The M. A. C. RECORD. VOL. 18. A DR AMATIC EVENT. )Joone who r emembe rs theda),s of eight cenl llibor c an fai l [0 he im- pressed with the hung-l' r of the presen! generation for anHlscrnellL \Vc wh o have li ved h;l\'e wat ched callow youth ;lIlt! tired business men attempt to eh .. sc dull ca re away wilh th e spectre of the deep (lyed \"iJliun of the lcg:itimatc, :1I111 later with t he joyous si gh t o f the Cll r e-free chorus girl;:;, A few years later all o f this and 1I10rc was .nix ed ill what is callcll "polite vod.d!,·' ami we sw: l!l owed our rec reati on as in c;. r li- er d:,),s our quinillc . A change has COlile over the spi rit of those who e,lIl P"Y to he alllused ,md thrilled mlll rl'l:rcak{l. Tod :w the so-called lover of dram- :Hic a;t is surfei t ed with the sto ry of the Jon:;:; :ulIl hate;; of g"ro wn-u ps, :lIld boldly dt'mands ,\ sto ry which shall t,lke him hack to cbil dhnod's happy hour. Th e hig" crowds ,Ire gatlwrcd to s ee plays not so mllch for child ren :1.'; :thout children. \rhl'lI :\laud c Adam s tells th", sto ry of th e 1ittl", bo\' "who n",\ 'c r wuulrl g row up" the 5'C'I!S, supposnlly n :: ' served for eh il ll rell, arc fi11c-d with men and women whoseclll to fi nd rC:J1 joy in a return to the timc whe n the), believ ed in fairie s. The thea· tres of .'\ew York hr ol.\'e , ,It Ireme nd· OilS expt:nse, staged some wontler· ful pl'l)'s of this kiml, allll arc play. ing to cr owded hou ses . Already the\' ,Ire o n tIl<: roal!. \\ 'ho has not ill his heHrt something of this spi rit, ,Ind who is not refreshed b,' eve n:1 make·bt·lk'vc auel!1pt to r<;lurll 10 youth: All this is merely prcliminHry, and is d es i gned to call to your attell' tion the fact that Ihe Olll College , yom :\1. A. C., i.; truly and c atches Ih .. · very essense of the spirit of the times. All haye ht,ell per· fect ed to b ring on under the be:\Uti · flll trecS o f the dear old campus the finest \' outh renewing tlrama el'er "THE 01,1) COI.Lt:Gt: Rt:· \..'11>10:-'-" - its seventeenth appear· ance . Canany theater present su('h an incomparable seuingas the be'UJti· ful campu s, h:l llowed by il tholls:L1H1 traditions and Can mere play actors thrill us and bring back the spirit of , youth liS the grip of the hatHI of some fellow who through al1 these iZlIen'ening ye,lrs has beell to us the pe rso nifi ca tion of youthful ab: lI1d Oll : l' bs the loat! been heavy; do you want re (' r CH ' tion: I! ere \'Oll will find it. Yes. he will be tl;ere,lhc old pard, the old jo),ous 1,0)'. wh o se youth and courage has been an inspiratioJl to rou all these years. l\l::tke arrangements now to se t Hpart one day ill June for this great re freshing dramatic e"enl. If you arc getting as old as I am you can' t afford to miss this OIlC, ,11111 if \'011 arc as young as [ fed, nothing keep you :1\1':1)'. Cll ,\IILt :S B. COI.I.I:-'-G\\,OOD, Pre side nt of Alumni Association. Remember the :Hld r ess bv Dr. S. U. Bree kenri <lge, of ,Chic.I'go, in the chapel at4 :30 next1 uesday p.rn. MICHI G AN AG RICULTURAL C OLLEGE . EAST LA .l. "'SIXG, )J1CI-IIG.\.:\, FEIIRL\RY 11. GOVE R NOR FERRIS WI .. , ,,,ldn ,.g,'U th.· ,In.k,,I'' '- ",,_d8), """"1",,. .. · t" 1';00 ill . \1'111"" .\ ,.f wed,. ;uIIIl"· ,,u;,!hl:1 \lhidllhO:.1 11111 n.,1 for· .rd. [:h hi" II l·ll :h hI hi- """.I hlllll()!' ho: hl'll! ,lIIdiencc unlil hi..: brl'lI'dl L. go"d ni;..:'ht:' II lien 1\\ a p .. ";tonn of appl:l\l __ l·. . Filld .1·" l1r III lifl:. 1;lkl' ;11) il1l elHory , .f itlhlTil:m'·l·. rl'ad IIJlC l-!' .!"d h""k l';,eh IlltOlllh. :11\\1 :my I.. hear "", : 11 WOIll\'!l "f tntl:l_l. IIT)',,- ,."Ille of ,It .. · hamIL-d .)ut hy Ihe :\11'. l'illL 'r . ill:t few well l'11" ''' 'n intr",IIll'l'rl Ihe ;":"\ .. TIII>I· .. ", th",.e tlw __ tnk:' for h..- ,.I;olell,hat :\1i.-hi,!!;ul pe"'ple un'') llil I lltrdlll'l iOll If) :\11'. ' I' hl' .\1'11101'1' W:l" tl' the limit: the Itllitl 'UI h:lll( l ll ' pla.1 II hik the ;..:alhen·d . aud .. Fal" ktl the .. II hil'll II e),-O III\,d Ihe g",I .. 'rI10r, C', lne :!g'ain, (;"Iern or KEEP YOUR TEXT BOOKS . :\s the sp ring term draws ncar LlO Ilol1ht the uSllal numht'r of stu· dent s arc p1:11111iug 011 the disposal of Ilseless kx\ hooks. In ,hi" co nection the Re co rd has something of interest to say. After g:il'iZlg: certain data on the subject, the R econl cOlltinues: Experience le:lches thal O1lt"S Il'xtbooks are the h.'st refercnce boo ks not only in ("allege but iu after yenrs while engaged ill engineering practi ce. By studying 11 book daily for II term one becomes famili,lr with il; he knows where to find thinxs in it :md he tHldcr5taml s its limi t tions. [II husy times, whcn it be.· co me s necessary to make ust.! of a rderenee book, the old textbook wi th its marginal nOll'S amI its milinr cliagrams, for mulas. and most important of <111, with its fanliliar notation, is a great sou rce of help -:\ fri end in need. Not mlcom· man is it that in m:lking refercn ce to S01l1t· hook in which methods and Ilotations arc !lCW one hecom .. ·s l'U' t,mg-led in the search for the nlt'an· ing of this or th'lt partieul:lr It'1\er in the formula that is nce(led, but benl.usc the mC: l ning is not cle, lr or the s ign i ti ca n ce of the leiter is not stilted he ahandons the book without getting the desired info rm· ation . The book may be just as good or bettcr th,HI others of its kind yet it.:; I' alue is g r eatly lessened b('c:tuse o f it5 unf:tmili'lr p"ges. The next best t" havi ug info rm,lIion in miud i :-. to have it in a hook, to know whcrl: to lind it when w:mtc(l amI how to IISC it whl'n foullt!. It i" just t his th'lI makes e ng-illt.'e n ,' handbooks so tIe· sirable, and eyen th ese books arc only half :I]lpreei:lted until olle be· comes f:lmil i ar with them. But no handbook t:lkes til .. place of a good college tra i ning coupled with a worka ble libran- "f te ch nical hooks upon whi ch ma'll), hours Iwve been .;pent III study . Stuilents should keep th""ir te)ll, hook,., whether they think they wil1 be of furthe r liSe or not. Since most students who en- cou rs es follow engineer. ing it is a fair presumption that the books will be used latl,r. III a well · man:tg-ed co urse in cII!{illeerillg the books an! not selected nt h: lphaz:lnl hut arc ca refully c hosen. By p re · sen'iug those used in classes and ad dill;:!: n ft:w othCrStallllard olles each year a fairly good nucleus will be forltl cd hy co mmencement day ar ound which a technical lihrary C<1n easily be Alld with a goat! supply of hooks at hand the young enginet'T will he more likel,Y to continue his St udies after gradua. tion than if his only ,I\'ail,lble sup · ply rests il) the city Iilmlry_ if in· deed he is fortuna te enoug-h to he ncar one. :!o ALU MNI ] 'i L :\J\' De:lr Editor: I "Ill gla d thllt the is p:litl for in atlvanct! - all up·lo.date publi . caliO I1S shoul\1 build the present lipan the foundation of the future instcad of tbe past. i\1 y :tc· tion in th is instance co rrelales with I he aho\' e thoug-bl. and inclosed yOIl will please tind my ch cck for two j'enrs. This Seems. to one of m ." years) like a sa rI of ve ntur e 1 but my faith ill the RECOIIO is vcril y larger thun the risk, hesi<les you ha\'e to send the weekly messc li ger far frOIll home , hut the wel come it recei"es is all the more hearty. \-\'ilh very be st wislws to the cui, to r and all the R ECOI{!) friend s. 1 am Yo urs cordially, BntO:-.- D. II AI, "'TE.\). [:\1 r. I i:tlstell is rctired professor of botany, Rutg-cr s College, Xew Hrun Sllick, ;:-'; . .I .-ED. ') '83· The \\ ' ashing-toll E\'elllng :-;far for Feb. 3 cOlHuins fhl: :ttmOUllce_ l11elll of the sudden death of Arthur F. l-.:inllan, '83. on Jan. 31. Mr. l-.:innan hll" been con nec tl'!.l with thc Pa tent O!licc in \\ -:Lshin!,ton since 1889, :tlld on accoullt of effi· cient s en ice "as appo inted princi. pal examine r in ' 98, whi ch po:> ition he held :ll the time of his death. T he fUller:11 se n' ices were conducted under the di r ection of the l-.:ing Da v id LuJ).!'c o f :\laso ns of which he WIIS ,I mcmber. lie leaves a wife, son and daug-hh::r. I1 is bro ther, \\ 'illiam A. Kinll:111 1I1so in the patl:nt otlie-e, was n gratlunte of :\1. A. C. with the class of 18:>6. Prof. Harrow" was a former frieud an(1 neighbor of :\Ir. Kinnan, hn,·_ ing !i\ 'ed ncar his home in Brook· land for several years before coming to i\1. A. C_ ' os · :\.Jr. amI :\lrs. Fred :;. Dunks, of union City, ar e the proud parents o f a baby boy, born Dec. Mr. Dunks is on the old home £arm ncar the abo\'(' pl:ICC a mI has been making extensive improvemcnts dur i ng the past summer. lie is at milkillK 16 cows and feed· ing- "'A hogs. He plmls to attend t he RouJld·ep thc last of Fch. ' 01. Thc Stale and Indu st rial Schoo l of Ell en d<1l c, N'. D. , an. noun ce sho rt courses for 'nn. 6 to .:\Ltr. ::!!. A course in ho'me et'on. umies is included llesigned to meet the needs of those wholle time and means are limited. :\Iiss Ali ce Gunn. of the class o f 1901, is to h:l\'e charge of the Nark. I C. Ross Garvey, who 11:15 been with the U.:;. f orest s ervi ce at Red Bluffs, Cali f., has accepled a posi- tion with Clear Lake Lumber Co, . uf Oregon, at a l11:trked "u"anee in SAlary.

