The Life-Changing Power of Awareness Your Private Action Guide with Jeffrey Allen Your Name: ___________________________________

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness Masterclass By Jeffrey …mvwebinar.s3.amazonaws.com/The_Life_Changing_Power_Of_Aware… · The Life-Changing Power of Awareness When you are

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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

Your Private Action Guide with Jeffrey Allen

Your Name: ___________________________________

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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

Welcome to Your Private Action Guide 9 Simple Tips To Using This Action Guide Effectively

1. Print out this guide before the class starts so you can write down your notes as you listen.

2. Make sure you've set aside private time for this session so you’ll be able to focus and fully receive the benefits of the session.

3. Review the preparation exercises so that you can best set the space and intention to experience this class.

4. Have a glance at the Masterclass Summary so you know what to listen out for.

5. Look out for this icon. It represents key takeaway points from the Masterclass.

6. During the Masterclass, write down interesting quotes, thoughts, ideas, and inspirations you get while listening — that way you won’t lose the information most relevant to you.

7. Consider how you can quickly implement the secrets revealed in this session.

8. Refer back to this guide after the class is over to fill in any thing you may have missed, or to work on any exercise you’d like to explore deeper.

9. Use the space to be creative, expressive, and honest.

“Make each day your masterpiece” - John Wooden

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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

Your Preparation Tips for This Masterclass

• This Masterclass will be best experienced in quiet place where nothing can distract you.

• Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part in any guided meditations or visualization exercises that may be a part of the class.

• Before starting, take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows the heart rate and relaxes the muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during any guided meditations or visualizations that may happen during the class.

• Be open to the experience and to the learnings you are about to receive.

Pre-Masterclass Intention Setting Exercise

What was your intention for attending this Masterclass? What are you hoping to get it out of it? Set your positive intentions here.








“A good intention clothes itself with sudden power” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

“The fear of making a bad choice is often worse than the consequences of the

choice. Be brave! Trust yourself to make great decisions today.” – Jeffrey Allen

Before starting the Masterclass, please take the quiz below.

On a scale from 1 to 10, please rate where you are now in the left-hand column.

Where you are

now 1-10

Abundance Blocks Questions 1 being DO NOT agree – 10 being COMPLETELY agree

After the Masterclass


I can genuinely express myself without fear or hesitation.

I actively take steps that bring me closer to my

current life goals.

I make a positive impact in the world.

I am living my dream, not someone else’s.

I don’t feel pressure to please others.

I listen to and trust my intuitive guidance.

I go to bed at night with satisfaction for how I have

designed my life.

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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness


Part 1: The Planetary Trend & Your True Life Purpose In this section, you learn about an exciting, new trend that’s sweeping the planet and what this means for you.

Part 2: Am I Living My True Life Purpose?

In this section, you learn how to identify if you are living in alignment with your true life purpose.

If your life is not flowing, your compass is pointing the wrong way.

Part 3: Exercise: Aligning with your Inner Compass In today’s Masterclass exercise, you will learn a 5-step process to adjust your compass to align with your deeper truth.

Part 4: Self Reflection How do you feel right now? Is your life flowing? How satisfied are you with your life?

Part 1: The Planetary Trend & Your True Life Purpose

Today we are going to discover how to find your true life purpose, how to know if you’re on the right track and find success that’s true for you.

1. There is a trend happening on this planet. People are “waking up” meaning out consciousness is _______________ and we are starting to become more ____________ of what we need, and what other’s need in the world around us.

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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

2. As you wake up, you start to notice the places where you are not _________ with your

own purpose and in life.

3. When your compass is pointing the wrong way, eventually this leads to a

_________________ crisis. It may happen more than once in your life until you are

aligned with your true purpose.

4. If you’re not following your dream, that success that you have will start to _________.

5. In alignment with his true life purpose, Jeffrey Allen teaches __________ spirituality. so

you can have spirituality and be in the real world too.

Part 2: Am I Living My True Life Purpose?

When you are not in flow you have stress, anxiety, lack of fulfilment, a midlife crisis… and more.

So am I?….

Not trying enough? Lack opportunity? Lack follow through? Bad timing? No funding?


You are following someone else’s dreams, instead of your own.

You’re not failing, you’re succeeding at someone else’s dream.

You can have your job, relationship, success, money, satisfaction AND spirituality.

