The Making of an Informational Book “The Traditional Dances in Indramayu: Sintren and Trbang Randu KentirMembuat Buku Informasi dengan Judul “The Traditional Dances in Indramayu: Sintren and Trbang Randu Kentir” A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for completing Diploma III Programme of English Department By Ade Roliyah NIM 145311001 Program Studi D3-Bahasa Inggris Jurusan Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Negeri Bandung 2017

The Making of an Informational Book “The Traditional

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The Making of an Informational Book “The Traditional Dances in

Indramayu: Sintren and Trbang Randu Kentir”

Membuat Buku Informasi dengan Judul “The Traditional Dances

in Indramayu: Sintren and Trbang Randu Kentir”

A project report

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for completing

Diploma III Programme of English Department


Ade Roliyah

NIM 145311001

Program Studi D3-Bahasa Inggris

Jurusan Bahasa Inggris

Politeknik Negeri Bandung








































Tugas akhir ini berjudul membuat sebuah buku informasi “The Traditional Dances in Indramayu; Sintren and Trbang Randu Kentir” . Tari Sintren dan Trbang Randu Kentir merupakan tari tradisional yang lahir dari sebuah perjuangan beserta tragedi yang terjadi di Indramayu. Tujuan dari tugas ini ialah untuk memberikan informasi detil mengenai tari Sintren dan Trbang Randu Kentir tentang sejarah penciptaan tarian, filosofi dari setiap gerakan, makna simbolis dari kostum yang dipakai, serta instrumen musik yang digunakan. Selain itu, tujuan dari tugas ini ialah untuk mempromosikan budaya Indramayu kepada mayarakat luas. Tugas ini juga ditujukan sebagai salah satu cara dalam berkontribusi kepada Dinas Budaya dan Pariwisata Indramayu serta SMAN 1 Anjatan dengan menyediakan buku informasi di perpustakaannya. Tugas ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan beberapa tahap; pengumpulan informasi melalui tinjauan pustaka, wawancara dan observasi; pemrosesan informasi melalui penulisan hasil yang didapat dari pengumpulan data, pengoreksian tulisan, mendesain buku, mencetak dan menjilid buku. Tugas akhir ini menggunakan teknik penulisan ekspositori, deskriptif, persuasif dan naratif yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, penulisan buku informasi ini merujuk pada teori penulisan buku informasi dan teori tentang tari tradisional.

Kata kunci: Buku Informasi, Budaya, Tari Tradisional, Sintren, Trbang Randu Kentir, Indramayu















This final project is entitled The Making of an Informational Book"The Traditional Dances in Indramayu; Sintren and Trbang Randu Kentir".Sintren and Trbang Randu Kentir dance are traditional dances which were born from the struggle and the tragedy happened in Indramayu. The purpose of this project is to inform the readers about the details of the dances; the history of dance, the philosophy of each movement, the symbolic meaning of the costumes worn and the instruments used. In addition, the purpose of this project is to simultaneously promote Indramayu culture to the wider community. This also can be the way to contribute to the Culture and Tourism Department of Indramayu and SMAN 1 Anjatan by providing this informational book to their library. This project used qualitative methods by performing several steps; collecting data through library study, interview and observation; processing the data by writing the book, proofreading, designing the book and printing the book. This final project uses expository, descriptive, persuasive and narrative writing techniques written in English. Besides, the writing of this book focuses on the theory of informational book writing and theory about traditional dance.

Keywords: Informational Book, Culture, Traditional Dance, Sintren, Trbang Randu Kentir, Indramayu.















First of all, this final project entitled “The Making of an Informational

Book “The Traditional Dances in Indramayu: Sintren and Trbang Randu Kentir” “

could not be held without any grace from Allah SWT, who always gives me

spiritual wisdom to finish it. Besides, I would like to address my gratitude to:

1. Asep Ruchyat Soemantri, S.Sen, Dede Jaelani Solichin and Acam Suhera who

have made time to give important information, allowed me to make observation

and who have been willing to cooperate,

2. Krisna Yudha Bakhti, S.S., M.Pd. as my supervisor for his meaningful advice and

for his helpful assistances during the supervision period,

3. Dra. Azwitta Azyb, M.Pd. and Dra. Farida Agoes, M.Si. as my examiners who

gave me valuable suggestions and guided me in doing this final project,

4. my beloved parents who always give me support in completing this final project,

5. all of my lecturers and staff members of English Department of Politeknik Negeri


6. all of my friends from English Department 2014 and Himaris Polban,

7. the last, but not least, I would like to thank to those who have helped me in

completing this final project that I can’t mention one by one.


