c TH] T«l« TU.-« . 387..WkoUa03"». KCW LINr. OK LtVKKPOOL PACKBTa. To .ailir.mNew York on tn<- 15th,and Liveryool on the lJlh ofeach month, ft ji & ft TwNt" Vom. Bhip ROSCIH9, Cap' "" J«h" rolliui. aSth M*rth. ov:. mnnON'S Cai'tam L. B. Cobh, iistn April Shm9HEHI!)AV.(^.ait. V. A. Ueo.jr.Wr,iSth May. J §hi,0AHili<;K,(!:a1O''i Wm. Skuldy, <8lh Jan.. KnoM Liviaruot.. Hhio SHKHIU AN, Captain K. A lh-»ey«ter, Uth March. liA ItUICK I'aplaiu Wm. Skiddy, 13th April. Ship ROSCIUS, Cuplii. Jplin O0II.M, IJ'h May. Shin alUUONS,Captain K. B.Cobb, 13th June. Th«r Ship, are all of llie first class,upward, of 1000 ton.,built Jf! theeitv or New Vorli, with .«ch uiiprovemeul. n. combine iS«»t".peed with unusual comfort lor paa»eii|{er«. Kvcry car. EThecu taken in the arr:uige"i"itof their accommodations. Th« nee of paasajjehenre i. f U0,f >r which ample .tore, will be Seovi »ed These ship. are co iiintuideil by eiperienced majlari. who will make every eiertiou to give general Mtinfnc "Seiner the ciptvni or owner, ofthe.e (hip. will be respond M. for any leM'W, parcel*or packages«eut by tbem, unite, r. «ul*r bill, ol ladtUB are signed therefor. The.hip.ol thullto- will hereaftr rgo armed, and their pecu Ihrcoueiruction give, them security not poveMtd by any other fcutve.sel. of war. 1 South «t., New York, or to I WM. h J AS. llttoWN St CO., Liverpool. " Letter, by the packet, will be charged I2| cent. per single a gbeet: CO ceut. per ounce, ml newspapers I cent each. ml VfcW YOKlv \ND ItAVitK 1'AOALTb. ' {SKCO.WU LltiEj ' & M M M. The »')ip. of thi» line will hereafter leave New York on.the tat and Havre on tin. itth of each month a* follow. : 1 fYotH Nrw York. Hon Horn. . . .v.;. PJNKIDA. I lit March ( 16 th April cut. f lxt July < |Bill /iiik-uii Jauirs Funek. f lit Novcmbir ( 16th December hip BALTIMORE, I lat April ( 16th May ( Cart. < lit August « 16th September Edward Funk. f lit December f I6tli January > BhipUTICA, I lit May ( Idth June » Cant. < lit September < lStli October Fred'k Hewitt. f 1st Jauuary f 16lh February New ship&T. NICOLAS, l 1st June (16th July i Capt. \ Ht October < I6t)i November " J. B. Fell. C 1st February { 16th March ' The accommodation! of these iliipi are cot surpassed, ron Maine all that may be required lor comfort. The price of ca- t bin passage is $iun, Passeugrrs will be supplied with every * renninl with the exception of wines and liquors. s tJoods mlended for these vessels will be forwarded by the o Subscribers, free from any olhei than the expenses actual.yi n- I «rred o. them. For ft^hyr ^^ajg^ Agent., ! g| I Tontine Euildum. ' FOlt NEW ORLEANS J LOUISIANA AND NEW YORK LINE OF PACKETS m Jk m m FortbMietter accommodation of shippers, it is intended to I despatch a ship from this port on the 1st, 6th, lOtb.lSth, 20tb , and 25th of each mouth. commencing the lotli October, and oatiirnup until May, when regular day* will be appointed foi ' the reiraiuder of the year, whereby great delays and disap K ointments will be presented during the summer months. The ' BUowit'g shiv* will commence tins arrangement:. c a Ship YAZOO,Capt. Cornell. t Ship OCONEE. Capt- Jackson hip MlSSISSlPPl.Capt. Hilliard. ! Ship LOUISVILLE, Capt. Hunt. hip SHAKSrEARE, (.apt. Miner t Ship OASTON. Cant Latham. Kip HUNTSVILLE, Capt. Mumf. rd. I Ship OCMULOEK, Capt Leavitl. hip NASHVILLE, Capt. Dickiuse n. Shlb MEMPHIS,Capt. Kuiglit. , Ship LOUISA, Capt. Mulford. ' These abiea were all built in the city of New York, express- ' ty for packets, ar* of a light draft ol water, havt recently been Jy coppered and put in splendid orcer, Willi accommodations I Aasengers unequalled for contort. They are commanded i ipeneuced masters, who will mase every exertion to give I general satlslactiou. They will at slj times be towed up and iqwu the Mississippi by steamboats ] Neither the owners or captains ofthese ships will responsi- i his forjewelry.bulliou.preciou* stones, silver, orplat«d ware, or Br any letters,parcel or package, sent by or put e -.board ef mm uuless regular bills of lading are taken fortnee&me, and "#M value thereon eio.sred ( For freight or pass are. apply to Bin E. K. COLLINS* CO. MSouth.L,or HULLI a * WOODRUFF, Agent in New Orleans,who willpromptly forward all goods to hii address. The snips of this line are warranted to sail punctua/ly as ad] Fsrtasd, and greatcare will be taken to have the goods correct IT measured. all ~~ ,hiW XOrVfc. AaUU XSJLWAKaT'' Fare reduced to *5 centa. From the foot of Courtlandt street. New York" (Every dsy.Saadaya excepted.) Leaves New York. Leave Newark At* A.M. At* P.M. AtT| A.M. At It P.M 11 do 6 do do 3, do a i)A . 4| ao in »w - -t a* _ 10 da ON SUNDAYS. From the feot oi Liberty itreet. Leave New Vork. . Newark. At » A. M aad ti P. M. At l P. M. m4 I* P.J4. «W fOKk iu2AUKTMTOWN. EAHWAY AND NEW BRUNAY/ICIC. Fare reduced. From the foot of Liberty etreet.dailT. Leave New York. Leave New Branawick. At A.M. AtTIA.M. SOMEkViLL E atasea connect with the*e line* each way. Fare between New York and Soraerviile, #0 cente. Do do Now Brunawier, ts centa. JUV w ay, 60 cent a. EUzabctktown, >6 centa. The tare in the 7i A. M. train from New Branawick, and 4| fid-train from New York, haa been reduced between New York and New Bruuawick to 50 centa. " and Rahway te 371 " The Pniladelpkiamxilline paaaee through NewBluuawick for New York every evenine at o'clock. OnSunoayathe TJ A. M. trip from New Branawick ia omit faaaengera who procure their ticket* at the tieketofltee.roWaive a ferry ticketyratia. Ticketaare received by theennduetor Oelv on'he dav when tmrrkaenl febtl Ira* cragKRE1UHT8 M)R TFE WK«T AND SOU I'll, From UILADELPHIA. via THE PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON. AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY. Freighta forthrWrat and Smith will be forwatded daily from ti.r tranaportation effice of the Company, No. I Dock at Wharf, Philadelphia. Merchmta are reepectfolly informed that all sonde consigned to the company will be forwarded with the utmoat diaratcS to any point wert oraouth. frreieht reachci Baltimore the aame dry it /eave* Philadelphia. The rrail line for the wrat and aoath leavea Dork atreet dailv at half-paat ail o'clock A.M. by ateambeat ROBERT MORRIS. Faeeeugere will rarch Baltimore at 1 o'clock, two houra previous to the departure of the traina f»r the aouihweat. W. L. ABHMEAD.Agent. Philadelphia, March >. Iltt ml a i m RAILROAD NOTICE. MARKET AND;KRE10HT LINE. ammm NEW RRUNSWtCKAND NEW YORK. rpHE NEW JERSe.Y Railroad aad Tranaportation Com. A party have eatablirhrd a Freight Line between New Rrunavrick and New York, which they intend to run permanently Lenvinr New Bruntiwiek at I AM. daily, (Stindaya evcapted) and the foot of Liberty atreet. New Ynrk. a 3 P.M To c .untry dealer! and meichiute tha above line te eery da rable for the aiteedy and cheap conveyance cf merehandite of every deacription. and more particufrrly to Drovera and Dealera in Live Stock, who can have 150 head of cattle conveyed between New Bruuawick aud New tork, the aameday Wheat rer required. The ratte for IM tranaportation of cattle, hortce, mulea. .nheep, H )gi, ilC.,itnu UN omer *""1' UI ""' iiuuiiK arc iery few.Deiireiceedingateaniboat pricey. Merchandieeeentby thu line tenot mbjeeUd to any eitra chary- iu croeaing the N orlh Rirer. Tfle ComP»n' tiaTe filled up » large atnrehouee at New Rrumwuk adj lining tne Railruad Depot, which will alwaya beopea for the reception of merchandiee. Paeeenzere, purehaaiug thtir ticktde at the ti'.ket omree, Will receive ferry tickete gratia. ml4 3m* 10751 iOEr.Ob and after" April let, 1*49, the commutation IN fare in the cira o! the New Jeraey Railroad and Traueportatiou Comprny, between New k ork and the cariaua Ccee on the line of the railroad, haa been reduced (includ ferry) to %lt par annum, and £50 for ail moolha. ml» Ire* fEUiOHr AND HA9J4AWK TO PUTS" aune. wa^-rc=aa,<awa ffgWI |13, JIMIHAM'8 LINE. The proortetora of Blncham'a Traniportatien Line to Pittaborg, gjve notice tothe .Merchant a of New York, and all other pervMie e-.iptdr.g to the Watt, that their line ib now inactive Cation Gooda cooaianed to them (or aant to no in their ) will be forwarded withdeepnteh. Owuera or ahipoera of *oo<ta. dw lined for the Wee tern State*, who I are no agent or eowwgtMc at Pittaburr, will pieaae coueigu their g'oda to William Bingham Pitteburg. who will attend to ahippuig all auch eonaignmaata without r/jJofioS'sTiNt" ~H- - *"K >^e aLtX" tH&S; aftgt,. mmnaite Put No. 9. N R > B,.Paaaenaera forwarded to P.tuburg and Pottaville, every day, Bundaya eicepted. Refer to H. Crooke, American Eur Co.; 9. T. Nieoll, Sot atreet; llielpa. Dodge h Co. Kulton itreat; Buydam, a At o.; Wm. Rankin. Dury re k ( a Newaik ml 3m BTATH.N ISLAND UtRHk. 4EyG^3p Foot of Whitehall atrert.fl^^^^Lj?9e ISLANDER. ^J^SwTor AMHON,Captain Durr.l, will run an followa until further notice Ibarra Platen laland Leavae Whitehall At S o'clock* n. At » o'clock a.*. «u r. .. "H " " " l " r.M "9 " r.M. W ,1 M .. " 3| " » .. .. " ») M M N. B. All gooda ahtpped are required to be particularly anarkrd and are at the mk of the ownere (hereof of t. Powell a co b liNE. atlNPk _JH)K N KWBU HUH, landing it CALD brafl*WELL'S, WEHT POINT AND COLD 9EZPp3E,HrRINO-Tli* ateamhoat HIGHLANDER Cnpt Hobert Wardrop, will leave the foirt ef Warren atreat Flaw York,every Monday. Ttr 'day and Saturday aftarnooo'i «t 4 o'clock. Retnrning the High.ainJcr will «,( .vewburgh nffTa^ioun°|d|T *'' ' **" l a*^ay and rridny Ear freinh' or paaaage,apply to the Captain an board. N. A11 baggage and freight of averv deeeriptiee, bank ttlle orapecie, piii on board thi* boat(muathe at the riakof the wwera thereof.anJeaa a bill ofladuig rractipLiaipnad for IwllM, mM E NE NJ CHARLES S. ROWELL, DENTAL SI'RGKOJT, No. II CHAMBERS STREET, NEW yOKK. LIFE BOAT ASSOCIATION, FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF FRANCIS PATH NT LIFE BOATS. AMERICAN MOULDING COMPANY. WAREHOUSE 112 BROADWAY, OPPOSITE mil CITY HOTEL. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. 0.1 Til* PHllClPl.E or ATMOSPHEK1U I'liusauitb (CojTT.) Hariuclately loj»» tw ) binuayidati I called on'Mr jt * ett to aupply their plac-s with artificial one*. aoJ it afbrda me much pleasure to lentil > to hi« skill and ability as a )iiitist; indeed, I h«?< cfer seen lecth tl*ed and fitted with [lore exuctoci.il. aud at the same time with Kss paiulul pres* ure on thegumi. 1 cheertully recommend that gent'emm to the especial noice of the medical profession, well us to the public, feeling atistied from my own experience that they may coutidently ely on hi* skill in his profession. (Signed) OltANVILL£ S. PATTISON, M D. P-ofeasor of Anatomy, Uuirersity of New Ycrk. February 1311 ,1841. The original can t»c seen at Mr. Levett'i 2 0 Broadway, oruer.of \V«rr*.n street mist * BANKRUPT LAW. ENTLKMKN wishing to be discharged from their debt., 1 under thi, law. are uiftied to call on W. SKIDMOKK, attorney at Law, 74 Nassau atreet. All other kind, of law luaiues, also attended to. Charge* moderate. flOgm' NOTICE TO BUYERS OF CABINET FURNITURE. PHK aub«criher would invite the attention of thoae wishi lug to now article, in the above buatne**, to hi, esablishmeut, where i. to be fouud a rieli assortment of Rosevsnd and Mahogany Furniture, of French aud other patterns, ome of which are not to be found eljewherr, being entirely irigiual. Also, handsome rich gilt Cornices for windows, 'oles and Kings toget'irr w tth Damasks, Galloons aud TaseU, and every artirle attached to curtains, which will be nade in the latest style from patterns lately received. N B. Particular attentiou pail to Ih* fi.ting up of Ottonans, Fire Screens, and other fancy articles, with rinbroid red tapestry. WASHINGTON MEEK?, dlS-Sin IIS Broadway, nest the Hospital. CARPETIND, UARPKTING. FrlE Subscriber is now opening his Spring assortment of Carpeting, consisting ofBius*els, three ply, su icifine and ine Ingrain, an aeoortwtnt not ,nrpa<s«d in this city for rariely of styles, figures, Stc. These goods have been orlered expressly for ttie S.irmg trade. The gieitest tare has i,en observed in makii g selections ol such goous as can be outidently iccommended for durability and permaueucy of :olors, Ike. Also.alarge assortment of the different kinds of Hall and Stair Car(etiug. Tufted door Kugs. Door Ma a, Sic, Also a nam same assortment of Painted Floor Cloths, all sidths. Families about purchaaint "any of the above dejenbed toodsare respectfully invited to call. CHARLES HICKS, ml8 lm* TS East Broadway.71 l)i»'sioti-»t. CHEAP HARDWARE (STORE. THE Subscriber is now opening his Spring supply of HARDWARE fk CUTLER7, receivedperTale airivals, "mm Birmingham and Sheffield. Together with a general aslortineut of Domestic Goods, which he is prepared 10 offer at he very LOWEST CASH PRICES. The attention of Country Merchant*, Builder*, Cabinet Makers, Sic., is solicited to au examination of his stack and irices as is confident they will audit to their iutera t to aror hiin with a call. ALFRED F. LAGRAVE. 310 Greenwich corner Barclay, New York. A regular supply of FaLL RIVER CUT NAILS, and Coopers Glue. Also.a complete assortment ol!Mechanics Tools. James Screws. Sic. tu33m' SEi5KlJN(jr7JS (JUKUJLAL,. I NDIUESTIO-N..As this a very como on complaint, in 1 the present day, winterer lend* to alienate it is of public im;or'auce. For the information of those affected with it, we publish the following recommenJatioua of a Restorative Cordial for its e ire C. C. Si bring, Esq Dear Sir At your request, I hivsexamined the medicine.! of which 1 our Cardial composed, and have no heutation in nying that they are of the best class of tonics; and in the manner prepared bv you. will prove highly beneficial m Dyspepsia, andinany other diseases ofgeueral debility. Yours, fcc. F PRATT, M. D. No. 98 Liberty street. I concur in the above recommend»tion of Dr. Pratt. THOMAS BOYD. M. D. No 391 Fourth street. Sabring's Restorative Cordial is sold atl9i Fulton street, at $1 per hoi tie. m31 lm' DR. JOSEPH EVANS, an AND RESTORATIVE SYRUP, For the cure «>fevery firm of Discs- arising from THE IMPURITi OK THE BLOOD, CAUSED by the vital o-ga>s becoming duang-d and enfeebled by hereditary complaints, and exhaustion of the system, and other diseases, v;z Sen fnla or King's Evil. T mors and swellings in the neck, second »ri symptoms rf Si phi he. or the constitu'jonal form of the Veaerial Disc; sr, Ulo-re. ulcerated sore Threat Palate. Re Ulcers on the Shins, ana other parted the body. Disessts of the bones, pains, swellings. and ulcerstiots of the hoars, swelling* of the ioinls, white swellings, lie.. Cancers, enianecus or skin diseases, salt rheum, ringworm, scaly eruptions, leprosy, itch, scald h-ad. pimptea, cracking aud im.irtiog i.f the skin, tetter, and all kmis of sorrs Longstanding andneietolore insurable fever sores; rheumatism, gout, liver complaint, and all diseasra rained by a:i improper use of mercury, local and constitutional debit1 y or weakneaa, gonorrhiE i gleet leucorrlicet or whites, gravel, fcc.,orwlienthe system has been exhausted by secret eniuality in youth, intempe ancr, loog standii g debilitating dise.s s, lor g residence^ Southern climates, and other debit i tating causes. This invaluable mi dicine has been employed by the proprietor in an ritinsi'eprivate and hospital practice, both in Europe and A in- ric < f ir the last forty yrare during which time he lists cured orer50D0 pati'uts,who wer-afflicted with some of the mo*t loathsome and dentructive f irms of d sease. many of whom are n nv living, and ready to testify to the efficacy of thismedicice. Itcurea by giving tone to the nei ves, exhi erat isg the spirit*, regulating Ihe Circulation, invigorating and exciting ihev ital o'gansio a natural and healthy action'and inus causing all impurities o be eipelled from the system, and creating the secretion of perfectly pare and healthy blood. Price tl (>er bottle. For sale only at the Private Reside nee No. 477Uree iwich iir-et, two doors abore Canal street. mat >in 30 ODD YEARS OF EXPERIENCE iu the scientific practice of curing certain diseases, have enabled Dr LAUREL, of No.lOt Canal street, to eradicate those diseases in qaestlon, whether new,old, or Inveterate, in tees than half the time employed by thee ommon doctors, who poison their patients with mercury, capivy, nitre. cu'oebs.ke. ,V B..Strangers are apprired that Dr L. is a regular physician of the ined cal faru'ty of Paris, also graduated in fh* U. States, as can be proved by his diplomas. mSt lm* PRIVATE OU HE. Doctor Jordan's specific course,no.i-Foc the prompt cure of C.p or Gonorrhoea, Gleets, mid all other wethral discharges, and his Specific Course, No. t, lor the complete eradication, ai d permit ent cure of venereal disease, without