The merger of Cadastre and Land Registration in a wider perspective Rik Wouters Member of the Bureau WPLA Managing Director EULIS

The merger of Cadastre and Land Registration in a wider perspective Rik Wouters Member of the Bureau WPLA Managing Director EULIS

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The merger of Cadastre and Land Registration

in a wider perspective

Rik WoutersMember of the Bureau WPLA

Managing Director EULIS

Why this study om mergers?

• Long lasting national discussions

• WPLA, Kadaster NL, Univ Twente-ITC (NL), PCC and ELRA

Why this study?

• Long lasting national discussions

• Mergers ánd de-mergers do happen, but why?

• Umbrella organisations no clear position

UNECE (2005):“Although separate organisations may administer the land books, the cadastre, and the registers of mortgages and encumbrances, an integrated system is desirable either in one organisation or through electronic linkages”

Why this study?

• Long lasting national discussions

• Mergers ánd de-mergers do happen, but why?

• Umbrella organisations no clear position

• WPLA wants to support the members

• Keep the customer in mind!

Taskgroup Workplan

1. Literature study

2. Correlation study

3. Narratives on mergers

4. Scientific paper

5. Conclusions so far

6. Final research

1. Literature study

• Customers ask for integration of processes and one-stop shopping

• Certain level of “belief” that merging of organisations is necessary for that

• So far no empirical evidence that merged organisations work “better”

• Organisational structure and working processes are based on many different political objectives

2. Correlation study

WPLA benchmark 2014:• 25 UNECE countries• Data on organisation and quality of land registration


WB Doing Business 2013• Registering a property • World wide• Number of processes, time and costs• Ranking

DB-ranking Merged Rank 3 yes 1 5 yes 2 6 no 3 7 no 4 14 no 5 34 no 6 35 yes 7 49 yes 8 50 yes 9 53 yes 10 57 no 11 72 yes 12 73 no 13 83 no 14104 no 15

49 points “yes” = 7 av. and 71 points “no” = 9 av. (8 overall average)

2. Correlation study

3. Narratives on mergers

• 15 narratives on the history of the merger-discussion:• Speed of services is main driver for change• No common argument for merging or not:

– “Neighbour country did it”– “WB wants it”– “Public sector reform”– “We can do without”– “Political sensitive”

4. Scientific paper

• Ready

• Submitted to journal “Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy”.

• Not published yet

5. Conclusion so far

• Property rights registration needs one stop

• Cadastres serve several different purposes

• Merging yes/no to much black/white

• More detailed assessment necessary

6. Conclusions so far

Points of integration/merging:• Organisational • Legislation• Operational• Strategic• IT-systems• Marketing/public affairs• Integrated front office/e-govt solutions

6. Final research

• Design a research method


• Prepare structured questionnaire

6. Final research

• Analyse results in order to answer the question:– What determines the adequate service

(delivery) to society?

• Specific attention to CAC and Balkan countries

• October 2014 – April 2015• Publications and presentations

Parallel study on this topic

• WB-Study into (currently carried out)– common features of good governance in agencies– analysing principles best practice of the governance – the importance of operational, financial and

employment sustainability and independence• Provide guidance to Agencies

– how to sustainably finance and govern– what kind of supervision is appropriate and enabling– how to report their progress and – how to interact with clients

• Results to be presented in Washington WB conference


• EULIS produced positioning paper– Integrate EULIS fully in e-Justice portal– Develop and improve portal step by step– Make sure that providers Non-EU can connect– Make sure that users Non-EU can get access

• WP meeting November 17th: no decision

• January or February 2015 final decision– If at least 12 MS wish to go for it

Thank you