The Lutheran Lights Summer 2014 Peninsula Lutheran Church 6509 38 th Ave NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 253-851-3511 plcplace.com Office hours: Tues- Fri 9-3pm Summer Worship- 9am Sunday Mornings w/ fellowship following Youth and Adult Sunday School-will resume in September Empowering Life Rummage Sale @PLC July 11 & 12 8am-4pm Fellowship Hall (collecting items Tues and Wed July 8 &9--- 1oam-7pm) Weird Animals VBS Aug 11-15 9am- Noon Ages: Preschool (potty trained) Thru 5 th grade (6 th grade and up welcome to volunteer to make an unforgettable VBS!) Registration forms available on our website at www.plcplace.com

The Lutheran Lights - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/peninsulalutheranchurch/documents/Summ… · Youth and Adult Sunday School-will resume in September Empowering Life Rummage

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The Lutheran Lights

Summer 2014

Peninsula Lutheran Church

6509 38th Ave NW

Gig Harbor, WA 98335

253-851-3511 plcplace.com

Office hours: Tues- Fri 9-3pm

Summer Worship- 9am Sunday Mornings w/ fellowship following

Youth and Adult Sunday School-will resume in September Empowering Life Rummage Sale @PLC July 11 & 12 8am-4pm Fellowship Hall (collecting items Tues and Wed July 8 &9--- 1oam-7pm) Weird Animals VBS Aug 11-15 9am- Noon Ages: Preschool (potty trained) Thru 5th grade (6th grade and up welcome to volunteer to make an unforgettable VBS!) Registration forms available on our website at www.plcplace.com

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CLERGY: Senior Pastor: Pr. Jon Olson…………………………………………………………………[email protected]

WORSHIP & MUSIC MINISTRY: Director of Music Ministry: Nate Sears…………………………………………[email protected] Choir Accompanist/Organist: Alicia Barr/Karin Stuen

Technical Arts Director: Isaac Alexander……………………………………[email protected]


SUPPORT STAFF: Office Manager: Lisa Herzberger …………………………………… [email protected] Financial Administrator: Tami Czuleger……………………………………… [email protected]

Interim Treasurer Suzanne Chaille……………………………………[email protected] Custodial Services: Loren Jangaard…………………………………[email protected]

Property Maintenance: Doug Knapp………………………………………[email protected] Nursery Coordinator: Open

LEADERSHIP TEAM: Larry Schmidt……………………………………[email protected] Dave Langer………………………………………. [email protected] Ann Meacham……………………………………[email protected]

Wayne Olsen………………………………………[email protected] Jon Ueland………………………………………… [email protected]

Joyce Sears…………………………………………[email protected] Ron Parrish…………………………………………[email protected]

Care Team Ministry: Flavia Rodside

Parish Nurse Ministry: Jean Vanberg and Flavia Rodside


Altar Guild: Verna Jean Jennings

Evergreen Performers: Sharon Cantrill

Hospitality: Ann Meacham

Kid Zone (Nursery): Open

Manna Ministry: Fred Simon

Mission Outreach Team: Jan Coen

Prison Ministry: Sharon Peterson

Property Maintenance: Doug Knapp

Quilters: Dorothy Walker

Solid Grounds Espresso Cart: Open

Weddings: Open

MINISTRY CONTACTS WORSHIP AND MUSIC MINISTRY Director of Music Ministry: Nate Sears G.A.P. Greeter Ministry:

Kris & Janet Bernard Multi-Media Ministry: Isaac Alexander Worship Assistants: Jenny Robinson Annabelle Milliron

Visitation Director of Visitation Ministries: Marj Olason


CONNECTIONS MINISTRY Visitor Contacts: Sharon Cantrill PLCW/Women's Circles: Sharon Cantrill Prayer Team: Bill & Lenore Ellison

PARISH HEALTH MINISTRY Health Ministries Cabinet Coordinator: Flavia Rodside


Altar Guild: Verna Jean Jennings Care Team Ministry: Flavia Rodside Evergreen Performers: Sharon Cantrill Hospitality: Ann Meacham Nursery: Open Manna Ministry: Volunteer Coordinated Mission Outreach Team: Jan Coen Parish Nurse Ministry:

Jean Vanberg & Flavia Rodside Lesley Brock & Kathy Harsch Prison Ministry: Sharon Peterson Property Maintenance: Doug Knapp Quilters: Dorothy Walker Solid Grounds Espresso Cart:

