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MISSIONAs a statewide resource center, The Maryland School for the Blind providesoutreach, educational and residential services for students to reach theirfullest potential by preparing them to be as successful, independent, andwell-rounded contributing members of their communities as possible.

VISIONThe Maryland School for the Blind, a private state-aided school, will become afully-funded statewide resource center providing best practice outreach,school and residential programs in state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring thateach student’s fullest potential is reached and parent and local school systemexpectations are exceeded.

A team ofstudents at The

MarylandSchool for theBlind won first

place in theteamwork

category at theFIRST® LEGO®League (FLL)


with thehighest score inthe league’s 15-

year history.

As I see the new LIFE LearningActivity Center and residentialcottages take shape on campus, Iam reminded of how The MarylandSchool for The Blind (MSB) has trulybeen shaped by that innatelyhuman desire to constantly improveand seek “higher ground.”

MSB opened in 1853. Today it serves73% of the 1800 studentsthroughout the state who are blindor visually impaired. However, it isthe 160 years in between and thestrong tradition of seekingcontinuous improvement that hassharpened our resolve and positionsus well for future growth.

Our story has always been one ofstudents, staff and the school itselfbeing confronted with challengesand everyone rising to overcomethem. It is one of constantly movingto even greater heights andaccomplishments. Our challengeshave served to spur us on further,becoming even more determined tosucceed.

Several years ago the Board ofDirectors approved the “MSB Schoolof the Future” campus master planto replace and upgrade our agingcampus buildings, many of whichwere unsuitable programmatically.With both satisfaction and gratitudewe are proud that the first phase ofthis project is now well underway.

I am deeply grateful to our donors,the Governor, the General Assembly,the Maryland State Department ofEducation and the entire MarylandSchool for the Blind community for

making this commitment to thefuture for generations of youngpeople who every day seek theirown unique highest ground.

In the pages that follow, you willmeet our most recent graduates.These young women and men haveexceeded expectations in theirjourney to realize their truepotential. Their smiles and pride intheir accomplishments put a face onour mission and remind us of howvaluable our services are. Yet, like ourstudents, we all must continuouslyseek to improve.


Michael J. Bina, Ed. D.President

Message from the President

The Maryland School for the Blind(MSB) is justly proud of its past. Nowit can be equally confident in itsfuture.

The first phase of our masterconstruction and renovation plan isunderway, which is especiallygratifying. As I watch the new LIFELearning Activity Center andresidential cottages rise from theground, I am filled with appreciationfor all of those who have worked sohard to make this project a reality.

Four years ago, Dr. Bina, othermembers of the Board of Directorsand I met to discuss the school’simmediate and long-term needs. Werecognized that a major upgrade infacilities was long overdue. Our half-century and older buildings werecontinuing to age and, in theprocess, were creating problems forour students and staff.

The major challenge was funding. Tothat end, the Governor, our donors,parents, friends and legislators inAnnapolis have visiblydemonstrated their unwaveringsupport. We are grateful to the Stateof Maryland and to everyone whoinvested in the school’s future andthe future of thousands ofMaryland young people who areblind or visually impaired. Thankyou.


Edward J. VeilleuxChairman of the Board

Message from the Chairman of the Board

For Jessica Woods, it’s hard to singleout a favorite memory of her tenyears at The Maryland School for theBlind (MSB). “I actually likedeverything,” she affirms, and thatcovers an impressively long list ofinterests and activities.

In addition to participating in MSB’spopular drama productions,including The Jungle Book, MaryPoppins and Annie, she also lovedsinging in the choir, being on thecheerleading squad for nine yearsand taking part in the JohnsHopkins Art program where sheworked on her own arts and crafts.And, as if her days weren’t fullenough, she served as the Secretaryfor the Senior Class during her finalyear.

“Senior year was great,” she adds,“especially the Prom, and there wasalways something to do with

friends living on campus during theweek. We went on a ski trip too.”

Described by her teachers as “a wizwith technology,” Jessica hasexceptional skills in using a VoiceNotetaker and JAWS screen readingtechnology to access computers.She also knows how to access theinternet through a mobile hotspot.With no vision other than minimumlight perception, she also knowshow to use the Kurzweil text-to-speech reader software, which shefound very helpful in her classes.

“It took a long time for Jessica, butshe really has become quiteproficient at braille and withcomputers. The one-on-oneteaching really made a difference atMSB,” notes her father, Thomas.According to Yvette, Jessica’smother, she loved the staff andteachers and worked hard to please

MSB is aplace togrow!

them. “They always encouraged herand expected the best out of her. Shestrived to meet those expectationsand exceed them. That’s howeverything is at MSB. They expect kidsto achieve and they do.”

Jessica currently lives at home withher parents and attends classes twodays a week at the ProvidenceCenter in Millersville, Maryland. Thenon-profit organization’s mission isto provide individuals with theinstruction and mentoring theyneed to find employment andbecome as independent as possible.

“I’m taking pottery and horticultureright now,” she notes. “I like themboth.”

According to her father, Jessica lovedthe social life at MSB. She misses thefriends and living on campus even

now, but is also ready to fullyintegrate in her home community.

Asked about her plans for thefuture, she doesn’t hesitate with ananswer. “I really want to find a job,”she states, “a job that pays.” WithJessica’s determination thatshouldn’t take too long at all. Heryears at MSB saw her constantlyworking to reach a higher groundand she did. There’s every reason tobelieve that the same thing will betrue in the years to come.

With courage anddetermination,independenceshines through!

When Taylor Williams first learnedthat he was going to The MarylandSchool for the Blind (MSB), heresisted.

