1 The Maukonen family in Norway and the roots in Finland Maukonen Rautalampi Loimaa Maukon Tønsberg Sandefjord The school and home in Loimaa The home in Rautalampi

The Maukonen family in Norway and the roots in Finland ... · in Norway in the first part of the 1890-ties. He died in 1923 and had alltogether 5 children. Two of these children got

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Page 1: The Maukonen family in Norway and the roots in Finland ... · in Norway in the first part of the 1890-ties. He died in 1923 and had alltogether 5 children. Two of these children got


The Maukonen family in Norwayand the roots in Finland






The school and home in Loimaa

The home in Rautalampi

Page 2: The Maukonen family in Norway and the roots in Finland ... · in Norway in the first part of the 1890-ties. He died in 1923 and had alltogether 5 children. Two of these children got



This is the result of some work I carried out in order to find the Finnish roots of my wifeMålfrid Maukon (Henriksen). When we married back in 1957, we know that Målfrids grand-father, Aino Onni Maukonen, came from Finland. He became a sea captain and setteledin Norway in the first part of the 1890-ties. He died in 1923 and had alltogether 5 children.Two of these children got married and have descendents.

Aino Onni left over some old papers showing that he was born in Liperi in Finland and thathis father Johannes Maukonen was a school teacher in Loimaa – a small city approxi-mately 65 km east of Åbo (Turku). We also found some of Aino Onnis school records –that is the report cards from the primary school in Loimaa and from the secondary schoolhe attended in Åbo.

During the years we made some small efforts to find something more about the roots ofthe Norwegian Maukon family without any success. This research work started in thebeginning of 2005 – and we have a number of results which I have the pleasure to giveyou.

In this work I used Internet to search for names and organizations. Furthermore, I got helpfrom The Finnish Embassy in Oslo with some translations, and I received informationfrom “The Genealogical Society of Finland”. The society informed me about the books forthe Maukonen family. Altogether, it is 5 books published in 2003 – written in Finnish – withalmost 10.000 names which makes up the large Maukonen family. The origin of the familyis in Rautalampi, in the middle of Finland. I also got in contact with Hannele Maukonen –one of the three authors of the family books tohether with Martta Rantanen and MattiMäkelä. In spite of the Finnish language the books have been a great help in this work.

Based on the work during the first months Målfrid and I decided to travel to Finland inSeptember 2005 to visit Loimaa as well as Rautalampi. The purpose was to find out moreabout the family as well as the places where Johannes Maukonen was born and workedand where her Aino Onni spent his childhood.

Målfrid and Thormod in Finland 2005

Hvalstad, December 2005

Thormod Henriksen

Page 3: The Maukonen family in Norway and the roots in Finland ... · in Norway in the first part of the 1890-ties. He died in 1923 and had alltogether 5 children. Two of these children got


The Maukonen family comes to Norway

Maukonen is the name of a large family in Fin-land – which also has a branch in Norway. TheNorwegian branch has shortened the name toMaukon. You can find most, if not all, the mem-bers on the web adress: http://www.maukon.com

How it all started

This research started by using the Internet. WithGoogle and the name Johannes Maukonen.

It appears that Helsinki University Library digi-tizes all newspapers published in Finland in theperiod 1771-1890. In “Historiallinen sanoma-lehtikirjasto” I found the name JohannesMaukonen in a newspaper from 1889. All thesenewspapers are on microfilm – and after somehunting I was able to find it (to the right).

To me it looked like an obituary. Of course it waswritten in Finnish, as well as in Gothic. I was quitesure that the translation of this obituary would bevery importent – and I was lucky enough to haveThe Finnish Embassy in Oslo to translate it.

“Translation to Norwegian”

Død. Søndag den 25. i denne måned, rett ettermiddag, sovnet folkeskolelærer JohannesMaukonen fra Merikoski i Loimaa inn, etter å havært kreftsyk i noen måneder. Den avdøde varfødt i Rautalampi av fattige foreldre, kom tilseminaret i Jyväskylä sommeren 1867 og etterstudiene der arbeidet han som lærer i Karelen ogSavolax, til han for cirka 13 år siden flyttet hit tilLoimaa som lærer fram til sin død.

