Ideas for Social Action That Linking Classes Can Take Social action is about finding ways to actively care for the world and the people in it. It can be campaigning, volunteering, fundraising and being someone who takes steps to have a positive impact in school, in the community and in the wider world. This list is for teachers and highlights actions you could take as a primary class. Some of them, children could do at home To campaign: children could write, make mini videos, posters or use your schools twitter- so if there is a hashtag we know, we have added it here In Phase 2, Schools Linking children will: - think about the kinds of things they care about in categories: Me and My Family; School; My Local Area; Environment; Our World - think about the things they care about and add these as leaves onto a tree - think about social action through Philosophy for Children - list ideas they have for taking social action related to the things they care about onto post it notes - act upon their chosen social action. © TheLinkingNetwork2021 www.thelinkingnetwork.org.uk

The Linking Network · Web viewIdeas for Social Action That Linking Classes Can TakeSocial action is about finding ways to actively care for the world and the people in it. It can

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Page 1: The Linking Network · Web viewIdeas for Social Action That Linking Classes Can TakeSocial action is about finding ways to actively care for the world and the people in it. It can

Ideas for Social Action That Linking Classes Can Take

Social action is about finding ways to actively care for the world and the people in it.

It can be campaigning, volunteering, fundraising and being someone who takes steps to have a positive impact in school, in the community and in the wider world.

This list is for teachers and highlights actions you could take as a primary class. Some of them, children could do at home

To campaign: children could write, make mini videos, posters or use your schools twitter- so if there is a hashtag we know, we have added it here

In Phase 2, Schools Linking children will:

- think about the kinds of things they care about in categories: Me and My Family; School; My Local Area; Environment; Our World

- think about the things they care about and add these as leaves onto a tree- think about social action through Philosophy for Children- list ideas they have for taking social action related to the things they care about

onto post it notes

- act upon their chosen social action.

Some of the things children might care about: Health, litter, older people, traffic, being wildlife – friendly, oceans, pollution, safety, forests, parks, green places, conservation, enough water for everyone, waste, food hunger, happiness, shops, the climate, saving energy, endangered specials, pollution, recycle all we can, kindness to others.

© TheLinkingNetwork2021 www.thelinkingnetwork.org.uk

Page 2: The Linking Network · Web viewIdeas for Social Action That Linking Classes Can TakeSocial action is about finding ways to actively care for the world and the people in it. It can

Environmental Social Action #iwill4nature #ShowTheLove

Use the Eden #iwill4nature resources to explore nature and value it. https://www.edenprojectcommunities.com/resources-and-materials Build a bug hotel https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Making-a-Bug-Bedroom-3-1.pdf

https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/How-to-make-a-bug-bedroom-1-2.pptx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7HtYFWPqEs&t=1s

Put out water for the birds / Create a bee bath Feeding birds: Make a bird feeder to go home/local care home/nursery

https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Making-a-Bird-Feeder-1-2.pdf https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/making-a-birdfeeder-english-voiceover-new.pptx

For lots of ideas for environmental nature activities click here. https://tinyurl.com/4t2zz4y5- https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/actions/how-create-herb-garden-wildlife

Create a nature treasure hunt https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Nature-Treasure-Hunt-.pdf Campaign about single use plastic reduction – write to the school kitchen/supermarket/newspaper

https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Isla.mp4 Make and display a green heart to join the #ShowTheLove Environmental campaign. Children draw or write about what

they love about the world on a green heart and display it on a window, a tree in the school grounds for families to see, on the school website or learning platform or on a Padlet. You can share this with your link class and possibly on social media using the hashtag #ShowTheLove https://tinyurl.com/3hxm6vh3

Create a checklist of ways we can save energy in our schools and classroom during the school day e.g. turn off lights, devices and taps when not being used, recycle all we can. The children can help ensure these actions are carried out by creating posters for around school.

