The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)

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  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)


  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)


  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)


  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)


    Jgttje, Irkwo loa Fkbploy

    Oew Wkrd Ikstko

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)


    Qcgs ikkd gs l wkrd kh ftgko. Olbes, fclrlfters, pjlfes, loa gofgaeots lre tce

    prkauft kh tce lutckr‗s gbl`goltgko kr lre usea ftgtgkusjy. Loy resebijlofe tklftulj eveots, jkfljes, kr perskos, jgvgo` kr aela, gs fkgofgaeotlj.

    Fkpyrg`ct © 9>

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)


    Qk by hrgeoa Olagl Ksblo

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)


  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)


     Every aly G F U go tce cljj 

    F U argodgo` fkhhee N tce bljj 

     Every aly G hljj loa hljj 

    Bkre go :6 wgtc U 

    Iut elfc tgbe G F U plssgo` iy 

    G `et tko`ue-tgea fuz G‗b wly 9 scy 

    Ur sk spefglj loa G ako‗t dokw W 

    G must flo‗t sly 9 U 

    Plot 9 I Ur Iky 

    Plot 9 F U sbgje Plot 9 ckja Ur cloa 

    Loa clo` kut 1 l wcgje 

    Plot 9 I tce <

    Ur 9 `kka 9 I true 

    Ckpe U wlot be 9 I Ur iky 9 

    ‑Fclks 1 Ljj, ‚Plot 9 I Ur Iky‒

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)


  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)




    Eveo tcku`c gt‗s kojy tce sefkoa aly kh by seogkr yelr, tce

    rkutgoe‗s hlbgjglr. Pceo l oew stuaeot stlrts lt El`je Xgstl

     Lflaeby, koe kh us `gves tceb l qugfd tkur loa lt jelst tce

    gjjusgko kh l hrgeoajy hlfe go tce frkwa. Qce sfckkj gs expeo-

    sgve, sk G tcgod tce Yefeptgko Fkbbgttee gs lo lttebpt tk

    blde oew dgas tejj tcegr plreots tcey were wlrbjy wejfkbea.

    ^lreots tcerehkre gbbeagltejy heej jgde tcey `kt tcegr bkoey‗s


    G mkgoea tce Yefeptgko Fkbbgttee wceo G wls l hrescblo,

    sk G‗ve akoe tcgs bkre tgbes tclo G flo fkuot. G‗b oktgea laly go lavlofe tk ie lt tce ̀ ugalofe khfe iehkre rst pergka

    ie`gos, loa wceo G sckw up, G `et tce oew stuaeot‗s sfceauje.

    Iut tcgs bkrogo` gs okt jgde loy kh tce ktcer bkrogo`s.

    Qk ie hlgr, gt wlso‗t tk ie`go wgtc. Pe clve kur rst beet-

    go` kh tce Frest  lhter sfckkj, loa Br. Pceejer wgjj lookuofe

     wck‗s ieeo sejeftea ls oewsplper eagtkr go fcgeh. Gh gt‗s oktbe . . . wejj, G flo‗t tcgod likut tclt kutfkbe rg`ct okw.

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)



    Oeeajess tk sly, G‗b go ok sclpe tk ie tce iest pkssgije jglgsko

    l oew stuaeot aeserves.

    Bufc jess tcgs oew stuaeot.Qcku`c blyie gt gso‗t cgb. Qcere bust ie ktcer Ljex ^kw-

    ejjs iesgaes tce  Ljex ^kwejj.

    Bs. @ugjjkry, tce `ugalofe labgogstrltkr, fjelrs cer

    tcrklt. G jkkd kver tk cer loa reljgze G bly clve ieeo zkogo`

    kut hkr bkre tclo l spjgt sefkoa.

    ‚Kh fkurse we prgae kursejves ko ljj stuaeots eomkygo` lo

    exfejjeot iut typgflj cg`c sfckkj expergeofe cere,‒ sce slys.

    ‚Iut wgtc skbe stuaeots, gt‗s gbpkrtlot we ply spefglj  ltteo-

    tgko tk tclt.‒

    G dokw tceo tclt gt gs  tce Ljex ^kwejj.

    ‚G‗jj ie ilfd ko tgbe,‒ G prkbgse cer ls G alsc kut kh tce

    khfe. Jufdgjy by iest hrgeoa, Vlage, gs lt cer jkfder wceo G

    ruo up.

    ‚Wku jkkd plogfdea,‒ sce slys.

    ‚Jkkd lt tcgs.‒ G ckja up by jglgsko plfdet rg`ct go cer hlfe.

    ‚Jkkd lt gt, Vlage. Ako‗t rela gt kut jkua, iut jkkd lt gt .‒

    ‚Kc by `ka,‒ sce slys. Qce plfdet‗s stgjj go cer hlfe, sksce‗s l jgttje buhea. ‚Ljex ̂ kwejj.‒

    ‚G slga okt tk rela gt kut jkua.‒

    ‚Mujes, yku sckuja dokw G flo‗t hkjjkw l fkbbloa jgde tclt.

     Plgt, sk ak we dokw gh gt‗s tce  Ljex ^kwejj;‒

    ‚Vtkp slygo` cgs olbe,‒ G wcgsper. ‚Loa, yes. G tcgod sk, lt

    jelst. G ako‗t clve koe cuoarea perfeot fkorbltgko yet.‒‚Flo yku gbl`goe;‒ Vlage fcefds cer reeftgko go cer

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)



    jkfder bgrrkr loa uhhs cer vgkjet clgr. ‚Koe aly yku‗re koe-

    htc kh tce ig``est iky iloa go tce fkuotry, loa tceo‑ckw

    bloy yelrs jlter; Qwk;‒‚Qwk,‒ G sly. Qwk yelrs l`k, gt hejt ls gh yku fkujao‗t `k loy-

     wcere wgtckut celrgo` ‚Plot 9 I Ur Iky.‒ Qwk yelrs l`k,

    everykoe doew Fclks 1 Ljj. Qwk yelrs l`k, Ljex ^kwejj wls

     hlbkus .

    ‚Mujes, tcgs gs l ig` respkosgigjgty,‒ Vlage slys. ‚Wku lre wej-

    fkbgo` l teeo gakj tk kur sfckkj.‒

    ‚Ce‗s okt l teeo gakj loybkre,‒ G sly. Qcere‗a ieeo lt jelst

    l fkupje kh sko`s lhter ‚Plot 9 I Ur Iky,‒ iut tcey clao‗t

    ieeo sk uogversljjy iejkvea. Loa tceo gt wls jgde Fclks 1 Ljj

    cla oever eveo exgstea.

    ‚Bkb slys kofe yku‗re hlbkus, yku‗re fclo`ea,‒ Vlage

    slys. ‚Hkr `kka.‒

    Vlage‗s plreots lre lftkrs, sk cer bkb wkuja dokw.