Lærer Maukonen var svært flittig i sitt arbeid ogdrev også med litterær virksomhet. I 1884 utgahan “Den nyere tids historie for folkeskolen”, somimidlertid ikke fikk noen større utbredelse pågrunn av den spesielle språkbruken. Han skrevogså av og til i avisene, bl.a. Suometar ogAamulehti. Den avdøde hadde megetselvstendige meninger, men var en from forsvarerav rett og sannhet. Han savnes av, forutenvennekretsen, av enke og 5 mindreårige barn.Fred og velsignelse over en ærlig og flittigarbeidsmanns og fedrelandsvenns grav.

The obituary above is found in the Finnishnewspaper.25.07.1889 nro 171 Sanomia Turusta. Loimaankansak.opettaja Johannes Maukonen) ++28.08.1889 nro 200 Sanomia Turusta. ...Kirj.vaiht. Loimaa. Kunnan vaalit.

Page 4: The Maukonen family in Norway and the roots in Finland ... · in Norway in the first part of the 1890-ties. He died in 1923 and had alltogether 5 children. Two of these children got


In English

Died. Sunday 25. of this month schoolteacherJohannes Maukonen from Merikoski in Loimaadied of cancer. He was born in Rautalampi frompoor parents – came to the seminary in Jyväskyläin 1867. He worked as a teacher in Karelen andSavolax, before he moved to Loimaa where heworked as teacher to his death.Maukonen was a hard worker and was alsoengaged in writing a book. In 1884 he was theauther of “The history of recent years”. He alsowrote in the newspapers Suometar and Aamulehti.Maukonen had personal opinions and was astrong defender of truth. He will be missed byfriends, widow and 5 young children.

The church in Loimaa is beautiful – and is prob-ably the place where some of the family is bur-ied. In 2005 the church was under reconstrution.

With information about the obituary of JohannesMaukonen I contacted The Genealogical Soci-ety of Finland. I was then informed about thebooks of the Maukonen family and they guidedme to Hannele Maukonen in Finland. This con-tact was the very right one, since Hannele (whichis married into the Maukonen family) was the onethat keeps the record of the members of the fam-ily. Together with Martta Rantanen and MattiMäkelä they have published the books. Martta hadworked with the family history for about 10 years.

The coding system

In order to keep record of all the members of thefamily it has to be a coding system – and MarttaRantanen introduced the system in use.

The system starts with Elias EliaanpoikaMaukonen (1725 – 1791) and he is given the cod-ing letter E. He was married two times and hadchildren with both. With his first wife BritaJuhontytär Ritvanen (1728 – 1766) he had theson Gabriel Eliaanpoika Maukonen (1763 –1825). He married Stina (Christina) Rossi (1765– 1825). Gabriel is given the coding EG. It iswithin the EG-line we find the Norwegian descen-dents.

Gabriel and Stina had alltogether 13 childeren –however, 7 of them died within a year or two.

Further research efforts

Hannele Maukonenmarried to Jyrki (EG

Martta RantanenEF

Page 5: The Maukonen family in Norway and the roots in Finland ... · in Norway in the first part of the 1890-ties. He died in 1923 and had alltogether 5 children. Two of these children got


EG 11.7.1. Aino Onni Maukonen (1874 – 1923).Died 49 years old.

EG 11.7.2. Wäinö Maukonen (1877 – 1929).Died 52 years old.

EG 11.7.3. Sulo Toivo Maukonen (1879 – 1912).Died 33 years old.

EG 11.7.4. Aino Oiva Maukonen (1882 – ?).He moved from Loimaa in 1908 to Helsinki. Wedo not know more about him.

EG 11.7.5. Vieno Armas Maukonen (1885 – 1907).Died 22 years old.

EG 11.7.6. Uljas Osmo Maukonen (1888)Died 1 year old.

EG 11.7 Johannes Maukonen (1844 – 1889)

The descendents after Gabriel are given the codeEG together with some numbers. Thus Målfridsgreat-great grandfather Pavo (Paulus) KaapronpMaukonen (born 1802) had the code EG 11, whichimplies that he was the 11th. child of Gabriel andStina. In an attempt to make this easier we havethe Table to the right.

If you follow this table you see that Paulus mar-ried Maria Laurintr Kervinen (born 1807) – andthat their 7th. child was Johannes (in FinnishJuho) with the code EG 11.7.