Plant cress/wildflower seeds by reusing yogurt pots/toilet roll tubes – https://www.jamieoliver.com/features/how-to-grow-your-own-cress-head/ or

Create bird seed cakeshttps://www.rootsnshoots.org.uk/blog/2020/05/01/roots-and-shoots-at-home/ https://www.rspb.org.uk/fun-and-learning/for-kids/games-and-activities/activities/make-a-speedy-bird-cake/

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Page 3: The Linking Network · Web viewIdeas for Social Action That Linking Classes Can TakeSocial action is about finding ways to actively care for the world and the people in it. It can

Litter picking with litter pickers (with a risk assessment in place) and in school grounds Help children to think about the role they can play in caring for the world. This PowerPoint has some ideas https://tinyurl.com/252f8yt5 Plant a tree from Woodland Trust https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/plant-trees/advice/how-to-plant/

Community #ThankYou #FrontlineStaff #TalkTogether

Write thank you cards/letters/mini video to your local doctor, health centre, nurse, or frontline worker.

Ideas here https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Saying-Thank- You-2.pdf


Carry My Story - Create an opportunity for children to share stories from their family’s lives and also learn stories about their own school community. Children could also read and learn about families who have moved from other places to find sanctuary and safety in their area. https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/national-schools-linking-network/kirklees/ https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Stories-From-Around-the-World-2020.pptx

With your linking class, show love for others in your community by giving something. It could be a tin, toiletries or packets to a foodbank. You might also choose to donate unwanted items of clothing, toys or books to a local charity shop.

Intergenerational Links #IntergenLinking

Connect to a local care home - write postcards, letters, cards, send a friendly video or even create a puzzle for the residents to solve. https://tinyurl.com/2cmeckde

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Page 4: The Linking Network · Web viewIdeas for Social Action That Linking Classes Can TakeSocial action is about finding ways to actively care for the world and the people in it. It can

Fitness Challenges #FitnessFun #JoinTheMovement

Children create a fitness sequence/challenge for younger children in school, the link class /to share with families

Create a Fitness Bingo card eg: Completing a 30 second sprint, 20 star jumps, 10 high knee lifts, 10 twists, 10 squats, 1 minute walking on the spot.

Make a poster/mini video of some exercise ideas and share to help other people get moving.

Try out wildlife yoga as a class. https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/sites/default/files/2020-03/WT-WILDLIFE-YOGA.jpg

For inspiration watch Joe Wicks for ideas or a video from www.sportengland.org Ideas for doing with parents and family members

Encouraging Kindness #Kindness Matters

Set up some kindness challenges for the school/link class/families/local community Create a Kindness Poster or a Welcome Poster

https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Kindness-Posters.pdf Create a class kindness calendar (for one month) thinking about the different ways you can help the grown

ups/siblings at home and at school https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Kindness-Calendar.pdf https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Kindness-calendar.pdf

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Page 5: The Linking Network · Web viewIdeas for Social Action That Linking Classes Can TakeSocial action is about finding ways to actively care for the world and the people in it. It can

Making a kindness chatterbox of kind acts that you can act on for yourself and your family. https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/kindness-resources/ Spread words of kindness by creating Kindness Yoghurt Pot Flowers https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Flower-Words-

Home-Learning-1-1.pptx A kindness PowerPoint to discuss what it is to be kind https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Kindness-powerpoint-1.pptx An assembly all about the different ways we can be kind. https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Mr-Popple-Assembly-1-2-


Celebrate #moreincommon #TheGreatGetTogether #moreincommon

Take part in The Great Get Together Friday June 18th- 20th June 2021 Create a ‘More In Common Video’ https://tinyurl.com/5f4zxyxv Ask each other curiosity questions and make a #moreincommon banner https://tinyurl.com/2uhcjmvu Make bunting with messages of equality or commonality with your link class. Play the game ’I like, You Like,’ https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/I-like-you-like-we-like.pptx

Learn Sign Supported English (SSE) #SSE #talktogether

Social action opportunity to be able to learn a skills that will help them communicate

Learn some Sign Supported English with the link class and teach families/other children in school by making a short video.

Here is a selection of videos to SSE.https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/resources-2/schools-linking-2020-2021/sign-supported-english/

Our Local Area

There may be manageable ways your children could do something in the local community – spreading happiness and raising spirits helps people not feel so isolated and can all be part of being an active citizen.

Make a poster/bunting with positive encouraging messages that can be displayed on a window or on a lamppost for your local community to see.

