i The Lexington Advertiser Delinquent Poll Tax List Reed, Oliver Smlsher, Frank Shore, Joe Shalt Ire, link Smart, Hump Simmons. Boh Savage, Frank Smith, Q «> Stevens, Wm Stephens, Wm Stephens, L Stephens. Jo# Stokes. Wade, Levi Wright, Luka Washington. Jim Wright, Hob Wade, Sam Waddell. Will Waddell, Caesar Sr Williams, Louis Williams. George Weston, Mark Wright, Payne Westbrooks, K Walton. Dave Williams, Henry Williams. Jonaa Wright, George Williams, Will Wright, Oscar Momaon, Wm Murphy, Itlehard Mitchell, Jake Melton. F M Moore. G A Miller, Albert Miller, Henry Mason. Frauk Merrl went her, L Maxwell J M Miller, Jake Moore, ( 'olonel Moore, Will Millwood. J II Moreheail. J H Morgan, Henry Mallett, Kd Moore, Newton McGlonn, L U McGlonn, J L McMIHlan, (lias McMIllian, Mack McGee, John McCormack, John Neal, Jessie Nelson, Joe Nelson. Geo Noel, Kd Oliver, Joe Owen. Richard Ollephant. John Price, Hen Plump, Joe Plump. Phil Pinkston. Hays Poindexter, Henry Pickens, Dan Pickens, AIf Pickens, Sandy Plump, Burrell Pickens, llenry Patterson, Tube Preston, Amos Prichard, T Parker, John Parker, Joe Rucker. Armstead Richardson, ZeL> Rich. J 1Russell. W W Robinson, Allen Reese. W II Russell, J N Robinson. Mose Russell, It T Reed. Charley \ Chaney Roane. Jim lteddett. Jin. Reed. I saac Reed, Abner Jr Wilson, Aleck Washington, Lynn Washington, Joseph Wade, Miles Williams, Lee Williams, Itobt Wright. John Washington. Joe Williams, Douglas Williams, Ann Williams, Marshal Williams, Jim Wilson, Joe Wilkes, J J Walton. Jlin Jr Woodward. Willie Young, Charley Hart, Walter Price. Aaron Harris, Anthony Primer, Sam Hemingway, John Rogers, Val Hhrrlngton, Walton Rogers, Rate Hooker, Joe Red. l^evy Hall, Jake Rogers, Jim Hall, Willie Rogers. Madle Hamilton. Lon Red, Ci'.fton Horton, Walter Rodgers, Jerry Harris, Dave Rodgers, Willie lleaad, Ike Rodgers. Tom Jr Hatchett. H A Red, Wens Harris, Wm Red. Calvin Hamilton, Henry Rushing, Wm Hamilton, Simon Richmond, Juba Ingram, Richard Ross, James Irving, Hill Simmons. Mose Jones, Anthony Simmons, Joe Jones, Walter Stev Johnson. John Shlrus, Lafayette James, Robt Stevens, Kd Jordan, Richard Scott. Louis Joyce, Sam Stinson, Tom Jackson, Isiah Stanton, Bob* Jackson, KenJ Sample, Geo Jackson, Cook Strowd. J W Johnson, Ike Strowd, B W Kimbrough, Moae Sample, Alfred Kimbrough, SylvesterSample. Kugene Kimbrough, Kd Kimbrough. Noah Kennedy. Tom King, Walter Lynn, Richard Little, Cain Levy. Will Landfalr, Jordan Little, Don Lashley, Jack D Morton, Wash Mathew, Jim Morgan, Jim Meeins, Melton Mitchell, Simon Moore. Alex Mitchell. Robt Mitchell, Harry Mitchell. George Moore, Hen Moore, Jordan Moore, Jordan Jr Melton, .J N Moore, Wiley Moore, Fisher Moore, Henry Moore, Alex Marshal, Jim Mitchell, John Mobry, Will McGee, Jordan McMurty, Tom McMurty, Jim McLellttn. John McMurty. Preston McGee, Rafe Sr McGee, Rafe Jr McGee, Willie McGee, McGee, Gus McGee, Hen McAdory, Gus Noah. Ike Norquist. A R Noah, Jack Neely. Robt Parkinson. John Pleas, Wm Weatherby, Frank West. John West. Houston Williams Wilson, Frank Wilkes, Th< Wilkes, Sam Wilkes, James Wllksfc ?orter Wharton, Kd Williams, Chas Williams, Isaac Williams. Richard Wise. Taylor Wright, dam Davis. Prince Dickens, Frauk Dickens. Antry Doty, Adam Dickens, Monroe Dickens, Matt Dickens. Irey Falls, Beu Falls. Autry Foster Jessie Foster, Albeit Garland. Jessie Garland, Augustus Gary, Jim Gadsen, John Gadsbn, Hays Griffin, Jim Greer, Wm Greer, Monroe Glover. Hob Gllyard. Tom Gruham, Hen Glover, Lucius Go wen. Alex Gary. Jim Houston. Wm Hill. Miles Howard. Mack Harrington, Mack Harrington. Alfred Hunter. Jim Hill, Wiley Hill, Randall Hoi 11tiger. Hayward Haya, Autry | Haggart, Douglas . 1 toward, John j Harrington. Robt Howe. Charley Harris, William Harrington, Krnest Harrington. Kspie Ilorton. Andrew Horton, Joe Houston. Jake Hid. Henry Johnson, Henryk Johnson, Kd Johnson, Manuel Jenkins, Peyton Jones, Annis Jackson, Nelson j Jackson. Frank 1 Jackson, Mose Jordan, Ilaiford Jones, Will Jordan, Hesakeah Jordan, Carter Jackson, Charley Jordan. Charley Jenkins, Sol Jordan, Ray Jenkins, Mark Jenkins, Luke Jenkins, Nathan Jones. John H Llpsey. llenry Land fair, John Landfalr. Jtm Loyd, I >an Loyd. Guy Lashley, Jessie Latshley, Fetcher Lacy, Batt liOekett. Frank Lashley. Kl Martin Dan Mitchell. Sam Meeks. John Mayfield. John Mims, Dennis McDowell. Silas McCullough, Kd McBride. G McCray. R L McMurty. Kd Nelson. Chas Owen. Henry Pickens. Ned Pepper. Clinton Pepper. Anderson Price, Richmond Price, Willie Red. Krnest Runnells, Joe ltoliertR, Jonas Red Redmond, Robt Roberson. Parker Roby. Wm Samnle. Horace Smith. Mint Summerlin. W T Summerlin, J W Summerlin, S K Summerlin, W L , Scott, Will Smith, P Smith, B W Smith, M W (c) Stewart. Isaac Telmon. Sam Thomas. Alfred Thomas, John \ HOLMES COUNTY. THE ADVERTISER I'VD. CO., Publisher* LEXINGTON. : : MISSISSIPPI. , *S Town of Lexington. Logan, Will ]*nd, Roby Logan, Andrew 1-ea, Tom I.eeach, Baxter McKee, F B Moore, Curtis Moore, Charley Mathews, T Marcelas. Jeff Mcl^eon, Walter McCullough. Will McL Nash, Jeflf Outlaw. Frank olive, Will Olive, Lyun Out In w, Dave Perkins, John Pltchford, F Plil Hips, Victor Paulding, Frauk Pleas, John Austin, Plummer Austin, Percy Brand. A J Bacon, Robt Bacon, J Brooks, Simon Brooks, George Bethely, Kd Brown, Ivey Broom, Steve Brown, AIf Brooms, Will Brown, Sam Brown, Ernest Clark, Jessie Cade. Charlev Covington. Jim Carter, John Cole, It II Carter, Jim Cooper, Sam Cary, Walter Dalton, (.barley Donaldson. Mike Davis, John Davis, Aliab Dyer, Ned Dale, Jenkins Fields, Willis Flowers, Klbert Fields. Willis Jr Gowen, John Glozler, W W Gwin, Ike Gary, Robt Gray, Bob llall, Walker Hyman, Sltep Hamp, John Harris, Jim Howard. Chapman Harrington, Sam Hoskins, W D Hawkins, Howard Harris, K G Harris, Win Hyston, Walter Jackson, Osbor Jacobs, C Jacobs, D Jackson, George Jackson, J J Jackson, Howard Jackson, John Johnson, A L Town of Ebenczer. u r Hall, Charley Lacy. Charley Smith. Robt Town of Pickens. Austin, Charley Brown, J M Coats, Ed A prairie fire ignited the Burlington railroad Platte river bridge at Kearney, Neb., on the 23d, and partly destroyed id Smith, Mose Shipp. T F Sanders, Wllao* Swisher, Guss Smith, Brack Smith, Prince Smith. Garrett Stovall. Brook* Sanders, John Smith, llenry Spinks, Henry Stewart, Will Starken, Stev# Tatum, D4ck Taylor, John Turner, Wm Thurmond. John Thomas, John Taylor, Jerry Todd. Sam Wheeler. Jim Washington, Geo Washington. Bryant Wulker, Prince Walker, Doss Walker, Arnold Wilson. Harvey Walker, Joe Washington, Steve White, Will Washington, llill Walker, J N Webb, Jim Woods, Kd Walkens. Will Wilson, Foster Woodard, C L Walker, Wesley Walton, Armlstead Williams, Albert Wilson, Rosa AVhlte, Joe Wilson, Will Young, Nelse Young, Allen Young, Frank Young, George Young, Roono Town of Thornton. Neal, Dennis Spill, T R Taylor, Albert WTiglit, Joe Luse. S I) Luckett. Kd [>«cey, Frank Meek, Jesse Marshal. Jack Mitchell. Reubea Mahan. Kus Maxwell. T D Mathews. Alex McOowen, Henry Allen. Thomas Allen. Thomas Jr Adams. Kdmoud Allen. Ben Beamon. G Byrd, Jacob Brldgforth. Jacob Carson, Sam Cullthani, Gerard Carson. Arthur Diane. Will Dawson. Mark Kills, Peyton Fulgum. Henry Few. Jeff Ford, Creed It I The announcement was made, on the 23d, by friends of Louis Michel, that the famous agitator Is dying of pul- monary congestion at Toulon, France. President J. F. Millspaugh of the Winona (Minn) normal, has accepted the election to the presidency of the Uos Angeles normal, and will leave In July. Eighteen Minneapolis flour mills, ow- ing to the poor condition of the flour) trade, shut down on the 24th indefinite- 1 ly. A thousand people are out of ! work. The comptroller of the currency ( has appointed John W. Wilson receiv- 1 er of the Orange Growersnational bank at Riverside. Cal., which closed Its doors on the 23d. Louis Pesant was sentenced to hang at Chicago on April 15 for the murder, of Mrs. Mary Spilka. Pesant, last fall,' strangled the woman to death to pro- j cure $300 which she possessed. ; The senate, in executive session onj the 24th, ratified a treaty with France/ extending to Tunis and other French; protectorates, all of the existing treat-; tes between France and the United ( States. The grand jury at Bedford, Ind., in the Sarah Schaefer case, on the 14th returned two indictments against James McDonald, the first charging murder in the first degree and the sec- ond with assault. , Jim Franklin Precinct. 1 Alexander, Garfield Alexander, Willis Bush. Isaac Barnes, William Bush. Jean Brooks. John Bartley. BenJ Bell. G W Bailey, Jas (oner, Phillip Moore, Loney Metcalfe, Andrew Moore. Ollyt Mareelus. Mack Moore. William McCullough. Jasper Mitchell. Win Neely. Alexander Orchid, J Porter, John Patterson. Nelson Price, Will Price, Rlchmon4 Patton, Robt Patton, L Patton, John Redmond, Robt Red. Cicero Redmond. Wm Redding. Walter Redmond. Jason Jr Rollins. James Redmond. C C Redmond, Houston Sproles. Horace Si ms. Henry Sample, (/ass Smith. Webster Sims. W H Samnle, Solon Sanders. Murphy Scott. PIuminer Thomas. Sam . Glen McAdory, Green >• Pendleton. Dill# Smith, John Smith, Singleton Suber. John Stlgler. Jeff Bp roles, Will Sillier, Pierce Scarborough, Tom Siephens. Farris Smith. Sol Sullivan. Tom Tatum. Paul TlHtrntou, A L Williams. Grundy m i nd. W Sal 1 is, Frank Stout, M J Shepherd, Richard Show, Mose Show, Henry Sinclair, John Stevens. Henry Suggs. Chase Sanders, M Sanders, (Minton Sanders, Silas Korage, Geo Suggs, Frank Smith. W R Shepherd, John Tidwell, (has Trege, Thaiuper Taylor, Albert C Conn. Sumuel Cole Coleman. Wm Cobblns. David Coleman, Wesley Chapel, Frank Cooper, Jack Collier. Louis Cooper, Alfred I>odson. C J Davis, Loney Davis. David Dale, J D Dickens, Mose Dulaney, Manuel Dulaney, Jonas Dulaney, H II Dulaney, Jas Dulaney, Wiley Dickens. Alfred Davis. Lindsay Dulaney, John Donaldson, Alfred Davis, John Foster, Ransom Glover, Sandy Gull edge. J R Glover, George Gordon, Islali Holmes. John Houston. L Hill, Henry Johnson, Wm Johnson, W A Johnson, J E Johnson, Jessie Johnson. Henry Long, Ike Lindsey, Albert Pleas, Cato Ford. Wall n, Wm Jr Pleas, Horace Pleas, Egbert Parham. Richard Pinkston. Mllion Parker, Ike Porter, Illll Pltchford, John Pinkston. Jerry Pleas, Tillman Perry, Albert Russell. Robt Rowe, 'Thornton Red, Dave Rouse, Jim Roby, John Jr Redmond. John Rowe, Willie Rempson, Peter Roberts, Lewis Rowe, James B Redmond, Arch Smith. Wesley Saffold, Allen Saffold. Richard Swan. George Seldon, George Scales, Iliram Stinson, John Smith, Noah Stokes, Dave Frost, John Green. Stewart Griffin. Ike Griffin, ike Givens, John Hawkins, Baldy Hoggins, Tony Harper. Dick Irvin. Vince Jordan, Joe W Jones. Jepsey Johnson, AV W Ladiker. Lee Laurance. Walter Iyessel, James Sr Watt, T Jr Watson. Tom Sr Wright. Irvin Whiteside, F W Williams. A II Young. Robert Young, Walter Truett, E B Tillman, Sandy Tillman. Percy Tillman, Tellls White, John Wilson, Henry Williams. Isham . Williams, Gao Whitehead, Green V. llliums, Ervin Williams, Isoni Williams, Ned Williams, Sol Eulogy Precinct. Thomas, Leo Thomas. Bart s. Alfred AVInford, AVlllls Wherry, S E Woodley, John Wright, Ike Winters, Austin Weatherall, Dan White. Sanders Weatherby, Ben Welsh, Pen Walker, Charley Winters. John White, Berry Adams. G Anderson, Will Anderson, Anderson. Allen Adcock, J W Austin, Manuel Anderson, Plimon Adams, Willie Abies, J W Anders Asburry, Jim Ivey, James Mh Ivey, Dave .auranee Johnson, Emmett Joe, Wm Jones, Woodward Jones, Toni Jordan, Charley Jordan. Mitt