The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State Universityspartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D26-54...The M. A. C. RECORD. VOL. 18. A DRAMATIC EVENT. )Joone who remembers theda),s

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Page 1: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State Universityspartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D26-54...The M. A. C. RECORD. VOL. 18. A DRAMATIC EVENT. )Joone who remembers theda),s

The M. A. C. RECORD. VOL. 18.


)Joone who remembe rs theda),s of eight ce nl llibor can fai l [0 he im­pressed with the hung-l' r of the presen! generation for anHlscrnellL

\Vc wh o have li ved h;l\'e watched callow youth ;lIlt! tired business men attempt to eh .. sc dull care away wilh the spectre of the deep (lyed \"iJliun of the lcg:itimatc, :1I111 later with the joyous sigh t o f the Cll re-free chorus girl;:;, A few years later all o f this and 1I10rc was .nixed ill what is callcll "polite vod.d!,·' ami we sw:l!lowed our recreation as in c;. r li­er d:,),s our quinillc.

A change has COlile over the spi rit of those who e,lIl P"Y to he alllused ,md thrilled mlll rl'l:rcak{l. Tod:w the so-called lover of dram­:Hic a;t is surfei ted with the sto ry of the Jon:;:; :ulIl hate;; of g"ro wn-u ps, :lIld boldly dt'mands ,\ sto ry which shall t,lke him hack to cbildhnod's happy hour. Th e hig" crowds ,Ire gatlwrcd to see plays not so mllch for child ren :1.'; :thout children. \rhl'lI :\laudc Adams tells th", story of the 1ittl", bo\' "who n",\'c r wuulrl g row up" the 5'C'I!S, supposnlly n :: ' served for eh il ll rell, arc fi11c-d with men and women whoseclll to fi nd rC:J1 joy in a return to the timc whe n the), bel iev ed in fairies. The thea· tres of .'\ew York h rol.\'e , ,It Iremend· OilS expt:nse, staged some wontler· ful pl'l)'s of this kiml, allll arc play. ing to c rowded houses . Already the\' ,Ire o n tIl<: roal!. \\ 'ho has not ill his heHrt something of this spi rit, ,Ind who is not refreshed b,' eve n:1 make·bt·lk'vc auel!1pt to r<;lurll 10 youth:

All this is merely prcliminHry, and is designed to call to your attell' tion the fact that Ihe Olll College, yom :\1. A. C., i.; truly pro~ressi\'e and catches Ih .. · very essense of the spirit of the times.