Johannes was Målfrids great grandfather. He wasborn in Rautalampi in 1844 and died in Loimaa in1889 – only 45 years old. He married Maria LovisaAuranen which was born in Korpilahti in 1852 anddied in Loimaa in 1909, 57 years old. Korpilahtiis a small place outside Jyväskylä on the road toLoimaa.

Johannes Maukonens oldest child was Aino Onniand he got the code EG 11.7.1. Målfrid has thecode EG – which means that she isthe 5 th. generation after Gabriel (EG).

Martta Rantanens coding system makes it easyto see the relation between the different mem-bers of the family. Martta herself is in the EF-line(EF and is 4th. cousin to Målfrids fatherAndreas Maukon with the code EG

The EG-line


EG 11

EG 11.7

EG 11.7.1

Here is a table and the coding used for the 6 boysof Johannes and Maria Lovisa

As you can see all members of this family diedvery young. When Johannes died the oldest son,Aino Onni, was only 15 years old. This probablymade it difficult to keep the family together. AinoOnni went to sea and setteled in Norway whereasWäinö became the worldwide famous watchmakerand emigrated to USA (see later).

As far as we know only Aino Onni have descen-dents.

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The search for the roots in Loimaa and RautalampiOur trip to Finland in September 2005 was based on the information given above. One of the impor-tant stops would be Rautalampi and Hanhiniemi – the home of the EG-line. This lovely farm is still inthe family. The present owner is Jouko Maukonen (EG – and he is 4th. cousin to Målfrid(EG

Furthermore it appeared that the key to success for this travel turned out to be Aino Onni`s reportcards for the primary school in Loimaa and for the high school he attended in Åbo (Turku). We shallbegin with the report cards.

Aino Onnis report cardfrom the Åbo school

We started with the report card fromthe secondary school in Åbo. Aino Onniattended a school here from 1886 to1889. The question was whether theschool still existed – and could we findit?

In Åbo we went directly to the “Infor-mation center” with the report cardshown to the left. It was important tonote that the name of the head of theschool (rehtori) was Th. W. Erich. Thekind people at the Information centremade some telephone calls – and theresult was that the school still excisted.Its present name was “TurunKlassillinen Lyseo”. The school wasabout 600 meters from the Informationcenter in the street Linnankatu (see themap).

It was indeed a funny feeling to see theschool – and to know that Målfridsgrandfather had walked the samestreet.

Information center


Central Åbo

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Here is a picture of the school in Åbo from the time Aino Onni attended it in the years 1886 – 1889.Today it is a high school and it may have been the same in Aino Onnis time.

We found the present head of the school and af-ter seeing the report card he could conclude thatit was the right school. He also found a book (theone you see in the picture). In this book all thefirst students were mentioned. On page 83 wefound that Aino Onni was student number 149 ofthe school.

Below you can see what is written in the bookabout student number 149.

Student number 149.

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The home and school in Loimaa

Målfrid in the school yard in Loimaa. Here is the place where Johannes Maukonen was theteacher and where they lived when Aino Onni was a child.

The handwriting isJohannes Maukonens.He was the head of theschool.

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According to the report card the school to be foundis the ground school – Vesikosken kansakoulu.In our search we visited one school after the other.On our way to the second school we stopped at agas station and Målfrid asked about the directionto the school. She “found the needle in the hay-stack” when Pekka Kaasalainen entered the samestation. He is the teacher in one of the schools inLoimaa and could follow us to the very right one.

The school was originally built in 1876 andJohannes and his family moved in from the be-ginning. They lived in one part of the school whichwas located along the river Loimijoki. For us itseems to be a nice place for a young family – andthe next ten years may have been good. Aino Onniwas the oldest and he was the one that got thebest education when he was sent to Åbo to at-tend the secondary school.

Loimaa is still a small city in Finland and theschool can still be seen – however modernized.It is still a school for the first two years in the pri-mary school and is furthermore used for teachinggroups of children with reading and writing prob-lems (dysleksi).

How we found the Loimaa school and Aino Onnis home

Here (above) you see Pekka Kaasalainen andMålfrid in front of the School in Loimaa. TheMaukonen family lived in the house – in the “rightwing” of the picture you see on page 8 – or in thepart you see above with the sign;

Vesikosken kansakoulu1876

To the left is Målfrid together with Virpi Nykänen– one of the teachers in the school today. Notethe large oven – used in old days – behind them.

