The monthly newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church 120 Allegheny Avenue, Towson, MD 21204-4019 Phone 410-823-3588; Fax 410-583-9047 [email protected] www.TrinityChurchTowson.org Rector: The Rev. Kenneth H. Saunders III [email protected] Vocational Deacon Diane Fadely Director of Evangelism & Formation: Kathleen Capcara [email protected] Organist & Choir Director: James Wincelowicz Music Team Leader: Doris Yousfi Interim Director of Trinity Episcopal Children’s Center: The Rev. Beverly Braine [email protected] Parish Administrator: Jan Schroeder [email protected] Bookkeeper: Donna Blake Surprise Shop Volunteer Coordinator: Erin Woodward Sexton: Luis Tejeda September, 2012 The Trinity Times Inside this issue: Birthdays & Anniversaries Surprise Shop 2 The Trinity Community 3 2nd Sunday Breakfasts Weekday Adult Formation 4 Sunday Formation for all 5 Neighbor to Neighbor 6 TECC 7 Music Notes 8 September Calendar 9 “If you bring forth what is within you, What you bring forth will save you.” The Gospel of Thomas (a Gnostic gospel) Maybe it’s been years since you got yourself – or your child ready for a new year of school. For me, the New Year begins not on the first Sunday in Advent or on January 1 - but in early September. If you are like me, after years of those new beginnings in school every September, you may associate autumn with fresh starts. Though I no longer attend new classes every fall, this season has always presented me with a chance to think, reflect, and try to get things right again. According to the Church calendar, we remain in ordinary time until December. So now is the season when we each are to wonder, “How can I bring forth what is within me?” and “What am I to do as a follower of Jesus?” These questions are not about our Sunday morning attendance or even our ministries within the church. For Christians, Sundays are just rehearsals for what we do the rest of the week. How are we living as God’s love in the world where we work, among our friends and families – and in our neighborhoods? Though there will never be a time when we get things “just right,” how can we use this autumn time of new beginnings to re-focus our discipleship? When I tell Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan and wonder with small children, “Who was a neighbor to the man who was robbed and hurt and left by the side of the road?” they ask me, “Well, what street does he live on? that’s how you know who his neighbor is!” While I smile at their narrow definition of “neighbor,” it makes me look more closely at myself. When I am being honest, my answer would be, “Well, what church does he go to? – that’s how I know who my neighbor is!” This fall at Trinity we’ll be trying to follow Jesus’ example by thinking and talking about neighbors and expanding our definition of neighborhoods. The Sunday morning Adult Forums in September, sponsored by Trinity’s Outreach Committee, will offer an in-depth look at the Neighbor to Neighbor initiative, a local project that demon- strates the miracles that are brought about when people willingly work together for themselves and their neighbors. In Sunday school and with our youth, we’ll be learning about paying it forward –discovering how Bible heroes and saints through the ages have brought forth what was within them and worked for the benefit of each other and future generations. As we all look for ways to bring forth the good within our deepest selves, we may find the joy of being used by God for a mightier purpose than we ever imagined. Kathleen Capcara, Director of Evangelism and Formation Who Is My Neighbor? If you bring forth what is within you, What you bring forth will save you. a reflection by Kathleen Capcara

The monthly newsletter of The Trinity Times · The monthly newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church 120 Allegheny Avenue, Towson, MD 21204-4019 Phone 410-823-3588; Fax 410-583-9047

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Page 1: The monthly newsletter of The Trinity Times · The monthly newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church 120 Allegheny Avenue, Towson, MD 21204-4019 Phone 410-823-3588; Fax 410-583-9047

The monthly newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church

120 Allegheny Avenue,

Towson, MD 21204-4019

Phone 410-823-3588; Fax 410-583-9047

[email protected] www.TrinityChurchTowson.org

Rector: The Rev. Kenneth H. Saunders III [email protected]

Vocational Deacon

Diane Fadely

Director of Evangelism & Formation:

Kathleen Capcara [email protected]

Organist & Choir Director:

James Wincelowicz

Music Team Leader: Doris Yousfi

Interim Director of Trinity Episcopal

Children’s Center: The Rev. Beverly Braine

[email protected]

Parish Administrator: Jan Schroeder

[email protected]

Bookkeeper: Donna Blake

Surprise Shop Volunteer

Coordinator: Erin Woodward

Sexton: Luis Tejeda

September, 2012

The Trinity


Inside this issue:

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Surprise Shop


The Trinity Community 3

2nd Sunday Breakfasts

Weekday Adult Formation


Sunday Formation for all 5

Neighbor to Neighbor 6


Music Notes 8

September Calendar 9

“If you bring forth what is within you,

What you bring forth will save you.”

