From the Principal 12th October, 2017 The KIRRHI CONNECTION CALENDAR Term 4 12 October Instrumental Festival rehearsal day (senior band) 13 October Alt Sport (Wk 1 of 5) 17 October Stage 2 excursion to Sydney—The Rocks Transition to School (Kinder 2018) 9am to 10.30am 20 October Alt Sport (Wk 2 of 5) 24 October Transition to School (Kinder 2018) 9am to 10.30am Instrument Festival Rehearsal and Performance Night 27 October Alt Sport (Wk 3 of 5) Yr 6 Disco 31 October Transition to School (Kinder 2018) 9am to 10.30am Camp Quality Show K-6 3 November Alt Sport (Wk 4 of 5) 10 November Alt Sport (Wk 5 of 5) 5 December Transition to High School 8 December Year 6 Assembly 11 December ROSE Assembly 12 December Jamberoo 13 December Year 6 Grad/Farewell Welcome Back to Term 4 Welcome back to what is always a very busy but fabulous term at Keiraville PS as we head towards the end of the school year. I hope you all enjoyed the extra time with your children over the school holidays and I know the staff enjoyed the break and are recharged and ready to dive into the term ahead. I would like to welcome Mrs Heike Roberts. Mrs Roberts will be taking 6B for Term 4 whilst Mrs Breslin in on leave. Miss Elena Carling will be on 3/4M for the remainder of the year, whilst I am Acting Principal. Each Wednesday the executive teachers, Mr Hailstone, Mrs Delaney, Mrs Lowe and myself will be working on our new school plan for 2018-2020. Mrs Corbett will be on 5L, Miss Starr on 5D and Miss Hopkins on 2H every Wednesday. These teachers will be following the normal class program on these days. I am sure you will all make them feel welcome here at Keiraville Public School. New roof on the toilet block Next week the roof of the toilet block will be replaced. Work is due to start on Monday 16 th October at 7am, weather permitting. A crane will be in the school grounds on Monday 16 th from 7am. The Gipps Street entrance to the school will be closed and students and parents will need to use the Grey Street entrance in the morning. It will reopen for pick up in the afternoon. Please note there will be no access to the office, toilet block or hall in the morning. The breakfast program will not run on Monday 16 th and will recommence on Wednesday 18 th October. Students will have access to other toilets around the school whilst this work is being completed. Thank you for your understanding with this. Uniform Reminder This term we move back to the summer uniform and most students have remembered that. For girls, that means it is the green checked summer dress rather than the grey winter tunic. Please remember that all black shoes are to be worn Mondays to Thursdays with joggers being fine on Fridays as part of the sports uniform. A reminder too that white or coloured skivvies or tights should not be worn under the school uniform. If children are cold, they can wear the school jumper or zip jacket as per the uniform policy which can be found on the school’s website. Thank you for your assistance in making sure our children are looking neat and proudly wear the full school uniform every day. Safe Road Crossing It is important that periodically, we remind our students and parents to be safe as they’re crossing Gipps Road in the mornings and afternoons. Please use the crossing as it is the safest place to cross and our crossing supervisor, Julie is there to make sure everyone comes and leaves the school safely.

The KIRRHI CONNECTION...Our K-2 teachers have continued their ongoing L3 training. Wednesday 11 th October - Mr Hailstone, Mr Delaney, Mrs Low, Mrs Matthes, Miss Carling, Miss Pigram,

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Page 1: The KIRRHI CONNECTION...Our K-2 teachers have continued their ongoing L3 training. Wednesday 11 th October - Mr Hailstone, Mr Delaney, Mrs Low, Mrs Matthes, Miss Carling, Miss Pigram,