Johnson, Wash Johnson, Annis Johnson. Henry Johnson. George Jackson. James Johnson, Harry James. Simon Jordan, Julius Jr Kimbrough, Sandy Kyle. B II King. Peter Kimbrough, Martin Lacy. Sa LashU * 'I'atc, Joe Thigpen. John Tate, Taylor Toney, Wm Weatherby, Louis Weatherby. Will Walker, Harry Whltus, James White, Robt Wade. Charley AMlk Ins. C W Wilkins. Harry AVhltlngton. J M William* W W AV11 Hams, John Williams, Lafayette Williams, Crawford js§ k . J J AVI Ilia ms. Vte AValker, Ben Winston, Johnnie AVilllams, Sam AVlllia Washington. AVilllams. Dick Washington. Ashby AVilllams, Andr v Avery, Jim rence Avery, John Ada Anderson. Morris Travis. Ji . Geo P# Thurmond, Henry Tidwell. Willis Truhart, AV AV Truhart, R H Truhart. II 11 Jr Taylor. AVlllie Tackett. George AVade, Ed AVatson. Dave AVhite. John AVadkins, Will AVhorton, Irey Winstead, R L AViems, Bill Evens, I) M Harrison, Stuart Jessie, A A Lindsay. Ceasar Miller, Harry Jackson. Law . AValter ■e Kimbrough, Sam King, John Sr King, AValter King, Calvin Kimbrough. Joe King, Willis King, John Jr Land, Osborne Lofstrom, C A Land. Will Lockhart, John Long, Dock Wright, Henry AVilllams, Stephen AVilllams, AVlllie Williams. Frauk Watson, J A Williams, Dan AVilllams. Bill Will#, J«hu AVest, Cal AVard, G C AAeems, Dave Young, Harris Avery, tan I .rown, Will Bowman. Andrew Brown, Phillip Uurell, Edgar Byers, AVI 11 Brown, U AV Brown. Silas Bowman. Fann /• Town of Goodman. Thornton Precinct. Anderson, Wash Ambrose, Dock Ambrose, G Anderson, Jim Crawford. Louis Clark, John Croft, Marron Cooper, Ed Cooper, Tom Cooper, A'lolet Donald. AAash Kills, G E Llpsey, Bud Llpsey. Will Lee. Turn Town of Durant. Anderson. Henry Addison. Rich Adams, AV Austin, Manuel Alexander, Henderson Hines, Eugene Alexander, Chas Adams, Manuel Adams, Caesar Anderson, John Alford, Pink ArmHeld, Tillman Anderson. Henry N Alford, John Alexander, Alex Alexander. Tllug Brown, Simon Balden, Wash Brown, AVess Barnes, Tom Bronson, Joe Hunter, Dave Hampton, Ben Hampton. Louis Hooker, Louis ; Dan Lumbers, .la Armstrong. AA'alter Armstrong. Iiarry Amuck, Joe Ashley, Allen Arrington, A J Allen, AV J Anderson. Ned Austin. Phillip Amlck, Geo Amick, Vernon Adcock. E J Allen. AVlll Austin, Norris Anderson, Jlin Armstrong, Bob Allen. Joe Austin, (Mins Anderson, Harry Barber, A Barth, AV AV Banks. Morgan Bayette. J AV Buckley. AV II Bush, Dave Brown, AA'iley Johnson, Hallle Johnson. Jake Johnson, George Johnson, Frank Johnson. Clarborn Ktlllbrin, J R King, <> It Kyle. Henry Lamb. H AV Lashley, Dave Lashley. John Lashley. Walter Lashley, Kitt Lindsay, Billie Lindsay, Lee Lindsay. Irving Love. R H Lashley. Allen Lewis, J L Miller, Albert Jr Miller, Andy Magee. AVlll Mills, Walter Monroe, Ike McGory, Alex Ousley, T A Peyton, Dave Robinson, Amos Roberts, Damon Robinson, Kd Stevens. 0 E Smith, Joe n. Noel Laud. G Mitchell. Thornton Mitchell, Jim Milcligll. Frank Mitchell, Joe Martin. AV A Marshall. J AV Martin. J S Mile, Aaron Munson. Bill •fie Blue. Janies Harrison, Louis Hawkins, Owen# Hlues, Jim Israel, T Irving, Fred Irving, Bob o21rving, Louis Irving, Geo Irving, Henry Jackson, Klbert Johnson. Luke James, Frank Jackson, Kd Jewitt, Billie Johnson, Tom JeiTer Johnson, Jake Johnson, Lester Johnson, John Jones, Henry Jr James, R \r Jackson, Lltt Jackson, Cula Jones, Alex James, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson. Frank , Richard Jackson, Jordan lugs, Isaac Jacobs, Addison Junious, Sain Junious, Jim Johnson. Alex James, Simon James, Marshall Jones, Scott. Johnson, Branch Jewett, Peter Jewett, Bill Jones, T Jefferson, Frank Jordan. Hartford Jefferson, Sam Kenned*, AVm Kane, Pave Kelly, Quin Lewis, Winston Lowery, Henry Lewis, Wallace Lewis, Pomp Lewis, Elbert Lake, Iiays Lake, Aaron Lake, Elliott Little, Carter Lester, Will Lashley, Dan Luekett, AVlll Lewis, Mose Miller, Harvey Moore, Kd Moore, Will Moore. Tom Mathew, Mose Moore, Brogers Moore, Arthur Miller, AVlllie Munson, John Miller, Hamp Munson, Ell Moore, Mose Medley, Will Madison, Isa*# Miles, Steve Miller, John Melton, Mitch Meadows, Mack Mathew, Dave Mosley, Bob Mosbley, M C McConico, Bank* McCormick. John McGee, Steve Brown. Sol Lexingtcn Precinct. Blue, Ike Collins. Floyd loilins, Vlnge . John Bowling Green Precinct. Jenkins. Calvin Jackson. John Jones. Wm Jordan, Wash Johnson, Bob Alexander. Will Allen, Nelson Allen, Jim Ambrose, Ezekiel Anderson. AVlll Jr Austin. AVlll Alexander, Joe Adair. George Anderson. Vance Austin, Will Austin. Jerry Ada lre. ** Boyd. Jlin Bovd, Marks Byrd. Bill Brown. Chas Blue. Joe »- Bumes, Charley Barnett, AVlllie Cade. Lem Date, Cato Doty, I, JI Denton. Henry Ellington, J AV Kills, George Ellis. Hubbard Eubanks, P II Frezejl, Frank Fitch, Sam Fitch, John Fitch. Jim Green. Sam Gulledge, E TI Goodloe, Eddie Goodice, Charley Herring. AVm Hooker, Robt Holmes, Bill Jr Mollingshed. AVm Hooker, Jim Jefferson, Israel Jackson, Amos Johnson, Andy Jackson, Dennis Johnson. John Keim, Sam Kinewood. Ed MeG . Ethel The Iowa senate committee on pen- itentiaries and pardons, on the 25th, recommended an indeterminate sent-' ence law for Iowa. The recommenda-- tion is regarded as equivalent to the passage of the law. i The Cuban government has discarded the offer of George Richardson, of Chi- cago, for the raising of the United States battleship Maine, because he has neither furnished a guarantee nor signed a contract for the work. The final installment of the $22,- 000,000 called for by Secretary Shaw from the interior depository banks in connection with the Panama canal pay- ment was paid into the depository banks of New York city on the 25th. The preliminary examination, at San Francisco, of F. A. Hyde and Henry P- Dimond, charged in an indictment of the federal grand jury at Washington, D. C., with obtaining governmen land by fraudulent means, began on the 22d. Nixon. Mose ONeal. Garliekl Prichard, J M Prichard, son. J M . Woodie Irey. Tom Collins, T Houston, Price Harrington, John Jr Harrington, Jos Ilannon, Si Hudson, To Harmon, AVlll Hayden. J T Jones, Chester Kelly, Bill Jackson. Lewis e, J A Prichard. J E ollins. Cleveland M Jefferson, Elisha Johnson, AValter Jefferson, Isham Jefferson, Robt Jenkins. Irvin Join Munson. Bragg Moore, George Melton, Frank ■e. Arch McLean. Dick McGoagln, Alex McDougal. Dorsey McRae, Nixon, John Nixon, llenry Prichard. T T Pemberton, Sharkey Riley. Green Reynolds. II L Riley, Smith Riley, Claiborne Reed, Butler Riley, Arthur Riley. Ruben Saffold. John Saffold, Kd Saffold, Jake Stokes, Alcorn Stevens, AV M Sutzler, B M Scruggs. Will Thurmond, Buss Thurmond. John Thurmond, Kugeuo Thurmond. Pat Thurmond, AVm Thurmond. Henry AVheeler, Jackson AVright, AVlll Waddell, J A AVlillamson, O N AVade, Joe AVade, Henry AAash, Sam AVasli, Sam Jr AAade. Andrew AVilllams, Mack AAash, Frank Allen Vstie, Henry Clark. T Church, Henry Carpenter, Jessie S\\ Smith. Ike Taylor, Marsh Thurmond, Ike Thurmotid, Fed AVard. John Weems, Noise M ollins, Tom Richard Richard Shed arson. Hardy .cwhs, Ge Jon n, Larrup . Martin . Geo Lashley, Ira Lewis, G Lamb. Joe Join Bailey, Will Blue, Ingrain Blue, Eva line Bowman, Chas Bralsen. Richard Bemson, Henry •. Jim Kelly. Dave Jones, John v Lewis, Sam Jefferson, Jeffrie Kyle. Lamar Kimbrough, Israel Kimbrough, llenry Kimbrough, Horace Kimbrough, Chas Kimbrough. Jake 1/ockhiMt. Felvln liove, .Author Love, Jeff I/ove, Sam Love, Anthony AVlll Love, Robert Lacey, Robt Lomax, Henry Langford. Tom Lane. Nut* Lee. John ollins. Steve m;* Morehead, Warren Pickens Precinct. . ai: &'. Cooper, Ge (>w Mitchell, Isom Murphy. P K Murdock. John B.vrd. Tom n. Davo Phillips. T Ill man. General Phillips. Andrew . Jim arson. Be Pit Adams, Lae Allen, Ben Beal, Davis Bates, Jack Bell. Ed Brlnn, Jack Howe, AVlll lloon, Jeff Howard, Alex Hughes, Nelson Harris. Ned Johnson, Sum Johnson. Robt Brown. AVlllie idem; . Geo B n. llenry Black. Tim Ball. Jim Black. Wiley Branch. Jas. (ole. G ,v lerwood Barksdale. AVm Barber, T II Bowen. II M Bell. Jerry , AVlllie Brown. Phil Bingham. Ned Bailey. AVlll Bozeman. AVlll Blackburn. Dick Bayette, Jack Brooks. V L Bernard. E G u, Maurice Broudmans, Sidney Bullock. Jerry Butler, (oilier Brown. Joe Bow Br Craig. Sam rts. AValter Donald. George Miller. Jean Mitchell. Cato Moore, llenry Miller Je Mixon, Simon Moore, Antlrie McDonald, Neal McMorrow. B AV McGee. John MeKwon. M C Bull Brooks. Ernest Pullman. ieorgy Brooks. JoHki Bush, Eugene Brown. AVm Ball, AVlll Brown, Rollins Blackburn, George Blue, J BInford, AValter Binford, Ed Branch, Nathan Binford. Nels Buck, Abe Buck. Walt Binford, Luke Byrd, J F Boyd, Boh Binford, Ed Broy, P L Binford. Richard Brooks, AVlll Carter, Jim Cade, Anderson Cade, Butler Collier, Jim Cooper, Robt Claiborne, Joe Claiborne. Harry Cook. AVlllie Conle, Edgar Conle, Sam Clark, Si Collins, Stovall Clark, AVlll Claiborne, James Cist rank, A Coleman, Anderson Dlvlne* N A Bayne, AV W Barker, Jim Burley. Rube No. 2 Br Ja V I Milkens. Mose Divine. M S Donaldson. B Divine, AV G Divine, Joe Dotts, 1* Davis, Randle Jr Dixon. Geo Davenport, Bat Jr Bryant, Luke Burks, Sanmiie Beam i s. Pete . ( has Powell, Jlin Johnson, Ad; Johnson. Ed J Burns, John Berry, Jessie Ross, Ben Roger: Budge Rodgers. J \V Richardson. AAlllls Roach. A N Roach, John Rodgers, Charley Huh'. Brown Roberson. Allen Smith, AV E Smith, Bob Smith, Frank Silas. Joe Stewart, Geo Strowd. Elbert Stewart. Howard Simmons, llenry Seay, John Stringer, Will Smathers. Dee Smith, John Sapho, Ilannon Smith. C X Strowd. Jim Simmons, AVlll Thomas. Eliza Thurmond, John Thompson, Mitchell Terry, R S is, Byrd Taber, John Tiller. Ben Tidwell, Gus Travis, John . .11 l A Brown. Cae Bi- ll. I/onlfi James. (leer ks. Butler Bill-well, Puller Beasley. AVlllls Hr Sylvester J M Brooks, Brown. AVasli Cofer, Willis Childs, James (lark, AVlll Clark, Orange (raft, Bert Coleman. Joe barley Jordan, AArn Johnson. Charley Llpsey, Henry Marshall. Jake \ ' Sr I III Martin, Henry Moore, Butler Moore, Jordan Moton, Wash Magle. John Moore, Fed McLean. Louis McGee. Jim McLellan, Louis McGee. Dock Brown. John JAM McGee, Robt McAfee. Chas MeComb. Nick McAA'herter, R B Norris, Squire Ode i, Geo AV Jr Otey, Albert Alere, llonay Owen, odie Olive, J J Barksdale, Jlin Barksdale, Chin ltromigi, Harvey Uv- Morgan, Fed n. Ed Br Dyer. G Medley. John Mitchell. Walter •e, Kills James mi i Donald. II I* Douglas. Sam Davenport. Willis Ervin. Wash Landfalr, John Iioyd, Caesar I^ee, John Landfalr, Madison Lacy, Ander Loyd. II Lyons. T L , Lee, Wilson Mooney, J M Morgan, Glen Montgomery, Chas Mullen, Baud Morgan, John Morgan, Euge Moore, John Moore, Cheek Minor, Robt Magee, Jim Miras, Henry Montgomery, Geo Moore, Leonie Moore. Joe Montgomery. Lewis Murphy, Jim Moore, Fed Marculus, Jeff Barnett. AVlll Blair. II Brice, Frank Brooks, C B Curtis. A II Coon. Booker Crawford, I> II Carpenter, Sherman Odom. G W (lark. Price Cooper, Robt (oilier, Thurmond Carden. Fred (ox. Alfred Collins, Jean Cooper, Geo Code, BUI Code, E F Coleman, AVlllls Carson. Arthur ford, AV A Clark, Lee Clark. Harmon Crawford, Lawrence Clark. Bob Conner, G \Ar Campbell, Ellis Chamblis, AVlll Baker. Ge ; ! is 'arter, Alex Nelson. Tom Banks. Henry Barksdale. Ivey Bush, Qii 11 la Brown, Dick Birdsong. Meely Bridges, Andy Bridges, A\ C Beaty, Sam Brown. Richard Bush. Phil Baker. Brewer Baker. AVlll Buster, WIU Banks, Morgan Binford, S Brooks. Dan Carter. AVm Bit man. llenry 1ltni Robinson, S C t Everett. fh ’ ,v- ? leorge Collier, Robt Collier, Sam Chappel, Charles Jr Ross. John Crosby, AVm Coleman, AAe Dodds, Anthony Dodds, Jackson •bias