The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida Volume XXXVII, Issue 9 September 2013 http://www.cgauxboca.org This version FOR PUBLIC Viewing…No Dissemination Restrictions Helo OPS: July 27, 2013 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE - PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 The information contained in this publication is subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, and may only be used for the official business the Coast Guard or the Coast Guard Auxiliary

The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida · 2013-08-29 · The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida From the Helm… Andrea Rutherfoord Flotilla

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Page 1: The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida · 2013-08-29 · The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida From the Helm… Andrea Rutherfoord Flotilla

The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Flotilla 36 Volume XXXV, Issue 7

Boca Raton, Florida Division 3, 7th

CG District Aux July, 2011

Volume XXXVII, Issue 9

September 2013 Division 3, 7th

CG District Aux


This version FOR PUBLIC Viewing…No Dissemination Restrictions

Helo OPS: July 27, 2013


The information contained in this publication is subject to the

provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, and may only be used for the

official business the Coast Guard or the Coast Guard Auxiliary

Page 2: The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida · 2013-08-29 · The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida From the Helm… Andrea Rutherfoord Flotilla

The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

And the Award Goes To…

New Member Award: Richard Lanning

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

From the Helm… Andrea Rutherfoord

Flotilla Commander 3 6

[email protected]

Happy Labor Day to all former, present, and future workers! As we begin our Fall season, you’ll notice

more opportunities in all areas of Auxiliary activities – VEs, safety patrols, public education classes,

program visitors, and member training. Please watch the calendars to take advantage of these


Division updates: [Background for new-ish members: Our Flotilla is part of Division 3, along with 5

other Flotillas in Broward County. Our Division is part of District 7, which includes 17 Divisions, each

with five or more Flotillas in southeastern US and the Caribbean. Thus, we have the unique identifier of

070-03-06]. The District Training (DTRAIN) conference will be Sept. 27-29 in Orlando. During that

time, the FC (Andrea), VFC (Jim), and IPFC (Bill) will be out of town. For urgent issues, please call our

cell phone numbers. In addition, we have confirmed that the Division 3 Change of Watch will take place

on December 15 at Pier 66 in Ft. Lauderdale (one month before our own Flotilla’s CoW – if you want to

attend only one CoW, please attend ours on Jan. 19).

Thank you to everyone for paying your 2014 dues! We are finishing up collection for 2014. Sadly for

us, a few members are transferring to other Flotillas: Jason Seigler to Flotilla 0800307 in Biloxi, Miss;

Cynthia DeSalvo and Loretta White to 0140604 in New York; and soon the Von Zwehls to Flotilla

32. We will miss you all, and please remember you are still part of our Auxiliary “family.” We welcome

you back at any time.

Please get started with the LMS classes, if you haven’t already. About 25% of our members have

started (or finished!) them (see Tom Kegan’s article), and if you’re not in that group, it’s time. If you

want a head start, come to the base on Saturday mornings 9-11 for a coached session. We have a few

computers or you can bring your laptop and headphones. We’ll have people available to help get you

started. Please contact me or Tom Kegan to RSVP a computer.

Sept. 5 – Monthly meeting, 7:30 PM, with a mini-training on the new AUXSAR course by Tom

Kegan. We will also have a formal farewell to Katherine Efthimiou, our loyal and energetic AUXLO

for the last 3 years. Katherine will have her last day at Station Lauderdale on Sept. 27, and then go on

“terminal leave” (another way of saying she’ll be discharged from the Coast Guard). She can tell us

about her college plans at the meeting. Please join us in giving her a rousing send-off as she begins the

next stage of her life – I’m sure her future will be bright!

