- - -- - - rr 1 , THE POST. Wednesday mornlns, Dsc 8, 1852. Mn. J. T. O'Bbyax, is our author-ite- d agent at Bardstown for the reception of Subscriptions, Advertisements, Ac, and 8 m Iso authorized to receive and receipt, for all monies due us in that region. Rags!? Rags!! Rags!!! Clean Linuen and Cotton Rttgs wanted at this office. The highest price in CASH will be paid for any amount brought. yWc have a lot of fine "Half Span- ish" Cigars, which we will sell low, by retail. Call at our Reading Room. Coxtradictbd! The Frankfort there is no trut in the ru- mor that Rev. Mr. Smiley had been shot at Nicholasvillc. Klauprecht, who (shot Dr. Albcrs, editor of a German paper at Cincinnati, a short time since, for slandering his wife, lias been convicted and sentenced to the penitetitiary.for one year. The jury had recommended him to the mercy of the court. A lengthy bill of exceptions was taken. The case will be taken to the dis- trict court and probably reversed. Sickness on Shipboard. The schoon- er Oregon, Capt. Walters, his mate and all hands on board, down with the Tam-pic- o fever. We learn that Capt. W. J, Heady lias sold the old homestead, of 450 acres in Speneer county, to a Mr. Scott, for thirty dollars and one cent per acre. Jcnxt Lin'd. The story about Jenny Lind and her husband having fallen out , ? , raust untrue. wnoitherpart the was mentioned as the author of the ru- mor, says she has not been in the same town with Jenny Lind since her marriage to Otto Goldschmidt. The Dime Contribution. The Pla- - quemine (L.) Sentinel claims the honor of having originated the plan of the dime contribution to the Washington Monu-- j ment. which it did. it says, on the 10th of April last. There are now eight porsons con- fined in tlrte New Albany jail. One old mail, an teacher, was Sent tttirty days for stealing Sunday school books. Th,. .. nnWir-atio- of the Dailv CoU-- ! , j tier !ind Daily Eipress, at Terre Haute, lias been suspended for want of sufficient patronoge. Mrs. Farrenand Miss Davenport .ate playing at Pittsburg. We are informed that most of the hogs in Logan county, have been purchas- ed by packers at Bowling Green and Clarkstille, at $4 50 and $5 00 The Ilopkinsville Press says that about 16,000 hogs will be packed on the Cum- berland river this season. "We understand that about 6000 hogs will be packed at Henderson, Ky., this season, besides the number put up for home consumption. At Rumsey and South Carrolton, on Green river, about 2000 hogs will be slaughtered this season. Tho receipts of gold at the United States mint in Philadelphia, for coinage, daringjthe month of November, 'amount- ed to about $7,250,000. That, says the Philadelphia Bulletin, is the largest amount erer deposited there during a similar pe- riod. Of the above amount was from the Australia mines. Davis, the mnrderof his sister Mrs. Van Wagoner, now under a life sentence in the Massachusetts State Prison tit Charlestown, nearly effected his escape from the enclosure, a short time since. The St. Paul's Minnesota Demcrat says that "our streets art merry with the jingling of sleigh-bells- , the cheering mu- sic of a Minnesota winter." Lopez, who was sentenced to the Missouri penitentiary, recently, on a charge of embazzlement, and subsequently par- doned out by the Governor, was arrested again on another charge of the same kind. The veteran, Sam Pike, formerly of the Kentucky Flag, has purchased the Maysville Watchman, and will soon com- mence the publication of a new weekly pa- per in that city. Sec the Advertisement of B. Ed- monds, in another column. Mr. E. has a large assortment of Shoes and Boots, which he sells remarkably ehfsp. A Capitol Anecdote. "A year or two since, a Mr. B was elected to represent the town of Slul'airne, N. U., in the Legislature. He was a plain, old far- mer, full of sound sense, and ready for any real work that was needed. When he made his antieanuice a', the Stale House, it must he i . i ' tl ;iit Ins tout ensemble &- - an hut I iS'iiuiiabli'. His h u was i i "t lie of aiitiqt'.i' V his cw.-- e IH'l-- a hunt -- the pr.:Juci ( f l.ir a n his b'iots of ' ; (.! l.;OS tial cow-hid.- '. A: lobby, there were :,"ve:a! v ' hers" riajidiiv :.h ;Ut 'Aw ti'l sing the new conn to b- - " iney merely cas: a "la:.ce at his we; face, turned up their noses at ,his verdant look, and then continued tia'-i- : conversation. B. took a scat near 'i:e stove. ''No room here fur visitors," said mire the flippant. "0, I'm a member." "iou n memi;cr U'te i'd tiie fir.-- 1 speaker. "Sartin;" responded B , in a mild tone. "Where from?" "Shelburne." "Well," said a fashionably dressed "member," with a disdainful look at the rough, coarse dress of the famcr; "havn't the folks in Shelburne got any body else to send here?" "0, as for that matter," returned Mr. B , with perfect good nature. "I 'spose there's a good many men there that knows more'n I do, but they haint any of 'em got avy clothes that's fit to wear" The fledcrine: were floored, and before the session closed they found that thider. be Madams Sontag, of paper $5,000 browned memoer trom sneiourne, couia see through a question as far as they could see around ii." Special Notircs. "I DIGEST!" Such is the true .meaning of the word "repsin, or ol tiietwo Ureek words from which it is derived. This is the significant and appropriate utie ot tiie l rue Uige Uive f luid or Gastric Juice, prepared by Di . J. S. H ughto.i, of Philadelphia, from the fourth st onuch of tiie Ox. for the cure o' Indigestion and Dyspepsia. It is Nature's owu remedy for an unhealthy stomach. No art of man can equal its curative powers. It renders good eating perfective oil- - sistaht with health. See advertisement in a House and Lot for Sale!!!i Y virtue of a decree rendered at the lust' I f September term of the Marion Circuit court, in the case of E. Muldrow and others vs. C. A. Porter and others, I will sell in 1 etia-o- at the Court House ilnnr. nn ATnn,! .,. i, 6th day of December, 1852, (it being County QRitL said town. There is a lot rnnnii g ,ck irom1 " ...T "V. vall,ame "nProv: ments en it, including a fine two st. ry brick Kitchen lhe store house has a number of finely finished rooms, fitted up for a family resi- dence, in addition.to the store room, and is ad- - miraDiy suited tor an nuuvidual with a family who is uesirous ot carrying 011 merchandise or omer Dusmess. mere is now a Drug Store IX '. ""'g"'1""0'"""' ll,e P'Tchaser giving bom wun good security, to have the r, rce and envrf of a replevin bond, bearing interest from date. State of Kentucky, Set., Sept T erm Marion Circuit. J 1852. Guekn Phillips, Adm. Plf't . against Gkees Phillips' Creditors, ifcc. Deft.; KDEKED by the Court that all nersons having claims acraiust tho estate of Green which a a l77:ll:.. j'l.a , ... "I inp. uec u.,are nereuy required to produce and prove the same" Wm. S. Knott. ter ( omr. in Chancery, at the Oilice of the Marion Circuit Court, on or before the March next, and all creditors are enjoined from uihci wife uisposmg 01 uieir claims until the lur-th- er order the Court. Attest, WAI. S. KNOTT, M. C mir. CARRIAGES!! F. LAWREY TAKES fthis method of informing the citizen, of Marion county, that he will visii at least once in everv and ofiener lie will always to furnish CARRAGES. BUG- GIES, ROCKAWAYS, &c, of tho very latest ana mosuasnionable paterns at Louisvtlle pi - t , - , am oina).icauj excnaiige new carriag- es for second hand upon terms. LT My mnnulactiire- - is at Louisville on the comer Main and Preston where I will always oe giau to recieve oruers irom "the. citi- zens this neighborhood. F. LAWREY. Reference. J. H. Kirk. J. P. Keed.S Pur dy, Geo. Phillips and'J. T. Jarboe. rJcw Tall and Winter DRY GOODS. THE undersigned has just received from the a very handsome assortment of La dies' and Gentlemens' goods, selected by one of the buyers, west of the Aleghanys, con- sisting in part of the followingarticles: Armenian cloths; figured and delains; fancy colored merinoes; silks and black and cloths; 6- -4 La Bavadere cassimeres; black Doetkins; embroided Vestings; plain over- coatings; Cloak linings; Ladies' and Gentle- mens' Kids and Buckskins; all of the goods can be bought very low for or on a short credit. Persons owing account for the past year confer a favor not to be forgotten soon by com ingia and settling by cash. MONEY I AM BOUND TO HAVE. J. R. KNOTT Oct. 6th, 1852-t- f. New Fall and Winter BUY GOOD.i. L. A. SPALDING CO. 3. 