The Lost Scroll

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  • 7/31/2019 The Lost Scroll




    Part One:

    The Lost ScrollBy Alexander A.Y. Basosi

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    HUNDREDS and thousands of millions of years ago, there was the bright side of the earth, and

    there was the darknesslike the retrospective colours of the chessboard. Just like today, only

    different in magnitude were these paradoxical shades of day and night for where the light

    dwelled, the darkness could not trespass, and where the darkness dwelled

    It was like the dark side of the moon.

    At that age, before humans existed was a race of beings not unlike us similar yet different.They were weaker of body, but much stronger of mind. They needed not any physical strength,

    in which case they were like a sack of dead weight. But of their minds were the subject of many

    miracles. They had a power that humans today are barely in possession of. They had a driving

    force because of this power, which lead to the creation of mountains, volcanoes, and glaciers.Out of the ground rose the pyramids, with respect to night and day. Like the Egyptians were a

    race of Greeks and Celtics, and so on

    But as with every power there were many accidents such as the cracking of the earth and the

    covering of the planet. And just so, every power needs a source. And that source is what we lack


    The full power of the brain.

    As the race evolved, the power was used (just like every power today is) for devilry. The light,

    like electrons in a cathode, moved over to the dark, and ripples were created in the pattern of

    time which in its place was only peace and tranquility.

    Then one single evil soul was created in the midst of the light; tt was not the common evil like

    murder, rape and plunder, but an evil capable of far greater and far blacker things unknown to

    this world. It was the evil that demolished races and killed millions of innocent people. It was the

    evil that wiped out stars and killed planets. It was the darkness that destroyed entire universes,

    annihilating galaxies. It was an abomination so vile and terrifying that just its presence hundreds

    of miles away emanated energy so dark that it burst open skulls and ripped bodies apart. It was a

    darkness that once walked the earth, thousands of years ago. That shadow tainted the planet,

    twisting earths creations into merciless, horrible monsters. Hordes of once pleasant people bent

    their knee to him, swearing fealty to his dark shadow, and ever since then the world has been in

    chaos. This one evil soul created anger where there was calm, pain where there was happiness,

    and melancholy where populations were thriving with the power of nature. As the darkness grew

    stronger, the light lived in fear, like a pack of craven wolves that have lost all sense and driven

    into withdrawal.

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    Then one man of this specific species of men cast away the fog in their minds and drove themagainst the enemy. Yet the darkness sneered, knowing that it could as easily overpower thisbunch of rag-tag fools as the river could wash away a few stray leaves.

    But the darkness had a severe gap in its knowledge, and that was his undoing. After a war

    between the good and evil that lasted for ages and ages, the good prevailed by the skin of theirteeth, every last one of them perishing. A new age arose out of the ashes of the old, and the new

    Earth became as beautiful as the old was vile. The crust of the earth split, and the land became

    separated by oceans and seas. Earths creations became her own once again, and the darkness

    was banished to the underworld, hundreds of millions of miles below the earth, through another


    It was driven into a prison of timelessness by the light until all was at peace once again. But theman became cursed, and was driven into a deep sleep.

    As for the race, with the threat momentarily kept at bay, they concentrated on living, and as timepassed their arms and legs developed stronger muscles, their hearts beat faster, and they shrunkin size to become speedier and more dynamic.

    But as generations followed generations, their brains also shrunk (if not in size, but in ability)

    until their body only depended upon a fraction of their minds to live. But the weakening of the

    minds of men also meant that the power holding the prison together was falling apart. and the

    evil was growing stronger, prevailing against the light that held it at bay. The darkness was

    angry, angrier than it had ever been in its entire existence. It craved vengeance, retribution on the

    souls that defeated and imprisoned it. Revenge on the world that held it at bay; justice on the

    planet that defeated it. The darkness had one thing in its mind: harness the earth. No, not only

    harness it. I will claim it, and make it mine once again. Make it viler and darker than the

    universe has ever seen. The earth will be mine!

    Millisecond by millisecond, the darkness pushed forward against the light, growing stronger by

    its resistance. It pushed with all its ability; with all its might. The darkness was prevailing; the

    evil was succeeding.

    The darkness was rising.

    But a prophecy was spoken in the tongues of the most secret circle of the other world. A

    prophecy older than time itself.

    The Arykadian Prophecy.

    What it spoke of was passed from ear to ear, from heart to heart, from soul to soul, a bedside

    story, a story to soothe the ones in pain. A story used as a prayer. It spoke of heroes and miracles

    and storms brewing on the horizon.

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    And then a boy and a girl were born that changed everything.


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    A storm was coming. A big one. Thunder boomed outside louder than she could ever

    remember in her seventeen years of living. She knew that if she rose to the surface the black skywould be alive with the flashes and bolts of lightning, and rain would drench her to the bone. But

    she was here for a reason, just as she was every day of her life, and just as she would be until she

    was part of the ground.

    She descended the steps soundlessly, hating to disturb the thunderous silence that usually existed

    hundreds of meters below the ground. Torches lined the walls, their flames flickering in an ever-present motion. It was stuffy down here, but she was well past used to it. Sweat drenched her

    face, droplets leaking onto the dress that she wore only for this occasion.

    She felt it would be indecent not to wear her finest clothes to what she and a selected others

    knew the existence of. Her dress was blackblack to match the colour of the black stone walls

    that surrounded herand her slippers she wore were not of glass, but of rubber.

    And she was glad for that.

    She found herself in a corridor lined with even more torches, and nothing else. Some were

    empty, so she lifted a torch form its sconce and filled the emptiness with flames once again.

    Once that was done she continued along the way, stopping to re-ignite the flames whenever shehappened to stumble upon an empty sconce.

    That was until she reached the stone door.

    Behind the door was the most heavily guarded secret in all existence, one that few including

    herknew what was on the other side, and yet it wasnt the slightest bit remarkable. There wereneither inscriptions nor words engraved upon it. No hidden handles or secret codes or majestic

    brass lockers. Nothing but a single round keyhole. The keyhole.

    She fiddled with the chain around her neck and took out the key that was nestled between her

    breasts. She was chosen to be a keeper of the door ever since she was twelve. She knew that it

    was because the enemies would not expect them to put so much trust in a little girl. So the keyand chain was visible only to those that knew of its existence.

    And the key she held in her hand was the only one of its kind.

    The tip of the key barely made contact with the door before she heard a series of mechanisms

    unwinding in its interior. She pushed it all the way through the keyhole and twisted sharply to the

    left, and the door sprang open a crack. She grabbed the nearest torch from its sconce and pushedthe door with all her strength. It stopped exactly at a right angle from its closed position. As she

    did every time, she felt the presence of something stronger than herself in the room before her.Not physically, maybe, but it was just a feeling. Besides, whatever resided in this room had been

    asleep for thousands and thousands of years.

    As she entered, she examined the room before her. There was nothing at all remarkable about it

    just was it was with the door. The room was a trianglethree black stone walls meeting at three

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    points, the door positioned at one of the corners. The wall facing the door had a single torch, but

    she could barely see without the extra one she held in her hand. She took another step into theroom and as she did the floor shifted beneath hera safety precaution is alland she waited for

    the shifting to stop. When it did she ascended the steps that led to a dais. On the dais was a

    sleeping man. He looked weak and fragile, but she knew that once, many years ago, that very

    man had performed many miraculous deeds, and that even the strongest of men nowadays wouldcrack under a fraction of those deeds.

    And she felt a strange sort of affection for him.

    She loved him in a way, having been coming here for five years (ever since the keepership wasgranted to her) to check on him and make sure that he was well sustained.

    She placed a finger on his neck to feel his pulse, even though she could clearly see his chestrising and falling as he slept and slept and slept. He never woke up from his sleep, not even once.

    She smiled down at him, like a mother would to a babe at her breast. She smiled a warm smile,

    and watched him sleep for a small while before she turned away.

    But as she did she heard a sound.

    There never was a sound.

    She spun around so fast that she almost dropped the torch. She looked to make sure no-one or

    nothing was sneaking up on her, but there was no-one but the sleeping man, and the shadows the

    torches cast on the walls as it danced in the darkness.

    But then she looked again at the sleeping man

    and felt excitement rising inside of her like a swelling balloon. The man was talking in hissleepunintelligible words, yes, but still words!- He had never spoken before.

    Maybe he was beginning to awaken!

    She moved to run down the stairs as fast as her legs could carry her, to alert the others, but she

    froze, and looked down at him. He opened his mouth. Thesecretthe cursethe cure to the

    curse is- and then he told her. And she understood. Everything fell into place. It was so obvious

    why couldnt anyone realize it?

    His eyelids began to flutter. She was about to move when she suddenly heard an alarm.

    She saw a shadow behind her and tried to run, but she was too late. She felt a sharp pain at the

    back of her head and then everything went black.

