The Name of the Blade the Night Itself by Zoe Marriott - First Chapter

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Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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G @ E \ R O Z 5



toe nmc t o swhr wes e e n oe. N gem„t protom

N n m„t roe nzo t et et t o tnfo. N wesm„t ovom sup-

phso th mhw e hut t o t nmc, ot e hmo smoe up em

sme o nt rhf t o ettng w oro nt wes gero u y ghmgoe o nm

t o er , um or eyors h gh wo s em rhttnmc G rnstfes

oghretnhms. N wes u y ewero t et n fy et or hum hut

e hut t o swhr hr e hut fo te nmc nt, o„ php e hh

vosso rhf s oor ury em n fo. Hr no. Fey o ht .N yhur efn y„s prngo oss onr hhf ns shfo uc y veso hr

penmtnmc, n o hm t o  Emtnquos Zhe s hw, t o whrst t nmc

t et gem eppom n yhu foss wnt nt ns t et yhu„ sfes nt hr

runm t o petnme hr shfot nmc. Fy efn y„s emtnquo ns e n -

ioromt sthry. Wnxty-twh gomtnfotros hi gurvo , snmcao-o co

stoo , osncmo wnt e snmc o purphso; th n . ^hu„ prh -e y ge nt e sefuren swhr . Jut nts prhpor mefo ns eteme.

 Em N moo o nt hr fy G rnstfes perty ghstufo.

Roxt © :<57 [hä Ferrnhtt

Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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Wnmgo nt wes t o rst ey e tor sg hh rh o up hr t oG rnstfes h n eys, Keg e porsue o fo hut th t o

s hps th o p or cot e ow me nts em pnogos t et s o

moo o ihr or iemgy- ross hutstt. So s`hua `evo dmhwm

ottor. Sen nmc hr os h osporeto, est-fnmuto h n ey

s hppors e g hcco t o pu ng tremsphrt systof n o

thh femy eghm g ooso urcors nm em ertory. Ghmsn ornmct et N„ cht e hut e em hur„s s oop t o mnc t o hro, N

wes mht nm t o fhh th c t fy wey t rhuc t of. Jut N

n m„t evo emy g hngo. N ghu m„t o eto. S om N gres o

t rhuc fy rhmt hhr, fy cezo s ht strenc t th t o hht

h t o stenrgeso em N secco wnt ro no w om N sew t et

t o pn o h ucceco wes stn t oro.

‑So sornhus y moo o th rum e t o wey rhf t o

stetnhm8‖ Keg es o es s o o hwo pest fo. W o rhppo

or ecs hm t o g oquor-pettorm tn os em steccoro re-

fetngeaay nmth t`o eaa th ghaaepso nm hmo hi t`o g`enrs t`et

set ont or sn o h t o p hmo stem , um hnmc t o utthmshm or ghet es s o womt. ‑Bn m„t yhu cnvo yhur fuf e uc

o hro yhu o t t ns fhrmnmc8‖

‑Ahh , N moo th ronm hrgo t onr fnssnhm stetofomt,

HD8‖ N sen , ng nmc Keg „s s hu or ec hut h t o wey

em t`om rhppnmc fnmo hm thp hi nt. ‑R`oy„ro chnmc th

o nm erns hm fy nrt ey, Keg . \erns. Hpphrtumntnoshr t hso nm s h prosomts hm„t e nm fy ep ovory


Roxt © :<57 [hä Ferrnhtt

Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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‑^oe , rnc t.‖ Keg cevo fo e mhwnmc hh es s o

oemo or oe ecenmst t o yo hw we , ut n m„t seyemy fhro. R et„s hmo h t o roeshms w y Keg ns fy ost

rnom . W o moer y e weys mhws w et N„f t nm nmc, ut

s o hosm„t e weys evo th prhvo nt. \ us, emyhmo w h

woers t onr enr nm e twh-nmg - hmc, oeg o -w nto pnxno

gut wnt ht pnm em purp o stroe s nm t o rhmt ns shfo-

hmo wnt sornhus cuts, em N rospogt cuts. N moo o t of,crhwnmc up nm t ns huso.


N turmo rhum kust nm tnfo th stoe y fysoai hm t`o

emnstor es N rogonvo e uc t et whu ht orwnso evo

mhg o fo et hm fy eg .

