The Mycelium of European Culture

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  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    The Mycelium of European CultureJoannes Richter ( jwr47)

    The European Loess Deposits as a Mycelium

    Loess is one of the most fertile soil categories and farmers very early may have marked these areas by names such as “nderground! (“"ell!# res$ectively in %rench “&nfer!)'

    hey may have chosen this name# because they knew something in the underground soil activatedfertility and growth# but they couldnt e*$lain it with $lain wisdom and sim$ly called it “hell!'

    his name $robably had been given in $rehistoric eras before +hristianity altered the “hell!,conce$t

     by doom and an*iety'-fter the .ce,age the loess belt develo$s a fertile# living humus layer and behaves like mycelium#which is the vegetative $art of a fungus# consisting of a mass of branching# thread,like hy$hae' 

    %ungal colonies com$osed of mycelium are found in and on soil  and many other substrates' - mycelium may be minute# forming a colony that is too small to see# or itmay be e*tensive/'

    0f course we know it is not really a mycelium# but as an invisible track it must be considered as anunderground element' 1ome “hell!,related attributes are shared between the loess,belt and amycelium2

    • he mycelium belts may be as e*tensive as the loess belt'• 3oth belts may be considered as misunderstood# unknown# invisible and a secret'

    hese characteristics suggest to consider the loess belt as a Mycelium of European Culture...

    / Mycelium

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    Is the loess belt really one of the largest organisms alive?

    . dont know# but the mycelial mats on which &uro$ean culture grew e*tended from aset of fertile soils or one singular fertile continental belt'

    $ to now . had found some tracks of branching# thread,like hy$hae , long# branching filamentousstructure of a fungus'

    y journey was like following a track like a $athfinder and now . traced the mushroom trail to aconcentrated colony'

    0f course the mycelial mats . searched are found in the underground' 5e cannot identify thismechanism without digging with a s$ade' 0r we must look for some mushrooms to find the fairyring which may be identified more easily'''

    %airy rings may grow to over /6 metres ( ft) in diameter# and they become stable over time as the fungus grows and seeks food underground' %airy rings are detectable bys$orocar$s in rings or arcs# as well as by a necrotic 8one (dead grass)# or a ring of dark 

    green grass'

    %ungus mycelium is $resent in the ring or arc underneath' 9'

    :es# this was the behavior . needed for my model' he mushroom is the visible cor$us of the fungusmycelium'

    .n fungi# the sporocarp (also known as fruiting body or fruit body) is a multicellular structure on which s$ore,$roducing structures# such as  basidia or asci# are borne' hefruiting body is $art of the se*ual $hase of a fungal life cycle'''

    Just like the fungus the  Hell-roads  are s$reading in the soil' %rom an agricultural view$ointsuccessful agriculture is based on a symbiotic coo$eration with a soil# es$ecially with loess soils'

    he "ell,roads as we identify them are the mushrooms we may observe ; even a long time after thesymbiotic coo$eration had lost its activity'''

    -bundant worldwide# most fungi are incons$icuous because of the small si8e of their structures# and their cry$tic lifestyles in soil# on dead matter'

    hey are both symbionts of $lants# animals# or other fungi and also  $arasites' hey may become noticeable when fruiting# either as mushrooms or as molds'

    %ungi $erform an essential role in the decom$osition of organic matter and havefundamental roles in nutrient cycling and e*change in the environment'

    he fungi . saw became traceable and visible to the naked eye in

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    hats true' . felt like a mushroom hunter  and as a mushroom hunter . found some “Rues d&nfer!#Rues de l&nfer!'

    . knew they behaved like attractive mushrooms and sometimes their mycelium had lost most of itsactivity# where the farmers werent careful enough to follow the rules of $rofessional loess farmingand lost the last centimeters of $recious “sana terra! (“sound earth!)' 0f course the $rofessionalfarming had to be learned by doing by handling some unknown infernal material named terra sana'

    1ome of the $recious layers of the loess belt disa$$eared and were to be worn out forwever' 0ther loess reserves have been lost in rivers by erosion or had been blown away by the wind'

    3ut lots of the loess belt are still active and fertile ever since the .ce -ges' . understood these livinglayers as . dug into the de$th of

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    French-spoken Attributes

    Google Maps

    .n order to clearly document the mycelial mats . started a new $roject in a

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    The “Sana Terra” (“healthy land”) - label

    0riginally the “rue d&nfer!,label had not been used from the beginning' he first records wereRoman re$orts'