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Here is a view of the school (behind the trees) and the river Loimijoki. The picture is taken fromthe bridge that leads in to the center of Loimaa.

SARKAJust outside Loimaa you can find “The FinnishMuseum of agriculture” (Sarka). The museum wasopened in June 2005, just two months before ourvisit. In the museum we found several items fromthe old days in the region and also a book“Vesikoski” written by Valto Heinonen and PekkaKulonen.

This book is more or less a history of Loimaa in-cluding both old and new pictures. We found a

Sarka. The Finnish Museum ofagriculture. Just about 5 kmfrom Loimaa.

drawing of the school as it was planned in 1876.From this drawing we can conclude that theteacher and his family lived at the school. Wethink this is the evidence for the conclusion thatAino Onni – his parents and brothers lived here.

It also appears that Johannes Maukonen wasvery active and that he created “Loimaasungdomsforening” – and that he created and wasthe director of a singing choir.

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The roots and farm in Rautalampi

Most of the old Maukonen family is coming fromRautalampi and the area around Rautalampi.Rautalampi is a small city between Jyväskylä andKuopio – and in the middle of a lake district. Pre-sumably the name Maukonen is from the farm“MAUKOLA” – just outside Rautalampi. The EG-line of the family is coming from a lovely farmacross a lake from Maukola with the nameHanhiniemi. This farm has been in the family since

Jouko MaukonenEG

1653 and the present owner Jouko Maukonen isthe 10th. genreation. He is the 4th. cousin toMålfrid.

Above you see the present owner as well as thefarm which is at the red dot inside the circle onthe map.

Jouko is married to Aila and they have built twocabins along the lake which can be rentedfor holydays and weekends. We stayed inone of these cabins when we visitedRautalampi in September 2005.

To the left is a picture of the two Maukonens– Målfrid (EG and Jouko (EG8. They are both 5th. generationafter Gabriel Maukonen and Stina Rossi thatowned the farm from 1791 to 1825. Here theyare in the kitchen.

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From the visit to Rautalampi and Hanhiniemi 2005. The 3 Maukonens are in the middle. You seeMålfrid and Jouko with the chairman of the Maukonen family in the middle – Olli Maukonen (EP7.8.4.1). On both sides are those married into the family Aila and Thormod.

We spent two wonder-ful days in Rautalampiand visited also thefarm Maukola. In thepicture to the left we areat Maukola togetherwith the present ownerwhich is not in theMaukonen family.

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Johannes Maukonen and descendents

Johannes Maukonen ( EG 11.7) was born 5th.of November 1844 in Rautalampi, Finland. Heattended the teachers school in Jyväskylä from1867 until 1873. In this period he met Maria LovisaAuranen from Korpilathi (not far from Jyväskylä)and they married. In the period from 1873 – 1876he was a teacher in Karelen and Savolax. Thetwo oldest sons were born in Liperi – which is asmall municipality (today 12 000 inhabitants) westof Joensuu.

Johannes and his family moved to Loimaa andhe was teacher in the new school “Vesikoskenkansakoula”.

Johannes was the author of "Den nyere tidshistorie" for ground school in 1884. He also wrotearticles in the newspapers Suometar andAamulehti. He started “Loimaa ungdomsforening”and was the chairman until his death. He alsostarted a singing choir and was its director.

The children of Johannes Maukonen an Maria Lovisa Auranen

EG 11.7.2. Wäinö Maukonen (1877 – 1929).Wäinö is also born in Liperi and then moved toLoimaa. He became a famous watchmaker and emi-grated to USA (1916). He married Fanny VilhelminaFribom. He had no children.

It is of interest to mentioned that he was consid-ered to be an excellent watchmaker. One of thechronometers he made is on exhibition in the “Finn-ish Museum of Horology” in Espoo outside Helsinki.

EG 11.7.1. Aino Onni Maukonen (1874 – 1923).Aino Onni was born in Liperi, Finland in. He was thefirst child of Johannes and Maria Lovisa. The first13 years he spent in Loimaa.

Aino Onni attended the school “Finska lyceum in Åbo”in the period 1886 – 1889. In 1892 he became anordinary seaman and came in those years to Nor-way where he setteled. He took the navigation excam(styrmandseksamen) in Tønsberg in 1896 – and gothis seacaptain diploma in 1910. He became a Nor-wegian citizien, April 20. 1918. He died in Japan byheartattack, December 1. 1923 (only 49 years old).

