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The Low Carb Living Guide - PBCo. Low Carb Foods · Low carb is not a fad, it’s the way humans ate for thousands of years. We are simply ... future will no longer treat the human

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Page 1: The Low Carb Living Guide - PBCo. Low Carb Foods · Low carb is not a fad, it’s the way humans ate for thousands of years. We are simply ... future will no longer treat the human

The Low Carb Living Guide

Your first 21 days


Page 2: The Low Carb Living Guide - PBCo. Low Carb Foods · Low carb is not a fad, it’s the way humans ate for thousands of years. We are simply ... future will no longer treat the human






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I created this ebook, based on my personal experiences of switching to low carb, how I went about it, what I struggled with,

and all the tips and tricks I discovered along the way. All this info has been simplified and consolidated into a one stop

shop for you, with everything you need to know to achieve success living low carb.

A NOTE FROM ANNAThis is my most comprehensive ebook!

I felt that there was so much info online (most of which is from the US, so that doesn’t really help) about low carb in general, but there was nothing that really “held your hand” from the moment you decide to try low carb - until you understand it all and really start to live low carb and love it!

Living low carb can really be easy, enjoyable and rewarding and I hope I can help you to experience all the benefits, just as I have :)

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IntroductionCongratulations on making the decision to start living low carb. Often actually making the decision and committing is the hardest part - and you have done that so well done.

We want to make the next 21 days as enjoyable, fuss free and simple as possible.

There’s absolutely nothing that is complicated or hard about going low carb and there are so many benefits such as losing weight, increasing energy, gaining mental clarity and reducing your chances of developing diabetes.

Follow these guidelines in conjunction with our meal planner and you can not go wrong.

We only want you to focus on yourself and enjoy watching and feeling your body get stronger, leaner and more energetic, knowing that we have done the work behind the scenes to set you up for success

The 21 days low carb living guide focuses on 4 areas to get results:

Read through the following pages to learn why each area is so important and what you need to do to ensure results.

If at any stage throughout the next 21 days you have any questions, I would love to hear from you - simply drop me a line at [email protected] and I will make sure you get the answers and information you need.

I want nothing more than for you to succeed in improving the quality of your life, energy and confidence, so anything I can do I will!

Mindset Food Hydration Exercise

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Getting Started Checklist

How to get started now Read through this guide

Weigh yourself

Create your GOALS using the “What’s your Why” activity page

Communicate to all the important people in your life that you are going low carb. Low carb is not a fad, it’s the way humans ate for thousands of years. We are simply getting back to basics. A very simple way to explain this to someone is no bread (apart from Super Low Carb Bread!) pasta, potatoes or added sugar to anything. It’s important those that you spend a lot of time with understand what you’re doing and why, so they can best support you.

Write out your meal plan for the first week

Write a shopping list for the first week

Go shopping

What you need to get started Scales that work

Water bottle (I love the 800ml Glass VOSS ones from the supermarket)

ProBiotics - Really important for digestion. Purchase from the fridge at any chemist

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» Mindset

Mindset is purely what we tell ourselves and what we decide to believe.Mindset is our internal self-talk and the meanings that we give the situations that are currently in our lives.

Going low carb is about getting back to basics and making healthy food choices clear and simple.

Know that by making some simple changes to your diet and switching to low carb, you’re creating a situation where your diet is working best to support your body - this means you will easily achieve your health goals.

These actions will get results, which is positive reinforcement that will further grow your belief and motivation to then get more results - you can see how it’s really just a cycle.

We can choose to spiral upwards, but if we don’t make a conscious decision to do so, then we’ll pretty much be going backwards.

So congratulations for making a decision, taking control and improving the quality of your life.

“Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve” - Napoleon Hill

Time and time again, science has proven how powerful our minds are. Whilst no results have ever been achieved without some hard work as well, the first place to start is with your mind. My goal is to get you in the low carb mindset as fast as possible.

The first step is to create your why. Why have you decided to go low carb? Do you want to lose weight? Tone up? Increase your energy? If you can’t answer this with a compelling reason, then you won’t have the strength and determination to succeed when things get tough (and we all have tough days)!

However, if you do have a super compelling WHY - this will be all the strength you need to overcome any short term temptations or distractions that will take you away from achieving your goal. I’ve put together 4 simple questions to help you get crystal clear on this.

to get the best result, Be Honest, Be Real and Be YourselfWhen creating your goals, write down the first thing that comes to mind - this is your true self talking - Listen

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» What’s your why?