The Gospel of Thomas (a Gnostic gospel)

Maybe it’s been years since you got yourself – or your child – ready for a new year of school.

For me, the New Year begins not on the first Sunday in Advent – or on January 1 - but in early

September. If you are like me, after years of those new beginnings in school every September,

you may associate autumn with fresh starts. Though I no longer attend new classes every fall,

this season has always presented me with a chance to think, reflect, and try to get things right


According to the Church calendar, we remain in ordinary time until December. So now is the

season when we each are to wonder, “How can I bring forth what is within me?” and “What

am I to do as a follower of Jesus?”

These questions are not about our Sunday morning attendance – or even our ministries within

the church. For Christians, Sundays are just rehearsals for what we do the rest of the week.

How are we living as God’s love in the world where we work, among our friends and families –

and in our neighborhoods? Though there will never be a time when we get things “just right,”

how can we use this autumn time of new beginnings to re-focus our discipleship?

When I tell Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan and wonder with small children, “Who was a

neighbor to the man who was robbed and hurt and left by the side of the road?” they ask me,

“Well, what street does he live on? – that’s how you know who his neighbor is!”

While I smile at their narrow definition of “neighbor,” it makes me look more closely at myself.

When I am being honest, my answer would be, “Well, what church does he go to? – that’s how

I know who my neighbor is!”

This fall at Trinity we’ll be trying to follow Jesus’ example by thinking and talking about

neighbors – and expanding our definition of neighborhoods.

The Sunday morning Adult Forums in September, sponsored by Trinity’s Outreach Committee,

will offer an in-depth look at the Neighbor to Neighbor initiative, a local project that demon-

strates the miracles that are brought about when people willingly work together for themselves

and their neighbors.

In Sunday school and with our youth, we’ll be learning about paying it forward –discovering

how Bible heroes and saints through the ages have brought forth what was within them and

worked for the benefit of each other and future generations.

As we all look for ways to bring forth the good within our deepest selves, we may find the joy

of being used by God for a mightier purpose than we ever imagined.

Kathleen Capcara, Director of Evangelism and Formation

Who Is My Neighbor?

If you bring forth

what is

within you,

What you

bring forth

will save you.

a reflection by Kathleen Capcara

Page 2: The monthly newsletter of The Trinity Times · The monthly newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church 120 Allegheny Avenue, Towson, MD 21204-4019 Phone 410-823-3588; Fax 410-583-9047

Page 2 The Trinity Times

September Anniversaries










Thomas & Jessica Warthen

Brian & Susan Mund

Justin & Shanna Coyle

Peter & Lynn Dahl

Rodney & Ann Peterson,

Thomas & Suzanne Swindell

Stephen Finamore & Regina Fidazzo

Albert & Sandy Simon

Richard & Judith Moore

Mark & Dana Gillett

September Birthdays


























Chloe Adler, Jamie Bass, Adelfeus Cole, Betty Foard

Kevin Foy, Charles Keeny

Clair Brown

Elena Bogatyreva

Phyllis Weatherly

Melanie Kimball, Llewellyn Pretlow, Robert Michael Shaw,

Stephen Sword

Bo Boozer, Bryan Dougan

William Childs, Michael Close

Matthew Hjortsberg, Julianna Lathrop, James Miskimon

Claude Rader

Diane Serex-Dougan

Kaitlyn Kraus, J. MacGregor Tisdale

Pamela Wallace

Ian Anderson, Julia Kearney

Albert Lemieux, Drew Steele

Aline Hauber, Jennifer Mullen

Andrew Gabell, Andrew Medlyn

Matthew Hauber

Larry Fultz

John Felter, Madeline Grable, Jane Mullen

Christopher Krupinski, Wilmer Stith

James S. Spragins

Laura Gabell, James Pessagno

Hannah Bradley, Suzanne Swindell

Lauren Taylor

Would You Like

To Get Your Trinity Times Sooner,

AND Save Paper?

