Iiaei.tcGiv Riftfcci Ctritiar No S, Oftr»5/"Tiir IX»vrr i VotJTTM M«ircr-'-Ti»i«a Co* »Aar," Rertlcrur Now Ytrk Pfcr ¦ Dnryee It Forvvie Minu'ictaring f tvmpeav" »»*' com- .pelleel to Tinlt'r. anrthrr a'et'rarr.t (bat hu beau pit fortu by »Jlt«T..-.| »Ar*- tü- e " ,,,-T o' 'iii* rmß.An Utk> it col' l the roeed* of tbe n»*ri"apeTt aa BtWMiThtatfT fffT^htlrff tf- fbs jtlirt IheTMfr ¦»-¦.¦ -" -'", .¦.. eat Cean "u Firm decreed in a reeeut eiae that i airbanka' Bcah.irt tVittLciird. That rrneatior. area* b*f> re the C"*rt. wbi'h r.te e'!tn fherABTic-LAec.at .w'orr the-1 curt at 4It e.,fl ..enr toatr that .l:L«n*b the Fan-bank.' atW wa. .-.ow.. (a oe kee re « than the ether, a d bet r. t»mi .c II TaaTCaJS toflori **eo, it torane nr. evMatBee that a* between oji*. -nahei «tatare accurate, or that a n-«teo-.l ¦ e.'an:.»:.i»d to t ttthrrf ~* It arfll ba»ely Be prrtri lee tba a eaat tieel la ¦ e.-ai at . .1 after l I M x>'. t Ota arating utun RflM rat ¦ear aavat iT-weei two r.ai> -a. la aar« . eataeii b ajew feral rrtair .»r »¦ mt aM rime arid hi 7. .a- ' I JBaaelecttr a ol ill mau >.b» of ita ei. »ny rs: r. in the per- H alar inat.iM-» ti. er'i'ot: :oav hate bo nr! Jt! aid 'he trvrry Beat < eve. . .4 under other r r. ..m-te.. e«. a u.Sere-.r J aaalitti thigh' »- proper!) have been rt.a.1': r-.-.ii yet " rk dietacted arxi unfair «taten -alt that Ire «ent mnk, and ther- b\ in ury .adooe tout and utt-ri »beere- ti fß$ti in tie aa ne eNnatt e»t. We appanl rrt m loch ret-yeaeri-*«'-.-.« to tbe tboae- at'ala who hare uat-i ar.d are stall u«m< our wäre«, and aubu.it to tiMl PlBLIt whether . -..-«.. I in ti ar-,tbp .rterurya to boiater tip by lahricatcd eteu.o.n* a ouauiee» loa' »Baal l latrlTITH.S. Th« Comoro t are masnfecttn-.g and feriiiabim upon BfshM the beet quality 01 Sea e., a. h aa l.iiir mi, an ho me at a*fr.re Mealei: a.««. a » ;ericr article o* l.tt and BiBOLal «Ptoor Sarai, V. artlwaee T eck«, Man.fer Prefer a, Ac. JPrjuap* tttentioti 1 ten ta a'l orders. Be»pertfu!Jy, C it attar a v Dtarer. ^.i|aaiinteodent. K B OorAger.u.r New Yorkere Mooem D L' a a E E,HOMO 4 Co., No. Whitehall and No. I Stcane at._ ~~ /'hp I.arbim.PK 01 M'RINii.. I ho Knot Hat for the hjmi $ Seaaoa will he eib t.ited «t In.« iiopular eatabl - taent.en the romer of Broad*.*. a..d Pulfon-it.. on l.tt istu.- jMoBB'ao the a»h ir i«. WotollhttBodln the ,n- a M - jwuee of thaa bea i'ifnl lal.rle. b< l.aa dctenn tied ti.ttthe chi'te. mm h retofuto, it ail reana... a. k»nr Uollara, .: lat.nt 1h.1t n aatrrrly Incroaaed pain/nag.- to h<; remnarrated1 for -ht hea- ci-'ay be hue io'Utre»! it. .ta prrajiicti >n Hrra:.ii..ra Mai'ini thi ejsty, ae »eil aa am 01 r MOM are inn ted to make him an i arly Wtaiit, at No. 812 Btoadwa... ( «i.er of f'ult' t. «t. Ci.OTHiNta at Wholesale..W« Iwg t<> Li IViaJiera and Weeteni Merchant* that oaratock ot SPtUBO and IHafMtB Cloiiiisu Jtatl m«t,a(artuted, conti:in tht large*! wartetr of choice itrlii fur ine-1'1 wear ever got op hi the Bone, racalpg frun. the low-priced up tolbe jueit articlo» tu (ha tilde, all got op in our aajai auperior atyle. D. 1)1 rm\ A Co.. Not. J58, ?v), and aao Broadway, corner oi Warren-ir. \A' 1 o 8 . IlAlR-Di i: . \\ Mat. . BATCHELOE'a ratioi and Tot'trri hav< tmprorernenta pecuinr . btyoae. Tber are celehtited all over the wor'd for iheir graea tb beoety, oaae and durability.fitting to a chartn. The UtTfOd and beat a'ratk in the world. "12 private ro om tor appljins hu IbaoaaUva. Soldat Bitcmklob's No. -il i'roadwr.y. WiiaMat'i Pateni Balamanijee Bane.. Tin Batr Pitr-Paoor Sara in the Woblo not now made and aold by M i" C, Hearing, or hi* ajaota, but EfJafaOOATMOBred and «cid bv the Pain.' ¦. w in tt it.tiita'a E*Tf»T iliBonat' tiid Potan. * Cm'.'.i LocB, at the ware- Eouae N *. LS VA »ter <t ,. ar U all N 1 B.. O. WlLDIt 4. ( f. Patetltret. Hat Binuino Machinks..I. M. BofOEB A C'> hot 1 ready I t aa Machine* for Bindit | Straw Hat* and ¦Iii Other kind* o' liall Tue Machine* do the work fag bettor gaol faater tbau any otbon. Call and ace then at ti 1 Broadway. c+TATF. AND .NATIONAL LiAE SCHOOL, P'»l <.ll- KaarBIB, New York .A new Syaten.j Training in the Practice aeilh Conrt*. W Raatatro, Juri«», Ac ; Externparanaoe« Spe'iAing Rally, ProaVeaionai Boaaaoa* taucbt. Ne.r Teraoeoiaaenoet Sth of May onder ininroverl aaapice*. The Hon. U».\uv Room, fan eminent liwver, haa aiceptcd a Profeaaorabip. J. W. Fow- LKB, eaq , Oratorhal Profeaaor. Tbitimomii.i ." Mr. Fowler I* the uioat accomplished orator north of Meaon A Ditauu'a Im» '.Henry Clay. "The trial* and arxumei.ti and general .peaking of hi* pupil* are truly wouderfo].".Loaton iBaraal Improvernente in the lyalem. Dt greet of Rachel >r of Lawt Owoferred. Reno tor t ateioguee to J. fe, FoLl.tT. si 1.11. K pi \iiii iiinoes, Decorated Porch- Lain and Silver plited Drmr Nob*. Reil Full*, Name and Num- fcer Piate*. F.|* alette U' lia, Ac, with a irge variety u! toe be*' qualitv of ltuilJera' aud Lockamith*' Hardware for tbe licit cla.a or btiUtitrje*. wbole«ale and retail by Maat, Ball>win A Maw. No. ft John-et., cor. D 1. To Southern and Westeiin Meri-hants. Impobtast Ca«o to 1111: TRMif..The only certain and ¦acanowlcaiged euro lor r 1 .er and Ague, and ail toi.ua of Inte¬ rn r toot Fever, la DriHLtB« AtTT-Pratonir oa Acttr Pilli. Portale at the manufacture:'.» price* bv tbe following wel!- fcnowo 'ivaaea in thia cily: C. V. ( Lie ki.vi a A Co.. No. El Sirclay-tt.t ChablIi H. Ri\.:. cor. Broadway and Joh- at.; ALL,' DlXOtt It Ft tau«. No . Ill Cbairileara «t.; F. C. W'l LLg A Co., No. ILo Fraaklin-et.; BTBBB1BI, MoRoAh A Allk.v, Ro. ea Clikfn.: Bum a. Gai e. No. inn Qreeawicl et Film 11 Hiii. dino Btone, iMroaTKD rao.M C kll, FaaacK, Of all dltneriaion*, ABO It PABCr.LI IO hit the HfRHllHIIII 01 rvfatrati roa »all bv DrrrtaxAaa A Ai.kvbti^, No. 90 Heirer-et. Ilr.hma . Duly Prize- Modal awnrtiotl to Mvksh a Co bv the Ireluitnal BahdMttoa of all Na'ioaa, for their ew |aateat radical cure tniaa. Aleo. tbe Pair of ti." An.--r.cm I .- eve a warded the brat 1 rt mi urn to tin* Ir.s* .1 ll.Vi. It.-.ert n. -a _l to iti inrietlrrrity: Froteirora Valentine Mutt, W/lird Pa' k.-e and John M. Carn.a ban. An ext.-uaiv. lift of BOO . a ..t inen an¬ tue and otbergentlemen eared bv this tru«, tniyhe *er:i 1: XfaBtH I Cti."l, No. 2; Maiden lane, New-York, «:idM"ai. C. rllei k Co.'i. No. A Vt eat |th-«t., Cincinnati. Ohio. Open bYooi 7 a. m. Btitil i p. m. HOLtOWAT'B OtBTMEBT AND Tills..I In- in- fknlihiiiry oi these Medicine* in the treatment of Sc -vy. end cl*ra*e*of the akin and gland* and ll;e wotid.-rful eftect ot'tue P.Lain Stomerh Complaint* and Diarrhea reaastklthoOJ nidnineii oahie to ail travelers bv tea or land. Sold at the n factorie«. No so Mildci leae, New-Vorl., and No. «Hl Mrta.! laoradon; tad by all Dmgi.its. at '£> < ti.. C; eta Umi r pot ax t 01 lau. ToNFJttOI's bvfbebbeb..a n-tiifd ClBTfJ« D mm, teat.i:. .| to I eaith in t few diva Ii er niaU) yean ol yieat xirrtou* aufler.ng. i* anxioua to tnuke known th- nutaut of r ire. Will tend (tree) the prracnptiun used. Direct the Rev. Juiiv M. DacaaLL No. '¦'» hultou at. Krooklyn, N. Y. the BEMUtKAItl.e W EATIir.lt of th'H Wil.t.'l', In prreiotlnt Ccdds, Coughs and Pnlmo-iarv Co;"pliln'» .11 aa rapt «etil nit to try Ike wonderful ertecta of PAftl'l BgL- «>b or tViLU cutatr a«o Tab. It* edicts area m ootv Biand ease* Is tested by a tingle bottle. Sold everywhere. Baubev k Park. No. :k-l Br.Mtdway, comer ol I) ifat It HOtfYTETTEB..TIM) turprisintr effect! of Hos- */r rria't Stomach Bimti in remorlug Rile, (hethij a; petit- imjertlnt health and tone to the tvttrin, aud disaipa- gi jg D.*|wpLK. symptom*, la truly wonderful. Ev-ry r.. tlrbilitaled, weak and emaciated peraou, eltl el mi ot Oho..Id try it at once. Sold by all Otooert, IL.t-l* and Drug- Bi»ta. Bataga h Pabk, W hnletale Agent*. No. oOi Rroaoway, eoii.ei Duaue at. Cribtadoro's Hajr-Dyl. Wki and Tovn i - Btsud pie.-mment above all comnetitiou. a luite of elegant jHvati aparttneiits for apply im; his famoni Dvt, the greateat Btaadard article of ita kind tnrouthout tbe wuHd. ilia new .'vie of Vi'ice and TvtirKttare perfect.on i'solf VYnoh aa.. iv. l retail at CaitTADoaoY No 6 Aator House. Kxt I'.I.SIOR flll'lllllllICt CottPABr. OrLce No. Ii Briatd mi. Ni.w Yobk. Jan. ?. HD. tr» doa an or Dittcroet hare thii day dr. lartl a «ein e Buai DiriBBBO oi Tka ran ctaron the CapttaJ Stockei tne ( orupany, payable on and aft. r the 10th inat. Tbe Transfer Book* will he rloeed until ratal thar date. ill A a v Qi 1CKÜM..M, .secretary. Ktb a> Mi i tOU i!« Plsti n OtVRI v..\V<- hsvt received k Botice of a Kniifaa moetinfr Jicld n riktri Riioc e^nre in BV i.v.ll. , l'l>ti r (.'ottnty, n. Y H'liitli tlie (xindut t Of the Admini-ltatiutt toward t}i< ** raavt reign aqutttrr.'' in Kaas: a w.n 1!. ,-..ui 1, and . CoVuuLUv apjHiuitiHi to ...li-.! iitudj lorUkOMtiot- t.'ucii the m ttlera of the Tmitory irt .iRtlllllllL their tonetitut ionnl right*, COLOSTJ FKHMOST ASI> 11: s '/./;. POSA (!RAST. C'oL CTv^ifOnt hat at Imtrth irot hit ^rt at M,tnino<t .itatr rti.ly contirnn-d to bun, and if he can suct'd <l in laa iü« j»oea>ewion ol it, nay be unaided lk-li(« BMta UriiiR. The pat cut war nivtued hv the PteaidcDt W week, and di liven J l>r hitnnt tht AVttit«. Ilouee to Col. Prt tnont in rtetltm. PaVtOBtt ;ir' BtW .rroeroily wf»ned by the lYivitto Seoretan oi'tl.e V dent, Wim E t...rrt.ii'.. autlioriaeel by nu « of < " KtTed; but (eon. Pit i t rigBOdtkli OM wWl btROBa tainl. The itmtrunient i* etijrrinovod uj»oii jut: .'hin i.', .nil torero twelve udin^, »a. h ,¦. ad parihuit'iit. a finely exeoated uutpuf L;ta Mania.' a-. »urvt-yetll»y tbv Vt.itcd Siatt e Stirvey -t-i;- m»n... Tbr tract it "upward of tt-veuty «tniart nrlc in et- lent. and it attiiat* d about f::* m\\\t% frstB S.m Krai t"ii»ryo, in an eaaterty iliree tion. It einhra- ea tiio town uf Mahptaaae, tWtaintnrr from 3.ooo tot.iMh) inha!- r.aau, aud a numlierol othtB atai.all ti>wnt and M Me* oienta; and it it eatiltvatt d that there r*M upward ot 13,000 oroide now on ÜM (oi. Vrenvint bouglit tlii« laud on tht lUth of Mav, 1si6, of AWarado, ex-Govcmoi of California, for #5,000, in caah, and at the time the old I iliforaia , latigheal at it aa a renr » xtrnvciu'aot pr;-e. Alt- r a «oo« tititjalion, hie title' ban bee n fa! x OtH HmOal Of tkr ralue of (Jo'. Pn-utont t frraut i: '.- h »P**k with detuiu-n« at it ia\ aonan ntlv. aJntoel BovwmI ^uiaAioa. Meeert. paluic!, Cti batiktn of Ban rmnciaa c,, w ho ha t .. a H an od h Ii jnay the Uiee '.ijvon ,t, and U rlefrav the ewirtnott'l e-ipetteeaofthe eutt, own one uadixid. d half tn the prop. rty. Col. IM*Mtf alou. tyaTM tin other half. Already altovt thirty-fire rtulBotaj worth of troltl du-t h*?e been taktti lioui the trtvot, and Lha ¦ «»f ea\Ah which haaret been w t eiceediiiAily wail. Tbi* it Pmrng to the ecautv top' p.) of water to be four J on tin tract, ami * tmiti - prryjerted, at a cost of #e>00,000, to tupply tl iviivicy. When thia i* complettxl, tbe revenue in b. dohrod f.»»» tbe e«rta*o arill amount to many miDJoos L'. lUa/:. l^WBf Po«. WEDNESDAY, VVflBUABT V, 16Mb Wr «ball i ritit. fM re ratar raiment- r«. oth |£v! <t09oapie* of Till ftrrui Tr.ise»c of thi* w-»k. ft ta, w tbonf donbt, lb* edi« r'.initt Kiediun in the coiatr». Tüv tie lost äs» for ror« .tiui vJrrrtieeinrr.tj lor Uu» week't isewu Price, Kevent -five On'»e line. TO 0OMMm%VOMBMIJfTst \\ t rjrof.t oi-rVrtsit- to return rejected C°ot:j'_in-.i«*iioo« noix.k« 11 MMIMA mmu,1VIi.W.-'IV Inva'd Peru-ion !>iU »H nporUd to Ib< Senate. T'x Xnv.n! f onirnitt. r port»«!. kalifarUm enntnol lea af t«n steam tlaarpa «f war. Th»* Out ml American t.tt- ine*s wa« r.uuvd, and Mr. 11 of Ici.tj. u ndo a 1. n.-thy sj.cc.Ji. Ad¬ journed. Hot -r.. fob. The >>-Üti- (miionno, <i tin- <]*- < :al fi..: i*t'- on th»-mljcf <if :i Ecürond to the Pa¬ cific. The Invalid P. n-ion and BaiM other »piTOjiria- tVa MDs art ra t*]H>rt< d. Mr. 61 arard of <:. ergfa A i I'M'pil Dm Know-Not hintr National Cotinc.l SS l.'>- publican in t'i'di tie \ and fast nde<l tka tout-'- of tke rYeasAsot fa Nfavi t" Kan-a*. The Praaseent aea4 in a otm.niuniration from the S-cretary ol War, re- commending Ike auyofakaUtaa1 ol three millions of dollars to increa*e the efficiency of the nrfOM ii irifri* aliiiw sepplyiaferase, While th« «nbj>Tt .ws.< under discus-ion, the House adjourned. o> Wr understand that a letter was received to-day jti thi» city by F. B. Cutting, esq.. from Mr. At¬ ome; -Cent ral Cushiig, which states tint the Central Ameri.an question in in a (ail train of . t'b iiicstt. Tho Clay ton-Bulw or treaty has been abrogated, Mai a new trea:y is to be fonued. We I ,'i> e also confirmatory intelligence b; the At- antie. It ii* r-tated that Mr. Buch man. in an in. tervjew with Capt. West just before he left Liv- crjtool, informed him that he looked upon the Central American affair as arranged, aud that the Crainpton matter was now the only obet-ide tt a perfect understanding with the British Cabinet. A leading bank officer kai alflO roc i.ed a lettoi from his brother, at present in London, who had bad an interview with Mr. Mut-hannn. and who write*, to the same effect. ? The Daniel Webster arrived af New Orleaus on Suridi y with later neu« from California. Minin? accounts and agricultural prospects were ginkI, No 1'nited States Senator hadbeeu elected. There had been no more fighting in Oregon. .Ml the Central American Stat' -. eXOOpt Nicaragua, ha«l ioruied n alliance. Col. Kinney had |OM to f.'ranada to form an alHaifw with Col. Walker, Tim ivativk .\omi\atio*. Many well-meaning, straitforward people have long wondered what the KDOM¦¦Nothing party wa* really driving at. Their expectations iu the eom- iog vmuU it (af the I 'residency haw been involved in mystery. An a party deniring success for its member* upon a honiespun basis of good sense, their policy waa paaiii, They kad only to ao aei that the Aiiü-Nebraaka men of the North could coi.perate with tkem ,cr they with the Anti-Ne¬ braska men in tbe election of President, to make u triumph certain. To be sure, i; would not be the triumph of the Know-Nothings alone, but i'. being the beot the cane admitted of, it was clearly their true policy to become partners in a victory which they could not achieve without assistance. Many and leading members of the party, actuated by fair purposes mid M bo have never been willing to believe that the people of the North oovli be brought by any indirection to sustain the late measures of the slave propagandists have labend bard to accom¬ plish this result. It was said, ovcrai.d over again, at the late Convention that the Northern Know-Noth¬ ings and the Republicans acting In concert, eatjli ta*iij «nought elect a l'rvideht. And tbe statc- uicut i Imoet a tvlf-i vident tratl. If we t.ike the lmt elections as n criterion of judgmctit, the f.ict is indisputable. But there were plenty of Northern Know-Nothings in the Comentiou who evidently did not wuit to IBOOOod on suoii a basis. It was of no cousequei.ee tl.at they aitd the whole ( oiiv. ntion were to d ti . t if no «uch co..pi ration was possible, then tbe race of the Know-Nothing party wuf run, and that they rxjBls» aVOt kepe sVf success any where. Such a consideration had no tendency to dissuade them from pursuit; ,t -our.' total to the s nc »s 01 the party. The Convention IXTsisted in destroying all ebance of a participa¬ tion in a presidential triumph and nom uatod Mr. I'illmore aaj a d. ad certainty el defent. This lettoB lifts the viiil and shows clearly what tbe present iLumagers. o. the Know-Nothing organi¬ zation are at. There i* no loug»r hny uncertainty ns to the policy of the leaders of that pany. Tuey d«i not SXpeot to succeeti. Tbt-y do rot even care a brass farthiEe about the doctrines which have «i\en the Order u sfntitH pojiularity, and have been tbe foundation of all its successes. They have not recognized a single distinctive principle or measure in tbe Convention. They have been dumb or every iasue, and have adjourned without saying any thing or doing anything beyond nominat¬ ing Millard Fillmore lor Preeident. They have pasm-d do keaeli*«sasaB| aaede mi platform, but *iin- ply nominated a ticket and run. They propose no eOaTteol on ai.y doctrine or j-rinciple or measure, but simply acanvds* on I mar..and a man who is the roprewntativc of neither side of any living po¬ litical i»«ue. Occupying only a negative position, be is intended to accomplish tuly r egative results. He is simply pitcbed into the cat-vans M an ob« struction. To be (oire it ia plain enough to I»e sirn that If he were tt. be eiected he would be found en inveterate enemy to tbe cad*> and the friends of fretdoiu He hasr.evtr c ct-pied ssaj other po»i- tion these seven y ear* past. Bur be is sjasj ot the range of nek « possibility, .did the fact thus becomes of small consequence^ Mr. Killntore's Meadl sine,!, it tend to use him in' I tka canvass ef 1666 as Mr. ^'ac Buren was used in ' I .for th» breakinr down a| another party. Tbe game is the tame. tbou_»h the r> suit may be diffeieut. Tlie action of the Philadclphin Conven¬ tion is a nani KTOf of the New-York Know-Nothing .tud Silver Orey politicians to damage the Republi¬ can party and inj ire certain leading individuals ¦WitIn. Tke Cnvetsttoti kn ben usetl simply aa an instrument to kirtl.cr certain rtoiial aimt of these politicians. They fcivc thought that by taking Mr. I ilhm>rr mt the Know-Notkir.