The neural bases of obsessive–compulsive disorder in children and adults TIAGO V. MAIA, REBECCA E. COONEY, AND BRADLEY S. PETERSON Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute Abstract Functional imaging studies have reported with remarkable consistency hyperactivity in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and caudate nucleus of patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). These findings have often been interpreted as evidence that abnormalities in cortico–basal ganglia–thalamo–cortical loops involving the OFC and ACC are causally related to OCD. This interpretation remains controversial, however, because such hyperactivity may represent either a cause or a consequence of the symptoms. This article analyzes the evidence for a causal role of these loops in producing OCD in children and adults. The article first reviews the strong evidence for anatomical abnormalities in these loops in patients with OCD. These findings are not sufficient to establish causality, however, because anatomical alterations may themselves be a consequence rather than a cause of the symptoms. The article then reviews three lines of evidence that, despite their own limitations, permit stronger causal inferences: the development of OCD following brain injury, pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection, and neurosurgical lesions that attenuate OCD. Converging evidence from these various lines of research supports a causal role for the cortico–basal ganglia–thalamo–cortical loops that involve the OFC and ACC in the pathogenesis of OCD in children and adults. Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a de- bilitating illness (Koran, 2000; Koran, Thiene- mann, & Davenport, 1996) that has a lifetime prevalence of 2–3% in nearly every country for which epidemiological data are available (Bland, Newman, & Orn, 1988; Horwath & Weissman, 2000; Karno, Golding, Sorenson, & Burnam, 1988; Robins et al., 1984; Sasson et al., 1997; Weissman et al., 1994). It affects an estimated 50 million people worldwide (Sas- son et al., 1997). OCD is typically characterized by the presence of both obsessions and compul- sions, although the presence of either obses- sions or compulsions alone is sufficient to make the diagnosis of OCD (American Psy- chiatric Association, 2000). Obsessions are re- current, persistent, and intrusive ego-dystonic thoughts, impulses, or images; compulsions are repetitive behaviors or mental acts that are executed with the goal of preventing or reduc- ing distress or preventing some dreaded event or situation (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Childhood- Versus Adult-Onset OCD The age of onset of OCD seems to have a bimo- dal distribution, with a peak in childhood (at ap- proximately 10 years of age) and another in early adulthood (Geller, 2006; Geller, Bieder- man, Jones, Shapiro, et al., 1998). Estimates of the prevalence of OCD among adolescents are of approximately 2–3.5% (Flament et al., 1988; Valleni-Basile et al., 1994; Zohar et al., 1992). Approximately 40% of cases of child- hood-onset OCD continue into adulthood, and Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Brad- ley S. Peterson, Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute, 1051 Riverside Drive, Unit 78, New York, NY 10032; E-mail: petersob@childpsych. columbia.edu. This work was partially supported by NIMH Grants K02 74677, 2T32 MH16434, and MH068318. Development and Psychopathology 20 (2008), 1251–1283 Copyright # 2008 Cambridge University Press Printed in the United States of America doi:10.1017/S0954579408000606 1251

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Page 1: The neural bases of obsessive–compulsive disorder in ... · PDF fileThe neural bases of obsessive–compulsive disorder in children and adults TIAGO V. MAIA, REBECCA E. COONEY, AND

The neural bases of obsessive–compulsivedisorder in children and adults

TIAGO V. MAIA, REBECCA E. COONEY, AND BRADLEY S. PETERSONColumbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute


Functional imaging studies have reported with remarkable consistency hyperactivity in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC),anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and caudate nucleus of patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). Thesefindings have often been interpreted as evidence that abnormalities in cortico–basal ganglia–thalamo–cortical loopsinvolving the OFC and ACC are causally related to OCD. This interpretation remains controversial, however, becausesuch hyperactivity may represent either a cause or a consequence of the symptoms. This article analyzes the evidence for acausal role of these loops in producing OCD in children and adults. The article first reviews the strong evidence foranatomical abnormalities in these loops in patients with OCD. These findings are not sufficient to establish causality,however, because anatomical alterations may themselves be a consequence rather than a cause of the symptoms. Thearticle then reviews three lines of evidence that, despite their own limitations, permit stronger causal inferences: thedevelopment of OCD following brain injury, pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated withstreptococcal infection, and neurosurgical lesions that attenuate OCD. Converging evidence from these various lines ofresearch supports a causal role for the cortico–basal ganglia–thalamo–cortical loops that involve the OFC and ACC in thepathogenesis of OCD in children and adults.

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a de-bilitating illness (Koran, 2000; Koran, Thiene-mann, & Davenport, 1996) that has a lifetimeprevalence of 2–3% in nearly every countryfor which epidemiological data are available(Bland, Newman, & Orn, 1988; Horwath &Weissman, 2000; Karno, Golding, Sorenson, &Burnam, 1988; Robins et al., 1984; Sassonet al., 1997; Weissman et al., 1994). It affectsan estimated 50 million people worldwide (Sas-son et al., 1997). OCD is typically characterizedby the presence of both obsessions and compul-sions, although the presence of either obses-sions or compulsions alone is sufficient to

make the diagnosis of OCD (American Psy-chiatric Association, 2000). Obsessions are re-current, persistent, and intrusive ego-dystonicthoughts, impulses, or images; compulsionsare repetitive behaviors or mental acts that areexecuted with the goal of preventing or reduc-ing distress or preventing some dreaded eventor situation (American Psychiatric Association,2000).

Childhood- Versus Adult-Onset OCD

The age of onset of OCD seems to have a bimo-dal distribution, with a peak in childhood (at ap-proximately 10 years of age) and another inearly adulthood (Geller, 2006; Geller, Bieder-man, Jones, Shapiro, et al., 1998). Estimatesof the prevalence of OCD among adolescentsare of approximately 2–3.5% (Flament et al.,1988; Valleni-Basile et al., 1994; Zohar et al.,1992). Approximately 40% of cases of child-hood-onset OCD continue into adulthood, and

Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Brad-ley S. Peterson, Columbia University and New York StatePsychiatric Institute, 1051 Riverside Drive, Unit 78,New York, NY 10032; E-mail: [email protected].

This work was partially supported by NIMH Grants K0274677, 2T32 MH16434, and MH068318.

Development and Psychopathology 20 (2008), 1251–1283Copyright # 2008 Cambridge University PressPrinted in the United States of Americadoi:10.1017/S0954579408000606


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that number increases to 60% when subthresh-old presentations of OCD are also considered(Stewart et al., 2004). Conversely, one-third toone-half of adults with OCD have the onset oftheir symptoms in childhood or adolescence(Eichstedt & Arnold, 2001).

Childhood- and adult-onset OCD differ inseveral ways. Compared to adult-onset OCD,childhood-onset OCD is more prevalent amongmales (Eichstedt & Arnold, 2001; Geller, Bie-derman, Jones, Shapiro, et al., 1998); is morefamilial (Bellodi, Sciuto, Diaferia, Ronchi, &Smeraldi, 1992; do Rosario-Campos et al.,2005; Nestadt et al., 2000; Pauls, Alsobrook,Goodman, Rasmussen, & Leckman, 1995);and is associated with a higher prevalence oftic disorders, both in the patients with OCDthemselves and in their first-degree relatives(Chabane et al., 2005; Grados et al., 2001; Paulset al., 1995). These findings have led some au-thors to suggest that childhood-onset OCD is adistinct, “tic-related” subtype of OCD (Eich-stedt & Arnold, 2001; Taylor, 2005). The dis-tinction between childhood- and adult-onsetOCD may also have treatment implications:adults with childhood-onset OCD respond lessto treatment with clomipramine than do adultswith adult-onset OCD, independent of illnessduration or severity (Ackerman, Greenland, By-stritsky, Morgenstern, & Katz, 1994).

Most brain imaging studies that includeadults with OCD use mixed samples that in-clude adults with childhood- and adult-onsetOCD. Given the evidence that brain activity dif-fers in adults with childhood- versus adult-onsetOCD (Busatto et al., 2001), such heterogeneoussamples may compromise statistical power andconfound findings. In addition, many studies re-port only the mean and standard deviation ofage of illness onset, which are inadequate tocharacterize what are likely to be bimodal distri-butions. Consequently, knowing whether find-ings apply to all adults with OCD or only tothose with childhood- or adult-onset OCD is im-possible for most existing studies that includeadults with OCD.

In addition, few studies have compared theneural correlates of OCD across children andadults, severely limiting our knowledge of theirsimilarities and differences. One of the aims ofthis review is to begin to redress this gap by sys-

tematically evaluating the similarities and dif-ferences in findings from studies of the neuralbases of pediatric and adult OCD. We shouldnote, however, that differences in findingsacross these age groups may be due to severalfactors. We list four, nonexhaustive possibili-ties. First, any such differences may be a conse-quence of comparing children with OCD withmixed samples that include adults with child-hood-onset OCD and adults with adult-onsetOCD. If childhood-onset OCD is a distinct bio-logical subtype, this comparison confounds ageor developmental effects with the effects ofillness subtype. Second, such differences maybe a consequence of compensatory behavioral,cognitive, or affective responses, which maybe more developed, or simply different, inadults. Third, such differences may reflect thedifferences in phenomenology between pediat-ric and adult OCD (Geller, Biederman, Jones,Park, et al., 1998). Fourth, such differencesmay be a consequence of brain development,affecting either the neural systems directly in-volved in the symptoms of OCD or closely re-lated systems.

Functional Neuroimaging of OCD

Much of our understanding of the pathophys-iology of OCD has been derived from func-tional neuroimaging studies. Broadly speaking,these can be divided into four categories, ac-cording to the experimental paradigm used (Sax-ena & Rauch, 2000): (a) resting studies, whichcompare some measure of brain activity at restin patients with OCD and controls; (b) symp-tom provocation studies, which compare brainactivity before and after the provocation ofsymptoms (e.g., through contact with some-thing dirty in patients with obsessions aboutgerms and cleanliness); (c) treatment studies,which compare brain activity at rest beforeand after treatment with medication or psycho-therapy; and (d) cognitive activation studies,which compare brain activity in patients withOCD and controls as they perform a cognitivetask. Combinations of these categories arealso possible: one can, for example, image cog-nitive activation or symptom provocation be-fore and after treatment (Lazaro et al., 2008;

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Nakao et al., 2005b), or image cognitive activa-tion before and after symptom provocation.

Three brain areas—the orbitofrontal cortex(OFC), the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), andthe head of the caudate nucleus—have been con-sistently implicated in a large number of resting,symptom provocation, and treatment studies ofadults with OCD. These areas (a) are hyperactiveat rest in adults with OCD relative to healthycontrols, (b) become more active with symptomprovocation, and (c) no longer show hyperactiv-ity at rest following successful treatment with ei-ther medication or cognitive–behavioral therapy(Baxter, Clark, Iqbal, & Ackermann, 2001;Saxena, Bota, & Brody, 2001; Saxena, Brody,Schwartz, & Baxter, 1998; Saxena & Rauch,2000; Schwartz, 1998; Whiteside, Port, & Abra-mowitz, 2004). These findings have generallybeen interpreted as evidence that abnormalitiesin these or closely related areas cause OCD(e.g., Baxter et al., 2001; Saxena et al., 1998,2001; Saxena & Rauch, 2000).

Two studies have compared resting bloodflow before and after pharmacological treat-ment in children with OCD (Castillo et al.,2005; Diler, Kibar, & Avci, 2004). One of thesestudies (Diler et al., 2004) also compared rest-ing blood flow in the children with OCD beforetreatment with resting blood flow in a group ofhealthy controls. The findings of this studywere largely consistent with the findings inadults, including hyperactivity at rest in the cau-date and ACC of treatment-naive children,which declined following treatment. The otherstudy (Castillo et al., 2005) failed to detectany differences between pre- and posttreatmentscans. We are not aware of any symptom provo-cation studies in children with OCD.

