The National Driving School Form (NDSF) · The National Driving School Form (NDSF) Introduction of the Interim Driving School Structure: By ... Email: [email protected] Please

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The National Driving School Form (NDSF)

Introduction of the Interim Driving School Structure:


Mrs Roseline Nhlapo & Mr Albert


Purpose of the SUMMIT

• The primary aim of the summit is to deliberate on the

regulation of driving school industry together developing a

qualification for Driving Schools instructors with the

intention that these changes result in the industry producing

safer drivers.

NDSF – National Driving schools Forum

• Established 2011

• Four National Driving schools associations namely




• A legal representative

Composition of Committees

• 6 members from each mentioned Association

• 6 members from RTMC

• 4 NDOT Members

• Additional members

Aims & Objectives

Why NDSF was formed

• To have one voice for the driving schools industry

• To have a high platform for high level discussions

• To engage with the government on issues affecting the industry

of Driver Training

• To discuss solutions in reducing high accident fatalities in south


• NDSF is a permanent body that can’t be dissolved

Aims & Objectives

• To assist members with compliance issues.

• To discuss all government Bills and Regulations Amendments

• To establish a body that will represent a unified approach to the regulation and betterment of the professional driving school industry.

• To strive for professionalism within the industry.

• To establish and enhance safety standards.

• To promote ethical conduct and Good Governance.

• To enhance unity among Stakeholders.

• To establish good working relations with the Government.


• Our mandate comes from the four assumed National Associations and the majority of driving school owners/Operators in the country, supported by the Department of Transport (DOT) and the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC).

• The mandate is to ensure the effective and efficient regulation of the driving school industry in South Africa through:

• Effecting good Governance

• Quality control

• Setting of training standards

• Compulsory membership of association by all driving schools and compliance

• Co-ordination between all the stage holders

• Ensuring compulsory training or learning by driving schools

Vision & Mission • The NDSF aims at achieving the following:

• Prepare Guidelines for the Regulation of the Industry,

• Review and revise the training material to ensure uniformity and Standardized Training Material

• Develop Criteria for the approval of driving schools

• A qualification / Skills programme for Instructors and Schools

• Regular workshops to upgrade members’ standards

• NDSF members to be Founder members

• Allocation of infrastructure numbers for both driving school owners and instructors

• Uniformity of all registration of all driving schools and instructors on ENaTIS

• Every learner’s performance to be certified by his/her instructor - Competency certificate to be issued .

• Career pathing, after being qualified as driving instructors, if they have additional education and training certificates

• Retain current entry requirements but subject to improvement.

Criteria for new NDSF Membership

• Association must be registered with CIPRO(CICP) as a National


• Must have membership in six provinces

• Must be at least two years in operation

• Must have a constitution

• Must have a Code of conduct

NDSF offices and Contacts

• Boardwalk office Park

• Phase 5

• Boardwalk Boulevard

• Farie Glen

• Pretoria East

• Email: [email protected]


• It has been very unfortunate that this very vital and important

entity in the arena of road safety mechanism has never been

taken seriously in the past. It has been going on unregulated for

a very long time. Very little, if any at all, had been done by way

of researching on its existence and its operation. This anomaly

left a big vacuum in the proper running and the governance of

this Industry! No data collection and fact finding schemes had

been put in place and hence, the abrupt and continuous

mushrooming of these uncontrolled fly-by-night so-called

Driving Schools, resulting in the production of poorly trained and

reckless drivers.

Proposals to Address Road Carnage

• Code of conduct for all driving school instructors

• Well-Regulated Driving Schools industry

• Only trained and registered instructors to train

• Examiners to Assess competence not to assist Applicants

• Correcting bad driving habits

• Respect for fellow road users





• The Minister should endeavor by all means and at all cost to fast-track the release of the Act governing the Driving School Industry!

– The Minister must ensure that a strong partnership between the DOT and the Driving School Industry is established!

– An independent and separate Directorate should be introduced in the DOT to look after the affairs of the Driving School Industry!

– A Driving School Board / Council should be established with Provincial offices to deal with the governance of the Industry!

– The Minister should include the Driving School Industry in his Budget for subsidization purposes and financial support.

– The prerogative of the training of Learner Drivers is left entirely in the hands of the Driving Schools.

– That every Driving School in the country should belong to one Association or another!

– Officials, particularly from DOT, should never ever be allowed to own Driving Schools or vehicles to train or test learners while they are still employed by the Department as this would be in violation of work ethics.

– Instructors / Trainers must be trained for not less than three months before they receive Certificates valid for Life.

– All Driving Schools to be registered under the NDOT.

If Driving Schools were Regulated they

would pay tax

Some one May have bought

Who trained these Drivers

Do our drivers know these


• Kindly write your Comments on your response forms and put in the suggestion box.

Mrs Roseline Nhlapo & Mr AlbertMathina

Email: [email protected]

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