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Anatomy and Physiology Exam # 5: “The Nervous System”

1. Which group of organs comprises the nervous system?A. stomach, small intestine, and large intestineB. brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervesC. brain, cerebrum, and cerebellumD. spinal cord, cranial nerves, and spinal nerves

2. Which type of nervous system cell is responsible for most special functions attributed to the nervous system, such as sensing, thinking, remembering, controlling muscle activity, and regulating glandular secretions?A. neuronsB. neurogliaC. astrocyteD. oligodendrocyte

3. Which type of nervous system cell is responsible for supporting, nurturing, and protecting the rest of the nervous system cells and maintaining the homeostatic environment within the nervous system?A. neuronsB. neurogliaC. neurolemmaD. astrodendrocyte

4. Which of the following types of neuronal fibers is multibranched and functions to receive information?A. synapserB. axonC. dendriteD. neurobranch

5. Which of the following types of neuronal fibers is a long, slender, minimally branched process that conducts information away from the cell body of a nerve cell?A. synapserB. axonC. dendriteD. neurobranch

6. The ability of a neuron to receive a stimulus is known as ____.A. extensibilityB. elasticityC. conductabilityD. irritability

7. The ability of a neuron to send an impulse is known as ____.A. extensibilityB. elasticityC. conductabilityD. irritability

8. What is the name of the junction between two neurons where impulses are passed?A. synapseB. axonC. dendriteD. neurolemma

9. What is the name of the substance that crosses the gap between two communicating neurons?A. neurotransmitterB. enzymeC. hormoneD. ATP


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10. ____ interneuron11. ____ motor neuron12. ____ sensory neuron

A. this type of neuron carries nerve impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles or glands that they control

B. this type of neuron carries impulses from sense organs to the brain and spinal cord where the impulses are interpreted

C. this type of neuron is located in the brain and spinal cord and carries impulses from one neuron to another

13. ____ interneuron A. this type of neuron is also known as a central or connecting neuron14. ____ motor neuron B. this type of neuron is also known as an afferent neuron 15. ____ sensory neuron C. this type of neuron is also known as an efferent neuron

16. A group of neuronal fibers (axons) found in the peripheral portions of the nervous system bundled together by connective tissue like strands of a cable is known as a ____.A. neurocableB. gangliaC. nerveD. plexus

17. What is the name of the fatty insulating material that is found wrapping around the axons of neurons?A. schwanzingB. myelinC. neurolemmaD. cerebrospinal fluid

18. Which of the following groups of organs compose the central nervous system?A. brain and spinal cordB. cranial nerves and brainC. spinal nerves and spinal cordD. cranial nerves and spinal nerves

19. Which of the following groups of organs compose the peripheral nervous system?A. brain and spinal cordB. cranial nerves and brainC. spinal nerves and spinal cordD. cranial nerves and spinal nerves

20. Which of the following is not one of the major portions of the brain?A. diencephalemB. cerebrumC. brain stemD. cerebellum

21. Which of the following portions of the brain is responsible for maintaining balance, coordinating voluntary muscles, and making muscular movements smooth and graceful?A. diencephalemB. cerebrumC. brain stemD. cerebellum

22. Which of the following portions of the brain is responsible for presiding over mental activities, such as speech, sensation, communication, memory, reasoning, and emotions?A. diencephalemB. cerebrumC. brain stemD. cerebellum


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23. Which of the following portions of the brain is responsible for relaying and transmitting impulses from one portion of the brain to another?A. diencephalemB. cerebrumC. brain stemD. cerebellum

24. Which of the following is not one of the principle parts of the brain stem?A. midbrainB. ponsC. thalamusD. medulla oblongata

25. Which part of the brain stem is responsible for regulating the heart rate, rate and depth of respiration, and tonicity of the blood vessels?A. midbrainB. ponsC. thalamusD. medulla oblongata

26. Which part of the brain stem is responsible for relaying impulses between the other portions of the brain stem?A. midbrainB. ponsC. thalamusD. medulla oblongata

27. Which part of the brain stem is responsible for connecting the cerebrum and the lower nervous system as well as certain visual and auditory reflexes that coordinate head and eye movement with things seen and heard?A. midbrainB. ponsC. thalamusD. medulla oblongata

