The Medicinally Important Convolvulacean Members Used by the Kattunaikkan Tribe of Wayand District

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  • 8/12/2019 The Medicinally Important Convolvulacean Members Used by the Kattunaikkan Tribe of Wayand District.


    The Medicinally important Convolvulacean members used by the

    Kattunaikkan Tribe of Wayand District.

    Keywords:Kattunaikkan, Wayand, Convolvulaceae.


    A floristic and ethnobotanical studies on the kattunaikan tribe of Wayand

    district was carried out. The study documented the use of 11 plant species of the

    family Convolvulaceae by the Kattunaika tribe. The different parts like leaves, stem,

    fruits, flowers and sometimes the whole plant are used to cure various diseases.

    093-097 | JRPS | 2012 | Vol 1 | No 2

    This article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (

    licenses/by/2.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution, andreproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


    Joseph MA1and

    Antony VT2.

    Institution:1. Research andDevelopment centre,

    Bharathiar University,


    2. Postgraduate and

    Research Department of

    Botany, St.BerchmansCollege, Changanassery,


    Corresponding author:

    Joseph MA.

    Email:[email protected]

    Web Address:http:/


    Dates:Received: 08 Mar 2012 Accepted: 27 Mar 2012 Published: 07 Jun 2012

    Article Citation:

    Joseph MA and Antony VT.

    The medicinally important convolvulacean members used by the

    Kattunaikkan Tribe of Wayand District.

    Journal of Research in Plant Sciences (2012) 1(2): 093-097

    Original Research

    ournal of Research in Plant Sciences





    Journal of Research

    in Plant SciencesAn International Scientific

    Research Journal

    An International Scientific Research Journal

  • 8/12/2019 The Medicinally Important Convolvulacean Members Used by the Kattunaikkan Tribe of Wayand District.



    For about four thousands of years, the tribal

    people have been using various medicinal plants in the

    treatment different diseases. After centuries of trial and

    error they discovered the miraculous healing power of

    certain plants. From their observation they formulated

    some basic concepts of science which they have passed

    on to the future generation. Hence a considerable part of

    the knowledge of the primitive men regarding the uses of

    plants have been transferred to the indigenous societies

    which are the descendants of the primitive human

    communities. The documentation of indigenous

    knowledge on the utilization of local plant resources by

    different ethnic groups or communities is one of the mainobjective of ethnobotanical research. (Sasi et al., 2011).

    In Kerala the major tribal communities are nearly forty in

    number. Some of them are still nomadic and living in the

    forests. The major tribes of Kerala are Kani, Kurichiar,

    Kurumar, Eravallan, Kattunaikkan etc. Kattunaikans are

    seen in and in the vicinity of forests in the Wayand

    district of Kerala state, India.

    Wayanad district lies between north latitude


    27' and 150

    58' and east 750

    47' and 700

    27'. It isbounded on the east by Nilgiris and Mysore districts of

    Tamilnadu and Karnataka, on the north by Coorg district

    of Karnataka, on the south by Malappuram and on the

    west by Kozhikode and Kannur respectively. The total

    geographical area of Wayand is 2124 km2which consists

    of 5.48% of Kerala state. It is situated on the southern

    top of the Deccan plateau. Its main feature is the majestic

    Western Ghats with thick forest and deep valleys.

    The unique feature of this district is the large aboriginal

    tribal population, consisting mainly of Paniyas,

    Kurumas, Adiyars, Kurichyas, Ooralis, Kadar,

    Kattunaikkans. Wayanad district stands first in the case

    of adivasi population (about 36%) among other districts

    in the state.

    The people of kattunaikan or Kattunaikka are

    peculaiar in their habit and in their daily routine and are

    variously referred to as Jenu Kuruman, Tenu kuruman

    and Naikkan (Ratheesh Narayan et al., 2011). They are

    seen in deep forests of high mountains. Their name

    shows that they are the kings of the jungle. These people

    mainly depend on forest for their livelihood. Their name

    Tenu Kurumans indicate the habit of collecting honey.