‑^hu femeco th cot hfo nm tnfo,‖ Fuf sen . ‑N

t huc t N wes chnmc th evo th oevo wnt hut seynmc

chh yo prhpor y.‖

W o squoozo fo umtn fy rn s groe o . Fuf fnc t

o e pumy stvo-ihht teaa ‗ t`roo nmg`os s`hrtor t`em fo

‗ ut s o ns strhmc. \rh e y rhf oevnmc toot hut hpohp o„s kews e ey hmc. ^op, s o„s e omtnst. Ahh nmc

et or, wnt or swoot, yhumc ego em or sh t wevos

h eg enr, yhu„ movor nfecnmo t et s o wes gepe-

o h nm ngtnmc penm hm pohp o hr prh t. N supphso nt„s

ogeuso s o hosm„t soo nt t et wey4 s o kust wemts th

o p pohp o em fe o t of oo ottor, em s o hos.Nt„s or t nmc.

N oemo nmth or, roet nmc nm or spogne fuf-sfo

Roxt © :<57 [hä Ferrnhtt

Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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es N ucco or eg . Kust hr em oyo- nm t o whr s

hvoro hm fy nps; Bhm„t ch wnt hut fo. N hm„t wemt th oe hmo hm fy nrt ey…

‑N Fnh whu kust emswor or fh n o hmgo nm e w n o

yhu whu m„t evo e th o nm sug e pemng,‖ e vhngo sen

egn y rhf t o thp h t o stenrs.

N sug o t o p oe nmc whr s eg hwm fy t rhet es

N strenc tomo up ewey rhf Fuf. ‑@n, Be .‖Fy et or ns o mnto y t o omtnst typo. Ont or t et

hr e tre g wer om. Whfo prh ossnhm w oro yhu gem te o

p oesuro nm fe nmc ht or pohp o fnsore o emywey.

‑@o h, Fr efeth,‖ Keg g nfo nm g oor u y. ‑Whrry

wo n m„t p hmo. R o us wes peg o , sh wo womt hm t o

Ru o, em hmgo wo cht h nt n m„t soof whrt nt.‖

‑Nt hosm„t fettor,‖ fy fuf sen , ottnmc fo ch es

Be ste o hwm t o stenrs. ‑^hu cht hfo‒‖

‑Snt e comorhus t roo fnmutos th spero,‖ Be nmtor-

rupto . ‑\or eps N s hu fer nt hm fy ge om er.‖

‑Re es n, whu yhu sthp8‖ Fuf g n o .@o snc o , oemnmc hm t o mowo phst. ‑Inmo, ch hm.‖

Fuf turmo eg th fo. ‑ hu„ro hfo, w ng foems

N gem es yhu n yhu„ro roe y suro yhu hm„t fnm onmc

e hmo hm yhur nrt ey. Jogeuso N„vo cht yhur pessphrt.

 So ghu try th cot yhu e est-fnmuto tng ot.‖

os, p oeso!  Jut t oro wes mh g emgo nm o h foseynmc nt. Mht wnt fy e stem nmc rnc t t oro, rhe -

gestnmc hhf et fo. N mow oxegt y hw fug o n m„t

Roxt © :<57 [hä Ferrnhtt

Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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wemt fo erhum . S h geros8 N hm„t wemt th o erhum nf

ont or.‑_f, mh h omgo8‖ N sen . ‑Jut tren nmc o nm w n o

yhur peromts fe o wnt t o nssy- nssy nm t o whr „s

fhst rhfemtng gnty ns mht e toomeco euc tor„s roef, yhu


‑Josn os, Fnfn„s mht chnmc th o e hmo,‖ Keg rh o nm.

‑Fo em Zeg o wn fe o suro s o es e croet nrt ey,rs efeth. rhf so.

Fuf stn n m„t hh ghmvnmgo . @or sgrumg o -up

oxprossnhm rofnm o fo hi t`o cor na wo uso th ahhd

e tor nm mursory sg hh . N mhw fhst toom-yoer-h

cnr s c t wnt t onr fht ors mhmsthp, ut fy fuf ns

 kust thh mngo th c t wnt . Wornhus y, ovom fy et or gem„t

femeco nt. Em mhmo h t ns wes or eu t. Nt wes e fy

e „s n oe.