7"OULD respectfully inform their friends W V and the public generally that they have now in Store a large and well selected stock of Fall and Winter Goods, Comprisingall of and paterns suit- able for this market, which they arc determined to Bell as low as any establishment in the Our friends and the public generally are reques- ted to call and examine enr stock. S?pt. 09th, IRS1-- . Blew Tall and Winter GOODS . . have just i.irect from IiLW Wn and PHILADEPHI'. a com- - pletestock of Fall and Winter GOOD.- - wliicli ... l! l r.. . .. .1)1' tc niiiBciimiv ioi uasu or 10 punctual dealers on the usual credit oiircustorners and the nub- - lie generally ere requested to pive us a call. All kinds of country produce tuk n in exchanged f r goods. ABKLL, V.'IMS TT, &, All those indebted to the undersigned either by note or account are requested to call and we are tn settle up our old A & V." I. A BELL Sept. Clii, l;52-t- f. KB! BOCEks!! s lit I ' ii'tf School, and ' iscellaii" us t.() iKS. I ether with Stationery luav had hi tin- - Dm;- s tore; and any w rks .,esired, not n iiiiu,, w ill he immediHteK rendered. ist,2!..:,:J,4lh,aii(l 5ln Readers, Primmer and S el!ers. Goo rich's 1st, 2nd, 3d and 4th Readers. W'eh l r's Dictionary, Speller andSpeller and I) ! . ,n'-- Davies', a d Pike's Arithmetics and Ruy's Alg-.bn- lumlcr'.s, S iiiitlj "s Kirkaam's and Pinneu's Gramme rs. Miichel's Oiney'sand Smith's Geographies. Con stock's Natural Philosophy and Chemis- try. Pinnea's English Familliar Science. Ciisinas; the great wur of iiaron Humbolt ry of England by Hume; Smallett & Mil- - ler, in 4 vols. Hollin's History of the Medes, Persians,, &c, in 2 vols. Bancroft's History the United States in 4 vols. Hildrith's History of the United States, in 6 vols. Young American's Library in 10 vols., gilt and embossed. Scottish Chiefs, Cook's Voyages, Kinaldo Romance of the Forest, Children of the Abbey. The practical works of Hewitt, Cook & Lau- - Kirk White; Goldsmith; Shakspeare; Pope. Moore, Ossian; Mrs. Hemans; Milton &, Young; Campbell; Byron, Wordsworthr&. Cou-pe- r; and Croly's British Tales, airbeautifully.gilt and embossed. Besides, a variety of elegant gilt books va- rious kinds and sizes. All for sale for at nearly Louisville prices Lebanon, Sept. 22 185-J-t- L. NOBLE. Entered according to let omrre-s- , in the; year icji , uy j o. i: 'UUH n ) .1! J.. in the Clerk's Oilie. of r, ' ., i Court for the Eastern Disir.cl of Pennsylvania. Another Scientific Wonder. GKK ' i::. (ij; D Y . .. PEPS A ! IR J. HCUGHTOIV'S 1 THE T: UE DIGELTIVK FLUID G' A T1 l.XlLG JUlCB!i Prepared from Rennet, or the Fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Liehig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. "I IJ Ur t, S 1 . Such is the true meaning of nie woru ru 11 is tne cinel eleii)ei,ti or great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice the Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preser ving and btimulaling Agent fine Stomach and Intestines. It is extracted from the Digestive. Stomach of the Ox. thus forming a true Digest ive Fluid, precise like the natural Gastric Juice in its Chemical powers, and furnishing a com- plete and perfect suhst tute for it. This is Nature's own Remcd, f r an unheal- thy Stomach. No rt of man can its cu- rative powers. It contains 11 Alehohol, Bitters, Acids, r Nauseous Drugs. It, is extremely agreeable to the. taste, and may be taken by the most patients who cannot eat a wator ciarke'- - without acute distress. Beware f Drugged Imitations. Pepsi 11 is not a Drue. H ill a teasooor.ful of Peusin infused in wn ter, will digest or dissolve five nonnds of Roust Beef in about two out of the. stomach $fiiiMT.!ifi-- ! V.iri A n e r w .viiii,. evidence, Irom l.eilng's Animal Chemistry; Dr. Combe's Physiology of Digestion; Dr. Pereira on V: or and Diet; Dr. John W. Draper of New York University; Prof. Dunglison's Physiology; Prof. Sillinian. tf Yale College; Dr. Carpenter's Physio ogy; &c, together with reports of cures from all parts of the United States. Pepsin in riuid and Powder. Dr. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN is nrenareH in powder and in Fluid Form and in Drescriotion v lais inr me use 01 1 nysieians. t he powder will be sent by mail free of Postage, for one dollar sent to Dr. Houghton, Philadelphia. ETOBStiRVE THIS! Everv bottle of the genuine Pepsin bears the Written sienature ij. o. uuouniuiv, iU. U sole proprietor. Philadelphia Pa. Copy-rig- and Trade mark secured ITPSnld l.vnll Tlr,,;..(0 ,l..l :.. m.j: cine. Price ONE DOLLAR per bottle AGENTS. L. II. NOBLE, Lebanon. J- - I. S.medlkv, Harrodsourg. D. D. Woods, Bardstown. New Fall and Winter DRY GOODS. THE undersigned have just received a new spledid assortment of 1'ALL ND WINTER DRY GOODS, consisting in part of Black and Fancy Cloths and Cassimeres; Silk, Sattin and Wi rste.i; and fancy Vcstings; plain and embroiderer Cashimeres; Fancy plain and figured Delanes; Calicoes and Muslins, Irish Linens, Linen La-.vn- s and Linen Camhrirks: a varh-i- of Braids, Straw an,! Mourning Bonne s ol ti e l.tslest st i le ; Hard ware, tueensware, lableand Pocket cutlery of me oesi quality; together Willi a g od assort ment of Hoots an;: Shoes ol every variety; allot winch win sen upon tiie most reasonable of terms, for CASH or to punctual dealers, on the usual time. JOHN B. WATHEN A, CO. Sept. 29th, l!52-t- f. PLANTER'S HOTEL. $2 1 II L undersigned would reDectfullv an nounce to the public that he has taken the PLANTER'S HOTEL, situated on thesouth side of Main between Seventh and Eight streets, and to has refurnished it throughout with entire new furniture, and is now prepared to accommodate those who may favor the house with oatronatre. in as comfortable a style as any other house in the city and on as reasonable terms. He has several large and comfortable rooms suitable for families. L. P. CRENSHAW, Proprietor. N. B. The Bar is at all times supplied with i the most selection of liquors, cigars, 4ic be ILTTin Scientific Evidence upon this Remedy is based is in the highest degree curious and remarKable Call on he gent and get Descriptive Cir-ier- gratis, giving large amount of scientific before Mas-- i Clerk's of euariou month sometimes be prepared 10 of or visits of Oct. 27th-G- m tastiest