All arran~ements haye ht,ell per· fec ted to b ring on under the be:\Uti · flll t recS o f the dear old campus the finest \'outh renewing tlrama el'er el1 aetc~1. "THE 01,1) COI.Lt:Gt: Rt:· \..'11>10:-'-" - its seventeenth appear· ance. Canany theater present su('h an incomparable seuingas the be'UJti· ful campus, h:lllowed by il tholls:L1H1 traditions and menlories~ Can mere p lay actors thrill us and bring back the spirit of ,youth liS the grip o f the hatHI of some fellow who through al1 these iZlIen'ening ye,l rs has beell to us the pe rso nifi cation of youthful ab:lI1dOll : l'bs the loat! been heavy; do you want re (' rCH ' tion: I! ere \'Oll will find it. Yes. he will be tl;ere,lhc old pard, the old jo),ous 1,0)'. whose youth and courage has been an inspiratioJl to rou all these years.

l\l::tke arrangements now to set Hpart one day ill June for this great refreshing dramatic e"enl. If you arc getting as old as I am you can't afford to miss this OIlC, ,11111 if \'011 arc as young as [ fed, nothing ~\'ill keep you :1\1':1)'.

Cll ,\IILt:S B. COI.I.I:-'-G\\,OOD, President of Alumni Association.

Remember the :Hld ress bv Dr. S. U. Breekenri<lge, of ,Chic.I'go, in the chapel at4 :30 next1 uesday p.rn.


EAST LA.l."'SIXG, )J1CI-IIG.\.:\, Tt:F~I.;IJ.\Y, FEIIRL\RY 11. 191 ~.


WI .. , ,,,ldn, . g,'U th.· ,In.k,,I'' '-",,_d8), """"1",,.

{;"I~'n1"1' Fcrri~ ~pok .. · t" ~"lI\~' 1';00 ~I\I{k'ln~ ill Ih~· . \1'111"" .\ TlIe~da} ~'Icnillg ,.f l<l.~t wed,. ;uIIIl"·,,u;,!hl:1 me,~~al-!'~' \lhidllhO:.1 11111 n.,1 ~'''oI! for· .rd. [:h hi" f"r~·dllll!c~~ . hi~ ~il!\· ~·relK·"~. a~ II l·ll :h hI hi- """.I hlllll()!' ho: hl'll! 'hi~ ,lIIdiencc unlil hi..: brl'lI'dl L. go"d ni;..:'ht:' II lien lW~";I~ ;.:- re~'tl·d 1\\ a p .. 'rf~,~·t ";tonn of appl:l\l __ l·.

. Filld .1·" l1r pl'l~'''' III lifl:. 1;lkl' ;11) il1l elHory , .f ~Ollr itlhlTil:m'·l·. rl'ad IIJlC l-!' .!"d h""k l';,eh IlltOlllh. :11\\1 pa~ :my prl~'e I .. hear ~n'al "",:11 ~11\d WOIll\'!l "f tntl:l_l. IIT)',,- ,."Ille of ,It .. · "llg-X'~,.,ti(ln~ hamIL-d .)ut hy Ihe "peak~· r.

:\11'. l'illL'r. ill:t few well l'11"''''n lI ('Jn l~ . intr",IIll'l'rl Ihe ;":"\ .. TIII>I· .. ", th",.e Olll ~ide tlw __ tnk:' for h..- ,.I;olell,hat :\1i.-hi,!!;ul pe"'ple un'') llil Illtro· dlll'l iOll If) :\11'. Ferri~.

' I' hl' .\1'11101'1' W:l" ~T,.w\kd tl' the limit: the Itllitl \\a~ 'UI h:lll( l ll ' pla.1 II hik the IT''I~'d ;..:alhen·d . aud .. Fal" ktl the .. tl:.:er~" II hil'll II e),-O III\,d Ihe g",I .. 'rI10r,

C',lne :!g'ain, (;"Iernor Fl·rri~.


:\s the spring term draws ncar LlO Ilol1ht the uSllal numht'r o f stu· dent s arc p1:11111iug 011 the disposal of Ilseless kx\ hooks. In ,hi" con · nection the Ell~inecr i l l g Record has something of interes t to say . After g:il'iZlg: certain data on the subject, the R econl cOlltinues:

Experience le:lches thal O1lt"S Il'xtbooks are the h.'st refercnce boo ks not only in ("allege but iu after yenrs while engaged ill engineering practice. By studying 11 book daily for II te r m one becomes famili,lr with il; he knows where to find thinxs in it :md he tHldcr5taml s its limi ta· tions. [II husy times, whcn it be.· co mes necessary to make ust.! of a rderenee book, the old textbook with its marginal nOll'S amI its b· milinr cliagrams, for mulas. and most important of <111, with its fanliliar notation, is a great sou rce of help -:\ fri end in need. Not mlcom· man is it that in m:lking refercnce to S01l1t· hook in which methods and Ilotations arc !lCW one hecom .. ·s l'U' t,mg-led in the search for the nlt'an· ing of this or th'lt partieul:lr It'1\er in the ~'er)' formula that is nce(led, but benl.usc the mC:lning is not cle,lr or the s ign iti cance o f the leiter is not stilted he ahandons the book without getting the desired inform· ation . The book may be just as good or bettcr th,HI others of its

kind yet it.:; I'alue is g reatly lessened b('c:tuse o f it5 unf:tmili'lr p"ges.

The ne xt best thin~ t" havi ug infor m,lIion in miud i:-. to have it in a hook, to know whcrl: to lind it when w:mtc(l amI how to IISC it whl'n foullt!. It i" just this th'lI makes eng-illt.'e n,' handbooks so tIe· sirable, and eyen these books arc only half :I]lpreei:lted until olle be· comes f:lmil iar with them. But no handbook t:lkes til .. place of a good college tra ining coupled with a workable libran- " f tech nical hooks upon which ma'll), hours Iwve been .;pent III study .

Stuilents should keep th""ir te)ll, hook,., whether they think they wil1 be of furthe r liSe or not. Since most students who ~o throu~h en­g-inecrin~ cou rses follow engineer. ing it is a fair presumption that the books will be used latl,r. III a well · man:tg-ed course in cII!{illeerillg the books an! not selected nt h:lphaz:lnl hut arc ca refully chosen. By p re· sen'iug those used in classes and b~' ad dill;:!: n ft:w othCrStallllard olles each year a fairly good nucleus will be forltlcd hy commencement day around which a technical lihrary C<1n easily be coll~cted. Alld with a goat! supply of hooks at hand the young enginet'T will he more likel,Y to continue his St udies after gradua. tion than if his only ,I\' ail,lble sup· ply res ts il) the city Iilmlry_ if in· deed he is fortuna te enoug-h to he ncar one.

