Established 1914 Volume XVIII, Number 135 9th Waning of Wagaung 1372 ME Friday, 3 September, 2010 Pathein-Monywa Asphalt Road under construction to help develop west bank regions of Ayeyawady and Chindwin rivers Workers at construction site of Pathein-Monywa Asphalt Road. NAY PYI TAW, 2 Sept—A ceremony to sign the agreement on assistance for scholarship programme on development of human resources provided by Japa- nese Government to Myanmar Government was held at the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development, here, this evening. Present on the occasion were Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Deputy Minister U Thurein Zaw, Deputy Minister for Education U Aung Myo Min, Deputy Minister for Finance and Revenue U Hla Thein Swe, Deputy Attorney-General Dr Tun Shin, departmen- Agreement signed for scholarship programme on development of human resources tal heads, Ambassador of Japan to the Union of Myanmar Mr Yasuaki Nogawa and embassy officials. Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, on behalf of the Government of the Union of Myanmar, and Ambassador of Japan to the Union of Myanmar Mr Yasuaki Nogawa, on behalf of the Government of Japan, signed the agree- ment and exchanged notes. Later, the minister and the ambassador spoke words of thanks. MNA * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic sys- tem * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and pres- ervation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquil- lity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution Four economic objectives Four social objectives Four political objectives Article: Kayan Soe Myint; Photos: Moe Myint Hlaing I made a trip to Monywa from Yangon by flight on 10 August 2010 to write bylines on progress of Kazunma-Monywa section, the third one of Pathein- Monywa Road, being constructed by Public Works under the Ministry of Construction passing Ayeyawady, Bago, Magway and Sagaing Regions. In parallel with Ayeyawady and Chindwin rivers, three sections of the 450 miles and five fur- longs long motor road are under construction. Under the supervision of Deputy Minister for Construction U Myint Thein, Deputy Chief Engineer U Win Maung, special groups of Public Works and companies are taking responsibility for construction of 179/6 miles long Pathein-Okshitpin section. The 183/2 miles long Okshitpin-Kazunma section is being built by Chief Engineer U Thein Zaw and special groups of Public Works and companies under the leadership of Officer on Special Duty U Sein Thaung. (See page 8) Minister for National Planning and Eco- nomic Development U Soe Tha speaks words of thanks at signing ceremony for scholarship programme on development of human resources. MNA 3-9-2010 for MNA.pmd 9/3/2010, 2:02 PM 1

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Page 1: "The New Light of Myanmar" 3 September 2010 - Burma · PDF fileflight on 10 August 2010 to write bylines on progress ... development of human resources. MNA 3-9-2010 for MNA.pmd 1

Established 1914

Volume XVIII, Number 135 9th Waning of Wagaung 1372 ME Friday, 3 September, 2010

Pathein-Monywa Asphalt Road under construction to helpdevelop west bank regions of Ayeyawady and Chindwin rivers

Workers at construction site of Pathein-Monywa Asphalt Road.

NAY PYI TAW, 2 Sept—A ceremony to sign theagreement on assistance for scholarship programmeon development of human resources provided by Japa-nese Government to Myanmar Government was heldat the Ministry of National Planning and EconomicDevelopment, here, this evening.

Present on the occasion were Minister forNational Planning and Economic Development USoe Tha, Deputy Minister U Thurein Zaw, DeputyMinister for Education U Aung Myo Min, DeputyMinister for Finance and Revenue U Hla Thein Swe,Deputy Attorney-General Dr Tun Shin, departmen-

Agreement signed for scholarshipprogramme on development of

human resources

tal heads, Ambassador of Japan to the Union ofMyanmar Mr Yasuaki Nogawa and embassy officials.

Minister for National Planning and EconomicDevelopment U Soe Tha, on behalf of the Governmentof the Union of Myanmar, and Ambassador of Japanto the Union of Myanmar Mr Yasuaki Nogawa, onbehalf of the Government of Japan, signed the agree-ment and exchanged notes.

Later, the minister and the ambassador spokewords of thanks.


* Development of agriculture as the base and all-rounddevelopment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic sys-tem

* Development of the economy inviting participation interms of technical know-how and investments fromsources inside the country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be keptin the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of the entirenation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity and pres-ervation and safeguarding of cultural heritage andnational character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of

the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peace and tranquil-lity, prevalence of law and order

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution* Building of a new modern developed nation in accord

with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives

Four social objectives

Four political objectives

Article: Kayan Soe Myint; Photos: Moe Myint HlaingI made a trip to Monywa from Yangon by

flight on 10 August 2010 to write bylines on progressof Kazunma-Monywa section, the third one of Pathein-Monywa Road, being constructed by Public Worksunder the Ministry of Construction passingAyeyawady, Bago, Magway and Sagaing Regions.

In parallel with Ayeyawady and Chindwinrivers, three sections of the 450 miles and five fur-longs long motor road are under construction. Underthe supervision of Deputy Minister for ConstructionU Myint Thein, Deputy Chief Engineer U Win Maung,special groups of Public Works and companies aretaking responsibility for construction of 179/6 mileslong Pathein-Okshitpin section. The 183/2 miles longOkshitpin-Kazunma section is being built by ChiefEngineer U Thein Zaw and special groups of PublicWorks and companies under the leadership of Officeron Special Duty U Sein Thaung.

(See page 8)

Minister for National

Planning and Eco-

nomic Development

U Soe Tha speaks

words of thanks at

signing ceremony

for scholarship

programme on

development of

human resources.


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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 3 September, 2010

Friday, 3 September, 2010

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s Desire

Government, people andTatmadaw join hands toovercome difficulties

Under the arrangements of theNational Disaster Preparedness CentralCommittee, a ceremony to honour those whoconstructed Cyclone Shelters took place atthe hall of Ministry of Construction in NayPyi Taw on 31 August, with an address byChairman of the NDPCC Prime Minister UThein Sein.

Today, the world encounters variousnatural disasters. In early May 2008,Myanmar was hit by the cyclone Nargis,which is the strongest in the course ofMyanmar history. Due to the storm, the totalloss of State-owned and private-ownedproperty amounted to K 11.7 trillion.

The government carried outemergency rescue and relief worksexpeditiously. In accord with the guidance ofthe Head of State, the governmentsystematically carried out emergency rescuework and provided temporaryaccommodation during the first phase,rehabilitation during the second phase andregional development and long-termpreparedness and prevention against naturaldisaster during the third phase. At present,the storm survivors have enjoyed the betterliving standard than in the past.

In addition to Hillocks and CycloneShelters, the Road Network is beingconstructed not only for the preventivemeasures against natural disasters in the longrun but for production roads.

Making energetic efforts inrehabilitation and reconstruction of thestorm-ravaged regions by overcomingdifficulties of weather, transport and vehiclereflects genuine goodwill of the State andwellwishers towards the storm-hit people.

In times of emergency, the entirepeople upholding national spirit are to joinhands with the government and theTatmadaw for overcoming various difficultiesand obstacles through the united strength.

NAY PYI TAW, 2 Sept—The State Peace andDevelopment Council has confirmed theappointment of the following heads of serviceorganizations on expiry of the one-year probationaryperiod. Name Department(a) U Yi Mon Managing Director

Myanma Paper andChemical IndustriesMinistry of Industry-1

(b) U Tin Naing Tun Director-GeneralDepartment of CivilAviationMinistry of Transport



YANGON, 2 Sept—Ocean Gate training centrewill open the basic and intermediate level GIScourses soon.

The courses will include introduction toGeographic Information System, setting up a GIS

Chance for GISenthusiasts

Database, Spatial Data Analysis, DataInteroperability in GIS and Data Presentation andMap Production.

The training courses will start in mid-September. The basic level will last two weeks andthe intermediate level, four weeks.

Ocean Gate plans to conduct RemoteSensing course, Project Oriented GeospatialTechnology course and Geospatial TechnologyAdvanced Course for Geography, Geology, Businessand Biology.

More information is available at Ocean GateTraining Centre at No. 355 at Room 206 on TheinbyuStreet in Mingala Taungnyunt Township, Yangon,Tel: 381130.


YANGON, 2 Sept—A ceremony to donateChinnaingmin mosquito repellent produced by NagaHnakaung Traditional Medicine Industry took placeat Yangon Children’s Hospital, here, on 27 Augustafternoon.

U Kyaw Naing of Naga Hnakaung

Mosquito repellent donatedto Yangon Children’s


Traditional Medicine Industry explained thepurpose of donation and presented mosquitorepellent to Medical Superintendent Dr U AungKyi Win.

Today’s donation of mosquito repellentamounted to K 1 million.

Those wishing to buy the repellent fordonation may contact Naga Hnakaung TraditionalMedicine Industry, No. 776, Bogyoke Aung SanStreet (near Wardan Street), Lanmadaw Township,Tel: 01-223960, 225761, 211357 and Tatkon of NayPyi Taw District, Tel: 067-70266.—MNA

U Kyaw Naing of Naga HnakaungTraditional Medicine Industry presents

mosquito repellent to Medical SuperintendentDr U Aung Kyi Win of Yangon Children’s


YANGON, 2 Sept — Minister for Agriculture andIrrigation U Htay Oo received Ambassador ofAustralian Commonwealth to Myanmar Ms. MichelleSu-Wen Chan at his office here on 31 August, and helddiscussions on cooperation in agriculture sectorbetween the two countries.

Similarly, the minister met Japanese Ambassadorto Myanmar Mr. Yasuaki Nogawa at the same avenueyesterday and discussed matters related to ongoingand follow-up tasks for development of agriculturesector.—MNA

A&I Minister meetsAustralian, Japanese


Minister forAgriculture and

Irrigation U HtayOo receives

Ambassador ofAustralian

Commonwealth toMyanmar

Ms. MichelleSu-Wen Chan.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 3 September, 2010 3

UNITED NATIONS, 2Sept—The number ofreported victims of arecent mass rape in theDemocratic Republic ofCongo has grown bynearly a hundred over thelast week, the UnitedNations said onWednesday.

UN spokesmanFarhan Haq toldreporters in New Yorkthat the world body’sMONUSCO peacekee-

Number of victims in Congo mass rape increases

MUMBAI, 2 Sept—India will test-fire thenewly improvedmedium-range ballisticmissile Agni-II+ aroundthe end of this month tostrengthen the aerialstrategic deterrentcapability, local mediareported on Thursday.

The Agni-II+ will belaunched from an interimtest range on the coast ofthe eastern Indian stateof Orissa by the IndianDefence Research andDevelopment Organiza-tion (DRDO), the Orissagovernment-run websiteOrissadiary quoted anofficial of the DRDO assaying.