    In the ancient times they used bark of trees instead of

    clothes to cover their nakedness. They are tall, long

    armed and black skinned tribe with curly or wavy hair

    (Louiz, 1962). Traditionally they were honey collectors,

    food gatherers and hunters (Mathur, 1977). Majority of

    them lives on vegetables, honey and fish. Some are

    employed by the forest department and the rest lead the

    life of food gatherers. Recently some have begun to raisecash crops. Even today most of the tribal people depend

    on the medicinal plants for various ailments. They collect

    these plants from their local settlements. They use these

    plants in treating various diseases and sometimes the

    same plant is used for the treatment of different diseases.

    Pawar SM and Sonawane SR (2011) enumerated

    important medicinal plants along kanher and mahadare

    reservoir from Satara District, Maharashtra and give a

    detailed information on the medicinal uses of the plants.A lot of ethnobotanical studies have been

    conducted on the various tribes of Wayanad. Nagendra

    Prasad and Abraham (1984) collected Ethnobotanical

    information from the Nayadis of Wayanadu and

    documented 74 medicinal plants. Thomas & Britto

    (1999) collected information on different tribal groups of

    Wayand. Pramod et al., (2003) have conducted study on

    the ethnobotany of religious and supernatural beliefs of

    Kurichya of Wayanad District, Kerala, India and

    reported 40 plant species related to magico-religious

    beliefs. Mini and Sivadasan (2007) collected information

    from Kurichya tribe about the ethno veterinary plants

    used by them. Udayan et al., (2008) studied the

    kurichiar tribes of Tirunelli forest, Wayanad Dt.

    They have investigated 48 plants used by the tribe in

    medicine and other traditional uses. But no member of

    Joseph and Antony, 2012

    094 Journal of Research in Plant Sciences (2012) 1(2): 093-097

  • 8/12/2019 The Medicinally Important Convolvulacean Members Used by the Kattunaikkan Tribe of Wayand District.


    the family Convolvulaceae has been reported. Silija et

    al., (2008) have studied the Mullukurma tribe in detail to

    collect information regarding ethnomedicinal plant

    knowledge. Their study included 136 plant species.

    Ipomoea marginata found to be the only

    Convolvulaceaen member among other species.

    Ethnobotanically important trees and their uses by

    Kattunaika tribe in Wayand wild life sanctuary by

    Ratheesh Narayan et al., (2011).

    Eventhough a lot of studies have been done on

    the tribals of Wayand no detailed study on various plant

    species of the family Convolvulaceae used by the

    kattunaikan tribe of wayand district is not yet conducted.

    The present study has been undertaken with the aim of

    recording various Convolvulacean members used by



    Extensive field trips were carried out between

    August 2010May 2011 in different kattunaikan colonies

    of Wayand district. Five tribal colonies were randomly

    selected for documenting the traditional knowledge.

    The information about the medicinal use of the plants

    were collected by interviewing people both men and

    women of age ranging from 20-70. Repeated field trips

    were carried out in different seasons to collect the

    flowers and fruits of the plants (Plate 1).


    A large number of plant species occur in their

    localities where these tribal people live. They possess

    tremendous knowledge regarding the use of these plants.

    In the study 11 plant species belonging to the family

    Convolvulaceae were found to be useful in curing

    various diseases. Roots, leaves, fruits and sometimes the

    whole plant is used in preparing the medicine. They are

    taken either internally or applied externally in the formof decoction, paste or powder.


    The present study shows that the Kattunaika

    communities possess great knowledge about the use of

    various herbal medicines to cure different ailments and

    they are also conscious about the loss of their traditional

    medicinal practices. As the tribal communities are

    getting modernized there is an imminent danger in losing

    their traditional medicinal knowledge. Due to human

    invasion, modernization and habitat destruction many of

    valuable plant species are vanishing from the face of the

    earth. So efforts should be taken to preserve our plant

    resources for a right management of our biodiversity.