Lisa Marinkovich & Carrie Selby

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From Pastor Jon

Vision of Genuine Love in a Community

One of the most obvious realities in the human experience is how deeply relational it is. We are born into and will live in a multitude of dynamic and complex circles of relationship that include but are not limited to: family of origin, ethnicity, extended family, gender, friends, religion, and government. The health of these relationships shapes the nature of how we experience life. If these are healthy and whole then we experience the world in one way yet if these relationships are unhealthy then we experience the world in a completely different way. With the advent of sin in the human experience through Adam and Eve we see brokenness in all our circles relationship. Our relational circles are so broken due to sin that we experience great pain in many of our relationships and perhaps have even lost the vision of healthy and whole circles of relationship.

The explosion of social media is a perfect example of our need to connect with others and it also highlights the brokenness of those circles with things like cyber bulling, sexting, and Facebook depression. I was told the other day that kids who heavily use social media are more depressed than kids who use less social media.

The New Testament is filled with the vision of circles of relationship being redeemed through both Jesus’ presence in those circles (where two or three are gathered in my name I am there Matthew 18:20) and the power of the Holy Spirit filling the disciples of Christ (Ephesians 1:13) who live in those circles. A well know text which gives us a vision of what it looks like to live with each other based on agape love is 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. You will notice that agape love isn’t a feeling but a way of treating each other.

4 Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6 it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

We need to stop and thinking only briefly about what it would be like if we actually lived this way, to realize how truly wonderful it would be. It would be so different than how most of the world experiences their circles of relationship. In short it would be truly revolutionary. Circles of relationship based on agape love is what our society is most desperately in need of. Renewed circles of relationship based on agape love is possible for disciples of Jesus because God has given the disciple of Jesus power to live a new way based not on their power but by his power. Living by Jesus power and grace is what gives us the boldness to sing “they will know we are Christians by our love”.

17 I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, 18 so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints, 19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of his

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power for us who believe, according to the working of his great power. (Ephesians 1:17-19 NRSV bold type mine)

The Church is to be a place where we experience and offer genuine love based on the grace and power of our Lord Jesus. It is hard, but not impossible to experience agape love in the large public gatherings of a congregation or during her task based gatherings. Rather it is something cultivated in smaller gatherings which are marked by trust, vulnerability, and availability. These smaller gatherings are where can be known and get to know others. If these gathering are to be transformative they must rooted in God’s Word. It is in these smaller gatherings where genuine love can be learned and can grow to be the norm. These groups provide support to the disciple and a witness to the world of what life in Christ looks like when lived with others. The biblical word for these gatherings is koinonia which means communion or fellowship. Romans 12 provides a beautiful vision of koinonia or true community saturated with the Holy Spirit and yielded to Christ Jesus as Lord.

I am deeply thankful of Dallas Willard’s list (from Renovation of the Heart) of what living a life of grace and power looks like in our social relationships from Romans 12.

1. Letting love be completely real.

2. Abhorring what is evil.

3. Clinging to what is good.

4. Being devoted to one another in family like love.

5. Out doing one another in giving each other honor.

6. Serving the Lord with an ardent spirit and all diligence.

7. Rejoicing in hope.

8. Patient in troubles.

9. Devoted to constant prayer.

10. Contributing to the needs of the saints.

11. Pursuing hospitality.

12. Blessing those who persecute us.

13. Being joyful with the joyous and sorrowful with those in sorrow.

14. Living in harmony.

15. Not being haughty.

16. Not seeing yourself as wise.

17. Not repaying evil for evil.

18. Having due regard for what everyone takes to be right.

19. Being at peace with everyone as far as it depends on you.

20. Never taking revenge but leaving revenge to God.

21. Providing for the needs of our enemies.

22. Not being overwhelmed by evil but overwhelming evil with good.

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Leadership Team Summer 2014

Grace and Peace to you,

The spring rains have finally given way to lush green foliage along with my allergies. Just when you think it can’t get any greener it does and when I think I can’t sneeze anymore I do. It is that time of the year when things start to get busy around the church. The plans for Vacation Bible School are well under way so please continue to follow the updates concerning what needs there are for VBS listed in the Sunday bulletins. If you are able to help, please do.

