, The M. A. C. RECORD. Yot.. 17, BASKET E AL L. M. A. C. ·T ATE CHAMPI· P. By dclcatil1j.! the strong Y. l. f. C. f \. le;lm, to 17.011 their fluor, ;\1. A. C. established her disputed ri ght to the S\:lt<: c hampl' onship on l\'l:irch 4. The home team hus had 1111 \:xccplionall)' !>t r ong sched ul e of 15 g-amcs; hai wa ll ev ery home ;mll lost bllt lhrcc- \ Vinona, \Vabash anu 2'orth- we st ern--o f the outSillc gllme s. and thcse by very small The dcfensi, 'c feature of both teams was spk ndid, ami the h as- kets secured wcre all wdl e: lrncd. Detroit WIIS o utplayed, especially in the first hillf; A. C.'s team work hein/! lillie;, mor e s napp),. and the passing sure. Th e first half end ... '(1 l-l 10 Ii fo r t\. C. In the second h:llf the' Y" boys wen ::: mILch stro ngcr :111([ played:] better all·round gallle. They were llllnble, however, to ovcrcollu :: the big lcatlllild M. A. C. wa s the de· lor. Every mall of the home tcnm played a Slar alltl it was the team, :UJll 1I 0t lilly one individual, th:l t \\'0 11 the e halllpion;;hip. T hc results of thc seaSOIl :lre :;;; follow! : Te!llll DIIII'n!;! )1. A C. lit. PJeMllnt . IU 72 ,\ rmour .... " llO " :'iort II .... III Alma. . ......... " M \\'inorm ......... .-.-- :!\ fl7 Wa ba:'lh ... :!'; R ()<I.8 t>oly .. "' a:j liol'e . " '" J \rmour ..... " " Alltion 23 '" Winolla . fl7 Alma \1; a"; lfOI.e 2J Detroit "', ... ... " ,. y" 17 2(1 '[otlLl s " ". SilO 65[ NORTHWESTERN M. A. C. ASSOCIATION . .At a reccn[ meeti ng", hdd at t he home of :md Mrs. C. F. Iler ll1ann, of :'Ilinncapolis, the tiOli of the abovc named :I SSOCI:ltlOli was f ormed . Thost:: who were present at this first mceting were: \\,ill iilm T. Lang!ey, 'Sz, and wife; Chas. f. He rrmallll, '97, ami wife i ).Irs. Kinney (Ainor:t Alexander, sp. 'oS) and husband: Joseph R oscll 'oS; -'I iss Id:t Ro bi nson ; H . B. Tilden, '05; C. C. Cavanagh, '07, :tlld wife; M. J. Dorsey, '06, and )'J iss Bessie B emis, 'oS, Th e officers of th is lIew association ar c: \Y. T. L angley, presi dent; M. J. Dorsey , vice president; Bessie Bemis, sec r eta r y. The re was no set prOgr:un, but a r ous ing good lime W;IS had, an d eve r ybody beca me. eve r ybody clse. J\ ll Ss BemiS wrItes: "\Vc hope to dou ble the !lumbe r at the ne xt meeting, and shall be gl ad to rece i,'c nam es of nny Ilcur en ough 10 attend. " ?-.'I is!:l Bemi s' addrl'ss is 2130 Carter ave., St . Anthon y P ark, S t. Paul, Minll, MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. EA.'IT Tn:sn.\Y, )UHtll 12, M. A. C. AT THE N. E. A. :\1. A. C. was wcll repres(:lIIed Ht the cO!lvelHioli of the DC[l:lfllnellt of Superintcndence of the :-Jational Education .t\!lsoci;ltion ill SI. Louis, Feb. by six g- r llduatcs :lIld one former studcnt. Three of these we re principles of staLe norlllal schools - C. L. Bemi s. 'i", of the \\ 'est \ 'irgilli a :;t:lIC ::-.rormal, nt Athens, Charles )'Ic· 1..::enIlC\ ·, 'S], of the \\ ' isconsin Statc Xorl\l:;I, at :\l ilw:Hlkce, :lnd D. B. \\'a ldo, with 'S5, of the \\'cst('rn !::it:tte i\ormal, at 1..::alanl:l7.oo. Of the class of '93, there \\ere E. i\1. )'IcElroy, forolc r l), superin. t endent of sc hools at Coldwatt::r, bUI IIOW sl:lle for Ihc American Book Comp:ttl)', with headtl\ larters at St . P;wl, :'II inn .. ;lud 11. J. eros.: hy ,of the U. S. Dl'lMrtmenl of culture. \V. C. '95, direl·tor of the School of Edu(":llion of the Univer· sill" of I llinois, was there as presi. deill of the :\:ttional Socic!y f or the Study of Edul":.ltioll, and g-;lVC a pre· sidc ntial :llltlr css. The YOU!It::est :lIld most ("h:trming graduate was :'II iss l'aulill:\ E. R:,vcn, '05 . who is at the he:lIl of th c hOlllc CCOlllHll;"S dep:trtmellt of the Statc at \\'arrcll..,hurg. MID-WI NTER CONCERT. T hc third lIIi<l·\\ inter l' on cert will he ghcn in the 'irmor) 011 Fr iday e\ ' II ::. o'clol·k. T he c horus of '10 \·uiccs. and \\;1\ be assistcd by thc h<"I,1 :,:-ke dllh, thc ;,!"irb' g:lce cluh, :t1l11 the follo\\ill).! soloists: .\Jr:s. Hoy :'Iloor(·. .:;opr:lIlo. :\I:lr:o!:trct Ciilnl\' , C(lnl r alt". ).Jr;;.J. \\ '. cont rot lto. :\lr . .I. \\ .... ::;tephe ll :;, tCllor. i'lir. Ha\' H: nllillon. tell or. Prof. I( C. IIlIston. b,lr;tonc. :'Ilr. I. L. ;\Iorse . ba r itl)t]('. .:'Ili ss Luuise Frcyhofcr, :lccom· panist. :'II iss L('tllia Ba ssett, <u.:ClIIllP;Ullst. :\lr. Bru ch 11:tr\..Sudt, :]Cl·olllpall· ist. , \lr. Fred Killecn. co mlnctor. The pr ice of admi ss ion IS hut t\\, ('nty·five cents, :md it is sincerdy hoped thaI all college people ami East L;lnsi ll g folk generally will turn oul to this conce rt. It will, without doubt , be olle of the very best entertainments of its kind cver off ... red, and the time and money will he well spe nt. The c horus of 140 voi ces hilS been training all year, and :tre in e,;cellent voice, while the so loi!!t !! are all of the very best. Ma rk the date on you r cale ndar for the co ncert -Fri,I:t}', ;\/:trch 15, at S :00 p. Ill., in the college ar mory. :1IId plan to bring yo ur friends with you . '02. Mr. :lIld 1Irs, H, E. YOUllg, of Chicago, annOUJlce the birth of a SOli, R obe rt M cCo rmi ck, on March I, r. Youn g is edilo r of the Farmer s' R eview, and Mrs. Young was fo rm . er ly Mabel M cCo rmi c k, with '03' M. A. C. AT PURDUE. The .:'II. f\ , C. alumni and wives, wlto nrc locale,1 at Purdue u ul\er;;ity, were entt!r1aincd:1I din· ner recently hy Pr of . antI J :11I1t!!! Troop. Th ose prcscl1\ were, Prof. \\'. C. Lima, 'ii , and wife: Prof. C. G. \\·oo<.lhl1(\·, '0""" and wifc; J. G. Boyle , 'oS; ilml \\ifc; \V. 1<.. \V rig ht, 'o:!, :11111 \1 ife; I'rof. I. Troop, '78, :tIlll wife, :tllli ,\J iss 'Lo\'ina with 'o:l. It is a large jump from '71 to '00. :lnd thc hunch wa s !l 01 as :IS th:lt one which met at Chic:tgo re' ce nth-, but the same old sp irit [In."\ (tiled. allli all t'njoyed a \ 'c ry pica,,:lnt e\ "c ninx. THE BAND AT MASON. T he h:lml, . ,8 JIlcn ",t ((III): , II cllt to :'II ;\,,011 last C\ clling, \ ;:1 thc .\1. L'. 1<.., to goi; c :t cotlcert., und er !hc auspices of lhe }.IaSOlL hig""h school. H: ayner oper:l hou,,(' was well filled \\ ith :tn cnthusiastic audien ce, lind til l' exccllcnt prog:r:ui1 gi\cn hy the 11:111.1 wa s heal·tily i"I]l' pren:ltcll. Th l: hand w:!" ahly a:;sisted dllr· in).! lhe h\" .. ')f I::. ::;. "il1" :I:> re:lder, a;,,1 [,1' t he :\ur or- l'an 11::t1c QUlIrte!le .. \flcr Ihl·!)\:r. formllnt' e, the h and b rwug-ht direct to the e:nnpu" in .1 car, k: t\ in).! :'11.1 511 11 at 10: 1\11.1 ;lr· ril"in).! at the l"ollq.::c !It II :;0 . ,'\ bout the mi.ldll · of .\ prillile ha nd is to llppea r in Jo hns ill .1 ..:o all,1 uther of ;1 simibr mHure ;tre bciu:.:- arr:HI;{cu fo r I ,y' :'Ilr. 1::. C. "ider, thc :"Ii OI o.1lIly arc [he" ... g-ood ad. \erti",illg" for our alma tll:ttn. hUI they also fUrni"h e\pl ·ri lh·o,.: for 'he "-HId l1\en. an,! III !erest in the hllnd \\tJrk. THE CUSTER MONUMENT. T ill: libr:lry is in receipt of :1 h:HldSOllle \'(lIUlilC in \\ hich is puh. lish ed the cumplete LJf thc ceremonies :lUl'lldin:.: tile u/lI'eilin,t:" of the eques trian statU" to :\bjor GellCf:!1 lic(lr)::"e A. Cuslcr, hy thc Slate of Michig:m, ami form:llly dellic;Lled at :'I loll roe , .\1 ich ., J IlIIC -l' 19 1 I. T he :tppropriatioll of $!5,OOO for this work was made possihl e by an act of the le/{islalure in the sprinJ.!" of '907. ).Irs. Cus lerwa.sthecolI· stallt all visor of the cOrll llli;;sioll, and with her OWIl hands ull\'clletl the st:ltue, after p1:1tforrn hy Taft. being escorted to the Pres. \\. m. ll oward Th e \' olume is heautifully bount..l, and contains SOllle 1 pages. Thcre is n full page likeness of each of the many noted pcrsonages to ha\'e a parI in the Taft, e,;·Gol'. \ Varller, !:)en;ttor Smith, :\J rs . Custe r and other ;;. T he book is the gift of Ge n. .J:lnleS 11. Kidd , of Ionia, who has himsel f wri lte-n the most interesting h i!!tor ic al skc t ch of the famo us Cus· tcr, ami to him is due ou r t hanks for thi s r.Jluable addition to ou r libr:lry. :\0. 21 '68. E I). R \(1,;1I1! I>: ,' uur thr e at to ,lis· conti nue tIll' It II is just rcce i\ cd, ami I ellclO!!c a h ri be whi ch I hope will imluce you 10 eO IHillue se nd i ng it. I wo\dd tr ot he without it for ten limes its C O"I . T ell lh e thai Hilo \i pl; "s .) Ihc hest place on the llIap. I h,,\ 'c hee lL here fiftecn I ell rs. :urd I klll!w. Jim of '69. 3nd Char ley G:lrlicld, of 'io. v, itll !hClr f,unil id , are here lI"ilh me t hi" \1 inle r, a lLt l ns both of t hcm owe mc fur di nn ers of !'>u ch oy Ste rs a nd shrimp 115 .' ou Ilorlherli l 1C \Cr lastcrl, tltey arc hOl h hlltl1l1l to \'o uch for Ih ing- I may :-::th<:: ll l t\c just rte ive.] :1 lelkr f ro Ul Tilohi'15, of '; who SII}S: my best re:.;ard.. 10 :-::tt!l'rlce and G :t rh cl(l , ,Hill tell them Ih .11 fl llr only d auJ.!hter i,., no\\' PII he r I\n) h:l c k from Ih e I' hilippincs, II ith o ur lir,.t ),:r:lIld SlI l1: .\011 >lee the boy of ';0·';; :Irc :':-l·tt illg 011. " Ynur:; ... all mher :\ 1. A. C. hoys, TI\\t\ , '(IS. ':)y. Th e !Jct,."il j ",I/·,,,,1 wf Ft:h. .; I e(ultail1;; all t"u'clkrtl \\ rit.c. up (If the lIig gins of Iklro it.l) f \\'l ili,ulI IS an.1 \\ illl \\hidl hl' h:IS ll-Cl'U ("r \ ca r .... :'II r. Lighll101l .' laid Ihc "u TI;e r .. I nne "f IItc Io" al il iful hi.:.:-h ..... :ho.1ol 1 I ... ,1;.:0. . \mpk :.:ruLlllds, '\ Imildil1).:" trall"hITl llll\ illtu :t !llId l·\ l·cll.:IH lihr;ary f,l l·il it i.· ... hlne aIl1"(11I ,11 111e, 1 fl' "';Ike 0 11,' IIf Ihe of its killd ill thc S! ;t\.·. Thc ;.:-ood fellow ... hip uf pnr h.il'''l, tl·:t.:!;. l'rs :11111 pLlpib i .. l" ide lll Ult e\ ery hltlld. Uur ill" . \Jr . I. i:,:-hlho< lv';; work ill this ... dlOOI, Ill' ha\1 'yo lli ffl 'rent \l·:tl her ... under his t'!\:tr).:"c. l ie h:ll!i Il\·I.1 otlices ill the ell uI', monal of th. · st:H.·, ;11111 f' )r "ig-hl was a melllher of the hoard of l·"a millcrs for \\ · II .\nl·cOLllll.1 Il·achl"rs. 'u3' I.ollell B.Jud sO Il,:t of '03, :tud fo rllu 'r L:u",ing man, died at N. Y., 011 March i, fol· lowillg :111 operation for appendi. citis. .\1 r. Judso n g:r::l(luated [rom Il:tn'ilnl \\ith the class of '01. Ir e parlinll:trly dfll\\l1 to horti. C111tural work, however, ami eu. lercd :'II. A. C. to spt::cializc in this suhject. Aftcr g radua ting, he a<: . <' cpterJ a positioll at lilc Idaho Ag. ricul!ural College, :lIld later was electell to thc position of as;;is!a.nt professor of horticulture :It Cornell University. li e left this position but. rcce ntl y to dc\' clop:t larm nca r Kinderhook, where he was taken ill, : lI tci wht!re the interment was m:tJe. The news of his untimely death co mes :tS it shock to both his relatives in L:lIlsing lind to his ('01· lege friends. He was a man of ex. ceptional abil ity, and with a g r eat f uture.