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    THE school counsellor was a gaunt, haggard man called Mr. Darius. He had a mane of black hair

    that reached down to his shoulders. He was unshaven and unorganised, but he was good at his

    job. He wore thick framed glasses that magnified his eyes to twice their size. Those eyes were

    narrow as he listened to one of his grade five students complain about Bradley Grant, the school

    bully. The kid was called Jimmy, and he had gelled back hair, glasses, and a freckly face. He

    wore his school shirt tucked in and black boots that shined so thoroughly that he could see his

    own reflection in them.

    Tell me more about him, Jenkins? he asked checking the paper in front of him, on his desk.

    The boy on the other side flinched - his weasel-like face bobbing.

    He corners me at the start of first break, and threatens to punch me in the gob if I dont give himmy lunch money, and when I give it to him, he punches me anyway. He even has a knife that he

    takes out every now and then. This long, curved metal Jenkins trailed off, shuddering.

    Is that so? Have you ever considered running away? the counsellorproposed. The guy is too

    fat for his own good, you could easily outrun him.

    Yeah, but I get too scared! What if he takes out his knife? Ive seen fat guys that can run twice

    as fast as I can. Will you expel him, please?

    You know I cant do that, Jimmy. Like I said last time, there is nothing I can use against him. I

    followed him and turned out his pockets, but there was no knife, nor any weapon on him. Youwill have to wait a while longer, but in the meantime I will see what I can do. Come back

    tomorrow morning and well discuss that matter in further detail. He stood, and little Jimmy

    jumped to his feet, his smile grateful. Thank you, sir. Thank you Darius nodded. He sat back

    down when the kid left, stuffing the papers in the closest drawer. He was packing his briefcase

    and getting ready to leave when a knock came at the door. Come in the counsellor called. Who

    would come and visit me at this time? He thought.It is way past school hoursThe door opened,

    and one of the High School kids stepped in. He was one of the troublemakers, but he looked

    deadly serious as he walked in. He had shoulder-length fair hair, his eyes as blue as the dawn

    sky. How can I help you, Jason? The counsellor asked. The kid took a seat in the opposite


    I wish to talk to you about something. He said, pulling in the chair and tapping his fingers on

    Darius desk.

    I will tell you this the last time, Mister Malcolm. I cannot remove that last detention, or even the

    time you got suspended two weeks ago. Once I input information into the computer, I cant

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    like a symbol or a number. Picture it in your mind to the exclusion of everything else. Are you

    doing that?

    Yes he replied.

    Okay, now slowly count down to zero in your head. Make sure you count slower the furtherdown you go. Darius watched as Jason started to relax. His shoulders loosened and his hands

    went limp in his lap. His eyeballs started moving under his eyelids. He waited twenty minutes,

    until the child was in the alpha stage of meditation. Jason he said gently. The boy didnt reply.

    Jason! The kid started snoring. Well, that didnt work, he thought grimly. He slapped the boy

    awake. What? the boy asked, drowsily.

    You fell asleep. That is normal the first few times. Now we will try that again shall we? this

    time Darius left him for fifteen minutesduring which he signed some school documents -

    before talking to him. Jason

    Yeah the kid said, his eyes closed.

    What is your last name?

    My last oh, Mal...Malkovich he stuttered, opening and closing his mouth several times.

    Tell me about the dreams you have been having for the past week

    The boy frowned; The one about the train?

    Yes, the one about the train.

    Theythey started last Monday. It always begins when Im on this train; its empty

    exceptexcept for me. Im always alone, and then the the ground starts to vibrate, and the

    seat Im sitting on shakes. I dont know where its going, or where I am, but when I look outside

    the windows... he started to breathe faster, his hands clenching and unclenching.

    Its okay, you can tell me. Im here to help you deal with what youre seeing.

    Okay. Okay... Okay. The boy muttered, calming to the older mans sympathetic voice. Ill tell

    you. I...whenever I look out the windows, I see ...scary things. Monsters, wolves, tigers, but all

    deformed; much bigger than how theyhow they should be. But the more I dream about them,

    the worse they get. Now I start to see thesewinged beasts and ...I dont know; I think theyredemons or something. But it is....too scary to describe. I...I...

    Jason, wake up. Jason! he shook the boy awake. He gasped and opened his eyes, looking

    everywhere nervously. I saw... I saw... tears rolled down the teenagers cheeks.

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    Its okay, we can talk again tomorrow. You will be okay, do you hear me? the boy nodded. He

    handed him a box of tissues, and Jason took one, wiping his eyes. Come back to my office

    tomorrow, after school. Ill help you deal with this, okay Jason?

    He nodded gratefully and stood. Ill be back after school. Jason Malkovich walked out of his

    crammed little office with his head down. As soon as the boy closed the door behind him, Dariuspicked up the phone, and dialled three of the same number, one after the other. There was no dial

    tone, but a voice answered immediately. Darius said the voice.

    He looked up at the door to make sure it was properly closed, and then cupped his hand over the

    receiver. I have found the boy. Darius said, trying to keep his voice low.

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    THE student hall was empty when Jason Malkovich left Mr. Darius office. All the students had

    already gone home; all but a few who had after school lessons or detention. Jason took out hisiPod, and stuck the earphones into his ear, picking any song to suit his mood. He pulled up his

    hood and exited the school doors, heading for the after-school bus.

    In his room, Jason took out his laptop and checked his Facebook. He checked his messages,

    but after a while his eyelids started to get heavy. He forced himself to stay alert, and went

    downstairs to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Megan was making herself a sandwich when

    he got there. She didnt look up from what she was doing, but he knew she was upset. Her first

    and only boyfriend had dumped her; the only person she had given her heart to, and that was

    rare.He left her alone, for he knew that when she was upset she preferred to be left alone. He

    prepared an extra cup and silently gave it to her.

    He watched TV for a couple of hours, and when his parents came home, he silently sneaked

    upstairs so they wouldnt order him to do his homework. On his bed, he grabbed a novel he was

    reading; a suspense novel by Dan Brown. He slowly fell asleep with the book on his face, still

    wearing his jeans and hoodie

    The ground vibrated beneath his feet, sending chills up his spine. The train was empty except for

    him, and he held on to the handrails as the train sped by. He started to move to the window. He

    didnt want to, but he had no control of his own body, and his feet moved of their own accord.

    He tried to look away from the hell on the other side of the glass, but his brain won the battle ofcontrol and made him look. The sky above was crimson, and it was filled with giant bat like

    creatures with sharp beaks and a leathery body. Their necks were covered with scales the colour

    of blood, and one of them snapped up a smaller of its kind in one bite. The ground was of a

    darker shade of red, and it rose upwards like a giant anthill. Out of it rose hundreds and hundreds

    of giant termites and spiders and ants, working together to please their queen. A black hedge

    separated the expanse of crimson field, where a giant with two serpent-like heads roared with the

    intensity of a lion. The rest of the creatures were too horrible to describe. Some were so

    disgusting it made him want to puke. Others were so scary...

    ...that he woke with a start. At first, he was unable to comprehend that his alarm was ringing;then he came to his senses, and switched it off. He was breathing heavily, and sweat covered his

    forehead. Jason rose out of bed with his heart beating wildly, and went to the bathroom. Standing

    under the hot water, he could not get the image of what lay beyond the trains glass out of his

    head. Just thinking of it made him dart panicked glances at the walls. So when his mother

    shouted his name to come downstairs for breakfast, he jumped so hard that he slipped and

    banged his leg into the side of the bathtub. He groaned in pain as he dried himself and put on his

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    usual jeans, a tee, and a hoodie on for school. When he was downstairs, he found Megan at the

    breakfast table with Mom. Dad sat on the couch holding a newspaper half as big as he was. He

    joined the women on the breakfast table, but he had no appetite. He picked at his toast absently,

    taking a few sips of his tea. Jason! he came to his senses and realised his mother was talking to

    him. Yeah, mom? he asked glumly.

    I said, are you all right?

    Oh...yeah Im fine I guess...

    You dont look it at all. Did you stay up late again? she asked, looking concerned.

    No, mom.I dont do that anymore-

    Ha! Yeah, right! Megan laughed. Her dark brown hair had pink streaks in it, and she painted

    her nails black to scare the guys in her class.

    Its okMom he glared at his sister It was just a bad dream, thats all

    Again? his mother said.

    Jason froze. What do you mean again?

    Well, said his mother, you have been like this for more than a couple of days, so Im

    assuming you have been having nightmares on a frequent basis? He hesitated, and then

    shrugged. Mom, I- a horn honked outside.

    Oh! Thats the bus! Well, dont just sit there, grab your bag and we can do the talking later! He

    grabbed the last toast on his plate, and his bag, and said bye to his Mom, after which he left the

    house with Megan on his heels.

