THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LAW AND THE LAW OF SIN … law of the... · THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE ... who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. ... around and found that

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Page 1: THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LAW AND THE LAW OF SIN … law of the... · THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE ... who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. ... around and found that
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Thought for the book taken from the

Message delivered on October 26, 2014

Dawsonville, Georgia U.S.A.

Page 3: THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LAW AND THE LAW OF SIN … law of the... · THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE ... who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. ... around and found that

©2014 by Ben Howard

All rights reserved. This book cannot be sold,

nor in any way be used for the soliciting of funds.

All scripture quotations are taken from

the King James Version Bible

Published by the Sound Of Liberty

7286 Hwy 53W, Dawsonville, Georgia 30534 U.S.A.


[email protected]

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First of all, I want greet each of you in the name of our Lord

Jesus Christ. I’m trusting that God’s richest blessings are with

each one of you as we journey together in Christ Jesus.

Our scripture reading today is in the Book of Romans, Chapter

8. While reading in the Book of Romans, we learn that the

previous chapters leading up to the eighth chapter tells us about

the things concerning the law and why it was written. And

when we get to Chapter 8, it’s here that Paul began to tell us how

the Spirit of God has freed us from the Law of Moses by a new

birth. He shows us that Christ within us is the one that does the

living through us. This is reaffirmed in the Book of Galatians

5:22-23 as it says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,

longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance:

against such there is no law.” Notice, Verse 23, “against such there

is no law.” Now that’s what I want to talk about before I give

my title.

I am always amazed when reading Paul’s writings and

comparing it with the writings of the other apostles; especially

James. It is amazing to see how Paul explained this grace in a

totally different way. So when compared to the way it was

presented by the other apostles, Paul’s presentation is in an

unconventional, spiritual way; especially in the showing of the

depth of what happened in and by the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

It seemed that God gave Paul a greater vision of what He

wrought at Calvary through the crucifixion and resurrection of

His only begotten Son. In Ephesians 1:19-20, it says, “And what

is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe,

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according to the working of his mighty power. Which he wrought in

Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own

right hand in the heavenly places.” And Paul with this

understanding is telling the people that ‘in Christ’ we don’t have

any condemnation or conscious of sin.

So with these thoughts in mind, I want to entitle the message

this morning, The Law of the Spirit of Life and The Law of Sin and

Death. These two laws (the law of the Spirit, and the law of sin

and death) have been here all the way through the time of

human history. And in our very day the real spiritual Christ (not

our Lord Jesus) has come back to earth in the form of the Mighty

Angel and is on the scene now. And God by this action has made

a way for us to be baptized into His body, making us the fullness

of Christ; thus creating the wife of the Lamb who has become

His flesh and bones in the earth. This means the Lord Jesus is

represented in and through us here at the end time. While at the

same time, the antichrist is on the scene doing that which is

written of him.

The antichrist is going contrary to the moral laws of God,

frowning on all the things that are pleasing to God. But

accepting the abomination that is written about in Romans,

Chapter One. So what God recognizes as righteousness and

holiness in His Son’s wife is what the antichrist hates. Because

it can only be accepted by revelation and the antichrist and his

children can’t get here.

So, to sum this up, the real Christ brings His wife into Himself

and takes all condemnation away and makes her a people that

just know Him, express Him, and represent Him; a people that

God ordained for His Son’s wife.

Now we are ready to begin. So let’s just pray before reading

the scripture. Heavenly Father, we come praising you, first of all, for

your goodness and mercy and for redeeming our souls and our bodies

as we have been baptized into Christ, the Mighty Angel, thus making

a way where there seemeth to be no way, and giving us a clear pathway,

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Lord. And through time, Lord, you sent men of God and your angels

(which included the seven church age messengers with the Holy Ghost)

to clear the way out for this wonderful coming of Christ. And now,

Lord, we know that Christ has come and He has made us one with Him,

bone of His bone, flesh of His flesh, and spirit of His Spirit that when

the Lord God Almighty looks down He sees His Son expressed one

hundred percent in the wife, because we’ve reached the fullness of the

stature of the man Christ Jesus. Oh God, bless us as we talk on your

Word today; and may you furnish the anointing to cause us to say

words that would be pleasing to you and benefit your people, in Jesus

Christ’s name. Amen.