“Taylor was 12 years old at the time,and he still had some vision,”remembers his mother, Beverly. “Hesaid that it was a school for the blindand he wasn’t blind. So we told him, ifyou attend MSB for two weeks andreally don’t like it, we would put youback in public school. The first day hecalled me and said that MSB was ‘thebomb’. They had a track team and hehad already joined it. Could we pickhim up later in the afternoon thenext day? He had practice.”

Taylor has an endless number ofmemories about his seven “great”years at MSB, and no wonder. Thepopular 2013 graduate sang in thechoir, played drums with thepercussion ensemble and had roles in

The Lion King, The Little Mermaid,The Jungle Book, The Music Man,Mary Poppins and Annie. In hisspare time, he was also electedPresident of the Senior Class andcrowned Prom King.

“I really enjoyed school,” he declares. “Imade so many friends, had greatteachers who made it fun to learnand I was on the track team. I likedtrack a lot and loved competing withother schools when we went to WestVirginia and Massachusetts.”

As Taylor readily admits, his passionsare science and working withanimals. He won first place in theschool science fair and regularlyvolunteered at the Humane Societyin Harford County as part of MSB’scareer education program. “Iremember one German Shepherdthat had to be 180 pounds,” he adds.

Reaching thehighest ground!

“He actually shook his pen wheneverhe stood up.”

“We really felt like we were part ofthe community there,” says his father,Thomas. “The school was a big helpfor Taylor, who has no vision now, anda big help for us too.” Beverly, Taylor’smom, was elected as president of thePTSO (Parent, Teacher, StaffOrganization).

Living with his parents in theirBaltimore County home, Taylor hasbeen working with severalorganizations to help find full-timeemployment, possibly in acommunity theater or with anorganization helping animals. He isalso looking into continuing hisstudies at Harford CommunityCollege and several other areaschools. “I would really like to learnmore in areas like biology, astronomyor engineering,” he states.

Taylor feels the skills he learned atMSB will help him in the future.These include traveling, long caneuse, employment skills, solvingeveryday math problems, braille,shopping and cooking. He is alsolooking forward to seeing his friendsat MSB’s annual alumni events.

“Taylor would not be where he istoday if it weren’t for MSB,” affirmshis mother. “The school made thestudents see and believe in thepossibilities that were out there inthe world for them. He lovedeverything about his experience atMSB, and he told me he wants to bean active alumni.”


2013 GraduatesLois CookseyAGE: 19HOMETOWN: Capital Heights, MarylandYEARS AT MSB: 3 yearsMOST MEMORABLE MOMENT/TIME: Lois’ most memorable moments at MSB were participating inthe school plays such as Mary Poppins and Annie. She played the lead in Mary Poppins and evengot to “fly” with the help of a pulley system. Lois also enjoyed attending Prom with her friends.SKILLS: Lois feels that independent living skills such as cooking, shopping, cleaning, moneymanagement and organizational skills have helped her the most and have given her theconfidence to live on her own.

AFTER GRADUATION: Lois moved to an apartment prior to graduation where she lives independently. Lois plans on attendingEssex Community College in the fall. Eventually, she would like to transfer to Towson University to study Special Education.

Raquel Lee EisensteinAGE: 21HOMETOWN:Owings Mills, MarylandYEARS AT MSB: 19 yearsMOST MEMORABLE MOMENT/TIME: Raquel loved participating in MEAC drama activities, the schoolplays, dressing up and being the center of attention. She enjoyed being with friends and listeningand dancing to music, especially if it was upbeat and loud. Some of her most memorable roles in themusicals were the bird lady in Mary Poppins, and a lion in The Lion King. Her fondest memory waswhen her friend Devin gave her a rose and asked her to the Prom. She held the rose until she wentto bed that night.

SKILLS: Raquel became very skilled at using her assistive technology to access music and mechanical devices. She has aninfectious smile and her social skills are her biggest asset. AFTER GRADUATION: Raquel attends the Heinzerling Developmental Center in Ohio, where she participates in Diva’s group. She is enjoying her new staff and all of the activities.

Max Walter GretschelAGE: 21HOMETOWN: Bethesda, MarylandYEARS AT MSB: 5 yearsMOST MEMORABLE MOMENT/TIME:Max was involved in many activities including bell choir andpercussion ensemble. He loved being on stage and performing in the plays and concerts. Goingout into the community on field trips was also a favorite activity, especially to restaurants. Maxloved cooking and helping to make his friends meals. His favorite saying was “I can do it myself”.It is no surprise he was known as “Mr. Independence” when campaigning for the Senior Class VicePresident position.

SKILLS:Max mastered his daily routines, self-management and self-advocacy skills. He always had a positive attitude andplenty of charm. Max was so social that four young ladies claimed to be his Prom date. AFTER GRADUATION: Max plans to move to an alternative living unit becoming housemates with former MSB graduates.He will be going out into the community to work at a job and be an active member of society.

Jihad HassanAGE: 21HOMETOWN:Towson, MarylandYEARS AT MSB: 18 years (since age 3 with infant and toddlers)MOST MEMORABLE MOMENT/TIME: Jihad was honored to receive the Commendation Award forthe Class of 2013. He loved volunteering and working with the animals at the Humane Society withhis classmates and career coaches. SKILLS: Learning work skills through the career education program are what Jihad says have had themost impact on his life. He truly enjoys good, hard work. He loves assembly tasks and works well.He has been described as being like the Energizer Bunny not stopping until everything is complete.

AFTER GRADUATION: Jihad plans to live at home and enjoy The League for People with Disabilities activities.

Stephanie MangumAGE: 21HOMETOWN: Reisterstown, MarylandYEARS AT MSB: 6 yearsMOST MEMORABLE MOMENT/TIME: Stephanie’s most memorable moment was being namedProm Queen and telling her mom, who made her Prom dress on her first attempt in sewing, “Iknew you could do it. I had faith in you.”SKILLS: Stephanie’s favorite job was as an Avon sales representative which prepared her for herfuture goal. She wants to own and operate a cupcake business in Annapolis.AFTER GRADUATION: Stephanie plans to move back to Annapolis to apartment-style living in a

supervised residential setting.