The M. A. C. RECORD.spartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-CF2-54...it. I wo\dd tr ot he without it for ten limes its CO"I . T ell lhe hoy~ thai Hilo\i pl;"s.) i~ Ihc hest

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Page 1: The M. A. C. RECORD.spartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-CF2-54...it. I wo\dd tr ot he without it for ten limes its CO"I . T ell lhe hoy~ thai Hilo\i pl;"s.) i~ Ihc hest


The M. A. C. RECORD. Yot.. 17,


M. A. C. ~T "" '" ·TATE CHAMPI· O l~ P .

By dclcatil1j.! the strong Dl't ro~t Y. l. f. C. f\. le;lm, ~o to 17.011 their fluor, ;\1. A. C. established her \lJ~­disputed right to the S\:lt<: champl' onship on l\'l:irch 4. The home team hus had 1111 \:xccplionall)' !>t rong schedule of 15 g-amcs; hai w all eve ry home conte~t, ;mll lost bllt lhrcc- \Vinona, \Vabash anu 2'orth­wes tern--of the outSillc gllmes. and thcse by very small llI:1r~ills.

The dcfensi,'c feature of both teams was spknd id, ami the has­kets secured wcre all wdl e:lrncd. Detroit WIIS o utplayed, especially in the first hillf; ~I. A. C.'s team work hein/! lillie;, more s napp),. and the passing sure. The first half end ... '(1 l-l 10 Ii fo r ~1. t\. C.

In the second h:llf the' Y" boys wen::: mILch strongcr :111([ played:] better all·round gallle. They were llllnble, however, to ovcrcollu:: the big lcatlllild M. A. C. was the de· lor. Every mall of th e home tcnm played a Slar ~allle, alltl it was the team, :UJll 1I0t lilly one individual, th:l t \\'0 11 the ehalllpion;;hip.

T hc results of thc seaSOIl :lre :;;; follow! :

Te!llll DIIII'n!;! )1. A C. lit. PJeMllnt . IU 72 ,\ rmour .... " llO " :'iort II \\'e~tt-rn .... :!~ III Alma. . ......... " M \\'inorm ......... .-.-- :!\ fl7 Waba:'lh ... 8~ :!'; R ()<I.8 t>oly .. "' a:j liol'e . " '" J\rmour ..... " " Alltion 23 '" Winolla . • fl7 Alma \1; a"; lfOI.e 2J !j~

Detroit "', ... ... " ,,~

D~lrOlt ,. y" 17 2(1

'[otlLls " ". SilO 65[


.At a reccn[ meeti ng", hdd at the home of ~Ir. :md Mrs. C. F. Ilerr · ll1ann, of :'Ilinncapolis, the org:~ !I i~lI' tiOli of the abovc named :ISSOCI:ltlOli was formed .

Thost:: who were present at this firs t mceting were: \\,ill iilm T. Lang!ey, 'Sz, and wife; Chas. f. H errmallll, '97, ami wife i ).Irs. Kinney (Ainor:t Alexander, sp. 'oS) and husband: Joseph R oscll 'oS; -'I iss Id:t Robi nson ; H . B. Tilden, '05; C . C. Cavanagh, '07, :tlld wife; M. J. Dorsey, '06, and )'J iss Bessie Bemis, 'oS,

The officers of th is lIew association a rc: \Y. T. L angley, p resident; M. J. Dorsey, vice president; Bessie Bemis, secretary.

The re was no set prOgr:un, but a rousing good lime W;IS had , and everybody became. acqulli~ted ~"" i th everybody clse. J\llSs BemiS wrItes: "\Vc hope to dou ble the !lumber at the next meeting, and s hall be glad to recei,'c names o f nny Ilcur enough 10 attend. " ?-.'I is!:l Bemis' addrl'ss is 2130 Carter ave., St. Anthony P ark, S t. Paul, Minll,


EA.'IT L~L"S I ~G , )IIC i-llt'iA~ , Tn:sn.\Y, )UHtll 12, l~t:!_

M. A. C. AT THE N. E. A.

:\1. A. C. was wcll repres(:lIIed Ht the cO!lvelHioli of the DC[l:lfllnellt of Superintcndence of the :-Jational Education .t\!lsoci;ltion ill SI. Louis, Feb. ~6,z9, by six g- r llduatcs :lIld one former studcnt.