One of the more anticipated events that will be offered by our church is Alpha. Some of us are familiar with Alpha but if you are not and have questions of life concerning your faith the Bible, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and much more then this just might help. A series of meetings was just concluded preparing Hosts and Helpers for the Alpha course program starting in September. As it gets closer the dates and times will be listed in the bulletin and online in PLC News. So start thinking about who you may know that could benefit from participating in this very informative program. If you are interested in learning more about the Bible and can’t wait till then, may I suggest getting involved in either the Noon Bible Study at 11:30 AM in the Fireside Room on Tuesdays or the Evening Bible Study in the Fireside Room starting at 7:00 PM also on Tuesday. These programs don’t just study the Bible but often will include videos, movies, lectures and occasionally other special offerings in and around the western Washington area.

The building and church grounds update includes looking at installing a pump and alarm in the storm drain vault. Some of you will remember the flood we had in the lower level of the Fellowship Hall a few years ago; this will help to avoid that from happening again. Bids have been received and hopefully this necessary improvement will be completed later this year. The Parish House had a new furnace installed earlier this year and after some outside gutter and decorative roof repair is completed, that should take care of it. The Leadership Team wishes to thank all of you who, when asked, give the time and energy to keep the church grounds looking so nice especially, Doug Knapp, Loren Jangaard and Ken Jennings. I see at least one of these three nearly every time I am on the church grounds during the week.

The mission trip to Reno that brought Trinity Lutheran and PLC together, thanks to Pastor Jon’s sister-in-law Tami, was a great success. Apparently this is something Trinity Lutheran has been doing for a number of years and it was nice to have two young ladies from PLC participate. We also provided the use of the church van for some of the 30+ kids and chaperones that went there to help the needy. I can’t wait to hear how this trip helped both Heather Selby and Carolyn Forseth grow as young Christian adults. On behalf of all of us at Peninsula Lutheran, thank you!

Lastly, the Leadership Team thanks the congregation for putting forward the names of members you would like to see on the Call Team for Marj Olason. We now have the people needed to complete this necessary part of the church in meeting the needs of our members. Clay Selby is the facilitator, so please keep him in your prayers.


Larry Schmidt, Leadership Team President

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Manna Ministries

Thanks for your continued Support!

-Manna Ministry Team



Mission Outreach Team Summer article

Peninsula Lutheran Church continues to reach out to ministries that make a difference in people's lives. We

receive letters of thanks from Seminaries, Lutheran World Relief, Colleges, Wycliffe Bible translators, The

World Mission Prayer League, Rescue Mission (Tacoma), Samaritan's purse, Care net Pregnancy & Family

services and others thanking our congregation for its support.

Peninsula Lutheran looking outwards to help others.

Looking inwards, Manna Ministry daily interacts with people in our community and in our church, giving a

listening ear and caring heart so that hurting people know they are not alone.

The Quilting Ladies work 2 days each month to create and send out quilts, layettes, care kits and school kits all

around the world to people suffering disasters in their countries. Bible studies meet and create warm circles of

love and community to members and visitors as well.

Gig Harbor Peninsula FISH food bank is open 4 days each week with over 70 volunteers (several of whom are

PLC members) regularly working to provide food, financial aid, transportation to urgent medical appointments

and treatments and again, listening to local families seeking help. The shopping cart just outside the sanctuary

door on Sundays receives donations of food, books, and gently used clothing, plastic & paper shopping bags to

recycle at GPFISH. Every little donation helps keep supplies on the food bank shelves.

If you have been wondering how you might donate a few hours of your time, FISH is short on Telephone

monitors who answer the phone for FISH (diverted to their own home phone), 1 weekday each month, and

Transportation volunteers who give one weekday each month to help transport local people to medical

appointments (normal insurance on your car is all that is required-that and a caring heart). Call 858-6179 if you

might be interested in helping FISH. Training is provided and a little of your time can help touch lives with a

caring touch.

How about the brunch after church? Visitors and members who are touched by our church services are also

welcomed and listened to at the brunch after church. Not just a social hour-a chance to listen and befriend

members as well as our neighbors who visit us.

When we reach the point in our lives when we decide to truly make a commitment to follow Christ, visions of

work in a far off country to help orphans or hungry people may not be practical for most of us. What is within

our reach is the daily commitment to be a light right where we are 'planted' by donating money, time(actually a

very valuable and special resource), and actually listening with your heart to those in our homes, work places

and community-daily showing Christ's love to those we meet.

If you think about it, the daily decision to be a caring, loving committed Christian does require a daily sacrifice

and takes time and conscious ongoing awareness for opportunities to minister to those around us. The message

of love sent out over and over.

I am so impressed with PLC members and their willingness to be in mission. It is a privilege to serve with you!

