T « E WEATHER 5*14 with rain THE MEDINA DAILY JOURNAL 30-JSJU 27S MEDINA REGISTER ME33B&, P T TOPIC, r f^IimY^^G^BKEi m, iM A FAMILY FAfSJg '^ ( SEUa glDENT HOOVER'S WORDS ^jlRPRtSg GOVERNOR ROOSIVE' ISiiNT MAY SPEND CHRISTMAS ON BOAT jshington, Dec 33—A Christ- j v e on, BhipbQarfl was ia pros- Ifor 1 President ^oover tcday Ins^progreseed. for Jus depar- 6n a holiday fishing cruise oil feorgla. wa v Florida coasts fell^I'l^f'#^ wade, at ^i||'^|i$fi|f;^enipi|: some | | ( ^ f i y ^ p ^ i i g v » . and Mrs, : '0 ''$'^k0^Sm capital . by ^ ^ i l ^ l i s l j j l t o , qa... sat* r^TOprrtMI^'tfte Hoover party Isl-'tS | | t ; ^ | ' l &nntedjCa,te}y a ! ,jjitt51,.;sra^|aft of craft at« ~ ; v 1^i%. Jt^pSt Department of §j|?k; ?|,o^ geguola, , which [lljlf^^WqaUal flagship. In |op,,.J:liei:e will be the almost :Ws§ Itefct house* inspec- |boaK;©.tkenny, two 75-f.oot Coast Guard boats for Seciet Ser vice agents, a 100 foot boat of the same type and possibly a 125 footer. Word has come to the White House that the sea ttout are run ning'weli within a. three-hour trip of Savannah and tentative plans call lor a Christmas eve fishing session. With the Daily Journal to- night the Carrier Boys will leave you their annual Christmas envelope with this inscription: "If you have appreciated the faithful and courteous service rendered through- out the yew, be it ram or shine, wind or calm, by you,: Medina''Daily Journal news- boy* - Remember N him this Christmas." • > Bishop Turmron Nation'Wide Broadcast In Season pig^rfQlicfe are calling Mm, caigo's' *Jgges>hearted man." sard/' he said to a police ser- |'i*%a|i;y ; oa , *flre taking con- tibnsiforihe needy," and with! h^.flfnd.ed over a package. In ire;three straw hats. BATTLE B U R BILL TODAY Washington,. Dec. 22-A sudden I on the bill is in the offlnc move to Bring the House 3.2 per cent beer bill up for action In the Senate tomorrow topped off a -series of swift developments to- day, including a denunciation of the measure by Senator Borah (R., Idaho), who asserted it was un- constitutional. Senator Bingham, Connecticut Republican and beer advocate, an- nounced he would move to consider the bHl tomorrow, but meanwhile Democratic leaders agreed in con- ference to send the bill through the Usual committee routine, but] act upon it independently of other tax legislation. Sharp warning that a ilerca fight came His. Excellency Most Reverend William Turner! D. D, Bishop of Buffalo, will conduct a. Cathpjic Christmas program over the AvA B&Cohnojbta network (from 1;S0 to 2 R M. on CMstinsa IJayjj -ji$f*t Sunday; The prog^ain, w^ejjf'^ill originate/ to the* a^dtos,'. ^ | | b e W6Ri hore, for a so^t-to<q8if J§*«' : iquityj therefore, Sod, Thy God, hath, anointed Thee with, tha oil of Gladness* above all Thy fel- lows." (Heb. 1-8-^) The^e words, from St, Raul's Epistle to th» H«- {bpe^s, are read In the Mnaa at the f dawx}. o | "CJhristma^ E^y jsjuslcal selftcttous, wilt, M tutA tesedt by ihft'^ Josenh^spi^tearal Choir ot tBnffalo*, tectetj by Dfi Jayv will be a presentatlcffl '$.$m \ni t^»i}\W : ^y .Smile Royl* ^Ietrp', Columbls Chiirca of tne 4iK t U*6n?4 •?&<^'fanW<f S«ft "'W Aitc|;eBV.<S«to4** M addition, Hw. del's "Oome, Wnto lllm?», mi btt anngr, by, JtuH* KUshWioy*. «opra«iJ, %bo has. ^ c t a t l y rofttrtjod: te'afer holft« in Buffalo jtttef two «nd o»o< *a}t yaaW In ^ftw VorJr. Blaho'n Turner will bi^^ .Christmas addtess on the ! *'Thy Tltfono, O dott Is and evert t; a sceptre of, JttstJ^lis the sceptre of Tljy I?inijdoaj f ^ou. hast loved Justice tod hate^fn-f from Senator Borab "We are betraying the Constitu- tion for SO pieces of silver," he said, and added: "I think as a matter of good government and of constitutional principals, we ought to wait until the 18th Amendment' is repealed before we start in to sell intoxicat- ing liquors. Death Son WAR DEBT i TO ROOSEVELT ilshington, D. C, Dec. 22—Tne i tng cbn'victtons- of Herbert er Aif<|' #an!£Un D. Roosevejlt ••ffiusBff 4bifapt and final abai nenS, of "tlie" Administration's f tfebtrittaifilildd problems, e TE^esltfei'frfiieei—by bis own is^Wff/bb- left untramnifilled oceed?-a* he sises fit after next h 4th in solving the related lions surrounding war debts, aament and the world t?co |C conference. |ese were the disclosures that accompanied the White ! »o release of four telegrams be in the President and his suc- Jtfelect, outlining Mr. Hoov- plan for at Jointly created com- lon and Mr, Roosevelt's s'.ate- thnt he could not accept "an apparent Joint responsibility" for such action. With the... s dh5pnssipns between 0»e two torrnlnated, it became ap- parent in the capital tonight tnat WiKiiam, Ji\, the two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. William H, Grace of Lockport occurred yes» terday. Mrs. Grace is the sister of Mrs. S. Vlncont Ryan of Medina. Middleport iwvii to tot a commission to deal with the problems concerned probably will be handed on the next Ad- ministration in much their pre- sent form. Despite Mr. Roosevelt's suggest- ion that the President proceed with an examination of the war debt and related problems, with- out pledging the next Administra- tion to action, Mfr. Hoover feels that the creation of a commission would be useless unless It could continue active after March 4th. [Variety Shower |rs. Freeman Brace and Mrs. iiel Green entertained n few nds at a variety shower and E s Tuesday evening at the ra liom* on the Ridgo in 09 of Miss. Violet TurraK. ;es ,were awarded to Mrs, ira Dockery and Mrs. .Grace & Miss TuJirall received the fsrize 4nd niter refresh- Its we*<S served she was p re- let! *ifik many pwtty and lot gftti\$0(t near new home. Bound to Keep In Lime Light Greenesboro. N. C.