The missile is acompletely new versionof the Agni-II with

India to test-fire newly-improvedmedium-range ballistic missile Agni-II+

Local residents gatherat the blast site in

Kandahar, southernAfghanistan,

on 1 Sept, 2010.XINHUA

A soldier stands guard near the scene of an attackon a fuel tanker in Ali Abad district of Kunduz

Province, north of Kabul, Afghanistan, on 1 Sept,2010. The tanker was part of a NATO supply


Afghan police gather atthe scene of an attackin Jalalabad, east of

Kabul, Afghanistan, on30 Aug, 2010. Police

say a districtgovernment leader ineastern Afghanistanhas been killed by

bomb in his car as hetraveled to a meeting to

discuss securitymatters.INTERNET

several advancedtechnologies adopted inits design. In comparisonto its previous version,Agni-II+ has theextended range of 3,000kilometres, bridging thegap between the2000km-range Agni-IIand 3500km-range Agni-III medium-rangeballistic missiles, said theofficial.

Agni-II+ weighsabout 17 tons with thelength of 21 metres. Itcould carry a nuclearwarhead of over one tonfor long-range strike,according to the official.

Agni-II is the secondmember of the Indianmost powerful surface-to surface ballisticmissile family of Agni

series, which includeAgni-I, Agni-II, Agni-IIIand Agni-V.

On 27 Aug, IndianDefence Minister AKAntony said India wasready to first test-fire thenewly developed inter-continental ballisticmissile Agni-V. But hedid not disclose the datefor Agni-V’s test.


The photo taken on 31Aug, 2010 shows the

bar Castillo del Mar inCancun, Mexico. Eightpeople were killed in the

Caribbean resort ofCancun early onTuesday when

suspected drug hitmenthrew home-made

explosive device intothe bar.—XINHUA

ping force in Congo hasreceived further reportsof rapes committed overthe course of several daysin a town in the easternpart of the country,bringing the number wellabove the 154 reportedlast week.

“They (MONUSCO)have received by nowreports of more than 240

victims of rape in theeastern Congo,” Haqsaid.

MONUSCO has saidit was only informed ofthe incident more than aweek after it happened,even though they had abase just 20 miles fromthe scene in the country’sviolent east.


KABUL, 2 Sept—Two American troops died infighting in Afghanistan on Thursday, while NATOsaid it had killed the leader of an insurgent cellresponsible for laying roadside bombs and smugglingforeign fighters into the country.

NATO said one service member was killed inthe country’s east, the other in the south — regionswhere fighting between the coalition and Talebaninsurgents has been at its most intense. No otherdetails were given in keeping with standard NATOprocedure.

The deaths bring to three the number of USservice members killed in September and follows aspike in casualties during the last two weeks ofAugust that saw the monthly total rise to 55. TheAugust figure was still below the back-to-backmonthly records of 66 in July and 60 in June.


American troops killed inAfghan attacks

Typhoon suspends S Korean flights,subway, kills three

SEOUL, 2 Sept—Typhoon Kompasuslammed into SouthKorea on Thursday,killing three people inwhat was called thestrongest tropical stormto hit the Seoul area in 15years.

Powerful gustsknocked over trees,power lines andstreetlights, cutting offpower to tens ofthousands of homes and

People look at avehicle damaged by a

fallen branch afterTyphoon Kompasu hitin Seoul, South Korea,on 2 Sept, 2010. The

typhoon slammed intoSouth Korea on

Thursday, killing threepeople in what officialssaid was the strongesttropical storm to hitthe Seoul area in 15

years. The driver of thecar is safe as the

person was not in thecar.—INTERNET

forcing airports to cancelor delay dozens ofinternational flights, theNational EmergencyManagement Agencysaid.

More than 60international flights weredelayed or canceled,mostly to and from China,officials at Incheon andGimpo airports said.Service on two Seoulsubway lines and fiverailway routes was

suspended, officials said.An 80-year-old man

died after being hit by aroof tile and a 37-year-old businessman waskilled on his way to workby a falling tree branch,the emergencymanagement agencysaid. A 75-year-old manwas electrocuted whileexamining a transfor-mer, and four peoplewere injured by brokenglass, it said.

Elementary andmiddle schools in thecapital, Seoul, wereordered to delay the startof the school day by twohours, while all public

and private kinder-gartens were closed forthe day, the SeoulMetropolitan Office ofEducation said.


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AMMAN, 2 Sept—Archaeologists in Jordanhave unearthed a 3,000-year-old Iron Age templewith a trove of figurines of ancient deities andcircular clay vessels used for religious rituals,officials said Wednesday.

The head of the Jordanian AntiquitiesDepartment, Ziad al-Saad, said the sanctuarydates to the eighth century BC and wasdiscovered at Khirbat ‘Ataroz near the town ofMabada, some 20 miles (32 kilometres)southwest of the capital Amman.

The Moabites, whose kingdom ran alongpresent-day Jordan’s mountainous eastern shoreof the Dead Sea, were closely related to theIsraelites, although the two were in frequentconflict. The Babylonians eventually conqueredthe Moabites in 582 BC.

Archaeologists also unearthed some 300pots, figurines of deities and sacred vessels usedfor worship at the site. Al-Saad said it was rareto discover so many Iron Age items in oneplace.

Jordan discovers 3,000-year-old Iron Age temple Famed Tasmanian devileuthanized after tumor found

File photo show,a Tasmanian

devil searches forfood in his

enclosure atTaronga Zoo in

Sydney,Australia. The

Tasmanian devilpopulation has

plummeted by 70percent sinceDevil Facial

Tumor Diseasewas first

discovered in1996.—INTERNET

Excavations began in Khirbat ‘Ataroz in2000 in cooperation with the California-basedLa Sierra University, but the majority of theitems were only discovered in the past fewmonths.

Among the items on display Wednesday,there was a four-legged animal god Hadad, aswell as delicate circular clay vessels used inholy rites. Al-Saad said the objects indicate theMoabites worshipped many deities and had ahighly organized ritual use of temples.

The items will be scientifically analyzedand conserved before going on display inJordan’s archaeological museum.—Internet

SYDNEY, 2 Sept—ATasmanian devil namedCedric, once thought to beimmune to a contagious facialcancer threatening the iconiccreatures with extinction, hasbeen euthanized after suc-cumbing to the disease,researchers said Wednesday.

The death of the devil —previously heralded as apossible key to saving thespecies — is another blow forscientists struggling to stop therapid spread of the cancer,which is transmitted when thefurry black marsupials bite eachother.

The Tasmanian devilpopulation has plummeted by70 percent since Devil FacialTumor Disease was firstdiscovered in 1996. Thesnarling, fox-sized creatures —made famous by their LooneyTunes cartoon namesake Taz—don’t exist in the wild outsideTasmania, an island state southof the Australian mainland.

In 2007, Menzies

researchers injected Cedric andhis half brother Clinky withfacial cancer cells. Clinkydeveloped the disease, butCedric showed an immuneresponse and grew no tumors—giving researchers hope thathe could help them create avaccine.

But in late 2008, Cedricdeveloped two small facialtumors after being injected witha different strain of the cancer,which causes grotesque facialgrowths that eventually growso large, it becomes impossiblefor the devils to eat. Currentestimates suggest the speciescould be extinct within 25 yearsdue to the prolific spread of thecancer.

Researchers removed thetumors, and Cedric appearedto be rallying. But X-rays takentwo weeks ago showed thecancer had spread to the 5-year-old’s lungs, Kreiss said. Testsconfirmed the lung tumors werea result of facial tumordisease.—Internet

PlayStation 3 will be readyfor 3D by October

SAN FRANCISCO, 2 Sept—PlayStation 3 owners will finallybe able to watch movies in 3D byOctober, Sony CEO HowardStringer promised during his speechWednesday at the InternationaleFunkaustellung (IFA) trade showin Berlin.

The work on the 3D softwareupgrade is now complete, and theupgrade will be done by October,according to Stringer. Users whohave a 3D-compatible TV set andPlayStation 3 will be able to watch3D movies on Blu-ray discs,Stringer said.

Sony continues to work on Vaiolaptops with 3D screens. At theshow, Sony demonstrated aprototype that can produce 240frames per second and uses thesame active shutter technology,

Apple CEO Steve Jobs introducesnew iPod nano at Apple’s fall 2010event in San Francisco, the United

States, on 1 Sept, 2010. Appleunveiled a new line of its iPod

models and a new version of AppleTV on Wednesday’s event.


Apple unveils newTV set-top box

SAN FRANCISCO, 2 Sept— Apple Inc on Wednesdayunveils a new version of its TV set-top box which is smallerand cheaper.

The new Apple TV is a quarter of the size of theprevious version and can be easily held in people’s hand,Apple CEO Steve Jobs said at a media event held in SanFrancisco. The device supports video streaming fromNetflix Inc, a company that offers movies and TV showsrental by mail and online.

Apple TV can also stream content from websites suchas YouTube, as well as music, photos and videos fromusers’ computers to their high definition (HD) TVs. TheTV show rental service gives users up to 30 days to startwatching and then 48 hours to finish or watch multipletimes.

Apple confirmed that ABC, ABC Family, Fox, DisneyChannel and BBC America have agreed to offer shows forstreaming. “We think the rest of the studios will see the lightand get on board with us,” Jobs said.

Apple said the new product will be available later thismonth and can be pre-ordered beginning Wednesday onthe company’s online store.—Xinhua

which means users need glasses tosee the 3D effect.

For users who want a biggerpicture than most TV sets arecapable of producing, Sony alsoannounced its first 3D homeprojector. The VPL-VW90ES willbe able to project 3D in 1080p,according to Sony, and will beavailable across Europe inNovember.—Internet

Google data gatheringwas not a crime

WELLINGTON, 2 Sept—New Zealandpolice said Thursday that Google did notcommit a criminal offence when it collecteddata from wireless networks for its “StreetView” mapping service.

The New Zealand PrivacyCommissioner called in police in Juneafter Google admitted that its cars takingphotographs of cities in more than 30countries had inadvertently gatheredpersonal data sent over unsecured wifisystems.

Privacy regulators in Australia,Europe, the US and Canada also launchedinvestigations into data the web giant’scamera-equipped cars collected whiletaking photos of streets and houses.

New Zealand police said Google’sactions did not constitute a criminal offenceand they had referred the matter back to thePrivacy Commissioner.

Concerns in the case centre onGoogle’s collection of so-called “payloaddata”, unencrypted information sent onwireless networks that are not protected bypasswords which can contain personalinformation, including the content of e-mails.

Google said in July that its “StreetView” cars would resume operations insome countries but collect only photos and3D imagery, not wifi data.—Internet

The camera of a Google street-view car. New Zealand police said

Thursday that Google did notcommit a criminal offence when it

collected data from wirelessnetworks for its “Street View”mapping service.—INTERNET

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BusinessUS dollar down against euro, up

against yen

NEW YORK, 2 Sept—The US dollaron Wednesday weakened against theeuro and rose against the yen as strongmanufacturing data in the United Statesand China fuelled investors’ riskappetite. The euro climbed to 1.2807dollars in New York at 2100 GMT

A sheet of one dollar bills.INTERNET

Dollar trades at mid-84 yen levelTOKYO, 2 Sept—The US dollar

traded in the mid-84 yen range earlyThursday in Tokyo.

