999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus Council # 15905 Toledo, Ohio November 17, 2014 Volume 1, Issue 6 Upcoming Dates: Business Meeting December 11 SJA Rosary at 7:15, Meeting at 7:30. 2 nd & 3 rd Degree December 7 St. Joes Maumee 10:00am & 12:30pm First Degree December 9 St. Pats Heatherdowns 7:30 pm Our Four Core Principles: CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY, PATRIOTISM An estimated 1200 people attended the 2 nd Lift Jesus Higher Rally at the Seagate Centre on November 8. The organizing team included Knights of Columbus members from St. Joan of Arc, including the Chair of the Committee, Willi Meyer. Knights of Columbus Lift Jesus High! Fr. Michael Gaitley inspired the crowd and then sold out of his Sacred Heart of Jesus pictures and his book 33 Days to Morning Glory. Fr. David Nuss of Little Flower was the MC for the day, and Peter Herbeck and Sr. Ann Shields also gave encouraging talks. A youth rally for teens was held in a separate Hall. Many were impacted by the music, talks, witnesses and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The Knight Warrior Newsletter Knights 4 th Degree Honor Guard at the closing Mass Knights and friends Lift Jesus Higher! An estimated 1200 People attended the 2 nd Lift Jesus Higher Rally

The Knight Warrior Newsletter - Knights of Columbus | St ... · PDF filea Novena to St. Jude on the Feast of St. Jude. By the time the Novena ended nine days later, we were at 900

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St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus Council # 15905 Toledo, Ohio

November 17, 2014

Volume 1, Issue 6

Upcoming Dates:

• Business Meeting

December 11 SJA

Rosary at 7:15,

Meeting at 7:30.

• 2nd

& 3rd


December 7

St. Joe’s Maumee

10:00am & 12:30pm

• First Degree

December 9

St. Pat’s


7:30 pm

Our Four Core Principles:


An estimated 1200 people

attended the 2nd

Lift Jesus

Higher Rally at the

Seagate Centre on

November 8. The

organizing team included

Knights of Columbus

members from St. Joan of

Arc, including the Chair of

the Committee, Willi


Knights of Columbus Lift Jesus High!

Fr. Michael Gaitley inspired the crowd and then sold out of his Sacred Heart of Jesus pictures and his book “33 Days to Morning Glory. Fr. David Nuss of Little Flower was the MC for the day, and Peter Herbeck and Sr. Ann Shields also

gave encouraging talks. A youth rally for teens was held in a separate Hall. Many were impacted by the music, talks, witnesses and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

The Knight Warrior


Knights 4th

Degree Honor Guard at the closing Mass

Knights and friends Lift Jesus Higher!

An estimated 1200 People attended the 2nd

Lift Jesus Higher Rally

St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus Council # 15905

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Pictures from Lift Jesus Higher 2014

St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus Council # 15905

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Teens Lift Jesus Higher

St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus Council # 15905

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Letter from the Grand Knight – Michael Bragg

Brothers in Christ - We have a Bishop. What a wonderful feeling to once again have a Shepherd to lead our Diocese. For those of us in attendance at the installation Mass, it was truly a wonderful ceremony. From what I have heard, over 43 Bishops, Archbishops, 150 priests and one Cardinal visited our Diocese to celebrate the Mass installing our new Bishop. I believe this says a lot about his character as a Priest and Bishop. The theme of Bishop Thomas’s homily was “Go out and tell the good news.” I cannot think of a theme

more appropriate for the Knights of Columbus. Our task as individual Knights, as a council and as an order is not simply to live within ourselves as a nice men’s club. Our call as Knights is to be fraternal and charitable. We are called to spread the love of Christ to our neighbors both within St. Joan of Arc and outside our comfortable Parish walls. Our Council is already doing works of charity in our community, in our country and outside our country (see article on mission trip to St. Lucia). I thought the closing words of Bishop Thomas’ homily were most instructive: “To all

the faithful of the Diocese of Toledo, as your new shepherd in Christ, I pledge that when the evil one comes I will not run away. … With all my heart I pledge to love you with every fiber of my being. … Today, inspired by the witness of Pope St. John Paul II, enlivened by the installation of a new bishop who comes in the name of Jesus, the good shepherd, and strengthened by the power of the Holy Eucharist we will receive, I invite you, I encourage you, I implore you go out to all the world and tell the good news.” Vivat Jesus

