Inspirational People, Inspirational Things... August 2012 Life’s your adventure Embrace it! Featuring: Mick Fanning, Paralympian Danny Nobbs and more...

The Moment

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An inspirational magazine inspired by Imagine It (www.imagineit.org.uk) to promote a 'Live For The Moment' ethos

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August 2012

Life’s your


– Embrace


Featuring: Mick

Fanning, Paralympian

Danny Nobbs and


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From The Editor

Brought to you by...

Feature articles: Casey Neistat, Danny Nobbs, Galton Blackiston, Mick Fanning

Writers: Yasmin Godfrey, Fynn Cornish, Kaori King, Victoria Cornish, Becky Norhey

Editor: Yasmin Godfrey Photography: Sean Voutt, Imagine It and others supplied by feature article writers

Graphics and Layout: Yasmin Godfrey

Firstly to introduce myself, my name is Yasmin Godfrey, I am a 17 year old student studying my A-Levels in Norfolk. I am an obsessed writer, looking to put my stamp on the world. I set myself the challenge of beginning this monthly magazine, ‘The Moment’. The essence of the magazine is to raise awareness for an organisation called ‘Imagine It’ - www.imagineit.org.uk. ‘Imagine It’ is an organisation run by Fynn and Victoria Cornish, a young couple that despite their current battles against Victoria’s terminal cancer (Adrenocortical carcinoma) have decided to focus on promoting a 'live for the moment' ethos by inspiring others to embrace the same values. So I thought, what better way to help them out than to inspire people through others experiences and their thoughts on life. You take away from this magazine whatever you wish, read what interests you and walk away from what doesn’t. So delve in, be inspired & ENJOY!

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Contents 3. Imagine It 5. Just Be 7. Inspirational People, Inspirational Things... 9.Mick Fanning 11. Danny Nobbs 13. Galton Blackiston 15. Casey Neistat 17. Embracing All Things 19. Stop and Think 21. Travel 23. Spontaneity and Smiles 25. Nature at it’s Best 27. The Humble Bucket List

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3. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!’ – Helen Keller

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Mae West - ‘You only live once, but if you do it right once is enough!’ 4.

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Just Be. Living positively has countless benefits to us as individuals, not only opening up new opportunities & experiences in our personal lives but can also make us stand out in our chosen professions. I wholeheartedly believe that being positive fits perfectly with my own persona & I made the decision several years ago to live my life by a positive ethos. However, what does this mean? Does this mean that I have to be walked over by others and smile regardless? Dance with flowers in your hair? (You can if you like!) Fear not, in my mind living positively means living your life as you, clear in the knowledge of what & who’s important to you, what’s not, living your life true to what inspires you, what fires your passions & how you want to feel along the way! Is it possible for you to adopt a positive lifestyle? We all have day to day commitments, some short-term others long-term, that require our time & energy. I often hear “Oh I’d love to do that but I work so it isn’t easy for me” which is often followed by a change of subject! What I would like to make really clear here is that living positively is the approach you take to life rather than the experiences you choose to fill your days with. During a recent coaching session with a client we considered their approach to their physical training. ‘Luke’ was operating from a negative position of “having to get the training done” so it came as little surprise that he was finding it a struggle to stay committed. After spending some time focusing on his motivation to train we were able to pin point Luke’s key motivators making them vividly bright & crystal clear. Concluding the exercise I asked Luke what his plans for the next day were & he replied “I’m going for my run & then hitting the weights”. A much more positively focused approach to a choice Luke has made. How can we live positively each & every day? We fill each day with our own choices and therefore as they’re our own let’s enjoy our choices with a positive approach. Yes, even the school run for example. No we cannot change the amount of traffic on the road but we can control our approach to it. Does getting stressed by that car in front serve you well or can adopting an accepting approach benefit you better? Neither will make the car disappear but the two responses WILL elicit very different emotional experiences for YOU. This has a flip side to it which is great fun to experience & it’s rooted in the question of why we find it difficult to express ourselves positively. If something makes us smile

