The Life of Jesus (39) The Cross of Christ (5) Three Crosses

The Life of Jesus (39) The Cross of Christ (5) Three Crosses

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Page 1: The Life of Jesus (39) The Cross of Christ (5) Three Crosses

The Life of Jesus (39)

The Cross of Christ (5)

Three Crosses

Page 2: The Life of Jesus (39) The Cross of Christ (5) Three Crosses

In our last lesson• WE noted many sins

surrounding the death of Jesus – Hatred, greed, jealousy, denial, cowardice, etc.

Page 3: The Life of Jesus (39) The Cross of Christ (5) Three Crosses

The Three Crosses•Luke 23:33, 39-43• Jesus crucified between

two thieves Mark 15:27-28, 32, Matt. 27:44

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The Cross of Redemption• In the center

• Upon this cross we were redeemed, justified, purified, sanctified, brought near and atoned for our sins•1 Pet. 2:24, Heb. 12:2

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The Cross of Rejection• An attitude of bitterness,

selfishness and a refusal to repent.

• He saw Jesus as nothing more than a condemned man

• Squandered opportunity! He had the same opportunity as the other thief! Cf. Jn. 19:31-37

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The Cross of Rejection• How many today reject Him

as this thief• They see Jesus as nothing

more than a condemned man! Refuse to obey Him for one reason or another. Matt. 7:13

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The Cross of Repentance• A sinner who knew it! (Lk. 23:40-41).

• He rebuked the other thief

• A penitent thief that confessed his sins to Jesus – Lk. 23:42

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The Cross of Repentance• Realized he could not save


• Jesus forgives him – Lk. 23:42

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The Cross of Repentance• Can this thief be used as an

example of salvation today?

• Often today this thief is used as an example of “faith only”

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The Cross of Repentance• Can you prove this thief was not

baptized?• He knew and accepted more than

the religious leaders who were crucifying Jesus.

• He knew to fear God, called Jesus Lord, acknowledged His coming kingdom, that he was a sinner, and that Jesus was innocent.

WHERE did he learn this? Could it be that he was a

disciple of John or the disciples of Jesus?

WHERE did he learn this? Could it be that he was a

disciple of John or the disciples of Jesus?

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The Cross of Repentance• While on earth Jesus could

forgive sins at will• Mark 2:5-12•John 8:1-11 - Jesus forgives a

woman caught in adultery.• While on the cross, Jesus was still

“on earth”. • NOW, we must follow His

instructions – Acts 22:16, 1 Pet. 3:20-21

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The Cross of Repentance• The Old Law was still in effect

•Col. 2:14, Eph. 2:14-16•Heb. 8:7-13 – When Jesus

died, his “Testament” went into effect.

• Jesus came to fulfill the law – Matt. 5:17-18

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The Cross of Repentance• Was his faith the same as

ours?•Rom. 10:9-10, 1 Cor. 15:1-4 – our faith is based upon a resurrection past. The thief believed it would happen, but it was future!

As such, it cannot be used as an example for our


As such, it cannot be used as an example for our


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What does the cross mean to you?

• It ought to mean everything!

•Gal. 6:14 – not the piece of wood but what happened on it!

•Phil. 3:7-11 – What will you give up because of the cross?

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What is my attitude toward the cross?

• Am I like the leaders who hated Jesus?

• Am I like Pilate who refused to act on His innocence?

• Am I like the soldiers who mocked Him?

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What is my attitude toward the cross?

• Am I like Peter who denied Him?

• AM I like the bitter thief?

• OR Am I like the repentant thief?

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What is my attitude toward the cross?

• WILL I like the soldier say, “Truly this was the Son of God!” (Matt. 27:54)

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May the death of Jesus accomplish what He intended in your life!

Have you accepted the sacrifice in obedience?