The Money Tyrants - Excerpt

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  • 8/8/2019 The Money Tyrants - Excerpt






    March 6, 1992 Washington D.C.

    Late in the evening a light skinned African American

    man pushed a noisy vacuum cleaner back and forth across the

    carpet of the ornate boardroom inside the Federal Reserve

    building. Clad in gray coveralls the man guided the vacuum

    between the high-back leather chairs and under the

    expansive boardroom table. High on the wall at the head of

    the room hung the Federal Reserve emblem. As the man

    vacuumed he paused three times to empty three small trash

    receptacles into his service cart. At no time did the man

    look up at the emblem on the wall. He simply kept his head

    down and did his job.

    Tucked away in a quiet room of the Federal Reserve

    building two security guards sat in front of an expansive

    console of black and white security monitors. A soft

    silvery glow highlighted their faces as the two men watched

    the night cleaning crew perform their jobs. One of the

    security guards, Lawrence, was intent on watching the

    workers. The other guard, David, rambled on about his

    newly purchased sailboat as he swiveled around in his chair

    next to his co-worker.

    As Lawrence and David passed the time watching the

    monitors they bantered back and forth about Davids modest

    new sailboat. As the two guards conversed the janitor in

    the boardroom continued to vacuum. At precisely 1:07AM

    David pulled his wallet from his back pocket. He opened it

    and removed a photograph of the gleaming white sailboat.

    He handed the photo to Lawrence who then took his attention

    away from the monitors. As the photo traded hands the

    African American janitor in the Federal Reserve boardroom

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    brought his vacuum to a halt but left the noisy motor

    running. He crouched down behind the large boardroom table

    his image disappearing from the security camera view.

    Lawrence and David were unaware of the janitors

    movement as their attention was now diverted toward the

    photograph and away from the monitors. The two guards

    talked about the boat and looked at the picture for less

    than a minute. The entire time neither Lawrence nor David

    looked up at the monitors. Thirty-seven seconds after hed

    disappeared from the cameras view the janitor stood up and

    resumed vacuuming.

    When the guards were done discussing the boat and

    looking at the picture David put the photograph back into

    his wallet while Lawrence turned to face the monitors

    again. He saw nothing unusual. The man in the boardroom

    was still vacuuming. Other monitors on the console showed

    workers moving about the building doing what they did every

    night, cleaning the offices of the Federal Reserve


    Three long and uneventful hours passed. All the

    cleaning people had gone home. Only a small security

    detail remained in the otherwise empty building. In their

    isolated surveillance room Lawrence and David were now

    fending off the boredom of watching motionless images of

    empty rooms on the security monitors. At 3:23AM the door

    to the surveillance room swung open and the night security

    chief stepped inside.

    They just arrived, the chief said to Lawrence and

    David. Turn off the cameras.Yes sir, both guards responded in unison. The two

    men proceeded to turn off the corresponding switches for

    the cameras leading from a rear entrance of the building

    and into the boardroom. There were eight cameras total.

    Confirming cameras eleven through thirteen, and

    cameras eighteen through twenty-two off, Lawrence said.

    He then checked the master switch for the microphones in

    the boardroom. It was already in the off position.

    Master microphone off, the guard stated.

    Ill be back when theyre gone, the chief said then

    left the room. Out in the hallway the security chief usedhis radio to call another security guard waiting outside

    the Federal Reserve building at the rear utility entrance.

    All clear, the chief spoke into his radio.

    Copy that, the guard behind the building replied.

    Under a dark night sky the guard slid his radio into his

    coat pocket and gave a thumbs up to the limo driver who

    stood at the rear passenger door of the lead limousine

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    one of five lined up behind the Federal Reserve building.

    Five men then emerged from five separate limousines.

    Dressed in the most expensive custom tailored suits money

    could buy each of the men filed into the Federal Reserve

    building through a rear entrance used mostly for

    deliveries. Without speaking to each other they walked

    single file down a long utility hallway, through an access

    door into another hallway, and continued until they reached

    the doors to the Federal Reserve boardroom. Two men were

    waiting for them outside the doors.

    As the five men approached, the two men waiting to

    greet them opened the large double doors. All seven men

    filed into the boardroom. The doors closed. The Committee

    was convened. They would remain in the room for sixty-

    seven minutes. All security cameras that would have

    normally monitored their entering the building, their time

    in the boardroom, and then their departure were turned off.

    In complete secrecy these seven men then orchestrated the

    advent of a new kind of global war, a war that transcended

    borders, a perpetual war the cost of which would never end.

    No official record of their presence the night of March 6,

    1992 at the Federal Reserve building in Washington DC would

    ever exist.

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    Five Days Ago -

    Four men in dark suits stood in a small dimly lit room

    in the basement of the National Security Agency at Fort

    Meade, Maryland. They were looking through the transparent

    side of a two-way mirror. On the other side of the mirror

    sat a man in an interrogation room. He wore faded blue

    jeans and a black tee shirt. A three-day beard shadowed

    his face as his shoulder length brown hair cried out anti-

    establishment to the world. The man appeared calm his

    hands folded on the table in front of him.