Please mark your calendars for September:

Thursday, 9/5 Flotilla meeting 7:30

Saturday 9/6 VEs at Silver Palm, Pennells

Saturday 9/14 VEs at Lake Ida

Tuesday 9/17 Intro to MSEP course, 7:00; Division meeting;

Wednesday 9/18 Intro to Communications course, 7:00

Thursday 9/19 Staff meeting, 7:00

Saturday 9/21 ABS class, VE Lake Ida, International Beach Clean-up

Saturday 9/28 VE class 9-5 pm

Fri-Sun, 9/27-29 DTRAIN in Orlando

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Jim Goldasich

Vice Flotilla Commander [email protected] (Jim is travelling and will have a report in the next issue of the LOG)

Thomas H. Kegan

Member Training

[email protected]

On July 23rd

, 24th

and 30th

, 2013 the flotilla held a Flotilla Leadership Course

in which 14 members passed! This is 1 credit towards AUXOP completion- Congratulations to you all.

On August 13th

and 14th, the Flotilla held a Marie Dealer Visitor Course. 5 members completed and

passed the exam. Next step is they will complete 2 visits with Barry Ruchowitz FSO-MD to become


On September 17th

, the flotilla will hold a Course On Marine Safety and Protection (Prevention). This

course is 2 credits towards AUXOP completion. We currently have 11 members who will be taking the

course. It is a 16 hour class- 8 lessons long. Any member wishing to take please contact me prior to the

course date.

On September 18th

, 2013 the flotilla will hold a AUXOP Communication Course- we have 4 members

interested in this course. This course is one of the mandatory courses for AUXOP credit. If there is any

member interested in this course, please let me know.

The Flotilla Courses on AUX LMS is doing great! Remember, all new members MUST take 2 courses

in the first year of the AUXILIARY. These courses are: Ethics 1 and Influenza Training. All of the

remaining 6 courses can be completed by the end of 2026. We are working on the computers at the

base so members can come in and complete them. You will need a password in-

https://auxlearning.uscg.mil/ (this should be completed before attempting the course at our base).

Enjoy your Holiday weekend!

Michael Byer

Vessel Examination

[email protected]

August has been a slow month. We had an increase of about 5 VE’s this month.

Our VE class is scheduled for Sept 28th

. I hope to get a good turnout. I am

looking forward to the weather cooling down, and the snow birds returning so we

can get our count up. Have a good holiday!!!!

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

David Bailey


[email protected] NO REPORT

Lynn Sauerwein

Information Systems NO REPORT

[email protected]

Jennifer Blau


[email protected]

Please submit any articles or photographs you would like published in the LOG…Until the next

issue… Enjoy your Holiday weekend!

Eric Weinbaum


[email protected]


The flotilla is looking to add more facilities to its fleet. Do you have a boat that

is in good shape and less than 40 feet in length? Would you be willing to offer

it up for use as a facility for use by your flotilla operations crew? If you

answered yes to any of these questions, or would like any information as to what is involved, please

reach out to me at the email above the article under my name.

Local fueling for auxiliary facilities has been approved, so we will no longer have to transit to station Ft.

Lauderdale to re-fuel. With approved orders and proper receipts, the reimbursement process is working

very smoothly through the new AOM (Auxiliary Order management system), with timely


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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Liliane Meghabghab

Navigation Services

[email protected]

Fort Lauderdale Port Everglades The US Navy, South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility (SFOMF) will be conducting range

operations offshore immediately east and south of Port Everglades Inlet. The operations are scheduled at

0600 on 09/07/13 to 2400 on 09/15/13. The vessel will be working between 450 ft and 850 ft of water

approximately 2 NM to nine NM off shore, and from ½ NM and four NM south of the Port Everglades

Inlet. The OSV HOS Explorer will be deploying ROV and recovering cables off the sea floor and will

be restricted in maneuverability. The cables will be brought to the surface for the installation of the

equipment on the sea floor and will remain tethered to the sea floor. All vessels are advised to stay clear

of the OSV HOS Explorer during the operations.