5. ‘I never worry about the future it comes soon enough’ – Albert Einstein

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& perhaps tickles our humour then what’s stopping us laughing out loud and beaming a smile? Who doesn’t like to see someone laughing or smiling, it’s infectious . . . it could be you! Therefore my advice would be to approach each situation & person with a positive mindset. The result? You will feel more empowered, the ripple effect to those around you can bring you & in turn them greater happiness and as you fill your life with your passions & experiences you will become aware of how many of the ‘right’ people, opportunities and experiences begin to fill your life. Not bad eh? But we’ve all got lives built around us already, isn’t this all a bit radical? It can be if you like! It’s your life my friend, so your new ethos of living positively can lead to as many new experiences & changes that feels right for you. Living positively is a fluid approach to life and as we each only get one life then why not dedicate time to focusing on what’s important to you, pin pointing your passions/interests, your goals, reflecting on the positive that’s already in your life, what makes you smile & laugh out loud, what balance you’ve already achieved plus much more. Doing so will allow you to come to decisions knowing you’ve reflected on your life as a whole rather than any rash decisions. For example, have you considered that living a more fulfilled life is not just about doing more, it’s also about saying no to what’s not working? That’s a lot to take on board hey? Speaking with a committed coach can help you break down this process in an assuring & friendly manner. As a life coach it is my goal to help you find the answers to your questions, aid you in opening your eyes to the other options & fresh perspectives. In my opinion all of this can be done with a zingy approach, why not have a dose of excitement when exploring your options? You enjoy that excited sensation when you test drive new cars so why not when you feel out new approaches and changes to your life? I’m sure you agree this makes sense! If this has fired a flicker of interest perhaps test drive living positively? We would love to hear how it goes!

Fynn Cornish

Giacomo Casanova - ‘One who makes no mistakes makes nothing at all!’ 6.

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Inspirational People, Inspirational Things

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Mick Fanning Surfing Sensation, AUS, Ranked 4th in the world!

How do you 'live for the moment' (both in your surfing career and your personal life)? When I won my first world title back in 2007 I was really focussed and I was training really hard. I got the job done but I was really drained and felt like I hadn't enjoyed my year after it all went down. After that I told myself that no matter what happened I'd enjoy my surfing and my time travelling the world doing the tour. Winning the world title in 2009 with that philosophy was really rewarding and these days I apply that thinking to all aspects of my life.

9. ‘Action expresses priorities’ – Gandhi

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Where did your passion for surfing stem from and how has this passion allowed you to strive to success? My three older brothers started surfing before me and it wasn’t long before I followed them into the waves. I loved it straight away but it wasn’t until I moved to the Gold Coast when I was 12 that I surfed good long point break waves that I became completely obsessed with surfing. I think I've always been a competitive person so with that and a love of surfing I soon started entering events. I love the challenge and the feeling of satisfaction you get from winning and it keeps me striving for success. Do you believe that reaching such a level in this sport was down to skill, embracing each moment, positive thinking or a mixture of each? I think there was probably a bit of natural talent there initially but it wasn't until I started training and becoming stronger physically and mentally that I started reaching my full potential. If you could give anyone advice as to how embracing each moment enhances life what would it be and how would you tell them to do it? I think the key is finding something you truly love doing… no matter what your interests are. Once you have a passion for something go after it. If you’re happy in life it makes it much easier to really enjoy the moment. What has, so far, been your most amazing experience? Travel would have to be the ultimate perk to be being a professional surfer. It takes me to so many different places and gives me the opportunity to meet so many different people and experience so many unique things. In my personal life meeting my wife was the most amazing experience I’ve had. And if I had to put down one experience from my career I'd say claiming the World Title in 2009 over in Hawaii is probably the most amazing thing I've experienced.

Ralph Waldo Emerson - ‘Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm!’ 10.

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Danny Nobbs Paralympian, Shot put, Team GB

11. ‘If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door ‘ - Milton Berle

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A keen sportsman throughout my teenage years, my life was turned upside down when at 17 I found myself lying in a hospital bed, paralysed from the chest down with a broken back and severed spinal cord. I thought my life was over, let alone any hope of getting back to the competitiveness of sport that I had known before. But it was through wanting to help a friend's daughter, born with cerebral palsy, I decided to focus on completing the Great North Run in order to raise money to build her a sensory room. From the moment I got back into training I realised that regardless of your physical ability, the desire to win, to be successful and to work hard comes from within, and in 2008 I found myself in the Birds Nest stadium in front on 92,000 people representing Team GB in the Paralympic Games in Beijing. Competing in the shot put has given me a tremendous focus, and has allowed me to meet some fantastic people along the way and to witness some experiences I thought I could only dream about. I hope that dream takes one step further with a medal in the Paralympic Games in London this year!