Aino Onni married Jenny Mathilde (Hanssen) (1880 – 1912) and they had 4 children. His secondwife was Ragna (Borge) and they had one child.

Out of the 5 children to Aino Onni only two of them have children and grandchildren.In conclusion: Aino Onni had 5 children, 6 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren and so far 15great–great grandchildren.

Aino Onni Maukon(en)EG 11.7.1

Wäinö MaukonenEG 11.7.2

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Here is a citation from the museum in connection to the exhibit of Wäinö`s chronometer.

Wäinö Maukonen is the best known Finnish watchmaker. In 1910’s and 1920’s he was one ofthe world’s best known practicing watchmakers.He was unusually skilled and hard-working. After his death he was compared to Paavo Nurmiin New York’s press. In the beginning of 20th century he worked in St Petersburg. The suppliersof Germany’s and Russian’s imperial courts were among his customers. Maukonen moved toNew York in 1916 and there he was very honored and is still remembered. Clocks made byMaukonen are considered to be great rarities.

To the left is the chronometer onexhibition in the museum. It ismade by Wäinö Maukonen in1912.

EG 11.7.3. Sulo Toivo Maukonen (1879 – 1912). He was born in Loimaa. As you can see he died33 years old. I have no more information about him – and he may or may not, have descendents.

EG 11.7.4. Aino Oiva Maukonen (1882 – ?). He was born in Loimaa. In 1908 he moved to Helsinkiand we have no further information about him.

EG 11.7.5. Vieno Armas Maukonen (1885 – 1907). He was born in Loimaa and was only 22 yearswhen he died. Have no more information.

EG 11.7. 6. Uljas Osmo Maukonen (1888 – 1889). Dies only a year old.


It can be concluded that the oldest son Aino Onni had children and descendents – which will bedescribed below. Whether he was the only one with children is unknown – and we would appreciateto have more information. After the efforts made so far, we believe that Aino Onni was the only onewith descendents.

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The Norwegian Maukonen familyAino Onni Maukonen had his connection to Tønsberg and Stokkein Norway since 1892 (when he was 18 year). He changed thename to Maukon. He was sailing on Norwegian ships – and wecan mention the following: 1901 – 1902 he was officer (mate) onthe ship “Sigrid” – then 7 months with “Rufus” (1903) – then 10years with S/S “Bucentaur” as mate and captain – up to 1913.Then 3 years with the whaling ship S/S “Hektoria” as mate andcaptain (1913 – 1916). Then he had a year with S/S “Adour” –and this ship was torpedoed outside Valencia in Spain, Decem-ber 9. 1917 (first world war). The crew survived.

He married Jenny Mathilde Hanssen in 1904 – they got their firstchild four years before. Jenny Mathilde and the son Arthur OtmarMaukonen (EG lived in Stokke on a farm called “Skarpe– Borge” (presumably the farm she came from).

Aino Onni built a house and they lived there – at least until JennyMathilde died in 1912. They had 4 children together – they willall be mentioned below.

Aino Onni married a second time with Ragna Borge and theyhad one boy together – named Knut. He died only 18 years old.

A picture from 1911 of the Maukon family. Starting from right is Arthur Otmar (EG– Jenny Mathilde – Aino Onni – the boy in front is Andreas (EG – then John (EG11.7.1.4) – then Olga, the sister of Jenny Mathilde – Rut (EG – and finally JennyMathildes mother Anne Marie.

Aino Onni`s wedding withJenny Mathilde i 1904

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EG Arthur Otmar Maukonen (1900 – 1926 ?). We know very littleabout him – he moved to New York and lived with his uncle, the famous watch-maker Wäinö Maukonen. We also know that he in 1921 traveled to Finland andNorway – probably to visit family. He died in the 1920-ties and had no children.

EG Rut Maukon Gabrielsen (1906 – 1974). Rut married HarryGabrielsen and they lived in Sandefjord, Norway. They have 3 children, 5grandchildren and so far 2 great grandchildren. They are given in the tablebelow.


