The Nashville A publication of The Music City Brewers , November/December 2012 InsideBrewer with plenty of competitive bragging rights: Brandon Jones. Best of show, sweep of the Sour category and 7 Medals! Cover Publication credits, club officers and competitions Page 2 Jerry Buckley’s commentary: Come to Your Senses Page. 3 Club competition winners and Christmas party Page 4-5 The Brew Biz: Turtle Anarchy Page 6 More competitions, sponsors, copyright information Page 11-12 MCB

The Nashville - musiccitybrewers.com · in Nashville, Tennessee and the surrounding areas. Meetings are at various locations and usually the second Saturday of the month. Please direct

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The Nashville

A publication of The Music City Brewers , November/December 2012

Inside… Brewer with plenty of competitive bragging rights: Brandon Jones. Best of show, sweep of the Sour category and 7 Medals!

Cover Publication credits, club officers and competitions

Page 2 Jerry Buckley’s commentary: Come to Your Senses

Page. 3 Club competition winners and Christmas party

Page 4-5 The Brew Biz: Turtle Anarchy

Page 6

More competitions, sponsors, copyright information

Page 11-12


The Brew-Score

A publication of Music City Brewers, Nashville, Tennessee Editors: Millie and Ken Carman

Music City Brewers…

President MCB: John Malone

Vice President: Dale Overdorf

Secretary: Ed Wildermuth

Treasurer: Steve Johnson

Communications: Tyler Crowell

Education Czar: Tom Gentry

Content @ The Brew-Score is the

property Music City Brewers, or the

respective authors and/or

publications sourced at the beginning

of each article: all rights reserved.

Please give credit where is due.

Opinions expressed in The Brew

Score are not necessarily the opinions

of the Music City Brewers, any

officer, or member of the club.

Music City Brewers is a club based

in Nashville, Tennessee and the

surrounding areas. Meetings are at

various locations and usually the

second Saturday of the month.

Please direct all content questions,

or submission questions, to

[email protected] or

[email protected]

Festivals/Beer Events/Competitions:

Next 2 Meetings:


1pm/ January 12th/ @ Turtle Anarchy 216 Noah Drive,

Franklin, TN Google says: 65 South to exit 65, (.2) go west

to S. Royal Oaks Blvd. Left. (1.2) Left on Mack C. Hatcher

(1.9), right on Noah Drive (.3) Open to regular public @4

February TBA

Competitions: January

NOTE: All links CONTROL AND CLICK. ***Second date is entry date. All January competitions have entry dates the 10th

or later. For earlier go to

BJCP site.

1/19 (1/10) Wee Three Beers (514)519-2542 Baker City, OR Plymouth, MI

1/19 (1/11) AHA Club Only: Un-Session Beers (614)354-8750 Delaware, OH

1/19 (1/10) Doug King Memorial Hombrew Competition (818)917-2467 Madison, WI

1/26 (1/12) Upper Mississippi Mash-Out (555)555-5555 St. Paul, MN

1/26 (1/12) Winter Homebrew Competition (773)478-5100 Chicago, ILL

1/26 (1/23) Thirsty Boy (Contact) (775)351-9749 Carson City, NV

Competitions: february

2/02 (1/23) Domras Cup Mead Competition (Contact) (912)507-6122 Savannah, GA

2/2 (1/29) GEBL IPA Bracket Challenge (360)691-1862 Everitt, WA

2/9(2/1)KLCC Microbrew Festival Homebrew Competition (541)915-1352 Eugene, OR

The Brew-Score November/December 2012 Pg. 2

Upcoming (New) Taps: Blackstone: Maris Otter, Belgian Tripel *** Big River: Winter Nip, Pale Ale***

Boscos: Winter Wheat, Milk Stout, Poor Richards, KPA (Karen’s Pale Ale)*** Cool Springs: Brussel’s Muscles Belgian Dark, Honey Maple Nut Brown, Brett Saison***Fat Bottom: U*** Jackalope: Blueberry Baltic Porter*** Turtle Anarchy: 50 Shades of Black- Stout with curry spices and a Helles with cranberry*** Yazoo: U*** (“U” means, “Unable to update this month.” Please check applicable websites)

Come to Your Senses, Man!