DerrIn, T< Davis, Rafe Davis, Ed Dickens, Tom Dennis, Jake Dennis, Edmond Dennis, Tom Falls, Cicero Gray, Lepkus Gay ton. Reuben Fields. Robt Fisher. J L West Precinct. D. Paul Hughes, secretary of the Du Quesne Mining Co., and prominent in Pennsylvania financial matters, shot himself through the head on the shore of Mahone lake, near Norfolk, Va., on the 22d. He is thought to have been Uentally unbalanced. Authry. AV F Allen, AValter Allen. Lucious Alford, (B Alford, J O Armstrong, J.R « Armstrong, J A Brooks. T M , Ed Brown. Hamp Browning. Edgar Cameron, Willi* Cooper. John Cain. AVlll Calhoun. Joe Dlnne, Dick Dudley, Lewis Dal 11s. Jim Denton, John Givens, Allen Jr Glv Frazier, It M Logan, Henry Melton, AV M Madden. Jeff Moore, Will Minyard. J P McAdory, Chester McLillan, Newton. Howard Oily, Ike Palmer, Percy Robt Pierce, AValter Palker, Tom Pearson. Sam Pierson, Charley Palmer, Jack . Bob Palmer. Alf Riley, Sharkey Rickett. Bob Richards. Adams Rathel, Znek Riley, Jim Riley, Grant Riley, AA'iley Shipp. Singleton Self, J AV Saffold. Jeff Sims. Charlie Shepherd, Charley Scott. Will Simmons, Will Scott. Robt Scarbrough, Jim Taylor, Will Thomas, Elias Taylor, Tom Tu 1 liver, Jerry Jessie * Wilson, Henry AAToods, Clarence AVade, Sam AVilson, Llgo AValker, Anderson AVilllams, Booker AA'llliams, Jake WilllaniH. Bob AAeatherford. Rich Young, Jerry Yonk, Jim Foster. S Y ONeal. Jack Falls. Jake Jr mi Frezell, T J Ferrell, Jim Flowers, E F Falls, Jake Fields, S 0 Fisher, Simon Falls. John u, J D . O AV Gibson. Robt Gibson, Bob Gibson, Branch Garratt, Matt Garratt. Charley Griffin. Dee Griffin. Will Garrett, Sam Jr Gordon, Abe Gordon, Daniel Gordon, Sidney Gordon. Louis . Martin GIddeon, AVm Gordon. Sam Gerrard, II (! Pace. T F Phillips. S G Pleas, Tilmon Pankey. Joe Paulding, Frank Pitslnger. (has Purdy. T Priestly, Monroe Jr Redding. Albert Rayner, Jonas Ray. J P Rogers. Tom Red, Charley Rogers, Tom Richmond, Henry Richmond. Price Sallis. lvlnk mBmi' avis, Ienry / Tatum, llc i; The Republican convention of the Second congressional district of Ala- bama was held at* Greenville on the 22d. Delegates to the Chicago conven- tion were instructed to vote for theNo candl- j Hr , Henry Cr Barnes, Lee Brooks, Allen Brunson. Auston Green. Paul Barnes, Clarsbln 1 P Ooosby, Jerry Hunter. Mace Hanson, N J Howard, Granville Ilovve, Caesar Branch, Ander Bell, Garfield Balden, Oscar Blue, Ingr Byrd, AVilllam Borras, Robt Byrd. Will Beemon, Sam Banks, Jim Banks, Ed Callahan, John m nomination of Roosevelt, date for congress Avas named. Collins. Janies Carather*. Mose Jr Mooney, AV 11 Martin. Dyson Me Nee r, Courtney Mcliean, Sam McEachen, Jim McLellon, Jasper McNeer, R M Mel Jerry, Richard McRay, Henry McCain. George Mclluskey, Steve McDaniel, Daniel McDaniel. Randle Noland, Jim Newsome, G AAT Newsome, J R Jr Owen, Jerry Owen, John Oliver, Will Owen, Henry Pullen, AAalter Perkins, Horace Pemberton, Richard Patterson, Howard Polk, Sol Pltchford, Lewis Jr Pltchford, Will Pltchford, Nelson Porter, Joe Pleas, (has Jr Pltchford, George Pltchford, Chart Pltchford, Lige Patterson, Peter Patterson. John Pemberton, Jonas Pickett, Jim Pickett, John Pettus, T II Pltchford, Joe Reeves, Austin Rempson, Isom Jr Rhodes, Toney Rodgers, AVlll Robertson, Allen Randolph, AVlll Rutledge, Ed Rodgers, Buster Robinson, Henry Fearherstone, Willie Redmond, Robt Francis. K L '.i; s. Porter Stewart. G . Tom «' Craig, Ambus Cothran, AAes Sr Cothran. AAes Jr Craig. Sidney Caruthers, Mose Clintmon, Brand Coleman, Robt Cothran. A Chatmon. John Cade, llenry Crabtree. J W Dixon, Richard Davis, Sonnie Davis, Mose Dixon, Reuben Dulaney, Tube Davis, Pat Dotson. Eugene Donaldson. D R Dulaney. Fant Dolandson. Calvin Dotson. Henry Donaldson. John Deloach. T C Darnell, F C Donaldson, Eddie Davenport. Charley Dodd, Ralford Epps, AVlllie Epps, Harris Epps, Grant Epps, Mltchel Ervin, Alex Ervin. Link Ervin, Grant Epps, Charley Everett. Bob Evens, T L Fryer, Jim Fryer, George Flowers. Cicero Fryer, John Franklin, Frank Franklin. Robt Fisher, Haywood Fisher, A T Fisher, T F Ford. Oscar Travis, Jim Gass. J II Smith. Q S Shuler, Sam Sheppard, Mack Sheppard. Mack Jr Sproles, Bob , John Croxton, Ed Castleburg, W C Dicken, AV J Dlcken, Charley Derrick, Oscar Dixon, Joe Dixon, John Dixon, AVlll Driher, AVlll Decken, T II Davis, J A Dick * Edwards, Jim Edwards, Phil Eubanks, B T Edwards. Charley El lard, 1 M Ford, Major Ford. Jim Fateh, Jim Farlelgh, AV P Greer, J A Garnett, Jack Galewood, Tom Garrett, AValter Godfrey, Jim Gordon. Ned «' JfKll Goodman Precinct. Givens, John Horton, Oscar Hefner, AA'alter Ilorton, Jack Jackson. Link Travis. Georg# Union painters ^nd paper hangers Jn Des Moines, la., went on a strike, on the 23d, and an appeal will be taken to the Trades and Labor Assembly and a general strike ordered. The employ- ers insist upon an open shop policy, and the men refuse to work with non- union men. Trigleth. Will AVilson. Mack AATIson. Ed AVilllams, John AYinford. John Amlerson. Drubb Ambrose, J C Mitchell, Sam Moses. Jim McLellan, Sam McBride. AV E Nelson, Israel Go rcb Ambrose. Shop Sorrell. S N Sproles, Henry Sproles. Will Sproles, John Sproles, Tom Stillman, Sam Stevens. Tolbert Smith, M AV Swan. Henry Stlngley. Tom Shurley. W T Scott. Henry Stlngley. Henry Smith. Jake Hudduth. J AV Sallis. Bill Suggs, Martin Sykes, Henderson Sponey, Lee Sallis, Sam Sr Sherrod. Luke Spencer. Porter Sallis, AVlll Sallis. Sam Stevens. I) E Sallas, Ben Smith. Ixmls Ambi Brooks. Anderson \ wiiiis Tolinson. llenry Covington, G I King, Miles King. AVlll King, AAilson King, Bill Kennedy. John , Mose Logan, Chas Love, Britt Love, Sam Love, Henry Ilorton, AVlll AValton. E B Bonie. Brooks, Brooks, Felix Bush, Henry Tn, J; Bankhead, Brooks, Geo Brooks. Berton Benks, J AV Beer. Dave Buckley. Dick Bankhead, Richard Bell, Dennis (ole, S T Craft, Addison (ollins, AVm Crawford, Percy Davis, AValter Dulaney, L Dulaney. AVI 11 Davis, Harris Elam. Ike Edwards, AAess Edwards, Ross IM Nelson. AVm Collng. Cornelius (Vnddln, John Chambers, (has Williams, Virgo AVatson. Oscar Williams. Nick Wigley, AV C AVatson, Jlin Wright, G Wright, Dan Wright, AVm Wilson, Jessie AVilson, Nathan Wilson, Carter Williams, M AVilllams. Jim Winston. Carroll AValker. John AVilllams, Link AVilllams, M R Terry. AV It Holmes, J W Hoskins, Odie Harris, Torn Hicks. John Hambrick. Sam Iloout, It II llorthcock, Henry Hays, Ned Hooker, Al>e Hooker, Sam Hoskins, Sara Hope, Ben Harris, AVm Hoskins, Mack Jr Hoover, Britton Hayward, Robt Hoskins, John Ike Nelson, IahNelson, Dulaney Nelson, Robt olliver, Kbenezer Odom, O It Prichard, Ira Prichard. It L Tidwell, Allen Tidwell, Louis Woods, .7 T Wynn, AV E AAhlte, Oscar Woods. K R West. AVlll AAyles, M C AAashirtgton, Hugh if m Clark. Percy Cox, (lias Covington, Cal by. Joe Cranby. John Curry, Milton Carter, Anderson Covington, Anderson McCarty, Gus McGee, Robt McRae, Jim McMorrls, Jim McCue. Mack Noel. GUI North, Jim Noel, AVess Nathaniel. Sam Nichols, Mlugo Newman, AVlll Nell, Rufus Pvyor, Tom Partin, Prince Patrick, John Jr Pierson, Jim Percy, Wash Pearson, Cha» Patrick. Robt Perry, Harry Parker, AVm Page, Price Poyer, Tom Perkins, Tom Parker. I Parker, Mose !. . Frank William Shaw Campbell, for many years in the consular service of the United States, died at Washington on the 22d, aged 86 years. From 1843 he was consul at Rotterdam for 2t) years,1 and later served in the same capacity In Dresden and at Newcastle-on-Tyne. He was a native of New York. Prof. John Underner, of Cleveland, O., widely known as an organist and musical director, died on the 24th, after a long illness. Prof. Underner accom- panied Jenny Lind as an accompanist during her triumphal visit to the Unit- ed States. He had been a resident of Cleveland for over fifty years. At the meeting of the joint scale | committee of the Illinois coal miners j and operators, at Springfield, 111., on | the 25th, the question of rating new mines in Saline and Franklin counties and at Decatur, Tower Hill and Ray- mond were discussed, entirely new con- ditions existing at some of these mines. Wallace S. Hall, formerly manager l of the Boston office of the American Surety Co. of New York and treasurer of St. Lake's home for convalescents, on the 25th pleaded guilty in Suffolk county superior court to indictments charging the larceny of $238,000 from those Institutions. He was not sen- tenced. T Peater. Henry Randall. AVlll Red, Wade Rounds, Wash Red. Dulaney Ralford. Gen'l Ray. Tom Rodgers. Adam Red, Ed Rodgers. Cal Sample, Robt Sample, Anr Smart, Aubrey Stines, Jack Smart, Henry Smith, Robt Stansbury, Steve Slansbury, Dave Thompson. Garflekl Tillman, Genl Thompson. B N Thomas, AA’IUle Taylor, AValter Taylor, Ocie Tillman, Dennis AAllliams, Dan AVilllams, Granby Williams, Lee Wrlglit, John Weems. George AVilllams, John Williams, Dick Weems, Geo Jr WTeems, Dennis Washington, Geo jOve, John Town of West. Kidd, Robt Palmer, John Ricketts, Bob Ricketts, Joe Sullivan. B B Thurmond, J AV Eddsviile Precinct. GoWan, Jim Gook, Ainas Gampbell, Thornton (handler. Ed , Landou Gain, John Bain, M D Croft, Eugene Gain, Precious Davenport. Geo Jones, Llslia Jones, Virgo Gr Cress, Dan Paynes Prefcinct, Gook, Dolphus Combs, George Combs, Ben (ode. Jack (ox, AMU Anderson. John Adams, Geo Allen. It B Anderson, llenry Anderson. Frank Alexander. Chas Adams, llenry Alexander, Abe Amos. Preston Alexander, Morris Buttail, Win Bright, Shaddrick Brown, Dixon Blunt, Joe Blunt, llenry Burnett. Silas Bell, Ernest Bright. M L Baughn. Mike Bailey. T Bell, Link Bryant, Peter Black. J T Banks, llenry Brown, Joe Bledsoe, Win Bui tall, Frank Battail, Mat , Simon Brown, John Brown, Sam Bride, Coleman Battail, Sidney Byrd. Joseph Brown, Billie Black, Aaron Butler, Jlin Butler, Tom Barker, Manuel Barnett, Randall Barnett, Allen Bradshaw, (.lias Brock, Allen Brewer, Tim Ballinger, Day Brock, Norman Carpenter, John Carpenter. Willis Collins, Rush Collins, W ill Clark, York Christopher, Levy Collins, E Cummins, John Coleman, (has Causey, Rich Coleman, Silas Chambers, Perry Coleman, John Jr Coleman, 'Pom Carson. AV A Cole, Miles Custom, Torn Cotton, J A Curtis, Duncan Cameron, Nelson ('6bb, Ras Cameron, AVm Cameron, Charley Cade, llenry Jr Cuff, Tom Caloway, Wm Covington, Tom Cooper, John Curtis, Mack Duncan, John Durham, V C Durham, J D Dlcken, Jack Davis, Milas Davis, Sam Ellis, Aaron Estes, T L Ellis, Joe Ellis, Ed Fugua, Alex Frasier, Henry Frazier, John Freeman, Amos Freeman. Ilosea Fonvillt*. E M Fullllove, AVm FuUilove, It E Foy, J J Gibbs, Isom Gee. John Green, Jack Gilmer, D I, Gilmer. 