ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR CHANCKLLOR ICth DISTRICT. Of THE KT. TIISWUCT. CHAftTJBLLOB to announce J AMEH KENTKiew, of Bolivar, a a candidate for Chancellor of the Tenth District, composed of the oonntlea of Madison, Haywood, Lau- derdale, Tipton, Fayette and Hardeman J 10 FOR JUSTICE OK THE PEAfcE. 1 U8TICK OF THE PEACE.-- J. J. BUTLhR is ,1 a candidate for Juatlceof the Peacelntbe Fifth Civil District. Election flrat Thursday in November. 'J ATT' 14th TJDICIAX CIRC'T. a TTORNEY-OCNERA- L OF THE FOtTR--i tebwth Judicial CiBcrjrT.-- W. D. Jk , of Lauderdale oooutv. ta a candidate lor Attorney-Oener- of the Uth Judicial Circuit, composed of the counties of Hardeman, rayeite, nneioy. Tipton ana i.au derdale. an th Aturust next. FOR JCDOK OF PROBATE COURT. L'DOE PROBATE OOUBT.-Ihf- Ac .1 V.Jm af Hhslbv (jttnt. I am a ci lor Judge of toe Probate Oourt. subject to Die voice of the people at the ballot-bo-x. Elec- tion the flrat Thursday In August next. jy7 THllMAH LBUNARD. UDOE PROBATE CjrBT.-Waiair-t- sed J to aauouncc J. E R. RAY a a candi- date for Judge ol the Probate Court ol Hbell.y county. J FOR COUNTY REGISTER. -- lOI'NTY RKUWTKR, I n a candidate lor F.lectlon fliat Thurs- day In AujsK-Jje- lS J NO. BaOW.V JtJpGE STTPREbTR COITRTBfID. PIV. SUPREME COURT MIDDLE U1VI JVlHiF. We are authorize!) to announce P. Tl'KNKY as a candidate, ror Judjre of the Court from the Middle IXvislon mat JUDGE SUPREME COURT EAST. DIV. xlIDUE HUPRKMK COURT EASTERN Di- al viMOH. In response to the published call or. members of the Bar lu various counties of Eai Tennessee, and numerous solicitations of friends, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Bench of the Supreme CrtoMh. JJaftJRDM. SUPREME COURT EASTERN JDDOE We areautboriaed auJ re;ueeied to announce Hon. I. A. K. MEIN to a can- didate lor supreme Oomrt Judge from the Eastern Division. The election i to be held on the first Thursday In August; and two Ju ices Iroui each ol the three divisions ol 11, e State are to be elected; my IV JUIBJ F. SUPREME COURT WEST. DIV. SUPREME COURT WEtJTERN JUDUE We are authornsd to anuoum .' THOS. J. FREEMAN as a cacdidate for Jndg.-o- f the supreme Court for the Western I'lvl-slo- Election ABBJBtB, B. ,J?L. HITPREMK COURT WKTKKN Jl'ln.K friends of Hon. JOHN LT HN BED, of Fayette county, art- - anthorised by him 1,, nrmnt his name to the people of t, ,.!.... as a candidate tor Judge of the Supreme Court for the Western Dlvlsioi myli ATTY-OEN'- L 14tb JUDICIAL CIRCT TTtiRNKY-OENERA- OF THE FOUR- - J tbkktk JCDictax Cibcctt.-I-n response to thefiatleruui atsuisuce of sepport which have been tendered tome, hereby announce mvself candidate lor to the office of Attorney Oeneral of the Fourloeulu Judi 'ial Circuit. Election first Thursday In August next. WALKER WOOD. FOR JUDGE Hth JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. IUISjE Hth JUDICIAL CIRCUIT-- At the il request of a respectable portion of the ber.aud of the people of the Fourteenth Judi- cial Circuit, announce mysell candidate forjudge of that Circuit. The election is to be held on the first Thursday, being the stb day of August next, aiC, ISA AT M. By sick gentleman. be deliv- - ClKEAM at the Commercial Hotel, every morning, one quart fresh new cream for which the highest reaaonable price will be paid. Apply at office of hotel. jy EXCHANGE. Choice improved l.an-- TO Texas for city propeity, merchand or a small steamboat. Inquire of Ol A. Commercial Hotel, Memphis. Tenu. s s I a I a a t a I I f'jr h small famlTv: a white eir! preferred. Apply at Mr. POLLOCK'S, corner of Third and Ureenlaw streets, Chelsea. ly rp EACHER At Olive Branch, Mississippi. 1 a of good moral character, and qualified to lit boys for eoliege Apply anon. a UK NTH To sell the Horn SBrm.iRir--- iruMAiiuxc. Priea,t&. Itmskesthe l. Jt Stitch" allkeon hoth aid. and is the oulv llceuaesl under-lee- d Shuttle Machine sold for less Usaa tea. Lloeneed by Whee.er st Wilson, Urover A Baker, and Singer A ( o. All omnr under-fee- d Bhu'tle Machines sold for less than - are and the aeller and user liable to prosecution. Addrns Joiksosj, i i.abk Co., Boston, Mass.. Plttk-burp- . Pa., Chicago, 111., or Bt. Louis, Mo. Jeg a uENTB To eell the Octaoos HrwiNu J Macbinb. It Is iswuewi. makes the " Elastic Lock-etllcb- and is warranted for d years. Prloe. I Ij. A. 1 otli. r machines with an UTider-fee- sold tor $V or less are Inirlnge meu'.. AddnsoiM UUoX SBWIHli Mu him CO., Bt. Louis. Mo., t ill, ago, 111., Pltlsliurg, Pa., or Boston, Mans. lea WANTED $'0 ra dat' hy the AGENTS KMTT1NU MaCHINBCO., F"S- - lon, Mass.. or St. Louis, Mo. Je"; FOR SALE. o ALEOKEXi'HANOE.-- A splendid assort-- meat of fresh Drugs at :e per less than manufacturers' prices. Also, a lot of Hewing Machines and Urist BTIIls, or win th-- same and some valushle land tor a suisi steamboat, lnqutreal Wolcott, a t o s. or W. F. Taylor, Commercial Hot 1, Memphis. J2 STRAYED STOLEN. MULES -- One large, bay mere mnc, nasMM high, ersck lu rlglit hoof up to th. hair, mane and tail Just trimmed, had on a bsnd shoe when she left my premises. No. lis Uayoso street, at 10 o'clock last Mon- day morning: branded T. F. on left shoulder. Also, one Urge sot rsl mare mule, heavy set, flfw hands high, blemish in one eye, newly shod In front, and mane and tall recently trimmed. jrH THOMAS FORD LOST ' 1 'HE power of attorney from David L Car-- l t- -r and Sarah E. Payne and others, to John B Payne; also, s letter addressed J. H. 1'echaid. Kelorm, Alabama. Tuerludrroi the al,..ve will he lewarded bv lea.lng thecu al tbenfBtwof T. W. O'liONVELI., jy;s Chief ol Police. M ajBORIC HI RECTORY FOR IcTO BBBat bor-T- H Mempwds, No. lis meets 3d Friday of each month Hall cor. Madison and Second. W. B. Matlhewa, W. M, Boo. E. Pullen. Bee As . No. IBS meoU 1st Monday in ev-er- v month, at s' Hail, corner Court aud Main, c . M Carroll. W. M. ; Joi n Beamish. Secretary. Lu la Scott, No meets 1st Friday of each mouth Hall corner Madison sou Second B W. Mitchell. W. M. : B. Sturm, sec. Iito, No. Jus meets U Friday of nach in. 'ii Hall. J. It. Benin 1. W. M. , B W. Shelton.Sec Kit w issisa, No. ail- - meets 4th Friday of each mouth at South Memphis Hall, cor- ns c ot Madison aud Beeond. W. A. Ed- monds, W. M. ; Lauia Canpakl. Bee. BOTAL AKC'H. l'cww Chaptcb, No. a meets Sd Mon each mouih HsiL It. day der. M H. P.: C U. Locke. Sec Hi spaia i Kinn No.w U. D. -- meets st Odd Fellows' Hall. Henry J. Lynn, M.E.H.P.; IX. C Steever. Secretarr. B.AKB LI. l'.i mil Cot NCi No. - meets (d Mnnilayof each month HnU, It. B M.J. Wlggin. Rec CTUBB ' s S A K HANTS. infringements, REWARD. Mo. Ueo. -- Meets Calvaby CHAiTXBor Ross Cu-ix- , ttilh. No. I. tiiarles w. Adams, sw, M. . W.'.; H I Tonilinaou, Sid, Kec. f O. O. T. DIRECTORY. Orr FK1X0WM' Hall, corner of Main and North Court. Knth Lodge. No. 1. 1 laughters of Rebekah meets on the first and third Filiay nights of each month, at 8 o'clock. .1. Waynes tar O ; Mrs. J. Wivynesourg, V. U.; BenJ. Bingham, Bec'y. Ustoso EM'AMPMBJIT, No. 3 meets on the first and third Thursday ulghts o: rsc month, at o'clock. Alex. Hunn, . p. .' BBussell.H. Thomas Baeou . Borthn, Mbstpuis L,Mi a. No. 4 nisei' every assay night, sJ o'oloek. s. Norwood. N o A. Jones. V. CL; J. W. W sy uesborg, . nud Fin. Bec'y. Chickasaw Loimie. No. eets every Mon- day nlghW at so eUek. J. Sample. N. U.; Ieon Levy.N.U.: Thus. S. Bingham. fACHlLLBB LODOK, Wednesday nighi at o'clock. Pi . rreo. nropp. v 4 O : Joa. se's Uh'. se-'j- . Sale Real Estate. V J. vs A.J. Walt ot si l.Tnv every Harder, ef Brock tan order of sale made Io this PURSUANT Supreme ( of this Hlate at Hi April term, asm, i wiu, on of K. 4th W. X. W. P.: Ta M. W. Re. M. No u.; H. .art T-w- day, 16th Day f Augnat, 1870, Within legal boors, on the south side of Court Square, in the city 01 stempnis, lmmnuisi. i y opposite the law office of Kortreebt Craft, sell to the h ghtsit bidder, the following de- scribed real estate. Wish Improvements thereon, situate In the city of Memphis, countj of rtlieibT snd State ol Tennessee, m the Hstturc division and adaUtlou U the city of Memphis, aud known as the east end of iota 116 and 1M. and beginning, tor a more particular description, on Adams tr i on n fine with the west Hue of Pronnelsd street; and runnlug liienoe with the south line of AMains si reels fet Io she of an eight toot allev thence along the center of said aliev iaraJUl with the 10 of Promenade street fsl leet; ttienoe parallel with Adniui street m t, et to the went line of Promenad. street ; thenc-- e alnng the West line of Prome- nade street S feet to the beginning on Adam street sale upon a credit of seven mouths, pnichaaer giving bond with food seenrtty. and a lein retalu.-- d on the property to aeenn the puiehase money. Equity of redemption barred. July!, igid JOHWU BROW", Clerk Homes Puston, Solicitor, .J LOCAL NEWS, Arrival ate Departure af Mailt. Mksphts rNnrioM ice. Offlr hours from H a.ui. to 6 p.m. Sundays from 9 to 10 a, bo. i Closes SKIVES a. r m. .Memphis Louisville K. A.B. P.M. R. All poinU North and IS:M U:Rat. Twice dally 4:1511:30 Memphis A Louisville E U JO R-- malls t:l Memphis A Charleston R R. AU cities East a South 9) land way malls .. MMa. 4 Tenu. R. K. Al U:15 letUeaSouth and way mall Mempli is A Little Rock K. :ifi R. daily except Sundays-Mississip- river to Hela-l-aat- n and Friar's Point-dall- y Miss, river to Vlcksnurg tri weekly, on Mondays, i . t'i, ,i rwl ays and Batordava. Miss, river to Bt. IxiuUj Monday' 1:00 and Tburauaya . White river, aeml-weekl- y Tuesdays and Saturdays. Mondsys and Fridays Arkansas river, Mondays, Wednesdays ir and Fridays Memphis to Marion, Ark., on Mondsys 1001 Wednesdays and Fridays Memphis to t una, Tenu., ..... ... . . I 14 i.yu eisa i J , riiua,.. j Memphis io syiislla auu Oliv, Branch, MISS,, earn 1 i 40 weekly, Tuea. at Fridays THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-THURSD- AY JULY, 1870. A tw io J n :W 12:30 uao 5K J. DkLOACH.P. M. Storage cheap at 37 Union street. -- 1 K1 bear's Comniercial Colleg,10 Main W. X, Mitchell's school, MCi Third St. Cleaniue and Dyeine to erfoction, at Hollenberg , aWNoi-on- atreot. Dogs have three mi re days in which they cau ran about unmuzzled. Great bargains in Checkering and other pianos at llollenberg's, 233 Main. The thermometer stood at to at five o'clock yesterday evening, and the ba- rometer at liy.y inches. Hollenberg, '233 Main, rents pianos, also has aecond-han- piaDOs for sale, and tuning and repairing. Si x card pictures for fifty cents. Pho- tographs, l per do' st Armstrong's Gem (isllery, 211 Main street. The meeting of the German Htirrgrr-Bwretl- advertised for last Sligbt. was post- poned until next Tnesday uight. Colonel M. D. O'Brien, SoperinUmd- - ent of the Southern Express Company, leaves the city y on a trip East. The Chancery courts will convene traussct what t.usiness may come before them, and aJjuurn over ontii Oc- tober. Forty-fou- r cases were disposed of by I he Recorder yesterday. Tw o hundred dol- lars were assessed and forty dollars col- lected. A little lad, whose name we oouldnot learn, was drowned while bathing in the river iu Fort I'iukering, Tuesday evening. The body was not recovered. John Watson, who lives some dis- tance out on Urinkley Avenue, was robbed last night of $700, by burglars, who en- tered the house, between the hoars of ten and twelve o'clock. Clementine Van Pool complained of Anderson Taylor yB4erday morning, be- fore 'Siiuire Morton, for abusing and beat- ing ber. The 'Squire fined Andereon live dollars and costs, snd pat him under SooO bonds to keep the peace. A man calling himself John T. Evans hss been traveling around representing himself as a Mason, snd swindling the brethren in various ortiona of the State, lie represents himself as a member of Washington Lodge, No. 4, Maryland. It is getiing to be quite fashionable among the youths and maidens of the oa fon to drive'out to the suburban gardens In tbe afternoon aud drink teer aud eat xchmwr-Larx- c a delicious preparation of i nrds and cream made exclusively by our German fellow-citizen- Alex. Alexander stole some chickens from Mr. J. B. Van Dyke, and was caught in tbetheft. He was carried before 'Squire Miller yesterday, and on examination was sent to jail in defaalt of $1000 ball to answer to tbe ensrge at the next term of the Criminal Court. Work on the Poplar street turnpike is progressing rapidly. When finished it will be s most substantial and elegant drive. It is a great pity, however, that it is not broader. There should bo room on such a drive or boulevard lor at least three vehicles " .tbreust. The Cottage Grove property, the sale of which has been advertised in the Appial so extensively of late, brought StOO to Hit) per acre at the ssle yesterday. Messrs. l'assuiore dt Rufliu were the auctioneers aud made their popularity tell in thia mat- ter. Tbe price ia one which lew auction- eers oould obtain this hot weather. We aje informed that the debri bas been olesred out of tbe tunnel beyond Ciarksville, aud trains on the Memphis and I. ii!s ille railroad are again running through regularly. Tbe railroad officials displayed great energy in the matter, and damages were repaired in an astonish- ingly short time. Up to one o'clock p.m. yesterday the weather was intensely sultry. About that time a heavy thunder cloud cxme up from tbe southeast, and for awhile promised us a shower, which, however, did not come. A delightful breeze, however, sprang op, aud reduced the temperature eight de- grees. Sergeant Loots was honorably ac- quitted of the charges agalnat him, by the Hoard of Police Commissioners, yester- day evening. He, however, persisted in tendering his resignation, snd it was ac- cepted. Mr. Bh i tan in was appointed Sergeant to fill the vacancy then made. Sergeant Louis has been appointed Dep- uty Sheriff by General Wright. The number of Chinese in this coun- try al the end of 1H!) Is estimated at Ua,isKi. among whom were but 6000 womeu and Juno children. Since immigration began in lii, 13h,000 have come to the United States, of whom Hs.OOfi have returned to China, and about 1O.U00 have died. Uf th number at present in tbe country, one half are in California, 25,000 in other Pa- cific States snd Territories, while full 15,000 have crossed the Rocky Mountains. By a market report in a New Orleans psper, we learn that a cargo of bananas were sold at forty cents per punch, tr leas than ,. n'.t ot s oent for each banana. This fruit is retailed acre at five to ten cents each, or from 3500 to Nkjo per cent profit. Watermelons sold at ft'.