Ashley StewartAGE: 21HOMETOWN:Glenarden, MarylandYEARS AT MSB: 10 yearsMOST MEMORABLE MOMENT/TIME: Ashley’s most memorable times were with the music, dramaand athletics departments. She loved the choir concerts and festivals. Although Ashley is a verysweet and gentle person, she was always cast as the villain in the school drama productions. She isvery athletic and was on the cheerleading squad along with the goalball and track teams. She hasfond memories of working on the Yearbook Committee and had fun at the Senior Prom. SKILLS: Ashley acquired many employment skills while working on campus at the school store, the

school resale shop and the Rock ‘n’ Roll Café. Other skills she identifies as invaluable include travel skills, learning braille andusing the Braille Notetaker, self-advocacy skills, shopping and budgeting.AFTER GRADUATION: After graduation, Ashley will live in the community with supports from The Arc of Prince GeorgesCounty and work with support from Melwood’s Employment program.

Toni StokesAGE: 21HOMETOWN:White Marsh, MarylandYEARS AT MSB: 19 yearsMOST MEMORABLE MOMENT/TIME:Toni was very active in the music and drama departments.She sang in the Blue Duffs and choir. She had solo parts in some of the school dramaproductions. Toni enjoyed being with friends, working in the cafe, making candy, learning tocook and knit and taking art classes. She was active in athletics as a cheerleader and was amember of the track and field team. She loved the Senior Class activities and the Prom.SKILLS: Toni identified Career Education skills, travel skills, budgeting, shopping and cooking as the

most helpful. She also learned how to advocate for herself very effectively. Toni is a wiz with technology and is very goodwith computers, iPads and especially her iPod.AFTER GRADUATION: Toni is highly motivated to work and hopes to pursue jobs in the music or retail field. She will be livingin an apartment with support from Mid-Atlantic Human Service Corporation.

Rogina MelvinAGE: 21HOMETOWN: Fairmont Heights, MarylandYEARS AT MSB: 10 yearsMOST MEMORABLE MOMENT/TIME: Rogina was very active in drama and athletics. She had partsin Cinderella, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and Annie. She was a cheerleader and was on theswimming, track and goalball teams. Rogina loved going on the athletic trips. She had a wonderfultime on the Senior Class trips and at the Senior Prom.SKILLS: Rogina says that there were many things she learned that will help her in the futureincluding O&M skills, MTA Mobility, braille and using a Braille Notetaker and an iPad, money

management, budgeting, food shopping and cooking.AFTER GRADUATION: Rogina is planning to live in the community with supports from New Horizons. She is interested in ajob working with children.

Andrea WashingtonAGE: 18HOMETOWN: Capital Heights, MarylandYEARS AT MSB: 7 yearsMOST MEMORABLE MOMENT/TIME: Andrea’s most memorable moments at MSB were being amember of the goalball team for four years. A big accomplishment was being accepted into theindependent living home program and having the opportunity to live in the house on campus withthree other classmates. SKILLS: Andrea feels that independent living skills such as cooking, shopping, cleaning, moneymanagement and organizational skills were the most beneficial. She also learned valuable

orientation and mobility skills and self-advocacy skills.AFTER GRADUATION: Andrea plans on attending college and living on campus. She wants to study psychology andeventually become a social worker.

Taylor WilliamsAGE: 20HOMETOWN: Randallstown, MarylandYEARS AT MSB: 7 yearsMOST MEMORABLE MOMENT/TIME:Taylor was active in the drama and music departments and hadparts in The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, The Jungle Book, The Music Man, Mary Poppins and Annie.He sang in the choir and played with the percussion ensemble. Taylor is interested in athletics andwas a member of the track team. His passion is Science and he won first place in the school sciencefair. Taylor was the President of the Senior Class and was crowned Prom King.SKILLS:Taylor feels that the skills that helped him the most are travel and cane use skills,

employment skills, learning to solve everyday math problems, braille, shopping and cooking.AFTER GRADUATION:Taylor plans to live at home with his family and continue learning independent living skills. He wants toobtain employment in a job related to working with animals or in the acting field. He is also planning to take college classes.

Jessica WoodsAGE: 21HOMETOWN: Edgewater, MarylandYEARS AT MSB: 10 yearsMOST MEMORABLE MOMENT/TIME: Jessica has fond memories of participating in dramaproductions, including The Jungle Book, Mary Poppins and Annie. She loved singing in the choir andbeing on the cheerleading squad. She enjoyed the art program and making her own arts and crafts.She had a great time with the senior class activities and the Prom. Jessica also served as the Secretaryfor the Senior Class.SKILLS: Jessica is a wiz with technology. She has exceptional skills in using a Voice Notetaker and

JAWS screen reading technology to access computers and knows how to use the Kurzweil text-to-speech reader software.She did a great job learning Voice Over on her iPad. Other valuable skills Jessica identified include cooking, shopping, moneymanagement and traveling.AFTER GRADUATION: Jessica plans to attend the Providence Center Employment Program and continue working on herindependent living skills while living with her family.

Rebecca Kanani YoungAGE: 21HOMETOWN: Ellicott City, MarylandYEARS AT MSB: 9 yearsMOST MEMORABLE MOMENT/TIME: Rebecca’s favorite times at MSB were meal times. Sheespecially loved eating at social events such as her class multicultural family lunch, holiday eventsand the MSB tea party. She participated in the MEAC drama program, adapted games, story times,school plays and Bible study. She liked listening to TV, especially game shows with her roommate. SKILLS: Rebecca felt the most helpful skills she learned were self-care and communication. Shemade great progress in her dressing and tooth brushing. She was very good at expressing herself

and was not afraid to vocalize. Her biggest asset is that she makes friends easily. Rebecca loved to be with friends and staff. AFTER GRADUATION: Rebecca plans to attend a day activities program and live in a residential facility.

