The Miracles of Christ Lesson Eight – Tell me the Story of Jesus! After delivering His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus displayed His power in several different ways. First, He healed a man with a skin disease. Then in Capernaum He cured the servant of a Roman officer without even going near the servant. He also healed Peter’s mother-in-law, among many others. Crossing the Sea of Galilee in a boat, He calmed a terrible storm. On the other side of the lake, He cast demons out of two men. Then, having returned to Capernaum, he healed a paralytic. These miracles confirmed that Jesus was truly the Messiah. Questions “Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age” – Luke 3:23 A Mastering of the Text Genuineness of Jesus’ miracles – There are no signs of fraud or trickery. An imposter would seek all the publicity possible; but, Jesus forbade such at times (Mt. 9:30). An imposter would seek to enhance the value of miracles; but, Jesus said there were greater works (preaching and converting (John 14:11-12). Every attack against them has been answered. Even his enemies admitted their actuality. Writers of secular history gave credence to the Jesus’ miracles. The witnesses, and their testimonies to Christ’s miracles, pass the tests of accepted evidence; number, credibility and motive. 1. List some various ways the term “miracle" is used today? 2. What individuals can we read about performing true miracles in Scripture? 3. Which miracle recorded in John impresses you the most? 4. How are the miracles we read about in John different than the “miracles” performed today? 5. Does God still perform miracles today? How does go accomplish them? 6. What are some practical applications we can apply to our lives today?

The Miracles of Christ - WordPress.com · 2013-07-23 · Lesson Eight – Tell me the Story of Jesus! After delivering His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus displayed His power in several

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Page 1: The Miracles of Christ - WordPress.com · 2013-07-23 · Lesson Eight – Tell me the Story of Jesus! After delivering His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus displayed His power in several

The Miracles of Christ Lesson Eight – Tell me the Story of Jesus!

After delivering His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus displayed His power in several different ways. First, He healed a man with a skin disease. Then in Capernaum He cured the servant of a Roman officer without even going near the servant. He also healed Peter’s mother-in-law, among many others. Crossing the Sea of Galilee in a boat, He calmed a terrible storm. On the other side of the lake, He cast demons out of two men. Then, having returned to Capernaum, he healed a paralytic. These miracles confirmed that Jesus was truly the Messiah.


“Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age” – Luke 3:23

A Mastering of the Text

Genuineness of Jesus’ miracles – There are no signs of fraud or trickery. An imposter

would seek all the publicity possible; but, Jesus forbade such at times (Mt. 9:30). An imposter would seek to enhance the value of miracles; but, Jesus said there were greater works (preaching and converting (John 14:11-12). Every attack against them has been answered. Even his enemies admitted their actuality. Writers of secular history gave credence to the Jesus’ miracles. The witnesses, and their testimonies to Christ’s miracles, pass the tests of accepted evidence; number, credibility and motive.

1. List some various ways the term “miracle" is used today?

2. What individuals can we read about performing true miracles in Scripture?

3. Which miracle recorded in John impresses you the most?

4. How are the miracles we read about in John different than the “miracles” performed today?

5. Does God still perform miracles today? How does go accomplish them?

6. What are some practical applications we can apply to our lives today?

Page 2: The Miracles of Christ - WordPress.com · 2013-07-23 · Lesson Eight – Tell me the Story of Jesus! After delivering His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus displayed His power in several

Seven Miracles of John’s Gospel

1. Turning Water into Wine (John 2:1-11) Location: a wedding in Cana. Those present: the couple, servants, the feast master, the Jews, Jesus, Jesus’ mother and his disciples. The need: “they have no wine”. The miracle: changing some 180 gallons of water into good wine. Filling the pots to the brim, and using the servants for distribution, gave credibility to the miracle. The results: the miracles, was designed to reveal Christ’s glory (power) which resulted in faith being produced.

2. Healing a nobleman’s son (John 4:46-54). Location: Cana of Galilee. Those present: the nobleman, his son, Jesus, the nobleman’s servants and his household. The need: The son “was at the point of death” and his father “implored Him to come down and heal his son.” The miracle: “your son lives”. The boy was healed, even though Jesus was twenty miles away from Capernaum. The boy was healed at the exact hour Jesus spoke those healing words. The results: faith was produced.