    ‚G clve tk `k,‒ G sly. ‚G flo‗t ie jlte tk wejfkbe cgb. G

    sckuja oever ie jlte tk wejfkbe skbekoe ko tcegr rst aly,


    ‚Iut espefgljjy okt Ljex ^kwejj,‒ sce slys. ‚@k.‒G rusc ilfd tk tce `ugalofe khfe, wcere G lppelr tk clve

    ielteo Ljex ̂ kwejj. G‗ve ieeo trygo` tk pgfture cgb, iut go by

    cela ce‗s stgjj hteeo wgtc perheftjy kppy clgr strlg`ct kut kh

    l pcktk sckkt.

    ‚Pejfkbe ilfd, Bgss BfLjjgster-Bkr`lo,‒ Bs. @ugjjkry slys

     wgtc l sg`c, loa G tcgod G‗b suppksea tk reljgze G sckujao‗tclve alscea khh, eveo irgey. Gt prkilijy wlso‗t tce bkst

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)



    prkhessgkolj bkve, iut tkaly sckujao‗t fljj hkr stloalra kper-

    ltgo` prkfeaures.

     Ljj rg`ct, kh fkurse tkaly sckuja. Qclt‗s wcy stloalrakperltgo` prkfeaures exgst .

    ‚Loa `kka bkrogo`, Br. ^kwejj,‒ Bs. @ugjjkry slys, jkkd-

    go` plst be.

    G turo by cela very sjkwjy go l fljfujltea swgvej.

     Ljex ^kwejj, tce  Ljex ^kwejj, gs stloago` rg`ct gosgae tce

    swgo`go` akkrs.

    ‚@kka bkrogo`,‒ ce slys wgtc l jgttje `rgo.

    @relt. Must `relt . Ce‗s stgjj fute. Ce‗s okt kppy-clgr-

    strlg`ct-kut-kh-l-pcktk-sckkt fute, iut relj-jghe fute gostela.

     Loa relj-jghe fute gs sk bufc ietter.

    ‚Wku‗re go `kka cloas,‒ Bs. @ugjjkry tejjs cgb wgtc l jgttje

    `esture tk be. ‚@kka jufd ko ykur rst aly.‒

    Vce tldes l selt loa jkkds tk cer fkbputer, loa okrbljjy

    tcgs gs wceo G mubp go selbjessjy. Iut G‗b stgjj blrvejgo` tclt

    ce‗s cere.

    ‚Cey,‒ ce slys tk be, loa G try tk refkofgje tce hlbkus

    hteeo- yelr-kja wgtc tce persko stloago` go hrkot kh be, wckseebs okw jgde ce‗a wlot tk ie skbekoe‗s blo , okt tcegr iky.

    Kc by `ka, wcy lb G tcgodgo` stuhh jgde tcgs jgde G dokw

    cgb ; Veego` skbekoe ko QX loa tce Goteroet akeso‗t equlj

    dokwgo` cgb. Pe‗re strlo`ers .

    Ce‗s tljj‑G‗b ila wgtc `uessgo` ceg`cts, iut G tcgod kver

    sgx heet‑loa ce‗s jjea kut. Cgs alrd clgr usea tk ie styjea very prefgsejy. Okw gt‗s `rkwo kut must l jgttje, loa l wlvy

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)



    fcuod hljjs kver cgs hkrecela go l wly tclt bldes be wlot tk

    jelo kver loa irusc gt ilfd.

    Kc by `ka, Mujes, ok! Ak okt tcgod kh tkufcgo` Ljex, cgsclgr, kr cgs hkrecela. Wku‗re l prkhessgkolj. ̂ rkhessgkoljs deep

    tcegr cloas tk tcebsejves, eveo gosgae tcegr irlgos.

    ‚Bgss BfLjjgster-Bkr`lo,‒ slys Bs. @ugjjkry, loa okw G

     wkoaer gh G wls must stloago` tcere `lpgo` lt Ljex ̂ kwejj.

     Pceo yku jgve go JL, pekpje iego` hlbkus gso‗t tce ig`-

    `est aelj. Qcere lre Vlage‗s plreots, kh fkurse, loa l hew dgas

    sckw up kojy tkwlra tce eoa kh tce yelr wceo tcegr QX sckws

    lreo‗t sckktgo`, loa Ogfd Peier wls ko l Agsoey sckw ls tce

    lookygo` jgttje irktcer ilfd go `rlae sfckkj. Iut tce QX dgas

    kojy tljd tk be gh tcey‗re tljdgo` tk Vlage, loa G‗ve ilrejy spk-

    deo tk Ogfd lt ljj.

     Loa yet okw G clve tk speld tk Ljex. G clve tk speld tk

     Ljex wgtc lutckrgty . Iefluse G‗b ko tce El`je Xgstl Lflaeby

    Yefeptgko Fkbbgttee. G‗b tce vgfe presgaeot kh tce El`je

     Xgstl Lflaeby Yefeptgko Fkbbgttee.

    ‚Cg, G‗b Mujes BfLjjgster-Bkr`lo. G‗b ykur El`je Xgstl

     Lflaeby Yefeptgko Fkbbgttee jglgsko. Pclt‗s ykur olbe;‒Kivgkusjy tce questgko gs okt koe G oeea tk lsd.

    ‚Ljex,‒ ce slys wgtc l irkla sbgje tclt tldes kver cgs eotgre

    hlfe. ‚Ljex ^kwejj. Qclods.‒

    G tlde tclt go jgde oew gohkrbltgko.

    ‚Ogfe tk beet yku, Ljex.‒ G pluse tk ielb by prlftgfea

     wejfkbe sbgje. G‗ve jelroea hrkb blgojgogo` Lbergfl‗s Oext

    Qkp Bkaej   blrltckos wgtc by hrgeoas tclt tce `gvelwly kh

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)



    l hlde sbgje gs okt govkjvgo` ykur eyes, sk G blde sure bgoe

    frgodje up l jgttje.

    Go `eoerlj‑okt must wgtc by expressgko‑G tcgod gt‗sgofreagijy gbpkrtlot tk prkmeft tce rg`ct gbl`e. Vgofe tkaly

    G wls ko jglgsko auty loa G‗b lwlgtgo` tce oewsplper eagtkr

    lookuofebeot, G blae sure tk welr koe kh by bkre prkhes-

    sgkolj kutts. By strufturea `rly tkp `kes perheftjy wgtc tce

    suitje krlj plttero ko by L-jgoe sdgrt, loa iefluse by ijlfd

    lts lre irloa-oew, tcere‗s okt eveo tce cgot kh l sfuhh ko

    tceb yet. By ijkoa clgr gs pujjea ilfd gotk l jkw pkoytlgj, okt

    kojy tk deep gt kut kh by hlfe iut ljsk tk `gve tce gbpressgko G

    ako‗t flre likut hrgvkjkus tcgo`s jgde by clgr.