Three of these were principles of staLe norlllal schools- C. L. Bemis. 'i", o f the \\'est \ 'irgilli a :;t:lIC ::-.rormal, nt Athens, Charles )'Ic· 1..::enIlC\·, 'S], of the \\' isconsin Statc Xorl\l:;I, at :\ l ilw:Hlkce, :lnd D. B. \\'aldo, with 'S5, of the \\'cst('rn !::it:tte i\ormal, at 1..::alanl:l7.oo.

Of the class of '93, there \\ere E. i\1. )'IcElroy, forolcrl), superin. tendent of schools at Coldwatt::r, bUI IIOW sl:lle a~ent for Ihc American Book Comp:ttl)', with headtl\larters at St . P;wl, :'II inn .. ;lud 11. J. eros.: hy, o f the U. S. Dl'lMrtmenl of l\ ~ri. culture.

\V. C. B;l~lcy, '95, direl·tor of the School of Edu(":llion of the Univer· sill" of I llinois, was there as presi. deill of the :\:ttional Socic!y for the Study of Edul":.ltioll, and g-;lVC a pre· sidcntial :llltlrcss.

The YOU!It::est :lIld most ("h:trming graduate was :'II iss l'aulill:\ E. R:,vcn, '05. who is at the he:lIl of th c hOlllc CCOlllHll;"S dep:trtmellt of the )'Ii~so)uri Statc ~ormal ~chool,

at \\'arrcll..,hurg.


T hc third lIIi<l·\\ inter l'oncert will he ghcn in the 'irmor) 011 Friday e\ ellin~ ' II ::. o'clol·k. T he chorus cOII~i~ts of ~omc '10 \·uiccs. and \\;1\ be assistcd by thc h<"I,1 s· :,:-ke dllh, thc ;,!"irb' g:lce cluh, :t1l11 the follo\\ill).! soloists:

.\Jr:s. Hoy :'Iloor(· . .:;opr:lIlo. :\I:lr:o!:trct Ciilnl\' , C(lnl ralt". ).Jr;;.J. \\'. ~t~ph(,Jls, cont rot lto. :\lr . .I. \\ .... ::;tephell :;, tCllor. i'lir. Ha\' H :nllillon. tellor. Prof. I( C. IIlI s ton. b,lr;tonc. :'Ilr. I. L. ;\Iorse. ba r itl)t]('. .:'Iliss Luuise Frcyhofcr, :lccom·

panist. :'II iss L('tllia Bassett, <u.:ClIIllP;Ullst. :\lr. Bruch 11:tr\..Sudt, :]Cl·olllpall·

ist. ,\lr. Fred Killecn. comlnctor. The price of admission IS hut

t\\,('nty·five cents, :md it is sincerdy hoped thaI all college people ami East L;lnsi ll g folk generally will turn oul to this conce r t. It will, without doubt, be olle of the very best entertainments of its kind cver off ... red, and the time and money will he well spent.

The chorus of 140 voices hilS been training all year, and :tre in e,;cellent voice, while the soloi!!t!! are all o f the very best.

Mar k the date on you r calendar for the concert -Fri,I:t}', ;\/:t rch 15,

at S :00 p. Ill., in the college a rmory. :1IId plan to b ring your friends with you .

'02. Mr. :lIld 1Irs, H, E. YOUllg, of

Chicago, annOUJlce the birth of a SOli, R obe rt M cCormick, o n March I ,

~I r. Young is edilor of the Farmers' R eview, and Mrs. Young was form . e rly Mabel M cCormick, with '03'


The .:'II. f \ , C . alumni and ~heir wives, wlto nrc locale,1 at Purdue u ul\er;;ity, were entt!r1aincd:1I d in · ne r recently hy Prof. antI i\f r~. J :11I1t!!! Troop. Those prcscl1\ were, Prof. \\'. C. Lima, 'ii , and wife: Prof. C . G. \\·oo<.lhl1(\·, '0""" and wifc; J. G. Boyle, 'oS; ilml \\ifc; \V. 1<.. \V right, 'o:!, :11111 \1 ife; I'rof. I. Troop, '78, :tIlll wife, :tllli ,\J iss

'Lo\'ina ~Icrick, with 'o:l. It is a large jump from '71 to '00.

:lnd thc hunch was !l 0 1 as l:tr~c :IS th:lt one which met at Chic:tgo re' ce nth-, but the same old col1c~e spirit [In."\ (tiled. allli all t'njoyed a \'cry pica,,:lnt e\"cninx.


T he h:lml, .,8 JIlcn ",t ((III): , II cllt to :'II ;\,,011 last Tuc~,l;n' C\ clling, \ ;:1

thc .\1. L'. 1<.., to goi; c :t cotlcert., und er !hc auspices of lhe }.IaSOlL hig""h school. H: ayner oper:l hou,,(' was well filled \\ ith :tn cnthusiastic audience, lind til l' exccllcnt prog:r:ui1 gi\cn hy the 11:111.1 was heal·tily i"I]l' pren:ltcll.

Thl: hand w:!" ahly a:;sisted dllr· in).! lhe l'H'l1in~ h\" I'rofl·~ .. ')f I::. ::;. "il1" :I:> re:lder, a;,,1 [,1' the :\uror­l'an 11::t1c QUlIrte!le .. \flcr Ihl·!)\:r. fo rmllnt'e, the hand II""~ b rwug-ht direct to the e:nnpu" in .1 ~\)l:ci;tl car, k:t\ in).! :'11.1511 11 at 10: l.~ 1\11.1 ;lr·

ril"in).! at the l"ollq.::c !It II :;0 .

,'\ bout the mi.ldll· of . \ prillile hand is to llppear in ~t. J o hns ill .1 ..:on· C~·I· t, all,1 uther trip~ o f ;1 simibr mHure ;tre bciu:.:- arr:HI;{cu fo r I,y' :'Ilr. 1::. C. "ider, thc m:lIla~er.

:"IiOI o.1lIly arc [he" ... 1rip~ g-ood ad. \erti",illg" for our alma tll:ttn. hUI they also fUrni"h KOCl~ 1 e\pl·ri l· lh·o,.: for 'he "-HId l1\en. an,! ~ri1l1l1lat~· III !erest in the hllnd \\tJrk.


T ill: libr:lry is in receipt of :1 h:HldSOllle \'(lIUlilC in \\ hich is puh. lished the cumplete pro~ raL1l LJf thc ceremonies :lUl'lldin:.: tile u/lI'eilin,t:" of the equestri an s tatU" to :\bjor GellCf:!1 lic(lr)::"e A. Cuslcr, hy thc Slate of Michig:m, ami form:llly dellic;Lled at :'I loll roe, .\1 ich ., J IlIIC

-l' 19 1 I. T he :tppropriatioll o f $!5,OOO for

this work was made possihle by an act of the le/{islalure in the sprinJ.!" of '907. ).Irs. Cuslerwa.sthecolI· stallt all visor o f the cOrll llli;;sioll, and with her OWIl hands ull\'clletl the st:ltue, after p1:1tforrn hy Taft.

being escorted to the Pres. \\. m. ll oward

The \'olume is heautifully bount..l, and contains SOllle 1 ~o pages. Thcre is n full page likeness of each o f the many noted pcrsonages to ha\'e a parI in the prog ram~Pr('s. Taft, e,;·Gol'. \Varller, !:)en;ttor Smith, :\J rs. Custer and othe r;;.

T he book is the gift of Ge n. .J:lnleS 11. K idd, of Ionia, who h as himsel f wri lte-n the most interesting h i!!torical skc tch of the famo us Cus· tcr, ami to him is due ou r thanks for thi s r.Jluable addition to ou r libr:lry.

:\0. 21

'68. E I). R \(1,;1I1! I>: , ' uur threat to ,lis·

conti nue tIll' It ~~COB II is just rccei\ cd, ami I ellclO!!c a hri be which I hope will imluce you 10 eOIHillue sending it. I wo\dd trot he without it for ten limes its CO"I .

T ell lhe hoy~ thai Hilo \i pl;"s.) i~ Ihc hest place on the llIap. I h,,\'c hee lL here fiftecn I ell rs. :urd I klll!w. Jim ~;tUerke. of '69. 3nd Charley G:lrlicld, o f 'io. v, itll !hClr f,unil id, are here lI"ilh me thi" \1 inle r, a lLtl ns both of t hcm owe mc fur di nners o f !'>uch oy Ste rs and shrimp 115 .' ou Ilorlherli felIO\\~ l1C \Cr lastcrl, tltey a rc hOl h hlltl1l1l to \'ouch for :In~ Ih ing­I may ~a'y . :-::th<:: ll lt\c just re· teive.] :1 lelkr f ro Ul Tilohi'15, o f '; ,~ , who SII}S: " (j i~e my best re:.;ard.. 10 :-::tt!l'rlce and G :t rhcl(l , ,Hill tell them Ih .11 fl llr only d auJ.!hter i,., no\\' PII he r I\n) h:lc k from Ihe I' hilippincs, II ith our lir,.t ),:r:lIldSlIl1: ~n .\011 >lee the boy of ';0·';; :Irc :':-l·tt illg 011. "

Ynur:; ... arue"~ all mher :\ 1. A. C. hoys,

TI\\t\ , '(IS.