exposure, inconvenience, or loss of time. Each course is enclosed in a neat tin ease, comprising every medicine, wash, and rut mite, evsrrrouirtd either for internal or external uae; and w hether the caeehe recent or old, a cure is guaranteed, if used 31 directed. Each package also eon tains Dr. Jordan's private treatise,called Ihe Monitor, where, ihisfull directions, with a plain inscription of the nature symptoms, conseijeences ano treatment of secret 'diseases;te which is ul.led inut.h valuable information, useful hints, and important advice.rrmnrux all the difficulties of self treatment. The nrice of Monitor is fitly cents; one dollar seut post paid, will insure ita reception. T i* Cou'eee No. I anil 9, are each $3, an guaranteed.admirably designed for reai dents m the country, bring complete, compact, "convenient and efficient Post paid letters covering the amount, hive iirompl attention Sold fur the pxoprietor, ouly at Dr-g Store, 69 Marion atrtct.socond door below I'm,ee. second block eas' of Broadway. Marion ilreet is a direct continutlinn of Cent reL all tm* BERLIN InONCASTING*.Consisting offrames,fenders, and mm wmmll, ol HMnW manufacture, to cIom a consignment, at eery low trcee, by OELRICHS It KRUOER, mS I m* 49 Broad afreet. M~ KIIIIAL CARD .Lin. Cooran, No. tt Uuaneat. near Ctiatham at., atill affords relief to the afflicted of both aai ea. He may be always consulted, with the utmoet confidence, in the worst mm of delicate diaeasea. mercurial affections, and the nuinenoua aymiitoma arising frasn thia disease. From Dr. C'a estcnaiee practice for the last eight years is this parti cular branch of the profession, guaranteei s safe, speedy and effective cure to all persona who apply to hiss. Recent cases cured is a few days without the use of mercury, or any other dasgeroue medinrine. No interruption frost business, ur alteration in the mode of living. All whose eaeee he»e bees pro tractyd or aggravsted by maltrratment, mar apply with the utmost rotrfidence of being effectually cured Terms moderate.attendance from 1 in the awn-aing uabl It at sight. Office l)u«n« s'. mil m* - Take phytic early.medicine comes too late, Wheuthe disease heeomee ineeleratc " nECOMMK.NDKD by the Faculty.VANCE'S ANTI K BILIOUS FAMILY APERIENT PILLS.By Ions tperience these pills hire beeu proeeJ hy thousands to be he best and safest Family Medicine hitherto discortred. At ill scseons of the year they wiH be found very valuable to all rho with to srrure tiieirmdrct again4 sickn ss They are jibe safe for children as f ranr period of life, ad require no itrs stteoticn to dirt "r to clothing, bilious and Iiverenmplaints, dyspepsia or indigestion, nervous dissaesa, sick headache. and iu fact all diseases arisiiat from an impure state of rhe biocd. or a disordered state of the ttninarh or bowels, are speedily remoerd by taking them Tliey prevent sourvy. cosUreness and its conse juencrs.therefore seafaring men enonid never be without them. Tune or climate a fleet* them not. Two or three doses will convince the patient of their salutary rfire's, for the stomach will readily regain its strength, a healthy stateof the liver and bowels wit) speedily take place and renewrd health and vi.oi of body ami mmd will be the cer tain result. Their virtues, in fact, maybe summed up.as a medicine which itresglhen* the feeble and consolidates the musi-las of the strong, and will be found of infinite value to fen[ all ages (il tahpn according to the directions), who wish to be secure frcm sickness. Price 93 and 50cents per hog. . and re ail, hy We Watson. Apethe caries Hall. 36 Cat! arine street; Smith, corner of Fulton and Water Sts; NowilL tar Bowery ; Balgrore, druggist. Fultoi at. ttreoklya. mSI lm' Eoec.'f<l"IO:? ,:vl-The undersigned, a rtgulai JrTtll i"?* ' the City of New York, m«m her of the Medical lueti uti ois of the Slate tod County, hav !n c^r I .17 ,,Kh'.rt »ra. accomplished a great numbei . j i 'iiT tnrea in every variety of loni Standing dtaeaaev, offers h<e at tendance aid medicines withoa charge, untilthemtient h ,s fairly teased the medicine in th.s diseases The advanced age (beingover 50 rears.) and loni eiper rnce ol Dr. Solomon Heine, is a miir.ntee that the nut be will not be deceived. He will bs lound till the tat of May 1949. at the cornrrof Canal street and BrsaJway and afie rhet in Reed street.near Broadway. " Nisi utile est quodsgimus. vaaa sat gloria Bottom, Na ur stoat, mcdicus curat mdrbua.' ml lm' SOLOMON HEINE. M P. oTRaW WKAPl IN'iv.iooo re inn crswa atraw Wrmppli O an ticeUcnt article, mat recsived and for sale hy a rERSSE It BROOKS. II Liksrty at W YO EW YORK. TUESDAY M "fashionable tailoring ESTABLISHMENT. AT THE K44H10NAHL1S TAILORING K'-TA- j 2L1$HM£M, lOd r.e.kmui «treet,ueur rear!. Gentlein<n who are now or toriaeily have hero paying till*- J v leant |iri«n for 'heir rlothnifc, are assured that they need do o un mure, as the 'ubj-riber will guarantee to all who pv t trouiee him. a haiid-ome At, a laahionable atyle and excellent | material', at the following ni idrrate price'.t Sup. Wr«t of Lug. Wool-dyed, black, blue,or green drei* co-U. $15 to tit. PiiiU, double milled do blick. plaid, and fancy cat*., (6 to I $«so. Veets.Kineeaahmrre.iaiiir.and all kmda, $1 to $5. r ( oati made ami rimmed in a *o|«-rior manner, Iroui (7 to t $9,50; VtiU, $1,50 to $S, I'aute,$l,50to $1. . . at in.' JOHN MOFFAT_ j CARPETING, &C. CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. TONES k MARI A'. 101 Bowrr. New York, pre now .re- "J rut iu.; their *|.ri .g supply of Carp-ting, Oil Cloth*. W in- . dow ll-ujjl-fi*, iL»rth ltims, Do«r hints, I able and J rianotVver* Suir Rod* &c flic. Am -up their good, are in tuy ii«w And rich pattern* of Erg- i li.h ami American moiulkciurr, which cauuot cxcirded < for br.ury, .juality and cheapm a iu the city. I'« rsou* about fur. lulling ihtir house* arr iuvit-d to give ui a call. I.K.JONES, I a4 lm» L.MAKCY. AN DEKSUN'S POLISHING PASTE AND PLATE POWDER. New York. Jan 6, ISO. i We hare tried til* Polishing Paste made by Mr. Audersoa, i and find it to be superior to auy tr.iiiir w hare erer ueed. BOaKLLMAN it HART, A Burling Slip. Manufacturers of Uritauma War*, New York,Jan. 18, IMS. We have tried the Paste an I Plate Powder msdr and sold by i Mr. T. Anderson, and take pie am, e inrreoirtneudiug them. t COLEMAN it STETSON, Astnr House. , ~~ New York. Jan. 24 1842. J We have ueed Mr. Anderson's Polishing Paste and I'late Tuwdrr, and tind them very excellent for cleaning silver and t ilver plated ware. c BALL. TOMTK1N3 St BLACK. , Late Manjumd ft Co., 18i Broadway. . ~ New York, March 1.1842. ( We have naed V/m. Anders ill's Polishing Paete aud Plate I Powder for c>eauiug (ilver and other kind* of ware,and can recommend it with confidence to the public. < THOMPSON St FT3HER. 371 Pearl *treet. Brooklyn, Feb. 14,1842. ; I have ueed Mr. Wm. Andereou'e Polishing Paste for »H»er, brats, and eilver plated ware, and find it to n~. a first rate arti- , cle. ROBERT E. bTOKY. , Saddle and Harneee Maker. , For sale wholesale and retail, forexportation,at manufac- J turere'pricee. by t'HAS. H. RING,S3 Pulton street, comer Cliff. , Aleo, by BusscR, 614 Broadway. one door above Bleecker ( e'reet; Onion. corner Grind and Bowery; Coddingtou. corner IIml.qui and Spring: *aml*'. 77 East Hruailw.v. mia:in* IMPORTANT TO CONSUMPTIVES. NEW YOHK, September 21 at, 1841 ToDr C. H. Ring.. Sir; Aeyou have requested me to give you an account of how your" Elixir of Lite" acted in my caee, 1 cheerfully com ply for Uie benefit of otliera. (hare Sad i cough every wiuter for several yeare, aud alwaya got relief Irom simple herb tea* till I»at winter, neithrroue thingaor the other eeim :d to gi ' relief, aud I waagraduilly wanting away.having to relino i ' iny bueineee. Ill thi* stale I w u persuaded by my friend Mr. Peck to try your E iir of Life .and before I had finished the bottle, I wa* not only cured of'my cough, pain in the cheat, night sweats, but able to resume business ; and find myself so rapidly imprnviug ibat my friend* are a<toui«hed, expecting to hear of my death, instead of aeeing me get aeiiee and robu*t. I consider myself itul tflte.l to you for the saving of my life, and < any one situated a* I way, may call on 1 PETER N HELMS. 13 Thompson St. Prepared and for sale by C.H. RING, S3 Kulton, cor. Cliff. ml91nP[ RING'S COUGH CANDY I HE -egree of confidence placed in thie Vegetable Cough Candy by a majority of our physicians, ought to inspire the like inthe .x iud of every sceptic, who perhaps is so from haviug been dec-ived i,y some artirle that premised ever, thing and perfoimed nothing. Won d physician* recommend an article they did not place implicit reliance in its virtues? Would clergvmen aud other public speikers speak publicly of itg de- llghtful relief, iu lut ncatiug the air passages and giving the voice a manifest inordinate volume? In (in*, would every body who ha* tried it so strenuously promulgate * virtues, had not !h* ulinost miraculous effects of its powerful agency been seen ? « Prepared and sold, who'es tie and retail, for exportation.by C. H. RING,53 Kullon str.et. corner of Cliff. m 19 ipi* CRE A M ---CREAM.CREAM. 1(4*111 the t itles wiueiv teem With |<raisr of King's Vcrhena Cream. The ftneit Shinr.g Co pouud knows, Kxj'trience has clearly shows. 'Til so skilfully prepared To soften e'en the ro' cheat heard. That a dull isior'a edge It-stows A keenness that the MMtpoM knows. 1 l is pure, aud pleasant, choice and cheapWill in t erry climate leap. Makes it a plrasisg task to share. And will both f.'uteand trouble s tre. rreparedasilsoldbyC.il. KING. 63 Fulton street: Essett.su Broadway, and 469 Dro dway. tn-21 Im* lutttna cordial. TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. rr is now barely three years since the general introduction oi the LncinaCordial into the United Mates, and in (hat pe riod it has not only spread its ustfulursn throughout this hemisphere, and sustain-tl the fast reput tt ion which it ha J preriously aiqn-red in Europe. but has also added to the re- n.wnnf its Illustrious iuveutor b. the uartralled powers it has bten discovered to nosstrs in the cure of incipient consumption. The knowledge f its wouderlul intlueuce in reunraliic and inviguraiirg the human frame, first suggested the idea ol using it tu tnia way; and the result is thst a medicine his beeu added ttf the catalogue for the. lure olinripi-nt c itisump- tion, which places thediseasr, with due precaution.under the control of the patient It is scarcely necessary at this period to recommend the Lucius Cotdial. as an all-sufficient remedy in cases of Gleet, Klnttr Albiia, difficult or painful mara'ruat ton, lucent io< nee of Urine, and all diseases arising from debilitstisnof the system, where an impl-ae, or a restorative is wanted; as throughout he United States it has taken precedence of ill other ni-dirinein such cases, and leaves no.hing further to be Imped for; its cures beiu^peedy, perfect, pertna- uent. ami effected without pain or tr<^Ve. Should there how ever he any person laboring under the above complaints, who are doubtful of its aim- it universally tested merits, I recom mend it to tliern with all confidence, snd an my own personsl responsibility, feelingussu ed if they give it tne required trial, that health to tbe afflicted parties, and gratefulness to Ur. Mag io, ill be the result. But. as is also the case in Europe, the immense American reputation of the Luciua Cor- dial.is p inci.ully based on its thoroughly investigated, iudubitah c.acd generally admitted power to enable f. malts, who h. d hern MMM t-airen. to bear offspring; and to restore virile powers in males, vvhea reduced to utter sed apparently ho-eleii pros'-ratior, to perfect hralth and activity. When I first received the American agency of ths Lucius Cordial, < from Ur Magnin, notw it' standing i's immense foreigncelebri- tg, and the great amount of rrvpectable testimony that accompanied it I d<clin'd eomtnttiug myself individri'tlly; hy giving anv personal assurances in thess particulars; but now, after th* enormous sale of upwards of one hundred thousand bottl-a. coupled wi h the receipts of certificates aud testimonials innu nerable, and much knowledge founded on personal observatt n, I can Uuhesila inglv warrant it as fareiceediugmy most sanguine hopes, or even the illuitrious inveo'or's promises, in the fu filment of Ihe most important ends for which it ie recomineui'ed, and has brconre so justly aud universally DopuUr. To be as explicit as possible, I repeat, ant1 hold myeelf personally responsible for th» assumption.that the Luci a ordisl. call invigorate the viri e powers inmalea.and make them foondint, where nature has been deficient, ot when they have been protected by artificial menus; sn 1 a'so that it can product that stale of Ihe a/item in fsmalet, who had been prevt uely un'ruitfiil. and imagined barren, which will enable them to bear children. 1 ngr-.t that I have to apeak so plainly, on rueh exceedingly delii ats DiatttJS. but feel called upon to do eo, lest it might be misunderstood, aid as a full guarantee for the rrstat responsibility which I h ive eheertiiily assumed Wi.h feelio(i of si cere gratitn le forthe-xteusive patnnsge which, as thespeutof tne .licita Cordi «l,ht< nsau h»a Isd up >n me iu this country. 1 rcmai the Pub'tcs' very obedient humble se-vaM. JOrlN WlNTsusiS HOLUEwWELL. M D Tree f 3 per hot tl . Forsalest 469 B -owtwsy, New Yorg and go Nor h Sixth it*, ct, Phil d-lnhii. mtUlui* F«KKN«;H ARTIFICIAL h LOWEK3, and Materials for Florists.-BRUN, LAROSIEHK It CO., 116 William street, hvvejust received, by the Havre packets, Argo and Frauroit 1st, «nd offer for salt . 1000 Boxrs French Artificial Flowers, comprising a general assortment of the most fashionable dowsra worn iu Paris. 500 Oot-n Pink Saacers, suitable for flower makers, war ranteoof the first nullity, to Cases Matetitls for florets, ri/;.papers, muslin, floss silks, wires, leaves, buds. bln-so*n», olives, he he. This establishment-s constantly receiving Ihe new styles of flnwors as th-y ip) ear in Paris. U-slert will find it to their advantage tocall. Ths stock isaxleniire the prices moderate, aud every article selected with the greatest care. n>0 i t* QTEEL PENf .From the celebrated manufactory of Jo1 seph tullolt, of Birn inghain..The high rrjitiialion of I these pens lias induced many inferior makers to imitate them, thereby injuring thetwell ear. ed reputa ioj of J weph Oillntt. Tbe Public are reqins'.ed to be paslicular from whom they purchase. Thegenuine may be known by their snprrior qualify, and by the.tyI. ofputting up. A ^hoBER^Va^DOW.7 | ml* 1m" 91 Maiden Lane. I -- -! E . UtwiU oil UJs liBR_ ION EM' TU inr, n \i.n /i.niMiur, i .... Toil or coral circai«sm. HORE »hr»f hair ia felling out, turning grey. or liu reared growing, en article here IT red yon at a reasonable price .remember il ia not puffed.and it will do ail it ia repreaented tod# Readlhie. I certify that mr hair waa fal'ing out faat; I combed out hmdlul* daily. ai d ait.ee I hoee used two bottle* of Jouea'Oil of Coral Circaaaia. it haa quite atopped falling out, and ia growii g faat and d irk. W. TOMKINJ, ft ICiog at. Thia will gire l'ghl, red or grry hair a I ne dark look, an I in time eiu«e it in grow <1 -rfc from the roota Among othera who hare uaed thi< and certify ia J F. Tower.grocer, Brooklyn; J. Oilbert. jeweller. Id MTruue Hold b, T JON F.R, aignof the American Eagle, 91.nnleai yon ire careful of the rignt number tou'II bo cheated with a counterfeit.83 Chatham afreet. Trice J S and 8 ahillinga a boll I' .three una. 139 Fallon atreet, Brook I j n, ia agent. m 30 m" Lf Aid OIL..There ia no Oil in tie world that can do good r 1 ,,r bed to the hur F.reiy body know* that when toe hair ta h'imej it wi'l grow again aa good aa erer All the r powdert foe dy in the hair wt nothing nut a miature of lime and lithrage. and the h<ir il not d>ed, hut li eraJly huroed l.i uiJa for dymg me hair are compoaitiona of eanatic and r apinta. that burnt ia the a tine way aa the powder*, and donl t dy e the hair, ami the hair will grow no matter how many t time* it ia humed; ant errry b.df k owa alao, that when e Ihe head ia full ol d uidriiff. tb-heir begin* to tuen grey, and I heldnea* follow* From <n eipertence oftwenty year*, being hair cutter, and h avmg ihe opportunity of eianun ug a gre'et many heade, (end blockhead*) I hare made myae'l a great r com jnai mn kn arn m "Paamr'a Hair Oil or Compound F.aarutial Oil of Amonila." for dearoying dandruff, orerenting the hair from coming not aod turnin grey. Thin inimitable Hair Oil will m.ke the hur grow well, no matter how moeh dandruff nraoreneta ia on thrnead g For aale, w uileeale and retail, at A. Pallor'*. Hair Cuttrr, IM Oreenwich ftiett, New Yoik. Price St centa abettle. 