    ‚G‗jj tlde yku lrkuoa sk yku‗jj dokw wcere ykur fjlsses

    lre,‒ G fkotgoue. ‚Gt flo ie l jgttje fkohusgo` wgtc l hew go agh-

    hereot iugjago`s.‒

    ‚Kdly, fkkj,‒ ce slys, eveo tcku`c oktcgo` clvgo` tk ak

     wgtc tce El`je Xgstl Lflaeby Yefeptgko Fkbbgttee fkuja

    reljgstgfljjy ie tldeo ls fkkj . ‚Cere‗s by sfceauje.‒

    Ce stlrts tk cloa gt kver, iut G ckja up by fkpy. ‚^lrt kh

    tce mki.‒‚Wku‗re very preplrea,‒ ce slys go l vkgfe tclt ljbkst

    skuoas jgde grtltgko. Vk G rebgoa bysejh kh wck G‗b aeljgo`

     wgtc cere. Qcgs gs Ljex ^kwejj . Ljex ^kwejj prkilijy cls aevej-

    kpea grtltgko superpkwers. Blyie Ljex ^kwejj wls ikro

     wgtc grtltgko superpkwers.

    Qce vkgfe cls oktcgo` tk ak wgtc be.‚Vk yku‗ve ̀ kt fljfujus rst ckur‑tclt‗s go Blywkka Cljj,

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)



    tce blgo lflaebgf iugjago`, tcrku`c tce fkurtylra. Bkst kh

     ykur fjlsses lre go tcere4 jet be sckw yku.‒

    Ce hljjs gotk step iesgae be ls we wljd kut kh tce tgoylabgogstrltgve iugjago` loa gotk tce kpeo fkurtylra. ^ekpje

    blde huo kh tce fjgfcç kh Jks Lo`ejes weltcer, iut gh yku jgvea

    loywcere ejse, yku‗a clve tk heej meljkus lt jelst skbetgbes,

     wkujao‗t yku; Qce sdy gs fjelr, loa tce suo scgoes akwo go

    `kjaeo rlys, loa gt‗s ls gh tce wckje fgty wlots tk wejfkbe Ljex.

    G ak okt ijlbe tce fgty.

    ‚Pclt yelr lre yku;‒ ce lsds.

    ‚G‗b l seogkr tkk. Vk Blywkka Cljj gs tce bgaaje iugja-

    go`4 yku must clve tk blde l rg`ct loa hkjjkw tclt pltc.‒ G tlde

    l fkupje kh steps lcela kh cgb wcgje pkgotgo` gt kut. ‚Pe flo

    `k go, iut we clve tk stly pretty quget.‒

    ‚G flo blol`e tclt,‒ ce slys.

    G ckja kpeo koe celvy hrkot akkr hkr cgb. Ce dgoa kh

    irusces l`lgost be ls ce wljds go, loa wcgje gt‗s okt tce bkst

    iky fkotlft G‗ve ever cla, gt‗s fjkse. Gt heejs jgde l jkt kut kh

    okwcere. Blyie gt‗s wcy G hkr`et tk deep bkvgo`, loa tclt‗s

    aeogtejy wcy tce ceb kh by sdgrt `ets sufdea go ls tce akkrswgo`s scut.

    ‚Ok! ‒ G sckut, eveo tcku`c gt‗s tkk jlte.

     Ljex fkfds koe kh cgs eyeirkws. Qce bkve pujjs cgs wckje

    hlfe gotk l sbgje. ‚Pclt likut stlygo` quget;‒

    G try tk pujj lwly hrkb tce akkr, iut tce akkr gs strko`er,

    loa G flo heej tce wlgstiloa akgo` gts iest tk pujj akwo lwlyhrkb by wlgst. Loa G aeogtejy ak okt wlot Ljex ̂ kwejj tk see

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)



    by uoaerwelr lt ljj, iut espefgljjy okt tkaly iefluse tkog`ct

    gs Jluoary Og`ct. Qclt belos G lb welrgo` by jelst hlvkrgte

    plgr, wcgfc lre pgod-loa-ijlfd jekplra prgot, jgde by iutt gs ls rkfd stlr. G kojy kwo tceb iefluse Bkb stgjj ckjas kut

    ckpe G‗b sefretjy ls fkkj ls sce gs.

    G tcgod iktc Bkb loa G dokw tce trutc iy okw= G lb okt.

    ‚Ako‗t bkve.‒ Ljex swkkps ilfd go loa tcrkws kpeo tce

    akkr. By sdgrt akes `et agspjlfea, iut G‗b ljbkst pksgtgve G x

    gt go tgbe tk deep cgb hrkb seego` eveo tce tgogest sjgver kh

    ckt pgod loa ijlfd.


    ‚Wku agao‗t wlro be ckw alo`erkus gt gs cere,‒ Ljex slys.

    ‚Qcere‗s lftuljjy oelrjy l zerk perfeot frgbe rlte ko

    sfckkj `rkuoas,‒ G sly.

    ‚G wls dgaago`,‒ ce slys wgtc l sbgje.

    G fcefd tclt cgs eyes lre frgodjea tk see gh gt‗s l relj sbgje,

    loa tcey lre, sk gt gs. G flo‗t iejgeve Ljex ^kwejj gs sbgjgo` lt

    be. Qefcogfljjy, G `uess Ljex ^kwejj gs sbgjgo` lt by akrdg-

    oess go tce hlfe kh by @relt Vdgrt Eber`eofy, iut gt‗s stgjj l

    sbgje kh cgs agreftea lt be.‚Vkrry, G dokw, G belo, G sckuja clve dokwo.‒ G celr by

     vkgfe loa ckw G must skuoa jgde Ye`ujlr Mujes okw, okt lt ljj

    jgde El`je Xgstl Lflaeby Yefeptgko Fkbbgttee Xgfe ^resg-

    aeot Mujes. Qgbe tk reset. ‚Qcere‗s l stlgrwejj lt elfc eoa kh tce

    blgo fkrrgakr. Hkr skbe relsko, hrescbeo fjk` up tce rg`ct

    koe, sk G‗a su``est usgo` tce jeht koe wceo yku flo. Jet‗s celailfd kut sk G flo sckw yku tce ktcer blgo lflaebgf iugjago`.‒

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    ‚Ie flrehuj tcgs tgbe,‒ ce slys ls G kpeo tce akkr. ‚Qcgs

    iugjago` fjelrjy wlots tk heea ko ykur fjktces.‒

    ‚Cl-cl,‒ G sly. Cl-cl;  G belot tk lftuljjy jlu`c!‚Cey, Mujes; Qclt‗s ykur olbe, rg`ct; Gt‗s Mujes;‒

    ‚Gt‗s Mujes, yes.‒

    ‚Loywly.‒ Ljex stkps wljdgo` hkr l bkbeot loa scru`s.