    --->Maths was so boring that it was a battle between whether or not to fall asleep. On the one

    hand, he would have to suffer the boringness of Mr. George, and on the other hand suffer those

    never ending nightmares. So he just sat there with his fists clenched until he was saved by the

    bell what seemed to be six hours later. As Mr. George walked out, his chemistry teacher Miss

    Clarke walked in, the school principal on her heels. The principal was an ageing man with white

    hair and a black goatee. The class suddenly fell silent, as it usually did in the presence of Mr.

    Dickson. Jason Malkovich, step out of class for a moment, he said curtly. Jason blinked in

    confusion. What did i-

    Just get your bag and he come!he shouted, his face reddening What did I do now, sneeze in

    lunchtime? he muttered under his breath, and fortunately was not heard by anyone but the guy

    sitting next to him, who snorted a laugh. He stuffed his math book into his bag and put it around

    a shoulder. As he followed the principal towards his office, he wondered what sort of things the

    principal could to to him now. It was well known that he hated Jason, and would do anything to

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    get kicked out. But Dickwasnt going to his office. Instead of taking a right at the cafeteria, he

    took a left, towards the exit. Sir, where are we-

    Dont speak until you are spoken to, Mister! Jason shut up, wondering truly what he was in for

    this time. The principal took him outside the school and to the playground. Finally when he

    arrived at the back of the school, he stopped at the wall. Now youre in deep trouble! he said.

    For what? Jason asked.

    For this Dick replied. He pointed to the wall. There was graffiti all over the wall. It read:

    MR.DICK IS A DICK!! I did not do that!Jason protested. I swearto God that was notme.

    The school principal smiled in amusement. Then whatsthis? he pulled a spray can from his

    pocket. I had the police fingerprint this. It had your fingerprints all over it!

    I...what?I do not even know how to spray paint graffiti on the walls! Jason said truthfully.

    Oh, dont lie to me Malkovich. Now, I already called your parents in to discuss your

    punishments, Jason. He grinned at him victoriously. Youre in deep trouble mister!

    But I didnt do it! No matter how much he said those words, nothing could convince his

    parents to believe him.

    You should be ashamed of yourself, Jason. Damien and I didnt raise you to act in such a

    manner his mother said, frowning at him.

    Your mother is right. How are you going to get into a good college with all that in your system!

    What have I and Donna been trying to tell you? They wont get you into a good college that way.With all that in your recommendation, I doubt any would even look twice at you his father said.

    What are you going to do with him? his mother asked. The school principal sighed deeply,

    looking solemn. He knew that was an act; Principal Dickhead would do anything to get him out

    of the school and as soon as possible. We have given your son many warnings over the past few

    years, but he thought we were taking the mick. Im afraid we cannot have students like Jason in

    our school. Its not good for our reputation Mr. and Mrs. Malkovich.

    What are you implying? his father asked.

    Im afraid I have to expel your son, Damien.

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    THE argument lasted for over an hour. Well, it wasnt much of an argument, really; more of a

    one-sided shouting match, two against one. While Jasons mom and dad pounded him withpunishments and accusations, Jason unsuccessfully tried to defend himself and prove to his

    parents that he didnt do it. In the end, Jason stormed up to his room, and sat there for a long

    time, trying to distract himself with music and books. Nothing really worked to dampen his dark

    mood, so he grabbed his skateboard, opened the bedroom window and climbed down the wall

    using the pipes. He pulled up his hood and skated across the pavement, doing tricks up and down

    the benches. He almost crashed into a couple walking in the streets, holding hands and kissing.

    When he reached the skate park, he let out his anger by skating up and down the ramps, skidding

    across the top and grinding across the bars. That was before he crashed his leg into a pole when

    he slipped, and hit the bruise he got when he slipped in the bathtub that very morning. He sat

    down on the bench grimacing in pain, his skateboard across his lap. He suddenly realized that

    there wasnt going to be a meeting with Mr. Darius, and no one could help him out with his

    dreams. As if his name was a summons, Darius was standing there, dressed in a long coat and a

    top hat, staring grimly down at him. Mr. Darius, what are you

    I followed you here, Jason. As much as I like you, I have to do this.

    Do what? What are you talking about? Darius sighed deeply, and took off his glasses. He

    looked at it for a second, and then placed it in one of his higher pockets. Jason, I am here to kill

    you he pulled a pistol out of his coat pocket and pointed it at him. If you as much as move a

    muscle or cry out, youre dead; if you try to run, youre dead. Now do exactly as I say. Do youhear me?

    Y-yeah Jason said weakly, putting his arms up. Dont put your arms up, you blithering idiot!

    Youll make it obvious. Act casual you dimwit. The boy put his arms down, but what Darius

    didnt know is that he had a black belt in Karate; he had achieved it just last summer in fact. He

    had always kept it a secret, in case he got into a fight. Otherwise they would be prepared

    beforehand. In the action of putting his hands down, he ducked, at the same time kicking the gun

    out of Darius hands. The shot hit the bench with an ear-cracking BANG. The other skaters fled

    as fast as they could in the opposite direction. Jason kicked Darius in the gut and grabbed his

    skateboard. He jumped on it and rolled as fast as he could the way he had come.

    Bastard! Darius shouted as he reached for his gun. He shot at Jason, but it missed by an inch as

    he went around a corner. His school counsellor broke into a ford parked at the curb and started

    the engine. Oh, crap! Jason thought as he did an Ollie over a parked car and went into an alley

    way. The car chased him through the alley and almost caught up with him, but he got out at the

    last instant, and crossed the road in a hurry, almost getting hit by a car. He found a house with an

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    open door, but he missed it and crashed into the wall. The owner ran out and raised her hand

    over her head. He ducked under her blow and switched his skate board around before Darius

    could catch up. He rolled into and out of alleyways, the car always right behind him and catching


    The river loomed ahead of him, and he realized that there was a large loading ramp beside it. Thebank on the other side was lower, and the river itself was thin. He had a really crazy idea. He saw

    a flat boat floating by, and he found a way out. He went into full speed, pushing his foot across

    the ground to accelerate. The car was on his tail now, and he heard a gunshot behind him.

    Luckily the shot missed again, but he kept on towards the ramp, at the fastest speed the

    skateboard could handle. The ramp was ten metres ahead of him now.

    Seven meters...

    Three meters...

    His skateboard went up and he held onto it for his life as he flew across the air. The skateboard

    slipped from his arms and fell into the river. For a second he remembered his karate lessons all

    those years ago. One of the first lessons was to know how to fall, to protect yourself. At the last

    second, when he crashed onto the boat, he rolled over and landed safely on deck. Behind him,

    the car, with Darius in it, pushed into the river, ramp and all. For about a minute, only bubbles

    rose to the surface. Then at the last second Darius pushed out of the water; gasping for breath.

    Ill get you Jason Malkovich, Mark my words. Ill get you! he shouted breathlessly.

    Not like this you wont! Jason laughed. The ferrymen came out of the cabin waving their

    hands and shouting. Jason jumped off the boat and landed on the riverbank gasping for breath. I

    lost my skateboardhe thought as he walked home. Then it hit him. Why was my school

    counsellor trying to kill me? He pondered over that question as he walked home. And what am I

    going to tell Mom and Dad?Oh, Im in big trouble now. That was when he noticed the smoke, a

    thin finger of grey, tracing into the sky. When he turned the corner, onto his street, his face went

    as white as milk: his house was on fire...

    --->Mom! Dad! NO! Jason screamed. Rescue them you idiots! Dont just stand there! GO!

    the house was a wreck; ash floated in the air like feathers; unaware of the world, just going with

    the wind. The fire trucks were driving away, and ambulances were parked on the curb, the

    remaining fire-fighters were in the house searching for his parents. Send more in. Cmon!

    Im sorry, nothing couldve survived that. One of the fire-fighters said; his head down in

    respect for the dead.

    Theyre not dead, I know it! he had called Megan, and she was on her way back from the mall.

    Out of the ashes of the house, two figures emerged holding something. Mum? DAD! but it

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    wasnt his parents, it was two fire-fighters, holding what looked like a body covered in sheets.

    No. NO!! he went to his knees, tears rolling uncontrollably onto his cheeks.

    Im sorry, Jason. Youre father is dead. One of the fire-fighters said. But there is no sign of

    your mother. She either made it alive, or...

    Or what? he asked

    Or the fire burned her beyond recognition. The fire-fighter said solemnly.

    A hand clasped his, and he turned to find Megan, her face a total mess, tears making her face as

    black as charcoal. She wiped a tear away, smudging it even more. What happens now? Megan

    asked. She was always the practical one, quick to think on things. Wheres Mums body?

    They dont know. Its almost as if its disappeared. A tear fell onto her cheek, and Jason wiped

    it away. Look, Megan. Promise me, whatever happens, we stick together. Whatever happens,

    Megan; do you promise?