Help Trinity save money and paper,

AND get your news earlier,

by putting your name

on the e-mail Newsletter distribution list. Send an e-mail

([email protected])

to let us know

you wish to receive the Times electronically .

The Surprise Shop has re-

opened after clearing out

last season's inventory.

Lovely items are coming

in daily for the upcoming

fall season!

The annual luncheon to

celebrate our volunteers

will be Friday, October 5

at Edenwald.

Our next Prologue Lunch

will be Tuesday, September 21. “Dollars for Dinner” are

very appreciated— Surprise Shop volunteers put together

the meal, and your dollar (or more) helps with the cost—

OR you can talk with Erin Woodward and offer to help

prepare food!

You may wonder:

What IS Prologue? Why do we serve monthly lunches?

Prologue, Inc. is dedicated to providing respect, dignity

and hope to adults experiencing homelessness and mental

illness in Baltimore County and Carroll County, MD. Pro-

logue’s mission is to offer hope and support for people

experiencing mental illness and/or homelessness. Prologue

provides programs and services to help people succeed in

self improvement and overall personal wellness, and pro-

motes choices, connection to resources, supportive rela-

tionships, and motivation for self sufficiency and life enrich-

ment within the community. We reach out to citizens of

Baltimore County who are homeless, victims of domestic

violence, are veterans, have HIV/AIDS, have a psychiatric

disability. The house on Trinity’s property, at 609 Balti-

more Avenue, is a satellite center, open on Tuesdays and

Thursdays, offering outreach services only, which include

showers, help with resumes and job interview preparation,

laundry facilities, internet, and a place to rest. The people

who receive these services are the people for whom the

Surprise Shop offers the monthly lunch. Please offer your

help— financial or with food prep— to this effort!

The Trinity Surprise Shop

Page 3: The monthly newsletter of The Trinity Times · The monthly newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church 120 Allegheny Avenue, Towson, MD 21204-4019 Phone 410-823-3588; Fax 410-583-9047

Page 3

The Trinity Times

Invitation from Dick Patterson

Volunteer opportunity for one or two from our congregation

to review, catalog, research and archivally store the 150 years of Trinity history

Previous experience is an added bonus.

Flexible hours and the usual volunteer benefits are available.

Please contact Dick Patterson:

[email protected], phone 410-785-5915, fax 410-785-5764

Volunteering opens the doors of opportunity for those who take risks!

Please join me and current team members Ann Eder and Jack Weber.

NOTE: if anyone has Trinity archives on loan, please return.

The Trinity Community

The “Leaning Tower of Trinity,” on the southwest corner of the church, will soon be equipped with gages to measure any

further movement. If settlement is complete, we intend to mend the cracks next year. We also plan to install a new can-

opy over the rear entrance to the west transept.

On the advice of three separate roofers, we have decided to put a new roof over the passageway between the Memorial

Hall and the education building, as it is over fifty years old and beyond patching. Work should begin before the arrival of

cold weather.

The large oak tree between Memorial Hall and the parking lot was trimmed last year to prevent leaves from clogging the

gutters. We plan to ask an arborist to evaluate the tree, which now appears to be unbalanced with most of the weight on

the parking lot side, and poses a danger. Besides, it is a mature tree and the roots may extend under Memorial Hall, which

could cause serious structural damage if it would fall. If it must come down, the holly beside is already large and will lessen

the visual impact.

The kitchen has been painted—stop in to see how clean, bright and beautiful it looks!

Please remember—“This Old Church” needs lots of tender loving care—how can you help?

from Jack Gillett, Property Committee Chair

“THIS OLD CHURCH” . . . notes from the Property Committee

Come for dinner; stay for the fun! This is a

popular Trinity event; add your knowledge

and sense of humor to the festivities!