11 aaMlaa" RK I ORNING, APRIL 12, 1& FLUftlANLNT K.S rA K1A .viKN X. IN NEW YOKK. IV^ONS. MALLAN St SONS, Surgeon Dentists, No LV1 37-J Broadway, and at London and l'aria inform tha 'ublic of New Voir, and its vicinity, that in consequence if tlirir very extensive practice, they have, at length, >een induced to open a Permanent Establishment, w here hey may be consulted at No. 37-J Broadway between 'ranklin and White streets,in all cases appertaining to heir profession, in which they have been so sucessfuj, n coniequence of their celebrated diacoveriea and iinirovements in the art ot Dentistry. Mons. M.illan returns thanks lor the very liberal pat onage he has received, and continues to receive, par icularly to the Medical profession ol' New York, for heir kind recommendations, und advocating Mons. M.'s mprovemeut in Dentristy. CELEBRATED MINERAL run FILLING DECAYED TEETH! Mons. M. continues to restore decayed Teeth,however argeor small the cavity : making a stump into a sound root h,laateatljr caringlk« Tooth, howeverpannu or enaitive. matching in point of color, the natural cortex >r enamel of the Tooth. They never break or become looae.they have no unlatural gloss are tirmly fixed without wirei or Ugaurea.no bulky substance iu the month.and in every^articular reaemble the adjoining Teeth, in conformity if shape an.l minutest ahade of color. Placed from one o a complete set, upon the above imprrved and scientiic principle, they are guaranteed to answer every pur. ioseol Mastication ard Articulation. LOOSK. TKKTH tecurely and effectually fastened,arising either from the isc of medicines or an v other cause. ARTIFICIAL PALATES eplaced upon a sura and scientific method. TO THE PUBLIC OK THE UNITED STATES. Monsieur Mallon is happy in being enabled to an ounce that by the kind consent of Three Hundred of lie first families of the United States, consisting of tha irat Merchants, Medical prafesaion, Clergy and private Citizens, to whom be can refer as to the superiority of Hons. M.'s celrtirat.nl Mineral in prefeienceto any ether hey have ever tried, and, in their opinirB,the best that vercame nndert heir notice. His other improveme.-.ts teed no comment. INVALIDS Vttendedby Mons. Mall.in, Janr., at their own Estailishment. THE FACULTY AND PUBLIC ire particularly invited to pay Mons Mallan a visit, to tee the specimens of his new discoveries in Dentistry. TESTIMONIALS. Modi Mallan: Huebec.May 6th. 1841. DearSir,.Afterhaving tried the Ariilicial Teeth which ,'ou insde for mr. I cannot do you lest justice than to leknowlrdge with pleasure my entire satisfaction. I be* to lay they answer every purpose of atticaiiou and Articulation :i]ual to those placed by tiieh ui Is of nature. They so closely 'cseinble the natural onee in the iniuutcst (hade of color and ihape.tiiat they are uol li sett tied as being artificial bj the clolest observers. Your celebrated iiivruliou for filling decayed teeth, I can give a decider opinion of its valuable qualities. You may use this letter in any way you think proper,for the mnefit of the public and yourtel I. 1 am.dearsir,yours truly, THOS. FARqUfcSl, Manuel Carmelst. To Mons. Mallan, Surgeon Dentist. 372 Broadway, This gentleman ia known at 139 Broadway,and at Trime (Yard la King's. MONS? MALLAN, 371 Breadway. SIR.I'feelit a pleasure to he able to offer you my testimony n behalf of your celebrated mineral. During uiy late reudrnce in Pane I called at vour establishment in the Rue Gasliglione, and having bad some teeth tilled with your mineral, I an only say that I have had every reason tn be satisfied with tautiiityand value,end nevcrin the least degree experienced tuy inconvenience or injury from its effects in auy mauuer whatever..During my visit to Mons Mallan I saw aiveral eslimouials of the highest character, all expressing the fullest .-otifiiUnte in its great benefit ond value. As far as I am en(bled to judge,I considered it tlien.and vtill cousiderit, to be 'he best preparation of the kino ever otTned to the public. I im.sir .respectfully ,yourobedient servant. <m,sir, spc VANBUROH LIVINGSTON. 811 Greenwich street, near Fort Uansevoort. New York,May 21,1341. , Mons. MALLAN Si SON 4, Surgeon Dentists, may he e-an tilted daily at 372 Broadway between Franklin and Whit Its..east siue. m23 Ini* TO CARPENTERS. BUILDERS, Arc. TU8T PUBLISHED,.The Modern Builder's Guide, eonJ taming eighty -seven enpp- r plates, with full explanations (Miuard Lefever. Architect) This work should be in the hands of every* builder iu the country. It contains nn sceu r .te treatise on Hand and Stair Hailing, a branch which hta heretofore been but imperfectly notice J in other works. Its publication lias breu it ended with great expense It it handsomely hound in quarto, and is rispectfnlly offered to the public, wholesale and retail, by.O>® j w iLLm.'i u. o.vu i n. Architect, Portrait and Card Engraver, 180 Broadway,third ftory. For sale a Tew Oil Stenei, mitaMe Tor Engraver*, Denti«t», Jewaller*. lie, will lip" A PROBLEM AND the way to »ol»a it. Why do the imitator* of my Tablet Hazir Strop alio* me to carry n(T the premium medal and d:atnm i from, the Americau Inetitnte. year alter ye r, Without even auhmi.ting their own for trial I O ye of tender chin* and tough beard*, autwer ti e above by bringing a dull p ir of Razor*, aad leat for youraelve* lie trutha cl the certify eaiea af the moit arieu'itic gentlemen in the country, viz: Prtfeeaor Oriacom, Dr. Mo't, Oin. J.'. Talimadge aud otlirra. (> 8 AUNIlERS.vole inventor and manufacturer of tti* metallie Tablet Razor Stiop, with lour aidei, 1*3 Broadway, mm 1 m" / HIN A, GLASS ANli K A It THEN WAItE -\~lnt ol G priceauf China, Glaaa. Ac.,cold by K. SIMPSON, I A a tor Houae. Broadway, who keep* the brat article*, and aella cheaper than auy otr.er hou«e io the United State* FRENCH STONE WARE, Porcelain. Blur or White. Plate* lat fize perdoz $1 14 $1 00 do 2d do 1 74 88 do Id do I 5* 75 do 4th do 1 37 63 do 5'h do «d 87 [rover Diah, 1 44 74 Sauce Tureen and Stand, 1 00 71 re a Cup* and S aucer*. per dox,14pa. I 30 Pitcher*. 1«4 aize, I 75 50 do 2d do 1 37 37 do 3d do 1 13 95 do 4th do 75 15 do St h do 53 do Ith do 60 Jhocolatei, tat aire per dr 3 75 do 3d do 3 23 do Id do 3 75 Teaa. 1 50 Cfg Clip*. 37 Stone Ware. Dining Service, 112 piece* IS 00 French or Eng. Poicelain tea a»l». 28 pices* 4 00 CUT OlASS. Octagon iiahej beat nudity,* inch, pr pair I 00 8 do d) do do I 50 do do If do do 4 00 Decanter*, the ret of 4 I rum I 50 Ure»n Hock Cilaaae*, per dot. 3 35 [rot Wiue*from 1 50 per dozen Hal Fiuted Tumbler* 2*0 do Lemunadea, bandied, 2 35 do llouaektepert, take care 4hit liat. and mak* your purcha*era it t Aator Him<e; the anihg rou will make by ao doing muat M viaib'e to all upou readiug the above. Table Cutlery.Thi* i* alao the cheapeit (tore for fine Table Cutlery, in act* or dozen*. n>13 iin* IL SIMPSON 8 A*ter Ilouae. KALSOMlNE PAINT..TheKalininine Paint having Ueea evcreiy teited in thia city daring the winter montha, the patrntee* can recommend it with renewed confidence to the public. The numeroua apecimena of Kaleomine Paint now tviating in New York, render* an enutne ation of it* ad T'.ntage* aupertluou* ; among the mod prominent are the following Kalaomine Color* are mi re permanent, more luminnn* and agieeahle to the eye than oilcolora. They are applied without oecaiioDing any offensive amell or iajuriou* effect upan healih, and drying in a few hour*. Kalaoinine paint may. if properly applied, be washed when *oiled, according to direction* in thtcircurar. Order* received and punctually attended to at the KALSOMlNE PAINT DEPOT, fab 27 km* 364 Broadway, corner Franklin. FOR THE FACE AND SKIN. A MONO the many and vviou* Coameliei that are offered io the pub'ic for b-au'ifyiug the completion, and removir g -very eruption from the l«cr. none can be ao eonl lenlly rrcom.nandad a* Church'* Vegetable Lotian It impel* a delicate am -o hue** to the comp evi n, and effectually remove* pimplca. bliitchea. tan, frecklra. rttigw irma.andall o.her cutaDeomeiuplion* and diacclorati'ii* Pnc*75cenla per bottle.*old at Cku-eh'* Diapenaary, 188 Bowerr, corner of folic etrret. Agent*.E.W Bull, H «rtford; C. k N. W. Simmon, Pine, corner of Fourth ilreet, Phllad Iplna, charle* Steanr. Poughkeep*!*. mM Itir DOCTOR PROVOST. t^OMK. individual* writea^amtt the use of balsam copaivy, i > eubi bi, nitre, camphor, ini icral astringent*, fce. ke., iu tlx cur* of secret Citrates. but mat the wur|<l knswt that the above n-med metl'cin'« will and havreured Ihote dit*<-tet. it beyond a doubt It ia perfect fully to deny that fact. But that it requires a professional m'U, and a man of tkill in hit profettton, to know when and how t«gire those medicines, it equally at obvious to me.iol minds. I hop*, therefore, that ge ltlemen requiring tnedieal ai l will not gi> e ear to all the foolish etuff which they may tee in th- thane of advertisements, but they w'll call upon me. at No. tl Broad *tr»et. where they shall hae* a full hittory of their c'te I feel confident that not a |>a Lent will leave my < flTr without b. ig entirely tatiefied that th>re it at leat out regular bred yhyaintn wh* hat conde ernded to place hin weir aui ag the held of Quacks. My office it at fit Broad, comer Stone at. iiiw J. PROVOST,M. D. DR. MORRISON. AJOHTH KIVb.R L)I3 ENSARY. »04i Futon atreet near IN tfreenwirh.I)r Morriaon. Member of the Royal I ollegs of Hurireooi. London, and formerl f surgeon in th* British nary, cent I .uea to be cootulted daily on diteaaet of a delicate nature,and all tboee distressing symptoms consequent on in juditious treatment and the imprudent uae «f quack medicines, lir M. hat had an riperlence of tweuty-two years in treating delicate «. isemet. in all their various and complicates form#, and nsea a mild, tale, and infaPiole substitute for mercury, readuatiuqi the venereal virus with certainty, without tuh|*cling the patient toanyritk.or rettrieting him in hit utuafdiw or pursuits. while hie medicines V aereeable ia Utts and melt. Permanent obstruct ou in ihr urethra, tnrh at tlricturee, in t accompanied with Arli irritltian and dull pain art tome of thscoiiseque ret >f mal tr< atment. and leading uln at*ly to urinary litlulat. Dr. M treate stricture* in a en entifr mani rr, gradually promoting ahsorptioa of the thiskened mrmnraoe Witbou' pain. , , CO.NSTITI'TIO XAt, DEBILITY -Thoosandtpf youti» men art suffering from the eonaerjueners of iadalgCM* in t eeret deetrurtive habit, and whose nerves are further in jnred from the use of nnatrumt and pretended tpryjftet, which timulate only to induce greater depression IL»r M_ treate on purely pathological principles. establishing a core, also the inosl obsfinale ytrdd to his plsn of treatment Letters postpaid, and ennt.iQi>ug a suitabte fee. will entur. th* corrrspondra'full advice and mediein* to aiw- port of the Union, bv hit gtviwe# histo-v »'k'l '*" Thee strictest hinor aid ertifiJence obierv.d allm* fi*4j b niton atreet IIAV4NA SMIARS-PKTKK OILBEY. Brosdwsy IT tod 31i Bowery, formerly hept by Mr. P. Muuos. twgs leaee to inform the smoking public thst they will slwsys find, at kit store*, a wellselertr A aaaortme* of the finest brand* ol Rsrena and Pffffciti# BK'i AIIB st wholesale and r. tail, and if a fi.»t rate affcle and fnendiy treatment can insure cue I torn, he boye* to receive t Itrge hare of it inta tm' * IERA 12. THE IN EW VUltlv LANCE P. CONTENTS OK NO. XV. Lectures.A Cour«.' ol' Lectures ou Disaatesof tlie Chest, Percussion, ami Auscultation. By John A Sivett, M. D.L ecture II .Soun Is of the heart. Various tnrories as to their production.Auscultation and percussion of the Heart.p. 9M, Dr. Mall's Lectures ou tbn Pathology, ami Diseases and Dernngemets ol tliu Nervous System, No. 111. The Patholcgy of the Nervous 9j stem.p.-J.'9 Professor Mott's Lectures on Suigcry, XV. Enlarged Tonsils continued. Commi vioatiov.Case of At senca of External QenituD,land Formation ol sn Artilicial Vagina. Wlib an|Engiaving. By Dr. W. Magee, ef Pateison.p. d-JS. EoiroHiAL Department..Medical Statistics.p j3t. Mnoiio-CHiKiiiuiiAU KnroiiTku .Crosby street Clinique.p. 234. Stuyvfsaut Institute CliniipM-p. 134.. Sione in the Female Bladder..Dilnta'inn of the Urethra.p. -J3i An account of a Ca«e of Extensive Disease of the Pancreas. By James Aitliur Wilson, M. 1) . I>. 53fi Complete Obliteration 01 me Aorio.p. a.hj. r.ifuHion of blood under the Mucous Membrane of the Uvula, removed by incision.p. 23«> Fatal Effects of Tight Lacing.Pytoaie, with ulteratinn in|the position of the stomach By'Dr. (voiding Bird.p 237. On the Propagation of the Variola- Vaccina- In {(rusts fiom the Cow. By John Baron, M. D-, 1" H. S., Cheltenham.p 23tJ. Use of Injections in Gonorrhoea.p -J38. Cyanide of Potassium in Acute Articular Ktirumniatism p. MB. Tut: Coli.atvrai, Scikmh. On Fibre." By Martin B»rry, M. L>., F. K S9. Lond. and Edln.p.',239- u. roh y pnv log v p 1239 Itkus and In rtLLintnci J.H alth of the Br tls'i Mttro-" polis, 1941.p. 2 to- Mortality in London.p. 24U. Weekly Keport oft Interment t. p 240. Nrw VoRa ! Printed andP lblished for the Proprietors, at the Lancet Otlice, No. 21 Ann Street,by JAMES GORDON BENNETT. GENERAL AGENCY. PP1IK SUBSCRIBER lias t»keii tlie store 75 F ultnn street, 1 P.-o kl> ii for the salt of the most approved genuine patent aLd family inedir nice, perfumery fancy article-,kc. I Sla' ufac'urers and propiietpra of such articles, -»r of any thin; else, who wish for a i active, stilling ageut to ditnose of their produclions, will fi id such au ou-. iu the peisun of the ) subscriber. i S J STEWART. 75 Fulton at. Brooklyn Foe sale, most of the approved family medicines. Persons ' purchasing hire may rely ou obtaining genuine article. i as Im* I DANdRCFF or lossot hair IS caused,by a lauguiu or ob- strueled circulation iu the small blood vessels w hicli su|e (IIV Ihe scalp and hair with courts! men', in consr<lueiice of which the perspiration becomes thirk aud ilaimnv. and dries ou the suriace. forming a crust called dandruff w Inch clogs up the pores of il-eskin. aud by its pressure against thr roots ol the hair prevents it from receivn g sufficient nonrishmeul to rrtain vitality '1 lie hair ihenbecomes harsh anduiipleaaaiit, chat-gel color and fells off. This untieallhy affection is wry speedily nnd effectually cured by Jayne's Hair Tunic, which revives .lie dormant powers of the surface vrssele. removes Ihe dandruff, aud produces a new and healthy growth of hair to supply the less of Ihe old; and baldness is prevented or removtd wherr it already exists , The following certificate is selected, which sufficiently proves its estraordinary virtues. , Messrs. A. B. Ik Saudi:.Gentlemen.an aclof justice to j you and Dr. Jay ue, I send you this certificate lo iufuruiyou of the invaluable hentfit my wife has received from the use of I Dr. Jayne's Hair Tonic. She lest not only Iter entire head < of hair, but her eyebrows also, aud after trying various other remedies, with no benefit, she used Dr. Jayne's Hair Tonic, the used two botllea before we could discover ' the hair had started, and commeuciig with the third it \ started to grow out finely.and in a IUw weeks her head and oyebrows were covered with a (lord growth ol fi«e black hair, better tliau she had lost. I thmk it w as entirely produced by the live of the Touic, and would recommend it to all whu need a similar remedy. , Truly yours. JOHN N. JACKSON. 1 Prepared only by Dr. D.Jayne, -49 South Id nreet. Price $1. Sold at wheleaale and retail bv A. B & I) -4A N OS. drug- gipta 79 Fulton, corner of Gald street, and IU0 Fulton street; also sold by Abraham B. Sands fcCo.,No_ 873 Broadway, cor- n«r of Chamber itrcet; Uavtil Bauds at Co., No. 77. East Broadway mil I mQALT RHEUM, KIM» WORM TETTER, BARBER'S kJ ITCH AND SCABIES-HAYEK'S LOTION AND SYRUP tlic only remedy which is certain to cure tlxabore complaints.harmless in it* operat.on. but certain in its tffrcta .the Lotion healing quickly. and the Syrup purify lug ajwedily. Price ft. THE TRUTH WILL PHEV ML-Dr. Goodwill'. Deter- seut and Pills never fail to cure a receut case of disease iu 48 hour! , if uae 1 a*directed Try tliem, all ye alll.etcl-they are free from mercury. Price 50 rente each. THE TO .THACHK CONklUEKED-Janiien's Extract. It re'tevea in fire uiiuutea alter application to the uei ve or the tooth, and prevent* decay if the tooth ia filled immediately. Price 50 cent*. FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS.From M. Bindelorque of fence.cortain, s-fe and ape'dy ia the cure of all caaea where nature ha* become obstructed. They cure iu a few day*. Price 75centa per package. GILBERT'S ANTI BILLIOUS FAVI|LY PII.LS-For thertlef of all comp'aint* produced by coaiive habit*. «uch aa h> adache, hear.huru,lour stomach, dizz.besg, and lossnt appr lite, they hare been uted with more aucceitthan any pill ever be'ora ofTered to llie P'iblic. Price 45 cent* per box. Sold whelesale and retail by e. M. GUION; 147 Bowery, c truer of Gr»- dstreet. n.43 Ira' I noV a~t' l. n H | n d-C 111LD RK S' * C L U'l'H t N t i-A IJ very large assortment.Very good qual ity.