The Myth of Christianity

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  • 8/14/2019 The Myth of Christianity


    The Myth of Christianity

    Since my last entry, I have spent much time reading about the


    Of civilization as far back as the garden of Eden, Adam & Eve,

    which were generic names rather than personal names. I read

    about the tribal migrations from Eden in the area of what is now

    Afghanistan through Mesopotamia (modern Iraq and Iran) over

    the millennia. I read how the tribes split into different factions

    to eventually create the different dynasties of upper Egypt and

    lower Egypt. Upper Egypt were followers of Taurus but when

    this age turned into Aries they didnt want to accept this, unlike

    the dynasty of lower Egypt which did causing conflict and aneventual split with upper Egypt and eventual exodus. Leader

    (Pharaoh) was called the Sheppard king, as leader of the

    followers of Aries. The biblical authors noted him as simply a

    shepherd, in order to distance themselves from any association

    to being originally Egyptian themselves (not slaves).

    Pharaohs had numerous names or designations; the leader of the

    first exodus was Jacob. The Hebrews would eventually return to

    try and re-establish their claim to the Egyptian throne, only tofail. This leader/Pharaoh was either Moses or his brother Aaron.

    The secondary reason for this exodus was that Aaron was in

    actual fact the Pharaoh Akhenaton, who had tried to rid Egypt

    of their multiple gods and establish worship of just one deity,

    Amun Ra (creator) or sun god.

    This becomes the origin of the Hebrew/Jewish singular and

    wrathful god, Yahweh. From Moses and Aaron develops the

    lineage of Kings and leaders of the Priesthood through thecenturies, including King David, Solomon, Samuel, Samson

    etc. We eventually reach around 7 BC and the historical Jesus,

    not a carpenter (mistranslation) but a adept of the ancient art of

    Sacred Geometry, and Astrology. He is the last of the Pharoanic

    line from king David, who, as a member of the Essenes tries to

    claim his birthright in place of the puppet king Herod put in

    place by the Romans. To help achieve this end, he attempts to

    fulfil the Messianic prophesy, by having himself crucified and

    rise from the dead. He persuades Judas, one of his actualbrothers, to betray him. Jesus is revived and spirited away.

  • 8/14/2019 The Myth of Christianity


    His wife Mary, the Magdalene escapes to Gaul with their

    children and eventually establishes the Merovingian ruling


    Jesus retains his royal status, but still tries to undermine theroman presence, but eventually is killed during the Jewish

    revolt when the Jewish nation is dispersed and/or sold into

    slavery and the holy temple destroyed. During the early days of

    Jesus ministry, he is persecuted by a man called Saul. He is a

    Jewish official in the pay of the Romans but turns out to be a

    turncoat. He infiltrates himself with Jesus followers, proclaims

    himself a disciple and renames himself Paul. Falling out with

    the original disciples and his life in danger he decides to

    emigrate preaching his own version of the Christian doctrine.

    He eventually ends up in Rome, changes his name again to

    become Josephus, the historian, and chronicles a somewhat

    slanted view of Jesus and his period in history. Paul eventually

    falls foul of the Roman persecution of the early Christians and

    is executed as Paul.

    Eventually, Roman civilization begins to decline, but the

    growing disharmony of the different Christian sects threatens to

    de-stabilize roman society. Emperor Constantine, whos wife

    has become Christian, decides that the writing is on the wall forthe Roman belief systems and bullies the various Christian

    Bishops around what is left of the Roman Empire, to convene a

    special council and establish a common set of gospels, losing

    some that showed women as spiritual leaders and doctoring

    others to ensure a male dominated religion.

    Much of the mythology of the Christian miracles was

    established at this time, including the nativity, the virgin birth

    etc. Jesus original ministry and teachings of personal spiritualgrowth was dismissed or obfuscated, and the myth of dying for

    the sins of the world created in its place. A later Emperor was

    even quoted as saying that Jesus original message was


    The main reason for Emperor Constantines adoption of

    Christianity was to strengthen his own powerbase against other

    would be emperors to become the first Holy Roman Emperor.

    In effect he was probably the the first Pope in all but name.

  • 8/14/2019 The Myth of Christianity


    It would appear that the Roman empire never really ended, it

    just changed its name.

    All the above is an extremely abbreviated account of

    information gleaned from various books and authors. Theseauthors, including Sir Laurence Gardener, are the ones who

    have done the real work and research. They have compiled their

    information from many of the recently unearthed ancient scrolls

    and clay tablets with actual histories written in cuneiform script,

    and many other sources.

    I find it more and more irritating when I hear various church

    leaders pontificating about the teachings of Jesus and speaking

    about god as a person. We are all in charge of our own spiritual

    evolution; we dont need someone preaching about what weshould do to be a good person. All we need to know is do as

    you will, as long as it harms none.

    I find what I have read about the real history underlying the

    myth of the Bible makes more sense than what I was educated

    to believe was true as a child. It is for yourselves to make up

    your own mind.


    July 2008