The Messenger Parish Magazine of St Michael and All Angels, Middlewich with St John the Evangelist, Byley 50p October 2016 www.middlewichparishchurch.org.uk

The Messenger - Middlewich 2016 final -3.pdf · 23rd October— Last after Trinity 9.15 am Middlewich Communion 11.00 am Middlewich Morning Praise 11.00 am Byley Communion 2.00 pm

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Page 1: The Messenger - Middlewich 2016 final -3.pdf · 23rd October— Last after Trinity 9.15 am Middlewich Communion 11.00 am Middlewich Morning Praise 11.00 am Byley Communion 2.00 pm

The Messenger

Parish Magazine of St Michael and All Angels, Middlewich

with St John the Evangelist, Byley


October 2016


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Service Plan for October 2016

2nd October— 19th after Trinity (Parish Weekend away)

8.00 am Middlewich No Service

9.15 am Middlewich No Service

11.00 am Middlewich No Service

11.00 am Byley Morning Praise

6.30 pm Middlewich No Service

9th October— 20th after Trinity (Middlewich Harvest)

9.15 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Middlewich All Age Worship

11.00 am Byley Communion

2.00 pm Middlewich Baptism

4.00 pm Middlewich Bereavement Service

16th October— 21st after Trinity (Byley Harvest)

9.15 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Byley Morning Praise

6.30 pm Middlewich Church @ 28

Tuesdays– Healing Service 9.30 am Thursdays– Communion 9.30 am

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Don’t forget to check out the 28 website...www.at28.org

St Michael’s Church Office

28 Hightown, Middlewich, CW10 9AN

01606 738005 Office hours 10am-2pm Monday-Friday

Office Manager : Beth Deakin [email protected]

For further contact details please see p20 …

23rd October— Last after Trinity

9.15 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Middlewich Morning Praise

11.00 am Byley Communion

2.00 pm Middlewich Baptism

6.30 pm No Evening Service

30th October— 4th before Advent

9.15 am Middlewich Communion

11.00 am Middlewich All Age Communion

11.00 am Byley Morning Praise

6.30 pm No Evening Service

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Letter From the Rector Dear Friends Did you know that harvest festival as we know it today originated from the small Cornish town of Morwenstow. In 1834 the vicar of Morwenstow, the Revd Robert Hawker, announced that there would be a special Sunday devoted to thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest. Despite its recent humble beginnings Harvest Festival has become one of the major Christian festivals. Yet the idea of a thanksgiving festival to celebrate the harvest goes back to the earliest biblical times. After the escape of the people of Israel from Egypt around 1500 BC God, through Moses, commanded the nation of Israel to hold three annual festivals (Exodus 23:14-17); one to celebrate their escape from Egypt, one to celebrate the beginning of the harvest (with the first fruit from the fields), and another to celebrate the end of the harvest period. This emphasis given to the celebration of harvest so early in the bible demonstrates its fundamental importance in our relationship as human beings with God our maker. He is the creator and sustainer of all things, and he provides us with the very things we need to live. Whatever your understanding of the creation story in Genesis 1, one of its basic truths is that God provided us with the food we need to survive. God said “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” (Genesis 1:29) Again at the end of the story of Noah God gives this promise; “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease” (Genesis 8:22). We take the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the homes we live in mostly for granted. Some of you who are still involved in farming will be more aware than others of the risks involved in growing food crops, and the partnership that exists between human effort and nature. This harvest let us all remember that despite our great human achievements, science and technology we still depend on God’s provision in nature for the

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food we eat to actually grow. So take a moment this month to come and join us as we give thanks to God for the harvest.