I’ve outlined a few example goals for you below. There’s space on the next page to write out your own.

I am starting low carb living because I want to… (think about what “being healthier”specifically looks like to you)

• Have more energy

• Increased mental clarity

• Lose weight & tone up

• Reduce my chances of developing diabetes

When I have achieved this I will Feel/Be/Have:

• Be extra confident and comfortable in my clothes

• Feel amazing in a particular dress for an upcoming event

• Have more energy to play with my kids

• Jump out of bed each morning instead of hitting snooze

• Look HOT for my partner

• Anything else that you will gain back by achieving your goal

If I don’t achieve this, and make no improvement in my current situation I will feel:

• Lethargic /Tired

• Disappointed / Frustrated

• Sad / Depressed

• Like I am missing out on life

• Like I am not living my potential

• Bloated / Frumpy

This will negatively affect my life because:

• I know I am capable of more and I am letting myself down

• I want to be a better more energetic mum/sister/friend/partner

• There are so many great things I want to experience but I can’t when I don’t feel good

• I have a special event coming up and want to enjoy every moment of it, instead of wasting time stressing about my body

Complete these 4 questions on the following page to really establish and cement the reasons why you have decided to make these changes in your life.

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» What’s your why?I am changing to low carb living because… (think about what “being healthier”specifically looks like to you)

When I have achieved this I will Feel/Be/Have:

If I don’t achieve this, and make no improvement in my current situation I will feel:

This will negatively affect my life because:

Now you have established what you want and why, how you’ll feel when you have achieved it, and how your life will be negatively impacted if you don’t! How’s that for motivation?! Place your goals, feelings and actions in a prominent place and make them beautiful with colour and fun fonts - it’s all part of creating a compelling vision for yourself.

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What are carbohydrates and why should I reduce them?

at Anna’s Low Carb Kitchen we believe that everyone benefits from reducing carbs.

But Why?

Here is a very simple explanation.

What is a Carbohydrate?

Carbohydrates (carbs) are one of the main nutrients in food that provide kilojoules, or energy, to fuel our bodies. The other main nutrients are proteins & fats. Many people think of rice, potatoes, bread and pasta as carbs (and these are definitely the highest carb foods) but all foods contain a make up of carbs, fats + proteins.

Making low carb choices mean choosing foods that are a lower in carbs and a higher in fats and proteins. If in doubt please refer to our Complete Low Carb Food List.

How does my body process Carbs?

When we eat food, all carbs are broken down into simple sugars (mainly glucose) by the body.

It doesn’t matter if they are ‘good carbs’ or ‘bad carbs’, ‘sugar’ or ‘honey’, they all end up as glucose which is sent around our body to be used as energy. If this glucose is not used up by our muscles and organs (due to a lack of movement) it will be stored as fat. If there is no excess glucose in your body (because you have been following a low carb diet) your body will draw on these fat stores and convert them back to glucose to use as energy. That’s why you can lose weight fast by reducing carbs in your diet.

What is the difference between Sugar and Carbs?

There really isn’t much difference between how sugar and carbs are absorbed by our bodies. They are both broken down into simple sugars (mainly glucose).

Yes “good carbs” such as brown rice and wholegrain bread have extra benefits such as increased fibre, as opposed to “bad carbs” such as white bread and sugar, however once the body has broken these down, what’s left is still glucose. It will still be stored as fat if not burnt off.

For more detailed information you can head to annaslowcarbkitchen.com.au/low-carb-faq

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather cure and prevent disease with nutrition” Thomas Edison

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“We are indeed much more than what we Eat, But what we Eat can help us be so much more than what we are”

The food we eat determines how good we feel. It’s that simple. Want to feel better? Look better? Have more energy?

So often I’ve seen people embark on a new health journey, thinking they need to smash it out 6 days a week at the gym, but then they are making a few bad food choices (usually as they have been mislead) and completely undoing all their hard work. In actual fact they would have been better not going to the gym at all and just making a better food decision.

What I want to show you is exactly how easy low carb living can be.

Despite common belief and what you most likely see plastered all over social media, healthy low carb food is EASY, SIMPLE, FAST, CHEAP & ENJOYABLE! What naturally happens when you move to low carb living is you will find you are automatically eating more simple whole foods and less processed food.

Just like anything in life - Planning = Success and Achievement. To help you achieve your health goals and feel amazing we have a few extra resources included here to help you.

Included in this guide for you:

What’s your Why - Goal setting activity

Once you are crystal clear on what you want to achieve and why - everything becomes a lot easier and your chances of success dramatically increase.

