AUGUST rgoz 7c r 111 an1y 5th Cents to makcyourbebytronffand i W 1I A fifty cent bottle of- i Scott S Emulsion Will change s sJ kly1Jjbyio- plumprompJng a child Only one cinta day think OfW Jts as nice MS cream tiyiti9COTT 94J5Ie8t1 Stltet New Yor- ksacendayooa1idmggietL rrq 11 WOLFE COUNTY < lI1 IIIl i 1y I XIAMlTO- NjuUgeJ IV Congleton has sev eyed his connection with the firm of Vaughn fc Conglcton t Camp t0qf The business wilt be run In the name of Vaughn alone f he inwmjll belonging to our t Antebelum friend WmC Pryor facfttQd a few miles from Cainpton was turned > Aunt Polly Hollon wife of Un ¬ ole John Hollon of Hollys dan ¬ gerously U1at the Roma of her daughter Mrs Js A SewolK She is iota a of the oldest ft not the old stfperspn8 in that part of the county and is the mother of 1C children10 of whom are Hying HANSEL GREEN f F N Dayaiid wife are in daily anticipation of a Visit from their Son James Day of Midfapd Texas J8nd he eisa bare suspicion that ir he hopes to surprise them lay in ¬ troducing anewly l dccwired bride i Miss Rosalie BrpwnfotBradison villeKy will have charge of the primary department and Jas Compton of Woston Ohio will be- th first assistant teacher The i former will succeed Miss Mae Dav ¬ enport atil the latter will succeed Edward P Greene The wire of Jerry Childers of is ill of flux fStillwater It Vimont wife and Miss Florence Vimont WNClark of I 1t rJlilltVsburg and Mrs Philip Mail < riceof Flomingsiurg Allie Kerns 1 f wife and children jbf Moorefield JtPl t rbQ9 ofCarlisle JV D I lTayPUlbr c eb t Springss i i 1 I f fNOTlCt h- t f J M f J Master Commissioners Sittings iir I tV f > F 4 i yparties aIilth it tttirnoy s l are hereby notified that the tinder signed Cohiuiissioner of the Mont g gomery Circuit Court will begin > hissittings in tho following name L cases to wit t t BJrPeters Jrl vs JnpBotts tctcR > v i I JJr I 1 <fe L Association > G H Prather Administrator etc t jLY Lucy Knox etc D G Howell Administratoretc < i vs Phoebe Botts etc X19 R Maupins Administrator ss Iary Maupin etc Mrs SnTnii K iviiTiilF ArfTninis I trator etc vs Susan B Lane etc I aOn Monday August 18 1902 at > his ofllco in the Traders National tJ Bank buildiilg in Mt SterlingKy r t v for the purpose of taking proof F tilling of claims and making settle z li pnonteancl will adjourn from time j to tjnie until the same is concluded in each of said cases J CLA1 Coon 2 8t pastor Commissioner j t ManyI Jno James of Charleston Ill paidt t for broom c lnhands Employment canbegiyen from 1000 to 1200 l 10l i I himI f A Pine Tre- egypHQifry Biggs of Grassy sold to rS Alvin Hicks of Paris one log of a I t yellow popular j its length Is 12 1i < 1feet and diameter 08 inches and t contains 2368 feet itJohn i Jones Jr has acceptett a 1t v clerkship with Owens Ratliff the dry goods merchntatSharpsburg He succeeds Gay JJhrqut l t 5 j lIrW J MoWhorter has sold I the City blacksmith shop to Mr Fitzpatrickt 6Taylor i t v z T i Ef > t n l l < i 1- i i P i r1 1 < 7 i o y fk rtl r N 4 t d j r J c BjtZllatrj tS Sly A1t1 tni 1 i Old Trouble Said To Be The Cause TIpton TilteDf j j f To Lexington 1 I t J- On i I Monday morning about 8 o clock in the blacksmith shop Corgi nor Maysville and Locust streets a diillcUlt occurred between Artie I Fitzpatrickof this city and Sid A Tipton formerly of this place but now Lexington resulting in Tip I I ton being struck in the head with a pistol and shot one time in the side From reports it seems that the trouble dates back some years when Fitzpatricks father wasi I killed at a dance ia the country Tipton was accused of the < lolling i tried and acquitted It is the supposition that Fitzpatrick Cher- ished i ill feeling toward Tipton j Artie owns by recent purchase an interest in the shop and when 1 Tipton entered ordered him outi i One word brought on another I some saying that Tipton showed t violence He was again ordered to leave and was struck on the head with a pistol and shot once inI I the right side the bullet struck ItI rib and ranged around and was not located by physicians heiej I J before Tipton was taken tOLexlng tonFitzpatrick I surrendered was taken before Judge Hazelrigg I waived exumination gave bond InJ J the sum of 500 awaiting result of Tiptons wound tfnd teas releas ¬ ed oooaoooooawaaooooooooodooocod °° ° h 1 Does the Work Alone g i KEtS KAVTHA soar i- I You do not need soap pow I and dersor verylittle washing e compoundsi i if you uS9Fels 1need 1 the clothes and saving the I hands and the soap Five 1 I cents a cake t 100 cakes 4 50 by the box to mere z tehants 1 i ChilesThompson Grocery Co iooo >ooootioowooooo0oooootiooooooaooo BREAD TRUST In City of Mexico Will Charge Prices Mutually Agreed On muchd I i popular indignation over the for ¬ mation of a pool among the bakers of this city to raise the price of bread This trade is in the hands of half a dozen rich