The vast majority of functional imaging stud-ies of OCD through the end of the 1990s usedresting, symptom provocation, or pre- versus post-treatment designs. A comprehensive review ofimaging studies of OCD that was published in2001 listed 17 resting studies, 7 symptom provo-cation studies, 10 pre- versus posttreatmentstudies, and only 4 cognitive activation studies(Saxena et al., 2001). The situation has shiftedin recent years, with the publication of a largenumber of cognitive activation studies in adultswith OCD, using a wide variety of cognitive tasks(with an emphasis on executive function tasks).

The tasks used have included the go/no-go(Maltby, Tolin, Worhunsky, O’Keefe, & Kiehl,2005; Roth et al., 2007), Stroop (Harrison et al.,2006; Nakao et al., 2005a; van den Heuvel, Velt-man, Groenewegen, Witter, et al., 2005), Eriksenflanker (Fitzgerald et al., 2005), multisource inter-ference (Yucel et al., 2007), stop signal (Woolleyet al., 2008), numeric conflict (Viard et al., 2005),reversal learning (Remijnse et al., 2006), tower ofLondon (van den Heuvel, Veltman, Groenewe-gen, Cath, et al., 2005), spatial N-back (van derWee et al., 2003), continuous performance(Ursu, Stenger, Shear, Jones, & Carter, 2003),task switching (Gu et al., 2008), word generation(Pujol et al., 1999), and serial reaction time(Rauch et al., 1997, 2001, 2007) tasks. Thefindings of these studies have generally been con-sistent with the findings of resting, symptomprovocation, and treatment studies, highlightingfunctional disturbances in the OFC, ACC, basalganglia, and related areas (Menzies et al., 2008).Rather than attempting to survey this large andvaried literature, though, we wish to highlight ageneral difficulty with interpreting cognitive acti-vation studies that applies across tasks.

Typically, a given cognitive task only acti-vates those areas involved in the cognitive pro-cesses required to perform the task. Whetherand how the cognitive processes involved inthe tasks that have been used to study OCDmay relate to the symptoms of OCD is not al-ways obvious. Cognitive activation studiestherefore often have less face validity than rest-ing, symptom provocation, or treatment studiesfor addressing the neural bases of obsessive–compulsive symptoms. For example, most cog-nitive activation studies of OCD have usedinhibitory control tasks. Patients with OCDexhibit behavioral deficits in at least someinhibitory control tasks (Chamberlain, Black-well, Fineberg, Robbins, & Sahakian, 2005),and imaging studies that employ those tasksare useful to determine the neural correlates ofthose deficits. However, the relevance of thosestudies to understanding the symptoms of OCDdepends on the unproven assumption that thosesymptoms relate directly to a deficit in inhibi-tory control. The symptoms of OCD have in-deed been suggested to be a consequence of de-ficient inhibitory control, with obsessions arisingfrom a failure to inhibit intrusive thoughts, and

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compulsions arising from a failure to inhibitcertain behaviors (Chamberlain et al., 2005).Deficits in inhibitory control have, however,been reported for several psychiatric disorders,including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor-der (Barkley, 1997; Nigg, 2001), bipolar disorder(Larson, Shear, Krikorian, Welge, & Strakowski,2005; Quraishi & Frangou, 2002; Robinsonet al., 2006), schizophrenia (Crawford, Bennett,Lekwuwa, Shaunak, & Deakin, 2002; Weisbrod,Kiefer, Marzinzik, & Spitzer, 2000), and addic-tion (Li & Sinha, 2008; Yucel & Lubman,2007). The presence of deficits in inhibitory con-trol in so many disorders with such widely vary-ing phenotypes suggests caution in interpretingsuch deficits as the root cause of OCD.

Despite these limitations, cognitive activa-tion studies can certainly be informative. Earlycognitive activation studies, for example, foundthat healthy controls recruited the striatum dur-ing performance of an implicit (habit) learningtask, whereas patients with OCD recruited thehippocampus, despite similar behavioral per-formances across the groups (Rauch et al.,1997, 2001).1 These findings suggested thatpatients with OCD might use hippocampus-dependent (declarative) learning to overcomedeficits in striatum-dependent (implicit) learn-ing. If so, the performance of patients with OCDshould suffer more than that of healthy controlswhen a secondary task that taxes working mem-ory is introduced, and this was confirmed ex-perimentally (Deckersbach et al., 2002). Thesestudies show that even in the absence of ob-vious differences in behavioral performance,cognitive activation studies may highlight dif-ferences in neural activity that reflect compen-satory strategies. The pathogenic relation, ifany, of deficits in implicit (habit) learning andthe symptoms of OCD remains unclear how-ever. Even if compulsions are maladaptive, ex-aggerated habits (Graybiel & Rauch, 2000),why patients with OCD would have difficultyusing the striatal habit-learning system (Pack-ard & Knowlton, 2002) to learn other habits re-

mains unclear. Post hoc, one can speculate thatin patients with OCD the striatal habit-learningsystem is “overloaded” by compulsions, mak-ing it impossible for them to learn other habits.However, from the idea that OCD prominentlyinvolves exaggerated habits (the compulsions),one could equally plausibly have predicted theopposite pattern of findings: that the habitlearning system in OCD should be especiallypowerful and effective. This highlights againthe difficulties with interpreting the relevanceof cognitive tasks and cognitive activation stud-ies for the pathogenesis of OCD.

Cortico–Basal Ganglia–Thalamo–Cortical(CBGTC) Loops and the Pathophysiologyof OCD

The OFC and ACC are intimately connected tothe basal ganglia via CBGTC loops (Alexander,DeLong, & Strick, 1986; Mega & Cummings,2001; Middleton & Strick, 2001b). SeveralCBGTC loops exist, and they seem to runlargely parallel courses through the basal gang-lia (Alexander et al., 1986; Mega & Cummings,2001; Middleton & Strick, 2001b). Each ofthese loops receives inputs from multiple corti-cal areas and then projects back to one of itscortical areas of origin, thereby partly closingthe loop (Alexander et al., 1986). No consensusexists in the literature about exactly how manysuch loops there are, but a particularly influen-tial formulation proposes the existence of fiveloops, whose target areas are (a) the supplemen-tary motor area, (b) the frontal eye fields, (c) thedorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), (d) thelateral OFC, and (e) the ACC (Alexander et al.,1986). A more recent formulation adds twoadditional loops with target areas in the medialOFC and in the inferotemporal/posterior parie-tal cortex, and suggests that each of the loopsmay actually be further subdivided into multi-ple parallel loops (Middleton & Strick, 2001b).The main site in the striatum through whichthe CBGTC loops involving the OFC andACC run is the head of the caudate nucleus(Alexander et al., 1986; Mega & Cummings,2001; Middleton & Strick, 2001b). The find-ings from the resting, symptom provocation,and treatment studies described above maytherefore be interpreted as implicating the

1. A more recent study using the same paradigm confirmedabnormal recruitment of the hippocampus in patientswith OCD, even though it failed to detect differencesin activation of the striatum between patients withOCD and healthy controls (Rauch et al., 2007).

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CBGTC loops involving the OFC and ACC(henceforward referred to as OFC/ACCCBGTC loops) in OCD.

An influential idea based on these observa-tions is that OCD results from an imbalance be-tween the so-called “direct” and “indirect”pathways through the basal ganglia (Figure 1;Baxter et al., 2001; Saxena et al., 1998, 2001;Saxena & Rauch, 2000). The net effect of thedirect pathway is excitatory, and the net effectof the indirect pathway is inhibitory (Figure 1),so these pathways are sometimes said to formpositive and negative feedback loops, respec-tively. This simple model of opposing directand indirect pathways has proven extremelyuseful in understanding hyperkinetic and hypo-kinetic movement disorders, such as Hunting-ton and Parkinson diseases, respectively (Wich-mann & DeLong, 1996). The idea is thatexcessive relative activity in the direct pathwaydisinhibits cortical motor programs, producinghyperkinetic symptoms, such as the chorea inHuntington disease. Conversely, excessive rel-ative activity in the indirect pathway inhibitscortical motor programs, producing hypoki-netic symptoms, such as the difficulty initiatingmovement in Parkinson disease.

These symptoms are in the motor domain,but different symptoms may occur if the bal-ance of the direct and indirect pathways is com-promised in nonmotor CBGTC loops. In par-ticular, excessive relative activity in the directpathway in OFC/ACC CBGTC loops hasbeen suggested to result in a positive feedbackloop in which obsessive thoughts become“trapped” (Baxter et al., 2001; Saxena et al.,1998, 2001; Saxena & Rauch, 2000). Consis-tent with this idea, the prevalence of obses-sive–compulsive symptoms is significantlygreater in Huntington disease than in the gen-eral population (Anderson, Louis, Stern, &Marder, 2001; Beglinger et al., 2007; DeMarchi & Mennella, 2000), and some case re-ports describe onset of OCD following the on-set of Huntington disease (Cummings & Cun-ningham, 1992; Scicutella, 2000).

This theory of OCD is not without difficulties.In particular, it does not explain why patientswith OCD should have specific obsessions, asopposed to obsessing about everything. Thiscan be unpacked into two, related questions.

The first is why one finds great similarity in thecontents of obsessions cross-culturally (Sassonet al., 1997); the second is why each individualpatient tends to obsess only about a small subsetof the larger set of common obsessions. One sug-gestion has been that “in persons with OCD, aresponse bias exists toward stimuli relating to so-cioterritorial concerns about danger, violence,hygiene, order, and sex—the themes of most ob-sessions in patients with OCD—mediated byorbitofrontal circuits” (Saxena & Rauch, 2000).However, the OFC responds to a variety ofboth positive and negative emotional stimuli, aswell as to neutral stimuli that have been pre-viously paired with positive or negative out-comes (Elliott & Deakin, 2005; Elliott, Dolan,& Frith, 2000; Kringelbach & Rolls, 2004;O’Doherty, 2007; Rolls, 1996, 1999, 2004;Schultz, Tremblay, & Hollerman, 2000; Zald& Kim, 2001). Why, then, “socioterritorial con-cerns” in particular should become locked in

Figure 1. The classical conceptualization of the anatomy ofCBGTC loops in terms of direct and indirect pathways (Al-bin, Young, & Penney, 1989; DeLong, 1990). The directpathway runs from the cortex to the striatum, then directlyto the globus pallidus internal segment (GPi) and substantianigra pars reticulata (SNr), then to the thalamus, and finallyback to the cortex. The indirect pathway runs from the cor-tex to the striatum, then to the globus pallidus external seg-ment (GPe), the subthalamic nucleus (STN), the GPi/SNr,the thalamus, and finally back to the cortex. Arrows repre-sent excitatory (glutamatergic) connections and filled cir-cles represent inhibitory (GABAergic) connections. The di-rect pathway contains an even number of inhibitoryconnections (2), so its net effect from the cortex back tothe cortex is excitatory. The indirect pathway contains anodd number of inhibitory connections (3), so its net effectfrom the cortex back to the cortex is inhibitory.

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the OCD positive feedback loop is unclear. Thissuggestion also fails to explain why some pa-tients with OCD will obsess about germs andwash compulsively, whereas others may obsessabout whether they have locked the doors totheir house and check the locks compulsively.

Searching for the Pathogenesis of OCD

As noted above, the findings that in patientswith OCD the OFC, ACC, and caudate nucleusare hyperactive at rest, become more active un-der symptom provocation, and show less activ-ity following treatment have generally beeninterpreted as evidence that hyperactivity inthese areas generates the symptoms of OCD(e.g., Baxter et al., 2001; Saxena et al., 1998,2001; Saxena & Rauch, 2000). However, sev-eral alternative interpretations of these findingsare equally plausible. We know, for example,that when healthy controls are exposed to pic-tures depicting OCD-relevant scenes (specifi-cally, pictures that are washing relevant, check-ing relevant, and hoarding relevant) and areasked to imagine related scenarios (e.g., “imag-ine that you must come into contact withwhat’s shown in the following pictures withoutwashing yourself afterward”), they activate re-gions similar to those that are hyperactive inOCD (Mataix-Cols et al., 2003). One possibleinterpretation of these findings is that ratherthan being the origin of obsessional content,these regions become hyperactive as a normalconsequence of the obsessional content (Sha-fran & Speckens, 2005). We also know thatthe OFC and ACC are involved in emotion reg-ulation (Ochsner, Bunge, Gross, & Gabrieli,2002; Ochsner & Gross, 2005). Thus, again hy-peractivity in these areas may be a consequenceof an attempt by patients with OCD to regulatetheir anxiety, rather than being the cause of theirsymptoms.