Middlewich – Sunday 9th October – 9:15am & 11am Services

Byley – Sunday 16th October – 11am Service

Yours in Christ Simon Drew

The Alpha Course

Starting Wednesday 5th October 2016

Do you have questions about faith? Life? Or even the Universe? This is your opportunity to question and explore with others what the Christian faith is all about. This course is for anyone who would like to join us. We are running two groups:

Wednesday mornings at 10:30am at No28 Hightown

Wednesdays evenings at 7:30pm at No28 Hightown

Both starting 5th October 2016

To book a place please contact Simon (01606 833440) or the church office (01606 738005)

Book Review Cat Psalms – prayers my cats have taught me

By Herbert Brokering, LionHudson, £7.99 "Cats help me pray," says Herbert Brokering. This collection of whimsical, insightful psalms, or prayers, is based on Brokering's observations of cats he has known through his life - farm cats, house cats, alley cats. Each psalm expresses an observation about a cat's nature, written in the "voice" of the cat, followed by a prayer in which the human spirit speaks of its cat-like nature to God. Cat Psalms is for those who wish to pray more deeply, with more imagination and understanding, and offers fresh ways to see ourselves and new ways to pray.

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THE MYSTERY OF THE ICONS ON THE PILLAR I have wondered for some time about the framed picture I see every time I come to St Michael’s. It has the look of the High Renaissance about it but it seems incomplete. Now, I am no art buff but I did suspect that this painting would have been by one of the triumvirate of glorious Italian artists from the cinquecento, that is the 15th century. Leonardo da Vinci, Michaelangelo or Raphael. Sure enough after a little research in my mammoth volume “Renaissance, Art and Architecture during the 15th and 16th century”, it proved to be the case. It is one of Raphael's most important paintings The Sistine Madonna named after the church of San Sisto in Piacenza, for whose altar it was painted in 1513-14. The painting was later acquired by King Augustus 3rd of Saxony for his collection in Dresden. It was hidden underground in a Swiss tunnel during the war, but was eventually seized by the Red Army and taken to Moscow post war. In 1955 after the death of Stalin the painting was returned to Germany “for the purpose of strengthening the friendship between the two nations.” It is now back in Dresden and can be viewed at the Gemadergalerie Alte Meister in that city. Back to the painting and its deep meaning. I will quote from my volume for this: “Like the Mona Lisa this painting presents a mystery. The virgin stands on clouds and stares into space with an almost petrified and mournful gaze, while the infant Jesus also looks terrified and nestles against his mother for protection. What is the reason for their terror and sadness? Is St Sixtus pointing at us the viewers? A number of famous writers have expressed their views on the subject. The surprising and logical explanation was revealed not long ago by art historian Andreas Prater, who discovered that the altarpiece was once displayed in the choir of the church of San Sisto behind a choir screen that no longer survives. On this was a cross. The mystery is thus solved: Mary and the infant Jesus were staring out of the altarpiece, in its original position, at a crucifix (at which St Sixtus also points.) The fearful expression of mother and child is therefore understandable. Jesus sees his own death and his mother sees the suffering of her child.”

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So there you have it. I have included both the St Michaels print and the complete and gloriously coloured copy from my Renaissance volume. Hope you have enjoyed a walk down one of the many mysterious roads of artistic grandeur of that period. There are lots of other stories to tell.

Glenn King

St. Michael’s


The Sistine Madonna

Raphael (1513/14) Oil on canvas


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150 Years of Reader Ministry – and Julie Hassall!

On Saturday, October 15th at 2.15 pm in Chester Cathedral there will be a very special service. We will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of the reinstatement of Reader ministry in the Church of England – and our very own Julie Hassall will be licensed as a Reader in that service! She will be joining our existing Readers: Christine Hamill-Stewart, Tony Woode, Steve Broadfoot, Jacqui Briscoe, Anne Latham and Duncan Goodwin in this very important ministry which adds so much to the life of St. Michael’s and St. John’s. So who are Readers? They are people who are called to lay ministry in the Church. They go through a selection process to test their calling, and then do three years of theological training, starting with the ‘Foundations for Ministry’ year. And it is very hard work, and a huge commitment in time and energy! (It has got harder since I did it!). But then they receive a Licence from the Bishop, which gives them authority to preach God’s word and to lead services and teach both in our church, and else-where if requested. It is a ministry which is seen as a bridge between the church and the community, as many Readers, like Julie, have full-time jobs. By being the people they are, they bring the love of Jesus and the encouragement of Christian witness to the workplace and the people there. So we are thrilled that Julie will be joining our Ministry Team as the newest Reader. We have already benefitted so much from her fresh approach to ministry, and her gifts of getting alongside people. So do please pray for her, and come along to the Cathedral on October 15th to give thanks for Reader ministry in general, and for Julie in particular.