28. What is the name of the connective tissue structures that surround, protect, and nourish the brain and spinal cord?A. encephalonB. neural sleeveC. dural wrapD. meninges


29. ____ pia mater A. this is the middle connective tissue layer30. ____ dura mater B. this is the thick outer connective tissue layer31. ____ arachnoid C. this is the thin connective tissue layer that adheres to the brain and spinal cord

32. ____ pia mater A. this layer is the most durable of the three layers33. ____ dura mater B. this layer contains blood vessels that supply nutrients to the brain and spinal cord34. ____ arachnoid C. this layer has a spider web appearance

35. What is the name of the fluid that surrounds, protects, and nourishes the brain and spinal cord?A. cerebrospinal fluidB. ependymal fluidC. neurolymph fluidD. neurolymphoid fluid

36. How many cranial nerves are there?A. 6 pairsB. 10 pairsC. 12 pairsD. 31 pairs


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37. ____ olfactory nerve (CN1) A. controls eye movements38. ____ optic nerve (CN2) B. sense of smell39. ____ trochlear nerve (CN4) C. controls sensations of the face and movement of the jaw40. ____ trigeminal nerve (CN5) D. sense of sight

41. ____ facial nerve (CN7) A. controls movement of the tongue42. ____ glossopharyngeal nerve (CN9) B. controls talking, heart action, breathing, and digestion 43. ____ vagus nerve (CN10) C. controls muscles of expression and some muscles of the neck44. ____ hypoglossal nerve (CN12) D. sense of taste

45. How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?A. 6 pairsB. 10 pairsC. 12 pairsD. 31 pairs

46. What is the name of the structure that is made of a network of intersecting or “braided” branches of nerves?A. gangliaB. tractC. plexusD. cyst


47. ____ phrenic nerve A. controls arm and forearm extensors48. ____ musculocutaneous nerve B. controls forearm and wrist flexors49. ____ radial nerve C. controls muscles of respiration (diaphragm)50. ____ median nerve D. controls arm and forearm flexors

51. ____ ulnar nerve A. controls hip extensors and knee flexors52. ____ femoral nerve B. controls muscles of the forearm and hand (aka funny bone)53. ____ obturator nerve C. controls hip flexion and knee extension54. ____ sciatic nerve D. controls adduction of the thigh

55. What is the largest and longest nerve in the body?A. phrenic nerveB. femoral nerveC. median nerveD. sciatic nerve

56. Which nerve is affected in carpal tunnel syndrome?A. phrenic nerveB. radial nerveC. median nerveD. ulnar nerve

57. Which of the following portions of the peripheral nervous system is responsible for controlling voluntary muscles?A. limbic nervous systemB. substantia nigraC. somatic nervous systemD. autonomic nervous system

58. Which of the following portions of the peripheral nervous system is responsible for controlling the visceral organs such as the heart, blood vessels, glands, and intestines?A. limbic nervous systemB. substantia nigraC. somatic nervous systemD. autonomic nervous system


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59. What is a ganglia?A. a small mass of dendritesB. a small mass of neuronsC. a small mass of axonsD. a group of braided nerves

60. Which of the following systems has the general function of conserving energy and controlling normal activity of the body?A. sympathetic nervous systemB. parasympathetic nervous systemC. socratic nervous systemD. cerebrospinal system

61. Which of the following systems is used primarily for preparing the body for energy expending, stressful, or emergency situations?A. sympathetic nervous systemB. parasympathetic nervous systemC. socratic nervous systemD. cerebrospinal nervous system


62. ____ increased heart rate A. sympathetic nervous system63. ____ normal digestion B. parasympathetic nervous system64. ____ increased circulation to the skeletal muscles65. ____ dilated pupils66. ____ normal heart rate67. ____ increased mental activity 68. What is the simplest form of nervous communication that includes a sensory and motor nerve?