«. candidate, they would have au od\..nt».^c with ihe old moderate Whigs everywhere fa the North, and would draw off many at" them u. kis aupport on the ground o:' his former elevation. The object, then, of the Know Notbiugs has dw.i.dleto this.tt ieakej the Republican party. That is to say, this is the object of those w ho have managtd the Philadelphia Convention and nomin¬ ated Mr. Fillmore. The FvYice^President is put ft>rw srd as a man wfco can entice votes enough from the Republican ranis in rb.* Free State* te give the election to the Nebnska DseaMCMjr. It i* a fortunate circumstance, ar.d an om.n 01 good totb- cause of Freex om, that cirri instances nave cor- straine* tk« Know-No'hiug nom nation thug early. The contest now inuuediau-l) op.iie, not between tt a Know-Nothicg candidate anil anybody else, but between those irhe are for tie spread af Blaoery a::d tbe-e who are ag;<in«t it. It ia an important circumstance, aid a peruiiariy ktnfjf one, that *7* thus early know the whoic a mot tie- Kvw S'o.h- ing l»sd< in the next Pre-identi.ti cmitc**. W* understand th.-m tully, and t will go hard but it. r\ N< r?h» rn voter ah;ill understand them Mate lie^.re the ejection ome» Thin early nomination will prove the mint disas¬ trous blow that co lid have bei u given to the objects of ihcce w'io have ti.ade it. There jpj now ample time to UMM to the country the hollow motive* which actuated it and the results which aione can flow from it. It will do more than anything elae eoajU have done to divide the country upon the real issue before it. 'I"he Know-Nothing caudilate will be gradually crowded one akin, ;-.nd every dar'* difcuaeion will lessen hi* suppor.. while the ranks of the friend* of Freedom w ill be correspondingly increased. Day by day it will grow clearer ami clearer to tbe pep ilar mind that men ajsjaj range themselves on the one aide or the other of the great question of the extension of Slavery. And it must at length come to tie regarded a* a farce to think of \oting for a man who represents neither side of the question, lei! is simply hi Id out as a lure to catch votes without having tho -.'host of a chance for slice* af. * Mr. Fillmore will serve tbe personal purpose* of tbore who kai e pioeured hii. nomination,perhaps., as well as any hotly who could have been hit upoti, l.ut his nomination is a singelar sacrifice af larie motives to small ones. The Know-Nothiug can¬ didate. h;.d he been the right man, stood a chance of carrying this State in the Presidential election. But Mr. Fillmore stands no rkinrtn »t alL His antecedents will repel the Hard vote, which in a certain emergency mhbt hu\o gonelargely 10 the Know-Notion*.' candidate, (ai it wont at the last ? lection.) while from all other quarters accessions nr.- oi.t ot the i,io stion. In bet, w e look upon Mr. FillmoreV. nomination ta u voluntary sacrifice of nil tbe ehinees af the Know-Nothing party in this State. The authors of it have their ov n personal aiini to sub¬ serve, wkirk will in due time appear. The* have scuttled tho ship without the koowi- edge of saoaf of the individuals on board, who srill only beooaac IWUt of the tact at the mom.-lit they see theOi'i'lve. going down. The unsophisticated ¦taoaea Of tke Know-Nothing parr, in the North will probably no: awake to the swindle of Mr. Fillmon 's nomination until all chance or hope is passed of keeping the Know Nothing feesei afloat or even of saving thi mselves from going down with the wreck. Wt will not, however, despair that many may reasonably take to their boats and find a boapitable reception tn board a staaweker craft and among friends more trustworthy. On the whole we cannot but think that dace tke leaden of tke Know>Notkiag party were determined ia I to aid but to prevent the lection of a triend of Freedom as President, that they wen incapable of doing Lkt Republican party a greater service than to nominate their candidate thus early and to name Millard Fillmore as the man. For both of w hich acts we therefore beg to tender them our linccn thanks. BOKDliH KIH I a> HOI.I TU 's». The Covimrrcuil Advertiser ghes iu its bunii! adhesion to the Border Ruffian candidat' for th Presidency just rMtrnhtatrd at Philadelphia. Wt u; Monier Ruffian candidate, for such Mr. Fill- more i.-. und that by I doable title. Iu the first place, bis friendI who hrve brought about his tioru- illation have played precisely the same gam- with tke hi w-Noshing party that tke Missouri Bonier Kufllaiis played with tin actual si ttiers of Kuu-.as. Lb the secoiiil plate, Mr. FUlmore owes bis noiuiua- lion to that section of the (invention which is in .»vor of the Border Ruffian movement in Kansas, and therefore, according to the rtesnnillg of Its Comuurvtol Adceitisrr in the very article tt which we refer, he v. ill be boundiu honor to give that policy his support. Iu reference tt the allegation that Mr. Fillmore is not ¦ I'lemU r of th- Know- Nothing Order. The Cumnunxcl Adrtrtittr an] It .. if he ir not n member, he w ill be no b-s» boond. a- an l.omnal le man, to be governed by the policy whicu that party has avowed should Ida eJeotioa be aceoo> püshed. He uni-t take the platform as well as the nomination. And in giving bun our support, we shall ni it her lo-estgl.t ot nor .vaiie ti.e r.qMin-ihi.ity therein involved." This principle we take it Tfu ( omm rem I ilsfsOT tt'>r i- j npand to carry oaf. Now. the platform upon which Mr. Fillmt.ro was nominated is the platiorm containing the celebrated Twelfth Section. Not only was the new platform adopted by the Na¬ tional Council a day or two before the nomination repudiated by Mr. FiUmore r friends in the nom¬ inating convention. They insisted (and with some show of reason too) that as the nomitiatiug conven¬ tion hau bu t: chosen uudt r the Twelfth Section platfoiu ir was upon that platform that the nom¬ ination must lie made. The qeeattii n. however, as to what platform Mr. Fillmore stai.ds upoi., or v. hi ther, as The Com- mrrciat Advertiser alleges, '. he possesses in an ex¬ traordinary degree the qualifications for the Presidential office." ctnnot, as matters stand, be of tbe lc3*t consequence to The Commercial .hirer- tisrr, or anyinidy else, in settling the question whether or nor tt UippOti Mr. Fillmore as a Presi¬ dential candidate. In the last National Whig ennctu opiniona somewhat different from those of TAc Commercial [Jrertiser s.-em to have been tsV tortaiiied as to Mr. Fillmore's special qualifications for tbe Presidential office. At least if we recollect aright, he was not re-nonimated by that body, though very zealously urged upon it from the very |ame quitter which has given him his present Oomination. Bol koWOTei that may have ktel.of what earthly eotJaWantnee are a man's qualifica¬ tion* for an office which there is not tbe slighte-t possibility of his ever filliDg 1 Mr. Fillmore, notwithstitnding his nomination, and with all the votes he may be able to pick up, Know-Nothing or BOvef Qxejr, is no more likely to be cho.scn President of the I'nited States than he is to be chosen Pope of Rome. It is paying to particular complimeut to tbe sagacity ot The Ceav mirciul A'icerttser to suppose that it sees this fact as clearly as we do. But, though tbe vote* given to Mr. Ftlluiore cannot elect him, taey may help to elect Mr. Pierce or Mr. Wise, or whuc ,-r el . may be the nominee of the Cincinnati Convention; and it was for that purpose, aud no other, that tbe Southern men at Philadelphia tiomim: d Yr. Fid- more. They have no hope* of carry ia^ tiu' Si :th for him. They generally caunot La7e tue shadow of a hope of carrying the North; bot they d> hope, and not without reason. th»t Jii rtktl J:^w^ >j or him may hare the effeet of throwing two >r three Northern States into Pierce s Of Wi»v»'« scfJe, arid so, added to tie whole South, secure IVrrr-'ii or Wi*»'s election. Thui wf see that Mr. F.lltrjfre t.a« stiil a third title to be ca'Jed a ik»r der-BufSau c..'ididate: tb-» .-oi- purpoeo for which be i? neriirinti4 ii to keep j Itorder Ru.Vnn Ad¬ ministration in poever. All this it clear to mm perceptive powvr oi a ».'.'?aiic.- man cr a child. I: would be absurd to .uppo** tl.at it can escape the kern eyes of 7*' Cirmwtrrtiiä Adrertitfr. What interpr« titioii then dec* it become 'nw..vi. > to p it upon the solemn grimace with which that paper persist* in talking about the special or.nlinratii.ns tt Mr. F ilmure tor the Prrvd-atial offne: bis nor bei«**] tainted " v Ith *e. tit-tiaii.vtn, :.:nl tiiat he will be . TV Civtmrrcuii Adrrrtiur lorjretJ to add, if be Mali only be elected."a President for the whole I'tion.' 7», l\,Ti'ntrrr.ol AJrer isr. we have no .io.ht, beiictes itself to be truthful and candid. Other* hare, believed it to be so. Hut. M it take our word for it. it caunot long indulge itself in inch ncklefja aari- rtiona, to sa> no worse mi them, with¬ out eir**ing iteeif to tin suspicion of a design to ditvivf, both i'tv-lf antl others. Not only is Mr. Fiilniore cotorionily a Southern and sectional candidate, mmuiated on a Southern and sectional platform; be is notoriously nominated, not with any expectation to elect him, M as a mere bob to tie tail of another sectional kite, and as a means of helping in thai capacity to elevate Wife, Pierce, Ikiticla«. or whoever the nominee of the Cincinnati Convention may be, to the Pre«idential chair. Snch being the case. ZV Ci/tr»»»f,r.a»' AdttrHyr. if it wishes to escape the character of a double- dealer, pretending < M thing but intending an- otLer, will leave off talking about Mr. Filltitore's qualifications for the Presidency. Ii' it must CO over to th.it side, let it imitate the luntili- neas of Tb> Journal of t'ommrrtt and coin*' out freely a id frankly .as a supporter of the P.i rd- r Raflu policy. By seeking to skulk under Mr. Fillmore's shirs it will only ex¬ pose itself to the contempt mi every honoralde man.pretending to pas* itself off as an enemv to the Border Unman Administration at the rery moment that it il doing all in its power to continue that Administration in office. At the coming Pr-'sidi-nt-al election there is no alternative between Kepnbli' aumn on the one hand and I'.order Kutlianiam on tin* other. Neither of these alternatives may entirely suit The Cornmcrrml A'Jrrrt'str, but it must choose OtW of them. It will BMrtif) icg fOtlgh to the vrell wishers ofthat jotirnal tooeeitoal the Kord^-r BoAlBlidei tOM it, in addition, plating the part of a pimp and a decoy, would be painful indeed. A «.AI.\ I IIO'I THE W.XK. Tbe nilera of England and I'ranee are, u every¬ body known, more readt to fight against human Ubertj than BgsWEfll the fur Of* ff**teio, llttl tin- strategy of ail the i ouflicting pofren together, is as strenuous!) OpfOOod t.'anything in the shape .11 dem¬ ocratic change as to one another. But. for thoofl vv'uO link w ith di-j'int or weariness upon the Moot]* -hrd and blunders of tliat struggle, there are cer¬ tain minor facts which. -!...w. :h.-m«>. >...«. a< it were, through the «nioke of the contest. givi I >l ee that even in that de potie argument then are realities and grow th-* 01 good promise in staining the hope of better things. One of those signs or fa< t* 1 » i-il. :i .'";i'i 11' - altered mode oi treat- bag the rank and tile of his regiment*. It seems tricing, to be enre; but as it respects Knglaiid, wh. re c'uaDKe ui\M\i elowo-t and least welcome. it -«-es for a in at deal. There is no aruiy in 1 in rope more aristocratic than the fcingiiih. K#- where is there drawn Meh a marked line between the men in the ranks and those who command then; nowhere Icrj sympathy hetw.'en the two classes of men, or less 01 that toltiierly familiarity of cuptain and f.'llower which m.irked Lh»- Mtief aces of w:ir. and which a!wu\ s gives such moral rJMcMf to t military tees. Even the Biiasian, when he ahouldera the Czar's musltet. stands irniieformed from a mti into something better. W-- DMi not speak ot the Fr. n"h aVni).in w hich, we niay obtene, the old rules and principles of Ke- puh'icaiiiBU). Iiow. v-r the] mtj be bauisiied from ¦ret] other fonn of the national polity, still have a ri^nificaiit e.ti<tence. Bi.t in Fiuglaud the com- mon recniit, on entering the anuy, only sinks lri.m his civil status, which any one in tho world wot.ld suppose ti«i Ion for aawhing ha sink beb w it. But a machine is lower than a pauper or a peasant, and the English soldier never hope* to overstep the feudal gulf lung between hi in and his officers. b such a state t f tlai'pt la? change is remarka¬ ble: aud for MOM time the rank-and-tile man has bi ¦ -i.rpt ise.l to find him»eli tt,.- attjeet of arten- tioii< OOVOf known U-fore in the experience or the tn ditions of his regiment. His officers have begun to «peak of him in dispatches, and his Queen and her daughters htm for him a iQk pocket handker¬ chief, which, be assured, he will never ha*.e the ct tirage to put to its pn»i»er use. He also recei. es .lee. rations, and.eumas of this noteworthy iuno- vatu u.the iournaiists beg him to sit for his por¬ trait aud present it to the millions in an elegant . ngraving. accompanied by a regular military biog- raph;.birtli-pltee. a«e. achievements and so forth .«puite in tie "1 neral-off.cer style of such things We have seen in an English illustrated jourial the portrait of a common soldier of the Crimea, named Penn. and on his breast the representation of no I. than el»--.en o:d-r«. French and English with which bis bluff, war-daii.-ie;- i [n --.>ii had beer, decorated. An account of his services was printed with the engraving. 8howir»^ that he had well earned his honors and test moniai,. In these things we too th* bahrt mi that pi pie which the English rulers In general ignore. that of democratic -eco-nitioti. England is be- ginnißj to concede to Iit common men the honors of foldieiahip, which she :ie>rr did before. Id »0 doiDg her rulers are only recognizing, as regards the regular army, the s;. item adopted several years ago in the army of India by General Sir Charles .lame* Napier.1 :ma WhOM --r ginal psjiiia »ad gallaTitry did much to retrieve the dull mediocr.rj so characteristic of British ge-jer lULip in rho gross, and who rordialh ogrt d with his brother, the historian in regardia? the cold sha le of aris- tocracy as ti.e worst blight of aoldiership. Mai.y of our readers may remember tae simple, sensible, odd-at und bg addresses of Napier to his soldiers and tepo)s, a-id his straage hibit of bonor-ag tn- rt.i :;. . j.-pat 'h.«.oler. Lag. :-. * sp'i- .f itxpatirnt contec pt, the ;ervilitiea and saobber i, 1 f the TTofM OntsV. Jad plainly iiidkating the necessity of a a-, w orjer of things military; which net* ...rJer < 1 .w u "a 't, c m ng to light undsr :b st-oag Marapdi oaJ^ in aotan n Ton oainp-chaiiig ..» >. »' .MOatut bo tE tS».' gratac. of tj>o Coajitsh fr'tUi tae a»Mt 4en>> crarie par*. >t" tbe K^nca ..vnpir*, Un *.rrn/, ta Ifttek 'h F-ftt-h soldier the ^witm te die- tuvtmn irp-n and aecaesible to merit.presonttag. f»r this rr^ee*. a contrast to mm i«iand brother id anii*. very humiliating i«» the kmmV and calculated to diminish hi* efficiency, in eume aorttopnthi* machnery out of ordur. It also due, no doubt, to a cet..i( tion on the p.,rt' of tb>« Englieh ruler* tL.it :* is good policy to create or *u.