Liz Woode, Deanery Sub-Warden of Readers, Middlewich Deanery.

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Tour of Britain Cycle Race

There was great excitement in Middlewich on Tuesday 6th September, when the Tour of Britain cycle race passed through the town. Roads (specially mended) were closed for the occasion: The cyclists rode right past St. Michael’s, cheered on by local well-wishers and excited schoolchildren (oh– and excited family worker Jeremy). A few enterprising folks were allowed to climb the church tower and get a bird’s-eye view of the proceedings. Here is one of the photos Alastair Griffiths took of the race.

Well done cyclists.

And well done Middlewich!

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Parish Registers for 2016

Middlewich Church Funerals

15th September Jennifer Mary CARVER

29th September Kathleen PHILLIPS, East Road, Middlewich

Middlewich Weddings

20th September Lawrence Eric Mayo BOARDMAN and Patricia Hilary RANDLES

1st October Stephen Albert PIRRAZZO and Joanne PLUMB

Byley Wedding

17th September Samuel Andrew DAVENPORT and Victoria Ruth FAREY


25th September Freya Rose ADAMS-KELLY

Lucas Scott Anthony HICKEY

Tell us what you think?

November’s Messenger will be a little different!: We are trying out a different format because we think its time for a bit of a change! Alastair Griffiths has kindly agreed to edit our new look publication for one month only, so support him by writing some interesting articles (details of where to send them are on p.23) and letting Margaret (English), Alastair or Admin know your thoughts on November’s exciting format.

It’s your magazine!

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The Normal week at St Michael’s

Monday 9.15am Staff Meeting at Number 28 with prayers

1.15 pm SMILERS at church (not during school holidays)

7.00 pm Rehearsals for the Festival Choir in Church

7.30 pm SMAART St Michael’s handbell ringers

Tuesday 9.30 am Healing service and coffee at Number 28

7.30 pm Tower ringing practice in church

7.30 pm Card Group at Number 28

Wednesday 7.00 am Prayer in church

9.30 am Prayer @ 28

6.00 pm Worship group

7.30 pm Choir practice

Thursday 9.30 am Communion

Friday 6.00 pm BLOG (Club for Years 4, 5 and 6) not during school holidays

7.30 pm DYN@MIC (Club for Years 7, 8, 9) not during school holidays

8.00 pm AFTER DARK (Club for years 10 and above) not during school holidays


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Future events

Deanery Saturday, 15 October

A Rainbow Sale at The Lighthouse, (formerly Church House), Weaverham, from 10.00am to 12.00noon. Tickets: £1. This year we have chosen Purple as the colour for our table. Miriam has already started to collect sale items and will have a transport list available when she returns from holiday at the end of September. Branch Tuesday, 11 October

“The Work of the Foodbank”. Elaine Reynolds, a Pastoral Worker at St Michael’s is the guest speaker for our October meeting. Learn about the team who operate the Middlewich & District Foodbank, and how their ministry continues to make a huge difference to many lives in our town. If you would like to make a donation, we shall be collecting provisions at our meeting and some of the items which are in short supply are: sponge puddings, tinned fruit, tinned meat, custard, sugar, cream crackers, brown sauce, ketchup, milk (UHT), toilet rolls and toiletries. Tuesday, 8 November

“16 Days of Activism against gender based violence”. Susan will have returned from France by the end of September and will be presenting this topic. Thursday, 24 November

Mothers’ Union Mince Pie Coffee Morning held in No.28 at 10.30am, follow-ing mid-week Holy Communion. We shall have our usual table top sale and raffle. If you would like to donate anything to help raise our funds, please contact Miriam or myself. Tickets will be £1.00 for tea/coffee and mince pie.

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Mothers’ Union Sunday Rota

Duty October November

Intercessions Bridget Anton Jacqui Briscoe

Banner Chris Overton Susan Hawkes

Escorts Angela Tempest &

Edna Rose

Pauline Davies &

Pauline Ashley

Offertory Pam Jackson &

Pauline Davies

Mary Munroe &

Thelma Ashley

Tuesday, 13 December

This date for our Advent Reflection has been cancelled and in its place we will be joining the other Deanery members at Christ Church, Wharton on Wednesday, 7 December at 2.00pm.