Albert Schweitzer - ‘In hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet!’ 12.

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Galton Blackiston Michelin Starred Chef at Morston Hall and at the top of his game in Norfolk.

13. ‘Positive anything is better than negative thinking!’ - Elbert Hubbard

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Living for the moment can involve many things for me. It can be creating a new dish for the restaurant which involves using foraged ingredients previously ignored, maybe mackerel caught by ourselves, deciding last minute to walk across the marshes collecting samphire and cockles and having just enough to put on the menu and at the last minute travelling to watch my beloved Norwich play. However my favourite thing is watching the boys playing in a cricket match, making sure it involves locating a new restaurant to eat at. I do a lot of impulsive things and this I believe helps one to stay fresh and on the ball! Classic Lemon Tart - If I were allowed one pudding on my desert island, it would

be this one. Serves 6–8 250 g (9 oz) Sweet Pastry 2 egg yolks, beaten, for sealing the pastry case 7 eggs 275 g (10 oz) caster sugar rind of two lemons, juice of four lemons, kept separate 225 ml (8 fl oz) double cream 25 cm (10 inch) fluted flan tin with removable base. Method • Pre-heat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. • Line a flan tin with pastry, cover with greaseproof paper and fill with baking beans or rice. Place in the pre-heated oven and bake blind until the pastry starts to brown around the edges. Remove from the oven, carefully lift out the greaseproof paper and the beans or rice, and return to the oven. Once the base starts to colour, remove from the oven and brush the pastry all over with the beaten egg yolks to seal any cracks. Return to the oven and bake until the yolk mixture is cooked. Repeat this process twice more to ensure that the pastry case is absolutely sealed. Remove from the oven and set aside. • Turn down the oven to 140C/275F/Gas 1. • To make the filling, gently whisk the eggs and sugar together in a bowl, without creating too many bubbles or froth. Add the lemon juice and the double cream, and pass the liquid through a sieve into a jug. Skim off any froth and finally stir in the lemon rind. • Place the warm pastry case onto a baking sheet and put it into the oven. Pour the lemon custard mixture into the pastry case there as it is hard to avoid spilling the mixture if you move it after it’s been poured in. Cook for about 50 minutes until just set, although it should still wobble slightly in the middle. Remove from the oven and cool. Do not use the fridge as this will make your tart heavy in texture.

Abraham Lincoln - ‘In the end it’s not the years in your life that count, its the life in your years!’ 14.

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Casey Neistat

I live in NYC and make movies for a job. I have a television show on HBO, USA and produced the film Daddy Long Legs which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and won an Independent Spirit Award. Also, I made an advert for Nike called

Make It Count. 15. ‘Do one thing everyday that scares you’ – Eleanor Roosevelt

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Embracing life. toughie. where to start. I guess with health. no. death. so we are all going to die. every one of us. we have a limited shelf life then it is over. nothing we can do about it. no control, which just sucks. but we do have some control over what our days are like while we're still living. This is where the health thing comes in. health is the only thing. money, love, career, success, failure all of that can come and go but without health you got nothing. Steve Jobs really had a good thing going. Guy raised a company from the ashes to bigger than Exxon, had a family, was admired, successful - changing the world. But he didn't have his health and in the end he just died. Young. As long as you have your health you don't have much to ***** about. No matter if your poor or rich, on the top or begging for scraps at the bottom. You are alive, you have your health, the world is your oyster - do something. That idea is something I thought everyone knew and lived by until my early 20s when I learned that only a few have that appreciation. People, healthy people, bitching about everyday problems like the universe is out to get them. Hate your job, hate your boss, can't afford what your neighbour has - all that - those aren't real problems, those are simply life. We all have those battles, everyone is fighting their own wars. Some want money, the pretty girl, a nice car, better looks, a new house, a new job but sick people all want one thing, the same thing, to be healthy. I've got my health for now and with that I don't have much to lose. I have never considered the risks I take, with my career or lifestyle, to be real risks because what's the worst that could happen? I lose it all? totally broke, living in a trailer park, on welfare (again) that's not the end of the world. I'd still have my health and I could try again, maybe try something new. Why not take chances, be fearless. Most of the folks that I know that do as their told, follow the rules, apply for the job, listen to their boss, never stir it up - most of them, they're not super psyched for life. I love the uncertainty. I love it all.