1O Glen, Albert Griffin, Tom Griffin, Alien Gibson, Flem Griffin. Alvin Goodlue, Henry Green, London lilnes, John Harrison, Will Margin, Dave 1 In I lings lied, Bill Harris, Bob Margin, AVess Hudson, Louis Hunter, John Hudson, Lynn Henley, Louis Henley, Robt Hampton. J II Jr Hammond, Joe Huffman, Jim Huffman. Joe House, AMU Holmes, llenry Hughes, Albert llurd, SI be Harris. Dock Hines, John Ivans, AV R Irving. Reuben Jackson, John Jefferson. Will Johnson. Amos Jones, John Johnson. John Henry Johnson. Dink Jackson, Joe Johnson, ike Jackson. Amos Jones, Dennis Jones, Ed Jackson. John Jones. Charley Johnson. J AV Johnson. Ed Jackson, Silas Jackson, General Jones, Louis Jones, Ellga Jones, Frank Jones, Bill Jones, Jack Johnson, Will Johnson. Ed Jamersoo. A . Jones, Howard Knight, Melton Knott, J F Knott, A R Knott, J E Knott. D B Kennedy, Sam Kern, John Lacy, Wm Lewis, Jim Lee. Tobo Lusk, Robt Little, IV Lee, Jeff Low. James Land, K F Lewis, Frank Lewis, Chas Lewis, Janie* Malone, Gus I Allen, Pat Sr Allen, Pat Jr Bruce, Jessie Bruce, AAalter Bell, John Bruce. AVm Bell, Jim ross, John Zoleman, Jim alhoun. Geo Chestmutt, Jim Cubbs, John Dodd, Ike Dodd, Stephen Dodd, AVm Ellis. Charley Edwards. Luther Ellis. Jim Edwards. Ellison El 11s. John Ellis. D K Ellis. J II Ellis, George Ellis, Joe Ellis, Frank Ellis, Bill Gary, Stewart Gary, T Green, I) F Green, Irusk Jr Harvey, Michael Harvey, Tom Holmes, Sim Horton, Young Holmes, AV J Jenkins. Robt Jones, Paul Johnson, Ship King, S J King, Wiley Love, Amlerson Moorehead, C il Morehead, AV Moore, John McLellan, Ben McLellan, Pete McLellan, Rube McLellan. Virgil Newton. Charley Pltchford, Alden Powell, Robt Pltchford, Bob Riley, (barley Riley, Grant Riley, Rube Grace, AVUIK* Golden, Felix Gerrln, P D Golden, Giles Gray, Bob Gray, llenry Harrington, S AV Harper, Pleas Hall, Harry Harper, Ike Harmon, Coyle Holmes, Sam Holmes, Jim Hunter, Jim Harmon, Caleb Harrington, Sliep Harris, Mose Harrington, Lonnie Henderson, Jack Hamilton, Simon Harmon, AAess Harmon, Niles Hart, C A Hodges, Nath Harris, Henry Jr Harris, Henry Jr Hodges, Peter Hodges, Joe Head, Isaac Howard, AV II Inman, E A Ingram, Jake lngr Johnson, N Iv Joyce, Sam Jones, E K Jones, Frank Johnson, Curtis Jones, John Jones, AVright Jones, AArm Jones. John e* •lazier. Israel Cary, Don Mi Turner. J B Gul ledge, Tay Gul ledge, John Gary, Robt Garland, Clarence Ilorton, Cornelius Harrington, Bob Hunter, Riley Harrington, Jeff Ivons,. Berry King. Tom King. Jim Lewis, Si Llpsey, Ike Llpsey, Jim Llpsey, Richard Llpsey, John Lewis, Jeff Morgan, Jack (alvln, Geo (aHew, .loo Cain, Dave Caruthers, Jim Cnradiu, Marshal (lower, Bob Clay, Henry Dnll. Jake Davis, John Dunn, (has V Tate. Allen Tyler, F T Tate, I.) AV , Ike Thornton. Bob Taylor, Richard Taylor, Soney Turner, C M Travic, Andrew Taylor, Herbert Taylor, AMU Triplet, AVlll Trague, Major Torry, Forrest Thomas, Jake Thomas, Sam Thomas. Oscar ■f < | r Downer, Joe Davis, Ishmael Davis, Geo Davis, J Dent. A Duncan. Mos# Dent. James Doby, Dick Drake. Andrews Dunkens. Mose Dixon, Chess Dulaney, Frank Edwards, Nebo Easley. Jlin Edwards, Joe Emmerson, Pete Ellis, AVlll Earl, Alex Everett, Sam Fowler, John Freeman. Hardy Foster, Jim Fletcher. Ellis Frost. AV V Franklin, Alex Fields, Rich Falls, Jim Fusion, Charley Frazier, Allen Gilchrist. Henry Griffin, AAm Grady, Robt Greenward. Jim Goldou, AVlll Oreewood, Alex Gray, AVm Glen, John Li . '■ Parker, John Hummer, John Roseoe, Jessie Robinson, Dyk# Robinson, Ah Roseoe, Amos Redmond, Ed Reese, Edmond Rose Robinson, Smith Roseoe, AVess Rothel, Smith Ramsey, GianvilH Rlngold, Rufus Robinson, Johu Riley, John Ross, Dave Riley, AVm Redding, Robt Redding. Robt Redding. Will sdale, Si mol Rodgers, Peter Robinson, L Reed, (/has Roberts. Alex Ross, Jerry Ross, Sam Rayner, Jonas Ramsey, Grauvill# Richardson. Joe / Ragsdale, Morris Rule, Jim Roberts. Amu* Redmond, Chris Rule, AVm Rodgers. Allen Red. Willis Rodgers, Owen Red, Henry Russell, Jim Rodgers, Jessie Redmond, Byrd Ruby. J F Shipp, AV II Sharplin, J E Saffold, AMU Stokes. Garfield Stlgler, Pryor Saffold, Geo Stlgler, Geo Saffold, Stlgler, Paul Streater, Charley Stansbury, Wesley Smith, Ben Smith. Eugene Sorrell, J T Stansbury, Jordon Stlgler, Pryor Sr Seldon, Geo Stewart. Austin Smith, Link Sanders, John Smith, John Strowd, Riley Sanders, Calvin Stewart, Isom Smith, James Jr Thomas, Will Thomas, Charley Sr Thurmond, Will Thurmond, John Turnbull, John Tate, Jessie Thurmond, Randolph Todd, Henry Thurmond, Will No 3 Torry, Buster Torry, Walter Thomas, Ellen Trahern, Will Trahern, Albert Turner, Mo»e Travis, Wes Thurmond, Bill Washington, Lige Washington, John Washington, Pete Waldon, John Jr Ware, Willie Wilson, Jake Wilson, Marshal Webster, Will Walton, Aaron Williams, Andrew Wade, Allen .White, Georg* ex Fan-1s. Peter Taylor, Mose Fartheree, AVash Gowan, Amos Green, (/barley Green, Anbury Gordon, Ed Goosby, Wesley Gwln, Charley Golden, John Green, Sliertuan Green, Sam Green, Jim Green, Monroe Glover. Edgar Greer, Charley Gwln, Levi Gwln, Ambus Horton, Joe Hoskins, George Hodges, Louis Hodges, James Hodges, Gus Hodges, Reuben Hodges, Russell Horton, Robt Horton, John Hardy, Zack Harris, Frank Horton, Andy Jr «Hamon, Henry Hodges, Joe Jr Hodges, Burley Harris, Charley Hays, Jessie Haynes, Pete Hodges, John Hurlng, J M Hyson, John Jr Henry, Levi Hammett, Jim Hammett, Dave Henson, Tony Hand, Charley Hobbs, Ed Hoskins, Harris, Will House, John Hale, John A Hicks, Riley House, Wash Hamilton, Leonard Hicks, Hall Hughes, Wm Hughes, Charley Hoskins, Will Hicks, Jim Hooker, Chas Irtln, Alex Jenkins, Edom Jordan, Will Jackson, Joe Johnson. Wm Jones, Jerb Jordan, Lewis Jones, John Ebenezer Precinct. Johnson, Adam Jlmlua, John Jackson, Perry Johnson, Perry Johnson. Charlie Lane, Jud 1 Taylor, Dick Wright, Josh Wright, Jim Williams, Johni AVilllams. J AV AVigley, Ike AVilson. Bob Williams, AVm Williams, Bob Wilburn, Henry AAalton, Gaston White, Ed Wall. Oscar Wllburn, Ed Wright, Anthony AAalton. Sylvester Williams, II S Wesson, Will Williams, Alonzo Durant Precinct. Andrews, AVlll Banks, Calvin Brooks, Ed Bloomer, John Berry, Charley Biddle, V Brawn, Sylvester Brown, Mllus Binford, Sam Bailey, Horace Bland, Jim Byrd. John Biddle. Ben Buchanan, Porter Bell, A B Banks, Phillips Banka, Mose Corbin, N Cowan, John Cash, Reuben (arson, Ed Cox, AAalter r, Julius Corbin, Joe Cowan, Squire Cox, Sam C Sa ers, Wm Thurmond, Pete Thomas. B F AVhite, Wash cr' -' ^ B I Emory Precinct. Mitchell, Joe Mitchell, Levy Moore. Levy Montgomery, George Mitchell, James Melton, Lester Moon, Sylvia Mitchell, L McGee, Win McGee, Sharkey McDowall, Bob Reynolds, E M Reynolds, T F Reynolds. AVm R Bathed, Richard Saffold, Caroline Smith, John Shipp, J E Tate, Ed Tidwell, Ben* Thurmond. Hays AValtoi\ Stephen Walker, Joe Wash, Virgil AVilllams, Cornelius Williams, Jos Young, Paine Richland Precinct. Landfalr, John Crofton, AVm Ambrose, Hayward Coleman, John Ambrose, II Jr Cross, Jim Ambrose, Joe Chambers, Jim Bell, Alfred Cooper, It II Brownrldge, Robt Clark, Zay Bowling, Will Chapel, Will Byrd, Frank Collier. Jim Barrett, Alfred Chambers, Ixlfleld Broadnoux, AVm Craig, Jessie Bradford, John Chambers, Joe Bell, Henry Coleman, Richard Brown, Itobt Drane, Mandy Brown, AVm Drane, Henry Bowie, Chas Duloney, Edmond Bowles, AVlllie Duloney, Hayward Brown, Jerry Dodson, Abner Brown, Tom Dickens, Jim 3aker, AVilson Dickens, Settle Sell, Dave P0*?* ^11 Burnes, Lewis Dixon, Mack Brown, Tobe Denson, Autry Brownrldge, SylveftfctDeUson, Lewis # CtuAmlns, Frank Duloney, Dave Coleman, Dan HuUney, Robt PU m % Lacy, Anderson Little, Henry Little, Dock I^ewis, Ed Lacy. Sam Montgomery, John Munson, J D Mitchell, Mathew .Martin. Geo Noel, Jim Jr Nelson. Jake Nolls, Isom Nance, Ed Oats, Grant Olliphant. Stanfield Osborn, T AV Parker, Joe Patton, Joe Henry Price, Henry Powers, Major Redmond, Jim Redmond, John Redmond, Jason Redmond, Robt Redmond, Andrew Redmond, David Redmond, Sam A Redmond, Robt Redmond, Jerry Redmond, AV II Rodgers, Jessie Roberts, John Roach. RufuSv Russell, Tom Roberts, Henry Roberts, Harris Rule, John Stovall, Jim Stuart, Alex Simmons, AVess Simmons. Claiborn Smith, Bob Sibley, Anderson Samnle, Harris Sanders, I>ave Stlgler, Pat Smith. F B Stovall, Brooks Travis, Jim Tate, Clint Tate, John Tate, Nelse Thatch, Tom Wade, Monroe Webster, John H Alexander, Garfield Anthony, John Ander Alexander, Allen Barley, Ben Blue, Jim Bankhead, Reuben Brown, Andy Bailey, Ross Cooker, Robt Downer, Jaek Downer, Sanders Flecker, Joe Farr, AV F Green, Austin Grant, Wesley Grant, James Griffin, Harry Garrett, Georgo Hill, Nutle Holman, Wm W Henry J A\Horton, Jack Higgins, Henry Horton, Richard Jefferson, Saffold Larry, Jack . Alex , Pete Jr «r; Ra .Mr- Orders have been issued to open the United States-Des Moines rapids canal for navigation on April 1. Several email steamers and the big packets Quincy and Sydney are being repaint- ed in the canal, and will start out as Boon as the canal le op^ed. Steam- boat men are anticipating a heavy traf- fic this year because of the fair at Et Louis. llenry /f: w Alford, Will Arnold, AValter Anderson, Erin Allen, Simon Ames, AV T Anderson, Alfred Anderson, Henry Anderson, Jim Anthony, Gus Alexander, Geo Anderson, Gus Bankhead, AVess Brown, Sol Brooks, Lee Brooks, Scrap Bell, Harriett Bruce, AVlll Bruce, Frank Borger, W E Berry, Ik# Butler, Oscar Brooks, Charley Bllfingshea, Taylor Brook*, Bailey Butler, Mack Blue, joe Bush, AVm Boyette, Henry Brown, Tom. Brown, Phil Cooper, J H » Clay, Simon Clark, Johnson Culpeper, AValter Craft, Geo Culpejffer, Richard Culpeper, Jim 8r Culpepor. Jtm Jr Collier, Steve Covington, Harry Coleman, Richard Carter, Geo Carter, Sam Cain, AVm Daney, Wm Durham, Ira Durham, AV E Dole, Ephrlam Dole, AVlllie Dodson, Bob Dixon, Jim Dorsey. Alex Davis, Louis Durham, Ben Denton, AVilson Denton. Henry Dole, Ike Elmore, Wm Edwards, Lee Edwards, A J Flfer, Allen Feamster, Don Ford, Sherman Ford, Geo Gray, Harry Gray, Sol Grace, Wade Gray, John Glover, Salome Glover, Winston Gray, Mack Gage, Frank Gillespie, ... Glover, John Glover, Wesley Galon, Green Green, Sherman Gary, Frank Gordon, Jim Gray, Jonas Gilmore, W F Holmes, Henry Ilollaway, John Hausman, Hen 17 c , North Su Singleton, Jake Sims, Jim Sessions. Jim Stokes. Theodore Simmons, Frank Sheri aid, Jim Slierrard, Chas Sessions, Jacob Sessions, James Smith, Ed Solomon, Walter Sims, George Scott, Wm Stringer, Manuel Smith, llenry Stuart, Jim Jr Stevenson, Gua Syphax, Strowd, Gree* Sproles, Dan Sproles, Jos Smith, John Streater, Martha Strickland, VV C Silas. Kl Saddler, Wm Saddler, Alf Sanders, Will Sherman, Allen Tinces, Wm Taylor, Welter 'Paylor, Jim Triplett. Wade Taylor. Richard Trayls. Dan Triplett, Sam Tastln, Isaac 1 Cox, Jlin Green. E P Cox, Will Cowan, Will Coleman, Walter Coleman, Richard Cowan, Edgar Corbin. Alex Corbin. Link Dale. Armlstead Dale. Henry DarIon, Abe Edwards, Sum Edwards, John Epps, Percy Epps, Branch FrankHu, Lynch Franklin. Home Frederick, Walter Griffin, Robt Gowan, Lige Green, Frank Garrett, P L Gibson, Wash Gibson, Henry Gibson, Walter Hocut, W II Illcks, Mathew Illcks, John Horton, AVlll Horton, Sam Hill, Wiley Hays, AVlllie Howard, Anderson Howard, Abe Hill, Jim Johnson, W M Gilmore, Louis Gowdy, Jas Gibson, Will Gibson, Squire Greer. Will Goodlow. Will Grant, Melton lLernley, Tom Harrington. Robt Ilorton, Alfred Hudson. Jim Huggins, Aaron Huggins, Aaron Jr Huggins, Mose Hunt. Ned Hamilton. Pruff Hamilton. Lucius Hines. Richard Hemingway, Denuls Huff. Neal Hudson. Billie Hemphill, Henry Hudson. Sam Hester. Loveless Howard, Henry Harmon, Jfln Harmon. Allen Hanks, Gus Hoskins. Davy Hinds, John lliuds, Alf Illcks. Elga Harris, III Hunter, Bob f. A party of wealthy Japanese have arrived at Seattle, Wash., to visit the principal centers of the United States, Inspect rolling mills and factories of all hinds, looking to the condition of the poor, examine the practical work- ing of the laws, and ascertain, If pos- sible, whether religion enters to any appreciable extent Into the actual dally life of the people. The coroners jury, which has been Investigating the collapse of the Dar- lington hotel, In New York, by which 21 persons lost their lives, on the 22d * returned a verdict in which Eugene P. Allison, one of the owners of the build- fog, and the contracting firm of Pole ^ Scbwandtner, are held to hare been guilty of criminal negligence. Warrants for the arrest of the three men have been Usued. u Charley ■A k \ Walter Br y l\ enry /, i , ^