- per hundred, and retail Iroui 40 ceuts to at each. No wonder that, as the saying goes. "a fruit dealer starts with au apple stand on a corner, and in leu years owns the en lire block." Is there no wsy to chospen the price or fruit 7 Mr. Jacob Braun, whom not to know in Memphis, argues oneself unknown, gives notice to his friends and the public generally, this morning, that y be iens his elegant new saloon at No. 300 Second street, between Monroe and Mail iaon, eaat aide, aud will set a grand free iunch at ten o clock, to which everv bout- is invited. He begs to assure the thirsty public that the best of wines, liquors, ales and lager beer will always he found at his bar, and be invites patronage for the same. John O'Uearn, a brother of the Billy O'ilearn, went before 'Squire .Norton yesterday afternoon and com plained that Billy was outrageously ob streperous, tearing up things and rearing around llike mad. The 'Squire issued a warrant for Billy, and put it in the hands of Deputy Sheriff Billy Powell, to exe- cute. The latter found Billy on the war path, sure enough, and arrested bim, with dimeulty, and brought him before tbe 'Squire. Here Billy gave way tohis temper, abused the justice, threatened 1.. in, and finally dared him to send him to saL 'Squire Norton nut up with him as ong as ne oould, and then ordered the lieputv siierin to march him off to the county jail, where the valiant Billy was locked up ior toe uignt to cool on. Llngard, the suicide actor, wanted j l.soo only to make him contented with lite by enabling him, with every prospect of success, to begin his career anew in Australia. He oould not ;get a tithe of that amount, although he had devoted weeks of exertion to use attainment of the end. But there seems to be no difficulty in raising thousands of dollars to purchase a mon omen i for his crave. Human nature is a curios- ity. How many " friends " will spend their last sent ia giving s companion emntv and worthless Doalhumona honor. who would deny him in life the price of a IC4M M BbbMbs The musicians of Memphis, amateur and prolfBslonal, have determined to oelt- - brate. iu a becoming manner, the Centen- nial of the great composer Ludwig von Beethoven, which oecurs on ;lie 7'. h ol December. They will meet to make pre- liminary arrangements for tbe formation of an association for this purpose, at Cochran Hall, on Monday evening next. It is understood that all musicians, male and female, professional and amateur, ass to join In for this loadable purpose. Practicing is to begin immediately, sad we guarantee that a genuine senaatlon w ill be produced when the concert comes off. We are Informed by a gentleman who has large experience jD random towls that the following treatment is a perfect sale-gua- rd against tbe gapes: "As soon as the chicks are taken from the neat pat trom two to three drops of kerosene oil ou the head, and rah a Utile over the head and naak ot the hen. This will speedily de- stroy the lice with which setting hens and young broods ot chickens are so apt to be iu tested. And when there are no Ik (here will be no gapes. The gapes are produced, oar informant states, by the lice crawling into the ear, ana thence into the throat, chancing into a maggot, and coiietiiUK in numbers in the windpipe, threby obstructing the free passage of the air to and from the lungs. This is plainly shown by dissection. Tbe obstruction Is 28, difficult to remove and in fact almost al- ways proves fatal. As nearly everybody now uses kerosene, we recommend Its ap- plication on the ground that an ounce of preventive Is worth a pound of cars," The (rest advantage of the calcium light at picnics and open air entertain- ments, of all sorts, at night, have been rendered so "apparent to the naked eye," of late, by the experiments made at James' Park, Humboldt Park, Court Square, and elsewhere, that no such affair is considered complete without it. It so far outshines and eclipses gas, candles, lamps and lanterns.thal after it these old, fashioned methods of illumination, like lightning bags, serve only to make e. W. 0. DIboli, at Broom's Opera Honse, and Ned Forster, at the Southern Express office, are the parties to whom to apply for the light, whan it is needed. Cottonseed has been found available by a Lancashire, England, manufacturer for the production of paper of a very ex- cellent quality. Of all substations hitherto tried as a substitute for rags it is regarded by practical judges as the most desirable. One important feature in its use is thst it renders necessary little alteration in tbe ordinary machinery of paper mills. This discovery is of great value to the South- ern States, borne of the best psper mills iu the country before tbe war were in Virginia and North Carolina, and the quantities of cottonseed that could be furnished at their very doors will enable them to manufacture the new paper to the best advantage. Many of the gallant men who went out in regiments raised in this city and in tbe surrounding country, died in the great Federal prison at Elmira, N. Y., a prison, by the way, managed with more humanity than any other of the pens into sshichour poor fellows were put to rot and die. To tbe friends snd relatives of such as are there buried, the following from the Lynchburg Itepublican will prove grateful information: "We have received a letter from our esteemed friend, Mr. Thomas N. Davis, of this city (who has been absent for several weeks past on a trip through New York for the benefit of his healtn), in which he refers to a visit to the Confederate cemetery at El- mira, in that State. It w ill be remem bered that Elmira was the site of one of the military prisons of the I nitedcttatea Gov- ernment during the war, and that a great many Confederate soldiers died there dur- ing their confinement of tbeir wounds or of sickness. Mr. Davis represents that the cemetery In which their remains are giithered is handsomely inclosed and regulsrly lsid out, tbe walks being neatly trimmed and graveled, and the graves covered with grass, dowers and ahrub- - hery, all evincing marks of constant care. Whether this attention is rendered by the citizens, tbe government or the town au- thorities, Mr. Davis says be is not able to state, but it certainly red eels credit on the taste, skill and fidelity of the parties n ho have it in charge. From four to six tbouaaud Confederate heroes sloep their last dreamless sleep iu this distant First quality Wamsulta F. Y. Shirts made to order for $. per dozen. WIGGANS & THORN, 233 Main street. RAILROAD NEWS, Railroad Time Tablet. MEMPHIS AND LITTLE ROCK RAILROAD. T.ains will run dally as follows: ABKIVKS: LBAVBS: HjpeOeld t 6:0Up.iu. 7:0us.m 11:09 p.m. 1:) p.m. ferryboat will leave the wharf boat, loot of t'uion street, dally at JQ a.m. B D. WILLIAMS, General Agent and Superintendent. B P. KonsoK. Ass't sup I MEMPHIS AID CHAJkLESTON RAILROAD. ABKlVSS: LBAVBS : Mali X:tu p in. 10:41 a.m. Junction accommodal'n- - &:tB.m. 0:.sip.m. s wuerville ccommod'O- - ;l a.m. 4:k!p.m. Krelght. with coach Bat Inched ... t. 7:2" p.m. OaX) a.m. Ticket office, insMatn St., cor south Court. MEMPHIS AND LOUISVILLE RAILROAD. arkivbs: lbavks: Day Express 12:15 p.m. 4 ou a.m. Mht Express. 4sa)a.ai. l:'5p.rn. U.ownavtlle Aocom 8:40 s.ra. 5:15 p.m. Railroad time 15 minute faster than city llsse. epoi at bead of Main street. Ticket office toe1-- , Main si., one door norm JefTe son. MlssfSellPri AND TENNESSEE RAILROAD. A RBI vies: lsaves: New Orleans Mall, dally . 2:35 p.m. 12.05 p.m. Kinross, natty euua.ni. 40 p.m. Krelght. dally except Sun- day 4:10a.m. - -- 1:20p.m. Depot at foot of Main street. Ticket office. ZC Mum street, one door north of Jefferson. A. tS. LI VEKMOKE, (ien'l hup'V, We copy the following from the Pine Bluff Herald: "We are InforAed by Judge Carroll and Major Carlton, who re- turned on Saturday, after ten days alstenoe, from a tear of Inspection over the Pine Bluff and New Orleans railroad, that the work is rapid- ly 'progressing ami that everything augers well for the early completion of the road, mere are now at work Tour hundred hands, aud the number is being augmented by the dillereut agencies for the procuration of labor throughout the North aud South. Fifteen miles of tbe road-be- d are now ready for the crossties and it is confidently expected that twenty-on- e will be by the 1st day of August. Forty thousand crossties, prepared un- der sub contracts, with citizens along the line, not included in the grad- ing party of four hundred mentioned atsjve, are deposited at convenient inter- vals. There will be no hindrance or delay as far as tbe lies are concerned. The iron and the rolling stock have been purchased, and will be landed at the 'Sappington Phase ' about the 1st of August, from which point sswitch has been constructed to the main road for the purpose of facil- itating tbe work. Track-layin- g will be- gin about tbe lath day of August, at the rate of one mile per day. There seems to be an indexible determination on tbe part of those engaged in this work to com- plete it by the 1st of Jsnuary, if pos- sible, and at all events, by the 1st of March, 1871. We will then have daily con- nection with the Mississippi river. Sand- bars and low water will not trouble our communication or disturb business rela- tions with other localities. It would, in our opinion, be advantageous in many ways for this compsny to begin work here, if possible, and niovo towards the capital of the State, and by the time the road is completed from the Great Kiver to this place, it will also be, or nearly so, to Little Hock. The last number of the Dev all's Bluff Liberal contains the following: "On Tues-ds- y an arrangement with the Cape Girar- deau and State Line railroad, of Missouri. establishing connection and mutual tariff was agreed upon. Mr. G. 1. C. Kumbouh was appoint; J Chief Engineer, and the Board of Directors agreed to cross White river at Des Arc, snd from thence to Lo- noke. I f t hose places will come on to their agreement, there is nothing more suretnan inn mis roau will be built. The road wili run direct to the town of Jack-sonpo- rt, and there is no obstacle in tbe way of the completion of the entire line if the people will come forward promptly, and subscribe lsnd contingent upon tbe building of the road. Let all the friends of the great enterprise go at onoe to work. All stocks and subsides will have to be hypothecated in the East, and we must be rapidly moving. Tbe levee work will all be completed this fall and winter. The Cape Girardeau road as ready for the Iron nineteen miles this side of tbe Mississippi river, and will be completed to Indian Ford, a point near Poplar Bluff, this season." Tkcth The powers of Mrs. Whits-o- o nib's Syrup for children are as positive as the sunlight from heaven, and gentle and soothing as an angel's whisper. I have for years been opposed to Calo- mel, and since 1889 have used Simmons' Liver Regulator as a Vegetable Remedy, and can confidently assert that It has ex cavated my expectations, curing cases of nvs.ppsia and l.iver complaint thai were thought almost hopeless, GREENVILLE WOOD, Wood's Factory, Macon, Ga. NoTlca. At a meeting of the Directory of the Empire Manufacturing Company, a call oi ten per oent. was ordered payable ou or before the 3d day of August. MONT. PEPPER, Secretary and Treasurer. J far Rkceivkd. Croquet cages, all kinds children's at bird carriages. WHEELER, PICKENS A CO'S., ;:.'W Main street. 8 KB advertisement of Dr. Butts' headed. Book for the million MARRIAGE GUIDE in Tnlhli col- umn, It should' be naad by siL Half dozes first quality Wamantta F. Y. Shirts made to for $;. WIGGANS A THORN, 283 Main street. LADIES' JET JEWELRY LATK8T STYLES, AT J. ROESCHKR'S JET PALACE, M Maim Strbbt. All Jet Ooods bought in my establish- - . ..a T . aneau bbjii Be repaired without charge. Hrrx A J. rtOr-s- j. 11 r, rt, sets, order Corwisb, proprietors of the Job I nniing establishment in the Ai i. ai. Building, It Union street are now prepared to execute orders 'tiJob Printin. cn tbe shortest notice. The pa- trons of the l will bear tow la mind and act accordingly. Joe Locke that the lineal assort men oi us-iie-s on nis btlcel counter at 336 J Mait VOUDOOISM. DttMaiM PrwaSaa ef the Metroes---H- a Wafrcqgea- t- Proba- - tba Steles Child. We mentioned in s paragraph a day or two ago that a horrid suspicion had arisen in the public mind ia regard to the infant child of Mr. Digsy (stolen on the 9th of June, ana for whom such thorough search has been mide by the police snd aetectivesj, viz: mat " hao. been ab- ducted by Voudoo votaries for sacrifice al tbe annual oudoo festival, which falls on the Christian feast of St. John (24th of June). Tbe Mobile Itegwter, of Sunday, In speaking of the affair, says: It la some- thing too horrible for belibf, yet the bare suspicion is calculated to put the authori ties on guard to discover and crash out the abomination if it exists. To give the reader some notion of what this Fetish rite Is, we copy a letter from the New Or- leans correspondent of the Charleston Daily New : "the past week or two has been a period of strange, wild excitement among the black people of New Orleans. St. John's day inaugurated the annual ceremonies of the believers in the African supersti- tion of Voudooism, and the celebration of Fetish rites generally. How long these ceremonies are to be kept up we are not informed. St. John'a day, however, is the principal feast, and for that occasion this year a secluded spot was selected on the shore of Lake Pontchartraiu, where numerous shinties were constructed, with s principal one in the center, under cover of which the Voudoo orgies were per- formed. A correspondent writes: "These rites, as celebrated this year, do not ap- pear to have been so extravagant, and cruel as in former years. It appears that they vary according to ciioumstances, and I have the word of a Voudoo priest- ess that there are occasions which require the sacrifice of a newborn infant, in order to accomplish the purposes of thia savage superstition. During the period uf slavery great efforts were made to eradicate Voudooism, snd it is certain the superstition was grestly toned down, but during late years the blacks have passed so much out of, aud beyond tbe influence ot while civili- zation, that Fetishism seems to bo on the increase. It is invoked on all occasions of personal quarrels or jealousies of any kind, and almost all cases of sickness are attributed to the fatal spell of some Fetish man or woman If St. John's fete, as the negroes call it, happens to occur during a period of excitement, or when some im- portant event has occurred, or is aboat to occur, of some special interest to any con- siderable number of the black people, it is then the ceremonies become most im- posing, and, at the snuie time, most re- volting. On this point, I obtain my in- formation from a professed Voudoo priest-les- and it confirms all that is said or be- lieved by white people on the subject. It is horrible to think that even human sac- rifice is not beyond the requirements of this horrible infituation. Oa such occa- sions great mystery is affected, and nonj are allowed to be present except a chosen few. The victim, strange to aay, must be white, if attainable, and of such an ugeaa to imply in noceut blood. In this require- ment there ia easily to be seen a horrible allusion to the crucifixion of the Savior. When all is ready the votaries assemble in their rude temple, in tbe center of which is placed a large iron cauldron, con- taining a snake. If circumstances are extraordinary, requiring actual human blood, the victim, as stated, most be a white infant, if it can possibly be had, and of very tender age. The officiating priest- ess, in a state of absolute nudity, aud ber assistants, in simple, loose white gar- ments, lead a wild and fiendish dance around the cauldron, during which the dancers, one st s time, drop out of the circle and prostrate themselves beside the cauldron. By proper appliances thesnake is then forced from his repose in the caul- dron snd allowed to crawl over each pros- trate form. All having submitted to this loathsome touch, then follows the work of sacrifice and explanation, tbe innocent blood of the child being sprinkled upon the cauldron, upon the snake, and upon all the worshipers. All this takes placo amid dancing, and wild, incoherent iucan-- . tations. This completes the sacrificial ceremony, and afterward the priest- esses array themselves in the most gaudy and costly garments, the head priestess being adorned and hon- ored as a queen. Word is then sent of great festivities at the Voudoo temple, and for far and near the dusk v children of Ham flock to tbe place, and for days and nights give themselves up to feasting and the most extravagant amusements. ucn is the description given ny s ouaoo priestess ot the cele- bration of St. John's day, on an occasion extraordinary. On an ordinary occasion the rites are only varied by the omission of the sacrifice, the priestess sprinkling ou the worshipers the blood of snakes and lixxarda. It is impossible to say how many limes humau sacrince has' thus been practiced, as the greatest possibl secrcsy is generally observed in regard to tne place of celebrating the Jete oi St John. The singulur and mysterious dis appearance of very young children every lew years. Ins led to a lirui conviction in the minds of many that they were sat ri need on oudou altars. At this very moment the people of New Orleans are greatly excited by an instance ol this kind. Ou the 9u of June, only a few days before Si. John's day, a negro woman stole the infant child of a Mr Digby, residing at the corner ot Howard aud Poydras streets. The cas was immediately placed in the hands of the police, and the most efficient detect ives employed. Constant and unremitting st arch nas beeu made Iroui thai dny to this, without the least particle of sue ess notwithstanding heavy rewards hve tieeu offered for the recovery of the child. No one appears to feel authori.exl to sav it was stolen for sacrificial purposes, yel thousands believe such was the purpose of its abduction, since neither .Mr. Digby nor his it lends nave any kuowlealgeol any specific reason why his child wa taken. The entire absence of any feuds, animosi ties or jealousies, withiu the knowledge of the child s pareuts, such as usually ex ist where children are stolen, leaves a wide margin forconjecture.of which Voudooism is not the least improbable. AMERICAN DRIVEN WELL. The pumps, pipes und points furnished for the same are of the most approved patterns, r or sale at T homas riannerv's, o3 Jefferson street. Orders from the country wili receive prompt atuution. Sixteenth of the Ger- man Mutual Benevolent Society, Monday, August 1, 1870, at Humboldt Park. Tick ets, fifty cents. Wk ask particular attention to the ad yertlsement of the Synodical Female Col lege, at Florence, Ala. It has long been an institution of established reputation, and largely patronized from Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas, and is recommended to patronage on a. count of the healthfulness of the locality. ine emeienev and thoroughness ol Usui struetian, aud discipline and character of its pupils, snd its past and increasing prosperity. THE SALE OF RESIDENCE LOTS Poplar Street this Afternoon. The street cars on Poplar street will take passengers to the sab- ol those mag nificent first-cla- ss residence tots, to be sold this afternoon at 3 o'clock, upon the premises, where the auctioneer's dags will be seen. It is a chance to buy some of the best residence property iu tbe city, under circumstances more favorable to purchasers than are likely to occur again In the history of Memphis. Aj extra lot of fine Honey at J. I) Edwards', 278 Second street. Also, line Mess Mackerel. PERSONAL. Dr. W. English, of Warsaw, Illinois, who was thrown from s buggy on Sun- day last, near the Memphis snd Louis- ville depot, has so far recovered as to be able to leave for St. Louis, lor which, point he departs y. The Doctor, though not supposed to be seriously hurt at the time, has suffered much pain froai injuries received in the arm. Knee and body. Mr. MeKinney, injured at the same time, has almost recovered. Takwino tbtk Scalf. All the hair dyes and their congeners, the "oolorers," " restorers," etc., discolor tbe scalp. Fusion's V italia, or Salvation for toe Hair, is the only article for restoring gray hair, which does not stain the skin. Sold by all druggists ami fancy goods dealers. All of the latest weeklies and month- lies, just received at Joe Locke's, 2oha Main street. No. 1 Grave, i A Allen. Nr.. K ' done by Barthol- - est Court street. Just Kb bivbd. Croquet sola, bird cages, all kinds of children's carriages, WHEELER, PICKERS A CO'S., 830 Main street. GOODS MARKED STILL LOWER. Howell, Wood A Co. 