N p estoro hm fy ost eppy ego. ‑Wthp t ns grezy

te , Fuf. Nt„s yhur soghm hmoyfhhm ‗ t o w h o

phnmt ns th o e hmo wnt oeg ht or. Jut hm„t t nm N„fottnmc yhu h oesy. ^hu evo th uy fo efeznmc pros-

omts. Jhhts. @ets. Ghets. Ovoryt nmc. Em t om wo gem

hpom t of thcot or hm G rnstfes Bey em nt wn o t o

ost ovor, e rnc t8‖

Fy e greg o em egtue sfn o et t et. So ,

o wes cottnmc ns hwm wey, wesm„t o8 N geuc t nsoyo em o emt y re o eg t o s hrt omct h

fy enr. R o sfn o nmstemt y trems hrfo nmth ns

Roxt © :<57 [hä Ferrnhtt

Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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usue sghw . @o„ ero y sthppo rhwmnmc snmgo

N„ chmo hut twh woo s o hro ‗ t o sefo ey o rh ot o mows e hut ns whm or u soghm - hmoyfhhm p em ‗

em cht fy enr, w ng e oom moer y es hmc es

Fuf„s, gut nmth e s oo , cre ueto h t et kust s nffo

fy g nm.

Nt„s mht t et o„s hmo h t hso cuys w h t nm whfom

moo th o e o th snt hm t onr enr. Rrust fo w om N seyt et fy et or ns mht tre ntnhme . So hm„t go o reto emy

 Kepemoso h n eys hr ovom oet Kepemoso hh , em t o hm y

 Kepemoso whr s N dmhw ghfo irhf dom h em wetg`nmc

emnfo. Be „s eg h nmtorost nm hur ornteco uso th rnvo

Hknng em ‗ fy crem et or ‗ up t o we , em ns prh e y

w y Hknng em wes sh otorfnmo th omrh fo nm om h.

Mh, w et ht ors fy e ns t et N gut fy enr wnt hut

es nmc porfnssnhm. @o„s oe oom hm t et. An o fe nmc

fo oc hr ns ossnmc o hro N„f e hwo th roet o ns

chnmc th omsuro N esd porfnssnhm oihro N rum hii em cot

procmemt hr shfot nmc.‑En h, wo roe y moo th oevo mhw,‖ Be sen rusquo y,

oevnmc up e ghup o h ecs. ‑R o texn„s oro. So„ro chnmc

th o eto.‖

‑Mec.‖ Fuf„s sfn o wes toesnmc. ‑Cnvo yhur euc tor

e `uc em e dnss strst. So„ro mht chnmc th soo `or ihr e

w h o woo , yhu mhw.‖Be oevo e oop snc , t om put t o ecs hwm es

n t o o hrt wes ox eustnmc em we o eg thwer s

Roxt © :<57 [hä Ferrnhtt

Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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fo. @o put hmo erf erhum fy s hu or em tucco fo

ecenmst nf nm e qung , er uc. Be -sfo , e om hw ns ors em e tors evo em whh ‗ omtnro y n oromt

rhf Fuf„s, ut shfo hw stn ghf hrtnmc ovom t huc

fy e nsm„t ‗ wreppo erhum fo. @ns nps rus o t o

thp h fy oe . ‑Re o gero, Fn cot Cof.‖

‑Mht e fn cot,‖ N futtoro . Jut moxt th nf N wes, em

prh e y e weys whu o. Be „s te hr em Esnem cuy,moer y snx oot.

Jo hro N ghu ovom ogn o n N wes chnmc th uc nf

eg , t o texn„s hrm hm o hutsn o. Be ot ch em

ust o fy fht or thwer s t o hhr, sghhpnmc up t o

ecs es o womt. Fuf recco t o w oo no suntgeso wnt


‑Oforcomgy muf ors nm yhur fh n o, spero fhmoy nm

t o tnm nm t o ntg om, mh hu fusng, mh pertnos, mh eto

mnc ts, h yhur hfowhr ,‖ Be g emto es Keg em N

ihaahwo t`of th w`oro t`o texn wes wentnmc. ‑Zeg`oa„s

fe nmc yhu nmmor upstenrs.‖‑Jyo!‖ fy fuf femeco th cot hut o hro Be

g nf o nm e tor or em s effo t o ger hhr s ut.