The dollar bought 84.50-53 yen at 9am, compared with 84.40- 50 yen inNew York and 84.17-19 yen in Tokyoat 5 pm Wednesday.

Graphics showsEuropean-US main

Stocks markets data on 1Sept, 2010.—XINHUA

from 1.2681 dollars late Tuesday.The dollar gained ground against

the Japanese currency, fetching 84.42yen compared to 84.22 a day earlier,after nearing its lowest level in 15years at 83.60 yen.

“The general sense of today’snumbers, with some exceptions, isthat the world economy is not doingtoo bad,” said Brown BrothersHarriman analyst Marc Chandler,citing latest data showing animprovement in the USmanufacturing sector.

The Institute of SupplyManagement said on Wednesday thatits manufacturing index rose to 56.3points from 55.5 percent in July.

A reading above 50 percentindicates an expanding manufacturingsector.—Internet

ROME, 2 Sept—Italianautomaker Ferrariannounced on Wed-nesdayit had recalled all versionsof its model 458 Italia sportscar produced before July2010 after four of themcaught fire.

“Our dealers are goingto call clients and tell themto bring back their cars sothat the necessarymodifications can be carriedout,” a spokesman said. Therecall involves 1,248vehicles worldwide, theofficial said.

Ferrari last week

Ferrari recalls 1,248 sports carsafter some catch fire

A modelposes next

to a Ferrari458 Italia atthe BeijingAuto Show

in April2010.


shown problems with themounting, adhesive, heatshields and wheel archassembly, the spokesmansaid.

“High outsidetemperatures and inten-siveuse of the vehicle cause adistortion and the vehiclecatches fire,” he said, addingthat the modification willinclude replacing the heatshields.


opened an enquiry after fourof its vehicles caught firespontaneously in California,China, France andSwitzerland.

The investigation had

Health Tip:Breastfeeding

ToddlersMums have the right to breastfeed

their toddlers anywhere they need to,the same as with breastfeeding babies.These rights are protected underantidiscrimination law in all states ofAustralia. However, if you feel lesscomfortable breastfeeding a toddler inpublic here are some tips to make iteasier:

• Breastfeed with your toddlersitting in your lap, rather than lyingdown.

• In cafes, choose a corner or abooth and turn your back to theother customers.

• Breastfeed at home before you goout.

• Offer snacks or drinks first.•Discuss with your toddler whatyou feel is acceptable forbreastfeeding when out and about,including where you will feed andhow long for.

• Use a parents’ room at shoppingcentres as many have privatefeeding areas – and the toilets arehandy!—Internet

Dengue fever at its peak duringCommonwealth Games

NEW DELHI, 2 Sept—A viralfever that spreads throughmosquito bites is likely to be at itspeak during next month’sCommonwealth Games in NewDelhi, health officials in Indiasaid Wednesday.

Dengue fever, a painfulillness that can be life-threatening,is on the rise with close to 1,000cases reported in the Indiancapital. It has led countries likeBritain, Australia, Malaysia andNew Zealand to issue healthwarnings. Dr VK Monga, thehealth committee chairman of theMunicipal Corporation of Delhi,conceded that “mosquito breedingis likely to be at its peak duringthe games and dengue is aconcern.”

Mosquitoes that spread thefever are known to bite during theday, making athletes during the3-14 Oct Games vulnerable atvenues. Most of the 11 stadium

clusters are still being worked on.Though work on the mainstructures is close to completion,areas around the stadiums remaindug up at several places.

Delhi Health Minister KiranWalia conceded it was a point ofconcern. “The city government hasordered municipal authorities toensure there is no mosquitobreeding in and around Gamesvenues,” Walia said. But LalitBhanot, secretary-general of theCommonwealth Gamesorganizing committee, said thefever was not a major concern.

“We are confident thegovernment will take necessarysteps to ensure the dengue feverdoes not spread,” Bhanot said. “Iam sure it will be controlled withproper measures.”—Internet

Singapore’s elderly atrisk of malnutrition

SINGAPORE, 2 Sept—IA survey found three in10 elderly folks here atmoderate to high risk ofmalnutrition, local radio938 Live reportedWednesday.

The surveyconducted on 421relatively healthy elderlyfolks aged 50 years andabove found that the riskof malnutrition increaseswith age.

Doctors say Singap-ore’s elderly populationis not eating right.

This undated photo released byCepheid, shows a Cepheid Xpert

MTB/RIF cartridge. The cartridgeis part of a test that is a major

advance in diagnosing tuberculosisand can reveal in less than twohours, with very high accuracy,

whether someone has the diseaseand if it’s resistant to the main drug

for treating it.—INTERNET

According to thesurvey, conducted fromFebruary to March thisyear by Abbott, only onepercent of the elderlyrespondents met theHealth PromotionBoard’s dietrecommendations.

They do not takeenough foods whichcontain calcium,carbohydrates and fiber.

The elderly livingin private apartmentsand condominiums arealso found to be at risk.

And doc tors a rewor r ied abou t thetrend.

Senior ConsultantGeriatrician Chan KinWing said that this isve ry s ign i f i can t a sthree in ten is about 30percen t , o r a lmos t300,000 older peoplewho are at risk in termsof absolute numbers.


The euro was quoted at 1.2794-2796dollars and 108.13-15 yen, against1.2803-2813 dollars and 108.07-17 yenin New York and 1.2723-2725 dollarsand 107.09-13 yen in Tokyo lateWednesday.


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Chinese shares open 0.92%higher on overnight US

stocks gainsBEIJING, 2 Sept — China’s stocks rose with the

benchmark Shanghai Composite Index up 0.92 percentto open at 2,646.89 Thursday, driven by Wednesday’sWall Street rallies.

The Shenzhen Component Index climbed 1.45percent to open at 11,482.35 points.

The US stock market posted strong gains as better-than-expected manufacturing data from both Chinaand the United States eased concerns of a globaleconomic slump.

The Dow Jones industrial average rallied 246.65points, or 2.46 percent, to 10,261.37. The Standard &Poor’s 500 index gained 29.31 points, or 2.79 percent,to 1,078.64 and the Nasdaq surged 61.24 points, or2.90 percent, to 2,175.27.


Colombia arrests Ecuadorian carryingexplosives for guerrilla

BOGOTA, 2 Sept—TheColombian police havecaptured an Ecuadoriancitizen along theC o l o m b i a - E c u a d o rborder who was trying todeliver explosives toColombia’s guerrilla ofthe Army of NationalLiberation (ELN).

The police saidWednesday that the

Ecuador demandsinvestigation of migrants

massacre in MexicoQUITO, 2 Sept—The Ecuadorian National

Assembly approved a resolution Wednesday callingon the Mexican government to probe the massacre of72 Central and South American migrants and punishthe perpetrators.

Last week the Mexican authorities found thecorpses of 72 migrants on a ranch in Tamaulipas state,bordering the United States. One Ecuadorian citizensurvived the attack and was the one who notified theMexican authorities.

Ecuadorian legislators also call on the internationalcommunity to make new efforts to protect humanrights of the people in transit and combat organizedcrime.

They also demanded the Ecuadorian governmentguarantee the safety of the Ecuadorian survivor andhis family.


Establishment of Shaolin Europe Associationannounced in Vienna

VIENNA, 2 Sept—With the establishment ofShaolin Europe Association announced in Vienna onWednesday, Chinese Kung Fu fans and Zen Buddhismculture enthusiasts across Europe will have a newplatform to exchange ideas and promote Shaolinculture.

“Since Shaolin culture was introduced into Europe20 years ago, it has been deeply loved by Europeanpeople and become part of their life,” said ShiYongxin, Abbot of Shaolin Temple, which has beenannounced part of humanity’s cultural heritage byUNESCO.

Shi Yongxin, who is visiting Austria for aninternational meeting, also said at a press conferencethat although hundreds of thousands of Europeanpeople have had access to Shaolin Kung Fu trainingprogrammes, there is still room for improvement interms of inadequate channels to spread Chaolinculture. That is where the new association comes into better provide Shaolin culture for European people,he said.

Headquartered in the Shaolin Culture Centre inthe German capital of Berlin, the association hasbeen joined by 10 Shaolin branch units in Europe,according to an organizer at the press conference heldin Hilton Vienna Plaza Hotel.

Nestled in the Songshan Mountains of China’sHenan Province, and with a history of more than1,500 years, the Shaolin Temple has long beenconsidered by many as the Cradle of Chinese KungFu and home of Zen Buddhism culture. In recentyears, it has sent its Kungfu masters to performKungfu arts all over the world and established Shaolinculture centres to help promote cultural exchangesbetween China and other countries.


Photo taken on August 3, 2010 shows Shaolinmonks perform at a show titled “The Wheel ofLife” during the Jordan Festival at the Amman

Citadel, an ancient Roman landmark, inAmman.—XINHUA

Colombia (FARC) andother paramilitary groupsand drug traffickersoperate in Narino as well.

Colombia and Ecua-dor severed diplomaticties in March 2008 after araid carried out by theColombian army on aFARC camp inEcuadorian territory.Ecuador condemned themove as a violation to itsterritorial sovereignty.


Ecuadorian, AntonioPena, was carrying 25 kgof pentolita explosiveswhen he was arrested inTuquerres in the Narinodepartment in southwestColombia. TheColombian authoritieshave cap-tured severalEcuado-rians withexplosives in the past forillegal armed groupswhich operate in Narino.

The RevolutionaryArmed Forces of

Photo taken on 1 Sept,2010 shows giantpuppets made byYangzhou Puppet

Troupe in Yangzhou,east China’s JiangsuProvince. Totally 16puppets, each 3.6-meters high, areprepared for the

opening ceremony ofShanghai Tourism

Festival which will beheld on 18 Sept.


China’s Red Cross societiesarrange more than 2 billion

yuan donation forreconstruction in YushuBEIJING, 2 Sept— The Red Cross Society of China

(RCSC) said on its website Wednesday that thecountry’s Red Cross societies have received cash andmaterials donations equal to 2.32 billion yuan (about342 million US dollars) by 17 Aug for disaster reliefefforts in quake-hit Yushu of northwest China’sQinghai Province.

The RCSC said so far, donations in cash andmaterials equivalent to 2.12 billion yuan had beendelivered for reconstruction projects in Yushu,including 18.78 million yuan in cash and materialdonations being spent on emergency aid and rescueefforts in the quake-hit area, according to a statementon the RCSC’s website.

To carry out reconstruction plans for Yushu, theRCSC would provide 2.3 billion yuan donations as afund for rebuilding hospitals, schools andfarmers’houses there, including 200 million yuandonations received by Qinghai provincial Red Crosssociety, said the statement.