Spaniards who have signed an agreement t6 charge prices mutually agreed on The agreement is for two years This agreement is wholly unjus ¬ tified as the price of wheat has not altered in two yearswhile thetax es are the same The cost ofJiv ¬ ing for poor people and the lower middle class has boon increasing steadily and meat hasbcen rising for two years past AdmistratrixSah3 Grocery stock and fixtures for sale It is new clean and a popu ¬ lar stand Also a new and com- plete ¬ Undertakers Stock Horses wagons and Embalming outfit Must be sold Address M C Baum Administratrix or If Clay McKee Mt Sterling Ky Strayed or Stolen From my farm one mile from Mt Sterling on Monday night July 21 a roan mare 11 years olda long scare on hind leg between hock and pastern joint foretop cut off small scar on back j trots rough under saddle but well in har- ness ¬ I will pay a liberal reward for her return or information load- ing ¬ to her recoveryG B SWANGO Mt Sterling Ky To Heal H 0 Use Banner Salve the great healer Its ° guaranteed for outs wounds Bores piles and all skin diseases Use no substitute F0 Duerson Druggist r < 1 4 ivfa i l F deV k a f yFf 4 R uSr 1Y c SOtO HIS RESCUER TkbifbylzDatktrkiefiy PacingRlgJat Value qn His Own Life On a recent Sunday a large num ¬ oppositeDorval whore the ice had melted about the islands As the provincial legisla = tare enacted last year that though there should be 110 spring shootingof ducks it should nevertheless be law- ful ¬ to shoot biifflehead or pied ducks an excusewas given tea largenum her of individuals for disturbing the Sunday quietby the discharge of fire- arms ¬ Among other ardent sportsmen def termined upon killing any moving thing under the name of bufllehead was an excitable young Frenchman with an expensive gun anda fine Newfoundland dog By some strange fluke this man brought down a black duck on the ice on the other side of 50feet of water The dog after some delay and much screaming from his owner swam across the icecold water arid seized the duck Just as he did so the bird fluttered its wings and the Newfoundland re ¬ membering many a beating received for taking live poultry in his jaws at once dropped it and returned for fur their instructions The sportsman was enraged beyond measure by the laughter of his companions to whom he hadbragged a good deal about the retrieving qualities of his dog and he dealt two or three unmerciful blows with biggun at the animals head He was frantically cursing and at the same time feeling for a cartridge wherewith to kill the paor brute > when his feet slid off the block of ice he was standingupon and he fell into deep water T J Instantly the dog he had so shame- fully ¬ abused moment before sprang to the rescue of the drovning man and diving brought him to the sir face Then with great effort he got him within reachof his friends who helped him ashore None of the party appeared to think very much of the magnanimous achievement of the Newfoundland and after a good pull at a flask the gunner whose weapon was now at thebottom of the lake was paddled ashore and deject ¬ edly made his way toward the nearest houseTwo bank clerks who were passing on a Sunday morning tramp to church and who had witnessed the whole occurrence walked along with the Frenchman toward the little cot ¬ tage congratulating him on his es- cape One of the two remarked ns they neared the door lTdon >truppos4 many men have money enough to buy that dog from you now Ah yes was the unexpected ¬ ply from the man whoselifo he had just saved I sell him to you for one doltarandallalf Not too much eh Hees fine bit dog that one The bank clerk was taken aback for a moment and then produced three half dollars from his pocket which he handed l to the bedraggled one with the observation 1 guess you know the value of your life better than I do Ill take the dog but Ill be hanged if I didnt think a good deal more of his sense before you spoke than I do nowNY Sun Hens Hatching Fish Eggs According to the science column of a Gennan weekly par the hens of China lead busy lives When not engaged in hatching out a brood of their own kind they are put to the ad ¬ ditional and novel task of hatching fish eggs Chinese cheap labor col ¬ lects the spawn of fish from the w- aters ¬ edge and puteit in an empty egg shell which is then hermetically sealed with wax and placed under the unsuspecting and conscientious hen In a few days the eggshell is removed and the spawn which has been warmed into life is emptied into a shallow pool Here the fish that Jon develop are nursed until strong enough to be turned into a lake or stream Artificial Eyelashes Artificial eyelashes are artistically applied by a Parisian doctor With a fine needle threaded with human hair he patiently sews long lashes to the deficient eyelids and then they are symmetrically clipped Actressee and professional beauticsare