A. impulseB. pathwayC. routeD. reflex

69. Which of the following receptors detect sensations such as heat, cold, pain, and pressure?A. spindle cellsB. proprioceptorsC. golgi tendon organsD. exteroceptors

70. Which of the following receptors respond to the unconscious inner sense of position and movement of the body?A. spindle cellsB. proprioceptorsC. golgi tendon organsD. exteroceptors

71. Which of the following receptors are sensors located in the belly of the muscle that detect movement and the amount of stretch placed upon a muscle?A. spindle cellsB. proprioceptorsC. golgi tendon organsD. exteroceptors

72. Which of the following statements describes proprioception?A. the ability of the body to know where it is in relation to its environmentB. the ability of the body to know the state of contraction of its muscular structuresC. the ability of the body to know the position of all of its joints and the degree of their motionD. all of the above


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73. ____ poliomyelitis or polio74. ____ epilepsy75. ____ Parkinson’s disease76. ____ multiple sclerosis77. ____ stroke

A. This disease occurs as a result of the degeneration of certain nerve tissues responsible for the regulation of certain body movements. It results in tremors and shaking, stiff muscles, and loss of postural reflexes.

B. This condition is also known as a cerebrovascular accident. It results from a blood clot or ruptured blood vessel in or around the brain with subsequent destruction of nerve tissue.

C. This is a crippling or even deadly disease that affects the motor neurons of the medulla oblongata and spinal cord, resulting in paralysis of the related muscle tissues.

D. This condition is a neurological condition that is caused by abnormal electrical activity in the central nervous system without apparent tissue abnormalities. It is characterized by seizures of differing severity.

E. This condition usually occurs in young adults and is characterized by muscle weakness and loss of coordination and balance due to the breakdown of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers.

78. ____ meningitis 79. ____ neuritis80. ____ shingles81. ____ quadriplegia82. ____ hemiplegia

A. This disease is an acute inflammation of a nerve trunk by the herpes zoster virus. The symptoms include a band of pain around the torso and a rash with water blisters that erupt on a confined area on one side of the trunk.

B. This disease is an acute inflammation of the pia mater and arachnoid mater around the brain and spinal cord. It often presents with a severe headache, stiff neck, high fever, chills, and delirium that are usually caused from a previous infection.

C. This condition is an inflammation of a nerve of the peripheral nervous system that results in pain and muscle weakness.

D. This condition results from spinal cord trauma that causes all four limbs to be being paralyzed.E. This condition usually results from a stroke that causes unilateral paralysis of the body.

83. The pain associated with neuritis is known as ____.A. neurogliaB. neuralgiaC. neuraseD. neurlysis

84. A common form of nerve pain that is the result of injury to the sciatic nerve is known as ____.A. sciaticaB. sciaticitisC. sciaticeriaD. none of the above

85. Which of the following is not a function of the nervous system?A. to rule the body by controlling all visible and invisible activitiesB. to digest complex food materials to be absorbedC. to control human thought and conductD. to give the power to see, hear, move, talk, feel, think, and remember

86. Which of the following nerves is not derived from the brachial plexus?A. femoral nerveB. radial nerveC. median nerveD. ulnar nerve


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87. Which of the following nerves is found at the elbow?A. femoral and sciaticB. femoral and radialC. median and ulnarD. median and femoral

88. Which of the following nerves is found in the thigh and leg?A. femoral and sciaticB. femoral and radialC. median and ulnarD. median and femoral

89. Which of the following neurological processes is responsible for preventing excessive injury by causing the body to immediately pull away from something sharp or hot?A. reflex arcB. withdrawal reflexC. proprioceptionD. autonomic nervous response

90. Which of the following types of sensors would prevent excessive injury to a muscle and its supporting connective tissue structures?A. nociceptorsB. sensoceptorsC. golgi tendon organsD. neuroceptors


91. ____ The skin of the back between the shoulders is sensitive to reflex influences.

92. ____ Multiple sclerosis is a contagious disease that can be spread by touching someone.

93. ____ Shingles is caused by eating rotten seafood.

94. ____ Massage is beneficial to patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease

95. ____ Strokes affect everyone the same way.

96. ____ Meningitis is a contraindication for massage.

97. ____ Shingles is a contraindication for massage.

98. ____ Neuritis is a contraindication for massage.

99. ____ Epilepsy can be cured with regular massages.

100. ____ I am glad that this is the last stupid test that Dr. Wray is going to make us take!