—Three-year- old pilly Corbett. ^vho created not a little excitement last year by falling Into a 20-foot well, has got Into the papers again, this time by swallowing a safety pin. After taking X^ray pictures physicians said the pin la closed and maybe won't Injure felm. North County Line 7m Rogers Picks A Story For This Spot omoUmes a btrd that is loofc- [for a Job. oversells hisself- Just a saleemafi th*t oversells bis Ttife. bop* altft going to be much, pleaded with a car that make SO miles an hour if it's sold to lilnt as something William Wcdfo Is receiving treat- ments and Is In Lockport City hos- pital. Adolbert Robison and Mre. ftte- { wart Hill .md Mllford Hocssel are sick with the grip; "Kso condition of Mrs. Aasnst Thlel remains serious. She has biien taken to Lockport City hos- pital for observation. Congratulations to Mr. and 'Ins.. Harry Peait oh the arrival n( a grandson. RoffttP, to Mr. and Mr*. Gayloru KarriaHm of Guilford. Charles Nichols, 71, passed away Saturday morning at the Odd Pet- Iowa' Home. I/Odkport. which he entered three yews mo. Ho it sor* I vivetf by Iwo sons. Praser. of Car» mom road, and Charles Kasa of I California. The tartentt was held Monday afternoon at the Odd Pel- lows" Home and burial waa In Hartland cemetery: ffeit Samiay morstsg at Out Methodist chittah, the re^nlar preaching service at 8:38> a> mw wiK be led by the jsa*tot. Rev. &, 9. Scott, preaching. At ta© Sunday school htmr appropriate excreta)*; P vm outrna tto HgMnlng. »«U. there vww a. woman look- \ for s job ** fioo*, and the lady shts -was tatBdng 1 to asked tor £-her last! 3eo and so on. or/* ssaya the «ook, "t Jtat: ytraTd aak TUG tbont thkfc ( t •*&& * atiett dante I worfeef *»4 idle lovad me like & sister. I'm tellitt' yotije. When 1' there* tint dame cried for & *»3 Ufa* feeeij Bhing p»op!ej; <* for me to try to bring me «*w alne*..?* Tectea, yo* wtm't do," sasftl K«2ef work projects at Toaa- |»dy. *T 0ff JS^ we ^ Y e S ome| wand* have 120 men engaged to tatottrmtm Jylng *fototf, foo^f two «blft», John Hammond Is confined the house by Illness. Prank ColbmWand Artltur Cos ot Batavia wore in town Monday. Harry Castlo of Rochester spent the week end with his mother. Mrs. Anna Castle. Mrs. Lixilo Vodra has returneil. from a visit with Mrs. Nellie Wright, Lockport Mrs. Eunice. Perry, Miss Virginia Perry and Prank it. Perry of Ak- ron called on Mary Jehu-on, Sun- day. Miss Dorothy Ennls who ia teaching In Ithaca will spend the holiday vacation with her par- ents. Mri. Kntherlne Mitchell of Bni- fnlo has been spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Prancls D. Burg- bardt. Miss Hazel Brown will spend Christmas with her slstor and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patter- son ot Batavla. The Middleport fire dopartment was called Tuesday morning at 9:30 to C. Haines, Grlawold street, when a small blaze started trom| tho ohintney. Miss Eileen Purdy who ia at- tending Byraat and Stratton Busi- ness school, Buffalo, will spend the holiday vacation at her heme, Francla street XEiss Bernlce Wblttaker, n *E«- dent of ftochotitcr Business Insti- tute, win spend the Christmas va- cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whittakor." Mr. and Mrs. M. Scott of Mill street were in Lockpont Tneaday. Mrs. Donaki K. Evans and Mrs. Aimon Drswhirst were among the visitors in Medina Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Soa&ph Sciinetztsr of Union Springs wore calilng In Middleport and vicinity the past week in the interest of the week ot prayer to Uto Seventh Day &£• ventiat? cbnreh. Tne Women's Kerne Missionary society of th» Methodist Bplssepsf chnneh met Monday aftenuKn 8t the parsonago with Mrs. Lens m hoatt'M *nd the ussiatifii; hewteasea were Mrse. Joseph SeMlager atsd Mrs. Ida Nertfirnjik. A ysry tatanato ing crosram ws» pre**nt«d wltli. Mrs, Donald Campfeefi fa cfiarxe. Gift* «?ere bronsh by th.e m«smbes» to? send to «>« WlSt«mi*ia« Hetm, Gi* Ptt&r e^esJns ft* the p*rl»& hail the anwa*! Obrtrtmit* party *.ntt aauB*!* for th& efaoreft schewl f of Out i l r s t Uat«srs«IIs;£ chsreft' mm N> tstOMk Swpjief_ vftt 'to «err«|| at »/S o'clock, with Mrs;. Oumpit Smith Jt%, m chjtlriaas- PelJowlr.ii; Paris, Dee, 22f—Tho Chaoihutvpf Deputies by 385 to 215 voted con- fidence in tho Paul-Boncoor SOT- ernment tonight. I Tho vote was on • minl4eri|l declaration that included, as" Uib debt polloy of tho now goyerl- ment, continuing negotiations with tho United States in an effort to settle in the debt problem, though warning that "prudenee?* wts f! Cadet Possoii On Vacatioyj Cadet Karl Posson, «on of Ify and Mrs. J. a Posson of 10$ West Center St., lias arrived J J spend the ChrLitmaa Iiollilnyj with lila parents. Cadet I'oason It if Ills first yoar at tho SUiunton Mil- iary Academy, Staunton, V*. •. neceesary In view of the present peliOcal situation in Amevic*, * Tha vbto came after six hours of debate, durtngr which Promter Joaeph, P^ul-BoHCOur stressed tho necessity of bringing into harmony tho viewpotnta of Pratvoo and tho" United States. It was a closer vote than Former Premier Bdouard Horrlot usually obtained before his. defeat OR the debt payment to tho United States. Y. P. SL Service Y Calling Is Written On Bandits' Faces; Holdup Victim Lost im»i«'n—) Pittsburgh — A car currying ithree men drove two Chester J*me«i*fl|U!>K*t«tlon.Jwne* *««^ 4 n r * "KSU^Uft* aioH»iy belt, cottt.- n?ted wtlh thft otd<VF to "flil "ec, np." but. kit tto drew the hose obt of the rj»r (ask ho "Rot to think- Tho Young People'a ooe^ty <rf| u CoUoet ttm lh0M mugf> -. wW Trinity Lutheran .Church ofyteev*;' - 10 Medina Cases , Heard In Session By Referee Lang Of ten eases involving Medina employes heard yesteit.fty nk eomponaation «Qiir,t in City Halt on a calendar of 41 olatmnnta, ihreo were adjourned foT examina- tion or a report to later olandtus, one >?fta closed, andbajx,^r^.'<;(m> Vm^t uhtit',1^ cj$etoS«rs with 4w|idg fraht^-ott ^: Uhtk oS iivWto of WMal disability as. .* to- ^Utf-of ftc'ttgeaMv %<$#& «V, ^ °3Mut|f prestileff, '\ i ; MU&, ty, M\)nV a %^\v68tf (Jeine- t#^ etnDioy<Ji< wH| ebatriHio, to-.«ft> neittttting; &ep$ntbi«; %&. Hi*.«;a«o ^ras «ettUa#d to uti'A&icU court "»fiiU*n> Berth mi sm4<kn of the Skin ' Oil Gbiitpjin)' 'yi&ttx awsMfsid. <Jbmn6naaybn for a period begin- nins Nowwfow- U, m a, baaJa of 80 pep s qent 4tsa,mtty, ana hlsi case was «ontt««oa lo tho n.