From the Principal

12th October, 2017


Term 4

12 October Instrumental Festival rehearsal day (senior band)

13 October Alt Sport (Wk 1 of 5)

17 October Stage 2 excursion to Sydney—The Rocks Transition to School (Kinder 2018) 9am to 10.30am

20 October Alt Sport (Wk 2 of 5)

24 October

Transition to School (Kinder 2018) 9am to 10.30am

Instrument Festival Rehearsal and Performance Night

27 October Alt Sport (Wk 3 of 5)

Yr 6 Disco

31 October Transition to School (Kinder 2018) 9am to 10.30am

Camp Quality Show K-6

3 November Alt Sport (Wk 4 of 5)

10 November Alt Sport (Wk 5 of 5)

5 December Transition to High School 8 December Year 6 Assembly

11 December ROSE Assembly

12 December Jamberoo

13 December Year 6 Grad/Farewell

Welcome Back to Term 4

Welcome back to what is always a very busy but fabulous term at Keiraville PS as we head towards the end of the school year. I hope you all enjoyed the extra time with your children over the school holidays and I know the staff enjoyed the break and are recharged and ready to dive into the term ahead. I would like to welcome Mrs Heike Roberts. Mrs Roberts will be taking 6B for Term 4 whilst Mrs Breslin in on leave. Miss Elena Carling will be on 3/4M for the remainder of the year, whilst I am Acting Principal. Each Wednesday the executive teachers, Mr Hailstone, Mrs Delaney, Mrs Lowe and myself will be working on our new school plan for 2018-2020. Mrs Corbett will be on 5L, Miss Starr on 5D and Miss Hopkins on 2H every Wednesday. These teachers will be following the normal class program on these days. I am sure you will all make them feel welcome here at Keiraville Public School.

New roof on the toilet block

Next week the roof of the toilet block will be replaced. Work is due to start on Monday 16th October at 7am, weather permitting. A crane will be in the school grounds on Monday 16th from 7am. The Gipps Street entrance to the school will be closed and students and parents will need to use the Grey Street entrance in the morning. It will reopen for pick up in the afternoon. Please note there will be no access to the office, toilet block or hall in the morning. The breakfast program will not run on Monday 16th and will recommence on Wednesday 18th October. Students will have access to other toilets around the school whilst this work is being completed. Thank you for your understanding with this.

Uniform Reminder

This term we move back to the summer uniform and most students have

remembered that. For girls, that means it is the green checked summer dress

rather than the grey winter tunic. Please remember that all black shoes are to be

worn Mondays to Thursdays with joggers being fine on Fridays as part of the

sports uniform. A reminder too that white or coloured skivvies or tights should not

be worn under the school uniform. If children are cold, they can wear the school

jumper or zip jacket as per the uniform policy which can be found on the school’s

website. Thank you for your assistance in making sure our children are looking

neat and proudly wear the full school uniform every day.

Safe Road Crossing

It is important that periodically, we remind our students and parents to be safe as

they’re crossing Gipps Road in the mornings and afternoons. Please use the

crossing as it is the safest place to cross and our crossing supervisor, Julie is

there to make sure everyone comes and leaves the school safely.

Page 2: The KIRRHI CONNECTION...Our K-2 teachers have continued their ongoing L3 training. Wednesday 11 th October - Mr Hailstone, Mr Delaney, Mrs Low, Mrs Matthes, Miss Carling, Miss Pigram,

Application for Year 7 Selective High School Placement in 2019 Online applications are now open for current Yr 5 students considering Selective High School placement in 2019. Parents can apply online at www.schools.nsw.edu.au/shsplacement. Applications close on 13th November 2017 and no late application will be accepted. Information booklets are available from the school office.

Kindergarten Transition A reminder that our second kindergarten transition session (the first one for our new kindergarten students) is on Tuesday 17th October. It will be great to see all our new kindergarten students together as they get their first taste of a primary school classroom. Information about the transition visits has been provided to all parents of new kindergarten students and they should also have received a letter about the buddy program. If you have not received this information, please let us know in the school office.

P&C Meeting Our next P&C Meeting is scheduled for Monday 6th November. All parents are welcome to attend P&C meetings which take place from 7pm in the school library.