':)y. Th e !Jct,."il j ",I/·,,,,1 wf Ft:h . .; I

e(ultail1;; all t"u'clkrtl \\ rit.c. up (If the lIiggins ~dlOO I , o f Iklroit.l)f \, hi~ It \\'l ili,ulI 1 .i::hlhl!,I~ . '~9. IS

pri l1~· ip 'l l. an.1 \\ illl \\hidl hl' h:IS

ll-Cl'U i, leltti ti~'d ("r ~() \ ca r .... :'II r. Lighll101l .' laid Ihc "u TI;e r .. I nne " f IItc Io" al il iful hi.:.:-h .....:ho.1ol hL1ill\lIl~ 1 I ~l·.lr ... ,1;.:0. .\mpk [ll,,~' :.:ruLlllds, '\ ~:lllIull Imildil1).:" trall"hITl llll\ illtu :t ~yll1t !; l loiu "l. !llId l·\ l·cll.:IH lihr;ary f,l l·il it i.· ... hlne aIl1"(11I ,11111e,1 fl' "';Ike thi~ 0 11,' IIf Ihe le:lllil1~ ~,h"wls of its killd ill thc S! ;t\.·. Thc h~'!I rt" ;.:-ood fellow ... hip uf pnrh.il'''l, tl·:t.:!;. l' rs :11111 pLlpib i .. l" idelll Ult e\ ery hltlld. Uurill" .\Jr. I. i:,:-hlho< lv';; work ill this ... dlOOI, Ill' hil~ ha\1 'yo lli ffl'rent ~rmle \l·:tl her ... under his t'!\:tr).:"c. l ie h:ll!i Il\·I.1 \;lri'HI~ otlices ill the ell uI',monal .1<;~(ll"i:'liolis of th.· st:H.·, ;11111 f') r "ig-hl yl·;tr~ was a melllher o f the hoard of l·"amillcrs for \\· II .\nl·cOLllll .1 Il·achl"rs.


I.ollell B.JudsOIl,:t ~ raduatc of '03, :tud fo rllu'r L:u",ing man, died at , \ lb:IIl~. N. Y., 011 March i, fol· lowillg :111 operation fo r appendi. citis. .\1 r. Judson g:r::l(luated [rom Il:tn'ilnl \\ith the class of '01. Ire \\;I~ parlinll:trly dfll\\l1 to horti. C111tural work, however, ami eu. lercd :'II. A. C. to spt::cializc in this suhject. Aftcr g radua ting, he a<: . <'cpterJ a positioll at lilc Idaho Ag. ricul!ural College, :lIld later was electell to thc position of as;;is!a.nt professor of horticulture :It Cornell University. li e left this position but. rccently to dc\'clop:t larm ncar Kinderhook, where he was taken ill, :lI tci wht!re the interment was m:tJe. The news of his untimely death comes :tS it shock to both his relatives in L:lIlsing lind to his ('01·

lege friends. He was a m an of ex. ceptional abil ity, and with a g reat future.

Page 2: The M. A. C. RECORD.spartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-CF2-54...it. I wo\dd tr ot he without it for ten limes its CO"I . T ell lhe hoy~ thai Hilo\i pl;"s.) i~ Ihc hest

The M. A . C. RECORD . u ......... EVU. T UESOaY ou,,," .. T '" COHE .. .

' U ••• TH, " ,,,,, " ;: •• " . uu AC '''CHT u ''AL co .........


1!:11t1~red "8 second·"'","! In,, \! ""HtH ... t La U$IOil:. Mt~h .

Addrell!" .. 11 .ub."r!lItjon~ .. nd .. d"';I·tl~lnii Ulaner to the M. A 0. Rllcnltt>. EftSt 1.Il1l ­l ' tlIII. :!ofteb. .,ddre~~ .. 1t contrIbution" 10 tbe MIHI!t.lJln&: Editor,

RemIt by I'. O. MonPY Order, DrMt or R.e1I1.tered Letter. Do not send !tIUOIl8.

Bu§lne8S OtHce ""t II I ... ""rence It V .. " Bu r en Prlntltlll 00 .. tllf.~I~ Grandl.x!!. :-'-0 .. Lao"IIl II. Mleh.

TUESDAY, MARC H 12, 1912.


The cou rse in heel sug:lr cbemis­try is prodng a Tnost popular Olle, aud the :II!CIHJ:mcc is far ahead of what b:\J been :lllliciplIlcn . It w:\s thought lh at perhaps \.! or '3 olig'ht b..,("otne inlcr;:slcd, bll1 . ,1$ a result (If a n:n s mall :ill]OUIl! of advertising', ,16 c:{rncs!, cnthu;;i:lStic men arc en rollClI for this w ork.

~Ir. \C II. 1I0ddless, of Cross­well, and Mr. i\Ia rsh aH Allen, 'oS, of the Alma faclon', have heen se· cu red to assi~t in this work. The work is o pen onll to men with ",Ollle practical expcril:nce, lind this ex· perience r:lll ;::e ;; from one to I\\'e/ll" c;'lll1pllig:ns. The differenT e"perl' ll1elltS of the V;!riOIiS st;l!ions ;Ire hl·ill~ 1:\1..1.'11 up and (I i ~eussed, :Hld the pn}~n·~e,. . losses. \·iclds. l· te" <Ire snme of the praClicai !Suhjects in h;ltld.

Fo\lowill;..:' is !I list of Iho"" \\ ho hal"t~ cnk rl·d fOr Ihe fOur "l'eks' ~'uur~c :

Baker. Cland.· L , O\\'os'<J. Beebe. \'i o,: tor , St. I.,uui$. Bsloonk, HarmOIL, Alma. n.o."6. E .. er .. tt. St. Louis, Rruwu, E. E. Sa;,;iua". Bruegg"uHlIm. It , Cros~welL OUl'netl. U. I.. Chllrla,·o!x. Caldw .. 11. R L Bil/: Rapid;:;. Ch rou. :'II. J. Ba}' City. Cook. \\'a1Ier, Saginaw. Cooller. Harry , O\\'o~~ .. Ferri", G. W., St. Loui~, Fouker. G. Alma Gaine;;. T, f,. Cnro. !:Iatel, B. E.. Croswell. !:lorn, E:rUe!lt , Caro. KIRmli. J . L .. Owosso, Kline, F. 0 , St, Lou i ~ .

Kmlt.;;on, .J. 0, Uolland. Kundinger , E. C .. SeIJeW'll ing. Lockwood. G V., Alllla. Lowry, L_ A. SL, Louis. lI aier, Root .. Lansing Manll ing, C. S., Saginllw, Mansor. J H .. Ow00;80, Montey. Richard. Fairgrove. U!lck, P. H" Saginaw. lJassnick. \VOL, Bay Ci ty. Myenl, F. H., Argyle. Nearing, T. J .. E:ssex'i'ille, Pambrulll, O. A .. Owosso. Peter, B . S .. Lansin g. Porter, Sidney W., BIl)' City. P r ice, Frank, Holland . Rober tson, B , G,. Bay City. Scbleicker, Paul . C.u o. Simpson. Wm .. EiSex"il!e, Smith , D. L.. Al ma. Smith, F. S .. 0 "'0650. Soell. Thos. C., Sagi na w, Sparrow, Karl. Blissfield. Spri68S. J . A., S"ginaw, Van Gilbert. J,. Bay Cit y. Welcome, C. J .. Ihy City. Weloome, B . A., Bay City. White, Geo. W:, St. Louis.

The M. A. C. RECORD.

FROM G, A. F ARR, 1870.

D EAlt REcollo:-1 enclose re­n ew;.!] of Ill)" subscription fo r thc ensumg year.

Tht: Rt;COH!) is :tlwaysrelld with dccp iutt:rest, though it has a more pc rsonal ;lpplicatioll to The late r g r ilduatcs th:m 10 the oldo::r ones, Very 'l!Itur:illy, littlc is rt::HI in its columns o f gradu;ltcs :IS fa r back as the iO's. That is ;t sort of ancient historv, but thc RECOil!) is invalu­able to the old gradu;'!te;; as showing the marvelous growth and de"clop' meut of the College.

Harking back to th;lt early period - if 1 m:l)' speak pcrsonully_ it ,,'as forty.six rears ago the 151h of las t month whell. through nlud almost unf:1Ihomable, J walked 10 the Col­lege from Lansing, to elller liS a student, The greal stonc by the waysi(k' . So well known to;'l1l o f the st udo,:nls, had then developed but a tiny cr:lck, f rom which sprouted a cherry stalk no larger than a child's finger.

The ca mpus hetwecll the present. interurban s tation and the old College building 1\' ;15 q uite thickly stre wn in it;. lower pari with logs ami stu mps, and marsh ~rH.',S grew there plelltifull~"

Thl' only buildin~s Wl· re. the old Collegl' ,1I1d a dormitory, wbieh ,I'l' ~'alled "Saint,; R est" (siuct' bu rlled with ;!rt'at 10",$ to anim:,] life). There was :il~o a hay ,lIld sheep bartl.

I:kl'oml th(· Ced:lr ril',' r \\'us much primev,]1 fo rest , whe re student;, k-arned thl· first p r inciples of a,:::ri . {'uitun' in wielding the axe IUld the bct'tle.