 Keg em N wevo es t o texn pu o hut rhf t o

or , re o nc ts wnm nmc, em t om nseppoero rhum

t o ghrmor. N ow hut e hmc roet , rummnmc fy em

t rhuc fy enr. R o s hrtor omct stn o t stremco, emt o eg h fy mog wes gh . Zoe y ghu m„t went th cot

ewey, ghu o8 

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Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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 Keg ot fo evo e fnmuto em t om pumg o fo nm

t o s hu or. ‑Ghfo hm. Nt„s gh hut oro em wo„vo cht eperty th cot roe y hr.‖

N womt up t o stops th hur huso, cre o hur ecs,

smeppo hii t`o anc`ts, em t`om gefo egd hutsn o ecenm,

s effnmc t o rhmt hhr o nm fo sh t et t o oe -

h t smeppo hfo. R om wo oe o rhum t o sn o h

t o un nmc th t o omtremgo h Keg „s et. Keg , or h orsnstor, Zeg o , em t onr fht or, Joetrngo, nvo hm t o thp

hhr h t o un nmc t et fy peromts hwm. Nt„s e t roo-

sthroy Cohrcnem thwm`huso, em irhf t`o hutsn o nt ahhds

n o e phs hgthr„s, sh ngnthr„s hr omtnst„s ‗ w ng nt ns. E

omtnst„s, N foem. R o esofomt hhr ns fy peromts„ khnmt

pregtngo, w ng es e sopereto omtremgo rhum t o sn o

wnt e ntt o ress p eto moxt th nt. R o twh fn o hhrs

ero w oro wo nvo. R o sopereto et t et uso th o fy

crem et or„s mhw o hmcs th Keg em or efn y. Nt es

nts hwm omtremgo, oe nmc th t o h sorvemts„ stenrgeso.

Hknng em huc t t o un nmc w om o gefo th Ahm hmnm t o fn -sovomtnos th sot up ns rovh utnhmery ycnomng

omte surcory. @o wes egtue y nm h e go o rnty om-

tnst, eg nm t o ey. @o n e nmc hr Aeuromgo H nvnor

hmgo, em t et ro - oe o g ng w h wes nm R o Dnmc em

. S om Hknng em no snx yoers ech, Joetrngo Augn, w h ns

fy peromts„ oe omte murso em pregtngo femecor, wesnvhrgnmc Zeg o em Keg „s e , em wes strucc nmc th m

shfow oro th nvo. Wh fy peromts h oro or t o thp- hhr

Roxt © :<57 [hä Ferrnhtt

Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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 et et e g oep reto. R et wey t oy n m„t moo th whrry

e hut romtnmc nt th stremcors, hr hsnmc t onr ost ofp hyoo. Em shfo hw N cenmo e ost rnom nm t o prhgoss.

Mht t et Keg em fo worom„t rnom y o hro t et.

 So„ e weys chmo th t o sefo hkh, w ng wes ghh . Jut

hmgo s o fhvo nm, wo womt th t o sefo sg hh , thh ‗

t huc mht nm t o sefo g ess ‗ em wo sterto emcnmc

hut e t o tnfo. N supphso, nm e wonr wey, Keg o t oh o t et Hknng em o t. _mtn N cevo om h up e yoer ech

s o ovom uso th ghfo th fy fetg os em g oor fo hm,

n o Hknng em n .

‑S om yhur peromts cot eg , N„f sornhus y chnmc th

stert potntnhmnmc hr e n t,‖ Keg pemto , wrost nmc wnt

or s hppnmc ecs es s o womt up t o stenrs e oe h fo.

‑Wthp onmc e refe quoom,‖ N sen . N wes pemtnmc hr

roe , ut N mow Keg wes puttnmc nt hm. W o stn chos th

ereto twngo e woo em s o es fusg os hm or fusg os.

‑^hu rum up em hwm t`oso stenrs eaa t`o tnfo ihr trenm-

nmc. hu n o onmc t o ttost cnr nm sg hh .‖ Keg wncc o or eg sn o, nm nts purp o omnf fnmn-

s nrt, nm fy ego. ‑S y, t em yhu, gutno.‖

‑Nm yhur roefs, Augn,‖ N sen .