The Complete Low Carb Food List

This helps you to learn exactly what foods are low carb and how to avoid all the hidden sugars and carbs in our modern diets.

Meal Planning Guidelines

Planning = Success. This is a 21 Days example meal plan for you to get started and some handy tips on simplifying meal prep.

Also available - The Non Recipe Book

This is our 5 step process for people that think they can’t cook or wish to learn more about low carb cooking. We make sure that all our ingredients are available at your local supermarket for convenience. No super fancy, time consuming recipes here!

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HydrationWater is the best health and beauty product in the world.

Whilst it sounds clichéd, staying hydrated is one of the BEST things you can do for your body - especially when embarking on any health journey.

Drinking 2L of water daily will change your life. The good news is that you get fast, visible results too. At first this will be a challenge, but the more you drink, the more you’ll feel like it (and the less you will have to go to the bathroom, as your body does adjust!).

These are the results you can expect from drinking 2L of water per day:

Smooth, glowing skin

Fine lines really do disappear! Within a few days your skin will become clear and radiant.

Sparkling eyes

When you are really hydrated and eating good nutritious food, your eyes just have that incredibly yet enticing sparkle.

Weight Loss

Grab your bottle each time you feel the need to graze on food. Sipping on water instead of snacking saves you so many calories as well as filling you up and achieving your 2L target.

Clear mind

Our brain is made up of 75% water – when your brain is hydrated you have so much more clarity to think clearly and make decisions.


Staying sufficiently hydrated gives you the confidence and satisfaction that you are treating your body with love and respect.

Digestion and Cleansing

If you drink a lot of water, this really aids your digestion, removal of waste and toxins from your body – it’s the best feeling to be cleansed and light.

Included in The Complete Low Carb Food List is a whole section on drinks. Whilst the 2L of plain water per day is a minimum, there are several other ways that you can boost your hydration with zero carbs or kJ’s - and when it comes to staying hydrated the more the better.

The Complete Low Carb Food List also highlights what to stay away from, because so many “health” drinks (YES, including coconut water!) are quite high in carbs which is going to work against you when it comes to weight loss and increased energy.

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“If you have to exercise to regulate your weight, your diet is wrong” Dr Timothy Noakes MD

The Low Carb Living Guide focuses mainly on food - as I believe this is what makes the biggest difference to your life, energy and weight.

However - exercise and leading an active lifestyle can also really enhance your results.

Exercise has many other benefits as well that should not be underestimated. It’s about finding activities /exercises that make you happy, feel great and that you love doing. I’ve never been, and most likely never will be a gym junkie. That’s just me. I prefer to be outdoors, walking on the beach, running or doing yoga.

The benefits of exercise are:

Increased lung capacity

It feels SO great to be able to breathe deeply, feeling your body fill up with fresh clean air and exhaling all the old stale air. You will find yourself breathing deeper throughout the whole day.

Happy mindset

Exercise, especially morning exercise, really gets you in a positive mindset. Just 15 minutes in the morning makes you feel so good and really motivates you to make awesome food decisions for the rest of the day. Why would you undo your hard work?

Metabolism and digestion

Exercise speeds up all your body processes. It gets everything moving and makes you feel alive. When your digestion and metabolism are working well, it’s so much easier to lose weight.

Burning Kj’s

There’s no denying, the more you move the more fat you’ll burn. Your body needs energy to make it move. If you have no available glucose in your body then it will HAVE to burn fat!


I love the feeling of being so focused during my Yoga session that I forget about anything that’s stressing me out. It’s a great way to switch off and give your brain a rest. I always feel so relaxed and de-stressed after Yoga or a good run. What helps you relax and switch off?


Exercise makes you sleep better! Being active during the day ensures a good, deep sleep that sees you waking up refreshed and energised for the day ahead.

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Exercise requirementsTo ensure you achieve the results you want following The Low Carb Living Guide all you need to do is 15 minutes of medium to heavy exercise per day.

This can be split up into two 7-8 minute bursts - if that’s easier for you. I love a short fast 15 minute run in the morning as it really wakes me up and gets me in a positive mindset. Below are some examples to get you started - choose the ones that you love the most.

I consider my 15 minute run in the mornings as my Morning Blast. It kickstarts my metabolism, gets blood circulating and gets me in the best mindset.

These are just a few basic exercises that you can try and then incorporate into your weekly routine when you’ve found the one you love!