When is it? Saturday, September 22, 6:00-9:00 p.m.

in Memorial Hall

What happens? Tables of 8 work together to answer questions in

categories like pop culture, music, geography, and

literature— no one is alone! You may even

gather your own 8 people and sign up as a team.

Competition between tables will be hot— the

Surprise Shop Volunteers are the group to beat!

The cost of $20 covers food and entertainment,

and the proceeds will help fund the remodeling of

the Trinity narthex (church entry area).

Sign up in the church office or the Surprise Shop.

“Changing Focus” is a non-profit organization estab-

lished to provide education, peer support and healing envi-

ronments for adults undergoing relationship loss or crisis.

One program within the organization, “Single Again,” is

now using Trinity as its Towson area meeting place.

“Single Again” is an educational support group for adults

experiencing the loss of a spouse or significant other

through separation or divorce. Weekly meetings are

every Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.; each meeting

includes a 45-minute presentation relevant to being single

again, followed by a one-hour small group meeting led by a

trained facilitator. After each meeting there is an opportu-

nity to socialize. Newcomers are welcome, and may ar-

rive early, at 7:00 p.m. for an orientation.

For additional information, call the office at 410-296-2254,

or send an e-mail to [email protected].

Quiz Night! “Changing Focus” Meetings at Trinity

Page 4: The monthly newsletter of The Trinity Times · The monthly newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church 120 Allegheny Avenue, Towson, MD 21204-4019 Phone 410-823-3588; Fax 410-583-9047

Page 4 The Trinity Times

Trinity Combines Formation With Hospitality

Second Sunday Sit-Down: Fellowship Breakfasts at Trinity

During the past 4 years at Trinity, we have taken time once a month to get to know each

other and remember what’s best about our community. Come to these popular sit-

down breakfasts on the 2nd Sunday of every month. You’ll get scrumptious hot food, good

company, and the occasion to invite a colleague or friend to experience Trinity for the

first time. We’ll begin at 10:00 a.m. in Memorial Hall— just after the 9:00 a.m. Family

Service. When they finish eating, the children will have a once-a-month opportunity to

have intentional instruction about Christian traditions. The adults will stay for coffee and

conversation until 11:00 a.m., when our traditional service with choir starts.

This year at Trinity, we’ll continue our

monthly sit-down breakfasts for the con-

gregation. The first event will be at 10:00

a.m. on Sunday, September 9, when we

will celebrate “Bible Sunday” at Trinity. If

you have a favorite Bible, please bring it to

display at the breakfast. Join us in Memo-

rial Hall for a special meal– and see how

our “kitchen wenches” decorate the tables

featuring both the Bible and the Baltimore

Ravens. (The first Ravens game of the season

is on Monday, September 10!). Optional

Bible-related activities for people of all

ages will be offered in the education wing

after the meal.

Share the story of your Bible as part of our display outside

Memorial Hall on “Bible Sunday,” September 9, after all

three services. Has your Bible been in your family for gen-

erations? Do you have your wedding Bible— or one from

your parents’ marriage? Do you treasure the translation

you purchased for your first college-level Bible class? Do

you still have the Bible you received at your confirmation?

If you don’t have a Bible, Trinity Church will have one for

you to take home. We will also provide a comparison of

Bible translations for adults, youth, and children for those

who want to purchase a Bible.

If you like, you may send Kathleen Capcara a brief story of

the Bible(s) you’d like to display (or leave it in the church

office), so she can design a descriptive card to display

alongside your Bible. Bibles will be safely returned to their

owners by September 11.

Kathleen’s E-mail address is [email protected].

Bible Sunday 1st in 2012-13 Breakfast Series Family (or Favorite) Bible Display

A variety of tasty breakfast foods will be prepared for you

to enjoy. Donations are requested from those able to con-

tribute (Suggestion: equal to the price of a fast-food breakfast).

Trinity Offers a Variety of Adult Formation Opportunities During the Week

The Tuesday Morning Bible Class, meets from

10:30 to 11:30, beginning September 11, and is facili-

tated by Jack Gillett. A topic or book for discussion

will be announced soon.

