The lazy donkey A farmer had three donkeys that helped him on his farm. They pulled his cart when he wanted to sell his farm produce at the market. However , he felt that three donkeys were not enough. He wanted to buy another one .So, he went to the market to buy another donkey. His friend agreed to let him have the donkey for a day to test its strength. He took the new donkey home. At home on his farm, his three donkeys were grazing quietly in the field. The farmer knew each donkey were very well. One of them was very strong and brave. It could work without stopping. The second one was as hardworking but it got tired very easily. The third one was lazy. It hated carrying heavy loads and disliked going to work early in the morning. The farmer led the new donkey into the field and watched it. The donkey stood sniffing at its new companions. Then, it moved forwards the lazy one. Soon, they were sniffing each other and began feeding together. The farmer took one look and led the donkey back to the market. He told his friend that he did not want the donkey. His friend said, “ You cannot judge a donkey within half an hour. Give it a chance.”

The Lazy Donkey

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The lazy donkey

A farmer had three donkeys that helped him on his farm. They pulled his cart when he wanted to sell his farm produce at the market. However , he felt that three donkeys were not enough. He wanted to buy another one .So, he went to the market to buy another donkey. His friend agreed to let him have the donkey for a day to test its strength.

He took the new donkey home. At home on his farm, his three donkeys were grazing quietly in the field. The farmer knew each donkey were very well. One of them was very strong and brave. It could work without stopping. The second one was as hardworking but it got tired very easily. The third one was lazy. It hated carrying heavy loads and disliked going to work early in the morning.

The farmer led the new donkey into the field and watched it. The donkey stood sniffing at its new companions. Then, it moved forwards the lazy one. Soon, they were sniffing each other and began feeding together.

The farmer took one look and led the donkey back to the market. He told his friend that he did not want the donkey. His friend said, “ You cannot judge a donkey within half an hour. Give it a chance.”

The farmer said, “ I don’t need it at all. I know what it is like from the friend it had chosen. Do you know that it had chosen the laziest donkey in my farm? I’m sorry but I can do without another lazy donkey like him.”

The moral of the story --- You can tell what a person is like from the friends he chooses.