A 7.1-magnitude quake struck Yushu 14 Apriland left 2,698 people dead and 270 more missing. Thequake’s epicenter was Yushu Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture.


GM August sales drop 25percent year on year

CHICAGO, 2 Sept—General Motors Co. Wednesdayannounced an 11 percent drop in auto sales in Augustfor its four core brands compared with a year-agowhen sales were fueled by the government’s Cash forClunkers incentives. The automaker saw a 25 percentdecrease in total sales for the month. Retail sales,excluding fleet sales, for all eight brands were down29 percent.

“Last year’s Cash for Clunkers program spikedindustry sales in 2009, so results this August were notsurprisingly a bit mixed,” said Don Johnson, vicepresident of US Sales Operations.

GM’s four viable brands were reported a 7 percentdropoff from July, suggesting the road to recoverycontinues to be a long and sputtering one.


A GM sign is seen at a GM dealership in Miami,Florida 12 August, 2010. —XINHUA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 3 September, 2010 7

The Tatmadaw is the strongest nationalforce that was given birth together withMyanmar's independence struggles. Only withthe military prowess the Tatmadaw showed,bringing dignity to the history of the nation, didthe nation regain independence and stand tall asa sovereign one in the world. Then, the entirepeople were freed from the yoke of colonialismand enjoyed the opportunity to hold their headshigh as independent people.

It is the Tatmadaw that guards the peopleagainst various forms of dangers and saves thenation and the people in times of emergency inwhich the nation is on the verge of losingsovereignty, and community peace, stability andpeace of the State are under severe threats. So,the Tatmadaw is worthy of high praise andrecognition. Today, the Tatmadaw stands as thestrongest national force for the nation and thepeople, and guides the nation towards the goalof democracy along the national political path.In the process, the Tatmadaw has the State'sseven-step Road Map on the go to achieve thenational goal of democracy in order to satisfythe people's aspiration. Simultaneously, it isstriving for sustainable peace and stability ofthe nation for a prosperous future of the people.

As a result, the people today showtheir trust and reliance on the Tatmadaw.The people are well convinced of the fact thatthe Tatmadaw is essential for the leadershiprole in maintaining the already-achieveddevelopment momentum and ensuring smoothand stable transition to democracy. Only withthe participation of the Tatmadaw, will it bepossible to ensure the future of the nation andthe people. And only when the Tatmadaw isstrong, so will the nation. That is why thepeople place trust and reliance on theTatmadaw and want the Tatmadaw to remainstrong and powerful. The people of us areconfident that the nation will be strong onlywhen the Tatmadaw is strong.

Yet, certain elements are desperate tobreak up the Tatmadaw. They are none otherthan a handful of axe-handles inside and outsidethe nation. They are so power-craving that theyfocus all their attention to power. Their conceptis that only with the downfall of the Tatmadaw,will they come to power and enjoy a brighterfuture. And only when the Tatmadaw is weak,can they do at will. Thus, they are resorting toall possible ways and means to break up, weakenand divert the Tatmadaw from its course ofnational political way. Nonetheless, they aretoo foolish to visualize that if the Tatmadawsplits into pieces, so will the nation. Then, theentire people including them will fall under therule of neo-colonialists. Moreover, the nationwill encounter a wide range of evil conse-quences beyond imagination. They are gettingdesperate to come to power and doing indis-criminately, which is very dangerous to thenation.

It is common knowledge that the axe-handles in complicity with certain western radiostations are airing groundless news storiesconstantly. They have done so on purpose sincelate 1988. Their intention is to destroy the nation,

Not to be swayed by killer broadcastsKo Ke

to incite conflicts among the national people, andto push the nation under alien subjugation. That isknown to all.

Nowadays, western radio stations are airingbroadcasts designed to deal a devastating blow tothe Tatmadaw. In the news stories, they say that theeight regiments under the brigade in Yemon are indefiance of commands because soldiers are notallowed to withdraw the money they have saved inthe regiments concerned; and that they decline NayPyi Taw's intervention. In addition, they aired thatthe regiments in Yemon were surrounded by 400troops from Nay Pyi Taw. Later, they said that thetroops were as strong as 700. Then, they airedirresponsibly that the eight commanding officerswere all detained to mollify the other ranks. Theyhave been airing such baseless stories for months ina row, thus denoting the point that they turn moreattention to the drive for breaking up the Tatmadaw.

The fabrications came from BBC corre-spondent U Than who has little knowledge of theTatmadaw. Earlier that, he sent distorted newsabout battalions in Inma and Bago with the intentto sow discord among servicemen. Then, he turnedto DI factories in Htonbo and Hsinte in BagoRegion. Now, the people have realized that theregions, battalions and factories remain normalwithout any problems.

Yemon Brigade (11) remains stable and allthe officers and other ranks keep on shoulderingduties as the motto "We will remain united whoevertry to divide us". No soldiers were in defiance oforders, nor were any regiments surrounded bytroops from other regiments. Any commandingofficers were not arrested, either. The whole YemonStation remains bustling and peaceful. Now, thebrigade commander shield football tournament isin progress in Yemon Station. So, every evening,Yemon Station is reverberating with voices offans supporting their teams. I wish correspondentU Than would know that teams representing theirregiments and units are wholeheartedly contendingfor the championship shield.

Although knowing that internal andexternal axe-handles and elements under theinfluence of the west are sending made-upstories, certain radio stations such as BBC arehappy with airing such groundless news storieswith the intention of sowing disunity amongservicemen as well as among the people andcreating public panic. They are anxious tos t i m u l a t e s e d i t i o n a n d d o w n f a l l o f t h eTatmadaw. Someway, they are pushing artlesspeople relying on external elements to thestreets for mass demonstrations. Therefore, itis required of the people to realize their realintention.

Foreign radio stations hand in glove withinternal and external axe-handles have beenairing such fabricated news stories for long totrouble the nation and the people. They havetried so many times to break up the Tatmadaw.But, their schemes have never worked.

In t he 1988 d i s tu rbances , an t i -government groups resorted to a variety of waysto demolish the Tatmadaw. Many leaders of theanti-government groups gave anti-governmentt a lk s e loquen t ly . Bes ides , many f akeannouncements were issued that Air Force would

launch bomb attacks; that Navy would openartillery fire; and that the Tatmadaw hadcollapsed. Nevertheless, the Tatmadaw re-mained stable and managed to save the nationand the people from threats. Servicemendischarged the duties assigned to them. That isa fine tradition of the Tatmadaw.

I would like to present another event inthat regard. BBC correspondent ChristopherGunness in cooperation with Nay Min, HtayAung, Htay Kywe and Ko Ko Lat conducted amade-up interview with Red Cross member aswell as university student Ma Aye Nyein Thu tomake mobs wild. In the intereview, the femalestudent made a lie that many other femalestudents and she were raped in Insein Prison.There are so many similar evidences I canpresent.

Another news story is that over 20groups of absconder axe-handles held DABconference in a border area in the neighbouringcountry from 21 to 24 August. The conferencelaid down seven work programmes to speed upthe campaign in cooperation with national racepeace groups to disrupt 2010 elect ions.According to Internet blogs, the campaigncovers boosting protests into public campaignand breaking the Tatmadaw. These pointsindicate that the axe-handle groups inside andou t s ide t he na t i on a r e imp lemen t ingharmoniously their objective of breaking upthe nation and the Tatmadaw.

Now, elections, the fifth step of theseven-step Road Map, are drawing near.The axe-handle groups and the West arefound accelerating their destructive acts asthey cannot stand for the process of shapingthe nation into a democratic one. Therefore,the people are to remain constantly vigilantagainst such conspiracies in order tomainta in the momentum of res tor ingstability and peace and we cannot miss thedemocracy goal that is now within thetouch ing d i s tance . The peop le haveunderstood well that the broadcasts of theforeign radio stations are all groundless andtricky. So, the people should not place anytrust in their stories. Without doubt, theykeep on airing such baseless news stories.Hence, the people of us have to be aware oftheir broadcasts. * VOA, BBC-sowing hatred among the

people * RFA, DVB-generating public outrage * Do not allow ourselves to be swayed by

killer broadcasts designed to causetroublesThis public warning has been stated in

daily newspapers and on TV for long in orderthat the people will not be caught in the snare setby those foreign radio stations. The publicwarning symbolizes the benevolent attitude thegovernment shows to the people. Therefore, thepeople should not let themselves deceived bythose killer radio stations and keep on takingstrides till 2010 elections are held successfullyand the democratic nation with flourishingdiscipline is built.

Translation: MS

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 3 September, 2010

(from page 1)Deputy Minister U

Tint Swe leads DeputyChief Engineer U KhinMaung Thein, roadspecial groups, districtspecial groups and com-panies in construction ofKazunma-Monywa sec-

Pathein-Monywa Asphalt…

NAY PYI TAW, 2Sept—The opening ofelectoral process coursefor polling station offic-ers and deputy polling sta-tion officers in ward/vil-lage election subcommis-sion in Mongyai Town-ship in Lashio District,Shan State (North) tookplace at Mongyai YadanaHall on 30 August. Chair-man of Township Peace

Electoral process course opened inMongyai Township

and Development Coun-cil U Akar Soe made aspeech and Chairman oftownship subcommissionU Sai Thein Aung ex-plained the purpose ofopening the course.

Member of town-ship subcommission law of-ficer U Nandar Aung, town-ship audit officer U AyeKo, head of township Im-migration and National

Registration Department UThan Myint and a memberof township subcommis-sion demonstrated duties ofward/village-tract subcom-mission and polling stationofficers and deputy pollingstation officers and processof casting. It was attendedby a total of 375 traineesfrom 28 wards and village-tracts.


tion. The total length ofPathein-Monywa As-phalt Road is 450 milesand five furlongs and 12feet wide tarred road on40 feet wide earthenroad.

Public Works con-structed 130 miles andsix furlongs longP a t h e i n - K a n g a l e -Y e k y i - N g a t h a i n -chaung-Yenatha-Betyeroad section in 1970. Un-der the Colombo Project,Snowy Mountain Engi-neering Corporation-SMEC constructed 31miles and six furlongslong Betye-Okshitpinsection in 1971-1972.SMEC also built 52miles and seven furlongslong Okshitpin-Mindonsection in 1976-77 underthe Colombo Project, butonly the Okshitpin-

Kanbya section was com-pleted. Public Works con-structed 51 miles and fivefurlongs long Mindon-Padan section in 1982-1983. Public Works co-operated with Australianexperts in construction of82 miles and one furlong

long Padan-Kazunma sec-tion in 2000-2001. In2004-2005, Public Worksconstructed 105 miles andone furlong longKazunma-Monywa sec-tion.

Together with Assist-ant Engineer U Aung ZawTun of Monywa District,we the news crew ofMyanma Alin visitedMonywa-Kazunma sec-tion.