-tain in the arm» the war-spirit wh.eh tbo b ilk >f the people ar!.. . . ; ee!. under 'he ex'sting conditions of tb« European imbn»glio. At all event*, it leoia well to see a spirit ii^-rjli-rn enter th it stronghold of the British aristocracy: and. giving I - rery slow cousins time for their movement*, we mmj yet have sou, thing better t«> tell of them, apropos ,.f this gr:n war-argument Sotnewiat wenrynf watching the hea^ y eaanonado* and as¬ saults and of -peculating on the jugglery of th..ee dope's and their diplomatists, we find it into-, «*> il | to pick our, so to speak, the few grans ot wheat visible iu that enormous bushel of chaff: dwelling on those thing*, however small, in which we csn perceive the inevitable results and tenden- rk * of liberty and human progress coming out f. om the general dreariness of IM scene. THE LATEST NEWS, RECEIVED BY MAGNETIC TELEGRIPH. THE KNOW-NOTHING M»MIN'ATI<>Yv EJ.'oritlCerrespoodencs ot Th* N. T. Tribene. sTaSbUOTOsi Monday, Pen. 88, 1866. The nomination of Fillmore fall* like a wet blanket on the Americans here. I canuot find one who ever believed in or wished to see a North, who sustains it. It M ems to bo generally felt, ovcu bv Know-Nothiugs.in earnest, that it is a grave mis¬ take t'fra new iart] to select as its standard bearer a hackneyed aad discarded politiaian. Tho House Committee on F.lectious will proba¬ bly on Thursday report their reason* for requesting permission to send to Kansas for persons and pa .¦. ;> ,i Heeder * ..so. That report will -nt .' ilN exhibit the lending features of this important case. Gov. Jones's anti-Reeder speech to-day is deemed <\ tho fr.t nds of Free Kansas. Hale will reply on Thursday. There seems to be much uneasiness hero with regard to our relations with England.but little ap¬ prehension of actual hostilities. I cannot see why 0Or Qoremntcnt refuel to arbitrate a difference 10 far tu vital. It was mal adroit to say that that we could eonride in the impartiality of no power but Russia. Russia is more friendly to us than to England, and Baron Humboldt would have adjodfi d this question intelligently and justly. So would Holland or Switzerland. 1 trust arbr.tr». tioa wiO yei be agreed on. H. 0. Ol B RELATIONS WITH ENGLAND. EaUttttsI Correepottdenra of Tha N. Y. Tribeue. tTaiiuhutust, TneMny, Pek. 96, 1866, Senator Joho Boll's speech to-day on our ditf'er- ences witk England was able, cogent and highly paci6e, especially iu its repudiation of (ien. Cass's .. .Tsion of the Monroe Doctrine. The Senate is strongly :or peMO. The House wasted tho day oa a question of reference. I have not yet found a BemkeT who supported Banks and who now gees for F.limore and Donelson, though I think there mu-t be two or thro,' such. I shall pursue the iu quiry. H. O. F-.J.1. .i 0»n C >o- >*ji*».irT WUWM in\, Tuesday, Feb. 66, K'.tJ. No very important dispatches have been received .e mails of the Atlantic and the Asia. Private, letters from Mr. Buchanan state explicitly and emphatically that the relations between himself and Ford Clarendon were on a friendly footing, iti.l wer* eveti more cordial than they had been since Secretary Marcy 's dispatch desiring there- call of Mr. Crampton. Lord Clarendon was desir¬ ous of replying to Mr. Marcy's paper, but would probably wait for Mr. Crampton'* explanations. There is not one syllable of truth in the rumored medintioo of Mr. Bulwor, not was there aoy man« ner of occasion lor it. The tone of tbe British Press was wholly uu*arrauted by any official fact. Tbe statements were fabricated, and the limited information altogether exaggerated. There is nothing ken warranting any expectation of a rup¬ ture: still, there may be <ome temporary enibar* rassmonts in diplomatic etiquette. The linlist- m.at correspondence will probably not be com¬ municated until Thursday. Messrs. Mason and ('ass s speeches on the Enlist¬ ment Question were di-crcet. while high-toned, and w ill be fully sustained by the corTespondence. Man* facts are stronger than they stated them, and others of importance* were not noticed at all. Mr. Crifteodeu was misled in his remarks by an innre-sioa originating in England, and circulates! here, that satisfactory apologies had been made by Clarendon, and were so regarded by Buchanan. When Clarerdoa offered his explanations no in- formatioa had reached Buchanan implicating Crampton or the British Consul* here, and he ox- preaMsi saT'sfactioa at its sufficiency, providing they wer» net concerned. Subsequently the whole case v»j* cbanzed by communication the de¬ velopment* for which uo apology ha* been pro- pSJaVOsl, and iu the face of which reiterated dis¬ claimers of having violated our neutrality laws are boldly inserted. Palnsrraton's Ministry and the Britlak preea wi.h to driv.-the Administration from its sajrfJtiM eoacerted intimidation. This will be made mnaifeat when tbe public compares the tone oi L'.ar.-ndon'i di'putch. to waicii More*. '* Kst lefter replied, with bis recent speech. THE TEXAS INDEMMTV. Fron Out Own Curre«poodeat. Washington. Monday, Fob. 66, 1166, Inquiries are now being instituted by the Secre. torj ot Tro isury to ascertain if the debt* eDibraeed in tbe Act ot Cngre** .ire the same as rhoMf cm- bneed in the Act of the Legislature of Texas. If pj -iiould on such exaraiaation prove to be iden¬ tical, the Secretary of the Treasury will cause the notice Of ninety days required by Act of Congr-'sa preceding payment to be at once ptrboaked, Tbe provi-o 'i the A.t oi" tu. L-inslarure of Texas will Bet present tue payment, provided the debts are identical: but if they prove otherwise, the whole matter will have again to be submitted to Coagress. i KoM WASHING IuN. \\ aeniBOlua, Tuesday. K b. If, I #36. Tl I a| r state* thai Mr. CtoeitWa aeeert:en in the Hoese of Lords corjcenung tii* eidiat- n.tnt d.*cr:'ty is snbatant:a"]y inrorrect, no apeto^y I ..- tbe wr ng iane davuog bevo made. Tbe mten*e eicitefneat occasion- >i by te'egrapuif- rpaf I asj Sunday last, u, atlayed by the assurance that tketn t* ncthing in the Oovernment vfispitoaee, I nee received, calculated to ^.p"«dal> the h.vpe that »' B*ag*ned oaay be ^f/xiipy %t rang-i. vi though mir relations with that eeiaetrv ero it->t inai, nafly changed emoe tha advicee br Iba Ct.iada. Mr Hachaaaa rjrnbnMy b »t England on the «Mb. Um m row au 'heCon'ioeni Mr. Dada* will m<in nr-eive hi» written vmxmrUmm, hie inte-voti-a* with the Wate Pepertin.-at her» fof.»-»i !. If of 4> reihal OBSJoMtOa. 1 h- (iovemtne.-f dir-pai« ln-o show that mane af law sp, ra.at.oni arid .t-»u-rtions of tfc« British preaa eed. ''Hoiwi ,.-e j. .u. -nor :a tber»» ground for tat» PwaMI ..! an TV a!t-n atn-u Lavinif taken place be¬ tween I»r<i ( iar- :idon mmi Mr. Bt-caaun . . n. .> '«. tu .¦!':!. tt ro». rte«! that ao forma! pre. po-tion hna be.n made l',v (it.ei Britain lo eibiUaW I tL.-p. ago* I nder present nr. umsiancee ha Believed our (Jo*, eminent would not accept that rjMtt* oi'adjuatrrient. Then potw o k* Executive,to the Senate retoia- ( tioa caJVing for the .i»rutnrut» n-latins: to the BrÜUh " iil¦¦ttaert«, « II pr»l>«!>:e l»e sent in to-motrow, an<| .rill «ho» that (TTOal iiiacertracie* Have Wen made ha the foreign preee and jjuL.i t men tclatiee u> tbe tri» t-to ot that question. The Americar- are tiring a salute to-nigbt ia hi»er of Mr. K.üniott nomination. A vttvn:« «Ii-, at.-h from an officer on board the Met- r ii ... M Mbi v»aj. .oing out of Bo-ton harbor, says '. VT« ON ..ff «i.:p iiudi t steam making nine knot*, par hour. S.ip. <.! - and boiler exceeding all expeota- a»«'iu>. Chicf-Kngin. er Morton in delighted." XXXIVth congress. FIKST SESSION. MPflTr*_WU lleWfOO, I'-h. >?. Mr. HtTK i*BB aited a bill making appr .p-jumna for tue payment of invalid and other pensions for the year cudiugJune, H,*.7. " Mr. M43aI«OKT. mvm Ihi Naval CoaiiniUee, re- porte>I a bill autho'ixuig tl. con.«tniefion ot t. n «loope. of » ar. and would arJc its consideration on Monday. Mr. BELL T - .v. raid the stbjeet of O utral Ant-near, affiur» deserve,the serious attentioa of not only every member of the Senate, but every eitixea w; * t.. sec the peace of the country maintained and, at the same t'me, the national honor protected. A'though not -uilieieiitly itiivrmrj to .»peak with mark i. -s on the linti-ii eiilu-tment qae<tioa, hut opii i< ti vrns that to auppoe«; any ot rious eontroreray w likely to rgrow ou; ofthat ibtUeeC. was to euppooo thai otuinon M Ht and reason had taken then depart- ur<' from tl.oee who hare the mnnairemenf of pub- lie affairs in both countries. In tbe event of war, however, he u.,u!d be found on the side of his ronntry, risrht .it wrong. Taking a view of the CIayton*BatWef testoty >~>m'»hat diiT. r.'tit from that of other Btxtatora, he tlonght he saw in the language of the treaty that it »a.» uot expo, ted that the British would withdraw absolutely and unquali- Sedly ftotn their Muaqueto protectorate. The Britink were not required to abandon that proter'torate, whil., at the same time. v. rv precaution had been taken by | the American negotiator to obtain that substantial oh- in t prevmting l.reat Britain from exctvisMk any domit u>n there under anv form or pretext whatever, lie would not deny that Grent l.niain might now lie diapoeed to avail herself of the ft* l>eurati< e on our part to (It t'. nt tntitelv the object of the treaty, but he did tot think it expedit at at present for thin (ioreniment to take any step which iiinjbt bring on a i ouHiet, not v. tli Ktigland alone, but her allier, including ahc whole of WtotSfB Kurri«'. Tht following bill wn* passed: '. flic laws relative to pdoU and steamboats, and (-pt einllj' the net of lHii, shall not be M construed as to affect, annul, or impnir the force or validity of Mute Inws regulating poetage in its porto, harbors, ar on r bars at the mouths of rivers where such waten are within the tcrritottal jurisdiction of such State." A bill wan also passed authoriaiiig the Secretary oi the Treasury to permit the owner of any vcaeef to luin-. the tum.e of the same on the presentation of sufhVu nt r aooni therefor. Adjourned. nOUSE OP REPRESENTATITES. The following gt atieaBtta wen- appointed the Special ('. mmittee on the »ubject of a Railroad l>etweea the Atlantic and Pacific: Messrs. Denver, [Ctl*) Wood- worth, (111.1 Houston, (AlajMott. (Ohio) Wells, (Wis.; Kidwell. iVn.l Jewett, iKv.i McC'arty. |\. V.) Kran,., (Texas) Reade, IN. C.) W ood, (Me.) Lindley, (Mo.) ami Kunkel. (Pa.) The SPEAKER nominated as Regents of the Siaith- sonian Institute, on the part of the House, Messrs. Meat ham, Warner and English. Mr. MKACHAM was excused from serving, as be was not willing to consent to foPow an iostitutioa o/hkb had iliveitiil from the law of its establishment, and which is not making a proper impression on the count rv. Mr. ( AMPBEI.I, (Ohio), from the Committee of Wat I und Means, reported bills to supply ili-fieieneu-s in the appropii>it:..i... f..r the sapport of the Military A. imy and t..r tlie payment of invalid and other ' pensiona. Mr. BEWAKD wl.de exp'aining the ret son of his ahoSJtlCe oil the filial VOte for the eloetion of Speab. alluded to the order of "Americans," and said that the American National Convention, by ignoring the Tweltth section of the Hiiladolphia platform, have placed them*ei\ "s perfectly upon tbe Repablinans stand, both denouncing the Adminiatrntion for the re- I peal of the Mi-eouri Compnuniso. In his opiuioa, there wail leeeot nymputhy betw<^en them, tio de¬ fended the President From tbe ehaiges of a woak and vacillating course relative to Konsas. The SI'KAKKK laid before the Ilouse n mrsjoogo fnuii the Presi'lent, transmitting and retximmending to the favorable consideration of Congress the follow¬ ing coiiiiiiiiiiictttiou from the Secretary of War, dated Ftbiuary v th. " Improvements in arms and munitions of war hav¬ ing been reooothr perfected, whereby tljeir effieieney has been muob mi n-ased, it is very deairable that tht '.' iiiii.i'.vi tneuts shtmld h. applied us far and as nfKin as practicnble to the arms on hand, both in dor- emment arsenals and in iMiesession of the States. Al¬ though our present supplyof arms is as goodae, aud I: obabry superior to, Ihoso of the same date of manu¬ facture of any other nation. In the use of them in tbt ir prtfent condition, we should have to cope, at a disadvantage, with others who have been beforehand with us in the application to their anus of the recent impiovt mi id-, it has been our policy heretofore te cany on gradually and slowly the work of preparing for military efficiency, both offensive and defensive, and in pursuance of this policy, the estimates of tho War Depaituu .it fn.iu yaai to year huve bexM limited to 'ie execution of sueh work only as accorded with the ordinary means of our armories and nrsanals. with but a small force of operatives in employment. The regular estimates last submitted to Congrets as* baaed on th»-oe considera¬ tions. In view, however, ol the propriety of assuring, at tho earlhst practicable peri'id, militury efficiency, as it regard- armament and munitions, (we have it abundantly as regards men,) it s. ems proper that mow active mid' vigorous measures should now be adopted; that we should increase the capacity for producing, and the fort t in employment at our armories and ar* f j that we should prepare more rapidly arma- i ients and ammunition for our fortifications; that wo elionld increase our supplies of improved small arms, by manufacturing new one*, and altering those of aa iti. Bek nt fal.ri. ation, including both the United States and Mat. arms, and that we «hould provide ample sop* pUel of ammunition, aeoourrenn-ntsnnd impleou-nt* fcr unm. diat- aud mo-t effieient uae. In order to effect tili-, it i.- sjmawj that more than otd.nary in. aao bo p aced at the dl'pOi-al of the Kll"Utiv .; OJM I reSpOCt- fully su^eest and recommend that application lie made for the . ariy appropriation of three millions rsf dollars for increasing the military t tli. i. i \ of tie country, to be applied a: the discretion of the President toward th. vblccts before stated." Mr. HUMPHBEY MaBtfffAf.f, r-irarbd this as* »ir Meoeage, d. mgm d to operate on the other side of the water. A debate ersuida-to whi ther the eommoniratioo sboald 20 to the C.iini.n on Ways and Means, or to the Military- Committee. Mr. KKITt thought th. Committee on CUime tho prep, r ( 'i.n.mitti e, as both the other Committeos i laiu;. d juri.-dittion over th< oabj et jl^iught'r). t coin luding the di lute, tin House adjourned. I'll; AMEHICAN STATE COUNCIL. CtiA.sriAioi a, Tuesday, Feb. 9*. 1***- American State Ooiojofl no t at 11 o'clrvk Ihn inrirn ng. and. in tbe absence of President Barker, ( does. Walker of QoMVM was chosen ( lutirnxan. Many of the delegates had cot yet arrived. Tbe mot sjsjg sjsjsJoa * as soent in ptt luninary bus.- ne«S. AFTI Kloo» s.-SSlOH. The mu tttes of the last meeting wen- read and ap¬ proved. Fl fliaojpf W. H. tlootJwiaaanotincedthe XateoasU t orn nat.ou». ai d introdiiw d the following reoolatiooa ratify tag them, whit h were adopted unanimously, and nti fied with cine hearty cheers for each t>r»minee. BtK>'trd That thia Oramt Ctmneil hails vri'h tho lfrohroV »ariSrii i'on tb" nonilantfim of Ml'tarrl Klllrooee as the eaa<tlota laaot an i sr:» ft . tr.« ur?.. .. .4 fresideut of ths V*'""' flute«: tbst r. his tnea -tst^m-¦ sl.ip »:.d patriotic intefritJ «¦ ...[.on to ihr ii.'rrr»t csf the entire people ere aaev^-o* ». rest suo.rai.tee of his fitness for tbe high posltraa tb» OaOtS I. . i : 1 w cuMiailv an4 r«raostly eofjflS htm to tho Ao^rirsD re Uir« ot the Eta put State «s««aaaOBUT v. rb; ef tbrir lajtaaaa, wbuh we donbt uot br »10 sasatrui duallj Veseive. r%»_j- Rrtolrtd. That in the nomination of Andrew }tr'-'PaYRZl ? f Toni sare tor the otBce of We Prr»wf"nt of th« ¦Wg Mstss we reoonise a patnot «ad eteteenen of the JoOs*t***T ana Jackeori anai'hool. and that, in the lanfui^eot b-' Jlu»rrv"* if Jv'.^esef, " b> the PQ««,* of Sao*, we wdj atr-'t biov