Written by Jerry Buckley

As far back as Aristotle, the scientists and philosophers have insisted that our knowledge of the exterior world is limited to and defined by our sensory perceptions; and that that all sensory input can be compartmentalized into five neat packages: sight, sound, touch, hearing, and taste. However, those of us who home brew for a hobby realize that this is an inadequate explanation for what we understand to be a much “bigger picture.” Sure, we can feast our eyes on the sensuous ruby hues of CaraRed barley, or the occult darkness of chocolate malt. We can ogle the vibrant color of the orange peel we are “zesting” to add to our boil. Moreover, I don’t know about you, but watching a good krausen orgy in my carboy is far more entertaining than watching most television programs. We can savor the earthy aromas of our grain bill as we stir it into our mash tun; and then later on, we get to anticipate the “final answer”, as the bubbly goodness of our finished product foams the vacancy in the bottom of our glass, filling our “nose-smeller” with a bouquet of goodness. Then there is that most refreshing sensation, as that first swallow of home brew quenches our parched throat. Moreover, how can you adequately describe the very real sensation of a perfectly balanced “mouth feel”; signifying just the right amount of oats blended into a starchy stout. It is no accident that every beer commercial on television or radio, unequivocally incorporates an amplified recording of a “chug-a-lug” gurgling gargle of a bottled beer being poured straight into a tall pub glass. This sound effect alone is primarily responsible for millions, if not billions in realized advertising revenue each year, in the United States along. And how sexy is that slowly released hissing “yeessss”; as the cap is slowly pried off a chilled bottle-conditioned brew? How do you spell “anticipation”? All of these comforting sensory inputs are of course nothing short of foreplay for the real reward; the tasting of our delicious home brewed product; the perfect balance of sweet malt on the tip of our tongue, and bitter hop aftertaste on the back half; then there is that just right balance of “fruitiness” and “dryness”, depending on your preference. Heck fire, that’s why they call it “taste”: mine varies from day to day, from one minute to then next, according to what’s for dinner, and of course, upon how hot and thirsty I happen to be at the moment. I am a novice brewer, and I have yet to brew up a batch that did not taste better than your run-of-the- mill store bought product. I’m not bragging here, it’s “just the facts, maam.” So now, I have come to that part of the lecture where must part ways with the Aristotle, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, and the rest of the brain trust. There is more to this homebrew experience than the “five senses” can account for. As surely as hops are bitter, there is that extra sensory dimension in play here; call it a “sixth sense” if you please; a certain feel-good glow that emanates from your mercy seat, after imbibing the fruits of your labor. This sensation engenders an enhanced contentment with our surroundings, with our fellows, and with the world at large. There is also a palatable sense of pride and connectedness with nature, which comes from our combining a few simple ingredients with some natural principles and our own creative impulses; to yield a holistic end product. As Kurt Koffka would have said, “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.” So then, this claptrap about the five senses just does not “get it” for me; it is bigger than that, more complex and mysterious, yet as concrete as the foamy head on my oatmeal stout. So, “come to your senses man!” Brew up another batch of home brew, and share it with your friends.

[email protected]

The Brew-Score September-October Page 3

The Brew-Score September-October Page4

Club Winners in the Music City Brew Off 2012

Light Lagers and Pilsners: 1st , Jeff Bergman, German Pils 3rd Dave Brown, Three Weis Men

Light Hybrids: 1st, Dave Brown, A Good Beer Gone A Rye

Scottish and Irish Ales: 2nd Tommy Carter, North of the Wall

English Pale Ales: 3rd, Dave Brown, Extra Sexy Bastard

English Brown: 3rd, Mark Forester, English Brown Ale

Porters: 2nd, Jeff Bergman, Robust Porter, 3rd, Ross Gum, Thunderhead Porter

Belgian and French Ales: Brandon Jones, 1st, La Flama Blanca

Sour Ales: 1st, 2nd and 3rd!!! Brandon Jones, The Reverse Apache Monster, The Bullet ProofTiger,

Cripple Creek.