Hillsboro Inlet Bridge Repairs

Will be placed on a ½-hour schedule opening on the top of the hour and bottom of the hour between

0900-1600 daily from 09/09/13 to 09/11/13. The repairs will involve reducing the vertical clearance at

times, as a snooper truck will be utilized. Mariners are requested to maintain minimum wake through

this area. Ref: LNM 33-13 Chart: 11467

The Biscayne Bay Yacht Club Will sponsor the 47th Annual Lime Cup Regatta on 09/28/13, 1000-1700. There

will be approximately 15 sailing vessels, ranging between 20 to 50 feet, racing

offshore on the Atlantic Ocean between Miami to Fort Lauderdale.

If the biological brilliance Bivalve mollusks with a 2 part hinged shell containing a soft-bodied clams, oysters, mussels, scallops, fails to impress, then

consider that NOAA estimated the 2011 economic value of commercial bivalve mollusk harvesting at

about $1 billion annually in the U.S., and the weight of the harvest was estimated at 153.6 million


Richard Edwards

Public Education

[email protected] There was no About Boating Safety Class (ABS) in August. Attendance is historically low

during summer break. The next ABS class is scheduled for Saturday, September 21st. Congratulations to Barry Ruchowitz on becoming an Instructor!

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

America’s Waterway Watch is a public outreach program

encouraging participants to simply report suspicious activity to the

Coast Guard and/or other law enforcement agencies. Unlike some

Neighborhood Watch programs, for example, you are not formally joining an organization -- there are

no meetings, membership cards or membership requirements -- and you do not become an agent of the

Coast Guard or any other law enforcement agency.

What is Suspicious Activity?

What do we mean by suspicious activity? Suspicious Activity is a pattern of behavior that arouses a

“gut feeling” that something is not right. Trust your intuition, but remember it is the behavior of

individuals that is suspicious, not their ethnic, religious, or national origin. For example, suppose you

see people of an obviously different ethnic or national background fishing off a pier or near a secure

facility. The mere fact that they are “different” is not important. People fishing near the water by itself

is obviously not a suspicious activity. In fact, if they weren’t fishing that might be a trigger to alert you

they were engaging in Suspicious Activity. Keep in mind that "People aren't suspicious, behavior is,".

Where Should I Look for "Suspicious Activity”?

Watch for suspicious activities of vessels and individuals in locations such as:

1. Under and around bridges, tunnels, or overpasses

2. Near commercial areas or services like ports, fuel docks, cruise ships, or marinas.

3. Near industrial facilities like power plants and oil, chemical, or water intake facilities.

4. Near military bases and vessels, other government facilities, or security zones

5. In and around passenger terminals, ferries, and day cruise lines

6. Near railroad lines serving any of the above listed facilities.

You are NOT expected to patrol any particular area. Your expertise in recognizing suspicious activity is

derived from your familiarity with surroundings you operate within while engaged in your normal work

or recreation around the waterfront.

The following is the schedule for upcoming 2013 ABS boating classes for Flotilla 36, Boca Raton:

° Sept 21 ° Oct 12 ° Dec 7

To report suspicious activity:

Call the National Response Center at 877-24WATCH

If there is immediate danger to life or property, call 911 or the U.S. Coast Guard on Channel 16

Barry Ruchowitz

[email protected] NO REPORT

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Steve Totty


Mario Stagliano


Mike Furnald


[email protected]

Saturday, Sept. 21 will be the annual Keep Palm Beach County Beautiful day. I am heading up this

project this year. I will be looking for volunteers to spend from nine to noon, cleaning and picking up a

designated area. It not only helps Palm Beach County, it helps everyone that spends their time there. I

will have more information as the date gets nearer. Please schedule that morning to the cause!

Tom Thayer


DIVERSITY – Excerpt from U.S. Coast Guard Human Relations Policy Statement

(Applies to the Auxiliary): “We must take positive steps to avoid any vestige of

discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, age, national origins, or mental or

physical handicap in any thoughts of actions affecting our personnel, those seeking employment with us,

or those entitled to benefits under any Coast Guard sponsored programs. In addition we must become

pro-active in working with communities around the country to ensure the smooth assimilation of all

Coast Guard personnel.

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida


2014 Change of Watch Dinner

Sunday, January19, 2014 @ 1800

Delray Beach Golf Club

Three entrée choices

Look inside your July dues bill for reservation form.