§xt CfttqiidnP. srothian Oliver of M^atQU* «m- ftloyoft b^ the H«U a»Ht»S <-'<twi» pally it fltttfalOr, . ^ a Rlvon «n «v?4ra for two i^«eka in September and his case was continued to Jawjftry, tor aft oxanitnatton. Her- jHali QlUmelstoFi 4mpioyed by the Medina Pomidfy Cotnpany •waaj ftwardod compensation bnsad on* Had to Do Job OvW Again Erie, Pa—City H^U—qenteP of stilngent economy measures--** the taiget of wise eiacksi toda^i and this is the reftse'v Qttr 0»W> ell decided to luvo snew wnsheid flow sidewalks of munleipil build- itl«f- "ftlth % fire. hose, rather than en^leymen; f n shovel it away. $b.e [fto^ftp'lliS job, «H i'lglit bui tu«u ^.A¥eafhey tmned. cold, qoatini^i t«o wtW<* «ith ice. N»w Woiketfen jjrft ^oalt^rtag salt. Says He Wishes to Aid BMm'T&JDeliver l t Baskets To Needy Medina {.edge of EtU will <1is- tribute their anttanl Ctiristttihs oharltj* basfeets^tontghti. Afemb^ta <tt flie> o«tw a>*«l thetr wive^ wilt meet at th» temple and Wnko. up the baskets which, will be <lo!ltv» ere4 tatefctn. the «venlng». •Hie:*mlM worfc of the 'lottga Is wtufcr thfe iltractton of (SoorRO £}, Cid|airJitW» cliarw«na of tUo aouHttJttoo on ol»urHys Tree Service The Church School of St. John's , Bptacopal Church will hoia its reduced earnings bW-innlns Nov- onmud Ckrtatnms twso service n% ember 39. Mis case was conttauadi? o'clock tonight in tha ed tho beginning: of the Chrfet* mas season last night w$th a party which included tapper at; • 8 o'clock followed by games rnd entertainment. Tho high spot of tho evening from the standpoint of levity wis a short comedy- drama in costume, Gifts were ex- changed u m part of the, observ- ance. Dinner and Christmas Party Mr. and Mm. Carl Wrth of West Avenuo vary plewantty en- tertained tho officer* and .em- ployees of th« Medina Trial Com pany, Wednesday evenme, st * seven o'clock dinner and Christ- mas party. Jitmes. "I'm going.' Tb» assistant, going to tiio front of the car, found himself looking into a revolver barrel. He bad no money, so the men, dia- Ifustitd. drove away. "Bandits," phftoaopltlzed J.inie«. "•honidn't took like bandit*.** nnttt, February. Tho «aao of teopBrd Morlarlty, who reeentty .underwent «w opera^ tton as a result, of Ininry roeetvod wht!«i employed by tho Character Ftvrhlturo Shop*, Inc.* was eoatimi- ed pending an cxamtnntlon in the ho«nle«t. 15he pliant was represent- ed In court by jhhf wife and Jutlgt* aft«t4'A.%Vhlte (l . Tim ensoa of Kdwwd Utiloll, an ompleyb 8f th(ji Iv|.odtBlk jTM'y Jeur* ntU and John.Qutns, etnptoyed by WWilttm Jr. astlsghor, werft «-tiott-ni. ed for TO8dt«»J r«itott» unill the rSeqrUM* «uitt lihuMy semtioiw ro- *S««ttv«ily» the arte of Floyd White, ai| employ* of 'ho U. i. Holne Comp*t)n was dosed on a previous Awfra. ffe had boon pro- vided with* treatment by tho Inttur- ahco carrier. church pnrlora. Snntn Clnus will be the-re. Operation Blf. and Atw. William CtoJewtofe have received wortl that their daushfeft M*8.» Raymond Morlfttv Jty of, Cqurtlandj who nndiarvyiBttt an operation for nppemricltl* on Wednesdoy,' 1s rftcoveitng nlenly. , W8sMh8tO*£~0PlWul&?it lf9«!P«^ lias di-opped'liia vfW debt n©?ot|*M tioh nlau and ia gmngfftisliftM'vtw*>fl ins the problem, ^or- Pr^jltlfttttS' elect Roosevelt <\vhoa# Bhftrp|y5S worded atRtomsjivt Su* eriUuto of| |IobvftVi'« ideas of ^cja-dpbfcatton'*** hft!) ereated a>jpoUilcnt »on?*tiiart k ^ Tho Now ¥wk Uftv§Vjjtor*a xetort tft thtf PrtjsihtenVa ^tiktowitflUr t«*fc "Qoyfiruor jiaosoxott cojlaldei.'s f t , "HUdealvaWs tov hint tt\ ^m<mt to my, stieate'itloos foe ' eft-opnifaywoi act|on'\ marked aii ainnpst bjUau bieafc tu Uto. .eaietHyy-Wei'dssd <«**• chAtaga ot v|ov\» tiwt *at*A;a u«e« couched hk "tho, .most ttturfcHait* phraaes, j "f nm i,ttth,eif qufprlsocV' th» Cw- ornof uaW> "int' flto ^iUto H«ni«e> gtaloiftMtti It 1ST (t ptty r «ot ontjr- tw thla eomitry, but for tho- J&I* Hon of wojelfl »V6blet«it thfUt a;*^ statement ot intimntlon ,^houl 1 IsAvMi thut l «pttstd)»r i t -awle*lr> ' ubto U* w e n t , to eQ-op-jTOUVa HO tton on foreien. pv«W«}U*» "I h»vo" n-tttle to thb- PresWenl tho dellnlto suggestion iivxi kt sotoot hit voprouentaUvp-to 4>t\kw prellmtnarr atudloa. t jitWo t«ik6<l to ho kept; Advised «8 to- thft Hog* I'oasi of ttuao prftllmlnftvle* f HI\V« otforfid to OQtiitttlt^i^t-Utti |to<i** dent ftaely betweeu ao«r jtnd, B I h o > i l i t f t r t h h T*FMi«< > tti Br* grttm ttijil #tti}lt» otter of cu-upovan. tlftft wilt lift aewjilwl,, , '$Hi?.. JtijitajiCB* Of isueh fevwsful direct renv<**e,*t from a.pvtishjMii* eteot.f^i" m, pttt«;a!ug proahfant h^ve Hm r«oort|»d (it meat, Yates Center Mrs. Theodore WIrth U IU -vita the flu. Ray Coon Cs better, having had the flu. Ksyntoad JUalund Is »bls to be up and doing niegty. Leon Knramer of Bat*v!« •pent fevered <I*y» In town last week. Lueile BrinsmsicJ U expected hem* Tharnday nfjjM for the holi- day* iracaf?or*. Jfr*. Mary Ayer has jfone to Dansvjlte to spend (tm winter with her daughter *nd fomfEy. Ratty Brl'isrsnld «nt«rt#l!ted (he member* of the M«(Jtm!iit ehoir at his hens* fstsi Tltawdiiy irfght. Mn »nd Wtm. & M Cods d»a«h- tet. Mm, it CJ. MorJon, of Osxuhft, Neb, f# comiKfi Uf- tptr.A th* holt'dikjs is hm? old hatiiv will* her panattft. Watch To Douglas Frank P. Doughm. who address- ed the Wcstmirwiter Club W*dns»- day ev«ming, l>ec*mb«r 14 on th» •tOjjeol, 'Thft <Jw«t Klondike Gold Rujiii,'* has b«»n »wnrd»d • J7O0 watch, on"«r«d to the winner of a thrilling story content. IIf* tste will b* dntmstix«d tenlgSt <>**? tits mS*WBAW chain at 10:30 o'clocfe. Jutt One -'Break" After Another Shelbyvlilav lnd^-lt'» one break »fter anethef tor 7<ye«M>ld Anna» belle I>V«.il*r. She suffered her 13th bone fracturn when Kho stumbled and fell whitrt at hor IKJBIO. It was her collarbone. Auburn, D ec . ^^. T h « eon* of. u AH&.1»lhmtan*mxutofr Arthur BaTry and Qeorge Small,\*& »ftot)it>,» The »<ttd* «£ m m% Auburn prisoners on trial in I ?"'!*/ * | *•»«*.•*_ Cott«*e| tvp?