his chief patrons A Gentleman A man may be every inch a gentle- man and not very tall at thatChi ¬ cago Daily News The letter 1L rAshould be dropped from the alphabet it makes men mean cago Daily News j i t tA I a T Y r f 1i J I y > > 0i i J > Ioi Y tx- w I IV J L0l1isircn1aefl a largo excursion business from July 31st to August 12th from all points on their line to the new Owensboro Chautauqua Nothing like it has ever como to Kentucky For twelve days the very best and most attractive Chautauqua feat- ures ¬ are to be placed in the beauti ¬ ful Seven Hills Park near Owens boro which is almost bounded by thispopular line of railway Every good taste has been catered to There will be popular lectures by Gen Gordon Gen Wheeler Dr MacArthur Gov Bob Taylor II W Sears Mrs Rorer of the La dies Home Journal Miss Ellen M Stone the ransomedmissionary Lieut Hobson Dr John MacNeil the Scottish Spurgeon and scores of others and Ivory day and every evening will be given a series of the most delightful entertainments con- sisting of everything from slight of hand and j jugglery to the high est class of popular music and mov ¬ lug pictures Farmers and their families will be especially interested in the COI- nIng of John M Stahl Secretary of the National Farmers Congress and every evening a great pyrotechnic display will be given by Ln Roses electric fountain two feet larger than the one shown at the Worlds FairRemember that the Henderson passengerline and complete information about the additional features of this assem ¬ bly through any of their agents or you can write to the Superintendent of the Chautauqua W G Archer Owensboro Kand he will send you a special booklet containing full information as to camping and I Using privileges and the complete programme L J IRWIN General Passenger Agent II PWMEilWAIN DENTIST flin lPsfnfs In tJn pomery Tfaifonat Tank SJuitettny Phone 122 MT STERLING KY dl4eeo Yellowstone Park Excursion Under auspices of American Tourist Association special train of Pullman sleepers and dining cars August Oth date of depart- ure ¬ Twenty days trip Stops made at Salt Lick City Colorado Springs Denver and other points Tickets include allexpenses Strictly firstclass Itinerary and rulll particulars free A A GALIAUHKK D P A Missouri Pacific Ry i9 Walnut St Cincinnati Ohio Htv t Atlantic City Excursion The last excursion of the season will be run to Atlantic City trom Lexington and Central Kon tucky points Thursday August llvia the Chesapeake tL Ohio Railway and Washington D C The round trip rate will be 14 from Lexington Winchester and Mt Sterling and correspondingly low rates will be made from other Central Kentucky points Tickets will be good returning 12 days from date of sale Throughsleepers will be run from Lexington for which tho berth rate will be 4 This excursion will permit a visit to New York at very little exppnse Atlantic City is the largest re sort on the Atlantic coast anda great variety of recreation and amusement can be found there to gether with the best hotel accorao dations to be hind Full information and sleeping car reservations will be made on application to GKO W BAKNEY AgtI Ky 2 3tM 4J < c i LM io i b 1 OhilesTkonnfpsbh1 Gr oceryGo Wholesale I Grocers and Seed Merchants No 11 S Maynrifle St Mt Sterling X7 I ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS I S ClubNatural WnJ r c rS rrncr i J BOYS AND GIRLS FITTED FOR COLLEGE a- s By taking the complete cftursoin our OI1D Z SCHOOL The course of study has been so enlarged that the graduates from bur school now serve two years in taking a College Course v I We can accommodate thirtY or fort y pupils outside the district For terms etc apply to W H STROSSMAN JR SECUETART 3atNHI f f FPS F MOV3ftJlIDS rAm fllty r r8 OTHtR IlffOR6TIYf PIIEllHIHIlRV 8 foil DAIIlI I l IVFRYBQD71GRrRLOGUt R DUG D k l5 GOMING flOW HenDY Nil 1 OllllPPLICATIOtl motes u 1 AN UPTODATE f i MAr OF KENTUCKY i iplnted In five colors containing the latest census reports giving every postofflce and railroad station handsome and durable 36x41 Inches The reverse side contains a map ol tlje United States and the world with helpful Information Jt is infade to sell for 100 GIVEN AWAY FREE To every subscriber for The Morning Herald The Leading Daily of the Blue Grass You also get a beautiful photograph with every Sunday Issue THE WAY TO GET ONE Send in your subscription with chock for THREE DOLLARS name and address and the map will be sent promptly This offer is good for two weeks only Subscribe Utility J6CO poi Year ui 5300 fur nix i months In advance THE LEXINGTON PUBLISHING CO Printery Building Lexington Ky II A 1I01 N cIiSL 1 iA I TERAJI f i t If you want to Onvl a KbotS bomo In Texas where Vjlir crops are raised and whore plonleproiper write foracopy of ourvhandtorao booklets lloaies In ilie South- west and Through Ttkaswlth anybody condition 1 t