Alternative Sport Alternative sport starts this Friday and continues for 5 weeks. Our students are very lucky to be provided with the opportunity to be involved in some fantastic sporting activities during that time and I would like to thank Miss Pigram for her excellent organisation of this program again this year.

Yr 6 Disco A reminder that the Year 6 Disco fundraiser will take place next Friday afternoon/evening 27th October.

All money raised will go towards the end of year activities for our Year 6 students. It should be lots of fun

and the students are really looking forward to showing off their dance moves!

Assembly The next class assembly will be presented by 5L this Friday 13th October at 2pm in the school hall. As always, parents and friends are welcome to attend.

Teachers are Learners Too! Our K-2 teachers have continued their ongoing L3 training. Wednesday 11th October- Mr Hailstone, Mr Delaney, Mrs Low, Mrs Matthes, Miss Carling, Miss Pigram, Mrs Yatras and Mrs Maranesi attended an after school course on Differentiating Place Value concepts K-6.

Lisa Matthes

Acting Principal

Page 2

Page 3: The KIRRHI CONNECTION...Our K-2 teachers have continued their ongoing L3 training. Wednesday 11 th October - Mr Hailstone, Mr Delaney, Mrs Low, Mrs Matthes, Miss Carling, Miss Pigram,

Band and Instrumental Program News

Dates for your diary:

Thursday 12th October: Senior band to Helensburgh Public School for Instrumental Festival rehearsal all day Tuesday 24th October: Senior band to University of Wollongong Grand Hall for Instrumental Festival rehearsal all day. 7.00pm - Instrumental Festival performance at University of Wollongong Grand Hall Wednesday 8th November: Instrumental and Band end of year concert for all students who learn an instrument at school. Keiraville Public School hall, 5.00pm

Band and Instrumental Program Selection Day for 2018 Band Selection day was held on Wednesday 13th September. There were many students from Years 1-5 who were involved in this. We will be offering places to students this term for the Band and Instrumental Program in 2018. Kylie Davidson Instrumental Program and Band Coordinator (Rel)

Instrument Festival Tickets

The Festival will be held on Tuesday evening 24th October at the University Grand Hall.

Ticket prices are as follows:

Adults: $20

Primary Students: $10

Children under 5: Free

Tickets will be available at the school office from Monday 16th October.

Page 3

Keiraville Public School End of

Year Instrumental and Band


When: Wednesday 8th November

Where: Keiraville Public School

Start Time: 5:00pm

All students that learn an instrument at

the school will be performing in small

groups and/or in one of the bands. We

hope you can make it and look forward

to seeing you there!

Page 4: The KIRRHI CONNECTION...Our K-2 teachers have continued their ongoing L3 training. Wednesday 11 th October - Mr Hailstone, Mr Delaney, Mrs Low, Mrs Matthes, Miss Carling, Miss Pigram,

From the Sports Desk…. PDHPE Program

The students are asked to continue wearing their sports uniform on the RFF day allocated with Miss Pigram this term. During the RFF program in Term 4 we will be covering part of the Safe Living Strand and Games and Sports. Thank you for your continued support with this.

Mondays - Year 5, Kindergarten & 3/4M Tuesdays - Year 6, Year 2 Wednesdays - 1A, 1MC Thursdays - 3T, 4Y and 1S

Alternative Sport - Term 4 The whole school Alternative Sport program starts tomorrow and will continue every Friday for 5 weeks. It will run from 8:55am - 10:55am each week. Please ensure if your child is catching a bus to their chosen sport, they are at school on time or they will be required to join the school games group. Please ensure all students have returned their permission notes and/or waiver forms to class teachers by TOMORROW. Sports requiring the first instalment of payment should have made this at the office by now. Unfortunately, if payment is not made, students will not be able to participate in that sport and will join the schools games group. Thank you for your cooperation with this and ensuring our program runs smoothly. Surfing, Swimming and Water Polo - Please ensure students wear their swimmers underneath their sports uniform as there will not be time to change once they arrive for their lesson. Please ensure students all bring a change of underwear, towel, goggles (optional) and label ALL belongings. Flip Out - All students have signed a waiver form to ensure they are being responsible and for their safety. If a student breaches the code of conduct in this waiver form at any time, they may be withdrawn from this sport. Please ensure if your child is attending Flip Out you speak to them about their responsible and safe behaviour during school sport. Miss. Pigram Sport Coordinator