Power Walking

Focus on your posture - suck in your tummy, stand up tall and GO FAST! Feel the muscles in your legs working and stretching out. Breathe deeply. Breathe in new fresh air and breathe out old stale air. Breathe out any negative emotions, stress or anxiety.


My personal favourite. Yoga is a great all over body workout that also helps your mind. You’re so focused on your postures that you really forget about all your “problems” in the outside world. It’s your time just for you - to relax, unwind and find peace. Body Balance is a great yoga style class that most gyms offer and is suitable for beginners.


Completing laps - not splashing about at the beach! Swimming is a great strength exercise that tones muscles as well as burns fat. Perfect in summer - but even in winter there are heaps of heated pools around the place. Reward yourself with a spa or sauna at the end.

Gym Class

If the gym is more your thing, classes are a great way to burn fat, increase your heart rate and tone muscles. Most gyms have such a huge selection of classes you can always find something to suit your schedule.


Nothing beats that sweaty, out of breath, but energised feeling of completing a run. You can even start by running just 5 minutes then power walking. Another great idea is to run a block then walk a block - you will find that you improve so fast. If I am out of practice and want to get back into running, I will run down all the hills then power walk up them until my fitness builds up.

Boot Camps

There are so many great bootcamp style exercise sessions available now. This is originally how I got back into exercise. Usually between 20-30 people in a park or at the beach. It’s a great mix of cardio, strength + fresh air and very cost effective. Great to do with a friend for extra accountability.

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Incidental exerciseIn addition to the structured exercise mentioned above, another way to fast track your results is to do as much incidental exercise as possible.

These are all little things that you can do, that by themselves seem very insignificant but really add up. I've put together a list below - some are pretty standard and some may seem a little crazy - but one thing's for sure - they all add up to help you achieve your dream body.

Take the stairs

Probably the most common incidental exercise. Taking the stairs, or even walking up an escalator instead of standing and waiting is a great way to burn some extra kjs.

For an extra butt toning idea - put all your weight in your heel when walking up, instead of your toes. If you do this you should feel your glutes (big muscle in your butt) turn on.

Stand up tall and suck that tummy in!

Standing tall is not only a great way to burn extra Kj’s but also makes you feel instantly happier & more confident.

Roll your shoulders back and down

Suck in your tummy

Pretend you have a string pulling from the top of your head and tuck in your chin

Breathe Deeply

Squeeze your butt

I do this all the time whether sitting at the office, driving or on the bus. It’s great as no one can really see, but you are getting a great butt shaping workout.

Basically you just squeeze your glutes (the big muscle in your butt) one side at a time. Just keep alternating. Squeezing such a big muscle burns a lot of Kj’s and really shapes your butt.

Mini workouts

This is great if you work in an office as its not good to stay sitting down for more than 2 hours. This little mini workout will get your blood flowing, burn fat and wake you up!

It can be done in the bathroom if that’s your only private place.

It’s really simple…

10 Push Ups - can do against the wall if in bathroom

10 side bends (stand up tall, lock your knees in, suck in your tummy and bend sideways as if to touch the outside of your leg near your knee - then work the other side)

This mini workout will take less than 5 minutes and will make you feel amazing.

So - remember - you must complete 30 minutes of exercise everyday to get the best results for your body and mind.

Plan your exercise on the Progress Tracker, because if it’s planned, you will make it happen!

Enjoy feeling your body get stronger and leaner and being able to breathe that little bit deeper as well.

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The 10 commitmentsI’ve put together these overriding principles to ensure you stay on track.

They’ve been refined and reviewed to ensure they act as your “training wheels” as you ride towards increased health, happiness and confidence.

1. Enjoy only food from our Complete Low Carb Food List

Get creative with your meal prep, but please only use ingredients from our complete list.

2. Don’t add sugar to anything

This one change alone can dramatically decrease your total carb intake and speed up results.

3. Drink 2L of Water daily.

This is 4 600ml drink bottles - it sounds a lot but you’ll adjust quickly. It’s super important

4. Enjoy 3 meals/snacks per day

Plan ahead and stick to your meals. Never graze in between. Your body needs time to rest.

5. Gluten free does not mean low carb

In fact, many gluten free products are packed with sugar and carbs to make the taste acceptable.

6. No alcohol (If I can do it you can do it!)

Eliminate for 21 days to give your body time to change.

7. Weigh yourself everyday (even if you are scared - I promise it will help you)

One of the benefits of low carb living is that you may lose weight. This can be really motivating so always check how you are going.