A related, although slightly different idea isthat hyperactivation of the OFC, ACC, and cau-date nucleus simply reflects the need to inhibitcompulsive behavior during the scan (Peterson,2003). This idea is supported by the findingthat the ACC and the head of the caudate nucleusare activated when patients with Tourette syn-drome (TS) voluntarily inhibit their tics (Peter-son et al., 1998). The genetic, phenomeno-

logical, and pathophysiological similaritiesbetween TS and OCD (Fineberg, Saxena, Zohar,& Craig, 2007; Marsh, Leckman, Bloch, Yaz-gan, & Peterson, 2008) suggest that excessive ac-tivity in these areas in patients with OCD mightreflect the inhibition of compulsions. Furthersupport for this idea comes from the findingsthat the OFC, ACC, and caudate are activatedin a variety of tasks that require the suppressionof a prepotent response (Peterson, 2003). Weigh-ing against this thesis are human lesion studiessuggesting that response inhibition may belocalized to the right inferior frontal cortex,rather than in the OFC, ACC, or caudate (Aron,Fletcher, Bullmore, Sahakian, & Robbins, 2003;Aron, Robbins, & Poldrack, 2004). The evidencefrom functional imaging for an involvement ofthe OFC in response inhibition, as studied usingthe go/no-go task, also remains inconclusive,with block designs typically showing OFCactivation, but event-related designs failingto show such activation (Elliott & Deakin,2005).

Other authors have similarly suggested thatOFC hyperactivation may reflect patients’ ef-forts to inhibit their symptoms during the scan-ning procedure (Adler et al., 2000; Roth et al.,2007), remaining agnostic as to whether that in-hibition is targeted specifically at obsessions,compulsions, anxiety, or possibly all of them.Consistent with the idea that OFC activity playsan inhibitory role, keeping the obsessions, com-pulsions, or anxiety in check, greater activationof the OFC during symptom provocation is as-sociated with a smaller increase in reportedsymptoms with the provocation (Adler et al.,2000; Rauch et al., 1994). If OFC hyperactivityplayed a role in causing, rather than in inhibit-ing symptoms, then greater activation of theOFC during symptom provocation should beassociated with a greater, not a lesser, increasein symptoms.

Our goal is not to suggest that one of thesevarious interpretations is the correct one. Instead,we wish to emphasize that all are consistent withthe findings that the OFC, ACC, and caudate nu-cleus are hyperactive at rest, become more activeunder symptom provocation, and show less ac-tivity following treatment. For example, if theactivation of these areas reflects an attempt toinhibit symptoms, such activation could be

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expected to be higher at rest in patients with OCDthan in healthy controls, to increase with symp-tom provocation, when such inhibition becomesmore necessary, and to decrease after treatment,when such inhibition becomes less necessary.

The problem with interpreting these activa-tions as the cause of the symptoms is that thesefunctional imaging findings are inherently cor-relational: they demonstrate only that activityin these areas correlates with a symptomaticstate in OCD. One might hope that anatomicalimaging studies would resolve the difficultiesin establishing a causal role for these areas inOCD. However, much evidence suggests thatrepeatedly engaging in a class of behaviors orcognitive processes can change brain structure(Lazar et al., 2005; Mechelli et al., 2004; Pascual-Leone, 2001; Schlaug, 2001; Schlaug, Norton,Overy, & Winner, 2005). Thus, even anatomicaldifferences in the brains of patients with OCDmay be a consequence rather than a cause ofthe disorder. This highlights the usefulness ofstudying patients with OCD as close to symptomonset as possible, when such epiphenomenalchanges may be less prominent. OCD is, how-ever, often diagnosed long after the onset ofsymptoms, making this strategy relatively im-practical. Furthermore, subclinical patterns ofthinking and behavior that may long precedeclinically significant symptoms (Rasmussen &Eisen, 2002) may also conceivably produce epi-phenomenal changes in brain structure that couldbe apparent by the time of symptom onset.

The problem is that, like functional imagingstudies, anatomical studies only provide infor-mation about the correlates of the disorder. Sev-eral valuable animal models of OCD have beendeveloped in efforts to study causal mechanismsin OCD more directly (Joel, 2006; Korff & Har-vey, 2006). These have, however, been criticizedbecause they only model repetitive behaviors;compulsive behaviors in OCD are intimatelytied to obsessions, and we have no way of assess-ing whether animals have obsessions (Shafran &Speckens, 2005).

Other lines of evidence may, however, helpestablish causality in humans. We will explorethree such lines of evidence. First, certain brainlesions due to accidents, stroke, and other natu-ralistic causes seem to cause OCD. Second,some cases of OCD and of related psychiatric

disorders, such as TS, seem to develop as a con-sequence of an autoimmune reaction in whichantibodies to Group A beta-hemolytic strepto-coccus attack and damage the basal ganglia(Hoekstra & Minderaa, 2005; Leonard &Swedo, 2001; Murphy, Husted, & Edge, 2006;Snider & Swedo, 2004); these are usuallytermed pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatricdisorders associated with streptococcal infec-tions (PANDAS). Third, several neurosurgicalprocedures make localized lesions in attemptsto provide symptom relief in severe, treatment-refractory cases of OCD.

Each of these lines of evidence has impor-tant limitations in establishing a causal rolefor abnormalities in specific brain regions inproducing OCD. First, studies of OCD as a con-sequence of brain injury typically involve asmall number of subjects who have diffuse le-sions that vary greatly across subjects. Further-more, demonstrating that lesions that affect cer-tain brain circuits result in OCD does not provea pathogenic role for those circuits in mostcases of OCD. Second, the validity of the PAN-DAS construct remains controversial (Harris &Singer, 2006; Kurlan, 2004; Kurlan & Kaplan,2004; Singer & Loiselle, 2003), with substan-tial difficulties involved in establishing a causalrelation between infection with Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus and the developmentof neuropsychiatric disorders (and additionaldifficulties in proving that the possible autoim-mune reaction affects the basal ganglia). Third,neurosurgical studies lack appropriate controls,and the mechanisms by which they attenuateOCD symptoms are not fully understood. More-over, an improvement in symptoms followingcertain neurosurgical lesions does not provethat the circuits that were lesioned caused thesymptoms ( just as having gastric bypass sur-gery and losing weight as a result does notprove that the cause of excess weight was an en-larged stomach).

Although each of the aforementioned linesof evidence (anatomical imaging, OCD as aconsequence of brain injury, PANDAS, andneurosurgery) in isolation is insufficient to es-tablish causality, their convergence with func-tional imaging studies in implicating OFC/ACC CBGTC loops in OCD would providesome reassurance that those loops may indeed

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play a causal role in OCD. We will therefore re-view each of these lines of evidence in turn.

Anatomical and Spectroscopy Studiesin Adults With OCD

Studies based on regions of interest (ROIs)

Volumetric studies measure the volumes of spe-cific ROIs in the brain. Proton magnetic reso-nance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) studies measurethe concentrations of certain metabolites inROIs. N-Acetyl-aspartate (NAA), one of thosemetabolites, has been of particular interest instudies of disease processes because decreasesin NAA levels may indicate neuronal loss ordysfunction (Barker, 2001; Dager & Steen,1992; Maier, 1995). NAA levels may be moresensitive than volumetric measures to detectneuronal abnormalities (Bartha et al., 1998;Cendes, Andermann, Preul, & Arnold, 1994;Ebisu, Rooney, Graham, Weiner, & Maudsley,1994).

The vast majority of anatomical imagingstudies of OCD have been conducted after theearly functional imaging findings implicatedthe OFC, ACC, and caudate nucleus in thepathophysiology of OCD. Those studies weretherefore strongly influenced by the theorythat OFC/ACC CBGTC loops are centrally in-volved in the pathogenesis of OCD, and havetherefore tended to look specifically at brain re-gions that are part of those loops: the OFC,ACC, caudate nucleus or striatum, and thala-mus. Fewer studies have focused specificallyon the globus pallidus, another key componentof those loops.

OFC. Several studies have reported bilateral re-ductions in OFC volumes in adults with OCD(Atmaca et al., 2006; Atmaca, Yildirim, Ozde-mir, Tezcan, & Poyraz, 2007; Szeszko et al.,1999); one study reported a volume reductiononly in the left OFC (Kang et al., 2004). Astudy that measured specifically the volume ofthe medial OFC also found it to be reduced bi-laterally in adults with OCD (Cardoner et al.,2007). Another study that divided the OFCinto anterior and posterior regions reported avolume reduction in the left anterior OFC, butnot in the left posterior or right anterior or pos-

terior OFC (Choi et al., 2004). Both left andright OFC volumes have been found to corre-late inversely with the severity of OCD symp-toms (Atmaca et al., 2007; Kang et al., 2004)and to be larger posttreatment in patients whoresponded to a trial of selective serotonin reup-take inhibitors than in treatment-naive or treat-ment-refractory patients (Atmaca et al., 2006).In summary, considerable evidence suggeststhat OFC volumes are significantly reduced inadults with OCD, with greater reductions ac-companying more severe symptoms.

ACC. Several 1H-MRS studies have reporteddecreased levels of NAA in the ACC of adultswith OCD (Ebert et al., 1997; Jang et al.,2006; Sumitani, Harada, Kubo, & Ohmori,2007; Yucel et al., 2007). Furthermore, treat-ment with the selective serotonin reuptake inhi-bitor citalopram increases levels of NAA in theACC (and other regions of the prefrontal cortex[PFC]) in adults with OCD (Jang et al., 2006),although no significant correlation was de-tected between increases in NAA and decreasesin symptom severity. Several studies have com-pared ACC volumes in adults with OCD andnormal controls, but have generally failed to de-tect significant differences (Atmaca et al., 2006,2007; Grachev et al., 1998; Kellner et al., 1991;Riffkin et al., 2005; Szeszko et al., 1999), evenwhen the ACC has been subdivided into ante-rior and posterior regions (Kang et al., 2004).

To the extent that decreased levels of NAAare a more sensitive indicator of neuronal lossor dysfunction than traditional volumetric mea-surements (Bartha et al., 1998; Cendes et al.,1994; Ebisu et al., 1994), these findings mayindicate the presence of subtle neuronal ab-normalities in the ACC of adults with OCD.The fact that the reductions in NAA are reversi-ble with administration of citalopram (Janget al., 2006) suggests that those reductionsmay reflect reversible abnormalities either inmetabolic processes or in neuropil (axonal ordendritic arbors and synapses), rather thanreductions in the number of neurons (Barker,2001).

Striatum. Studies comparing caudate volumesin adults with OCD and healthy controls haveyielded highly variable findings. Although

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most studies have not detected significant dif-ferences (Atmaca et al., 2006, 2007; Aylwardet al., 1996; Kang et al., 2004; Kellner et al.,1991; Riffkin et al., 2005), two studies havereported decreased caudate volumes in OCD(Luxenberg et al., 1988; Robinson et al., 1995).One study reported increases in the volume ofthe head of the right caudate in adults withOCD (Scarone et al., 1992), but two studiesfailed to detect significant differences in vol-umes of the head of the caudate between adultswith OCD and healthy controls (Bartha et al.,1998; Kellner et al., 1991). One study reportedincreased ventral striatum volumes in adultswith OCD (Cardoner et al., 2007). Studiesusing 1H-MRS have been slightly more consis-tent, with two studies reporting decreased levelsof NAA in the striatum of adults with OCD(Bartha et al., 1998; Ebert et al., 1997), but athird study failing to detect such differences(Sumitani et al., 2007).