\ fry ilieap. GEO A- IIOY T Ik CO., No. 14 Bowery, would r-apect'ully inform their patrouaand the public genersliy. that tiny have again been making eitemive |>reparation* for the spring aud aamrxer trailc. and have now on hand atnai h larg. r aaaortineut of boye' and ckildreu's c'othing than they htreev-r before had. The pu'ulic are invited to ca I Hud examine theirgo'ds. with particular reference to quality and price. Term* c«*h. aJ lm* HETCHINGS' STOMA! tl BITTERS ii a certain cure for Dysrepaia. assiatiug digestion, weakurst, nervous iieaae*. night sweat*. Sic. Sir.I have in the course of my practice prescribed your stomach bitter* and found them a most efficient rrinedv in cases of indigealio n, acidity and debility of the digestive organ*. I by no means class it among the quirk medicines ol the day, but one which will confers great bl.suing <n many of o.i m.i tiiug fellow heinas. P. J BRADY. M. D 330 Broome *L The following is from Dr E. O. Ludlow. 634 Broadway.I have used your Bitters incases of impaired digestion, when irgetabl« tonics were indispensable, with a b-n'li ial result. Thear iclesof which it is cemiiostd are very judiciously rombiued. and I have no doubt will prove service tble iu the case* for which you hare recommended it. Your*, lie. edward O. ludlow. Certificates of tnaey person! cured can be seen at the drug tore 1*0 Dowery,corner of Broome where the above is sold only In t .is tit v, and Mrs II us, 139 Fulton street. Brook I vn Price large bottles $1: «mall 50 cent*. m49 tin* PEAKSAlI/S OAR establ1hhv1ent, found.d iu 1938,at 404 Wa'er street, 5 doors above l atherine market, the only ea abliihment ol the kind in the Unit, d Htates, continues to supply the Navy, the America., Rossi... arid tSpan tab war stearrerr.hat au plied all the Race Boats snd Club Boa.s for the last four ye r«.and has nnw the largest r.ssortmeut of Oars, Sweep* and Sculls ever collected in one placs N. B. 'The Branch Oar Store, on the Noitli River side, is shut up, and removed t > 404 Wstrr street; and as 1 save all theeip-nsei of o ie store, I will sell en ugh chesper to those who come from Iho North River sidi tu pay Ihtm f rtneir troublli Rare Boats, C'ubBuats.Oars ai.a ncslls sold 50 per cent less than la«t y>ar. a4 Im* O^m N THE CUKE OF STRICTUKE-lt is most unf^rttT nate in this complaint that many persons have a slrictura who are qpt in the least aware of it. The common notion is, that to long as the urine passes iu a tolerable' 'ream,there cannot be a stricture. But tins is f ir from true. A strict ore may. and often does, exist for months, and eren years, wifho.it prodsciug any striking change Iu this respect When a stricture arrives ut that degree of narrowness as sensibly to impede the uriae, it is a serious malady indeed. The object of thoee remarks however, is to prevent this state, aud to attack it at a lime wheu it is easily and perfectly removed. But there are other eircumetancee betides its effect upon the urine by which s stricture may be known, or, at least, strongly suspected, and though these are aumeroiie, there are two which are rery common and very cajily judged of, aud these shall be mentioned here. The firat of these circumstance* relates to tune. It is well known that atricture* arise from long continued and badly kreoted Gonorrhda. Now, whenever this disease continues over many weeks, especially if in the aarly period any of the boasted nostrums of the day wtre taken, there is just and proper ground to suspect a stricture. The next is mutt remarkable.it is the effect t atricture has upon the inind and a pi' its. This is s fact that may be tho roughly relied on. Indeed the author nerer aaw a ease ol sine lure, (and lie feci many event day,) in which the patient did not, more or leea, complain or hia lost of mental energy.that he was not so capable of business a* formerly. The reason of this, howevsr, is clearly ahown in hta "Pri.... _m . 1 J " -«'-il«-- -nltin,n nf this lunar oi.il In IIIIMJ Toiumc KUUI.CU ... , which the ra ider is referred, not only for knowledge of Una disease, but on every other connected with thiimbject. DH. RALPH rurlher begs to add. that he may be coneulted pereonally a* hie residence, No. 18 Greenwich atreet, at any hour ; aud ehonld any be in doubt aa to the eiietanca or thio dieeaae, especially after peniaiug hie little volume, he will, without eipeuee or the Iraat pain, eiplain aud assure bun whs- t her ha hate or not. Let it only be remembered that, i the r»- ally lias a stricture, not all the medicioa in the world, alone, will ever cure it. " 33 'w' THE PRIVATE TREATISE..Tlue ie a little volume on certain diaaaaea in which the beat and meat convenient meana of cure are atated in the plainest poaaible manner it alao shows the reaann why theae mala<ftm ao frequently cootinoe on from month to mr.nth.uncurtd.and terminal# at length in other and permanent complajnta. Indeed, no one can read Ikia little book without seeing at onca (heir true and real nature. and alao the riak and dancer of trusting them to ignorant ^S?hialvM«r>lu>wevar. to obtain a rational degree or conk deuce in what ha hae advanced on the cure oft hoar disease* the author thiuka it proper here to five a atmoia statement of the mean* and opportunities he kimaall has had of forming just aud elaar opinions on this aubject He therefore begs to state, that besides his rank aa gradual# of Edinburgh, and membtr of tha London College, he ha has Wen watching these diaeaam, both in Hospital sod rity practice tor more than thirty year*, and hM published two editioaa of a work evprcaalv on them. Also, that ha baa letters of rommendalion from the moat eminent physicians in Europe to the moat emiueut in America aa Sir Aetley Cooper to Dr. Mott of New York and Dr. riiyaick,ef Philadelphia. and others, and which may be aten by any ona. And further, that he haa the privilege ef referring to alinoat overy physician of eminence in this city. Theae are ein nm stances which aWord tha higheat satisfaction to avary one, especially to thoea who are auiious to obtain the beat advice . The price of tha book is $1. Dr Ralph is eouaulted at his residence,M (ireenwiehstreet, at any hour, and haa distinct and separate apartments for thuoc who have to wait a littla. Communication* by poat are faith 'tlHv renlied In rr.oa . . RU'li H'A PATENT vlf.l Al.Lli. r.l, 11111, Bl)u I HKELR..The subvert'ev begs leave to inform the publie, that he baa commenced to manufacture and aell boots with this valuable invention, which only need* to be known to be universally adopted The foliowi» g a*e some of I he many advantage) it poseraeea 01.r every other kind I '.The elasticity adds to the durability of the boot onethir.l. H.It make* nomnrr n«ioe on the pavement than aelippcr. t he Hiipleaaant clinkiog unite of the iron heela is obviated. Jd.It prevents boots fiom running down at the aide or back. tt 1.Ita elasticity eniblea on* to walk witn much le#« fattine, the heel givi ga natural apriiai at each etep. _. Slh.I (does not rut and rear carpet#, like the Irou or heel# la order tn bring thi# imirovemei I within ttw r of all, the subscriber haa concluded to put them at tha asm# priraaoftha comm-n Ueala- ... ... ... ..j Boots ofevary quality and deicrtption, whoierale tail, at the old stand. NKWELL, Jmtim' wicif.th-.imt -1 LD. Wwlnm two Cwata lite Clay Dinner. |Corrc*i ondtnuc of the Iletald ] WAiiimoroif, j^pril 9, Saturday Ev'ny, The ("lay Dinner came off"this evening at Browu'a Iloiel. The company sat down at half past seven o'clock, to the number of aboat one hundred and fortv, consisting of Congressmen, and a few citiaen* and strangers. The dinner wai prepared in Brown's imu .I good style, and it only wanted the wanting enthusiasm to make thing* tly in the usual life, a* I've often seen it on other political occa intiu « » ... »uv Bitiiits nail. At about ninei o'clock, at the health of the truest of the evening, Mr. Clay r'i»e and inade a short and appropriate speech, in Ins u»u,,l way, of aotne ten minutes duration He alluded to the beautiful rainbow that made its appearance at the time they were assembling for the dinner, (there had been storm just before their time of meeting,) as the harbinger of what wa« totollow ihe present clouded atmosphere of politics, fcc ., and concluded by invoking uuion (oa one candidate) of all the whir party for the sake of the party, and the victory they would certainly obtain, (with him as their leader ) He was followed by Mr. Berrien, of Georgia, in one of his set phraseological speeches, with a grave luce, and you would have thought it more like a temperance lecture than a gay dinner speech, wh'ch the occasion woulJ seeiu to have required. Mr Ssltonstull came next, in a more amusing speech, which brought up the life of many flagging spirits for a time. He was a little tinctured towards the close with the war spirit of party, and epokeof Bunker Hill, and the ei ergy of our forefathers; and invoked the same spirit in the next con-est for Henry Clay, lie gave us a sentiment: The memory of Lewis Williams. (Drank in silence, itauding.) Mr. Prentiss, late M. C. from Mississippi, a guest, was next lo.tsted, who made a short, rapid, trilliant speech, filled w.th all the imagery and limiles he is so particularly famous for. He corntared Mr Clay to the setting sun of the evening, :hat was about retiring only for the next day, when le would come forth in renewed splendor, and loracwhat dilated on ihe principles of the whig party, and gave ull present assursnoes that th. ivlno phalanx was still Aim in Mississippi and Louisiana. He give as a toist:. Principles and Men.The one worthless without the other. After Mr. Treaties finished, at half past ten, Mr. Clay and most of the company retired. Mr John P. Kennedy (author of the whig manfegto) spoke about 4 o'clock, to the few remaining quests and dancing candlesticks, in a second edition of his immortal docuinmt, after which, long >efore midnight, n'l was still and quiet. And so suded Ihe Clay dinner. It is to be hoped that the bull on Tuesday eve* ting for the sake of a I who love dancing and pretty women, will not go oil in such a dull aud spiritless way. A Ca'.inet meeting was hald to-day on the Rhode Island difficulties, a committee having come on to epr^sent the mat ers there to the president. It ia probable, a force of 1400 U. S troops will be ordered immtdiately 10 Kurt Adams. Letters from Brazil, | Correspondence of the Herald | It 10 de Jaxeiho, January, 1842. The first day of the new year was a great court Jay in Rio. The young emperor opened his audience chamber at one o^clock, and several fereigai r< of distinction were graciously permitted to kisa his imperial hand. Mr Hunter was formerly pralented as minister plenipotentiary and envoy extranrdinary from the United States, and Commodore Morris as commander of the United States forces on the Bruz lian station, and was received with every demonstratioa of kindness and ceurtesv.. The commander was supported by Commodore Boerum, of the Concord, and'several other officers of the squadron, forming a very imposing company. 1 was forcibly struck u ith the dignified and republican appearance of our officers, which strongly contrasted with the tinsel and lace with which those who surrounded the court were bedecked.. It m'ght Welt suit the paraphernalia of the stage. the age of Queen Elizabeth, or the court ef "England's Merry Monarch," to dress out their attendants in all " the foppery of show;" but there ia something repugnant to iny ideas of dignity of character, and an unsuitablenesi the intelligence of the nineteenth century in this attempt at trifling dieplay upon occasions of this kind. We should be tempted to punish our children if they were guilty ef one half the follies and absard itira which we in our slavish devotion to fashion are daily perpetrating. Yesterday, the seventh of January, every manof-war ia the harbor hoisted the British ensign in addition to (heir respective national banners, while theirguns proclaimed to the good poople of Brazil an addition to the rcyal family of England and an air to the British throne. The great additional expense emailed upon the nation, by the appearance of this young stranger, will, 1 bare no doabt, be overlooked amidst the immense fund already required for the support of royalty, and though it may require additional taxas, yet this inconvenience will no doubt be counteracted by the honor which the nation will acquire in training ap its future monarch at the public expense, and watching royalty in its expanding greatness, while we, poor republicans, are compelled to receive our rultrs ready matured to our hand, and educated as best they may. Surely it requires aa enthusiastic devotion to the hereditary tnoaarchieal system 10 reconcile its subjects to the extravagant burthens upon the exchequer, particularly when a nation is biessed as England is, with a youag quean, and that these two offerings are bui the commeaeemeut of her presentation to ihe affections of her people. God grant she may have fifty similar pledges to tender to the British nation, a guarantee of a royal succession to the throne. Investigations hare commenced by the Commodore in relation to the abases which hare so long* existed here in the supplies required for the United States squadron upon this station, and they will eventuate ia disclosures, some of which will he aa startling ta the Americaa people as the impositioas in the Custom House at New Yi rk, or the mismanagement of the 'great monster " Seme of these 1 hare referred.to in my previous numbers, and particularly adverted to the tact of the merchants who supplies our national vessels with their requisitions, having been appointed nary agent by thelate commander,in direct opposition to tbe Tt ry spirit of our institutions. Devejopemeuts are daily occurring which present instances of gross imposition having been practised m this department aad under the connivance o' those who wear the national livery ef our country, which have even surfrised me, much as I have been prepared for them. t has cost the American squadron thirty thousand dollars per annum more, in this post, than the same force or any other power, and I h i ve been told by an intelligent English officer that two of their vessels of war can be supplied with the necessaries f< r ship's use here, far the expense of one of ours. This will not be wondered nt when it is understood that they publish their requisitions and invite proposals, thus throwing the supply open to competition, while the court- heretofore pursued by the I'nii-d States,commander has been to direct the furnishing of all articles bv a favored friend, to the exclusion of all competition This partiran has sometimes realized two and three thousand collars upon one order lor articles required, as ia the instance of the exploring expedi'ion which wis fitted out bare at an expense sf thirty per cent mote than it would have co>t the Unit* d S;itn il cou<iuet> d upon proper busine** principle*. An instance ban ju*t occurred of the repair* of ves*«lt of the I'nited State* being tnken from an induttrinu* mechanic, became he refuied to allow the acting navy agent * larger abatement of hi* account than utual, lor hi* awn private emolument, and J iren to me who is supposed to be a more pat«-i*c ami profitable abject to operate upon, notwnhataeding the former wa* liberal enough to allow hi.« employer, at time*, as much a* fifty percent profit, which he ha* added to the aceount for the purp Theae are not idle tale*: they are »taf*m*at» »u»tained bv documentary proof*, and 1 «m happy >n the belief that Commodore Morn* ha* in bit poe e*»ion evidence to *ii*fnin them. » hen hie investigation it fairly rnttr. il into, there will be a mate of testimony brought to hear upon the impo. itiene which htve " long ranted here, aa mutt, ' if there b-any It" in Venice," change the whole yttem, and introduce a mode of ennductirg butinrtt on odr national necount, more in aeeordanre with the geniut of our Constitution and the pnacij plea of rectitude. Ci*c:m*ati/*Bnnkrupt T,lat. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK'. Randolph Reynold*, Clerk, Ul*ter Ceunty, to be declared bankrupt * May tl K.heneter Roe,Carpenter, Patrhegne L.I. uhubel M. Nichols, Carpenter, Huntington, L I " Freeman Richards, gentleman, S. Y. " II