~o. :!o

A L U MNI] 'i L

:\J\' De:lr Editor: I "Ill glad thllt the R E.c~'liD is p:litl for in atlvanct! - all up·lo.date publi . caliOI1S shoul\1 build the present lipan the foundation of the future instcad of tbe past. i\1 y :tc· tion in th is instance correlales with I he aho\'e thoug-b l. and inclosed yOIl will please tind my chcck fo r two j'enrs. This See ms. to one of m." years) like a sarI of venture1 but my faith ill the RECOIIO is vcrily larger thun the risk, hesi<les you ha\'e to send the weekly messc liger far frOIll home, hut the welcome it recei"es is all the more hearty.

\-\'ilh very best wislws to the cui, tor and all the R ECOI{!) friend s. 1 am

Y ours cordially, BntO:-.- D. II AI,"'TE.\).

[:\1 r. I i:tlstell is rctired professor of botany, Rutg-crs College, Xew HrunSllick, ;:-'; . .I .-ED. ')

'83 · The \\ ' ashing-toll E\'elllng :-;far

for Feb. 3 cOlHuins fhl: :ttmOUllce_ l11elll of the sudden death of Arthur F. l-.:inllan, '83. on Jan. 31. Mr. l-.:innan hll" been con nectl'!.l with thc Patent O!li cc in \\-:Lshin!,ton since 1889, :tlld on accoullt o f effi· cient sen ice "as appointed princi. pal examine r in '98, whi ch po:>ition he held :ll the time of his death. T he fUller:11 se n ' ices were conducted under the di rection of the l-.:ing Da vid LuJ).!'c o f :\lasons of which he WIIS ,I mcmber. lie leaves a wife, son and daug-hh::r. I1 is brother, \\'illiam A. Kinll:111 1I1so in the patl:nt otlie-e, was n gratlunte of :\1. A. C. with the class of 18:>6. Prof. Harro w" was a former frieud an(1 neighbor of :\Ir. Kinnan, hn,·_ ing !i\' ed ncar his home in Brook· land fo r several years before coming to i\1. A. C_

'os· :\.Jr. amI :\lrs. Fred :;. Dunks, of

union City, are the proud parents o f a baby boy, born Dec. ~3' Mr. Dunks is on the old home £arm ncar the abo\'(' pl:ICC amI has been making extensive improvemcnts during the past summer. lie is at pr~'scnt milkillK 16 cows and feed· ing- "'A hogs. He plmls to attend the RouJld·ep thc last of Fch.


Thc Stale ,~orm,11 and Indu st r ial School of Ell end<1l c, N'. D., an. nounce short courses for 'nn. 6 to .:\Ltr. ::!!. A course in ho'me et'on. umies is included llesigned to meet the needs o f those wholle time and means are limited. :\Iiss Alice Gunn. of the class o f 1901, is to h:l\'e charge of the Nark.

I ~.

C. Ross Garvey, who 11:15 been with the U.:;. forest service at Red Bluffs, Cali f., has accepled a posi­tion with Clear Lake Lumber Co, . uf Oregon, at a l11:trked "u"anee in SAlary.

Page 2: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State Universityspartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D26-54...The M. A. C. RECORD. VOL. 18. A DRAMATIC EVENT. )Joone who remembers theda),s

The M . A . C. RECORD

"veL,eHIl" CVE'U TO"".""" CUlliN" TH" COL· LI'"," v ....... ,. TNIl "'CI<IG~N .'ATO:

.. ""'CULTU ..... L COLL..: ....

150 CIEHTS "11:11 YEAR

EDter&d ... MM:Ond-e1Ms mAil matter at Lanamp;. Mkh.

Addre .. aU mblcrlptlonl and advertllln, matter lei the M. A O. Rr.OOItD, KIln Lan-111111. Micb. Add", .. "II contribution. w t be Manqlnl Editor.

Remit b:r P. O. MoneT Order. Dr,,'t or Ro.> .... tered Lenet. 00 not .end 11&m1)S.

BOilnen ameli Wltb LaOl'fflnee It. Vall Bu,..,,, Prlntln, 00 .. ~10-~11 O".nd Ave. No .. LaDlhlll". Mich.



Th e progrlllll for the concert given by the cadet hand in the armory next Sundny afternoon at 3 o'dock wilt be:t!> follows: Ai<11l ?-.I:trch •• "erui Serenlllol Miszkowski ~1:.ritol1a Funt;J"ia \\' allacc Lo"c's 0lt1 Sweet Song Mollo)" Suite, <',\ OilY in "cnice" Nc\'in

(a) Dawn (b) Gondoli~rs (c) \ 'cuctian Love .song ( d) Guod Ki~ht. The haud will he assistcd by

Mrs.) . W. Stcphens and M r.). L. Morsc, ,.oloisls.


T he Michig"au St:lle Vc tcrinary M;.'{\ical Associution meetings held in Lansing 011 fe b . . ph and 5th were well :_ttendcd, and the program presentcd w:_s :111 excellent one. Among the speakers were Dean Lyman, who acted as toastmaster at the banquet, Dr. Giltner, Dr. Hall· man, and Mr. \ V. S. Robbins, of the Bactcriological Dcpartmcnt, and Dr. E. A. A. Gr:lllge, formerly vet· erinari:1II in the ~Iich. Experiment Station, now of Torolllo, Canada.

At the banquet,on Tuesday e,'en· ing. Dr. R.I... DiKon spoke 011

"The Slate Board of IIo.~alth and the \ 'ctcrinary I:'ro fcssioll;" :md the s ubject, "The Relations the \' eterinariull Should Bear to the l.ive Stock Sltnitan' Con t r o I \Vork," was handled 'by Prof. 1-1. ~1. Reynolds, of the t.;niversity of }'Iinnesota.

Dr. l,jr:UIJ.!~ p ro"ed all interesting speake r, and told of the advanced strides Canlldl!. W.IS mllking in the protection lind Cllre of he r E"e !;tock. As a rcswt of his :Idd ress, resolu· tions were passed ftn'orin); :m ap. propriation abo\'e the geuerlll bud· get to he used in the e rection of suit:lhle huildings at M. A. C. for the work carried 011 here.

COl1s itlcrable di 'tcussioll was had 011 the usc of serum for ho~cholera. some dis..;atisfaction having bel."l1

cauSt.-d certain hreeders because re· suits were not satbfacton. After careful in\'esligatioll il ,;:\.S found thllt in prllctically e"cry Cllse where the animals had died, the ow ner did not use the serUIll supplied, o r it wo..s not used intelligentl)·.

The associ:ltion decided that in all matters of IIltempted legislation r elative to live s tock sanitary mat. ters, the cooperation o f th e hreeders ami feeders of the stale be enlisted.