'a Bankrupt Stock staple and fancy dry goods, boots, shoes, etc, at the Southern Palace, 331 Main atreet. THE L08T CHILD. Descriatiea of tat Child Deacripiioa ef iae Abduction, ate. As the excitement in regard to the in- fant of Thus. Digby, abducted so mys- teriously on the Wth ult., is not allayed, and as yet nothing definite has been heard of the little ereature, In the Interest of humanity, and in the hope that it may in some way help toward the solution of the mystery, we publish the following DESCRIPTION OF THE CHILD. The little girl was seventeen months old on the 14th day of June. She had rather a thin faee and delicate features, small mouth, fair complexion, round blue eyes, which she had a trick of rolling. She had very light hair, not curly, and a bald spot on one side of tht back ot her head, produced by a boll, which will re- main so for many months before the hair will grow on it. She answers to the name of Moll, or Mollis., and calls herself ' datia," trying to imitate her father, who always called her daughter. She can aay a few words, like mamma, papa. Rosy, Nelly, but cannot yet pal words together in sentence. She walks well, and even dances. DESCRIPTION cr THOSK WHO ABDUITWS BOMB, She was taken by a bright mulattrms, about tweniy-fiv- e years of age, very tali and tli n, with a pretty face and straight featnres, almost like a white woman's. She had on a sea-sid- e hat trimmed with brown ribbon. She was acooapanietl by a short, thick- set black woman, apparently older than the nulla! tress who had a scar over one eye. Though it was reported, it is not certain she was called Martha. Steam boatmen, railroad men, policemen and citisens are requested to try and re- member if they have seen such persons. The tire-bell- s were ringiug st the time they took the child. If those who took her are afraid to bring her back to her lather's house, let them leave her in any church, or at the door of any respectable family, with the name of ber father pinued ou her. l he promised reward wiil be seat to any place named, and no effort will be made to prosecute Ibeoffender. Fathers, moth ers, frieuds, every human being with a heart in its bosom, help as to find our darling child, our only little daughter. tier lather s address is THOMAS DIGBY. Howard street, between Poydras and Lafayette. All newspapers in Louisiana and throughout the I nited Stales are re - to copy this notice. New Orlkaws, July 7, 1S70. LAW REPORTS. Criminal Court - Fiinpig, Judge. Cases tried July i.7. loTU: State vs. Ham. Uibus, oblaiuing money under false retenses;'three years. Stale vs. Betue Mnowdtu, grand larceny: three years. State vs. George Wilson, grand larceny; five years. Slate vs. Oeorga Phillips, housebreaking; twenty-on- e years. State vs. Albert Casey, assault aud bat tery, three cases; lined thirty dollars. Calendar for July 'Jo. !": State vs. John Moody, grind larceny. State vs. Emanuel Nicksou, grand lar ceny. Slate vs. John Stein, perjury. State vs. Daniel Wrigbt, rape. State vs. John Milien, malicious shoot ing. Stale vs. Ellen Stowe, malicious stabbing. State vs. R. J. Jordan, perjury. Slate vs. L. M. Crisp, assault and bat tery. Stato vs. Wm. Campbell, grand laroeuy? State vs. Andy Mcllvaiue, grand larceny. i.ranu Jury meets at y o'clock. All prosecutors who have sued out warrants and had parties bound over mnst appear and prosecute, or the warrants will be dismissed at their costs. Second Circuit Ceart-Halt- ey, Jadge. This court will adjourn to couit in course this morning. First Circuit Coart - C. W. Heiskel!, Judge. Owing to the time consumed yesterday, in the hearing of the case of Cook against tbe county, but little business was trans- acted iu this court. To day the business of the term will be ouud up, and will pvaitivetu be the last day of the term. GREAT REDUCTION FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! -- AT JACOB GANS' NEW STORE, 298 MAIN STREET. My entire stock reduced less than Now York cost, to make room for NEW OooDS. Examine some of our cheap goods and you are sure to purchase. Wood Ladies' Hose, from 10 to 25c. Child's Uose, as low as 10c per pair. Elegant French Corsets, embroidered, ouly X1 OU. Plain Good Whalebone Corsets, only 75 oents. Miwquito Nets, only 90c, to close out lot, i vdj. rtA White Piques, only 25 cents. Few Lace Points an.l Shawls, from t" is, worth more money. Good Pants Linens, only 25 cents. Linen Handkerchiefs, only il per doz. Re sure to examine my stock, during thia week of reduction. JACOB GANS, 2U6 Main street. Just Rbteivkd. Croquet sets, bird cages, all kinds children's carriages, at WHEELER, PICKENS A CO'S., 330 Main street. LETTER FROM HUT SPRINGS. Hot Sfrinos, Ark., July 20, 1870. Do youenvTeur "Dog Dsys" You may well. Here we are. some six hundred of the adverse persuasion, shut in by the everlasting mountain tops, cool, quiet and comfortable, without a care for Bismarck's last state paper, and perfectly indifferent as to whether Louis lakes the field or not. What care we if the beam representing the balance of power has been kicked? It does not prevent our tripping the light frnlastic any the lighter, iu our nightly hops, or from enoozing the less quietly on the margin of our crystal founts, in this happy valley. It is worth a season to hear on r frogs sing, as they do not elsewhere; each with bis own voice harmoniously tuned for tbe chorus, and without that jealousy of tbe weak voices for the strong, which exists on tbe outside world; or, if imaginative, walk oat into the moonshine and bold converse with the sculpture! heads and laces of the stony hearted giants ot the antedeluvian time, as you find them with their heads thrust out of the mountain side. What a story they Jo tell of the slumbering tires beueuth, now turned to the harmless and useful account of making hot water for the baths. We have some pretty faces here, and the modern Memphis is represented in the host; which includes the fair daughters of Mississippi snd Che rose b ids of the sugar- - bowl State. But do you know ftbe thought struck me at the Aken House hop last night) our female noses are losing the line oi the V enus and of beauty. Tbev are already much turned and turning. hat are languishing eyes snd elenantly chiseled mouths without appropriate ses to match! What can be done should be done speedily. Is the matter beyond the power of legislation f Ia it beyond the reach of the party in power? True, there is no money :n it, ana we cannot form a ring; out it is s matter ot vital conse quence, ine snares ana tne nats should ls brought together, in order to get rid ol the obnoxious pugs. Please give the subject your attention and influence. u would oe a miracle it, in six hundred souls "spirits," 1 should say, white and black some coula not bo found bearing the marks of outside depravity. Numer ous petty thefts and burglaries had been committed up to a few nights ago, when a couple of white scalawags were caught in the highway with their faces black ened, and brought up to justice. They atiempieu to roo two negroes, and were by them overpowered. si,iit up shop and come out and see ns. We have water hot or cold; water bearing iron to strengthen the nerves: water bearing magnesia for weeavaaas of the backbone; a general puriticater. in water bearing brimstone; and water with ar- senic to purify the complexion. Some of your co temporaries might receive benefit from thia last. Come out, and bring your pen ana ink-hor- n with you. UOBKINK, SHOCKING OUTRAGE REAR CUBA. Atteeisted Rape aa a Little 6irl by a Black Scoundrel, Ctba, Shelby Co., Inly 27, 1870. Editor Appeal Soareely does the ex- citement of one crime abate before an- other tenfold more revolting startles the community ef Big Creek. The particu- lars, as related by a citizen living near Cuba, are as follows: A negro, who bas bean for some time in the employ of Mr. Job Csmpbell, last Friday seized his little daughter, only rive or six years old, snd made a brutal at- tempt to ravish ber. Her mother, or some of the fiimiiy, hearing the screams of the little girl, rushed to the scene, and saw tbe villain attempting bis hellish scheme. Becoming frightened at their approach, ha tied. No great injury, howover, was done tbe little child. Esquire Lee Gib s suc- ceeded in arresting this terrible monster yesterday, and lodged him In jail, where it is to be hoped that he may meet with the severest penalty of the law. We are not an ad voeate of lynch law , but iu this case it wuld ceruinly meet the approval of many cillaa. However, we have full conlldetncc that Judge Flip-pi- n will punish him to the utmost extent of the law. JL'STITIA. aTo Merth axts. A thorough business man wanisa position. References first class. Address " H.," care James V. Byrne, agent Short Line Rsilroad, 5 MaUiaou street, Staunton Block. SHOO-FL- Y JET SETS OPENED ON YESTERDAY. REW COLLARS, AJfD NEW STYLES WHITE STRIPED MARSEILLES, A Great Bargain. New Embroideries. Bsantiful Patterns, For 20c and 23c per yarj. OCR KID GLOYES. ' ..eat Bargains in Domestics, Lawns, Ginghams, Dress Goods. Great Bargains this week. HKRZOG A BRO., 204 Main. LECTURC BY FATHER 6ARESCHE. The lecture of Father Gsresche, S. J.f of St. Louis, at St. Peter's Church, last night, was attended by a lull audience, consisting in large part of Protestant citi- zens of all denominations. He advocated the doctrine lately proclaimed by the Ecumenical Council. The lecture was at least clear, unambiguous and able. To a Protestant sndience it was equally novel and candid. He took the gronnd, not that tbe Pope was infallible aa a man in all his actions, nor that as a man he was infallibly right in all his opinions, but that as head of the Church, declsring the truth in his official capacity, he was infallibly right. He said, if wo rightly understood him, that the church heal in this sense al- ways held to his infallibility, without which it could never hate been declared by the Council. The Council made known and settled beyond dispute what was re- vealed truth on this subject. It made nothing true which was not true before. Judges of inferior courts might err, but when cases were carried before the tribu- nal of last resort, the decision was right, the true law was pronounced, discussion ended, and tbe nation bowed before the decision, as the newly declared but and law. So in the Catholic Church, when officially the rep- resentative head of the chnrcb acted, bis decision was nnsl snd declared truly tbe revealed, unalterable and divine law. Popaa bad erred. Some of them even had been men of questionable char- acter, and it might be questioned whether some of them hail been among the finally saved. But, as the official actions of offi- cers of other churches had been recog- nized as valid and effective, so in the Catholic Church the official actions ot the Popes had been upheld in all ages, and io the declarations of faith and doctrine had been divinely sustained and made in- variably right in -- very known instance ot a decision for y ears. There be no church in tbe world against which the gales of hell should never pre- vail, if the chnrch was in error, and there was no infallible and reliable ex- pounder aud guardian ot the truth. Without such an expounder, the truth itself would be loet in the contlicting in- terpretations and antagonisms of tbe ages. The lecture, of which we took no notes at the hearing, and therefore do not under- take to report with any particular pre- tense to fullness or accuracy, was listened to with intense interest, and was calmly argumentative throughout. Tbe lecturer is evidently a gentleman of character and capacil y equal to bis great subject. But it is rather our province to state facts than to pronounce as to the cogeucy or effect or his argument. The Abochidt or Facts. With the consent oi the parties concerned, the fol- lowing facts are made public: t in the 2!td of October last, Levi M. Phillips, civil engineer, residing in Harlem, was suffer- ing front an obstinate and severe bilious affection, accompanied by great bodily weakness and utter loss of sppetite. In compliance with the wish of a friend, (Mr. J. S. Latrobe, or 49 Amity Place, Now York), Mr. Phillips commenced tak- ing Plantation Bitters. He had no fait b. be said, hot would "maks the experi- ment." Wo give the result, as related by Mr. P. himself, at E3 Park Place, on the 30th of N ivember. " I met Latrobe tbe other day in a restaurant," said he, "and told him' that the preparation saved my life. I say so now. I weigh fourteen pounds more than I did Ave weeks ago, am quite well, and as to eating well, ask me to dinner and you'll see." Facts like these are worth a thousand assertions, and Mr. Phillips and his friend are at all times ready to indorse them. "There is but one opinion in regard to Sea Moss Farine. All speak iu its praise, and ill like it. It bt fouud to be a great favorite with all classes of our people, .... will prove a great blessing to the poor. It is very cheap, and will go a long way." Home Journal. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS OFFERED THIS WEEK. Lace shawls, black and colored gren adines, an. I a complete assortment of dry- - goods, at the Southern Palace Bankrupt Sale. Harper's Monthly, improved style, with leaves neatly cut, for sale at Joe Locke s, Main street. LETTER LIST. The foil owing la the list of letters remain ins lu the Mtnipuls Postofnce and not dellv red bv carriers yesterday. . All letters directed to street au.l numbers will be delivered promptly by carriers. LADIES' LIST. Brown mrs H P Blair miss B run mrs L (.'lark miss H Digiter mrs M Davidson mrs V s V Farrow mrs hi D Frollck mrs MO BiM-he- r Bira at B Graham rare B Harris ralas M A Hughes mrs K A .itillard mrs at W Jonea miss E King mrs J McCauiey mrs 8 T at miss Bussell miss ReaveS a misa NtauflelU miss Tate 8 col'd WoddmissA GENTLEMEN'S LIST. AnstlnHR NoreuttAH Archer H Hi Hard J KfSblttU Allen Holey M O'BrlenTV BrooasFW O'Brien Li. air K Holder J Pin hps (J W K Johnson W 8 Payne Burton w S t Brookes J . Buell W W Johnson Barrett J col'd T Bryant TK Jackson H O t'ooley I'ol MKirknatrick WKeese Cummlngs C Richardson TP t'ornell J I" C'ourtols l ade B Davis Dun la W E Flnley J W Passu f Fisher WB f ountain J at J Forbes AT Grey 8 Goodman W Glenn PB Greenwood Hooper W U Harris G L Ed Mictiie mrs K Pugh mis a(C Peirre A C Peters mrs M col d luni KA Riley rare K Kombouer mrs H mrs Ken in L mrs E Hhoenaker mra P Smith W mrs Y - Vaugn HsynerJ A R UoideCB R G Boyd Q L Jerome H Joint U W Jones P Flood Peake Putway Kir Pegram Phillips W m B A A o E H L Kreacer C Heed J Kane J B Htearns G H J R Bpaldlng Dr Lester VV NACoSloaan P Lester II Swayne E P LInch D Stlckney H M .ueiviiieitH KiewarijB Munsey Dr B Morton G it M .ran MeGotre Martin GD Moore B Ktley 8 i'.eiuy F T U C B J J Luckett J J Tl .lman H Thomas UE Thorn 14 C E Thompson WD Trabucco J P Mot-aaai- a colWhlte E McDonald A Wheeler captU Maloney Y H NealV Williams J E. E. E. SPECIFICS. ALL tubs i Sracirics bbcbsyxd TUB VlBHtMA BTATB FaI ber. Ittt. The undersigned m-o- daclng them In this city. and intends cnrlng a:: patients suffering wttu Bnenraatism, Lumbago. Neuralgia, and all pains of the limbs and Joints, Dysentery and Diarrhea. KKKK OB 1X1- - WDATJVUK, Hi tlbi rooms in the Lebner House, where certlt-aaej- s esp ae, Been.- - mm a gy is a f For diseases requiring private and confi- dential consultation, from t a m to 4 p. in. The e diseases will be aucoesatuily treated wltnnnt requiring change of diet or Interfer- ence with ordinary business. The Specifics to he mud at Q. W. Jones Drue-stor- e, Mala treat. Jy BBjtAjSL KJUAB. RIVER NEWS. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAT. y .cksbarg MAaat-- s Crrr t p St. Louis Bbxub St. Laajrt , Jk p AJUUVALH. Olive Branch atLLoals Maine Able Ll'.'.ie Hock Emma Floyd. General Anderson assteisilver DEPARTURES. Llewellen.. Oenersl Andersou; Olive Branch Mollto Frtar'a Point Orleans IN FQaV. Emma Floyd. Uiu:s Cincinnati New vt 8t Louis Friar's Point Hew Orleans Haw Orleans RIVERS, WEATHER AKD BTTSIXESS. Oas Works, July 27. The river fell 2 inches in tbe past M hours. Below high water mark of laoT, La feet inches. CHARLES GOODWIN. Superintendent Gas Works. BY TBl.BO BAPK. Nw OiLKA5a, Jury 27. Arrived: Natchez, St. Louis; Sam. Parker and barges, Cincinnati, lie parted Kellogg ana barges, Henry Ames, Great Repub- lic, St. Louis; Mary Houston, Louisville. Cairo, July Zl Port list: City of Al- ton, Memphis to St. Louis, 8 a. in. ; Tidal Wave, Pittsburg to New Orleans,! p.m. Virginia, Loula villa to New Orleans,! m. Carrie Converse. Pittsburg to New Or- leans, 2 p.m.; Marble City, Bt. Louis to VickaUirg. 7 p in. Kiver fell two inches. Clear; thermometer. - Lolisvillb, luiy T,. River rising, with 25 inches in the chute, snd 4 feet ou the Portland bar. Weather clear; thermom- - erer sv to 91". Arrived: Loreua, from New Orleans. PiTTsiii Ro, July River liaing, wilh 5 feet ia the channel. Weather ulcudy and warm; thermometer, 91. CiNcflttvATi, Ju'y 'J7. River rising, with 9 feet 3 inches in the channel. Weather clear; thermometer M". Nashvii i.b July 27.-T- he river ia fall- ing, with lour It'el ou lisrpeth shoals, fbe weather i fair, with the mercury at 16" in the shade at i p.m. The Etla Hughes departed for Cairo. Sr. Locis, July 127. Arrived: Bis- marck, New Orieaua; Rabicon, Vtcks-Imr- Lock wood, 8b rev sport City of Alton, MeinpL.-- . Departed: Sailie, Ar- kansas river; Grand Tower, Memphis: Commonwealth, New Orleans. The river is telling. The weather is vary hot, with ihe thermometer, at 3 p.m., Har. atrsTKM. tiVKOUa. A heavy cloud came up .yesterday, hut no rain fell. T'-.- aluioipuer was auliry, anj after the cloud il was hotter than ever. The Mollis Able pinued down yester- day. Aa usual, and aa il always should be, she was loaded to the guards. C'apt. Dan Able was welcomed by his boats of friends. Tt wtll be seen by a card elsewhere, that the Richmond and Mi llie Able will enter the Memphis and New Orleans trade dur- ing the coming season, leaving here on alternate Saturdays. The Mary Boyd goes out on Friday for all Ian i:a.a oa the Arkansas. Captain Rube Hsyues is mas--er- . Billy Blanker is rusticating among tbe boosters. One-four- th of the new steamer Potomac has been purchased by Captain Pierce, of the Cincinnati mail line, at the rate of fiS.iJOO for the boat. We learn that the sale ot the Hesper, slluded to by us yesterday, was not per- fected. Captain Lee bss, however, sold his half interest for $4000, to the other owners, and the onoe famous Hesper goes to the Illinois river, to ply during low water. Houston's new steamer Little Rock, passed down yesterday fox the Arkansas. She is a good-looki- boat, and may do well in the trade, bat we doubt it. The Thos. H. Allen has laid up for the present. Captain Jim Chenoweth, the genial master and popular gentleman, dropped into our sanctnm last night, as natural looking as In ye oideu time. His boat, the Emma Floyd, has been chartered to ply between this city snd Louisville tbo Memphis and Cincinnati packet Una-S- he leaves on Friday. Geo. W. Wise ia in the office. The Tidal Wave. Alaska and Edinburg are due y from above. Tbe Little Alps came up from White river yesterday. She picked up a snag on ber way up, which did some damage. The tow boat Bee pissed down yester- day, and the Mohawk paaaed up. The Llewellyn left for EvausvUle yes- terday. The Belle St. Louis, Captain Alex- ander Ziegler, will get away y for Cairo and St. Louis. She connects with ths traius North aid East. Mr. Baakette has charge of the office. Tbe Marble City, Captain George W. Boyd, leaves for Vlcksburg snd tbe bends. She carries the IX. mail. Will T. Towers is her clerk. STEAMBOATS. FOR 8T. LOUIS. AI"XaaeoIj Memphis and St. Louis U. S. Mail Line For Osceola, Madrid. Hickman. Belmont and Cairo, t'onneeting at Belmont with ths Iron Mountain K. at Cairo with Illinois Central Railroad, ana boats up the Ohio Kiver. BELLE ST. LOCW .Zelgter master This splendid passenger steamer Will leave aa above THURSDAY, JHih Inst., at t p.m. Freight received at the St Lenin Wharfboat W K. DILL, Agent. Jv.T S'LE-V- i KKT. in pi. FOR VICKSBURO. United states Mail Line for Viekaburg. For Ueleua. Napoleon and Vlcksbunc. vi v rii.K u n i con way This elttfant passenger pacKet ea ves as above TH 1' RHDA Y, .Tth Inst., at 5 p.m. Freight received at tue.St. Louts wharfboat. W. . DILL. Aayut Iv7 FT.KM.CALV ER'f. Hnpt. FOR CINCINNATI. Mem flii and Cincinnati Packet Co m pan y- - t or' alro, Leuiavtlie and Cincinnati. F.M.MA FLOYD Cheuowllh, master This elegant aud swift steamer win leave as aoove I K l DAY. Jtlb lntt at p.m. LARKY HaKMJSTAD A CO., Agents. )y Meshy Block, 304 Front Row FR NEW ORLEANS. MEMPHIS & NEW ORLEANS LINE, SEASON OF 1870- - 71. RICHMOND, : MOLLIE ABLE, Sreen, Master Daa Able, Master of the above elegant ONE packets will leave VMimhn for "Jew Orleans Kcbsv Sattjbday commencing Saturday. September !7tb. and will contlnne In tue trade throughout the saarm ly-- f FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER. Regular Tuesday Packet, in place of steamer Mt. Francis during tow water. K. c. DAY - i. C Everdon, master This eirgiint steamer will leave KVEKY Tl'KBDAT, evening, at S o'clock, for all navtgal points on the Ml. nver. LARRY' H v KM ST AD A CO., Agents, FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. River Packet For Helena, Friar s Point, Moatfc. White River. Pin Hot Sprln Little Rouk, Smith. Steamer IVLear-y- - Boyd, Haynes master. This elegant passenger rtssiasr BBBPBi Fill DAT, trta Inst., For and tor R L. w m st S freight or passage apery aa board or at unany office, No. 3 Madison SL.Utaatea jy-- Tj W.H. KKSJIEDAY. Ageat. Bloc Fort BRBSW p.m, FOR WHITE RIVER. MEMPHIS AND WHITE RIVER U. S. Mail Line s SUMMER ARRANGEMENT 1070 FOR XS70 The New Elegant Side-whe- Psameaaar WALT, : : W. J. AaMara, Master , Rant expressly ftar the trade, leaves Meeaakia every Satcbdat, at 5 p.ra. Leaves Devairo aiutr ior jacasoupon every a.m. Leaves Jackson port every Tubsxjat. at 11 m. Leaves DeVall'a saaa for Memphis every W sdk bspa at o'clock in. The Splendid Passenger Steamer. DES ARC, - - - John Eilistt, Matter Leaves Memphis every TtTRsnAT, at 5 p.m. Leaves eVall'x Bluff lor Xackaoaport every Tbtcbsdat, at ll:3ta m. ItnCRMNII: Lsaves Jackson port every Friday, at 12 m. Leaves DeVall'i BinR far Memphis every signed tr ill be nroa o'clock eRBmBBaaB nnlnr. forwarded, charge transfer Memphis, Helena, Friar Point. SunRower. Laeonla. Canon's. Conconlla, Month of White River, DeVall's Biun, L.iiiie kocb, Arc, Point, Searcy, Jacksonpert, au points mace river. P J .o. rro KiaataM. aATawS, Nat t$ V S A. ii .so Et ana lie ia S. K.. Bbbj ft 9. Y, 12 0. at It m ie Of the ptly wltbovt for at to s ues ou T. U. M ,1 H , V i. 1 ) Ajects. i . . : : : : & RIVER LINK. IRON STEAMBOATS. ARKANSAS aad Arkansas River Packet . S. Mait Li SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. the rBmmtlr aaontAs the Wednas DCRINvi for Arkansas rTver will be wtnafliSsra, aad aBantaaj Bha aaaaaai good ataas of water our boats will leave Memphis for Littlx Rock aad all lntermaaiana land-tmas- lUws: Tneeaursly new and sHaa n t sate-whe- el pas- - PAT TT JTrTrrwrRrss1rr'ft-lsairl- . WM11r Cvaty Monday, i i o'clock p.m.. MAK.T BOYD R. L. Baynes, master Every Friday, att o'clock paa. Returning, will Lave Little Reek tar Mem- phis as Cello na : PAT CLEBURNE Reese Prllchard, master Kvrrr Thoredjy at 5otloe p.m. M .RY BSTTD R L. Ha Every Mouilay , at 3 o duck p.m. These boats are new and elegant passenger packets, ami are nnawuassod by aay boats in iae line (or speed aud coiulorL They mUd direct connection at Little Rock for HOT HfKINOH wilh tbe regular In. led states mail ouasues; and lor FuRT SMITH and all intermediate points on Mondaj aad Thurs- day with the new aad very Isabt- - draft paMveaaer pacs DArdanaoa. Captain a, an Fort Otbson.Capt fowl In Freights eoaaaEaerl f Wis LtsB A M sa-PB- oa mouth or Win ric Rivsa will be r led promptly to atstrntltsw Without lor I nuMfer. JOHN P. ADAMS. President Wo. 3 Mdlaoa Bt .BBnaaon Blocs. AMUSEMENTS. MOULDERS' UNION FIONIO, AT JAMES' PARK. Monday, At. mm- - Tickets, r jty Ceuts admitting Usntls- - man and Ladies. JyvT BROOMS OPERA HOUSE (Jell. ron street, near MalnJ I RAS. U. R. HBOOM lA aad tolUi F. UOKKAK .ACl.Ug Stage Prof. Fsavk A rxotd Leader oi v" is open the year wild s aad oi male and irra4 ea.-- a with and AV ta, apTT PROFESSIONAL Proprietor Manager Orrheaira UId STANDARD ARIRTY THRA-TF.- moid powerful tateufed uavps Ibbbbbs art-Ut- s, uung evening programme replete muslr. mirth melody. Admission. Private Boies, HIGHLY IMPORTANT! CURES GUARANTEED OF Catarr x9 THROAT DISEASES, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, And ail other Chronic Affections JEROME PAN COST, M.D. 0FF1CE-65AD- AMS ST. IIT E warn al I who may have any form or VV tht-s- e diseases to waste no more ure- - eioos time-th- e .lays and weeks whtea bear mem guiaaiiv ueond tne reaca ol tinman aid-- In lak as- lato the atoataoti taekartm. compounds, of whatever names, mat have deceived thoosan s before yon; waste no more tlrae in .lep.o.lng y. nr condition n..r In watching th i progreaa at some ot your Ban ber who may be experimenting, bat take tne testimony ot ine hunure-- i thousands throughout tbe entire country who bar- - tried ' u- - Perneetr ,Vw Mode of Cure with entire success after all ethers proved hmpwruwt AavaasaaeanVm from Can-sa- w ve A.ii assaV tnme tnalmt sat Sutiumal Phm ., MeUteatwm. Msw rnis. Tssx., Jane L U?a. We the na 'eratgued. before we placed o lv a aadar It . Jerome Paucoat'a traa mut for tbe enre o, Cntar h - ml affections of the Langs, bad tally iom to the rn n rTaStnn thst there was no rauiedj or mods of mad cation for the cur of tha-- e complaint , in which we oonLJ piai-- aoy reaaonable am cm a I of conOdea e, we bad -- o long been d oa.i to J leap ointment; and we are rally confi- de t tats opinion ia large y aaaraa ta by nearly ev-- r. per u sanVrlng I rum thee dans; rous c awe of mala ties. Having, been saajvat lo tb ae moat annoy- ing aod pa u:ul dUeaees lor a namber of years beieee ws began Dr. rSaroat1 treat- ment, notwithstanding we made ase as ev- erything we had heard recommended, aa Weil as had the advice and attsatlou of some of the moat eminent pByateteao. but det Ived bo benefits whatever from their treatment, we feat that we sa la no way lietter serve the cause ol unfferiug huaaanity ttaan to publicly bear oar testimony to the periuaneat relief we have obtained from thia rational plan of medication. We can. with entire confidence, commend Dr. Pancual and tiLo Mew .system f Practice to all who desire s spkbct snd Rash a l curs, knowing bim as be not only a raga-laxi- y educated . u vale lan and honorable but one In whom tbe afflicted can rely wita entire coufideaes. 11 H. MEs7T. proprietor of the and extensive Wholesale L!u.aor noose. No. lot Front street. J. M. RICE, the popular and reliable Police officer Chelsea UKoifcia; HtJtBtH.- -. JL.MI Front street. MAM'S M.DEKMOTT Lehner Home, eor- - aer Seseaet an-- ' Wah!nxton. Ws. A. BV KsVVLi, uf tne we ro-- eery and Commla ton House of Ecksrty a Co.. corner Union aad Front t reels. This ia tbe aea on when OWurrA aad Thnxu diseases advance most rapidly into Bron- chitis and Consumption, and when all dis- eases of i ne breathing orvans are most ag- gravated-and yel a period more favorable or treatment taaa we amy again expect for many montlw- - Cxil Immediately for examination If possi- ble io do aa,otiierwlae write for a La of vj.uesuon. a the treatment can be aoccvea folly coaducted al bom under my rnetrac-lion- s, wherever Uie patient may be. Addree J FROM UFA SClrvr, M. D . 5 Adams street, between Hecoad anal Third, mmmmmmmmMmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmllmmm SEPTENNIAL INSTITUTE. SEPTENNIAL MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 42 North Court St . THIS Institution. I neorooialed bv the 1 State of Tennessee, l a legalised A. eiation or rnysicans and gorgeous devoted to the treatment of patients, aad in- structions In the theory and practice of the CHEMICAL SYSTEM OF MEDICINE. Il is divided into the following ftxALi 1 lay art B aa r. In this every complaint known to woman who unvarying saecasa Caxcik L'BrABTMaNT are here cured in ninety- - igtii every uum u. Dipaetj isrr roa Heart depart uien . this formidable With me most gratify lug r DEPABTBINT FOB SKIM -- .UfE. t ta tree diTtsis treated Disbasrs Every form of skin diseases permanently CoNsrrBO-Tio- s d Catarrh Dbpa CUreM The professors in am IbbobIiiubI haveaaade man imp. nam diaoovarwa in tea iraetaaeat of lung, and uose di.t.-s- . Ktb Axd Kab chitmbt -- The eye and ear most tender: . and triampdsntly treated. coartnoTiAt. DafABTaawr. Dewssed to tbe exclusive treatment of a rises nf mala eass. nsmslmi aaaayar an ante araaamsrsh.p- SCKGICAI Departxe.it. We dally I Oil i uie inun impor.arii operations onrasTT. Ail affairs of a private credlr conttdentlaL aBajaa, Jepartmei. throat BRP Office hours from s o'clock In the lag till t o'rloek In tbe evening. Open every Su.iday forenoon, from s-- tl m. S J n. susssnu w.ia. J. C. Watso. Secretary. L. U Wa k v. Treasnrer. to to ELECTION NOTICE. BT vlrtne of aa order of the Coon ty Osart Whel by etmnty, I will, on Saturdry, 1h 28th ef Aogust, 1870, Being tbe lourth aatnrday In August, open and bold an legal voting places In sa d cooaty, to ascertain the wilt at tbe qaa lined voters of said county upon the ap- proval of s snbscrlptlon of Ave hundred tuoosand dollars for. Shelby onnntv, of the sapital t..ck of tbe Mempbla Holly Sprtasa, Oku.ona snd Mafias railroad eawipaaj. saade and subscribed bv the Cooniv Court affaawabv ' county: said taoscrlptlon to be paid in twenty-yea-r six per cent, bonds, payab.o asmi sasaaiiy. in ine city wi aty ion. witn HRMBnt saw ir, id; metaato be paid by every voter lo be converted luto me stock ef said railroad company under the saartar. One of the condition! of tin.-- subscription la, tgfci mat is to aajr. far tea miles and Bndsn from MimsaiBi Mr eaau; fox ths miles from Memphis, over ten, 1 for the tret twenty miles, aad epartmenu miles. In She by county, twenty earns sad upon the farther condition that tbe west srn terminus Is to remain st taw city of Mem- phis. Those voting m favor of aeat aaaaaTtp-tlo- u will have upon their tickets the words n : tnose opposed to tt will tickets trie words - - (to h-- A hat of offlceva. JadBss. etc. to . wlu sapabnaaii f h ir ataiar, RtaMCL a J. WRiQMT, y. Sheriff Shtlby cooaty. - V