The variability in findings for the caudatemay be, in part, a consequence of the heteroge-neous nature of the circuits that traverse it. Dif-ferent portions of the caudate participate in dif-ferent CBGTC loops, and disturbances in onlyone or two of those loops (e.g., the ones involv-ing the OFC and ACC) may not be of sufficientmagnitude to yield differences in overall cau-date volume. In fact, different portions of thecaudate could differ from healthy controlsboth in the direction and magnitude of the ef-fect. Thus, the overall volume of the caudatecould be normal (Atmaca et al., 2006, 2007;Aylward et al., 1996; Kang et al., 2004; Kellneret al., 1991; Riffkin et al., 2005) or even re-duced (Luxenberg et al., 1988; Robinsonet al., 1995) in adults with OCD, whereas thevolumes of the head of the caudate (Scaroneet al., 1992) and ventral striatum (Cardoneret al., 2007) could be increased. Volume in-creases in the head of the caudate and ventralstriatum, if confirmed, would provide addi-tional evidence for the involvement of OFC/ACC CBGTC loops in OCD, because theseare the regions of the striatum through whichsuch loops run.

Globus pallidus. Most components of the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops—the OFC, ACC, stri-atum, and thalamus—have been relatively well

investigated in ROI studies. However, two otherkey components of these loops—the subthala-mic nucleus and the globus pallidus—remainlargely unstudied. Volumes of the subthalamicnucleus have not been assessed because this is asmall, poorly demarcated structure that is ex-ceedingly difficult to measure. The few studiesthat have measured volumes of the globus pal-lidus or overall volumes of the lenticular nucleiin adults with OCD generally failed to detectdifferences from healthy controls (Choi et al.,2007; Jenike et al., 1996; Luxenberg et al.,1988).

Thalamus. Volumes of the thalamus have beenreported to be larger in treatment-naive adultswith OCD than in healthy controls (Atmacaet al., 2006, 2007). Patients who responded tomedication treatment had smaller thalami post-treatment than either treatment-naive or treat-ment-refractory patients, with no differencesdetected between the latter two groups (Atmacaet al., 2006). Patients were not scanned beforeand after treatment, so whether treatment re-sponders had smaller thalami to begin with oras a consequence of treatment is unclear.Nevertheless, a study that scanned childrenwith OCD before and after medication treat-ment did detect medication-induced reductionsin thalamic volume that moreover correlatedwith symptom improvement (Gilbert et al.,2000), suggesting that the findings of smallerthalami in treatment-responding adults mayalso have been a consequence of treatment.Thalamic volumes were found to correlate posi-tively with symptom severity in both treatment-naive and treatment-refractory patients (Atmacaet al., 2006, 2007).

Two studies failed to detect differences involumes of the thalamus between adults withOCD and healthy controls (Kang et al., 2004;Kwon et al., 2003). However, approximately70% of the patients in one of these studies(Kang et al., 2004) had previously been treatedwith medication (although all were medicationfree for at least 4 weeks at the time of study),and the medication history and medication sta-tus of patients in the other study (Kwon et al.,2003) were not reported. Given the evidencethat medication treatment may reduce thalamicvolumes in patients with OCD, the failure of

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these studies to detect differences betweenadults with OCD and controls could conceiva-bly be due to the effects of medication.

Other areas. Other areas that strongly influencethe OFC/ACC CBGTC loops, by virtue of theirprojections to the same regions of the striatumas the OFC or ACC, include the superior tem-poral gyrus and hippocampus (Alexanderet al., 1986; Middleton & Strick, 2001b). Theseareas have received less attention in studies ofOCD. Nevertheless, volume reductions havebeen reported for both the superior temporalgyrus (Choi et al., 2006) and hippocampus(Kwon et al., 2003) in adults with OCD. Twostudies failed to detect volumetric abnormal-ities in the hippocampus of adults with OCD(Jenike et al., 1996; Szeszko et al., 1999), butone of these (Jenike et al., 1996) had a smallsample and failed to find differences in mostareas, and the other (Szeszko et al., 1999) founda trend for less asymmetry in hippocampus vol-umes in adults with OCD.

An area that is closely related, anatomicallyand functionally, to the OFC and ACC is theamygdala (Amaral, Price, Pitkanen, & Carmi-chael, 1992; Carmichael & Price, 1995; Cavada,Company, Tejedor, Cruz-Rizzolo, & Reinoso-Suarez, 2000; Rolls, 1999; Zald & Kim, 2001).The amygdala also projects strongly to the me-diodorsal nucleus of the thalamus (Amaral et al.,1992), the final relay station before the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops project back to the cortex(Alexander et al., 1986; Middleton & Strick,2001b), and it is therefore critically positionedto influence the output of these loops. Theamygdala’s key role in mediating normal fearand anxiety (LeDoux, 2000, 2007; Phelps &LeDoux, 2005) and its prominent involvementin anxiety disorders (Bremner, 2004; Miller,Taber, Gabbard, & Hurley, 2005; Rauch,Shin, & Wright, 2003) highlight its potentialrelevance for understanding the pathophysiol-ogy of OCD, a disorder in which anxiety playsa crucial role (Foa, Steketee, & Ozarow, 1985;Rachman & Hodgson, 1980). The few studiesthat have examined volumes of the amygdalain adults with OCD have, however, yieldedinconsistent findings, with one study reportingbilateral reductions in amygdala volume(Szeszko et al., 1999) and another reporting an

increase in left amygdala volume (Kwon et al.,2003).

Summary. Volumetric studies in adults withOCD provide convincing evidence for reducedOFC volumes, suggestive evidence for in-creased thalamic and normal ACC volumes,and inconsistent evidence for caudate or stri-atum volumes. 1H-MRS studies in adults withOCD provide convincing evidence for de-creased NAA levels in the ACC and suggestiveevidence for decreased NAA levels in the stri-atum. Together, these findings point to abnor-malities in volumes or NAA levels in all com-ponents of the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops thathave been studied in detail. Abnormalities inclosely related areas, such as the hippocampus,amygdala, and superior temporal gyrus, havealso been reported. The findings from volumet-ric and 1H-MRS studies of adults with OCD aresummarized in Table 1.

Limitations of ROI approaches

ROI approaches suffer from two serious limita-tions. First, because manual delimitation ofROIs is laborious, ROI studies often analyzeonly a small number of regions for which thereare prior suspicions of abnormality, which lim-its the opportunity to find abnormalities in unan-ticipated regions. Automated methods to delimitROIs partly alleviate this problem, but they aresignificantly less accurate than manual methods.Second, anatomical ROIs may not correspondto functionally meaningful units because grossanatomical structures or landmarks do not al-ways reflect anatomical connectivity or cytoar-chitecture. For example, several CBGTC loopsrun through the caudate nucleus (Alexanderet al., 1986; Middleton & Strick, 2001b) andeach of those loops also partly seems to runthrough the putamen (Haber, 2003). Consideringeach nucleus (caudate or putamen) as a wholemisses both the distinctions between differentloops within the nucleus and the fact that portionsof one nucleus should be considered togetherwith portions of the other. A meta-analysis ofpositron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography studiesof OCD that found reliable differences betweenpatients with OCD and normal controls in the

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orbital gyrus and the head of the caudate nucleus,but not in the OFC or caudate nucleus as a whole(Whiteside et al., 2004), illustrates the importanceof moving toward finer anatomical distinctions inthe study of OCD.

These limitations are addressed by two tech-niques: voxel-based morphometry (VBM) andtensor-based morphometry. VBM is a popularwhole-brain approach that gives voxel-by-voxelmeasurements (Ashburner & Friston, 2000). Itremains controversial, however, because errors

in spatial normalization may confound all sub-sequent computations, resulting in unreliablefindings (Bookstein, 2001). Tensor-based mor-phometry is used to analyze local morphologi-cal changes on the surface of cortical or subcor-tical structures (a procedure often termed“surface analysis”) or to measure cortical thick-ness. This approach gives highly localized,point-by-point measurements. Surface analy-ses, however, still require the prior delimitationof ROIs, as it is within a previously delimited

Table 1. Summary of volumetric, VBM, and 1H-MRS findings inchildren and adults with OCD

Children Adults

ROI volumesOFC 2 2 2 2 2a 2b

ACC þ þ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼Striatumc ¼ 2d ¼¼¼¼¼¼e ¼e þe þ f 2 2GP 2 ¼ ¼ ¼g

Thalamus þ ¼ ¼ þ þSTG ¼ 2Amygdala ¼ ¼ þ 2Hippocampus ¼ ¼ ¼ 2

VBMOFC þ 2 +h

ACCi 2 2 2 2Striatum þ f þ j þ j

Thalamus þ þ

STG þ 2Amygdala þ

Insula þ þ 2 2Cerebellum þ 2

1H-MRSACC * * * *Striatum * * ¼Thalamusk * * * *

Note: In a given cell, each symbol represents one study. Symbols in different cells mayrefer to the same study. ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; GP, globus pallidus; 1H-MRS,proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy; OCD, obsessive–compulsive disorder; OFC,orbitofrontal cortex; ROI, region of interest; STG, superior temporal gyrus; VBM,voxel-based morphometry; (þ) increased volumes or increased gray matter density inpatients; (2) decreased volumes or decreased gray matter density in patients; (¼) no sig-nificant differences between patients and healthy controls; (*) abnormal concentrationsof neurometabolites (N-acetyl-aspartate, choline, or creatine/phosphocreatine) in patients.aMedial OFC.bLeft anterior OFC.cStudies refer to the caudate unless otherwise noted.dDecreased putamen but not caudate volumes.eHead of the caudate.f Ventral striatum.gLenticular nuclei.hGray matter increases and decreases were reported for differing regions of OFC.iAll gray matter decreases were reported for both the ACC and the medial frontal gyrus.jPutamen.kAll studies refer to the medial thalamus.

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ROI that surface analysis gives detailed, point-by-point measurements.

Cortical thickness

The findings from the only extant study of cor-tical thickness in OCD (Shin et al., 2007) areconsistent with a pathophysiological modelthat emphasizes disturbances in the OFC, butalso suggest abnormalities in a number of areasthat are not traditionally considered involved inthe pathophysiology of OCD. This study foundcortical thinning in several areas of the lefthemisphere of adults with OCD, including notonly the OFC but also the ventrolateral prefron-tal, middle frontal, precentral, superior tem-poral, parahippocampal, and lingual cortices.No abnormalities were detected in the ACC oranywhere in the right hemisphere. The findingsfrom this study should be interpreted with carebecause most patients were medicated. Never-theless, the finding of thinning in the superiortemporal cortex is consistent with the volumereductions that have been reported for the su-perior temporal gyrus (Choi et al., 2006), andthe finding of thinning in the parahippocampalcortex may point to broader abnormalities in thetissue surrounding the hippocampus that wouldbe consistent with the volume reductions thathave been reported for the hippocampus proper(Kwon et al., 2003).

Surface analysis

Only two studies, both conducted by the samegroup and with adults, have used surface analy-sis to analyze subcortical structures in OCD.One of these studies focused on the hippocam-pus and reported shape changes concentratedon the hippocampus head (Hong et al., 2007).These results are consistent with the previousreport by the same group of volumetric abnor-malities in the hippocampus of adults with OCD(Kwon et al., 2003). The other study focusedon the basal ganglia and found outward defor-mities concentrated in the dorsal anterior cau-date nucleus bilaterally and, to a lesser extent,in the ventral lateral part of the left putamen(Choi et al., 2007). These results are surprising,given that these are not the striatal regionsthrough which the OFC/ACC CBGTC loopsrun (Alexander et al., 1986; Haber, 2003;

Lehericy et al., 2004; Middleton & Strick,2001b). The results of these surface analysisstudies need to be interpreted with care becauseneither study corrected for multiple compari-sons, and in both studies the majority of patientshad a history of medication (although all weremedication free for at least 4 weeks prior toscanning). Surface analysis techniques are alsosufficiently new that replication by other labo-ratories would be important.