The PI"Cst:llt lIlag-lli1iccnt huildill~pi Ihal II!)\\' gra(l:' the cllnlpu~ were not then' thl' suhject (,f our ",ilde,,1 drealll'", 1>\lt the ~alUl indUlll it:lbll' spi r it that hns C\.: r chnr:lclcril'ed our >Ibn:1 mall'r. was tlWI1, as HOW, in fllil f,J r,'l',

T ill' teachill~ ~ t:tf( of the l":llkgc has never ~incc heen excelled. ,,'l' rce:lll LIH,i r n:lnw:; II ilh gr:uitude ;11\(1 pride. I'rcsi(knt .\hhol1, ,lilt! L'rofe:>:iors .111,1 IIl~lrm'\lO r,; f.;:e(h,i l'. \li irs. F.lird1iltl, Conk, I'renli ..:~', :md Clute. .:'-1051 of till' III ha\ e pasFl'd ;\\\"ay, hut their lllelllOr.\· is still ~r~l'l1 alld p re, i () u~ In l'\ ery olt! gra,ltlllte.

It has alw;],'s beell 1111' II-i~h !(I

have ,11 le:lsl -one I)f m~ child ren gr~du:lte ;I! \1. :\, Co , hLit 1Il~ Ion}:: ':Ol1lll'l'lioll wilh the l-nil ~'r:.i ty n:H· uralh- led n1\' child ren whl·rc l ..:ould scc them OftCIl , and look :tft.:r th.: ir welfare.

R eturning from four YC;'lrs ~l'ni~c in thc a rmy, ignorant and well'lIig b peltll)'lcsi', I attribllt" what sm;iH suet'ess I h;I"c had in life tv tho:: bcnelit'ence of the St,lIe, acting throu gh one of its most splend id "gencics, the Agricultural College.

Pardoll thi;; rather person allo::trer , but thc sentinH"llt of reminiscence sometimes comes slirringly.

r;rnm{ Iln;;cII, .1 ficll.

'0' \\·c art: in receipt of the :lllnoun·

cement and program of a short cou rse in gardening and poultrr cui, tU rc, gi,'cn by the ag ricltit:lral department of the Deer Ri ve r School ( M iun.), o f which D . B, Jewell, '01, is superinte ndent. T he course is given Feb, ~o to A p ril 13, and includes to lessolls in each sub­jec t, classes being held each T ues­day e "euing a t the high school bu ilding ,


A meeting of the executivt: board of the ).'J i.:higan H ome Economics Association was hel{~ tbe last of Fehruary by iuvitatioll of tho,: sec­retar\'-Ireasurer, i\liss Lenita F . Cooper, a t the R lttlc Creck Slllli, t'arium.

The illstitlltion laboratories, kitchens and treatment rOOnlS were open for inspect ion, and cspecia! inl.::ro,:st was shown ill the S·r;))" laborato ry, where a (lcmonstnnion was u-h'en b\' Dr . RceJ . Thc de­lic iou~ hllle'heon, served in the roof dinillJ{ room , ga\e occasion for lhe discussion of interesting Jict ques_ tiOIlS, At the exccutivc session pl:lIls were made for the annual lllectinJ{ of the :lssoeiation, to be held ),1:1)' IS, ;It thc "'oll1el1s' building', of the ).Iichig:an Agricult ural C o l, lege. C'rgl'llt illl-it;ilion is ("xtclnlcd to all honskeepers :Hlt! club women to become members of this associ;)· tion, ant! to ;Utemi tht! :ulIlttal mect, mg. ), 1 iss Talbot, O CU li of \\'omen ant! I/ e:ll l o f 1I0usehoid Allininis, Tratioll [)"partmettt in lhe L'lIi· 'ers it,)' of Chicago, will deli\"l'r :(1]



LJ. \I iehal"l, '03, eurn expert o f the prU\' iul'e of Ues~arahi:l, Ru"sia, W;lo> introdul'o::d to the I Io rt. c1 uh un \\'edlles,by en'niH,: hy !JeHn Bissell, of the ell;,!"inee rin;.,:- dl.']lan· Illl'll t. li e \\,:IS e;dled 10 \( us"i:! 1\\'0 \1.'''1'" ;1"0. anol si nce Ih:\t link' 11;15

h,,'] rna~\y illkre~till~e:'l.Jll·ril·IKl'S. \\'h ik thq' \lere hosti le 10 lh ...

work tllat he'was tv t:lke up, ,\ ct Ill l' people of ll cs~Hnlhia t rl'alell him with the ;.!Te:lit' ... t l',lUrte'>I' UIJOIl hi" arri,'a). 1 [i" "\lee,'~~, "0 ·f;tr. in the hr<.:edi ll )! of ,'orll Iw~ hl"l'lI ~lIl'll that ill till' )'l';1r "f 1<)\: lIe ha~ :+ Ira.' \ uf 'lOU :ter.:s \\ ilh \1 hil'h III l'arr\' (In

his \\'ork. 1111,1 ill t913 t lli~ \\ih he illcn·a~e\1 to ~ . ' >00 a, rl'~.

The dilllak uf I ;e";,,ar:l],i:r i:. "Onl~'11 hal the ~'lIne a;;. ),1 ichi~\tll, ~1I111 th ~'I' !,!row mall\ uf the S,II11l' fruil lUlli ;:,'r:till ,' rops: '1' IIl' peopk' arc l1]osll.\· lhlll'll:l ni:", .. , .Ie\v:>. French :11111 l)u lgariall". The uppn l'b",,~·s arc hi~hly ethlclte,}, \1 hile the lowl'r cla~se;;; ,Ire illitl'ral\',10111 li"e C'om fortabh .

.:'-lr, ).[;I'had think" lh:,t, \\'ilh thl' illtrodurl ioll of :\ mcrinUl 1II:1('hll1-en' ;'In,] Amcri'::11I Ill ethoils, H..u",,,;" i" -houlid to impro\"l' r :\pidl~ :llollg' agricultur:d lilll'~.


The ell),!ineerin),! shops h,!\'c just started the manufacture u f six 14-inch cngine lathl's. which \\'ill be · come It part of thl.' rf:gulHr ("(luip' men! o f the maeh int' shop. A 1'011, se n ',lli"e \'aluation of thesc lathes is $1 ,800. T he ordc r for the 1I1;lking 0'1 thcse lathes, together wi th thc m:lkil lg o( thc various o ther I,' pes o f equipmenl w i th which the' sho ps are now ol'cupied, EOUIHls the death knell of the maki ng of "cxercise piecl's" in the machim' shop. l lc re· a fter, all s tudents in this shop w ill at a ll times work on pa rts which arc to be used on :t machint, or fo r some othe r defi nite. pu r pose. As fa r as possible the ma king o f " ex · e rcise pieces" will be e lim inated f rom the work of th e o ther shops as soon :1S possible .


" -hcrco.>' , The lIeitvenly F,lthe r h,lS deemed it wi~e to lake from this lift: the f:ttht:r of our b rother, Fred­e r ic J. \\. alsh, therefore, be it

R .. so!:·(·d, T hat the mcmhers of the Aurore:11I !-'ocicty extend to him t~lci r heartfelt sym p;lthy in this the tlllle of sorrow. and be it fUrlher

R eJ'o/;'I'{{, 'f ilat a copy of these resolutions be p r i'l1ed in Th e I/o/­end and T ilE H. ECOUD.

Signed . A, G . i\J)A~I", G. A, . \ t.I.E:O;,

If. 11. CO!'l.,\S' .

" ·he,-c'I.,·, The I Ic;lI' elll\- F;'lthe r h:ls dCelll(:d it \\'i.';c to t:;ke from this life our brother, S. B. lIart, 111;111, therefore be il

Ncso/;:cd, That the memhers o f the Olympic l.it(.'r;l(\' Socio,:t,' ex· Wild to the brnilv their hc:~rtf'-'It sy mpathy in Ihe -time of sor row, and be it furth e r

Neso/:'rd, That a cop~ of these resolut io ll s he plnced in 1'/1,' 1/(>1-(lId ;Iml R~'C<I lf!) .

Signed . S . I.. II.IJ.I., D . • \. HItI CE, \\' , L. D.\\·!( .... ,,:-,:-.


M. A. C. W ins it s Six th Victory ill Eight Matches.

Our 1c:1I1l j'oosted ih hig-h s~'on' t\l YOi ]a,,1 IIl'ek, d1; k"lillg- ;\lilh ig',1!1 hy .~j p"int~. It. F. Giffd~, II frl·"h· nl;lll Cn~i lll' e r. lI!!;,ill ~hot hi~ II :!\' hi

Ihe lop of Ihe h ':III1 , with ;I I"tai "f ! S;;;. T he \>lIwr~ _,~·or.:d :,~ fullo\\'~: CLlrk. K.:-- .. 1:)1; ,"'a:,mlin . II. \\ ' . loS.; ; \1 a ~ [)(l11:III1. I. :\., I I::' : Ilell;lnl r. r .. Iii, .

Giff~·b- l.ISt "ee\.. '~ I:1fI.., lSi, 1.1 ill~ t\,..l-I tine fOr thl' hi,l.!"1te"l ~,;"re of Ihe Co~le:.:c le;l(l l tlurill~ the pr",..l'tt t Se Tll· ....

[o\\a ... till 1.0:111" I Ill' ka;.:u,·, Ililh eig-ht ~t r ai:.:hl \i~l()r\l's : .\[il1lw~0ta i" -..l'C"lld, widl "'el ell I !l'lurie'" alld <,JIll' dde;\I: \1. , \. C. I,eillt: :t duse third .

Thl: local [lC'I{'l· (,ratil'n n'lllcs1 II ill bl' held ill lh l • I'h:lpd Tnlli ).!hl (T lll,~d, I ,, ).:'1 ;- ... 'doc·k. Thl' Will' ncr of I hi~ cnntl's t \1 ill 1"<'[1,·l· ... l·nl the .:ollej!e itt Ihe St,\t e n .IlIIl'",\, lll"hi hl'rc l"lrly 1I,' " l h·rllI.