plain fancy do.; cash will the varieties west. received CO. determined L. be Teacher; Hist of of cash H. S. equal hours, of plain iney choice cular, Northern New York Live Stock Ins. Co. OF PLATTSBURG, NEW YORK. Capital $50,000. Inc.ornorated hn the. 1.eaislnU, rf th. Zi - - - v si A J c,rc-- , at it r SeW ork' Jull 185I lorses. Cattle, and all kinds of Livestock. Insured affainst Death, bv the combined risks of Fire, Water, Diseases, &.;. Stuck transported by Water, Railroad, or driv- - en on foot to market, insured at fair rates. J he. s bscriber having been appointed Agent of the ahove reliable and peifectly solvent Com- - uany. is urenared t issue Policies at Inr mteg of premi in as any responsible Company in vui- ...iiiii.j uiaicn. He respectfully invites the attention of Lit- - ery Stuble Keepers, Cabmen, Farmers, and all others interested. R.S. PETLRS, Agent, l.eb.uioii.Ly., Aug. 25, 1842. Come all ye sinners shivering and sliaKinr, Hungry and Ihhsty. the umi me i, bakin?. Gen. Scott again in the Field, H. JOHNSTON, HAS JUST RECKIVLD . large and assortment of Cooking and mineu Heating STOVES of the latest and most improved parterns, and would call the particular attention of tin; pnb-- j lie to his large heavy premium cooking stoves. maue especially lor the country. iiil Kinds ot I in ware on hand, together ith my uaua variety of notions, and every kind of article that is needed in the cookine line Oct. 20th 1852. Notice. ALL those indebted to me for goods sold would do me a great favor by com- ing in and settling their accounts by cash, as 1 am very much in need of money at this time. J. R. KNOTT. Aug. 8, 1852. 6w. New Fall and Winter DRY GOODS. MA AS & RORH CHILD. Springfield, Ky. added to their already large stock, a full supply of Fall and Winter Dry Goons of all the varieties and patterns suitable for this market. Being determined to sell gnods as low as any establishment in the West, we would invite all those who wish lav to in their ii-- - . . . . ' . " "iiereioinmg to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. We do not charge anything for showing go .ds. September 1st., 1852-t- r. Cigars! Cigars!! TIh very best article of IJegalia, Lanorma Principee Cigars can now be procured at my heading Koom. All those who are fond of good Cigars can now eet them without idv " , trOllll C. ty'llllA trentliriMn ;.nrl cmnl un, o..,l : to your hearts content. iv . v . j Atn.. August 2o tf, LOST, Water Street, on Tuesday the 17th, 1852, a GOLD SHIRT KTITD S.i,l o.,, f."-"c- i.t a South American $1 25 piece on one u, 'ivuiui jiici.c ui wi uugti 1 goiu oil me other. The wrought gold had engraved upon it the letters T. J. Any one finding and returning said stud to the Printing Office, will be suitably rewarded and many thanks. Auf 18th, 1852. ,V FINE LOT OF VISITING and BUSI-T- A NESS C ARDS, on hand and for sale ut the Printing Office. niay 5, tf 1 riUULSUAP PAPER, of the very best qual- - , uy, on nana and ler sale, at the Printing Office. may 5. tl fip NVELOPES of every quality and price. viT on hand and for sale, at the Printing office May 5 PROSPECTUS OF THE LE ANON POST Enough has been Yaid and wrote upon the innumerable advantages arising out of having a newspaper in a" County; I will not, therefore, enlarge upon this point. Feeling convinced that the people of Ma- rion wish an establishment of the kind in their county, I have consented, after manv solicitations, to make a trial; let us see what will be the result. I had p;itiall made my arrangements to move upon the Ohio river, but if the people of Marion will show, by subscribing liberally for the "POST," that they want a paper, we will succum to their wishes, and settle amongst them. THE POST, will be strictly NEU- TRAL in Politics and Religion, in all things else perfectly INDEPENDENT; expressing freely the views of the Editor and his Correspondents, on the passing events ot tne day, local matters, &c I am decidedly in favor of Railroad commu- nication in Kentucky, being firmly convin ced that in that way alone, can our belov-Stat- e keep up with the advancement of the age and her older Sister-State- s. I am particularly in favor of a communication of this kind across the State, and thus giving us a direct intercourse with the great southern mart; being cqftvinced that-suc- an intercourse would rJound to the benefit of all classes, and that the propos- ed route through Marion County is the best location in the state, and believe firm- ly that it can and will be run. .We will advocate, conditionally, to the best of our ability, this truly beneficial enterprise and solicit-th- pens of others. THE P0 T, will be dedicated to Neu s, Agriculture, Tales. Poetry, Anecdotes. e.'C. Nothino- shall an near in its ei,!im;n a hurtful or demoralizing te'tuer.rv to the mind; in a word, it shall b- - a FAMILY NEWSPAPER. TH.i P0.iT, will he issued weekly, on every Wednesday, on an imperial sheet at per year in advance, $2 50 if paid in six months, or $3 if the payment is delay- ed until the end of the year. Wishing commence on the last' of April or the first of May, I would be gratified to re- ceive all of my prospectuses, crowded with names before that time. be W. W. JACK, Editor and Proprietor, IFHjIIE VERY FINEST article of LETTER PAPER that the country can afford may found, low fer eih, at t Printing 'Offie. Cheap Cash Drug Store!! Having lately purchased the stock of Drugs. Medicines, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stuff- s, Linseed, Sweet, Olive and Castor Oils, v liies.urandies, faints, fitc, ot Dr. C. A. Por- - te of this placerand having fully replenished the same, I take this- opportunity of informing Physicians, Country Merchants, and the coin- - mutiny in general, that 1 shall endeavor to i keep on hand at all times, a full supply of everv article usually kept in a Drug Store, warrantedl t0 be 01 ll'e best quality, which, bavins pur- - chased for cash at reduced prices, 1 will furnish wholesale or retail, to customers for CASH, NEARLY AS CHEAP as they can be obtain- - e ' ' OOlsviIle. Keino satisfied that I can do tn'sl hope the community will favor me with a - j vuri,g not o. iuai iircia may no mistake, I will here annex a Iistof pricos m08t common article in the Drug lino, Medicines. Patent Medicines Stc, sold equally jcheap- - Recollect that every article is warrau- - ted to be of tiie best quality. Allspice, per pound, 20 cents ; lack Pepper, 20 Candy 80 Common Gin SO Maddr 90 Borax 40 Castile 3 .up 40 Carbonate of Maueia 40 White glue ; 35 Cream Tartar 35 Linseed oil per gal. I 20 Turpentine 1 12 Copal Varnish 2 50 Castor oil, per bottle 20 Sweet oil 20 Chrome Green, per lb. 50 Paris do 50 Candles 15 Red Lead 15 Litharge IJ Camphor per ounse 10 Natmegs 15 Indigo with Madder 10 Best Brandy, per bot. 90 Best Port Wine 75 Best Maderia 75 Best Muscat 65 Best Catawba 75 Starch, best per lb. 10 White lead pure per kg. 2 20 L. H. NOBLE. Lebanon, Ky., July, 281852-- f. Webb 8c Levering, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, And Whalesale and Eetail Dealers in Catholic, Miscellaneous, and School Books, No. 49 Third St., one door from Mail,. TTAVE nowon hand and keep constantly JL JL large and general assortment of everv des- - 01 aiiionc rrayer .books, Meditations, Bibles, etc., together with a most complete stock of Blank Hooks full bound and half bound, Cap and Demy, corners