The Wednesday Evening Bible Class meets at 7:30

in the Guild Room. Details about subject and starting

date will be posted in the Sunday Wrapper, E-Times

and on the web site www.trinitychurchtowson.org.

NEW— The Mothers’ Support Group: Mothers are invited to gather in an informal manner on

the first Friday of each month simply to enjoy fellowship

and discuss our lives as Christian women. Led by parish-

ioner and educator Joanne Chapline, this “bring your own

dinner” event from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. has been initiated by

women who understand how important it is to have time

to discuss topics in light of our busy lives and our desire to

grow closer to God.

We’ll hold our first “MSG” evening Friday, September 7,

2012. Join us if you can. Call Joanne Chapline at 410-321-

9632 if you have questions.

Page 5: The monthly newsletter of The Trinity Times · The monthly newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church 120 Allegheny Avenue, Towson, MD 21204-4019 Phone 410-823-3588; Fax 410-583-9047

Page 5 The Trinity Times

Christian Education is a lifelong learning process at Trinity. In addition to weekday Bible study classes for adults, Sunday morning classes for people of all ages are offered at 10:00 a.m. in the parish hall and environs.

Christian Formation for All Ages

Christian Formation Offerings, September, 2012

Sunday, September 2 8:00 Quiet service with Holy Communion

9:00 Rector’s forum: Front Page Theology

10:00 Communion service with music

Friday, September 7 6:30 Beginning of new Mothers’ Support Group (MSG)

Sunday, September 9 8:00 Quiet service with Holy Communion

9:00 Family service resumes

10:00 2nd Sunday Bible Breakfast

10:30 Optional Bible games and activities for all ages

11:00 Traditional service with choir resumes

Tuesday, September 11 10:30 Tuesday Morning Bible Class resumes

Wednesday, September 12 7:30 Wednesday Evening Bible Class resumes

Sunday, September 16 8:00 Quiet service with Holy Communion

9:00 Family service

10:00 Education for all ages

11:00 Traditional service with choir

Sunday, September 23 8:00 Quiet service with Holy Communion

9:00 Family service

10:00 Education for all ages

11:00 Traditional service with choir

Sunday, September 30 8:00 Quiet service with Holy Communion

9:00 Family service

10:00 Education for all ages

11:00 Traditional service with choir

*(Sunday, October 7 9:00 Blessing of the Animals)

Weaving God’s Promises is the Sunday School Curriculum

adopted by our Christian Formation Committee for use with

students in preschool through 6h grade. Written by an Episco-

pal priest, this is a thematic-based approach that includes units

on Old Testament stories, New Testament lessons, and the

Episcopal liturgical calendar. Teachers choose from varied

crafts, games, and activities appealing to children with a vari-

ety of learning styles.

In September, all Sunday school and youth classes will make

plans for participation in the Neighbor to Neighbor project.

(see article on page 6 and www.neighbor-to-neighbor.net)

Sept 16 Neighbor to Neighbor: Abraham Entertains Angels

Sept 23 Sibling Rivalry with Lentil Stew: Jacob and Esau

Sept 30 Caring for the Poor: Saints Francis and Claire of Assisi

Sunday School: Weaving God’s Promises September is a time of beginnings and endings

for children of all ages. Trinity’s Issues for Par-

ents group has been a place where you can talk

about a first school bus ride, losing a tooth, a

first date …and any other transition you face

with your children and youth.

Our group is facilitated by Joanne Chapline, as-

sistant principal of the Lutherville Laboratory

School. Through informal discussions, the group

shares information about Christian parenting

throughout the year. Group members help de-

cide the topics for discussion and participate as

they are able.

Trinity’s parenting group will begin meeting on

Sunday, September16 during the 10:00 education


Sunday Parenting Class

Page 6: The monthly newsletter of The Trinity Times · The monthly newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church 120 Allegheny Avenue, Towson, MD 21204-4019 Phone 410-823-3588; Fax 410-583-9047

Page 6 The Trinity Times

New Community Involvement for Trinity— “Neighbor to Neighbor Network”

"People always think it’s city people who need help,

but county people in need tend to go undetected..."