«. This End el the State sAithur Bosworth, 62, Bocbester attempted to end hu fife ynster- dny by inh«*ift(r lllsmiinattng gax, fie h«d been tin«mp toyed and d** spondcr.t. Silas Caroline C. Cr»n 0 of Cm- i gndalgna has been «ndo««l for reappointment *t th<» Repuhllcnn iketlon commbwforuir of Ontario Ccunty- Otto F. Doris?. W. Kf««*rtt t^tsllg painting contractor, died fr* Hl!mrtai-lU«pltai ot Itejurlt* IU»- *t^n«d when he wm tlnick by «n gatoRiofefs driven by Philip G«nt- i*#ft». On the rectmvmfiK.-lation ot the ialdwmanlo cammttte.ii s t SIom*f(, | totter hivesatlgstloB of tho sal» di **rl»o» consnwdfttes !^ OB* «? \ tSXtt etmeeixm wa» fyayped. St wa* L fe?ov eiomplfeated, 6B» emmltlm HIKE 30 will be held and a CTsrisima* tree { .enjayed. Owing to Hteess in tb& cotamnnily. tha program wBI B» somewhat limited and the attend- ance at cliurch and school ban de- eireased* M S HOME tfis sapper fits young paopfe wlft, $tmmt c p'ssy «dd (hen BmU 'Cttns. w«I dittrtbut* gift* from, the ChJtasaa* tre*. th». eJsMdreit of Che chare's school brought a«i~ | cle* of food ar?d toys this weefc ^Ar« $m mtms ssattgh do» •$mt% Alb*ny to the C% «f lln<l-| \*m,*n& Wniisws WmSmh # y«*i*l aid, at tix-twt,, Utfro, % wstfeinjt St tmtgte %f emet e^tte*-. wflfc& mm- foraM-ewssr Vrtktt Aa&t'ftopm to&f m ».*ii*rg# <rf jmH tiiem ttgfott Ammty ttm mtmtte lr.t«fe«tfe.«, « M h# livtd mlhe«<?rv'* hatlm. among &tm that srtr«| Hilton «nd wan.t»di to g*', how*! *m ti$H, t mmm» to ««e«r. [fttrOMAMMh j walk .Mr itofcwsf • " ••feed tb* emtt, H'& h* «e*«r Mf -mu* bf **•' |,{^p» f gm to tt<a<$0m." ttptM '. "(j&tm torn year Um"!" «n«i«rtmi eljMt* emMkn, year Nutrition Gourses Part ol Red Cross Four Part Program Two course;) for wotntm on the •object of nttfflllon «»d food buy- ing, running nlmttHaBeetisty, will glvfeti after the Christmas holi- days •» part of tha foar twlnt pro- gfion adopted by the Medina Chap- ten Americca Red Cr«s», on thej recmnffliatdatton of Sfra. Dorotiiy Ifoseywelt Johnston, u Sold repre- sentative. wft0 vt*it«<| Medina re- cently. Bed Crosm efflotate har» annoimce-d. It w u onooimttjd at the came time that th# full r8a«isitlnn of the Medina ghtptef for I9fi(w yards of cotfsm cfeth and m dozen garntfnst* had been npww ed by the imtiomt mgmtzaiton and would im received in Madia* for dWrlhatteft- and mamrf»ot»f» to *8pp!feW(irie Uto dberitm'tai of old clothe* it0W la tWMs.t. Th» four gdmmltt««i otKteed to tho pl8r» cr**fi«!efi ander Mr». Urn. Hugh Wftf^l*. » w cnafnuga ott&m STMite*. Oftapter, Mtew wtta t^Sfr iWttoma; motor eesps* Wtr. M<m*# U W«S«r»s Gotten dfiitrfWMteS. tgfli. 0tt«h Wfclifpfo, Cayuga County eoort charged with riot, will go to the jury tomorrow momlttfi after* Judge Kenntrd Underwood make* Ms ohnrge. Both defense and prtDtceuthin sttnimed up their emm today, Small, acting as hi* awn attor- ney, pleaded with the Juror* with tears In hU ey«« toward the clo»e. neutlog fittvry osked tho idry' «nt to tn&H hk «l!e«t m "briglrtal forgott^ft tniw" jbjf i{o$Wii)jf hitf» «w»y sgohvitjliiordilv'fcnotKfr c«n< Ivletton, m(t §^4% tt» th« » w r of the miiffim to. Ht*. Bftrry "that Httiip worngn who, »lt» in Nhe coar^twttt ami who & WtlUng 1 1 to *alt fbr hJt»* Trapper, Dogs Win Race For Life With Wolves In Pursuit Watejfport The Pa», ^fnn,--ln ter}5« paskg timber wolves, In search of food made Scarce by the etwiy winter. mm on trait of humans '<i tho north (sountry. Barney Goodman, it trapper, •old ho had it narrow escape when HBtartiSngf from the trap Hne« a week ago. ffi was muahlng ever Simon Uoum Lake, near Cranherry tfortage, Man\, when a- p«cfe »f IB wolves picked up hl» trail and soon ww howling in parsatt The t«»pf>er*» tlogn jwmped 8 strip oi water caused by aa J««s csra«k» Afraid of open wate*\ th» welve* ©"IrcCed It, and by the 6im# tftey had m«d«t the defoar Co9d» mm% and hh dogs were cafe <« the eahin. in the buytost ft«d prepaflrs^ of fewda. Another fttiwtfott of Mr*, JKyo*« cornnritte* will b* to gn>» p«tr» definitely nntrlUonis dtet* frot» the unit eoat and unit foot! chart* of ttto fled Cross. 'J"B«» ate ot tit® #tody «w«p? i*n- .... -, d«r Sffa. ({asrtt^g f*s?ser. to matw hot»» *t«4y *f»lteife«tlgi»tt«B.5fe.|year« a tes»h«# to the Medina Utrtftf terttwr} e»»f<s*» *8d BO- j ntinoats, evtsni»8y l» *ff £*»* tfittod, mm mm »y«*. ffc* e«Kia!« to o8tri«t«tt a p«rs «f Ur* *erje «f th« waleeMs cfeas- fflftle* *»J S#- »tww *t- th» Iffgh S«hoei &r ^ # * Wtofto IP»f#?ir#». t«acher l of t W t f e sclftttM, arirf tit tfi# «fffcS Of ttt* Nfsssnt Kittt- Hrewa, git ttH«fi|8r of tti» eo» 12 |v«4tfg»tor» Its th.» ftatd whisa S*o» | «as |l?fijjp«ry atady ttm ptapftrgd" Mtera for th# w«fe. Tha wetw eofj* witt g«d*t In 6h« eo!I««ti«tt m$ dSs'rf' ihstten «f ttrttefe th«& s««i t» ha Iteoved to the eotuse «f tte W«d 'Crosw wo*fe and te natp the cft»p> ter wcffksra tt» getting afeont. Ctyd# SMgeat wa* HI w«u thst Orlppo Isit, week. Tha W. i t 8. elo-seif ttec«i»6#r 123, for fill* tetltdw v»f*Ub**- Hern, Beoexubar IS, 1 0 ^ to Sir, snd Mrs. I*r«6* Hurrl*. «£ Wch« eater, a (too, Mr. awl M». Qowgar Wttkei^ sad daughter, Mttriory. spent Stthdnjf lit Reehettsr. Rfr. «ftd Mm J. W, {form** o"*t*K hwKfid their 8$ch weddtpf *sant*««* **fy BtteeHibftr It. the Wofth Whlto 8, B. chvg** Swreting will ho held DeesiBsli^r- a» r with' Mrs. EOH8« riOowis. Mr. atjd Mw. a K, «yot>fe *rt*«tt- ed ft prttiejpala bftn*ift*i «l t**^ {view mgner BSfcentbarls. A emtnm&ty tawhimn* *rf* nnd extfteto** wtfS h f r M d H Urt* etjureh I^fMsty iftlght, «f^»mher 83* All <*ro ««!iisMy ta/itedf The tlttsttera eta-i * chM^* my> per FrW»y frfgi»e proved v<iry #tn,» eenafttl. 1?tsb eto« h.t* *wffl$ty pnreJMtaed dbtm for tttfrmfetl*.^ thw 6 s ^ tt«« a s!, dtot hfM j Its awnali weette« and (*hri#;ri&ft dl»n«r with thelf teaeh^ Wt* pamea fpsftts and htiib«i<t 8.*tor« day. fc«& St etfte w*» gj^fn fra'1 thsr oI«s# pceawnfetl MEw, Swtith, with a fee* tawci 'fb*tt^#ftffft'eW |are: Pwfdaat. Uotti* tfettlitotf |«ice president, fceft ftvfgdfft! *»v» tn* I MtAiftf. visgiitfti Cftliani; ttii»&t. sreteft firetiff Brf^ttctt^ toa nWttm ' fey '*«»* Mtfggnt [ tNUgr. 1fl».e«l*r# ; j«Btfi!r Mf#*fet«r-j,; M*» Grace C ilrowfes haa fcM«s, ,fh« maimttttt' KHtrKfen a#«*(«ap;***^»fi««« rii*n*g*r cif tb.# Rot'h«#t*rj