Rut Maukon (1906 – 1974)(Harry Gabrielsen)

EG EG Maukon Gabrielsen


Rut (Mossen) Huseby(Arne Huseby)

Kari Maukon Lorentzen(Rolf Lorentzen)

EG (Lorentzen) Aarøe

EG Harry Lorentzen

Overview of Rut Maukon (Gabrielsen)and her descendents

EG Huseby

EG Elise Huseby

EG Strømøy

EG Strømøy

EG Strømøy

EG Aarøe

EG Aarøe

EGørgen LorentzenEG Lorentzen

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Rut`s descendents

EG Rut (Mossen) Huseby (b. 1929). She is married to ArneHuseby and they live in Sandefjord, Norway. They have one child Tom(see below).

EG Tom Huseby (b. 1956). He is born on Christmas eve –married to Jenny Elise. They live in Sandefjord and have a daughter;EG 11. Marie Elise Huseby (b. 1985)

EG Kari Lorentzen (b. 1933). She is married to RolfLorentzen. They live in Sandefjord and have two children.

EG Anne (Lorentzen) Aarøe (b. 1957). She has two children: EG11. Preben Aarøe (b. 1980), and EG Martine Aarøe (b. 1985).

A picture of Anne (EG11. and her family.From left Preben (EG11. – Anne –Martine (EG Annes husband IngarAarøe.

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EG Knut Maukon Gabrielsen (b. 1949). Knut lives inOslo. He has two children.

EG Anniken Strømøy (b. 1974). Anniken has a daughter;EG Matilda Strømøy (b. 2003).

EG Peik (Gabrielsen) Strømøy (b. 1987).

EG Jan Harry Lorentzen (b. 1963). He is married toBeate Beck. They live in Sandefjord and have two children.

EG Jørgen Lorentzen (b. 1997)

EG Susanne Lorentzen (b. 2002).

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Andreas was born in Stokke near Tønsberg. Only 16 years old he becomea seaman. He took the navigation exam in 1932. The year after he marriedSolveig Helene Hvaal (b. 1913) – and they settled down in Sandefjord. Inthe years 1935 – 1938 he was on whaling in Southern sea. During the lastworld war he was sailing – and received “The War Medal” in 1982. In theperiod 1948 – 1961 he was again whaling – he had alltogether 17 years inAntartica. In 1948 they built a house in Svarstad – a house which todaybelongs to their son Odd Aino Maukon.

Andreas has 3 children, 5 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren.

Left: Andreas and his twodaughters (Målfrid andMona) on the whaling shipin 1947.

Right: Andreas on one ofhis first trips to sea. Picturefrom about 1925

EG Andreas Maukon (1908 – 1986)

A picture from 2005. Solveig Maukon (92 years) on the lawn mower in front of the house they built inSvarstad in 1948. In the back is the present owner Odd Aino Maukon (EG together withthe author.

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Andreas Maukon (1908 – 1986)(Solveig Maukon (b. 1913))

EG EG Aino Maukon(Grete Mansås)

EG Maukon Henriksen(Hilde Bakke)

EG Maukon Henriksen(Gunhild Myhr)

EG Maukon Muren(Jan Muren)


Målfrid Maukon Henriksen(Thormod Henriksen)

Mona Maukon Andersen(Per Andersen)

EG Maukon Andersen(Bente Brembo)

EG Maukon Andersen

EG Brembo Andersen

Overview of Andreas Maukon and his descendents

EG Maukon MurenEG Maukon MurenEG Maukon Muren

EG Maukon MyhrEG Maukon Myhr

EG Maukon BakkeEG BakkeEG Maukon Bakke

Solveig with the three children; Odd Aino(EG, Mona (EG andMålfrid (EG

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EG Målfrid Maukon Henriksen (b. 1934). Målfrid marriedThormod Henriksen from Nøtterøy, Norway in 1957. They live in Asker,just outside Oslo. They have 3 children and 8 grandchildren.Målfrid is a medical nurse, now retired.Adress: Johs Hartmannsvei 38, 1395 Hvalstad, Norway

EG Trond Maukon Henriksen (b. 1960). Trond went to theAgricultural University of Norway (outside Oslo). He took a dr.degree on “Car-bon and nitrogen turnover in soil” – mainly within microbiology. He is workingin research at “The Norwegian Crop Research Institute” near Gjøvik.Trond and Hilde (Bakke) have three children: Thormod (b. 1989), Steinar (b.1991) and Ragnhild (b. 1994).Adress: Åslendevei 4, 2825, Gjøvik.