Pn·s. Sn\der i~ in St. Louis, ),1 <).,

thi" "eek. in at\clld:lnel' al the Illeet­ill~s o f th~' I{l'li;.: ious Eclut'aliOIl i\ -,;soc-;atiOII. I·k g-il'es :1Il "delr..,s" tod ay hdorc till' assol'lation upon thc subject : " T hl' Trainillg- of Religious Lea,]L'r;" fur Chur.:h \\·ork in Ru r:l l COIllIHuuitil·;"."

P rof. h:in~'s o.:I:ISS in steam l'n ­);:,illes lind h{)ilers inspected the power pbnls o f llll' "'lich ig-:1I1 1'o\\'er C o. :l!1.] th~' c ity electric pumpin~ st:llion on Friday af ter· noon o f last wo,:ek. Evcrr !cli\ ure of the plants, from the co'al pile to the huss cars o f the ell'c lric geller , ato rs, II':IS );:'i\'cll det;'lil attention.

On \ Vednesday ni){ht of this wee k, l ion. Law ton T. Il e mans, of M ason, will spell k before. Ihe. cngi­neering ",tudents, on the rei;nion of the telegraph com p anies to the peo­ple. Mr. Hu ghes s poke Oil MOIl­day 011 public milities from the s ta lHlpoi nt o r the manage r o f one o f such com p:m ies, and other speake rs w ill be :lrrang-ed fo r from li me to t ime.

i. ,

Page 3: The M. A. C. RECORD.spartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-CF2-54...it. I wo\dd tr ot he without it for ten limes its CO"I . T ell lhe hoy~ thai Hilo\i pl;"s.) i~ Ihc hest




The M. A. C. RECORD. , .



A ,-isit to our Women's Department ,will help you t.o soln! the pup lex· OUR FACILITIES ARE COMPLET E FOR iog 'luestion-What to buy lhi:upring! A Suit, or Dress. or Coot-

DESICNINC - ENCRAVINC· PRINTINe - BINOINe The Mark of Quality and of fashion plus

CLASS PUBLICATIONS AND COLLECE ANNUALS Skill stamps each of our Garments the better kind. \\·c carry c\,crrth illg on th, line of Women', tempting new 8,lrilll( SuillJ. Silk lind Wool Dresses. CORt",

invitations, Etc. Skirts or Wabt". Each day adds IIIHny rresh bright tilioJ(ll to Oll r oollllC. Announcements. Programs, tion. Earl~' s pring buyers ,,1"'''11:1 lind the best IOMOrtmeo!.S,

\V e speci.llizc 011 indi\'idual orders for Our s tyles bear the desiraIJltI indi viduality every tAdy WIUllll.

Fine Stationery - embossed o r p rinted

The Mills Dry Goods Co. LA. N 5 I N G . - MICHIGAN 1ft this City ours Is lbe Slore tbat sell s WOOL lEX

I Do You Want f:VEI\ Y KIMD Of We Leave it to You~ . FURNITURE Pair Shears

If YOII least ten doll:tfs Knife FOR: YOUR ROOM want to sa \'C :n

Safel" Ita.wr_ on your spring suit, all you han! to do i ;UI .. U~ .• -'U10 S troP.

~:\·O!r- lt" II.o:I r and \,!nde .. is leave your measure. \Vc will do the 10 H't"ct frQ'"

H ones ami Strops Cots Folding Beds rest - tit and sntisf:lction guarrw(ced. Suws II :nmnc rs Matresses Spring line of J It'id Caps now n:!:Hly I i:!.lchclS

for your inspection. Chisels Book Cases Desks Screw Dr;\'c rs

III f;lc t , :ltIything you IIc ... d ill ~ A1\\"'\\"5 find late things m hardware )'ou \\ ill find - ;;nd :tt pricl's to :; uit_at All COO DS DElIVEI\ED fl\EE

MIFFLIN'S Norton'S tlilrdwilrB M.J.8. B.M. BUGK

,"'"""."",'" ~ ABOUT THE CAM P US \\' , B. StOl'I1rIl, of Gr:md L~·.Ij.!~.

visited his Io rothl' r·ill·la" . I'ror. :'\ewman, Thursd:.) of la"t wcck.

T hc Tau Ilcl:! I'i j.!. IIC a dam·inj.! part,· in the a,.~crnhly mom vf Ih~ Adr'icultur;ll B\li1 ~li ll " Frida,' el ell-. ~ ~.

Il l,::.:'. At a rccen t f:t CUltl mcdin" a

committec W;IS :Ippoil\ ted tu I~ok into the ad,'i,,:d" l; tl of estahli!>hinj.! :1 cou rse in :lr\;J :1I1t! "ciCIlCCS :It ~J. A. C.

I'rof. \\ ' . O. I led rick \\,:IS in 13005' ton last week , where he ;lttcl1(led thc bi(r alumni Illedillg on Friday, torlrch S.

The d rawi ng- Ilcparlmcnt is con· ICOlpbtin:,:- ;m exhibit of Jap:H1ese prints in the ne:lr future . :om1 in COil· nection with tht: exhibit it is ~llanlled 10 h;lve a lecture on Jap3ntSe arts :lm1 customs hya cOlllpctent ptulhor-ily. I

T he class ill works management visited the plaut o f the l\Jichigan Screw Co., 011 Hosmer !:5treet. I.;tn­sing-,on SaW nl:ty morning, and spent a p rofitable time in the study o f automatic IlHlchines and spccial tools as used in the IlHulU facture of parIs in great quanti ty . T he study of the constr uction, operation, alld pro­duel of the great \'ariet), of intricate machines which are found in this excellently well equipped shop ab­!lorbed the ;!ttention o f the students who were privileged to take this trip. That the couple of hours spent at the plant were p rofitable could Dot be doubted by aoy who could ha ve seen the interest dis­played by the class.

F. J. Richa rd~, o f 1:4·1 ~'ear's dass, i" now 'i!:>,, ;st;mt ljUp~rilltelt{h:llt of th~ F lillt G;b Co.

InstrUClor Fogle. o f the .1epart. 1lll'lIt o f tarlll 1I1echanil's, ha~ pur· Ch;lsed a brill of I [:I r,h' Bros" .! I{ tllilcs e,lSI :In,lnorth of ~j. _\. C., ami h:ll, 1110vcII his household effects from Sunfield to that p1Ill·l·.

T he Ilo/~,," ;tthletic d~ction" an: held 011 S aturd;I\' (If this wl'ek. I II

lOtl nect ion with' Ilthletics Ihe a"slst­ani nwn'lJ.{ers and hoard of control will he elccll'll. The l'11it ors, hll!~i . lIess mlU1a).!'(' rs, etc., of the SlIu1cnt p:tper will be sc!el·!t'd :.t this time; dUlies to hegin with the sprill:;! to;-rm.

l ' ndcr Ihe direc tion o f [' rof. ~I.r' ron A. Cobh, 'oS, tht: second UIl­IlUal Farmers' !:5chool was held :It Ihe ;\ 11. Pl easant normal :\l;trI:h 1-8. i\1. A. C . was reprcsented 011 the program by Supt. Ralph lludson, who spoke 011 horses; Prof. Ander­son on dai rying; Ficld Agellt \\'hite Oil fruit; Inslructor Linton o n general poultry subjects, allli i\J r. 1I00pingarncr on {:Inn ~rops.

Chair man C. L. Glasgow, of the Railroad Commission, gal'e a very inleresting talk before the engineer. ing students 011 \\. ednesday e,·en. ing. H e spoke of the financial con . dition of the I". ,\1. road in partieu. Illr. The tlVO cent fare proposition is lIot held in ,'ery high regard by Mr. GI:tsgow,ns it .. Hecled only the rouds wh ich were able to keep even at th ree cents. The pUrpose o f the railroad comm ission, said the 'speak. er, is to prevent discrimination in rates of public utilities.

B. C .. \ lI is. ' I I, is with thc Gr;tnd Trlluk l ·a.:ilil· 1{;lil\\;lI. with hl'ad_ 'Iu;lrtcrs at Edmonton: Ell,,,·rI:l.

Ur. RUlh . \ llclllw .. r~tu rned frolll ~l1rg-eon Ha.l', " ·is .. II h .. 're ~he 11" .. "1tellll~d her {;It)l cr Ilu rin;.: his ill­/tess :1Ilt! (ll·al h.

.\!HIOlincemell\ j" iliadI.' r,f the cOlllin~ m:trri:.:{c (~larc h I I ) nf ~I r. Elme r Dni!. '10. L :IIl",ing, :Hld

~Iiss Edith :'01:1) GIIIIII , of 1I01t.

I I. II. :'ohl",sel m:lIl, of Ihe Llrm .nech;lllics Ilcpa rtIllCt1t, instruL'lor Fische r, of the En:;lish de]l;lrtnlCllt, and ~liss l{;.uJemacher, of the bac· teci010~i('al Ilepllrtmenl. :Ire ;111 scn'ing lillle 'n the college hos­piw!.

R cmcmber the local option "d · Ilress by 1-1 . R. l';!tleng-ill in the People's church. Sunday e\'enillg', ~larch '7. l\lr. L':tuengill kllOWli the suhject lhorollg'hly, ami h:l s heen cllga~ed during the winter lecturing all o,er the coullty. lie will have sOlnt:lhing of interest for 1111.