TH]E NE W YO RK IIERA LD. · 2017-12-26 · CABINETFURNITURE. PHKaub«criher would invite the attention of thoae wishi lug to nowarticle, in the above buatne**, to hi, esablishmeut,

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Page 1: TH]E NE W YO RK IIERA LD. · 2017-12-26 · CABINETFURNITURE. PHKaub«criher would invite the attention of thoae wishi lug to nowarticle, in the above buatne**, to hi, esablishmeut,


TH]T«l« TU.-« . 387..WkoUa03"».

KCW LINr. OK LtVKKPOOL PACKBTa.To .ailir.mNew York on tn<- 15th,and Liveryool on the lJlh

ofeach month,

ft ji & ftTwNt" Vom.

Bhip ROSCIH9, Cap' "" J«h" rolliui. aSth M*rth.ov:. mnnON'S Cai'tam L. B. Cobh, iistn April

Shm9HEHI!)AV.(^.ait. V. A. Ueo.jr.Wr,iSth May. J

§hi,0AHili<;K,(!:a1O''i Wm. Skuldy, <8lh Jan..

KnoM Liviaruot..Hhio SHKHIUAN,Captain K. A lh-»ey«ter, Uth March.

liA ItUICK I'aplaiu Wm. Skiddy, 13th April.Ship ROSCIUS, Cuplii. Jplin O0II.M, IJ'h May.Shin alUUONS,Captain K. B.Cobb, 13th June.

Th«r Ship, are all of llie first class,upward, of 1000 ton.,builtJf! theeitv or New Vorli, with .«ch uiiprovemeul. n. combine

iS«»t".peed with unusual comfort lor paa»eii|{er«. Kvcry car.

EThecu taken in the arr:uige"i"itoftheir accommodations. Th«

nee of paasajjehenre i. f U0,f >r which ample .tore, will be

Seovi »ed These ship. are co iiintuideil by eiperienced majlari.who will make every eiertiou to give general Mtinfnc

"Seiner the ciptvni or owner, ofthe.e (hip. will be respondM. for any leM'W, parcel*or packages«eut by tbem, unite, r.

«ul*r bill, ol ladtUB are signed therefor.The.hip.ol thullto- will hereaftr rgo armed, and their pecu

Ihrcoueiruction give, them security not poveMtd by any other

fcutve.sel. of war.1

South «t., New York, or to IWM. h J AS. llttoWN St CO., Liverpool. "

Letter, by the packet, will be charged I2| cent. per single a

gbeet: CO ceut. per ounce, ml newspapers I cent each. ml

VfcW YOKlv \ND ItAVitK 1'AOALTb.'

{SKCO.WU LltiEj'

& M M M.The »')ip. of thi» line will hereafter leave New York on.the

tat and Havre on tin. itth of each month a* follow. :1 fYotH Nrw York. Hon Horn.

. . .v.;. PJNKIDA. I lit March ( 16th Aprilcut.f lxt July < |Bill /iiik-uii

Jauirs Funek. f lit Novcmbir ( 16th December

hip BALTIMORE, I lat April ( 16th May (Cart. < lit August « 16th September

Edward Funk. f lit December f I6tli January >

BhipUTICA, I lit May ( Idth June »

Cant. < lit September < lStli October

Fred'k Hewitt. f 1st Jauuary f 16lh FebruaryNew ship&T. NICOLAS, l 1st June (16th July i

Capt. \ Ht October < I6t)i November"

J. B. Fell. C 1st February { 16th March '

The accommodation! of these iliipi are cot surpassed, ronMaine all that may be required lor comfort. The price of ca- t

bin passage is $iun, Passeugrrs will be supplied with every *

renninl with the exception of wines and liquors. s

tJoods mlended for these vessels will be forwarded by the o

Subscribers, free from any olhei than the expenses actual.yi n- I«rred o. them. For ft^hyr^^ajg^ Agent.,!

g|I Tontine Euildum.



mJk m mFortbMietter accommodation of shippers, it is intended to I

despatch a ship from this port on the 1st, 6th, lOtb.lSth, 20tb ,

and 25th of each mouth. commencing the lotli October, and

oatiirnup until May, when regular day* will be appointed foi '

the reiraiuder of the year, whereby great delays and disapKointments will be presented during the summer months. The '

BUowit'g shiv* will commence tins arrangement:. c

a Ship YAZOO,Capt. Cornell. t

Ship OCONEE. Capt- Jacksonhip MlSSISSlPPl.Capt. Hilliard. !

Ship LOUISVILLE, Capt. Hunt.hip SHAKSrEARE, (.apt. Miner t

Ship OASTON. Cant Latham.Kip HUNTSVILLE, Capt. Mumf. rd. I

Ship OCMULOEK, Capt Leavitl.hip NASHVILLE, Capt. Dickiuse n.

Shlb MEMPHIS,Capt. Kuiglit. ,

Ship LOUISA, Capt. Mulford.'

These abiea were all built in the city of New York, express- '

ty for packets, ar* of a light draft ol water, havt recently been

Jy coppered and put in splendid orcer, Willi accommodations I

Aasengers unequalled for contort. They are commanded i

ipeneuced masters, who will mase every exertion to give I

general satlslactiou. They will at slj times be towed up and

iqwu the Mississippi by steamboats ]

Neither the owners or captains ofthese ships will b« responsi- i

his forjewelry.bulliou.preciou* stones, silver, orplat«d ware,orBr any letters,parcel or package, sent by or put e -.board efmm uuless regular bills of lading are taken fortnee&me, and

"#M value thereon eio.sred (

For freight or passare. apply toBin E. K. COLLINS* CO. MSouth.L,or

HULLI a * WOODRUFF, Agent in New

Orleans,who willpromptly forward all goods to hii address.The snips of this line are warranted to sail punctua/ly as ad]

Fsrtasd, and greatcare will be taken to have the goods correctIT measured. all~~ ,hiW XOrVfc. AaUU XSJLWAKaT''

Fare reduced to *5 centa.From the foot of Courtlandt street. New York"(Every dsy.Saadaya excepted.)Leaves New York. Leave Newark

At* A.M. At* P.M. AtT| A.M. At It P.M11 do 6 do do 3, do

a i)A. 4| ao in »w --ta* _


From the feot oi Liberty itreet.Leave New Vork. .

Newark.At » A. M aad ti P. M. At l P. M. m4 I* P.J4.


Fare reduced.From the foot of Liberty etreet.dailT.

Leave New York. Leave New Branawick.At A.M. AtTIA.M.

SOMEkViLL E atasea connect with the*e line* each way.Fare between New York and Soraerviile, #0 cente.

Dodo Now Brunawier, ts centa.JUV w ay,

60 cent a.

EUzabctktown, >6 centa.The tare in the 7i A. M. train from New Branawick, and 4|

fid-train from New York, haa been reduced betweenNew York and New Bruuawick to 50 centa.

" and Rahway te 371 "

The Pniladelpkiamxilline paaaee through NewBluuawick forNew York every evenine at o'clock.OnSunoayathe TJ A. M. tripfrom New Branawick ia omit

faaaengera who procure their ticket* at the tieketofltee.roWaivea ferry ticketyratia. Ticketaare received by theennduetorOelv on'he dav when tmrrkaenl febtl Ira*


THE PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON. AND BALTIMORERAILROAD COMPANY.Freighta forthrWrat and Smith will be forwatded daily

from ti.r tranaportation effice of the Company, No. I Dock at

Wharf, Philadelphia.Merchmta are reepectfolly informed that all sonde consignedto the company will be forwarded with the utmoat

diaratcS to any point wert oraouth.frreieht reachci Baltimore the aame dry it /eave* Philadelphia.The rrail line for the wrat and aoath leavea Dork atreet

dailv at half-paat ail o'clock A.M. by ateambeat ROBERTMORRIS.

Faeeeugere will rarch Baltimore at 1 o'clock, two houraprevious to the departure of the traina f»r the aouihweat.

W. L. ABHMEAD.Agent.Philadelphia, March >. Iltt ml a i m



rpHE NEW JERSe.Y Railroad aad Tranaportation Com.A party have eatablirhrd a Freight Line between NewRrunavrick and New York, which they intend to run permanentlyLenvinr New Bruntiwiek at I AM. daily, (Stindaya evcapted)and the foot of Liberty atreet. New Ynrk. a 3 P.MTo c .untry dealer! and meichiute tha above line te eery darable for the aiteedy and cheap conveyance cf merehandite

of every deacription. and more particufrrly to Drovera andDealera in Live Stock, who can have 150 head of cattle conveyedbetween New Bruuawick aud New tork, the aamedayWheat rer required.The ratte for IM tranaportation of cattle, hortce, mulea.

.nheep, H )gi, ilC.,itnu UN omer *""1' UI ""' iiuuiiK arc ieryfew.Deiireiceedingateaniboat pricey.Merchandieeeentby thu line tenot mbjeeUd to any eitrachary- iu croeaing the N orlh Rirer.

Tfle ComP»n' tiaTe filled up » large atnrehouee at NewRrumwuk adj lining tne Railruad Depot, which will alwayabeopea for the reception of merchandiee.

Paeeenzere, purehaaiug thtir ticktde at the ti'.ket omree,Will receive ferry tickete gratia. ml4 3m*10751 iOEr.Ob and after" April let, 1*49, the commutationIN fare in the cira o! the New Jeraey Railroad and TraueportatiouComprny, between New k ork and the cariaua

Ccee on the line of the railroad, haa been reduced (includferry) to %lt par annum, and £50 for ail moolha.



wa^-rc=aa,<awa ffgWI |13,JIMIHAM'8 LINE.The proortetora of Blncham'a Traniportatien Line to Pittaborg,gjve notice tothe .Merchant a of New York, and all other

pervMie e-.iptdr.g to the Watt, that their line ib now inactive

Cation Gooda cooaianed to them (or aant to no in their) will be forwarded withdeepnteh.Owuera or ahipoera of *oo<ta. dw lined for the WeeternState*, who I are no agent or eowwgtMc at Pittaburr, willpieaae coueigu their g'oda to William Bingham Pitteburg.who will attend to ahippuig all auch eonaignmaata without

r/jJofioS'sTiNt" ~H- - *"K >^e

aLtX" tH&S; aftgt,.mmnaite Put No. 9. N R> B,.Paaaenaera forwarded to P.tuburg and Pottaville,every day, Bundaya eicepted.

Refer to H. Crooke, American Eur Co.; 9. T. Nieoll,Sot atreet; llielpa. Dodge h Co. Kulton itreat; Buydam,a At o.; Wm. Rankin. Dury re k ( a Newaik ml 3m


4EyG^3p Foot of Whitehall atrert.fl^^^^Lj?9eISLANDER. ^J^SwTorAMHON,Captain Durr.l, will run an followa until further

noticeIbarra Platen laland Leavae WhitehallAt S o'clock* n. At » o'clock a.*.«u r. .. "H " "" l " r.M "9 " r.M.W ,1 M .. " 3| "» .. .. " ») M M

N. B. All gooda ahtpped are required to be particularlyanarkrd and are at the mk of the ownere (hereof oft. Powell a co b liNE.

atlNPk _JH)K N KWBU HUH, landing it CALDbrafl*WELL'S, WEHT POINT AND COLD9EZPp3E,HrRINO-Tli* ateamhoat HIGHLANDERCnpt Hobert Wardrop, will leave the foirt ef Warren atreatFlaw York,every Monday. Ttr 'day and Saturday aftarnooo'i«t 4 o'clock. Retnrning the High.ainJcr will «,( .vewburghnffTa^ioun°|d|T *'' ' **" l a*^ay and rridnyEar freinh' or paaaage,apply to the Captain an board.N. A11 baggage and freight of averv deeeriptiee, bankttlle orapecie, piii on board thi* boat(muathe at the riakof thewwera thereof.anJeaa a bill ofladuig rractipLiaipnad forIwllM, mM










ATMOSPHEK1U I'liusauitb(CojTT.)

Hariuclately loj»» tw ) binuayidati I called on'Mrjt * ett to aupply their plac-s with artificial one*. aoJ it afbrdame much pleasure to lentil > to hi« skill and ability as a

)iiitist; indeed, I h«?< cfer seen lecth tl*ed and fitted with[lore exuctoci.il. aud at the same time with Kss paiulul pres*ure on thegumi.1 cheertully recommend that gent'emm to the especial noiceof the medical profession, a» well us to the public, feeling

atistied from my own experience that they may coutidentlyely on hi* skill in his profession.(Signed)

OltANVILL£ S. PATTISON, M D.P-ofeasor of Anatomy, Uuirersity of New Ycrk.

February 1311 ,1841.The original can t»c seen at Mr. Levett'i 2 0 Broadway,oruer.of \V«rr*.n street mist *

BANKRUPT LAW.ENTLKMKN wishing to be discharged from their debt.,

1 under thi, law. are uiftied to call on W. SKIDMOKK,attorney at Law, 74 Nassau atreet. All other kind, of lawluaiues, also attended to. Charge* moderate. flOgm'

NOTICE TO BUYERS OFCABINET FURNITURE.PHK aub«criher would invite the attention of thoae wishilug tonow article, in the above buatne**, to hi, esablishmeut,where i. to be fouud a rieli assortment of Rosevsndand Mahogany Furniture, of French aud other patterns,ome of which are not to be found eljewherr, being entirelyirigiual. Also, handsome rich gilt Cornices for windows,'oles and Kings toget'irr w tth Damasks, Galloons aud TaseU,and every artirle attached to curtains, which will benade in the latest style from patterns lately received.N B. Particular attentiou pail to Ih* fi.ting up of Ottonans,Fire Screens, and other fancy articles, with rinbroidred tapestry. WASHINGTON MEEK?,dlS-Sin IIS Broadway, nest the Hospital.

CARPETIND, UARPKTING.FrlE Subscriber is now opening his Spring assortment of

Carpeting, consisting ofBius*els, three ply, su icifine andine Ingrain, an aeoortwtnt not ,nrpa<s«d in this city forrariely of styles, figures, Stc. These goods have been orleredexpressly for ttie S.irmg trade. The gieitest tare hasi,en observed in makii g selections ol such goous as can beoutidently iccommended for durability and permaueucy of:olors, Ike.Also.alarge assortment of the different kinds of Hall and

Stair Car(etiug. Tufted door Kugs. Door Ma a, Sic,Also a nam same assortment of Painted Floor Cloths, all

sidths.Families about purchaaint "any of the above dejenbed

toodsare respectfully invited to call.CHARLES HICKS,

ml8 lm* TS East Broadway.71 l)i»'sioti-»t.

CHEAP HARDWARE (STORE.THE Subscriber is now opening his Spring supply ofHARDWARE fk CUTLER7, receivedperTale airivals,

"mm Birmingham and Sheffield. Together with a general aslortineutof Domestic Goods, which he is prepared 10 offer athe very LOWEST CASH PRICES.The attention of Country Merchant*, Builder*, Cabinet

Makers, Sic., is solicited to au examination of his stack andirices as h» is confident they will audit to their iutera t toaror hiin with a call. ALFRED F. LAGRAVE.

310 Greenwich corner Barclay, New York.A regular supply of FaLL RIVER CUT NAILS, and

Coopers Glue. Also.a complete assortment ol!MechanicsTools. James Screws. Sic. tu33m'

SEi5KlJN(jr7JS (JUKUJLAL,.I NDIUESTIO-N..As this i« a very como on complaint, in1 the present day, winterer lend* to alienate it is of publicim;or'auce. For the information of those affected with it,we publish the following recommenJatioua of a RestorativeCordial for its e ireC. C. Si bring, Esq

Dear Sir At your request, I hivsexamined the medicine.!of which 1 our Cardial composed, and have no heutationin nying that they are of the best class of tonics; and inthe manner prepared bv you. will prove highly beneficial mDyspepsia, andinany other diseases ofgeueral debility.

Yours, fcc. F PRATT, M. D.No. 98 Liberty street.

I concur in the above recommend»tion of Dr. Pratt.THOMAS BOYD. M. D.

No 391 Fourth street.Sabring's Restorative Cordial is sold atl9i Fulton street, at

$1 per hoi tie. m31 lm'


For the cure «>fevery firm of Discs- arising fromTHE IMPURITi OK THE BLOOD,

CAUSED by the vital o-ga>s becoming duang-d and enfeebledby hereditary complaints, and exhaustion of thesystem, and other diseases, v;z Sen fnla or King's Evil. Tmors and swellings in the neck, second »ri symptoms rf Si phihe. or the constitu'jonal form of the Veaerial Disc; sr, Ulo-re.ulcerated sore Threat Palate. Re Ulcers on the Shins, anaother parted the body. Disessts of the bones, pains, swellings.and ulcerstiots of the hoars, swelling* of the ioinls,white swellings, lie.. Cancers, enianecus or skin diseases,salt rheum, ringworm, scaly eruptions, leprosy, itch, scaldh-ad. pimptea, cracking aud im.irtiog i.f the skin, tetter, and allkmis of sorrs Longstanding andneietolore insurable feversores; rheumatism, gout, liver complaint, and all diseasrarained by a:i improper use of mercury, local and constitutionaldebit1 y or weakneaa, gonorrhiE i gleet leucorrlicet or whites,gravel, fcc.,orwlienthe system has been exhausted by secreteniuality in youth, intempe ancr, loog standii g debilitating

dise.s s, lor g residence^ Southern climates, and other debit itating causes.This invaluable mi dicine has been employed by the proprietorin an ritinsi'eprivate and hospital practice, both in Europeand A in- ric < f ir the last forty yrare during which time he

lists cured orer50D0 pati'uts,who wer-afflicted with some ofthe mo*t loathsome and dentructive f irms of d sease. many ofwhom are n nv living, and ready to testify to the efficacy ofthismedicice. Itcurea by giving tone to the nei ves, exhi eratisg the spirit*, regulating Ihe Circulation, invigorating and excitingihev ital o'gansio a natural and healthy action'and inuscausing all impurities o be eipelled from the system, and creatingthe secretion of perfectly pare and healthy blood.

