The Mongolian Empire Teachers Version

The Mongolian Empire

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The Mongolian Empire . Teachers Version. Introduction. The Mongols were a very unique, violent and sophisticated empire The time period for the Mongols this project is done in is during and after Genghis Khans reign (1180-1500 CE) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The Mongolian Empire

The Mongolian Empire Teachers Version

Page 2: The Mongolian Empire

Introduction•The Mongols were a very unique, violent and

sophisticated empire •The time period for the Mongols this project

is done in is during and after Genghis Khans reign (1180-1500 CE)

•Genghis Khan was the King of the Mongolian Empire and he made the Mongols one of the most feared and powerful in ancient history

•In addition, the Mongols weren’t ever noticed, but after the Mongols attacked Europe, all empires were afraid of them because the Mongols were so violent, brutal and merciless

Page 3: The Mongolian Empire

•The Mongols were located around Northern and Central Asia, but you’ll learn that this quickly changed

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•The themes of Mongolian empires are:


Page 5: The Mongolian Empire

EconomicsMathew Mozaffari

Page 6: The Mongolian Empire

Expansion To Benefit The Economy

Expansion – The Mongols wanted to become powerful, so they decided to expand their empire. Eventually, they conquered most of Asia, Eastern Europe, China, Korea, Japan and parts of India. The Mongols displayed the theme of expansion because they were nomadic and Mongols wanted to become more powerful through expansion. They benefitted through domination because they had lots of power over empires.

Mathew MEconomics

Power – The Mongols dominated for power. Eventually, Genghis Khan decided to make laws that affected all areas under Mongolian rule. These laws limited rights and made the Mongols above the law, thus making them extremely powerful. For instance, the Mongols would tax the governments of conquered areas so they could make more profit but also because they wanted to boast about their power over the government under Mongol rule.Violence – The Mongols had conquered lots of areas. They were able to dominate so many empires because the Mongols had adapted to a very violent culture and society. The Mongolian people were taught to believe that violence was the key to success. In addition, whenever government officials and elites wouldn`t pay taxes, they would torture and kill them. Therefore, the Mongols were able to benefit their economy by expanding, but they had to use lots of violence.


Image Source: ARLT Lectures, History of Globalization, N.d., http://www.arlt-lectures.com/Mongol%20Empire%20Map.jpg (Nov. 28, 2013).

The peak of expansion for the Mongolian Empire. The Mongols dominated lots of empires and territories for a long time

Information: Behnke, Alison. The Conquests of Genghis Khan. Minneapolis: Brown University, 2008 (Pages 75-76)

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Trading To Benefit The EconomyJustification

Power - Capturing the Silk Road relates to the Mongolian theme of power because the Mongols conquered lots of areas from China to almost all of Europe and Asia. The Mongols captured lots of areas because they wanted more power so they could be more superior, and so their economy would become more stable. By capturing the Silk Road, they gained lots of power because the Silk Road was a major trade route between all empires, territories and civilizations thus giving the Mongols more control over the economy of many civilizations and prosperity to their empire. In conclusion, by capturing the Silk Road, the Mongols had control over trades and interactions with other empires.

Mathew MEconomics

Image Source: Wikipedia, File: Silk Route, N.d., http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Silk_route.jpg(Nov. 28, 2013).

The Silk Road; the first intercontinental trade route which linked lots of empires together for easier trading. The Mongols controlled most of the Silk Road which helped stabilized their economy and gave them control over most trades

Information: Lane, George. The Mongol Empire. United States: Greenwood Press, 2006 (Page xviii)Norman, Garfield. Echoes From The Past. Toronto, ON: McGraw Hill Ryerson, 2009(Page 353-355)

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Coinage To Benefit The EconomyJustification

Power -  The coinage and monetary system related to the theme of power because Genghis Khan wanted to benefit the economy even more, and because he wanted the Mongols to control empires even more by restricting them. Therefore, coinage was introduced by Genghis Khan to regulate and exercise the power of the Mongols. Since the Mongols had control over lots of territory, lots of areas had to adapt to their monetary system or they would be brutally punished and because the Mongols currently had the most power and variety of resources’. By introducing the monetary system, this made empires depend even more on the Mongols because they had to adapt in order to keep their civilization successful. Therefore, this reduced the power of the empires and increased the rule of the Mongols even more.

Mathew MEconomics

Image Source: Familypedia, File: Mongol Great Khans Coin, 2009., http://familypedia.wikia.com/wiki/File:Mongol_Great_Khans_coin_minted_at_Balk_Afghanistan_AH_618_AD_1221.jpg (Nov. 30 2013).

Mongol “Great Khans” coin. This was a minted and legible coin used for daily purchases and other actions. It was minted around 1221 CE.