and bands which they will warrant of superi r manufacture and paper. W. . w la , i,,,.;io .1... .,....: . r "'fiicuic aiicnuuil 'II country merchants, teachers, parents and trU!ir. jdians, t- - their stock ofSchool RnnU pr.r;l.i,...j;n ii, 0..11. j c,l, .T. J V ""-- 11. .,10 u',ici,Cfl UI1U OCIIOOIS Ol tl.. IT. ,.j ?... t- - . b. , .u.a. c nave aiso an assortment nf . S.jt;nnA. t. I. 11 . . uu nuiiu winen win not loose by comparison with any house in the West. July 28-l- in. yWANCY TLAIN and ornamented Candies '"""); i wirniiiiu presents; received and lor sale hy j)ec o0 A. J.Green &. Co ,V FINE LOT OF NOTE PAPER just re-- f ceived and for sale, at the Printing office. May 5, tf ' CABINET MAKING. THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully an to the citizens of Lebanon and Marion county that he still continues to man- ufacture on the most reasonable terms and in the most workmanlike mnnner, all articles usual- ly kept in establishments of the kind; such as: Fine, Marble-top- , and common Bureaus, Fine and common Bedsteads, all sizes, Spring Matrasses, Tables, large and small, t dx All of which he will sell on as reasonable terms as they can be bought for in any (own in Ken- tucky. Than1 ful for past favors, I would so- licit, and hope to deserve by punctuality to busi- ness, a continuance of the patronage hitherto ex- tended to me. A. S. HARDY. May 12,1852, tf ALL KINDS OF BLANKS done the neatest style at this office. Lebanon Female SEMINARY! T I THE next session of this School will cora- - I mence on the 1st. Monday iu Septemter ensuing. Senior and Junior classes under the instruction of Miss Maitha A. Lovejoy, ot Cin- cinnati; a lady who comes to the institution with the highest testimonials. Primary Depart- ment, as formerly, will be taught by Miss Mar- tha A. Hogue. Music Teacher, Joseph Ganter of Louisville' The undersigned will still have the supervision of the School and will occasionally hear recita- tions and examine the classes in all the branch- es taught. Terms per session ol au weeks, in Primary Department, $6 00 Junior Class, 8 00 Senior Class, 10 and 19 00 Board in the institution including washing, fuel, lights &c, per week 2 00 Board from Monoaytill Friday eve 1 25 One dollar per pupil will be charged for fuel during the winter session. No deduction made for absence except in case of protracted sickness L. II. NOBLE. Lebanon, Ky., July 28th, 1852. Princicipal REMOVAL. undersigned have removed into their THE and commodious Store House, where His thev are receiving and opening a large and well selected stock of Staple and Fancy Fall and Winter, Diy Goods, selected with great care by one of the Firm, at New York and Philadelphia. Having purchas ed at low prices, they are determined to sell low. and would be pleased to see all of the.r old friends and acquaintances. Our terms will be low for cash, or to punctual dealers on twelve months time. J. W. Chandler, having associated himself with K. S. Peters, the business of the Firm will conducted under the name, .f J. W. CH ANDLER Sl CO. Ali those indebted to J. W, Chandler, on ac- count or note, are particularly requested to come forward and make payment as I am deter- mined to wind up the business of the old con- cern. J. W. CHANDLER. Tfc. Ky., Rpt. 2?. l"M-t- r. INSURANCE AGAINST--""- - LOSS OR DAMAGE i Ii Y AND TIIE PERILS OF NAVIGATION, BY THE PROTECTION Insurance Company OF- Hartford, Conn. This old and responsibU Company con- tinues to grant Policies upon the raot,t fa- vorable terms. ... . Apply to E. F. SHACKELFORD, Agent for Lebanon and Marion County, Kv-- September 8th, lm. PROSPECTUS ' or ST. MARY'S COLLEGE . NB Alt LEBAKOX, MARION CO., KY. This Literary Institution,, founded in 1851, by the late Rkv. William Btrse, and subsequently conducted for mary ycars by the Jesuits, is now uner the of the Right Rev. Bishop of Louisville, who will always tke meaus to provide a suitable Faculty for. carrying it on with a view to promote the greatest public good. Under the auspices of its previous conductors, the Institution has been instrumental in widely diffusing tLe blessings f a religious education through- out Kentucky and the adjoining States. The steadiness of its patronage has beea a constant evidence of the public appror-al- . The beauty and salubrity of the sit- uation, as well as the spaciousness and commodiousncss of tht College Buildings, are generally known. It will be the coa-sta- aim of the Faculty to adopt, so tar as practicable, the plan which it ira so well and so usefully conducted by its en- lightened and benevtdent Founder. TERMS PER SESSION. INVARIABLY IX ADVASCK. Board, including Washlug, Meadiug Shirts and Soeks after washiu g, Fuel and Light, togeth- er with Tuition in Orthography, Beading, Writing, English Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic, $37 39 Board, &c, (as above,) wlli Tuition ia u?i of Globes, Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, Boait-Keepin- g, Hissory, Rhetoric auii Baiany, ar cither of these branches, 43 00 Board, &c. (as above,) with Tiin la the Clas- sics, Higher Mathematics and Pbllaaophy, er either of them, 4j CO Tuition in French, (Bxtra,) 5 00 Bed and Bedding, whenJfuruUhed, 3 00 Stationary, Pens, Ink aud Papr, when fur nished, 2 50 XJ"Books, Medicines and other neesasary articles are furnished by , the Ageut of Ui College, t current retail prices; ; 0For those who remain at the College' dsrlcg the vacations, there will be ' an additional eharae for Board of 10 00 SPRLGANJ SUMMER STYLE OF HATS AND CAPS!! facilities for the purchasing of MY and the manufacturing to order of SUPERIOR HATS, are uot excelled in the Wes- tern Country. I have m hand,aad am constantly wacnfatar-in- g to order Black and Whita Beaver, Nutria, Brush, Russia and Otter Hats, &c. Alar the Spring style of HaL from th moot eelebra ted houses iu the city of New York. Togetiie? with a large assortment of Brown California, black and white Bcena VisV: and Wool Huts. Mens' and Youths' Panama Hats. " " Double aud single bri.r Leghorn. " ' Pedal Ftraw HaU. " " Plm L.f d Infants' fancy Summer 4o Ladies' Riding'Huts, of the latest Nsw y.t and Parisian Style. Kossuth Hats, &e., &.C The above goods will bfonnd equti in qt. j ity, and fully as LOW in PRICF. a the can be bought for iu Louisville or --. other city market. The Patrons of the house, and the put. ji large, are particularly invited to call aiul e Mai- ne, the assortment. IZTHats of any particular shape made to der at short uotice. LEONARD EDtiLEN Lebanon, may 5. LEBANON HOTHL J. II. KIRK, PROPRIETOR, WOULD Respectfully aanouEce t" Public, thai he hu n- -i f ; ished in a fine manner his Tavern Stead l:i anon, where he will at all times b hppy - : tertain his friends and the public oe.' : -- will spare no pains to make tbm err ; ' ; when they put up with him. His tobU i . '. supplied with the best the market can ..ii rt bar contain te best of Llanora, i i.r re &c, and his stable with the beatt proviu..' t attentive grooms. "TfrN- hone always 1 V. ; r) . to hire by the day or week. kept by the day, week, or month, at Tir; . onable rates. 0Fine Horses for aaleal ail limes. May 5, If J. II. LUX. WHITE all rmil D Laine, it do Orange do lis Plain watered Bilk figured a Changeable do. Just received by A BELL WIMSATT '- 'Sugar. HOGSHEADS OFSUGAEnur it ing andffor sale by mav 12 JOtfN TT. 'SAK.I "