Ralph Waldo Emerson - ‘Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine!’ 16.

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Embracing all things

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Stop and Think I’ll be honest I was originally going to jot down my views on how we invest

within our true passions & whether we stand tall alongside them or hide under

that bushel. However while thinking these through I find my mind distracted by

the question of ‘life plans’ so I know myself well enough to know that my mind

will take control & lead itself down this path so I’m not going to fight it. I will drop

a few lines together on our approach to our passions in the near future but for

now let me momentarily guide you this way.

As a kid, well no even as an adult, I have enjoyed a creative imagination

however when I was younger I often day dreamed about being ‘magic’ and

being able to influence situations with my powers! I look back to those day

dreams rather fondly as I certainly had fun with them back then. This creativity

in my imagination has been a mainstay throughout my 27 years however I

remember vividly sitting in a careers lesson at high school & losing myself in a

day dream of future success & happiness . . and of course the riches that go

hand in hand, don’t they? ;)

I guess my point is back then, through my teenage years & even to some extent

into my early twenties I presumed that my life would come together just as I

wanted. The fulfilling career, the perfect relationship, a myriad of close &

trustworthy friends, respect & achievement . . “What’s that I hear, you’re all out

of those? I have to what . . go find them myself?! Now that’s just not fair!!” It

slowly dawned upon me as the years went by that if I wanted something then I

needed to go get it myself, it was up to me and me alone to determine where

my life was heading & how I lived each and every day. A real part of this is

growing up but I truly wish that I’d come to this realisation sooner, I went to write

‘If only someone had said something!’ but I’m wise enough now to realise that

nothing in life is a given & while we have family & friends around us it is up to

each of us to build our lives in the very best way we can. We’re all born with

strengths & weaknesses, some with financial backing, some without, some with

supportive friends & families others without. These are all external to us

however & incredibly we learn to adapt to our situation & most of the time get

the very best out of it. Yes we make mistakes but hey I truly believe that if we

use the power of our imaginations to build a clear goal for ourselves almost

anything is possible.

19. ‘Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon

‘em.’ - William Shakespeare

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We have obvious physical constraints that limit us to doing what our human

bodies will allow or be trained to do, our health can put constraints upon us, we

as individuals can’t change the state of the economy or change how other

people act however there is so much we can focus upon & influence. So why

not focus, truly & clearly, upon what we can control? We are in control of our

own minds, our thoughts and therefore our feelings so surely by making a

conscious effort to create a clear sense of what it will feel like to achieve your

goals you can apply this to each & every day. Many focus on the big picture, the

big goal, but hang on a minute folks what happens between now and then?

Why not apply that motivation of yours to each and every day in between

because you never know how much more you could achieve & just how many

more amazing experiences you will open yourself up to. Life can be unfair at

times however all of this can be yours by making a conscious effort to focus on

what you can control, your thoughts & therefore your actions. My humble

advice? Approach each & every day with an open mind & a clear sense of what

you will achieve.

As with most of my thoughts I’m hoping it will hit home with some of you. Even if

you’re sitting there a little unsure, give it a try & see what positive things

happen. Go do something new you lovely people & live the life you have to the

very best of your ability . . now that’s what I call achievement.

Fynn Cornish

Friedrich Nietzsche - ‘That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.’ 20.

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21. ‘Buy the ticket take the ride!’ - Hunter S Thompson

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Winston Churchill - ‘The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty’ 22.