Monywa DistrictPublic Works is taking re-sponsibility for construc-tion of 11 miles and fivefurlongs long section ofthe road, the BuildingConstruction SpecialGroup-3 led by DeputySuperintending EngineerU Hla Tun Oo eight mileslong section, Naing GroupCo six miles and three fur-longs long section, Road

Special Group-10 led byDeputy SuperintendingEngineer U Thaung MyintTun 10 miles long sec-tion, Airport SpecialGroup-2 led by DeputySuperintending EngineerDaw Kyi Kyi Thwe 24miles and five furlongslong section, BuildingSpecial Group-5 led by

Deputy SuperintendingEngineer U Myo Myint10 miles long section,Myanmar Adipati Co fourmiles long section, RoadSpecial Group-13 led byDeputy SuperintendingEngineer U Taing Khaingfour miles long section,Pakokku District Public

Works led by Deputy Sen-ior Engineer Daw NyeinNyein 12 miles long sec-tion and IGE Co five mileslong section. We saw earthworks, placing of ballot andtarmacking on some sec-tions with the use of heavymachinery. A total of 108conduits, 51 bridges of un-der 50 feet and 14 bridges

of above 50 feet are underconstruction on the 87miles and five furlongs longKazunma-Monywa sec-tion, the third one ofPathein-Monywa MotorRoad.

After visiting Kyartet,South Yama, Wetkhok,Lintakaw, Myaing,

Kaingtawma and Yepyarsection in Monywa,Yinmabin and Salingyitownships, we arrived atNorth Yama CreekBridge being built byBridge ConstructionProject Special Group-13in Yinmabin Township.

To implement NorthYama Bridge Construc-tion Project, the prelimi-nary engineering workswere conductedbeginning January 2008.The construction of thebridge started on 1 March2008. So far, a total of 54bridge pillars have beenconstructed. Moreover,Bridge Department ofPublic Works (Head Of-fice) built 24 piers fromP-10 to P-13. At present,the bridge is under con-struction withinstallation of baileysteel trusses.

From approachstructure A1 to pier P7 itwill be D/S Bailey andfrom pier P-7 to approachstructure A2, S/S Bailey.We witnessed installa-tion of bailey steelframes at the bridgespans.

In accord with the

guidance of the Headof State, the Ministryof Construction isbuilding roads andbridges for develop-ment of social and eco-nomic sectors of theState, uplift of livingstandard of the localpeople and forgingunity and amity amongnational brethren. Sofar, the ministry hasconstructed 240 180feet long bridges and2915 bridges under 180feet long and is building22 180 feet long bridgesthroughout the nation.Moreover, a total of21558 miles and onefurlong long asphalt,gravel, hard and earthenroads have beenconstructed and 1815miles long roads are be-ing built. Among theroads across the nation,the Pathein-MonywaRoad is under construc-tion through concertedefforts of Public Worksand private companiesday in and day out.

*****Translation: TTA

Myanma Alin:2-9-2010

A road roller seen at construction site of Pathein-Monywa Motor Road.

Earth work of Pathein-Monywa Asphalt Road being undertaken with the use of heavy machinery.

NPED Minister U Soe Tha and Japanese Ambassador Mr. YasuakiNogawa sign agreement for scholarship programme on development of

human resources. (News on page 1)MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 3 September, 2010 9

(from page 16)Drinking water for

local people is beingsupplied with river wa-ter pumping system.

Padaung, most developed,beautiful township in…

There are 716 deep tubewells, 1257 wells, 480artisian wells, and 72other wells in 209 vil-lages of Padaung Town-

ship. In villages, a totalof 44 lakes in which rainwater is stored have beenbuilt. Two artisian wellsthat can pump 600gallons of water per hourhave been sunk inKyeebin village.

In the township, al-together 197 rural roadshave been built. For de-velopment of rural areaand better transport, ninebridges have been con-

structed. Padaung Town-ship is made up of a lot ofrural areas. Due to devel-opment of those rural ar-eas, Padaung is the mostdeveloped, beautiful

township in Pyay Dis-trict.

*****Translation: MT

Myanma Alin(30-8-2010)

Photo shows Byugon Bridge.

Okshitpin-Binga graval road.

NAY PYI TAW, 2Sept — Minister for Ag-riculture and IrrigationU Htay Oo went to ThaziTownship on 30 Augustand inspected sinkingtube-wells in farmland.

As part of theproject for pumping un-derground water to irri-gate farmland, out of 800tube-well, so far 411tube-wells have been

Tube-wells sunk toirrigate farmland in

Meiktila, Thazisunk in Meiktila andThazi.

The ministeralso met with localfarmers during hisinspection tour andfulfilled requirements forboosting agriculturalproduction.

He also inspectedthe site chosen to buildNatkar Dam near MaediVillage in Pyawbwe

Township. The dam willbe built on Natkar Creek.

On completion,the 3425-foot-long and85-foot-height bridgewould have a storagecapacity of 8820 acre feetand will irrigate 1200acres of farmland. Thedam will also supplywater to Yindaw Lake tohelp irrigation of thelake.—MNA

YANGON, 2 Sept— Jointly organized byMyanmar Computer Fed-eration (MCF), KoreaTrade Investment Promo-tion Agency (kotra) ofCommercial Section ofEmbassy of the Republicof Korea and Moon Engi-neering Co., Ltd, the 1stMyanmar-Korea ICT

MCF to organize ICT exhibition, seminarProducts & Solutions Ex-hibition 2010 will be heldfrom 9 to 11 Septemberand the 2nd Korea ICTNew Technology Seminar2010 on 10 and 11 Sep-tember at Myanmar Info-Tech.

Not only MCFmembers ICT companiesbut also companies from

Korea will take part in theexhibition and the semi-nar where ICT technology,latest electronics and ITSolutions & Services willbe on display.

Businessmen, en-trepreneurs, electronicscompanies and enthusiastsmay visit the exhibition.


NAY PYI TAW, 2Sept—Deputy Ministerfor Health Dr Mya Oo in-spected the chosen placesto construct patient wards,operation theatre, deliveryroom, medicine store, andX-ray room in PadigonPeople’s Hospital in BagoRegion (West) on 29 Au-

Dy Health Minister makes inspection tour ofhospitals in Bago Region (West)

gust.In meeting with town-

ship health committeemembers, departmentalheads and social organi-zation members, thedeputy minister presentedanti-mosquito nets to vil-lage healthcare centresconcerned.

He then proceeded toH s i n m e e - h s w eStation Hospital andThegon People’s Hospi-tal where he looked aroundthe hospitals, metresponsible persons andthen presented anti-mos-quito nets.


Chairman of Yangon Region Peace and Development Council Commander ofYangon Command Brig-Gen Tun Than being welcomed by Ambassador ofthe Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Union of Myanmar Mr Chu Cong

Phung at the reception to mark 65th Anniversary National Day of SRV in Yangon on 2 September.—MNA

YANGON, 2 Sept— U Aung Swe,M.E (Civil Engineering), Tokyo Uni-versity, will give talks on RCC DamConstruction & Civil EngineeringTechno-Power in a seminar organizedby Civil Engineering Technical Divi-sion under Myanmar Engineering Soci-

Talks on RCC Dam Construction & Civil Engineering Techno-Power on 4 Septety, to be launched at Seminar Room ofCETV, Hline Township here from 9 amto 11 am on 4 September.

Any interested person may at-tend the event and contact MyanmarEngineering Society, Ph: 519676 fordetails.—MNA

Fourth Nay Pyi Taw Inter-ministryFootball Tournament goes on

NAY PYI TAW, 2 Sept — Jointlyorganized by the Ministry of Sports andMyanmar Football Federation, the thirdround of the fourth Nay Pyi Taw Inter-ministry Football Tournament contin-ued today. Ministry of Labour team wonover Ministry of Transport team 1-0 at

Nay Pyi Taw Paunglaung Sports Ground.As semifinal matches, Ministry

of Finance and Revenue will play againstMinistry of Communications, Posts andTelegraphs on 6 September and Minis-try of Sports will compete with Ministryof Labour on 7 September.— MNA

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 3 September, 2010

Rescuers try to move a block of mud and rocks atWama Village of Longyang District in BaoshanCity, southwest China’s Yunnan Province, on 2

Sept, 2010. The death toll from mudslides that hita village in Yunnan Province late Wednesday hasclimbed to four, and 44 people are still missing,

local government said on Thursday. As of 10 amon Thursday, rescuers had saved 23 people from

the rubble of homes in Wama Village of LongyangDistrict, according to the city government of


BEIJING, 2 Sept—

Rescuers were searchingfor 44 people missing

Thursday after a

landslide hit a village insouthern China and

killed at least four

South China landslide kills four,leaves 44 missing


Workers rescued 23people buried under

rubble in Wama village

in the southwesternprovince of Yunnan after

the rain-triggered

landslide hit Wednesday

night, the official Xinhua

News Agency reported.

Rescue efforts could

be hindered as theCentral Meteorological

Station expects more

heavy rains through theweekend.

China regularly

suffers devastatingsummer floods, but this

year has been the worst

in a decade, with townswashed away in the

northeast and northwest

of the country. Thestorms have caused tens

of billions of dollars in

damage and lefthundreds dead.

Xinhua reported late

Tuesday that the death

toll from floods has risen

to 3,185, with more than

1,000 people stil l

missing across the



A file photo of heavyrain in Nigeria.Heavy rains in

recent weeks havekilled at least three

people and displacedthousands in

northern Nigeriawhere entire villages

have beensubmerged and

farms destroyed,officials said.


Typhoon Lionrock makeslandfall in east China’s Fujian

FUZHOU, 2 Sept—Tropical storm Lionrock, theeighth of this year, made landfall on east China’sFujian Province early Thursday morning, localmeteorologists said.

The storm landed at Gulei Town of ZhangpuCounty at around 6:50 am with a speed of 82.8 kmper hour near its centre.

Under the impact of Lionrock, torrential rainwas seen along the coast of Zhangzhou City, and therain was the heaviest in Dongshan and Zhangpucounties.

No casualties have been reported.Local meteorologists have warned residents of

mudflows and landslides that might be triggered bythe tropical storm.

The meteorologists forecast that rainfalls wouldbe up to 100 to 200 mm in Zhangzhou, Quanzhou,Xiamen and Putian cities of Fujian from Thursday toFriday.

By 7:00 pm Wednesday, 162,200 people in theprovince had been evacuated to safe places, and50,703 fishing ships had been back to harbours.


An advertisement board totters in gale at acrossing of Jiuzhen Township of Zhangpu County,

southeast China’s Fujian province, on 2 Sept,2010. Tropical storm Lionrock, the eighth of this

year, made landfall on Fujian early Thursdaymorning. Under the impact of Lionrock, torrentialrain was seen along the coast of Zhangzhou City,and the rain was the heaviest in Dongshan and

Zhangpu counties.XINHUA

Death toll from NW Chinamudslides rises to 1,471; 294

still missingZHOUQU, 2 Sept—The death toll from the massive

mudslide in Zhouqu County, in northwest China’sGansu Province, has risen to 1,471 as of Wednesdayafter four more bodies were retrieved, with 294 othersstill missing, rescue headquarters said Thursday. Adevastating mudslide hit Zhouqu on 8 Aug, rippingmany houses from their foundations and tearing multi-story apartment buildings in half.