Katherine Marie ZornAGE: 21HOMETOWN: Ellicott City, MarylandYEARS AT MSB: 9 yearsMOST MEMORABLE MOMENT/TIME: Katherine’s favorite times at MSB involved musical eventssuch as the winter and spring concerts, theme parties and recreational activities. SKILLS: During her earlier years at MSB Katherine learned how to walk up and down stairs withsupervision. Through the years she acquired many other independent skills such as following herdaily routines and activities using a tactile symbol schedule. In the area of communicationKatherine learned to use modified signs with verbal prompting.

AFTER GRADUATION: Katherine plans to attend a day habilitation program at The Providence Center in Millersville,Maryland. She will reside at a newly constructed residence called Evergreen in Anne Arundel County.

The Maryland School for the Blind Class of 2013

2013 Class Officers

President – Taylor WilliamsVice President – Max Gretschel

Secretary – Jessica WoodsTreasurer – Stephanie Magnum

Board Officers:Edward J. Veilleux – ChairCraig Ballew, Esq. 1st Vice-Chair

Craig Borne, Esq. 2nd Vice-Chair

Christopher E.A. Scholtes, CPA, Treasurer

Karen Rigamonti, M.D., Secretary

Michael J. Bina, Ed.D.,MSB President, Ex-Officio

Directors:Kimberley AlfonsoStephen BenderVirginia BeauchampRaymond Brown Lorraine Costella, Ph.D.Delegate Cheryl GlennNancy Grasmick, Ph.D.Senator Katherine Klausmeier

Jim KnellIrene KnottNancy Miller, MHSA, CHC Marion Mullauer

Dennis ParnellWilliam RatchfordBrian RoppPaul SchroederKeith Vander KolkRobin Zimelman, Esq.Advisory Director:Glenn DiChieraEmeritus/Emerita:Raleigh BrentWilliam E. BuchananJames DatovechCatherine Byrne DoehlerJohn E. Sippel

Board of Directors

Linda AlthoffJordan AlthoffLaura AydJanice AylorChris BaughJane BlonderGenevieve ByrnesEdmar CanindoMary CarbaughLibby CarnesGloria CobbJoan ConcannonGeorge CordutskyPatricia DavisJoan DiChiera

Ellen DunnFrederick DvorakJune EarlesYvonne EdwardsRichard EshmontMartha FrankKathleen FrommeTracy HawkinsRalph HinsonDarlene KnottFrank LorenzoMarianne MarantaGina MartinBeatrice MautinoThomas McNulty

Madeleine MeyerFrank MillnerKoryn MillnerJoan NelsonMargaret ReitzSylvia RichweinMartha SeabrooksDavid SlomkowskiFrances SnaidachLea SporzynskiAnna VenanziLaura VigliottiLori WaldTheresa WatsonDonna Wellmann


Founder's Circle($25,000.00 + )Mrs. Marian Blanton MunsonMs. Mary E. DunwiddieCarman Lay Foundation, Inc.Mr. Richard A. EngelhardtHerbert Bearman FoundationMiddendorf Foundation, Inc.

Visionary Circle($10,000.00 + )Diakon Kathryn's KlosetDr. James R. DukeMr. W. Clarke EwartMs. Margaret GornMorris A. Mechanic FoundationMs. Margaret Ungerer

Benefactors Circle($5,000.00 + )Mr. Walter E. ArpsCareFirst BlueCross BlueShieldCommunity Foundation of Carroll County

Ens. C. Markland Kelly, Jr. Mem. Foundation, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. John HillMr. Wilson LaiRavens All Community Team Foundation

Rosedale Federal Savings and Loan Association

The Allen Family FoundationThe Campbell Foundation, Inc.United Way of Central Maryland

Chairman's Circle($2,500.00 + )Mrs. Mary Jo CampbellCharitable Marine SocietyGolfer's Charitable Association, Inc.

Mr. James L. KnellMr. Dennis G. McGoughMSB P.T.S.O.Mr. Brian RoppMr. Raymond C. ShockleySunTrust BankT. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. VeilleuxThe Wiessner Foundation for Children

2013 Donors

President's Circle($1,000.00 + )ArjoHuntleigh, Inc.Associated Italian American Charities of MD, Inc.

Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. BatchelorMrs. Genevieve G. BensonMr. Raleigh Brent IIIMr. & Mrs. Michael P. CaruthersMr. & Mrs. William J. ClairCloverland Farms Dairy Foundation

Corporate Office PropertiesDr. Lorraine A. Costella, Ph.D.Mr. Stuart CrookMs. Regina M. DeanehanEdward St. John Foundation, Inc.Friends Of Amanda FoundationMrs. Gloria GalperinMr. & Mrs. Fred C. Geiger, Jr.Dr. Nancy S. GrasmickMs. Margaret L. HammondsMr. Robert U. JohnsonKelly Integral SolutionsKnights of Columbus, Council #2521

Mr. John J. Langan, Jr.Mr. Charles H. Latrobe IIILegg MasonLions Club of JarrettsvilleMaryland Cycling for Sight Lions Club

Maryland State Council Knights of Columbus

McCracken Consulting, LLCMs. Marion MullauerRavens Roost #82Richard E. & Nancy P. Marriott Foundation, Inc.

