THE MOUSE AND THE LIZARD Maurice, a nice eld mouse , lives in a little village. Every morning, before going out, he has a good breakfast rich in cheese. I.C."Grazia Deledda" Catania

The mouse and the lizard - Sito Isituzionale Istituto ...his best friend, the lizard. The doctor says: “If you eat cheese every day, at every time a lot of little fat balls (cholesterol)

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    Maurice, a nice field mouse , lives in a little village. Every morning, before going out, he has a good breakfast rich in cheese.

    I.C."Grazia Deledda" Catania

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    One day, after breakfast, he puts on his

  • but he can't tie his shoes because of his big TUMMY. His belly is as big as a balloon . “What a terrible problem! “thinks the mouse. “What can I do?”.


  • He decides to ask for an help and he goes to his best friend, the lizard.

    The doctor says: “If you eat cheese every day, at every time a lot of little fat balls (cholesterol) swim in your blood and cause problems to your body.

    The lizard is the village's doctor. When the lizard sees the mouse, says to him:" What a fat mouse you are! Look at your tummy. You eat too much cheese!” “You’re right” says the mouse “but I love cheese.”

    Listen carefully to what I’m telling you” says the doctor. ”I put you on a strong diet. You mustn’t eat cheese anymore! FIVE A DAY!".  shouts he. "FIVE A DAY! FIVE A DAY!". repeats he.


  • The poor mouse looks astonished at the doctor, he cannot understand”. "What’s the matter with me?” thinks the mouse. I must not eat cheese!!!” shouts he and, fixing his eyes on the doctor’s face, says to him: “What does it mean? You're kidding!”. "No, I’m not! “ says the doctor” You mustn’t eat neither cheese, nor chips or cakes. You must eat fruits and vegetables. FIVE A DAY means you have to eat five portions of fruits and vegetables every day. Your meal must be a colourful meal, like a rainbow, it must have 5 colours at least...such as carrots, peas, tomatoes, beans, lettuce,

    circle the correct figure :

    circle the correct figure :

    bananas, oranges, pears, apples, grapes according to the season.....

    That’s all!” says the doctor.”Have a nice day!”

    The mouse goes off with his tail between his legs and comes back home…. WHAT IS MAURICE GOING TO DO? WILL THE MOUSE FOLLOW THE DOCTOR'S SUGGESTION? WRITE THE END YOU PREFER.

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    Insegnanti: Bonaccorso Maria Grazia Bosco Emanuela Cuscunà Giovanna Martorana Marianna Classi coinvolte: I B IIIB A.s. 2015-2016