Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley in 1931

The life of bernard marx

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  • 1. Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley in 1931

2. The book is set in the future where 3. people are manufactured The book is set in the future where 4. God is no longer mentioned The book is set in the future where 5. Ford is the omnipresent in their mind.The book is set in the future where 6. The main character's name is Bernard Marx. 7. The traits of Bernard and his colleagues 8. can be compared to The traits of Bernard and his colleagues 9. The life of a normal person today and society in generalThe traits of Bernard and his colleaguescan be compared to 10. 1) in his stature he was different from others 3) his hobbies 2) his personality 4) and his beliefs. 11. But these differences with his society make him similar to modern day. 12. The extent of how well Huxley was able toexamine the futureis shown through the life ofBernard Marx. 13. Everyone looks different in real life 14. Even if you have a twin 15. Even if you have a twin you will have differences 16. in height,in weight, in skin tone in the style of clothing you wear in anything imaginable 17. in the book everyone was similar within their castes 18. Bernard was anAlpha Plus .But his physique was hardly better than that of the average Gamma(page 57) Normal Alpha Bernard Gamma 8 cm difference. 19. Alphas were bigger and taller than Epsilons Alpha Epsilon Not Bernard though. 20. Bernard did not feel acceptance in his community 21. Huxley was correct in seeing that in the future people would stilldiscriminateand not be accepted due to something they cant change. 22. In the United Kingdom in 1929, women over 21 were given the right to vote. 23. But gender prejudice did not disappear from the minds of people 24. People still judge books by their cover. it has been about 80 yearsand there is still prejudice in the world 25. In Bernards world, all children go through hypnopaedia. 26. In Bernards world, all children go through hypnopaedia. every one belongs to every one else every one belongs to every one else every one belongs to every one else every one belongs to every one else every one belongs to every one else every one belongs to every one else every one belongs to every one else every one belongs to every one else every one belongs to every one else every one belongs to every one else every one belongs to every one else every one belongs to every one else every one belongs to every one else every one belongs to every one else( page 35) 27. Everything was shared. People slept around,and they loved being surrounded by others. 28. Bernard was not like this however. I want to be alone. 29. Today, people are either talkative talk moderately or quiet . BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH Blahblahblah -silence- 30. x Huxleywasntcorrect in saying that everyone in the future willbecome freely open. 31. Evident in social networking pages such as & where a person can have 32. every single detail of their life on their page 33. bare minimum 34. or no account at all 35. In the past, people would sleep together only after they were married or in a relationship. 36. Now the rules are more lenient.In the past, people would sleep together only after they were married or in a relationship. 37. The World State took the free spirit to the extreme. 38. It was frowned upon to have anything intense or longdrawn with another person in the book. 39. Bernard and Lenina were different. There is no harm in being with only Henry for four months 40. Bernard and Lenina were different. There is no harm in being with only Henry for four months I dont want to fall for my desires. 41. Soma:The perfect drug that brought euphoria and a happy place for users. With no side effects 42. a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn a gramme is better than a damn (page 49) Taught by the government to take some soma to avoid feelings. 43. Today: Many drugs are illegal and discouraged by the government.and there are side effects to modern day drugs 44. infants where feeling and desire are concerned. 45. it might be possible to be an adult all the time(page 84) Bernard 46. it might be possible to be an adult all the time(page 84) But he takes the soma under pressureBernard 47. Huxley brings up the point of howdrug use can be brought upon bypeer pressure. 48. There are people who Willingly do drugs & Abstain from drug use 49. ratios for the two societies are different: * Arbitrary value Daily Soma/Drugs/Alcohol Users abstainers 50. As more people use drugs -> more pressure to use drugs -> More people using drugs 51. Huxley was accurate in how he predicted that people would remainhypocritical , and will look out for themselves first. 52. power andfollow the standard no power but speaking out against society Pick one: VS. 53. power andfollow the standard no power but speaking out against society Pick one: VS. Many would pick this 54. It is human nature to want and to take things for granted. 55. We are never happy with what we have.It is human nature to want and to take things for granted. 56. People in this century dont appreciate technology Its not strong enough Its too slow Its not big enough Its not small enough I want the new one 57. Bernard was an outcast. 58. with the introduction of John, the savage, Bernard is in the spotlight 59. he envied men who never had to shout (page 58) orders to lower castes, as their size indicated power. Normal Alpha Bernard Gamma In the beginning, 60. He thought that they were taking that for granted. Normal Alpha Bernard Gamma In the beginning, 61. He takes his power for granted and doesnt use his new power to do good. 62. His newfound popularity gets to his head 63. Aldous Huxley did a good job of predicting the lifestyle of a person in the future through the life of Bernard. 64. x open societyprejudice attitudes on promiscuity and soma or drugshypocritical, and selfish