Price tl (>er bottle. For sale only at the Private Reside neeNo. 477Uree iwich iir-et, two doors abore Canal street.mat >in

30 ODD YEARSOF EXPERIENCE iu the scientific practice of curing certaindiseases, have enabled Dr LAUREL, of No.lOt Canalstreet, to eradicate those diseases in qaestlon, whethernew,old, or Inveterate, in tees than half the time employedby thee ommon doctors, who poison their patients with mercury,capivy, nitre. cu'oebs.ke.,V B..Strangers are apprired that Dr L. is a regular physicianof the ined cal faru'ty of Paris, also graduated in fh* U.

States, as can be proved by his diplomas. mSt lm*

PRIVATE OU HE.Doctor Jordan's specific course,no.i-Foc

the prompt cure of C.p or Gonorrhoea, Gleets, mid allother wethral discharges, and his Specific Course, No. t, lorthe complete eradication, ai d permit ent cure of venerealdisease, without exposure, inconvenience, or loss of time.Each course is enclosed in a neat tin ease, comprising everymedicine, wash, and rut mite, evsrrrouirtd either for internalor external uae; and w hether the caeehe recent or old, a cure

is guaranteed, if used 31 directed. Each package also eon

tains Dr. Jordan's private treatise,called Ihe Monitor, where,ihisfull directions, with a plain inscription of the nature

symptoms, conseijeences ano treatment of secret 'diseases;tewhich is ul.led inut.h valuable information, useful hints, andimportant advice.rrmnrux all the difficulties of self treatment.The nrice of Monitor is fitly cents; one dollar seutpost paid, will insure ita reception. T i* Cou'eee No. I anil 9,are each $3, an guaranteed.admirably designed for reaidents m the country, bring complete, compact, "convenientand efficient Post paid letters covering the amount, hiveiirompl attention Sold fur the pxoprietor, ouly at Dr-g Store,69 Marion atrtct.socond door below I'm,ee. second block eas'of Broadway. Marion ilreet is a direct continutlinn ofCentreL all tm*

BERLIN InONCASTING*.Consisting offrames,fenders,andmmwmmll, ol HMnW manufacture, to cIom

a consignment, at eery low trcee, byOELRICHS It KRUOER,mS I m* 49 Broad afreet.

M~KIIIIAL CARD .Lin. Cooran, No. tt Uuaneat. nearCtiatham at., atill affords relief to the afflicted of both aai

ea. He may be always consulted, with the utmoet confidence,in the worst mm of delicate diaeasea. mercurial affections,and the nuinenoua aymiitoma arising frasn thia disease. FromDr. C'a estcnaiee practice for the last eight years is this particular branch of the profession, guaranteei s safe, speedy andeffective cure to all persona who apply to hiss. Recent casescured is a few days without the use of mercury, or any otherdasgeroue medinrine. No interruption frost business, ur alterationin the mode of living. All whose eaeee he»e bees protractyd or aggravsted by maltrratment, mar apply with theutmost rotrfidence of being effectually cured Terms moderate.attendancefrom 1 in the awn-aing uabl It at sight. Officel« l)u«n« s'. mil m*

- Take phytic early.medicine comes too late,Wheuthe disease heeomee ineeleratc "

nECOMMK.NDKD by the Faculty.VANCE'S ANTIK BILIOUS FAMILY APERIENT PILLS.By Ionstperience these pills hire beeu proeeJ hy thousands to behe best and safest Family Medicine hitherto discortred. Atill scseons of the year they wiH be found very valuable to allrho with to srrure tiieirmdrct again4 sickn ss They are

jibe safe for children as f ranr period of life, ad require no

itrs stteoticn to dirt "r to clothing, bilious and Iiverenmplaints,dyspepsia or indigestion, nervous dissaesa, sick headache.and iu fact all diseases arisiiat from an impure state ofrhe biocd. or a disordered state of the ttninarh or bowels, are

speedily remoerd by taking them Tliey prevent sourvy. cosUrenessand its conse juencrs.therefore seafaring men enonidnever be without them. Tune or climate a fleet* them not.Two or three doses will convince the patient of their salutaryrfire's, for the stomach will readily regain its strength,a healthy stateof the liver and bowels wit) speedily take placeand renewrd health and vi.oi of body ami mmd will be the certain result. Their virtues, in fact, maybe summed up.as amedicine which itresglhen* the feeble and consolidates themusi-las of the strong, and will be found of infinite value to fen[all ages (il tahpn according to the directions), whowish to be secure frcm sickness.

Price 93 and 50cents per hog..

'« and re ail, hy We Watson. Apethecaries Hall. 36 Cat! arine street; Smith, corner of Fulton andWater Sts; NowilL tar Bowery ; Balgrore, druggist. Fultoiat. ttreoklya. mSI lm'

Eoec.'f<l"IO:? ,:vl-The undersigned, a rtgulaiJrTtll i"?* ' the City of New York, m«m

her of the Medical lueti uti ois of the Slate tod County, hav!n c^r I .17 ,,Kh'.rt »ra. accomplished a great numbei

. ji'iiT tnrea in every variety of loniStanding dtaeaaev, offers h<e at tendance aid medicines withoacharge, untilthemtient h ,s fairly teased the medicine in th.sdiseases The advanced age (beingover 50 rears.) and lonieiper rnce ol Dr. Solomon Heine, is a miir.ntee that the nutbe will not be deceived. He will bs lound till the tat of May1949. at the cornrrof Canal street and BrsaJway and afierhet in Reed street.near Broadway." Nisi utile est quodsgimus. vaaa sat gloria Bottom, Na ur

stoat, mcdicus curat mdrbua.'ml lm' SOLOMON HEINE. M P.oTRaW WKAPl IN'iv.iooo re inn crswa atraw WrmppliO an ticeUcnt article, mat recsived and for sale hy

arERSSE It BROOKS. II Liksrty at


AT THE K44H10NAHL1S TAILORING K'-TA- j2L1$HM£M, lOd r.e.kmui «treet,ueur rear!. Gentlein<nwho are now or toriaeily have hero paying till*- J

v leant |iri«n for 'heir rlothnifc, are assured that they need doo un mure, as the 'ubj-riber will guarantee to all who pv ttrouiee him. a haiid-ome At, a laahionable atyle and excellent |material', at the following ni idrrate price'.tSup. Wr«t of Lug. Wool-dyed, black, blue,or green drei*

co-U. $15 to tit.PiiiU, double milled do blick. plaid, and fancy cat*., (6 to I

$«so.Veets.Kineeaahmrre.iaiiir.and all kmda, $1 to $5. r( oati made ami rimmed in a *o|«-rior manner, Iroui (7 to t

$9,50; VtiU, $1,50 to $S, I'aute,$l,50to $1. ..


CHEAPEST IN THE CITY.TONES k MARI A'. 101 Bowrr. New York, pre now .re-"J rut iu.; their *|.ri .g supply of Carp-ting, Oil Cloth*. W in- .

dow ll-ujjl-fi*, iL»rth ltims, Do«r hints, I able and JrianotVver* Suir Rod* &c flic.Am -up their good, are in tuy ii«w And rich pattern* of Erg- i

li.h ami American moiulkciurr, which cauuot b« cxcirded <for br.ury, .juality and cheapm a iu the city.

I'« rsou* about fur. lulling ihtir house* arr iuvit-d to give uia call. I.K.JONES, I

a4 lm» L.MAKCY.


AND PLATE POWDER.New York. Jan 6, ISO. i

We hare tried til* Polishing Paste made by Mr. Audersoa, iand find it to be superior to auy tr.iiiir w hare erer ueed.

BOaKLLMAN it HART, A Burling Slip.Manufacturers of Uritauma War*,

New York,Jan. 18, IMS.We have tried the Paste an I Plate Powder msdr and sold by i

Mr. T. Anderson, and take pie am, e inrreoirtneudiug them. tCOLEMAN it STETSON, Astnr House. ,


New York. Jan. 24 1842. JWe have ueed Mr. Anderson's Polishing Paste and I'late

Tuwdrr, and tind them very excellent for cleaning silver and tilver plated ware. c

BALL. TOMTK1N3 St BLACK. ,Late Manjumd ft Co., 18i Broadway.



New York, March 1.1842. (We have naed V/m. Anders ill's Polishing Paete aud Plate I

Powder for c>eauiug (ilver and other kind* of ware,and can

recommend it with confidence to the public. <

THOMPSON St FT3HER.371 Pearl *treet.

Brooklyn, Feb. 14,1842. ;I have ueed Mr. Wm. Andereou'e Polishing Paste for »H»er,

brats, and eilver plated ware, and find it to n~. a first rate arti- ,

cle. ROBERT E. bTOKY. ,Saddle and Harneee Maker. ,

For sale wholesale and retail, forexportation,at manufac- Jturere'pricee. by

t'HAS. H. RING,S3 Pulton street, comer Cliff. ,Aleo, by BusscR, 614 Broadway. one door above Bleecker (

e'reet; Onion. corner Grind and Bowery; Coddingtou. corner

IIml.qui and Spring: *aml*'. 77 East Hruailw.v. mia:in*


NEW YOHK, September 21 at, 1841 ToDr C. H. Ring..Sir; Aeyou have requested me to give you an account of

how your" Elixir of Lite" acted in my caee, 1 cheerfully comply for Uie benefit of otliera. (hare Sad i cough every wiuterfor several yeare, aud alwaya got relief Irom simple herb tea*

till I»at winter, neithrroue thingaor the other eeim :d to gi '

relief, aud I waagraduilly wanting away.having to relino i '

iny bueineee. Ill thi* stale I w u persuaded by my friend Mr.Peck to try your E iir of Life .and before I had finished thebottle, I wa* not only cured of'my cough, pain in the cheat,night sweats, but able to resume business ; and find myself so

rapidly imprnviug ibat my friend* are a<toui«hed, expecting to

hear of my death, instead of aeeing me get aeiiee and robu*t. Iconsider myself itul tflte.l to you for the saving of my life, and <

any one situated a* I way, may call on1

PETER N HELMS. 13 Thompson St.Prepared and for sale by C.H. RING, S3 Kulton, cor. Cliff.ml91nP[RING'S COUGH CANDYI HE -egree of confidence placed in thie Vegetable Cough

Candy by a majority of our physicians, ought to inspirethe like inthe .x iud of every sceptic, who perhaps is so fromhaviug been dec-ived i,y some artirle that premised ever, thingand perfoimed nothing. Won d physician* recommend an articlethey did not place implicit reliance in its virtues? Wouldclergvmen aud other public speikers speak publicly of itg de-llghtful relief, iu lut ncatiug the air passages and giving thevoice a manifest inordinate volume? In (in*, would every

body who ha* tried it so strenuously promulgate * virtues,had not !h* ulinost miraculous effects of its powerful agencybeen seen ? «

Prepared and sold, who'es tie and retail, for exportation.byC. H. RING,53 Kullon str.et. corner of Cliff. m 19 ipi*

CRE A M ---CREAM.CREAM.1(4*111 the t itles wiueiv teemWith |<raisr of King's Vcrhena Cream.The ftneit Shinr.g Co pouud knows,Kxj'trience has clearly shows.'Til so skilfully preparedTo soften e'en the ro' cheat heard.That a dull isior'a edge It-stowsA keenness that the MMtpoM knows.1 l is pure, aud pleasant, choice and cheapWillin t erry climate leap.Makes it a plrasisg task to share.And will both f.'uteand trouble s tre.

rreparedasilsoldbyC.il. KING. 63 Fulton street: Essett.suBroadway, and 469 Dro dway. tn-21 Im*

lutttna cordial.TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC.

rr is now barely three years since the general introduction oi

the LncinaCordial into the United Mates, and in (hat period it has not only spread its ustfulursn throughout thishemisphere, and sustain-tl the fast reput tt ion which it ha Jpreriously aiqn-red in Europe. but has also added to the re-

n.wnnf its Illustrious iuveutor b. the uartralled powers it hasbten discovered to nosstrs in the cure of incipient consumption.The knowledge f its wouderlul intlueuce in reunraliicand inviguraiirg the human frame, first suggested the idea ol

using it tu tnia way; and the result is thst a medicine hisbeeu added ttf the catalogue for the. lure olinripi-nt c itisump-tion, which places thediseasr, with due precaution.under thecontrol ofthe patient It is scarcely necessary at this periodto recommend the Lucius Cotdial. as an all-sufficient remedyin cases of Gleet, Klnttr Albiia, difficult or painful mara'ruatton, lucent io< nee of Urine, and all diseases arising from debilitstisnofthe system, where an impl-ae, or a restorative iswanted; as throughout he United States it has taken precedenceof ill other ni-dirinein such cases, and leaves no.hingfurther to be Imped for; its cures beiu^peedy, perfect, pertna-uent. ami effected without pain or tr<^Ve. Should there however he any person laboring under the above complaints,whoare doubtful of its aim- it universally tested merits, I recommend it to tliern with all confidence, snd an my own personslresponsibility, feelingussu ed if they give it tne required trial,that health to tbe afflicted parties, and gratefulness to Ur.Mag io, ill be the result. But. as is also the case in Europe,the immense American reputation of the Luciua Cor-dial.is p inci.ully based on its thoroughly investigated, iudubitahc.acd generally admitted power to enable f. malts, whoh. d hernMMM t-airen. to bear offspring; and to restorevirile powers in males, vvhea reduced to utter sed apparentlyho-eleii pros'-ratior, to perfect hralth and activity. When Ifirst received the American agency of ths Lucius Cordial, <

from Ur Magnin, notw it' standing i's immense foreigncelebri-tg, and the great amount of rrvpectable testimony that accompaniedit I d<clin'd eomtnttiug myself individri'tlly;hy giving anv personal assurances in thess particulars; butnow, after th* enormous sale of upwards of one hundredthousand bottl-a. coupled wi h the receipts of certificatesaud testimonials innu nerable, and much knowledge foundedon personal observatt n, I can Uuhesila inglv warrant it as

fareiceediugmy most sanguine hopes, or even the illuitriousinveo'or's promises, in the fu filment of Ihe most importantends for which it ie recomineui'ed, and has brconre so justlyaud universally DopuUr. To be as explicit as possible, I repeat,ant1 hold myeelf personally responsible for th» assumption.thatthe Luci a ordisl. call invigorate the viri e powersinmalea.and make them foondint, where nature has beendeficient, ot when they have been protected by artificialmenus; sn 1 a'so that it can product that stale ofIhe a/item infsmalet, who had been prevt uely un'ruitfiil. and imaginedbarren, which will enable them to bear children. 1 ngr-.tthat I have to apeak so plainly, on rueh exceedingly delii atsDiatttJS. but feel called upon to do eo, lest it might be misunderstood,aid as a full guarantee for the rrstat responsibilitywhich I h ive eheertiiily assumed Wi.h feelio(i of si cere

gratitn le forthe-xteusive patnnsge which, as thespeutoftne .licita Cordi «l,ht< nsau h»a Isd up >n me iu this country.1 rcmai the Pub'tcs' very obedient humble se-vaM.

JOrlN WlNTsusiS HOLUEwWELL. M DTree f 3 per hot tl . Forsalest 469 B -owtwsy, New Yorg

and go Nor h Sixth it*, ct, Phil d-lnhii. mtUlui*

F«KKN«;H ARTIFICIAL h LOWEK3, and Materials forFlorists.-BRUN, LAROSIEHK It CO., 116 William

street, hvvejust received, by the Havre packets, Argo andFrauroit 1st, «nd offer for salt.1000 Boxrs French Artificial Flowers, comprising a general

assortment of the most fashionable dowsra worn iuParis.

500 Oot-n Pink Saacers, suitable for flower makers, warranteoof the first nullity,

to Cases Matetitls for florets, ri/;.papers, muslin, flosssilks, wires, leaves, buds. bln-so*n», olives, he he.

This establishment-s constantly receiving Ihe new stylesof flnwors as th-y ip) ear in Paris.U-slert will find it to their advantage tocall. Ths stock

isaxleniire the prices moderate, aud every article selectedwith the greatest care. n>0 i t*QTEEL PENf.From the celebrated manufactory of Jo1seph tullolt, of Birn inghain..The high rrjitiialion of Ithese pens lias induced many inferior makers to imitate them,thereby injuring thetwell ear. ed reputa ioj of J weph Oillntt.Tbe Public are reqins'.ed to be paslicular from whom theypurchase.Thegenuine may be known by their snprrior qualify, andby the.tyI. ofputting up. A ^hoBER^Va^DOW.7

| ml* 1m" 91 Maiden Lane.I -- -! E . UtwiU oil UJs liBR_ ION EM'TU inr, n \i.n /i.niMiur, i ....

Toil or coral circai«sm.HORE »hr»f hair ia felling out, turning grey. or liu rearedgrowing, en article i« here IT red yon at a reasonable price

.remember il ia not puffed.and it will do ail it ia repreaentedtod# Readlhie.

I certify that mr hair waa fal'ing out faat; I combed outhmdlul* daily. ai d ait.ee I hoee used two bottle* of Jouea'Oilof Coral Circaaaia. it haa quite atopped falling out, and ia

growii g faat and d irk.W. TOMKINJ, ft ICiog at.

