30 . .-- Gold 1.3.. Cotton market dnll,holders anxious to realize. Sterling 109~@ll0;.., 12 M.--Gold 135'. Cotton market dolt-hboldrs

i anxious to real:ze. Nominally middling 281;..Mobile 29c., Orleans 2!1.c. Sterling steady. 3P. M.- Gold clcsed at 1352. Cott ,n dull. Prices ou-changed. Sales today 1,O10 bales; middlinr 2o..c .Mobile 29c., Orleans 24+1,. ilertug steady.

, Lcerpool, Jon,. 1t--11:15 A. x.-Cotton marketto dull. Estimated ailes 10,•00 Dales. Uplands 1031.,t Orleans Il:d. 1:20 P. M.-Cottoa market dull, pricesdo uncharged. Estimated sales 10,000 bales. Ship-SI ments rove Bombay stiee last to 16th, 10.tOO

bales. 5 r. w.-Cotton market dull. S•le- 10o,000boles. Uplands Ill n1lld. Orleans ll' llcld.,uplands afloat 11ll•lld.

L.,l,dni. .Jan. 13-11:15 A. M.-Consols 92:( 4::. 5-.0'sT7 ;.

S 1/1, re. ./n l. 1'l--. M.-Cotton opens heavy..t; Tree oidiraire 133. Low middling, afloat, 13.5.

I:;,oah ll:oasea-lhe followieg comprise thtisais at the board to-night: $2000 and $10,0,) 1

S(,~cd at 1:;5'; $1000 City Treasury Notesat ::1Ia. deconut: $4500 do. at :;5; 20 shares Carrolltnu

L.t l road stock at $43 share.

dommercial anteuligcnce.OCsacs" orrces. No. 54 Oas SOvrs, I

.Tlsdeay lEvosag, Jan 19, 186 IRIo Iew oF THE MAstETs--There is slightly

- better teellng noticeable in the general wholesaleasd jobbing tradeof the city, but bunaness hasnot

tc Jet tunty recovered from the apathy created by, tThe recent holidays. Cotton has been dull and" drooping from the opening of the week. Tobac-a co has teen firm but inactive. Sugar and Molas.4si es sold freely on receipt at full prices. Flour

hss been in ample supply and limited demand atdeclining figures. Corn has disclosed a betteriLquiry tor export at previous prices. Oate, BranSand Hay have been languid, with a reduction inrates of the two latter, while Pork, Bacon and

.. Lard have been in but limited request at down-S ward prices, except keg lard, which is scarce and

higher. Money is still eary. Foreign Exchangeis quiet and unsteady, and DIomestic Exchange- tends upward with a somewhat sincreasing remit

s tance demand.Corro--The movement in the leading stapl-

Sduring the past three days has exhibited conitantly increasing langour andl depression. Advice ,ihom Liver, ool and New York were of a discoir

aging character throughout, whi:e the iontablildyo1 Go d and Exchange miaterially tended to retardlo(-eratic.ns. Prices have in the meantime considl-erob y reacted, and would douotless have goeIstill lower butt for the Irmited charai-ter of thcoffering supply and the indisposition of factors.

Smarcy of whom kept their samples coveredthropughcaut, to nrke the concessions demandedby bu)ers. For afull understanding of the morovement, we would refer to the annexed extractsfr-m our daily reports, via :

Sctrdu!l, .Jan. 16--There has been less janims-tion in the market to-day owing g, a slight re-action at New York. The offering aup Fly woeof a very restricted character thrciginout, hoe-

Seeer, and the total sales aggregated only 300,1hal s at 51t.)o. ii de-ine. e

. $/,,,1,ccc. ltriucry 18-The market has beinlaiguid toroughout to day, owing to discourai:i:ado ies ofrr, l.iverpicil and New York. an i to afllhn itff in rates if ;old and i.'Pcregn EbYhant ..SOfferings of bll gr des c intio u d light, however,aRn( tporations were eatriited to l-ud bales at ..fuirt er dec:ine of 3~3,r . 3 It.