Several studies have used VBM to comparegray matter in adults with OCD and healthycontrols (Kim et al., 2001; Pujol et al., 2004;Valente et al., 2005; Yoo et al., 2008). Findingsfrom these studies have been generally consis-tent with the pathophysiological model ofOCD that emphasizes the OFC and ACC andtheir loops through the basal ganglia. Both in-creases (Kim et al., 2001; Valente et al.,2005) and decreases (Pujol et al., 2004; Valenteet al., 2005) in gray matter have been reportedfor differing subregions of the OFC, highlight-ing the potential value of a finer level of mor-phological analysis than is typically achievedin ROI-based studies. Decreases in gray matterhave been consistently reported in the ACC andsurrounding medial frontal gyrus (Pujol et al.,2004; Valente et al., 2005; Yoo et al., 2008). In-creases in gray matter have generally been re-ported in the striatum (Pujol et al., 2004; Va-lente et al., 2005; Yoo et al., 2008). Theseincreases have included the ventral striatum(Pujol et al., 2004), which is consistent withthe known neuroanatomy of OFC/ACC CBGTCloops, but also the putamen (Valente et al.,2005; Yoo et al., 2008), which is less clearlyconsistent with the standard pathophysiologi-cal model of OCD. Increases in gray matterhave also been reported in the thalamus (Kimet al., 2001; Yoo et al., 2008). VBM studieshave also reported abnormalities in other areasthat have been found abnormal in volumetricstudies or in the only study of cortical thicknessin OCD to date (Shin et al., 2007) and that relateclosely to OFC/ACC CBGTC loops. For exam-ple, VBM studies have reported both increases(Kim et al., 2001) and decreases (Yoo et al.,2008) in gray matter in the superior temporal

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gyrus, as well as increases in gray matter in theparahippocampal gyrus, extending to the amyg-dala (Valente et al., 2005).

The only other areas for which abnormalitieshave been found in at least two VBM studies inadults with OCD are the insula (Kim et al., 2001;Pujol et al., 2004; Valente et al., 2005; Yoo et al.,2008) and cerebellum (Kim et al., 2001; Pujolet al., 2004). The insula is contiguous with theposterior OFC and is heavily interconnectedwith both the OFC and the ACC (Mesulam &Mufson, 1982; Mufson & Mesulam, 1982; On-gur & Price, 2000). The cerebellum and frontalcortex are interconnected in parallel corticocere-bellar loops (Kelly & Strick, 2003; Middleton &Strick, 1997, 2000, 2001a), and the cerebellumcan also influence the striatum via a disynapticconnection through the thalamus (Hoshi, Trem-blay, Feger, Carras, & Strick, 2005). The poten-tial involvement of the insula and cerebellum inOCD may therefore be consistent with the patho-physiological model that emphasizes distur-bances in the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops andrelated areas in OCD.

Although abnormalities in several otherareas have been reported in single VBM stud-ies, they have not been replicated across studies.Although this does not exclude the possible in-volvement of other areas, it does provide somemeasure of reassurance that the main structuralabnormalities in adults with OCD are concen-trated along the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops andrelated areas. The findings from VBM studiesof adults with OCD are summarized in Table 1.

Anatomical and Spectroscopy Studiesin Children With OCD

Studies based on ROIs

OFC. We are not aware of any volumetric stud-ies of the OFC in pediatric OCD. This is a majorgap in the literature, given that reduced volumesin the OFC are the most consistent finding inthe volumetric literature on adult OCD.

ACC. One study reported larger volumes of theACC in treatment-naive children with OCDthan in matched controls, with larger ACC vol-umes accompanying more severe symptoms(Rosenberg & Keshavan, 1998). Another study

reported increased volumes of gray matter, butnot of white matter, in the ACC of medica-tion-naive children with OCD (Szeszko, Mac-Millan, McMeniman, Chen, et al., 2004). Thesefindings stand in contrast to those in adults withOCD, which have generally failed to detectvolumetric abnormalities in the ACC. A possi-ble explanation for this difference in findingsacross age groups is that the ACC may developdifferently in patients with OCD and healthycontrols. One cross-sectional study reported anearly significant correlation between age andACC volumes in healthy children but not inchildren with OCD (Rosenberg & Keshavan,1998). If this finding is confirmed, ideally ina longitudinal study, it could mean that ACCvolumes are larger in children with OCD butthen stay relatively constant with advancingage, whereas ACC volumes in healthy childrenmight be smaller but then increase with age, re-sulting in similar ACC volumes in patients withOCD and healthy controls by adulthood.

Striatum. Two studies detected no significantdifferences in caudate volumes between chil-dren with OCD and matched controls (Rosen-berg et al., 1997; Szeszko, MacMillan, McMe-niman, Chen, et al., 2004), although one ofthese studies reported smaller putamen vol-umes in children with OCD (Rosenberg et al.,1997). The finding of a putamen abnormalityis somewhat surprising from the perspectiveof the pathophysiological model of OCD thatemphasizes the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops,given that those loops run mostly (althoughnot exclusively) through the caudate; replica-tion of this finding would therefore be impor-tant. If confirmed, this finding would also em-phasize the need for volumetric studies of theputamen in adults with OCD, because virtuallyall volumetric studies of the striatum in adultswith OCD have focused on the caudate.

Globus pallidus. One study reported smallerglobus pallidus volumes in medication-naivechildren with OCD compared with matchedhealthy controls (Szeszko, MacMillan, McMe-niman, Chen, et al., 2004). This finding standsin contrast to those in adults with OCD, whichhave generally failed to detect volumetric ab-normalities in the globus pallidus.

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Thalamus. One study reported increased thala-mic volumes in medication-naive children withOCD that decreased to normal levels followingtreatment with the selective serotonin reuptakeinhibitor paroxetine (Gilbert et al., 2000). Fur-thermore, the reduction in thalamic volumeswith treatment correlated with the improvementin OCD symptoms. The finding of increasedthalamic volumes in children with OCD is con-sistent with similar findings in adults. The find-ing that paroxetine treatment in children withOCD reduces thalamic volumes is also consis-tent with the indirect evidence that medicationreduces thalamic volumes in adults with OCD.Another study found no differences in volumesof the thalamus measured before and after suc-cessful cognitive–behavioral therapy (Rosen-berg, Benazon, Gilbert, Sullivan, & Moore,2000), suggesting that the reduction in volumesof the thalamus seen with paroxetine treatmentis not necessary for symptom improvement.This study, however, did not include a controlgroup, so the possibility that the children withOCD in this study might not have significantlyenlarged thalami prior to treatment cannot beexcluded.

Several studies by the same group using1H-MRS have reported abnormalities in themedial thalamus of treatment-naive childrenwith OCD. The first such study detected re-duced ratios of NAA to choline and NAA tocreatine/phosphocreatine þ choline levels inthe medial but not the lateral thalami of treat-ment-naive children with OCD (Fitzgerald,Moore, Paulson, Stewart, & Rosenberg, 2000).The findings were interpreted as indicative ofreduced NAA levels in the medial thalami inthe patient group, with the caveat that an in-crease in choline could produce the same re-sults. Indeed, subsequent studies from thesame group did report increases in choline (Ro-senberg, Amponsah, Sullivan, MacMillan, &Moore, 2001; Smith et al., 2003) and creatine/phosphocreatine levels (Mirza et al., 2006) inthe medial thalami of children with OCD, sug-gesting that the earlier findings reflected ele-vated levels of choline and creatine/phospho-creatine rather than decreased levels of NAA.In fact, measurement of absolute NAA concen-trations in the medial thalamus did not revealdifferences between children with OCD and

matched controls (Rosenberg et al., 2001).The significance of elevated choline and crea-tine/phosphocreatine levels in the medial thala-mus remains to be fully elucidated. Neverthe-less, it is noteworthy that these abnormalitiesoccur in the medial thalamus, where the medio-dorsal nucleus (the primary nucleus of the thal-amus in OFC/ACC CBGTC loops) is located.

Other areas. The only study that measuredvolumes of the superior temporal gyrus and hip-pocampus in children with OCD did not detectsignificant differences from healthy controls(Rosenberg & Keshavan, 1998). This is in partialcontrast to the findings in adults, which tenta-tively suggest that these structures may be abnor-mal in adults with OCD. Two studies failed to de-tect significant differences in amygdala volumesbetween children with OCD and healthy controls(Rosenberg & Keshavan, 1998; Szeszko, Mac-Millan, McMeniman, Lorch, et al., 2004), al-though one of these studies found that childrenwith OCD, unlike healthy controls, had signifi-cantly larger left than right amygdalae (Szeszko,MacMillan, McMeniman, Lorch, et al., 2004).Abnormalities in other areas, for example, in-creased NAA levels in the left but not rightDLPFC of children with OCD (Russell et al.,2003) and decreased pituitary volumes in boysbut not girls with OCD (MacMaster et al.,2006), have been reported sporadically but needto be replicated.

Summary. Significantly fewer volumetric or1H-MRS studies exist for children than for adultswith OCD. Nevertheless, two findings receiveconvergent support from more than one studyof children with OCD: increased volumes ofthe ACC and abnormal metabolite concentra-tions in the thalamus. Findings that were ob-tained in only one study and require replicationinclude reduced putamen and globus pallidusvolumes and increased thalamus volume. Thefindings from volumetric and 1H-MRS studiesof children with OCD are summarized in Table 1.

The findings of increased thalamic volumesin children with OCD echo similar findings inadults. The findings of increased ACC volumesin children with OCD, however, are in contrastto the findings in adults with OCD, whichhave generally failed to detect volumetric

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abnormalities in the ACC, although they areconsistent with several 1H-MRS studies thathave reported decreased NAA levels in theACC of adults with OCD. The finding of re-duced globus pallidus volumes in childrenwith OCD is also in contrast to the findings ofthe few existing volumetric studies of the glo-bus pallidus in adults with OCD. Volumetricstudies in adults with OCD have generally notmeasured the putamen, so whether reduced pu-tamen volumes are found in adults with OCDremains unclear.

Most extant volumetric and 1H-MRS studiesof OCD have focused on comparing volumes ormetabolite levels between patients with OCDand healthy controls, paying little to no atten-tion to how the volumes or metabolite levelschange with age in persons with and withoutOCD. This information is, however, vitallyimportant for a developmental perspective onthe pathogenesis of OCD, as well as to under-stand how the abnormalities reported in chil-dren with OCD ultimately evolve to the ab-normalities reported in adults with OCD, atleast for adults with childhood-onset OCD.Similarly, studies of adults with OCD shoulddistinguish better whether their findings relateto adult- or childhood-onset OCD, or to both.


No cortical thickness or surface analysis studiesof children with OCD have been reported in theliterature. However, two VBM studies havebeen recently published (Carmona et al.,2007; Gilbert et al., 2008). One of these (Gil-bert et al., 2008) reported decreased gray matterin the left ACC and in the medial frontal gyrusbilaterally in children with OCD, consistentwith similar findings in adults (Pujol et al.,2004; Valente et al., 2005; Yoo et al., 2008)and with the hypothesized involvement of theACC in OCD. The consistency of the findingsof decreased gray matter in the medial frontalgyrus in children and adults underscores theneed to consider not only the ACC proper, butalso the surrounding medial frontal gyrus as apotential locus of abnormality in OCD.