The Mt. Sterling advocate. (Mt. Sterling, KY) 1902-08 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71vh5cd146/data/1097.pdfF tilling of claims and making settle zli pnonteancl will adjourn from time j to

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Page 1: The Mt. Sterling advocate. (Mt. Sterling, KY) 1902-08 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71vh5cd146/data/1097.pdfF tilling of claims and making settle zli pnonteancl will adjourn from time j to


7cr 111

an1y 5th Centsto makcyourbebytronffand

i W 1I A fifty cent bottle of-i

Scott S EmulsionWill change s sJ kly1Jjbyio-

plumprompJnga childOnly one cinta day think

OfW Jts as nice MS creamtiyiti9COTT

94J5Ie8t1 Stltet New Yor-ksacendayooa1idmggietLrrq 11


< lI1 IIIli1y I XIAMlTO-

NjuUgeJ IV Congleton has seveyed his connection with the firm

of Vaughn fc Conglcton t Campt0qf The business wilt be run Inthe name of Vaughn alone

fhe inwmjll belonging to ourt

Antebelum friend WmC PryorfacfttQd a few miles from Cainptonwas turned


Aunt Polly Hollon wife of Un ¬

ole John Hollon of Hollys dan ¬

gerously U1at the Roma of herdaughter Mrs Js A SewolK Sheis iota a of the oldest ft not the oldstfperspn8 in that part of the

county and is the mother of 1C

children10 of whom are Hying


F N Dayaiid wife are in dailyanticipation of a Visit from theirSon James Day of Midfapd Texas

J8nd he eisa bare suspicion thatir he hopes to surprise them lay in ¬

troducing anewlyl dccwired bridei

Miss Rosalie BrpwnfotBradisonvilleKy will have charge of theprimary department and JasCompton of Woston Ohio will be-