T•ue.ily, Jai. i:,.--This has been another in-active day in cotton circles. Intelig-nce fron alloutside points con;inued nnfavorable, and pu:-chasers generally refused to go on except aprices whchl a majority of holders steadily re-tused to accept. In fact. the actual sales for theday anmounted to only 2:00 bales, and the mirk-trohced unsettled at the following quotations, vz :O)rcinary 24O4-c., good ordinary 2Pi•-i,;423)., liwn i.ld!dng 2t;.5i,2f; c., middling [email protected]:., and strc: 6nciddian nnminal. As coopared wi-h the roliogprtc es Friday tvLintg. tce 15'h inst., the abveshow a net decliue of l•14c. 0 1,. upon allcla-s.-ficst:oe. .

3]li' tortal sauos for the past three dJva harveamto.uoted to c-ly 71u0 baeirs again-t 14,70 balesIr Ihe corre*pi.,oliog time last weok. the netreciptls were 12.1:1, baies, against 12,030 bdl-slot wiek. showing an increase of 1100 bals. aTire agarega'e exports summed up 16 0.1- bales, P

an-net 14 177 baits last week, and the stock onhat I and on shipboard, not cleared this evening.is 122 3e0 bales, agnioast 122,23.10 ba'es Tuesdayevei.ig, the 12th ins:., and 123 003 bales Fridayenening, the 1lth inst. The exports for the pat dthrne days have been divided as follows, viz:1115 hales for Providence, It. I., 23'11 bales ftrNew York. 7,:i bales for Liverpool, and 6,:.;bales for BoIton.

siwk as haud September 1. 1 .........-...- 3.-360 m-3.o.reda.c.e era--...... ......... i . -~L cuvsed prov.•al.............i... 16 5(701 7

rteek n hbad sad shlpSad............... . 122.SO hi

'oRnacco-We have no change of import to noste s:in ths market during the puast four days. The 3o

rew crop ts arrivg in samall quantities, the qal- nity of which is reported leafy, of good color, butiwanting in body. By advice. from the interior, 14we learn that the crop will prove very inferior, incomparison writh last year's crop;the greaterpart will be lugs or low lear. makiag thoes grade. tplenty and low In price, and haviar the opposite 1Ceff ct on the hilghr grades. We hear of a very

etre alving b .made in this city within t;aput two o thre wes at a price which has beaksuppressed. The stoek of ola leat now on bhanis ompted at ot over 200 hd. W now quotemarke'i as follows :

o.fe......................:.... 8b.a .. ..

. .ir ....................pt" .iiii::.... I. s;

in Wrape .......................... M taSc.Receipts past four days 22 hhds.: exports none.

Sales 46 hbd. old leaf at 124c. 1 baler Mexicanat 17c.; 7 hd. old leaf at $13 50.

MANt'PACTrr-D TOBACco - There is but littlecall for quantity. A moderate jobbing and retailtrade is being donq at unaltered flguret.The following quotations will embrace nearlyall kinds now in market, viz: Commonunsound 3(@45c.; do. sound 43@•5c.: medioumtis. bright 60@60c.; good do. se. 65(0ic.; extai

No. 1 ls. bright, $0090o.; half lbs. brglh',65@65c.; do. dark 60@55o.; No. 1 5's and10's 55060c.; navy half lbe. 500600.; navy lbs. 506ori;r fancy, natural, twist, cak, cake, etc., 750.@$1 lb.chewing is quoted at 50c.@$1 15.

SLonR AND MaOLAssas-The market has beenactive to-day, and all arrivals sold on being lande•

Iat yesterday's quotations. Choice molasses to-day3 brought 72c. We now quote market as follows:RSuar. Inferior 8@9}c.: common 104@101c;lair lli@12o.; fully do. 124@l2jc.: prime 124 ~13c. ; choice 13@134o.; seconds 11@lllc.; yr.t.low clarified 14@14c.; white do. 1541@•:.t Molasses, l felor 66@57c.; common 58@60o.; far62,l65c.; prime 66@68c.; choice 700720 R,--t ceipts to-day 10l1 hhds. sugar, 1i17 bbls. mola-es. Exports 230 bbla. molasses. Receipts f•:last four days 2571 hhds. sugar, 4677 bbls. n-a lasses. Exports 14 hbds. sugar, 1713 bhls. ei -r lasses. Sales 2500 hhds, sugar and 41,50 bbls. m,,-t lasses.

