“I looked to the Sahabah and I looked to ‘Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak, but I didn’t see a virtue for them over him, except in their companionship of the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and their battles with him.” Sufyan ibn ‘Uyaynah (rahimahullah) [pg 3] Isma’il ibn ‘Ayyash, the scholar of al-Sham said, “There is none like ‘Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak on the face of this earth, nor do I know of a single good characteristic created by Allah except that He has put it in ‘Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak.” [pg 5] It is narrated that Zakariyya ibn ‘Adi said, ‘i saw Ibn al-Mubarak in a dream and so I said ‘What has your Lord done with you?’ He said, ‘He has forgiven me due to my journeys in search of Hadith.’ (Al-Rihlah fi Talab al-Hadith, by al-Khatib al-Baghdadi) [pg 8] One interesting incident which shows this extertion of his is when he departed Marw and travelled all the way to the city of Ray (a distance of 1000km approx.) in order to hear and record the statement of al- Hasan al-Basri narrated by Harun ibn al-Mughirah: ‘Do not purchase the love of a thousand men with the anger of one man.’ Harun said, ‘Ibn al-Mubarak came to me while on the saddle of his camel/horse and asked me about this narration so I narrated it to him. Then he said, ‘I have not saddled or prepared (my camel/horse) from Marw except for the sake of this narration.’ (Al-Rihlah fi Talab al-Hadith) This in turn begs the question: If this was his effort in seeking, collecting and authenticating a narration from a scholar such as al-Hasan al-Basri (rahimahullah), what then of his efforts when it came to the Prophetic narrations of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)? [pg8] A special talent of Ibn al-Mubarak was his ability to write; he wrote many narrations and primarily preserverd all that he heard in books of his. Wherever he travelled, he recorded down statements and narrations (with their authentic chains) from scholars and every trustworthy individual who possessed knowledge. In fact, it is said that the number of scholars whom he studied under reached up-to four thousand, a quarter of whom he narrated narrated narrations from. He says, ‘I

The Life of Abdullah Ibn Mubarek

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I looked to the Sahabah and I looked to Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak, but I didnt see a virtue for them over him, except in their companionship of the Prophet sallallahu ala!hi "a sallam# and their battles "ith him$% Suf!an ibn &!a!nah rahimahullah# 'p( )*Ismail ibn A!!ash, the scholar of al-Sham said, +here is none like Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak on the face of this earth, nor do I kno" of a sin(le (ood characteristic created b! Allah except that ,e has put it in Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak$% 'p( -*It is narrated that .akari!!a ibn Adi said, i sa" Ibn al-Mubarak in a dream and so I said /hat has !our 0ord done "ith !ou1 ,e said, ,e has for(iven me due to m! 2ourne!s in search of ,adith$ Al-3ihlah 4 +alab al-,adith, b! al-5hatib al-6a(hdadi# 'p( 7*8ne interestin( incident "hich sho"s this extertion of his is "hen he departed Mar"and travelled all the "a! to the cit! of 3a! a distance of 9:::km approx$# in order to hear and record the statement of al-,asan al-6asri narrated b! ,arun ibn al-Mu(hirah; uarter of "hom he narrated narrated narrations from$ ,e sa!s, I took kno"led(e from four thousand scholars and I narrated from a thousand of them$ +adhkirat al-,u?adh# 'p( A*Al-Muna"i mentions an account of "hen Ibn al-Mubaraks son died, a Ma2oosi .oroastrian# came to pa! his condolences sa!in(, +he intelli(ent one must do toda! "hat the i(norat one "ill do after a "eek has passed i$e$ be patient#$ Ibn al-Mubarak said to those around him, /rite this do"nB Ca!th al-Dadir, b! al-Muna"i# 'p( A*,e is reported to have said, A person does not stop bein( kno"led(eable so lon( ashe seeks kno"led(e$ +he moment he thinks that he is kno"led(eable, he becomes i(norant$ Ih!a &lum al-uires the presence of someone to 2ud(e bet"een them$Kafar; /hat about Abu Gua!m and Abdur-3ahman1,e said, +hat re>uires someone to 2ud(e bet"een them$Kafar; /hat about al-Ash2ai1,e said, Al-Ash2ai has died and his narrations have died alon( "ith him$Kafar; /hat about Ibn al-Mubarak1Ibn Main said, ,e is the Amir al-Muminin leader of the faithful in ,adith#$ +arikh 6a(hdad# 'p( 97-9A*+he Prophet sallallahu ala!hi "a sallam# said, I dont see ho" the seeker of Paradise can sleep, and I dont see ho" the one Neein( from ,ell4re can sleep$ 3eported b! al-+irmidhi "ho classed it as "eak, but al-+abarani recorded another cahin of this hadith "hich is classed ,asan (ood## 'p( OI*Ibrahim ibn Shamas; I sa" one "ho possessed the most understandin( 4>h#, one "ho possessed the most piet! and one "ho possessed the stron(est memor!$ As forthe one "ho possessed the most understandin(, that "as Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak$ As for the one "ho "as the most pious, then that "as al-Cudha!l ibn I!ad and as forthe one "ho had the stron(est memor!, then that "as /aki ibn al-Karrah$ +arikh 6a(hdad# 'p( O-* ,e Ibn al-Mubarak# once said, /hoever is miserl! "ith kno"led(e "ill be aPicted "ith one of three thin(s; Lither death "hich takes a"a! his kno"led(e, or he "ill for(et, or he ends up bein( "ith the 3ules and so his kno"led(e leaves him$ 'p( OJ*It "as once said to Ibn al-Mubarak, /h! do !ou narrate from Said and ,isham al-