THE MEDINA DAILY JOURNAL - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn91066521/1932-12-23/ed-1/seq-1.pdft«e weather 5*14 with rain the medina daily journal 30-jsju

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ME33B&, P T TOPIC, r f^ I imY^^G^BKEi m, iM




CHRISTMAS ON BOAT jshington, Dec 33—A Christ-jve on, BhipbQarfl was ia pros-Ifor1 President ^oover tcday Ins^progreseed. for Jus depar-6n a holiday fishing cruise oil feorgla. wav Florida coasts

fell^I'l^f'#^ wade, at ^ i | | ' ^ | i $ f i | f ; ^ en ip i | : some


| ( ^ f i y ^ p ^ i i g v » . and Mrs,: '0 ''$'^k0^Sm capital . by ^ ^ i l ^ l i s l j j l t o , qa... sat* r TOprrtMI 'tfte Hoover party Isl-'tS | | t ; ^| ' l &nntedjCa,te}y a!,jjitt51,.;sra^|aft of craft at« ~ ;v1 i%. Jt^pSt Department of §j|?k; ?|,o^ geguola, , which

[lljlf^^WqaUal flagship. In |op,,.J:liei:e will be the almost

:Ws§ Itefct house* inspec-|boaK;©.tkenny, two 75-f.oot

Coast Guard boats for Seciet Ser vice agents, a 100 foot boat of the same type and possibly a 125 footer.

Word has come to the White House that the sea ttout are run ning'weli within a. three-hour trip of Savannah and tentative plans call lor a Christmas eve fishing session.

With the Daily Journal to­night the Carrier Boys will leave you their annual Christmas envelope with this inscription:

"If you have appreciated the faithful and courteous service rendered through­out the yew, be it ram or shine, wind or calm, by you,: Medina''Daily Journal news­boy* - Remember N him this Christmas." • >

Bishop Turmron Nation'Wide Broadcast

In Season pig^rfQlicfe are calling Mm, caigo's' *Jgges>hearted man." sard/' he said to a police ser-|'i*%a|i;y;oa,*flre taking con-tibnsiforihe needy," and with! h^.flfnd.ed over a package. In ire;three straw hats.


Washington,. Dec. 22-A sudden I on the bill is in the offlnc move to Bring the House 3.2 per cent beer bill up for action In the Senate tomorrow topped off a -series of swift developments to­day, including a denunciation of the measure by Senator Borah (R., Idaho), who asserted it was un­constitutional.

Senator Bingham, Connecticut Republican and beer advocate, an­nounced he would move to consider the bHl tomorrow, but meanwhile Democratic leaders agreed in con­ference to send the bill through the Usual committee routine, but] act upon it independently of other tax legislation.

Sharp warning that a ilerca fight


His. Excellency Most Reverend William Turner! D. D, Bishop of Buffalo, will conduct a. Cathpjic Christmas program over the AvA B&Cohnojbta network (from 1;S0 to 2 R M. on CMstinsa IJayjj -ji$f*t Sunday; The prog^ain, w^ejjf'^ill originate/ to the* a^dtos,'. ^ | | b e

W6Ri hore, for a so^t-to<q8if J§*«':

iquityj therefore, Sod, Thy God, hath, anointed Thee with, tha oil of Gladness* above all Thy fel­lows." (Heb. 1-8- ) The^e words, from St, Raul's Epistle to th» H«-

{bpe^s, are read In the Mnaa at the f dawx}. o | "CJhristma^ E^y

jsjuslcal selftcttous, wilt, M tutA tesedt by i h f t ' ^ Josenh^spi^tearal Choir ot tBnffalo*, tectetj by Dfi

Jayv will be a presentatlcffl '$.$m \ni t^»i}\W:^y .Smile Royl* ^Ietrp', Columbls Chiirca of tne 4iK t • U*6n?4 •?&<^'fanW<f S«ft " 'W

Aitc|;eBV.<S«to4** M addition, Hw. del's "Oome, Wnto lllm?», mi btt anngr, by, JtuH* KUshWioy*. «opra«iJ, %bo has. ^c ta t ly rofttrtjod: te'afer holft« in Buffalo jtttef two «nd o»o< *a}t yaaW In ^ftw VorJr.

Blaho'n Turner will bi^^ .Christmas addtess on the ! *'Thy Tltfono, O dott Is and evert t; a sceptre of, JttstJ^lis the sceptre of Tljy I?inijdoajf ^ o u . hast loved Justice tod hate^fn-f

from Senator Borab "We are betraying the Constitu­

tion for SO pieces of silver," he said, and added:

"I think as a matter of good government and of constitutional principals, we ought to wait until the 18th Amendment' is repealed before we start in to sell intoxicat­ing liquors.

Death Son


ilshington, D. C, Dec. 22—Tne

itng cbn'victtons- of Herbert er Aif<|' #an!£Un D. Roosevejlt ••ffiusBff 4bifapt and final abai

nenS, of "tlie" Administration's

ftfebtrittaifilildd problems, e TE^esltfei'frfiieei—by bis own is^Wff/bb- left untramnifilled oceed?-a* he sises fit after next h 4th in solving the related lions surrounding war debts, aament and the world t?co

|C conference. |ese were the disclosures that

accompanied the White


»o release of four telegrams be in the President and his suc-Jtfelect, outlining Mr. Hoov-plan for at Jointly created com-lon and Mr, Roosevelt's s'.ate-

thnt he could not accept "an

apparent Joint responsibility" for such action.

With the... sdh5pnssipns between 0»e two torrnlnated, i t became ap­parent in the capital tonight tnat

WiKiiam, Ji\, the two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. William H, Grace of Lockport occurred yes» terday. Mrs. Grace is the sister of Mrs. S. Vlncont Ryan of Medina.




tot a commission to deal with the problems concerned probably will be handed on the next Ad­ministration in much their pre­sent form.

Despite Mr. Roosevelt's suggest­ion that the President proceed with an examination of the war debt and related problems, with­out pledging the next Administra­tion to action, Mfr. Hoover feels that the creation of a commission would be useless unless It could continue active after March 4th.

[Variety Shower |rs. Freeman Brace and Mrs. iiel Green entertained n few nds at a variety shower and

Es Tuesday evening at the ra liom* on the Ridgo in 09 of Miss. Violet TurraK. ;es ,were awarded to Mrs, ira Dockery and Mrs. .Grace & Miss TuJirall received the

fsrize 4nd niter refresh-Its we*<S served she was p re­let! *ifik many pwtty and lot gftti\$0(t near new home.

Bound to Keep In Lime Light

Greenesboro. N. C.—Three-year-old pilly Corbett. vho created not a little excitement last year by falling Into a 20-foot well, has got Into the papers again, this time by swallowing a safety pin. After taking X ray pictures physicians said the pin la closed and maybe won't Injure felm.

North County Line

7m Rogers Picks A Story For

This Spot omoUmes a btrd that is loofc-[for a Job. oversells hisself- Just

a saleemafi th*t oversells bis Ttife. bop* altft going to be

much, pleaded with a car that make SO miles an hour if it's

sold to lilnt as something

William Wcdfo Is receiving treat­ments and Is In Lockport City hos­pital.

Adolbert Robison and Mre. ftte-{ wart Hill .md Mllford Hocssel are sick with the grip;

"Kso condition of Mrs. Aasnst Thlel remains serious. She has biien taken to Lockport City hos­pital for observation.

Congratulations to Mr. and 'Ins.. Harry Peait oh the arrival n( a grandson. RoffttP, to Mr. and Mr*. Gayloru KarriaHm of Guilford.

Charles Nichols, 71, passed away Saturday morning at the Odd Pet-Iowa' Home. I/Odkport. which he entered three yews mo. Ho it sor*

I vivetf by Iwo sons. Praser. of Car» mom road, and Charles Kasa of

I California. The tartentt was held Monday afternoon at the Odd Pel-lows" Home and burial waa In Hartland cemetery:

ffeit Samiay morstsg at Out Methodist chittah, the re^nlar preaching service at 8:38> a> mw wiK be led by the jsa*tot. Rev. &, 9. Scott, preaching. At ta© Sunday school htmr appropriate excreta)*;

P vm outrna tto HgMnlng. »«U. there vww a. woman look-\ for s job ** fioo*, and the lady

shts -was tatBdng1 to asked tor £-her last! 3eo and so on. or/* ssaya the «ook, "t Jtat:

ytraTd aak TUG tbont thkfc

(t •*&& * atiett dante I worfeef *»4 idle lovad me like & sister.