    I promise. She started sobbing. Jason held her head in his chest, and they stood there, long

    after everybody went, crying their hearts out.

    Do you think Mom is still alive? Megan said her eyes still full of tears. Do you think shell

    come back?

    Only time will tell, sweet sister. Only time will tell.

    ---> Damien Malkovich was buried on the Sixth of June 2011, surrounded by all his family and

    friends.Just like he would have wanted itJason thought, forcing himself to stay cheerful. Hisfather wouldnt have liked his children to mope around too much after his death, so Jason and

    Megan stood closest to the grave, smiles on their faces, thinking of the present, and more

    importantly, thinking of the future...

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    THE sun was a fiery orb of light and heat in a clear blue sky, and the waves were crashing

    mercilessly into the sand when Megan awoke, her body embalmed in a layer of sun-lotion. Shepulled off her sunglasses and placed a hand gently on her brothers sunburnt back. Jason flinched

    and sat up. That hurts you know! he protested.

    Well, if you would have taken my advice in the first place, you would not be burnt now would

    you? she took the bottle of sun-lotion out of her bag and offered it to him. Are you sure you

    dont want any? she asked.

    Imfine, honestly!

    Your loss.She said, putting it back in her bag. We need to get back home now, before it gets

    too hot. After their fathers tragic death, they had flown in to Dubai to live with their uncle,

    Billy; who had a business here. The heat of the country was in total contrast with the cold of

    England, and she was quite enjoying her tan.

    They took a taxi home to Uncle Billys, who lived in a villa near the Mall of the Emirates. The

    taxis were strange colours here. Back in England, it was black, but the taxis here were beige,

    with red or orange at the top; sometimes pink. When she got home, she took a shower,

    examining her tan in the mirror. She rather liked Dubai, despite its heat, but it was more of a

    summer destination than a country to permanently live in. Billy was still at work, so they had the

    house to themselves. They had been flown here, since their uncle was now their guardian, and he

    agreed to take care of them until they were old enough to live on their own. She only wished she

    could leave sooner, so she could go to university and live on her own.

    She left the shower and joined Jason on the couch to watch TV. Most of the channels were

    Arabic here, and there was nothing much to watch. She spent the rest of the day painting her

    nails, chatting on Facebook, or listening to music. She dyed her highlights to blonde; she was

    getting rather tired of pink. Uncle Billy got home at around seven in the evening. He cooked his

    own food these days, and they usually spent their dinner in candlelight.

    Since they had missed their final exams, Megan and Jason had to repeat their eleventh year of

    school, but Billy didnt mind paying for them. He was rich after all. Billy was still a bachelor; hewasnt ready for marriage just yet, or so he told them. He had been really upset to hear about his

    sisters disappearance, and her husbands death. It was really unexpected he had said. We

    were really close as kids, but I had to move away to start a business in Dubai. I never got to say a

    proper goodbye. They were halfway into the summer, and so far it was really good, in

    comparison to the hell they had experienced the couple of months before they came to Dubai.

    She tried not to think about it, but sometimes at night shed cry herself to sleep. She still kept the

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    Im meditating. It helps me relax. Its something the school counsellor taught me before he tried

    to kill me

    He what? she asked, horrified. Jason sighed deeply, his chest rising and falling as he relaxed.

    I never told you this, because I didnt want to scare you.

    Tell me what, Jason? Megan insisted.

    The day Dad died, Darius you know, the school counsellortried to kill me. I was at the

    skate park, and he came up to me with a gun... As Jason explained to her what happened, her

    eyes grew wider with each passing second. When he finished, she was lost for words. And you

    tell me this now? You shouldve gone to the police for this!

    Jason snorted, Like they would have believed me, Megan. Even if they did, and they managed

    to find him, it would be his word against mine. It would take months, sister. I needed to get out

    of there, I couldnt stand it. And the dreams...

    Tell me about your nightmares, Jason. You havent told me about those yet. Jason, whose eyes

    were still closed, sighed again. Ive been having the same dream everyday for a couple of

    months; over and over again. I told Darius about it, the day before it happened. He seemed to

    want to help me, if only I had known he wanted to kill me. I have a feeling that whoever wanted

    me dead wanted me in that house with my parents, and when they realized I wasnt there, sent

    Darius to kill me.

    Are you saying that Dad was murdered? Megan asked, aghast.

    Thats exactly what Im suggesting Jason said.

    But what does that have to do with your dreams?

    I dont know, Jason replied but what I think is that whoever wanted me dead, wanted me dead

    because of those dreams Jason replied.

    What were those dreams about, Jason? Megan asked.

    Megan, I keep dreaming that I - but before he could finish the sentence, the doorbell rang.

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    MEGANs feet thumped across the stairs as she descended the staircase. The doorbell rang

    again, and the person at the door started thumping it insistently. Megan! You get the doordarling! Billy called form the living room. Im coming! she shouted back to him. Jason

    followed at her heels; a scowl on his sunburnt face. When she reached the front door, she

    checked through the peeping hole. Who is it? Billy said as he stopped behind her.

    I dont know; some guy in a suit. She unlocked the door, and held it wide open. Yes?

    Is this the residence of William Atkins?

    Yes. Billy said, pushing in front of Megan. What do you want? the man took out a clipboard

    and pen. Id like to know whos with you in the house, so we can update the population


    Oh, Billy said we have Megan and Jason Malkovich, daughter and son of my deceased sister.

    And me, William Atkins; that is all.

    Hmm. Megan... is this how you spell Malkovich? Billy leaned to see the clipboard when the

    man smacked him on the forehead. Billy collapsed in a heap. Billy! What did you do to him?

    Megan shouted.

    Oh, I merely knocked him out for a couple of hours.

    How the hell did u knockhim out by slap-?Jason started

    Get out of here! You blithering arsehole, or Ill-Megan shouted.

    -call the police? I dare you to try

    I will! she took her blackberry from her pocket, but it was off. She tried switching it on, but it

    stayed black. Jason took his from his pocket, but it wouldnt switch on either. What the hell is

    going on? Jason demanded. Suddenly, the man grabbed Megans neck, and brought her close to

    his body. Youre coming with me Jason, or your sister will die.

    What do you want? Let her go!

    My master wants you alive. If thats not possible Im going to have to kill you. So come quietly

    and I will spare her life. The stranger said.

    What the hell are you talking about? Leave her alone you madman!

    Come now or Ill kill you, but I will let you watch her die first. Whats it going to be?

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    Alright; Im coming; just give me a second. He put his hands up cautiously.

    Oh, no need for hands, just follow me. Jason put his hands down, and kicked the man in the


    ...except he hit a barrier. A sphere of light appeared around the man and Megan; blue andtranslucent. What the... what did you just he was cut off by the man laughing hysterically.

    Their faces... the man laughed they always look like theyve seen a ghost, it gets them every


    Let Megango, you pathetic excuse for a human being!

    The strangers face grew dark. Rule numberone when Im taking you to my master: dont insult

    me; and each time you do your sweet sister here loses a finger. Do you understand me?

    Jason nodded slowly. Now, come with me, or Ill strip her naked and-

    Okay I get it ass-face! Im- Megan started screaming.

    What are you doing? Stop it! STOP! he had a hand on her arm, and something must have been

    passing between them because she was screaming in agony. Okay! Let her go you - She

    screamed even louder. Anger blazed through his veins, and he clenched and unclenched his fists

    in fury. You let her go right now.

    The man laughed. I told you not to insult me. Now shes paying for your mistakes. The fury

    that blazed inside him was nothing in comparison to what happened next. Jason raised his arm,

    and let the fury pass out of his body, using his hand as the point of channelling. His fury shot outof his hand in a white-hot bar of energy, piercing through the barrier, and taking him between his

    eyes. He dropped Megan, and fell to the floor; a lifeless bag of bones. Jason caught his sister just

    before she hit the floor. Are you ok? What did he do to you?

    Im fine. I dont know what he did. I felt as though I were being electrocuted or something. It

    felt like-

    - a monster was crawling in your veins; like it was going to tear your body apar t. Billy

    croaked, sitting up and massaging his head.

    Yeah, a bit like that Megan said. Wait, how did you-

    Welcome to the real world, kids. Youve got a lot to learn.

    Life went on as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened that night. Uncle Billy refused to

    explain anything; Megan pretended that nothing had happened. But Jason noticed something new

    about his uncle; he kept giving him strange looks. Sometimes when Bi lly was sure Jason wasnt

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    looking, hed peek at his uncle to find him staring open-mouthed at him. After a while he just

    pretended he was imagining the sphere that had encased the stranger and the bar of... energy that

    had some out of his hand.