Fruit beers: 1st, Brandon Jones

Smoked and Wood Aged Beers: 1st, Brandon Jones, Oaked Up Lil Nugget

Best of show: 1st, Brandon Jones

For a more complete list hold down control and click on link: 2012 Winners List (xlsx)

2012 MCB Christmas Party

On December 1st, MCB club members met at the Gentry castle for our annual

Christmas party. Plenty of food, great conversation and a jolly game of dirty Santa

followed. On the next page: pictures from that glorious event. Many thanks to Tanya

and Tom Gentry for hosting this event, opening up their home, to Rick Burke and his

guitar… and to Scooter the Jack Russell for providing additional entertainment.

The Brew-Score November-December 2012 Page 5

Gathering in the living room: Top left.

His royal Host Highness, Tom Gentry: Top right.

Food! Tom and Tonya’s brisket as main dish: bottom left.

Rick Burke and his 12 string: bottom right.

This article can also be found @ professorgoodales.net

Brew Biz: Werts and All by Ken Carman Page 6

Mike Kraft facts from a previous Brew Biz interview “Mike’s from Nashville, Siebel trained. His first job as a brewer was at Hubcap Brewing in Veil, Colorado, and he spent nine years as the head brewer at Two Rows Brewing, with brewpubs in Allen, Houston and the Dallas area. Like many pro-brewers Mike comes from a 'mixed' background where he started out as an electrical engineer, but found his 'happy' in brewing.”



216 Noah Drive

Franklin, TN


Mike Kraft



The Brew-Score November-December 2012 Page 7

Once up a time a brewery like Turtle Anarchy wouldn't expect a lot of visitors. Over the years I have interviewed

many a brewer in industrial locations and business parks and, at best, there may have been a tiny tasting room: mostly

for the few who would stop by out of curiosity. Tucked away in industrial locations, business parks and other odd

places, it was a quieter time where the beer went out a door that few folks, except the brewers, would pass through.

I remember places like Newman Brewing being mostly quiet, except the brewing process and the occasional visitor

lucky enough to actually stumble upon the location of the brewery. This model still exists, like Hoppin Frog in Akron

where, whenever I stop by, the brewers seem mildly surprised by such an occasional visit to buy a bomber out of the

fridge. No real tasting room. This is increasingly the old model. The busy, bigger, tasting room with scheduled tours has been the trend over the years. I think, eventually, you will find them everywhere and anywhere, and far, far less of the other.

According to brewer, Mike Kraft, their location is great: between various local businesses whose employees stop

after work for a pint, and the steady flow of other customers who already knew of Mike and his talent, or heard great

things about the brewery. And the good word seems to be spreading fast since they only opened the tasting room on

June 13th, 2012, with Mike’s Belgian Wit.

That's right: this year.

If you're reading The Brew-Score version of this edition of The Brew Biz in 2013: last year.

You know: the year the Mayans' fire breathing, Godzilla-like, calendar fell down on the job of exterminating us?

The Anarchy Turtle adventure began for Mike when he was brewing for a local brewpub and Mark Kamp walked in,

hoping to become an assistant, talking about the brewery he wanted to open. Mike said usually he listens when people

say that but, basically, has a “we'll see” attitude. Why? Because a lot of people come in talking the talk, but actually

"doing" is something else. Mark, and his brother Andrew, did help Mike out as he brewed for a while. And as he

watched Mark and Andrew Kamp develop concept into reality Mike grew more and more interested.

Plus, he hoped to get to do more "fun stuff" like 50 Shades of Black where "there are no rules."

"At a micro like ours the focus is 100% on the beer. When you work in a pub beer is not always the priority. Here,

beer is the only thing we do. And with a micro there's a lot more beer going out the door. With a brewpub they're kind

of limited as to how much they can sell. But with a micro (you have to remember) you need it to be consistent because

people have to go places and have your beer taste the same."

To provide you with an example, if I were to start my own brewery I couldn't have Joe Quaffer go to his favorite

pub, The Squat and Gobble, this week and try my pale ale, Putrid Pale and like it, then at The Guzzle Nuzzle a month

latter "Putrid" seems to deserve its first name: or even just be very different.

Brewpubs obviously have concerns other than beer.

"As things took shape and progressed I knew I wanted to be part of something bigger..."

