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Are you an Effective Leader

Presented by

Sandra WaffordPinkins


Letisha Brooks

Community Action Partnership of Kern

Head Start & Early Head Start








Leadership is a Journey.

Just as you bring unique experiences, you also bring your own leadership styles. While Administrators and Managers with a variety of leadership styles can be successful, we know that the peak of successful leadership involves the ability to shift focus from individuals to interactions—in principle, to build relationships. Effective leadership development encourages you to reveal on your own leadership style, to build upon personal strengths, and to discover leadership tools and resources that complement your personal style.

Leadership is the exercise of power and influence. —Resonant Leadership

“Leadership is the skill of influencing people to work enthusiastically toward goals identified as being for the common good.”

—The Servant

Intentions Along With Checks and Balances

Intentions are essential in leadership. Knowing if your intentions are showing up in the right way is challenging, less so if we take the time to define them and then really lead in this defined manner. Even then, intention is only a third of the formula. Leadership intentions along with core beliefs and positive, growth-oriented actions enable an individual to become an effective leader. What about Leadership Checks & BalanceNow, comes the challenging part:How will you know?How will you check your leadership in each of the three elements?How will you know if you are maintaining balance.

Intentions Along With Checks and BalancesContinued:

• Self Reflection: Self-reflection may come by asking yourself the tough questions, meditating, praying, or just taking a long, long walk to contemplate who you are or what you have become. Look in the mirror what do you really see?

• Other Reflection: Look at non-verbal cues from staff and coworkers do they readily engage you. Are they open with feed back to you.

• Open Feed Back: Find someone who doesn’t work for you and knows you well. This person needs to be around you often enough to see how you act and how others react to you. Sit down with them and then ask them: What do my intentions show? What do my actions say? Be open. Listen. Adjust



CAPACITYDeveloping Your Leadership Skills

Ask for and use constructive feedback

Evaluate yourself regularly and honestly

Seek out new roles and new challenges

Start practicing leadership skills in your family

Join community organizations and volunteer for committee work

Never pass up training opportunities

Remember that “to teach is to learn twice’

Work with and learn from strong, skilled, and upright leaders

Set personal leadership development goals and work on them

A significant amount of time, effort, and money has been dedicated to the study of leadership. In spite of all this research, there is little promise about just what leadership is.

Still, people know effective leadership when they see it. And while great leaders may sometimes be born that way, there are certain qualities that countless leaders share in common that anyone can practice and implement to become more effective.

What qualities are those? Well, to be a highly effective leader, you must...

... Inspire Action.

Paint an image of the future that inspires your staff to do whatever it takes to get there. The best leaders also clear away the operational blockades that restrain employees’ natural creativity and ingenuity, unleashing a tremendous amount of energy in the process.

... Be Optimistic.

Employees want to work with and for people who lift them up instead of dragging them down. Look for the positives in your employees, helping them overcome their own feelings of self-doubt and spreading optimism throughout your company.

... Have Integrity.

Research shows that the top thing that employees want from their leaders is integrity. Be honest, fair, open and direct, and treat everyone in the same way that you yourself would want to be treated.

... Support and Facilitate your team.

For people to do their very best work, they need an administrative environment that supports them by making it safe to take risks, to tell the truth, and to speak up ... without being punished for doing so. Support your employees by creating this kind of environment, and it will facilitate their progress toward attaining your organization’s goals.

... Have Confidence.

Highly effective leaders know deep down inside that they and their team can accomplish anything they set their minds to. Failure is not an option. Tentative leaders make for tentative employees. If you’re confident, your people will be too.

... Communicate.

In any organization, knowledge is power, and great leaders ensure that every employee, from the very top to the very bottom of the org chart, is provided with complete and up-to-date information about the organization’s goals, performance, successes and failures. To achieve this level of connection, you should also provide ample channels for two-way communication between employees and managers, actively soliciting their ideas for improvement and rewarding employees for submitting them.

... Have Confidence.

Highly effective leaders know deep down inside that they and their team can accomplish anything they set their minds to. Failure is not an option. Tentative leaders make for tentative employees. If you’re confident, your people will be too.

... Communicate.

In any organization, knowledge is power, and great leaders ensure that every employee, from the very top to the very bottom of the org chart, is provided with complete and up-to-date information about the organization’s goals, performance, successes and failures. To achieve this level of connection, you should also provide ample channels for two-way communication between employees and managers, actively soliciting their ideas for improvement and rewarding employees for submitting them.

... Be Decisive.

One of the most basic duties of any leader is to make decisions. Highly effective leaders aren’t afraid to be decisive and to make tough calls quickly when circumstances require it. Once you have all the information you need to make an informed decision, then don’t hesitate--make it. And once you make a decision, then stick with it unless there is a particularly compelling reason for you to change it.

No matter what type of organization or industry you're in, it's possible to become a more effective leader, inspiring your people to give their very best every day of the week. Make a point of practicing these 7 leadership traits, and you will be a highly effective leader too.



Here are some specific ways to increase your leadership effectiveness:

1. Get 360-degree feedback on your present level of effectiveness, as judged by co-workers you respect.

2. Pick the most important behaviors for change—those you believe will enhance your effectiveness as a leader—e.g., "become a more effective listener" or "make decisions in a timelier manner").

3. Periodically ask co-workers for suggestions on how you can do an even better job in your selected behaviors for change.

4. Listen to their ideas—don't promise to change everything—and make the changes that you believe will further increase your effectiveness.

5. Follow-up and measure change in your effectiveness over time.

Are leaders born or made? If you are working with and through others to achieve objectives, you are already a leader. Can you become a more effective leader? Definitely.