THE LATEST NEWS,...The patcut war nivtued hvthe PteaidcDt Wweek,anddi liven J l>r hitnnt tht AVttit«. Iloueeto Col. Prttnont in rtetltm. PaVtOBtt;ir' BtW.rroeroilywf»nedbythe

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Page 1: THE LATEST NEWS,...The patcut war nivtued hvthe PteaidcDt Wweek,anddi liven J l>r hitnnt tht AVttit«. Iloueeto Col. Prttnont in rtetltm. PaVtOBtt;ir' BtW.rroeroilywf»nedbythe

Iiaei.tcGiv RiftfcciCtritiar No S,

Oftr»5/"Tiir IX»vrr i VotJTTM M«ircr-'-Ti»i«a Co*»Aar," Rertlcrur Now Ytrk

Pfcr ¦ Dnryee It Forvvie Minu'ictaring f tvmpeav" »»*' com-

.pelleel to Tinlt'r. anrthrr a'et'rarr.t (bat hu beau pit fortu by»Jlt«T..-.| »Ar*- tü- e " ,,,-T o' 'iii*

rmß.An Utk> it col' l the roeed* of tbe n»*ri"apeTt aa

BtWMiThtatfT fffT^htlrff tf- fbs jtlirt IheTMfr ¦»-¦.¦ -" -'", .¦..