The Brew-Score November-December 2012 Page 8 Now, with no restaurant concerns barking at Mr. Mike's brew door, he brews on a brand new Premier system with a

2880 barrel capacity, 15 barrel system, four 30 barrel fermenters, a 30 barrel bright tank, and a large, high ceiling,

production facility begging to be filled. Now, since beer is the focus, and there's plenty of space to expand, expand

they will, according to Mr. Kraft. Their kegs are tapped in over 50 restaurants and pubs now, and that's about 6

months later! Mike talked about plans to fill the room and to can, not bottle, their product.

"We need to get people beyond the stigma of beer in a can."

We both agreed it was a great way to serve the product and talked about various breweries, nationwide, which have

gone to cans for their product, like Caldera and Sierra Nevada.

Mike also spoke of maximizing their capacity and distributing to east Tennessee.

“Lipman, our distributor, has been really great."

Flagship beers (Why do breweries usually call them "flagship" if the whole point is going to just "sail away?” Oh, by the way, these beers all use the same house yeast. Other brews depend upon the style, obviously.)

The grain mill you see on the next page, Mike tells me, can mill a hellacious amount of grain per hour. The

brew kettle and mash tun you see above keep Turtle Anarchy's beer lovers satisfied with a constant flow of

their regular brews. Descriptions from their site follow...

Another Way to Rye

"This beer is a bold Rye India Pale Ale with an added spiciness from a healthy addition of rye malt. The rye

also contributes a nice red hue to the beer. Despite being heavily hopped during the boil, we add a generous

amount of hops during the end of fermentation to give this beer a pronounced citrus hop aroma and flavor."

Aurumglass Pg 9

"This beer is brewed in the golden

ale style. It has a strong malt

backbone with just enough hops to

balance it out. However, we use

two ingredients that set this beer

apart from other Golden Ales:

Gambrinus Honey Malt and bitter

orange peel. The honey malt adds a

special sweetness to the beer while

the orange peel compliments it with

a citrus flavor and soft bitterness."

Portly Stout

"Portly Stout is our robust stout. It is brewed with three different dark malts and has a creamy,

smooth mouth feel. We kept the hops to a minimum so that the roasted malt character could be the

predominant aspect of the beer. It is just a solid, straight-up stout."

The stout is interesting because it's featured in their 50 Shades of Black series where Mike ages it in

barrels, uses coconut, chipotle: you never quite know what's fermenting at Turtle Anarchy.

One hopes they don't stop at 50, or come up with another concept so grand.

"Corsair (Corsair Artisan Distillery in Nashville) has been real generous about getting us barrels as you

can see." (And, yes, I could. Great for letting beer sit in former whiskey, gin, rum and spiced distilled

products like Corsair’s pumpkin spice or vanilla been.) "I did a coconut stout in one of their rum barrels

that turned out really, really good."

Next month, when Anarchy will be hosting Music City Brewers, he hopes to have a Curry Stout on tap, a

Scotch Ale, "hopefully some of the Corsair stuff" and an ale version of a Helles, called Infidelis Helles on

cranberries from the northeast. He describes Infidelis as a "lighter, gateway, beer."

The day I visited for the interview Mike poured me a sample of the Gingerbread Stout: nicely balanced

with off white head, the body seemed full, yet not out of bounds for stout. Obsidian. The spices filled

the mouth, yet background in the taste. Millie wanted to try it and, since I forgot my camera, we stopped

the next day to take pictures. Rats! The keg had blown. So we had the Infidelis Helles, Helles style, but

with an ale yeast. Light on the palate, there was a definite carbonic sense and some minerals, like perhaps

a water profile with higher calcium and slight magnesium.

Not a lager? True, but that's often a plus, in my opinion. I found it smoother than many of the more

traditional versions.

Mike tells me he watches the Food Network a lot, which is where he gets many ideas that wind up in 50

Shades of Black and elsewhere.

And we had the Scotty Don't: Scottish ale. I thought it might have peated malt, but Mike said it was

just smoked malt. (Minus the use of burning peat, obviously.) The smoked sense just enough; lingering in

the background: closely cuddled up to a nice caramelized malt sense.

One of the regular features these days at Turtle is their 50 Shades of Black where they take their

Portly Stout and go crazy. Right now Mike has it sitting on curry spices. The first time we visited that

version at coconut. A very popular version is called Smoke and Mirrors with chipotle and cinnamon. Mike

said he's made it three times so far. Remember: they just opened this year.