EG Thormod Maukon Bakke (b. 1989).

EG Steinar Maukon Bakke (b. 1991).

EG Ragnhild Maukon Bakke (b. 1994).

EG Terje Maukon Henriksen (b. 1961). Terje is educated atthe University of Trondheim in electronic engeneering. He also studied at TheUniversity of Boulder Colorado. He is now working at the company “Navtek”which is situated in Horten, some 100 km south of Oslo. The company is es-tablished in 1980, and is one of the worlds most experienced in “AdvancedVessel Traffic Management Information Systems as well as in Maritime Sur-veillance Systems for Ports, Harbours and Coastlines”. Their largest installa-tions are in Finland with more than 60 radars in operation.Terje and Gunhild (Myhr) have two boys; Trygve (b. 2000) and Jonas (b.2003)(next page)

Page 22: The Maukonen family in Norway and the roots in Finland ... · in Norway in the first part of the 1890-ties. He died in 1923 and had alltogether 5 children. Two of these children got


EG Trygve Maukon Myhr (b. 2000).

EG Jonas Maukon Myhr (b. 2003).

The family are living in Asker: Ånnerudskogen 133,1383 Asker-

EG Kristin Maukon Muren (b. 1965). Kristin is born in Berke-ley California. She is educated as a school teacher and she also went to theschool for sport (Idrettshøyskolen). She works as a school teacher in Asker,Norway.Kristin and Jan (Muren) have 3 children: Camilla (b. 1989), Marit (b. 1991) andLars (b. 1993).Adress: Orreleiken 2, 1383 Asker, Norway.

EG Camilla Maukon Muren (b. 1989).Camilla is the oldest of the new generation of the Maukonfamily – the oldest of Aino Onnis great-great grandchildren –or the 7th. generation after Gabriel Maukonen (EG).

EG Marit Maukon Muren (b. 1991).

EG Lars Maukon Muren (b. 1993).

To the left is Jonas (EG –the youngest of Målfrids grandchildrentogether with Trygve (EG

Page 23: The Maukonen family in Norway and the roots in Finland ... · in Norway in the first part of the 1890-ties. He died in 1923 and had alltogether 5 children. Two of these children got


EG Odd Aino Maukon (b. 1950).Odd Aino is born in Svarstad, Lardal, Norway. He is theone that has been named after his grandfather Aino Onni.He has been an airpilot. Now retired.No children.

EG Mona Maukon Andersen (b. 1939). Mona ismarried to Per Andersen, Oslo Norway. She has two childrenThomas and Lene.Adress: Kapellveien 42, 0487, Oslo. Norway.

EG Thomas Maukon Andersen (b. 1971).Thomas is educated at The University of Trondheim in computertechnology. He is married to Bente Brembo. They have one daugh-ter Nora (b. 2004).Adress: Rundtjernveien 40 C, 0672, Oslo, Norway.

EG Nora Brembo Andersen (b. 2004).

EG Lene Maukon Andersen (b. 1975).

Page 24: The Maukonen family in Norway and the roots in Finland ... · in Norway in the first part of the 1890-ties. He died in 1923 and had alltogether 5 children. Two of these children got


EG John Maukon (1910 – ?). We know very little aboutJohn. His mother died when he was 2 years and his father when he was13. We know that he early went to sea – but have no more information.The picture here is from 1929. He probably died young and had no chil-dren, as far as we know. He sent a letter from Hawaii in 1932.

EG Knut Maukon (1914 – 1934). Knut is the son of AinoOnni in his second marriage. His mother was Ragna Borge.He died young and had no children.

Conclusiens about Maukonen family in Norway

As far we can see, it is only Aino Onni Maukonen – the first boy in the family of Johannesand Maria Maukonen from Loimaa, Finland – that had descendents. We have mentionedthem all in these pages. Maybe it is approriate to say that the members married into thisfamily (like myself) are not mentioned in this short review.

If we sum up it appears that alltogether 31 members of the Maukonen family live in Nor-way in 2005. Only two use Maukon as the only family name (Odd Aino Maukon and hismother Solveig Maukon) – whereas 16 uses the name Maukon together with anotherfamily name.