The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1870-07-28 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045160/1870-07-28/ed...John B Payne; also, s letter addressed J. H. 1'echaid. Kelorm, Alabama

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Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1870-07-28 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045160/1870-07-28/ed...John B Payne; also, s letter addressed J. H. 1'echaid. Kelorm, Alabama



Of THE KT. TIISWUCT.CHAftTJBLLOB to announce J AMEHKENTKiew, of Bolivar, a a candidate for

Chancellor of the Tenth District, composedof the oonntlea of Madison, Haywood, Lau-derdale, Tipton, Fayette and Hardeman J 10


1 U8TICK OF THE PEACE.-- J. J. BUTLhR is,1 a candidate for Juatlceof the PeacelntbeFifth Civil District. Election flrat Thursdayin November. 'JATT' 14th TJDICIAX CIRC'T.


tebwth Judicial CiBcrjrT.-- W. D.Jk , of Lauderdale oooutv. ta a

candidate lor Attorney-Oener- of the UthJudicial Circuit, composed of the counties ofHardeman, rayeite, nneioy. Tipton ana i.auderdale. an th Aturust next.


L'DOE PROBATE OOUBT.-Ihf- Ac.1 V.Jm af Hhslbv (jttnt. I am a cilor Judge of toe Probate Oourt. subject to Dievoice of the people at the ballot-bo-x. Elec-tion the flrat Thursday In August next.


UDOE PROBATE CjrBT.-Waiair-t- sedJ to aauouncc J. E R. RAY a a candi-date for Judge ol the Probate Court ol Hbell.ycounty. J


F.lectlon fliat Thurs-day In AujsK-Jje-



JVlHiF. We are authorize!) to announce P.Tl'KNKY as a candidate, ror Judjre of the

Court from the Middle IXvislon mat



al viMOH. In response to the published callor. members of the Bar lu various counties ofEai Tennessee, and numerous solicitationsof friends, I hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Bench of the SupremeCrtoMh. JJaftJRDM.

SUPREME COURT EASTERNJDDOE We areautboriaed auJ re;ueeiedto announce Hon. I. A. K. MEIN to a can-

didate lor supreme Oomrt Judge from theEastern Division. The election i to be heldon the first Thursday In August; and twoJu ices Iroui each ol the three divisions ol11, e State are to be elected; my IV


SUPREME COURT WEtJTERNJUDUE We are authornsd to anuoum .'THOS. J. FREEMAN as a cacdidate for Jndg.-o- f

the supreme Court for the Western I'lvl-slo-

Election ABBJBtB, B. ,J?L.HITPREMK COURT WKTKKNJl'ln.K friends of Hon. JOHN LT

HN BED, of Fayette county, art- - anthorised byhim 1,, nrmnt his name to the people oft, ,.!.... as a candidate tor Judge of theSupreme Court for the Western Dlvlsioi



J tbkktk JCDictax Cibcctt.-I-n responseto thefiatleruui atsuisuce of sepport whichhave been tendered tome, hereby announcemvself candidate lor to theoffice of Attorney Oeneral of the FourloeuluJudi 'ial Circuit. Election first Thursday InAugust next. WALKER WOOD.


IUISjE Hth JUDICIAL CIRCUIT-- At theil request of a respectable portion of theber.aud of the people of the Fourteenth Judi-cial Circuit, announce mysell candidateforjudge of that Circuit. The election is tobe held on the first Thursday, being the stbday of August next,

aiC, ISA AT M.

By sick gentleman. be deliv- -ClKEAM at the Commercial Hotel, everymorning, one quart fresh new cream forwhich the highest reaaonable price will bepaid. Apply at office of hotel. jy

EXCHANGE. Choice improved l.an--TO Texas for city propeity, merchandor a small steamboat. Inquire of Ol A.

Commercial Hotel, Memphis. Tenu.s



I a

a t


I I f'jr h small famlTv: a white eir! preferred.Apply at Mr. POLLOCK'S, corner of Thirdand Ureenlaw streets, Chelsea. ly

rpEACHER At Olive Branch, Mississippi.1 a of good moral character, and

qualified to lit boys for eoliege Apply anon.

a UKNTH To sell the Horn SBrm.iRir---iruMAiiuxc. Priea,t&. Itmskesthe

l. Jt Stitch" allkeon hoth aid. and is theoulv llceuaesl under-lee- d Shuttle Machinesold for less Usaa tea. Lloeneed by Whee.erst Wilson, Urover A Baker, and Singer A ( o.All omnr under-fee- d Bhu'tle Machines soldfor less than - are and theaeller and user liable to prosecution. AddrnsJoiksosj, i i.abk Co., Boston, Mass.. Plttk-burp- .

Pa., Chicago, 111., or Bt. Louis, Mo. Jega uENTB To eell the Octaoos HrwiNu

J Macbinb. It Is iswuewi. makes the" Elastic Lock-etllcb- and is warranted ford years. Prloe. I Ij. A. 1 otli. r machines withan UTider-fee- sold tor $V or less are Inirlngemeu'.. AddnsoiM UUoX SBWIHli Mu himCO., Bt. Louis. Mo., t ill, ago, 111., Pltlsliurg,Pa., or Boston, Mans. lea

WANTED $'0 ra dat' hy theAGENTS KMTT1NU MaCHINBCO., F"S- -

lon, Mass.. or St. Louis, Mo. Je";


o ALEOKEXi'HANOE.-- A splendid assort--meat of fresh Drugs at :e per less

than manufacturers' prices. Also, a lot ofHewing Machines and Urist BTIIls, or win

th-- same and some valushle land tora suisi steamboat, lnqutreal Wolcott,a t o s. or W. F. Taylor, Commercial Hot 1,

Memphis. J2


MULES -- One large, bay mere mnc,nasMM high, ersck lu rlglit hoof up

to th. hair, mane and tail Just trimmed, hadon a bsnd shoe when she left my premises.No. lis Uayoso street, at 10 o'clock last Mon-day morning: branded T. F. on left shoulder.Also, one Urge sot rsl mare mule, heavy set,flfw hands high, blemish inone eye, newly shod In front, and mane andtall recently trimmed.



' 1 'HE power of attorney from David L Car-- lt- -r and Sarah E. Payne and others, to

John B Payne; also, s letter addressed J. H.1'echaid. Kelorm, Alabama. Tuerludrroi theal,..ve will he lewarded bv lea.lng thecu altbenfBtwof T. W. O'liONVELI.,

jy;s Chief ol Police.


BBBatbor-T- H Mempwds, No. lis meets 3d Friday of

each month Hall cor. Madison and Second.W. B. Matlhewa, W. M, Boo. E. Pullen.Bee

A s . No. IBS meoU 1st Monday in ev-er- v

month, at s' Hail, cornerCourt aud Main, c . M Carroll. W. M. ; Joi n

Beamish. Secretary.Lu la Scott, No meets 1st Friday of each

mouth Hall corner Madison sou SecondB W. Mitchell. W. M. : B. Sturm, sec.Iito, No. Jus meets U Friday of nachin. 'ii Hall. J. It. Benin 1.

W. M. , B W. Shelton.SecKit w issisa, No. ail- - meets 4th Friday of

each mouth at South Memphis Hall, cor-ns c ot Madison aud Beeond. W. A. Ed-monds, W. M. ; Lauia Canpakl. Bee.


l'cww Chaptcb, No. a meets Sd Moneach mouih HsiL It.


der. M H. P.: C U. Locke. SecHi spaia i Kinn No.w U. D. -- meets st Odd

Fellows' Hall. Henry J. Lynn, M.E.H.P.;IX. C Steever. Secretarr.

B.AKB LI.l'.i mil Cot NCi No. - meets (d Mnnilayof

each month HnU, It. BM.J. Wlggin. Rec






-- Meets

Calvaby CHAiTXBor Ross Cu-ix- , ttilh. No.I. tiiarles w. Adams, sw, M. . W.'.; H I

Tonilinaou, Sid, Kec.


Orr FK1X0WM' Hall, corner of Main andNorth Court. Knth Lodge. No. 1. 1 laughtersof Rebekah meets on the first and thirdFiliay nights of each month, at 8 o'clock..1. Waynes tar O ; Mrs. J.Wivynesourg, V. U.; BenJ. Bingham, Bec'y.

Ustoso EM'AMPMBJIT, No. 3 meets on thefirst and third Thursday ulghts o: rscmonth, at o'clock. Alex. Hunn, . p. .'

BBussell.H. Thomas Baeou . Borthn,Mbstpuis L,Mi a. No. 4 nisei' every assay

night, sJ o'oloek. s. Norwood. N oA. Jones. V. CL; J. W. W syuesborg, .nud Fin. Bec'y.

Chickasaw Loimie. No. eets every Mon-day nlghW at s o eUek. J. Sample. N.U.; Ieon Levy.N.U.: Thus. S. Bingham.

fACHlLLBB LODOK,Wednesday nighi at o'clock.Pi . rreo. nropp. v


O : Joa.


Uh'. se-'j- .

Sale Real Estate.

V J. vs A.J. Walt ot si




Brocktan order of sale made Io thisPURSUANT Supreme ( of this Hlate

at Hi April term, asm, i wiu, on




W. X. W.


M.W. Re.



u.; H.


T-w-day, 16th Day f Augnat, 1870,

Within legal boors, on the south side of CourtSquare, in the city 01 stempnis, lmmnuisi. i y

opposite the law office of Kortreebt Craft,sell to the h ghtsit bidder, the following de-scribed real estate. Wish Improvementsthereon, situate In the city of Memphis,countj of rtlieibT snd State ol Tennessee, mthe Hstturc division and adaUtlou U the cityof Memphis, aud known as the east end ofiota 116 and 1M. and beginning, tor a moreparticular description, on Adams tr i on nfine with the west Hue of Pronnelsd street;and runnlug liienoe with the south line ofAMains si reels fet Io she of an eighttoot allev thence along the center of saidaliev iaraJUl with the 10 of Promenadestreet fsl leet; ttienoe parallel with Adniuistreet m t, et to the went line of Promenad.street ; thenc-- e alnng the West line of Prome-nade street S feet to the beginning on Adamstreet sale upon a credit of seven mouths,pnichaaer giving bond with food seenrtty.and a lein retalu.-- d on the property to aeennthe puiehase money. Equity of redemptionbarred. July!, igid

JOHWU BROW", ClerkHomes Puston, Solicitor, . J


Arrival ate Departure af Mailt.Mksphts rNnrioM ice. Offlr hours

from H a.ui. to 6 p.m. Sundays from 9 to10 a, bo.

iCloses SKIVES

a. r m. .Memphis Louisville K. A.B. P.M.R. All poinU North and

IS:M U:Rat. Twice dally 4:1511:30Memphis A Louisville E

U JO R-- malls t:lMemphis A Charleston RR. AU cities East a South9) land way malls ..MMa. 4 Tenu. R. K. Al

U:15 letUeaSouth and way mallMempli is A Little Rock K.

:ifi R. daily except Sundays-Mississip-

river to Hela-l-aat- n

and Friar's Point-dall-y

Miss, river to Vlcksnurgtri weekly, on Mondays,

i . t'i, ,i rwl ays and Batordava.Miss, river to Bt. IxiuUj

Monday'1:00 and Tburauaya .

White river, aeml-weekl- y

Tuesdays and Saturdays.Mondsys and FridaysArkansas river,

Mondays, Wednesdaysir and Fridays

Memphis to Marion, Ark.,on Mondsys

1001 Wednesdays and FridaysMemphis to t una, Tenu.,..... ... . . I

14 i.yu eisa i J , riiua,.. jMemphis io syiislla auuOliv, Branch, MISS,, earn 1

i 40 weekly, Tuea. at Fridays










Storage cheap at 37 Union street.-- 1 K1 bear's Comniercial Colleg,10 Main

W. X, Mitchell's school, MCi Third St.Cleaniue and Dyeine to erfoction, at

Hollenberg , aWNoi-on- atreot.Dogs have three mi re days in which

they cau ran about unmuzzled.Great bargains in Checkering and

other pianos at llollenberg's, 233 Main.The thermometer stood at to at five

o'clock yesterday evening, and the ba-

rometer at liy.y inches.Hollenberg, '233 Main, rents pianos,

also has aecond-han- piaDOs for sale, andtuning and repairing.

Si x card pictures for fifty cents. Pho-tographs, l per do' st Armstrong'sGem (isllery, 211 Main street.

The meeting of the German Htirrgrr-Bwretl-

advertised for last Sligbt. was post-poned until next Tnesday uight.

Colonel M. D. O'Brien, SoperinUmd- -

ent of the Southern Express Company,leaves the city y on a trip East.

The Chancery courts will convenetraussct what t.usiness may come

before them, and aJjuurn over ontii Oc-

tober.Forty-fou- r cases were disposed of by

I he Recorder yesterday. Tw o hundred dol-lars were assessed and forty dollars col-lected.

A little lad, whose name we oouldnotlearn, was drowned while bathing in theriver iu Fort I'iukering, Tuesday evening.The body was not recovered.

John Watson, who lives some dis-tance out on Urinkley Avenue, was robbedlast night of $700, by burglars, who en-tered the house, between the hoars of tenand twelve o'clock.

Clementine Van Pool complained ofAnderson Taylor yB4erday morning, be-fore 'Siiuire Morton, for abusing and beat-ing ber. The 'Squire fined Andereon livedollars and costs, snd pat him under SooObonds to keep the peace.

A man calling himself John T. Evanshss been traveling around representinghimself as a Mason, snd swindling thebrethren in various ortiona of the State,lie represents himself as a member ofWashington Lodge, No. 4, Maryland.

It is getiing to be quite fashionableamong the youths and maidens of the oafon to drive'out to the suburban gardensIn tbe afternoon aud drink teer aud eatxchmwr-Larx- c a delicious preparation ofi nrds and cream made exclusively by ourGerman fellow-citizen-

Alex. Alexander stole some chickensfrom Mr. J. B. Van Dyke, and was caughtin tbetheft. He was carried before 'SquireMiller yesterday, and on examinationwas sent to jail in defaalt of $1000 ball toanswer to tbe ensrge at the next term ofthe Criminal Court.

Work on the Poplar street turnpikeis progressing rapidly. When finished itwill be s most substantial and elegantdrive. It is a great pity, however, that itis not broader. There should bo room onsuch a drive or boulevard lor at leastthree vehicles " .tbreust.

The Cottage Grove property, the sale ofwhich has been advertised in the Appialso extensively of late, brought StOO toHit) per acre at the ssle yesterday. Messrs.l'assuiore dt Rufliu were the auctioneersaud made their popularity tell in thia mat-ter. Tbe price ia one which lew auction-eers oould obtain this hot weather.

We aje informed that the debri basbeen olesred out of tbe tunnel beyondCiarksville, aud trains on the Memphisand I. ii!s ille railroad are again runningthrough regularly. Tbe railroad officialsdisplayed great energy in the matter, anddamages were repaired in an astonish-ingly short time.

Up to one o'clock p.m. yesterday theweather was intensely sultry. About thattime a heavy thunder cloud cxme up fromtbe southeast, and for awhile promised usa shower, which, however, did not come.A delightful breeze, however, sprang op,aud reduced the temperature eight de-grees.

Sergeant Loots was honorably ac-quitted of the charges agalnat him, by theHoard of Police Commissioners, yester-day evening. He, however, persisted intendering his resignation, snd it was ac-cepted. Mr. Bh i tan in was appointedSergeant to fill the vacancy then made.Sergeant Louis has been appointed Dep-uty Sheriff by General Wright.

The number of Chinese in this coun-try al the end of 1H!) Is estimated at Ua,isKi.among whom were but 6000 womeu andJuno children. Since immigration beganin lii, 13h,000 have come to the UnitedStates, of whom Hs.OOfi have returned toChina, and about 1O.U00 have died. Uf thnumber at present in tbe country, onehalf are in California, 25,000 in other Pa-cific States snd Territories, while full15,000 have crossed the Rocky Mountains.