    Uncle Billy hadnt called the police, but instead he put the body in a black bin bag and disposed

    of it. Things pretty much went back to normal. It was almost a week until school started, andJason looked forward to start again; he wanted to get his mind off the dreams. It had gotten much

    worse over the past few months. Every night he would be on the train and his body would force

    him to see the monstrosity that lay on the far side of the windows. He had tried to talk about it to

    someone. But he never got the chance. Jason opened his laptop and started playing a computer

    game so that he could stop thinking about it. He heard a ringing noise from Facebook chat and

    minimized the game. He had one message. He clicked on it, and gasped with shock. It was from

    Darius; his old school counsellor, the guy that had tried to kill him, and he believed, his parents


    I know where you live, Jason. You can run but you cant hide. Im going

    to get you; mark my words.

    From Darius, your old pal.

    The door opened, and Megan burst in. Jason, I got a message from

    Darius, yeah I got one too. Do you think he really knows where we live?

    After what happened, Id believe he is angry enough to find out. Jason replied

    So what are we going to do, call the police? she asked.

    I dont know, wethe door opened again, and in walked Uncle Billy; looking nervous. We

    need to go. Get dressed.

    Where are we going? they said together.

    Were in danger. Someone is after you, Jason. He replied. We have to go!

    Why am I in danger? Were not going anywhere until you tell us why everyone is trying to kill

    me. Uncle Billy picked up a ball, and threw it at him. Instinctively, he put his arms in front of

    his face, but nothing hit him. Megan gasped.

    How the hell did you do that? she asked Jason.

    Do what? What happened? Jason asked, confused.

    The ball stopped in front of your face, it

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    Enough of this! Look, Jason youre a mage. So is your sister. Im a magician, okay? Now, we

    need to go, because everyone is after you. Usually a mage needs a magician to activate him, but

    you did it alone. Now, I do not know why someones after you, but all I know is that they want

    you for bad things. Now come, before they-! Jasons door burst open again, and three hooded

    men walked in. Move aside, old man. Its not you he wants.

    Uncle Billy moved in front of him. If you want him, you have to go through me.

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    THE fight had lasted for exactly four minutes and twenty three seconds, according to Jasons

    watch. The three intruders had really underestimated Billys strength. Each lasted no more thansixty seconds before collapsing lifeless on his bedroom floor, Megan and him hiding behind the

    bed not to get scorched to death. The only drawback was that his room was covered in scorch

    marks, and all his stuff either had holes in it, or was burnt and black. Billy was panting when it

    all ended, and there was a large burn on his arm.

    We need to get you to the hospital! Megan shouted, running for her phone, but there was a

    large hole in its centre and she dropped it like it was a bomb.

    Hospital? Billy snorted. Hospitals are too slow. Why would someone have to wear a cast for

    three months when it can be fixed in a few seconds? Its preposterous. Give me a second, Ill

    heal myself. He placed a hand on his arm, grimacing, and Jason watched as the red burn mark

    slowly receded into nothingness. Megan stared open-mouthed, but Jason wasnt surprised.

    Whats more surprising than having a bar of energy being shot out of your arm? Or your uncle

    singlehandedly taking out three strong men using only the energy form your body?

    Now, Billy said. We need to get you guys somewhere safe. Pack your stuffquickly!

    Where are we going? Jason said, taking out their suitcase form under the bed. He hadnt

    expected to be taking it out so soon after putting it there only a couple of months ago.

    To an old friend of mine. Youll see for yourself.

    A couple of hours later, they were shoving two fat suitcases into the trunk of Billys Escalade.

    Billy started the car, and they took off, leaving their old, quiet life forever. They took the Sheikh

    Zayed road for fifteen minutes, and then came across a sandy construction site. Beyond the site

    was a compound of villas surrounded by trees and bushes. Emirates Hills, the sign said. After

    going through a maze of houses, Billy took them to a road in the Springs; a section of the

    compound with beige coloured villas divided into sections according to their numbers. The road

    they travelled on was between Springs eight and twelve. On the left were villas, and on the right

    was a sandy expanse of wasteland separated by a large fence. However, Billy parked next to the

    fence and got out. What are you doing? Megan asked.

    Hold on to your knickers. He said, walking towards the fence. He touched the fence with his

    fingers. A large section of the fence descended into the ground, leaving the space of a car to get

    through. And...Voila! Billy said, getting back to the car. When the car passed through the

    fence, the gate rose up back to its original position behind them. A road appeared ahead of them,

    leading to a large mansion with fountains and a good many cars parked in front of it. Maids

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    scurried around the courtyard, scrubbing floors and cleaning tiles. Gardeners chopped grass, and

    other gardeners watered the flowers.

    How did we not see that? Megan breathed, shocked. Billy turned to them and grinned.


    Billy parked the car and gave the keys to a Valet driver. When he rang the bell, a couple of

    minutes passed before a butler dressed in a suit opened the door for them. He had a bowl of grey

    hair and a close cropped beard.

    Names? he said curtly.

    I am magician William Atkins, with mages Jason and Megan Malkovich. Were from The

    United Kingdom. Uncle Billy said.

    He touched his temple for a moment, and then smiled politely. Splendid! Im sort for your loss,

    children. You may enter he said, bowing. The main hall was grandiose; it was like a medievalcastle. Tapestries hung across the wall, and in the centre of the ceiling, a large chandelier hung

    almost to the floor, flames licking the air where there were normally lightbulbs. Most of the

    inhabitants are currently in their bedchamber, Im sorry to say, butI will take you to Gregorys

    bedchambers myself the Butler said.Follow me

    Whos Gregory? Jason asked as they followed the butler through the feasting hall, and

    corridors that had a view of the back courtyard. Mages were practicing combat in pairs, balls and

    bars of light being shot between them. He also noticed that every one of them was encased in the

    sphere like the stranger had; only weaker;I wouldnt want to get pierced by balls of light either

    Jason thought as they followed the Butler Gregory is the...he is like the king of magicians. Well,he doesnt wear a crown, but hes the leader. He was chosen by the other magicians to lead him

    because he is the strongest, oldest, and thus the wisest of the other magicians. The butler

    stopped at the largest doorway Jason had ever seen. Wait here the butler said in his sharp


    He opened the thick wooded doors and entered the chamber. He was gone for about a minute

    before he held the doors open for them.

    One tip, Billy told them never lie to Gregory. He can always sniff out a lie from a mile


    ---> Gregory was the tallest man Jason had ever seen; even taller than that Chinese guy on the

    Guinness book of records. William! Gregory said in a deep voice. How long has it been...?

    They exchanged courtesies that bored Jason beyond knowing. They spoke about things that he

    had only heard in movies and read in books. He clearly heard Vampires and Undead in the

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    same sentence at one point. They even spoke of Dragons for a while ...So why did you come

    back after all this time? Gregory asked his uncle.

    Oh, I have brought the boy Billy told him.

    And which boy is that?

    Jason Malkovich and his sister Megan, Billy said. Gregorys eyes widened. Thats a large

    measure of surprise for someone to have seen vampires, zombies and werewolves; Let alone


    How many of his people so far?


    Gregory nodded. I expected more, but they truly did underestimate you, William. Now, Im

    guessing youre tired from your travelling. I will prepare bedchambers for the three of you; you

    need to bathe. Come and feast with me at nine oclock tonight. We welcome your presence;

    especially you, Jason.

    Why me? he asked, bewildered.

    Later. First you need to get prepared for the feast tonight. Billy said.We are honoured to be

    your guests

    The honour is mine, William. The honour is mine. Gregory said. James! The butler hurried

    into the chamber, bowing. Yes, sir?

    Find these lads the grandest chambers we have to offer. Make sure it has a hot bathtub and lots

    of servants.

    As you command, so I obey the butler replied meekly.

    You have my leave Gregory boomed.

    And you have my thanks Billy said.

    ---> Jasons bedchamber was right beside Megans, separated only by a thick wall. The servants

    prepared for him clothes that were at least a thousand years out of fashion. It was a dark green

    tunic with a velvet collar and silk petticoats. The servants had to dress him up; the only thing he

    knew how to wear more complicated than a tracksuit was a suit, but this was way beyond his


    Billy walked in when he was fully dressed and ready for the feast. There was still fifteen more

    minutes left but his uncle insisted that he go early; as was tradition. Megan followed behind him

    wearing a light blue silk dress; a ruby engraved tiara on her delicately shining hair. She wore a

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    necklace of big pearls around her neck, and pear earrings. She wore glass slippers, resembling

    the ones that Cinderella wore at the ball. He gaped at her. Youre!

    She blushed; its funny how you notice now...

    Lets go Billy reminded them.

    One question before we go. Jason said what did Gregory mean that hes so honoured to meet

    me? Im just a normal guy...mage

    Why, because you are the boy of the prophecies of course! Billy replied.