The Lebanon post. (Lebanon, KY) 1852-12-08 [p 3].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w6m33300j/data/0099.pdf · will be packed at Henderson, Ky., this season, besides the number put up for home consumption

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Page 1: The Lebanon post. (Lebanon, KY) 1852-12-08 [p 3].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w6m33300j/data/0099.pdf · will be packed at Henderson, Ky., this season, besides the number put up for home consumption

- - -- - -rr 1 ,

THE POST.Wednesday mornlns, Dsc 8, 1852.

Mn. J. T. O'Bbyax, is our author-ite- d

agent at Bardstown for the receptionof Subscriptions, Advertisements, Ac, and8 mIso authorized to receive and receipt,

for all monies due us in that region.

Rags!? Rags!! Rags!!!Clean Linuen and Cotton Rttgs wanted

at this office. The highest price in CASHwill be paid for any amount brought.

yWc have a lot of fine "Half Span-

ish" Cigars, which we will sell low, by

retail. Call at our Reading Room.

Coxtradictbd! The Frankfortthere is no trut in the ru-

mor that Rev. Mr. Smiley had been shot

at Nicholasvillc.

Klauprecht, who (shot Dr. Albcrs,editor of a German paper at Cincinnati, a

short time since, for slandering his wife,

lias been convicted and sentenced to thepenitetitiary.for one year. The jury hadrecommended him to the mercy of thecourt. A lengthy bill of exceptions was

taken. The case will be taken to the dis-

trict court and probably reversed.

Sickness on Shipboard. The schoon-

er Oregon, Capt. Walters, his mate andall hands on board, down with the Tam-pic- o


We learn that Capt. W. J, Headylias sold the old homestead, of 450 acresin Speneer county, to a Mr. Scott, for

thirty dollars and one cent per acre.

Jcnxt Lin'd. The story about JennyLind and her husband having fallen out

, ? ,

raust untrue. wnoitherpart the

was mentioned as the author of the ru-

mor, says she has not been in the same

town with Jenny Lind since her marriageto Otto Goldschmidt.

The Dime Contribution. The Pla- -

quemine (L.) Sentinel claims the honor

of having originated the plan of the dime

contribution to the Washington Monu-- j

ment. which it did. it says, on the 10th of

April last.

There are now eight porsons con-

fined in tlrte New Albany jail. One old

mail, an teacher, was Sent tttirtydays for stealing Sunday school books.

Th,... nnWir-atio- of the Dailv CoU-- !, jtier !ind Daily Eipress, at Terre Haute,lias been suspended for want of sufficient


Mrs. Farrenand Miss Davenport

.ate playing at Pittsburg.

We are informed that most of the

hogs in Logan county, have been purchas-

ed by packers at Bowling Green and

Clarkstille, at $4 50 and $5 00

The Ilopkinsville Press says that about

16,000 hogs will be packed on the Cum-

berland river this season."We understand that about 6000 hogs

will be packed at Henderson, Ky., thisseason, besides the number put up for

home consumption.At Rumsey and South Carrolton, on

Green river, about 2000 hogs will be

slaughtered this season.

Tho receipts of gold at the United

States mint in Philadelphia, for coinage,

daringjthe month of November, 'amount-

ed to about $7,250,000. That, says the

Philadelphia Bulletin, is the largest amount

erer deposited there during a similar pe-

riod. Of the above amount was

from the Australia mines.

Davis, the mnrderof his sister Mrs.

Van Wagoner, now under a life sentence

in the Massachusetts State Prison tit

Charlestown, nearly effected his escape

from the enclosure, a short time since.

The St. Paul's Minnesota Demcrat

says that "our streets art merry with thejingling of sleigh-bells- , the cheering mu-

sic of a Minnesota winter."

Lopez, who was sentenced to theMissouri penitentiary, recently, on a chargeof embazzlement, and subsequently par-

doned out by the Governor, was arrestedagain on another charge of the same kind.

The veteran, Sam Pike, formerly

of the Kentucky Flag, has purchased theMaysville Watchman, and will soon com-

mence the publication of a new weekly pa-

per in that city.

Sec the Advertisement of B. Ed-

monds, in another column. Mr. E. has a

large assortment of Shoes and Boots,

which he sells remarkably ehfsp.

A Capitol Anecdote. "A year ortwo since, a Mr. B was elected torepresent the town of Slul'airne, N. U., in

the Legislature. He was a plain, old far-

mer, full of sound sense, and ready forany real work that was needed. Whenhe made his antieanuice a', the StaleHouse, it must he i . i

' tl ;iit Ins toutensemble &- - an hut I iS'iiuiiabli'.His h u was i i "t lie of aiitiqt'.i' V

his cw.-- e IH'l-- a

hunt --

the pr.:Juci ( f l.ir a n

his b'iots of ' ; (.! l.;OS

tial cow-hid.- '. A:

lobby, there were :,"ve:a! v '

hers" riajidiiv :.h ;Ut 'Aw ti'lsing the new conn to b- - "iney merely cas: a "la:.ce at his we;

face, turned up their noses at,his verdant look, and then continued tia'-i- :

conversation. B. took a scat near 'i:estove.

''No room here fur visitors," said mirethe flippant.

"0, I'm a member.""iou n memi;cr U'te i'd tiie fir.-- 1

speaker."Sartin;" responded B , in a mild

tone."Where from?""Shelburne.""Well," said a fashionably dressed

"member," with a disdainful look at therough, coarse dress of the famcr; "havn'tthe folks in Shelburne got any body else tosend here?"

"0, as for that matter," returned Mr.B , with perfect good nature. "I 'sposethere's a good many men there that knowsmore'n I do, but they haint any of 'emgot avy clothes that's fit to wear"

The fledcrine: were floored, and beforethe session closed they found that thider.

be Madams Sontag, of paper



memoer trom sneiourne, couia seethrough a question as far as they couldsee around ii."

Special Notircs.

"I DIGEST!" Such is the true .meaning of theword "repsin, or ol tiietwo Ureek words fromwhich it is derived. This is the significant andappropriate utie ot tiie l rue Uige Uive f luid orGastric Juice, prepared by Di . J. S. H ughto.i,of Philadelphia, from the fourth st onuch of tiieOx. for the cure o' Indigestion and Dyspepsia.It is Nature's owu remedy for an unhealthystomach. No art of man can equal its curativepowers. It renders good eating perfective oil- -sistaht with health. See advertisement in a

House and Lot for Sale!!!iY virtue of a decree rendered at the lust'

I f September term of the Marion Circuitcourt, in the case of E. Muldrow and othersvs. C. A. Porter and others, I will sell in 1 etia-o-

at the Court House ilnnr. nn ATnn,! .,. i,6th day of December, 1852, (it being County

QRitLsaid town. There is a lot rnnnii g ,ck irom1" ...T "V. vall,ame "nProv:ments en it, including a fine two st. ry brickKitchen lhe store house has a number offinely finished rooms, fitted up for a family resi-dence, in addition.to the store room, and is ad- -miraDiy suited tor an nuuvidual with a familywho is uesirous ot carrying 011 merchandise oromer Dusmess. mere is now a Drug Store

IX '.""'g"'1""0'"""' ll,e P'Tchaser giving bomwun good security, to have the r, rce and envrfof a replevin bond, bearing interest from date.

State of Kentucky, Set., Sept T ermMarion Circuit. J 1852.Guekn Phillips, Adm. Plf't .

againstGkees Phillips' Creditors, ifcc. Deft.;

KDEKED by the Court that all nersonshaving claims acraiust tho estate of Green



l77:ll:.. j'l.a , ... "Iinp. uec u.,are nereuy required to produceand prove the same" Wm. S. Knott.ter ( omr. in Chancery, at the Oilice ofthe Marion Circuit Court, on or before the March

next, and all creditors are enjoined fromuihci wife uisposmg 01 uieir claims until the lur-th- er

order the Court.Attest, WAI. S. KNOTT, M. C mir.