    So who is he? NSA Special Agent Max Runyan asked as

    he stared through the two-way mirror.

    His name is Jeff Thomas, NSA Agent John Fitzgerald

    read from a file. Hes a network security consultant.

    You mean hes a hacker, Agent Runyan said.

    Apparently, Fitzgerald replied. He was hired by

    Treasury to run penetration tests on a new computer network

    they just brought online. Hes got DOD and CIA Top Secret

    clearances, works government contracts mostly. Hes got no

    police record. Not even a traffic violation - model

    citizen type. Then four days ago he went rogue, hacked our

    mainframe from inside this building and downloaded some

    highly sensitive files.How sensitive? Runyan asked.

    No one will say, Fitzgerald replied.

    Isnt that helpful? Runyan said. So who gave him


    Get this, Fitzgerald replied. He came in on his own

    and surrendered to Senator Ronald directly.

    He what? Runyan asked.

    He surrendered to Senator Paul Ronald, Fitzgerald


    Now why on earth would he surrender to a Senator?

    Runyan said.Maybe he knows him, or knows someone who works for

    him, Fitzgerald responded.

    Go on, Runyan said.

    Then he met with the Senator, the President, CIA

    Director Webb, the Attorney General and two Supreme Court

    justices. He admitted to breaking into our headquarters

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    and hacking our system, but he wont divulge what documents

    he got?

    And neither will our own people, Runyan added.

    Im telling you this guy struck a chord with someone.

    Senator Ronald, the attorney general, a couple of Supremes,

    even the President, theyve all thrown a shield up around

    this guy an army of pissed off lawyers couldnt dent,

    Agent Fitzgerald said.

    What about our guys? Have we traced what he hacked

    from our system? Runyan asked.

    Were working on it, Fitzgerald replied. Nothing

    yet. Im telling you this guy didnt leave any tracks.

    So hes got something, something highly sensitive,

    Runyan said. But no one is willing to tell us what it is

    and we havent traced it yet either.

    This job gets stranger every day, Fitzgerald said.

    Doesnt it, Runyan replied. So how do they expect

    us to interrogate a man when we dont even know what were

    really interrogating him about?

    It says here he was paid seven million dollars by

    David Voight, Fitzgerald added.

    Voight, Runyan scoffed. Its always the money.

    Agent Runyan paused to look at Jeff Thomas though the

    two-way mirror.

    So all we know for sure is this guy breached our

    security and hacked our mainframe right under our noses.

    Why? Runyan said. And who helped him get into this

    building? And where does a traitorous scumbag like David

    Voight fit in?Voight, didnt he used to be NSA? Fitzgerald


    Yeah, Runyan replied. Voight used to be NSA, and

    CIA, and God only knows what else. His real name is Lloyd

    Denton. He was one of us right up until he carved a nice

    niche out for himself by wedging his way into major

    arbitrage deals based on intelligence operations he was

    running around the globe, Runyan paused.

    He stared at Jeff Thomas through the two-way mirror.

    Are we sure this guys not a spook? Runyan said.

    Pretty sure, Fitzgerald said. But you never know.Why is nothing black and white anymore? Runyan said.

    We live in a gray world, Fitzgerald replied.

    So difficult to see the truth, Runyan observed.

    Fitzgerald nodded in agreement. Runyan continued, Lets

    go see what old Jeff Thomas has to say for himself.

    Flip you for bad cop? Fitzgerald joked.

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    You take it, you love that shit, Runyan said as he

    motioned for agent Fitzgerald to walk ahead.

    The other two agents whod stood silent while Runyan

    and Fitzgerald strategized remained behind to observe as

    witnesses. As Runyan and Fitzgerald left the room, gray-

    haired NSA Agent Cliff Dunham spoke to the younger agent

    standing next to him.

    Give me some more on this guy? Dunham asked his

    younger counterpart. The younger agent opened his copy

    file on Thomas.

    Born in Virginia, thirty-seven years old, says here

    his parents were killed in a private plane crash when he

    was seven.

    Tough age, Agent Dunham responded.

    It says the plane was sabotaged, the younger agent


    By whom? Dunham asked.

    The NTSB found the fuel lines had been tampered

    with, the younger agent said. FBI ruled it a homicide.

    No one was ever charged.

    What else? Agent Dunham said.

    After his parents were killed he was adopted by a

    family friend, a man named William Henry.

    Will Henry, Agent Dunham shook his head. Let me

    guess, retired Director of Military Intelligence.

    Thats right, the younger agent looked at agent

    Dunham then continued skimming the file. Ah man, the guys

    fianc died two years ago from breast cancer, he said.

    And now hes caught up in all this, Agent Dunhamsaid.

    Check this out, the young agent said. We recruited

    him twelve years ago out of MIT. He actually worked here

    at Meade, for one week, then up and quit citing

    philosophical differences with NSA policy.