The Lexington Advertiser Delinquent Poll Tax List · Cullthani, Gerard Arthur Diane. Will Dawson. Mark Kills, Peyton Fulgum. Henry Smith, Few. Jeff Ford, Creed The announcement was

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Page 1: The Lexington Advertiser Delinquent Poll Tax List · Cullthani, Gerard Arthur Diane. Will Dawson. Mark Kills, Peyton Fulgum. Henry Smith, Few. Jeff Ford, Creed The announcement was


The Lexington Advertiser Delinquent Poll Tax List Reed, OliverSmlsher, Frank Shore, Joe Shalt Ire, link Smart, Hump Simmons. Boh Savage, Frank Smith, Q «> Stevens, Wm Stephens, Wm Stephens, L Stephens. Jo# Stokes.

Wade, Levi Wright, Luka Washington. Jim Wright, Hob Wade, Sam Waddell. Will Waddell, Caesar Sr Williams, Louis Williams. George Weston, Mark Wright, Payne Westbrooks, K Walton. Dave Williams, Henry Williams. Jonaa Wright, George Williams, Will Wright, Oscar

Momaon, WmMurphy, Itlehard Mitchell, Jake Melton. F M Moore. G A Miller, Albert Miller, Henry Mason. Frauk Merrl went her, L Maxwell J M Miller, Jake Moore, ( 'olonel Moore, Will Millwood. J II Moreheail. J H Morgan, Henry Mallett, Kd Moore, Newton McGlonn, L U McGlonn, J L McMIHlan, (lias McMIllian, Mack McGee, John McCormack, John Neal, Jessie Nelson, Joe Nelson. Geo Noel, Kd Oliver, Joe Owen. Richard Ollephant. John Price, Hen Plump, Joe Plump. Phil Pinkston. Hays Poindexter, Henry Pickens, Dan Pickens, A If Pickens, Sandy Plump, Burrell Pickens, llenry Patterson, Tube Preston, Amos Prichard, T Parker, John Parker, Joe Rucker. Armstead Richardson, ZeL> Rich. J 1’Russell. W W Robinson, Allen Reese. W II Russell, J N Robinson. Mose Russell, It T Reed. Charley

\ Chaney Roane. Jim lteddett. Jin.Reed. I saac Reed, Abner Jr

Wilson, Aleck Washington, Lynn Washington, Joseph Wade, Miles Williams, Lee Williams, Itobt Wright. John Washington. Joe Williams, Douglas Williams, Ann Williams, Marshal Williams, Jim Wilson, Joe Wilkes, J J Walton. Jlin Jr Woodward. Willie Young, Charley

Hart, Walter Price. AaronHarris, Anthony Primer, SamHemingway, John Rogers, ValHhrrlngton, Walton Rogers, RateHooker, Joe Red. l^evyHall, Jake Rogers, JimHall, Willie Rogers. MadleHamilton. Lon Red, Ci'.ftonHorton, Walter Rodgers, JerryHarris, Dave Rodgers, Willielleaad, Ike Rodgers. Tom JrHatchett. H A Red, WensHarris, Wm Red. CalvinHamilton, Henry Rushing, WmHamilton, Simon Richmond, JubaIngram, Richard Ross, JamesIrving, Hill Simmons. MoseJones, Anthony Simmons, JoeJones, Walter StevJohnson. John Shlrus, LafayetteJames, Robt Stevens, KdJordan, Richard Scott. LouisJoyce, Sam Stinson, TomJackson, Isiah Stanton, Bob*Jackson, KenJ Sample, GeoJackson, Cook Strowd. J WJohnson, Ike Strowd, B WKimbrough, Moae Sample, AlfredKimbrough, SylvesterSample. Kugene Kimbrough, Kd Kimbrough. Noah Kennedy. Tom King, Walter Lynn, Richard Little, Cain Levy. Will Landfalr, Jordan Little, Don Lashley, Jack D Morton, Wash Mathew, Jim Morgan, Jim Meeins, Melton Mitchell, Simon Moore. Alex Mitchell. Robt Mitchell, Harry Mitchell. George Moore, Hen Moore, Jordan Moore, Jordan Jr Melton, .J N Moore, Wiley Moore, Fisher Moore, Henry Moore, Alex Marshal, Jim Mitchell, John Mobry, Will McGee, Jordan McMurty, Tom McMurty, Jim McLellttn. John McMurty. Preston McGee, Rafe Sr McGee, Rafe Jr McGee, Willie McGee,McGee, Gus McGee, Hen McAdory, Gus Noah. Ike Norquist. A R Noah, Jack Neely. Robt Parkinson. John Pleas, Wm

Weatherby, Frank West. John West. Houston Williams Wilson, Frank Wilkes, Th<Wilkes, Sam Wilkes, James

Wllksfc ?orterWharton, Kd Williams, Chas Williams, Isaac Williams. Richard Wise. Taylor Wright, dam

Davis. Prince Dickens, Frauk Dickens. Antry Doty, Adam Dickens, Monroe Dickens, Matt Dickens. Irey Falls, Beu Falls. Autry Foster Jessie Foster, Albeit Garland. Jessie Garland, Augustus Gary, Jim Gadsen, John Gadsbn, Hays Griffin, Jim Greer, Wm Greer, Monroe Glover. Hob Gllyard. Tom Gruham, Hen Glover, Lucius Go wen. Alex Gary. Jim Houston. Wm Hill. Miles Howard. Mack Harrington, Mack Harrington. Alfred Hunter. Jim Hill, Wiley Hill, Randall Hoi 11 tiger. Hayward Hay a, Autry

| Haggart, Douglas . 1 toward, John j Harrington. Robt

Howe. Charley Harris, William Harrington, Krnest Harrington. Kspie Ilorton. Andrew Horton, Joe Houston. Jake Hid. Henry Johnson, Henryk Johnson, Kd Johnson, Manuel Jenkins, Peyton Jones, Annis Jackson, Nelson

j Jackson. Frank 1 Jackson, Mose

Jordan, Ilaiford Jones, Will Jordan, Hesakeah Jordan, Carter Jackson, Charley Jordan. Charley Jenkins, Sol Jordan, Ray Jenkins, Mark Jenkins, Luke Jenkins, Nathan Jones. John H Llpsey. llenry Land fair, John

Landfalr. JtmLoyd, I >an Loyd. Guy Lashley, Jessie Latshley, F’etcher Lacy, Batt liOekett. Frank Lashley. Kl Martin Dan Mitchell. Sam Meeks. John Mayfield. John Mims, Dennis McDowell. Silas McCullough, Kd McBride. G McCray. R L McMurty. Kd Nelson. Chas Owen. Henry Pickens. Ned Pepper. Clinton Pepper. Anderson Price, Richmond Price, Willie Red. Krnest Runnells, Joe ltoliertR, Jonas RedRedmond, Robt Roberson. Parker Roby. Wm Samnle. Horace Smith. Mint Summerlin. W T Summerlin, J W Summerlin, S K Summerlin, W L , Scott, Will Smith, P Smith, B W Smith, M W (c) Stewart. Isaac Telmon. Sam Thomas. Alfred Thomas, John




Town of Lexington.Logan, Will ]*nd, Roby Logan, Andrew 1-ea, Tom I.eeach, Baxter McKee, F B Moore, Curtis Moore, Charley Mathews, T Marcelas. Jeff Mcl^eon, Walter McCullough. WillMcLNash, Jeflf Outlaw. Frank olive, Will Olive, Lyun Out In w, Dave Perkins, John Pltchford, F Plil Hips, Victor Paulding, Frauk Pleas, John

Austin, Plummer Austin, Percy Brand. A J Bacon, Robt Bacon, J Brooks, Simon Brooks, George Bethely, Kd Brown, Ivey Broom, Steve Brown, A If Brooms, Will Brown, Sam Brown, Ernest Clark, Jessie Cade. Charlev Covington. Jim Carter, John Cole, It II Carter, Jim Cooper, Sam Cary, Walter Dalton, (.barley Donaldson. Mike Davis, John Davis, Aliab Dyer, Ned Dale, Jenkins Fields, Willis Flowers, Klbert Fields. Willis Jr Gowen, John Glozler, W W Gwin, Ike Gary, Robt Gray, Bob llall, Walker Hyman, Sltep Hamp, John Harris, Jim Howard. Chapman Harrington, Sam Hoskins, W D Hawkins, Howard Harris, K G Harris, Win Hyston, Walter Jackson, Osbor Jacobs, C Jacobs, D Jackson, George Jackson, J J Jackson, Howard Jackson, John Johnson, A L

Town of Ebenczer.u rHall, Charley Lacy. Charley Smith. Robt

Town of Pickens.

Austin, Charley Brown, J M Coats, Ed

A prairie fire ignited the Burlington railroad Platte river bridge at Kearney, Neb., on the 23d, and partly destroyed

idSmith, Mose Shipp. T F Sanders, Wllao* Swisher, Guss Smith, Brack Smith, Prince Smith. Garrett Stovall. Brook* Sanders, John Smith, llenry Spinks, Henry Stewart, Will Starken, Stev# Tatum, D4ck Taylor, John Turner, Wm Thurmond. John Thomas, John Taylor, Jerry Todd. Sam Wheeler. Jim Washington, Geo Washington. Bryant Wulker, Prince Walker, Doss Walker, Arnold Wilson. Harvey Walker, Joe Washington, Steve White, Will Washington, llill Walker, J N Webb, Jim Woods, Kd Walkens. Will Wilson, Foster Woodard, C L Walker, Wesley Walton, Armlstead Williams, Albert Wilson, Rosa AVhlte, Joe Wilson, Will Young, Nelse Young, Allen Young, Frank Young, George Young, Roono

Town of Thornton.Neal, Dennis Spill, T R Taylor, Albert WTiglit, Joe

Luse. S I) Luckett. Kd [>«cey, Frank Meek, Jesse Marshal. Jack Mitchell. Reubea Mahan. Kus Maxwell. T D Mathews. Alex McOowen, Henry

Allen. Thomas Allen. Thomas Jr Adams. Kdmoud Allen. Ben Beamon. G Byrd, Jacob Brldgforth. Jacob Carson, Sam Cullthani, Gerard Carson. Arthur Diane. Will Dawson. Mark Kills, Peyton Fulgum. Henry Few. Jeff Ford, Creed


The announcement was made, on the 23d, by friends of Louis Michel, that the famous agitator Is dying of pul­monary congestion at Toulon, France.

President J. F. Millspaugh of the Winona (Minn) normal, has accepted the election to the presidency of the Uos Angeles normal, and will leave In July.

Eighteen Minneapolis flour mills, ow­ing to the poor condition of the flour) trade, shut down on the 24th indefinite- 1 ly. A thousand people are out of ! work.

The comptroller of the currency ( has appointed John W. Wilson receiv- 1 er of the Orange Growers’ national bank at Riverside. Cal., which closed Its doors on the 23d.

Louis Pesant was sentenced to hang at Chicago on April 15 for the murder, of Mrs. Mary Spilka. Pesant, last fall,' strangled the woman to death to pro- j cure $300 which she possessed. ;

The senate, in executive session onj the 24th, ratified a treaty with France/ extending to Tunis and other French; protectorates, all of the existing treat-; tes between France and the United ( States.

The grand jury at Bedford, Ind., in the Sarah Schaefer case, on the 14th returned two indictments against James McDonald, the first charging murder in the first degree and the sec­ond with assault.

, JimFranklin Precinct. 1■Alexander, Garfield Alexander, Willis Bush. Isaac Barnes, William Bush. Jean Brooks. John Bartley. BenJ Bell. G W Bailey, Jas (’oner, Phillip

Moore, Loney Metcalfe, Andrew Moore. Ollyt Mareelus. Mack Moore. William McCullough. Jasper Mitchell. Win Neely. Alexander Orchid, J Porter, John Patterson. Nelson Price, Will Price, Rlchmon4 Patton, Robt Patton, L Patton, John Redmond, Robt Red. Cicero Redmond. Wm Redding. Walter Redmond. Jason Jr Rollins. James Redmond. C C Redmond, Houston Sproles. Horace Si ms. Henry Sample, (/ass Smith. Webster Sims. W H Samnle, Solon Sanders. Murphy Scott. PIuminer Thomas. Sam

. Glen

McAdory, Green >•Pendleton. Dill# Smith, John Smith, Singleton Suber. John Stlgler. Jeff Bp roles, Will Sillier, Pierce Scarborough, Tom Siephens. Farris Smith. Sol Sullivan. Tom Tatum. Paul TlHtrntou, A L Williams. Grundy

mind. WSal 1 is, Frank Stout, M J Shepherd, Richard Show, Mose Show, Henry Sinclair, John Stevens. Henry Suggs. Chase Sanders, M Sanders, (Minton Sanders, Silas Korage, Geo Suggs, Frank Smith. W R Shepherd, John Tidwell, (’has Trege, Thaiuper Taylor, Albert

CConn. Sumuel Cole Coleman. Wm Cobblns. David Coleman, Wesley Chapel, Frank Cooper, Jack Collier. Louis Cooper, Alfred I>odson. C J Davis, Loney Davis. David Dale, J D Dickens, Mose Dulaney, Manuel Dulaney, Jonas Dulaney, H II Dulaney, Jas Dulaney, Wiley Dickens. Alfred Davis. Lindsay Dulaney, John Donaldson, Alfred Davis, John Foster, Ransom Glover, Sandy Gull edge. J R Glover, George Gordon, Islali Holmes. John Houston. L Hill, Henry Johnson, Wm Johnson, W A Johnson, J E Johnson, Jessie Johnson. Henry Long, Ike Lindsey, Albert

Pleas, Cato Ford. Walln, Wm JrPleas, Horace Pleas, Egbert Parham. Richard Pinkston. Mllion Parker, Ike Porter, Illll Pltchford, John Pinkston. Jerry Pleas, Tillman Perry, Albert Russell. Robt Rowe, 'Thornton Red, Dave Rouse, Jim Roby, John Jr Redmond. John Rowe, Willie Rempson, Peter Roberts, Lewis Rowe, James B Redmond, Arch Smith. Wesley Saffold, Allen Saffold. Richard Swan. George Seldon, George Scales, Iliram Stinson, John Smith, Noah Stokes, Dave

Frost, John Green. Stewart Griffin. Ike Griffin, ike Givens, John Hawkins, Baldy Hoggins, Tony Harper. Dick Irvin. Vince Jordan, Joe W Jones. Jepsey Johnson, AV W Ladiker. Lee Laurance. Walter Iyessel, James


Watt, T JrWatson. Tom Sr Wright. Irvin Whiteside, F W Williams. A II Young. Robert Young, Walter

Truett, E B Tillman, Sandy Tillman. Percy Tillman, Tellls White, John Wilson, Henry Williams. Isham

. Williams, Gao Whitehead, Green V. llliums, Ervin Williams, Isoni Williams, Ned Williams, Sol

Eulogy Precinct.Thomas, Leo Thomas. Bart

s. Alfred AVInford, AVlllls Wherry, S E Woodley, John Wright, Ike Winters, Austin Weatherall, Dan White. Sanders Weatherby, Ben Welsh, Pen Walker, Charley Winters. John White, Berry

Adams. G Anderson, Will Anderson, Anderson. Allen Adcock, J W Austin, Manuel Anderson, Plimon Adams, Willie Abies, J W AndersAsburry, Jim

Ivey, JamesM’hIvey, Dave

.auranee Johnson, Emmett Joe, WmJones, Woodward Jones, Toni Jordan, Charley Jordan. Mitt Johnson, Wash Johnson, Annis Johnson. Henry Johnson. George Jackson. James Johnson, Harry James. Simon Jordan, Julius Jr Kimbrough, Sandy Kyle. B II King. Peter Kimbrough, Martin Lacy. Sa LashU