Moderatequake rocks

Aceh,IndonesiaJAKARTA, 2 Sept—An

earthquake measuring 5.0on the Richter scalerocked Aceh Province ofSumatra island inIndonesia on Thursday,the Meteorology andGeophysics Agencyreported here.

The quake jolted at7:57 am Jakarta time(0007 GMT) with theepicentre at 45 kmnorthwest to Sinabang inthe province and at a depthof 18 km, the agencysaid.—Xinhua

KABUL, 2 Sept—Afghan andNATO-led troops during a jointoperation arrested several Talebanmilitants in their birthplace thesouthern Kandahar Province, a pressrelease of the alliance said onThursday.

“An Afghan and coalition securityforces detained several insurgents inKandahar Province on Wednesdayincluding two Taleban weaponsfacilitators operating aroundKandahar City,” the press releaseadded.

The security forces first targeted

Several insurgents captured inS Afghanistan

a compound in Daman District inpursuit of an insurgent known as one ofthe Taleban’s primary facilitators forsmall arms, rocket-propelled grenadesand improvised explosive devicecomponents, it further said.

It did not reveal the exact numberof those arrested during the operation.

However, the press releaseemphasized there were no casualtieson the troops or civilians.

Taleban militants who haveintensified their attacks against Afghanand NATO-led troops have yet to makecomment.—Xinhua

German Bundeswehr armed forces “Marder” armoured personnel carrier(APC) is seen during a military exercise in the northern German town ofBergen, some 80 km south of Hamburg, on 31 August, 2010. —XINHUA

Chinese stocksclose higherThursday onautomakers’

gainsBEIJING, 2 Sept—

Chinese stocks rallied onThursday, led byautomakers, on news autosales in China reboundedin August.

The benchmarkShanghai CompositeIndex rose 32.90 points,or 1.25 percent, to close at2,655.78.

The ShenzhenComponent Index gained146.41 points, or 1.29percent, to end at11,465.15.

Combined turnov-er contracted slightly to277.83 bi l l ion yuan(40.86 bi l l ion USdollars) from 280.51bi l l ion yuan theprevious trading day.

Gainers outnumb-ered losers 804 to 69 inShanghai and 971 to 59 inShenzhen.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 3 September, 2010 11

SYDNEY, 2 Sept—Passengers on a Sydney-bound Qantas jet rockedby an exploding engineThursday described howthe plane felt like it hadhit a “speed bump” andshowered flames andsparks like fireworks.

The Qantas Boeing747-400 had to turn backto San Francisco abouthalf an hour intoMonday’s flight after anengine failed, blasting alarge hole in its casing.

Passengers amongthe 212 on board finallyarrived in Sydney onThursday, and told oftheir alarm when theengine gave way with a“loud thump”, sendingrumbles through theaircraft.

“It was like the planehit a speed bump,” oneman told a reporter atSydney Airport.

Qantas engine blast ‘like fireworks’, saypassengers

Passengers on a Sydney-bound Qantas jet rocked by anexploding engine on Thursday described how the planefelt like it had hit a “speed bump” and showered flames

and sparks like fireworks.—INTERNET

COLLINGDALE, 2 Sept—A series ofexplosions at a welding supplycompany on Wednesday injured fivepeople, forced evacuations and sentthick black smoke billowing over thearea.

The explosions at Scully WeldingSupply occurred around 1 pm in anindustrial area about seven milessouthwest of Philadelphia, DelawareCounty spokesman Bill Lovejoy said.Buildings in a 3,000-foot radius wereevacuated, many until the six-alarmfire was brought under control shortlyafter 6 pm, he said.

Officials spent hours pouring wateron large propane tanks to cool them,Lovejoy said. County EmergencyServices Director Ed Truitt saidofficials also had been concerned aboutthe danger the flames posed to a nearbyoxygen supply company.

People watch smoke

rise from a fire near

Collingdale, Pa, on 1

Sept, 2010.


Blasts rock Pa weldingfirm; five civilians


Investigators and forensic experts from HongKong of China work at the site of tourist bus

hijacking in Manila, capital of the Philippines, on1 Sept, 2010. The bus carrying 23 Hong Kongtourists was hijacked by a dismissed Philippine

policeman on 23 Aug. The Philippine police killedthe hijacker in an operation to rescue the hostages

on the night of 23 Aug. But eight Hong Kongtourists were dead and seven others wounded in

the operation.—XINHUA

At least six residents

died and two others were

injured in a fire at a

nursing home in

Cordoba, the capital of

the like-named

Argentine Province in


on 2 Sept, 2010.


HARBIN, 2 Sept—Seven people are dead and eight are in hospital after ablowout on a truck caused a pile-up involving five vehicles in northeast ChinaWednesday, the local government announced on Thursday.

The accident happened at around 2:30 pm when the truck’s tire burst inJianshan District of Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, a spokespersonfor the city government told a news conference on Thursday.

Three people died at the scene and 12 were injured, the spokesperson said.The injured were taken to two hospitals in Shuangyashan. Four of them diedlater.

The remaining eight people are still in hospital. The five vehicles were twotrucks, a bus, a minivan and a motorcycle. Police are continuing to investigatethe accident.—Xinhua

Vehicle pile-up kills seven in northeast China city

“The plane shudder-ed violently andpassengers were quiteconcerned about whathad happened,” addedanother. “Basically theplane shuddered to theleft and there were quitea deal of flames comingout of the engine.Somebody likened it to aroman candle (firework)

that extended from thewing right down to theend of the plane.”

Crew membersdashed to the front of theaircraft and worriedchildren had to besoothed, a third man said.

“We just told my sonthat they had to usespecial tools like daddy’sat home to repair the

plane, and that we wouldget to Sydney to see thekangaroos and theaquarium,” he told ABC.Qantas, Australia’snational airline, saidinvestigations wereunderway into theincident, which itdescribed as “excessivevibration” in one of theplane’s four Rolls-Royceengines.

Initial checksconfirmed that the enginehad failed, and aspokesman said therewere a couple of “holes”in the casing. Transportsafety officials fromAustralia and the UnitedStates are now lookinginto the matter.

No one was injuredand the aircraft landedback at San Franciscowithout incident, withthe passengers taking alater flight.


KATHMANDU, 2 Sept—Traffickingof Nepali children into Indian cities aslabourers is on the rise lately, localmedia reported on Thursday.

According to the data availablewith the Birgunj branch of MaitiNepal, 64 children were rescued andhanded over to their guardians in thelast fiscal year.

Chief of the organization SangitaPuri was quoted by The KathmanduPost as saying the office, with the helpof various non- governmentorganizations in India that work forthe welfare of victims of trafficking,

More Nepali kids being trafficked to Indiarescued 21 children in August alone.

“Most of the victims are fromBagariya, Rajpur, Farahadawa andadjoining Village DevelopmentCommittees in Rautahat District andrange from 10 to 16 years of age,” sheadded.

Traffickers, who bring suchchildren to another party, get 1, 400Nepali rupees (some 18 US dollars)per victim, most of whom fromRautahat and Sarlahi Districts. Fearingsecurity checks on the Nepal side ofthe border, they use the Indian routefor the purpose.—Xinhua“If that building were to be

breached, that could make life realinteresting down there,” he said.

The fire caused heavy damage toScully Welding Supply and aneighbouring business, KaiserAutomotive, Lovejoy said. The causeof the blaze was under investigation bystate and local authorities, he said. Acall to Scully Welding Supply rangunanswered.


KATMANDU, 2 Sept—Nepalese investigators have found the flight datarecorders from the wreckage of a small plane that crashed last week enroute to the Mount Everest area, killing 14 people including six foreigners,officials said on Thursday.

Suresh Acharya, a spokesman for the government-appointed investigationteam, said searchers have found both the devices and have flown themback to Katmandu. The devices will be sent abroad for analysis, Acharyasaid.—Internet

Black box recovered from Nepal planecrash site

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 3 September, 2010


Consignees of cargo carried on MV GLARINGPESCADORES VOY NO (001) are hereby notifiedthat the vessel will be arriving on 3.9.2010 and cargowill be discharged into the premises of S.P.W(7) whereit will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses andsubject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port ofYangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S COSCO SHIPPING CO. LTDPhone No: 256916/256919/256921

Women wearing summer kimonos sprinkle water on the ground during acampaign warning against the hot summer season in Tokyo on August 2010.Japan has endured its hottest summer since records began in 1898, the mete-orological agency said on Wednesday, during a heatwave that saw thousands

of people taken to hospital suffering heatstroke.— INTERNET

A nurse attending to new-born infants in a mater-nity ward of a hospital.Contrary to internationalguidelines, sugar given tonewborn babies does notease pain, according to

a study published onThursday by The


Discovery Channel HQ hostagesfreed as gunman shot dead

Police officersapproach the Discov-

ery Channel head-quarters building in

Silver Spring,Maryland, on 1 Sept,


Four allegedly stole from Detroit schoolDETROIT, 2 Sept — A

former Detroit schoolprincipal and the book-keeper at her school havebeen charged with usingschool funds to buy itemsfor their own use.

A veteran Detroit po-lice officer and the book-keeper’s son, a collegestudent, were also namedin an indictment handed

up Tuesday, The DetroitNews reported. The al-leged embezzlement oc-curred at the RandolphCareer and TechnicalCentre.

Wayne County DistrictAttorney Kym Worthysaid after the indictmentwas announced “stealingfrom children is the worstof the worst kind of theft.”

Gwendolyn Miller, 58,the center’s former prin-cipal, allegedly billed theschool for a new furnaceand had a teacher installit. She is also accused oftaking items of schoolproperty, including apurse.

Miller said there was amisunderstanding, thatshe hired the teacher forthe furnace installationand repaid the schoolwhen she realized he hadbilled Randolph for theunit.—Internet

WASHINGTON , 2 Sept— A gunman who tookthree hostages at the Dis-covery Communicationsheadquarters in the UShas been shot dead by po-lice and his captives havebeen set free. The man hadmetallic canistersstrapped to his chest anda handgun when he en-tered the building nearWashington DC, policesaid.

Officers opened firebecause they thought thegunman was about todetonate his explosives,

they added. The policehad held several hours oftalks with the man. Dis-covery employees wereevacuated from the build-ing shortly after the inci-dent began at about 1700GMT.The area around thebuilding in Silver Spring,Maryland, was sealed offas police negotiated withthe man.