Any ideas for entertainment/activities/raffles/etc.?

Contact: Tom Thayer [email protected]

Auxiliary Mandatory Training

All Auxiliarists are required to complete seven online training courses, called Auxiliary Learning

Management System (AUXLMS). (The eighth course is waived temporarily.)

New members must complete them within the first year from their enrollment date.

Other Auxiliarists have until December 31, 2016.

Each course takes about an hour, maybe longer for some. They are straightforward; some have ongoing

self-checks, others have a final test or no test.

Your completion is sent automatically to the Auxiliary database – no need to send anything to me or

Tom Kegan. Please get started!

Start from this LMS home site: https://auxlearning.uscg.mil

1. Get a password in AUXLMS:

a. Click on the "I forgot my password" link under the Login button.

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

b. Fill in the Username field with your individual primary email address currently in AUXDATA.

This is your username for AUXLMS. c. Click on the Submit button. d. An email will be sent to your AUXDATA email address that contains your login and password.

Note: If you do not receive an email, contact Andrea. The LMS system might have an outdated email address for you, which can be corrected only by a help ticket.

e. Return to https://auxlearning.uscg.mil and use the credentials provided in the e-mail to log in.

f. You will then be asked to change your password. TIP: Choose a friendly password that you can remember (no special rules, and you will not have to change it).

2. Register for a course: a. On the LMS page, scroll down to Course Catalog (Catalog tab), and click Auxiliary. b. Again under Course Catalog, click Auxiliary Mandated Training. c. There are eight mandated courses, but Civil Rights is waived because it must be taught in a

classroom. Start with Influenza Training and Ethics. The finish the others. Each one is a little different – some have a final test and others have ongoing self-checks.

d. Select a course to enroll in it. 3. Start the course:

a. To start the course, click My Account, and b. Under Enrolled, locate the course and click GO. c. The screen changes, and you will probably have to click GO again.

4. Completion: a. As you finish a course, you should get a screen saying you completed it. You can go back to My

Account and click Completed. b. The certification goes directly into the Auxiliary database, and within a few days, it should appear

on your training record – you don’t have to send a certificate to me or anyone else. c. However, if you have problems getting the course to “complete,” you might have to try it on a

Chrome browser. We’re heard that a few people have had to take a course more than one time before it registered as completed. Let Andrea know if you have issues.

The courses to complete:

502290 Influenza Training (one time only)

The purpose of this e-Learning course is to provide avian influenza (AI) and pandemic influenza

awareness among Coast Guard personnel

502306 Ethics 1 - Personal Gifts (one time only) Ethical Conduct is a self-paced, interactive lesson with tracking capabilities to demonstrate test

completion and time on task.

502379 Building Resilience and Preventing Suicide in the Coast Guard (every 5 years) Building Resilience and Preventing Suicide in the Coast Guard will lead participants through concepts

and skills related to stress management and resilience and why they matter. In addition, you will be

shown steps to take when you believe someone may be at risk for suicide.

810000 Sexual Harassment Prevention (every 5 years)

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The purpose of Sexual Harassment Prevention training is to raise awareness among Coast Guard

personnel of behaviors that constitute sexual harassment and to teach actions which should be taken to

prevent or eliminate it.

810015 Privacy at DHS: Protecting Personal Information (every 5 years) In our mission to secure the homeland, we need to collect personal information from citizens, legal

residents and visitors, and we are obligated by law and DHS policy to protect this information to prevent

identity theft or other adverse consequences of a privacy incident or misuse of data.

810030 Security Education and Training Awareness (every 5 years)

The purpose of this course is to provide basic NEED TO KNOW information to all member of the Coast

Guard on the topics of Operations Security (OPSEC), Information Security (INFOSEC), and

Antiterrorism and Force Protection (AT/FP).

810045 Sexual Assault Prevention/Response (every 5 years) This course provides all Coast Guard personnel with the basic awareness tools and the Coast Guard policy

and procedures for sexual assault prevention and response.