I'm tellitt' yotije. When 1' there* tint dame cried for & *»3 Ufa* feeeij Bhing p»op!ej;

<* for me to try to bring me «*w alne*..?* Tectea, yo* wtm't do," sasftl K«2ef work projects at Toaa-

|»dy. *T0ff J S ^ w e ^ Y e Some| wand* have 120 men engaged to tatottrmtm Jylng *fototf, foo^f two «blft»,

John Hammond Is confined the house by Illness.

Prank ColbmWand Artltur Cos ot Batavia wore in town Monday.

Harry Castlo of Rochester spent the week end with his mother. Mrs. Anna Castle.

Mrs. Lixilo Vodra has returneil. from a visit with Mrs. Nellie Wright, Lockport

Mrs. Eunice. Perry, Miss Virginia Perry and Prank it. Perry of Ak­ron called on Mary Jehu-on, Sun­day.

Miss Dorothy Ennls who ia teaching In Ithaca will spend the holiday vacation with her par­ents.

Mri. Kntherlne Mitchell of Bni-fnlo has been spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Prancls D. Burg-bardt.

Miss Hazel Brown will spend Christmas with her slstor and fam­ily. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patter­son ot Batavla.

The Middleport fire dopartment was called Tuesday morning at 9:30 to C. Haines, Grlawold street, when a small blaze started trom| tho ohintney.

Miss Eileen Purdy who ia at­tending Byraat and Stratton Busi­ness school, Buffalo, will spend the holiday vacation at her heme, Francla street

XEiss Bernlce Wblttaker, n *E«-dent of ftochotitcr Business Insti­tute, win spend the Christmas va­cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whittakor."

Mr. and Mrs. M. Scott of Mill street were in Lockpont Tneaday.

Mrs. Donaki K. Evans and Mrs. Aimon Drswhirst were among the visitors in Medina Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Soa&ph Sciinetztsr of Union Springs wore calilng In Middleport and vicinity the past week in the interest of the week ot prayer to Uto Seventh Day &£• ventiat? cbnreh.

Tne Women's Kerne Missionary society of th» Methodist Bplssepsf chnneh met Monday aftenuKn 8t the parsonago with Mrs. Lens m hoatt'M *nd the ussiatifii; hewteasea were Mrse. Joseph SeMlager atsd Mrs. Ida Nertfirnjik. A ysry tatanato ing crosram ws» pre**nt«d wltli. Mrs, Donald Campfeefi fa cfiarxe. Gift* «?ere bronsh by th.e m«smbes» to? send to «>« WlSt«mi*ia« Hetm,

Gi* Ptt&r e^esJns ft* the p*rl»& hail the anwa*! Obrtrtmit* party *.ntt aauB*!* for th& efaoreft schewl

f of Out i l rs t Uat«srs«IIs;£ chsreft' mm N> tstOMk Swpjief_ vftt 'to «err«|| at »/S o'clock, with Mrs;. Oumpit Smith Jt%, m chjtlriaas- PelJowlr.ii;

Paris, Dee, 22f—Tho Chaoihutvpf Deputies by 385 to 215 voted con­fidence in tho Paul-Boncoor SOT-ernment tonight. I

Tho vote was on • minl4eri|l declaration that included, as" Uib debt polloy of tho now goyerl-ment, continuing negotiations with tho United States in an effort to settle in the debt problem, though warning that "prudenee?* wts

f! Cadet Possoii

On Vacatioyj Cadet Karl Posson, «on of Ify

and Mrs. J. a Posson of 10$ West Center St., lias arrived J J spend the ChrLitmaa Iiollilnyj with lila parents. Cadet I'oason It if Ills first yoar at tho SUiunton Mil­iary Academy, Staunton, V*. •.

neceesary In view of the present peliOcal situation in Amevic*, *

Tha vbto came after six hours of debate, durtngr which Promter Joaeph, P ul-BoHCOur stressed tho necessity of bringing into harmony tho viewpotnta of Pratvoo and tho" United States. It was a closer vote than Former Premier Bdouard Horrlot usually obtained before his. defeat OR the debt payment to tho United States.

Y. P. SL Service Y

Calling Is Written On Bandits' Faces; Holdup Victim Lost

i m » i « ' n — )

Pittsburgh — A car currying ithree men drove two Chester J*me«i* fl|U!>K*t«tlon. Jwne* *««^ 4 n r * "KSU^Uft* aioH»iy belt, cottt.-n?ted wtlh thft otd<VF to "flil "ec, np." but. kit tto drew the hose obt of the rj»r (ask ho "Rot to think-

Tho Young People'a ooe^ty <rf| uCoUoet t t m lh0M mugf>-. w W Trinity Lutheran .Church ofyteev*;' -

10 Medina Cases , Heard In Session

By Referee Lang Of ten eases involving Medina

employes heard yesteit.fty nk eomponaation «Qiir,t in City Halt on a calendar of 41 olatmnnta, ihreo were adjourned foT examina­tion or a report to later olandtus, one >?fta closed, andbajx,^r^.'<;(m> Vm^t u h t i t ' , 1 ^ cj$etoS«rs with 4w|idg f r ah t ^ -o t t ^: Uhtk oS iivWto of WMal disability as. .* to-^Utf-of ftc'ttgeaMv %<$#& «V, ^

°3Mut|f prestileff, ' \ i ; MU&, ty, M\)nV a %^\v68tf (Jeine-

t # ^ etnDioy<Ji< wH| ebatriHio, to-.«ft>

neittttting; &ep$ntbi«; %&. Hi*.«;a«o ^ras «ettUa#d to uti'A&icU court "»fiiU*n> Berth mi sm4<kn of the Skin ' Oil Gbiitpjin)' 'yi&ttx awsMfsid. <Jbmn6naaybn for a period begin-nins Nowwfow- U, m a, baaJa of 80 pepsqent 4tsa,mtty, ana hlsi case was «ontt««oa lo tho n.§xt CfttqiidnP.

srothian Oliver of M atQU* «m-ftloyoft b^ the H«U a»Ht»S <-'<twi» pally it fltttfalOr, . ^ a Rlvon «n «v?4ra for two i^«eka in September and his case was continued to Jawjftry, tor aft oxanitnatton. Her-jHali QlUmelstoFi 4mpioyed by the Medina Pomidfy Cotnpany •waaj ftwardod compensation bnsad on*

Had to Do Job OvW Again

Erie, Pa—City H^U—qenteP of stilngent economy measures--** the taiget of wise eiacksi toda^i and this is the reftse'v Qttr 0»W> ell decided to luvo snew wnsheid flow sidewalks of munleipil build-itl«f- "ftlth % fire. hose, rather than en^leymen; f n shovel it away. $b.e

[fto^ftp'lliS job, «H i'lglit bui tu«u ^.A¥eafhey tmned. cold, qoatini^i t«o wtW<* «ith ice. N»w Woiketfen jjrft ^oalt^rtag salt.

Says He Wishes to Aid

BMm'T&JDeliver l t Baskets To Needy

Medina {.edge of EtU will <1is-tribute their anttanl Ctiristttihs oharltj* basfeets^tontghti. Afemb^ta <tt flie> o«tw a>*«l thetr wive^ wilt meet at th» temple and Wnko. up the baskets which, will be <lo!ltv» ere4 tatefctn. the «venlng».