The other VBM study in children with OCD(Carmona et al., 2007) also reported a largecluster of decreased gray matter in the cingulate

cortex, although that finding did not remain sig-nificant after correcting for multiple compari-sons. Other large clusters of decreased graymatter were found in the middle frontal gyrus,with the cluster in the right middle frontal gyrusremaining significant after correcting for multi-ple comparisons. Additional clusters were alsoreported, but they were substantially smallerand none remained significant after correctingfor multiple comparisons. Additional studiesare necessary to determine whether the findingin the middle frontal gyrus is reproducible, es-pecially because of the 18 children with OCD,11 had comorbid tic disorder and 10 were onmedication.

The only consistent finding between the twoexisting VBM studies of children with OCD is re-duced gray matter in the ACC. Although this isconsistent with similar findings in VBM studiesof adults with OCD, it contrasts with the findingsof volumetric studies in children with OCD,which have generally found increased ACC vol-umes (Rosenberg & Keshavan, 1998; Szeszko,MacMillan, McMeniman, Chen, et al., 2004).A possible explanation for this discrepancycomes from the observation that, depending onthe details of the VBM procedure used, VBMmay characterize gray matter density rather thanvolume (Good et al., 2001). In fact, one of thestudies (Gilbert et al., 2008) states precisely thatits findings concern gray matter densities, not vol-umes, and that this may explain their discrepancywith prior volumetric studies. The findings fromVBM studies of children with OCD are summa-rized in Table 1.


Another potential line of evidence for the in-volvement of the basal ganglia in OCD comesfrom the study of PANDAS. This designation re-fers to childhood-onset OCD or tic disorderswith abrupt onset or an episodic symptomcourse, in which symptom onset or exacerbationis temporally associated with infection withGroup A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GAS;Swedo et al., 1998). Several authors have sug-gested that PANDAS are autoimmune disorderscaused by antibodies to GAS that interact withthe basal ganglia, in particular the striatum(Hoekstra & Minderaa, 2005; Leonard & Swedo,

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2001; Murphy, Husted, & Edge, 2006; Snider &Swedo, 2004). Controversy remains, however,regarding not only this causal hypothesis butthe validity of the PANDAS construct itself (Har-ris & Singer, 2006; Kurlan, 2004; Kurlan &Kaplan, 2004; Singer & Loiselle, 2003).

GAS infection was first observed to produceSydenham chorea, an illness associated withrheumatic fever and characterized primarilyby involuntary rapid, jerky movements, whichare often accompanied by other motor, behav-ioral, and emotional problems, including obses-sive–compulsive symptoms and OCD (Swedoet al., 1989, 1993). Later observations iden-tified putative cases of abrupt childhood-onsetOCD or TS that followed GAS infections butdid not meet criteria for Sydenham chorea (Al-len, Leonard, & Swedo, 1995; Swedo et al.,1998). Establishing a clear and definitive causalrole for GAS infections in these cases has pro-ven difficult, however, in part because GAS in-fections are so common in childhood (Murphy,Sajid, & Goodman, 2006).

Experimental evidence suggests but does notprove a causal role for GAS in the onset or ex-acerbation of OCD or TS. Several studies havereported elevated anti basal ganglia antibodiesin the sera of patients with TS or OCD (Dale,Heyman, Giovannoni, & Church, 2005; Kies-sling, Marcotte, & Culpepper, 1994; Rizzo, Gu-lisano, Pavone, Fogliani, & Robertson, 2006;Singer et al., 1998; Wendlandt, Grus, Hansen, &Singer, 2001), although at least one study failedto detect differences in anti basal ganglia anti-bodies between patients with PANDAS andhealthy controls (Singer et al., 2004). One studyreported that immunomodulatory treatment ofPANDAS led to improvements in both OCDand TS symptoms (Perlmutter et al., 1999), al-though this study has been criticized on multi-ple grounds (Singer, 1999). Two studies havereported that antibiotic prophylaxis and treat-ment was effective in reducing symptoms inPANDAS (Murphy & Pichichero, 2002; Sni-der, Lougee, Slattery, Grant, & Swedo, 2005),although these studies should be consideredpreliminary because neither of them includeda placebo group. Finally, infusion of sera fromTS patients who have elevated antineuronal an-tibodies into the striatum of rats has been re-ported to produce an increase in stereotypies

(Hallett, Harling-Berg, Knopf, Stopa, & Kies-sling, 2000; Taylor et al., 2002), although thesefindings have not always been replicated (Loi-selle, Lee, Moran, & Singer, 2004; Singer et al.,2005).

The caudate, putamen, and globus pallidusare enlarged in patients with PANDAS (Giedd,Rapoport, Garvey, Perlmutter, & Swedo, 2000),just as they are in Sydenham chorea (Giedd et al.,1995). Changes in basal ganglia volumes arecommonly found in OCD and TS, however, sothe possibility that the volumetric changesfound in patients with PANDAS simply reflectchanges associated with TS or OCD, indepen-dently of an association with GAS infection,cannot be excluded. Stronger evidence for acausal link between an autoimmune reactionand enlarged basal ganglia volumes would beobtained if immunomodulatory treatment wasshown to reduce the size of enlarged basal gang-lia. A case study of an adolescent boy with ex-acerbation of OCD symptoms after a streptococ-cal pharyngitis showed precisely that, and thereduction in basal ganglia volumes was also ac-companied by a reduction in symptom severity(Giedd, Rapoport, Leonard, Richter, & Swedo,1996). However, larger controlled studies areneeded to confirm these findings.

To summarize, the existing evidence suggestsbut does not prove that a GAS infection may, insome cases, trigger an autoimmune response thatattacks the basal ganglia, leading to OCD, TS,Sydenham chorea, or a combination of these dis-orders. The specific CGBTC loops affected maydetermine the neuropsychiatric presentation,with disturbances in motor loops causing TS orSydenham chorea and disturbances in OFC/ACC CBGTC loops causing OCD.

OCD as a Consequence of Brain Injury

The onset of OCD following focal brain lesionscan provide valuable clues regarding the anatom-ical bases of OCD. In principle, simply because alesion in a given brain region can produce OCD,that does not necessarily imply that all or evensome cases of non-lesion-related OCD involveimpairments in that region. Nevertheless, if le-sion studies highlight the same general circuitsthat have been implicated in anatomical andfunctional imaging studies of OCD, the case

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for a causal role for those circuits in the pathogen-esis of OCD becomes stronger.

Multiple reports describe cases of OCD fol-lowing lesions confined to the basal ganglia(Carmin, Wiegartz, Yunus, & Gillock, 2002;Chacko, Corbin, & Harper, 2000; Laplaneet al., 1989; Lopez-Rodriguez, Gunay, & Gla-ser, 1997; Rodrigo Escalona, Adair, Roberts, &Graeber, 1997; Weilburg et al., 1989; Weiss &Jenike, 2000); two describe cases following le-sions confined to the OFC (Kim & Lee, 2002;Ogai, Iyo, Mori, & Takei, 2005); a few describecases following lesions involving broader ex-panses of frontal cortex (Swoboda & Jenike,1995; Ward, 1988; Weiss & Jenike, 2000);and a few others describe cases followingmore widespread lesions, which nonethelessalso involve the frontal lobes (typically includ-ing the OFC) or the basal ganglia (Berthier, Ku-lisevsky, Gironell, & Lopez, 2001; Gamazo-Garran, Soutullo, & Ortuno, 2002; Max et al.,1995). In addition, two case reports describeimprovements in preexisting OCD after hemor-rhage in the basal ganglia (Fujii, Otsuka, Su-zuki, Endo, & Yamadori, 2005; Yaryura-To-bias & Neziroglu, 2003).

The consistency of the brain areas involvedin these case reports with those implicated inanatomical and functional imaging studies ofpatients with OCD suggests a causal role forthe frontal cortices (in particular, the OFC)and the basal ganglia in the pathogenesis ofOCD. Some caution is warranted when inter-preting the findings of case reports, however,for three main reasons. First, the number of sub-jects involved is relatively small, even whenconsidering the findings of all available case re-ports. Second, the stress associated with havinga brain lesion could, by itself, aggravate or evenprecipitate some cases of OCD. In fact, greaterpsychosocial adversity is associated with thedevelopment of obsessive–compulsive symp-toms following traumatic brain injury (Gradoset al., 2008). Third, the possibility of reportingbias cannot be excluded, given that several ofthe cases mentioned above were reported aftertheories of the involvement of the OFC and re-spective loops through the basal ganglia had ap-peared in the literature, and clinicians may havebeen more willing to report cases consistentwith that theoretical framework. To the extent

that childhood- and adult-onset OCD mayhave differing etiologies, these cases may alsobear mostly on adult-onset illness, as the vastmajority of them involve adults (often olderadults).

A large, prospective study assessed new-on-set obsessive–compulsive symptoms in 80children and adolescents (ages 6–18) followingsevere traumatic brain injury (Grados et al.,2008). This study reported a high prevalenceof new-onset obsessions or compulsions 1 yearafter injury, with 21 out of the 80 subjects re-porting obsessions or compulsions at that timebut not before the lesion. Conversely, five sub-jects who had obsessions or compulsions be-fore the lesion no longer had them 1 year afterthe lesion. Medial prefrontal and temporallobe lesions were associated with new-onsetobsessions, but this effect disappeared whenobsessions and compulsions were consideredconjointly. OFC lesions seemed to be associ-ated with fewer symptoms, suggesting that ana-tomical integrity of the OFC is required for theonset of OCD. This is consistent with neurosur-gical treatments for OCD that disrupt the OFCor its connections, but it contrasts with thecase reports that have implicated lesions of theOFC in the onset of OCD (Kim & Lee, 2002;Ogai et al., 2005). A possible explanation forthis discrepancy is that lesions to certain subre-gions of the OFC may cause OCD, whereas le-sions to other subregions may prevent itsexpression.

This study suffered from three importantlimitations. First, it used an ROI approach thatexamined only the areas that have traditionallybeen implicated in OCD (OFC, medial PFC,basal ganglia, and thalamus), plus the temporallobe. Second, symptoms were assessed 1 yearafter injury, and their onset or disappearancecould, at least in some cases, be due simply tothe passing of time. The absence of a groupof matched noninjured controls in the study pre-cludes any inferences regarding the extent towhich the changes in symptoms were causedby the injury. Third, scanning and symptom as-sessment occurred 9 months apart. In addition,the focus of the study was on obsessive–com-pulsive symptoms, not full-blown OCD. Infact, only 2 out of the 80 children had new-onset OCD following the lesion.

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In summary, several reports describe casesof OCD following lesions of the basal gangliaor frontal cortex (with an emphasis on theOFC); two reports describe cases of improve-ment in OCD after lesions of the basal ganglia.A larger, prospective study (Grados et al., 2008)also suggests a role for the OFC in obsessive–compulsive symptoms following brain injury,although in that study lesions to the OFCwere inversely related to symptom severity.The same study also reported an association be-tween lesions to the medial PFC (which in-cluded the ACC) and obsessions. All of thesefindings are consistent with the hypothesisthat the pathogenesis of OCD involves CBGTCloops, in particular, the loops involving theOFC and possibly the ACC.

Despite the convergence of findings from le-sion studies with those from anatomical andfunctional imaging studies, the correct way toconceptualize the relation of lesion findingswith functional imaging findings remains elu-sive. For example, we have seen above that theOFC is often hyperactive in OCD. Do we inter-pret this as evidence that activity of the OFC issomehow causally related to the symptoms ofOCD and therefore expect a lesion of the OFCto improve symptoms, given that a lesionedOFC would not be active? Or do we interpretthe imaging data as evidence that the OFC isworking in overdrive to try to inhibit or controlthe expression of OCD symptoms and thereforeexpect a lesion of the OFC to worsen the symp-toms? Or do we interpret the hyperactivity inOFC not as a sign of heightened function but ra-ther of dysfunction in that region and thereforeexpect that lesions of the OFC might produceOCD, by making the OFC dysfunctional? Dif-ferent versions of all of these hypotheses canbe found implicitly or explicitly in the literature.Existing lesion studies do not, however, help usdiscriminate between these alternatives, giventhat lesions of the OFC have been associatedwith both increases and decreases in OCD symp-toms. More research is needed to address thesequestions.