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Page 6: The Linking Network · Web viewIdeas for Social Action That Linking Classes Can TakeSocial action is about finding ways to actively care for the world and the people in it. It can

Other ideas to connect in the community might include: bunting to make the community look good, planters to attract insects and to make the environment look better, children could read learn about families who have moved from other places to find sanctuary and safety.

Children could show their love for their community and those that live nearby by making a ‘Welcome Poster’. It might say ‘Welcome to…’ Or ‘We Love our [Street name, area, community name]’, It could say, ‘Our [community name] makes us happy’ or ‘’Everyone Is Welcome Here’.

Children could also show their love for others in your community by giving something. It could be a tin, toiletries or packets to a foodbank or food pantry, or an unwanted item of clothing, toys or books to a local charity shop.

If there is a local space with trees, you could create ‘Poet trees’; hang poems from trees, for others to enjoy as they walk by. Alternatively, you could post poems with a note through the letter boxes of your neighbours – a great way to connect and share.

Books that inspire social action #iwill4nature #ShowTheLove

Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers. In this delightful book readers are taken on a tour of Earth and find key messages of acceptance, kindness and caring for the planet.https://tinyurl.com/5vhaenbf

Secret Sky Garden by Linda Sarah and Fiona Lumbers. An excellent primary read for anyone wanting to weave caring for the environment into their primary school linking. https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/resource/secret-sky-garden/ https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/The-Secret-Sky-Garden-ppt-2020.pptx

Under The Same Sky by Britta Tekentrupp . This story highlights the message of unity, exploring the world and the idea that we all live ‘under the same sky.’ https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/under-the-same-sky-by-britta-teckentrup/

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Page 7: The Linking Network · Web viewIdeas for Social Action That Linking Classes Can TakeSocial action is about finding ways to actively care for the world and the people in it. It can

Have You Filled A Bucket Today by Carol McCloud. An empowering read which reminds us all that we have the ability to have a postive impact on the world and on others through our actions. https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/How-to-Fill-a-Bucket-ppt-2020.pptx

Words and You Heart by Kate Jane Neal. An uplifting read which teaches us to be thoughtful in the words we use. This book highlights the power of speech and teaches that by actively choosing postive words we can affect those around us for the better. https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Words-and-Your-Heart-2020.pptx

Usha and the Stolen Sun by Bree Galbraith – A story that reminds the reader that small actions and quiet actions can have big impact. It presents the message that we can remove barriers and create a pathway to understanding by listening to one another’s stories.

Be The Change Poems To Help You Save The World by Liz Brownlee, Matt Goodfellow and Roger Stevens – A collection of poems each of which has social action linked to it – reducing straw usage, recycling unused glasses, changing packaging to make packed lunches more sustainable. This book will help ignite discussions in your class about the actions that we can take to show the world we care. It contains the inspiring poem ‘Start Now’ by Matt Goodfellow, which encourages us to be the change we want to see. https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/resource/start-now-a-poem-by-matt-goodfellow/

Peaceful Rights for Equal Rights by Rob Sanders – An exploration of how to advocate for others in peaceful and simple ways.

Tale of Two Beasts by Fiona Roberton /Everybody’s Welcome by Patricia Hegarty– Both books build empathy and awareness of others perspectives

Kind by Alison Green. Kindness is a great form of social action. This book provides lots of evidence of how and why to be kind.

For more resources on social action visit https://thelinkingnetwork.org.uk/resources-2/social-action/

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The Make a Difference in a Day resource pack by Young Citizens is also a great resource that supports teachers in helping children to make a difference to the communities that are important to them. Find the Make a Difference resource pack here https://tinyurl.com/8t5xxumw

Key Dates

3rd April- Walk to work/school day

5th April-12th April – Bee Active, Bee Healthy, Bee Happy Week 2021

May 17 - Jun 16 – National Smile Month

29th May- 6th June - National Children’s Gardening Week

5th-6th June- The Big Lunch

5th June- World Environment Day

8th June- World Oceans Day

9th June – Empathy Day

14th- 20th Refugee Week

18th June-20th June - The Great Get Together

28th- 4th June- National School Sport Week

1st July – 31st July – Plastic Free July

© TheLinkingNetwork2021 www.thelinkingnetwork.org.uk