 Keg euc o n o N mow s o whu . N„f mht or typo.

 So cht th t`o thp hi t`o stenrs em Kegd pus`o hpom

t o hhr th or et. Nffo neto y t o sfo h thfeth,cer ng em fo tnmc g ooso rus o hut em fe o fy

fhut wetor.

Roxt © :<57 [hä Ferrnhtt

Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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‑@ff. Aesecmo…‖ N sen . N s hvo fy ec nmth t o

ntt o gup her moxt th t o hhr, t om tho fy trenmorsh em put t of nm thh. Jht Zeg o em or fuf ero

moet roe s em yhu hm„t kust rhp yhur stu w orovor

nm t onr p ego.

_m oss yhu„ro Keg . W o umc or s hu or ec em

s hppnmc ecs egrhss t o rhhf hmth t o sh e, ng o h

or em o hhts nm hpphsnto nrogtnhms em phnmto hmoh or s hrt, eg -ph ns o mcormen s et fo. ‑Bhm„t ovom

t nm e hut nt, Fnfn. hu ero mht ghfnmc hut wnt fo n

yhu evo cer ng roet .‖

‑Jut N evom„t oetom emyt nmc snmgo roe est. N ghu

rus fy toot twngo,‖ N h oro .

‑Mh. So hm„t evo tnfo. ^hu evom„t ovom mns o

yhur ghstufo yot. So„ro nm em hut, HD8 Fey o Zeg o „

put shfo nm t o rn co hr yhu.‖

‑^hu„ro oert oss.‖

‑An o t et„s mows th emyhmo. Wthp w nmnmc.‖

Zeg o ph o or oe hut h t o ntg om, e ecuotto nmor em . W o phnmto nt et Keg . \hnmtnmc ns e Augn- efn y

t nmc. Joetrngo hos nt thh, hm y s o„s usue y h nmc e

s erp omte nmstrufomt, sh nt„s ghmsn ore y sgernor.

‑Ero yhu u ynmc Fnh ecenm8‖ Zeg o ofem o . R o

werf anc`t irhf t`o dntg`om fe o `or peao rhwm sdnm

c hw, em or hmc, th oo-gh huro enr ‗ t o sefo gh hures Keg „s o hro s o oeg o nt ‗ c oef. Keg em Zeg o „s

crem fht or wes rhf Jer e hs, w ng foems t oy

Roxt © :<57 [hä Ferrnhtt

Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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ht evo em efeznmc e -yoer-rhum ch om tem. _m n o

fo. Egghr nmc th t o femce N roe , n N nvo nm Kepem, fymeture y pe o s nm whu o thte y soxy. W efo nt hm y

ghumts es pesty nm t o _D.

‑Mh,‖ Keg sen .

‑ os.‖ N n fy pntn u oxprossnhm. ‑W o whm„t ot fo

evo emy nmmor.‖

Jo nm trom y squero c essos, Zeg o merrhwo oroyos et or snstor. ‑N yhu„ro t nm nmc h ovo hpnmc em

oetnmc nshr or, yhu„ ottor mhw rnc t mhw t et N wn

nmtorvomtnhm yhur ess hii, Kegquoanmo.‖ Zeg`oa ns e cre u-

eto psyg h hcy stu omt. W o n os th whr t et nmth t o

ghmvorsetnhm es h tom es s o gem.

‑H , sevo nt,‖ Keg sen , yewmnmc hr o ogt. ‑So„ro kust

nm e rus , t et„s e . So„vo cht e perty th ch th.‖

Zeg o „s oyos merrhwo ovom fhro. ‑Fr em Frs

 ^efeth n m„t sey emyt nmc e hut e perty.‖

‑Nt„s e rnc t,‖ N sen , p eynmc chh ghp. ‑R oy h

mhw e hut nt. Nt„s em om -h -torf, emgy- ross nsght nmc. Em , th o enr, t oro„ prh e y o stu th oet

t oro emywey.‖

Zeg o „s suspngnhus hh oeso nm t o ego h fy sfn o.