Another question, raised specifically byfindings of the prospective study describedabove (Grados et al., 2008), is whether the tem-poral lobe may also be involved in the patho-genesis of OCD. In support of this possibility,

temporal lobe epilepsy has been associatedwith OCD and obsessive–compulsive symp-toms (Kroll & Drummond, 1993; Monacoet al., 2005). In addition, several studies havereported anatomical abnormalities in the supe-rior temporal gyrus in patients with OCD (Choiet al., 2006; Kim et al., 2001; Shin et al., 2007;Yoo et al., 2008). One possibility, which wehave already discussed, is that the temporallobe, in particular the superior temporal gyrus,is involved in OCD via its connections with theregions of the striatum that are part of the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops (Alexander et al., 1986).However, additional research is needed to testthis hypothesis.

Neurosurgical Lesions

Neurosurgical lesions are sometimes made to at-tenuate symptoms in extremely severe cases ofOCD that do not respond to psychotherapy andmedication. Four types of neurosurgical lesionsare used: anterior capsulotomy, subcaudate trac-totomy, cingulotomy, and limbic leucotomy (forreviews, see, e.g., Greenberg, Murphy, & Ras-mussen, 2000; Greenberg et al., 2003; Mindus,Rasmussen, Lindquist, & Noren, 2001). Allare small bilateral lesions that interrupt whitematter tracts that connect the OFC or ACCwith subcortical structures involved in CBGTCloops. Their success, although modest, pro-vides additional converging evidence for theinvolvement of the OFC, ACC, and their as-sociated CBGTC loops in the pathophysiologyof OCD.

The lesions in anterior capsulotomy areplaced in the anterior limb of the internal cap-sule. Such lesions are believed to interrupt theconnections between the OFC and the medio-dorsal nucleus of the thalamus (Greenberget al., 2000; Mindus et al., 2001), which is thethalamic nucleus with densest reciprocal con-nections with the OFC and the primary nucleusin the thalamus involved in CBGTC loops thatconnect to the OFC (Fuster, 1997; Ongur &Price, 2000). The lesions in subcaudate tractot-omy are placed below and immediately anteriorto the head of the caudate nucleus. They seemto be restricted to white matter, as they are ante-rior to the substantia innominata and rarelyinclude the cortex (Malhi & Bartlett, 1998;

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Newcombe, 1975). These lesions are believedto disconnect the OFC from the thalamus, basalganglia, and limbic system (Feldman, Alter-man, & Goodrich, 2001; Malhi & Bartlett,1998). They have also been shown to producedegeneration in the anterior limb of the internalcapsule, which can be traced back to the medio-dorsal nucleus of the thalamus (Mindus et al.,2001). The lesions in cingulotomy are placedin the cingulate bundle (i.e., cingulum). Themechanisms by which cingulotomy reducesthe severity of OCD symptoms are unknown,but may involve the fibers that connect theACC and the caudate nucleus (Rauch et al.,2000). Limbic leucotomy refers simply to acombination of subcaudate tractotomy and cin-gulotomy.

Evaluating the success of these procedures iscomplicated by the small number of subjects ineach study and the obvious ethical difficultieswith conducting randomized double-blind studiesinvolving neurosurgical lesions (Earp, 1979). Inaddition, different studies use different criteria(e.g., remission of symptoms, percent improve-ment over preoperative symptom severity) toevaluate the success of these procedures. Never-theless, estimated success rates are generally ap-proximately 50% or more for all procedures(Jenike, 1998; Mindus et al., 2001). Similar ratesare, however, often seen in open trials of medica-tion or psychotherapy and typically drop substan-tially in blinded, controlled treatment trials.

The fact that these procedures primarily targetfiber bundles that connect the OFC or ACC withrelated subcortical structures, notably the thala-mus and basal ganglia, provides additional evi-dence for the involvement of these circuits inthe pathogenesis of OCD. Such evidence re-mains circumstantial, however, for three reasons.First, all of these procedures were developedlargely empirically between 30 and 60 yearsago (Bingley, Leksell, Meyerson, & Rylander,1977; Kelly et al., 1973; Knight, 1964; Richard-son, 1973; Talairach, Hecaen, David, Monnier,& Ajuriaguerra, 1949; Whitty, Duffield, Tov,& Cairns, 1952), often based on neuroanatomi-cal theories that are now outdated. Consequently,in most cases we still do not fully know all of theneuroanatomical connections that they affect.Second, the improvement in symptoms is oftengradual following surgery, occurring over a time

span of weeks to months (Jenike, 1998). Thissuggests that the anatomical changes underlyingsuch improvement may be a secondary conse-quence of the lesion, possibly involving retro-grade degeneration or a neuroplastic response.Indeed, volume reductions in distant structureshave been observed after localized neurosurgi-cal lesions (Rauch et al., 2000; Taren, Curtis,& Gebarski, 1994). Third, the fact that a lesionin a given circuit improves symptoms does notnecessarily imply that an abnormality at that le-sion site or even in that circuit caused the symp-toms. In fact, the same neurosurgical proceduresused for the treatment of OCD are also used for avariety of other conditions, including other anx-iety disorders (Cosgrove & Rauch, 2003), de-pression (Cosgrove & Rauch, 2003; Malhi &Bartlett, 2000), and intractable pain (Wilkinson,Davidson, & Davidson, 1999). For all of thesereasons, whether these procedures target di-rectly and specifically the circuits involved inthe pathogenesis of OCD remains unclear.

Development of OFC/ACC CBGTCCircuits

Knowledge of the normal development of OFC/ACC CBGTC circuits may provide clues to theneurodevelopmental processes that go awry inpatients with OCD. Although brain weight andvolume nearly reach their adult values by 5–6years of age (Courchesne et al., 2000; Dekaban& Sadowsky, 1978; Giedd, Snell, et al., 1996;Kretschmann,Kammradt,Krauthausen,Sauer,&Wingert, 1986; Reiss, Abrams, Singer, Ross, &Denckla, 1996; Sahni, Jit, & Sodhi, 1998), thebrain continues to develop throughout child-hood, adolescence, and early adulthood. The to-tal volume of gray matter starts to decrease afteraround 5 years of age (Courchesne et al., 2000;Pfefferbaum et al., 1994; Reiss et al., 1996; So-well et al., 2003), with cortical thickness andgray matter density decreasing in much of thecortex (Gogtay et al., 2004; Sowell et al.,2004). In contrast, white matter volume increasesthroughout childhood, adolescence, and earlyadulthood (Courchesne et al., 2000; Gieddet al., 1999; Matsuzawa et al., 2001; Pfefferbaumetal., 1994;Reisset al., 1996;Sowell et al., 2003).In general, sensorimotor areas mature earlier andhigher order areas, including the OFC, mature

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later (Benes, 1989; Gogtay et al., 2004; Yakov-lev & Lecours, 1967). During the years in whichchildhood-onset OCD typically starts, the PFC,basal ganglia, and thalamus are undergoing ma-jor developmental changes. Furthermore, someof those changes seem to affect primarily boys,which may explain the higher prevalence ofOCD among boys than among girls. This sectionreviews these developmental changes and theirpossible relation to the pathogenesis of OCD.

Development of the PFC

The PFC grows markedly between 5 and 14years of age (Kanemura, Aihara, Aoki, Araki, &Nakazawa, 2003; Sowell et al., 2004; Thompsonet al., 2000). Such growth seems to include themost ventral aspects of the PFC (Sowell et al.,2004; Thompson et al., 2000), possibly includ-ing the OFC. However, the studies that havemapped the growth of the PFC did not includethe ventral surface of the brain, so the growthpatterns of the OFC remain to be elucidated.Some evidence suggests that the fastest growthin the PFC occurs between 8 and 14 years ofage (Kanemura et al., 2003), the period duringwhich most cases of childhood-onset OCD be-gin, raising the possibility that abnormalities inthat growth could cause childhood-onset OCD—a hypothesis that is consistent with the findingsof reduced OFC volume in patients with OCD.The PFC, including the OFC, continues to ma-ture through adulthood (Gogtay et al., 2004),however, so abnormalities in later stages ofmaturation of the OFC could conceivably causeadult-onset OCD.

The growth of the PFC during childhood andadolescence may be largely driven by the devel-opment of white matter (Barnea-Goraly et al.,2005; Reiss et al., 1996). In fact, gray matter den-sity and cortical thickness in PFC seem to de-crease during childhood, adolescence, andyoung adulthood (Gogtay et al., 2004; Sowell,Thompson, Holmes, Jernigan, & Toga, 1999;Sowell et al., 2004). Furthermore, postmortemstudies indicate that the density of synapsesand the sizes of neuronal cell bodies and den-dritic fields in PFC increase only until approxi-mately 2 to 3 years of age (Huttenlocher, 1979;Huttenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997; Koenderink,Uylings, & Mrzljak, 1994; Petanjek, Judas, Kos-

tovic, & Uylings, 2008). Whether this meansthat OCD is caused primarily by abnormalitiesin the development of white matter or in the re-gressive processes that fine-tune synaptic organi-zation in OFC is unknown.

Future studies should address more directlythe normal development of the OFC. Severalof the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) stud-ies that have mapped cortical development didnot map the inferior surface of the brain (Sowellet al., 2003, 2004; Thompson et al., 2000) andpostmortem developmental studies have gener-ally focused on the lateral PFC (Huttenlocher,1979; Huttenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997; Koen-derink et al., 1994; Petanjek et al., 2008). Ourknowledge of the development of the OFC istherefore indirect, and the extent to which theOFC and the lateral and dorsal PFC share sim-ilar developmental trajectories is unknown.One study reported that while the volume ofwhite matter in dorsal PFC increased through-out childhood and adolescence, the volume ofwhite matter in the OFC decreased (Reisset al., 1996), raising the possibility that thesestructures may develop differently. Even withinthe OFC, decreases in gray matter densitythroughout childhood and adolescence seemto follow medial–lateral and anterior–posteriorgradients (Gogtay et al., 2004). A better under-standing of the development of the OFC inhealthy children and in children with OCDcould substantially advance our understandingof the pathogenesis of this disorder.

Current knowledge of the development of theACC is similarly limited. Volumes of the cingu-late seem to change less during childhood andadolescence than do volumes of other regionssuch as the frontal or medial temporal lobes (So-well, Trauner, Gamst, & Jernigan, 2002). Graymatter density also seems to change less acrossthe life span in the ACC than in many other cor-tical regions (Sowell et al., 2003). Furthermore,cortical thickness and size of the dorsal ACCseem to change relatively little between 5 and11 years of age, although cortical thickness andsize of the ventral ACC may increase in thatage range (Sowell et al., 2004). Together, thesefindings may suggest that anatomical develop-ment is less prominent in the ACC than in otherportions of the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops duringthe years in which OCD typically begins. The

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volume of the right ACC has, however, been re-ported to increase during childhood and adoles-cence (Casey et al., 1997; Marquardt et al.,2005). Furthermore, larger volumes of the rightACC have been associated with better perfor-mance on an attentional task in children and ado-lescents (Casey et al., 1997). Some authors haveargued that development of the ACC during in-fancy, childhood, and adolescence may underliethe improvements in self-regulatory capacitiesthat characterize these periods (Posner & Roth-bart, 1998; Posner, Rothbart, Sheese, & Tang,2007). Whether abnormalities in the develop-ment of the ACC may lead to deficits in theself-regulation of intrusive thoughts, images, orfeelings, or to the well-documented deficits in in-hibitory control in OCD (Chamberlain et al.,2005) is unknown.