After several hours,police began to fear forthe safety of the hostages,said Montgomery CountyPolice Chief J ThomasManger. —Internet

Smokers lie in order to rent a home

Explosives tobe used to kill

whaleALBANY, 2 Sept —

Australian authoritiessaid they expected to useexplosive charges toeuthanize a beachedwhale off the south coastof Australia.

Department of Envi-ronment and Conserva-tion spokesman NigelHiggs said the 31-foot-long whale weighingmore than 12 tons hasbeen stranded nearAlbany’s Princess Har-bour for more than aweek.

The whale becamemore stable during thepast few days, permittingdepartment workers to at-tempt to euthanize it. Ex-plosive charges are “care-fully set to cause the brainof the whale to implode,”Higgs told United PressInternational on Thurs-day.


LONDON, 2 Sept — Athird of smokers are beingforced to lie about theirhabit to find a home torent, a survey has indi-cated. Only 7% of land-lords will allow tenants tosmoke in their properties,with 38% saying theywould evict someone whosmoked indoors, accord-ing to flatshare websiteEasyroommate.co.uk.The group found 67% ofsmokers are living in non-smoking accommodation,with 34% lying abouttheir habit in order to se-cure a flatshare.

Nearly a third of smok-ers even claim they haveconsidered giving up thehabit in order to find some-where to live.

Smokers are also un-popular with fellow ten-ants, with only 19% ofpeople saying they would

be prepared to share ahome with a smoker, while37% said they would onlydo so if their housemateagreed to just smoke out-doors. Jonathan Moore,the director ofEasyroommate.co.uk,said: “With smoking inpubs and restaurants offthe cards, the last refugefor smoking — at home —is being eroded now, too.

“There’s been a strong

shift in attitudes towardssmoking, and the toler-ance levels of smokerssince the smoking ban.Smoker-friendly accom-modation has beensqueezed as a result.” Thegroup found smoking wasmost prevalent amongyounger people, who arealso more likely to belooking for a flatsharethan other age groups.


A sea anemone hitches a ride on a hermit crab inone of the “rare and exciting” new pictures releasedlast week by a joint Indonesian-US ocean expedition.Scientists using cutting-edge technology to explorewaters off Indonesia were wowed by colorful and

diverse images of marine life on the ocean floor —including plate-sized sea spiders and flower-like

sponges that appear to be carnivorous. Theypredicted on 26 Aug, 2010 that as many as 40 newplant and animal species may have been discoveredduring the three-week expedition that ended on 14


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 3 September, 2010 13

BEIJING, 2 Sept—Paris Hilton was bannedfrom two Wynn resortsin Las Vegas after herarrest for felony drugpossession over theweekend, mediareported on Thursday.

A rep for WynnResorts confirmedWednesday that Hiltonwas no longer welcomein Wynn Las Vegas and

Paris Hilton banned from two Las Vegasresorts after drug arrest

Encore.Hilton’s boyfriend

Cy Waits was f iredearlier this week fromhis job with WynnResorts , where heworked as a topmanaging partner of theTryst Nightclub at Wynnand XS The Nightclubat Encore. The newscame as police revealedthat when they stopped

Hilton and Waits’ SUVlast Friday, theydiscovered a marijuanabutt.

Hilton was arrestedfor investigation offelony cocainepossession after copsfound 0.8 gram ofcocaine in her purse.Prosecutors have notfiled charges againstWaits.—Xinhua

Actress Jessica Albaposes for photograp-

hers during a photocallfor the movie

“Machete” at the 67th

Venice Film Festivalon 1 September,2010.—XINHUA

ROME, 2 Sept—The 67th VeniceInternational Film Festival officiallykicked off on Wednesday with aglamorous opening ceremonyfeaturing Italy’s top authorities andseveral movie stars.

The festival’s inauguration tookplace at the prestigious Palazzo delCinema, where the traditional RedCarpet was placed.

The global event, which will runon Venice’s Lido up to Sept 11 and isdirected by Marco Mueller, is set toattract global attention as one of theworld’s most l i te and socialitegatherings. For the first time in history,Italy’s head of state Giorgio Napolitano

67th Venice International Film Festival kicksoff in glamour

KATHMANDU, 2Sept—Darbur SpecialHidden Treasure MissNepal 2010 is beingorganized at TribhuwanArmy Officers Club inthe capital KathmanduWednesday afternoon.

Out of the 80applicants, 50 were shortlisted and 18 have beenchosen for the final, itwas informed in a pressmeeting at theInternational RecreationCenter here on 28August.

The selectedcontestants were givensix weeks training.

The theme for thebeauty pageant this yearis environmental change.

The winner of thetitle will also be agoodwill ambassador forNepal Cancer ReliefSociety and WorldWildlife Fund forNature, Nepal.


Miss Nepal2010 to be

organized inKathmandu

Philippe Delon (L), owner of“Paris Carriages, Horse Walking

Service,” drives a pumpkin-shapedcarriage drawn by Balthazar, a 11-year-old shire horse from Sweden,the world’s biggest workhorse, past

the Eiffel tower in Paris, on 31August, 2010. The wrought iron

made carriage, weighing 500 kilos,and decorated with little hearts,offers rides to tourists and newly


Police investigatinga home burglary inRussellville found asurprising clue — a cellphone that got leftbehind. FranklinCounty DistrictAttorney Joey Rushingsaid the phone was leftnear where a computerwas taken in theweekend burglary.Investigators begancalling some of thephone numbers anddetermined the phonebelonged to a 19-year-old who was onprobation for a previousburglary.

The prosecutor saidpolice also gotsurveillance video fromthe Wal-Mart inRussellville that showsthe suspect cashing incoins believed to havebeen taken during theburglary.

Cell phone leftin Ala

burglary leadsto arrest

A young woman in Finlandsurv ived a jump f rom 1 ,000metre height thanks to landingin a bog whi le he r pa rachu tefa i led to open, Finnish mediareported on Monday.

The 20-year-old woman wasmaking her f irst solo jump overLoppi in sou thern F in land onSunday a f t e rnoon a f t e rcompleting a ski diving course.

For some reason st i l l to bedetermined, the static l ine thatwas to open her parachute didnot work and the chute did notdeploy. She at tempted to openher emergency pa rachu te ,succeeding only by the t ime shehad reached t r ee - top l eve l .However, she landed in a softbog and walked away from hermishap.

The woman was t aken tohospital where she was found tobe almost completely unharmed.

Bog saves Finnishwoman from 1,000metre jump with


A British airplane en route to Poland wasforced to make an emergency landing inGermany after a 56-year-old woman spilled ahot cup of tea on herself, German police said onWednesday.

The Ryanair flight from Liverpool to Poznanmade the unscheduled landing in thenorthwestern city of Bremen on Tuesday, localpolice said.

The British woman was treated for scaldingat the airport and released but not before theplane resumed its journey without her. She latertook a train to Poland, police said.

Cup of tea forces jet to makeemergency landing

News Album

A model parades an

outfit by Australian

label “Christine”

during Melbourne

Spring Fashion Week

(MSFW) on 1

September, 2010.


was present accompanied by his wife.He was welcomed with a standingovation by the guests.

Crowds of fans lined up to have aview of the night’s queen, actressNatalie Portman, the controversialprotagonist of Darren Aronofsky’sBlack Swan, the first film screening incompetition which was launched atthe ceremony. The most favoured filmsfor the Golden Lion are DarrenAronofsky ‘s “Black Swan” and SofiaCoppola’s “Somewhere.” Italy isbetting on Ascanio Celestino’s “TheBlack Sheep” and on SaverioCostanzo’s “The Solitude of PrimeNumbers.”—Xinhua

Isabella Ragonese,poses on the red carpetin Venice, Italy, on 1

Sept, 2010. This year’sfilm festival opens on 1Sept and closes on 11



boy Ardi Rizalpuffs on acigarette in

the yard of hisfamily home

in Sumatra. Atwo-year-oldIndonesian

boy whosmoked about40 cigarettes a

day haskicked thehabit afterreceivingintensivespecialist

care, a childwelfare

official hassaid.

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 3 September, 2010


Hart plans to play for keepswith England football

Crouch injury another blowfor Capello

Ibrahimovic labels Guardiola‘small-time coach’

West Ham get approval forJacobsen moveHargreaves included in

United squad Rio ready to return afterUnited reserves outing

Player collapses on court at US OpenNo 7 not so lucky for John Elway on this day

Victoria Azarenka of Belarus collapseson the court while playing Gisela Dulkoof Argentina at the US Open tennistournament in New York, on 1 Sept,2010. Azarenka was taken off the court

in a wheelchair. — INTERNET

NEW YORK, 2 Sept — The scene wassimply scary: Victoria Azarenka, a 21-year-old on the rise in the WTA rankings,paused about a half-hour into her second-round match on Wednesday at the USOpen, then staggered, stumbled and col-lapsed to the court. Azarenka, seeded 10thin the Grand Slam tournament, rolledover to rest her head on her arm, and atrainer rushed over. Someone covered

Azarenka’s legs with a white towel. Sheretired from the match, eventually washelped into a wheelchair, her yellow visoraskew atop her head, then taken to ahospital, where tests showed she had amild concussion.—Internet

Fabio Capello sufferedanother injury blow on

Wednesday as PeterCrouch was ruled out ofthe Euro 2012 qualifers

against Bulgaria andSwitzerland with a back


LONDON, 2 Sept—Fabio Capello sufferedanother injury blow onWednesday as PeterCrouch was ruled out ofthe Euro 2012 qualifersagainst Bulgaria and Swit-zerland with a back injury.Crouch had been unable totake part in training withFabio Capello’s squad thisweek after suffering whathe thought was a rib injuryin Tottenham’s defeatagainst Wigan on Satur-day.

The former Liverpoolstriker has now been toldhe has a back problem,which is serious enough toforce his withdrawalahead of England’s open-ing qualifer against Bul-

garia at Wembley on Fri-day and the trip to Swit-zerland on Tuesday.


AC Milan’s Swedishforward Zlatan


STOCKHOLM, 2 Sept —Zlatan Ibrahimovic onWednesday took anotherswipe at Barcelona coachPep Guardiola, dismissinghim as a “small time”coach.

“In my book, a greatcoach solves his prob-lems. A small-time coachruns from them,” the 28-year-old Sweden forwardtold a Press conference inStockholm.

“There was only oneperson (on the Barcelonateam) who wanted to getrid of me,” he insisted, ex-plaining why he left theteam and signed for ACMilan over the weekend

on an initial one-year loanwith a pre-arranged 24-million-euro permanentdeal arranged for the endof the season.


Manchester Uniteddefender Rio Ferdinandruns during a trainingsession in Manchester.


Former Denver Broncos quarterbackJohn Elway, left, and caddie Jeff

Nickless check out the distance to thepar-3 fifth hole during the first round

of the HealthOne Colorado SeniorOpen in Denver, Colo, on 1 Sept,


DENVER, 2 Sept — John Elwaypulled an Elway on the Elway hole.“Seven on 7,” the Hall of Famer said

sadly after carding an even-par 72Wednesday in his first senior golf tour-nament since turning 50 in June.