Drs. Daniele & Karen RigamontiRogers-Wilbur Foundation, Inc.Mr. John C. RosenbergMr. & Mrs. Charles E. Schirmer, Jr.Scripps Howard FoundationSilberstein Insurance GroupThe Marksmen CompanyThe Schluderberg Foundation, Inc.Walmart FoundationMr. & Mrs. Wilbur J. WilliamsMr. Laurence Eisenstein & Ms. Robin Zimelman

Partners Circle - ($500.00 + )American Legion Caroline Post #29

American Legion Dorchester Post No. 91

Annapolis Car CareMrs. Louise ArmstrongMrs. Katharine F. BaetjerBaltimore Washington Auto Exchange

Barb Clapp Advertising Marketing, LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Philip BeckerMr. & Mrs. Michael A. BrodskyMrs. Loretta C. CainMs. Vicky L. ChenMr. & Mrs. Charles G. ColeDr. Frank C. Marino Foundation, Inc.Haugh Family Charitable Foundation

Ms. Jane H. HuangI.O.O.F., Baltimore City Lodge #57Mr. Herbert KlinghofferDr. & Mrs. George A. Lentz, Jr.Lions Club of LaValeLions Club of Montgomery Central (Derwood)

Lions Club of Union BridgeMr. Peter J. McArdleMs. Nancy J. MillerMSB Alumni AssociationNortheast Rescue MissionMr. Ping Ping ShengMr. Craig D. SpencerMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. SpringerMr. William J. StewartMr. James TurnerThe Sun Products CorporationMr. & Mrs. Michael J. Young

Friends Circle($100.00 + )A. E. Dott & AssociatesA.A.R.P. Parkville Chapter #3090Aberdeen Lions Club, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. John P. AboschMr. Ronald G. AbramsAero MistMr. Codjo AgossadouMr. Lee S. AllisonMr. Saad AlmutairiMr. & Mrs. Mark B. AlthoffAmerican Legion Northern Central Dist.

American Legion Auxiliary, Inc. Unit #128

American Legion Parkville Post #183, Inc.

American Legion Towson Post No. 22

Amrit, Inc.Mr. Jayant R. AnjariaArundel Federal Savings BankMr. & Mrs. David M. AsbeilMr. & Mrs. Richard M. AsseltaMs. Lynn BabickaMr. & Mrs. Richard A. BaderMs. Anne D. BailliereDr. & Mrs. Arden BakerBaltimore Ski ClubMs. Catherine D. BanzMrs. Dorothy W. BarrMrs. C. M. Barton, Jr.Ms. Mary L. BartramMr. James R. BatesBaynesville Electronics, Inc.Ms. Beverly J. BeckerMs. Gwendolyn H. BehrensMs. Doris BenedictMs. Bernadette BergerMr. Michael J. BermanMr. John R. BettienMr. F. B. BilsonMr. James D. BlumMr. & Mrs. Paul F. Bohn, Jr.Mrs. Darryl G. BorneMrs. Betty A. BowenMs. Joanne BowmanMr. & Mrs. Stewart BraunsteinMr. Robert BrennemanMr. James G. BrinsfieldMr. David T. BrosekerDr. Stuart BrownMr. Maurice T. BrunnerMr. & Mrs. Woodrow BuchananMr. & Mrs. Arnold P. BundyMr. Joseph F. BurkhardtBurtonsville Lions Foundation, Inc.

Ms. A. Ruth CagleCalvary United Methodist ChurchMr. Thomas M. CampbellMs. Barbara Reed CangianoMr. James J. CanikDr. Timothy CarrionCarroll Home ServicesCasa D ItaliaCasper G. Sippel, Inc.Ms. Teresa T. CastronuovoMr. Keith CheltonMr. Jim D. ChristhilfMs. Louise H. Clarke

2013 Donors

Mr. George E. CloughMrs. Mary R. CollisonMr. & Mrs. David M. CoombeMrs. Joanne S. CreamerMr. & Mrs. James DatovechMr. Ronald C. DehneMr. Russell J. DickensMr. & Mrs. James G. DickmanMrs. Margaret L. DittmannMrs. Catherine B. DoehlerMr. David G. DombertMs. Pamela DouglasMr. Gregory DraperMr. Robert W. DrexlerMr. Chester A. Duke, Jr.Mr. Vernon DuncanMrs. Emily D. DurkeeMr. Miles ErvinMrs. Kathryn K. FaderMs. Joyce FeinbergMr. Robert P. FeldmanFinancial Council, Inc.First Financial Federal Credit Union

Ms. Laura A. FitzpatrickFM Global FoundationMrs. Susan K. FooseMr. Keith R. FramptonMrs. Phyllis N. FranklinMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. FreedMr. & Mrs. Leonard FrierMr. & Mrs. William C. FrieseMrs. Marie FrizzellMr. Mark FulchinoMr. & Mrs. John T. Gaither, Jr.Ms. Jennifer GelbardGeorge W. McManus Foundation, Inc.

Mrs. Kathryn H. GerlingMs. Catherine E. GervaiseMr. John W. GettysMr. John B. GillettDr. Ghislaine D. GodenneMr. & Mrs. Edmund J. GoedekeMr. & Mrs. Nicholas N. GoldMr. & Mrs. Marc GoldinMr. Robert L. GrabarekMr. Wilbert M. GraybealGreater Carroll Lions ClubMr. Basil C. GreenMs. Margaret A. GreenMr. & Mrs. Philip S. Green, Jr.Mr. Harvey GreenbergMr. Gordon L. Greenspun

Mrs. Dorothy W. HalpinHasslinger Veterans Organization, Inc.

Mr. Lawrence M. HaugMrs. Betty W. HavilandMr. Ronnie HegeMr. Howard C. HeissMr. & Mrs. Richard A. HessHillendale Animal HospitalMr. & Mrs. David HoffMrs. Gloria D. HollandMrs. Marilyn M. HolthausMr. & Mrs. Donald E. HoodMs. Ruth P. HowardMr. Douglas HuetherMr. Jerome P. HumphriesMr. Richard A. HuppertMr. & Mrs. Frank M. HydeMs. Mary IngrahamMr. & Mrs. Demetrio I. JavierMs. Bernice JeeMs. Elizabeth F. JohnsonMs. Helen B. JonesMr. James L. JudyMr. Donald R. Kagle, Jr.Mr. Charles J. Kardian, Jr.Karl Krebs Refrig. & Air Cond. Service, Inc.