Development of the basal ganglia andthalamus

The volume of the caudate nucleus has generallybeen reported to decrease during childhoodand adolescence (Giedd, Castellanos, Rajapakse,Vaituzis, & Rapoport, 1997; Giedd, Snell, et al.,1996; Jernigan, Trauner, Hesselink, & Tallal,1991). Some evidence suggests that such de-creases may be most pronounced between 4and 12 years of age (Giedd, Snell, et al., 1996),and marked tissue loss has been reported in thehead of the caudate between 7 and 13 years ofage (Thompson et al., 2000). These age rangesare consistent with the ages during which child-hood-onset OCD typically begins, raising thepossibility that abnormal development of thecaudate could cause childhood-onset OCD.Volumes of the lenticular nuclei (Giedd et al.,1997; Giedd, Snell, et al., 1996; Jernigan et al.,1991; Reiss et al., 1996; Sowell et al., 2002)and thalamus (Jernigan et al., 1991; Reiss et al.,1996; Sowell et al., 2002) also decrease through-out childhood and adolescence. In addition,white matter tracts within the basal ganglia andbetween the basal ganglia and thalamus alsodevelop during childhood and adolescence(Barnea-Goraly et al., 2005). Together with thefindings of maturation of frontal cortex duringchildhood and adolescence (Barnea-Goraly et al.,2005; Gogtay et al., 2004; Kanemura et al.,2003; Klingberg, Vaidya, Gabrieli, Moseley,

& Hedehus, 1999; Reiss et al., 1996; Sowellet al., 1999, 2002, 2004; Thompson et al.,2000), these results may reflect the integrateddevelopment of CBGTC loops. OCD may becaused by abnormalities in the development ofone or more of the key structures or white mattertracts in these loops.

Gender differences in the developmentof CBGTC circuits

Many studies have reported sexual dimor-phisms in the human brain (Gilmore et al., 2007;Goldstein et al., 2001; Luders et al., 2005; Ra-binowicz, Dean, Petetot, & de Courten-Myers,1999; Sowell et al., 2007). These tend to occurin regions that have high concentrations of sexsteroid receptors during brain development(Goldstein et al., 2001), suggesting a role forgonadal hormones in causing such dimor-phisms. Gender differences in brain structureand development during childhood and adoles-cence may provide an explanation for the sig-nificantly higher prevalence of childhood-onsetOCD in boys than in girls. In fact, existing evi-dence suggests that both the caudate and theOFC, two key components of the OFC/ACCCGBTC loops, differ markedly and developdifferently in boys and girls.

On average, male brains are larger than fe-male brains across all age groups (Caviness,Kennedy, Richelme, Rademacher, & Filipek,1996; Courchesne et al., 2000; Giedd et al.,1997; Giedd, Snell, et al., 1996; Goldsteinet al., 2001; Lenroot et al., 2007; Reiss et al.,1996; Sowell et al., 2007). Comparisons of vol-umes of brain structures between males and fe-males are therefore usually performed after ad-justing for overall brain volume. When this isdone, girls have greater caudate volumes thanboys (Caviness et al., 1996; Giedd et al.,1997; Giedd, Snell, et al., 1996; Sowell et al.,2002). In addition, the decline in volumes ofthe caudate and lenticular nuclei during child-hood and adolescence may be restricted toboys (Giedd et al., 1997; Giedd, Snell, et al.,1996; Sowell et al., 2002). Childhood and ado-lescence may therefore be particularly criticalfor the development of the basal ganglia inboys, which may explain why boys are moresusceptible than girls to OCD and other

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disorders of CBGTC circuitry such as TS andattention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Potential sexual dimorphisms in the humanOFC during childhood or adolescence remainto be studied. In adulthood, women have largerOFC volumes than men (Goldstein et al.,2001), and in a sample spanning childhood toold age, females had thicker OFC cortices thanmales (Sowell et al., 2007). These anatomical dif-ferences have functional implications, as malesperform better on average than females on tasksthat rely on OFC function (Overman, 2004).Such performance differences seem to applyacross most age groups, and have been foundeven in children younger than 3 years of age(Overman, 2004). Similar findings have been re-ported in monkeys, with male infant monkeysperforming better than female infant monkeyson an object discrimination reversal task, whichis known to depend on the OFC (Clark & Gold-man-Rakic, 1989). The OFC also appears to de-velop earlier in male monkeys than in femalemonkeys (Clark & Goldman-Rakic, 1989; Gold-man, Crawford, Stokes, Galkin, & Rosvold,1974). In short, the structure, function, and devel-opment of the OFC seem to differ between malesand females. The contribution of these differencesto the differing susceptibilities of boys and girls toOCD remains to be elucidated however.

Several lines of evidence suggest that thesedifferences in OFC structure, function, and de-velopment in males and females are caused bythe effects of gonadal hormones on the OFC dur-ing development. First, the OFC has high affinityfor androgen binding (Clark, MacLusky, &Goldman-Rakic, 1988) and high aromataseactivity (MacLusky, Clark, Naftolin, & Goldman-Rakic, 1987; MacLusky, Naftolin, & Goldman-Rakic, 1986) in the developing monkey, suggest-ing that it may be particularly susceptible to theinfluence of gonadal hormones. Second, treatingfemale infant monkeys with androgen early inpostnatal life abolishes the performance differ-ences between male and female monkeys in theobject discrimination reversal task (Clark &Goldman-Rakic, 1989). Third, female rats havemore extensive dendritic fields in the OFC thando male rats, but those differences are abolishedby neonatal gonadectomy (Kolb, Pellis, & Ro-binson, 2004). The finding of more extensivedendritic fields in the OFC of female rats may

also help to explain the findings of larger volume(Goldstein et al., 2001) and thicker cortex (Sowellet al., 2007) in the OFC of women.


All of the lines of research reviewed herein—anatomical imaging, PANDAS, OCD as a con-sequence of brain injury, and neurosurgery fortreatment-refractory OCD—suggest a role forOFC/ACC CBGTC loops in the pathogenesisof OCD, but each suffers from important limita-tions. Anatomical imaging findings point to ab-normalities in the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops inboth children and adults with OCD. However,these findings are inherently correlational andtherefore do not license any conclusions regard-ing a causal role for those abnormalities inOCD. Studies of PANDAS and of OCD as aconsequence of brain injury suggest that insultsto OFC/ACC CBGTC loops may indeed causeOCD. Specifically, studies of PANDAS suggestthat an autoimmune insult to the basal gangliamay cause OCD; however, controversy remainsregarding this putative pathogenic mechanismand even the very existence of PANDAS. Stud-ies of OCD as a consequence of brain injury sug-gest that lesions in key components of theseloops may also cause OCD; however, much ofthis evidence is based on case reports. Finally,neurosurgical lesions used for treatment-refrac-tory OCD suggest that lesions placed in keycomponents of the OFC/ACC CBGTC loopscan be effective in attenuating the symptomsof OCD; however, the improvement in symp-toms is often gradual, raising the possibilitythat it may be due to degeneration or plasticityelsewhere in the brain, rather than an effect ofthe primary lesion itself. Despite the limitationswhen each of these lines of evidence is consid-ered in isolation, the remarkable convergenceof findings across all of them does suggest acausal role for the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops inOCD, in both children and adults.

Assuming that OCD is indeed caused by ab-normalities in OFC/ACC CBGTC loops, do thefindings reviewed above suggest a particular lo-cus within those loops that may be responsiblefor OCD? In adults with OCD, anatomical imag-ing studies using ROI approaches point to volu-metric or NAA abnormalities in all components

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of the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops that have beenstudied in detail: the OFC, ACC, striatum, andthalamus. Whole-brain approaches such asVBM have also found gray matter abnormalitiesin all of these areas. Abnormalities in other areasclosely related to the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops,including the superior temporal gyrus, hippo-campus, and amygdala, have also been foundin both ROI and whole-brain anatomical studies.Several VBM studies have also highlighted ab-normalities in the insula, another area closely re-lated to the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops (Mesulam& Mufson, 1982; Mufson & Mesulam, 1982;Ongur & Price, 2000).

The implications for the pathogenesis ofOCD of such widespread abnormalities withinOFC/ACC CBGTC loops and potentially alsoin related areas in adults with OCD can be inter-preted in at least four ways. First, the etiology ofOCD may involve some mechanism that causeswidespread abnormalities in all of these struc-tures. Second, the etiology of OCD may involvesome mechanism that causes an abnormality injust one or a small number of these structures,with the abnormalities in the remaining struc-tures being a consequence of dynamic changesprompted by that primary etiologic abnormal-ity. As we have seen, anatomical imaging stud-ies after neurosurgery have shown that local-ized lesions in one structure or fiber bundle ofthe OFC/ACC CBGTC loops can cause volumechanges in remote, albeit related structures(Rauch et al., 2000; Taren et al., 1994). Thus,abnormalities in one or a few structures in theseloops could translate into structural abnormal-ities in all of the structures within the loopsand related structures elsewhere. Third, theetiology of OCD may, as in the second hypoth-esis, consist of an initial abnormality in just oneor a few structures, with the abnormalities in theremaining structures following from that, butwith different cases of OCD possibly arisingfrom initial abnormalities in different struc-tures. Lesion studies suggest that damage toany one of several components of the OFC/ACCCBGTC loops is sufficient to cause OCD, rais-ing the possibility that even non-lesion-relatedcases of OCD may be a consequence of differ-ent initial abnormalities. Fourth, the widespreadabnormalities may actually be an artifact of aver-aging across subjects, with individual subjects

having more localized abnormalities that varyacross subjects.

One way of trying to disentangle these pos-sibilities would be to conduct longitudinal ana-tomical imaging studies that followed patientswith OCD over extended period of time, start-ing as close to their diagnosis as possible.Such studies could determine whether the ab-normalities start in only one or a few structures(with the initial site of the abnormality possiblyvarying by case) and then spread to other struc-tures. A cruder and less conclusive alternative isto compare the findings from anatomical imag-ing studies across children and adults with OCDto determine whether the findings in childrensuggest abnormalities in a smaller subset of re-gions than do the findings in adults. If so, thiscould indicate that abnormalities in OCD startin a specific subset of the regions that havebeen found abnormal in adults with OCD.Differences between findings in children andadults with OCD could, however, be due to multi-ple factors, including a comparison across child-hood- and adult-onset subtypes, differing typesand rates of comorbidity, differing ascertainmentbiases, and differing durations of illness.

Unfortunately, the extant literature does notallow us to conclude with any certainty whichareas are and are not affected in children withOCD. Existing studies clearly point to anatom-ical abnormalities in the ACC and metaboliteabnormalities in the thalamus. No anatomicalabnormalities have yet been reported in theother structures that are affected in adults withOCD, including the OFC and caudate, butthat may be attributable either in whole or inpart to the fact that those structures have notyet been properly studied in children withOCD. For example, even though the most con-sistently replicated volumetric finding in adultswith OCD is a reduction in volume of the OFC,no ROI studies have analyzed the volume of theOFC in children with OCD. Similarly, eventhough the most consistent finding for the stri-atum of adults with OCD is a reduction in NAAlevels, no studies have analyzed NAA levels inthe striatum of children with OCD. In addition,of the two VBM studies of pediatric OCD, onehad fairly small samples (Gilbert et al., 2008),and in the other the majority of children wereon medication (Carmona et al., 2007).

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A large-scale longitudinal study that fol-lowed children or adults with high familialrisk for OCD from before their diagnosisthrough several years later would clearly pro-vide a much richer and more dynamic view ofthe unfolding of pathology in the brain affectedby OCD. Such a study should ideally be multi-modal, including, for example, anatomical MRI,functional MRI, 1H-MRS, investigation of whitematter fiber tracts using diffusion tensor imag-ing, and investigation of neurotransmitter and

receptor levels using PET. The results of sucha study could then inform a more detailed searchfor the ultimate cause or causes of OCD: clearly,the focus of such a search would be vastly differ-ent if OCD were found to be a consequence of,say, an abnormality localized initially in thestriatum, than if it were found to be a conse-quence of abnormalities affecting, from thevery beginning, several structures of the OFC/ACC CBGTC loops and related structures else-where.


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