You never know what crazy, yet wonderful, idea will be “tapped” as a 50 Shades of Black.

Mike said he wants to do sours, but will do it first on the Brew Magic pilot system, for obvious reasons.

This system was brought in by Mark and Andrew: co-founders of Turtle Anarchy. It was Mark's personal

homebrew system, now used for R&D and small batches.

Page 10

"We also need it to be warmer in here.

During the winter we keep it at a steady

55, anything less affects fermentation."

Now that Turtle Anarchy is on tap at

over 50 locations, Mike wants to distribute

to the east, plus get a canning line. For now

they're just distributing to pubs and such

their flagship beers to solidify: essentially

establish the brand. Mike said that

distribution would take about a "3 year run,

and then maybe they'll start carrying some

of our rotating beers."

Advice for homebrewers? For those who

are just starting, don't go all grain at first

and don't do too much at once. Read first

and then team up with more experienced

brewers. Experienced brewers: pitch

enough yeast and remember temperature

control is crucial. Then for those wishing

to go pro: volunteer first. It will turn into


When I first heard of Turtle Anarchy I

wondered, "Can the Franklin area really

support yet another brewery?”

When I was told the location, I was even

more skeptical.

But when I heard that Mike Kraft had

moved over to Turtle I felt better. I have

interviewed Mike before. I have met few

brewers who seemed so laid back, and so

comfortable, and obviously talented, who

could make it all work.

And the beer I have had there

impressed me as well "Kraft-ed," if you


Then I saw how quickly Turtle took off,

despite being surrounded by brew-

"rabbits" who started brewing before

Anarchy opened its doors. Think of it like

the Aesop fable.

Though I wish no brewpub or brewery ill,

and only wish for there to be more: like

the Tortoise and the Hare…

I think it possible that a few rabbits

just might be left behind by Turtle


Brew Biz: Werts and All, is a column dedicated to

reviewing, discussing and commenting on all things beer

including, but not limited to: marketing, homebrewing and

homebrew/beer related events, how society perceives all things

beer. Also: reviews of beer related businesses, opinions about

trends in the beer business, and all the various homebrew,

judging and organizations related to beer. Essentially, all

things "beer."

©Copyright 2012 Ken Carman and Cartenual Productions

All Rights Reserved

Sponsors 2012 Music City Brew Off

Also Rebel Brewing and Embrace the Funk. Logos on last page.

The Brew-Score November-December 2012 Page 12

Page11 11

Upcoming competitions: rest of February Note: placing cursor over “contact” should provide E-mail address

2/9 (1/31) Great Northern Brew Ha Ha (218)555-1212 Duluth, MN 2/9 (2/8) Homebrew Alley 7 NY,

NY 2/8 (2/8) Lucette Brewing’s Winter Competition (262)490-5110 Menomonie, WI 2/10

(2/2) Philly Holiday Ales Competition (Contact) (978)870-7059 2/10(2/2) Midwinter Home Brew

Competition (262)366-1478 Milwaukee, WI 2/16 (2/2) Kansas City Bier Meister (913)226-0447 Kansas

City, MO 2/16 (2/1) Groundhog Day Competition South Portland, ME 2/17 (2/1) The Breury’s

Batch 1000 Competition (714)996-6258 Placentia, CA 2/17 (2/15) Joint Base Lewis-McChord

Homebrew Competition (360)957-1351 JBLM McChord, WA 2/22 (1/31) Peterson AFB Homebrew

Competition (719)264-0816 Peterson AFB, CO 2/23 (2/2) Bluff City Brewers Competition (901)461-

9228 Memphis, TN 2/23 (2/8) Pro-Am Strong Beer Competition (678)516-4625 Atlanta, GA 2/23

(2/8) Boston Homebrew Competition (781)874-1147 Boston, MA 2/23 (2/8) Best Florida Beer

Championships (813)579-8261 Tampa, FL 2/23 (2/10) War of the Worts (216)855-0100

Montgomeryville, PA 2/24 (2/15) Romancing the Beer (805)870-5709 Westlake Village, CA

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Be a rebel!

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PLEASE visit

our sponsors

Also sponsors of the

2012 Brew Off!

©Copyright 2012 Music City Brewers and the various writers published within. All rights reserved