I am going to begin our reading in Romans 8:1, and Paul is

saying, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in

Christ Jesus,” Now notice, those in Christ Jesus. He didn’t use the

words Jesus Christ here. He said, “in Christ Jesus;” and Christ

here shows the same anointing seen as the Mighty Angel in

Revelation, Chapter 10, as He brings this anointing, which is the

Lord Jesus sending the feminine attributes to earth that are part

of Himself. The wise virgins are baptized into this anointing as

they become members of the body of Christ. This is God

creating His Son’s counter-part; making her His Queen. We are

Christ the wife and are representing the fullness of Jesus Christ,

our Lord, King, and Husband. “who walk not after the flesh, but

after the Spirit.”

Notice how fitting those few words are at the end of that

scripture, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. This

means the Spirit of King Jesus has to be the prevailing spirit in

our life and is the one that directs us. And now it has become

our aim and ambition just to walk after the Spirit. The desires of

the flesh die away while we are living. We’re dead while we are

living inside the body of Christ.

Now before continuing with this reading in Chapter 8, there is

a scripture in Romans 6:7 which I love a lot. It says, “For he that

is dead is freed from sin.” Now that is, as well as all scripture, an

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obviously true statement; whether one is dead physically or just

dead to the things of the world. So if we are dead we are freed

from sin. But in the context of what Paul was saying here, he

wasn’t talking about this body being dead in the physical sense

of the life going out of it. No, he’s talking here about being dead

to the law and dead to our worldly desires in life. We are in

Christ and ‘we’re dead and our life is hid with Christ in God.’

(Colossians 3:3) We are living for Him, walking after the Spirit

of God. He that is dead is freed from sin. Isn’t that quite a

statement? We could say, “Paul, that’s overly simple. It’s so

overly simple that it is ridiculous to make such a statement.

Well, it would be if he was talking about this fleshly body dying.

But he is talking about being a child of God, dead to the world

but alive unto God.

There’s another scripture while I am here in Chapter 6 that I

want to read. Verse 3 says, “Know ye not, that so many of us as

were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?” Here

Paul used the name Jesus Christ instead of Christ Jesus, because

he was speaking of the man before His glorification, telling us

that God counted us to be in Jesus Christ when He was crucified

on Calvary. Then after the resurrection, the name of Christ Jesus

was more appropriate and was used by Paul more than Jesus

Christ. So we see Paul as he continues to show us that we have

got to die out to ourselves in order to be part of this great plan.

You might want to get in this Book of Romans and begin to read

some of these things; they are so good.

Let’s go back to Romans, Chapter 8. Paul is talking about being

dead, being alive, the law of life, and the law of death. The law

of life and the law of death has been a reality with mankind ever

since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. And even before

this, these two laws were in the angelic kingdom in the age

before Adam and Eve.

Actually, when God created Adam and Eve, He also set these

two laws in the garden that were in existence before their time,

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but when placed in the garden, they were appropriately called

two trees. And one tree (the tree of the knowledge of good and

evil), if eaten without the tree of life would bring death to the


Now we have the written Word, which God has made

available to us. But it’s eating the written Word alone without

the Spirit of Christ that will kill those that have nothing but the

knowledge, as Paul also said, “Knowledge puffeth up.” (1

Corinthians 8:1). That is eating of the tree of knowledge without

the Spirit of God to make it come alive. And it’s the same thing

with this Word today. The letter of the Word will kill, but it’s

the Spirit of God that gives life. The point is, and we could say

the secret is, putting both trees together as God ordained it;

letting the Spirit of God reveal the written Word to us. And that

is putting the tree of life and the tree of knowledge together,

which will bring forth children with eternal life.