The Writer














Table of Contents

Abstract ..................................................................................................... i

Acknowledgement ................................................................................... iii

Table of Contents .................................................................................... iv

List of Tables ........................................................................................... vi

List of Figures ........................................................................................ vii

List of Appendixes ................................................................................ viii

Chapter I Introduction ............................................................................ 1

1.1 Background ................................................................................ 1

1.2 Problem Identification ................................................................. 2

1.3 Aims of Making the Product ........................................................ 3

1.4 Characteristics of the Product ...................................................... 3

1.5 Methods of Production ................................................................ 5

1.6 Significance of Project ................................................................ 5

1.7 Scope and Limitation of the Product............................................. 6

1.8 Organization of the Report ........................................................... 7

Chapter II Literature Review and Theoretical Framework ................... 9

2.1 Literature Review ........................................................................ 9

2.2 Theoretical framework .............................................................. 11

2.2.1 Definition of informational book .......................................... 11

2.2.2 Characteristic of informational book .................................... 11

2.2.3 Definition of cultural heritage .............................................. 12

2.2.4 Definition of traditional dance .............................................. 12

2.2.5 Elements of writing theory ................................................... 13

2.2.6 Types of writing.................................................................... 14

Chapter III Methods of Production ...................................................... 16

3.1 Prewriting Process ..................................................................... 17

3.1.1 Collecting Data ..................................................................... 17

3.1.2 Recording Data ..................................................................... 22














3.1.3 Selecting Data ....................................................................... 22

3.2 Writing Process .......................................................................... 23

3.2.1 Prewriting ............................................................................. 23

3.2.2 Drafting ................................................................................ 24

3.2.3 Revising................................................................................ 25

3.2.4 Editing .................................................................................. 26

3.2.5 Publishing ............................................................................. 27

Chapter IV Result and Discussion ......................................................... 30

4.1 Result......................................................................................... 30

4.1.1 The Physical Look of The Product ........................................ 30

4.1.2 The Characteristics of The Product ....................................... 31

4.2 Discussion.................................................................................. 38

4.2.1 Collecting Data..................................................................... 39

4.2.2 Writing Process .................................................................... 39

Chapter V Conclusions and Recommendations..................................... 41

5.1 Conclusions ............................................................................... 41

5.2 Recommendations ...................................................................... 42

References ............................................................................................... 44














List of Tables

Table 1. Interview Schedule ...................................................................... 19

Table 2. Observation Schedule .................................................................. 21














List of Figures

Figure 1. Methods of Production ............................................................... 17

Figure 2. Outline of The Book ................................................................. 24

Figure 3. The example of the First Draft................................................... 25

Figure 4. The Example of the Second Draft .............................................. 26

Figure 5. The Example of the Final Draft ................................................ 27

Figure 6. The Design of the Front Cover .................................................. 28

Figure 7. The Design of the Sub-chapter Cover ........................................ 28

Figure 8. The Design of the Layout .......................................................... 29














List of Apendices

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C














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Curriculum Vitae

Nama : Ade Roliyah

NIM :145311001

Tempat, Tanggal lahir : Indramayu, 10 Oktober 1996

Riwayat Pendidikan

2011 sampai dengan 2014 : SMA Negeri 1 Anjatan

2008 sampai dengan 2011 : SMP Negeri 2 Kroya

2002 sampai dengan 2008 : SDN Jayamulya 1

Prestasi yang Pernah Dicapai

Pramuka Penegak Garuda 2013

Juara 1 Lomba Try Out se-Kabupaten Indramayu 2010

Olimpiade Biologi Kabupaten Indramayu 2012













The Making of an Informational Book “The Traditional Dances in

Indramayu: Sintren and Trbang Randu Kentir“

Informatioal Book

The Traditional Dances in Indramayu: Sintren and Trbang randu Kentir