Your Mission Outreach Team: Doug Knapp, Ron Coen, Jan Coen.

(Always seeking more MOT members to meet bi-monthly and look at outreach)

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Would you like to help with Lutheran World Relief? Many hands make light work –

These are the items needed for our next Lutheran World Relief gathering in


Gowns, pajamas, (no feet please) sizes 6 mo – 24 mo

T-shirts (no onesies) 6 mo – 24 mo

Baby socks (same sizes)

Hand towels (sturdy, dark colors)

Donations of flannel – (patterned) – 1, 1-1/2 and 2 yard pieces

White flannel – 1-1/2 yard pieces

We currently do not need more hats –

thank you for knitting so many beautiful items.

If you’d like us to do the shopping – you may designate donations for “PLCW kits”

We do need more baby sweaters – yarn, patterns and buttons are available in the

church office.

For more information and to volunteer –

Contact Sharon Cantrill 884-4628 or [email protected]

Thanks to all our spring cleanup volunteers.

What a wonderful job!

Extra thanks to our maintenance and grounds team-

who work tirelessly every week!

Doug Knapp, Don Cooper, Larry Ross, Ken Jennings, Vagn Olsen,

Jerry Alexander, Loren Jangaard along with

Dave Langer and Isaac Alexander maintaining our media booth.

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Fri & Sat, July 11 & 12


Peninsula Lutheran Church 6509 38th Ave NW, Gig Harbor (behind TCC Campus)

8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Bring donations Wed, July 9 & Thurs, July 10, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Questions? Call 208-3307.

To benefit Empowering Life – a Lutheran nonprofit supporting Washington

State incarcerated women & their families preparing for community reentry.

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253-884-4628 | [email protected]



THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER & HUCK FINN (A Gospel Musical Based On Books By Mark Twain)

a Christian drama ministry team

Coming Soon … Float down the Mississippi in style with the Evergreen Performers

Help is needed to make this wonderful production come to the stage!

Can you help with music, costumes, publicity, and prayer team, set building, props, transportation, hair,

makeup, poster distribution, fundraising, or hospitality? Many hands make light work. The benefits are


Rehearsals have begun and we are still looking for 8 more med adult roles (teens that can play adults are

welcome) and chorus. Rehearsals are at PLC and the production will be in August/September – bring your


Help celebrate the 30th

anniversary of this joyful ministry!

For more information on how you can participate – contact Sharon Cantrill


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We are currently working on updating our Phone Prayer Chain

Would you like to become part of the Phone Chain here at PLC?

Or would you like to take a break from the prayer chain and use

your gifts in another area of ministry?

Let Us Know…

Please contact

Marj Olason- 857.3218 or [email protected]

Or the Church Office- 851.3511



August 5th will be the PLCW Luncheon at Harbor Place.

11:30- 1:30pm (Luncheon price is expected to be $8 per person)

Pastor Jon Olson will be our guest speaker.

All church women are invited.

Please RSVP to Georgia Herrmann by July 28th


Women’s Circle 2014/2015 Booklet will be distributed

Do you need a ride? Call the church office- 851.3511

Peninsula Lutheran Church Women

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Ruth Circle We meet the First Thursday of the month at 10 am in the Fireside room. Our mission project is the Health Kits for LWR in Fall & Spring. Georgia Herrmann, Ruth Circle (858-2058). Will Resume in September

Rebekah Circle meets the First Wednesday of the month at 10 am in the Fireside Room. We use The Gather — Lutheran Women’s magazine for Bible Study. This year’s study will be on The Women of the Bible, Old Testament. Our mission is to continue with school supplies. Due to the expense of shipping and needs at home we decided to buy school supplies and donate them to the Peninsula School District. Thanks to all who participated. Peninsula School District was able to provide 10 backpacks filled with School supplies with extra supplies to meet other needs. Will also resume in September Contact: VernaJean Jennings (857-3454)

Joyce Sears’ Small Group meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. They meet in homes. They are presently studying “Dust to Glory”, a Bible overview by R. C. Sproul and are in the OT portion of the study. They read a portion of the Bible between meetings, and then watch a DVD presentation followed by review, discussion & prayer. Refreshments and visiting are always a part of the evening. They are a group of about 13 and could take a few more. Contact: Joyce Sears: 265-3608

Tuesday Noon Bible Study meets at 11:30 each Tuesday in the Fireside Room. Pastor Phil and Pr Jon lead the study but others fill in when they are not available. Everyone brings a sack lunch and coffee is made. The topic of study is always the texts for the following Sunday worship. All are welcome.