When we look back at what happened in the Garden in Eden,

we find the problem for Adam and Eve arose when they looked

around and found that the serpent’s thinking began to change.

And at first the change was so small it was undetectable (even

Paul referred back to this in 2 Corinthians 11:3). His thinking

was becoming different as the days passed. And this is

important. So I want to just touch it just a bit here, as we’ve been

over this quite a bit in the past. But I want to say this: This being

was much like a man in every sense of the word to the extent

that he could talk and reason and function as a man. This

serpent who had now become an agent of the devil began to

think on things that was only for Adam’s pleasure. He wasn’t

human, see, in the sense of being someone that had a soul that

could have eternal life. Because the Bible calls him a beast of the

field. He was wiser than any of the beasts of the field; notice he

was a beast of the field and not in the human family. And his

seed has come on down through time. In the Bible his seed is

spoken of as brute beasts; and I agree that some of his people act

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like brute beasts. We can see where that type spirit came from,

can’t we?

Well, the serpent came into the garden and God knew what

would happen; but it was important to God for Adam and Eve

to be tried. The serpent came to Eve as the law began to work in

her body to begin the process of reproduction, which was the

law of God set in the human family that was much like it is in

the animal family, that there would be certain times for the

begetting of a child. I don’t aim to go into a long speech about

this. But the serpent came to Eve, and using Paul’s words in 2

Corinthians 11:3, “The serpent beguiled Eve.” He had a sexual

affair with her, convincing her to partake of this act; thus

ignoring God’s plan for Adam and Eve to produce their

offspring of more sons and daughters of Adam’s seed with no

death sentence in them; meaning they would never die. The

serpent and Eve committed this carnal act by the tree of the

knowledge of good and evil outside of God’s plan, and it

produced Cain. The serpent’s thinking was that this was the

right thing to do. Because the devil had told the serpent it was

all right; and he believed it was. See, not only was Eve deceived

but the serpent was deceived, also. The serpent was influenced

by another spirit and that spirit caused him to think that what

he was doing (going contrary to God’s Word) was the right

thing. We see that same knowledge in some of the so-called end

time preachers who feel like they can go contrary to this last

trumpet message (doing the same as the serpent), and it will be

accepted; but the results will be preaching to foolish virgins and

entertaining the tares that are sitting in their midst while on their

way to the great tribulation. They feel that doing things a little

differently from what God ordained is okay; but it’s not. And

the deceived denominations think the same way today.

Well, the act between the serpent and Eve produced a child,

because God set this law in the human family; but this child

wasn’t one hundred percent human nor one hundred percent

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animal. It was part serpent and part Eve. And that gave the

child a spirit that wasn’t a pure human spirit and it wasn’t an

animal spirit; thus creating a spirit which was a diluted human

spirit. This act so diluted the human spirit down to a level that

some of mankind began to act more like beasts of the field; while

others with this same spirit became religious tares. Because

Cain’s father, the serpent, knew about God, and God even spoke

to him and told him certain things. And as it was then, so is it

now—his seed will always talk about God, but always manage

to depart from the true Word of God.

This was seen when Cain and Abel was out in the field after

they had done a sacrifice unto God, and God had respect unto

Abel’s blood sacrifice but He rejected Cain’s (it not being a blood

sacrifice). This caused Cain to get so angry that he rose up and

slew Abel. And that was the first murder in the history of the

human family. Then God spoke to Cain and said, “Where is

your brother?” He had a rebellious type spirit, and he said, “Am

I my brother’s keeper?” He had a haughty spirit. And God said,

“The blood of your brother, Abel, cries from the ground unto

me.” Cain knew that he was caught, so he said, “My

punishment is greater than I can bear.” He thought God would

kill him immediately. But he was a vessel that would be used to

bring forth children into the world and by the time of the flood

his offspring was called the children of men. That’s when,

sometime before the flood, the sons of God (Seth’s seed) saw the

daughters of men and took unto them women and polluted the

whole human race. This was happening when God raised up

Noah to be His witness before the flood.