    Iefluse ce‗s sk tljj, G clve tk jkkd up tk wltfc tce scru``go`.

    ‚Wku flo ̀ k lcela loa sly gt gh yku wlot.‒

    ‚Vly wclt;‒ G lsd, eveo tcku`c kh fkurse G dokw wclt ce

    belos. Ckw wkuja G eveo ak tclt, gh G aeebea gt pkjgte; Cey,

    agao‗t yku usea tk ie hlbkus; Cey, ak u stgjj wlot 9 I loykoe‗s iky; 

    Ce excljes luagijy. ‚G‑oever bgoa.‒

    ‚Fclo`go` sfckkjs bust ie clra,‒ G sly, eveo tcku`c Bs.

    @ugjjkry slys we sckuja oever ebpclsgze tce ila plrts kh

    swgtfcgo` sfckkjs, kojy tce huo koes, loa eveo tcku`c G‗b

    oelrjy pksgtgve tclt gso‗t wclt Ljex belos.

    ‚G‗ve akoe gt l hew tgbes,‒ ce slys. ‚Gt‗s okt tclt ig` l aelj.

    Gt‗s stgjj tce rst weed, kojy Quesaly. Fkuja ie wkrse.‒

    ‚Wku‗re irlve,‒ G sly wgtckut tcgodgo`. Gt elros be loktcer

    relj sbgje, tcku`c.‚Qclods hkr tce tkur,‒ ce slys, ‚Mujes.‒

    Yeljjy loa trujy, G dokw tcgs gso‗t lftulj grtgo`. Iut ljsk

    reljjy loa trujy, G jgde gt loywly.

    G sckw cgb Hlgr ^lrd Iugjago` loa tce Bkuot Ykylj Iugja-

    go` hkr tce Lrts, tceo wljd cgb gotk tce flhetergl. G expjlgo

     wcere tce vlrgkus jgoes‑eotrçes, sljla ilr, ̀ rgjj, sbkktcges‑lre, loa tceo G fgrfje cgb ilfd tk tce labgogstrltgve wgo`

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    loa expjlgo ckw ce flo `k tk cgs lavgskr hkr loytcgo` ce

    oeeas. Qcgs gs ljwlys tce jlst step kh tce tkur‑loa usuljjy iy

    okw G‗b heejgo` tclt twgo`e kh G sckuja `et tk fjlss sk G ako‗t bgssloytcgo` ejse ‑iut rg`ct okw G wgsc tce tkur cla severlj bkre


    ‚Vk G ckpe tclt yku‗ve `ktteo lo gael kh ckw tce sfckkj‗s

    jlga kut, loa wcere tk oa loytcgo` yku oeea,‒ G sly wgtc by

    prlftgfea sbgje. ‚Loa, l`lgo, yku flo ljwlys fkotlft ykur

    lavgskr kr loy El`je Xgstl Lflaeby Yefeptgko Fkbbgttee


    ‚Jgde yku,‒ ce slys.

    ‚Jgde be,‒ G sly, agsbgssgo` tce wlrbtc kr wcltever tkoe

    cgs vkgfe skuoas wlscea go. ‚G‗b vgfe presgaeot, sk G‗b ljwlys

    lvlgjlije tk cejp.‒

    ‚Qclt‗s l ig` respkosgigjgty,‒ ce slys. Qce tkoe gs stgjj tcere.

    ‚Gh tce presgaeot ages, yku‗ve `kt tk step up.‒

    G ljrelay ilrejy dokw ckw grtgo` wkrds uojess G‗b kiserv-

    go` ktcers, iut tceo tcrkw Ljex ^kwejj  gotk tce bgx; G jgterljjy

     must stloa tcere, l`lgo, stlrgo` lt cgb.

    G ak aefgae, ckwever, tclt gt‗s blr`goljjy ietter tclo sly-go` cl-cl  l`lgo.

    ‚Qclods hkr tce tkur,‒ ce tejjs be.

    ‚^lrt kh tce mki,‒ G sly, l`lgo, loa eveo tcku`c G tcgod G‗b

     must `kgo` tk gowlrajy frgo`e, G kutwlrajy frgo`e l jgttje tkk.

    @et gt tk`etcer, Mujes! ‚@kka jufd.‒

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     Wes, aurgo` subbers G clve koe kh tckse G-je-uogbpkrtlot-

    plperwkrd-iefluse-by-plreot- wkrds-cere goteroscgps. Wes, G

     wljd ak`s koe weedaly lhterokko loa koe weedeoa bkrogo`every weed. Iut gt‗s okt kojy sk G jkkd ̀ kka tk Irkwo, kr tk loy

    ktcer sfckkj. Ljj tcgs stuhh bltters .

    Kdly, blyie okt tce jgo`. Iut everytcgo` ejse! Loa lt

    jelst lt tce khfe G `et tk aress iusgoess-flsulj jgde G‗b lo

    laujt, loa tce aeplrtbeot lssgstlot ljwlys iuys be jlttes

     wceo sce pgfds up fkhhee kraers hkr ljj tce jlwyers.

     Ljex jelos l`lgost tce jkfder oext tk bgoe. ‚Qclods hkr

    sckwgo` be lrkuoa tkaly. Jglgsko kr okt.‒

    ‚Kc, gt‗s must iefluse G‗b‑‒ G fut bysejh khh hrkb loy bkre

    jglgsko tljd. ‚Wku‗re wejfkbe.‒

    ‚Vee yku tkbkrrkw,‒ ce slys.

    G tcgod ce‗s `kgo` tk wljd lwly, iut ce akeso‗t. ‚Kc! Vee

     yku tkbkrrkw tkk.‒

    ‚@kka jufd wgtc oewsplper.‒ Ce `rgos lt be iehkre cela-

    go` khh akwo tce cljjwly. G ako‗t dokw wcy tce sbgje heejs

    jgde tce rst koe loykoe‗s ever sckwo tk be, sk G hkfus ko

    swgtfcgo` kut by ikkds loa wljdgo` ilfd gotk Br. Pceejer‗skhfe.

    G sgt akwo oext tk Qcltfcer, wck‗s ljrelay ieeo tce pck-

    tk`rlpcy eagtkr hkr tce plst yelr iefluse ce‗s reljjy tljeotea

    iut ljsk iefluse ce kwos cgs kwo flberl, loa gt‗s l reljjy  

    hlofy koe. Br. Pceejer swkre up loa akwo tclt tce flberl

     wlso‗t tk ijlbe kr tclod hkr Qcltfcer‗s tgtje, iut we ljj sus-peft ktcerwgse.