The gener;11 spi rit of the associa· tion was f:lVonble to ;\1. A. C. The next meeting will be held either in Grand R apids orDetroit.

The M . A. C. RECO RD.

1l..Il_CGUlte ...


' -"-'''Y('N of I",' J-Hol) Grand March.


Another Junior Hop has p:lssed into history. and, as" ith each pre· cedin;! oue, outshone :lll preyions efforli!. \\'eather indkations were not particularly favorable (luring Friday Illoming. but 11 0 serious storm OCl:;urred as that which marr;.·t\ the program in 191Z.

The ball room of the i\bSOllic Temple was a veril:lble garden of roses, which were inlersperde<i among the beechwood leaves, \\ is· teria, and ferns. No brill ianllights were in eddence, bUI the effect was a be.lUtifu! pink glow.

Preceding the progrlllll of dances, those lIssembled g-athered in the beautifully decorated diuillg room of the temple, where an eillborate eight course dinner was sen ·ed. A t the close of the fenst. the p ro· gram of toasts was gi"elJ, with Mr. O. \\'. Frllllciseo, president of the class, in charge. Responses were made as follows: Erllest B urt, "1914:" Ernest lIart, '; The Fttir Sex;" George Gauthier, "Ath· letics ;" )1 iss Frances Kirk," Q. E. D." Messrs. Lavers, Dodge, Conley and Allen, as a quartette, sang several selections, and the pro· g ram closed with "Alma i\l:tter."

P resident Francisco and Miss .1\1 arguerite Erickson, of Dig Rap· ids, led th e grand rqarch, which be­gan at 10 o'clock. Fill:/:eI's I Z

piece o rchestra fu rnished most Cl(·

cellem music, alld the twenty·eight scheduled d:lllces we re not finished until ~ :30 o'clock.

The programs for the young womell wcnt ill the form of white lenther card c .. ses with h:md tinted covcr,.. For thc men, brown leather programs embossed with the Same design as the white. Immediately fallowing the 14th dance a photo. graph was made. and f.lvors for the evening gi"en out. ThC5C con~isted of small, round sih-cr frames for the young womell and silver tie clasps for their c~corb.

The patrons for the cveuing' were Pres. and }.Ir .... Sunlcr, DI;:ril (;il· ch ri.,; t and Prof. )llicklin.

It was a tired crowd that boarded the cars for ~1. A. C. in the wee small honrs of the morning, Iml self·sati:sfied all the same, for tl1l.: big party was u huge success.

The Ero Alph ia ns hold lheir win· ter term party in the agricu ltural b uilding assembly hall, and the Union Lit. Society hold forth in the armory next Saturday evening.


The Home Team Lose By Two Points.

The ~1. A. C. basket hall team suffered its jjrst defc,lt Thursday night when the E\,:iIlston boys uosed Ollt a victory in the college Armory by the narrow margin of olle basket.

The game was fas t aud furious from the s tut, the visi tors having the ad"ant:lge of weight and height. The)' secured a lead at the begin­ning of the contest which was main · tained througholll, Wilh the excep· tion of a tic which came nt the vcr)' beginning of the second hal f.

Spencer was injured and obliged to retire in the first half. He W:IS replaced by Reynolds. The Miller Brothers, Chamberla in and Goss plaved the first half. In the second. \ " a't :/: and vlIuthier replaced the ~Iillers, Burt goin!! in at center. As the score was tied :It once, things began to look hopeful, but the \·isi· tors again took the lead and main· tained it throughout.

The tearn work of both the \·isit· ors and home boys was of the best and the con lest was w~I.tc.hed bv a large nllmber of Lansing pco'plc, including the gove rnor and se\·eral legislators.

F o llowing is the summary:


M. A. C. 21. Northwestern 23. n .Mlller,

Gauthier ..... L. F ...... .... _ ... Seder B. ~liller . Vatz. R. F. . .... Kluckhohn Chamberlain,

Bllrt .......... _.C ........ Banneman 00!lll .. ......... L. Go. ...... Oberhelmer Spencer.

Reynolilil ... . . R. G .••.......... Bies1er Finlll !i1(;ore-)1. A. C .. 21; North·

western, 23. Score first haU-ll. A. C .• 12; :iorth .... estern. 14. Basket.s f rom field - B. Miller. Gauthier, Vatz, Cham· berlalllS. G08lI 3, Seder, Kluckhol1ll3. Han neman 8, Oberhelmer 3, Biesler 8. B"'ke~ froUl foul-ll. A. C. S in 1; !\orthweetern. 3 in 13. Fouls commit. ted- B. Miller 3. Gauthiers, a Mi1I~r.

Chamberlin 4. G08II 3, Spencer , Kluck. holm, Oberhelmer 4. Biaster 2. Roferee - Busch. Time of hal\'es-20 minutes.

Th e team is in Detroit tonight, whe re they play the "Y" of that city. 011 T hu rsday e'i'en ing Notre Dume w il l be in the college armory and will no doubt put up a strong fight , itS they seem lo be in a class w ith Northwestern.


Banquet to be Held on February '27.

An attempt to revive the old 11. A. C. alumni aSSOCiation in Detroit is to be made Febru:lry 2ith, at -",'hich time a hanquet will be held. For the past few weeks II few of the old boys have been having in· formal meetings, at which the time was spellt ill discussing' the best way to get things started. A ban. quet was finally decided upon, and it will he held :H the Elliot, Taylor, \Voolfcnden res t;w rant 011 t.he lIboye date.

Even the old g-irls have come to the froil t :md expressed a desire to attcnd. Prospects uow :tppe:lr good for :l success ful bancillet. !:ie\·t>nll m('1t from the college f:u;uity, as well :IS some o f the old boys will be on the program, (lnd it is the inten· tion of the com mittee to ha,·(' the 'Iffair :IS jolly :mo info rmal as possi. ble. An)' p resent stmit'nts wbo can arrange to :Itteml :Ire earnestly ;In'iwd to clo so. Just drop a ca rd to G. C. Sheffield. ca re of The Dc. tro it ;\CWS , or to lJarry Brown . .! [5 ~ .. th St., and say yOIL arc coming .


Among the topics which are pro";ng of part icular inle rest to farmers this winte r HI the illstilutcs arc those relaling to the tillage and g~een manurinl:' Thcs{' will be gl\'en a prominent phlce on. th e p rogram o f the ROU Ild.Up IllstlttLte the last of the month.

Prof. Jeffery will give four ad­dresses relating to tillage operations and land drainage, lind :111 of \\'cd. nesday afternoon of that week will be de"oted to a series of :lddresses regarding crops which arc being ex· tensil'ely used for green manures.