When God looked upon mankind whom He had created, He

had no other alternative but to destroy the whole human race,

with the exception of Noah and his family. But the seed of the

serpent was so embedded in the human race that it came right

through the flood to begin again. And Satan began to do his evil

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work all over again. For more information on this subject, please

read our book entitled, “The Trail of the Serpent.”

But remember, God always leaves a witness. And there, before

the flood, it was no different; for there was Enoch who pleased

God in those days and was translated. (Hebrews 11:5-6) Then

there was Noah; he found grace in the eyes of the Lord. But in

the earth there was this spirit that didn’t originate from God, it

was a perverted spirit of Satan’s doing. So this spirit came from

that diluted down spirit. It was not from a pure human spirit

that God could come into and work through. And even the

children that were born to the sons of God (Seth’s seed) caused

such an upset in the genetic structure of mankind that there were

giants born. They were just super-large men and they were very

intelligent, men of renown, famous. But what was missing in

these people was a place for God. They had bred the true human

spirit all but completely out; that’s why the Bible says, “Men’s

hearts were only evil continuously; and the imaginations of

men’s hearts were evil.” And now here we are right at the end

time and have come right back to that very thing.

Where are the human beings that are just good human beings

like the farmers that I grew up around? They are hard to find.

They were just good people. There are still some that will be

used of God to repopulate the earth in the millennium after His

judgment in the day of the Lord. Because when God destroys

this thing after the tribulation period, our King Jesus is going to

gather up all the people and they’re going to stand before Him.

(Matthew, Chapter 25) There He will separate them as the sheep

from the goat. The sheep people He will put on the right and

give life to repopulate the earth in the millennium, while the

goat people He will put on the left and they will be forever lost.

The sheep people (it’s important to understand here) are not

born again and filled with the Holy Ghost; they are just natural

people that are going to go into the millennium to repopulate

the earth. These will be people that God has found to have a

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pure heart. Even though they weren’t saved, they had a human

heart that God could use. They will have good morals about

them and will not be of those that Paul wrote about in Romans,

Chapter One. This is the kind of people that God will use in the

millennium to repopulate the earth—a people with a pure heart.

So the reality of it is that there’s a diluted spirit in all of

humanity. Here is where the predestination of God comes into

view. The test is “What will they do with the Word?” as all have

sinned and come short of the will of God. That’s why when we

read the story of Moses, we can see that even the children of

Israel gave him trouble all the way through the wilderness.

Also, we can see in the Book of Romans 9:27-29 where Paul is

speaking of the children of Israel, which Isaiah spoke of them

saying, “Except the Lord had left us a seed, we had been as

Sodom and been made like unto Gomorrah.” See, that’s

mankind in general (Jews and Gentiles). But then here came the

Holy Ghost that Jesus Christ released after His crucifixion and

resurrection which would give a new birth to those that would

believe the gospel and accept Him. This was first seen on the

day of Pentecost in the Book of Acts, Chapter 2. It was here that

God was able to connect Himself to mankind and give us eternal

life. He paid the sin debt for all mankind. And then it is left up

to us, by the predestination, to accept this plan of salvation,

whoever is drawn by the Spirit, as God now has made a way for

us all. God said, “I set before you the way of life and the way of

death.” And Joshua said, “I don’t know what you’re going to

do, but as for me and my house we’re going to serve the Lord.”

That’s what God is looking for. He is looking for that spirit in

people who will serve Him with all their heart. And now He has

found the pearl of great price—the wife for His Son.

