The Need to Incorporate Environmental Justice into MPA Management Huey-Shian CHUNG PhD candidate Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS) Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts University of Wollongong

The Need to Incorporate Environmental Justice in Marine Protected Area Management

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National Environmental Justice Conference and Training Program Presentation, March 11, 2015

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Combating Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia from an International and Regional Legal Perspective: Challenges and Prospects

The Need to Incorporate Environmental Justice into MPA ManagementHuey-Shian CHUNGPhD candidateAustralian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS)Faculty of Law, Humanities and the ArtsUniversity ofWollongong

What is MPATerminologysanctuary area, marine parks, marine national parks, marine reserves, national marine parks, national seashores, fisheries conservation zones and etc. The Definition of MPA: A clearly area with marine attributes, recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, mainly to achieve a long-term conservation purposes

How MPAs workZoning strategy-core zone (no-take zone)-restricted zone-peripheral zone

Main Benefits of zoning MPAsAchieve diverse objectivesBalance stress from human involvement to oceansSeparate competing marine users

Global commitments to MPAsAichi Biodiversity Targets 17% MPA coverage in costal States terrestrial and inland waters by 2020.

Benefits and Challenges of MPAs

BenefitsAchieving diverse objectivesBalancing stress Separating competing activities

ChallengesConflicts of objectives

Conflicts of the allocation of conservation burdens and benefits

Calls for Just MPA managementThe Promise of Sydney To construct an effective and just conservation based on social justice and environmental responsibility.

The USs Environmental Justice MovementsThe Love Canal controversy in 1978The Warren County landfill controversy in 1982A United Church of Christs report Toxic Wastes and Race in the United States, in 1987 The 1991 National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit that produced the 17 Principles of Environmental Justice


Introducing rights to environment into environmental governanceRaising an awareness of recognition while making environmental decisionsDeveloping a goal-like environmental justice approach to combat legal discrimination, poverty and inequality.

Solutions to MPA Management Challenges

Benefits of MPA management Challenges of MPA management Solutions inspired by the US Environmental justice movementsAchieving diverse objectivesConflicts of objectivesDeveloping and legalising rights to sustainable development Balancing stress Conflicts of the allocation of conservation burdens and benefitsAdopting recognitionSeparating competing activities