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Spontaneity and Smiles

23. ‘Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.’ - Will Rogers

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Spontaneity and smiles. The small start to an outburst of happiness! Don’t you just love it when you get that spontaneous message from someone you love, which says those completely insignificant yet life changing three-words! Or when that one person who makes you happiest in life, takes that small amount of time out of their day to pick up the phone, or drop round for a spontaneous chat and an always well needed kiss and a cuddle. I mean, who doesn’t ever want a cuddle! Every time this happens my heart begins to flutter in a way in which is in complete contrast to its normal thud. This to me is a beautiful thing. A beautiful thing that makes your whole world bounce up and down and say: Yes this really is that one person who I do love, and want to share everything with. And when they are around the largest of worries just becomes completely irrelevant! Love is such a powerful word, however I feel it should be said at the very least once a day. Those completely insignificant yet life changing three-words, always make my day! I always try to fill my day full of adventures from something big to something as small as people watching. I do this often, either when sitting alone or on some form of other planet. When I watch people I always wonder who, what, when and why. And there it is; a strange question, just pops into mind… “Why did that man choose to wear such a large, dark hat today of all days?, What is such a small lady doing walking so quickly (she could almost be running) to get to her destination… Poundland!?” From there a scenario is formed, which grows and grows - a scenario, which in my mind could well be a comedy sketch. A comedy sketch that will only be seen once, by me, in my mind (like creating your own, personal TV channel). So if every day I find one of these people watching moments – I always have a reason to chuckle… And so, a smile is infectious, therefore, every time I let out what would look like to other people as a spontaneous grin or a cheeky chuckle, they are likely to smile also and so on… Isn’t it amazing! Therefore If I let out one smile a day which someone sees, they then pass this on to another person who then passes it on to another … I could have changed the world for one day from just unconsciously sharing the happiness and madness going on in my mind at the time! Yasmin Godfrey

Eric Butterworth - ’Don’t go through life, grow through life.’ 24.

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Pooktre Nature at it’s best

25. ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it.’ - Abraham Lincoln

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The pooktre process of shaping trees is literally a growing art that gives a close interaction with trees that most people don’t have now. For a species to survive the best way is to find an easy and practical way to incorporate them into our life. We believe that having a method of successfully shaping trees, gives us and the world something of value. People are so busy rushing to save time they don’t even realise how much they are missing out on by not slowing down and just enjoying what they are doing. With pooktre you have to work at the growing speed of your baby tree. Shaping at the tree’s rate of growth gives you permission to slow down and enjoy natures process. How many people can say they have done something with another living being that will still be relevant in 300 years? Creativity and relaxation are just some of the personal benefits achieved by slowing down and embracing nature. This is neither time consuming or hard to do – sometimes some time alone is refreshing, detaching you from the ups and downs of this busy world. We plan all of our designs for the living art as though it’s going to live forever or at least well past our life-time. Even though we are planning for the future it is exciting, as we are planning something for everyone to embrace and view. We believe Pooktre is an art of the future. Tree shaping is now taking place all around the world and in the future shaped trees will be a common thing. Imagine trees fully integrated into the city’s infrastructure. Trees live a long time for example a park bench grown from trees will be here for many generations. Just picture how peaceful it would be to be walking down your city street under the canopy of the many shaped trees that provide you chairs to sit on and hold signs for you to find your way. Becky Norhey

John Wooden - ‘Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.’ 26.

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The Humble Bucket List...

All of those things you vow you're going to do before you die... A Bucket list is where you can keep track of them all - a way to kick start your life goals, making sure you don’t miss out on the hidden gems.

27. I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” - Pablo Picasso

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You will be familiar with the concept of a bucket list; a list of things you intend to do before you 'kick the bucket'. After a deep reflective moment where I was feeling as if I had no purpose, no where to aim for, thinking there is only so much for just being when I have a strong natural urge to grow and develop that I found myself wallowing in a sense of worthlessness. This would never do, so I set myself a task; to create a bucket list. One hundred things to do before I die or alternatively with any luck have to write another one. Writing it might seem to be aiming too high, over stretching myself but I can't look at it that way. Nearly everyone looks at life and sees the limitations not the possibilities, when talking to people and trying to encourage them to step forward we often meet a huge amount of resistance to change. In general we hear excuses. ‘I don't have time. I don't have the money. I'd like to but with work and the kids...’ I am not saying that it always easy to do some of these things, if it were it wouldn't be much of challenge. I personally have to fight fatigue, migraines, a tough inflexible hospital and drug regimen and I too have little money because I don't work. However these things are not impenetrable they require some planning and determination to overcome; something that is a hell of a lot easier when you stop making excuses and start looking for solutions! So my challenge has been set and I look to start counting down the one hundred and ticking them off. Victoria Cornish

Thomas Edison – ‘Many of life’s failures are experienced by people who did not realize how close they were to

success when they gave up.’ 28.

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www.imagineit.org.uk [email protected]