th first assistant teacher Theiformer will succeed Miss Mae Dav ¬

enport atil the latter will succeedEdward P Greene

The wire of Jerry Childers ofis ill of fluxfStillwater

It Vimont wife and MissFlorence Vimont WNClark of

I 1t rJlilltVsburg and Mrs Philip Mail< riceof Flomingsiurg Allie Kerns

1 f wife and children jbf Moorefield

JtPl t rbQ9 ofCarlisle JV DI lTayPUlbrc

eb t Springssi i1

I f

fNOTlCt h-



Master Commissioners Sittingsiir I tV

f > F4 i yparties aIilth it tttirnoy s

l are hereby notified that the tindersigned Cohiuiissioner of the Mont

g gomery Circuit Court will begin> hissittings in tho following name

L cases to wit tt BJrPeters Jrl vs JnpBottstctcR >v i

IJJrI 1 <fe L Association> G H Prather Administrator etc

t jLY Lucy Knox etcD G Howell Administratoretc

<i vs Phoebe Botts etcX19 R Maupins Administrator

ss Iary Maupin etcMrs SnTnii K iviiTiilF ArfTninisI

trator etc vs Susan B Lane etcI aOn Monday August 18 1902 at

>his ofllco in the Traders NationaltJ Bank buildiilg in Mt SterlingKy

r t vfor the purpose of taking proofF tilling of claims and making settle

zli pnonteancl will adjourn from timej to tjnie until the same is concluded

in each of said casesJ CLA1 Coon

2 8t pastor Commissionerj

tManyIJno James of Charleston Illpaidttfor broom c lnhands Employmentcanbegiyen from 1000 to 1200



A Pine Tre-egypHQifry Biggs of Grassy sold to

rS Alvin Hicks of Paris one log of a

I t yellow popular j its length Is 12


<1feet and diameter 08 inches andt contains 2368 feet

itJohni Jones Jr has acceptett a1t v clerkship with Owens Ratliff the

dry goods merchntatSharpsburgHe succeeds Gay JJhrqutl

t5j lIrW J MoWhorter has sold

I the City blacksmith shop to MrFitzpatrickt6Taylori tv



i Ef >t


ll < i

1- ii P i r1 1 < 7 io y fk rtl r

N 4 t dj r J


BjtZllatrj tS

Sly A1t1 tni1


Old Trouble Said To Be The

Cause TIpton TilteDfj jf

To Lexington 1 It




Monday morning about 8

o clock in the blacksmith shop Corgi

nor Maysville and Locust streetsa diillcUlt occurred between Artie I

Fitzpatrickof this city and Sid ATipton formerly of this place butnow Lexington resulting in Tip


ton being struck in the head witha pistol and shot one time in theside From reports it seems thatthe trouble dates back some yearswhen Fitzpatricks father wasiIkilled at a dance ia the countryTipton was accused of the <lolling i

tried and acquitted It is thesupposition that Fitzpatrick Cher-



ill feeling toward Tipton j

Artie owns by recent purchasean interest in the shop and when


Tipton entered ordered him outii

One word brought on anotherI

some saying that Tipton showed t

violence He was again orderedto leave and was struck on thehead with a pistol and shot once inII

the right side the bullet struck ItI

rib and ranged around and wasnot located by physicians heiej



before Tipton was taken tOLexlng


surrendered wastaken before Judge Hazelrigg I

waived exumination gave bond InJJ

the sum of 500 awaiting resultof Tiptons wound tfnd teas releas ¬


oooaoooooawaaooooooooodooocod °°°

h1 Does the Work Alone g

i KEtS KAVTHA soar i-

II You do not need soap pow I



e compoundsiiif you uS9Fels


the clothes and saving the

I hands and the soap Five 1

Icents a cake t 100 cakes

4 50 by the box to mereztehants 1 i

ChilesThompson Grocery Co

iooo >ooootioowooooo0oooootiooooooaooo


In City of Mexico Will Charge

Prices Mutually Agreed On

muchdI i

popular indignation over the for ¬

mation of a pool among the bakersof this city to raise the price ofbread This trade is in the handsof half a dozen rich Spaniards whohave signed an agreement t6 chargeprices mutually agreed on Theagreement is for two years

This agreement is wholly unjus ¬

tified as the price of wheat has notaltered in two yearswhile thetaxes are the same The cost ofJiv ¬

ing for poor people and the lowermiddle class has boon increasingsteadily and meat hasbcen risingfor two years past

AdmistratrixSah3Grocery stock and fixtures for

sale It is new clean and a popu ¬

lar stand Also a new and com-


Undertakers Stock Horseswagons and Embalming outfitMust be sold Address M CBaum Administratrix or If ClayMcKee Mt Sterling Ky