...So says Kate McAllister, program coordinator for Neighbor-to Neighbor.

Neighbor-to-Neighbor is a partnership between local church congregations

and other contributing organizations going into its second year of a program to

help area families with rental subsidies. Through this initiative, 25 families from a

defined corridor of Cockeysville and Timonium, around Cranbrook Road and

Lakespring Way, have received rental subsidies for an entire year. In return, the

program requires these families to meet with volunteers who help them move

toward financial independence by setting goals. "We try to work with each family

on an individual basis," said Kate. "In the first group that entered the program,

there haven't been any evictions yet. So that's one measure of success but there's

still a lot of work to be done." Program organizers believe that keeping needy

families in the Cockeysville and Timonium area, which has access to public trans-

portation alternatives, employment opportunities and quality schools, will help pull

the families out of poverty. Trinity Church hopes to become one of the partners

in Neighbor to Neighbor and its companion program, Creative Kids Commu-

nity Center. The Sunday morning Adult Forums in September, sponsored by Trin-

ity’s Outreach Committee, will offer compelling reasons and meaningful ways you

can participate in these important initiatives.

Sunday Adult Forum in September:

September 16, 23 and 30— “Neighbor-to-Neighbor” Do you wonder how to “walk the walk,” and not just “talk the talk,” when it comes to your spiritual life? Do you want to

learn the truth about your deepest concerns and priorities— and understand what you can really do to live out your faith

in daily life? Each of us will discover different answers to those questions, but in September, Trinity’s Outreach Committee

will use Bible stories, activities, and discussion to help us reflect on ways we—as individuals and as a congregation— can

stretch into the fully formed and loving Christians Jesus inspires us to be.

September 16: Who is my Neighbor, and What Am I to Do About It?

Featuring storytelling by Kathleen Capcara, nationally accredited in Godly Play

September 23: Speaker: Joe Sanders, President of Baltimore County Communities for the Homeless

A presentation about the prevalence and problem of homelessness in Baltimore County

September 30: What Would You Do if It Happened to You?

Understanding the experiences of those who are a paycheck away from disaster.

How might Trinity Church participate in The Neighbor-to-Neighbor project?

Page 7: The monthly newsletter of The Trinity Times · The monthly newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church 120 Allegheny Avenue, Towson, MD 21204-4019 Phone 410-823-3588; Fax 410-583-9047

Page 7 The Trinity Times

News from Trinity Episcopal Children’s Center (TECC)


We are rolling out the welcome mat for new students, parents, and teachers, and welcoming back those continuing with

us. Our website, www.tecckids.org, has been totally redesigned by our Webmaster, Rich Dougan, who has captured beau-

tifully the enthusiasm and excitement we all feel as we begin a new year. We will be welcoming a new Assistant Director,

Ms. Lisa McMurtrie, who comes to us with breadth and depth of experience as an early childhood educator/administrator.

Lisa will be teaching the science program and being the administrative liaison with the parents, among other duties.

You will see evidence of TECC in Trinity Church’s Guild Room. It will be both Library and Chapel this year. We are tran-

sitioning between enrollment plans, and, in this particular year, we were greatly in need of additional space. Trinity has

very graciously allowed us to use the Guild Room carefully on a limited basis.

The tuitions at TECC, as in any school, need to be supplemented to meet budget. Therefore, throughout the year, we

offer fundraising opportunities. The first one comes on September 13th, when we will make available brochures for the

purchase of items from Claire’s Gourmet. I have asked this company to provide extra brochures, as I would like to make

available to the Trinity family the opportunity to purchase these delicious and handy-to-have food items. I am told that the

Pumpkin Roll is not to be missed!

On a personal note, I would like to sincerely thank the Trinity family for welcoming me back to the place I consider to be

my spiritual home. I moved to Towson in October of 1986, to be Kingsley’s assistant at Trinity. Since my first Sunday

here, Trinity has been very special to me. I feel honored to have been asked to serve as the Interim Director of the Trinity

Episcopal Children’s Center. And I look forward to this new year of growth together.

