The Mongols:

The Mongols:. Genghis Khan (Temujin) By 1227 he had brought the ~25 different Mongol tribes under his domination His armies were famous for their mobility

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The Mongols:

Genghis Khan (Temujin)

By 1227 he had brought the ~25 different Mongol tribes under his domination

His armies were famous for their mobility (skill upon horseback) & accuracy as archers.

By his death his empire stretched from The Black Sea to the China Sea

Mongolian Steppe:

Quote by or about Genghis:

“When Genghis said, ‘Get there’ you crushed stones to be there.”

“Man’s greatest good fortune is to chase and defeat his enemy, seize his total possessions, leave his married women weeping and wailing, ride his horses, and use the bodies of the women.”

“He possessed great energy, discernment, genius, understanding, was awe-inspiring, a butcher, just, resolute, bold, sanguinary (bloodthirsty), and cruel.”

He chose his officers based on Merit

He perfected siege warfare techniques:

Gunpowder, storming ladders, battering rams, and catapults, and biological and psychological warfare

Established a war college at his capital


Genghis Khan’s establishing a“Pax Mongolica” or Peace of Mongolia

People could travel/trade unharmed across his empire from the Black Sea (Russia) to China.

This leads directly to increased contact b/w East and West

Cultural Diffusion!

Genghis conquered the Jin Empire in China:

When he died (his son took over), then:

The Empire was divided into 4 Khanates – Loosely affiliated

Kublai Khan:Grandson of Genghis

Build a capital at Beijing, called it Daidu

Marco Polo described a banquet hall there that sat 6,000 people

Polo said, “articles of greater cost and rarity, and in greater abundance are brought to Daidu, than any other city in the world.”

Kublai then set his sights on conquering the Song Dynasty (Southern China)

Kublai captured the capital of the Song Dynasty in 1276

Unified China under a new empire - Yuan Dynasty

Yuan DynastyPositives:

Reformed political systemPaper MoneyPrinting Han AdvisorsPrograms to help poor

NegativesHan discriminated againstMongols hold all power

…and of course The Silk Road

Rabban Bar Sauma


The Fall of the YuanRan the country poorly:

Failed to maintain canalsFloods destroyed DamsRice to Beijing slowed down without Canals

This leads to unrest and revolution

Result: Ming Dynasty