Strayed or StolenFrom my farm one mile from Mt

Sterling on Monday night July21 a roan mare 11 years oldalong scare on hind leg betweenhock and pastern joint foretopcut off small scar on back j trotsrough under saddle but well in har-ness


I will pay a liberal rewardfor her return or information load-ing


to her recoveryGB SWANGO

Mt Sterling Ky

To HealH 0

Use Banner Salve the great healerIts ° guaranteed for outs woundsBores piles and all skin diseasesUse no substitute

F 0 Duerson Druggistr

< 14

ivfa i l F deVk a f

yFf 4

R uSr 1Y



TkbifbylzDatktrkiefiy PacingRlgJatValue qn His Own Life

On a recent Sunday a large num¬

oppositeDorvalwhore the ice had melted about theislands As the provincial legisla =

tare enacted last year that thoughthere should be 110 spring shootingofducks it should nevertheless be law-


to shoot biifflehead or pied ducksan excusewas given tea largenumher of individuals for disturbing theSunday quietby the discharge of fire-


Among other ardent sportsmen deftermined upon killing any movingthing under the name of buflleheadwas an excitable young Frenchmanwith an expensive gun anda fineNewfoundland dog By some strangefluke this man brought down a blackduck on the ice on the other side of50feet of water The dog aftersome delay and much screaming fromhis owner swam across the icecoldwater arid seized the duck

Just as he did so the bird flutteredits wings and the Newfoundland re ¬

membering many a beating receivedfor taking live poultry in his jaws atonce dropped it and returned for furtheir instructions The sportsmanwas enraged beyond measure by thelaughter of his companions to whomhe hadbragged a good deal about theretrieving qualities of his dog and hedealt two or three unmerciful blowswith biggun at the animals head Hewas frantically cursing and at thesame time feeling for a cartridgewherewith to kill the paor brute >

when his feet slid off the block of icehe was standingupon and he fell intodeep water T

JInstantly the dog he had so shame-


abused moment before sprangto the rescue of the drovning manand diving brought him to the sirface Then with great effort he gothim within reachof his friends whohelped him ashore None of theparty appeared to think very muchof the magnanimous achievement ofthe Newfoundland and after a goodpull at a flask the gunner whoseweapon was now at thebottom of thelake was paddled ashore and deject¬

edly made his way toward the nearest

houseTwobank clerks who were passing

on a Sunday morning tramp tochurch and who had witnessed thewhole occurrence walked along withthe Frenchman toward the little cot ¬

tage congratulating him on his es-cape One of the two remarked nsthey neared the door

lTdon>truppos4 many men havemoney enough to buy that dog fromyou now

Ah yes was the unexpected ¬

ply from the man whoselifo he hadjust saved I sell him to you for onedoltarandallalf Not too much eh

Hees fine bit dog that oneThe bank clerk was taken aback for

a moment and then produced threehalf dollars from his pocket whichhe handedl to the bedraggled one withthe observation 1 guess you knowthe value of your life better than Ido Ill take the dog but Ill behanged if I didnt think a good dealmore of his sense before you spokethan I do nowNY Sun

Hens Hatching Fish Eggs

According to the science columnof a Gennan weekly par the hensof China lead busy lives When notengaged in hatching out a brood oftheir own kind they are put to the ad ¬

ditional and novel task of hatchingfish eggs Chinese cheap labor col¬

lects the spawn of fish from the w-aters


edge and puteit in an empty eggshell which is then hermeticallysealed with wax and placed under theunsuspecting and conscientious henIn a few days the eggshell is removedand the spawn which has beenwarmed into life is emptied into ashallow pool Here the fish that Jondevelop are nursed until strongenough to be turned into a lake orstream

Artificial Eyelashes

Artificial eyelashes are artisticallyapplied by a Parisian doctor With afine needle threaded with humanhair he patiently sews long lashes tothe deficient eyelids and then theyare symmetrically clipped Actresseeand professional beauticsare his chiefpatrons