FLi.oe'-Continued large receipts serve to keepprices depressed. Several sales have been mwadtoday, with figures entirely in favor of buyers.Some choice favorite brands are unaltered infigures, but these cannot be said to aid in repro.seating true state of marlet. We now quotemarket as folows: Fine $6@G 124; superfioo$6 '7l@7 10; X $7 12}; XX $7 20Q17 40; XX\$ t-: choice $90i -. The following sales arer reported to day: 50 bbl. common 66, 100 fina

$6. 200 ibla. do. In lots $6@6 26, 16 in $6 2,230 bble. on Its merits $7: 60, 94, 26 do. superfino7S. 42 bble. fine $7. 100 superfine $7 ft1, 101

XX $7 10. 100 do. $7 20, 125 do. $7 50, 160 on itstermns. 350 choice private terms, 400 on Its meritsmenli $7 55, 60 XXX 67 75, 100 and bOodo. privateprivate terms. Receipts to-day 11,075 bi,ls.Receipts for pat fear dayla26,83. Exports 1970.Sales 8S00 bbls.

Comm-Has been moderately active at un-changed flgures. The supply of choice is light.Large quantities of green are being sent to us thisyear, which Is not In great demand. Merchanta-ble finds good sale at 77@78c. for white Western.)0c. for yellow. The following sales are reportedtoday : CU0 white, a little green, 76o., 700 ordi-nary do. 7t;c., 1000,1000 and 350 choice white 77:.,1(00 sacks yellow and yellow mixed 77c., :;33ichoice yellow 0oc. Receipts today 18,593 sacks ;for tie last foar days 45,660 sacks. Exports to-day 2O0 sacks; for last four days l,36i7 sacks.8,,les te-day 6000 sacks; for the last foear days2S 1 00 acks.

OArs-lhere is but little activity noticeable inthis market, The receipts to-day are large, aridhave been some inducement to buyers, but geno-rally the market was far from brisk. Choice lit.Louis is now quoted at 67@68c. g, bushel Saltato-day foot up 00o sacks as follows : 200 sacks att67c., 100 and 600 do. at 6Ec. Receipts today,7214 eacks; since Friday, 10,70(. Exports pastfour days, 850 sacks. Sales do.. :200 sacks.

l:nea-Is dull and depressed. Supply in firsthand is light. 15.0 sacks were sold to day ac$1 05, which is quoted as the market price. I:H-reilt4 t,,-day, 1781 sacks: last four days, 53 21.Exports do., 423 sacks. bales do, 3400 sacks.

Bav-Is also depressed and lower. PilmeOhioriver is now quoted at $25; lair do., $24; ordina-ry. $22@,2;. 100 prime Ohio river sold to day at125, 200 fair do. at $24. 200 do. do. at $23, 50 ordi-ary do. at $23, and 100 bales uninspecLed at $622.Receipts since Friday, 23:19 bales. Exports, l.jbales. Bales, 1100 bales.

Poax-We have the pleasure of reporting a do-cided reaction and improvement in this ma kettoday. Western advica thi a. - ewwa oneatJ ....nsg a sodden and important rise antli article of from 75e.($1 # bbl. This a. x.the mnarket opened at $23 75; to unight it closesvery firm ai:lh an upward tendenccy at $;0 50'3$30 75 Jt bbl. Some dealers are holding at $::1,as will be seen in our exchange report. One lotbuyer's option, ten days, was sold at $31. Thefollowlag salts were reported to day: 100) bbls.('ate last night, not reported ) $24 73; 300, 130,11 0 and 200, to arrive: 61, b0, 43, and 100, sold pre.viucly, to arrive, $30; 1oo on levee, 50 andbbls. at $30 23 ; 50 bbls. $.;') 5: 50 bbis. primrsfMess on prnvte terms. Reeipsl, to-dsy 2 ,blis. ; for past four days 1715 bbls. sales do. loi)bbl'.BAcoN--le very quiet and prices are easy and

1 generally in favor of buyers. The demand issmall. Stocks of aides and clear rib light. Themarket is now quoted at 14•@l4jc. for shoulders.clear rib 18c., clear sides lebblh,43 . Breakfau-bicon is in fair demand and moderate supply at17@lc. V lb. New hams have a good call at 2L(g22c. and are in short supply; old are withoutinquiry and are offered at 13@17c. Receiptssince Friday 614 casks. 277 tierces. 40 boxes. Ex-ports 4 tierces, 50; packages. Sales 125 casks, c;t erces.