*'I'atc, JoeThigpen. John Tate, Taylor Toney, Wm Weatherby, Louis Weatherby. Will Walker, Harry Whltus, James White, Robt Wade. Charley AM lk Ins. C W Wilkins. Harry AVhltlngton. J M William* W W AV11 Hams, John Williams, Lafayette Williams, Crawford

js§ k

. J JAVI Ilia ms. VteAValker, Ben Winston, Johnnie AVilllams, Sam AVlllia Washington. AVilllams. Dick Washington. Ashby AVilllams, Andr

v Avery, JimrenceAvery, John AdaAnderson. Morris

Travis. Ji. GeoP# Thurmond, Henry

Tidwell. Willis Truhart, AV AV Truhart, R H Truhart. II 11 Jr Taylor. AVlllie Tackett. George AVade, Ed AVatson. Dave AVhite. John AVadkins, Will AVhorton, Irey Winstead, R L

AViems, Bill Evens, I) M Harrison, Stuart Jessie, A A Lindsay. Ceasar Miller, Harry

Jackson. Law . AValter■eKimbrough, Sam King, John Sr King, AValter King, Calvin Kimbrough. Joe King, Willis King, John Jr Land, Osborne Lofstrom, C A Land. Will Lockhart, John Long, Dock

Wright, Henry AVilllams, Stephen AVilllams, AVlllie Williams. Frauk Watson, J A Williams, Dan AVilllams. Bill Will#, J«hu A Vest, Cal AVard, G C AA’eems, Dave Young, Harris

Avery, tanI .rown, Will Bowman. Andrew Brown, Phillip Uurell, Edgar Byers, AVI 11 Brown, U AV Brown. Silas Bowman. Fann

/• Town of Goodman. Thornton Precinct.Anderson, Wash Ambrose, Dock Ambrose, G Anderson, Jim Crawford. Louis Clark, John Croft, Marron Cooper, Ed Cooper, Tom Cooper, A'lolet Donald. AA’ash Kills, G E

Llpsey, Bud Llpsey. Will Lee. Turn

Town of Durant. Anderson. Henry Addison. Rich Adams, AV Austin, Manuel Alexander, Henderson Hines, Eugene Alexander, Chas Adams, Manuel Adams, Caesar Anderson, John Alford, Pink Arm Held, Tillman Anderson. Henry N Alford, John Alexander, Alex Alexander. Tllug Brown, Simon Balden, Wash Brown, AVess Barnes, Tom Bronson, Joe

Hunter, Dave Hampton, Ben Hampton. Louis Hooker, Louis

• ; DanLumbers, .laArmstrong. AA'alter

Armstrong. Iiarry Amuck, Joe Ashley, Allen Arrington, A J Allen, AV J Anderson. Ned Austin. Phillip Amlck, Geo Amick, Vernon Adcock. E J Allen. AVlll Austin, Norris Anderson, Jlin Armstrong, Bob Allen. Joe Austin, (Mins Anderson, Harry Barber, A Barth, AV AV Banks. Morgan Bayette. J AV Buckley. AV II Bush, Dave Brown, AA'iley

Johnson, Hallle Johnson. Jake Johnson, George Johnson, Frank Johnson. Clarborn Ktlllbrin, J R King, <> It Kyle. Henry Lamb. H AV Lashley, Dave Lashley. John Lashley. Walter Lashley, Kitt Lindsay, Billie Lindsay, Lee Lindsay. Irving Love. R H Lashley. Allen

Lewis, J LMiller, Albert Jr Miller, Andy Magee. AVlll Mills, Walter Monroe, Ike McGory, Alex Ousley, T A Peyton, Dave Robinson, Amos Roberts, Damon Robinson, Kd Stevens. 0 E Smith, Joe

n. Noel Laud. G Mitchell. Thornton Mitchell, Jim Milcligll. Frank Mitchell, Joe Martin. AV A Marshall. J AV Martin. J S Mile, Aaron Munson. Bill

•fieBlue. Janies

Harrison, Louis Hawkins, Owen# Hlues, Jim Israel, T Irving, Fred Irving, Bob

o21rving, Louis Irving, Geo Irving, Henry Jackson, Klbert Johnson. Luke James, Frank Jackson, Kd Jewitt, Billie Johnson, Tom JeiTer Johnson, Jake Johnson, Lester Johnson, John Jones, Henry Jr James, R \r Jackson, Lltt Jackson, Cula Jones, Alex James, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson. Frank

, Richard Jackson, Jordan

lugs, Isaac Jacobs, Addison Junious, Sain Junious, Jim Johnson. Alex James, Simon James, Marshall Jones, Scott. Johnson, Branch Jewett, Peter Jewett, Bill Jones, T Jefferson, Frank Jordan. Hartford Jefferson, Sam Kenned*, AVm Kane, Pave Kelly, Quin Lewis, Winston Lowery, Henry Lewis, Wallace Lewis, Pomp Lewis, Elbert Lake, Iiays Lake, Aaron Lake, Elliott Little, Carter Lester, Will Lashley, Dan Luekett, AVlll Lewis, Mose Miller, Harvey Moore, Kd Moore, Will Moore. Tom Mathew, Mose Moore, Brogers Moore, Arthur Miller, AVlllie Munson, John Miller, Hamp Munson, Ell Moore, Mose Medley, Will Madison, Isa*# Miles, Steve Miller, John Melton, Mitch Meadows, Mack Mathew, Dave Mosley, Bob Mosbley, M C McConico, Bank* McCormick. John McGee, Steve

Brown. SolLexingtcn Precinct. Blue, Ike

Collins. Floyd l’oilins, Vlnge

. John

Bowling Green Precinct.Jenkins. Calvin Jackson. John Jones. Wm Jordan, Wash Johnson, Bob

Alexander. Will Allen, Nelson Allen, Jim Ambrose, Ezekiel Anderson. AVlll Jr Austin. AVlll Alexander, Joe Adair. George Anderson. Vance Austin, Will Austin. Jerry Ada lre. **Boyd. Jlin Bovd, Marks Byrd. Bill Brown. Chas Blue. Joe »-

Bumes, Charley Barnett, AVlllie Cade. Lem Date, Cato Doty, I, JI Denton. Henry Ellington, J AV Kills, George Ellis. Hubbard Eubanks, P II Frezejl, Frank Fitch, Sam Fitch, John Fitch. Jim Green. Sam Gulledge, E TI Goodloe, Eddie Goo dice, Charley Herring. AVm Hooker, Robt Holmes, Bill Jr Mollingshed. AVm Hooker, Jim Jefferson, Israel Jackson, Amos Johnson, Andy Jackson, Dennis Johnson. John Keim, Sam Kinewood. Ed

MeG . EthelThe Iowa senate committee on pen­itentiaries and pardons, on the 25th, recommended an indeterminate sent-' ence law for Iowa. The recommenda-- tion is regarded as equivalent to the passage of the law. i

The Cuban government has discarded the offer of George Richardson, of Chi­cago, for the raising of the United States battleship Maine, because he has neither furnished a guarantee nor signed a contract for the work.

The final installment of the $22,- 000,000 called for by Secretary Shaw from the interior depository banks in connection with the Panama canal pay­ment was paid into the depository banks of New York city on the 25th.

The preliminary examination, at San Francisco, of F. A. Hyde and Henry P- Dimond, charged in an indictment of the federal grand jury at Washington, D. C., with obtaining governmen land by fraudulent means, began on the 22d.

Nixon. MoseO’Neal. Garliekl Prichard, J M Prichard, (»

son. J M. WoodieIrey. Tom

Collins, THouston, Price Harrington, John Jr Harrington, Jos Ilannon, Si Hudson, To Harmon, AVlll Hayden. J T Jones, Chester Kelly, Bill

Jackson. Lewis e, J APrichard. J E ’ollins. Cleveland MJefferson, Elisha Johnson, AValter Jefferson, Isham Jefferson, Robt Jenkins. Irvin Join

Munson. Bragg Moore, George Melton, Frank

■e. Arch McLean. Dick McGoagln, Alex McDougal. Dorsey McRae,Nixon, John Nixon, llenry

Prichard. T T Pemberton, Sharkey Riley. Green Reynolds. II L Riley, Smith Riley, Claiborne Reed, Butler Riley, Arthur Riley. Ruben Saffold. John Saffold, Kd Saffold, Jake Stokes, Alcorn Stevens, AV M Sutzler, B M Scruggs. Will Thurmond, Buss Thurmond. John Thurmond, Kugeuo Thurmond. Pat Thurmond, AVm Thurmond. Henry AVheeler, Jackson AV right, AVlll Waddell, J A AVlillamson, O N AVade, Joe AVade, Henry AA’ash, Sam AVasli, Sam Jr AA’ade. Andrew AVilllams, Mack AA’ash, Frank Allen

Vstie, HenryClark. T Church, Henry Carpenter, Jessie

S\\Smith. Ike Taylor, Marsh Thurmond, Ike Thurmotid, Fed AVard. John Weems, Noise

M’ollins, TomRichard


’arson. Hardy.cwhs, GeJon n, Larrup . Martin. GeoLashley, Ira Lewis, G Lamb. Joe

Join Bailey, Will Blue, Ingrain Blue, Eva line Bowman, Chas Bralsen. Richard Bemson, Henry

•. JimKelly. DaveJones, John vLewis, SamJefferson, Jeffrie

Kyle. Lamar Kimbrough, Israel Kimbrough, llenry Kimbrough, Horace Kimbrough, Chas Kimbrough. Jake 1/ockhiMt. Felvln liove, .Author Love, Jeff I/ove, Sam Love, Anthony

AVlll Love, Robert Lacey, Robt Lomax, Henry Langford. Tom Lane. Nut*Lee. John

’ollins. Stevem;* Morehead, Warren Pickens Precinct. . ai:&'. Cooper, Ge (>wMitchell, Isom Murphy. P K Murdock. John

B.vrd. Tom n. Davo Phillips. T I’ll man. General Phillips. Andrew

. Jim

’arson. Be PitAdams, Lae Allen, Ben Beal, Davis Bates, Jack Bell. Ed Brlnn, Jack

Howe, AVlll lloon, Jeff Howard, Alex Hughes, Nelson Harris. Ned Johnson, Sum Johnson. Robt

Brown. AVlllie ‘idem; . GeoB n. llenryBlack. Tim Ball. Jim Black. Wiley

Branch. Jas.(’ole. G,v lerwoodBarksdale. AVm Barber, T II Bowen. II M Bell. Jerry

, AVlllie Brown. Phil Bingham. Ned Bailey. AVlll Bozeman. AVlll Blackburn. Dick Bayette, Jack Brooks. V L Bernard. E G

u, Maurice Broudmans, Sidney Bullock. Jerry Butler, (’oilier Brown. Joe Bow

BrCraig. Sam rts. AValter

Donald. George

Miller. Jean Mitchell. Cato Moore, llenry Miller Je Mixon, Simon Moore, Antlrie McDonald, Neal McMorrow. B AV McGee. John MeKwon. M C

BullBrooks. Ernest Pullman. ieorgyBrooks. JoHki Bush, Eugene Brown. AVm Ball, AVlll Brown, Rollins Blackburn, George Blue, J BInford, AValter Binford, Ed Branch, Nathan Binford. Nels Buck, Abe Buck. Walt Binford, Luke Byrd, J F Boyd, Boh Binford, Ed Broy, P L Binford. Richard Brooks, AVlll Carter, Jim Cade, Anderson Cade, Butler Collier, Jim Cooper, Robt Claiborne, Joe Claiborne. Harry Cook. AVlllie Conle, Edgar Conle, Sam Clark, Si Collins, Stovall Clark, AVlll Claiborne, James Cist rank, A Coleman, Anderson

Dlvlne* N A Bayne, AV W Barker, Jim

Burley. RubeNo. 2Br Ja VI Milkens. Mose Divine. M S Donaldson. B Divine, AV G Divine, Joe Dotts, 1*Davis, Randle Jr Dixon. Geo Davenport, Bat Jr

Bryant, Luke Burks, Sanmiie Beam

i s. Pete . ( hasPowell, JlinJohnson, Ad; Johnson. Ed JBurns, JohnBerry, Jessie

Ross, Ben Roger:Budge Rodgers. J \V Richardson. AA’lllls Roach. A N Roach, John Rodgers, Charley Huh'. Brown Roberson. Allen Smith, AV E Smith, Bob Smith, Frank Silas. Joe Stewart, Geo Strowd. Elbert Stewart. Howard Simmons, llenry Seay, John Stringer, Will Smathers. Dee Smith, John Sap ho, Ilannon Smith. C X Strowd. Jim Simmons, AVlll Thomas. Eliza Thurmond, John Thompson, Mitchell Terry, R S

is, Byrd Taber, John Tiller. Ben Tidwell, Gus Travis, John

. .11l A Brown. CaeBi­ ll. I/onlfi James. (leer ks. Butler Bill-well, Puller Beasley. AVlllls

HrSylvester J M

Brooks,Brown. AVasli Cofer, Willis Childs, James (’lark, AVlll Clark, Orange (’raft, Bert Coleman. Joe

’barley Jordan, AA’rn Johnson. Charley Llpsey, Henry Marshall. Jake


SrIIII Martin, Henry

Moore, Butler Moore, Jordan Moton, Wash Magle. John Moore, Fed McLean. Louis McGee. Jim McLellan, Louis

McGee. Dock Brown. JohnJAM McGee, Robt McAfee. Chas MeC’omb. Nick McAA'herter, R B Norris, Squire Ode i, Geo AV Jr Otey, Albert Alere, llonay Owen, odie Olive, J J

Barksdale, Jlin Barksdale, Chin ltromigi, Harvey

Uv- ’ Morgan, Fedn. EdBrDyer. GMedley. John

Mitchell. Walter •e, Kills

Jamesmii Donald. II I* Douglas. Sam Davenport. Willis Ervin. Wash

Landfalr, John Iioyd, Caesar I^ee, John Landfalr, Madison Lacy, Ander Loyd. II Lyons. T L

, Lee, Wilson Mooney, J M Morgan, Glen Montgomery, Chas Mullen, Baud Morgan, John Morgan, Euge Moore, John Moore, Cheek Minor, Robt Magee, Jim Miras, Henry Montgomery, Geo Moore, Leonie Moore. Joe Montgomery. Lewis Murphy, Jim Moore, Fed Marculus, Jeff

Barnett. AVlll Blair. II Brice, Frank Brooks, C B Curtis. A II Coon. Booker Crawford, I> II Carpenter, Sherman Odom. G W (’lark. Price Cooper, Robt (’oilier, Thurmond Carden. Fred (’ox. Alfred Collins, Jean Cooper, Geo Code, BUI Code, E F Coleman, AVlllls Carson. Arthur

ford, AV A Clark, Lee Clark. Harmon Crawford, Lawrence Clark. Bob Conner, G \Ar Campbell, Ellis Chamblis, AVlll

Baker. Ge;! is'arter, Alex Nelson. Tom Banks. Henry Barksdale. Ivey Bush, Qii 11 la Brown, Dick Birdsong. Meely Bridges, Andy Bridges, A\ C Beaty, Sam Brown. Richard Bush. Phil Baker. Brewer Baker. AVlll Buster, WIU Banks, Morgan Binford, S Brooks. Dan

Carter. AVm Bit man. llenry 1’ltni Robinson, S C

t Everett.fh ’,v- • ? leorgeCollier, Robt Collier, Sam Chappel, Charles Jr Ross. John Crosby, AVm Coleman, AA’e Dodds, Anthony Dodds, Jackson

•biasDerr In, T<Davis, Rafe Davis, Ed Dickens, Tom Dennis, Jake Dennis, Edmond Dennis, Tom Falls, Cicero Gray, L’epkus Gay ton. Reuben

Fields. Robt Fisher. J LWest Precinct.