Please disregard the information given at our September meeting.

Jo Hulse

Book Review Really Bad Girls Of The Bible

By Liz Curtis Higgs, Authentic, £10.99

The is the second in a popular series of books that features the author’s unique brand of "girlfriend theology." It examines various biblical women gone bad and the lessons their lives can teach readers. Mistakes in the lives of Bathsheba, Jael, Herodias, Athaliah, Tamar, and other ‘really bad’ girls can help women today find their way back to a better path.

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Emergency Food For Local People

Matthew 25:35 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in"

On behalf of the Foodbank can I say a big thank you to all who are donating food. Unfortunately we have a record number of shortages this week as the Food-bank continues to feed clients from Middlewich and the surrounding areas. The good news is that, thanks to your tremendous generosity we are feeding them, but as soon as foods in short supply come in they are going out again and stocks are not building up.

We currently have none of the following: cream crackers, sponge puddings, cordial, couscous, noodles, savoury rice, toilet rolls and deodorant. We have very low stocks of the following: shampoo, stuffing, tinned fruit, tinned meats, jelly, angel delight, ketchup/brown sauce, blue long life milk and long life fruit juice.

We still have large stocks of pasta, baked beans, tinned tomatoes, tinned vegetables, tinned fish and cereal, so could you ask that people concentrate on our shortages please.

Thank you once again for your continuing support Elaine Reynolds On behalf of the foodbank.

Book Review Forgotten Bible Stories

By Margaret McAllister and Alida Massari, LionHudson, £9.99 Here is an elegantly illustrated collection of 13 lesser-known Bible stories. These tales of often-forgotten people were specially chosen for their care and compassion towards the vulnerable, and their (sometimes unexpected) strength of character. Balaam, Hagar, Mephibosheth, Naboth’s Vineyard, The Widow, Naaman’s Servant, Ebedmelech, Elizabeth, Centurion, The Servants in the Courtyard, as, Barnabas, Eunice and Philemon.

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"The cost of heating and lighting St Michael's for a whole year is nearly £4,900:

Heating alone costs almost £30 per day. So please turn the lights off and shut the door after you!


All the rooms at Number 28, which is opposite St Michael’s Church, are available for rent when not being used by the Church.

The rooms seat between 8 and 60 people, are well appointed and would suit private functions or business meetings.

A full commercial standard kitchen is also available.

Go to the Number 28 Website www.at28.org/roomhire

to see details, or phone the office on 01606 738005.

Passionate About Parenting?

A parenting course with Ann Peach from Care for the Family

Commencing: Saturday 8th October 2016, 10:00am-12noon

Venue: No28 Hightown, Middlewich Cheshire, CW10 9HG

This course will run for several Saturday mornings during October/November 2016. To book a place please contact Beth in the church office: 01606 738005 - [email protected]

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Don’t Forget Operation Christmas Child

A small shoebox can have a big impact. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out of it is eternal. Be a part of changing children’s lives all over the world in Jesus’ name through the power of a simple gift with Operation Christmas Child.

Shoeboxes left in church for filling have been going fast! Please help to make a needy child’s life better if you can.

Pray Most importantly, pray for the child who will receive your gift. You can also include a personal note and photo of yourself or your group. Posters and leaflets in church and No. 28 , boxes to church or No.28 by 6th November please. Contact Margaret English 01606 834471 ([email protected]) for more information. [Note: Margaret is away until 24th October]


This year’s box opening will take place during the first 2 weeks of November. The boxes can be taken and dropped off at either St. Michael’s, Middlewich, or St. John’s Byley. They can also be left at No. 28 (The parish centre) or at 29 King Street, Middlewich. If you require your box to be collected please phone David or Miriam Sant on 01606 832583. Your Box will be emptied, counted and a receipt issued (you will find it stuck on the bottom of your box). Please collect your box after emptying. Once again the Children's Society are being stretched financially due to increasing numbers of children needing the Society’s help. We only look after Children in England & Wales as other areas of the UK have their own organisations. No child is ever turned away regardless of their race, colour or creed. We deal with runaways, refugees, homeless chil-dren, and also those in our young offenders institutions. Please help by giving as much as you can. If you would like to have a house box please contact David or Miriam Sant on the above number.