l.aru-- Is quiet but firm, the heavy receipts oftierces, with baut little demand, has ca3sed ntaccumulation and prices are easy at [email protected] on the other har.d has been in good demaudand receipts have been very meagre the last f, adays, consequently prices have remained firm andto ddy have even increased. Sales were madethis evening at 2140. We now quote kegs firm at21i21Ic. The only sale reported to-day was 2.kegs at 20mc. Receipts to-day 214 tierces, 2 0kegs. Receipts for past four days 1015 terces,4(:1 kegs. Exports 33 packages. ales 1l30 terces,23':; kegs.l)vY btail.T Mars-Tn a small way there `ia

been a little more Interest in this market to-dayaed prices are firmer though not quotably higher.The lullowing usales are reported: t oaks Shbooli-era at 12c.; 5 casks clear rib at ibc.; 5 do. cle esides at l;jc.; 10 oaka shboulders, lane this evem-inu. at 12"o. The above, together with heads artt;1T7c. are the market quotations.\Xll, ii--ls very dull and still depressed in

price. Stock on hand large. Western rectlludploot and L.ousiasa are all quoted at $1 gallonin first handsind $1 05 10 by dealers .Nosals 1reported to day. Rleceipts to-dlay 47 bbls. It-ceipts bor past four days 174t bbas. Exports •.bbls. bales ::0 bbls.

('crs MPal.-There has been a fair demand ita jotbing way at reduced figures. (hboice kihin-dried has been sold and is quoted ?t $3 75 ~l bi.;in retailing at $4 • bbl. o bbLIa. asold to-day ar$3 30.

Brisrve Tmtramrant--The aupply is light and Inonly retail demand. It is ofaered in lots at 47~::.

gallono. and 52}@55s . in a retail way.loists-The stoc is very light and the demaun

gotod for csmall Its. We quote pale $4 .50, No. L63, Ni. 2 $2 253@2 30 and comemon at $2 40. P'aleNo. 1 is scarce and in good demand.

TAi--Is very dull at $2 25 for small packages,bunt tLere is a iod shippiog demand for 40 gallorbbl. at $5.

PFirT - Is in fair supply and in light demanIat f: 73 1: bbl.R•tir OiL-Continues firm at 356. P gallon.Llia-Is in fair supply. Thomstonm and Io,,k.

land, in small lots. command $2 23(@J 50 bb ..Cape Lime $2 256, Wetern $2 W bbt.

VINsioa--We quote best cider 20220)o., Cil-cionatl grapre 2540c . gallon.

Litzsa1D I-41 164$1 20 lj gallon; retailing at61 36.ho. Trs--There is a good retail demand at

INDA lBAGiniro--Ls quiet with little or no demauffor round lots. We quote India bagging, retail, 1:00IJ4c. for rolls,and 204nt~2o0. or bales; for blanketbagging 23c. in rolls and 24m. In bale. Ken-tucky bagging is in light retail demand, and weluote 1G lac. for hand loom and 21026o. for

power loom, according to quality.t~ny laos-T-l'he stock on hand Is very light

and in good demand. and noes in first hands, a, 1prices role from 202@*0o. for round lots and 21:.at retal.

E,.•n--On landing at 27@2i~. :1dozen, and 2-;b bbl. in oats. Market well supplied sad dull.t'otLTavY-Selling on landing, turkeys $18 t!dozer; geese $9; chickens 65./srlaans- Ths supply Is moderate and de-

mand light. Prices firm at )5('0o. for Western.BaooMus-c rce and in good demand at $3 2

04 for lots from landing.BaL Rowl--Is only in light retail demand,

and the supply is ample. It Is held at 8•0. forround lots arnd 9c. lb. at retail, for choicemachine.

Corrow bran Ot--Is ia fair supply, but withonly a moderate demand at $1@l 05 for reflnaed andt0e. t gallon for crode.

Farlr-Malega lemous are selling at 63 50j 4box. New Balakts, for boxes $3 8n@63 90; half do.6 622 $ o35: quarter do. $12546$1 35. Citron34c. ilb.. Prunes 15c; Corrats 14@15n. lb.;new bates 16..; Almonds 280.; Pecans 16@17o.

(c•nLasb-- rket rates are: 12 ow. 17017)c.;14 ez. 200.; 16 os. 23c.

oar,- Palm soap is quoted at 707)c. 9 lb.PaL-- LiverpOob is in fair demand. Coarse $1 95$2; t*e $202 10. Large lote from warouso

10c. less. Turk's Island $1 50@1 60 be.Rics- Louiiana is in fair supply and moderate