D. Paul Hughes, secretary of the Du Quesne Mining Co., and prominent in Pennsylvania financial matters, shot himself through the head on the shore of Mahone lake, near Norfolk, Va., on the 22d. He is thought to have been Uentally unbalanced.

Authry. AV F Allen, AValter Allen. Lucious Alford, (’ B Alford, J O Armstrong, J.R « Armstrong, J A Brooks. T M

, Ed Brown. Hamp Browning. Edgar Cameron, Willi* Cooper. John Cain. AVlll Calhoun. Joe Dlnne, Dick Dudley, Lewis Dal 11s. Jim Denton, John Givens, Allen Jr Glv

Frazier, It MLogan, Henry Melton, AV M Madden. Jeff Moore, Will Minyard. J P McAdory, Chester McLillan,Newton. Howard Oily, Ike Palmer, Percy

Robt Pierce, AValter Palker, Tom Pearson. Sam Pierson, Charley Palmer, Jack

. Bob Palmer. Alf Riley, Sharkey Rickett. Bob Richards. Adams Rathel, Znek Riley, Jim Riley, Grant Riley, AA'iley Shipp. Singleton Self, J AV Saffold. Jeff Sims. Charlie

Shepherd, Charley Scott. Will Simmons, Will Scott. Robt Scarbrough, Jim Taylor, Will Thomas, Elias Taylor, Tom Tu 1 liver, Jerry

Jessie * Wilson, Henry AAToods, Clarence AVade, Sam AVilson, Llgo AValker, Anderson AVilllams, Booker AA'llliams, Jake WilllaniH. Bob AA’eatherford. Rich Young, Jerry Yonk, Jim

Foster. S YO’Neal. JackFalls. Jake Jrmi Frezell, T J Ferrell, Jim Flowers, E F Falls, Jake Fields, S 0 Fisher, Simon Falls. John

u, J D . O AV

Gibson. Robt Gibson, Bob Gibson, Branch Garratt, Matt Garratt. Charley Griffin. Dee Griffin. Will Garrett, Sam Jr Gordon, Abe Gordon, Daniel Gordon, Sidney Gordon. Louis

. Martin GIddeon, AVm Gordon. Sam Gerrard, II (!

Pace. T F Phillips. S G Pleas, Tilmon Pankey. Joe Paulding, Frank Pitslnger. (’has Purdy. T Priestly, Monroe Jr Redding. Albert Rayner, Jonas Ray. J P Rogers. Tom Red, Charley Rogers, Tom Richmond, Henry Richmond. Price Sallis. lvlnk

mBmi' avis,


Tatum,l’lc i;

The Republican convention of the Second congressional district of Ala­bama was held at* Greenville on the 22d. Delegates to the Chicago conven­tion were instructed to vote for the’

No candl- j

Hr , HenryCr Barnes, Lee

Brooks, Allen Brunson. AustonGreen. Paul Barnes, Clarsbln1 P Ooosby, Jerry

Hunter. Mace Hanson, N J Howard, Granville Ilovve, Caesar

Branch, Ander Bell, Garfield Balden, Oscar Blue, Ingr Byrd, AVilllam Borras, Robt Byrd. Will Beemon, Sam Banks, Jim Banks, Ed Callahan, John

m nomination of Roosevelt, date for congress Avas named.

Collins. Janies Carather*. Mose Jr Mooney, AV 11

Martin. Dyson Me Nee r, Courtney Mcliean, Sam McEachen, Jim McLellon, Jasper McNeer, R M Mel Jerry, Richard McRay, Henry McCain. George Mcl’luskey, Steve McDaniel, Daniel McDaniel. Randle Noland, Jim Newsome, G AAT Newsome, J R Jr Owen, Jerry Owen, John Oliver, Will Owen, Henry Pullen, AA’alter Perkins, Horace Pemberton, Richard Patterson, Howard Polk, SolPltchford, Lewis Jr Pltchford, Will Pltchford, Nelson Porter, Joe Pleas, (’has Jr Pltchford, George Pltchford, Chart Pltchford, Lige Patterson, Peter Patterson. John Pemberton, Jonas Pickett, Jim Pickett, John Pettus, T II Pltchford, Joe Reeves, Austin Rempson, Isom Jr Rhodes, Toney Rodgers, AVlll Robertson, Allen Randolph, AVlll Rutledge, Ed Rodgers, Buster Robinson, Henry

Fearherstone, Willie Redmond, Robt Francis. K L

'.i;s. PorterStewart. G. Tom«'Craig, Ambus

Cothran, AA’es Sr Cothran. AA’es Jr Craig. Sidney Caruthers, Mose Clintmon, Brand Coleman, Robt Cothran. A Chatmon. John Cade, llenry Crabtree. J W Dixon, Richard Davis, Sonnie Davis, Mose Dixon, Reuben Dulaney, Tube Davis, Pat Dotson. Eugene Donaldson. D R Dulaney. Fant Dolandson. Calvin Dotson. Henry Donaldson. John Deloach. T C Darnell, F C Donaldson, Eddie Davenport. Charley Dodd, Ralford Epps, AVlllie Epps, Harris Epps, Grant Epps, Mltchel Ervin, Alex Ervin. Link Ervin, Grant Epps, Charley Everett. Bob • Evens, T L Fryer, Jim Fryer, George Flowers. Cicero Fryer, John Franklin, Frank Franklin. Robt Fisher, Haywood Fisher, A T Fisher, T F Ford. Oscar

Travis, JimGass. J IISmith. Q S Shuler, Sam Sheppard, Mack Sheppard. Mack Jr Sproles, Bob

, John Croxton, Ed Castleburg, W C Dicken, AV J Dlcken, Charley Derrick, Oscar Dixon, Joe Dixon, John Dixon, AVlll Driher, AVlll Decken, T II Davis, J A Dick “ *Edwards, Jim Edwards, Phil Eubanks, B T Edwards. Charley El lard, 1 M Ford, Major Ford. Jim Fateh, Jim Farlelgh, AV P Greer, J A Garnett, Jack Galewood, Tom Garrett, AValter Godfrey, Jim Gordon. Ned

«'JfKll Goodman Precinct.Givens, John Horton, Oscar Hefner, AA'alter Ilorton, Jack Jackson. Link

Travis. Georg#Union painters ^nd paper hangers Jn Des Moines, la., went on a strike, on the 23d, and an appeal will be taken to the Trades and Labor Assembly and a general strike ordered. The employ­ers insist upon an open shop policy, and the men refuse to work with non­union men.

Trigleth. Will AVilson. Mack AAT Ison. Ed AVilllams, John AYinford. John

Amlerson. Drubb Ambrose, J C

Mitchell, Sam Moses. Jim McLellan, Sam McBride. AV E Nelson, Israel

Go rcbAmbrose. Shop

Sorrell. S N Sproles, Henry Sproles. Will Sproles, John Sproles, Tom Stillman, Sam Stevens. Tolbert Smith, M AV Swan. Henry Stlngley. Tom Shurley. W T Scott. Henry Stlngley. Henry Smith. Jake Hudduth. J AV Sallis. Bill Suggs, Martin Sykes, Henderson Sponey, Lee Sallis, Sam Sr Sherrod. Luke Spencer. Porter Sallis, AVlll Sallis. Sam Stevens. I) E Sallas, Ben Smith. Ixmls

A mbi Brooks. Anderson

\ wiiiisTolinson. llenryCovington, G IKing, Miles

King. AVlll King, AA’ilson King, Bill Kennedy. John

, Mose Logan, Chas Love, Britt Love, Sam Love, Henry

Ilorton, AVlll AValton. E BBonie.Brooks,Brooks, Felix Bush, Henry

Tn, J; Bankhead,Brooks, Geo Brooks. Berton Benks, J AV Beer. Dave Buckley. Dick Bankhead, Richard Bell, Dennis (’ole, S T Craft, Addison (’ollins, AVm Crawford, Percy Davis, AValter Dulaney, L Dulaney. AVI 11 Davis, Harris Elam. Ike Edwards, AA’ess Edwards, Ross

I’M Nelson. AVm Collng. Cornelius (Vnddln, John Chambers, (’has

Williams, Virgo AVatson. Oscar Williams. Nick Wig ley, AV C AVatson, Jlin Wright, G Wright, Dan Wright, AVm Wilson, Jessie AVilson, Nathan Wilson, Carter Williams, M AVilllams. Jim Winston. Carroll AValker. John AVilllams, Link AVilllams, M R

Terry. AV It Holmes, J W Hoskins, Odie Harris, Torn Hicks. John Hambrick. Sam Iloout, It II llorthcock, Henry Hays, Ned Hooker, Al>e Hooker, Sam Hoskins, Sara Hope, Ben Harris, AVm Hoskins, Mack Jr Hoover, Britton Hayward, Robt Hoskins, John

Ike Nelson, Iah‘ Nelson, Dulaney Nelson, Robt olliver, Kbenezer Odom, O It Prichard, Ira Prichard. It L

Tidwell, Allen Tidwell, Louis Woods, .7 T Wynn, AV E AA’hlte, Oscar Woods. K R West. AVlll AA’yles, M C AA’ashirtgton, Hugh


Clark. Percy Cox, (’lias Covington, Cal

by. Joe Cranby. John Curry, Milton Carter, Anderson Covington, Anderson McCarty, Gus

McGee, Robt McRae, Jim McMorrls, Jim McCue. Mack Noel. GUI North, Jim Noel, AVess Nathaniel. Sam Nichols, Mlugo Newman, AVlll Nell, Rufus Pvyor, Tom Partin, Prince Patrick, John Jr Pierson, Jim Percy, Wash Pearson, Cha» Patrick. Robt Perry, Harry Parker, AVm Page, Price Poyer, Tom Perkins, Tom Parker. I Parker, Mose

!.. Frank

William Shaw Campbell, for many years in the consular service of the United States, died at Washington on the 22d, aged 86 years. From 1843 he was consul at Rotterdam for 2t) years,1 and later served in the same capacity In Dresden and at Newcastle-on-Tyne. He was a native of New York.

Prof. John Underner, of Cleveland, O., widely known as an organist and musical director, died on the 24th, after a long illness. Prof. Underner accom­panied Jenny Lind as an accompanist during her triumphal visit to the Unit­ed States. He had been a resident of Cleveland for over fifty years.

At the meeting of the joint scale | committee of the Illinois coal miners j and operators, at Springfield, 111., on | the 25th, the question of rating new mines in Saline and Franklin counties and at Decatur, Tower Hill and Ray­mond were discussed, entirely new con­ditions existing at some of these mines.

Wallace S. Hall, formerly manager l of the Boston office of the American Surety Co. of New York and treasurer of St. Lake's home for convalescents, on the 25th pleaded guilty in Suffolk county superior court to indictments charging the larceny of $238,000 from those Institutions. He was not sen­tenced.

TPeater. HenryRandall. AVlll Red, Wade Rounds, Wash Red. Dulaney Ralford. Gen'l Ray. Tom Rodgers. Adam Red, Ed Rodgers. Cal Sample, Robt Sample, A nr Smart, Aubrey Stines, Jack Smart, Henry Smith, Robt Stansbury, Steve Slansbury, Dave Thompson. Garflekl Tillman, Gen’l Thompson. B N Thomas, AA’IUle Taylor, AValter Taylor, Ocie Tillman, Dennis AA’llliams, Dan AVilllams, Granby Williams, Lee Wrlglit, John Weems. George AVilllams, John Williams, Dick Weems, Geo Jr WTeems, Dennis Washington, Geo

jOve, John

Town of West.Kidd, Robt Palmer, John Ricketts, Bob Ricketts, Joe Sullivan. B B Thurmond, J AV

Eddsviile Precinct.

Go Wan, Jim Gook, Ainas Gampbell, Thornton (’handler. Ed

, Landou Gain, John

Bain, M DCroft, Eugene Gain, Precious Davenport. Geo Jones, Llslia Jones, Virgo


Cress, DanPaynes Prefcinct,Gook, Dolphus Combs, George Combs, Ben (’ode. Jack (’ox, AMU

Anderson. John Adams, Geo Allen. It B Anderson, llenry Anderson. Frank Alexander. Chas Adams, llenry Alexander, Abe Amos. Preston Alexander, Morris Buttail, Win Bright, Shaddrick Brown, Dixon Blunt, Joe Blunt, llenry Burnett. Silas Bell, Ernest Bright. M L Baughn. Mike Bailey. T Bell, Link Bryant, Peter Black. J T Banks, llenry Brown, Joe Bledsoe, Win Bui tall, Frank Battail, Mat

, Simon Brown, John Brown, Sam Bride, Coleman Battail, Sidney Byrd. Joseph Brown, Billie Black, Aaron Butler, Jlin Butler, Tom Barker, Manuel Barnett, Randall Barnett, Allen Bradshaw, (.’lias Brock, Allen Brewer, Tim Ballinger, Day Brock, Norman Carpenter, John Carpenter. Willis Collins, Rush Collins, W ill Clark, York Christopher, Levy Collins, E Cummins, John Coleman, (’has Causey, Rich Coleman, Silas Chambers, Perry Coleman, John Jr Coleman, 'Pom Carson. AV A Cole, Miles Custom, Torn Cotton, J A Curtis, Duncan Cameron, Nelson ('6bb, Ras Cameron, AVm Cameron, Charley Cade, llenry Jr Cuff, Tom Caloway, Wm Covington, Tom Cooper, John Curtis, Mack Duncan, John Durham, V C Durham, J D Dlcken, Jack Davis, Milas Davis, Sam Ellis, Aaron Estes, T L Ellis, Joe Ellis, Ed Fugua, Alex Frasier, Henry

Frazier, John Freeman, Amos Freeman. Ilosea Fonvillt*. E M Fullllove, AVm FuUilove, It E Foy, J J Gibbs, Isom Gee. John Green, Jack Gilmer, D I,Gilmer. 1‘ O Glen, Albert Griffin, Tom Griffin, Alien Gibson, Flem Griffin. Alvin Goodlue, Henry Green, London lilnes, John Harrison, Will Margin, Dave 1 In I lings lied, Bill Harris, Bob Margin, AVess Hudson, Louis Hunter, John Hudson, Lynn Henley, Louis Henley, Robt Hampton. J II Jr Hammond, Joe Huffman, Jim Huffman. Joe House, AMU Holmes, llenry Hughes, Albert llurd, SI be Harris. Dock Hines, John Ivans, AV R Irving. Reuben Jackson, John Jefferson. Will Johnson. Amos Jones, John Johnson. John Henry Johnson. Dink Jackson, Joe Johnson, ike Jackson. Amos Jones, Dennis Jones, Ed Jackson. John Jones. Charley Johnson. J AV Johnson. Ed Jackson, Silas Jackson, General Jones, Louis Jones, Ellga Jones, Frank Jones, Bill Jones, Jack Johnson, Will Johnson. Ed Jamersoo. A .Jones, Howard Knight, Melton Knott, J F Knott, A R Knott, J E Knott. D B Kennedy, Sam Kern, John Lacy, Wm Lewis, Jim Lee. Tobo Lusk, Robt Little, IV Lee, Jeff Low. James Land, K F Lewis, Frank Lewis, Chas Lewis, Janie*Malone, Gus

IAllen, Pat Sr Allen, Pat Jr Bruce, Jessie Bruce, AA’alter Bell, John Bruce. AVm Bell, Jim ’ross, John Zoleman, Jim ’alhoun. Geo