On Saturday lI ight, March 16, ill the Detro it Light Guard ;Jrtnory, will be held the second allllual ~Jichigan ch ampionship imloor ath. letic meet, This meet is held under the allspices of the Dctroit Y. ~1. C, A., .md will be attended by :I

number of State athletic teams. M. A. C, will, in all prab:.bility, be rep­resented by the followillg nlen: Geib and Rosell in the mile; Gcib, R osen and Brown in the half mile; Lord in the high jump; Day in the shot put, and Beatty ill the pole \' a ult.

The ;lIl1lu,,1 EUllomian pril.~ i .. tu h .. : uffe red ,I:,:-"ill thi .. .\"~" r. l'urthl' r del:tiled IIl)lic~' \\ ill be :.:-in·1I lIe,( wl'~k.

.I. ~Iu"t \Vl·lll·s, '09, ;Uld wife II~re I·isiliu'.!: tlll'latte r·.., I);\r~'nts alit! I h~'i r 1lI:H1} l'olk;.:e fril·ll;l., th~· past wcek.

T he "t!ldents in elcetn, "I clI;.:-i. Ileerin;.! made;t te"l. :->;uunb\ ,no rn. in:,:-. of the :-"on. 1;II;.dn~erin;.: Work!> i.l Lltlsi1l;.:'.

1\ ul\"',"eek brml'r,,' COll r"e was hdll :'olllrch I 10 S :« OI"C:,:-o, limier the :lIIspicc!; of the :l!.::ricultllql lle­partm (> lIt in the hi;.:h SdlOOI. I"rof. _\nJer:son, toJr. \\' hite :lIld Mr. B;lldwill were amOllg the s pea kers. R. G. Crall~ has dla rg-e of th .. · work at Otsej.{ll.

Fifteen memhe rs of thc SiK1l1a Delta Chi fr:ttcrnit), (jouroalislie ) o f thc Unin:rsilY of ~Jjchigall clune out from Lansing J\Jonday morn_ ing' ill automobiles :lnd visitell the various depnrtmcnts at 1\1. A. C. This fraternity, of which GO\·. Os. born is an hOllot;:ary mem he r, is composed of s tudents who arc par_ ticularly interested :Ind engaged in journalism at tol ichig:ul . or those who are taking. a cou rse in th;4t subject. The young lIlen were the g uests of GOvernor and ),1 rs. Os. born at their home at dinner Mon_ cllly evening, and while in Lansing " isited the vuriolls plllces of inte rest, including the Industrial School and School fo r the Blind, They were pleased, and many were g reatly sur­p rised at the size o f the caillpu3 and buildings and extensi ve equipment.

Page 4: The M. A. C. RECORD.spartanhistory.kora.matrix.msu.edu/files/1/4/1-4-CF2-54...it. I wo\dd tr ot he without it for ten limes its CO"I . T ell lhe hoy~ thai Hilo\i pl;"s.) i~ Ihc hest

The M. A. C. RECORD.


II completely COI"ers the field of local news, politics, and the world of sports.

Because its telegraph nnd corrcspom\cllct" service enable it to gi,-c it s rC;lliers the lates t genera! news of the day 111 ad­'"ane..:: of any other newspaper coming into Lansing.

Ha ve TH E STATE JOUR.NAL delivered to you r home by ca rrier


In the licit.! program of the U. S. Forest Service for J:mu:try, 19tZ , the names of the following )1. A . C. men appear:

E. P. Bushnell, '10, forest assist· :1111. Appalachiall Assi~nlllent,

\y [lshiug"ton, O. C. John C. Dl'c:unp, '10, fo rest as­

sist.mi, K:'"iksu Nat. For., :-.re\\,­pOrt, \\' :Ish.

F. J. Dill).!: \ef, sp. with' t : i m.sist­:tnt fure,;;t ran;.,("o:r, )Icdicinc Bow, l\3t. For., Lnr:llllie, \\-yo.

Alhe rt Fruti;.!:. ' [ I. assisl:lllt for­CS! rall;{e r, :\1ich ;gall ):nt. For., AU;;;lhl~, :'-olich.

C. :'-01. Graug-er. '07, superintcnd· Cllt :-'Icd;ci nc Bow ):at. For .• Lam­mi"" \ \' \ ('.

lIu be-r C. lIilt on . 'II, fore .. t as­sis lanl, Uighorn ~3t. F or. , She ri· dan, \\' \"0.

Bruc~ lI offman. -10, forest flss ;st­lint, CIJII!!;\ch )::11. F or .• Ketch i­k:l11, . \ \as k:l.

\\" .. \. Il o pson. ·oS. forcst assis t-alll, Appa! 'lCili'IL' :\ ssiJ..:" l!nn;nt, \\"a"hi l1 .!-:"lon, D. C.

Vr;1llcis K icfer, 'oS. superintend_ ent O.ol.:lr k X :U. For .. II :Jrri,;o ll. Ark,

C. \\'. :'-old'::ibhul. '11, forL'.~1 as· s;s ta l1l. :\ p;lche X :11. FI,r., Springcr­dUc . . \r; /ona.

\ 'jntllll :'-olcKi1l1>111. sp. with 'IZ. aSS ;SI.U1t fo rc!;1 r;"lng"cr, Ulympic X al . F vr .. ( ) I.IIllP;;I, \\ ' :.,.h.

.1 .• \. :'-oli l.-llc1!. '(X). fores t assist· ;"Ill!. :--;pe.-ial :::;;hi~'lIltu ra! \\·ork. S;"In Fr'UI~i ... o. C;"Ili f,

Gco. C. :'-olo.-\'\·ck, " ~14, fore!;! as­;;i~\:ml, Ol:lrk :\ a t. For .. llarri;;oll. ..-\ rk.

Dorr ~l-;cl·I". ~p. WIth '0.1. Sup. K uutl'nai ):;(1- F,1r, Lihby, :"-1'>IIt.

It. \ '. "I':1I1IIcr.09. assistanl r:m~er, K onlclln; :'\;"11. For" I.ihh" , :'-ol o llt.

H eese \\-. T;I\·ltlr. '(1) . forc!>\ :I~'

sisl:lIlt. T:'r~h e~ ~., \. F o r., ~1. :\11lholl)" !dalto.

11. HII .~ il \\-ak-::;, 'J!. for eM ;1",

sist:!ll!, i);"I l il Nil! . For., :"-\a!!tlalcna, X. :'-ole:-..

R o)" S. \\ 'heeler, '10, fo rest :IS· s is tallt, Il n.,·(len ):al .. For., Enc;"tTllp­menl, \\1 ) o.

Wm. E. W hite. ;mt. Cr;jl c r ::\:It. UrCgOll.

'10, forest assi;ll­For .• :'-oledfo rd,

I-I. ]{. \\"iko:.:. 'o~, for est "ssis t · /Int, Columbi:1 ~/lt. For., P ortland, Ore}{on.

D . O. \\'000, ' II, forest assistant, R outt Nil\. For. ,!::itcamhoal Springs, Col.

\ \"ilIi:lln Il ookwa)" , formerly with the Challl1er'~ :'-o l ulor Co., of Dc· Iroil, calt.;!,1 on college f r iends Ihe past week, whell 011 his wily to Pnsndenu. Cal.

The $ chool for Ihe Blind hu\'c inaugurated a po ultry cou rse, and M r. Linloll has been called upon to sta r t a series of lectu res lit Ihat school perlllinin,g- 1:0 th is subject, he­ginning this wcek. A number of senior studenls will be called upon f rom li ,ne to timt! 10 give talks be· fOfe the sludents o f thaI insti tution.

Hart. Shaffner &

Marx Clothes

SpaJding S w eaters Imperial and K nox Ha u

He;d Caps and

Men's W ear tha t proves itsel f the w o rl d o ver.

The Mapes Co. 20 7 . ZQ9 Sou t h W.sh lnIl"1011 "n .

ror )~(1rs LaJl5ing'5 LeDri:"Jlg Clalhiers.




THE RJ/'LE)" ,f- G R.-I]'­f'RI,\7/XG CO.1f1',,/,\']"

Dr. :111\\ :"-1 rs. B\Hisdeli wen' ,·lIlle.! to X<,w Helillehelll, 1':1., on TII"r", 1I:1\' o f 1:lst I' eck . on :1(COltl1t o f the de;th o f the Doctor 's father, R C\ . I. \ \". Blaisdell. .

::\e -';I :--:\l11tla~ aflnnovn Ihe :"-1. A. C . !1Ilh\:lry b;llu! will ag::tlll ).::11'e ;1 s;lcreJ CUlIcert . Hrill ).i \ our fri emls :lI ld e llJoy the IIlu"ie. .-\rmo r.l. :. :30 p. Ill .

\\ ' ... \. Xcwtoll. who ;.:-n"lu:ttell wil h the cI;t;;s o f ' 11. is :1.t pr,,~ c. llt l'Il ~:ll!cd :IS Il rafl~m :l n for l'ieclric.ll layoll\s with D. J. ,\lbertsoll, , .j. il :l1ll1 iIHhl s tri .. ) engi neer,:11 Kal:tma­zoo.

~. J. Re,lferlJ, '9 7, :I prOU11tle lll dr." ;,!"omls Illall of 0, i(t, :IC(,OIl1P:1I1icd by S lip!. Uirrlsell and the president of the school hO;t rd, vis ited .\1. A_ C. 1:lst w ee k. The objec t o f the ir visit was 10 SeCure, if possi!.k. :1 te:tcb"er of :Ig-ril"ultun: for the Ovid high school th..: coming rear.

On Tuesllay e\'Cnill~ Ihe Engi­ncering Society was alillre"sed in a "ery able manlier b)" :'-olr. FrclI L. Radford, ·OJ. chief Ilra!tSIIWIl o f the R eo M OlOr C ll r Co., Oil Jhe subject of "Drafting Room l'oi:tnal{Cmelll and l\ll.'thods." A Jar!!e audience wa s prl'Se lll .