Paul tells us in Romans, Chapter 7, “We’ve all sinned and come

short of the glory of God and there’s none righteous, no not

one.” But in Chapter 8, he begins to talk about having no

condemnation now that Jesus died to pay the sin debt. He lived

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a life that pleased God. He had a pure human spirit. So for the

first time since the fall in Eden, God had a man that He could

use to redeem fallen humanity. Remember, the spirit of

humanity was bred down by the serpent. But here came Jesus

Christ. Here came the Word of God, pure and undefiled, to a

virgin named Mary. He came to Mary and said, “Lo, thou art

highly favored of God. You shall conceive and bring forth a

child and He will be the Son of God.” She said, “How can this

be? I know not man.” He said, “The Holy Ghost shall come

upon you, overshadow you.” That’s when God began to create

a human being that could cleanse our spirits and bring us back

to the place where there is no condemnation in us. Hallelujah!

That’s why He gave the Holy Ghost.

Jesus came. And when He was baptized of John, God

Almighty came into this human being and united with Him.

God had a human spirit (Jesus) that united with His Holy Spirit,

thus creating the Holy Ghost; a spirit that could be united with

His seed’s spirit, thus making it eternal. And from that time

forth, after Jesus went into the wilderness and was tempted of

the devil, He came out in the power of God. He went into the

temple according to Luke, Chapter 4, where He came in the

power of God and He read the scripture, “The anointing of God

is upon me and He has sent me to heal the sick, to mend the

broken hearted, and to set the captive free.” Then he finished by

saying, “This day this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Then the ministry of Jesus Christ went forth in a very serious

way as He healed the sick, raised the dead, and did many mighty

miracles. Now God had His man that got the job done.

It is all because of Jesus Christ that God is purifying a people,

and He does it by His Spirit. That’s why eating the little book is

bitter on the stomach. Although it’s sweet in the mouth, it is

bitter on the stomach, because it’s boiling all the corruption out

of our being. That’s why even though it’s bitter on our stomach,

we still want to eat it. But to eat this we’ve got to cut loose from

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the ways of man and die out to self. He that is dead is free from

sin. Jesus came; and through Him, God produced the Holy

Ghost. He lived as a man. But then He was crucified. Now

watch. God is going to undo what the serpent did in the garden.

So this is the way God joined Himself to the human family.

God has now produced this human being that walked around

here in the earth. All men with the exception of Jesus Christ had

sinned and come short of this goal. But Jesus passed every test

and died to pay the sin debt. He paid for all the sin debt when

He died on the cross, and He planted a seed in the earth after

His resurrection. He told his disciples, “Go into Jerusalem and

tarry until you are endued with power from on high.” He went

on to say, “I am with you now, but I shall be in you.”

Here came a Spirit (the Holy Ghost) within the disciples that

would purify and breed out all those ugly attributes that they

had picked up in their human travel all through their lives. He

put a Spirit in them and He told them to walk in the light. Now

He tells us to do the same, and to start by casting down

imaginations and every thought that exalts itself against God.

Pull down the strongholds of the enemy! Your thoughts can be

a stronghold of the enemy, and by the Holy Spirit and the Word

of God we can pull those thoughts down! And now God has set

a ministry in His church, and through it we have been brought

to perfection.

The church (the espoused virgin) fell away and went through

the seven church ages, but now He has brought it back again for

the wedding. He gave us the five fold ministry here at this end

time that has instructed the wise virgins on how to receive this

trumpet message, and in the process they have become the wife

of the Lamb. So at this time, as the wife of the Lamb, we are

baptized into the body of Christ. And now we have gotten to

the place where there is therefore now no condemnation! Here

we walk after the perfect law of liberty, the perfect law of life;

you’re completely free!

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Now as we have just covered in this message, what happened

in Eden produced the spirit of antichrist. The antichrist spirit

can shout, it can speak in tongues, it can act like a Christian, and

it can do what’s right if it serves its purpose. And many times

in the past it has been hard to tell the difference between the

Spirit of Christ and the spirit of the antichrist. Jesus told us that

these two spirits would be so close together that it would

deceive the very elect if possible. (Matthew 24:24)

Yes, through time, false Christs and false prophets have come

and it was so close that fallen mankind couldn’t tell the

difference. But now that we have arrived at the end of that age

(church ages), what we saw in the fallen church through time as

minor antichrists have been swallowed up by one antichrist that

is on the scene at this time. Now this has happened at the same

time that the real Christ is here which has come back to this earth

in His fullness.