A Gentleman

A man may be every inch a gentle-man and not very tall at thatChi ¬

cago Daily NewsThe letter 1L

rAshould be dropped from thealphabet it makes men meancago Daily News

j it

tA Ia

T Y r

f 1i J I


> >0ii J >IoiY





L0l1isircn1aefla largo excursion business fromJuly 31st to August 12th fromall points on their line to the newOwensboro Chautauqua Nothinglike it has ever como to KentuckyFor twelve days the very best andmost attractive Chautauqua feat-


are to be placed in the beauti ¬

ful Seven Hills Park near Owensboro which is almost bounded bythispopular line of railway Everygood taste has been catered toThere will be popular lectures byGen Gordon Gen Wheeler DrMacArthur Gov Bob Taylor IIW Sears Mrs Rorer of the Ladies Home Journal Miss Ellen MStone the ransomedmissionaryLieut Hobson Dr John MacNeilthe Scottish Spurgeon and scoresof others and Ivory day and everyevening will be given a series of themost delightful entertainments con-

sisting of everything from slightof hand and jjugglery to the highest class of popular music and mov ¬

lug pictures

Farmers and their families willbe especially interested in the COI-nIng of John M Stahl Secretary ofthe National Farmers Congress andevery evening a great pyrotechnicdisplay will be given by Ln Roseselectric fountain two feet largerthan the one shown at the Worlds

FairRememberthat the Henderson

passengerlineand complete information about theadditional features of this assem ¬

bly through any of their agents oryou can write to the Superintendentof the Chautauqua W G ArcherOwensboro Kand he will sendyou a special booklet containingfull information as to camping andIUsing privileges and the completeprogramme L J IRWIN GeneralPassenger Agent



flin lPsfnfs In tJn pomery

Tfaifonat Tank SJuitettny



Yellowstone Park ExcursionUnder auspices of American

Tourist Association special trainof Pullman sleepers and diningcars August Oth date of depart-ure


Twenty days trip Stopsmade at Salt Lick City ColoradoSprings Denver and other pointsTickets include allexpensesStrictly firstclass Itinerary andrulllparticulars free


Missouri Pacific Ry i9 WalnutSt Cincinnati Ohio


Atlantic City ExcursionThe last excursion of the

season will be run to Atlantic Citytrom Lexington and Central Kontucky points Thursday Augustllvia the Chesapeake tL OhioRailway and Washington D C

The round trip rate will be 14

from Lexington Winchester andMt Sterling and correspondinglylow rates will be made from otherCentral Kentucky points

Tickets will be good returning12 days from date of sale

Throughsleepers will be runfrom Lexington for which thoberth rate will be 4

This excursion will permit a visitto New York at very little exppnse

Atlantic City is the largest resort on the Atlantic coast andagreat variety of recreation andamusement can be found there together with the best hotel accoraodations to be hind

Full information and sleepingcar reservations will be made onapplication to




c i






OhilesTkonnfpsbh1 Gr oceryGoWholesaleI

Grocersand Seed Merchants

No 11 S Maynrifle St Mt Sterling X7I


ClubNaturalWnJ r c rS rrncri J




By taking the complete cftursoin our OI1D Z SCHOOLThe course of study has been so enlarged that the graduates from

bur school now serve two years in taking a College Course v I

We can accommodate thirtY or fort y pupils

outside the district For terms etc apply to



ffFPSF MOV3ftJlIDS rAmfllty

r r8OTHtR IlffOR6TIYf



OllllPPLICATIOtl motes



i MAr OF KENTUCKYiiplnted

In five colors containing the latest census reports givingevery postofflce and railroad station handsome and durable 36x41Inches The reverse side contains a map ol tlje United States and theworld with helpful Information Jt is infade to sell for 100

GIVEN AWAY FREETo every subscriber for

The Morning HeraldThe Leading Daily of the Blue Grass

You also get a beautiful photograph with every Sunday Issue

THE WAY TO GET ONESend in your subscription with chock for THREE DOLLARS name

and address and the map will be sent promptly This offer is good fortwo weeks only Subscribe Utility J6CO poi Year ui 5300 fur niximonths In advance

THE LEXINGTON PUBLISHING COPrintery Building Lexington Ky


A 1I01NcIiSL1 iA


If you want to Onvl a KbotS bomoIn Texas where Vjlir crops areraised and whore plonleproiperwrite foracopy of ourvhandtoraobooklets lloaies In ilie South-west and Through Ttkaswlthanybodycondition 1