By a market report in a New Orleanspsper, we learn that a cargo of bananaswere sold at forty cents per punch, tr leasthan ,. n'.t ot s oent for each banana.This fruit is retailed acre at five to tencents each, or from 3500 to Nkjo per centprofit. Watermelons sold at ft'.- perhundred, and retail Iroui 40 ceuts to ateach. No wonder that, as the saying goes."a fruit dealer starts with au apple standon a corner, and in leu years owns the enlire block." Is there no wsy to chospenthe price or fruit 7

Mr. Jacob Braun, whom not to knowin Memphis, argues oneself unknown,gives notice to his friends and the publicgenerally, this morning, that y be

iens his elegant new saloon at No. 300Second street, between Monroe and Mailiaon, eaat aide, aud will set a grand freeiunch at ten o clock, to which everv bout-is invited. He begs to assure the thirstypublic that the best of wines, liquors, alesand lager beer will always he found at hisbar, and be invites patronage for thesame.

John O'Uearn, a brother of theBilly O'ilearn, went before 'Squire

.Norton yesterday afternoon and complained that Billy was outrageously obstreperous, tearing up things and rearingaround llike mad. The 'Squire issued awarrant for Billy, and put it in the handsof Deputy Sheriff Billy Powell, to exe-cute. The latter found Billy on the warpath, sure enough, and arrested bim,with dimeulty, and brought him beforetbe 'Squire. Here Billy gave way tohistemper, abused the justice, threatened1.. in, and finally dared him to send him tosaL 'Squire Norton nut up with him asong as ne oould, and then ordered thelieputv siierin to march him off to thecounty jail, where the valiant Billy waslocked up ior toe uignt to cool on.

Llngard, the suicide actor, wantedj l.soo only to make him contented withlite by enabling him, with every prospectof success, to begin his career anew inAustralia. He oould not ;get a tithe ofthat amount, although he had devotedweeks of exertion to use attainmentof the end. But there seems to beno difficulty in raising thousandsof dollars to purchase a mon omen ifor his crave. Human nature is a curios-ity. How many " friends " will spendtheir last sent ia giving s companionemntv and worthless Doalhumona honor.who would deny him in life the price of aIC4M M BbbMbs

The musicians of Memphis, amateurand prolfBslonal, have determined to oelt- -brate. iu a becoming manner, the Centen-nial of the great composer Ludwig vonBeethoven, which oecurs on ;lie 7'. h olDecember. They will meet to make pre-liminary arrangements for tbe formationof an association for this purpose, atCochran Hall, on Monday evening next.It is understood that all musicians, maleand female, professional and amateur, assto join In for this loadable purpose.Practicing is to begin immediately, sadwe guarantee that a genuine senaatlonw ill be produced when the concert comesoff.

We are Informed by a gentleman whohas large experience jD random towls thatthe following treatment is a perfect sale-gua- rd

against tbe gapes: "As soon as thechicks are taken from the neat pat tromtwo to three drops of kerosene oil ou thehead, and rah a Utile over the head andnaak ot the hen. This will speedily de-stroy the lice with which setting hens andyoung broods ot chickens are so apt to beiu tested. And when there are no Ik(here will be no gapes. The gapes areproduced, oar informant states, by thelice crawling into the ear, ana thence intothe throat, chancing into a maggot, andcoiietiiUK in numbers in the windpipe,threby obstructing the free passage of theair to and from the lungs. This is plainlyshown by dissection. Tbe obstruction Is

28,difficult to remove and in fact almost al-

ways proves fatal. As nearly everybodynow uses kerosene, we recommend Its ap-

plication on the ground that an ounce ofpreventive Is worth a pound of cars,"

The (rest advantage of the calciumlight at picnics and open air entertain-ments, of all sorts, at night, have beenrendered so "apparent to the naked eye,"of late, by the experiments made atJames' Park, Humboldt Park, CourtSquare, and elsewhere, that no such affairis considered complete without it. It sofar outshines and eclipses gas, candles,lamps and lanterns.thal after it these old,fashioned methods of illumination, likelightning bags, serve only to make e.

W. 0. DIboli, at Broom'sOpera Honse, and Ned Forster, at theSouthern Express office, are the partiesto whom to apply for the light, whan it isneeded.

Cottonseed has been found availableby a Lancashire, England, manufacturerfor the production of paper of a very ex-

cellent quality. Of all substations hithertotried as a substitute for rags it is regardedby practical judges as the most desirable.One important feature in its use is thst itrenders necessary little alteration in tbeordinary machinery of paper mills. Thisdiscovery is of great value to the South-ern States, borne of the best psper millsiu the country before tbe war were inVirginia and North Carolina, and thequantities of cottonseed that could befurnished at their very doors will enablethem to manufacture the new paper to thebest advantage.

Many of the gallant men who wentout in regiments raised in this city and intbe surrounding country, died in thegreat Federal prison at Elmira, N. Y., aprison, by the way, managed with morehumanity than any other of the pens intosshichour poor fellows were put to rotand die. To tbe friends snd relatives ofsuch as are there buried, the followingfrom the Lynchburg Itepublican willprove grateful information: "We havereceived a letter from our esteemed friend,Mr. Thomas N. Davis, of this city (whohas been absent for several weeks past ona trip through New York for the benefitof his healtn), in which he refers to avisit to the Confederate cemetery at El-

mira, in that State. It w ill be remem beredthat Elmira was the site of one of themilitary prisons of the I nitedcttatea Gov-ernment during the war, and that a greatmany Confederate soldiers died there dur-ing their confinement of tbeir wounds orof sickness. Mr. Davis represents thatthe cemetery In which their remains aregiithered is handsomely inclosed andregulsrly lsid out, tbe walks being neatlytrimmed and graveled, and the gravescovered with grass, dowers and ahrub--hery, all evincing marks of constant care.Whether this attention is rendered by thecitizens, tbe government or the town au-

thorities, Mr. Davis says be is not able tostate, but it certainly redeels credit onthe taste, skill and fidelity of the partiesn ho have it in charge. From four to sixtbouaaud Confederate heroes sloep theirlast dreamless sleep iu this distant

First quality Wamsulta F. Y. Shirtsmade to order for $. per dozen.

WIGGANS & THORN,233 Main street.



T.ains will run dally as follows:ABKIVKS: LBAVBS:

HjpeOeld t 6:0Up.iu. 7:0us.m11:09 p.m. 1:) p.m.

ferryboat will leave the wharf boat, loot oft'uion street, dally at JQ a.m.

B D. WILLIAMS,General Agent and Superintendent.

B P. KonsoK. Ass't sup I


Mali X:tu p in. 10:41 a.m.Junction accommodal'n-- &:tB.m. 0:.sip.m.s wuerville ccommod'O- - ;l a.m. 4:k!p.m.Krelght. with coach Bat

Inched ... t. 7:2" p.m. OaX) a.m.Ticket office, insMatn St., cor south Court.


Day Express 12:15 p.m. 4 ou a.m.Mht Express. 4sa)a.ai. l:'5p.rn.U.ownavtlle Aocom 8:40 s.ra. 5:15 p.m.

Railroad time 15 minute faster than cityllsse. epoi at bead of Main street. Ticketoffice toe1-- , Main si., one door norm JefTe son.

MlssfSellPri AND TENNESSEE RAILROAD.A RBI vies: lsaves:

New Orleans Mall, dally . 2:35 p.m. 12.05 p.m.Kinross, natty euua.ni. 40 p.m.Krelght. dally except Sun-

day 4:10a.m.- -- 1:20p.m.Depot at foot of Main street. Ticket office.

ZC Mum street, one door north of Jefferson.A. tS. LI VEKMOKE, (ien'l hup'V,

We copy the following from the PineBluff Herald: "We are InforAed byJudge Carroll and Major Carlton, who re-turned on Saturday, after ten daysalstenoe, from a tear of Inspection overthe Pine Bluff and New Orleansrailroad, that the work is rapid-ly 'progressing ami that everythingaugers well for the early completion ofthe road, mere are now at work Tourhundred hands, aud the number is beingaugmented by the dillereut agencies forthe procuration of labor throughout theNorth aud South. Fifteen miles of tberoad-be- d are now ready for the crosstiesand it is confidently expected that twenty-on- e

will be by the 1st day of August.Forty thousand crossties, prepared un-der sub contracts, with citizens alongthe line, not included in the grad-ing party of four hundred mentionedatsjve, are deposited at convenient inter-vals. There will be no hindrance or delayas far as tbe lies are concerned. The ironand the rolling stock have been purchased,and will be landed at the 'SappingtonPhase ' about the 1st of August, fromwhich point sswitch has been constructedto the main road for the purpose of facil-itating tbe work. Track-layin- g will be-gin about tbe lath day of August, at therate of one mile per day. There seems tobe an indexible determination on tbe partof those engaged in this work to com-plete it by the 1st of Jsnuary, if pos-sible, and at all events, by the 1st ofMarch, 1871. We will then have daily con-nection with the Mississippi river. Sand-bars and low water will not trouble ourcommunication or disturb business rela-tions with other localities. It would, inour opinion, be advantageous in manyways for this compsny to begin workhere, if possible, and niovo towards thecapital of the State, and by the time theroad is completed from the Great Kiverto this place, it will also be, or nearly so,to Little Hock.

The last number of the Dev all's BluffLiberal contains the following: "On Tues-ds-y

an arrangement with the Cape Girar-deau and State Line railroad, of Missouri.establishing connection and mutual tariffwas agreed upon. Mr. G. 1. C. Kumbouhwas appoint; J Chief Engineer, and theBoard of Directors agreed to cross Whiteriver at Des Arc, snd from thence to Lo-noke. I f t hose places will come on totheir agreement, there is nothing moresuretnan inn mis roau will be built. Theroad wili run direct to the town of Jack-sonpo- rt,

and there is no obstacle in tbeway of the completion of the entire lineif the people will come forward promptly,and subscribe lsnd contingent upon tbebuilding of the road. Let all the friendsof the great enterprise go at onoe to work.All stocks and subsides will have to behypothecated in the East,and we must berapidly moving. Tbe levee work will allbe completed this fall and winter.The Cape Girardeau road as readyfor the Iron nineteen miles thisside of tbe Mississippi river, andwill be completed to Indian Ford, a pointnear Poplar Bluff, this season."

Tkcth The powers of Mrs. Whits-o- onib's Syrup for children are as positive

as the sunlight from heaven, and gentleand soothing as an angel's whisper.

I have for years been opposed to Calo-mel, and since 1889 have used Simmons'Liver Regulator as a Vegetable Remedy,and can confidently assert that It has excavated my expectations, curing cases ofnvs.ppsia and l.iver complaint thai werethought almost hopeless,

GREENVILLE WOOD,Wood's Factory, Macon, Ga.

NoTlca. At a meeting of the Directoryof the Empire Manufacturing Company, acall oi ten per oent. was ordered payableou or before the 3d day of August.

MONT. PEPPER,Secretary and Treasurer.

J far Rkceivkd. Croquetcages, all kinds children'sat


WHEELER, PICKENS A CO'S.,;:.'W Main street.

8KB advertisement of Dr. Butts'headed. Book for the million

MARRIAGE GUIDE in Tnlhli col-umn, It should' be naad by siL

Half dozes first quality Wamantta F.Y. Shirts made to for $;.

WIGGANS A THORN,283 Main street.




All Jet Ooods bought in my establish- -. ..a T .

aneau bbjii Be repaired without charge.

Hrrx A

J. rtOr-s- j. 1 1 r, rt,



Corwisb, proprietors of theJob I nniing establishment in the Ai

i. ai. Building, It Union street arenow prepared to execute orders 'tiJobPrintin. cn tbe shortest notice. The pa-trons of the l will bear tow lamind and act accordingly.

Joe Locke that the lineal assortmenoi us-iie-s on nisbtlcel

counter at 336 J Mait


DttMaiM PrwaSaa ef the Metroes---H- a

Wafrcqgea- t- Proba- -

tba Steles Child.

We mentioned in s paragraph a day ortwo ago that a horrid suspicion had arisenin the public mind ia regard to the infantchild of Mr. Digsy (stolen on the 9th ofJune, ana for whom such thoroughsearch has been mide by the police sndaetectivesj, viz: mat " hao. been ab-ducted by Voudoo votaries for sacrifice altbe annual oudoo festival, which falls onthe Christian feast of St. John (24th ofJune). Tbe Mobile Itegwter, of Sunday,In speaking of the affair, says: It la some-thing too horrible for belibf, yet the baresuspicion is calculated to put the authorities on guard to discover and crash outthe abomination if it exists. To give thereader some notion of what this Fetishrite Is, we copy a letter from the New Or-leans correspondent of the CharlestonDaily New :

"the past week or two has been a periodof strange, wild excitement among theblack people of New Orleans. St. John'sday inaugurated the annual ceremoniesof the believers in the African supersti-tion of Voudooism, and the celebrationof Fetish rites generally. How long theseceremonies are to be kept up we are notinformed. St. John'a day, however, isthe principal feast, and for that occasionthis year a secluded spot was selected onthe shore of Lake Pontchartraiu, wherenumerous shinties were constructed, withs principal one in the center, under coverof which the Voudoo orgies were per-formed. A correspondent writes: "Theserites, as celebrated this year, do not ap-pear to have been so extravagant, andcruel as in former years. It appears thatthey vary according to ciioumstances,and I have the word of a Voudoo priest-ess that there are occasions which requirethe sacrifice of a newborn infant, inorder to accomplish the purposes ofthia savage superstition. During theperiod uf slavery great efforts weremade to eradicate Voudooism,snd it is certain the superstition wasgrestly toned down, but during late yearsthe blacks have passed so much out of,aud beyond tbe influence ot while civili-zation, that Fetishism seems to bo on theincrease. It is invoked on all occasionsof personal quarrels or jealousies of anykind, and almost all cases of sickness areattributed to the fatal spell of some Fetishman or woman If St. John's fete, as thenegroes call it, happens to occur during aperiod of excitement, or when some im-portant event has occurred, or is aboat tooccur, of some special interest to any con-siderable number of the black people, itis then the ceremonies become most im-posing, and, at the snuie time, most re-

volting. On this point, I obtain my in-

formation from a professed Voudoo priest-les-

and it confirms all that is said or be-

lieved by white people on the subject. Itis horrible to think that even human sac-rifice is not beyond the requirements ofthis horrible infituation. Oa such occa-sions great mystery is affected, and nonjare allowed to be present except a chosenfew. The victim, strange to aay, must bewhite, if attainable, and of such an ugeaato imply in noceut blood. In this require-ment there ia easily to be seen a horribleallusion to the crucifixion of the Savior.When all is ready the votaries assemblein their rude temple, in tbe center ofwhich is placed a large iron cauldron, con-taining a snake. If circumstances areextraordinary, requiring actual humanblood, the victim, as stated, most be awhite infant, if it can possibly be had, andof very tender age. The officiating priest-ess, in a state of absolute nudity, aud berassistants, in simple, loose white gar-ments, lead a wild and fiendish dancearound the cauldron, during which thedancers, one st s time, drop out of thecircle and prostrate themselves beside thecauldron. By proper appliances thesnakeis then forced from his repose in the caul-dron snd allowed to crawl over each pros-trate form. All having submitted to thisloathsome touch, then follows the workof sacrifice and explanation, tbe innocentblood of the child being sprinkled uponthe cauldron, upon the snake, and uponall the worshipers. All this takes placoamid dancing, and wild, incoherent iucan-- .tations. This completes the sacrificialceremony, and afterward the priest-esses array themselves in the mostgaudy and costly garments, the headpriestess being adorned and hon-ored as a queen. Word is thensent of great festivities at the Voudootemple, and for far and near the dusk vchildren of Ham flock to tbe place, andfor days and nights give themselves upto feasting and the most extravagantamusements. ucn is the descriptiongiven ny s ouaoo priestess ot the cele-bration of St. John's day, on an occasionextraordinary. On an ordinary occasionthe rites are only varied by the omissionof the sacrifice, the priestess sprinklingou the worshipers the blood of snakesand lixxarda. It is impossible to say howmany limes humau sacrince has' thusbeen practiced, as the greatest possiblsecrcsy is generally observed in regardto tne place of celebrating the Jete oi StJohn. The singulur and mysterious disappearance of very young children everylew years. Ins led to a lirui conviction inthe minds of many that they were sat rineed on oudou altars. At this verymoment the people of New Orleansare greatly excited by an instance olthis kind. Ou the 9u of June, onlya few days before Si. John'sday, a negro woman stole the infant childof a Mr Digby, residing at the corner otHoward aud Poydras streets. The caswas immediately placed in the hands ofthe police, and the most efficient detectives employed. Constant and unremittingst arch nas beeu made Iroui thai dny tothis, without the least particle of sue essnotwithstanding heavy rewards hve tieeuoffered for the recovery of the child. Noone appears to feel authori.exl to sav itwas stolen for sacrificial purposes, yelthousands believe such was the purposeof its abduction, since neither .Mr. Digbynor his it lends nave any kuowlealgeol anyspecific reason why his child wa taken.The entire absence of any feuds, animosities or jealousies, withiu the knowledgeof the child s pareuts, such as usually exist where children are stolen, leaves a widemargin forconjecture.of which Voudooismis not the least improbable.