    Julius +aesar aimed to occu$y this soil' "is main concern may have been to occu$y areas with

    o$timal agricultural fertility'3ut why did he need the com$lete

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    aesar!s strategy

    . also investigated +aesars +ommentarii de 3ello ss,?e$ots=,_Somme,_Somme

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    he “rue d&nfer!,markers and the “rue de l&nfer!,markers significantly differ both in their @gram,statistics and in their geogra$hical distribution'

    #" $he Santerre Mar%ers &mar%ed as red stars and the yello( rue'd'Enfer mar%ers

    Copied subset from my )oogle*map + ue d'Enfer

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    .n the ma$ +Rue d&nfer  the gray sector sketches the outline of 1anterre' he density of the local1anterre,arkers is higher than the “ ue d'Enfer !,markers on a &uro$ean scale

    -dditionally the ma$ documents some of the “globally distributed! yellow rued&nfer,markers#which also s$read somewhat to the southeast direction'

    .n this ma$ . restricted to ue de l'Enfer*markers for route . and route ..' he slight differences in

    naming conventions between “ ue d'Enfer ! and “ ue de l'Enfer may indicate these attributes have been labeled at another time or have been introduced for different reasons'

     ue'd'Enfer ,attributes seem to label fertile soils' .n contrast the  ue de l'Enfer*markers may labeltrading routes# which are s$litting u$ at the gray marker -ell*hole (“$rou d'Enfer)S'

    S rou d&nfer# BS9/

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    "hase #$ “%&e d!'nfer” and “%&e de l!'nfer”-marers

    he 1anterre,area includes the s$lit,u$ of route . and route .. to the -tlantic coast' .n this ma$ .used (4S) dark yellow stars to highlight the s$ecial “Rue de l&nfer!,markers for there routes . and..'

    /" 01er1ie( of the +ue d'Enfer, +rue de l'Enfer and +l'Enfer*mar%ers

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    "hase $ The *ell-Marers (“%&e d!'nfer”)

    . highlighted the rose,colored outline for the most freCuent (7A) Rue d&nfer,labels which coversmost of the %rench $lains' his is an area,filling outline# which may document a full,grownmaturity level of high,density (+eltic F) agriculture'

    .n the south only one singular l&nfer,marker may be found at the e*treme southern coast of %rance'

    his is an unusual entry $oint for a culture which in the north has been eCui$$ed with so manyattributes'

    -lso . noted an eCuivalent marker “les Enfers! near @antes' hese “ Enfers!,locations may have been e*it $oints as terminals at the border lines or e*it $oints for the subterranean “"ell!,routes' 0f course these border $oints also may have marked tem$orary border $oints'

    hese labels are being inter$reted as if they were eCuivalent to the “"ellweg!,markers we found in

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    "hase +$ The *ell-Marers (“,!'nfer”)

    1cattered over the %rench section of

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    The #ell-road in $aris

    .n aris the develo$ment of the "ell,road may be inter$reted from the chronologically orderedhistorical ma$s/6'

    here are three “"ell!,markers . found in the inner structure of the city of aris'

    • he Rue d&nfer initially has been documented in the ma$ $ublished /E6 (by avernier)'• he 3arriere d&nfer ("ell,barrier) has been documented first in /7AS (Tidal de La 3lache)' • he -venue d&nfer ("ell avenue) has been documented first in the /A/B (+ollin) ma$'

    he s$elling for the Rue d&nfer varies between2

    • Rue de %er#• Rue ?enfers#• Rue d&nfer and

    • Rue d&nfers'

    hese forms for s$elling Rue d&nfer will also be found in the large ma$ of %rance' his may have been caused by local s$elling variants' he original etymology understood the name as 1ia inferior 

    (Latin for Usubterranean road“//)# but understood Ulower street“# which is Ualmost correct“'he original “"ell!,street had been located near and in $arallel the north,south oriented +ardo,a*is of the oldcity# but initially started from the outskirts (e*tended to “%aubourg 1aint ichel!) of the southern main southernroad “Rue 1aint,JacCues“ towards @antes'

    he 3arriere d&nfer and the -venue d&nfer later have been derived from this Rue d&nfer , 1ia inferior & Usubterranean road“)# which suggests that aris also was a $art of the loess, mycelium and in fact this city still islocated in between the richest and largest west,&uro$ean $lain of loess,de$osits we may identify on the 9667# Ne( European Loess Map'

    /6 ?ie Rue d&nfer als "ellweg auf der "au$tachse von aris (9/'9'96/E)// 5iki$edia2 Rue de la "ar$e