•Hie:*mlM worfc of the 'lottga Is wtufcr thfe iltractton of (SoorRO £}, Cid|airJitW» cliarw«na of tUo aouHttJttoo on ol»urHys

Tree Service The Church School of St. John's

, Bptacopal Church will hoia its reduced earnings bW-innlns Nov- onmud Ckrtatnms twso service n% ember 39. Mis case was conttauadi? o'clock tonight in tha

ed tho beginning: of the Chrfet* mas season last night w$th a party which included tapper at; • 8 o'clock followed by games rnd entertainment. Tho high spot of tho evening from the standpoint of levity wis a short comedy-drama in costume, Gifts were ex­changed u m part of the, observ­ance.

Dinner and Christmas Party

Mr. and Mm. Carl Wrth of West Avenuo vary plewantty en­tertained tho officer* and .em­ployees of th« Medina Trial Com pany, Wednesday evenme, st * seven o'clock dinner and Christ­mas party.

Jitmes. "I'm going.' Tb» assistant, going to tiio

front of the car, found himself looking into a revolver barrel. He bad no money, so the men, dia-Ifustitd. drove away.

"Bandits," phftoaopltlzed J.inie«. "•honidn't took like bandit*.**

nnttt, February. Tho «aao of teopBrd Morlarlty,

who reeentty .underwent «w opera^ tton as a result, of Ininry roeetvod wht!«i employed by tho Character Ftvrhlturo Shop*, Inc.* was eoatimi-ed pending an cxamtnntlon in the ho«nle«t. 15he pliant was represent­ed In court by jhhf wife and Jutlgt* aft«t4'A.%Vhlte(l .

Tim ensoa of Kdwwd Utiloll, an ompleyb 8f th(ji Iv|.odtBlk jTM'y Jeur* ntU and John.Qutns, etnptoyed by WWilttm Jr. astlsghor, werft «-tiott-ni. ed for TO8dt«»J r«itott» unill the rSeqrUM* «uitt lihuMy semtioiw ro-*S««ttv«ily» t h e arte of Floyd White, ai| employ* of 'ho U. i. Holne Comp*t)n was dosed on a previous Awfra. ffe had boon pro­vided with* treatment by tho Inttur-ahco carrier.

church pnrlora. Snntn Clnus will be the-re.

Operation Blf. and Atw. William CtoJewtofe

have received wortl that their daushfeft M*8.» Raymond Morlfttv Jty of, Cqurtlandj who nndiarvyiBttt an operation for nppemricltl* on Wednesdoy,' 1s rftcoveitng nlenly.

, W8sMh8tO*£~0PlWul&?it lf9«!P«^ lias di-opped'liia vfW debt n©?ot|*M tioh nlau and ia gmngf ftisliftM'v tw*>fl ins the problem, ^or- Pr^jltlfttttS' elect Roosevelt <\vhoa# Bhftrp|y5S worded atRtomsjivt Su* eriUuto o f | |IobvftVi'« ideas of ^cja-dpbfcatton'*** hft!) ereated a>jpoUilcnt »on?*tiiartk ^

Tho Now ¥wk Uftv§Vjjtor*a xetort tft thtf PrtjsihtenVa tiktowitflUr t«*fc "Qoyfiruor jiaosoxott cojlaldei.'s f t , "HUdealvaWs tov hint tt\ ^m<mt to my, stieate'itloos foe ' eft-opnifaywoi act|on'\ marked aii ainnpst bjUau bieafc tu Uto. .eaietHyy-Wei'dssd <«**• chAtaga ot v|ov\» tiwt *at*A;a u«e« couched hk "tho, .most ttturfcHait* phraaes, j

"f nm i,ttth,eif qufprlsocV' th» Cw-ornof uaW> "int' flto ^iUto H«ni«e> gtaloiftMtti It 1ST (t pttyr «ot ontjr-tw thla eomitry, but for tho- J&I* Hon of wojelfl »V6blet«it thfUt a;*^ statement ot intimntlon ,^houl 1 h«

IsAvMi thut l «pttstd)»r i t -awle*lr> ' ubto U* went, to eQ-op-jTOUVa HO tton on foreien. pv«W«}U*»

"I h»vo" n-tttle to thb- PresWenl tho dellnlto suggestion iivxi kt sotoot hit voprouentaUvp-to 4>t\kw prellmtnarr atudloa. t jitWo t«ik6<l to ho kept; Advised «8 to- thft Hog* I'oasi of ttuao prftllmlnftvle* f HI\V« otforfid to OQtiitttlt^i^t-Utti |to<i** dent ftaely betweeu ao«r jtnd,

•BI ho>ilitftrthh T*FMi«<>tti Br* grttm ttijil #tti}lt» otter of cu-upovan. tlftft wilt lift aewjilwl,, , '$Hi?.. JtijitajiCB* Of isueh fevwsful direct renv<**e,*t from a.pvtishjMii* eteot.f^i" m, pttt«;a!ug proahfant h^ve Hm r«oort|»d (it meat ,

Yates Center Mrs. Theodore WIrth U IU -vita

the flu. Ray Coon Cs better, having had

the flu. Ksyntoad JUalund Is »bls to be

up and doing niegty. Leon Knramer of Bat*v!« •pent

fevered <I*y» In town last week. Lueile BrinsmsicJ U expected

hem* Tharnday nfjjM for the holi­day* iracaf?or*.

Jfr*. Mary Ayer has jfone to Dansvjlte to spend (tm winter with her daughter *nd fomfEy.

Ratty Brl'isrsnld «nt«rt#l!ted (he member* of the M«(Jtm!iit ehoir at his hens* fstsi Tltawdiiy irfght.

Mn »nd Wtm. & M Cods d»a«h-tet. Mm, it CJ. MorJon, of Osxuhft, Neb, f# comiKfi Uf- tptr.A th* holt'dikjs is hm? old hatiiv will* her panattft.

Watch To Douglas Frank P. Doughm. who address­

ed the Wcstmirwiter Club W*dns»-day ev«ming, l>ec*mb«r 14 on th» •tOjjeol, 'Thft <Jw«t Klondike Gold Rujiii,'* has b«»n »wnrd»d • J7O0 watch, on"«r«d to the winner of a thrilling story content. IIf* tste will b* dntmstix«d tenlgSt <>**? tits mS*WBAW chain at 10:30 o'clocfe.

Jutt One -'Break" After Another

Shelbyvlilav lnd^-lt'» one break »fter anethef tor 7<ye«M>ld Anna» belle I>V«.il*r. She suffered her 13th bone fracturn when Kho stumbled and fell whitrt at hor IKJBIO. It was her collarbone.

Auburn, Dec. ^ ^ . T h « eon* of. uAH&.1»lhmtan*mxutofr Arthur BaTry and Qeorge Small,\*& »ftot)it>,» The »<ttd* «£ m m% Auburn prisoners on trial in I ?"'!*/ * | *•»«*.•*_ Cott«*e| tvp?«.

This End el the State sAithur Bosworth, 62, Bocbester

attempted to end hu fife ynster-dny by inh«*ift(r lllsmiinattng gax, fie h«d been tin«mp toyed and d** spondcr.t.

Silas Caroline C. Cr»n0 of Cm-i gndalgna has been «ndo««l for

reappointment *t th<» Repuhllcnn iketlon commbwforuir of Ontario Ccunty-

Otto F. Doris?. W. Kf««*rtt t tsllg painting contractor, died fr* Hl!mrtai-lU«pltai ot Itejurlt* IU»-

*t^n«d when he wm tlnick by «n gatoRiofefs driven by Philip G«nt-i*#ft».

On the rectmvmfiK.-lation ot the ialdwmanlo cammttte.ii s t SIom*f(, | totter hivesatlgstloB of tho sal» di **rl»o» consnwdfttes !^ OB* «?