    Agent Dunham approached the viewing mirror. He slid

    his hands into his pants pockets as he stood gazing through

    the mirror at Jeff Thomas.

    One week and hed had enough. Sounds like a man with

    a conscience, Agent Dunham said as he stared at Jeff

    through the viewing window. A look of puzzlement overtookDunhams face.

    I know this guy, Agent Dunham said with a tone of

    certainty in his voice. Ive seen him before.

    Fitzgerald entered the interrogation room first.

    Runyan closed the door behind them. Jeff Thomas remained

    seated as the two men approached him. The interrogation

    room was stark, the walls painted light gray. There was a

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    mirror, a six feet square table with four chairs, bright

    florescent lighting, and a bottle of drinking water on the

    table in front of Jeff. Agent Fitzgerald pulled up a chair

    and tossed the file folder on the table. Runyan moved to a

    corner of the room. He stood with his arms folded across

    his chest as he leaned against the wall.

    Jeff, Im Agent Fitzgerald with the National Security

    Agency. This is my associate, Special Agent Runyan.

    There was no shaking of hands, no pleasantries

    exchanged. Jeff simply nodded and acknowledged the two


    It seems youve stirred up quite a hornets nest,

    Agent Fitzgerald began.

    It seems that way, Jeff replied.

    Im going to get right to the point Jeff, Fitzgerald

    said. I dont give a damn what you stole from the U.S.

    government or whos protecting you. What I care about is

    how the hell you broke into NSA headquarters and hacked our

    mainframe. So why dont we just cut through all the

    bullshit and you start naming names. Who was your inside

    contact at NSA?

    Who was my contact at NSA? Jeff replied. Thats

    like asking me who was Deep Throat. As if Id know. Does

    your file there mention anything about the group Id gotten

    mixed up with?

    Ill ask the questions asshole, Fitzgerald


    Then ask the right ones, Jeff demanded.

    Special Agent Runyan approached the table and leanedin to whisper in Fitzgeralds ear. As Runyan whispered

    Agent Fitzgerald looked away from Thomas. When Runyan was

    finished Fitzgerald nodded and looked at Thomas again.

    Runyan returned to the corner of the room.

    We know about David Voight, he used to be one of

    ours, back when his name was Lloyd Denton, Fitzgerald


    Voight was NSA? Figures, Thomas said.

    For twenty years, until he was lured away by

    international bankers, Fitzgerald responded.

    Jeff sat silent for a few moments. Then he spoke.If you want to hear that I know the names of all the

    NSA assets compromised by Voight, well I dont know any

    names, Jeff said. Do you think theyre just going to

    blurt out their real identities and social security numbers

    while theyre duping me into doing their dirty work? Hell

    I never even saw their faces. Come on agent Fitzgerald.

    Think about the men I was dealing with. U.S. Intelligence

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    trained all of these guys. They dont poke their heads out

    for anyone.

    Listen, we know you were working for them,

    Fitzgerald said. We know youre no saint, we know you

    scammed five million dollars for yourself and another two

    million for your little girlfriend.

    Shes NOT my girlfriend. She doesnt know anything,

    Jeff replied.

    Whatever, Fitzgerald said. Weve got your

    fingerprints on the keyboard of a computer inside this

    building, one of the most secure buildings in the world.

    There is no way you got in without people on the inside.

    And there is no way you dont know their identity.

    Hey, in case you lovebirds missed the memo justice

    gave me immunity. I dont even have to talk to you guys.

    Im doing this as a courtesy to Senator Ronald. Fuck this

    man Im out of here. You hear me back there? Get me my

    attorney Im done, Jeff shouted at the men he was sure

    were standing there looking back at him from behind the


    Listen you piece of shit you hacked an NSA mainframe

    and you did it from the inside, Agent Fitzgerald was

    heated. Someone led you through that door and I dont care

    who you know or who the hell is protecting you I want to

    know who got you in.

    You dont scare me, Jeff leaned in. Dont you get

    it? Im a dead man. The people after me dont answer to

    the law. They are the law. They buy the law. They do

    whatever the fuck they want with the law. I give it a fewhours after I leave here before a snipers bullet

    obliterates my skull.

    Everybody calm down, Special Agent Runyan broke his

    silence as he approached the table where Agent Fitzgerald

    and Jeff Thomas were seated. Runyan sat in the chair next

    to Jeff then continued. Jeff, we know the men you were

    working for. What we dont know is how they have

    compromised our personnel. Thats all we want from you,

    just to keep this little corner of hope alive. Maybe the

    devil is in the details. Do you understand what Im

    saying?Of course I understand, Jeff paused. He took a

    drink of water, stood up, and walked over to the mirror.

    He stared straight ahead knowing full well someone was on

    the other side watching him.

    It all started with this damned TARP contract, Jeff

    said. It seemed simple enough. Then I got a call from

    David Voight.