Thia will gire l'ghl, red or grry hair a I ne dark look, an I intime eiu«e it in grow <1 -rfc from the roota Among othera whohare uaed thi< and certify ia J F. Tower.grocer, Brooklyn; J.Oilbert. jeweller. Id MTruueHold b, T JON F.R, aignof the American Eagle, 91.nnleai

yon ire careful of the rignt number tou'II bo cheated with a

counterfeit.83 Chatham afreet. Trice J S and 8 ahillinga a

boll I' .three una. 139 Fallon atreet, Brook I j n, ia agent.m 30 m"

Lf Aid OIL..There ia no Oil in tie world that can do goodr 1 ,,r bed to the hur F.reiy body know* that when toe

hair ta h'imej it wi'l grow again aa good aa erer All ther powdert foe dy in the hair wt nothing nut a miature of lime

and lithrage. and the h<ir il not d>ed, hut li eraJly huroedl.i uiJa for dymg me hair are compoaitiona of eanatic and

r apinta. that burnt ia the a tine way aa the powder*, and donlt dy e the hair, ami the hair will grow no matter how manyt time* it ia humed; ant errry b.df k owa alao, that whene Ihe head ia full ol d uidriiff. tb-heir begin* to tuen grey, andI heldnea* follow* From <n eipertence oftwenty year*, being

hair cutter, and h avmg ihe opportunity of eianun ug a gre'etmany heade, (end blockhead*) I hare made myae'l a great

r com jnai mn kn arn m "Paamr'a Hair Oil or CompoundF.aarutial Oil of Amonila." for dearoying dandruff, orerentingthe hair from coming not aod turnin grey. Thin inimitableHair Oil will m.ke the hur grow well, no matter how moehdandruff nraoreneta ia on thrnead

g For aale, w uileeale and retail, at A. Pallor'*. Hair Cuttrr,IM Oreenwich ftiett, New Yoik. Price St centa abettle.

11 aaMlaa"



IV^ONS. MALLAN St SONS, Surgeon Dentists, NoLV1 37-J Broadway, and at London and l'aria inform tha'ublic of New Voir, and its vicinity, that in consequenceif tlirir very extensive practice, they have, at length,>een induced to open a Permanent Establishment, w herehey may be consulted at No. 37-J Broadway between'ranklin and White streets,in all cases appertaining toheir profession, in which they have been so sucessfuj,n coniequence of their celebrated diacoveriea and iinirovementsin the art ot Dentistry.Mons. M.illan returns thanks lor the very liberal patonage he has received, and continues to receive, paricularly to the Medical profession ol' New York, forheir kind recommendations, und advocating Mons. M.'smprovemeut in Dentristy.


FILLING DECAYED TEETH!Mons. M. continues to restore decayed Teeth,however

argeor small the cavity : making a stump into a soundroot h,laateatljr caringlk« Tooth, howeverpannu orenaitive. matching in point of color, the natural cortex>r enamel of the Tooth.They never break or become looae.they have no unlaturalgloss are tirmly fixed without wirei or Ugaurea.nobulky substance iu the month.and in every^articularreaemble the adjoining Teeth, in conformity

if shape an.l minutest ahade of color. Placed from oneo a complete set, upon the above imprrved and scientiicprinciple, they are guaranteed to answer every pur.ioseol Mastication ard Articulation.

LOOSK. TKKTHtecurely and effectually fastened,arising either from theisc of medicines or an v other cause.

ARTIFICIAL PALATESeplaced upon a sura and scientific method.TO THE PUBLIC OK THE UNITED STATES.Monsieur Mallon is happy in being enabled to an

ouncethat by the kind consent of Three Hundred oflie first families of the United States, consisting of thairat Merchants, Medical prafesaion, Clergy and privateCitizens, to whom be can refer as to the superiority ofHons. M.'s celrtirat.nl Mineral in prefeienceto any etherhey have ever tried, and, in their opinirB,the best thatvercame nndert heir notice. His other improveme.-.tsteed no comment.

INVALIDSVttendedby Mons. Mall.in, Janr., at their own Estailishment.

THE FACULTY AND PUBLICire particularly invited to pay Mons Mallan a visit, totee the specimens of his new discoveries in Dentistry.

TESTIMONIALS.Modi Mallan: Huebec.May 6th. 1841.DearSir,.Afterhaving tried the Ariilicial Teeth which

,'ou insde for mr. I cannot do you lest justice than toleknowlrdge with pleasure my entire satisfaction. I be* tolay they answer every purpose of atticaiiou and Articulation:i]ual to those placed by tiieh ui Is of nature. They so closely'cseinble the natural onee in the iniuutcst (hade of color andihape.tiiat they are uol li sett tied as being artificial bj the clolestobservers. Your celebrated iiivruliou for filling decayedteeth, I can give a decider opinion of its valuable qualities.You may use this letter in any way you think proper,for the

mnefit ofthe public and yourtel I.1 am.dearsir,yours truly,

THOS. FARqUfcSl, Manuel Carmelst.To Mons. Mallan, Surgeon Dentist. 372 Broadway,This gentleman ia known at 139 Broadway,and at Trime

(Yard la King's.MONS? MALLAN, 371 Breadway.

SIR.I'feelit a pleasure to he able to offer you my testimonyn behalf of your celebrated mineral. During uiy late reudrncein Pane I called at vour establishment in the Rue Gasliglione,and having bad some teeth tilled with your mineral, Ian only say that I have had every reason tn be satisfied withtautiiityand value,end nevcrin the least degree experiencedtuy inconvenience or injury from its effects in auy mauuerwhatever..During my visit to Mons Mallan I saw aiveraleslimouials of the highest character, all expressing the fullest.-otifiiUnte in its great benefit ond value. As far as I am en(bledto judge,I considered it tlien.and vtill cousiderit, to be'he best preparation ofthe kino ever otTned to the public. Iim.sir .respectfully ,yourobedient servant.<m,sir, spc VANBUROH LIVINGSTON.

811 Greenwich street, near Fort Uansevoort.New York,May 21,1341. ,

Mons. MALLAN Si SON 4, Surgeon Dentists, may he e-antilted daily at 372 Broadway between Franklin and WhitIts..east siue. m23 Ini*

TO CARPENTERS. BUILDERS, Arc.TU8T PUBLISHED,.The Modern Builder's Guide, eonJtaming eighty -seven enpp- r plates, with full explanations(Miuard Lefever. Architect) This work should be in thehands of every* builder iu the country. It contains nn sceur .te treatise on Hand and Stair Hailing, a branch which htaheretofore been but imperfectly notice J in other works. Itspublication lias breu it ended with great expense It it handsomelyhound in quarto, and is rispectfnlly offered to thepublic, wholesale and retail, by.O>® j

w iLLm.'i u. o.vu i n.Architect, Portrait and Card Engraver,

180 Broadway,third ftory.For sale a Tew Oil Stenei, mitaMe Tor Engraver*, Denti«t»,

Jewaller*. lie, will lip"

A PROBLEMAND the way to »ol»a it. Why do the imitator* of my TabletHazir Strop alio* me to carry n(T the premium medaland d:atnm i from, the Americau Inetitnte. year alter ye r,Without even auhmi.ting their own for trial I O ye of tenderchin* and tough beard*, autwer ti e above by bringing a dullp ir of Razor*, aad leat for youraelve* lie trutha cl the certifyeaiea af the moit arieu'itic gentlemen in the country, viz:Prtfeeaor Oriacom, Dr. Mo't, Oin. J.'. Talimadge aud otlirra.(> 8 AUNIlERS.vole inventor and manufacturer of tti* metallieTablet Razor Stiop, with lour aidei, 1*3 Broadway,mm 1 m"

/ HINA, GLASS ANli K A ItTHEN WAItE -\~lnt olG priceauf China, Glaaa. Ac.,cold by K. SIMPSON, I A atorHouae. Broadway, who keep* the brat article*, and aellacheaper than auy otr.er hou«e io the United State*

FRENCH STONE WARE,Porcelain. Blur or White.

Plate* lat fize perdoz $1 14 $1 00do 2d do 1 7488do Id do I 5*75do 4th do 1 3763do 5'h do «d87

[rover Diah, 1 4474Sauce Tureen and Stand, 1 00 71re a Cup* and S aucer*. perdox,14pa. I 30

Pitcher*. 1«4 aize, I 7550do 2d do 1 3737do 3d do 1 1395do 4th do 7515do St h do 53do Ith do 60

Jhocolatei, tat aire per dr 3 75do 3d do 3 23do Id do 3 75

Teaa. 1 50Cfg Clip*. 37Stone Ware. Dining Service, 112 piece* IS 00French or Eng. Poicelain tea a»l». 28 pices* 4 00

CUT OlASS.Octagon iiahej beat nudity,* inch, pr pair I 00

8 do d) do do I 50do do If do do 4 00

Decanter*, the ret of 4 Irum I 50Ure»n Hock Cilaaae*, per dot. 3 35[rot Wiue*from 1 50 per dozenHal Fiuted Tumbler* 2*0 doLemunadea, bandied, 2 35 dollouaektepert, take care 4hit liat. and mak* your purcha*era

it t Aator Him<e; the anihg rou will make by ao doing muatM viaib'e to all upou readiug the above.Table Cutlery.Thi* i* alao the cheapeit (tore for fine TableCutlery, in act* or dozen*.n>13iin* IL SIMPSON 8 A*ter Ilouae.

KALSOMlNE PAINT..TheKalininine Paint having Ueeaevcreiy teited in thia city daring the winter montha,

the patrntee* can recommend it with renewed confidence tothe public. The numeroua apecimena of Kaleomine Paint nowtviating in New York, render* an enutne ation of it* adT'.ntage* aupertluou* ; among the mod prominent are thefollowingKalaomine Color* are mi re permanent, more luminnn* and

agieeahle to the eye than oilcolora. They are applied withoutoecaiioDing any offensive amell or iajuriou* effect upanhealih, and drying in a few hour*. Kalaoinine paint may. ifproperly applied, be washed when *oiled, according to direction*in thtcircurar.Order* received and punctually attended to at the

KALSOMlNE PAINT DEPOT,fab 27km* 364 Broadway, corner Franklin.

FOR THE FACE AND SKIN.AMONO the many and vviou* Coameliei that are offered

io the pub'ic for b-au'ifyiug the completion, and removirg -very eruption from the l«cr. none can be ao eonl lenllyrrcom.nandad a* Church'* Vegetable Lotian It impel* a delicateam -o hue** to the comp evi n, and effectually remove*

pimplca. bliitchea. tan, frecklra. rttigw irma.andall o.her cutaDeomeiuplion*and diacclorati'ii*Pnc*75cenla per bottle.*old at Cku-eh'* Diapenaary, 188

Bowerr, corner of folic etrret.Agent*.E.W Bull, H «rtford; C. k N. W. Simmon, Pine,

corner of Fourth ilreet, Phllad Iplna, charle* Steanr. Poughkeep*!*.mM Itir

DOCTOR PROVOST.t^OMK. individual* writea^amtt the use of balsam copaivy,i > eubi bi, nitre, camphor, ini icral astringent*, fce. ke., iu tlxcur* of secret Citrates. but mat the wur|<l knswt that theabove n-med metl'cin'« will and havreured Ihote dit*<-tet. itbeyond a doubt It ia perfect fully to deny that fact. But thatit requires a professional m'U, and a man of tkill in hit profettton,to know when and how t«gire those medicines, it equallyat obvious to me.iol minds. I hop*, therefore, that ge ltlemenrequiring tnedieal ai l will not gi> e ear to all the foolish etuffwhich they may tee in th- thane of advertisements, but theyw'll call upon me. at No. tl Broad *tr»et. where they shallhae* a full hittory of their c'te I feel confident that not a |>aLent will leave my < flTr without b. ig entirely tatiefied thatth>re it at leat out regular bred yhyaintn wh* hat conde

erndedto place hin weir aui ag the held of Quacks. My officeit at fit Broad, comer Stone at.iiiw J. PROVOST,M. D.

DR. MORRISON.AJOHTH KIVb.R L)I3 ENSARY. »04i Futon atreet nearIN tfreenwirh.I)r Morriaon. Member of the Royal I ollegsof Hurireooi. London, and formerl f surgeon in th* British nary,cent I .uea to be cootulted daily on diteaaet of a delicatenature,and all tboee distressing symptoms consequent on injuditious treatment and the imprudent uae «f quack medicines,lir M. hat had an riperlence of tweuty-two years in treatingdelicate «. isemet. in all their various and complicates form#,and nsea a mild, tale, and infaPiole substitute for mercury,readuatiuqi the venereal virus with certainty, without tuh|*clingthe patient toanyritk.or rettrieting him in hit utuafdiwor pursuits. while hie medicines V aereeable ia Utts andmelt. Permanent obstruct ou in ihr urethra, tnrh at tlricturee,in t accompanied with Arli irritltian and dull pain art

tome of thscoiiseque ret >f mal tr< atment. and leading ulnat*ly to urinary litlulat. Dr. M treate stricture* in a en

entifr mani rr, gradually promoting ahsorptioa of the thiskenedmrmnraoe Witbou' pain. , ,

CO.NSTITI'TIO XAt, DEBILITY -Thoosandtpf youti»men art suffering from the eonaerjueners of iadalgCM* in t

eeret deetrurtive habit, and whose nerves are further in

jnred from the use of nnatrumt and pretended tpryjftet, whichtimulate only to induce greater depression IL»r M_ treate on

purely pathological principles. establishinga core, also the inosl obsfinale ytrdd to his plsn of treatmentLetters postpaid, and ennt.iQi>ug a suitabte fee. will entur.

th* corrrspondra'full advice and mediein* to aiw- port of the

Union, bv hit gtviwe# histo-v »'k'l '*"

Thee strictest hinor aid ertifiJence obierv.dallm* fi*4j b niton atreet

IIAV4NA SMIARS-PKTKK OILBEY. M« BrosdwsyIT tod 31i Bowery, formerly hept by Mr. P. Muuos. twgsleaee to inform the smoking public thst they will slwsys find,at kit store*, a wellselertr A aaaortme* of the finest brand* olRsrena and Pffffciti# BK'i AIIB st wholesale and r. tail, andif a fi.»t rate affcle and fnendiy treatment can insure cue

I torn, he boye* to receive t Itrge hare of it inta tm'



CONTENTS OK NO. XV.Lectures.A Cour«.' ol' Lectures ou Disaatesof tlie

Chest, Percussion, ami Auscultation. By John ASivett, M. D.L ecture II .Soun Is of the heart. Varioustnrories as to their production.Auscultation and percussionof the Heart.p. 9M, Dr. Mall's Lectures ou

tbn Pathology, ami Diseases and Dernngemets ol tliuNervous System, No. 111. The Patholcgy of the Nervous9j stem.p.-J.'9 Professor Mott's Lectures on Suigcry,

XV. Enlarged Tonsils continued.Commi vioatiov.Case of At senca of External QenituD,landFormation ol sn Artilicial Vagina. Wlib an|Engiaving.By Dr. W. Magee, ef Pateison.p. d-JS.EoiroHiAL Department..Medical Statistics.p j3t.Mnoiio-CHiKiiiuiiAU KnroiiTku .Crosby street Clinique.p.234. Stuyvfsaut Institute CliniipM-p. 134..

Sione in the Female Bladder..Dilnta'inn of the Urethra.p.-J3i An account of a Ca«e of Extensive Diseaseof the Pancreas. By James Aitliur Wilson, M. 1) .

I>. 53fi Complete Obliteration 01 me Aorio.p. a.hj. r.ifuHionof blood under the Mucous Membrane of theUvula, removed by incision.p. 23«> Fatal Effects ofTight Lacing.Pytoaie, with ulteratinn in|the positionof the stomach By'Dr. (voiding Bird.p 237. On thePropagation of the Variola- Vaccina- In {(rusts fiom theCow. By John Baron, M. D-, 1" H. S., Cheltenham.p23tJ. Use of Injections in Gonorrhoea.p -J38. Cyanideof Potassium in Acute Articular Ktirumniatism p. MB.Tut: Coli.atvrai, Scikmh. On Fibre." By Martin

B»rry, M. L>., F. K S9. Lond. and Edln.p.',239- N» u.rohy pnv log v p 1239Itkus and In rtLLintnciJ.H alth ofthe Br tls'i Mttro-"

polis, 1941.p. 2 to- Mortality in London.p. 24U. WeeklyKeport oft Interment t. p 240.Nrw VoRa !

Printed andP lblished for the Proprietors, at the LancetOtlice, No. 21 Ann Street,by


GENERAL AGENCY.PP1IK SUBSCRIBER lias t»keii tlie store 75 F ultnn street,1 P.-o kl> ii for the salt of the most approved genuine patentaLd family inedir nice, perfumery fancy article-,kc. ISla' ufac'urers and propiietpra of such articles, -»r of any

thin; else, who wish for a i active, stilling ageut to ditnose oftheir produclions, will fi id such au ou-. iu the peisun of the )subscriber. i

S J STEWART. 75 Fulton at. BrooklynFoe sale, most of the approved family medicines. Persons '

purchasing hire may rely ou obtaining genuine article. i

as Im* I

DANdRCFF or lossot hair IS caused,by a lauguiu or ob-strueled circulation iu the small blood vessels w hicli su|e

(IIV Ihe scalp and hair with courts! men', in consr<lueiice ofwhich the perspiration becomes thirk aud ilaimnv. and driesou the suriace. forming a crust called dandruff w Inch clogsup the pores of il-eskin. aud by its pressure against thr rootsol the hair prevents it from receivn g sufficient nonrishmeul torrtain vitality '1 lie hair ihenbecomes harsh anduiipleaaaiit,chat-gel color and fells off. This untieallhy affection is wryspeedily nnd effectually cured by Jayne's Hair Tunic, whichrevives .lie dormant powers of the surface vrssele. removesIhe dandruff, aud produces a new and healthy growth of hairto supply the less of Ihe old; and baldness is prevented or removtdwherr it already exists


The following certificate is selected, which sufficientlyproves its estraordinary virtues.,

Messrs. A. B. Ik Saudi:.Gentlemen.an aclof justice to jyou and Dr. Jay ue, I send you this certificate lo iufuruiyou ofthe invaluable hentfit my wife has received from the use of IDr. Jayne's Hair Tonic. She lest not only Iter entire head <of hair, but her eyebrows also, aud after trying variousother remedies, with no benefit, she used Dr. Jayne's HairTonic, the used two botllea before we could discover '

the hair had started, and commeuciig with the third it \started to grow out finely.and in a IUw weeks her head andoyebrows were covered with a (lord growth ol fi«e black hair,better tliau she had lost. I thmk it w as entirely produced bythe live of the Touic, and would recommend it to all whu needa similar remedy. ,

Truly yours. JOHN N. JACKSON. 1

Prepared only by Dr. D.Jayne, -49 South Id nreet. Price$1. Sold at wheleaale and retail bv A. B & I) -4A N OS. drug-gipta 79 Fulton, corner ofGald street, and IU0 Fulton street;also sold by Abraham B. Sands fcCo.,No_ 873 Broadway, cor-n«r of Chamber itrcet; Uavtil Bauds at Co., No. 77. EastBroadway mil I mQALTRHEUM, KIM» WORM TETTER, BARBER'SkJ ITCH AND SCABIES-HAYEK'S LOTION ANDSYRUP tlic only remedy which is certain to cure tlxaborecomplaints.harmless in it* operat.on. but certain in its tffrcta.the Lotion healing quickly. and the Syrup purify lug ajwedily.Price ft.THE TRUTH WILL PHEV ML-Dr. Goodwill'. Deter-

seut and Pills never fail to cure a receut case of disease iu 48hour! , if uae 1 a*directed Try tliem, all ye alll.etcl-theyare free from mercury. Price 50 rente each.THE TO .THACHK CONklUEKED-Janiien's Extract.