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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

When you are living in alignment with your true life’s purpose, life flows.

If your life is not flowing, your compass is pointing the wrong way.

1. When you are living your dream, or true life’s purpose. It’s almost like magic is happening. _________________ show up at the right time, over and over and over.

2. Today, you will learn that what you’re creating, or putting out as your intention, isn’t being influenced by ______________ around you, and the culture scape, but rather by what your _________ really seeks for you to do.

Part 3: Aligning With Your Inner Compass

In this Masterclass, Jeffrey will lead you through a 5-step exercise to show you how to adjust your compass to align with your deeper truth.

There are 12 compasses in life, within 6 categories:

1. Self: Location Awareness2. Self: Time Awareness

3. Physical: Body Awareness4. Physical: Energy-Body Awareness

5. Mental: Inner Mind Awareness6. Mental: Outer Mind Awareness

7. Spiritual: Spirit Perception (Intuition)

8. Spiritual: Spirit Connection

9. Emotional: Feeling Awareness (Your own feelings)

10.Emotional: Empathy Awareness (Other’s feelings)

11. Impact: Personal Impact Awareness12. Impact: Collaborative Impact


When you are in alignment with your true life purpose, LIFE FLOWS.

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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

Fix the compass and your path will self-correct.

Today, you will learn a 5 step process to adjust a BIG ONE related to responsibility, an emotional empathy exercise.

EXERCISE: 5 Steps To Aligning With Your Inner Compass

Best Uses:You can use this exercise whenever you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed or anxious. When you are trying to solve a problem and nothing seems to work.

Benefits:By using this exercise, you will feel the weight of responsibilities that you may have taken on, that aren’t yours being lifted. You will have a deeper sense of clarity, and most importantly, an alignment with your inner truth.

“If you can’t solve a problem, it’s not your problem…”

Skeptical? Let’s try it out!

What is your biggest frustration right now?

STEP 1: Ask “Is this problem mine? Not mine?” Jeffrey will teach you a tool to gauge how much of the problem you may be dealing with is actually yours.

STEP 2: Be responsible for your part, nothing more or less. Jeffrey will teach you a tool to love what’s yours and release what’s not yours.What do you need to embrace? What do you need to let go of? When you take responsibility for what IS yours, it will feel good. When you LET GO of what is not your reasonability, it will feel good.

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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

STEP 3: Connect with your source of inspiration. Jeffrey will teach you a tool for your heart, mind and spirit connection. Feel your heart, higher mind and spirit vibrating. When you are tuned in to yourself, you will feel whether your dreams and goals are coming from within you, or from others.

STEP 4: Do your part. Let others do theirs. Jeffrey will teach you a tool to visualize your success. See yourself taking one new action for something that you are responsible for. Visualize letting go of a responsibility and letting others handle it.

What are you going to do? What are you going to stop doing?

STEP 5: Enjoy! If not, return to A. Great! You know your part, you know your dream.How does that feel? Your life is starting to change! It is better for you and better for others too!

Write down your realizations or notes from this exercise:








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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

Remember:You can do this exercise more than once. An easy way to remember it is to keep in mind the first 5

letters of the alphabet. A B C D E.A: Ask B: Be responsible for ONLY your part C: Connect with your source of inspiration D: Do you your part E: Enjoy

Part 4: Self-Reflection

The right questions can spur your subconscious to feed you the right answers. So ask yourself. . .

How do you feel after the Masterclass? What were some of your biggest insights and takeaways?

Write down 3 dreams you will decide to keep or let go of after this Masterclass. Circle whether this is your dream or someone else’s:

Dream: Is this my dream or someone else’s?

Example: My work as a teacher. Mine Part of it. Not Mine

1. _________________________ Mine Part of it. Not Mine

2. _________________________ Mine Part of it. Not Mine

3. _________________________ Mine Part of it. Not Mine

What actions steps are you going to take related to your dreams above?




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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

~ A Thought to Take Away

Write down a quote or phrase here that you heard in this Masterclass that resonates the most with you.




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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

Additional Notes

To sign up for Unlocking Transcendence, Jeffrey’s new course on Mindvalley Academy,

please visit http://bit.ly/2eJ0ckk for more information.

Tip: Wait until November 6 to sign up for the course.

