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    Latesttoday on todHello fellow Todds and earthlings.

    The best way for me to gain inspiration is to write about what I know. The only thing that I find interesting these days is Todd ,(im jus sayin) so what better place to start.Idecided to reflect from my journal and look over some of the

    goals Id accomplished. One of them was to authenticate my individuality (as opposed to someone else asking me to identify myself to them) by being true to whoI am. Not just by my name Todd Parker ,but true to my own individuality not justan ordinary commonality. So my not having anything in common with most peoplemakes me an UNCOMMON, UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL . (OH and by the way, If you are reading this then ,so are you)

    What makes me different from EVERYONE else is me. The very part of me that is the very heart of me IS me.The part that calls for the best part of me is what setsme apart from all the rest.(you can apply this same principle to yourself) I am the co creator this life that I am privileged enough to experience. I reflectthis often because most of the times Im living on the edge of my dreams..and Im doi

    ng this with my eyes wide open..because you cant realize your dreams if youre sleeping . And they cant come true until you are awake enough to see them.. Even moreso ,you must be expansive enough in consciousness to think them .If you can seethe invisible you can create the impossible is what I heard Bishop Td Jakes sayonce. Taking this approach to life lets my faults and flaws quirks and idiosyncrasies all work together in my favor serendipitously. Quite often I quote myself and say it might look like things are going wrong but theyre are going just the way they are supposed to be. They are all cleverly placed there to mark points of interest along the way and teach me to approach life through my eyes andnot just with my eyes . Taking this particular outlook on life keeps me groundedand humble.And humility is part of the controlled power that this part of the journey is fueled by.Its the T in Todd that fuels that fuel my ambition.It keepstod being the first part of today. Now add a creative imagination and some comed

    ic relief to all that and guess what? I see a story brewing and it starts whereall stories begin on tv ..with todtv and a new twist to the dull and mundane world of regular news. Heres a another way to look at your fellow newsanchorperson. Look at them as reality tv stars ready to see which one of them can be the most grossest in delivering the news because it is a completion(to keep our attention). But beware theres more news out there that needs a new twist .As usual Ive gone undercover and in a todtv exclusive Ive discovered and will expose The Long Weiner scandal (the name says it all) but first,,,,,

    It seems as though the regular news has another job ,to be even more dramatic in its coverage . Sportscasters are exempt .Reporting scores fair and accuratelyis honest enough. But fights in soccer fields, hockey sticks flying and teeth be

    ing knocked out makes for good ratings especially in a packed stadium. Its even better if the spectators get involved. And kudos to the camera man/woman. With technology turning itself inside out its easy to push send in a moment be viral and have everyone looking at your news because the real news seems to come fromprivate citizens who send in video. But they dont get to report it. That will soon change. News tips come in from viewers . They use those stories only if there isnt enough old news worthy of recycling . If the 8am news doesnt do enough toshock you , stay tuned .(When we come back) The weathermen are all dead set onbreaking world heatwave records . If its 100 degrees at 9am the weather people want you to know how close we are to breaking that record by 902 am so they can predict how much more hotter its gonna get.They are competing against old heatwave records that they are trying to break so we can all die from spontaneous human combustion therefore creating new news and fear and pandemonium with no relief

    in sight. Im jus sayin. And just to make sure we get it, they show how hot it isacross the nation. If you want to know just how close you are to dying from heat stroke, dehydration or spontaneous human combustion ,you are gonna have to



    wait until THEY come back after a word from their sponsor . Im jus sayin its the same thing everyday, just remixed.It seems to me as though the anchorpeople make the news makers shine by their UNBIASED yet (dramatic) reporting of the news.But sometimes in order to get in the news ,its the newsmaker who must resort to drastic measures to remain in the news. or in some cases OUT of the news. The old adage bad press is better than no press seems to hold true .Now I just told you thatprivate citizens send in video . And some times those citizens send private vid

    eo not meant to make the news.but it IS news. todtv new that is.

    Just to prove this point..( oooo I see a story brewing).. people who make the news often make BREAKING NEWS. Especially if relates to politricks (from my root word politrick..figure it out) and religion . Throw in a little sex and there yougo.BREAKING NEWS. It keeps them in our sights and gives us as observers the ability to make decisions about the people who are bombarding our televisions s,, cell phone and other electronic devises with their antics..But even more interesting than that, are these high profile(action) figures subject themselves to such scrutiny by PUSHING SEND.


    Two high profile public figures became part of news making history when they broke news by pushing send. Personally I dont care about their sexcapdes (they better be gettin some,lol) If you Share that with the world (as I do blog) I may find it interesting, not wrong. When you take a strong platform with a particular affiliation of people , against a group of people you deem immoral, yet engage in the same behaviors of those whom you are taking a stand AGAINST, I find that intriguing. Is it long? (oops I did it again. I mean is it wrong) I wont judge. Id rather observe instead and gain more insight. Thats the respect you must have for another human being ,thats why I respect other peoples privacy ,thats howim able to demand mine.(without demanding it)(try it and see) .The fact they denied any wrongdoing is what pushes my buttons.Everyday (or at least Sunday) we are forced to make decisions about right and long(oops, I meant wrong).We have to

    live with the consequences of those choices. What make theses high-profile figures look bad is not what they did ,I can respect and even forgive that. Its thelies makes it wrong, not so much what they did. The fact they did what they didand denied it, that just disrespectful to the people who have given you the privilege and honor to LEAD.One of them came forward and admitted wrongdoing and the other one settled without any disclosure about what really happened. We will never know because the records have been sealed and those involved have been swornto secrecy never to disclose the details . How are we as the public able to make informed choices about the people who are to lead us if the info we get is biased. I ve always said You can lie to me thats fine , but dont lie to yourselfbecause when you believe it ,it becomes your truth solely unto you and only you. WE THE PEOPLE have the right to know about any pre-existing antics and shenagations so we can collectively as a society come to make better decisions with thechoices we have. We may not want to be lead by a long weiner.Like some people are. (Im jus sayin). Im so glad these guys thought they were so hot and sexy enough that they took and PUSHED SEND. Im even happier for the one on the receiving end of those photos for standing up and letting these men know WE DONT WANT ANY LONG WEINERS . Could you imagine the news coverage ? Protesters with picketsigns that read NO LONG WEINERS. And since the news is unbiased they would have to show the other side (and dramatically) have the camera man pan over to thepicketers who signs that readWE WANT LONG WEINER!!! Welcome .Ive Been expecting you.

    June 14, 2011 Categories: Uncategorized Tags: airport, bikini, birth politics, compassion dedicated, dynamic, human, imagination world exclusive, inspiraton

    , itod, laughter, liberty, life love.god.higher power., living vivid, long, Mariah giggles, me, medication, new, news, power., prayer, professional, rob brezny.marisa tomei, understanding, weiner, you 1 Comment Edit