Tuesday Night Bible Study meets each Tuesday evening at 7:00 in the Fireside Room. This study group is led by Ron & Jan Coen. Present study is of the Book of Romans. This study will be followed by the study of Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis). Delicious refreshments are served. There is room for more. For more information contact the Coens at 857-5386.

Check the Church Calendar for these service groups: Quilters, Choir, Handbells, Altar Guild

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Early Heart Attack Care – EHAC

Did you know that heart attacks have beginnings? These “beginnings” occur in over 50%

of patients. Most importantly, if recognized in time, these “beginnings” can be treated

before the heart is damaged.

Alarming statistics:

Heart disease caused approximately 1 of every 6 deaths in the United States in 2006.

In 2011, it was estimated 785,000 Americans would have a first-time heart attack, and an

estimated 470,000 will have a repeat heart attack.

Every 25 seconds, an American will have a coronary event, and every minute, someone will die

from one.

Did you know?

85% of heart damage occurs within the first two hours of a heart attack. EHAC is

knowing the subtle danger signs of a heart attack and acting upon them immediately –


So, you may be asking now, what are the early symptoms? You must remember though

that people may or may not experience any or all of these symptoms. They include:


Pain that travels down one or both arms

Jaw pain or neck pain



Chest pressure, squeezing or discomfort

Back pain

Shortness of breath

Feeling of fullness

Also, people may experience mild chest symptoms, such as pressure, burning, aching or

tightness. These symptoms may come and go until finally becoming constant and severe.

If you experience these symptoms, please remember:



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FIRST FRIDAY Dine-Out December 7th @ 5:00

Potluck at PLC I

Annabelle Milliron 851-4244 or

Dianne Olsen 858-5030

No JULY DINE-OUT Happy Fourth of July! _______________________________________ August FIRST FRIDAY Dine-Out Picnic at Sunset Park More details to follow… Watch for Media and Bulletin Announcements. Sunday Mornings

New Members Always Welcome

Meetings are the 3rd Tues of the month

@ 10am

In the Fireside Room

Meeting Attendance NOT mandatory

Our Next Meeting: Sept 16th

Quilting: You are invited to help create comfort, warmth and sometimes even beauty as part

of the quilting ministry. No special skills are required we meet the 2nd and 4th

Mondays of the month, 9:00-11:30 in the Fellowship Hall.

Please Join Us!

Or consider making a quilt top at home. We have fabric generously contributed

for that purpose!

Thanks all of you for contributions of fabric and clean, stain free sheets without

which we really can’t make a thing.

Any questions, contact Dorothy Walker at 253-265-6059 or

[email protected].

Are You Wondering How PLC Can Use Your

Spiritual Gifts? We are looking for a VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR

To help us coordinate and schedule

We are looking for a

Nursery Coordinator to help coordinate

Nursery Volunteer Staff

If interested, please contact

the church office 851.3511

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How Important is Prayer?

1. Say Hello! -- As you begin to pray, whether it’s just walking somewhere during the day, in the sanctuary, or in your room, take a moment to acknowledge whose

presence you are in. “Be still and know that I am God!” (Psalm 46:1) 2. Be Yourself—Come to Him as you are and let Him transform you into the saint he

wants you to be! 3. Teach Us to Pray (Luke 11:1)—Ask God to help you pray and know that he listens.

“Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7)

4. Hit the Brakes-- “Silence is so lacking in this world which is too noisy. Take 10 minutes every day from the time you spend on Facebook, TV or computer. Put God back at

the center of your heart and mind. 5. Keep it Alive—A prayer life that isn’t kept up is like a pond with now water flowing in

or out. Yet a person who cultivates their relationship with God finds a pond with a fresh water flowing in and out, life giving. Your prayer life is like a tree planted near streams of water, that yields it’s fruit in season: it’s leaves never wither: whatever

they do prospers” (Psalm 1:1-3) 6. Let it Transform You—Practice makes perfect. The entire Christian life, including

prayer, is something that we have to work on to become better at it. God can do amazing things in us through our reaching out to Him in prayer!


Visit our Website …

http://www.plcplace.com/welcome Check the website for our calendar of events….

We are praying for your requests throughout the week.

Please add your requests to the welcome insert in the bulletin.

New Members are always welcome to join The Prayer Team.

Please contact Bill Ellison: [email protected] or Connie Figueira: [email protected]