Chestmutt, Jim Cubbs, John Dodd, Ike Dodd, Stephen Dodd, AVm Ellis. Charley Edwards. Luther Ellis. Jim Edwards. Ellison El 11s. John Ellis. D K Ellis. J II Ellis, George Ellis, Joe Ellis, Frank Ellis, Bill Gary, Stewart Gary, T Green, I) F Green, Irusk

Jr Harvey, Michael Harvey, Tom Holmes, Sim Horton, Young Holmes, AV J Jenkins. Robt Jones, Paul Johnson, Ship King, S J King, Wiley Love, Amlerson Moorehead, C il Morehead, AV Moore, John McLellan, Ben McLellan, Pete McLellan, Rube McLellan. Virgil Newton. Charley Pltchford, Alden Powell, Robt Pltchford, Bob Riley, (’barley Riley, Grant Riley, Rube

Grace, AVUIK*Golden, Felix Gerrln, P D Golden, Giles Gray, Bob Gray, llenry Harrington, S AV Harper, Pleas Hall, Harry Harper, Ike Harmon, Coyle Holmes, Sam Holmes, Jim Hunter, Jim Harmon, Caleb Harrington, Sliep Harris, Mose Harrington, Lonnie Henderson, Jack Hamilton, Simon Harmon, AA’ess Harmon, Niles Hart, C A Hodges, Nath Harris, Henry Jr Harris, Henry Jr Hodges, Peter Hodges, Joe Head, Isaac Howard, AV II Inman, E A Ingram, Jake lngrJohnson, N Iv Joyce, Sam Jones, E K Jones, Frank Johnson, Curtis Jones, John Jones, AV right Jones, AArm Jones. John


•lazier. Israel Cary, DonMi Turner. J B Gul ledge, Tay Gul ledge, John Gary, Robt Garland, Clarence Ilorton, Cornelius Harrington, Bob Hunter, Riley Harrington, Jeff Ivons,. Berry King. Tom King. Jim Lewis, Si Llpsey, Ike Llpsey, Jim Llpsey, Richard Llpsey, John Lewis, Jeff Morgan, Jack

(’alvln, Geo (’aHew, .loo Cain, Dave Caruthers, Jim Cnradiu, Marshal (’lower, Bob Clay, Henry Dnll. Jake Davis, John Dunn, (’has

V Tate. Allen Tyler, F T Tate, I.) AV

, Ike Thornton. Bob Taylor, Richard Taylor, Soney Turner, C M Travic, Andrew Taylor, Herbert Taylor, AMU Triplet, AVlll Trague, Major Torry, Forrest Thomas, Jake Thomas, Sam Thomas. Oscar


|rDowner, JoeDavis, Ishmael Davis, Geo Davis, J Dent. A Duncan. Mos# Dent. James Do by, Dick Drake. Andrews Dunkens. Mose Dixon, Chess Dulaney, Frank Edwards, Nebo Easley. Jlin Edwards, Joe Emmerson, Pete Ellis, AVlll Earl, Alex Everett, Sam Fowler, John Freeman. Hardy Foster, Jim Fletcher. Ellis Frost. AV V Franklin, Alex Fields, Rich Falls, Jim Fusion, Charley Frazier, Allen Gilchrist. Henry Griffin, AA’m Grady, Robt Greenward. Jim Goldou, AVlll Oreewood, Alex Gray, AVm Glen, John

Li . '■ Parker, JohnHummer, John Roseoe, Jessie Robinson, Dyk# Robinson, Ah Roseoe, Amos Redmond, Ed Reese, Edmond Rose Robinson, Smith Roseoe, AVess Rothel, Smith Ramsey, GianvilH Rlngold, Rufus Robinson, Johu Riley, John Ross, Dave Riley, AVm Redding, Robt Redding. Robt Redding. Will

sdale, Si mol Rodgers, Peter Robinson, L Reed, (/has Roberts. Alex Ross, Jerry Ross, Sam Rayner, Jonas Ramsey, Grauvill# Richardson. Joe

/ Ragsdale, Morris

Rule, Jim Roberts. Amu* Redmond, Chris Rule, AVm Rodgers. Allen Red. Willis Rodgers, Owen Red, Henry Russell, Jim Rodgers, Jessie Redmond, Byrd Ruby. J F Shipp, AV II Sharplin, J E Saffold, AMU Stokes. Garfield Stlgler, Pryor Saffold, Geo Stlgler, Geo Saffold,Stlgler, Paul Streater, Charley Stansbury, Wesley Smith, Ben Smith. Eugene Sorrell, J T Stansbury, Jordon Stlgler, Pryor Sr Seldon, Geo Stewart. Austin Smith, Link Sanders, John Smith, John Strowd, Riley Sanders, Calvin Stewart, Isom Smith, James Jr Thomas, Will Thomas, Charley Sr Thurmond, Will Thurmond, John Turnbull, John Tate, Jessie Thurmond, Randolph Todd, Henry Thurmond, Will No 3 Torry, Buster Torry, Walter Thomas, Ellen Trahern, Will Trahern, Albert Turner, Mo»e Travis, Wes Thurmond, Bill Washington, Lige Washington, John Washington, Pete Waldon, John Jr Ware, Willie Wilson, Jake Wilson, Marshal Webster, Will Walton, Aaron Williams, Andrew Wade, Allen .White, Georg*

exFan-1 s. Peter

Taylor, MoseFartheree, AVash Gowan, Amos Green, (/barley Green, Anbury Gordon, Ed Goosby, Wesley Gwln, Charley Golden, John Green, Sliertuan Green, Sam Green, Jim Green, Monroe Glover. Edgar Greer, Charley Gwln, Levi Gwln, Ambus Horton, Joe Hoskins, George Hodges, Louis Hodges, James Hodges, Gus Hodges, Reuben Hodges, Russell Horton, Robt Horton, John Hardy, Zack Harris, Frank Horton, Andy Jr

« Ha mon, Henry Hodges, Joe Jr Hodges, Burley Harris, Charley Hays, Jessie Haynes, Pete Hodges, John Hurlng, J M Hyson, John Jr Henry, Levi Hammett, Jim Hammett, Dave Henson, Tony Hand, Charley Hobbs, Ed Hoskins,Harris, Will House, John Hale, John A Hicks, Riley House, Wash Hamilton, Leonard Hicks, Hall Hughes, Wm Hughes, Charley Hoskins, Will Hicks, Jim Hooker, Chas Irtln, Alex Jenkins, Edom Jordan, Will Jackson, Joe Johnson. Wm Jones, Jerb Jordan, Lewis Jones, John

Ebenezer Precinct.Johnson, Adam Jlmlua, John Jackson, Perry Johnson, Perry Johnson. Charlie Lane, Jud

1 Taylor, Dick Wright, Josh Wright, Jim Williams, Johni AVilllams. J AV AVigley, Ike AVilson. Bob Williams, AVm Williams, Bob Wilburn, Henry AA’alton, Gaston White, Ed Wall. Oscar Wllburn, Ed Wright, Anthony AA’alton. Sylvester Williams, II S Wesson, Will Williams, Alonzo

Durant Precinct.

Andrews, AVlll Banks, Calvin Brooks, Ed Bloomer, John Berry, Charley Biddle, V Brawn, Sylvester Brown, Mllus Binford, Sam Bailey, Horace Bland, Jim Byrd. John Biddle. Ben Buchanan, Porter Bell, A B Banks, Phillips Banka, Mose Corbin, N Cowan, John Cash, Reuben (’arson, Ed Cox, AA’alter

r, Julius Corbin, Joe Cowan, Squire Cox, Sam

► CSa ers, WmThurmond, Pete Thomas. B F AVhite, Wash

cr' -' ^ BI

Emory Precinct.Mitchell, Joe Mitchell, Levy Moore. Levy Montgomery, George Mitchell, James Melton, Lester Moon, Sylvia Mitchell, L McGee, Win McGee, Sharkey McDowall, Bob Reynolds, E M Reynolds, T F Reynolds. AVm R Bathed, Richard Saffold, Caroline Smith, John Shipp, J E Tate, Ed Tidwell, Ben* Thurmond. Hays AValtoi\ Stephen Walker, Joe Wash, Virgil AVilllams, Cornelius Williams, Jos Young, Paine

Richland Precinct.Landfalr, John Crofton, AVmAmbrose, Hayward Coleman, JohnAmbrose, II Jr Cross, JimAmbrose, Joe Chambers, JimBell, Alfred Cooper, It IIBrownrldge, Robt Clark, ZayBowling, Will Chapel, WillByrd, Frank Collier. JimBarrett, Alfred Chambers, IxlfleldBroadnoux, AVm Craig, JessieBradford, John Chambers, JoeBell, Henry Coleman, RichardBrown, Itobt Drane, MandyBrown, AVm Drane, HenryBowie, Chas Duloney, EdmondBowles, AVlllie Duloney, HaywardBrown, Jerry Dodson, AbnerBrown, Tom Dickens, Jim3aker, AVilson Dickens, SettleSell, Dave P0*?* ^11

Burnes, Lewis Dixon, MackBrown, Tobe Denson, AutryBrownrldge, SylveftfctDeUson, Lewis # CtuAmlns, Frank Duloney, DaveColeman, Dan HuUney, Robt


%Lacy, Anderson Little, Henry Little, Dock I^ewis, Ed Lacy. Sam Montgomery, John Munson, J D Mitchell, Mathew .Martin. Geo Noel, Jim Jr Nelson. Jake Nolls, Isom Nance, Ed Oats, Grant Olliphant. Stanfield Osborn, T AV Parker, Joe Patton, Joe Henry Price, Henry Powers, Major Redmond, Jim Redmond, John Redmond, Jason Redmond, Robt Redmond, Andrew Redmond, David Redmond, Sam A Redmond, Robt Redmond, Jerry Redmond, AV II Rodgers, Jessie Roberts, John Roach. RufuSv Russell, Tom Roberts, Henry Roberts, Harris Rule, John Stovall, Jim Stuart, Alex Simmons, AVess Simmons. Claiborn Smith, Bob Sibley, Anderson Samnle, Harris Sanders, I>ave Stlgler, Pat Smith. F B Stovall, Brooks Travis, Jim Tate, Clint Tate, John Tate, Nelse Thatch, Tom Wade, Monroe Webster, John H

Alexander, Garfield Anthony, John Ander Alexander, Allen Barley, Ben Blue, Jim Bankhead, Reuben Brown, Andy Bailey, Ross Cooker, Robt Downer, Jaek Downer, Sanders Flecker, Joe Farr, AV F Green, Austin Grant, Wesley Grant, James Griffin, Harry Garrett, Georgo Hill, Nutle Holman, Wm W Henry J A\’Horton, Jack Higgins, Henry Horton, Richard Jefferson, Saffold Larry, Jack

. Alex

, Pete


Orders have been issued to open the United States-Des Moines rapids canal for navigation on April 1. Several email steamers and the big packets Quincy and Sydney are being repaint­ed in the canal, and will start out as Boon as the canal le op^ed. Steam­boat men are anticipating a heavy traf­fic this year because of the fair at Et Louis.

llenry/’ f:

wAlford, Will Arnold, AValter Anderson, Erin Allen, Simon Ames, AV T Anderson, Alfred Anderson, Henry Anderson, Jim Anthony, Gus Alexander, Geo Anderson, Gus Bankhead, AVess Brown, Sol Brooks, Lee Brooks, Scrap Bell, Harriett Bruce, AVlll Bruce, Frank Borger, W E Berry, Ik#Butler, Oscar Brooks, Charley Bllfingshea, Taylor Brook*, Bailey Butler, Mack Blue, joe Bush, AVm Boyette, Henry Brown, Tom. Brown, Phil Cooper, J H » Clay, Simon Clark, Johnson Culpeper, AValter Craft, Geo Culpejffer, Richard Culpeper, Jim 8r Culpepor. Jtm Jr Collier, Steve Covington, Harry Coleman, Richard Carter, Geo

Carter, Sam Cain, AVm Daney, Wm Durham, Ira Durham, AV E Dole, Ephrlam Dole, AVlllie Dodson, Bob Dixon, Jim Dorsey. Alex Davis, Louis Durham, Ben Denton, AVilson Denton. Henry Dole, Ike Elmore, Wm Edwards, Lee Edwards, A J Flfer, Allen Feamster, Don Ford, Sherman Ford, Geo Gray, Harry Gray, Sol Grace, Wade Gray, John Glover, Salome Glover, Winston Gray, Mack Gage, Frank Gillespie, ... Glover, John Glover, Wesley Galon, Green Green, Sherman Gary, Frank Gordon, Jim Gray, Jonas Gilmore, W F Holmes, Henry Ilollaway, John Hausman, Hen 17

c, NorthSu

Singleton, Jake Sims, Jim Sessions. Jim Stokes. Theodore Simmons, Frank Sheri aid, Jim Slierrard, Chas Sessions, Jacob Sessions, James Smith, Ed Solomon, Walter Sims, George Scott, Wm Stringer, Manuel Smith, llenry Stuart, Jim Jr Stevenson, Gua Syphax,Strowd, Gree* Sproles, Dan Sproles, Jos Smith, John Streater, Martha Strickland, VV C Silas. Kl Saddler, Wm Saddler, Alf Sanders, Will Sherman, Allen Tinces, Wm Taylor, Welter 'Paylor, Jim Triplett. Wade Taylor. Richard Trayls. Dan Triplett, Sam Tastln, Isaac

1Cox, JlinGreen. E PCox, Will

Cowan, Will Coleman, Walter Coleman, Richard Cowan, Edgar Corbin. Alex Corbin. Link Dale. Armlstead Dale. Henry DarIon, Abe Edwards, Sum Edwards, John Epps, Percy Epps, Branch FrankHu, Lynch Franklin. Home Frederick, Walter Griffin, Robt Gowan, Lige Green, Frank Garrett, P L Gibson, Wash Gibson, Henry Gibson, Walter Hocut, W II Illcks, Mathew Illcks, John Horton, AVlll Horton, Sam Hill, Wiley Hays, AVlllie Howard, Anderson Howard, Abe Hill, Jim Johnson, W M

Gilmore, Louis Gowdy, Jas Gibson, Will Gibson, Squire Greer. Will Goodlow. Will Grant, Melton lLernley, Tom Harrington. Robt Ilorton, Alfred Hudson. Jim Huggins, Aaron Huggins, Aaron Jr Huggins, Mose Hunt. Ned Hamilton. Pruff Hamilton. Lucius Hines. Richard Hemingway, Denuls Huff. Neal Hudson. Billie Hemphill, Henry Hudson. Sam Hester. Loveless Howard, Henry Harmon, Jfln Harmon. Allen Hanks, Gus Hoskins. Davy Hinds, John lliuds, Alf Illcks. Elga Harris, III Hunter, Bob

f.A party of wealthy Japanese have

arrived at Seattle, Wash., to visit the principal centers of the United States, Inspect rolling mills and factories of all hinds, looking to the condition of the poor, examine the practical work­ing of the laws, and ascertain, If pos­sible, whether religion enters to any appreciable extent Into the actual dally life of the people.

The coroner’s jury, which has been Investigating the collapse of the Dar­lington hotel, In New York, by which 21 persons lost their lives, on the 22d

* returned a verdict in which Eugene P. Allison, one of the owners of the build- fog, and the contracting firm of Pole ^ Scbwandtner, are held to hare been guilty of criminal negligence. Warrants for the arrest of the three men have been Usued.









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