Pro-Life News by Quentin Scrabec

A Christian group has purchased the old Center for Choice abortion center- a number of groups will participate in the building of a Memorial for Life on the location

12x12 campaign – Currently, there are two great pro-life billboards in Toledo,

one of which is displayed right outside Capital Care, Toledo’s last remaining

abortion facility. The billboards are on a monthly lease and cost $1405 to keep

them up each month. The Christ the King Respect Life Group is looking for help

to keep these billboards going! Would you consider giving just 12 dollars this

month to the cause? If at 10 parishes we had 12 people giving 12 dollars a

month we could cover the cost! Please consider keeping these great signs for

life up! Any payment should go to: Christ the King, attn.: Dave Dyer, Business

Manager, Respect Life Billboard Fund, 4100 Harvest Ln, Toledo, OH 43623

Please come to the Gospel of Life event at St. Joan of Arc Monday

November 17 at 7:00 pm.

Bishop Daniel Thomas

St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus Council # 15905

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There are many stories to tell from the 2

nd Lift Jesus Higher Rally.

There were a number that had an impact on me. Here are a few. With eleven days before Lift Jesus Higher, we had only 400 tickets sold. The organizing team began a Novena to St. Jude on the Feast of St. Jude. By the time the Novena ended nine days later, we were at 900 tickets sold. We estimated a crowd of 1200 attended the event. THANK YOU ST. JUDE!!!

We received two pallets of Fr. Michael Gaitley’s books and pictures of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The material was for Fr. Gaitley’s vendor table. When I saw all of the books and pictures laid out on three tables and behind them, I thought how crazy it was for someone to ship all those materials.

After Fr. Gaitley spoke, people jumped in line and began buying the books and pictures as if there would not be enough. At the end of the day, everything was sold but seven books. Fr. Gaitley spent the afternoon signing the books and blessing the pictures. I witnessed pure joy on the people’s faces when they met Fr. Gaitley. We had the great fortune of receiving an extra $6000 worth of audio equipment for free for the

Stories from Lift Jesus Higher 2014 by Richard Cronin day due to the cancellation of

another event. The speakers allowed us to keep the sound in each Hall from leaking over into the other Hall. Before the event this was a great concern of ours because the halls were adjacent to each other, and we had loud music playing at each venue. The audio was perfect sounding in each hall. Jim Flynn, a parishioner of SJA, won the Pope Francis picture raffle. He donated it to one of the Sisters of Notre Dame. He also bought fifty dollars of more raffle tickets for some other Sisters. They won a picture also. I carried the pictures to their cars, and they were thrilled at their good fortune.

During Adoration in the Adult Hall, I witnessed a man who completely surrendered himself to Jesus. He spent the entire procession weeping with joy. At the closing Mass, I witnessed a father with his teenage son. The two of them stood arm in arm through most of the Mass. You could see the love they had for each other. I saw the pride and love that the father had for his son. I saw Bryn Langenderfer bring her book to Fr. Gaitley to sign. Fr. Gaitley carried on a conversation with Bryn and her friend, encouraging them to get involved in campus ministry at college. Bryn’s friend did not have a book, so Fr. Gaitley gave her a book and signed it for her. He encouraged her to make the 33 day consecration to Jesus through

Mary. Bryn and her friend were thrilled and got their picture taken with Fr. Gaitley.

I saw Knights from St. Joan of Arc EVERYWHERE. Many of them volunteered to help, but many others enjoying the day. It was truly awesome to see our Council involved in this ministry as a team. I spoke with Ruben owner of RomanticCatholic.com. He is a t-shirt vendor from Colorado and came to Lift Jesus Higher as a vendor to sell his t-shirts. He and his wife praised the people at Lift Jesus Higher in Toledo. He attends Catholic conferences all over the country, and he said that the people he met at LJHR were the nicest they had ever met at any conference. I could not believe it, so I asked, “Really?” He repeated it again, the nicest people they met at the many conferences they work.