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    MEGAN wasnt used to wearing dresses; nor was she used to shiny hair, pearl necklaces, or

    glass slippers. So naturally she kept tripping, adjusting her skirts and feeling like she would haverather went as herself.But, no; traditions! She snorted, almost loud enough to hear. She covered

    her mouth politely, as not to attract the attention of the men and women around the table. The

    men were dressed in tunics, breeches, and clothes so out of fashion that she couldnt help but

    stare at them. All the women were dressed so heavily that she was glad that she got a simple silk

    dress, regardless of the fact that it was cut low and showed too much of her breasts. They feasted

    on a giant boar [She didnt even dare ask where they got thatfrom].

    The strangest thing about the feast was that there was a do-it-yourself policyso naturally there

    were goblets filling themselves with punch, and pieces of pork floated towards a plate, cut by a

    knife acting on its own accord, and a spoon pulling soup out of a bowl and returning to its ownerlike a faithful hound. She thought they were just lazy; no wonder many of them are fat. The table

    was rectangular, and on the far side of the table, Gregory wasnt touching his food; he stared at

    Jason like a scientist dying to check out a new artefact. Sitting next to her, Jason didnt touch his

    food either, he was frowning at his food in deep thought.

    On the table, the other people were eating amidst a babble of chatter. The other day, a heavyset

    woman was saying, I told him to leave me alone, but he always comes after to me in the end.

    Hes like a vampire that hasnt passed puberty yet she had red hair tied into an ornate bun

    behind her head. Amethysts glittered in her hair; amidst the sea of crimson. She wore a purpleglittering dress, which went down to the floor. The woman next to her had waist-length blonde

    hair, dressed simply in lilac velvet. Quiet. Gregory said silently. The chatter ceased at once, the

    silence as tangible as the babble hadnt been. All heads turned to him, including her brothers.

    We have a few new guests today. Gregory boomed. I would like to welcome you Megan and

    Jason Malkovich everyone gasped; their eyes going wide.

    The Jason Malkovich, the boy of the prophecies? the red-haired woman breathed.

    Yes, it is him everyone gasped again, and even one woman fainted. No one took notice of that,

    though. It cant be a man with a high pitched voice said, a turban encrusted with a Sapphire on

    his head.

    Thats impossible; that could only mean... the Blondie trailed off.

    Wait, are you saying mean hes breaking free? a man with dark skin and a navy blue

    tunic said and a voice no less deep than Gregory himself.

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    Wait, Jason said. What prophecies? Whos breaking free? What the hell is going on?

    They ignored him.

    What are we going to do? the heavyset woman asked fearfully. He is still a boy. I doubt he

    even got his power yet.

    What power? her brother asked.

    We can train him. How long does he have? If he already started having the dreams...

    IfJason was an animal, his ears would have perked up. What dreams? Megan asked.

    It is prophesized, the redhead said that the boy of the prophecies would have the foreseeing.

    In simple words he would know exactly when the darkness would rise again.

    What darkness? she asked, getting more paranoid by the second; starting to think that this was

    some big joke.

    Before she could reply, Jason cut in. well, if its about the dreams Ive been having, then you

    should be worried; because there are only ten stops left.

    Then, so many things happened at the same time: the heavyset started choking on an olive, and

    the blonde woman had to help her. The man with the turban started praying. Another two women

    fainted. Gregory actually looked scared for a second, before he smoothed his features, and Jason

    started having a fit.


    He grabbed his head with both hands and started shaking. He fell out of his chair, knocking a

    goblet off the table, along with a plate of potato wedges. He landed on the floor, thrashing all the

    while. Megan rushed to him, trying to calm him. She took a piece of cloth from the table and

    stuffed it in his mouth, in case he accidentally bit his tongue off. Gregory was suddenly there, a

    hand on Jasons shoulder.

    The man froze, his face going pale. The blonde woman had successfully saved Marjory from

    choking to death, and they both knelt at Jasons side. Gregory still held on to Jasons shoulder,

    his mouth working wordlessly.

    It was a couple of minutes before Jason stopped thrashing. His face was even paler than

    Gregorys, his brow covered with sweat.

    Jason, what happened? she asked worriedly.

    I saw... I saw it... he noticed Gregorys hand clenched on his shoulder. You can let go now.

    He said.

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    Gregory snapped back to reality, releasing Jasons shoulder. Megan, take Jason to his chamber.

    Get Billy on your way. I need to speak with him right away.

    ---> They stopped at Billys room on their way to Jasons; Uncle Billy was surprised to see them

    so early. Greg wants to see you. Jason had a fit.

    What happened? he asked, concerned.

    I think he saw something. Im sure Gregory did too, when he touched his shoulder, he looked

    like he was going to shit his pants. Jason was silent, his mind elsewhere. He looked like hed

    seen a ghost.

    What happened, Jason? the guy remained silent.

    Jason! her brother jumped, coming to his senses. What...whats going on?

    Tell me what you saw. Billy insisted.

    I was different this time. I saw a shadow...there was no one there, but there was

    someone... something watching me. Whatever it was, its getting stronger by the second,

    gathering its forces. I dont know how I know... I just know. Its like when youre dreaming and

    you know whats going to happen. It crept up on me and said... he trailed off.

    What did it say Jason? Jason!

    Yeah...he said Jason Malkovich. I see you at last. You wont prevail against me. Im getting

    stronger than ever before. Join me, and we can rule the world together. Oppose me... he sounded

    really... freaky. As if he had given the shadow a voice. A voice of a thousand evils he shivered.

    Billy had gone the colour of milk.

    Whats wrong with everyone today? Megan said wryly. Its just some stupid dream. Her

    uncle shook his head.

    Thousands of years ago; an evil existed in the world, an evil so ominous that all life died before

    him. The sea rot in his presence, and the sky turned to the colour of blood. The world was

    deformed, Megan. All the creatures were so hideous that most people would die of fear at just at

    a glimpse. This Darkness is rising again. All the civilisations joined together and banished him

    from the world, to a prison deep within the underworld. The ancient Egyptians joined with the

    Greeks and the Romans and they rid the world of him; making the world beautiful again. The

    prophecies say that the Darkness will rise again, more powerful than ever.

    The prophecies spoke of a boy, a boy that will be born to defeat this darkness Megan. The boy

    is Jason, and according to his vision, Jason is going to have the save the world before he rises

    once again.

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    And when will that be? Megan said.

    The door opened and Gregory walked in, his face deadly serious. According to the boys

    prophecy, the Darkness will rise once again before the next full moon.

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    WHEN Jason was young, he had always dreamed of being a pilot. When he got older, he started

    to think more realistically and wanted to become a lawyer. He had never, in his sixteen years ofliving, imagined that he was going to become a mage. Megan was equally as bewildered as him;

    even more, since she hadnt used magic yet. Its not really magic she had told him. Its more

    like energy. So why do they still call themselves magicians?. He had no answer for that, so he

    had continued packing what he had already unpacked only a few hours past. He didnt know why

    he was packing; Billy had told them to get unpacked and ready to leave as soon as possible, and

    that they would leave at first light.

    After that conversation, Jason had been ordered by the leader of the magicians to leave the room,

    so that the adults could talk. So, for the last three hours, he and his sister had been confined to

    their rooms to pack, and talk, and discuss plans. My beloved uncle cant spare five minutes of histime to tell me what the fuck is going on?? The only thing he had said was that they were going

    to be going to a heck lot of places.Now what the hell was that supposed to mean?

    He was in such a foul mood that he threw his iPod to the floor, smashing it into a million pieces.

    He later regretted that, but he needed something to let his anger out on. So he was the boy of the

    prophecies, eh? If I am, cant someone bloody tell me the whole prophecy, instead of giving me

    bits and pieces and talking to me in riddles?And who was this darkness guy; where was he

    from? What did he do? He was full of questions that he thought he was going to explode; but he

    kept a rein on his impatience. Megan had finished packing, and she lay beside her suitcase on the

    bed, stroking a hand through her hair.

    What the hell is going to happen? she asked him, clearly stressed. She was always the type of

    person that was in control of her future; the practical one; so for her not to know what she was or

    what was going to happen must have been eating at her from the inside pretty badly. He was

    worried about all this too; he just wanted to pack up his things and go home. Not Uncle Billys

    homeit wasnt that he didnt like the guy; Billy was a really nice person but home, back to

    England. He missed his parents so badly it clawed at his chest. He missed his old friends; his

    girlfriend Jennifer. But he knew he couldnt just leave. He had a responsibility with these people;

    even if they didnt know that yet. He was the boy of the prophecies; the boy destined to put an

    end to this darkness that seemed to inject fear into their hearts more often than not.

    He sat down next to Megan, leaving his stuff half packed. Remember the promise I gave you all

    those months ago? he said, taking out his part of the necklace. He had the black part of the

    Ying-yang, and she the white. Remember, it still applies. No matter what happens on

    this...journey, we stay together; until the bitter end

    Until the bitter end she repeated clutching her part of the necklace in her hands.