This brings into view a scripture found in Romans 5:20 that

says, “Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But

where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:” That’s power to

meet any and all challenges that we are faced with. This could

only happen after the church ages have run their course.

Because that’s when the real Christ comes back as seen in

Revelation, Chapter 10. It is here that we are baptized into the

body of Christ, as Ephesians 4:5 says, “There is one baptism.”

We are baptized into Christ Jesus. And this can only take place

after Christ comes down to this earth as shown in Revelation,

Chapter 10. It’s here that we become the very body of Christ.

We reach the full stature of the man Christ Jesus. We’re no

longer tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of

doctrine. We all speak the same thing. We edify one another.

And all the ministers speak the truth in love. This is showing

the apostolic leadership inside the body of Christ, which assist

us in our consistency in the Word, as God produces the wife of

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the Lamb clothed in fine linen, clean and white, as we are

baptized into the Mighty Angel.

Now I’m back in Romans 8:1. It says, “There is therefore now no

condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after

the flesh, but after the Spirit.” We’re not walking after the flesh

anymore; we’re walking after the Spirit. Then Paul says here,

“For the law of the Spirit of life (Here’s the text.) in Christ Jesus hath

made me free from the law of sin and death.” That law in us has been

with us since Eden and all the way through time up to now. And

I’m not talking about the Law of Moses. There’s a law within

humanity. And a man left alone, he’ll go the way of least

resistance. That’s been shown all the way through time. But the

wife is clothed with fine linen, clean and white. We are married

to Jesus Christ. We have become the very wife of the Lamb. And

after this we’re not controlled by the law of the flesh anymore.

We’re controlled by the law of the Spirit. Now we have been

purified. Christ is in us and we are in Him. And our thoughts,

our aims, our life, is just like Paul said, “I don’t even count my

life precious unto myself.” We are dead. The scripture says, “He

that is dead is free from sin.” We are dead and our life is hid

with Christ in God. And the devil can’t even get to us there. No

bad thoughts can get to us there. The only thing we have is fine

linen, clean and white. And when He looks at us, He doesn’t see

us, God sees the life of His Son Jesus Christ. That’s because we

are members of His body. So when God looks down He sees His

Son. That’s because we have reached the fullness of the stature

of the man Christ Jesus. The serpent nature has been bred out

of us. And we have the freedom that belongs to the wife of the

Son of God, as we are His wife.

So the Spirit of Life has freed us from the law of sin and death.

Verse 3, “For what the law could not do,” The Law of Moses could

not do for Israel what they needed to be set free. And the church

age law couldn’t give us what was needed. It took Christ

coming back as the Mighty Angel to be a body to be baptized

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into. And now we can say, “The seed has come and made us a

part of Him; bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh.” The seed

came to Israel, who was under the Law of Moses; and that was

the end of the law for them. (Galatians 3:23-25) It was a school

master. It was a teacher. But when the seed came, the law came

to an end. And it was with the Gentiles the same thing. Their

church age law ended; just like the law did with the Jews, with

the Law of Moses. The Jews even fell away from what Peter

taught, just as the Gentiles fell away from what Paul taught

them. So both the Jews and the Gentiles fell away from their

love, as was given by Peter and Paul.

In fact Jesus sent the message to the Gentiles, “Thou art fallen

from thy first love. Repent and get back; else will I move the

candlestick.” But sadly God kept on moving the candlesticks.

But once all the candlesticks were removed and the church ages

were over, that’s when Christ took His wife!

Let’s continue on with Verse 3, “For what the law could not do, in

that it was weak through the flesh,” Now the law is good. It’s holy.