I heard the crowd cheer Fr. Mathias Thelen when he said he graduated from Michigan State. The Ohio crowd was extremely friendly. Finally, Willi cried only once all day. Thank you Willi, and thank all of you that made this such a wonderful event!

St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus Council # 15905

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Nov 1

Feast of All Saints

2 Feast of All Souls




7:00 PM St. Joan of Arc


8 Lift Jesus

Higher Rally 8:30 – 5:00

9 10

11 1

st Degree

St Jerome Walbridge 7:30 pm


13 SJA KofC

Business Mtg. Rosary 7:15 & Meeting 7:30


15 Pancake

Breakfast St. Peter & Paul


16 17 Gospel of Life SJA 7:00pm


19 UT Rockets

Football 8:00 pm




23 24

25 26

27 Thanksgiving

28 Toledo

Symphony at SJA Gala 5:00 Concert 7:30



30 Dec 1 Presence for

Christmas SJA 7:00 pm

2 3 4 5 6

7 2

nd & 3rd Degree

St. Joe’s Maumee 10:00 am pm

8 Immaculate Conception

P4C BS 7:00pm9 1

st Degree

St. Pat’s Heatherdowns

7:30 pm

10 11 SJA KofC

Business Mtg. Rosary 7:15 & Meeting 7:30



14 15 Presence for

Christmas Holy Trinity 7:00 pm





20 Pancake

Breakfast St. Peter & Paul


21 22 Presence for

Christmas Little Flower

7:00 pm



25 Christmas



28 29

30 31

Jan 1 New Year


2 3

St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus Council # 15905

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St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus Council Leadership 2014 Grand Knight Mike Bragg [email protected] 419-252-6271

Deputy Grand Knight John McIntyre [email protected] 419-261-8646

Financial Secretary Willi Meyer [email protected] 419-206-8170

Chancellor Pat Irmen [email protected] 419-464-8789

Recorder Mike Moscinski [email protected] 419-973-1013

Treasurer Tad Langenderfer [email protected] 419-346-9111

Advocate Bill Garber [email protected] 419-340-8082

Warden Mark Laws [email protected] 248-379-4031

Inside Guard Erick Meyer [email protected] 419-206-8168

Outside Guard Brian Knapke [email protected] 419-356-6011

3rd Year Trustee & PR Dir. Jim Lemert [email protected] 419-779-2080

2nd Year Trustee Jerry Myers [email protected] 419-866-8710

1st Year Trustee Rich Cronin [email protected] 419-297-7033

Lecturer Dcn Stan Przybylek [email protected] 419-304-3934

Program Director John McIntyre [email protected] 419-261-8646

Membership Director Rich Heban [email protected] 419-206-6463

Church Activities Chick Palmagil [email protected] 419-865-1962

Youth Director Erick Meyer [email protected] 419-206-8168

Culture of Life Activities Dr. Quentin Skrabec [email protected]

Community Activities Mitch Kahl [email protected] 419-360-9859

Council Director Jim Rybarczyk [email protected] 419-861-7313

St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus Council # 15905

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Please keep these Prayer Intentions for November and December. November: Lonely People: That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Mentors of Seminarians and Religious

Keep These Prayer Intentions by Pope Francis

The St. Joan of Arc

Knights of Columbus

began as a charter council

in March, 2014. We

started with 65 members.

We are committed

Catholics to our Faith, to

our families, to our Parish,

to our community, and to

About the St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus…

St. Joan of Arc Knights of Columbus

Council # 15905

5856 Heatherdowns Blvd

Toledo, Ohio 43614

PHONE: (419) 866-6181


[email protected]

For Article Contributions or to place an advertisement, contact our Editor of Newsletter: Richard Cronin [email protected]


Visit SJA website


December: Christmas, hope for humanity: That the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all people of good will. Parents: That parents may be true evangelizers, passing on to their children the precious gift of faith.

our brother Knights. We

invite all Catholic men

interested in growing in

their faith and contributing

to the Parish and

Community to contact us

and consider joining a

wonderful organization.

Please send our

membership Director Rich

Heban a note at [email protected].

You can also call SJA at


Knights of Columbus Thank You to our Sponsors!