eat Cean "u Firm decreed in a reeeut eiae that i airbanka'Bcah.irt tVittLciird.That rrneatior. area* b*f> re the C"*rt. wbi'h !« r.te e'!tn

fherABTic-LAec.at .w'orr the-1 curt at 4It e.,fl ..enr toatrthat .l:L«n*b the Fan-bank.' atW wa. .-.ow.. (a oe kee

re « than the ether, a d bet r. t»mi .c II TaaTCaJS toflori

**eo, it torane nr. evMatBee that a* between oji*. -nahei«tatare accurate, or that a n-«teo-.l ¦ e.'an:.»:.i»d to t

ttthrrf~* It arfll ba»ely Be prrtri lee tba a eaat tieel la¦ e.-ai at . .1 after l I M x>'. t Ota arating utun RflM rat

¦ear aavat iT-weei two r.ai> -a. :» la aar« . eataeii bajew feral rrtair .»r »¦ mt aM rime arid hi 7. .a- ' I

JBaaelecttr a ol ill mau >.b» of ita ei. »ny rs: r. in the per-H alar inat.iM-» ti. er'i'ot: :oav hate bo nr! Jt! aid 'hetrvrry Beat < eve. . .4 under other r r. ..m-te.. e«. a u.Sere-.r Jaaalitti thigh' »- proper!) have been rt.a.1': r-.-.ii yet " rkdietacted arxi unfair «taten -alt that Ire «ent mnk, and ther- b\in ury .adooe tout and utt-ri »beere- ti fß$ti in tie aa ne

eNnatt e»t. We appanl rrt m loch ret-yeaeri-*«'-.-.« to tbe tboae-at'ala who hare uat-i ar.d are stall u«m< our wäre«, and aubu.it totiMl PlBLIt whether . -..-«.. I in ti ar-,tbp.rterurya to boiater tip by lahricatcd eteu.o.n* a ouauiee» loa'

»Baal l latrlTITH.S.Th« Comoro t are masnfecttn-.g and feriiiabim upon BfshM

the beet quality 01 Sea e., a. h aa l.iiir mi, \» an ho me at

a*fr.re Mealei: a.««. a » ;ericr article o* l.tt and BiBOLal«Ptoor Sarai, V. artlwaee T eck«, Man.fer Prefer a, Ac.

JPrjuap* tttentioti 1 ten ta a'l orders. Be»pertfu!Jy,C it attar a v Dtarer. ^.i|aaiinteodent.

K B OorAger.u.r New Yorkere Mooem D L'a a E E,HOMO4 Co., No. 1« Whitehall and No. I Stcane at._~~

/'hp I.arbim.PK 01 M'RINii.. I ho Knot Hatfor the hjmi $ Seaaoa will he eib t.ited «t In.« iiopular eatabl -

taent.en the romer of Broad*.*. a..d Pulfon-it.. on l.tt istu.-

jMoBB'ao the a»h ir i«. WotollhttBodln the ,n- a M -

jwuee of thaa bea i'ifnl lal.rle. b< l.aa dctenn tied ti.ttthe chi'te.mm h retofuto, it ail reana... a. k»nr Uollara, .: lat.nt 1h.1t n

aatrrrly Incroaaed pain/nag.- to h<; remnarrated1 for -ht hea-ci-'ay be hue io'Utre»! it. .ta prrajiicti >n Hrra:.ii..ra Mai'ini thi

ejsty, ae »eil aa am 01 r MOM are innted to make him an i arlyWtaiit, at No. 812 Btoadwa... ( «i.er of f'ult' t. «t.

Ci.OTHiNta at Wholesale..W« Iwg t<> LiIViaJiera and Weeteni Merchant* that oaratock ot SPtUBO andIHafMtB Cloiiiisu Jtatl m«t,a(artuted, conti:in tht large*!wartetr of choice itrlii fur ine-1'1 wear ever got op hi theBone, racalpg frun. the low-priced up tolbe jueit articlo» tu

(ha tilde, all got op in our aajai auperior atyle.D. 1)1 rm\ A Co..

Not. J58, ?v), and aao Broadway, corner oi Warren-ir.

\A' 1 o 8. IlAlR-Di i: . \\ Mat. . BATCHELOE'aratioi and Tot'trri hav< tmprorernenta pecuinr .

btyoae. Tber are celehtited all over the wor'd for iheir graeatb beoety, oaae and durability.fitting to a chartn. The UtTfOdand beat a'ratk in the world. "12 private ro om tor appljins huIbaoaaUva. Soldat Bitcmklob's No. -il i'roadwr.y.

WiiaMat'i Pateni Balamanijee Bane..Tin Batr Pitr-Paoor Sara in the WobloI« not now made and aold by M i" C, Hearing, or hi* ajaota, butEfJafaOOATMOBred and «cid bv the Pain.' ¦. w in tt it.tiita'aE*Tf»T iliBonat' tiid Potan. * Cm'.'.i LocB, at the ware-

Eouae N *. LS VA »ter <t ,. ar U all N 1B.. O. WlLDIt 4. ( f. Patetltret.

Hat Binuino Machinks..I. M. BofOEB AC'> hot 1 ready I t aa .¦ Machine* for Bindit | Straw Hat* and¦Iii Other kind* o' liall Tue Machine* do the work fag bettorgaol faater tbau any otbon. Call and ace then at ti 1 Broadway.


KaarBIB, New York .A new Syaten.j Training in the Practiceaeilh Conrt*. W Raatatro, Juri«», Ac ; Externparanaoe« Spe'iAingRally, ProaVeaionai Boaaaoa* taucbt. Ne.r TeraoeoiaaenoetSth of May onder ininroverl aaapice*. The Hon. U».\uv Room,fan eminent liwver, haa aiceptcd a Profeaaorabip. J. W. Fow-LKB, eaq , Oratorhal Profeaaor. Tbitimomii.i ." Mr. FowlerI* the uioat accomplished orator north of Meaon A Ditauu'aIm» '.Henry Clay. "The trial* and arxumei.ti and general.peaking of hi* pupil* are truly wouderfo].".Loaton iBaraalImprovernente in the lyalem. Dt greet of Rachel >r of LawtOwoferred. Reno tor t ateioguee to J. fe, FoLl.tT.

si 1.11. K pi \iiii iiinoes, Decorated Porch-Lain and Silver plited Drmr Nob*. Reil Full*, Name and Num-fcer Piate*. F.|* alette U' lia, Ac, with a irge variety u! toe

be*' qualitv of ltuilJera' aud Lockamith*' Hardware for tbelicit cla.a or btiUtitrje*. wbole«ale and retail by

Maat, Ball>win A Maw. No. ft John-et., cor. D 1.

To Southern and Westeiin Meri-hants.Impobtast Ca«o to 1111: TRMif..The only certain and¦acanowlcaiged euro lor r 1 .er and Ague, and ail toi.ua of Inte¬rn r toot Fever, la

DriHLtB« AtTT-Pratonir oa Acttr Pilli.Portale at the manufacture:'.» price* bv tbe following wel!-

fcnowo 'ivaaea in thia cily: C. V. ( Lie ki.vi a A Co.. No. El

Sirclay-tt.t ChablIi H. Ri\.:. cor. Broadway and Joh- at.;ALL,' DlXOtt It Ft tau«. No . Ill Cbairileara «t.; F. C. W'l LLg

A Co., No. ILo Fraaklin-et.; BTBBB1BI, MoRoAh A Allk.v, Ro.ea Clikfn.: Bum a. Gai e. No. inn Qreeawicl et

Film 11 Hiii. dino Btone,iMroaTKD rao.M

C kll, FaaacK,Of all dltneriaion*,

ABO It PABCr.LI IO hit the HfRHllHIIII01 rvfatrati roa »all bv

DrrrtaxAaa A Ai.kvbti^,No. 90 Heirer-et.

Ilr.hma .Duly Prize- Modal awnrtiotl to Mvksha Co bv the Ireluitnal BahdMttoa of all Na'ioaa, for their ew

|aateat radical cure tniaa. Aleo. tbe Pair of ti." An.--r.cm I .-

eve awarded the brat 1 rt mi urn to tin* Ir.s* .1 ll.Vi. It.-.ert n. -a

_l to iti inrietlrrrity: Froteirora Valentine Mutt, W/lird Pa' k.-eand John M. Carn.a ban. An ext.-uaiv. lift of BOO . a ..t inen an¬

tue and otbergentlemen eared bv this tru«, tniyhe *er:i 1:

XfaBtH I Cti."l, No. 2; Maiden lane, New-York, «:idM"ai.C. rllei k Co.'i. No. A Vt eat |th-«t., Cincinnati. Ohio. OpenbYooi 7 a. m. Btitil i p. m.

HOLtOWAT'B OtBTMEBT AND Tills..I In- in-fknlihiiiry oi these Medicine* in the treatment of Sc -vy. endcl*ra*e*of the akin and gland* and ll;e wotid.-rful eftect ot'tueP.Lain Stomerh Complaint* and Diarrhea reaastklthoOJ nidnineiioahie to ail travelers bv tea or land. Sold at the n

factorie«. No so Mildci leae, New-Vorl., and No. «Hl Mrta.!laoradon; tad by all Dmgi.its. at '£> < ti.. C; eta Umi r potax t 01 lau.

ToNFJttOI's bvfbebbeb..a n-tiifd ClBTfJ«D mm, teat.i:. .| to I eaith in t few diva Ii er niaU) yean ol yieatxirrtou* aufler.ng. i* anxioua to tnuke known th- nutaut of r ire.

Will tend (tree) the prracnptiun used. Direct the Rev. JuiivM. DacaaLL No. '¦'» hultou at. Krooklyn, N. Y.

the BEMUtKAItl.e W EATIir.lt of th'H Wil.t.'l',In prreiotlnt Ccdds, Coughs and Pnlmo-iarv Co;"pliln'» .¦

.11 aa rapt «etil nit to try Ike wonderful ertecta of PAftl'l BgL-«>b or tViLU cutatr a«o Tab. It* edicts area m ootvBiand ease* Is tested by a tingle bottle. Sold everywhere.Baubev k Park. No. :k-l Br.Mtdway, comer ol I) ifat It

HOtfYTETTEB..TIM) turprisintr effect! of Hos-*/r rria't Stomach Bimti in remorlug Rile, (hethija; petit- imjertlnt health and tone to the tvttrin, aud disaipa-gi jg D.*|wpLK. symptom*, la truly wonderful. Ev-ry r..

tlrbilitaled, weak and emaciated peraou, eltl el mi ot I«Oho..Id try it at once. Sold by all Otooert, IL.t-l* and Drug-Bi»ta. Bataga h Pabk, W hnletale Agent*. No. oOi Rroaoway,eoii.ei Duaue at.

Cribtadoro's Hajr-Dyl. Wki and Tovn i -

Btsud pie.-mment above all comnetitiou. a luite of elegantjHvati aparttneiits for apply im; his famoni Dvt, the greateatBtaadard article of ita kind tnrouthout tbe wuHd. ilia new

.'vie of Vi'ice and TvtirKttare perfect.on i'solf VYnoh aa..iv. l retail at CaitTADoaoY No 6 Aator House.

Kxt I'.I.SIORflll'lllllllICt CottPABr.

OrLce No. Ii Briatd mi.Ni.w Yobk. Jan. ?. HD.

tr» doa an or Dittcroet hare thii day dr. lartl a «ein e

Buai DiriBBBO oi Tka ran ctaron the CapttaJ Stockei tne

( orupany, payable on and aft. r the 10th inat.Tbe Transfer Book* will he rloeed until ratal thar date.

ill A a v Qi 1CKÜM..M, .secretary.

Ktb a> Mi i tOU i!« Plsti n OtVRI v..\V<- hsvtreceived k Botice of a Kniifaa moetinfr Jicld n riktriRiioc e^nre in BV i.v.ll. , l'l>ti r (.'ottnty, n. YH'liitli tlie (xindut t Of the Admini-ltatiutt toward t}i<** raavt reign aqutttrr.'' in Kaas: a w.n 1!. ,-..ui 1, and. CoVuuLUv apjHiuitiHi to ...li-.! iitudj lorUkOMtiot-t.'ucii the m ttlera of the Tmitory irt .iRtlllllllLtheir tonetitut ionnl right*,


C'oL CTv^ifOnt hat at Imtrth irot hit ^rt at M,tnino<t.itatr rti.ly contirnn-d to bun, and if he can suct'd <l in

laa iü« j»oea>ewion ol it, nay be unaidedlk-li(« BMta UriiiR. The pat cut war nivtued hv thePteaidcDtW week, and di liven J l>r hitnnt tht AVttit«.Ilouee to Col. Prt tnont in rtetltm. PaVtOBtt ;ir' BtW.rroeroily wf»ned by the lYivitto Seoretan oi'tl.e Vdent, Wim E t...rrt.ii'.. autlioriaeel by nu « of < "

KtTed; but (eon. Pit i t rigBOdtkli OM wWl btROBatainl. The itmtrunient i* etijrrinovod uj»oii jut: .'hin i.',.nil torero twelve udin^, »a. h ,¦.ad parihuit'iit. a finely exeoated uutpuf L;ta Mania.' a-.