AMERICAN DRIVEN WELL.The pumps, pipes und points furnished

for the same are of the most approvedpatterns, r or sale at T homas riannerv's,o3 Jefferson street. Orders from thecountry wili receive prompt atuution.

Sixteenth of the Ger-

man Mutual Benevolent Society, Monday,

August 1, 1870, at Humboldt Park. Tick

ets, fifty cents.

Wk ask particular attention to the adyertlsement of the Synodical Female College, at Florence, Ala. It has long beenan institution of established reputation,and largely patronized from Alabama,Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas,and is recommended to patronage on a.count of the healthfulness of the locality.ine emeienev and thoroughness ol Usuistruetian, aud discipline and character ofits pupils, snd its past and increasingprosperity.


Poplar Street this Afternoon.

The street cars on Poplar street willtake passengers to the sab- ol those magnificent first-cla- ss residence tots, to besold this afternoon at 3 o'clock, upon thepremises, where the auctioneer's dagswill be seen. It is a chance to buy someof the best residence property iu tbe city,under circumstances more favorable topurchasers than are likely to occur againIn the history of Memphis.

Aj extra lot of fine Honey at J. I)Edwards', 278 Second street. Also, lineMess Mackerel.


Dr. W. English, of Warsaw, Illinois,who was thrown from s buggy on Sun-day last, near the Memphis snd Louis-ville depot, has so far recovered as to beable to leave for St. Louis, lor which,point he departs y. The Doctor,though not supposed to be seriously hurtat the time, has suffered much pain froaiinjuries received in the arm. Knee andbody. Mr. MeKinney, injured at thesame time, has almost recovered.

Takwino tbtk Scalf. All the hair dyesand their congeners, the "oolorers,"" restorers," etc., discolor tbe scalp.Fusion's V italia, or Salvation for toeHair, is the only article for restoring grayhair, which does not stain the skin.

Sold by all druggists ami fancy goodsdealers.

All of the latest weeklies and month-lies, just received at Joe Locke's, 2ohaMain street.

No. 1 Grave, i

A Allen. Nr.. K 'done by Barthol- -

est Court street.

Just Kb bivbd. Croquet sola, birdcages, all kinds of children's carriages,

WHEELER, PICKERS A CO'S.,830 Main street.


Howell, Wood A Co. 'a Bankrupt Stockstaple and fancy dry goods, boots, shoes,etc, at the Southern Palace, 331 Mainatreet.


Descriatiea of tat Child Deacripiioa efiae Abduction, ate.

As the excitement in regard to the in-fant of Thus. Digby, abducted so mys-teriously on the Wth ult., is not allayed,and as yet nothing definite has been heardof the little ereature, In the Interest ofhumanity, and in the hope that it may insome way help toward the solution of themystery, we publish the following

DESCRIPTION OF THE CHILD.The little girl was seventeen months

old on the 14th day of June. She hadrather a thin faee and delicate features,small mouth, fair complexion, round blueeyes, which she had a trick of rolling.She had very light hair, not curly, and abald spot on one side of tht back ot herhead, produced by a boll, which will re-main so for many months before the hairwill grow on it. She answers to the nameof Moll, or Mollis., and calls herself' datia," trying to imitate her father, whoalways called her daughter. She can aaya few words, like mamma, papa. Rosy,Nelly, but cannot yet pal words togetherin sentence. She walks well, and evendances.DESCRIPTION cr THOSK WHO ABDUITWS


She was taken by a bright mulattrms,about tweniy-fiv- e years of age, very taliand tli n, with a pretty face and straightfeatnres, almost like a white woman's.She had on a sea-sid- e hat trimmed withbrown ribbon.

She was acooapanietl by a short, thick-set black woman, apparently older thanthe nulla! tress who had a scar over oneeye. Though it was reported, it is notcertain she was called Martha.

Steam boatmen, railroad men, policemenand citisens are requested to try and re-member if they have seen such persons.The tire-bell- s were ringiug st the timethey took the child. If those who tookher are afraid to bring her back to herlather's house, let them leave her in anychurch, or at the door of any respectablefamily, with the name of ber fatherpinued ou her.

l he promised reward wiil be seat to anyplace named, and no effort will be madeto prosecute Ibeoffender. Fathers, mothers, frieuds, every human being with aheart in its bosom, help as to find ourdarling child, our only little daughter.

tier lather s address isTHOMAS DIGBY.

Howard street, between Poydras andLafayette.All newspapers in Louisiana and

throughout the I nited Stales are re- to copy this notice.

New Orlkaws, July 7, 1S70.


Criminal Court - Fiinpig, Judge.Cases tried July i.7. loTU:

State vs. Ham. Uibus, oblaiuing moneyunder false retenses;'three years.

Stale vs. Betue Mnowdtu, grand larceny:three years.

State vs. George Wilson, grand larceny;five years.

Slate vs. Oeorga Phillips, housebreaking;twenty-on- e years.

State vs. Albert Casey, assault aud battery, three cases; lined thirty dollars.Calendar for July 'Jo. !":State vs. John Moody, grind larceny.

State vs. Emanuel Nicksou, grand larceny.

Slate vs. John Stein, perjury.State vs. Daniel Wrigbt, rape.State vs. John Milien, malicious shoot

ing.Stale vs. Ellen Stowe, malicious stabbing.State vs. R. J. Jordan, perjury.Slate vs. L. M. Crisp, assault and bat

tery.Stato vs. Wm. Campbell, grand laroeuy?State vs. Andy Mcllvaiue, grand larceny.

i.ranu Jury meets at y o'clock. Allprosecutors who have sued out warrantsand had parties bound over mnst appearand prosecute, or the warrants will bedismissed at their costs.

Second Circuit Ceart-Halt- ey, Jadge.This court will adjourn to couit in

course this morning.

First Circuit Coart - C. W. Heiskel!, Judge.Owing to the time consumed yesterday,

in the hearing of the case of Cook againsttbe county, but little business was trans-acted iu this court.

To day the business of the term will beouud up, and will pvaitivetu be the last

day of the term.





My entire stock reduced less than Now

York cost, to make room for


Examine some of our cheap goods and

you are sure to purchase.

Wood Ladies' Hose, from 10 to 25c.

Child's Uose, as low as 10c per pair.Elegant French Corsets, embroidered,

ouly X1 OU.

Plain Good Whalebone Corsets, only75 oents.

Miwquito Nets, only 90c, to close outlot, i vdj. rtA

White Piques, only 25 cents.

Few Lace Points an.l Shawls, from t"is, worth more money.

Good Pants Linens, only 25 cents.Linen Handkerchiefs, only il per doz.Re sure to examine my stock, during

thia week of reduction.JACOB GANS,

2U6 Main street.

Just Rbteivkd. Croquet sets, birdcages, all kinds children's carriages,at

WHEELER, PICKENS A CO'S.,330 Main street.


Hot Sfrinos, Ark., July 20, 1870. DoyouenvTeur "Dog Dsys" You maywell. Here we are. some six hundred ofthe adverse persuasion, shut in by theeverlasting mountain tops, cool, quiet andcomfortable, without a care for Bismarck'slast state paper, and perfectly indifferentas to whether Louis lakes the field or not.What care we if the beam representingthe balance of power has been kicked?It does not prevent our tripping the lightfrnlastic any the lighter, iu our nightlyhops, or from enoozing the less quietly onthe margin of our crystal founts, in thishappy valley.

It is worth a season to hear on r frogssing, as they do not elsewhere; each withbis own voice harmoniously tuned for tbechorus, and without that jealousy of tbeweak voices for the strong, which existson tbe outside world; or, if imaginative,walk oat into the moonshine and boldconverse with the sculpture! heads andlaces of the stony hearted giants ot theantedeluvian time, as you find them withtheir heads thrust out of the mountainside. What a story they Jo tell of theslumbering tires beueuth, now turned tothe harmless and useful account ofmaking hot water for the baths.

We have some pretty faces here, andthe modern Memphis is represented in thehost; which includes the fair daughters ofMississippi snd Che rose b ids of the sugar- -bowl State. But do you know ftbethought struck me at the Aken House hoplast night) our female noses are losing theline oi the V enus and of beauty. Tbevare already much turned and turning.

hat are languishing eyes snd elenantlychiseled mouths without appropriate

ses to match! What can be done shouldbe done speedily. Is the matter beyond thepower of legislation f Ia it beyond thereach of the party in power? True, thereis no money :n it, ana we cannot form aring; out it is s matter ot vital consequence, ine snares ana tne nats shouldls brought together, in order to get rid olthe obnoxious pugs. Please give thesubject your attention and influence.

u would oe a miracle it, in six hundredsouls "spirits," 1 should say, white andblack some coula not bo found bearingthe marks of outside depravity. Numerous petty thefts and burglaries had beencommitted up to a few nights ago, whena couple of white scalawags were caughtin the highway with their faces blackened, and brought up to justice. Theyatiempieu to roo two negroes, and wereby them overpowered.

si,iit up shop and come out and see ns.We have water hot or cold; water bearingiron to strengthen the nerves: waterbearing magnesia for weeavaaas of thebackbone; a general puriticater. in waterbearing brimstone; and water with ar-senic to purify the complexion. Some ofyour cotemporaries might receive benefitfrom thia last. Come out, and bring yourpen ana ink-hor- n with you.



Atteeisted Rape aa a Little 6irl by a BlackScoundrel,

Ctba, Shelby Co., Inly 27, 1870.

Editor Appeal Soareely does the ex-citement of one crime abate before an-other tenfold more revolting startles thecommunity ef Big Creek. The particu-lars, as related by a citizen living nearCuba, are as follows:

A negro, who bas bean for some time inthe employ of Mr. Job Csmpbell, lastFriday seized his little daughter, only riveor six years old, snd made a brutal at-tempt to ravish ber. Her mother, or someof the fiimiiy, hearing the screams of thelittle girl, rushed to the scene, and sawtbe villain attempting bis hellish scheme.Becoming frightened at their approach, hatied. No great injury, howover, was donetbe little child. Esquire Lee Gib s suc-ceeded in arresting this terrible monsteryesterday, and lodged him In jail, whereit is to be hoped that he may meet withthe severest penalty of the law.

We are not an ad voeate of lynch law ,

but iu this case it wuld ceruinly meetthe approval of many cillaa. However,we have full conlldetncc that Judge Flip-pi- n

will punish him to the utmost extentof the law. JL'STITIA.

aTo Merth axts. A thoroughbusiness man wanisa position.

References first class. Address " H.,"care James V. Byrne, agent Short LineRsilroad, 5 MaUiaou street, StauntonBlock.




New Embroideries. Bsantiful Patterns,For 20c and 23c per yarj.

OCR KID GLOYES.' ..eat Bargains in


Ginghams,Dress Goods.

Great Bargains this week.HKRZOG A BRO.,

204 Main.


The lecture of Father Gsresche, S. J.fof St. Louis, at St. Peter's Church, lastnight, was attended by a lull audience,consisting in large part of Protestant citi-zens of all denominations. He advocatedthe doctrine lately proclaimed by theEcumenical Council. The lecture was atleast clear, unambiguous and able. To aProtestant sndience it was equally noveland candid. He took the gronnd, notthat tbe Pope was infallible aa a man inall his actions, nor that as a man he wasinfallibly right in all his opinions, but thatas head of the Church, declsring the truthin his official capacity, he was infalliblyright. He said, if wo rightly understoodhim, that the church heal in this sense al-

ways held to his infallibility, withoutwhich it could never hate been declaredby the Council. The Council made knownand settled beyond dispute what was re-

vealed truth on this subject. It madenothing true which was not true before.Judges of inferior courts might err, butwhen cases were carried before the tribu-nal of last resort, the decision was right,the true law was pronounced, discussionended, and tbe nation bowed before thedecision, as the newly declared but

and law. So in theCatholic Church, when officially the rep-resentative head of the chnrcb acted, bisdecision was nnsl snd declared trulytbe revealed, unalterable and divinelaw. Popaa bad erred. Some of themeven had been men of questionable char-acter, and it might be questioned whethersome of them hail been among the finallysaved. But, as the official actions of offi-cers of other churches had been recog-nized as valid and effective, so in theCatholic Church the official actions ot thePopes had been upheld in all ages, and iothe declarations of faith and doctrine hadbeen divinely sustained and made in-

variably right in -- very known instanceot a decision for years. Therebe no church in tbe world against whichthe gales of hell should never pre-vail, if the chnrch was in error, andthere was no infallible and reliable ex-pounder aud guardian ot the truth.Without such an expounder, the truthitself would be loet in the contlicting in-

terpretations and antagonisms of tbe ages.The lecture, of which we took no notes atthe hearing, and therefore do not under-take to report with any particular pre-tense to fullness or accuracy, was listenedto with intense interest, and was calmlyargumentative throughout. Tbe lectureris evidently a gentleman of character andcapacil y equal to bis great subject. Butit is rather our province to state facts thanto pronounce as to the cogeucy or effector his argument.

The Abochidt or Facts. With theconsent oi the parties concerned, the fol-lowing facts are made public: t in the 2!tdof October last, Levi M. Phillips, civilengineer, residing in Harlem, was suffer-ing front an obstinate and severe biliousaffection, accompanied by great bodilyweakness and utter loss of sppetite. Incompliance with the wish of a friend,(Mr. J. S. Latrobe, or 49 Amity Place,Now York), Mr. Phillips commenced tak-ing Plantation Bitters. He had no fait b.be said, hot would "maks the experi-ment." Wo give the result, as related byMr. P. himself, at E3 Park Place, on the30th of N ivember. " I met Latrobe tbeother day in a restaurant," said he, "andtold him' that the preparation saved mylife. I say so now. I weigh fourteenpounds more than I did Ave weeks ago,am quite well, and as to eating well, askme to dinner and you'll see." Facts likethese are worth a thousand assertions,and Mr. Phillips and his friend are at alltimes ready to indorse them.

"There is but one opinion in regard toSea Moss Farine. All speak iu its praise,and ill like it. It bt fouud to be a greatfavorite with all classes of our people,.... will prove a great blessing to thepoor. It is very cheap, and will go along way." Home Journal.


Lace shawls, black and colored grenadines, an. I a complete assortment of dry- -

goods, at the Southern Palace BankruptSale.

Harper's Monthly, improved style,with leaves neatly cut, for sale at JoeLocke s, Main street.


The foil owing la the list of letters remainins lu the Mtnipuls Postofnce and not dellv

red bv carriers yesterday. .All letters directed to street au.l numbers

will be delivered promptly by carriers.

LADIES' LIST.Brown mrs H PBlair miss Brun mrs L(.'lark miss HDigiter mrs M

Davidson mrs V s V

Farrow mrs hi DFrollck mrs M OBiM-he- r Bira at BGraham rare BHarris ralas M AHughes mrs K A.itillard mrs at WJonea miss EKing mrs JMcCauiey mrs 8 T



Bussell missReaveS

a misaNtauflelU


8 col'dWoddmissA


AnstlnHR NoreuttAHArcher H Hi Hard J KfSblttUAllen Holey M O'BrlenTVBrooasFW O'BrienLi. air K Holder J Pin hps (J

W K Johnson W 8 PayneBurton w S tBrookes J .Buell W W JohnsonBarrett J col'd TBryant TK Jackson H Ot'ooley I'ol MKirknatrick WKeeseCummlngs C Richardson TPt'ornell J I"C'ourtolsl ade BDavisDun la W EFlnley J WPassu fFisher W Bf ountain J at

JForbes ATGrey 8Goodman WGlenn PBGreenwoodHooper W UHarris G L


Mictiie mrs KPugh mis a(CPeirre A CPeters mrs M col d

luni K ARiley rare KKombouer mrs


Ken in Lmrs E

Hhoenaker mra PSmith W

mrs Y -



RUoideCB R

GBoyd Q L

JeromeH Joint

U WJones P



Putway KirPegramPhillips W








Kreacer C Heed JKane J B Htearns G H

J R Bpaldlng DrLester VV NACoSloaan PLester II Swayne E PLInch D Stlckney H M

.ueiviiieitH KiewarijBMunsey Dr BMorton G itM .ranMeGotreMartin G DMoore


Ktley 8i'.eiuy







Tl .lman HThomas U EThorn 14 C EThompson WDTrabucco J P

Mot-aaai- a colWhlte EMcDonald A Wheeler captUMaloney Y HNealV Williams J


ALL tubsi Sracirics bbcbsyxdTUB VlBHtMA BTATB FaI

ber. Ittt. The undersigned m-o-

daclng them In this city. and intends cnrlnga:: patients suffering wttu Bnenraatism,Lumbago. Neuralgia, and all pains of thelimbs and Joints, Dysentery and Diarrhea.KKKK OB 1X1-- WDATJVUK, Hi tlbirooms in the Lebner House, where certlt-aaej- s

esp ae, Been.- - mm a gy is a fFor diseases requiring private and confi-dential consultation, from t a m to 4 p. in.The e diseases will be aucoesatuily treatedwltnnnt requiring change of diet or Interfer-ence with ordinary business.