502319 Civil Rights Awareness - Course is waived because it is not available at this time. This course is considered Instructor Led Training; therefore, in order to fully satisfy the requirement of

this course an individual must enroll, attend and successfully complete training.

At the August 2013 Meeting:

Recreational Boating Safety Program : Presented by Tom Kegan

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

Division Commander Dan Hess

HAPPY 223rd


US Coast Guard!!!!

Article from www.coastguardchannel.com

Today, August 4th marks Coast Guard Day and the 223rd Birthday for the United States Coast

Guard! As we all know, Coast Guard Day recognizes the day in 1790 when the United States Coast

Guard was founded as the Revenue-Marine by Alexander Hamilton. It's always great to take the time to

honor our servicemen and women past and present and the dedication they have shown to our country

through their work with the Coast Guard. I remember my visit to Grand Haven, Michigan on Coast

Guard Day six years ago. The Coast Guard Channel had such a great time covering all the events there.

We hope to one day get back and see how much it has grown and to share it with all our viewers. This

year the Coast Guard Festival in Grand Haven celebrates 89 years. We hope all of those attending the

Festival have a great time and to those that will be celebrating at home or on-duty thank you for your


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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

And of course we are not the only ones honoring the Coast Guard this month, we just got wind of this

great program from Stray Boots. Stray Boots, a New York City tech startup that creates scavenger hunt-

style walking tours in various cities, has launched a military appreciation program with the goal of

giving a free tour to every military family across the country. The Stray Boots military appreciation

program runs through the summer. Any active or former military personnel can claim their tour for up to

six people by visiting strayboots.com/military. Vouchers are also available at the USO offices in the

New York Port Authority and Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn with more locations coming on-line soon. This

sounds like a lot of fun and a great way to get to know a city (maybe even your own) or a city you may

already be planning to visit. Share it with family and friends and look within the coming week the

opportunity to win some additional tours as we will be giving them away via our Coast Guard Channel

Facebook page. Go and LIKE IT now if you would like to have the opportunity to win.

Powerful and Meaningful

In honor of our upcoming Coast Guard Day, I chose the first photo

as I find it powerful--not only in the imagery but also in the way that

these recruits have just joined the Coast Guard and are going to

dedicate their lives to protect and serve our country. They are just

staring a new journey in their lives and will be recognized for all

they do on August 4th for years to come. This photo, taken by

Seaman Jennifer Nease, features Coast Guard recruits as they march

in a Sunset Parade aboard Training Center Cape May. Sunset

Parades are impressive military displays consisting of marching

troops, the Recruit Silent Drill Team, the Recruit Band, cannon fire

and a low-level helicopter flyover. All of these activities are free and open to the public. On this day,

this sunset parade drew more than 435 visitors to the base.

Our next photo on the right was captured by Petty Officer 2nd Class Erik Swanson. It features

Conductor Bramwell Tovey as he leads the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and the Coast Guard

Band in a musical piece during the Star-Spangled Celebration held at Lincoln Center's Avery Hall.

Based at the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn., the

Coast Guard Band, a 55-member ensemble performed with the

orchestra to celebrate Independence Day. Capt Kenneth Megan,

the Coast Guard Band conductor, stated, “The Coast Guard Band

has played in many great halls around the world, but to perform

with the Philharmonic Orchestra in Avery Hall is just thrilling - a

career highlight.”

The Coast Guard Band was organized in March 1925 with the

assistance of Lt. Charles Benter, leader of the U.S. Navy Band; Dr.

Walter Damrosch, conductor of the New York Philharmonic; and

“American March King” John Philip Sousa, former director of the

United States Marine Band. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed congressional legislation

resulting in the Coast Guard Band becoming the permanent, official musical representative of the

nation’s oldest continuous seagoing service.

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The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

HELO OPS… JULY 27, 2013

Photos by Bret Ribotsky

Editor’s Note: VFC Jim Goldasich is unable to write his Log article this month, so we are reprinting this

article from the online Boating World Magazine.

