The Life Science Game Show 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 List 1 List 2 List 3 List 4 List 5

The Life Science Game Show 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 List 1List 2List 3List 4List

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The Life Science Game Show


























List 1 List 2 List 3 List 4 List 5

________ is a plant’s process of using energy from the sunlight to make food from water and carbon dioxide.

Vocabulary-1 for 100Vocabulary-1 for 100

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What is photosynthesis?

An animal that is hunted, caught, and eaten by another animal is called a ________.

Vocabulary-1 for 200Vocabulary-1 for 200

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What is prey?

A young plant grown from a seed is called a __________.

Vocabulary-1 for 300Vocabulary-1 for 300

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What is a seedling?

Vocabulary-1 for 400Vocabulary-1 for 400

An animal that hunts, catches, and eats another animal is called a _____.

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What is a predator?

Vocabulary-1 for 500Vocabulary-1 for 500

A _________ is an organism that can make its own food.

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What is a producer?

Vocabulary-2 for 100Vocabulary-2 for 100

A characteristic of an organism is born with.

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What is an inherited trait?

Vocabulary-2 for 200Vocabulary-2 for 200

The sprouting of a plant from a seed is called ________.

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What is germination?

Vocabulary-2 for 300Vocabulary-2 for 300

An animal that eats only plants or plant products is called a _________.

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What is a herbivore?

Vocabulary-2 for 400Vocabulary-2 for 400

_________ are behaviors that an animal inherits from its parents.

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What are instincts?

Vocabulary-2 for 500Vocabulary-2 for 500

________ is an insect life cylcle that only has 3 stages.

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What is

incomplete metamorphosis?

Vocabulary-3 for 100Vocabulary-3 for 100

The role that an organism plays in its environment is called its _____.

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What is niche?

Vocabulary-3 for 200Vocabulary-3 for 200

A _______ is the environment where an organism lives.

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What is a habitat?

Vocabulary-3 for 300Vocabulary-3 for 300

A characteristic that is aquired or learned from parent to offspring is called ________.

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What is a learned behavior?

Vocabulary-3 for 400Vocabulary-3 for 400

_______ is a behavior that an animal is born with the ability to do.

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What is an instinct?

Vocabulary-3 for 500Vocabulary-3 for 500

An organism looking like another kind of organism in its environment so it can escape predators or catch prey is called ________.

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What is mimicry?

Vocabulary-4 for 100Vocabulary-4 for 100

An animal that eats both plants and animals is called an _________.

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What is an omnivore?

Vocabulary-4 for 200Vocabulary-4 for 200

________ are physical and behavioral characteristics that allow organisms to survive in its environment.

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What are adaptations?

Vocabulary-4 for 300Vocabulary-4 for 300

Animals that usually have sharp teeth and powerful jaws.

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What are carnivores?

Vocabulary-4 for 400Vocabulary-4 for 400

A ______ is a living organism that gets energy from other living things to survive. It cannot make its own food.

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What is a consumer?

Vocabulary-4 for 500Vocabulary-4 for 500

An animal or insect helps plant reproduction by eating or moving these.

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What are seeds and pollen?

Vocabulary-5 for 100Vocabulary-5 for 100

The path of food energy from one organism to another in an ecosystem is called a ________.

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What is a food chain?

Vocabulary-5 for 200Vocabulary-5 for 200

An animal _______ is all of the animals of the same species that live in the same place at the same time.

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What is a population?

Vocabulary-5 for 300Vocabulary-5 for 300

The plant’s leaves are skinny in an climate that is low on_________.

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What is water?

Vocabulary-5 for 400Vocabulary-5 for 400

_______ are organisms like fungi and some bacteria that break down an digest dead materials and wastes.

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What are decomposers?

Vocabulary-5 for 500Vocabulary-5 for 500

Having deep roots, broad leaves, spines, or brightly colored flowers are all examples of plant_____________.

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What are adaptations?