      5" Rue d'Enfer - #5/6 &Sau1é,_Paris_en_1789_-_Hipkiss.jpg,_Paris_en_1789_-_Hipkiss.jpg,_Paris_en_1789_-_Hipkiss.jpg

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


      7" Rue d'Enfer - ca. #528 &9oisseau

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    Dutch-spoken Attributes

    he number of grains harvested divided by the number of grains sown indicates thefertility of a soil' .n the icardie this number is 96'

    -ntoine Lavoisier noted this fact in /7A72 -griculture in most !rench $rovinces can beseen as a $roducer of cereals'

    -verages seemed to oscillate between 4 and E to /# a return which can be eCuated toabout 7,S CuintalsGhectare' 0nly in the most fertile regions# such as icardy# a farmer might obtain returns of around 96 $er hectare ''' /9#

    hus# this area (the icardie) is very fertile and mainly dedicated to large*scale cereal agriculture (966 hectares and above at a time)'

    0f course . could check the northern %rench loess,de$osits in the illustrative high,resolution ma$

    in the web'/

    1outhward from the most fertile Santerre,region the soil became less fertile and the number of “"ell!,labels decreased' . noticed the “Rue d&nfer!,“mushrooms! vanished along with the loess,de$osits'

    0f course the mountainous areas also seemed to be de$rived of any “Rue d&nfer!,labels for their minimal density of $o$ulation# but the loess,Cuality also varied from location to location and thefertility may gradually deteriorate from the north to the south' 5here do we find o$timal fertilityF0f course it is found in'''' “1ana erra!V'

     @orthward from the most fertile 1anterre ; beyond the language barrier , the deteriorating loess belts e*tended for some distance# but did not really reach the @etherlands' 0nly a few section isfound near aastricht# where the euse is to be crossed at the old (Roman) bridge'

    /9 easantry and 1ociety in %rance 1ince /7AS/ 9667# Ne( European Loess Map. "elmholt8 +entre for &nvironmental Research# Lei$8ig# 

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    he loess band covering &uro$e from west towards east had been identified as a seeminglyunlimited source for fertility' -nd . e*$ected to find some $roof for my thesis that “"ell!,markershad to be found all along the loess,band'

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    omparison of ,oess deposits and “*ell”-labels

    he com$arison between Loess de$osits and “"ell!,labels in %rench,s$oken territories is Cuiteim$ressive# but this is only the beginning'''

    0f course 3elgium has some loess# but today# com$aring the colored sections in the loess ma$#these reserves are less or com$arable than the fertile icardic territory they had lost to the %renchem$ire2

    %rom the Bth century the area was $art of the %rankish &m$ire' ?uring this time# thename a$$lied to all lands where the icard language was s$oken# which included all theterritories from aris to the  @etherlands' %rom /4/S onwards# the icardy counties(3oulogne# onthieu# -miens# Termandois) were gradually acCuired by the 3urgundianduke hili$ the

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    . checked the small areas at the southside of the city of -ntwer$# where the (in this ma$ bright,yellow colored) loess,de$osits had been concentrated at both sides of the 1chelde river'

    -nd yes# of course these de$osits had their own “"ell!,markers named “"ellestraat!' . knew the“mushrooms! and the loess,mycelium  had been e*tended beyond the %renchG?utch language


    #/" Ne( European Loess Map near 

     =nt(erp, 9elgium   # -ell*mar%ers near =nt(erp, 9elgium

      ##" $he 9elgian loess deposits and 9elgian

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    ,oess in the Netherlands

    .n a s$ecial re$ort/4 . investigated the rather unim$ressive amounts of the ?utch loess de$osits' .will not go into details and merely $ublish the main results2

    The %#elstraat&'&(ue d)Enfer&* the %#ellendaallaan&* the %#el+eg& en %The #el& rue “"ell!,markers have been found2

    • in aastricht at the "el$oort (“"ellgate!) and the “"elstraat!/B# which formerly had beennamed bilingual “"elstraat! Y “Rue d&nfer! simultaneously#

    • in 1ittard (the “"elstraat!)# in &$en the “"elberg! (“"ell,mountain!) and in southernLimburg the town named “"elle!'