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    ---> Billy came back way into the early hours of the night. He looked pale, and there were bags

    under his eyes. His jet-black hair was a mess, and when he came in, and saw them with their

    stuff packed, and them sitting angelic-like on their beds, he smiled slightly; the smile not

    reaching his hazel eyes. Jason noticed that he had the same shade of brown as his mothers had;

    he also had the same curve of the mouth, curving slightly upwards to make it seem he was

    always smiling.

    Okay, Im going to have to rearrange some things you packed. He said, holding a brown sack

    made of animal skins. I have all my stuff in here; including all of my possessions. Let me

    just... he brandished his hand, and the zips of both of their suitcases undid themselves, the cover

    opening to reveal their fruitless hours of hard work. With a wave of his hands, all of Jasons stuff

    his clothes, a lot of his books and CDswent into the sack, including Megans possessions.

    The strange part is that it still looked half empty. Here, hold it. He said, handing the sack over

    to his nephew. He expected his arm to fall under the heavy weight, but to his surprise it was

    almost as light as a feather. How did

    Magic was Billys one word answer, giving the sack over to Megan. She let out a surprised


    How do you manage all this? she said. We can fit a whole treasure chest in this sack

    Billy laughed, yet these days no sort of amusement seemed to reach his dark, cold eyes. It was

    almost like the death of his sister (or disappearance) seemed to put a light out of his soul.

    Now, you kids need to get some sleep. Its going to be a very long day tomorrow.

    Any care to tell us where thisplace is? Megan asked.

    Lets just say were going on a quest; a quest to recover an ancient artefact that may guide us to

    the darkness.

    What artefact is this? he asked.

    A map of the underworld.

    ---> Jason didnt get much sleep at all that night; actually he didnt sleep at all. He lay there in

    the darkness staring at the ceiling, thinking. So now he was a mage, and he was going on a quest

    to search for an ancient map of the underworld. Then what, travel to the underworld? Defeat thisdarkness everyone was sacred about? And what was this underworld anyway, a place where the

    dead slept? Was there a heaven and hell? Megan was silent throughout the whole night, but he

    knew by her soft breathing that she was still awake.

    It was only a couple of hours later than their uncle marched into the room, a torch in his hand.

    Wake up! The keep is under attack. Wake up!

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    ---> He dressed in a frenzy, unable to find his normal clothes at the bottom of the sac. In the

    other room, Megan was doing the same.

    Billy wasnt so patient.

    Come on! he said, grabbing the sac, and taking Megan from the other room. In the hallwaythey crept along the walls, looking around corners before crossing them. The defence has been

    infiltrated Billy said. Its a massive fight outside. He was right; there were crashing sounds

    from the other side of the thick walls, and screams of pain erupted from hundreds of voices. I

    think the Darkness has struck again, sending minions to assassinate you. Billy said. We have to

    get to Gregory as quick as we can. They passed scurrying servants running in the opposite

    direction, dashing with fearful looks on their faces. They even stumbled upon an evil mage or

    two, but Billy blasted them out of the way before they posed as a real threat. The deeper they got

    into the mansion, the more they saw signs of fights everywhere. There were holes in the wall,

    scorch marks and patches where it had been burnt by a blast of energy.

    They finally reached Gregorys large chambers, and entered without knocking. Gregory was in

    attendance with five elder magicians; giving commands and discussing tactics. When he saw

    them come in, he turned his attention on them;

    We have to be going now; Billy said, by your leave of course. We need to find the first piece

    of the map.

    Fortunately, I can do two things for you. Sebastian, bring in Jared, John and Jackie he told an

    elderly magician with thick framed glasses.

    Havent you noticed how everyones name starts with a j here? Megan told Jason.

    The elderly man came in with three people. One was a young man with shoulder length brown

    hair, and the other was bald and muscled, with tattoos all over his arms. The other was the

    blonde woman from the feast, her waist long hair shining as though she had slept in a

    hairdressers attendance. The one thing they all had in common was the tired look in their eyes,

    having being risen from sleep. These young magicians will accompany you on your trip; an

    added protection. Gregory told them.

    That will be unnecessary

    I will not hear of it. Theygo with you or you dont go at all. The second thing I can do isquicken the first step of your journey. Luckily for you, I know where the first piece is, and I can

    get you there by tonight. The deep-voiced old man raised his arms into the air as if reaching to

    the sky, bringing his hands together, then a foot apart. Jason could feel a large amount of energy

    being used at the far side of the room, and an object started to appear between his palms. First it

    was slightly transparent, and ripples passed through it. Then it became clear and it hovered in the

    air between his hands. It was some kind of crystal ball, glittering in the dim light.

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    This is a teleporting orb. The man told the twins. It will take you to the giants keep; that is

    where the first piece of the map is held.

    Why did they split the map in the first place? Megan asked wryly. Cant they just keep the

    map hidden in one place?

    After the darkness was imprisoned all those years ago, his followers scattered like a swarm of

    flies, each one settling in to a normal life; but the magicians split the map to make sure that none

    of them would travel to the underworld and try to free him; to become high in his honour. They

    split the map into four pieces; and placed a quarter at different corners of the world.

    What hes saying, Billy continued, is that we have around ten days to recover four ancient

    artefacts, well guarded, travel into the underworld using a long forgotten portal, find the

    darkness lair, and stop him before he rises once again.

    And how are we going to get there? Jason asked.

    This teleportation orb has been loaded with four points. I have placed the magic based on my

    memories, so it shall take you where you must be.

    Is he speaking gibberish? he told Megan quiet enough only for the two of them to hear.

    No Billy said. Usually a Tele-orb requires the person to know where he is teleporting to, and

    since I havent been to any of these places, it wouldnt be useful, would it? So what Greg here is

    saying is that he placed a special magic of his own, placing his memories of his own into the orb,

    so we can teleport to the place with his memory implanted into it

    Jason still didnt understand too well, but he nodded nonetheless.

    Suddenly there was a large bang, and the front door banged open. No less than a dozen people

    evil magicians walked in, evil grins on their faces. The elderly magicians jumped to their feet,

    forming a ring around them. They linked hands, and a barrier of energy passed between them.

    Greg gave the orb to their uncle. Quickly, go! Ill hold them off!

    Come. Billy gathered the six of them in a circle.

    We need to link. The long haired Jared said. You must be touching. They tightened the

    circle, until their shoulders brushed against each other. Now each of you put a hand on the orb.

    Billy held out the orb to the middle of the circle. Around them, the evil magicians were dropping

    one by one. Jason put a hand on the orb, as did the others. Ill act as a focal point

    Suddenly the ground lifted beneath his feet, and the world started spinning around them. He

    could still see the others, but the world around them was changing. Adrenaline passed through

    his body in sharp bursts, and he felt exultation as the Tele-Orb took them into the unknown.

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    YAKUTIA was a desolate wasteland in the sub-zero forests of Siberia. Megans feet landed on

    snow, and she fell on her hands and knees. She was dressed in jeans and a hoodie, so a bone

    freezing chill passed through her body. She rubbed her arms to warm up, but it was no use. Jason

    was clad in a cloak he acquired from the mansion; and his hood was up. Almost immediately, the

    four magicians created a bubble of warmth around the six of them. Yet, it wasnt warm enough,

    despite Billys efforts to strengthen it. So he took out three coats and pairs of gloves, enough for

    the three of them; he didnt bring suppliesfor Gregorys people. The Tele-Orb he stuffed safely

    in a thick cloak.

    Around them, for kilometres, was snow; lots of it. Mountains and snow hills rose for miles

    around, rising out of the ground like giant albino anthills. There were no signs of civilisation

    anywhere, and no life except for a few sparse, leafless trees covered in layers of snow. Megan

    wrapped her coat tight around her, her lips already freezing. What do we do now? Jackie

    asked, rubbing her palms together.

    Do you see that dome over there? Billy asked.

    I dont see any domes John said. The three of them had brought their own supplies in a little

    backpack they shared between them. It was also charmed like the sack Billy brought with them.

    While Jared lit a fire, Jackie updated the barrier to stop the snow from falling. They built a fire,

    and everyone huddled around it, warming their hands.

    The dome is charmed so that people who dont know its there cannot find it, and it will appeara hundred times smaller than it really is.

    Megan finally spotted it, narrowing her eyes. At the exact time, Jason and Jackie gasped, Jared

    said oh yeah! and John said I see it now!

    We need to go;now. We dont have time to waste Billy reminded them. So Jackie doused the

    fire, and Jared pulled six pairs of traction cleats; passing them around until each had a pair to put

    on their shoes. Megan could still sense the energy being used for the shield, and she wondered

    how they could multitask like that.