The class championship in basket bait went 10 the sophomorl.'s, in a most illlcresling and highly cHilihg g;une \V~dllcsda)" night. A large numbe r of rOOfe rs for both s ides were on deck, nnd w ere well repaid, as it was onc of the mos t in terest­ing g"mes of th e year. The filla l Score was 30 10 26. The ,' icto rs were Bllrt, Larsen , G riggs, Chancy, Kennedy and Spau lding_

Showing of the New Spring Merchandise in All Departments.

Speci~1 values III \Vomcn's H osiery. EXlrao rdinary \:tlIlCS 111 Men's I la!f \J ose . The lIewest Ihings in \\'omen's :\Icckwear.

Ea rly fashion showi ng of Evening Gowns !l lld

\\' hite Serge Suits for women.

Dailll )" styles of New Unde rmu slins. The lalesl sty les in Shirt \ \'aislS.


'lrut E arc cspcci;lly well equipped (oIl!1- 10 $uppl~' you with anything

you may need in the line of


Lawrence & Van Buren I Printing Company I

Jacob Reed's Sons or Philadelphia

_·\rc the 1:Jrl-!"CSI manufactllfl· rs o f COLLEGE UNI FORM S 111

Ihe L' nilcd Slall'S. :111(\ IH!I'c " on llnd 11l:li l.l!lin Ihe hl1si· n~~;j hy she" .. r forcl' of oll"ril.

T he L'niforOlti worn :11

michigan Jlgrlcultural e Qllt9t :.rl· finishe(1 c:o;a mplc~

of Ollr prvdllct.

Jacob Reed's Sons .11" k,·rs ,~r'

.. Go ld r.1t'd al Unifo rms"

1424,26 ChHtlillt St. Pbit&delpbll.


PROFESSIO::\:\L :'-on:): . T il •• ",on~~ in Ih t~ t ,lr""'Or)·. II~ w~1t aJ

tho.\, o f IIll our otla·r "d \"HlI'<!r~ • • ..-t 0 1 rellabl,' IIl1r\1 ... . Wit bop(' Ilint Ih" f" culty "nd 'Iud~,"" ... II! \I,ke p" I .. " ' 0 PI'!ronh~ IbO~ who Iln trouIU- us.


T HY Tilt: !'~:\\' K .\li:t:HY- Wh.r.· )'"" "'." 1" t 110m. ~I ~<.I~ lin'",\, I'ih. ' ·"kE-~.

,'OOkl"'" lind 1~'Ul<hm't~-jll'l liko' moth", ",,,k e~. ,\ 1-0 1I111<,·h .'·. Fi r.1 , Intor . .... , M I .... IU' (·tllh. t:n<t Lo."~l"l< tI"kH", -BARBERS.

CO I.I.~,(;Jo: n"HlH:kJ;IIQ I'. ttl HIIth 1 1 ou~ ... \I"" .. · .. n- li.·u.)'-Autl)'. You liE-I ' ht ho-~t ... o.k " .. .... T ry It .. nd .~e.

)\i t:W IlA fUlt:1I )-lIlO)'. I" Qh"e\' \lnll,\· I1lJ>. "UdH lIn""r', Il,UII "uti nr-OO.:·ery

J;wr". I f YOU "'I,It" ~t)" l1 . b hllir ell! Id \"e u~ ,, ~,,!I. ~:. ~:. H,'ynol,h . 1'1"011.


A M. ~:~I EHY.llft \\'flsh.A\"e.~ . Rook l . • Fln~ l-i ln!lonPrY. En IOU'f\" etl ('"l1l1l11'

O"rll!l. 1-"01101111" P\',, ! . I'l e tur<:s. ~-f!l",n. FIne FnUnl n ll: a Spt'cilllly. UD·Io-dlll\.< it)'ll' s . Cut Glau-cllt In Uoul l'1I1.


G EO.G. HLtrPEA U .t CQ.-Bllokblnden .. ."COIInt book m .. ker8. tlOIPO>. rullnl\'.

lib ••• ,. ""d fin e .rt IlLndlnll'l. tile b(",u. m " l1 mountln ... . fI.!bum s. J>O(:kel hl)ok •. ete. OItben.· pbon e .so. t8;1. [n (llt1 oS.tlon .. ' BaDIr;; Bulldln ..


E LGI N MIFI'LrN. lAdle. find GenUe. men '. Furnt.blng Goods. ~ ad.


H II.L .... I{~ t; lJ. (·bi" .... (01f\H J: ''''lUPS. ___ ._If¥l "'Mhl "11:10:,'=' CAC'C·'". C'".~ __ ~~"_


NT II. ;\IOO IU:. I'. n. S. omcl' .1I-~I S 1101 . • It>!" .. lIulldJm •. l.."n~Jm'. '''It .-h. till! .

~ .. n_ phon ... AUln"'.ti('1>1Si\I

D t:. P"'H~H;U; .:. Denllst. lJ,l~ Wub­• 'ml111n .o\,·t. ~ .. 1.8n,lnll: . ).1 1~bl ll"all.

"llto"'.ll(' Ph""~. ante" ::..oot: ."sld"lIce. :WIl.


ROlHU :WS l..'AP/TA1. mu'o l-iTOIn:. " p In (f lit ... ...·.,r" ... ~lor\'. ()p~l~e 1I 011l~h't H.;,~:;.·,O.~~_~~_~~


W. "oS_", " !' ('1 '. l'r)" (;<><>::':." "" ~·"c. "1.101,, .. ,. tio....-:~ I \\""- hlnll\",, A" :<0.

CAPIT"'- ~: I . t:' ·"II[(, .: ... . ;IN"~:~:ltI:s(l \'0. - .·"U lIn.· uf t;"" 'lrkill l-i "IJPII~ • •

Indudlll il _1",10'111" _1",,1 ." nll,I ,"()rtt •. Ntr . too". 11"'"11",,, "",I ",,,ul .. <\·"'U",, I/,,"P,. II. ~: .. 'I khl lrft u A'·~.


'1 If J. ,t H .. 11. )-II-I ' ''. F"'u U",·.·. "o'n~t l\'l . W~ .lll" Il I<'" A"". " .. " h'"I11 l-i1r\"'~t.

:-, ·,· ,,11.


l\ f) II Tu:>:· ... IIA II 1 '\\'.\ lI . :.-' , ,' II>' r. I linn'" " "'. TII,,' " r'" I ,n.oll.· " .... ~. l',,~­

I ... ,. , )0.1"",'" ,'1". III Wu.hl"~lt>" An'.!i. li c-.' ~ ".


'I II .... ". T . l ' A:-E.- ~1"nul""I"rI"1l 1\ :-1I11",,,,~'I ,, .. ,~ 1i1l1.,I,,",lm, I'ul"u: fO .. ·I I.·I .... ,,,"<.I. nr "m 11~lr to, \""(Omhlll l\'~. 111«> ,·,.lur .. ,1 ","I r .. "."nl~d 1" ., ~, L II' .. nod ft, ", ,,' . TJu- ~'rnll,-o-A",,,d"I' U 11)111""10: T .. I1'·I Il ~qlL •• lt,' ''' "'0;," II.TI. AUIOuIlI l IC DhIlU" :.-,1. ","."' ~ WII _hl "Il!'''' .... ,'p. l-i .


G Ill"" ,,- ~ : [ . 1. H Il' ,s. .. ~( I~ "II"'n'", . ~,,,nng .\1, ,,,.· II "u" ':' HI..-11 I;CI"I.' ,·IHIIO.

""d PlnY"r PI" "o-o.. _n1<1 Oil c' ''''fr.l~nt I~nn'. ~:"'r) \ I1I""- III ",u~I,' " uti /1111-1",,1 '"" ... ·I1"nol1o". (J,n.ln.. I-I''' "d,. ~I(\ oS. \\" .. ~hl""'I"n A,·".


Dft.O~f ·AlIlI. l-1HI-~:G t:('" !louno."1 \0 jI,"' ft .\I\.:1W~"nd;t"Qp.",. SUII'

dllyg.11101"l\d f; llI ~ p.m. t :'Ut , .... ".," .. !-1tr.1I. OHI~cu' ph,,,,,· I;!.II. ~

D II. II. W. I ." N l Jll l". FII.'I Lr, ,,.tnlf. )[ 10-11. om,·" h ouri: .. to ·~::lI ft . Ill .. I~:"" 10 1

!,Ind ~ :,. '!O ~ p. nt . -" u,,(rny~. Wto 11~".m .. , !o S p •• n. (·Itl~<,n.· pbon .. lIti:!!.


RORt:kT Fi~IITH J'T(;. ("II.-oor. W ... h_ Inglon .... ' · ... lIlId louin St.


l ' HY K t~"" llAI,L'S S H OP for SlIoe ke­PIllrl".. All ,,"or l< Ilu •• "nl \'l'd. )1 ._

ehlll~ Or H .. "d !-I e "'~d Sol'-'~. Hub!""r 1I !!<lla ...·bll~ YOU " ·lIlt. I' lnl! 1I111!0r DonrecUOner,. W"I~r" old 111I1Id. ~[J('hllf"" A,·,-, ..


J AOOB Ina:: I)'':; 8OSSC .. =~"~,O .... ,,,co~.c.:.:,c"c"=, SI.. Phllllde tph l........ MAllert of '"Oold ~Iedll l Unl rorm~."