Mr. Thomas M. KasputysKeedysville Ruritan ClubDr. William L. KincaidMr. Carl D. King, Jr.Ms. Margaret M. KirilukMr. George H. KirkpatrickMs. Bonnie A. KirlandMs. Shirley S. KleinMs. Susan J. KleinMs. Irene KnottMs. Diana KnoxMs. Felicity KnoxMr. & Mrs. Stanley J. KraskaMr. Stephen J. KrupnikMr. Dennis J. KubickiMs. Lois La GrenadeMr. Steven LahatteLassahn Funeral Home, Inc.Mr. Irwin I. LazinskyMrs. Clyde F. LeadumMrs. Edna H. LilienthalLions Club International, #22ALions Club of Aberdeen, Inc.Lions Club of AnnapolisLions Club of Betterton Still PondLions Club of Burtonsville

Lions Club of Deer ParkLions Club of DentonLions Club of Greater CarrollLions Club of Havre de GraceLions Club of Lineboro-Manchester

Lions Club of Long Green ValleyLions Club of North EastLions Club of Oak Crest VillageLions Club of Princess AnneLions Club of QueenstownLions Club of WestminsterMrs. Pamela LiuMr. & Mrs. William C. LohnesMs. Kimramy LorMr. Tepy LorMr. Donnell L. LorenzMrs. Alice J. LoRussoMs. Sue M. MacisaacMr. Warren A. MagruderMr. Michael F. MahonMs. Virginia MahoneyMr. Earl F. MalwitzMr. & Mrs. James L. MannMrs. Eleanor W. MannarinoMr. James A. MarinelliMr. Grover V. MartinMary Jean & Oliver Travers Foundation, Inc.

McArdle & Walsh, Inc.Mrs. Joyce E. McArtorMr. Richard C. McCoyMr. Donald MckeldinMr. David T. McKibbinMECUMelvin’s Tire & Auto Service, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Henry MenMs. Barbara MerkeMr. Allan D. MettamMidstate Federal Savings & Loan Association

Mr. Adam MillerMrs. Mary A. MillerMr. & Mrs. Alfred Moffit, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Louis N. MolinoMs. Betsy B. MonksMr. & Mrs. William L. MooneyMr. & Mrs. John D. MooreMr. Donald K. MullerMr. Ronald V. MuradMr. Jehangir NoorMr. James R. Norfleet, Jr.Norrisville United Methodist Church

2013 Donors

Oak Crest Village Lions ClubMr. & Mrs. Gerard O'ConnorMs. Jean OsterkampMr. Curtis R. PaceMr. & Mrs. Richard W. PalmerParkwood CemetaryMr. M. Wayne ParrottMrs. Patricia PearlmanMrs. Dorothy C. PearreMrs. M. R. PhelpsMs. Caroline L. PhillipsMr. & Mrs. Coy PhillipsMs. Audrey B. PinkneyMr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. PlantzMs. Loretta C. PowersMr. & Mrs. Ferdinand C. ProviniMr. Daniel PuzioMr. Lejeune R. PyleDr. Robert RanzenbachMr. Karuparthy S. RaoMr. William RatchfordMs. Merilyn RaubachRaven's Nest #2Ravens Roost #25Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. RebbertMr. Timothy ReihlMs. Candice L. RichardsonMs. Mary L. RiordanMr. & Mrs. Edward C. RitzMs. Rebecca RobinsonMr. Michael F. RobyMs. Helen RogovskyMr. David M. RosasMr. Samuel RosenthalMrs. Jeane RothschildMs. Michele A. RothwellRovner Products, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksMrs. Ida E. SadlerMr. John R. SaleSam Wing CleanersMr. & Mrs. Gary L. SchaumMr. Victor J. SchenkMr. Isaac SchklovenMr. & Mrs. Randy J. SchmittMr. Christopher ScholtesDr. & Mrs. Thomas SchwarkMs. Judith E. SchwartzMs. Sara J. ShawMr. & Mrs. John M. Sheehan, Jr.Ms. Loristine SheppardMs. Mary Jane SheppardMs. Patricia ShiflettMr. Daniel F. Shipley

Mr. Andrew T. ShireMr. Thomas L. ShoemakerMrs. Mary L. SillingMr. & Mrs. John SippelMs. Ella I. SmithMr. Isaiah SmithMr. & Mrs. James T. SmithMr. Mark L. SmithMs. Kyong S. SongMr. Francis M. SovaikoMr. Kenneth SpencerSt. Anthony's Church Ladies of Charity

St. Peter's Lutheran ChurchMs. Jean S. StallingsStanley Black & Decker Matching Gifts

Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. StelloMs. Mary E. StickelMs. Lydia H. StickleyMs. Heather A. StitelyMr. John StromMr. & Mrs. Frank A. StrzelczykMrs. Helen J. SundayMr. Michael SunderlandSurora Foods Ltd.Mr. Charles E. TalismanTargetThe Colgate Benevolent Foundation, Inc.

The Edelweiss Club, Inc.The Freedman Foundation, Inc.The Mangione Family Foundation

The RCM&D FoundationThe Women's Club of Perry Hall, Inc.