    ---> The dome never seemed to be getting any smaller. They had been walking for hours now,and it wasnt any closer at all. How far away is this thing? she asked irritably.

    Taking into consideration the time for making camps and sleeping, Im judging it to be around a

    few days Jared said.

    Youre all misjudging the size of that thing Billy said. It will be at least a week before we

    reach that dome

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    A week?Megan exclaimed. Were gonna be travelling in this dump for a week? Billy


    Isnt there anyway to travel any faster? Jason asked. I mean youre magicians for god sake.

    What, you didnt expect us to walk there the whole way right? Of course were not going towalk there! Jason looked as confused as she felt. What do you mean? Weve been walking for

    the past couple of hours! Megan said.

    We had to try Billy said, his face turning blue. Most magical civilisations protect their selves

    from magical beings, placing curses and jinxes upon their walls to keep them away. Yet, some

    also needed to protect themselves against the humans. It seems these giants are leaning more

    towards the latter.

    In English? her brother said wryly.

    Basically the giants dont want people sticking their noses where they dont belong. Jared said.

    Then why couldnt we just build some giant airplane or something. Itsquicker! Megan


    Because of the jinxes! There are some magicians who have tried that, and died for that. We had

    to test it out by walking.

    Okay, then can we bloody hell get out of here; Im freezing out of my buttocks! she said. Billy

    was silent for a moment; then six quad bikes appeared before them, their engines ready and


    Thats your magical creation to get there? That dome is still millions of miles away, even with

    your quad bikes to magically speed it up.

    You wait and see he replied, a smug look in his eyes.

    ---> The magicians had created the barrier for the wind not to blow in their face; if it had; her

    face would already been moving with the force. She whoopedwith joy as the quad bike took her

    a speed faster than any she had ever experienced before. Even Jason was smiling - he didnt

    seem to be so happy these days, what with the vision and the prophecies and all. Jared and Johns

    faces were expressionless as they sped by, already used to this. Jackie, on the other hand

    screamed in joy; no matter how many times I do this, I still love it! she admitted, her voice

    barely reaching Megans ears because of the wind.

    Billy seemed to be enjoying it, but he didnt whoop in joy like the others; neither did he have on

    a poker face. The dome gradually appeared to be getting bigger, but an hour passed and it grew

    only a millimetre. After a while, when the pleasure of the ride disappeared, she grew slightly

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    bored. To distract herself, she pulled out her PSP from the sack. But the screen cracked and the

    console became icy cold. Hey! sheprotested. Doesnt the shield work on this as well?

    The magic reacts only to human presence, nothing more nothing less Jared replied. If you

    asked, I could have extended it just a tiny bit.

    Well I didnt know! she admitted.

    Your loss he smiled.

    Beside her, Jason was almost as silent as John, his hood pulled up over his head, shadowing his

    face. Whats on your mind? she asked him.

    He ignored her. Jason! she shouted. For the last couple of days, she had to repeat what she said

    a few times before he acknowledged her. He seemed to be in this silent state all the time when he

    wasnt talking; sometimes when he was talking. He snapped to his senses, his eyes widening. He

    sighed, as if remembering he was safe, not back in one of his nightmares. What did you say? Heasked warily.

    I said, whats on your mind? she repeated, her voice barely carrying to him, even with her

    leaning slightly off her motorbike towards him.

    I was just thinking. If this darkness was rising, he must have been really powerful, and had

    minions all around the earth, right?

    Right... she said, not understanding completely why he was saying this. Nevertheless he

    continued. And it must be his minions helping him out. So his people must be really angry to

    find out were trying to stop him...

    So what are you saying?

    Why isnt he trying to stop us?

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    UP close, the dome was the biggest man-madegiant-madething Jason had ever seen. It rose

    at least a hundred miles into the air, the arch of the dome tickling the underbelly of the sky. Ithad taken them a whole day to reach the dome, even with their super speedy quad bikes. They

    had camped among the snow, the fire barely warmth, even with the shield the four magicians

    erected. John stayed silent the entire time, not a word coming from his mouth. He was starting to

    worry about John; he seemed to be more ominous the more he tagged along with them.

    When they reached that dome, Billy and the three of Gregorys magicians linked hands and

    performed the most complex spell they had ever done ever since he found out he was a mage. He

    could sense ornate weaves being pushed into the dome, their threads tangling together to become

    one thick beam of energy, which met with the dome at specific points. Jason had no idea what

    they were doing, and wanted to ask them, but he left them be. Megan watched wide eyed besidehim, her breath misting in front of her face. The four magicians were muttering something; the

    same thing. Yet he couldnt hear what they were saying. Suddenly he felt the magic cease, and

    they stopped talking. There was a second of silence; then the dome started to crack open like an


    It didnt really crack; it opened at the top like an egg he had seen in a movie before.I think it was

    an alien movie or something, he thought unconsciously, watching the metal dome open to the

    sky. One crack opened through its middle, and when it reached the bottom, a piece of metal

    separated from the dome, large enough for a giant; more than large enough for a person.

    Come on Billy said, leading them towards the dome. The room behind the open door was lit up

    by the sky, revealing some kind ofswitch on the floor. When they entered the dome, Jason

    took one look at the switch, and then lost hope. It might have worked for them, if they had a

    hand as large as a bus. Its a node Jared breathed. Ingenious. This must lead to another one

    just like this.

    Whats a node? he asked the man. He shrugged. Its a teleportation node. Its a good way to

    keep a place secret, by placing a set of these nodes within far reach of each other. It teleports the

    person into each node, then at the last one, It brings you to your destination. But it wont be easy;

    the giants must have placed defensive spells on the switch, so it cant be used with magic; thatway it can only be accessed by their kind. You kids make yourselves comfortable while we try to

    make our way around them.

    They sat against a metal wall, watching as Billy, Jared. Jackie and John worked on disarming the

    switch. The inside of the dome was shaped like an egg, and drawings large drawingswere

    inscribed into the walls. Most of them were giants wielding spears and large two handed swords,

    slaying what seemed to be large insects, boars, and other grotesque things. The switch took up

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    most of the room; it was an old fashioned switch, one that you had to pull until it clicked. It rose

    into the air like a giant fist willing to reach the exposed sky above them. Inside the dome, the

    cold vanished as if they had entered a new climate completely, and Jason shrugged out of his

    coat, already sweating.

    The magicians stood in a small semicircle around the switch, attacking the switch like slitheringsnakes. Megan watched them with narrowed eyes, still unable to comprehend the fact that they

    were using magic. Jason took the sac from under the Billy and rummaged through the sac until

    he found his laptop. He laughed at the irony of the situation. He was in some magic dome

    surrounded by magicians and he wanted to check his Facebook! He opened his laptop, but it

    wouldnt switch on. He clicked the on button several times, but the screen stayed black. I dont

    think human technology works here. Look.

    She brandished her Blackberry Torch, and he noticed that it didnt work either. Then what are

    we going to do, its so boring hereSuddenly, Jackie collapsed to the floor in a heap, her frail

    body looking lifeless....

    ---> Jackie! he ran up to her and checked her pulse. She still lives. Guys! Billy, Jared!

    Anyone? they were too endorsed in what they were doing. Megan crouched beside him, her

    hand on Jackies chest. Shell be ok, she just needs some rest. she said.

    Since when have you become a walking doctor? he asked her wryly.

    Its common sense you idiot. Now let her rest for gods sake. Megan placed her head on the

    sack, using it as a pillow. Her blonde hair was spread around her, making her look like a fallen

    angel. Jason never realised how beautiful she was.If only she was my age. He shook his head,

    ridding it of such ridiculous thoughts. There was a large whirring sound, and turned just to see

    the switch move towards the clicking position. Then, so many things happened at once: there

    was a large popping sound as the switch stopped again. Jackie sat up gasping, her eyes wide. The

    other three magicians flew backwards, their backs hitting against the metal wall, and the world

    dissolved in a kaleidoscope of colours. It was only for a few seconds that the world spun around

    them, then they landed in a heap on a snowy hill, hundreds of miles north of where they had


    Jason spat out snow, hurriedly putting the coat back on as the cold engulfed him once again.

    Ahead of them, a dome as large as the other had been rose into the cloudless sky, a shade greener

    than the other had been. As soon as they had landed, Billy and John stood up and began working

    the shield again. Jared and Jackie sat on the snow, gasping. They clearly werent made of strong

    stuff as Billy and John was. Megan sat up beside him, snow on her face. She wiped it off and

    spat out a lot of snow. What now? she asked, her voice quivering.

    Now we move on to the next node. Jackie said.

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    ---> The second node took much longer than the first to disarm. Jason was sitting with his twin

    for a relatively long time, talking about home; reminiscing about the past. They spoke about

    childhood memories and how much they missed England. Jason was pacing, thinking about what

    was to come when the switch clicked. His feet slipped and he