Avoid 5 Serious Boating Mistakes… Posted: February 1, 2013

Most on-water accidents are avoidable. Here’s how.

By: Mike Baron, U.S. Coast Guard Boating Safety Division

May 2012: Three members of a family are fishing on the Columbia River in Oregon. They anchor their

18-foot boat in an area known for fast, treacherous and deep water. The boat swamps and sinks nearly

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instantly as they struggle to bring in a stuck anchor. While neighboring boats are able to save two of the

boaters, a 13-year-old boy drowns. None of the family wore life jackets.

July 2012: Scores of boats anchor near a local Independence Day fireworks show near Long Island.

Possibly capsized by wakes from larger boats, a 34-foot cabin cruiser sinks quickly, drowning three

children. Local media report that only six life jackets were available for 27 passengers. Survivors

question whether the party exceeded the boat’s capacity.

August 2012: A Maryland statesman is operating a motorboat that collides with another boat, causing

serious injuries to six people. The struck boat sinks, and the powerboat is demolished. A witness reports

the powerboat was going extremely fast, possibly at full throttle. The operator admits to being

intoxicated while operating his boat, begging for forgiveness. These incidents have one thing in

common: They were preventable. Of the top 10 factors influencing boating accidents, six are directly

within operator control, and risks from the remainder can be significantly diminished with the proper

training, caution and equipment. Following are several tips for avoiding some of the most serious

boating mistakes.

Mistake 1: Underestimating What It Takes to Operate a Boat

Both experienced and novice boaters can underestimate the level of knowledge, skill and experience

required to operate a boat effectively and safely. From trailering and launching, to safe anchoring, to

docking and undocking, the equipment, navigation, handling and rules of the road are completely

different than on land. Serious accidents, including swamping and capsizing, often result from simple

failures such as loading a boat properly and within capacity or anchoring safely. Studying the rules of

the road, getting safe boating instruction, and ensuring you know and understand your boat are all key to

avoiding accidents.

Mistake 2: Inattention

The beauty and fun of being on the water can make boating seem carefree and effortless. A brief lapse in

attention is often behind groundings, collisions and capsizing. Many accidents occur late in the day,

when operators are fatigued. Many involve collisions with markers, jetties and other obstacles that are

visible and avoidable. The water may seem calm and familiar, but operator attention and diligence are


Mistake 3: Boating Under the Influence

Fun, relaxation and friendship go hand in hand with boating. While no amount of alcohol is safe for a

boat operator, the sun and fun that make boating so enjoyable can also make alcohol more dangerous for

passengers. Dehydration, physical exertion and fatigue can accelerate and amplify the effects of alcohol,

more quickly impairing judgment and coordination, which increase the chances of risky behavior and

injury, and the danger of falling overboard. Intoxicated individuals on board pose an increased risk of

injury to themselves and others.

Mistake 4: Failing to Recognize Risks

Bad weather, unfamiliar locales and hazardous waters are risks that boaters sometimes fail to account

for. Responsible boaters learn to respect the weather and to check conditions prelaunch and while on the

water to avoid sudden storms. While exploring new areas is part of the fun, it’s smart to check with local

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boating authorities if you’re heading out on an unfamiliar body of water. They can point out known

hazards and offer navigation tips.

Mistake 5: Underpreparing for Emergencies

Filing a float plan and ensuring that proper emergency and communication equipment are present and

working are essential safety precautions. But preparation only begins there. Passengers, as well as the

operator, need to know basic emergency procedures, how to communicate and how to use emergency

equipment if the operator becomes incapacitated. Practicing with equipment is particularly important, as

every moment is precious in an emergency. It’s smart to have all aboard know and practice the basics of

safe rescue techniques for a person in the water (PIW) (or “man overboard”). Finally, ensure that

everyone aboard wears a life jacket at all times. If something goes wrong or there is a fall overboard,

there is often no time and no way to access a life jacket.

The Coast Guard provides a wide range of safety information and resources through its Boating Safety

Resource Center. For more information, visit uscgboating.org.