    • in

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    1erman-spoken %#ell&-attributes

    ,oess in the German territories

    -s soon as the ?utch lowlands start rising at the borderline of the

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    The Westphalian #ell+eg 

    he main

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    The loess in the Magdeburg 23rde

    0ne of +harlemagnes successors# &m$eror 0tto .# founded agdeburg near a huge loess de$osit(the agdeburg 3>rde)' he Cuality of the loess de$osits in the agdeburg 3>rde  may even behigher than in the loess in the 1anterre area'

    0f course the modern city of agdeburg is $rovided with a “"ellestrasse! (“"ellstreet!)' -ndobviously the agdeburg loess belongs to the same mycelium which had started from the -tlanticcoast at the 1anterre 3>rde'

    .n fact the “aastricht ga$! the 9667 @ew &uro$ean Loess a$ “documents! never e*isted' hel>ss belt just crossed the rivers euse and Rhine and connected the west section to the east sectionof the “"ell!,road'

    3ut the

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    The southern 1erman #ell-roads

    he 9667 @ew &uro$ean Loess a$ also documents loess de$osits in the ?anube valley and of course also these de$osits had to be checked for "ell,attributes'

    . found a series of the “"ellweg!,markers# which however had been modified for the local dialect'

    ost of the names are using the “">ll! or “"oll!,core' he “"all!,core usually is related to thesalt,mining and ,trading# and most of these “"all!,labels are found in the mountainous territories#where loess de$osits are absent or rare'

      #8" $he southern )erman -ell*roads

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    $olish-spoken %#ell&-attributes

    .n my studies . followed the loess belt u$ to the “ul' @a 0statnim

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    talian-spoken %#ell&-attributes

    he 9667 @ew &uro$ean Loess a$ also documents rather $oor loess de$osits at the foot of thesouthern side of the .talian -l$s'

    .ns$ection of these (4) locations also resulted in a few “"ell!,labels such as2 “Tia inferiore! (in the

    true sense of “underground road !)'%urther southwards . found some “Tia dell.nferno! as well# but in Livorno and 3ologna theyseemed to be too far away from the loess de$osits'

    he northern .talian territories had been occu$ied by the +is,-l$ine +eltic Lombards  (or Langobards)# but u$ to now . have no idea of the historically significance of these findings'

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture




  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


     Appendi, 4 List of %#ell&-papers


    • he @gram,1earch for the Rue d&nfer arkers (9B'9'96/E)

    • 1tatistics to the edieval "ell,Road 1ystem• +harlemagnes 1tate ; ade of ?ust• 0verview of "ellweg,$a$ers• he 1triking 1imilarity 3etween "ellweg,arkers and Loess,?e$osits• he "ellweg &nds at 3oth Lands &nds (%inistHre and %isterra)• he "ellweg to "olland , ublished 6S G /S G 966S


    • 0nechte en &chte "elweg,arkeringen (9B'9'96/E)•  @otities 3ij de &tymologie Tan "elweg# "eelweg# "el (0nderw' (9'9'96/E)• ?e "eelwegen (en -ndere "elwegen) in @ederland (99'9'96/E)• 1tatistieken Toor "et "elweg,systeem• ?e 1tructuur ?er "elwegen• +a$ita 1electa over de L>ssde$ots en de "elwegen

    in het %rankenrijk van +lovis en Warel de ssde$ots

    German• ?ie @gram,-nalyse %Dr ?ie "ellweg,arkierungen (9E'9'96/E)•  @oti8en Zum 3ericht U?ie L>],heorie ?es %reiherrn Ton Richth'' (9B'9'96/E)•  @oti8en Zur &tymologie Ton "ellweg# "eelweg# Rue d&nfer# ">lle'''' (9'9'96/E)• &ine -nomalie des "ellwegs in der @iederlande (9'9'96/E)• ?ie Rue d&nfer als "ellweg auf der "au$tachse von aris (9/'9'96/E)• ?er "ellweg .m %rankenreich• 1tatistiken Zum "ellweg -ls L>]haldenweg• ?ie 1truktur ?er "ellweg,Ternet8ung• `bersicht der "ellwegstudien• Tergleich der L>]ablagerungen und "ellwegen• ?er "ellweg als =L>]haldenweg=• ?ie Rekonstruktion des "ellwegs 0stende,%rankfurt (an der 0der) (B'/'96/E)• ?er "ellweg nach "olland , ublished 6S G /6 G 966S

  • 8/20/2019 The Mycelium of European Culture


    Table of ontents

    he &uro$ean Loess ?e$osits as a ycelium'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/.s the loess belt really one of the largest organisms aliveF'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''9

    %rench,s$oken -ttributes'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4rde'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''9/

    he southern