I:'ro£' ~1. ). Thompson, district agent for the U. S. Dept. of Agri. culture, will speak on the usc of winte r vetch for soil building, giv. ing results obtained upon the sa ndy I:lnd in northern )Iichigan. ),Ir. \\'illiam \ ' an Ness, of Niles, will give result s in growing cow peas lor green m.ulUre. There will also be three adllresses on a1faU .. culture hy SOlilC of ~I ichigan's IllOSt S IiC'

cessful growers . A mong these will be Mr . ./oseph

R. Kcene)" of Tecumseh, who has 100 acres c!e"oted to this crop; i\1 r. O. F. Man'in,of Il ollon,:lI1d ~Ir. Jury iJolton, of Leslie.

Special demonstrations :llong the lines of live stock work, poultry, and horticulture will be given each morning lit S :::\0, lUlll good m\lsic has been arranged for at each session.

The women's congress will be held in roo m 206 on \VednesdllY :md ThurSl-l lI} afternoons, with Miss Jellllie Buell nnd i\lrs. E . .I . Crcrts as conductors. A special fruit and potato session has heen :trr:lIlged for ThurSday :lhernoon ill room 109, and slll.ocial demonstrations fo r "omen will he given 0 11

\ VcdneSl-lay :nl<l 'I'hurStla),. from 9: 15 to I I :55.011 various topics of inte rest.

Those w ish ing programs mailed to friends , iea\'e names o f s.nlle with Prof. Taft 011 second Hoor of dairy building.

A large lmd appreci.ttive audience listened to the cnntata, "The H oly City," 011 Sund ay Hfternoon . !l l iss f rcyho fer and her musicians are to be cong r:ltulaled on the success of the tl lLderutking.

Page 3: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State Universityspartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D26-54...The M. A. C. RECORD. VOL. 18. A DRAMATIC EVENT. )Joone who remembers theda),s

The M. A . C. RECORD.




We carry ~\"~rylhing in the line of

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Prof. IIIHI i\! rs. Coons :;:1\'e a (linner party Friday evening" of la s t week Ht which there were 1.1 guests.

~lr. 11. \\ ' , ::':ortOI1, '03, of I lowell, "fI\e a practic:,1 lkmonslration in o I ' meat clltling: before Prof. I IlItt S d3SS in (Iom~'sti c science Salunla), of bst wc('k.

In the hasket ball games 011 Fri· ~b)' night held ill the Armory, thc East Lansill\( I L S. hoys won f r01l1 the Eaton Hapids tealll, while the rcverse hoppened in Ihl' ~ame with the g- irls.

On nest Sunda), 3fternooll at 3 o'dock will be giH:n the second s;lcred concert h,' Ih~ lIli!iI:4f\' band. More thai! !.000 persons ~Z1joycd the lirst concc rt,:!Ild it is Icr." likel~ thai l iS lIl,my will he 011 hand Sun­£In\".

The E:lst Lillsing ! I. S. turned the lahles on thc colle;!e sophomnres \Yednesd,IY night, ~icfeati!lg- their team in a fast g:l1llC by the score of ;!6 to IS . The hi:.:-h school bOI's were ddcatcJ in I he lir.;:t COl1ll'~t. Ch:"lrnberlain, the varsity ccnter, olliciatcd.

Prof. G. I-I. Coons le:I\'cs Feb, l:l for Ann Arbor where Ill" will s tudy durinu the re1l1ainder of the yeur under'" Dr. Newcomhc ,ulll !'rof. Nov\" for his doctor's deg ree. li e wi ll ; etu rn about the mid(llc of J line, ?IIr. and ~Irs. Klent will rent the house now occupied by Prof. and )Olrs. C oons during- iheir ahsence. .i\lr. Klc m is now associated with the forestry depratmelH .

)liss Alid:l Dearborn, '1;3, who is doill;,!" g: r:uluate work a t the Slate uni\'ersity, was a college \"isito r the past week.

Hememba the Ol ivet Glee Club Oil Fcbru:lry I!, ).riven IIl1ller the auspices o f the 10c:II high school. These ~'oung Illt::n will preSent an l'ntert;lillmellt w orth while.

Instructor Charll's \\' . Brown, with a num ber l}f the short coursc men in ~iairying", :lltended the re­cen t st.ttc dain'mcn's convention ill Sag-in:lw . II; gave an exhibit 0 1 sta rter::>, ctc., induded in d;lir)' b:K" teriol(,:.:-.,· whil.:h excitcd cOll siJer:lhle intereSI.

[Jr. Giltne r spoke helon' t.he members of the Danbr "rarwe of ['>orll:llld, Tlle.'!IL!,· of l;,s t'we:k, on the ~\lhjt.'c t of hog cholera. lie also g-ave the awiienec some pointers 'IS 10 whal :-'1. A. C. is d()il1~ for the farll1('l' lie states Ihal the sellti­meut of Portl:md people tow.lrd Ihis il1"tlll1t;011 is certai!!ly f:t"orable,

Dca!! Shaw recenth' requested all men in gener al agriculture (short courses) who would like positions for the coming yell r to file fo rmal applicatioll in his oflicc. I t is an illlcresting: fact th:\l of the 246 men in thesc courses, only ten ha\'e 1l1adc such applic:ltioll . T he m:,jorit)' of the rem'4illd(' r have farms of their own to which they will return, o r ar~ eng:lg"ed for particular work b.!­for(' ta kinJ! the short courses. In o ther words it is the o w ner of his fa rm w ho is t<1king advantage of oppor luuities offered by:M. A . C .

Geor;..re C. Shellidd, ' 12, t10W wilh the lJetroit News, spe!ll ~at­u rday :lIld SuntlH)" with :'II. A. C. and Lansing" fri~nds.

The winkr term .i\liJitary 1I0p will he given ill the Armory Friday evening" of this week. The patrOl),> fo r the e,·t.'ning- arc Lieu\. :md i\lrs . CrOll, Sa rg t. and Mrs, Cross and Prof. and ;\'Irs . Hedrick.

Lieut. Cron would like to h("ar frOlil :1111' J!:r<1du;ltel\ who :Ire inter· ested ill '''ppoinl mcnt as third lieu, tenant in the Philippi ne eOllsl"bu­]:tfl' a t $1200 pcr :1111111111 .• \Ien n1l1st r~'ach :'I1:utila before J IUle 15, 19 1 :.

Instructo r Cory has hee ll ap­po inted locnl lIgent fo r th l.: Gibson j\ land olin and Guitar Co., of f..::ala­ll1a zoo, :Iud will be pleased to tlllk 111alterS o\"e r with :H1y one \, ho 111:1)' he interested in the purch:lse of cither o f these instrUl11ellts.

Prof. :-;: ye and ~l r, Tyler con­tl ucted:1 brmers' courSe at Cross­\\"ell las t week and this week ar~' do ing simihr work;1\ ~orlh Ad;jm s. Th e intcres l has been mos t satis ­f:lcton' in :ll1these one week COllrses al1(l lI~e atlellt1all(:~ has rtHlged fro m ';0 to too.