Here are some useful local boating websites:

Port Everglades: http://www.PortEvergladesWebcam.com

Boca Raton Inlet: http://www.pbcgov.com/webcams/bocainlet/

Boca Raton South Beach Park: http://evsboca.netfirms.com/

Lake Boca Webcam: http://lakebocacam.com/

Delray Beach: http://delraybeachwebcam.com/

Jupiter Inlet: http://www.evsjupiter.com/main.htm

Lake Worth or Palm Beach Inlet: http://www.pbcgov.com/webcams/lwi/

Boynton Beach or South Lake Worth Inlet: http://www.pbcgov.com/webcams/slwi/

Florida Intracoastal Waterway Bridge Guide


Hillsboro Inlet Tides


Hillsboro Inlet Tides (and other stuff)


Important Web Sites: http://www.cgauxboca.org/ Flotilla 36 Log, roster, flotilla info - USCGAUX Home USCG.org


National Info. What’s New Page, USCG Seventh District , AUXINFO Division 3 Flotilla 6


USCG Seventh District /Diraux.org


Gateway Membership ID cards, Member Training Guide, Introduction to training available, Member Training Qualification

Guide, All Courses, Division 3 Training Guide, Training in Division 3, Division 3 Member Training Guide, Training in

Division 3, New Member Training power point presentation, History of USCG, Auxiliary New Member Course Student

Study Guide -1.pdf 06,

Page 17: The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida · 2013-08-29 · The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida From the Helm… Andrea Rutherfoord Flotilla

The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

September 2013

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

Labor Day

3 4 5

Rosh Hashanah


Meeting 7:30 PM


Rosh Hashanah

7 VE Silver Palm 1000 - 1400


9 Corporation Meeting

10 11



Yom Kippur


Yom Kippur VE Lake Ida

15 16 17 Division meeting – McVey House 7:00 Marine Safety course (MSEP) 7:00

18 Comms course 7:00

19 Staff Meeting 7:00

20 21 PE - About Boating Safety 9-5 VE Silver Palm 0900 – 1200 "International Coastal Cleanup" project


1st Day of Fall

23 24 Marine Safety course (MSEP) 7:00

25 Comms course 7:00


27 District Conference DTrain

28 District Conference - DTrain VE class 9-5

29 District Conference DTrain


Page 18: The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida · 2013-08-29 · The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida From the Helm… Andrea Rutherfoord Flotilla

The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

October 2013

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Marine Safety course (MSEP) 7:00

2 Comms course 7:00



Meeting 7:30 PM

4 5 VE Silver Palm 1000 – 1400 Marine Safety course (MSEP) 9:00 am


7 8 Marine Safety course (MSEP) 7:00

9 Comms course 7:00


11 12 PE - About Boating Safety 9-5 VE Lake Ida Hillsboro Lighthouse

13 Hillsboro Lighthouse


Columbus Dayl Hillsboro Lighthouse

15 Marine Safety course (MSEP) 7:00

16 Comms course 7:00

17 Staff Meeting 7:00

18 19 VE Silver Palm 1000 – 1400 Possible QE at Station Lauderdale

20 21 22 Marine Safety course (MSEP) 7:00

23 Comms course 7:00


25 26 Division Meeting – Station Lauderdale Marine Safety course (MSEP) 9:00 am 27 28 29 30 31

Page 19: The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida · 2013-08-29 · The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida From the Helm… Andrea Rutherfoord Flotilla

The Log Publication USCGAUX Flotilla 36 Boca Raton, Florida

The Log is published monthly by:

US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 36

Marine Safety Building

3939 North Ocean Blvd

Boca Raton, FL 33431

Phone: 561-391-3600

Email: [email protected]

Flotilla Meetings are held on the First Thursday of each month at 7:30PM

The Marine Safety building is immediately

south of Spanish River Blvd on A1A.

Copyright 2009: Flotilla Six, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and reproduction permitted by and

for Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary members without permission.