Bev Braine

Page 8: The monthly newsletter of The Trinity Times · The monthly newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church 120 Allegheny Avenue, Towson, MD 21204-4019 Phone 410-823-3588; Fax 410-583-9047

Page 8 Trinity Times

Music Notes

You’re invited!

What? To join the choir!

Where? The Guild Room

When? Thursdays from 7:30-9:00 p.m. OR Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

Music is an integral part of the liturgical worship. The primary role of the choir

is to lead the congregation in song to praise God. All through scripture, God

calls on His people to sing! For example, Psalm 96:1 states “Sing to the LORD a

new song; sing to the LORD all the earth.” Considering all He does for us, it’s a

great way to show Him our appreciation!

Have you ever wondered

what it is like to play a pipe organ?

Do you find yourself gazing aimlessly at the glistening cyl-

inders protruding from the Nave walls each Sunday while

attentively listening to Fr. Ken’s sermon and wondering,

“How does that thing work?!” If so, there isn’t a better

place to be! The current organ was built in 1939 by M. P.

Möller and consisted of 12 ranks. It was rebuilt in 1979

and greatly enlarged. The instrument as it is known today

still contains pipes from an original organ installed at Trin-

ity for just $800 in 1887! Contact Jim Wincelowicz and

make an appointment to take a tour of Trinity’s historical

pipe organ!

The Trinity Concert Series

will take off

at 5:00 PM


Sunday, October 21st!

Don’t miss this new addition to the church community!

Doris Yousfi, Music Team Leader, and Jim Wincelowicz,

Organist and Choir Director, will perform piano and

organ duets of classical and sacred works by some of the

most notable composers such as Bach, Boëllmann, Cho-

pin, and Widor. This concert is free and open to the

public, however a free-will offering will be accepted.

Continue to keep your eyes and ears open for future

details regarding the Trinity Concert Series!


Maryland State Boychoir

is holding auditions

for boys

ages 7 to 17

Group auditions will be held on Saturday, September 22

at 10:00 a.m. at the Maryland State Boychoir Center for

the Arts, 3400 Norman Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21213. In

addition, individual auditions will be scheduled for those

having a conflict with that date.

Any boy who has a pleasant voice, can sing in tune, is

committed to supporting the organization, and, most im-

portantly, who loves singing, is encouraged to audition. A

boy accepted into the Choir not only receives musical

training, but also has opportunities to build self-esteem,

self-discipline, and develop friendships through hard work

and dedication!

For more information, contact Jim Wincelowicz.

Fasten your

seat belts!!

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Page 9 Trinity Times

























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Page 10: The monthly newsletter of The Trinity Times · The monthly newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church 120 Allegheny Avenue, Towson, MD 21204-4019 Phone 410-823-3588; Fax 410-583-9047

Sunday Schedule:

8:00 a.m. Eucharist

Coffee Hour

9:00 a.m. Eucharist

Coffee Hour

10:00 a.m. Education Hour Programs for all ages

11:00 a.m. Eucharist

Coffee Hour


12:00 noon Eucharist

The Trinity Times

October 2012

newsletter deadline

will be

September 15

Share the good news about Trinity

people, programs and events.

Leave news in the church office

or e-mail articles to Jan Schroeder at

[email protected]

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Trinity’s Mission

Trinity Episcopal Church is an inclusive and caring Christ-centered commu-nity nurtured by our wor-ship and tradition. We ask God to strengthen and guide us as we live out our mission to wel-come and celebrate the diversity of all people through spiritual educa-tion, growth in faith, and service in Christ’s Name.

Trinity Episcopal Children’s Center

TECC is a Preschool

offering full time childcare

for children ages 2 through Pre-K.

We are open 7:30 a.m. till 5:30 p.m.

Monday through Friday,

year round.

You can visit us on the web at www.tecckids.org

or contact the office for more information

[email protected] (410) 823-3589


June 3 through September 2

8:00 a.m. Eucharist

Lemonade Hour

10:00 a.m. Eucharist

Lemonade Hour

120 Allegheny Avenue

Towson, Maryland 21204


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Time Dated Material

Trinity Church