8. Everyday notice one positive change or feeling you have.

No matter how big or small - ask yourself “If I wanted to notice something positive about myself today, what would that be?” Take note and give yourself credit!!

9. NIL BY MOUTH - No snacking in between designated meals

Cutting out grazing will ensure you are not accidentally sneaking in extra carbs.

10. REMEMBER YOUR WHY - Every single day

This becomes your secret weapon during any hard times. It gives you extra will power to keep going and reap the rewards.

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Let’s get started

So there you have it. All 4 concepts behind The Low Carb Living Guide explained - Mindset, Food, Hydration and Exercise, plus the 10 Commitments

This is just the beginning of an exciting journey that will see you feel stronger every single day, gain energy and vitality, and improve your self confidence to the point of feeling invincible.

At the end of the day life is short. There are so many amazing things to experience and do and when you feel your absolute best you can enjoy these moments even more than you imagined.

I look forward to supporting you through this journey and into the future.

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Meal Planner

Program Key

Products with this symbol have been reviewed on the website so you can choose the best brand

Items with this symbol have Cooking Instructions on Anna’s Low Carb Kitchen website

General Carb Rule = All ingredients should have less than 5g of total carbs per 100g


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Meal PlannerWhen it comes to successful meal planning it really comes down to the 5 P’s…

Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance!If you are organised and have your meals and snacks packed and ready to go, then there is no reason at all to not succeed.

This does not mean you have to go to 3 different farmers markets and prep for 12 hours to achieve this. I do my meal prep twice a week - on a Sunday and a Wednesday so it’s always fresh. After shopping, it only takes 1 hour on each of these days to prep your meals for the next 3 or 4 days.

I really love my meal prep time, as it’s time just for myself. It makes me happy knowing that I am setting myself up to do the right thing by my body and I will feel amazing eating all this healthy nutritious food.

Over time, meal prep will become second nature to you, I still get faster at it every week.

My Meal Guide Tips: Each day aim to pack in as many green veggies

and salad greens as possible. They fill you up, hydrate you and give you a fibre boost.

I love cucumber so that’s why I include it a lot - but all green veggies are great.

Meals and snacks each day can be switched around - this is just an example meal plan.

Fruit Allocation is 5 Strawberries per day

Milk Allocation (if you drink cow’s milk) is 200mls which is 1 small latte/cappuccino

You can create your own lunches & dinners following my 5 step process in the Non Recipe Book, using ingredients from The Complete Low Carb Food List.

Plan your meals and snacks in advance so you stay on track.

Plan what time you are going to do meal prep so it happens!

If you get sugar cravings in the first few days, I find tea is a great substitute to stop you reaching for that chocolate bar. Chamomile or Peppermint if you like herbal, or you can have regular tea with a dash of milk and stevia if you need extra sweet.

After the first few days you will not have any sugar cravings! Instead you will be craving your greens and protein.

Always sip on water in between meals instead of reaching for food.

Remember your results at the end of the 21 days (and for the rest of your life) come down to all the little decisions you make each day.

If you want to feel better about your body, feel better about the way you treat your body.

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» Brekkie Options

You can enjoy: UNLIMITED GREENS - Asparagus, Avocado, Baby Spinach, English Spinach, Silverbeet, Kale, Zucchini, Broccoli, Sprouts, Watercress, Lettuce, Cucumber, Green Capsicum, Cabbage, Bok Choi, Green Beans, Leek, Broccollini

2 slices of Super Low Carb toast with:

• 2 tsp natural peanut butter

• 1 tsp butter + 2 tsp of Vegemite

• 1 tsp butter + 2 tsp of chia jam

• 2 slices tasty cheese

• 2 tsp cream cheese + 1 tsp cranberry sauce

• 1 fried egg

• 1 poached egg

• 1 boiled egg, sliced

• 1/2 avocado

• 2 tsp cream cheese + 4 slices of cucumber

• 2 tsp cream cheese + smoked salmon + fresh dill

• 2 tsp cream cheese + roast beef + wholegrain mustard

• 2 slices tasty cheese + 2 slices ham + 2 slices tomato

Handful of nuts (my fave with a coffee)

a serving of nuts should be about 30g.

• 15 macadamias

• 12 Brazil nuts

• 30 almonds

• Lucky almonds snack size - supermarket

• no cashews!