.» »urvt-yetll»y tbv Vt.itcd Siatt e Stirvey -t-i;- m»n...Tbr tract it "upward of tt-veuty «tniart nrlc in et-

lent. and it attiiat* d about f::* m\\\t% frstB S.m Krait"ii»ryo, in an eaaterty iliree tion. It einhra- ea tiio townuf Mahptaaae, tWtaintnrr from 3.ooo tot.iMh) inha!-r.aau, aud a numlierol othtB atai.all ti>wnt and M Me*oienta; and it it eatiltvatt d that there r*M upward ot13,000 oroide now on ÜM

(oi. Vrenvint bouglit tlii« laud on tht lUth of Mav,1si6, of AWarado, ex-Govcmoi of California, for#5,000, in caah, and at the time the old I iliforaia ,

latigheal at it aa a renr » xtrnvciu'aot pr;-e. Alt- r a

«oo« tititjalion, hie title' ban bee n fa! x OtH HmOalOf tkr ralue of (Jo'. Pn-utont t frraut i: '.- h»P**k with detuiu-n« at it ia\ aonan ntlv. aJntoel

BovwmI ^uiaAioa. Meeert. paluic!, Ctibatiktn of Ban rmnciaa c,, w ho ha t .. a H an od hIi jnay the Uiee '.ijvon ,t, and U rlefrav the ewirtnott'le-ipetteeaofthe eutt, own one uadixid. d halftn the prop. rty. Col. IM*Mtf alou. tyaTM tin otherhalf.

Already altovt thirty-fire rtulBotaj worth of troltl du-th*?e been taktti lioui the trtvot, and Lha ¦

«»f ea\Ah which haaret been wt eiceediiiAily wail. Tbi* it Pmrng to the ecautv top'p.) of water to be four J on tin tract, ami * tmiti -

prryjerted, at a cost of #e>00,000, to tupply tliviivicy. When thia i* complettxl, tbe revenue in b.dohrod f.»»» tbe e«rta*o arill amount to many miDJoosL'. lUa/:. l^WBf Po«.


Wr «ball i ritit. fM re ratar raiment- r«. oth |£v! <t09oapie*of Till ftrrui Tr.ise»c of thi* w-»k. ft ta, w tbonf donbt,lb* edi« r'.initt Kiediun in the coiatr». Tüv i« tie lostäs» for ror« .tiui vJrrrtieeinrr.tj lor Uu» week't isewu Price,Kevent -five On'»e line.

TO 0OMMm%VOMBMIJfTst\\ t rjrof.t oi-rVrtsit- to return rejected C°ot:j'_in-.i«*iioo«

noix.k« 11 MMIMAmmu,1VIi.W.-'IV Inva'd Peru-ion !>iU »H

nporUd to Ib< Senate. T'x Xnv.n! fonirnitt. r r»

port»«!. kalifarUm enntnol lea af t«n steam tlaarpa«f war. Th»* Outml American t.tt- ine*s wa« r.uuvd,and Mr. B« 11 of Ici.tj. u ndo a 1. n.-thy sj.cc.Ji. Ad¬

journed.Hot -r.. fob. The >>-Üti- (miionno, <i tin- <]*-

< :al fi..: i*t'- on th»-mljcf <if :i Ecürond to the Pa¬cific. The Invalid P. n-ion and BaiM other »piTOjiria-tVa MDs art ra t*]H>rt< d. Mr. 61 arard of <:. ergfa A

i I'M'pil Dm Know-Not hintr National Cotinc.l SS l.'>-

publican in t'i'di tie \ and fast nde<l tka tout-'- of tkerYeasAsot fa Nfavi t" Kan-a*. The Praaseent aea4in a otm.niuniration from the S-cretary ol War, re-

commending Ike auyofakaUtaa1 ol three millions ofdollars to increa*e the efficiency of the nrfOMii irifri* aliiiw sepplyiaferase, While th« «nbj>Tt.ws.< under discus-ion, the House adjourned.


Wr understand that a letter was received to-dayjti thi» city by F. B. Cutting, esq.. from Mr. At¬

ome; -Cent ral Cushiig, which states tint the

Central Ameri.an question in in a (ail train of. t'b iiicstt. Tho Clay ton-Bulw or treaty has been

abrogated, Mai a new trea:y is to be fonued. We

I ,'i> e also confirmatory intelligence b; the At-

antie. It ii* r-tated that Mr. Buchman. in an in.

tervjew with Capt. West just before he left Liv-

crjtool, informed him that he looked upon the

Central American affair as arranged, aud that

the Crainpton matter was now the only obet-ide tta perfect understanding with the British Cabinet.

A leading bank officer kai alflO roc i.ed a lettoi

from his brother, at present in London, who hadbad an interview with Mr. Mut-hannn. and who

write*, to the same effect.?

The Daniel Webster arrived af New Orleaus on

Suridi y with later neu« from California. Minin?accounts and agricultural prospects were ginkI,No 1'nited States Senator hadbeeu elected. Therehad been no more fighting in Oregon. .Ml theCentral American Stat' -. eXOOpt Nicaragua, ha«lioruied n alliance. Col. Kinney had |OM tof.'ranada to form an alHaifw with Col. Walker,

Tim ivativk .\omi\atio*.

Many well-meaning, straitforward people havelong wondered what the KDOM¦¦Nothing party wa*

really driving at. Their expectations iu the eom-

iog vmuU it (af the I 'residency haw been involvedin mystery. An a party deniring success for itsmember* upon a honiespun basis of good sense,

their policy waa paaiii, They kad only to ao aeithat the Aiiü-Nebraaka men of the North could

coi.perate with tkem ,cr they with the Anti-Ne¬braska men in tbe election of President, to make u

triumph certain. To be sure, i; would not be thetriumph of the Know-Nothings alone, but i'. beingthe beot the cane admitted of, it was clearly theirtrue policy to become partners in a victory whichthey could not achieve without assistance. Manyand leading members of the party, actuated by fair

purposes mid M bo have never been willing to believethat the people of the North oovli be brought byany indirection to sustain the late measures of theslave propagandists have labend bard to accom¬

plish this result. It was said, ovcrai.d over again, at

the late Convention that the Northern Know-Noth¬ings and the Republicans acting In concert, eatjlita*iij «nought elect a l'rvideht. And tbe statc-

uicut i« i Imoet a tvlf-i vident tratl. If we t.ikethe lmt elections as n criterion of judgmctit, thef.ict is indisputable. But there were plenty ofNorthern Know-Nothings in the Comentiou whoevidently did not wuit to IBOOOod on suoii a basis.It was of no cousequei.ee tl.at they aitd the whole( oiiv. ntion were to d ti . t if no «uch co..pi ration

was possible, then tbe race of the Know-Nothingparty wuf run, and that they rxjBls» aVOt kepe sVfsuccess any where. Such a consideration had no

tendency to dissuade them from pursuit; ,t -our.'

total to the s nc »s 01 the party. The ConventionIXTsisted in destroying all ebance of a participa¬tion in a presidential triumph and nom uatod Mr.I'illmore aaj a d. ad certainty el defent.This lettoB lifts the viiil and shows clearly what

tbe present iLumagers. o. the Know-Nothing organi¬zation are at. There i* no loug»r hny uncertaintyns to the policy of the leaders of that pany. Tueyd«i not SXpeot to succeeti. Tbt-y do rot even

care a brass farthiEe about the doctrines whichhave «i\en the Order u sfntitH pojiularity, andhave been tbe foundation of all its successes. Theyhave not recognized a single distinctive principleor measure in tbe Convention. They have beendumb or every iasue, and have adjourned withoutsaying any thing or doing anything beyond nominat¬

ing Millard Fillmore lor Preeident. They have

pasm-d do keaeli*«sasaB| aaede mi platform, but *iin-

ply nominated a ticket and run. They propose no

eOaTteol on ai.y doctrine or j-rinciple or measure,

but simply acanvds* on I mar..and a man who is

the roprewntativc of neither side of any living po¬litical i»«ue. Occupying only a negative position,be is intended to accomplish tuly r egative results.He is simply pitcbed into the cat-vans M an ob«struction. To be (oire it ia plain enough to I»e sirn

that If he were tt. be eiected he would be found en

inveterate enemy to tbe cad*> and the friends offretdoiu He hasr.evtr c ct-pied ssaj other po»i-tion these seven y ear* past.Bur be is sjasj ot the range of nek « possibility,

.did the fact thus becomes of small consequence^Mr. Killntore's Meadl sine,!, it tend to use him in' I

tka canvass ef 1666 as Mr. ^'ac Buren was used in 'I .for th» breakinr down a| another party.Tbe game is the tame. tbou_»h the r> suit may bediffeieut. Tlie action of the Philadclphin Conven¬tion is a nani KTOf of the New-York Know-Nothing.tud Silver Orey politicians to damage the Republi¬can party and inj ire certain leading individuals¦WitIn. Tke Cnvetsttoti kn ben usetl simply aa

an instrument to kirtl.cr certain p« rtoiial aimt ofthese politicians. They fcivc thought that by takingMr. I ilhm>rr mt the Know-Notkir.«. candidate, theywould have au od\..nt».^c with ihe old moderateWhigs everywhere fa the North, and would drawoff many at" them u. kis aupport on the ground o:'his former elevation.The object, then, of the Know Notbiugs has

dw.i.dleto this.tt ieakej the Republican party.That is to say, this is the object of those w ho havemanagtd the Philadelphia Convention and nomin¬ated Mr. Fillmore. The FvYice^President is putft>rw srd as a man wfco can entice votes enough from

the Republican ranis in rb.* Free State* te givethe election to the Nebnska DseaMCMjr. It i* a

fortunate circumstance, ar.d an om.n 01 good totb-cause of Freex om, that cirri instances nave cor-

straine* tk« Know-No'hiug nom nation thug early.The contest now inuuediau-l) op.iie, not between

tt a Know-Nothicg candidate anil anybody else, butbetween those irhe are for tie spread af Blaoerya::d tbe-e who are ag;<in«t it. It ia an importantcircumstance, aid a peruiiariy ktnfjf one, that *7*

thus early know the whoic a mot tie- Kvw S'o.h-

ing l»sd< r« in the next Pre-identi.ti cmitc**. W*understand th.-m tully, and t will go hard butit. r\ N< r?h» rn voter ah;ill understand them Mate

lie^.re the ejection ome»Thin early nomination will prove the mint disas¬

trous blow that co lid have bei u given to the objectsof ihcce w'io have ti.ade it. There jpj now ampletime to UMM to the country the hollow motive*which actuated it and the results which aione can

flow from it. It will do more than anything elaeeoajU have done to divide the country upon the realissue before it. 'I"he Know-Nothing caudilate willbe gradually crowded one akin, ;-.nd every dar'*difcuaeion will lessen hi* suppor.. while the ranksof the friend* of Freedom w ill be correspondinglyincreased. Day by day it will grow clearer amiclearer to tbe pep ilar mind that men ajsjaj rangethemselves on the one aide or the other of the greatquestion of the extension of Slavery. And it mustat length come to tie regarded a* a farce to think of\oting for a man who represents neither side ofthe question, lei! is simply hi Id out as a lure to

catch votes without having tho -.'host of a chance forslice* af.


Mr. Fillmore will serve tbe personal purpose*of tbore who kai e pioeured hii. nomination,perhaps.,as well as any hotly who could have been hit upoti,l.ut his nomination is a singelar sacrifice af lariemotives to small ones. The Know-Nothiug can¬

didate. h;.d he been the right man, stood a chanceof carrying this State in the Presidential election.But Mr. Fillmore stands no rkinrtn »t alL Hisantecedents will repel the Hard vote, which in a

certain emergency mhbt hu\o gonelargely 10 theKnow-Notion*.' candidate, (ai it wont at the last? lection.) while from all other quarters accessionsnr.- oi.t ot the i,io stion. In bet, w e look upon Mr.FillmoreV. nomination ta u voluntary sacrificeof nil tbe ehinees af the Know-Nothingparty in this State. The authors of ithave their ov n personal aiini to sub¬serve, wkirk will in due time appear. The*have scuttled tho ship without the koowi-edge of saoaf of the individuals on board, who srillonly beooaac IWUt of the tact at the mom.-lit theysee theOi'i'lve. going down. The unsophisticated¦taoaea Of tke Know-Nothing parr, in the Northwill probably no: awake to the swindle of Mr.Fillmon 's nomination until all chance or hope is

passed of keeping the Know Nothing feesei afloator even of saving thi mselves from going downwith the wreck. Wt will not, however, despairthat many may reasonably take to their boats andfind a boapitable reception tn board a staawekercraft and among friends more trustworthy.On the whole we cannot but think that dace tke

leaden of tke Know>Notkiag party were determinedia I to aid but to prevent the lection of a triend ofFreedom as President, that they wen incapable ofdoing Lkt Republican party a greater service thanto nominate their candidate thus early and to name

Millard Fillmore as the man. For both of w hichacts we therefore beg to tender them our linccnthanks.

BOKDliH KIH I a> HOI.I TU 's».

The Covimrrcuil Advertiser ghes iu its bunii!adhesion to the Border Ruffian candidat' for th

Presidency just rMtrnhtatrd at Philadelphia. Wtu; Monier Ruffian candidate, for such Mr. Fill-more i.-. und that by I doable title. Iu the firstplace, bis friendI who hrve brought about his tioru-

illation have played precisely the same gam- withtke hi w-Noshing party that tke Missouri BonierKufllaiis played with tin actual si ttiers of Kuu-.as.Lb the secoiiil plate, Mr. FUlmore owes bis noiuiua-lion to that section of the (invention which is in.»vor of the Border Ruffian movement in Kansas,and therefore, according to the rtesnnillg of ItsComuurvtol Adceitisrr in the very article tt whichwe refer, he v. ill be boundiu honor to give thatpolicy his support. Iu reference tt the allegationthat Mr. Fillmore is not ¦ I'lemU r of th- Know-Nothing Order. The Cumnunxcl Adrtrtittr an] It

.. if he ir not n member, he w ill be no b-s» boond. a-

an l.omnal le man, to be governed by the policy whicuthat party has avowed should Ida eJeotioa be aceoo>püshed. He uni-t take the platform as well as thenomination. And in giving bun our support, we shallni it her lo-estgl.t ot nor .vaiie ti.e r.qMin-ihi.ity thereininvolved."