Ms. Nancina L. ThompsonMr. & Mrs. Donald A. TillMr. and Mrs. John TitusMrs. Barbara ToddMr. Edward F. Tolzman, Jr.Ms. Anne Truax Darlington Andrews

Mr. Joseph R. B. TubmanMr. & Mrs. Harold TuckerMr. Samuel TumminelloMr. Bryce TurnerMr. Howard W. UhlMs. Mary K. UrquhartMr. & Mrs. Norman D. UsiltonMr. Paul S. Van ZijlMs. Sandra VicchioMr. Mohit Visbel

Ms. Sharlene C. VogelMr. Robert C. VolzMs. Alma Y. WallMr. & Mrs. Ronnie J. WallsMr. & Mrs. W. M. WalshMs. Beverly O. WebertMs. Donna L. WellmannMrs. Mary-Ellen S. WentlingMr. James WesterlundMr. R. W. WhiteMr. Ralph B. WittmanMr. & Mrs. Paul A. WolfandMrs. Judith L. WolfeMs. Susan WoodsMr. & Mrs. Thomas E. WoodsMr. Frank P. WrightMr. Philip YaffeeMs. Norma L. YoungMr. Howard G. ZiethenMr. Daniel E. ZlotowitzMr. Aaron Zuckerberg

BequestsWalter E. ArpsMary E. DunwiddieRichard A. EngelhardtMs. Margaret GornWilbert M. GraybealMargaret UngererMiss Mary C. Walker

In MemoryMichael AlexanderMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksNorman AndersonMrs. Judith L. WolfeElizabeth Kulinski AquirreMr. David CurtinClarice ArnoldMSB Alumni AssociationAlvin AskinMs. Donna L. WellmannGloria BaldaufMr. Craig D. SpencerCharles Baum Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksMargaret Baynes Ms. Patricia J. PohorencePaul J. BergMr. Craig D. SpencerRebecca & Harvey BlantonMrs. Marian Blanton MunsonRobert F. BlevinsConowingo Elementary SchoolKatherine BoyceMr. Craig D. Spencer

2013 Donors

In MemoryJooky BravermanMrs. Patricia PearlmanThelma BrophyHillendale Animal HospitalEvelyn BucklessMr. Craig D. SpencerGary CaplanMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksMr. Judith L. WolfeBruce CarmanMr. & Mrs. Mark B. AlthoffMs. Catherine E. GervaiseClarice CarperThe Park SchoolRobert B. CarterMr. Craig D. SpencerFrancis B. Cavey, jr.Mr. Craig D. SpencerMarion Chekan Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. HanichJoe Suey ChinAnonymousMr. & Mrs. Richard M.AsseltaMs. Doris Gabbe CadouxMs. Barbara W. ChakmakjianMs. Anna ChielliMs. Bernice JeeMrs. Deborah A. KmieciakMs. Shirley S. LeeMrs. W. R. RambolSam Wing CleanersMs. Carol ThomasMr. Kenneth WongRobert ClarkMr. & Mrs. Ronald F. RogersFrank "Nick" ClarySenator Katherine N. Klausmeier

Nancy ClasterMs. Jennifer GelbardMr. John C. RosenbergBarbara & Mark Comptello Mr. Frank E. CompitelloMr. & Mrs. Alfred Moffit, Jr.Carl DedererMr. Harold W. SpencerJames R. DukeMs. Jan R. DeesMs. Sue M. MacisaacMs. Maude F. PallardyMs. Nell S. RorebeckAubrey Thomas EdwardsMr. & Mrs. Paul R. WagnerDorothy Ehrlich Ms. Rosalind EhrlichFerdinand EitemillerMr. & Mrs. Paul R. Wagner

James A. EllerMrs. Della F. EllerGloria EmrichMr. Earl F. MalwitzPaul EngleMrs. Patricia PearlmanBertha EnglishMr. Stephen W. BechtoldMr. & Mrs. Ronnie J. WallsKatherine Garvin EyMr. & Mrs. Richard A. HessBrenda FindlayMSB Alumni AssociationAnita FlemingMrs. Marie FrizzellCatherine FlynnMrs. Carole GibisonJeffrey FowlerMs. Donna L. WellmannJames GeorgeMr. Craig D. SpencerGigiMrs. Patricia PearlmanAubra Gum, Jr.Ms. Jacquie GumMr. Gerald F. HaleyMuriel Wilson GwynnMs. Shirley P. ClarkMrs. Gloria T. HillMs. Nancina L. ThompsonMs. Peggy V. WillisMs. Norma L. YoungVivian HoeschMr. Craig D. SpencerElizabeth Anne HoffmanMr. Craig D. SpencerTimothy A. HollandMrs. Gloria D. HollandMr. & Mrs. Michael P. JoyceElenor JaegerMr. & Mrs. Richard A. HessEmma JonesMr. Craig D. SpencerJohn W. Jones, Jr.Mr. Craig D. SpencerLillie Robertson Kline Mr. & Mrs. James G. DickmanMichael KmieciakMrs. Kathleen F. OverfieldMr. & Mrs. Tom SilanskasRebecca KnudsenMr. Craig D. SpencerBill KrichtenMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksRobert KubowMr. Craig D. Spencer

Carman LayMr. James F. BatemanCarman Lay Foundation, Inc.Mr. George A. CummingsP. Diane DavenportThomas HaynieMr. John JohnsonMs. Kathleen G. MacCubbinMr. Charles T. MorschJohn LeeMrs. Patricia PearlmanRuth LevyMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksLinda LillenfeldMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksMichael Maddox Mr. Michael F. RobyMary MalinowskiMrs. Judith L. WolfeGloria MalwitzMr. Earl F. MalwitzGeorge A. Martin, VMrs. Virginia B. BescheMs. Melva H. CroghanMs. Mary D. DouglasMs. Gertrude T. HigginsMs. Mary V. GambrillMs. Pearl M. PrellerJulius MazorMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksClaire Loder McGoughMs. Regina M. DeanehanMr. Dennis G. McGoughMs. Barbara MerkeStanley MerrMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksDrew MillerMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksFlorence MillerMr. Harold W. SpencerJack MillhausenMr. & Mrs. James G. DickmanErvin MillnerMrs. Patricia PearlmanLauren M. MillnerMrs. Gloria D. HollandMr. & Mrs. Michael P. JoyceMotherMrs. Barbara ToddSidney Newberger Mr. & Mrs. Herman J. BlinchikoffAlfred OkunMs. Donna L. WellmannMichael PantlianoMs. Donna L. WellmannGeorge ParkerMs. Megan Ward