Book Club issue 7 orders are to be placed by Friday 20th October via LOOP system

Page 4

Page 5: The KIRRHI CONNECTION...Our K-2 teachers have continued their ongoing L3 training. Wednesday 11 th October - Mr Hailstone, Mr Delaney, Mrs Low, Mrs Matthes, Miss Carling, Miss Pigram,


Please contact Kimberley if you have any problems with your shift: 0417473842 / [email protected]

Canteen Roster

Page 5

Day/Time Date Volunteer

Thursday 12-Oct Katherine, Ainsley Collins

2:30pm – 3:15pm

Friday 13-Oct Kimberley, Cathy Baile

8:30am – 9:00am

Thursday 19-Oct Jodie Humphries

2:30pm -3:15pm

Friday 20-Oct Katherine, Kelley

8:30am – 9:00am

Thursday 26-Oct Ainsley Collins

2:30pm -3:15pm

Friday 27-Oct Ann, Sarah Isle

8:30am – 9:00am

Thursday 2-Nov Jodie Humphries


Thursday 10-Nov Jo Braithwaite


Thursday 24-Nov Renee, Tracey J


Thursday 31 Nov Katherine


Thursday 7-Dec Renee


Thursday 14-Dec Renee, Liz


Day Date Names

Week 2

Wed 18/10 Catherine, Leigh

Thurs 19/10 Sarah C, Penny, Jodie

Fri 20/10 Ainsley, Trish, Karen, Nicole

Week 3

Wed 25/10 Corinne, Karen T

Thurs 26/10 Irit, Ashley

Fri 27/10 Ruth, Marnie, Alina

Page 6: The KIRRHI CONNECTION...Our K-2 teachers have continued their ongoing L3 training. Wednesday 11 th October - Mr Hailstone, Mr Delaney, Mrs Low, Mrs Matthes, Miss Carling, Miss Pigram,