Information: Lane, George. The Mongol Empire. United States: Greenwood Press, 2006

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Technology/InfrastructureAbraham Amini

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Housing Technology• Source for image: Wikipedia-Gurvger, December 16 2007,

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gurvger.jpg (November 28, 2013)

• Nomadic: This relates to the them of nomadic because the Mongols used this portable housing technology to live a nomadic life by living in different places at different times

Gers were used by Mongol nomads in the Mongol empire for portable housing, and they are still used by Mongol Nomads today, as shown in this picture

Abraham AInfrastructure/Technology

Page 11: The Mongolian Empire

Military Technology• Expansion: This relates to the them of expansion because the

Mongols used these military techniques and weapons to take over almost all of Asia, including places like China, Persia, Tibet and Korea

• Violence: It shows that the Mongols were violent because they used warfare to take over other civilizations, attack others and make others fear them

• Information: Streisguth, Genghis Khan’s Mongol Empire, page 26-27

• Source for image: Wikipedia-Mongol Cavalry Men, February 1 2007, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MongolCavalrymen.jpg (Nov. 28, 2013)

Mongol soldiers were trained to shoot arrows from bows while riding on horses as seen in this drawing here

Abraham AInfrastructure/Technology

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Medicine• Expansion: This relates to expansion because the Mongols learned and

used medical technology and techniques from many places and civilizations that they expanded to and conquered like China, Korea, Arabia and Tibet

• Information: Lane, Daily Life in the Mongol Empire, page 135• Source of Image: The Art of Asia: History of Maps-The Mongol Empire,

http://www.artsmia.org/art-of-asia/history/mongol-empire-map.cfm, (November 28th, 2007)

The Mongol Empire at its greatest expansion in terms of land

Abraham AInfrastructure/Technology

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GenderJames Prime

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Politics and Government LawPanayotis Bouris

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Genghis’s Law Code

Image Source: Cultural China, Zha Sa (the Code of Genghis Khan), N.d., http://history.cultural-china.com/en/46H2406H7013.html (Nov 29, 2013).


Violence – Genghis’ Law code relates to the theme of violence for several reasons. Punishments for even minor crimes in Genghis’ code were often very violent actions that very often ended in death. Many of the laws also related to the army which shows that the Mongols had a large emphasis on the military, a violent organization.

Power – The law code also relates to the theme of power because it would hold high punishments for actions such as treason and basically anything that did not benefit the state. This could include disobeying orders on a battlefield, or even talking back to a high ranking official.

Law Panayiotis

Information:Nardo, Don. Life during the Great Civilizations: The Mongols. Farmington Mills, MI: Thompson Gale, 2006, page 27-33

Genghis Khan’s Great law code, decreed all laws and orders in which people must obey

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Genghis’s GovernmentJustification

Power – Genghis’s idea of government was quite simple, but would prove to be very efficient and would help him and the higher ranked officials to hold power for basically as long as they lived. Genghis wrote all this in the Yassa (meaning “order” or “decree”). Under the Yassa, all military was ranked based on merit. It also decreed that all people should do the same amount of work, so that classism could not exist. There were exceptions to this law, such as himself and the higher ranking military people. This would also help him retain power and make the empire run more smoothly. As well as all this, punishments for disobeying the Yassa (not conforming to the government) were severe, this would keep people in their place.

Information:Asia Society, The Mongol Dynasty, June 6, 2010 http://asiasociety.org/countries/traditions/mongol-dynasty (26/11/13)Encyclopedia Brittanica, Genghis Khan, N.d http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/229093/Genghis-Khan (25/11/13)

Government Panayiotis

Genghis Khan being proclaimed Khagan (King) of all of Mongols

Image Source: Wikipedia, Genghis Kahn’s Enthronement, N.d.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/45/Genghis_K han%27s_enthronement_in_1206.jpg (Nov 26, 2013)

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Social StructuresAli Homayed

Page 18: The Mongolian Empire

The boy Tinuk sources: Information: Mongol Occupation and the Slav Slave Trade: The "Harvesting of the Steppe“ 2011 Terrain.org and Anne Bobroff-Hajal.http://www.terrain.org/articles/28/playground/3.htm

image: http://www.terrain.org/articles/28/playground/3.htm

Justification: connection to theme, Violence: this illustrates the violence the mongols were accustomed to inflict on others they showed little remorse to their slaves and often used the for human shields , they also slave traded with places like persia

Sub topic: Social Structures Ali Homayed

Page 19: The Mongolian Empire

My Family• Sources:

• Images:• The First Globalization Episode: The Creation

of the Mongol Empire, or the Economics of Chinggis Khan

• BY MEDIEVALISTS.NET – APRIL 1, 2010• http://www.medievalists.net/2010/04/01/the-fi


• Information: Nardo, Don Great civilizations the mongol empire, BlackBirch press, thomas gale 2006.

• Justification: connection to theme• Power: this illustrates the power difference

between classes and how going up in social class can get you more well known. It also indicates all the power the khan actually has.

Sub topic: Social Structures

Ali Homayed