Tub of greek yogurt with:

• sprinkle with stevia + 10 chopped almonds + 1 tsp chia

• 5 strawberries, sliced

• sugar-free maple + 10 macadamias

2 minute scrambled eggs with:

• 50g feta + a handful of baby spinach

• 50g feta + 2 chopped cherry tomatoes

• 50g feta + chilli flakes

• 50g of chorizo

• 50g shaved ham

• 50g smoked salmon + dill

• 50g chopped asparagus + dill

• 2 lamb meatballs

• fresh chives + 50g tasty cheese

• fresh basil + pine nuts

• fresh parsley + 2 chopped cherry tomatoes

• 1/2 avocado

• any other fresh herbs + green veggies!

3 Super Low Carb Pancakes with:

• coconut yogurt + 5 sliced strawberries

• greek yoghurt + sugar-free maple + 5 strawberries

• sugar-free maple + 1 tsp butter

• fresh lemon juice + sprinkle stevia + 1 tsp butter

• 2 slices bacon + sugar-free maple + 1 tsp butter

• unsweetened stewed rhubarb + coconut yoghurt

• 3 tsp chia jam + 1 tsp butter

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» lunch options

You can enjoy: UNLIMITED GREENS - Asparagus, Avocado, Baby Spinach, English Spinach, Silverbeet, Kale, Zucchini, Broccoli, Sprouts, Watercress, Lettuce, Cucumber, Green Capsicum, Cabbage, Bok Choi, Green Beans, Leek, Broccollini

Super Low Carb sandwich - 2 pieces of Super Low Carb Bread with:

• 80g of ham, chicken, roast beef, sliced turkey, lamb, cheese or 1 boiled egg

+ • unlimited salad greens + 2 slices tomato,

+ • approved mayonnaise ,

wholegrain mustard or fresh herbs

You can have this as an open or closed sandwich and fresh or toasted! So many options.

Open melts - 2 slices of Super Low Carb Bread with:

• fresh basil, bocconcini, ham + sliced of tomato

• ham, sliced tomato, & tasty cheese

• sliced lamb meat balls + fresh mint + feta cheese

• cream cheese, roast bbq chicken, sliced mushrooms, bbq sauce + tasty cheese

• roast beef, rocket, tasty cheese + whole grain mustard

• tuna, asparagus, cracked pepper and tasty cheese

• cream cheese, turkey, 1 tsp cranberry sauce

• avocado, tuna + tasty cheese

Leftover dinners

• prepared in advance - as per The Non Recipe Book.


• filled with any leafy greens + topped with protein, fresh herbs/flavours + toppings (as per The Non Recipe Book)

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» snack options

You can enjoy: UNLIMITED GREENS - Asparagus, Avocado, Baby Spinach, English Spinach, Silverbeet, Kale, Zucchini, Broccoli, Sprouts, Watercress, Lettuce, Cucumber, Green Capsicum, Cabbage, Bok Choi, Green Beans, Leek, Broccollini

Sweet Snacks

• 3 Super Low Carb Pikletes w. 1 tsp butter + 2 tsp chia jam

• 3 Super Low Carb Pikletes w. 1 tsp cream cheese + 2 tsp chia jam

• 2 low carb scones w. 1 tsp butter + 2 tsp chia jam

• 2 protein cookies

• approved protein bar from supermarket

• carrot cake muffin

• handful of nuts (30g) as per brekkie options

• greek yoghurt + topping as per brekkie options

• 5 strawberries + 10 macadamias

• 5 strawberries + 50g feta

• 5 strawberries + 50g cubed tasty cheese

1 slice Super Low Carb toast with:

• 2 tsp cream cheese + strawberries, sliced

• 2 tsp ricotta + strawberries, sliced + nutmeg

• 2 tsp ricotta + strawberries, sliced + drizzle sugar-free maple

• 2 tsp cream cheese + 1 tsp cranberry sauce

• 2 tsp cream cheese + smoked salmon + fresh dill

• 2 tsp peanut butter + cinnamon

• cucumber slices w. cream cheese + cranberry

Savory Snackpack

• 50g feta + 5 cherry tomato + 1 cucumber sliced + 5 olives

• 50g tasty + 5 cherry tomato + raw asparagus + 1 cucumber

• 50g turkey + 10 almonds + 2 sticks sliced celery + green beans

• 50g chicken breast + 10 macadamias + 1 cucumber with herb salt

• 1 can tuna + green beans chopped + 5 olives + 50g feta

• 50g ham + 5 cherry tomato + 50g feta + basil

• 1 boiled egg mashed w. 2 sticks celery + mayo

• 2 plain boiled eggs w. salt + pepper

• 80g plain deli meat

• 2 lamb meatballs

• slice of salmon frittata

• 50g roast beef slices rolled in iceberg lettuce w. grain mustard

• 50g turkey rolled in iceburg lettuce w. cream cheese

• 50g smoked salmon rolled in iceburg lettuce w. cream cheese

• 50g ham rolled in iceburg lettuce w. grain mustard

• 1/2 avocado w lemon and feta

• or as many chopped green veggies as you like!