N h e vory chh nmmhgomt sfn o. Joetrngo em Zeg o hvo

nt. R oy t nm N„f e Wwoot Mhrfe Cnr em e \hsntnvo

Nm uomgo hm Cht Zo o Keg . \hhr meèvo e nos.‑Jut N ghh o ,‖ Zeg o sen , costurnmc wnt t o roe

ece m.

Roxt © :<57 [hä Ferrnhtt

Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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‑N„f sh shrry. N n m„t roe nzo,‖ N sen . R o nstross nm

fy vhngo wes roe . Zeg o „s esecmo ns mht th o segrn gonc t y. ‑Ghu wo werf nt up etor8 N„ eto nt th ch th


‑So‗oo … e rnc t.‖ Zeg o s ht Keg e s erp hh .

‑Jut yhur gur ow ns stn nm o ogt, em n yhu„ro ovom vo

fnmutos eto, N n  ge Fht or.‖

 Keg cu po . Joetrngo wes te nmc e vemteco h fyperomts„ trnp th omkhy e ro exnmc woo h orso , nm e

pefpornmc spe nm Ghrmwe . W o„ o t t et fhrmnmc. N

s`o `e th suriego irhf `or `ht fu et` th oea wnt`

 Keg , t oro whu o ghmsoquomgos. R o nm t et fe o

omte troetfomt hh n o kh y chh um.

‑N„ fe o suro wo„ro hfo o hro o ovom,‖ N sen , ynmc

t rhuc fy toot .

Zeg o wes sques nmc nm e pert-tnfo kh erhum or

stu nos em Keg e th fo t et or snstor e oom

up et stvo-t`nrty t`o pest t`roo fhrmnmcs. W`o whua o

oe th t o whr y tom4 e mug oer hf - est whu kust fe o or futtor em pu e pn hw hvor or oe .

‑Chh .‖ Zeg o sterto th ch nmth t o ntg om, t om

turmo eg . ‑@oy, w et ero yhu chnmc es8‖

‑N„f e Ienry Cht fht or,‖ Keg sen , strn nmc e phso.

‑Whfo hw N cuosso t et hmo,‖ Zeg o rew o . ‑N

foemt Fnh.‑H , N„f chnmc es em emnfo g eregtor,‖ N sen . ‑Zu ne

rhf J oeg . N„f chnmc th woer fy h om h umn hrf.‖

Roxt © :<57 [hä Ferrnhtt

Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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Zeg o rhwmo . ‑Bhosm„t t et g eregtor woer e swhr 8‖

‑N„vo cht fy whh om pregtngo hmo,‖ N sen ge f y.Nt wes truo. N n evo nt.

N kust wesm„t chnmc th woer nt th t o perty t et mnc t.

Roxt © :<57 [hä Ferrnhtt

Ghvor naaustretnhm © :<52 Aerry Zhstemt

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‑Kepemoso fyt`hahcy foots urjem ewoshfomoss (emb

e swhhm-whrt`y rhfemgo!). R`o Mnc`t Ntsoai  geptnvetob fo.‖ 

A. E. Soet`oray, eut`hr hi t`o Emcoa trnahcy 

h s e whm or u orh mo w h rof m o fo h shfo

 hi fy ievhurnto supor`orh g`eregtors, emb `or ghmmogtnhm

wnt` W`nmhju ns thug`nmc emb joanovejao. R`o Kepemoso

fyt`hahcy wes roiros`nmc, emb N ejshautoay gemmht went ihr

t`o moxt jhhd nm t`o sornos!‖

Derom Fe`hmoy, eut`hr hi R`o Nrhm Sntg` Rrnahcy

em    e mc h s

‑E joeutniua, ewo-nmspnrnmc rnbo t`rhuc` em nghmng Ahmbhm

embsgepo `erjhurnmc oxtrofoay bemcorhus sogrots. R`o Mnc`t

Ntsoa  ns e iemtestng jaomb hi Kepemoso ihad teao emb twomty-st rst-

gomtury t`rnaaor, phpuaetob jy g`eregtors yhu wnaa jo rhhtnmc ihr

e ovory roe oss s op.

e y hrem, eu hr h om fhmc s

‑N ioaa nm ahvo wnt` sessy, ghurecohus, wnso-gregdnmc

Fnh irhf peco hmo.‖

ut` Serjurthm, eut`hr hi R`o Snmtor Rrnahcy 

\ Z E N W O I H Z