\ tSXtt etmeeixm wa» fyayped. St wa* Lfe?ov eiomplfeated, 6B» emmltlm

HIKE 3 0

will be held and a CTsrisima* tree

{.enjayed. Owing to Hteess in tb& cotamnnily. tha program wBI B» somewhat limited and the attend­ance at cliurch and school ban de-eireased*

M S HOME tfis sapper fits young paopfe wlft, $tmmt c p'ssy «dd (hen BmU 'Cttns. w«I dittrtbut* gift* from, the ChJtasaa* tre*. th». eJsMdreit of Che chare's school brought a«i~

| cle* of food ar?d toys this weefc

^Ar« $m mtms ssattgh t» do» •$mt% Alb*ny to the C % «f lln<l-|

\*m,*n& Wniisws WmSmh # y«*i*l aid, at tix-twt,, Utfro, % wstfeinjt St tmtgte %f emet e tte*-.

wflfc& mm- foraM-ewssr Vrtktt Aa&t'ftopm to&f m ».*ii*rg# <rf jmH tiiem ttgfott Ammty ttm mtmtte lr.t«fe«tfe.«, « M h# livtd mlhe«<?rv'* hatlm. among &tm that srtr«| Hil ton «nd wan.t»di to g*', how*! *m ti$H, t mmm» j « to ««e«r. [fttrOMAMMh j walk .Mr itofcwsf • "

••feed tb* emtt, H'& h* «e*«r Mf -mu* bf **•'

|,{^p» f gm to tt<a<$0m." ttptM

'. "(j&tm torn year Um"!" «n«i«rtmi

eljMt* emMkn, year

Nutrition Gourses Part ol Red Cross Four Part Program

Two course;) for wotntm on the •object of nttfflllon «»d food buy­ing, running nlmttHaBeetisty, will b» glvfeti after the Christmas holi­days •» part of tha foar twlnt pro-gfion adopted by the Medina Chap-ten Americca Red Cr«s», on thej recmnffliatdatton of Sfra. Dorotiiy Ifoseywelt Johnston, u Sold repre­sentative. wft0 vt*it«<| Medina re­cently. Bed Crosm efflotate har» annoimce-d.

It wu onooimttjd at the came time that th# full r8a«isitlnn of the Medina ghtptef for I9fi(w yards of cotfsm cfeth and m dozen garntfnst* had been npww ed by the imtiomt mgmtzaiton and would im received in Madia* for dWrlhatteft- and mamrf»ot»f» to *8pp!feW(irie Uto dberitm'tai of old clothe* it0W la tWMs.t.

Th» four gdmmltt««i otKteed to tho pl8r» cr**fi«!efi ander Mr». Urn. Hugh Wftf^l*. » w cnafnuga ott&m STMite*. Oftapter, Mtew wtta t^Sfr iWttoma; motor eesps* Wtr. M<m*# U W«S«r»s Gotten dfiitrfWMteS. tgfli. 0tt«h Wfclifpfo,

Cayuga County eoort charged with riot, will go to the jury tomorrow momlttfi after* Judge Kenntrd Underwood make* Ms ohnrge. Both defense and prtDtceuthin sttnimed up their emm today,

Small, acting as hi* awn attor­ney, pleaded with the Juror* with tears In hU ey«« toward the clo»e.

neutlog fittvry osked tho idry' «nt to tn&H hk «l!e«t m "briglrtal forgott^ft tniw" jbjf i{o$Wii)jf hitf» «w»y sgohvitjliiordilv'fcnotKfr c«n<

Ivletton, m(t § ^ 4 % tt» th« » w rof the miiffim to. Ht*. Bftrry

"that Httiip worngn who, »lt» in Nhe coar^twttt ami who & WtlUng1

1 to *alt fbr hJt»*

Trapper, Dogs Win Race For Life With

Wolves In Pursuit


The Pa», ^fnn,--ln ter}5« paskg timber wolves, In search of food made Scarce by the etwiy winter. mm on trait of humans '<i tho north (sountry.

Barney Goodman, it trapper, •old ho had it narrow escape when HBtartiSngf from the trap Hne« a week ago.

ffi was muahlng ever Simon Uoum Lake, near Cranherry tfortage, Man\, when a- p«cfe »f IB wolves picked up hl» trail and soon ww howling in parsatt

The t«»pf>er*» tlogn jwmped 8 strip oi water caused by aa J««s csra«k» Afraid of open wate*\ th» welve* ©"IrcCed It, and by the 6im# tftey had m«d«t the defoar Co9d» mm% and hh dogs were cafe <« the eahin.

in the buytost ft«d prepaflrs^ of fewda. Another fttiwtfott of Mr*, JKyo*« cornnritte* will b* to gn>» p«tr» definitely nntrlUonis dtet* frot» the unit eoat and unit foot! chart* of ttto fled Cross.

'J"B«» a te ot tit® #tody «w«p? i*n-.... -, d«r Sffa. ({asrtt g f*s?ser. to matw

hot»» *t«4y *f»l teife«tlgi»tt«B. 5fe.|year« a tes»h«# to the Medina Utrtftf terttwr} e»»f<s*» *8d BO- j ntinoats, evtsni»8y l» *ff £*»* tfittod, mm mm »y«*.

ffc* e«Kia!« to o8tri«t«tt a p«rs «f Ur* *erje «f th« waleeMs cfeas-fflftle* *»J S#- »tww *t- th» Iffgh S«hoei &r ^ # * Wtofto IP»f#?ir#». t«acherl of t W t f e sclftttM, arirf tit tfi# «fffcS Of ttt* Nfsssnt Kittt-Hrewa, git ttH«fi|8r of tti» eo»

12 |v«4tfg»tor» Its th.» ftatd whisa S*o» | «as |l?fijjp«ry atady ttm ptapftrgd" Mtera for th# w«fe. Tha wetw eofj* witt g«d*t In 6h« eo!I««ti«tt m$ dSs'rf'

ihstten «f ttrttefe th«& s««i t» ha Iteoved to the eotuse «f t te W«d 'Crosw wo*fe and te natp the cft»p> ter wcffksra tt» getting afeont.

Ctyd# SMgeat wa* HI w«u thst Orlppo Isit, week.

Tha W. i t 8. elo-seif ttec«i»6#r 123, for fill* tetltdw v»f*Ub**-

Hern, Beoexubar IS, 1 0 ^ to Sir, snd Mrs. I*r«6* Hurrl*. «£ Wch« eater, a (too,

Mr. awl M». Qowgar Wttkei sad daughter, Mttriory. spent Stthdnjf lit Reehettsr.

Rfr. «ftd Mm J. W, {form** o"*t*K hwKfid their 8$ch weddtpf *sant*««* **fy BtteeHibftr It.

the Wofth Whlto 8, B. chvg** Swreting will ho held DeesiBsli r- a»r with' Mrs. EOH8« riOowis.

Mr. atjd Mw. a K, «yot>fe *rt*«tt-ed ft prttiejpala bftn*ift*i «l t**^

{view mgner BSfcentbarls. A emtnm&ty tawhimn* *rf*

nnd extfteto** wtfS hfrMd H Urt* etjureh I fMsty iftlght, «f^»mher 83* All <*ro ««!iisMy ta/itedf

The tlttsttera eta-i * chM^* my> per FrW»y frfgi»e proved v<iry #tn,» eenafttl. 1?tsb eto« h.t* *wffl$ty pnreJMtaed dbtm for tttfrmfetl*.^

thw 6 s ^ tt«« a s!, d tot hfM j Its awnali weette« and (*hri#;ri&ft dl»n«r with thelf teaeh^ Wt*

pamea fpsftts and htiib«i<t 8.*tor« day. fc«& St etfte w*» gj^fn fra'1 thsr oI«s# pceawnfetl MEw, Swtith, with a fee* tawci 'fb* tt^# ftffft'eW

|are: Pwfdaat. Uotti* tfettlitotf |«ice president, fceft ftvfgdfft! *»v»

tn* I MtAiftf. visgiitfti Cftliani; ttii»&t. sreteft firetiff Brf^ttctt^

toa nWttm ' fey '*«»* Mtfggnt [ tNUgr. 1fl».e«l*r#;j«Btfi!r Mf#*fet«r-j,; M*» Grace C ilrowfes haa fcM«s,

,fh« maimttttt' KHtrKfen a#«*(«ap;***^»fi««« rii*n*g*r cif tb.# Rot'h«#t*rj