It re'tevea in fire uiiuutea alter application to the uei ve or thetooth, and prevent* decay if the tooth ia filled immediately.Price 50 cent*.FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS.From M. Bindelorque

of fence.cortain, s-fe and ape'dy ia the cure of all caaea

where nature ha* become obstructed. They cure iu a fewday*. Price 75centa per package.GILBERT'S ANTI BILLIOUS FAVI|LY PII.LS-For

thertlef of all comp'aint* produced by coaiive habit*. «uchaa h> adache, hear.huru,lour stomach, dizz.besg, and lossntappr lite, they hare been uted with more aucceitthan any pillever be'ora ofTered to llie P'iblic. Price 45 cent* per box.Sold whelesale and retail by e. M. GUION; 147 Bowery,

c truer of Gr»- dstreet. n.43 Ira'I

noV a~t' l.n H | nd-C111LDRK S' * CL U'l'H tN ti-AIJ very large assortment.Very good qual ity.\ fry ilieap.GEO A- IIOY T Ik CO., No. 14 Bowery, would r-apect'ullyinform their patrouaand the public genersliy. that tiny haveagain been making eitemive |>reparation* for the spring audaamrxer trailc. and have now on hand atnai h larg. r aaaortineutof boye' and ckildreu's c'othing than they htreev-r beforehad. The pu'ulic are invited to ca I Hud examine theirgo'ds.with particular reference to quality and price. Term* c«*h.aJ lm*

HETCHINGS' STOMA! tl BITTERS ii a certain cure

for Dysrepaia. assiatiug digestion, weakurst, nervous

iieaae*. night sweat*. Sic.Sir.I have in the course of my practice prescribed your stomachbitter* and found them a most efficient rrinedv in cases

of indigealio n, acidity and debility of the digestive organ*.I by no means class it among the quirk medicines ol theday, but one which will confers great bl.suing <n many ofo.i m.i tiiug fellow heinas.

P. J BRADY. M. D 330 Broome *LThe following is from Dr E. O. Ludlow. 634 Broadway.I

have used your Bitters incases of impaired digestion, whenirgetabl« tonics were indispensable, with a b-n'li ial result.Thear iclesof which it is cemiiostd are very judiciouslyrombiued. and I have no doubt will prove service tble iu thecase* for which you hare recommended it.

Your*, lie. edward O. ludlow.Certificates of tnaey person! cured can be seen at the drugtore 1*0 Dowery,corner of Broome where the above is soldonly In t .is tit v, and Mrs II us, 139 Fulton street. Brook I vnPrice large bottles $1: «mall 50 cent*. m49 tin*

PEAKSAlI/S OAR establ1hhv1ent, found.d iu1938,at 404 Wa'er street, 5 doors above l atherine market,

the only ea abliihment ol the kind in the Unit, d Htates, continuesto supply the Navy, the America., Rossi... arid tSpantab war stearrerr.hat au plied all the Race Boats snd ClubBoa.s for the last four ye r«.and has nnw the largest r.ssortmeutof Oars, Sweep* and Sculls ever collected in one placsN. B. 'The Branch Oar Store, on the Noitli River side, is

shut up, and removed t > 404 Wstrr street; and as 1 save alltheeip-nsei of o ie store, I will sell en ugh chesper to thosewho come from Iho North River sidi tu pay Ihtm f rtneirtroublli Rare Boats, C'ubBuats.Oars ai.a ncslls sold 50 percent less than la«t y>ar. a4 Im*

O^mN THE CUKE OF STRICTUKE-lt is most unf^rttTnate in this complaint that many persons have a slricturawho are qpt in the least aware of it. The common notion

is, that to long as the urine passes iu a tolerable' 'ream,therecannot be a stricture. But tins is f ir from true. A strict ore

may. and often does, exist for months, and eren years, wifho.itprodsciug any striking change Iu this respect When a stricturearrives ut that degree of narrowness as sensibly to impedethe uriae, it is a serious malady indeed. The object of thoeeremarks however, is to prevent this state, aud to attack it at a

lime wheu it is easily and perfectly removed. But there are

other eircumetancee betides its effect upon the urine by whichs stricture may be known, or, at least, strongly suspected, andthough these are aumeroiie, there are two which are rery commonand very cajily judged of, aud these shall be mentionedhere.The firat of these circumstance* relates to tune. It is well

known that atricture* arise from long continued and badlykreoted Gonorrhda. Now, whenever this disease continuesover many weeks, especially if in the aarly period any of theboasted nostrums of the day wtre taken, there is just and properground to suspect a stricture.The next is mutt remarkable.it is the effect t atricture has

upon the inind and api' its. This is s fact that may be thoroughly relied on. Indeed the author nerer aaw a ease ol sine

lure, (and lie feci many event day,) in which the patient didnot, more or leea, complain or hia lost of mental energy.thathe was not so capable of business a* formerly. The reason ofthis, howevsr, is clearly ahown in hta "Pri.... _m .

1 J " -«'-il«-- -nltin,n nf this lunar oi.il InIIIIMJ Toiumc KUUI.CU ... ,

which the ra ider is referred, not only for knowledge of Unadisease, but on every other connected with thiimbject.DH. RALPH rurlher begs to add. that he may be coneulted

pereonally a* hie residence, No. 18 Greenwich atreet, at anyhour ; aud ehonld any be in doubt aa to the eiietanca or thiodieeaae, especially after peniaiug hie little volume, he will,without eipeuee or the Iraat pain, eiplain aud assure bun whs-t her ha hate or not. Let it only be remembered that, i the r»-

ally lias a stricture, not all the medicioa in the world, alone,will ever cure it. " 33 'w'

THE PRIVATE TREATISE..Tlue ie a little volume on

certain diaaaaea in which the beat and meat convenientmeana of cure are atated in the plainest poaaible manner italao shows the reaann why theae mala<ftm ao frequently cootinoeon from month to mr.nth.uncurtd.and terminal# at lengthin other and permanent complajnta. Indeed, no one can read

Ikia little book without seeing at onca (heir true and real nature.and alao the riak and dancer of trusting them to ignorant

^S?hialvM«r>lu>wevar. to obtain a rational degree or conkdeuce in what ha hae advanced on the cure oft hoar disease* theauthor thiuka it proper here to five a atmoia statement of themean* and opportunities he kimaall has had of forming just audelaar opinions on this aubject He therefore begs to state, thatbesides his rank aa gradual# of Edinburgh, and membtr of tha

London College, he ha has Wen watching these diaeaam, bothin Hospital sod rity practice tor more than thirty year*, andhM published two editioaa of a work evprcaalv on them. Also,that ha baa letters of rommendalion from the moat eminentphysicians in Europe to the moat emiueut in America aa SirAetley Cooper to Dr. Mott of New York and Dr. riiyaick,efPhiladelphia. and others, and which may be aten by any ona.

And further, that he haa the privilege ef referring to alinoatovery physician of eminence in this city. Theae are ein nmstances which aWord tha higheat satisfaction to avary one, especiallyto thoea who are auiious to obtain the beat advice .The price of tha book is $1.Dr Ralph is eouaulted at his residence,M (ireenwiehstreet,

at any hour, and haa distinct and separate apartments for thuocwho have to wait a littla. Communication* by poat are faith'tlHv renlied In rr.oa . .

RU'li H'A PATENT vlf.l Al.Lli. r.l, 11111, Bl)u IHKELR..The subvert'ev begs leave to inform the publie,that he baa commenced to manufacture and aell boots

with this valuable invention, which only need* to be knownto be universally adoptedThe foliowi»g a*e some of I he many advantage) it poseraeea

01.r every other kindI '.The elasticity adds to the durability of the boot onethir.l.H.It make* nomnrr n«ioe on the pavement than aelippcr.

t he Hiipleaaant clinkiog unite of the iron heela is obviated.Jd.It prevents boots fiom running down at the aide or

back.tt 1.Ita elasticity eniblea on* to walk witn much le#« fattine,the heel givi ga natural apriiai at each etep. _.

Slh.I (does not rut and rear carpet#, like the Irou or

heel# la order tn bring thi# imirovemei I within ttw r

of all, the subscriber haa concluded to put them at tha asm#

priraaoftha comm-n Ueala- ... ... ... ..jBoots ofevary quality and deicrtption, whoierale

tail, at the old stand. NKWELL,Jmtim'wicif.th-.imt



lite Clay Dinner.|Corrc*i ondtnuc of the Iletald ]

WAiiimoroif, j^pril 9, Saturday Ev'ny,The ("lay Dinner came off"this evening at Browu'aIloiel. The company sat down at half past seveno'clock, to the number of aboat one hundred andfortv, consisting of Congressmen, and a few citiaen*and strangers. The dinner wai prepared inBrown's imu .I good style, and it only wanted thewanting enthusiasm to make thing* tly in the usuallife, a* I've often seen it on other political occaintiu i« « »... »uv Bitiiits nail.

At about ninei o'clock, at the health of the truestof the evening, Mr. Clay r'i»e and inade a short andappropriate speech, in Ins u»u,,l way, of aotne tenminutes duration He alluded to the beautifulrainbow that made its appearance at the time theywere assembling for the dinner, (there had beenstorm just before their time of meeting,) as theharbinger of what wa« totollow ihe present cloudedatmosphere of politics, fcc ., and concluded byinvoking uuion (oa one candidate) of all the whirparty for the sake of the party, and the victorythey would certainly obtain, (with him as theirleader )He was followed by Mr. Berrien, of Georgia, inone of his set phraseological speeches, with a graveluce, and you would have thought it more like atemperance lecture than a gay dinner speech,wh'ch the occasion woulJ seeiu to have required.Mr Ssltonstull came next, in a more amusingspeech, which brought up the life of many flaggingspirits for a time. He was a little tincturedtowards the close with the war spirit of party, andepokeof Bunker Hill, and the ei ergy of our forefathers;and invoked the same spirit in the next

con-est for Henry Clay, lie gave us a sentiment:The memory of Lewis Williams. (Drank in silence,itauding.)Mr. Prentiss, late M. C. from Mississippi, aguest, was next lo.tsted, who made a short, rapid,trilliant speech, filled w.th all the imagery andlimiles he is so particularly famous for. He corntaredMr Clay to the setting sun of the evening,:hat was about retiring only for the next day, when

le would come forth in renewed splendor, andloracwhat dilated on ihe principles of the whigparty, and gave ull present assursnoes that th.ivlno phalanx was still Aim in Mississippi andLouisiana. He give as a toist:.Principles and Men.The one worthless without the

other.After Mr. Treaties finished, at half past ten, Mr.

Clay and most of the company retired.Mr John P. Kennedy (author of the whig manfegto)spoke about 4 o'clock, to the few remainingquests and dancing candlesticks, in a second editionof his immortal docuinmt, after which, long>efore midnight, n'l was still and quiet. And so

suded Ihe Clay dinner.It is to be hoped that the bull on Tuesday eve*

ting for the sake of a I who love dancing and prettywomen, will not go oil in such a dull aud spiritlessway.A Ca'.inet meeting was hald to-day on the Rhode

Island difficulties, a committee having come on toepr^sent the mat ers there to the president. It iaprobable, a force of 1400 U. S troops will be orderedimmtdiately 10 Kurt Adams.

Letters from Brazil,| Correspondence of the Herald |

It 10 de Jaxeiho, January, 1842.The first day of the new year was a great court

Jay in Rio. The young emperor opened his audiencechamber at one o^clock, and several fereigair< of distinction were graciously permitted to kisahis imperial hand. Mr Hunter was formerly pralentedas minister plenipotentiary and envoy extranrdinaryfrom the United States, and CommodoreMorris as commander of the United States forceson the Bruz lian station, and was received withevery demonstratioa of kindness and ceurtesv..The commander was supported by CommodoreBoerum, of the Concord, and'several other officersof the squadron, forming a very imposing company.

1 was forcibly struck u ith the dignified and republicanappearance of our officers, which stronglycontrasted with the tinsel and lace with whichthose who surrounded the court were bedecked..It m'ght Welt suit the paraphernalia of the stage.the age of Queen Elizabeth, or the court ef "England'sMerry Monarch," to dress out their attendantsin all " the foppery of show;" but there iasomething repugnant to iny ideas of dignity of character,and an unsuitablenesi t» the intelligence ofthe nineteenth century in this attempt at trifling dieplayupon occasions of this kind. We should betempted to punish our children if they were guiltyef one half the follies and absard itira which we inour slavish devotion to fashion are daily perpetrating.Yesterday, the seventh of January, every manof-waria the harbor hoisted the British ensign in

addition to (heir respective national banners, whiletheirguns proclaimed to the good poople of Brazilan addition to the rcyal family of England and anair to the British throne. The great additional expenseemailed upon the nation, by the appearanceof this young stranger, will, 1 bare no doabt, beoverlooked amidst the immense fund already requiredfor the support of royalty, and though itmay require additional taxas, yet this inconveniencewill no doubt be counteracted by the honorwhich the nation will acquire in training ap its futuremonarch at the public expense, and watchingroyalty in its expanding greatness, while we, poorrepublicans, are compelled to receive our rultrsready matured to our hand, and educated as bestthey may. Surely it requires aa enthusiastic devotionto the hereditary tnoaarchieal system 10 reconcileits subjects to the extravagant burthens uponthe exchequer, particularly when a nation isbiessed as England is, with a youag quean, andthat these two offerings are bui the commeaeemeutof her presentation to ihe affections of her people.God grant she may have fifty similar pledges totender to the British nation, a guarantee of a royalsuccession to the throne.Investigations hare commenced by the Commodorein relation to the abases which hare so long*

existed here in the supplies required for the UnitedStates squadron upon this station, and they willeventuate ia disclosures, some of which will he aastartling ta the Americaa people as the impositioasin the Custom House at New Yi rk, or the mismanagementofthe 'great monster " Seme of these1 hare referred.to in my previous numbers, andparticularly adverted to the tact of the merchantswho supplies our national vessels with their requisitions,having been appointed nary agent bythelate commander,in direct opposition to tbe Tt ryspirit of our institutions. Devejopemeuts are dailyoccurring which present instances of gross impositionhaving been practised m this department aadunder the connivance o' those who wear the nationallivery ef our country, which have even surfrisedme, much as I have been prepared for them.

t has cost the American squadron thirty thousanddollars per annum more, in this post, than the sameforce or any other power, and I h i ve been told byan intelligent English officer that two of their vesselsof war can be supplied with the necessaries f< r

ship's use here, far the expense of one of ours. Thiswill not be wondered nt when it is understood thatthey publish their requisitions and invite proposals,thus throwing the supply open to competition,while the court- heretofore pursued by the I'nii-dStates,commander has been to direct the furnishingof all articles bv a favored friend, to the exclusionof all competition This partiran has sometimesrealized two and three thousand collars uponone order lor articles required, as ia the instanceof the exploring expedi'ion which wis fitted outbare at an expense sf thirty per cent mote than itwould have co>t the Unit* d S;itn il cou<iuet> d uponproper busine** principle*. An instance banju*t occurred of the repair* of ves*«lt of the I'nitedState* being tnken from an induttrinu* mechanic,became he refuied to allow the acting navy agent* larger abatement of hi* account than utual, lorhi* awn private emolument, and J iren to me whois supposed to be a more pat«-i*c ami profitable abjectto operate upon, notwnhataeding the formerwa* liberal enough to allow hi.« employer, at time*,

as much a* fifty percent profit, which he ha* addedto the aceount for the purp >«

Theae are not idle tale*: they are »taf*m*at» »u»tainedbv documentary proof*, and 1 «m happy >n

the belief that Commodore Morn* ha* in bit poee*»ionevidence to *ii*fnin them. » hen hie investigationit fairly rnttr. il into, there will be a

mate of testimony brought to hear upon the impo.itiene which htve " long ranted here, aa mutt,' if there b-any It" in Venice," change the whole

yttem, and introduce a mode of ennductirg butinrtton odr national necount, more in aeeordanrewith the geniut of our Constitution and the pnacijplea of rectitude. Ci*c:m*ati/*Bnnkrupt


Randolph Reynold*, Clerk, Ul*ter Ceunty, to be declaredbankrupt

* May tl

K.heneter Roe,Carpenter, Patrhegne L.I.uhubel M. Nichols, Carpenter, Huntington, L I "

Freeman Richards, gentleman, S. Y. " II