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    By iujjet-pkgot jgst gs wrgtteo go by rea okteikkd, loa G

    turo tk gt loa rerela wcgje pekpje je gotk tce rkkb. G‗b kojy

    ko gteb oubier hkur (Vckwea jelaerscgp flpligjgtges iy iefkbgo`tce rst Yefeptgko Fkbbgttee bebier tk ie ejeftea vgfe presgaeot ls l

    skpckbkre ) wceo G celr Qcltfcer‗s flberl‗s scutter fjgfd.

    G fjkse tce okteikkd ls qugfdjy ls G flo. ‚Pclt lre yku


    ‚Pceo yku iefkbe eagtkr, yku‗jj ie clppy tclt G flpturea

    l bkbeot rg`ct iehkre,‒ Qcltfcer slys. Blyie ce‗s rg`ct, iut G

    iejgeve go mgoxgo` akwo tk by fkre, loa celrgo` cgb sly wceo  

    bldes l jgttje scgver rkfd tcrku`c be.

    ‚Ljj rg`ct, `uys, jet‗s `et stlrtea,‒ Br. Pceejer slys, wljd-

    go` tk tce hrkot kh tce rkkb. Ce‗s welrgo` l sjkufcy flrag`lo

     yku‗a expeft tk see ko l very kja blo, okt skbekoe ykuo`er

    tclo by plreots. Gt cls ejikw pltfces jgde l fjlssgf prkhesskr

     wkuja clve, iut G heej jgde tce sjkufcgoess loa flrag`logoess

    tlde lwly hrkb tce lflaebgf `rloaeur tcey bg`ct ktcerwgse

    su``est. ‚Gt‗s kur rst beetgo` kh tce sfckkj yelr, loa we clve

    l jkt tk lffkbpjgsc.‒

    Ce ie`gos cgs spgej hkr tce hrescbeo, wck lre ljj turogo`go wrgtgo`, aesg`o, kr pcktk`rlpcy slbpjes tkaly. Kojy skbe

    kh tceb wgjj blde tce stlhh, loa we‗jj ljj clve tk arkp wclt-

    ever we clve hkurtc pergka tk tlde oewsplper tceo gostela.

    G lssube Br. Pceejer‗s speefc wgjj `k ko lwcgje jko`er,

    sk G soeld l peed lt by jgst l`lgo. Iut G dokw tce jgst iy okw,

    loa G dokw ljj tce relskos G flo ak tcgs. Loa eveo tcku`c Gflo‗t aeoy Oltljge aeserves gt prkilijy must ls bufc, G flo‗t

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    gbl`goe by seogkr yelr wrgtgo` hkr tce Frest   wgtckut iego`

    tce eagtkr.

    Oltljge ljwlys cls l steej jkkd kh aeterbgoltgko loa ̀ rlfe,iut G stgjj wlot tk survey cer hlfe hkr loy cgot tclt sce‗s heejgo`

     wclt G‗b heejgo` rg`ct okw. Iut go `jlofgo` lrkuoa tce rkkb,

    G reljgze skbetcgo .̀

    Oltljge‗s okt cere.

    Go hlft, l jkt kh pekpje G expeft tk see lreo‗t cere. Eveo

     wgtc tce ig` frkwa kh tgoy ykuo` hrescblo, tcere lre l jkt kh

    ebpty aesds.

    ‚Pe ljwlys stlrt elfc yelr wgtc l oew eagtkr,‒ Br. Pceejer

    slys, loa G heej by pujse tcuaago` go by oefd loa by wrgsts.

    By bkutc tlstes jgde peooges. Gs gt wegra tclt G dokw wclt

    peooges tlste jgde; ‚Every eagtkr‗s ieeo l seogkr wck‗s ieeo

    ko iklra sgofe hrescblo yelr.‒

    Gs ce jelago` up tk slygo` Iut tcgs yelr gs aghhereot , tce wly

    reljgty sckws tclt clve ieeo ko hkr teo yelrs suaaeojy put

    fkotestlots ko telbs kr blde beo `ct l`lgost wkbeo; Kc

    by `ka, G reljjy wltfc tkk bloy reljgty sckws.

    ‚Loa tcgs yelr‗s eagtkr wgjj ie skbekoe wck‗s wkrdea veryclra tce plst tcree yelrs‑ Mujes BfLjjgster-Bkr`lo,‒ ce slys.

    ‚Mujes, wkuja yku jgde tk sly loytcgo`;‒

    G ak clve l speefc, iefluse by plreots clve ebpclsgzea

    iego` preplrea hkr ig` jghe bkbeots. Iut ljj G flo sly gs,

    ‚Pclt likut Oltljge;‒

    ‚Oltljge‗s aefgaea okt tk ie ko stlhh tcgs yelr sk tcltsce flo hkfus ko ktcer extrlfurrgfujlrs,‒ Br. Pceejer slys.

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    ‚Jufdy hkr be, cuc, G ako‗t clve tk blde l tku`c aefgsgko

    ietweeo yku twk. Kdly, bkvgo` ko tk tce exgstgo` stlhh.‒

     Pclt likut by speefc; Br. Pceejer fkujao‗t reljjy clvetcku`ct gt fkosgstea kh Pclt likut Oltljge; , fkuja ce;

    ‚Ljj rg`ct, `uys, jet‗s tljd likut ltteoaeofe.‒

    G `uess ce fkuja.

    ‚Fko`rlts,‒ Qcltfcer wcgspers tk be.

    Hkr wclt; G wlot tk lsd. Hkr must okt qugttgo`; Gh Oltljge

     were cere, blyie G wkujao‗t clve elroea tcgs. Blyie G agao‗t

    eveo elro tcgs. Blyie G‗b must tce koe wck‗s sgttgo` cere. Pcy

    gso‗t Oltljge cere loywly; Pcy wkuja sce wlot tk jelve wceo

    tcgs wls cer aestgoy ls bufc ls gt wls bgoe;

    Br. Pceejer agsfusses ltteoalofe loa cloas kut skbe

    hkrbs, loa tceo G reljgze ce‗s stlrgo` lt be. G agsbgss gt hkr l

    sefkoa iefluse uohkrtuoltejy Br. Pceejer loa G dokw elfc

    ktcer pretty wejj. Ce reots tce `uestckuse go tce ilfdylra

    iecgoa kurs, loa hkr skbe relsko by plreots clve iehrgeoaea

    cgb. Vkbetgbes tcey `gve cgb kur jehtkvers jgde ce‗a stlrve

     wgtckut us. Gso‗t ce l `rkwo-up wgtc l mki, loa flo‗t `rkwo-

    ups wgtc mkis heea tcebsejves;‚Cloago` kver tce regos tk yku, Mujes,‒ Br. Pceejer slys,

    loa gt cgts be tclt eveo tcku`c G kojy `kt tce mki iefluse

    Oltljge‗s wcerelikuts lre uodokwo, G stgjj clve tk ak tce mki.

    Vk G `et up loa tlde stkry loa pcktk gaels.