TAKES fthis method of informingthe citizen, of Marion county, that

he will visii at least once in evervand ofiener lie will always

to furnish CARRAGES. BUG-GIES, ROCKAWAYS, &c, of tho very latestana mosuasnionable paterns at Louisvtlle pi -

t , - ,am oina).icauj excnaiige new carriag-

es for second hand upon terms.LT My mnnulactiire- - is at Louisville on the

comer Main and Preston where I will alwaysoe giau to recieve oruers irom "the. citi-zens this neighborhood. F. LAWREY.

Reference. J. H. Kirk. J. P. Keed.S Purdy, Geo. Phillips and'J. T. Jarboe.

rJcw Tall and WinterDRY GOODS.

THE undersigned has just received from thea very handsome assortment of La

dies' and Gentlemens' goods, selected by one ofthe buyers, west of the Aleghanys, con-sisting in part of the followingarticles:

Armenian cloths; figured and delains;fancy colored merinoes; silks and black and

cloths; 6- -4 La Bavadere cassimeres; blackDoetkins; embroided Vestings; plain over-coatings; Cloak linings; Ladies' and Gentle-mens' Kids and Buckskins; all of the goodscan be bought very low for or on a shortcredit.

Persons owing account for the past yearconfer a favor not to be forgotten soon by comingia and settling by cash. MONEY I AMBOUND TO HAVE. J. R. KNOTT

Oct. 6th, 1852-t- f.

New Fall and WinterBUY GOOD.i.

L. A. SPALDING CO.3. 7"OULD respectfully inform their friendsW V and the public generally that they have

now in Store a large and well selected stock ofFall and Winter Goods,

Comprisingall of and paterns suit-able for this market, which they arc determinedto Bell as low as any establishment in theOur friends and the public generally are reques-ted to call and examine enr stock.

S?pt. 09th, IRS1-- .

Blew Tall and WinterGOODS

. .have just i.irect from IiLWWn and PHILADEPHI'. a com- -pletestock of Fall and Winter GOOD.- - wliicli

... l! l r.. . . . .1)1'tc niiiBciimiv ioi uasu or 10 punctual dealerson the usual credit oiircustorners and the nub- -lie generally ere requested to pive us a call. Allkinds of country produce tuk n in exchangedf r goods.


All those indebted to the undersigned eitherby note or account are requested to call and

we are tn settle up our old

A & V." I. A BELLSept. Clii, l;52-t- f.

KB! BOCEks!!s lit I ' ii'tf School, and ' iscellaii" us

t.() iKS. I ether with Stationery luavhad hi tin- - Dm;- s tore; and any w rks .,esired,not n iiiiu,, w ill he immediHteK rendered.

ist,2!..:,:J,4lh,aii(l 5ln Readers,Primmer and S el!ers.

Goo rich's 1st, 2nd, 3d and 4th Readers.W'eh l r's Dictionary, Speller andSpeller and

I) ! .

,n'-- Davies', a d Pike's Arithmetics andRuy's Alg-.bn-

lumlcr'.s, S iiiitlj "s Kirkaam's and Pinneu'sGramme rs.

Miichel's Oiney'sand Smith's Geographies.Con stock's Natural Philosophy and Chemis-

try.Pinnea's English Familliar Science.Ciisinas; the great wur of iiaron Humbolt

ry of England by Hume; Smallett & Mil- -ler, in 4 vols.

Hollin's History of the Medes, Persians,,&c, in 2 vols.

Bancroft's History the United States in 4vols.

Hildrith's History of the United States, in 6vols.

Young American's Library in 10 vols., giltand embossed.

Scottish Chiefs, Cook's Voyages, Kinaldo

Romance of the Forest, Children of the Abbey.The practical works of Hewitt, Cook & Lau- -

Kirk White; Goldsmith; Shakspeare; Pope.Moore, Ossian; Mrs. Hemans; Milton &,

Young; Campbell; Byron, Wordsworthr&. Cou-pe- r;

and Croly's British Tales, airbeautifully.giltand embossed.

Besides, a variety of elegant gilt books va-rious kinds and sizes.

All for sale for at nearly Louisville pricesLebanon, Sept. 22 185-J-t- L. NOBLE.

Entered according to let omrre-s- , in the;year icji , uy j o. i: 'UUH n ) .1! J.. inthe Clerk's Oilie. of r, ' ., i Court forthe Eastern Disir.cl of Pennsylvania.

Another Scientific Wonder.GKK ' i::. (ij;

D Y . .. PEPS A !





G' A T1 l.XlLG JUlCB!iPrepared from Rennet, or the Fourth Stomach

of the Ox, after directions of Baron Liehig,the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S.HOUGHTON, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa."I IJ Ur t, S 1 . Such is the true meaning of

nie woru ru 11 is tne cinel eleii)ei,ti orgreat Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juicethe Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving and btimulaling Agent fine Stomach andIntestines. It is extracted from the Digestive.Stomach of the Ox. thus forming a true Digestive Fluid, precise like the natural Gastric Juicein its Chemical powers, and furnishing a com-plete and perfect suhst tute for it.

This is Nature's own Remcd, f r an unheal-thy Stomach. No rt of man can its cu-rative powers. It contains 11 Alehohol, Bitters,Acids, r Nauseous Drugs. It, is extremelyagreeable to the. taste, and may be taken by themost patients who cannot eat a watorciarke'- - without acute distress. Beware fDrugged Imitations. Pepsi 11 is not a Drue.

H ill a teasooor.ful of Peusin infused in wnter, will digest or dissolve five nonnds of RoustBeef in about two out of the. stomach

$fiiiMT.!ifi-- ! V.iri A n er w .viiii,.

evidence, Irom l.eilng's Animal Chemistry; Dr.Combe's Physiology of Digestion; Dr. Pereiraon V: or and Diet; Dr. John W. Draper of NewYork University; Prof. Dunglison's Physiology;Prof. Sillinian. tf Yale College; Dr. Carpenter'sPhysio ogy; &c, together with reports of curesfrom all parts of the United States.Pepsin in riuid and Powder.

Dr. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN is nrenareH inpowder and in Fluid Form and in Drescriotionv lais inr me use 01 1 nysieians. t he powder willbe sent by mail free of Postage, for one dollarsent to Dr. Houghton, Philadelphia.

ETOBStiRVE THIS! Everv bottle of thegenuine Pepsin bears the Written sienature

ij. o. uuouniuiv, iU. U sole proprietor.Philadelphia Pa. Copy-rig- and Trade marksecured

ITPSnld l.vnll Tlr,,;..(0 ,l..l :.. m.j:cine. Price ONE DOLLAR per bottle

AGENTS.L. II. NOBLE, Lebanon.J- - I. S.medlkv, Harrodsourg.D. D. Woods, Bardstown.

New Fall and WinterDRY GOODS.

THE undersigned have just received a newspledid assortment of 1'ALL ND

WINTER DRY GOODS, consisting in part ofBlack and Fancy Cloths and Cassimeres; Silk,Sattin and Wi rste.i; and fancy Vcstings;plain and embroiderer Cashimeres; Fancy

plain and figured Delanes; Calicoes andMuslins, Irish Linens, Linen La-.vn- s and LinenCamhrirks: a varh-i- of Braids, Straw an,!Mourning Bonne s ol ti e l.tslest st i le ; Hardware, tueensware, lableand Pocket cutlery ofme oesi quality; together Willi a g od assortment of Hoots an;: Shoes ol every variety; allotwinch win sen upon tiie most reasonable ofterms, for CASH or to punctual dealers, on theusual time.

JOHN B. WATHEN A, CO.Sept. 29th, l!52-t- f.

PLANTER'S HOTEL. $21 II L undersigned would reDectfullv an

nounce to the public that he has taken thePLANTER'S HOTEL, situated on thesouth sideof Main between Seventh and Eight streets, and tohas refurnished it throughout with entire newfurniture, and is now prepared to accommodatethose who may favor the house with oatronatre.in as comfortable a style as any other house inthe city and on as reasonable terms. He hasseveral large and comfortable rooms suitable forfamilies.