2013 Donors

In MemoryWilliam ParksMSB Alumni AssociationWilliam PearlmanMs. Lynn BabickaMs. Sylvia S. BergerMr. & Mrs. Steven M. BerlinMr. Michael J. BermanDr. Timothy CarrionMrs. Barbara W. CarsonMs. Kimberly EwingMs. Reta R. FreemanMs. E. Jean GallagherMs. Susan GoldbergMs. Cathere GoldmanMr. Stanley I. GoldmanMr. William A. HinkelmanMr. Daivd P. KatzMs. Ruth J. KatzMs. Diana KnoxMs. Kimramy LorMr. Tepy LorMs. Judith L. MalamudMs. Deborah MaysterMr. & Mrs. Henry MenMr. Jack MillerMs. Davina MindelMs. Diane E. MizelMr. & Mrs. Sherman B. PaperMs. Rosalind PearlmanDr. Lawrence D. PinknerMs. Beverly J. PollackMr. Richard G. RopiakMr. Harris RosenweigMs. Sandra M. SachsMr. Howard R. SchiffMrs. Lillian SchimbergMr. Isaac SchklovenDr. David B. SchwartzMr. Kenneth SchwartzMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. SmithMr. & Mrs. Herbert N. SossMr. & Mrs. Donald J.SpinazzolaMr. Robert StairMr. & Mrs. Scott M. StairMr. Michael SunderlandMr. David YoffeMrs. Phyllis E. ZionAlbert PerlowMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksMarie PohorenceMs. Patricia J. PohorenceTommy Powers Ms. Loretta C. PowersEugene ResnecoffMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksKenneth RocheMr. & Mrs. Fred E. Sacks

Steven RusselMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksElaine SchaedelMr. Craig D. SpencerGeorge SchaedelMr. Craig D. SpencerOttole SchaedelMr. Craig D. SpencerMrs. Horst SchirmerMr. Earl F. MalwitzJerry SchimbergMrs. Patricia PearlmanRaymond SchultzMrs. Deborah A. KmieciakSusan ShawMrs. Judith L. WolfeRobert ShiffyMSB Alumni AssociationHarold SpencerMs. Laura BeynonMs. Anna L. BrownMr. & Mrs. Dennis BucklessMr. & Mrs. John F. CooganMs. Jennifer DrzikFinancial Council, Inc.Mr. John FonesMr. Daniel GoralMs. Margaret L. GrellerMs. Robin A. HoeschMs. Sherry B. HoffenMr. & Mrs. William E. HubbardMrs. Carolyn A. KrachMr. & Mrs. Ronald A. JamesMr. S. Arthur LaxtonMr. Jost G. MillerMr. & Mrs. Charles ParrishMr. & Mrs. Richard W.PrehodaMr. & Mrs. David M. SafferMr. & Mrs. Anthony N. SchrammMr. Kenneth SpencerMs. Janice VincentLewis Douglas Stoneman, Sr.Mr. William J. CassidyAnna ThaterMr. Craig D. SpencerGersh ThemanMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksLyle Joseph TurnerMr. Craig D. SpencerCathy WiltMr. Craig D. SpencerRevea Winthrop Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksHerbert J. WolfeMr. & Mrs. David Hoff

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard FrierMrs. Judith L. WolfeMarion R. ZieglerMr. & Mrs. William E. CliftMrs. Dolores M. Voelkel

In HonorBarbara CangianoMs. Beverly J. BeckerLois & Barry Cohen’s new homeMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksRaguel Eisenstein GraduationMs. Marcia R. EisensteinMs. Susan J. KleinMr. & Mrs. Marc GoldinCarol GambleMrs. Susan K. FooseAlanna KendrickMr. Daniel LochtePauline Luntz's BirthdayMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksTom McCrackenMr. Bryce TurnerGary Messman, Jr.MecuWilliam Mezoff’s 80th BirthdayMr. & Mrs. Richard A. HessFrank MillnerMrs. Gloria D. HollandTom Dolina & Anne Phelan's Wedding

Cooper Wingard Design, Inc.Ms. Peggy M. HartMs. Mary IngrahamMs. Natalie KurinijMr. & Mrs. Leonard A.LewandowskiMs. Heather A. StitelyMr. & Mrs. Donald A. TillAllan & Gloria RosensweigMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksBernadine & Ram Sookai, Meagan &Louis

Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksThomas StanowskiMrs. Anna E. GardnerJulia StockbergerAssociated Italian AmericanCharities of MD, Inc.Ted SuroskyMr. & Mrs. Fred E. SacksStacy ZacsMr. & Mrs. Fred E. Sacks

2013 Donors

The Maryland School for the Blind is a private, 501(c)(3) school under Internal RevenueService regulations. The School’s fiscal year ends June 30th. Funding is provided primarilythrough grants from the Maryland State Department of Education and payments fromlocal school districts. Contributions are received from individuals, corporations,foundations and community groups. Total expenses approximated $24.6 million.

2013 Financials


Maryland State Appropriation 71%

Program Services 19%

Sponsored Projects 4%

Private Gifts 3%

Other Revenue 3%


Instruction 42%

Facilities 13%

General Administration 13%

Outreach and InstructionalResource Center 5%

Resiential Services 11%

Educational Support & Nutrition 16%



410-444-5000 • www.marylandschoolfortheblind.org

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