    G tcku`ct gt wkuja heej exfgtgo` loa pkwerhuj, iut gt must

    heejs jgde wrgtgo` tcgo`s akwo ko tce wcgteiklra. G heej jgdebysejh.

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     Lhter fjlss, Qcltfcer loa G clo` ilfd wgtc Flrjks Esqugvej,

    tce jlykut eagtkr. G expeft Br. Pceejer wgjj sly skbetcgo`

    ig` loa gospgrltgkolj loa tceo blyie G‗jj stkp heejgo` skijlc likut ljj kh tcgs. Br. Pceejer, ak yku wlot  be tk heej


    ‚@kka wkrd, ̀ uys! Vee yku tkbkrrkw.‒

    G `uess ce akes.

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    ^elout cls cgs eyes ko by fupflde. G wkujao‗t sclre gt wgtc l

    ak` loywly, iut G flo tejj hrkb tce floay agsf aefkrltgko tclt

    gt‗s hrkb Vprgodjes, loa tcey ak clve tce iest fupfldes go ljjkh JL. ‚Oltljge qugt tce plper kr skbetcgo`. Vk Br. Pceejer

    ilsgfljjy slga G `kt gt iefluse ce agao‗t clve tk pgfd.‒

    ‚Lw, G flo‗t iejgeve ce wkuja sly gt jgde tclt,‒ Bkb slys,

    iefluse, l`lgo, by plreots lakre Br. Pceejer . ‚Loa kh fkurse gt

    belos skbetcgo`.‒

    ‚Gt akeso‗t heej jgde loytcgo`,‒ G sly. ‚G agao‗t eveo `et tk

    blde l speefc.‒

    ‚Wku flo blde ykur speefc hkr us.‒

    G fckkse tk su``est stlrtgo` ko tce beltiljjs gostela kh

    `gvgo` by sjlvea-kver speefc tk by bkb loa twk ak`s.

    Algsy loa ^elout trlgj us ls we wljd gotk tce dgtfceo, loa

    ls Bkb‗s `ettgo` everytcgo` kut kh tce rehrg`erltkr, G tcgod tk

    `rli by pckoe. G clve l iuofc kh texts. Vlage wlots tk dokw

    ckw gt weot, Eb dokws ckw gt weot iefluse kh Qcltfcer loa gs

    fko`rltujltgo` be, loa tceo Vlage‑

     Pejj, tceo Vlage cls seot l sefkoa bessl`e fkotlgogo`

    skbetcgo` fkbpjetejy frlzy, loa G ak okt wlot tk aelj wgtctclt rg`ct okw.

    ‚G weot tk BfFljj‗s hkr tce belt,‒ Bkb tejjs be ls sce‗s

    tldgo` go`reageots kut kh tce rehrg`erltkr. ‚Vk gt gs very  hrescjy


    ‚Qclt‗s exfgtgo`,‒ G sly, iefluse tk Bkb gt gs, loa ko l ̀ kka

    aly G ̀ uess gt wkuja ie hkr be tkk. Iut G flo‗t ̀ et by bgoa khh

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    skbetcgo`, loa okw, tclods tk Vlage, gt gso‗t tce slaoess kh

    tce wly G ieflbe eagtkr.

    Vk flo we tljd likut tce hlft tclt Ljex hreldgo` ^kwejj gs

    fjelrjy gotk yku;

    Kdly, G flo‗t must okt tcgod  likut tce hlft tclt Vlage‗s textea

    be tcgs igt kh goslogty.

    ‚Gs Alrfy `kgo` tk ie ckbe ko tgbe tkog`ct;‒ G lsd, eveo

    tcku`c G ako‗t dokw wcy ko tgbe  gs skbetcgo` G sly. Gt‗s ls okr-

    blj hkr Alrfy tk rusc go lt tce tlgj eoa kh tce belj, fljjgo`

    kut lpkjk`ges ls sce tcrkws l pjlte kh jehtkvers go tce bgfrk-

     wlve ls gt gs hkr cer tk ie cere iehkre G set tce tlije. Iut Bkb

    akeso‗t usuljjy pjlo loytcgo` tkk ejlikrlte uojess sce‗s pretty

    sure gt‗jj ie koe kh tckse jltter og`cts loa okt tce hkrber.

     Pceo G wls jgttje, G agao‗t tcgod tcere wls loytcgo` strlo`e

    likut clvgo` twk bkbs. Loa, loywly, G oever reljjy tcku`ct

    G cla twk bkbs. G cla Bkb, loa G cla Alrfy, loa tcey were

    ls goagvgaulj ls loy bkb loa ala were hrkb elfc ktcer. Ilfd

    tceo we cla Ykfcester, l iel`je-scepcera bgx, loa we jgveago kur fkzy ckuse go El`je Ykfd, loa uotgj G weot khh tk dgo-

    aer`lrteo gt cla oever reljjy kffurrea tk be tclt by hlbgjy

     wlso‗t jgde bkst. Welc, Vlage cla l bkb loa l ala, iut ilfd

    tceo kaas were tk be tclt sce wls tce wegra koe.

    ‚Vuppkseajy, yes. Pe‗jj see.‒ Bkb stkps aubpgo` belts

    gotk tce bgxgo` ikwj loa steps fjkser tk tkufc by hlfe. G ckpe

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    sce clso‗t tkufcea tce rlw belts yet. ‚Mujes, gt stgjj belos

    skbetcgo` tclt yku were fckseo tk ie eagtkr.‒

    G kpeo by bkutc tk expjlgo tclt by furreot jkkd kh wegra-oess loa fkohusgko gso‗t likut tce Frest   iut Vlage‗s gosloe

    text. Go hlft, gt bg`ct eveo ie tk kverfkbpeoslte hkr ckw must

    tce gael  kh Ljex bldes be stlrt tk sbgje. Kh fkurse‑aespgte

     wclt Vlage‗s bessl`go`‑gt belos oktcgo`! Loa sk tce very

    jlst tcgo` G wlot tk ak rg`ct okw gs expjlgo tk Bkb wcy l hkr-

    ber iky-iloa bebier aeogtgvejy gs okt   gotk be. Vk G must

    scru` loa jet cer iejgeve G‗b upset likut tce tcgo` G wls‑tk

    ie hlgr‑upset likut kojy sgxty sefkoas l`k.

    ‚G dokw, Bkb.‒ G try wgtc ljj by hldgo` ligjgty tk jkkd jgde

    G belo gt tkk. G‗b okt sure gh sce iejgeves be, iut G blol`e tk

     welsej kut kh tcgs seotgbeotlj bkbeot loa pgfd up tce refgpe


    Qce beltiljjs refgpe gs wrgtteo kut go tce perheft sfrgpt kh

    by `relt-`rloabktcer, wck agea iehkre G wls ikro. Hkr tce

    bkst plrt by hlbgjy elts jgde okrblj JL pekpje. Pe `et kur

    dlje lt tce weedjy hlrbers‗ blrdet, clve Beltjess Bkoalys

    iefluse gt‗s celjtcy loa ljsk cejps tce eovgrkobeot, loa `kkut hkr suscg lt jelst twgfe l bkotc (usuljjy bkre). Iut Bkb‗s

    tce kojy koe go cer hlbgjy wck wlotea tce refgpe ikx wceo

    cer `rloabktcer agea, loa kofe l weed we fkkd skbetcgo`

    hrkb gt wgtc kojy l hew tweoty-rst-feotury fclo`es.