It’s right. He gave it to a sinful people, because He had to control

them outwardly by sending them prophets to prophesy to them

to walk according to the law, to keep in check the fallen human

nature. And now that law age has ended in Christ and we can

see clearly what God did at Calvary though His Son, Jesus

Christ, making us free from the law. There’s freedom in Jesus

Christ. “For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through

the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and

for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: (Now watch) That the

righteousness of the law (what God was looking at all the way

through) might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after

the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the

flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.” It’s

two different things and it has been that way since the Garden

of Eden.

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Verse 6, “For to be carnally minded is death;” Do you see why it

is important to be of a spiritual mind? This is what the Holy

Ghost does for us. That’s why the Word says, “Cast down

imaginations.” If you are carnally minded, that is death on the

spirit; it kills you spiritually. Think on spiritual things. Paul

said, “If there be anything good or lovely, think on these things.

Meditate on these things.” And he said to give yourselves

wholly over to them. Now that’s what the wife does. Verse 7,

“Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to

the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Therefore we have to have

a spiritual mind. That carnal mind will lead you down the

carnal road, the way of least resistance. The Old Testament talks

about different ones being as weak as water. Do you know what

that signifies? It means water will go the way of least resistance.

In order to change that, you’ve got to build a dam. And that’s

what the gospel does. It builds a dam to stop your thoughts

from going the wrong way.

Verse 6 again, “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be

spiritually minded is life and peace.” Now who doesn’t want life

and peace? Peace, peace, wonderful peace coming down from

the Father above. There’s life and peace. See, when you get the

mind of Christ, you can’t be carnally minded. The mind of

Christ thinks through you. That’s why you love the Word.

That’s why you love the message. That’s why you love to hear

this trumpet sounding. You have a spiritual mind and your

spirit says, “Amen,” to the Word. Verse 8 says, “So then they that

are in the flesh cannot please God.” Paul told us to walk unto all

pleasing. Well, what does that mean? This means that those that

mind fleshly things will look towards the way of the world, the

way of fleshly things; they cannot please God.

Verse 9, “But ye are not in the flesh,” Paul is speaking of the

fleshly realm. So he says, “You’re not in the flesh; you’re in the

Spirit.” That’s the wife of the Lamb; meaning it’s not us

anymore, but it’s Christ living in us. Therefore we just want to

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praise God! Let us rejoice and be exceedingly glad and give

honor to Him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come. And we

have made ourselves ready. We’re clothed in fine linen. And

that’s where we are at today. We want to praise Him every day!

And we want to be glad and rejoice in the Lord. Just look back

and see from Genesis all the way through at what God had to do

to get us here. But now He has produced the perfect product;

it’s the wife of the Lamb, without spot, without blemish, or any

such thing. God bless you today. Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, we close this message today with much, much more

to be said. But I pray that you will help us now to see your plan, and

how through your only begotten Son of God, you gave us a different

spirit. The serpent put his spirit in and diluted the pure spirit of

mankind, but now, Lord, you came and gave us the Spirit of God

through the Holy Ghost to purify us and to get all these things out of

us, to produce a people that would please you. And, Lord, you kept

bringing it, kept bringing it, through the ages. And now, Lord, you

have purified it to the point that we have become the very wife of the

Lamb, clothed in fine linen, clean and white. We just thank you for it

today. And as this Word goes forth, may the people hear this in the

Holy Spirit and fall in love with your Word. The wife will always say,

“This is something I love. I want to study more on it. I want to think

on it. It’s so good. I thank you, Lord, for it.” I pray, Lord, that you

will bless each one that hears this Word with a revelation of the life

that’s in it. We pray in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

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All sermons by Brother Ben Howard are recorded on Cassette

tape, CD's, DVD's, and Mp3 formats. Also, there is a collection

of published books that are available for download or by

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Sound Of Liberty

7286 Hwy 53W, Dawsonville, Georgia 30534 U.S.A.


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