~'iss fernelle Allcu, ' I I , left last week for Austill, Tex .. where she will be e1l1ployl'd as teacher o f {I o mes tic science in the pu bl ic schools of th"t ci ty, T here ar(' 260 studcuts in the dep:1rtll1l.:nt, :"Ind the school ho:ud selected fou r teache rs to h andle the wor k, each from a different state.

Dr. :'II IImford. of the ,lrparlfTlCnl o f farm 1l1;II1;lgell1('nt, was c:t1led to Ohio Thursday on account o f the serious illness o f :1 reluti\"c.

The memhersof the ioni:H1 Lite r · :1r.l' ,>ociel)" g-:l,·t' Inslructor allJ )OJrs. C o ffeen a n.~ry pleasant sur· prise Thurs{Iay {'\'cning of las t weck visiting: them in a hod\·. .\ most e njoy able {'",'ning" W:b ·sperH.

R. G. I loopirtg:lrI1e r. '09, I'isi tc{l coll,,).:"e friends last week Oil his re . turl110 Iron Co. where he is ,,)::"ri. cullllrai agent. lie h:ul spent three or four week s 'It \\ ';tshing ton in connection with tIte confc re llcc wilh the farm Il1:HI:I~en]('nt work.

CI:lrk Brolly '0." ami F. A. \\"il. k ill, of t he South II ;In:~J1 sub-~ta! ion. conducted a ,"('n° ;; U ~'cess fu! cou rse for fnrml'rS a t' lbflg"or, the lirst w ee k in Fehruar\". .\1 r. Linton Spent Frid:lY :lIlhe -place :11 .'10 _ \\ here :-'Ir. C.hilsull is the hustling tl'"cher of ;'g:rtl"ulture.

Byron .?Il r:Cunly. wilh ' 13, \is­ited college friend;:; Ihe pas t w\'ek while on a shurt \'"cation. l ie is \\ ith :I 1:lrg:e l'O lltr:lcting lirm which is doing const ru ction wo r k 011 tbe vreat ~orl hcrn It\". of Canada. li e is located about 2S lIIiles West of Sudbuf\, a n ;g-ion which ahounds in g""mc and is \'cry rich ill rnirU'r:lb. \\'hile the tempe rature g"oes to 50 helow, )Ir. M cCurdy I1mim,tins that it is:l p retty good ploce :dter all, As his "dl' ances have h('clI vcry satisfactory he will douhtless rCIlHlill with the company fo r some time,

Page 4: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State Universityspartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-D26-54...The M. A. C. RECORD. VOL. 18. A DRAMATIC EVENT. )Joone who remembers theda),s

The M. A. C. RECORD .


It completely co,'ers the field of local news, politics, and the world of sports.

Because its telegraph and correspondence service enable it to give its readers the latest general Ilews of the day in ad­"ance of any other newspaper coming into Lansing.

Have THE STATE JOURNAL delivered to you r home by carrier


The first preliminary tryout for debater:l will be held tonight. Two evenings will be devoted to this work, as the number elltering is too great to be handled at Olle time. Instructor Bittner and ~'Iitchell are doing the coaching.

This week marks the end of the course ill fruit growing, and the next two weeks will be devoted to the study of vegetable gardening. It is probable that most of the reg­ular fruit men will remain for the last two weeks' work.

The lAst of ., series of illustr;ltcd lectures was gil'en in the People's Church Sunday cI·ening. Thc stu· dents especially have takcn it great interest in thcsc lectures And have turncd out in good numbers . The Sunday night lecture was, The Othcr \Vise Man, by H enry Ynn Dykc.

Following the one week farmers' course gil-en al Hart in December, De:1I! Shaw has recei\·ed a pelition signed by 128 women in that vicin­ity, asking for a similar course in domestic science and nrt. Another call of the same kind comes frOm Ullion City. ,,'hile, on aCCOUIH of lack of workers_ ;Ind also sufficient funds 10 ca rr\, on this work, noth­ing could be promised at once, evcry effort possible will be m:ule 10 give courses of this kind another year. These c:llls but ierVe to show some­thing of the as~ist:mce M. A. C. may hc able to gIve to the pcople o f l\Iichig:lll. if our legislature wil! but do the proper thing.

'93· 8. F. Bain, '93. writes undcr d:lte

of Feb. 7: "1 was very much shocked to learn of the denth of Jos. Frecman, when the REeOltD CAme this morning. Thc last lime I saw Joe he was the vcry piclure of health and prosperity. ~Iy com­pany (The Wolverine Supply & Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh) is cnjoyi ng a satisfactory business, and future prospects scem good. \Vil1 be pleased to be remembered to the boys."

'06. James E. Fisk has beel) located

in Chicago since 1907, unci during this time has been sllpen-ising archi­tect for the I hllabird & Roche Comp:mr. During this time Mr. Fisk has h:ld actual supervision of the cOllstruction of some of Chica­cago's tallest sky scrapers. Mr. amI ~Irs. Fisk live at 8.,8 Windsor AI·e.


James A. Smith is doing drafting and some field work for the Ten­nessee Copper Co. of Copperfield, III. It is it mixture of mechanical ami eil'il ellgiuccring, and Mr. S. reports that he enjoys his work im­menscly. At the present timc lhe work consists mainly in getting out plans for operating de\'ices at the pltlllt.


The following books hllVe been catalogued at our library since last report: Johannes Atl8.8 and Epitome or Buman

Ristol. and Micros. Anat. Boball&. Notes on Blood·Serum The.rapy, Walter ·

J owett. Table of Vet. P08Qlogy. 000. A .. BM'

ham. Ele. Microscopy, F. s:- Scales. Volumetric Analysis, Chas. H. Bamp­

mire. Compend Vet. M1t.teria Medica, A_ C.

Hasslooh. Practical Torioology. R\ldolph Kobert. Prinoiples of Heating. Will. O. Snuw. Animal ~[icrology , Michael F. Guyer. Exper. Pharmacology. Chas. W. Greeoe. The Han-ey Lectures. 191G-1911. Chemical Pat.h. of Blood of Dome!;.tic

Animals. S. H . Burnett. Farm Accounting and BU/l.inef16 Met.hods,

J. A. Buell. Engineering of Shops and Fact-ories, H.

G. Tyrrell. AUalfa. Farming in America.. J08. E.

Wing. Gr0SS69 Album von Deut.chlllnd. Dry Farming. Wm. MacDonald. Die Judenb\lche. H . A. Droste. Chief American Poet". Curtis H. Page,

Ed. The 'Vea.vers. Translated by Morrison.