This principle we take it Tfu ( omm rem I ilsfsOTtt'>r i- j npand to carry oaf. Now. the platformupon which Mr. Fillmt.ro was nominated is the

platiorm containing the celebrated Twelfth Section.Not only was the new platform adopted by the Na¬tional Council a day or two before the nominationrepudiated by Mr. FiUmore r friends in the nom¬

inating convention. They insisted (and with some

show of reason too) that as the nomitiatiug conven¬

tion hau bu t: chosen uudt r the Twelfth Sectionplatfoiu ir was upon that platform that the nom¬

ination must lie made.The qeeattii n. however, as to what platform Mr.

Fillmore stai.ds upoi., or v. hi ther, as The Com-mrrciat Advertiser alleges, '. he possesses in an ex¬

traordinary degree the qualifications for thePresidential office." ctnnot, as matters stand, be

of tbe lc3*t consequence to The Commercial .hirer-tisrr, or anyinidy else, in settling the questionwhether or nor tt UippOti Mr. Fillmore as a Presi¬dential candidate. In the last National Whigennctu opiniona somewhat different from those ofTAc Commercial [Jrertiser s.-em to have been tsVtortaiiied as to Mr. Fillmore's special qualificationsfor tbe Presidential office. At least if we recollectaright, he was not re-nonimated by that body,though very zealously urged upon it from the very|ame quitter which has given him his presentOomination. Bol koWOTei that may have ktel.ofwhat earthly eotJaWantnee are a man's qualifica¬tion* for an office which there is not tbe slighte-tpossibility of his ever filliDg 1 Mr. Fillmore,notwithstitnding his nomination, and withall the votes he may be able to pick up,Know-Nothing or BOvef Qxejr, is no more likely tobe cho.scn President of the I'nited States than heis to be chosen Pope of Rome. It is paying toparticular complimeut to tbe sagacity ot The Ceavmirciul A'icerttser to suppose that it sees this factas clearly as we do. But, though tbe vote* givento Mr. Ftlluiore cannot elect him, taey may helpto elect Mr. Pierce or Mr. Wise, or whuc ,-r el.may be the nominee of the Cincinnati Convention;and it was for that purpose, aud no other, that tbeSouthern men at Philadelphia tiomim: d Yr. Fid-more. They have no hope* of carry ia^ tiu' Si :thfor him. They generally caunot La7e tue shadowof a hope of carrying the North; bot they d> hope,and not without reason. th»t Jii rtktl J:^w^ >j

or him may hare the effeet of throwing two >r

three Northern States into Pierce s Of Wi»v»'«

scfJe, arid so, added to tie whole South, secure

IVrrr-'ii or Wi*»'s election. Thui wf see that Mr.F.lltrjfre t.a« stiil a third title to be ca'Jed a ik»rder-BufSau c..'ididate: tb-» .-oi- purpoeo for whichbe i? neriirinti4 ii to keep j Itorder Ru.Vnn Ad¬ministration in poever.

All this it clear to mm perceptive powvr oi a

».'.'?aiic.- man cr a child. I: would be absurd to

.uppo** tl.at it can escape the kern eyes of 7*'Cirmwtrrtiiä Adrertitfr. What interpr« titioii thendec* it become 'nw..vi. > to p it upon the solemngrimace with which that paper persist* in talkingabout the special or.nlinratii.ns tt Mr. F ilmure tor

the Prrvd-atial offne: bis nor bei«**] tainted" v Ith *e. tit-tiaii.vtn, :.:nl tiiat he will be. TVCivtmrrcuii Adrrrtiur lorjretJ to add, if be Malionly be elected."a President for the wholeI'tion.'

7», l\,Ti'ntrrr.ol AJrer isr. we have no .io.ht,beiictes itself to be truthful and candid. Other*hare, believed it to be so. Hut. M it take our

word for it. it caunot long indulge itself in inchncklefja aari- rtiona, to sa> no worse mi them, with¬out eir**ing iteeif to tin suspicion of a design to

ditvivf, both i'tv-lf antl others. Not only is Mr.Fiilniore cotorionily a Southern and sectionalcandidate, mmuiated on a Southern and sectionalplatform; be is notoriously nominated, not with

any expectation to elect him, M as a mere bob to

tie tail of another sectional kite, and as a means

of helping in thai capacity to elevate Wife, Pierce,Ikiticla«. or whoever the nominee of the CincinnatiConvention may be, to the Pre«idential chair.Snch being the case. ZV Ci/tr»»»f,r.a»' AdttrHyr.

if it wishes to escape the character of a double-dealer, pretending < M thing but intending an-

otLer, will leave off talking about Mr. Filltitore'squalifications for the Presidency. Ii' it must

CO over to th.it side, let it imitate the luntili-neas of Tb> Journal of t'ommrrtt and coin*'

out freely a id frankly .as a supporter of theP.i rd- r Raflu policy. By seeking to skulkunder Mr. Fillmore's shirs it will only ex¬

pose itself to the contempt mi every honoralde

man.pretending to pas* itself off as an enemv tothe Border Unman Administration at the rerymoment that it il doing all in its power to continuethat Administration in office.At the coming Pr-'sidi-nt-al election there is no

alternative between Kepnbli' aumn on the one handand I'.order Kutlianiam on tin* other. Neither ofthese alternatives may entirely suit The CornmcrrmlA'Jrrrt'str, but it must choose OtW of them. It will

BMrtif) icg fOtlgh to the vrell wishers ofthat

jotirnal tooeeitoal the Kord^-r BoAlBlidei tOMit, in addition, plating the part of a pimp and a

decoy, would be painful indeed.

A «.AI.\ I IIO'I THE W.XK.Tbe nilera of England and I'ranee are, u every¬

body known, more readt to fight against human

Ubertj than BgsWEfll the fur Of* ff**teio, llttl tin-strategy of ail the i ouflicting pofren together, is as

strenuous!) OpfOOod t.'anything in the shape .11 dem¬ocratic change as to one another. But. for thooflvv'uO link w ith di-j'int or weariness upon the Moot]*-hrd and blunders of tliat struggle, there are cer¬

tain minor facts which. -!...w. :h.-m«>. >...«. a< itwere, through the «nioke of the contest. givi I>l ee that even in that de potie argument thenare realities and grow th-* 01 good promise instainingthe hope of better things. One of those signs or

fa< t* 1 » i-il. :i .'";i'i 11' - altered mode oi treat-

bag the rank and tile of his regiment*. It seems

tricing, to be enre; but as it respects Knglaiid,wh. re c'uaDKe i» ui\M\i elowo-t and least welcome.it -«-es for a in at deal. There is no aruiy in1 in rope more aristocratic than the fcingiiih. K#-where is there drawn Meh a marked line betweenthe men in the ranks and those who commandthen; nowhere Icrj sympathy hetw.'en the twoclasses of men, or less 01 that toltiierly familiarityof cuptain and f.'llower which m.irked Lh»- Mtiefaces of w:ir. and which a!wu\ s gives such moral

rJMcMf to t military tees. Even the Biiasian,when he ahouldera the Czar's musltet. standsirniieformed from a mti into something better. W--DMi not speak ot the Fr. n"h aVni).in w hich, we

niay obtene, the old rules and principles of Ke-puh'icaiiiBU). Iiow. v-r the] mtj be bauisiied from

¦ret] other fonn of the national polity, still havea ri^nificaiit e.ti<tence. Bi.t in Fiuglaud the com-

mon recniit, on entering the anuy, only sinkslri.m his civil status, which any one in tho worldwot.ld suppose ti«i Ion for aawhing ha sink beb w

it. But a machine is lower than a pauper or a

peasant, and the English soldier never hope* tooverstep the feudal gulf lung between hi in andhis officers.b such a state t f tlai'pt la? change is remarka¬

ble: aud for MOM time the rank-and-tile man hasbi ¦ -i.rpt ise.l to find him»eli tt,.- attjeet of arten-

tioii< OOVOf known U-fore in the experience or thetn ditions of his regiment. His officers have begunto «peak of him in dispatches, and his Queen andher daughters htm for him a iQk pocket handker¬chief, which, be assured, he will never ha*.e thect tirage to put to its pn»i»er use. He also recei. es

.lee. rations, and.eumas of this noteworthy iuno-vatu u.the iournaiists beg him to sit for his por¬trait aud present it to the millions in an elegant. ngraving. accompanied by a regular military biog-raph;.birtli-pltee. a«e. achievements and so forth.«puite in tie "1 neral-off.cer style of such thingsWe have seen in an English illustrated jourialthe portrait of a common soldier of the Crimea,named Penn. and on his breast the representationof no I. than el»--.en o:d-r«. French and Englishwith which bis bluff, war-daii.-ie;- i [n --.>ii had beer,decorated. An account of his services was printedwith the engraving. 8howir»^ that he had wellearned his honors and test moniai,.

In these things we too th* bahrt mi that pipie which the English rulers In general ignore.that of democratic -eco-nitioti. England is be-ginnißj to concede to Iit common men the honorsof foldieiahip, which she :ie>rr did before. Id »0

doiDg her rulers are only recognizing, as regardsthe regular army, the s;. item adopted several yearsago in the army of India by General Sir Charles.lame* Napier.1 :ma WhOM --r ginal psjiiia »adgallaTitry did much to retrieve the dull mediocr.rjso characteristic of British ge-jer lULip in rhogross, and who rordialh ogrt d with his brother,the historian in regardia? the cold sha le of aris-tocracy as ti.e worst blight of aoldiership. Mai.yof our readers may remember tae simple, sensible,odd-at undbg addresses of Napier to his soldiersand tepo)s, a-id his straage hibit of bonor-ag c« tn-

rt.i :;. . j.-pat 'h.«.oler. Lag. :-. * sp'i-.f itxpatirnt contec pt, the ;ervilitiea and saobber

i, 1 f the TTofM OntsV. Jad plainly iiidkating the

necessity of a a-, w orjer of things military; whichnet* ...rJer < 1 .w u "a 't, c m ng to light undsr:b st-oag Marapdi oaJ^ in aotan nTon oainp-chaiiig ..» >. »' .MOatut bo tE

tS».' gratac. of tj>o Coajitsh fr'tUi tae a»Mt 4en>>

crarie par*. >t" tbe K^nca ..vnpir*, Un *.rrn/, ta

Ifttek 'h F-ftt-h soldier the ^witm te die-

tuvtmn irp-n and aecaesible to merit.presonttag.f»r this rr^ee*. a contrast to mm i«iand brother id

anii*. very humiliating i«» the kmmV and calculatedto diminish hi* efficiency, in eume aorttopnthi*machnery out of ordur. It i» also due, no doubt,

to a cet..i( tion on the p.,rt' of tb>« Englieh ruler*

tL.it :* is good policy to create or *u.-tain in the

arm» the war-spirit wh.eh tbo b ilk >f the peoplear!.. . . ; ee!. under 'he ex'sting conditionsof tb« European imbn»glio. At all event*, it

leoia well to see a spirit ii^-rjli-rn enter th it

stronghold of the British aristocracy: and. givingI - rery slow cousins time for their movement*,

we mmj yet have sou, thing better t«> tell of them,

apropos ,.f this gr:n war-argument Sotnewiat

wenrynf watching the hea^ y eaanonado* and as¬

saults and of -peculating on the jugglery of th..ee

dope's and their diplomatists, we find it into-, «*>il | to pick our, so to speak, the few grans ot

wheat visible iu that enormous bushel of chaff:

dwelling on those thing*, however small, in whichwe csn perceive the inevitable results and tenden-

rk * of liberty and human progress coming out

f. om the general dreariness of IM scene.



EJ.'oritlCerrespoodencs ot Th* N. T. Tribene.

sTaSbUOTOsi Monday, Pen. 88, 1866.The nomination of Fillmore fall* like a wet

blanket on the Americans here. I canuot find one

who ever believed in or wished to see a North, who

sustains it. It M ems to bo generally felt, ovcu bv

Know-Nothiugs.in earnest, that it is a grave mis¬

take t'fra new iart] to select as its standard bearer

a hackneyed aad discarded politiaian.Tho House Committee on F.lectious will proba¬

bly on Thursday report their reason* for requestingpermission to send to Kansas for persons and pa.¦. ;> ,i Heeder * ..so. That report will -nt .' ilN

exhibit the lending features of this important case.

Gov. Jones's anti-Reeder speech to-day is deemed<\ tho fr.t nds of Free Kansas. Hale will

reply on Thursday.There seems to be much uneasiness hero with

regard to our relations with England.but little ap¬prehension of actual hostilities. I cannot see why0Or Qoremntcnt refuel to arbitrate a difference10 far tu vital. It was mal adroit to say thatthat we could eonride in the impartiality of no

power but Russia. Russia is more friendly to us

than to England, and Baron Humboldt would have

adjodfi d this question intelligently and justly. Sowould Holland or Switzerland. 1 trust arbr.tr».tioa wiO yei be agreed on. H. 0.

Ol B RELATIONS WITH ENGLAND.EaUttttsI Correepottdenra of Tha N. Y. Tribeue.

tTaiiuhutust, TneMny, Pek. 96, 1866,Senator Joho Boll's speech to-day on our ditf'er-

ences witk England was able, cogent and highlypaci6e, especially iu its repudiation of (ien. Cass's.. .Tsion of the Monroe Doctrine. The Senate isstrongly :or peMO. The House wasted tho dayoa a question of reference. I have not yet found a

BemkeT who supported Banks and who now geesfor F.limore and Donelson, though I think theremu-t be two or thro,' such. I shall pursue the iu

quiry. H. O.

F-.J.1. .i 0»n C >o- >*ji*».irTWUWM in\, Tuesday, Feb. 66, K'.tJ.