The Specifics to he mud at Q. W. JonesDrue-stor- e, Mala treat.



y .cksbarg MAaat-- s Crrr t pSt. Louis Bbxub St. Laajrt , Jk p

AJUUVALH.Olive Branch atLLoalsMaine AbleLl'.'.ie HockEmma Floyd.General Andersonassteisilver


Oenersl Andersou;Olive BranchMollto

Frtar'a PointOrleans

IN FQaV.Emma Floyd.



vt8t Louis

Friar's PointHew OrleansHaw Orleans


Oas Works, July 27.

The river fell 2 inches in tbe past Mhours. Below high water mark of laoT,La feet inches.

CHARLES GOODWIN.Superintendent Gas Works.


Nw OiLKA5a, Jury 27. Arrived:Natchez, St. Louis; Sam. Parker andbarges, Cincinnati, lie parted Kelloggana barges, Henry Ames, Great Repub-lic, St. Louis; Mary Houston, Louisville.

Cairo, July Zl Port list: City of Al-ton, Memphis to St. Louis, 8 a. in. ; TidalWave, Pittsburg to New Orleans,! p.m.Virginia, Loula villa to New Orleans,! m.Carrie Converse. Pittsburg to New Or-leans, 2 p.m.; Marble City, Bt. Louis toVickaUirg. 7 p in. Kiver fell two inches.Clear; thermometer. -

Lolisvillb, luiy T,. River rising, with25 inches in the chute, snd 4 feet ou thePortland bar. Weather clear; thermom- -

erer sv to 91". Arrived: Loreua, fromNew Orleans.

PiTTsiii Ro, July River liaing, wilh5 feet ia the channel. Weather ulcudyand warm; thermometer, 91.

CiNcflttvATi, Ju'y 'J7. River rising,with 9 feet 3 inches in the channel.Weather clear; thermometer M".

Nashvii i.b July 27.-T- he river ia fall-ing, with lour It'el ou lisrpeth shoals,fbe weather i fair, with the mercury at

16" in the shade at i p.m. The EtlaHughes departed for Cairo.

Sr. Locis, July 127. Arrived: Bis-marck, New Orieaua; Rabicon, Vtcks-Imr-

Lock wood, 8b rev sport City ofAlton, MeinpL.-- . Departed: Sailie, Ar-kansas river; Grand Tower, Memphis:Commonwealth, New Orleans. The riveris telling. The weather is vary hot, withihe thermometer, at 3 p.m., Har.

atrsTKM. tiVKOUa.A heavy cloud came up .yesterday, hut

no rain fell. T'-.- aluioipuer was auliry,anj after the cloud il was hotter thanever.

The Mollis Able pinued down yester-day. Aa usual, and aa il always shouldbe, she was loaded to the guards. C'apt.Dan Able was welcomed by his boats offriends.

Tt wtll be seen by a card elsewhere, thatthe Richmond and Mi llie Able will enterthe Memphis and New Orleans trade dur-ing the coming season, leaving here onalternate Saturdays.

The Mary Boyd goes out on Friday forall Ian i:a.a oa the Arkansas. CaptainRube Hsyues is mas--er- .

Billy Blanker is rusticating among tbeboosters.

One-four- th of the new steamer Potomachas been purchased by Captain Pierce, ofthe Cincinnati mail line, at the rate offiS.iJOO for the boat.

We learn that the sale ot the Hesper,slluded to by us yesterday, was not per-fected. Captain Lee bss, however, soldhis half interest for $4000, to the otherowners, and the onoe famous Hesper goesto the Illinois river, to ply during lowwater.

Houston's new steamer Little Rock,passed down yesterday fox the Arkansas.She is a good-looki- boat, and may dowell in the trade, bat we doubt it.

The Thos. H. Allen has laid up for thepresent.

Captain Jim Chenoweth, the genialmaster and popular gentleman, droppedinto our sanctnm last night, as naturallooking as In ye oideu time. His boat,the Emma Floyd, has been chartered toply between this city snd Louisvilletbo Memphis and Cincinnati packet Una-S- he

leaves on Friday. Geo. W. Wise iain the office.

The Tidal Wave. Alaska and Edinburgare due y from above.

Tbe Little Alps came up from Whiteriver yesterday. She picked up a snag onber way up, which did some damage.

The tow boat Bee pissed down yester-day, and the Mohawk paaaed up.

The Llewellyn left for EvausvUle yes-terday.

The Belle St. Louis, Captain Alex-ander Ziegler, will get away y forCairo and St. Louis. She connects withths traius North aid East. Mr. Baakettehas charge of the office.

Tbe Marble City, Captain George W.Boyd, leaves for Vlcksburg sndtbe bends. She carries the IX. mail.Will T. Towers is her clerk.




Memphis and St. Louis U. S. Mail LineFor Osceola, Madrid. Hickman. Belmont and

Cairo, t'onneeting at Belmont with thsIron Mountain K. at Cairo with

Illinois Central Railroad, anaboats up the Ohio Kiver.

BELLE ST. LOCW .Zelgter masterThis splendid passenger steamer

Will leave aa aboveTHURSDAY, JHih Inst., at t p.m.Freight received at the St Lenin Wharfboat

W K. DILL, Agent.Jv.T S'LE-V- i KKT. in pi.


United states Mail Line for Viekaburg. ForUeleua. Napoleon and Vlcksbunc.

vi v rii.K u n i con wayThis elttfant passenger pacKet

ea ves as aboveTH 1' RHDA Y, .Tth Inst., at 5 p.m.Freight received at tue.St. Louts wharfboat.

W. . DILL. AayutIv7 FT.KM.CALV ER'f. Hnpt.


Mem flii and Cincinnati Packet Co m pan y- -t or' alro, Leuiavtlie and Cincinnati.

F.M.MA FLOYD Cheuowllh, masterThis elegant aud swift steamer

win leave as aooveI K l DAY. Jtlb lntt at p.m.

LARKY HaKMJSTAD A CO., Agents.)y Meshy Block, 304 Front Row



SEASON OF 1870- - 71.



Sreen, Master

Daa Able, Master

of the above elegantONE packets will leaveVMimhn for "Jew Orleans Kcbsv Sattjbdaycommencing Saturday. September !7tb. andwill contlnne In tue trade throughout thesaarm ly-- f


Regular Tuesday Packet, in place of steamerMt. Francis during tow water.

K. c. DAY - i. C Everdon, masterThis eirgiint steamer

will leave KVEKY Tl'KBDAT,evening, at S o'clock, for all navtgal pointson the Ml. nver.

LARRY' H v KM ST AD A CO., Agents,


River Packet

For Helena, Friar s Point, Moatfc. White River.PinHot Sprln

Little Rouk,Smith.

Steamer IVLear-y- - Boyd,Haynes master.

This elegant passenger rtssiasrBBBPBi

Fill DAT, trta Inst.,For


R L.

w mst S

freight or passage apery aa board or atunany office, No. 3 Madison SL.Utaatea

jy-- Tj W.H. KKSJIEDAY. Ageat.Bloc







1070 FOR XS70The New Elegant Side-whe- Psameaaar

WALT, : : W. J. AaMara, Master, Rant expressly ftar the trade,

leaves Meeaakia every Satcbdat, at 5 p.ra.Leaves Devairo aiutr ior jacasoupon every


Leaves Jackson port every Tubsxjat. at 11 m.Leaves DeVall'a saaa for Memphis every

W sdk bspa at o'clock in.The Splendid Passenger Steamer.

DES ARC, - - - John Eilistt, MatterLeaves Memphis every TtTRsnAT, at 5 p.m.Leaves eVall'x Bluff lor Xackaoaport every

Tbtcbsdat, at ll:3ta m.ItnCRMNII:

Lsaves Jackson port every Friday, at 12 m.Leaves DeVall'i BinR far Memphis every

signed tr ill be nroao'clock

eRBmBBaaB nnlnr.forwarded,

charge transfer Memphis, Helena,Friar Point. SunRower. Laeonla. Canon's.Conconlla, Month of White River, DeVall'sBiun, L.iiiie kocb, Arc,Point, Searcy, Jacksonpert,au points mace river.


.o. rroKiaataM.





S A.

ii .so

Et ana lie





ft 9.

Y, 12


at It m


Of theptly wltbovt

for at tos




U. M ,1 H , V



) Ajects.













aad Arkansas River Packet

. S. Mait Li

SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.the rBmmtlr aaontAs the WednasDCRINvi for Arkansas rTver will be

wtnafliSsra, aad aBantaaj Bha aaaaaai goodataas of water our boats will leave Memphisfor Littlx Rock aad all lntermaaiana land-tmas-

lUws:Tneeaursly new and sHaa n t sate-whe- el pas- -

PAT TT JTrTrrwrRrss1rr'ft-lsairl- . WM11rCvaty Monday, i i o'clock p.m..

MAK.T BOYD R. L. Baynes, masterEvery Friday, att o'clock paa.

Returning, will Lave Little Reek tar Mem-phis as Cello na :

PAT CLEBURNE Reese Prllchard, masterKvrrr Thoredjy at 5otloe p.m.

M .RY BSTTD R L. HaEvery Mouilay , at 3 oduck p.m.

These boats are new and elegant passengerpackets, ami are nnawuassod by aay boats iniae line (or speed aud coiulorL They mUddirect connection at Little Rock for HOTHfKINOH wilh tbe regular In. led statesmail ouasues; and lor FuRT SMITH and allintermediate points on Mondaj aad Thurs-day with the new aad very Isabt-- draftpaMveaaer pacs DArdanaoa. Captain a,

an Fort Otbson.Capt fowl InFreights eoaaaEaerl f Wis LtsB A M sa-PB-

oa mouth or Win ric Rivsa will be r

led promptly to atstrntltsw Withoutlor I nuMfer.

JOHN P. ADAMS. PresidentWo. 3 Mdlaoa Bt .BBnaaon Blocs.




Monday, At.mm-- Tickets, r jty Ceuts admitting Usntls--

man and Ladies. JyvT

BROOMS OPERA HOUSE(Jell. ron street, near MalnJ

I RAS. U. R. HBOOM lA aadtolUi F. UOKKAK .ACl.Ug StageProf. Fsavk A rxotd Leader oi


is open the year wild saad oi male and

irra4 ea.-- awith and

AV ta, apTT




moid powerfultateufed uavps Ibbbbbs art-Ut- s,

uung evening programmereplete muslr. mirth melody.

Admission. Private Boies,






And ail other Chronic Affections


0FF1CE-65AD- AMS ST.IIT E warn al I who may have any form orV V tht-s- e diseases to waste no more ure- -

eioos time-th- e .lays and weeks whtea bearmem guiaaiiv ueond tne reaca ol tinmanaid-- In lak as- lato the atoataoti taekartm.compounds, of whatever names, mat havedeceived thoosan s before yon; waste nomore tlrae in .lep.o.lng y. nr condition n..rIn watching th i progreaa at some ot yourBan ber who may be experimenting, battake tne testimony ot ine hunure-- ithousands throughout tbe entire countrywho bar- - tried ' u- - Perneetr ,Vw Mode of Curewith entire success after all ethers proved

hmpwruwt AavaasaaeanVm from Can-sa- wve A.ii assaV tnme tnalmt satSutiumal Phm ., MeUteatwm.

Msw rnis. Tssx., Jane L U?a.We the na 'eratgued. before we placed o lv

a aadar It . Jerome Paucoat'a traa mutfor tbe enre o, Cntar h - ml affections of theLangs, bad tally iom to the rn n rTaStnn thstthere was no rauiedj or mods of mad cationfor the cur of tha-- e complaint , in whichwe oonLJ piai-- aoy reaaonable am cm a I ofconOdea e, we bad -- o long been d oa.i toJ leap ointment; and we are rally confi-de t tats opinion ia large y aaaraa ta bynearly ev-- r. per u sanVrlng I rum theedans; rous c awe of mala ties.

Having, been saajvat lo tb ae moat annoy-ing aod pa u:ul dUeaees lor a namber ofyears beieee ws began Dr. rSaroat1 treat-ment, notwithstanding we made ase as ev-erything we had heard recommended, aaWeil as had the advice and attsatlouof some of the moat eminent pByateteao. butdet Ived bo benefits whatever from theirtreatment, we feat that we sa la no waylietter serve the cause ol unfferiug huaaanityttaan to publicly bear oar testimony to theperiuaneat relief we have obtained from thiarational plan of medication.

We can. with entire confidence, commendDr. Pancual and tiLo Mew .system f Practiceto all who desire s spkbct snd Rash a lcurs, knowing bim as be not only a raga-laxi- y

educated . u vale lan and honorablebut one In whom tbe afflicted can

rely wita entire coufideaes.11 H. MEs7T. proprietor of the

and extensive Wholesale L!u.aor noose.No. lot Front street.

J. M. RICE, the popular and reliable Policeofficer Chelsea

UKoifcia; HtJtBtH.--. JL.MI Front street.MAM'S M.DEKMOTT Lehner Home, eor- -

aer Seseaet an-- ' Wah!nxton.Ws. A. BV KsVVLi, uf tne we ro--

eery and Commla ton House of Ecksrty aCo.. corner Union aad Front treels.This ia tbe aea on when OWurrA aad Thnxu

diseases advance most rapidly into Bron-chitis and Consumption, and when all dis-eases of i ne breathing orvans are most ag-gravated-and yel a period more favorableor treatment taaa we amy again expect for

many montlw- -

Cxil Immediately for examination If possi-ble io do aa,otiierwlae write for a La ofvj.uesuon. a the treatment can be aoccveafolly coaducted al bom under my rnetrac-lion- s,

wherever Uie patient may be. AddreeJ FROM UFA SClrvr, M. D .

5 Adams street, between Hecoad anal Third,mmmmmmmmMmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmllmmm




THIS Institution. I neorooialed bv the1 State of Tennessee, l a legalised A.eiation or rnysicans and gorgeous

devoted to the treatment of patients, aad in-structions In the theory and practice of theCHEMICAL SYSTEM OF MEDICINE.

Il is divided into the followingftxALi 1 layart B aa r. In this

every complaint known to womanwho unvarying saecasa

Caxcik L'BrABTMaNTare here cured in ninety- - igtiievery uum u.Dipaetj isrr roa Heartdepart uien . this formidableWith me most gratify lug r


-- .UfE.

tta tree

diTtsis treated

Disbasrs Everyform of skin diseases permanently

CoNsrrBO-Tio- s d Catarrh Dbpa


The professors in am IbbobIiiubI haveaaademan imp. nam diaoovarwa in tea iraetaaeatof lung, and uose di.t.-s- .

Ktb Axd Kab chitmbt --The eye andear most tender: . and triampdsntly treated.coartnoTiAt. DafABTaawr. Dewssed to

tbe exclusive treatment of a rises nf malaeass. nsmslmi aaaayar an ante araaamsrsh.p-

SCKGICAI Departxe.it. We dally I Oil iuie inun impor.arii operationsonrasTT.

Ail affairs of a privatecredlr conttdentlaL




BRP Office hours from s o'clock In thelag till t o'rloek In tbe evening. Open everySu.iday forenoon, from s-- tl m. S

J n. susssnu w.ia.

J. C. Watso. Secretary.L. U W a k v. Treasnrer.




BT vlrtne of aa order of the Coon ty OsartWhel by etmnty, I will, on

Saturdry, 1h 28th ef Aogust, 1870,

Being tbe lourth aatnrday In August, openand bold an legal voting placesIn sa d cooaty, to ascertain the wilt at tbeqaa lined voters of said county upon the ap-proval of s snbscrlptlon of Ave hundredtuoosand dollars for. Shelby onnntv, of thesapital t..ck of tbe Mempbla Holly Sprtasa,Oku.ona snd Mafias railroad eawipaaj. saadeand subscribed bv the Cooniv Court affaawabv

' county: said taoscrlptlon to be paid intwenty-yea-r six per cent, bonds, payab.oasmi sasaaiiy. in ine city wi aty ion. witnHRMBnt saw ir, id; metaato be paid by everyvoter lo be converted luto me stock ef saidrailroad company under the saartar. One ofthe condition! of tin.-- subscription la, tgfci

mat is to aajr. far tea miles and Bndsn fromMimsaiBi Mr eaau; fox thsmiles from Memphis, over ten, 1

for the tret twenty miles, aad


miles. In She by county, twenty earns sadupon the farther condition that tbe west srnterminus Is to remain st taw city of Mem-phis. Those voting m favor of aeat aaaaaTtp-tlo- u

will have upon their tickets the wordsn : tnose opposed to tt willtickets trie words - - (to h--

A hat of offlceva. JadBss. etc. to. wlu sapabnaaii f h ir ataiar,RtaMCL a J. WRiQMT,

y . Sheriff Shtlby cooaty.