G. Hauptman. Myths of Greece and Rome, B. A. Guer­

ber. 3 vol CI&s6ic Mythll in Englillh Literature and

Art, C. M. Oayley.8 " 018. First Principles of Feading Farm Ani­

mals, C. W. Burkett. Tables for Determining Common Min·

erals, W. O. Crosby. Wm. Shakespeare, poet, dramatist,

Man. Goo. Brandes, T. De Witt Talmadge IIro8 1 Knew him-

AutobiograpllY · Fertili7-Crs aud Manuree. A. D. Ball. Old Age Deferred. Arnold Lorand. Veterinary Toxicology, J . A. Nunn. Textbook of Embryology, J. C. Heisher. Manual of Normal Histolog,.-, Chas.

Bill. I n-Sect Pesta of Farm Garden and Or­

cb.a.rd. E. D. Sanderson. Government by all the People, Delos F.

Wilenx. General Chemistry of the Enr:ymes,

Hans Euler. Neurological Tech nique, irving Hard-

8lity. Met.a.l1ography of tron and Steel. Sau·

veur. The Spider Book, J . H. Comstock-.

Principles of Microbiology, V. A. Moore.

Broom Corn Culture, A. G. M\'-Gall. Fertility and Fert.i liur Hints. J. E .

Halligan. The Wild Garden, W. Robin80n. Replanning Small Citie!l. John Nolan. AtlRS and Epitome of General Path.

History, B. DOrdl. ifeteorology. Willis 1. Milham. Elementary EiE'Ctriclty and Magne­

tillm, Ja.ckson & Jackson, 3 vols. Scientific Ideal! of Today. Ch&'!. R.

Oiblion. Va.luation of Publie Utility Properties,

H. Floy. Theory of Hell-t, Th09. Preqton. Engineering of Today, ThOlli. W. Cor·

bil).. S \·ols.

~VERY reader oj the M. A. C. Record is cordially invited to

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PROFESSIONAL J\IEN. Tbe name. 10 this Dtreclor,., al " 'e Ll a.

tbose or all our olber ad.-ertlllE!r .. Ilre ot re liable "",.tlel. We bope tbat the facult,. aod Itudeo" .... 11 lake ""In. to patronbe tb~ .·bo pa~ronlEe U l,


CO I.L KO E BARBI!:R SHOP.- In Bath Houlle. And,. Is MtlLl wHh !ol. A. O. A band,. Pllrlor. ,,"d !Toed "'ork done.

N ~'w IJARIH:R SUOI'. In OhllSl! gulld_ Ina, Under lJ"uer's nrug lind Oro<:;ery

Store. H YOU "'IHh II 31yll8h hRlr cut gh'" U~ a ellLl. ~;.~. Heynold •. I'rop.


A )I. EMERY, 118 Wash.A,-e.S. Bookt. - nne SlaUOn\!.,.. En"' .... ' ·ed OaUhllr

(larda. Fountain Pen .. ''Ictures. "'ramel. Fine Yramln", a "peelalty. Up-to-date ",.Iea.. OUI Glase--cut In Lansln".


BLUny.AU '" SI1':81':H.T. Bookblndera. acooont book makers. ""per rulln •.

IIbrar,. an11 nne art btndln •. rUe bose .. Dlap ",ountlnas. &;Ibom •• pU<:.k"t tx>o .... etc. Oltlzenl' phoue No.~. In Oil,. Nlltlonal Ban" Rulldl"a-. OI'O.G. 81ud~RU Rnd Henry H. Siebert. -CLOTHING.


H 1i.I.ARNEO.-<Jblna. Glall ~ LA",P" • lor. WUhlnaton _~ ,·t. S.


ROUSER'S QAPITAl, DRUG STORE. Up to date. Uomer SIOrt. OpPINlte HolII.tl!~ 81ock.

CQJ.J.EG~: ImUG A-"O GROOF,R\' 00. .;xPr"S omce. Aaency SUlr Lllundr,._


J W. KNAPP 00. Or)' Good~ and Fur_ • nl~hl" I!'$. l!:!\}-!:i,l WIllII,luIL'IOn A"e So.

M II ,I.S OR\' Goons 00. Dry Good!! RUlts.OoaU. Walsl~.A rl Needl" Work. . :IC. IOS-II0 Wasbl "ltl.On A'~. SoUlh.


CAPITQL ELI':OTRIO E-"OINEI':RING 00. - ~'UII line of Klectrlcal !;uppllel.

Includln" Itudenls' Ihadel and oortl<l. ear_ bon. ,,"n'lllum and mazdll N.'adlng lampa. 117 E. lflebl jT80n A'·e.


M J. '" B.)I. BUOK.-Furnllu .... Oorner • Wasll!nIJtoll A,·e. "nd lonlll St reet.

8i!e IllI.



M RS. O. T. OAS!!:. Manulaclurlng Sbampoolna ok Halrdreulnlf f'II rlon:

S,,·ltebe. ","tle of eut hfllr 0. con'bln ••. ahlo colored and reno,-aled 10 look a~ a-ood • • ne.... The F .... "eo-An'erlc"n liy"lenlc Toilet HeQublte, A qr"'CIALTI'. Automatic pbona Ml. ~ Wll!lbinliiton A \·e. S .



DR.OSOAR H. BRUEGEI_-Qor. Mleb. A.-e. flOti O .... nd Rh'er Aye .. Kut L.n.

Jln •. Hou ... lklS~a.m .;!lo .andIlO8 p.m. Sunday .. It to I and t; to, P. Ill. 01". "ell. pbone 1311; RelL 1r.!5.

D R. H. W. I.ANDON. ~:a~t I ... "sln((. Mleb . omce hours: 7 to 9::10 II. m .. It ;;:to lO r

Ilud &:80 to 8 p. m. Suntlfl,.8. 10 to 11:80 Il. 01. 7108 p. m. Oltlze,,~' phone~.

E\'~;. ~;Alt, NOS!; ANI) TllltOA1'. I)r. J. S.O..-en. lUI W. Alleltll" SI .. Lanal"lr.

Ollbe,,. phon .. ~j)L.


L AWRI!:NOE '" ' -AS BURJo:N PRINT­I!,G OO.-jl~jl!O""nd A"enue North. }'Ine l'rlntlna. Bolh I'honel.

A u . !!!!' PRINTING OO.-OornerOBplloi .\·e.nue IIntl Ionia tl'ftl. PrlnUna-.

Q1ItceSupplies. Enlfr,..-edC'artl .. Ptottram •• Mllce,. Goods. Bell pbone 10lU. Aulomatlc pbone fOOIl. Re'"e'l1her our ne .. · lo • .-Mlon.

R08~;nT SMITH PTG. OO.-<Jor. Wuh­Ington A.-e. "ntl IOrlIIl-IH.


ELGIN )U ..... LIN. Ladle, and GenUe_ TH~; M. O. l.rl.l.~;Y ok CO .. Columbul. meo'. FurnlsblnlfGoodI. See &d. Olllo.-)IIInutaeLUN.'11I ot )IIIUllr,. IIod SO<·I.,IY Good!.