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Byley Notices

Byley Rotas this month

Flower Rota

September 25th & October 2nd The Bickerton Ladies October 9th E. Walton

October 16th Harvest donations please 30th October and 6th November B. Hopley

Cleaning Rota

2nd— 9th October E. Winnett 16th— 23rd October V. Farrow

30th October— 6th November J. Percival

(cleaning fortnight begins on the previous Monday) .

Harvest Lunch and Auction of Produce

Following the Harvest Festival Service of Thanksgiving

Sunday 16th October

Tickets £8.00 to be booked in advance :

Available from Jean on 01606 833808

Bring Your Own Drinks


Byley Community Association

Friday 7th October

7.30pm in the Village Hall Bring your own Drinks

For more information and Tickets contact

Russell Bairstow on 01606 832597

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Home Communion

If anyone in the Byley area would like Home Communion please phone Glenys on :-01606 834343

Byley Notices

Be sure to read next month’s magazine for details of advent events, carol singing and yuletide excitement-

Christmas is coming!

(See book reviews scattered about for present


Byley Parish Church are pleased to announce :-

Hello from me and hello from her

A Flower Presentation By

Val Seed and Chris O’Hara

(NAFAS) Designers of Byley Flower Festival 2014

14th October

7.30pm in Byley Village Hall

Tickets £7.50 inclusive of Coffee and Cake will be available from : -

Glenys Richardson 01606 834343 Pam Lomas 01606 832142

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Byley Readers

For those who like to prepare well in advance:

The readers for November 6th are

Anita Halman & Glenys Richardson

and for November 13th:

James Bennion & Celia Wilkinson

2nd October Joint service Readers Sidesman

Simon Hamill-Stewart Frank Walton Jean Percival John Whiteside

9th October Communion Readers Sidesman

Liz Woode Alan Boyle Glenys Richardson Vera Farrow

16th October Harvest Festival Readers Sidesman

Simon Drew James Bennion Vera Farrow Nigel Martin

23rd October Communion Readers Sidesman

Lorraine Reed Jean Percival Organist Caroline Oakes

30th October Morning Praise Readers

Steve Broadfoot Frank Walton Alan Boyle Eleanor Winnett

Byley this Month

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Rev Simon Drew, Rector– Middlewich and Byley

The Rectory, Poplar Fell, Nantwich Road, Middlewich CW10 9HG

01606 833440

[email protected]

Jeremy Coles, Director of Music & Family Work

6 Shilton Close, Middlewich CW10 0RN office: 01606 738005

[email protected] mobile:07981 051776

Rev Liz Woode, Curate & Tony Woode, Reader

6 The Grange, Hartford, CW8 1QH 01606 75030

[email protected]

Rev Thia Hughes, Curate

The Vicarage, 50 Norley Road, Sandiway, CW8 2JU 01606 883286

[email protected] mobile 07970 734507

Rev. Lorraine Reed, Curate

1 Douglas Close, Hartford, CW8 1SH 01606 781071

[email protected]

Rev Simon Hamill-Stewart, Assistant Priest & Christine Hamill-Stewart, Reader

87 Warmingham Lane, Middlewich CW10 0DJ 01606 737329

[email protected]

Steve Broadfoot, Reader

Ruth Broadfoot, Electoral Roll

22 Angus Grove, Middlewich CW10 9GR 01606 738373

[email protected]

Jacqui Briscoe, Reader and Alpha leader

53 Lewin Street, Middlewich CW10 9BG 01606 836460

[email protected]

Sylvia Bosomworth, Pastoral Care Worker

98 Sutton Lane, Middlewich, CW10 0BY 01606 737338

[email protected]

Elaine Reynolds, Pastoral Care Worker

28 Westlands Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HN 01606 832596

e,[email protected]




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Sue Ikin, Pastoral Care Worker

28 Hightown, Middlewich CW10 9AN

Beth Deakin, Office Manager (Mon-Fri 10am-2pm)

Church Office, 28 Hightown, Middlewich CW10 9AN

01606 738005

[email protected]