    Joseph and Antony, 2012

    Journal of Research in Plant Sciences (2012) 1(2): 093-097 095

    Plate 1.A Argyreia nervosa; B. Cuscuta reflexe;

    C Evolvulus alsinoides varalsinoides; D. Ipomoea

    carnea ssp. Fistulosa; E.Ipomoea obscura; F.Ipomoes pes-tigridis; G.Ipomoea quamoclit; H.

    Xenostegia tridentate ssp. Tridentate.

  • 8/12/2019 The Medicinally Important Convolvulacean Members Used by the Kattunaikkan Tribe of Wayand District.



    The authors express their sincere gratitude to the

    principal, St. Berchmans College, Changanassery,

    Kerala. They also extend their gratitude to the members

    of the tribal group (Kattunaikkan) in Wayand district.


    Louiz AAD. 1962. Tribes of Kerala. New Delhi.

    Bhaathiya Adimajati Seva Sang.

    Mathur PGR. 1977. The tribal situation in Kerala.

    Kerala historical society, Trivandrum.

    Mini V and Sivadasan M. 2007. Plants used in Ethno

    veterinary medicine by Kurichya tribe of Wayanad

    District in Kerala, India. Ethnobotany 19:94-99.

    Nagendra Prasad P and Abraham Z. 1984.

    Ethnobotany of the Nayadis of north Kerala.

    J.Econ.Tax.Bot., 5(1):41-48.

    Pawar SM and Sonawane SR. 2011. Enumeration of

    medicinal plants along kanher and mahadare reservoir

    from Satara District, Maharashtra, India. Journal of

    Research in Biology. 6: 461-466.

    Joseph and Antony, 2012

    096 Journal of Research in Plant Sciences (2012) 1(2): 093-097

    SI No. Botanical Name /Local Name Parts used Used for Mode of use


    Argyreia nervosa(Burm.f.) Bojer.

    Local name:Marikkunni,


    Leaf AcidityLeaf paste is made into a

    decoction and administered orally

    2.Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.

    Local name:Moodillathali

    Whole plantSwelling in


    The whole plant is cookedwithout salt and taken internally

    to reduce swelling in joints.


    Ipomoea obscura (L.)


    Local name:Thiruthali

    Leaf, flower

    and fruitMalaria

    The leaves, flower and fruits are

    crushed and made in to paste and

    is applied on the head against

    malarial fever

    4.Ipomoea pes tigridis l.

    Local name:Pulichevidu

    LeavesBody pain

    Leaves are crushed together with

    coconut and made in to paste and

    is administered orally to reduce


    5.Ipomoea marginata(Desr.) Verdc.Local name: Kolambi


    Ten to twenty leaves are folded

    together and kept in a pot on an

    oven. When it is cooked it is

    taken out and eaten

    6.Ipomoea deccana Austin

    Local name:Mooval Kodileaves furuncles

    The leaves are crushed along withoil and applied on the affected



    Xenostegia tridentate (L.)Austin & StaplesLocal name:Pradharini,

    Prasarini, Thalanili

    LeavesMad dog bite

    Leaves are crushed and is then

    mixed with milk and administered


    8.Evolvulus alsinoides(L.)

    L. var.alsinoidesLocal name:Krishnakranth

    Whole plantTo increase


    Whole plant is made into a paste

    and is mixed with milk and takenorally

    9.Ipomoea quamoclit L.Local name:Akasha-mulla

    Leaves Head ache

    Leaves are pressed the juice

    obtained is applied on the


    10.Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq.Local name:Anchilathali,

    Palmuthukku, Mutalakizhang

    Tuber Impotency The tuber is made into a paste andis administered orally twice a

    day to treat impotency

    11.Ipomoea carnea Jack. ssp.fistulosa( Mart.ex Choisy)

    Austin Local name: Vellappo

    Leaves Ulcers andboils

    Leaf paste is applied over boils

  • 8/12/2019 The Medicinally Important Convolvulacean Members Used by the Kattunaikkan Tribe of Wayand District.