3. Healing a lame man (John 5:1-18). Location: a pool by the Sheep Gate called Bethesda (Neh. 3:1-32; 12:39). Those present: a multitude of sick people, especially a 38-year-old infirm man, Jesus, and the Jews. The need: to be healed of an infirmity of 38 years, resulting in his “lying there.” The miracle: upon Jesus’ spoken words, “immediately the man was made well”. The results: the Jews were critical and persuaded Jesus, and sought to slay him.”

4. Feeding the 5,000 (John 6:1-15) – Location: Grassy plain near the shore of the Sea of Galilee, the Sea of Tiberias, about four miles around the sea of Capernaum. Those present: Jesus, the multitude, his disciples and the lad. The need: “Where shall we buy bread that these may eat?” The miracle: five thousand men besides the women and children [Eastern custom did not permit the women to sit with the men] fed with a little boy’s lunch consisting of five barley loaves [like large crackers] and two small fish [like sardines]. Therefore, one cracker for each 1,000 and one fish for 2,500! Twelve baskets of fragments were collected so as to have no wastage. The results: they said, “This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world” (Deuteronomy 18:18-19).

He is Master and Lord! • Turning Water into Wine (John 2:1-11) – Master of Matter/Quality • Healing a Nobleman’s Son (John 4:46-54) – Master of Time/Distance • Healing a Lame Man (John 5:1-18) – Master of Time • Feeding the Five Thousand (John 6:1-15) – Master of Quantity • Walking on the Water (John 6:16-21) – Master of Gravity/Natural Law • Healing the Man Born Blind (John 9:1-42) – Master of Light/Misfortune • Raising Lazarus (John 11:1-57) – Master of Death

Page 3: The Miracles of Christ - WordPress.com · 2013-07-23 · Lesson Eight – Tell me the Story of Jesus! After delivering His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus displayed His power in several


5. Walking on the Water (John 6:16-21) Location: The sea of Galilee. Those present: Jesus and his disciples, esp. Peter. The need: Jesus was on the mountain; but, the disciples, having rowed about three or four miles, with the sea becoming turbulent, and it being sometime between 3 and 6am, were on their way to Capernaum. The miracle: Jesus appeared in the midst of the storm walking on the water, the law of gravity becoming inverted; and, the wind ceased. Upon speaking words of reassurance, they received him and immediately reached shore. The results: the disciples were amazed and worshipped Him.

6. Healing a Man Born Blind (John 9:1-42) Location: Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem. Those present: Jesus, his disciples, a blind man, his parents, and the Pharisees. The need: We are introduced to the only man in the gospel accounts born blind. The miracle: Saliva-made-clay and his washing in the pool, the man received his sight. The results: there was doubt and questioning by his neighbors, denial by the Pharisees; such as being followed by an inquisition of the man and his parents. There is also accusation (9:24), ridicule (9:28-29), and expulsion (9:34). However, upon Jesus revealing himself to the healed man, the man said, “Lord, I believe!” He worshipped him!

7. Raising Lazarus (John 11:1-57) Location: Bethany. Those present: Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Jesus, his disciples and the comforters. The need: Lazarus because sick and died. Then Jesus has his interchange with Martha and Mary. The miracle: Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” Then, He who died came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. The results: many of the Jews believed; but the Pharisees sought to kill him.


Applications for Us Today:

1. Whatever Jesus says to you, do it (John 2:5) is the key to success Mt. 7:21; Revelation 22:14. Mary so instructed the servants. We, too, must “do it” regardless of the cost, how unreasonable it seems, without asking questions, in the way he says, and for the purpose specified.

2. Inviting Christ to the wedding is the key to marital happiness (John 2:2). The couple in Cana did so. Let Jesus be the unseen guest at every meal and silent listener.

3. Jesus is aware of our plight (John 5:6). Jesus sees, knows, and says. His eye is the sparrow and he watches over me.

4. Let us become Andrews (John 6:8-9). He is always introducing people to Christ. Soul winning is not an option (Pro. 11:30; 2 Tim 2:2)

5. Christ can conquer our fears (John 6:20). When Jesus came into the boat, the storm ceased. See Col. 3:15 and 1 Peter 3:14.

6. Our extremity is the Lord’s opportunity (John 6:19). Jesus is there to take over during our turbulent times. See Isaiah 43:2.

The credibility of the Bible cannot be denied,

with the evidences sustaining such being

overwhelming. Hence, the miracles recorded

therein cannot be denied.