L. P. CRENSHAW, Proprietor.N. B. The Bar is at all times supplied with ithe most selection of liquors, cigars, 4ic be

ILTTin Scientific Evidence upon thisRemedy is based is in the highest degree curiousand remarKable

Call on he gent and get Descriptive Cir-ier-

gratis, giving large amount of scientific

before Mas-- i



euarioumonth sometimesbe prepared


ofor visits


Oct. 27th-G- m






the varieties




















Northern New York LiveStock Ins. Co.

OF PLATTSBURG, NEW YORK.Capital $50,000.

Inc.ornorated hn the. 1.eaislnU, rf th. Zi- - - v siA J c,rc--

,at itr SeW ork' Jull 185Ilorses. Cattle, and all kinds of Livestock.

Insured affainst Death, bv the combined risks ofFire, Water, Diseases, &.;.

Stuck transported by Water, Railroad, or driv- -en on foot to market, insured at fair rates.

J he. s bscriber having been appointed Agentof the ahove reliable and peifectly solvent Com- -uany. is urenared t issue Policies at Inrmteg of premi in as any responsible Company invui- ...iiiii.j uiaicn.

He respectfully invites the attention of Lit- -ery Stuble Keepers, Cabmen, Farmers, and allothers interested.

R.S. PETLRS, Agent,l.eb.uioii.Ly., Aug. 25, 1842.

Come all ye sinners shivering and sliaKinr,Hungry and Ihhsty. the umi me i, bakin?.

Gen. Scott again in the Field,H. JOHNSTON,

HAS JUST RECKIVLD . large andassortment of Cooking and mineu


STOVESof the latest and most improved parterns, andwould call the particular attention of tin; pnb-- jlie to his large heavy premium cooking stoves.maue especially lor the country.

iiil Kinds ot I in ware on hand, together ithmy uaua variety of notions, and every kind ofarticle that is needed in the cookine line

Oct. 20th 1852.

Notice.ALL those indebted to me for goods sold

would do me a great favor by com-ing in and settling their accounts by cash, as 1

am very much in need of money at this time.J. R. KNOTT.

Aug. 8, 1852. 6w.

New Fall and WinterDRY GOODS.

MA AS & RORH CHILD.Springfield, Ky.

added to their already large stock,a full supply of Fall and Winter Dry

Goons of all the varieties and patterns suitablefor this market. Being determined to sell gnodsas low as any establishment in the West, wewould invite all those who wish lavto in theirii-- - . . . . ' ." "iiereioinmg to call and examine their stockbefore purchasing elsewhere. We do not chargeanything for showing go .ds.

September 1st., 1852-t- r.

Cigars! Cigars!!TIh very best article of IJegalia, Lanorma

Principee Cigars can now be procuredat my heading Koom. All those who are fondof good Cigars can now eet them without idv" ,trOllll C. ty'llllA trentliriMn ;.nrl cmnl un, o..,l

:to your hearts content. iv . v . j Atn..August 2o tf,

LOST,Water Street, on Tuesday the 17th, 1852,

a GOLD SHIRT KTITD S.i,l o.,,f."-"c- i.t a South American $1 25 piece on one

u, 'ivuiui jiici.c ui wi uugti 1 goiu oil meother. The wrought gold had engraved upon itthe letters T. J.

Any one finding and returning said stud to thePrinting Office, will be suitably rewarded andmany thanks. Auf 18th, 1852.


NESS C ARDS, on hand and for sale utthe Printing Office. niay 5, tf1 riUULSUAP PAPER, of the very best qual- -

, uy, on nana and ler sale, at the PrintingOffice. may 5. tl

fip NVELOPES of every quality and price.viT on hand and for sale, at the Printing office

May 5


THE LE ANON POSTEnough has been Yaid and wrote

upon the innumerable advantages arisingout of having a newspaper in a" County; Iwill not, therefore, enlarge upon this point.Feeling convinced that the people of Ma-

rion wish an establishment of the kind intheir county, I have consented, after manvsolicitations, to make a trial; let us seewhat will be the result. I had p;itiallmade my arrangements to move upon theOhio river, but if the people of Marionwill show, by subscribing liberally for the"POST," that they want a paper, we willsuccum to their wishes, and settle amongstthem.

THE POST, will be strictly NEU-TRAL in Politics and Religion, in allthings else perfectly INDEPENDENT;expressing freely the views of the Editorand his Correspondents, on the passingevents ot tne day, local matters, &c Iam decidedly in favor of Railroad commu-nication in Kentucky, being firmly convinced that in that way alone, can our belov-Stat- e

keep up with the advancement of theage and her older Sister-State- s. I amparticularly in favor of a communicationof this kind across the State, and thusgiving us a direct intercourse with thegreat southern mart; being cqftvinced that-suc-

an intercourse would rJound to thebenefit of all classes, and that the propos-ed route through Marion County is thebest location in the state, and believe firm-ly that it can and will be run. .We willadvocate, conditionally, to the best of ourability, this truly beneficial enterprise andsolicit-th- pens of others.

THE P0 T, will be dedicated to Neu s,Agriculture, Tales. Poetry, Anecdotes.e.'C. Nothino- shall an near in its ei,!im;n

a hurtful or demoralizing te'tuer.rv tothe mind; in a word, it shall b- - a FAMILYNEWSPAPER.

TH.i P0.iT, will he issued weekly, onevery Wednesday, on an imperial sheet at

per year in advance, $2 50 if paid insix months, or $3 if the payment is delay-ed until the end of the year. Wishing

commence on the last' of April or thefirst of May, I would be gratified to re-

ceive all of my prospectuses, crowded withnames before that time. be

W. W. JACK,Editor and Proprietor,

IFHjIIE VERY FINEST article of LETTERPAPER that the country can afford may

found, low fer eih, at t Printing 'Offie.

Cheap Cash Drug Store!!Having lately purchased the stock of Drugs.

Medicines, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stuff- s,

Linseed, Sweet, Olive and Castor Oils,v liies.urandies, faints, fitc, ot Dr. C. A. Por- -

te of this placerand having fully replenishedthe same, I take this- opportunity of informingPhysicians, Country Merchants, and the coin- -mutiny in general, that 1 shall endeavor to i

keep on hand at all times, a full supply of evervarticle usually kept in a Drug Store, warrantedlt0 be 01 ll'e best quality, which, bavins pur- -chased for cash at reduced prices, 1 will furnishwholesale or retail, to customers for CASH,NEARLY AS CHEAP as they can be obtain- -e ' ' OOlsviIle. Keino satisfied that I can dotn'sl hope the community will favor me with a

- j vuri,g not o. iuai iircia mayno mistake, I will here annex a Iistof pricos

m08t common article in the Drug lino,Medicines. Patent Medicines Stc, sold equally

jcheap- - Recollect that every article is warrau- -ted to be of tiie best quality.

Allspice, per pound, 20 cents ;

lack Pepper, 20Candy 80Common Gin SOMaddr 90Borax 40Castile 3 .up 40Carbonate of Maueia 40White glue ; 35Cream Tartar 35Linseed oil per gal. I 20Turpentine 1 12Copal Varnish 2 50Castor oil, per bottle 20Sweet oil 20Chrome Green, per lb. 50Paris do 50Candles 15Red Lead 15Litharge IJCamphor per ounse 10Natmegs 15Indigo with Madder 10Best Brandy, per bot. 90Best Port Wine 75Best Maderia 75Best Muscat 65Best Catawba 75Starch, best per lb. 10White lead pure per kg. 2 20

L. H. NOBLE.Lebanon, Ky., July, 281852-- f.


And Whalesale and Eetail Dealers inCatholic, Miscellaneous, and School Books,

No. 49 Third St., one door from Mail,.TTAVE nowon hand and keep constantlyJL JL large and general assortment of everv des- -

01 aiiionc rrayer .books, Meditations,Bibles, etc., together with a most complete stockof Blank Hooks full bound and half bound, Capand Demy, corners and bands which they willwarrant of superi r manufacture and paper.