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2 Slices Super Low Carb toast w. peanut butter

2 Minute scrambled eggs w. Feta & chives

2 Slices Super Low Carb Bread w. Cream cheese and chia jam

2 Minute scrambled eggs w. Shaved ham & basil

Ham, cheese & tomato on Super Low Carb Bread

Crispy bacon, 2 EggsSuper Low Carb toast, baby spinach, mushrooms & thyme

3 Super Low Carb pancakes, ricotta, sliced strawberry, sugar-free maple



Tub yogurt w. chopped almonds, chia & stevia

15 Macadamias, tea or coffee

Roast beef wrapped in iceberg lettuce w. grain mustard

1/2 Avocado w. lemon and feta

3 Super Low Carb pikelets w. butter & chia jam

30 Almonds, tea or coffee

2 stalks of celery w. peanut butter in the middle



Chicken caesar salad Spaghetti bolognaise (with approved pasta replacement)

Super Low Carb sandwich w. roast beef, baby spinach, cucumber, wholegrain mustard

Chilli basil chicken Beef stroganoff Chicken caesar salad w. Super Low Carb croutons

Haloumi salad



Smoked salmon wrapped in iceberg lettuce w. cream cheese

Boiled egg, celery, mayo

Feta, cherry tomato, cucumber & olives

15 Macadamias, tea or coffee

Tub yogurt w. chopped almonds, chia & stevia

1/2 Avocado w. lemon and feta

3 Super Low Carb pikelets w. butter & chia jam



Spaghetti bolognaise (with approved pasta replacement)

Gado gado - chicken or tofu

Chilli basil chicken Beef stroganoff Naked burrito Chicken satay Sesame salmon

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2 Minute scrambled eggs, w. asparagus & dill

Ham cheese & tomato toasty on Super Low Carb Bread

2 slices Super Low Carb toast w. 1 boiled egg

Tub yoghurt w. sugar-free maple & 10 macadamias

2 Minute scrambled eggs, w. tasty cheese & tomato

3 Super Low Carb pancakes, ricotta, sliced strawberry, sugar-free maple, bacon

Zucchini fritters w. minty yoghurt



30 Almonds & Tea or coffee

Tub yoghurt w. sugar-free maple & 10 macadamias

15 Macadamias, tea or coffee

Tuna, green beans, olives & feta

Roast beef wrapped in iceberg lettuce w. grain mustard

Turkey, almonds, celery & green beans

3 Super Low Carb pikelets w. butter & chia jam



Chicken tandoori salad Chicken satay stir fry Chicken parmigiana & salad

Beef stroganoff Red curry Chicken caesar salad w. Super Low Carb croutons

Naked burrito



1/2 Avocado w. lemon and feta

Boiled egg, celery & mayo

2 Protein cookies, tea or coffee

2 Protein cookies, tea or coffee

Tub yoghurt w. sugar-free maple & strawberries

Carrot cake muffin, tea or coffee

15 Macadamias, tea or coffee



Chicken satay stir fry Chicken parmigiana & salad

Beef stroganoff Red curry Mini pizza made on Super Low Carb Bread

Gado gado - chicken or tofu

Steak & veg

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2 Slices Super Low Carb toast w. cream cheese, cucumber & dill

Tub yoghurt w. sugar-free maple & strawberries

2 Slices Super Low Carb toast w. peanut butter

2 Minute scrambled eggs, w. tasty cheese & chives

Ham, cheese & tomato toasty on Super Low Carb Bread

3 Super Low Carb pancakes, ricotta, sliced strawberry, sugar-free maple, bacon

Crispy bacon, 2 eggs, Super Low Carb toast, baby spinach, mushrooms & thyme



15 Macadamias, tea or coffee

1/2 Avocado w. lemon and feta

Turkey, almonds, celery & green beans

Tub yoghurt w. chopped almonds, chia & stevia

15 Macadamias, tea or coffee

1/2 Avocado w. lemon and feta

3 Super Low Carb pikelets w. butter & chia jam



Ham salad sandwich on Super Low Carb Bread

Spaghetti bolognaise (with approved pasta replacement)