Page 6

Assembly Awards - Term 3 - 1 September and 8 September 2017

KMW Bobby, Keyu, Jaisonveer, Ben, Kahlan, Sean, Thomas, Jayke

KV Farahmand, Sri, Sofia, Alyamon, Anastasia, Tom, Nixon, Sophie

1A Amelia, Molly, Kade, Taylor, Alexander, Isla, Yuehan, Kynan

1MC Maya, Benjamin, Maksim, Stella, Sedra, Jana, Lachlan, Jacob

1S Nate, Brendan, Evan, Ramona, Arnab, Lua

2H Addison, Tristan, Jamieson, Ryan, Eva, Lily, Audrey, Bella S, Aiden, Finn

2MC Andrew, Poppy, Claudia, Angelina, Jared, Matthew, Zoe, Thomas

3T Soham, Declan, Angus, Tatum, Matilida, Anouk, Keva, Nate, Hamish, Shae,

Simone, Tijana

3/4M Jason, James, Zac, Joe, Trinity, Jesse, Alec, Mitchell, Sophie, Delilah,

4Y Rafael, Aiden, Katelyn, Natalia, Oscar, Isla, Samuel, Brooklyn, Lara,

Natasha, William, Isabeaux

5D Georgie, Scarlet, Siobhan, Taliesin, Layla, Eva, Astton, Clay

5L Charlie, Connor, Rayner, Melody, Gyannah, Kebaa, Toby, Cate, Sienna,

6B Gabrielle, Elise, Cyan, Max, Tanna, Jennifer, Marika, Isaac, Lily

6M Kitiloni, Joy, Hoang, Harry, Wilhelmina, Eustice, Danica, Anthony,


Assembly Awards - Term 3 - 15 September 2017

KMW Daniel, Ethan, Bella, Novak

KV Clara, Damon, Ava, Kaydence

1A Xavier, Hannah, Ariyana, Molly

1MC Maya, Jacob, Kalyca, Christian

1S Robert, David, Elizabeth, Eugenia

2H Noah E, Sterling, Lucy, Milla, Isabella

2MC Claudia-Bale, Rauri, Zali, Lawin

3T Isabella-Nikolas, Mia, Renu, Daniel, Xavier

3/4M Peter, George, Myah, Lauren, Vanessa, Thomas, Axl

4Y Ieni, Ailen, Katelyn, Joshua, Sam D, Stephanie

5D Ashley, Kaitlyn, Maddison, Delilah

5L Saoirse, Siyi, Rojan, Blessing

6B Kate H, Adam, Tanna, Suzanne, David

6M Larnii, Joy, Daniel, Kiti, Harry

Page 7: The KIRRHI CONNECTION...Our K-2 teachers have continued their ongoing L3 training. Wednesday 11 th October - Mr Hailstone, Mr Delaney, Mrs Low, Mrs Matthes, Miss Carling, Miss Pigram,

Page 7

Keiraville Public School

286 Gipps Rd,

Keiraville NSW 2500

Ph: 4229 4117

Fax: 4226 5084

Email: [email protected]

Web: keiraville-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Advertisements are placed in this newsletter at a small donation to help pay for the expense of issuing the newsletter. Advertisements are not necessarily school endorsed.

Page 8: The KIRRHI CONNECTION...Our K-2 teachers have continued their ongoing L3 training. Wednesday 11 th October - Mr Hailstone, Mr Delaney, Mrs Low, Mrs Matthes, Miss Carling, Miss Pigram,



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



Wk 1

October - 9

Students return to

school for Term 4

10 11 12

Instrumental Festival

rehearsal day (senior

band) - Helensburgh


Alternate Sport

(Wk 1 of 5)

Wk 2 16 17

Stage 2 excur-

sion to Sydney—

The Rocks

Transition to

School (Kinder

2018) 9am to


18 19 20

Alternate Sport

(Wk 2 of 5)

Wk 3 23 24

Transition to

School (Kinder

2018) 9am to




Rehearsal and



25 26 27

Alternate Sport

(Wk 3 of 5)

Wk 4 30 31

Transition to

School (Kinder

2018) 9am to


1 November 2 3

Alternate Sport

(Wk 4 of 5)

Wk 5 6 7 8 9 10

Alternate Sport

(Wk 5 of 5)

Wk6 13 14 15 16 17

Wk 7 20 21 22 23 24

SOME IMPORTANT DATES FOR END OF YEAR: 5 December—Transition to High School

8 December—Year 6 Assembly 11 December - ROSE Assembly

12 December - Jamberoo

13 December - Year 6 Grad/Farewell

Page 9: The KIRRHI CONNECTION...Our K-2 teachers have continued their ongoing L3 training. Wednesday 11 th October - Mr Hailstone, Mr Delaney, Mrs Low, Mrs Matthes, Miss Carling, Miss Pigram,

Welcome back to before and afterschool care! We hope that everyone had a

fun and relaxing holiday.

This week at afterschool care, we will be announcing buddy leaders and dis-

cussing the themes for each week this term.

This week students will be offered to participate in craft activities, obstacle

courses and team games!

Next week at our place we will be celebrating environmental week.

During this week, we will make fresh rice paper rolls, create pictures and

paintings using the natural environment and conduct numerous group

discussions about the environment and how to live sustainably.

As always, we love welcoming new faces into our service and look forward to

the coming weeks,

Thank you and have a great week,

Ebony, Andrew and Megan.