W. . w la , i,,,.;io .1... .,....: . r"'fiicuic aiicnuuil 'IIcountry merchants, teachers, parents and trU!ir.

jdians, t- - their stock ofSchool RnnU

pr.r;l.i,...j;n ii, 0..11. j c,l, .T.J V ""-- 11. .,10 u',ici,Cfl UI1U OCIIOOIS Oltl.. IT. ,.j ?... t- - . b.,.u.a. c nave aiso an assortment

nf. S.jt;nnA. t. I. 11 . .uu nuiiu winen win not looseby comparison with any house in the West.

July 28-l- in.

yWANCY TLAIN and ornamented Candies

'"""); i wirniiiiupresents; received and lor sale hyj)ec o0 A. J.Green &. Co

,V FINE LOT OF NOTE PAPER just re-- fceived and for sale, at the Printing office.

May 5, tf


THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully anto the citizens of Lebanon and

Marion county that he still continues to man-ufacture on the most reasonable terms and inthe most workmanlike mnnner, all articles usual-ly kept in establishments of the kind; such as:

Fine, Marble-top- , and common Bureaus,Fine and common Bedsteads, all sizes,Spring Matrasses,Tables, large and small, t dx

All of which he will sell on as reasonable termsas they can be bought for in any (own in Ken-

tucky. Than1 ful for past favors, I would so-

licit, and hope to deserve by punctuality to busi-

ness, a continuance of the patronage hitherto ex-

tended to me. A. S. HARDY.May 12,1852, tf

ALL KINDS OF BLANKS donethe neatest style at this office.

Lebanon FemaleSEMINARY!

T I THE next session of this School will cora- -

I mence on the 1st. Monday iu Septemterensuing. Senior and Junior classes under theinstruction of Miss Maitha A. Lovejoy, ot Cin-

cinnati; a lady who comes to the institutionwith the highest testimonials. Primary Depart-ment, as formerly, will be taught by Miss Mar-

tha A. Hogue.Music Teacher, Joseph Ganter of Louisville'The undersigned will still have the supervision

of the School and will occasionally hear recita-tions and examine the classes in all the branch-es taught.

Terms per session ol au weeks, inPrimary Department, $6 00

Junior Class, 8 00

Senior Class, 10 and 19 00Board in the institution includingwashing, fuel, lights &c, per week 2 00

Board from Monoaytill Friday eve 1 25One dollar per pupil will be charged for fuel

during the winter session.No deduction made for absence except in case

of protracted sicknessL. II. NOBLE.

Lebanon, Ky., July 28th, 1852. Princicipal

REMOVAL.undersigned have removed into theirTHE and commodious Store House, where His

thev are receiving and opening a large and wellselected stock of Staple and Fancy Fall andWinter,

Diy Goods,selected with great care by one of the Firm, atNew York and Philadelphia. Having purchased at low prices, they are determined to sell low.and would be pleased to see all of the.r oldfriends and acquaintances. Our terms will below for cash, or to punctual dealers on twelvemonths time.

J. W. Chandler, having associated himselfwith K. S. Peters, the business of the Firm will

conducted under the name, .fJ. W. CH ANDLER Sl CO.

Ali those indebted to J. W, Chandler, on ac-

count or note, are particularly requested tocome forward and make payment as I am deter-mined to wind up the business of the old con-cern. J. W. CHANDLER.Tfc. Ky., Rpt. 2?. l"M-t- r.




Ii Y



PROTECTIONInsurance Company


Hartford, Conn.This old and responsibU Company con-

tinues to grant Policies upon the raot,t fa-

vorable terms. ... .

Apply toE. F. SHACKELFORD, Agent for

Lebanon and Marion County, Kv--

September 8th, lm.



This Literary Institution,, founded in1851, by the late Rkv. William Btrse,and subsequently conducted for maryycars by the Jesuits, is now uner the

of the Right Rev. Bishopof Louisville, who will always tke meausto provide a suitable Faculty for. carryingit on with a view to promote the greatestpublic good. Under the auspices of itsprevious conductors, the Institution hasbeen instrumental in widely diffusing tLeblessings f a religious education through-out Kentucky and the adjoining States.The steadiness of its patronage has beeaa constant evidence of the public appror-al- .

The beauty and salubrity of the sit-

uation, as well as the spaciousness andcommodiousncss of tht College Buildings,are generally known. It will be the coa-sta-

aim of the Faculty to adopt, so taras practicable, the plan which it ira sowell and so usefully conducted by its en-

lightened and benevtdent Founder.


Board, including Washlug, Meadiug Shirts andSoeks after washiu g, Fuel and Light, togeth-er with Tuition in Orthography, Beading,Writing, English Grammar, Geography andArithmetic, $37 39

Board, &c, (as above,) wlli Tuition ia u?i ofGlobes, Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, Boait-Keepin- g,

Hissory, Rhetoric auii Baiany, arcither of these branches, 43 00

Board, &c. (as above,) with Tiin la the Clas-sics, Higher Mathematics and Pbllaaophy, ereither of them, 4j CO

Tuition in French, (Bxtra,) 5 00Bed and Bedding, whenJfuruUhed, 3 00Stationary, Pens, Ink aud Papr, when fur

nished, 2 50XJ"Books, Medicines and other neesasary articlesare furnished by , the Ageut of Ui College, tcurrent retail prices; ;

0For those who remain at the College' dsrlcgthe vacations, there will be 'an additional eharaefor Board of 10 00


HATS AND CAPS!!facilities for the purchasing ofMY and the manufacturing to order of

SUPERIOR HATS, are uot excelled in the Wes-tern Country.

I have m hand,aad am constantly wacnfatar-in- g

to order

Black and Whita Beaver,Nutria, Brush, Russia and Otter Hats, &c. Alarthe Spring style of HaL from th moot eelebrated houses iu the city of New York. Togetiie?with a large assortment of

Brown California, black and white Bcena VisV:and Wool Huts.

Mens' and Youths' Panama Hats." " Double aud single bri.r

Leghorn." ' Pedal Ftraw HaU." " Plm L.f d

Infants' fancy Summer 4oLadies' Riding'Huts, of the latest Nsw y.t

and Parisian Style.Kossuth Hats, &e., &.C

The above goods will bfonnd equti in qt. j

ity, and fully as LOW in PRICF. a thecan be bought for iu Louisville or -- .

other city market.The Patrons of the house, and the put. j i

large, are particularly invited to call aiul e Mai-ne, the assortment.

IZTHats of any particular shape made toder at short uotice.

LEONARD EDtiLENLebanon, may 5.


WOULD Respectfully aanouEce t"Public, thai he hu n--i f ;

ished in a fine manner his Tavern Stead l:ianon, where he will at all times b hppy - :

tertain his friends and the public oe.' : --

will spare no pains to make tbm err ; ' ;

when they put up with him. His tobU i . '.

supplied with the best the market can ..ii rtbar contain te best of Llanora, i i.r re

&c, and his stable with the beatt proviu..' t

attentive grooms.

"TfrN- hone always 1 V. ;r) . to hire by the day or week.kept by the day, week, or month, at Tir; .

onable rates.0Fine Horses for aaleal ail limes.May 5, If J. II. LUX.

WHITE all rmil D Laine,it do

Orange do lisPlain watered Bilkfigured a Changeable do.

Just received by A BELL WIMSATT '-

'Sugar.HOGSHEADS OFSUGAEnurit ing andffor sale by

mav 12 JOtfN TT. 'SAK.I "