Chicken tandoori salad Chilli basil chicken Naked burrito Greek lamb Haloumi salad



2 Protein cookies, tea or coffee

Tub yoghurt w. chopped almonds, chia & stevia

1/2 Avocado w. lemon and feta

Ham rolled in iceberg lettuce w. grain mustard

Tub yoghurt w. sugar-free maple & strawberries

2 Protein cookies, tea or coffee

Carrot cake muffin, tea or coffee



Spaghetti bolognaise (with approved pasta replacement)

Chicken tandoori Chilli basil chicken Naked burrito Open melt on Super Low Carb Bread w. chicken, mushroom, bbq sauce & tasty cheese

Chicken parmigiana Steak & veg

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I know that just 2 days of Low Carb Living + lots of water, I will be feeling SO MUCH BETTER.

I want to feel my best – I know with each great food choice I am one step closer.

Just ONE DAY of great food and no snacking will help me feel slimmer.

I LOVE how Low Carb maintains my energy levels and I can think so clearly when I avoid carbs.

Is this food choice leading me towards or away from how I want to feel?

What could I achieve if I felt my best?

Am I REALLY depriving myself or am I CHOOSING foods that will help me feel my best?

Do I DESERVE that carb loaded sweet treat, or do I DESERVE to feel absolutely AMAZING?

How I treat myself sets the standard for how others will treat me.

I can run away from many things in life, but I can’t run away from the relationship I have with myself.

In 3 months time I will wish I started today!!!

It doesn’t matter if I have failed in the past – today is a new day, a fresh start and an opportunity to change my life.

It doesn’t matter what happened yesterday – I can’t change it – all I can change is what I choose today.

» Healthy Thoughts for Success

“How will this make me feel? Will this food make me feel nourished AND powerful or just clogged up?”

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“So how do you like your eggs?”(The official Egg Cooking Cheat Sheet)


Nothing better than a big fry up on the weekend, or a simple fried egg on your home made hamburger.


• Spray a fry pan with oil and place on a medium heat.

• Let pan heat up until just smoking, then turn heat right down (this prevents sticking).

• Crack eggs into pan and turn heat back to low.

• Cook until desired level - flip or leave sunny side up.


Believe it or not poached eggs are not hard!! Follow my easy instructions and in no time you’ll be an expert.


• Fill a small saucepan halfway with warm water and about 1/4 cup of white vinegar.

• Bring this to the boil (till it is bubbling) then turn heat right down.

• Using a tablespoon stir the water in a clockwise direction until it is spinning

• Crack the egg on the side of pan and gently let it fall into the middle of spinning water. Repeat if more than one egg. You can cook about 4 in the same pan, they won’t stick together as long as you spin the water in between each egg.

• Turn back up to medium heat then set timer for 4 minutes for soft poached eggs or 6 minutes for hard poached eggs.

• Using a slotted spoon carefully remove eggs and place on a plate lined with paper towel to absorb water.


Scrambled Eggs used to be a weekend treat but with this super simple cooking method it can be enjoyed any day of the week, at home or at the office!


• In a microwave safe bowl place 2 eggs, 1/4 cup milk or cream & 1 teaspoon of butter

• Using a fork, whisk to combine

• Cook for 60 sec. in microwave then whisk again

• Cook for another 60 seconds then whisk to create your fluffy scrambled eggs.

• Season with salt & pepper, fresh herbs or cheese!


Hard boiled eggs are great because you can cook a batch in advance and have in the fridge ready for snacks or lunches. After cooking, eggs will last 5 days in the fridge.


• Place eggs in a small saucepan, and cover with cold water.

• Cover with a lid & place saucepan over medium heat.

• Once the water has come to the boil (is bubbling) turn OFF all heat. Leave lid on.

• Set timer for 7 min. (soft) or 10 min. (hard)

• Once timer has finished run eggs under cold water before removing shell.

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Want to learn more about low carb living can help you feel your best?

All these FREE resources are available online!


Program Key

Products with this symbol have been reviewed on Anna’s Low Carb Kitchen so you can choose the best brand

Items with this symbol have cooking instructions on the website

The General Carb Rule -

All ingredients should have less than 5g of total carbs per 100gProtein + Veggies + Flavour + Method + Topping

Making Low Carb Easy!

3/6 6/6


How to host your own Low Carb Morning TeaAnd impress all your friends

download OUR range of guides today!Our low carb, no added sugar (also gluten free but without tasting like it) baking mixes

give the joy of baking back to families who are looking at making healthier choices.