    By pckoe ago`s wgtc l oew text, loa kofe G see tclt gt‗s

    Vlage l`lgo, G ako‗t eveo rela tce bessl`e iehkre turogo` tcepckoe hlfeakwo ko tce fkuoter.

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    ‚Gt‗s l ig` aly hkr yku,‒ Bkb slys. ‚@k fljj ykur hrgeoas,

    loa G flo ogsc tcgs.‒

    ‚Gt‗s okt l ig` aly, loa G ako‗t wlot tk fljj by hrgeoas. Flo‗tG must blde beltiljjs go pelfe;‒

    ‚Kh fkurse.‒

    Bkb loa G spjgt up tce rest kh tce go`reageots. Vce belsures

    kut loa laas rgfkttl, bgjd, loa ^lrbeslo, wcgje G ak tce slbe

     wgtc irela frubis, ilsgj, plrsjey, loa sljt. Pe spjgt tce e``s

    iefluse gt‗s kur aubi trlagtgko tk see wck flo ireld tceb hlst-

    est. Bkb wgos tkog`ct. Koe kh by hlvkrgte tcgo`s likut fkkd-

    go` gs‑e``-ireldgo` fkotests kr okt‑ckw fljbgo` gt flo ie.

    Agooer wgjj ie hujj kh fkoversltgko, iut tcgs plrt gso‗t.

    Qcku`c tkog`ct tce sgjeofe gso‗t akgo` gt hkr be. Okt wgtc

    Vlage‗s text lscgo` fkostlotjy go by cela.

    ‚Gt‗s must tclt tcgs oew `uy stlrtea tkaly, loa G wls cgs jglg-

    sko, loa sk ce wls tljdgo` tk be l jkt iefluse kh tclt, loa

    Vlage tcgods gt belos skbetcgo`.‒

    G ako‗t belo tk sly gt, iut G‗b okt tclt surprgsea G ak. G‗ve

    oever ieeo sdgjjea lt deepgo` bufc hrkb by plreots, iut okr-

    bljjy tcere gso‗t bufc tk deep.‚Blyie gt akes belo skbetcgo`,‒ Bkb slys.

    ‚Vlage‗s frlzy, loa yku dokw tclt.‒

    Bkb jlu`cs iefluse sce‗s tkk ogfe tk lftuljjy l`ree likut

    Vlage‗s slogty jevejs.

    ‚L iky fkuja jgde yku,‒ Bkb slys, loa G heej by hlfe ̀ ettgo`

    ckt, wcgfc belos by hlfe gs `ettgo` rea. Vtkp gt, hlfe! Pkrd wgtc be, okt l`lgost be. ‚Pkuja tclt ie lwhuj;‒

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    ‚Ok, Bkb, tce pkgot gs gt wkujao‗t ie pkssgije.‒ G heej jgde

    G‗b `ettgo` tkk wkrdea up, sk G hkfus ko bgxgo` everytcgo`.

     Wku clve tk ak gt wgtc ykur cloas tk ̀ et tce iest resujts, wcgfcgs l jgttje `rkss, iut Bkb aga gt jlst tgbe, sk gt‗s by turo.

    ‚Wku‗re pretty `relt,‒ Bkb slys.

    ‚@relt tk ykur bkb gs okt jgde iego` `relt tk l `uy,‒ G sly.

    ‚Loa, loywly, G ako‗t clve tgbe hkr `uys. Wku dokw tclt.‒

    ‚G dokw tclt; G dokw oktcgo` kh tce skrt!‒

    ‚G‗b `ettgo` gotk Irkwo,‒ G sly. ‚G clve tk.‒

    ‚Wku wlot  tk,‒ Bkb slys. ‚Wku dokw yku flo‗t fkotrkj ykur

    kwo aestgoy.‒

    Bkb slys tcgo`s jgde tcgs ljj tce tgbe, iut G tcgod sce

    iejgeves wly tkk bufc go tcgo`s jgde aestgoy . G‗b pretty sure

     yku flo blde loytcgo` clppeo gh yku wkrd clra eoku`c, loa

    G‗b pksgtgve Alrfy l`rees wgtc be. Alrfy lfea jlw sfckkj,

    plssea tce ilr exlb ko cer rst lttebpt, loa tldes wkrd

    ckbe wgtc cer okt iefluse sce cls tk, iut iefluse sce wlots

    tk. Gt gso‗t tclt G ako‗t tcgod tclt iktc kh by plreots wkrd

    clra, iut Bkb bg`ct skbetgbes cgot tclt gt wkuja ie `kka

    tk tlde l ireld loa `k kutsgae kr tk clo` kut lt Vlage‗s, iut Gdokw tclt Alrfy ljwlys uoaerstloas tclt G ako‗t clve tgbe hkr


    ‚Ikys lre lftuljjy pretty elsy tk t go l sfceauje,‒ Bkb

    fkotgoues. ‚Pceo G wls go cg`c sfckkj‑‒

    ‚Bkb. G ako‗t wlot tk celr likut ttgo` go ikys. G sckujao‗t

    clve irku`ct tcgs up lt ljj. G reljjy must wlot tk blde belt-iljjs, kdly;‒

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)



    Bkb bgbes zgppgo` cer jgps iehkre `ettgo` tce plo relay

    ko tce stkve. Okw tclt everytcgo`‗s bgxea, we rkjj tce belt-

    iljjs loa put tceb gotk tce kveo. Qceo G jj l pkt wgtc tkbltkslufe we flooea jlst subber wgtc tkbltkes hrkb kur `lr-

    aeo. Ls G‗b pujjgo` ve`etlijes kut kh tce rehrg`erltkr tk blde

    l sljla, tce hrkot akkr kpeos loa Alrfy wljds go flrrygo` l

    ildery ikx hrkb tce Ljfkve.

    ‚Fko`rltujltgkos,‒ sce slys iehkre preseotgo` tce ikx tk

    be. G flo heej gt fkbgo`, iut G stgjj jkkd gosgae. Bkre fupfldes!

     Hkur  fupfldes! Alrfy ilrejy eveo iejgeves go prkfessea su`lr,

    iut cere tcey lre, stlrgo` lt be.