Elway’s blunder came about whenhe played the wrong ball and ended upwith a triple bogey on the par-4 seventhhole at the Green Valley Ranch GolfClub, site of the HealthOne ColoradoSenior Open.


LONDON, 2 Sept —Manchester United de-fender Rio Ferdinand isset to return from theknee injury that wrecked

his World Cup afteremerging unscathed froma reserve team outing onWednesday. United re-serve team boss OleGunnar Solskjaer de-clared Ferdinand ready tomake a first-team returnafter the defender camethrough the second stringclash with Oldham. Itwas the first timeFerdinand had been inaction since he suffered amajor knee ligament in-jury in a freak collisionwith Emile Heskey on thefirst day of World Cuptraining with England inSouth Africa.


Manchester United’sEnglish midfielderOwen Hargreaves

his continuing injurywoes. Hargreaves hasmade just one substituteappearance for United inthe last two years as hestruggles with knee tend-initis.

There is still no dateset for the former BayernMunich star to returnfrom injury and it hadbeen suggested the Eng-land international wouldnot make the cut whenFerguson selected hismandatory squad. ButUnited confirmed onWednesday that all oftheir senior players, in-cluding Hargreaves, havebeen registered to play inthe domestic league.


Hungary’s VladimirKoman (R) shoots at goalin front of England’sgoalkeeper Joe Hart (L)during a friendly matchat Wembley Stadium inLondon on 11 Aug, 2010. INTERNET

LONDON, 2 Sept — JoeHart believes he has theability to finally end Eng-land’s long search for agoalkeeper capable ofearning headlines for he-roics rather than howlers.Ever since Arsenal keeperDavid Seaman retiredfrom international foot-ball in 2002, Englandhave struggled to find atop-class replacement asbad luck and bad form lefta string of contenders flaton their backs. Now Man-chester City star Hart isbeing tipped to be hiscountry’s first choice forthe next decade as he pre-pares for his competitivedebut against Bulgaria on

Friday after rising fromthird-choice during theWorld Cup to first-choicefor the Euro 2012 qualifi-ers.—Internet

tional. Hammers bossAvram Grant agreed thedeal for Jacobsen late onTuesday, but the movewasn’t ratified by the Pre-mier League as checkswere made to ensure therelevant paperwork wassubmitted before thetransfer window closed at1700GMT.

The transfer has nowbeen rubber-stamped andformer Everton right-backJacobsen, 30, who haswon 35 caps for Denmarkand played in all three oftheir World Cup finalsmatches, is able to join upwith Grant’s bottom of thetable side, who have con-ceded nine goals in theirfirst three league matches.


LONDON, 2 Sept —West Ham were givenPremier League approvalto sign Blackburn’s Dan-ish international defenderLars Jacobsen on a freetransfer on Wednesdayafter making a late movefor the Denmark interna-

LONDON, 2 Sept —Manchester Unitedmidfielder OwenHargreaves has been in-cluded in Sir AlexFerguson’s 25-man Pre-mier League squad despite

Young golfer disqualifies self, gives up medal

Blackburn’s Danishinternational defender

Lars Jacobsen

MILWAUKEE, 2 Sept —Zach Nash wasshocked when he discovered he had onetoo many golf clubs in his bag a couplehours after winning a junior WisconsinPGA tournament.

But rules are rules, and the 14-year-old from southern Wisconsin made adecision that might surprise some peo-

ple: He disqualified himself and surren-dered his medal. “I knew right away Icouldn’t live with myself if I kept thismedal, so it was pretty instantaneous,”Nash said during a phone interview fromhis home in Waterford on Wednesday,his first day of high school.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 3 September, 2010 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar.

Local Transmission* Opening* News* Aureum Palace Resort* News* Music Gallery* Yangon International Products Showcase2010* News* Inside Myanmar’s Music World* News* City MartOversea Transmission* Opening* News* Aureum Palace Resort* News* Music Gallery* Yangon International Products Showcase2010* News* Inside Myanmar’s Music World* News* City Mart* News* Culture Stage* Lovely Customs and Dances of Gon Shan* Myanmar Movies Impact ‘‘Hundred of

Relatives and Siblings’’* News* Working & Living in Myanmar

(Transportation)* Record Album* News* Disaster & Development* News* Topic On Journal ‘‘Myanmar will host2013 SEA Games’’* Myanmar Movie “Puzzle Angel”


Programme Schedule

(3-9-2010) (Friday)

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am) MSTOversea Transmission - (3-9-10 09:30 am ~

4-9-10 09:30 am) MST

Friday,3 September

View on today

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr.M.S.T. During the past 24 hours, rain orthundershowers have been isolated in Chin State,upper Sagaing and Magway Regions, scattered inKachin, Shan, Rakhine and Kayah States, lowerSagaing, Mandalay and Bago Regions, fairlywidespread in Yangon and Ayeyawady Regionsand widespread in the remaining States andRegions with isolated heavy falls in Mon State andMandalay Region. The noteworthy amounts ofrainfall recorded were Thaton (3.90) inches,Nyaunglebin (2.83) inches, Myingya(1.86)inches,Loilem(1.50)inches and Nawnghkio (1.46) inches.

Nay Pyi Taw WeatherMaximum temperature on 1-9-2010 was 95°F.

Minimum temperature on 2-9-2010 was 77°F.Relative humidity at (09:30) hours MST on 2-9-2010 was (77%). Rainfall on 2-9-2010 was (Nil).

Yangon (Kaba-Aye) WeatherMaximum temperature on 1-9-2010 was 89°F.

Minimum temperature on 2-9-2010 was 78°F.Relative humidity at (09:30) hours MST on 2-9-2010 was (89%). Total sunshine hours on 1-9-2010 was (1.9) hours.

Rainfall on 2-9-2010 was (0.08) inch at


Thursday, 2nd September, 2010

Mingaladon, (0.74) inch at Kaba-Aye and (1.38)inches at Central Yangon. Total rainfall s ince1-1-2010 was (59.65) inches atMingaladon, (66.57) inches at Kaba-Ayeand (77.17) inches at Central Yangon.Maximum windspeed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (7) mph from Southwest at (14:30)hours MST on 1-9-2010.

Bay Inference: Monsoon is generallymoderate in the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until afternoon of the 3rd

September 2010: Rain or thundershowers will beisolated in Kayah State, lower Sagaing andMagway Regions, scattered in Kachin and ChinStates, upper Sagaing, Mandalay and AyeyawadyRegions, fairly widespread in the remainingStates and Regions. Degree of certainty is(80%).

State of the sea: Seas will be slight tomoderate in Myanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Moderatemonsoon.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouringarea for 3-9-2010: Isolated rain or thundershowers.Degree of certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring areafor 3-9-2010: Isolated rain or thundershowers.Degree of certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouringarea for 3-9-2010: Isolated rain orthundershowers. Degree of certainty is (80%).

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas

7:00 am

1. awmifwef;omoem



7:20 am

2. jrwf*kPfawmfocif



7:25 am

3. To Be Healthy


7:30 am

4. Morning News

7:40 am

5. Nice & Sweet


7:50 am

6. The Mirror Images

Of The Musical


8:00 am

7. ]]apwemxm;umukoay;


8:10 am

8. ]]jrLwdrfuif;aomaeU}}

8:30 am

9. Musical Programme

8:40 am

10. International News

8:45 am

11. tuNydKifyGJ

4:00 pm

1. Martial Song

4:10 pm

2. Musical Programme

4:20 pm

3. Song Of National


4:25 pm

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5. Songs Of Yester


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17. aoG;




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In this photo taken on 30 Aug, 2010 andprovided by the Chicago Zoological Society, two

female orphaned California sea lion pups areseen at at Brookfield Zoo, in Brookfield, Ill,

where they are getting acclimated to their newsurroundings.—INTERNET

China to build World War IImemorial park on Sino-Russian

borderHARBIN, 2 Sept—A once war-ravaged Chinese

county in northeast China will build a memorialpark on facilities left behind by the Japaneseinvaders of World War II, to commemorate theinvasion and Russian assistance, county authoritiessaid on Thursday.

Sunwu County in Heilongjiang Province,separated from Russia by the Heilongjiang River,was the base for more than 100,000 Japanesesoldiers.

The invaders left behind 160 war facilities, 24of which are government-protected cultural relics.

“The park aims to paint a picture of the warthrough the connection of Sanwu’s scattered warsites,” Zhang Weihua, deputy head of countytourism department, said.—Xinhua

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Page 16: "The New Light of Myanmar" 3 September 2010 - Burma · PDF fileflight on 10 August 2010 to write bylines on progress ... development of human resources. MNA 3-9-2010 for MNA.pmd 1

Only with stability and peace will the nation developOnly with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracyRiots beget riots, not democracyDemocracy can be introduced only through constitution

VOA, BBC-sowing hatredamong the peopleRFA, DVB-generating publicoutrageDo not allow ourselves to beswayed by killer broadcastsdesigned to cause troubles

People’s DesireWe favour peace and stabilityWe favour developmentWe oppose unrest and violenceWipe out those inciting unrestand violence

9th Waning of Wagaung 1372 ME Friday, 3 September, 2010

Kyeintali TVRetransmission Station in

Rakhine State launchesMRTV programmes

NAY PYI TAW, 2 Sept—According to theextended transmission programme, Kyeintali TVRetransmission Station was built in Rakhine State.The construction of the station was completed on 29August morning.

The station started to clearly transmit theprogrammes of TV Myanmar beginning 29 Augustafternoon through 50-watt transmission wave in UHFChannel-J 13, 470-476 MHz.


Padaung, most developed, beautifultownship in Pyay District

YANGON, 2 Sept — The Myanma PortAuthority issued a warning, informing the publicthat exceptionally high spring of from 20.5 feet to21.7 feet high above the datum are expected to occurin Yangon River during the period from 7th to 13th

September 2010. That it is not serious because thehigh tide reached up to 21.9 feet high above datumin the years 2008 and 2009, and that the warning isissued only because high tide reaches over 20 feethigh above datum, MPA said in the announcementtoday.


MPA issues High TideWarning

Article: Ko Tin Hlaing (Meiktila);Photos: Ko Thant Zin (Meiktila)

Sinking of tube-well by Padaung Township Development Affairs Committee in TaungbogyiVillage.

Padaung is located on the opposite bankto Pyay and far 14 miles away from Pyay. Whenpeople want to go to Padaung from Pyay, theyhave to go through Ayeyawady Nawade Bridge.Hsinde and Htonbo factories that produce heavymachinery lie between Pyay and Padaung. Al-though Padaung is a small town, it is beautiful,clean and pleasant. It lies on the road to RakhineState.

Padaung is composed of five wards and 39village-tracts including 209 villages. There are26,223 households. It has a population of 102,373.

(See page 9)

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