M ILLERTON N E W S  Millerton • North East • Amenia • Pine Plains • Millbrook Ancram Dover Copake The Best Regional News Site TriCornerNews.com Volume 84 Number 44 34 Pages in 2 Sections Thursday, December 3, 2015 $1.25 MILLERTON Parade Of Lights Sets  Village Aglo w A3 PINE PLAINS Decorating Day And Parade Light Up Town A5 ©2015 The Lakeville Journal Company, LLC Periodical Rate Postage Paid at Millerton, New York 12546  Friday 45°/346°/29° Saturday 48°/32° Sunday Obituaries .....................................  A2 Millerton ........................................  A3  Amenia ............................................  A4 Pine Plains ....................................  A5 Millbrook .....................................  A6 Sports ................................................  A8 Opinion ..................................  A9-10 Classifieds ..........................  A12-14 Compass ................................ Inside OPINION/VIEWPOINT The Challenges Of The Budgeting Process; Letter; Columns A9-10 Th e e-Banking with P2P is safe, secure, exible and convenient. “thx to the best babysitter – See FORUM, A11 PHOTO SUBMITTED Webut uck students send th eir support Sixth-graders at Eugene Brooks Intermediate School collected donations recently for Staff Sgt. James Parla’s  Air F orce unit in Afghanis tan. Pa rla, no w home, is the fiancé of sixth-grade substitute math and science tea cher Michelle Lewis. The care packages were sent as part of a real-life lesson about the importance of Veterans Day. By GABRIEL NAPOLEON Special to The Millerton News  WEBUTUCK Fire companies from Millerton, Amenia and Wassaic responded to an incident at the North East (Webutuck) Central School District on Monday afternoon, Nov. 23.  A roll of toi let pa per ca ught fir e in a  Webu tuck High School bat hroom, ac - cording to local media. The call reportedly went out around 1 p.m.  Superintendent of Schools Ray- mond Castellani offered comments on procedure and aftermath.  Accordi ng to Castella ni, the case is being reviewed in part by the Millerton Fire Company. “We are investigating in conjunction with the fire department and arson unit who is responsible for this event,” he By GABRIEL NAPOLEON Special to The Millerton News DUTCHESS COUNTY — The Dutchess County Legislature is sched- uled to vote on the adoption of County Executive Marcus Molinaro’s 2016 proposed budget at a meeting in the Legislative Chambers at 22 Market St., Poughkeepsie on Thursday, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m. The presented budget offers a more than $1 million reduction in property tax levy from landowners county-wide — according to a release from Molinaro’s office, the largest reduction here in 16 years. By MICHAEL GAROFALO Special to The Millerton News MILLERTON — After two years and two months of covering commu- nity news, staff reporter Gabriel “Gabe” Napoleon is making a career move to Great Barrington, Mass. “I’m pursuing another passion, which is marketing,” he said. “I love social media and I love design and I feel like I can put those skills, plus others that I’ve learned here, to use in marketing.” He will be working as a marketing assistant for the Mahaiwe Perform- Fire at Webutuck under investigation Dutchess County Legislature to vote on county budget Dec. 3 In addition, the budget presents a 1.6 percent tax rate cut — the first time this rate would drop in eight years. If passed, this budget will qualify eligible taxpayers for New York State Property Tax Freeze Credit rebate checks next fall. The budget devotes $250,000 to continued investment in economic de- velopment and an additional $100,000 in tourism funding. There’s a $10.8 million line for road and bridge repair, an investment in “critical infrastructure.”  As recommended by the recently adopted Agriculture and Farmland Protection Plan, the budget creates an agricultural navigator position. The departments of health and men- tal hygiene are to be merged into a con- solidated agency called the Department of Behavioral and Community Health, with one commissioner. The budget proposes $1.5 million increased funding for support services to at-risk families in the county. Increased funding would be directed to the county’s Domestic Abuse Response and Sexual Assault Response teams. Molinaro’s “Think Differently” cam- paign is planned to expand to benefit the special needs community, with the creation of a deputy commissioner for special needs position and continued partnership with the Anderson Center for Autism. Dutchess County Legislator Gregg Pulver (R-19) said the budget has been well received by the Legislature. “It’s a pretty good budget,” he said, “I haven’t seen a lot of debate over it.” Pulver noted “the actual taxes decrease this year” and the health and mental hy- giene departments merger saves about $400,000. “I think Marcus is really committed to shrinking county government while maintaining services, and I think it’s working,” Pulver said. Budget documents are available at www.dutchessny.gov.  Millerton News r eporter prepare s for career move ing Arts Center, which features music, dance, theater and film. He plans to continue to freelance with the Berk- shire View, a newspaper that focuses on alternative news, including arts and entertainment. Napoleon described his employ- ment with The Millerton News as a mix of opportunity and excellent timing. When he first applied to The Lakeville Journal, a sister paper of The Millerton News that covers his home- town of Kent, Conn., he only antici- pated part-time work.  At the s ame time h e applied for the  job, a full-time staff reporter po sition became available at The Millerton News. Napoleon acted on the open- ing and got to work. One of the first challenges he en- countered was transitioning away from Modern Language Association guide- lines for writing, which he used to earn his B.A. in English from the University of Connecticut, and into the Associated Press style for journalism. “I was a writing tutor in college, so I always thought writing was a strong point, but I had to learn a new style.” Napoleon said. “I also had to learn how By LEON GRAHAM [email protected] SALISBURY, Conn. — Architecture is the art that is around us and with us every day. We live in and with the built environment. It has the power to perplex, anger, enthrall, delight, even awe us; its effects set the tone of cities across the globe, the way their people live and reflects what matters to them and their cultures. On Dec. 11, The Salisbury Forum will present Paul Goldberger, the country’s most influential writer on architecture, explaining “Why Architecture Matters. Goldberger was only 34 in 1984 when he won the annual Pulitzer Prize for Criticism. The award was created in 1970, and its first winner was another architecture critic, the great Ada Lou- ise Huxtable of The New York Times. Huxtable, as Goldberger has pointed out, made architecture — good, bad, in- different — “part of the public dialogue. Goldberger, a Yale graduate, began his career at The Times, following in Huxtable’s footprints. But he is a quite different writer, who recognizes that the quality of buildings and projects can be somewhere between good and bad. He renders his views in clear, poetic, often witty prose, trenchant rather than mordant. His opinions are founded on his near encyclopedic knowledge of facts and history.  After leavi ng The Times, he was the Goldberger on architecture at Forum See NAPOLEON, A11 said. The superintendent explained that students from WHS and Eugene Brooks Intermediate School, which are in the same building, were evacuated to Webu- tuck Elementary School across Haight Road while smoke was cleared by the firefighters. The wait was an hour, Castellani said. “Faculty and staff, as well as students, worked well together to have as little disruption as possible,” he said. Details surrounding how the fire started were not available as of press time, though Castellani indicated that it is suspected an individual caused the blaze. The superintendent said the Board of Education, school administration, New York State Police and Millerton Fire Company “are working together to identify who is responsible.” INSIDE Harlem Valley Holiday Season A7, A12 COMPASS Movie: ‘Brooklyn’ C15 PHOTO BY WHITNEY JOSEPH Gabriel Napoleon

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