Near the end of the Masterclass, Unlocking Transcendence will be offered at a special price

as a thank-you gift for class attendees.

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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness


“Truly life changing Jeffrey Allen — I quite honestly feel a peace I have never felt before.”

Everything just became so uncomplicated and clear. All the lines seemed to fall into place — there is so much peace and clarity from the learnings today—it answered questions I felt I have had in me since I was little. I always felt that my hotspots showed my me passions and now I realise that when I release my hotspots – there will be this beautiful space for my REAL passions to come

forth. Truly life changing Jeffrey Allen — I quite honestly feel a peace I have never felt before….”

– Deni Ayre

“I will forever be grateful for all you have taught me.”

Thank you, Jeffrey! You’re an angel! I truly appreciate your beautiful soul and the amazing work you do. I will forever be grateful for all you have taught me!! Love & Light.

– Andrea Zito

“Jeffrey Allen’s tools daily practiced made that melanoma vanish completely within two weeks.”

Hi all. I will here share a self experienced energy healing of the body. For several years I have had a cauliflower shaped melanoma under my breast in the size of a thumbnail, a little like the picture here. Two weeks ago I learned a qigong technique that together with Jefferey Allen’s tools daily practiced made that melanoma vanish completely within two weeks.

– Jane Saleskog

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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

“This profound experience changed forever my old belief system.”

One of my most profound energy healing memories was about ten years ago when my son, Grant, was about 6 years old. Grant had traditionally slept well through the night. Then suddenly he started havingviolent dreams, tossing and turning, talking angrily in his sleep. These disturbances intensified.[...]I spoke to Jeff about this situation with my son and asked if he could remotely take a look at my son's energy to possibly determine what was going on.

My sweet young son was in turmoil and I wanted him healthy again. To my surprise and delight, after Jeff's healing[ ...], Grant's night disturbances ended immediately. He was back like his regular self, sleeping peacefully right through the night.This profound experience changed forever my old belief system that if I couldn't see it, then it didn't exist. I have become more open-minded and receptive to new healing, energy, and spiritual concepts, that there is far more to this existence than I can possibly know.

– Dave Ingersoll, Real Estate Broker

“I am free to be the fullest, most glorious expression of myself.”

I have ceased to lie awake at night feeling angry, fearful and at war with the world. With the Permission Rose meditation, I feel on a deep

level that I am free to be the fullest, most glorious expression of myself, and that I am loved and supported by God/Goddess/The Universe, and that this is true for everyone else as well. There is no competition or combat involved with each person being their unique


I manifested the most amazing business coach on the planet.

I have developed my own screenwriters/healthy mindset online course that embodies a number of the tools and techniques that I learned [from Jeffrey.]

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with Jeffrey Allen

The Life-Changing Power of Awareness

– Kim M. Brantley

“You helped me get clear enough to see for myself the path I wanted to take.”Working with you helped empower me to be able to see not only into myself but into others coming from a place of no judgement . Simply seeing and recognizing the energies at play and then being able to make choices in a much clearer way . You helped me get clear enough to see for myself the path I wanted to take. It's a very different way that you have ....to empower people to do the work for themselves . With the tools that you give us . You changed my life and I am eternally Grateful.

– Jenny B. Business Owner

“Working with Jeff has been the fastest track I’ve found to the freedom I long for!”“Working with Jeff has been the fastest track I’ve found to the freedom I long for. I have worked with Jeff weekly for two years. It has been the longest, most useful, effective and enjoyable ‘healing’ relationship I’ve ever had.

“My MO has been to ‘clear’ as much as I can with my own tools, and take ‘stuck spots’ to our sessions — with fabulous results. His insights, ingenuity, light-hearted can-do attitude and access to Divine assistance constantly amaze me. He has the rare ability to hold absolute compassion and respect for the really hard things he sees without being pulled down by it, nor adding to it with unhealthy, non-useful stuff of his own. His approach is so ‘clean,’ light and easy. We have laughed over really terrible things while clearing my past — and all the while I was very clear he did realize how hard an experience had been. It’s a great lesson to be able to be amused and light about heavy times. Working with Jeff I feel empowered and capable — that things are easy and possible for me to create, change or have. Whether on an occasional or regular basis, I highly recommend Jeff’s services as a means to achieving your personal goals.”

– Diane Eskelson