Keith Yearley, Middlewich Church Warden

28 Whitley Close, Middlewich CW10 0NQ 07544 262288

[email protected]

Graham Ikin, Middlewich Church Warden

28 Hightown, Middlewich CW10 9AN

Elaine Reynolds, Church Warden

28 Westlands Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HN 01606 832596

e,[email protected]

Christine Malkin, Middlewich PCC Secretary

5 Lindisfarne Close, Middlewich, CW10 9HS 01606 833023

[email protected]

Stuart Barber, Middlewich PCC Treasurer

24 Waterside Way, Middlewich CW10 9HP 01606 833161

[email protected]

Jo Hulse, Middlewich Mothers Union

56 Nantwich Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HG 01606 832198

[email protected]

John Briggs, Pledges Officer

85 Rolt Crescent, Middlewich CW10 0BE 01606 832810

Janet Chisholm, Middlewich Flower Guild

37 Brooks Lane, Middlewich CW10 0JG 01606 836263

[email protected]

Anne Hardy, Organist

54 Westlands Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HN 01606 832121

[email protected]






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Ian Taylor, Middlewich Bellringers

78 Long Lane, Middlewich CW10 0EN 01606 834095

[email protected]

David & Miriam Sant, Children’s Society local representatives

29 King Street, Middlewich CW10 9EJ 01606 832583

[email protected]

Glenys Richardson, Byley

The Gables, Byley Lane, Byley, CW10 9NL 01606 834343

[email protected]/uk

Anne Nicol, Byley PCC Secretary

The Round House, Byley Lane, Cranage, CW10 9LW

01606 836314

annenicol@btinternet .com

James Bennion, Byley Church Warden

Stublach Dairy Farm, Byley, CW10 9NP [email protected]

Alan and Jean Percival, Byley Church Warden and treasurer

The Green,Yatehouse Lane, Byley, CW10 9NS 01606 833808

[email protected]

Christine Hankey, Byley Village Hall

Chestnut Farm, Byley 01606 832938




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The church website address is www.middlewichparishchurch.org.uk

St Michael’s is a registered charity, number 1127335

There is always someone available to pray with you after services.

Just ask. It’s good to pray!

Equally, if you would like someone to come and pray with you at any time speak to :

Sylvia, Elaine or Sue Ikin.

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Byley Village Hall

Bookings for family parties, receptions, meetings and

groups 01606 832938

If you have any articles or photographs for the next magazine, please would you e-mail them by 15th October 2016 to the Church Office

[email protected] . You can also place articles in the pigeon hole for the Church Office. Alternatively,

for the November issue only you can e-mail direct to [email protected] .

It’s your magazine!

Middlewich Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Ltd


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Peter Forshaw Ltd Funeral Services

An Independent Family Business 24 Hour Personal and Dignified Service

16/18 Leadsmithy Street, Middlewich, CW10 9DF 01606 836708

Neil Hopley, Electrical Contractors Ltd NICEIC Approved

Agricultural, Industrial, Domestic Installations and Repairs Brooks Lane, Middlewich, Cheshire

01606 833993 or 07976 661061 (mobile)

CATS (Opticians) Optometrists and Contact Lens Centre

Senior Citizens special package 30-32 Wheelock Street, Middlewich CW10 9AG

01606 836582

Middlewich Community Centre

(off the Civic Hall Car Park, Middlewich)

Ideal for parties, meetings, weddings etc. Call for details of activities ( ballet, dog training, karate, cinema screen and more).

For further information phone Reg Jackson on 01606 832118

Paul Hassall Contractors (Middlewich) Electrical, Plumbing, Central Heating, Building & Joinery

All new installations, alterations and repairs – No job too small

NICEIC Approved for Electrical Work, Gas Safe Registered Engineers for Gas Work

All aspects of building maintenance covered, Bathrooms and Kitchens fitted

Freephone : 0800 9558680 or Mobile 07831 503385 e mail : [email protected]

HCPC registered Chiropodist/Podiatrist

Cheshire Lasers Medical Clinic The Acorns, 85 Wheelock Street,

Middlewich, CW10 9AE

Tel: 01606 841255 Mobile: 07748712399