No very important dispatches have been received.e mails of the Atlantic and the Asia. Private,

letters from Mr. Buchanan state explicitly andemphatically that the relations between himselfand Ford Clarendon were on a friendly footing,iti.l wer* eveti more cordial than they had beensince Secretary Marcy 's dispatch desiring there-call of Mr. Crampton. Lord Clarendon was desir¬ous of replying to Mr. Marcy's paper, but would

probably wait for Mr. Crampton'* explanations.There is not one syllable of truth in the rumoredmedintioo of Mr. Bulwor, not was there aoy man«

ner of occasion lor it. The tone of tbe BritishPress was wholly uu*arrauted by any official fact.Tbe statements were fabricated, and the limitedinformation altogether exaggerated. There is

nothingken warranting any expectation of a rup¬ture: still, there may be <ome temporary enibar*rassmonts in diplomatic etiquette. The linlist-m.at correspondence will probably not be com¬

municated until Thursday.Messrs. Mason and ('ass s speeches on the Enlist¬

ment Question were di-crcet. while high-toned,and w ill be fully sustained by the corTespondence.Man* facts are stronger than they stated them,and others of importance* were not noticed at all.

Mr. Crifteodeu was misled in his remarks by an

innre-sioa originating in England, and circulates!here, that satisfactory apologies had been made byClarendon, and were so regarded by Buchanan.When Clarerdoa offered his explanations no in-formatioa had reached Buchanan implicatingCrampton or the British Consul* here, and he ox-

preaMsi saT'sfactioa at its sufficiency, providingthey wer» net concerned. Subsequently the wholecase v»j* cbanzed by communication the de¬

velopment* for which uo apology ha* been pro-pSJaVOsl, and iu the face of which reiterated dis¬claimers of having violated our neutrality laws are

boldly inserted. Palnsrraton's Ministry and theBritlak preea wi.h to driv.-the Administration fromits sajrfJtiM eoacerted intimidation. This willbe made mnaifeat when tbe public compares thetone oi L'.ar.-ndon'i di'putch. to waicii More*. '* Kstlefter replied, with bis recent speech.

THE TEXAS INDEMMTV.Fron Out Own Curre«poodeat.

Washington. Monday, Fob. 66, 1166,Inquiries are now being instituted by the Secre.

torj ot Tro isury to ascertain if the debt* eDibraeedin tbe Act ot Cngre** .ire the same as rhoMf cm-

bneed in the Act of the Legislature of Texas. If

pj -iiould on such exaraiaation prove to be iden¬

tical, the Secretary of the Treasury will cause thenotice Of ninety days required by Act of Congr-'sapreceding payment to be at once ptrboaked, Tbe

provi-o 'i the A.t oi" tu. L-inslarure of Texas willBet present tue payment, provided the debts are

identical: but if they prove otherwise, the wholematter will have again to be submitted to Coagress.

i KoM WASHING IuN.\\ aeniBOlua, Tuesday. K b. If, I#36.

Tl I a| r state* thai Mr. CtoeitWaaeeert:en in the Hoese of Lords corjcenung tii* eidiat-n.tnt d.*cr:'ty is snbatant:a"]y inrorrect, no apeto^yI ..- tbe wr ng iane davuog bevo made.Tbe mten*e eicitefneat occasion- >i by te'egrapuif-rpaf I asj Sunday last, u, atlayed by the assurance

that tketn t* ncthing in the Oovernment vfispitoaee,I nee received, calculated to ^.p"«dal> the h.vpe that

»' B*ag*ned oaay be ^f/xiipy %t

rang-i. vithough mir relations with that eeiaetrv eroit->t inai, nafly changed emoe tha advicee br IbaCt.iada.Mr Hachaaaa rjrnbnMy b »t England on the «Mb. Um

m row au 'heCon'ioeniMr. Dada* will m<in nr-eive hi» written vmxmrUmm,

hie inte-voti-a* with the Wate Pepertin.-at her» fof.»-»i!. If of 4> reihal OBSJoMtOa.

1 h- (iovemtne.-f dir-pai« ln-o show that mane af lawsp, ra.at.oni arid .t-»u-rtions of tfc« British preaa eed.''Hoiwi ,.-e j. .u. -nor :a tber»» ground for tat»PwaMI ..! h» anTV a!t-n atn-u Lavinif taken place be¬tween I»r<i ( iar- :idon mmi Mr. Bt-caaun

. . n. .> '«. tu .¦!':!. tt ro». rte«! that ao forma! pre.po-tion hna be.n made l',v (it.ei Britain lo eibiUaW

I tL.-p. ago* I nder present nr. umsianceeha Believed our (Jo*, eminent would not accept thatrjMtt* oi'adjuatrrient.Then potw o k* Executive,to the Senate retoia- (

tioa caJVing for the .i»rutnrut» n-latins: to the BrÜUh"

iil¦¦ttaert«, « II pr»l>«!>:e l»e sent in to-motrow, an<|.rill «ho» that (TTOal iiiacertracie* Have Wen made hathe foreign preee and jjuL.i t men tclatiee u> tbe tri»t-to ot that question.The Americar- are tiring a salute to-nigbt ia hi»er

of Mr. K.üniott '« nomination.A vttvn:« «Ii-, at.-h from an officer on board the Met-

r ii ... M Mbi v»aj. .oing out of Bo-ton harbor, says'. VT« ON ..ff «i.:p iiudi t steam making nine knot*, parhour. S.ip. <.! - and boiler exceeding all expeota-a»«'iu>. Chicf-Kngin. er Morton in delighted."


MPflTr*_WU lleWfOO, I'-h. >?.Mr. HtTK i*BB aited a bill making appr .p-jumna

for tue payment of invalid and other pensions for theyear cudiugJune, H,*.7."

Mr. M43aI«OKT. mvm Ihi Naval CoaiiniUee, re-

porte>I a bill autho'ixuig tl. con.«tniefion ot t. n «loope.of » ar. and would arJc its consideration on Monday.Mr. BELL T - .v. raid the stbjeet of O utral

Ant-near, affiur» deserve,the serious attentioa of not

only every member of the Senate, but every eitixeaw; * t.. sec the peace of the country maintainedand, at the same t'me, the national honor protected.A'though not -uilieieiitly itiivrmrj to .»peak with mark

i. -s on the linti-ii eiilu-tment qae<tioa, hutopii i< ti vrns that to auppoe«; any ot rious eontrorerayw likely to rgrow ou; ofthat ibtUeeC. was to euppooothai otuinon M Ht and reason had taken then depart-ur<' from tl.oee who hare the mnnairemenf of pub-lie affairs in both countries. In tbe event of war,however, he u.,u!d be found on the side of hisronntry, risrht .it wrong. Taking a view of theCIayton*BatWef testoty >~>m'»hat diiT. r.'tit from thatof other Btxtatora, he tlonght he saw in thelanguage of the treaty that it »a.» uot expo, ted thatthe British would withdraw absolutely and unquali-Sedly ftotn their Muaqueto protectorate. The Britinkwere not required to abandon that proter'torate, whil.,at the same time. v. rv precaution had been taken by |the American negotiator to obtain that substantial oh-in t prevmting l.reat Britain from exctvisMk anydomit u>n there under anv form or pretext whatever,lie would not deny that Grent l.niain might now lie

diapoeed to avail herself of the ft* l>eurati< e on our partto (It t'. nt tntitelv the object of the treaty, but he didtot think it expedit at at present for thin (iorenimentto take any step which iiinjbt bring on a i ouHiet, notv. tli Ktigland alone, but her allier, including ahc wholeof WtotSfB Kurri«'.Tht following bill wn* passed:'. flic laws relative to pdoU and steamboats, and

(-pt einllj' the net of lHii, shall not be M construed asto affect, annul, or impnir the force or validity ofMute Inws regulating poetage in its porto, harbors, ar

on r bars at the mouths of rivers where such watenare within the tcrritottal jurisdiction of such State."A bill wan also passed authoriaiiig the Secretary oi

the Treasury to permit the owner of any vcaeef toluin-. the tum.e of the same on the presentation of

sufhVu nt r aooni therefor. Adjourned.

nOUSE OP REPRESENTATITES.The following gt atieaBtta wen- appointed the Special

('. mmittee on the »ubject of a Railroad l>etweea theAtlantic and Pacific: Messrs. Denver, [Ctl*) Wood-worth, (111.1 Houston, (AlajMott. (Ohio) Wells, (Wis.;Kidwell. iVn.l Jewett, iKv.i McC'arty. |\. V.) Kran,.,(Texas) Reade, IN. C.) W ood, (Me.) Lindley, (Mo.)ami Kunkel. (Pa.)The SPEAKER nominated as Regents of the Siaith-

sonian Institute, on the part of the House, Messrs.Meat ham, Warner and English.Mr. MKACHAM was excused from serving, as be

was not willing to consent to foPow an iostitutioao/hkb had iliveitiil from the law of its establishment,and which is not making a proper impression on thecount rv.Mr. ( AMPBEI.I, (Ohio), from the Committee of

Wat I und Means, reported bills to supply ili-fieieneu-sin the appropii>it:..i... f..r the sapport of the MilitaryA. imy and t..r tlie payment of invalid and other '

pensiona.Mr. BEWAKD wl.de exp'aining the ret son of his

ahoSJtlCe oil the filial VOte for the eloetion of Speab.alluded to the order of "Americans," and said thatthe American National Convention, by ignoring theTweltth section of the Hiiladolphia platform, haveplaced them*ei\ "s perfectly upon tbe Repablinansstand, both denouncing the Adminiatrntion for the re- Ipeal of the Mi-eouri Compnuniso. In his opiuioa,there wail leeeot nymputhy betw<^en them, tio de¬fended the President From tbe ehaiges of a woak andvacillating course relative to Konsas.The SI'KAKKK laid before the Ilouse n mrsjoogo

fnuii the Presi'lent, transmitting and retximmendingto the favorable consideration of Congress the follow¬ing coiiiiiiiiiiictttiou from the Secretary of War, datedFtbiuary v th.

" Improvements in arms and munitions of war hav¬ing been reooothr perfected, whereby tljeir effieieneyhas been muob mi n-ased, it is very deairable thattht '.' iiiii.i'.vi tneuts shtmld h. applied us far and asnfKin as practicnble to the arms on hand, both in dor-emment arsenals and in iMiesession of the States. Al¬though our present supplyof arms is as goodae, audI: obabry superior to, Ihoso of the same date of manu¬facture of any other nation. In the use of them intbt ir prtfent condition, we should have to cope, at adisadvantage, with others who have been beforehandwith us in the application to their anus of the recentimpiovt mi id-, it has been our policy heretofore tecany on gradually and slowly the work of preparingfor military efficiency, both offensive and defensive,and in pursuance of this policy, the estimates of thoWar Depaituu .it fn.iu yaai to year huve bexM limitedto 'ie execution of sueh work only as accorded withthe ordinary means of our armories andnrsanals. with but a small force of operativesin employment. The regular estimates lastsubmitted to Congrets as* baaed on th»-oe considera¬tions. In view, however, ol the propriety of assuring,at tho earlhst practicable peri'id, militury efficiency,as it regard- armament and munitions, (we have itabundantly as regards men,) it s. ems proper that mowactive mid' vigorous measures should now be adopted;that we should increase the capacity for producing,and the fort t in employment at our armories and ar*

f j that we should prepare more rapidly arma-

i ients and ammunition for our fortifications; that woelionld increase our supplies of improved small arms,by manufacturing new one*, and altering those of aa

iti. Bek nt fal.ri. ation, including both the United Statesand Mat. arms, and that we «hould provide ample sop*pUel of ammunition, aeoourrenn-ntsnnd impleou-nt* fcrunm. diat- aud mo-t effieient uae. In order to effecttili-, it i.- sjmawj that more than otd.nary in. aao bop aced at the dl'pOi-al of the Kll"Utiv .; OJM I reSpOCt-fully su^eest and recommend that application lie madefor the . ariy appropriation of three millions rsf dollarsfor increasing the military t tli. i. i \ of tie country,to be applied a: the discretion of the President towardth. vblccts before stated."

Mr. HUMPHBEY MaBtfffAf.f, r-irarbd this as*»ir Meoeage, d. mgm d to operate on the other side ofthe water.A debate ersuida-to whi ther the eommoniratioo

sboald 20 to the C.iini.n on Ways and Means, orto the Military- Committee.

Mr. KKITt thought th. Committee on CUime thoprep, r ( 'i.n.mitti e, as both the other Committeosi laiu;. d juri.-dittion over th< oabj et jl^iught'r).

t coin luding the di lute, tin House adjourned.I'll; AMEHICAN STATE COUNCIL.

CtiA.sriAioi a, Tuesday, Feb. 9*. 1***-American State Ooiojofl no t at 11 o'clrvk Ihn

inrirn ng. and. in tbe absence of President Barker,( does. Walker of QoMVM was chosen ( lutirnxan.

Many of the delegates had cot yet arrived.Tbe mot sjsjg sjsjsJoa * as soent in ptt luninary bus.-

ne«S. AFTI Kloo» s.-SSlOH.The mu tttes of the last meeting wen- read and ap¬

proved.Fl fliaojpf W. H. tlootJwiaaanotincedthe XateoasU

t orn nat.ou». ai d introdiiw d the following reoolatiooaratify tag them, whit h were adopted unanimously, andnti fied with cine hearty cheers for each t>r»minee.BtK>'trd That thia Oramt Ctmneil hails vri'h tho lfrohroV

»ariSrii i'on tb" nonilantfim of Ml'tarrl Klllrooee as the eaa<tlotalaaot an i sr:» ft . tr.« ur?.. .. .4 fresideut of ths V*'""'

flute«: tbst r. his tnea -tst^m-¦ sl.ip »:.d patriotic intefritJ «¦...[.on to ihr ii.'rrr»t csf the entire people ere aaev^-o*

». rest suo.rai.tee of his fitness for tbe high posltraa tb» OaOtS o»

I. . i : 1 w cuMiailv an4 r«raostly eofjflShtm to tho Ao^rirsD re Uir« ot the Etaput State «s««aaaOBUTv. rb; ef tbrir lajtaaaa, wbuh we donbt uot br »10 sasatrui

duallj Veseive. r%»_j-Rrtolrtd. That in the nomination of Andrew }tr'-'PaYRZl

? f Toni sare tor the otBce of We Prr»wf"nt of th« ¦WgMstss we reoonise a patnot «ad eteteenen of the JoOs*t***Tana Jackeori anai'hool. and that, in the lanfui^eot b-' Jlu»rrv"*

if Jv'.^esef, " b> the PQ««,* of Sao*, we wdj atr-'t biov