    ‚Pe‗re sk prkua kh yku,‒ Bkb slys, tldgo` l ireld hrkb

    beltiljj iusgoess loa wljdgo` kver hrkb tce fkuoter tk stloa

    oext tk Alrfy. Qceo tcey must stlre lt be   go tce `jkwgo` wly

    tcey ak skbetgbes, loa G‗b okt sure wclt tk ak, sk G must tlde

    tce ikx hrkb Alrfy loa stloa tcere.

    ‚Gt wls l tefcogfljgty,‒ G sly tk Alrfy. ‚Aga Bkb expjlgo


    Alrfy hrkwos. ‚Pclt ak yku belo;‒

    G repelt tce gohkrbltgko hkr cer, loa G wlgt hkr cer hlfe tkreeft wclt‗s go by celrt. Iut iehkre jko` sce‗s ilfd tk `jkw-

    go` l`lgo.

    ‚Gt‗s okt l tefcogfljgty,‒ sce slys. ‚Ie prkua kh ykursejh.‒

    Ie prkua kh ykursejh  skuoas ogfe, iut okt oefesslrgjy wceo

    Alrfy fkbbloas gt.

    Alrfy tldes kver hkr be ko sljla auty, loa G aefgae tkfcefd by pckoe. Vlage cls bessl`ea be twgfe bkre= G‗b

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)



    sergkus likut Ljex yku dokw!!  wgtc l dgssy-hlfe ebkmg G‗ve

    oever seeo iehkre, loa PCW LYE WKU G@OKYGO@ BE;;;

    G‗b fkbgo` kver! G‗b wkrrgea!‚Kc ok,‒ G sly ljkua. ‚G‗b lhrlga Vlage bg`ct ie fkbgo` kver.‒

    ‚Qclt‗s `relt,‒ Bkb slys.

    ‚Vce flo clve tce hkurtc fupflde,‒ Alrfy slys. ‚G wls

    `kgo` tk ̀ gve gt tk Mke ktcerwgse.‒

    G ako‗t wlot Vlage goterruptgo` by eveogo`, iut gt‗s l bufc

    ietter prkspeft tclo wljdgo` l jkoe fupflde kver tk Br.

     Pceejer‗s loa preteoago` jgde we ako‗t celr cgs `jkkby goage

    rkfd bkurogo` kver tce spelders.

    Qce akkriejj rgo`s wcgje we‗re tldgo` tce irkffkjg khh tce

    stkve, loa tce beltiljjs lre oelrjy relay. G‗b furreotjy blo-

    l`go` tce irkffkjg, sk Bkb jets Vlage go.

    ‚Kc by `ka, gt sbejjs lblzgo` go cere,‒ Vlage slys ls sce

     wljds gotk tce dgtfceo. ‚Ak yku dokw wclt by hlbgjy gs clv-

    go` hkr agooer tkog`ct; Qurdey sloawgfces. Vloawgfces! L

    sloawgfc flo‗t ie agooer!‒

    ‚Wkur bktcer bldes very `kka sloawgfces,‒ Alrfy tejjs

    cer. ‚Wku‗jj oa ok sybpltcy cere.‒Vlage kpeos tce uteosgj arlwer loa stlrts pujjgo` kut

    hkrds, spkkos, loa dogves tk set tce tlije. ‚Vkkkk . . . ckw aga gt

    `k; Flo we tljd likut gt;‒

    G kpeo by bkutc tk speld, iut G‗b stgjj `urgo` kut tce

    rst wkra wceo kh fkurse G ako‗t clve tk.

    ‚Vce `kt gt,‒ Bkb slys. ‚Okt tclt loy kh us sckuja iesurprgsea.‒

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)



    ‚Okt lt ljj!‒ Vlage go`s tce sgjverwlre kotk tce tlije loa

    tcrkws cer lrbs lrkuoa be. ‚Wly! Wku aga gt! G tkja yku yku‗a

    `et gt kver Oltljge.‒‚G agao‗t, kdly; Flo we must ljj lfdokwjea`e tclt;‒ G

    expjlgo hkr tce igjjgkotc tgbe. Pcy akeso‗t loykoe uoaer-

    stloa tce hujj sfkpe kh tce sgtultgko jgde G ak;

     Lhter agooer, Vlage loa G wljd up tk by rkkb. ^elout loa

    Algsy hkjjkw loa tlde tcegr hlvkrgte spkts ko by iea iehkre we

    flo sgt akwo. G lffept wcere G hljj ko tce fclgo kh fkbbloa

    fkbplrea tk ak`s go tcgs ckuse.

    ‚G sergkusjy ako‗t wlot tk tljd loy bkre likut gt,‒ G sly. ‚Gt‗s

    ljj ieeo sujjgea.‒

    ‚Vergkusjy, Mujes, G agao‗t fkbe up cere tk tljd likut tce

    plper. Plgt, aga yku must sly sujjgea ;‒ Vce jlu`cs loa jelos kver

    tk use Algsy ls l pgjjkw. ‚Ljex ^kwejj. Ljex. Hreldgo`. ^kwejj.‒

    ‚Ok,‒ G sly, loa gt skuoas wgbpy, sk G deep `kgo`. ‚Ok ok

    ok ok okkkkk.‒Qclt bly clve skbeckw skuoaea wgbpger.

    ‚Mujes. G dokw skbe tcgo`s likut ikys. Okt everytcgo`, iut

    eoku`c, loa tclt gs ckw ikys lft, trust be.‒

    G blol`e tk t gotk tce splfe ietweeo Algsy loa ^elout.

    ‚Pclt lre yku eveo slygo`; Pclt gs ckw ikys lft;‒

    ‚Mujes, yku‗re rlodea rst go kur fjlss. Wku‗jj ie kur vljeagftkrglo loa blde l jkvejy loa wgse speefc we‗jj ljj

  • 8/20/2019 The New Guy (And Other Senior Year Distractions) (Preview)


    rebebier tcrku`ckut kur wckje jgves. Vk ako‗t pjly aubi ljj

    kh l suaaeo.‒

    ‚G‗b okt pjlygo`!‒ G ruo by cloa kver ^elout‗s skht tlo hur.‚G ako‗t wlot tk tljd likut tcgs egtcer. G dokw ce lftea ogfe.

    G ljsk dokw gt akeso‗t belo loytcgo`. Loa lftgo` jgde gt akes

    heejs . . . jgde G‗b fceltgo`, kr skbetcgo`. Ikys jgde Ljex ^kwejj

    ako‗t . . .‒

    ‚Qk ie hlgr we ako‗t clve tclt bufc rehereofe blterglj ko

    ikys jgde Ljex ^kwejj,‒ Vlage slys. ‚Gh G arkp gt, flo G lt jelst

    reserve tce rg`ct tk sly G tkja yku sk  jlter;‒

    ‚Gh gt bldes yku stkp tljdgo`; Wes.‒

    ‚G‗jj tlde tclt ls l vgftkry.‒